Lipscomb about me

Amy Lipscomb!

Transcript of Lipscomb about me

Page 1: Lipscomb about me

Amy Lipscomb!

Page 2: Lipscomb about me

P hi l adel phi a

I live near…

Page 3: Lipscomb about me

I f you…

Amy Lipscomb

Page 4: Lipscomb about me

You wi l l f i nd…

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I am an optimist I enjoy spending time with family and

friends I am an introvert, but enjoy meeting new

people I love to travel I take pleasure in learning new things and

expanding my horizon I like to challenge myself

Google Will Not Tell You about Me…

Page 6: Lipscomb about me



I want to see the world

Respectful Hardworking & Dedicated


Fun to be around


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I Am Good At…

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Finding the silver lining in any situation I am faced with…

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Being very organized

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Thinking OUTSIDE the box, and running with my OWN ideas

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Always being there for my friends and family whenever

they need to talk

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I Would Love to…

vIsIt Greece

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Be stuck At A joB thAt I

stronGly dIslIke,

consIderInG I wIll hAve to work untIl

my retIrement

I Would Never Want to…

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I am a determined, focused, and hardworking student who sees an obstacle ahead and finds a way to make it work to my advantage. I am interested in getting the best education possible and I seize every opportunity that is placed before me.

Please feel free to contact me at: [email protected]

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