Linux Lab2

 ASSIGNMENT 1. Login a s root ( pas swo rd i s cc ii tk) 2. Open two T ext Mode Vir tual Conso les and log in as guest (p asswo rd is guest 123) and root. Switc !etween di""erent Text Mode Consoles and #$% Mode Consol. 3. &r ite a "ew lines i n Open O"" ice &rit er and sa'e te docuent in Ms &or d "orat . $pdate t e OS *. Cre ate a " old er o" +our nae on t e des ktop ,. $se te T ext -ditor a nd writ e a "ew lin es. Sa'e t e "ile on t e eskt op /. Cange t e es kt op 0ackground . Cange t e " ont to . Ca nge te screen res olutio n t o 1. 4ind out te current run5le'el and ow an+ daeons ar e running 11. 6eo'e te s o"tware package and install it again 12. 7d'ance t e ate !+ a da+ a nd tie !+ an our 13. 4ind out te current C8$ and Meor+ $tili9ation 1. Lock te s creen and un lock it 1*. Take a screensot o" a t erinal session and sa'e i t on +our desktop 1,. Cange t e lang uage to 1/. 7ccess re ote deskt op o" +our "riend 1.3


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Transcript of Linux Lab2


1. Login as root (password is cciitk)

2. Open two Text Mode Virtual Consoles and login as guest (password is guest123) and root. Switch between different Text Mode Consoles and GUI Mode Consol.

3. Write a few lines in Open Office Writer and save the document in Ms Word format

4. Update the OS

5. Create a folder of your name on the desktop

6. Use the Text Editor and write a few lines. Save the file on the Desktop

7. Change the Desktop Background

8. Change the font to

9. Change the screen resolution to

10. Find out the current run-level and how many daemons are running11. Remove the software package and install it again

12. Advance the Date by a day and time by an hour13. Find out the current CPU and Memory Utilization

14. Lock the screen and unlock it

15. Take a screenshot of a terminal session and save it on your desktop

16. Change the language to 17. Access remote desktop of your friend

18. 3