LinkedIn - Are you invisible or in charge with your LinkedIn Profile

Are you INvisible or IN charge? Get your LinkedIn profile noticed by recruiters and hiring managers

Transcript of LinkedIn - Are you invisible or in charge with your LinkedIn Profile

Are you INvisible or IN charge?Get your LinkedIn profile noticed by recruiters

and hiring managers

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Meet Our Presenter(s):

JoAnne FunchLinkedIn Trainer, Strategist, Speaker

Tweet the good stuff@joannefunch Hashtag #IFMAWW16

Review Session Learning Objectives1. Increase your page views with a completed profile2. Crafting your LinkedIn summary section for the ideal position3. How to showcase the breadth of your experience, skills and

accomplishments 4. What your character tells employers and the reason what you care about

matters5. The importance of gathering great recommendations6. How to nurture your professional relationships7. Tools and tips to help you be more efficient and effective

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I asked if everyone was having a good time in San Diego

I shared that I moved from CA to Minneapolis and started my career again with the use of LinkedIn to make connections and build my brand.

Are you invisible or in charge?

LinkedIn is the #1 professional online platform for career growth, networking and professional

reputation management.

Tweet the good stuff@joannefunch Hashtag #IFMAWW16

93% of recruiters tap into LinkedIn to find qualified candidates

42% of recruiters have reconsidered a candidate viewed in a social profile, leading to both positive and negative re-assessments

80% of jobs are landed through networking

Did you know?

“If you are not on LinkedIn or your profile is outdated and isn’t portraying you as “in-demand” talent, you are significantly reducing your chances of being discovered along with the opportunity to make more money.”

Belinda Johnson BernhardCareer & Personal Branding Consultant

Why is a powerful profile important?

 Generally ranks in the top Google searches for your name Brings you credibilityShows you as an expert in your fieldRecruiters can find you based on your skills & expertise

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How are you managing your personal & professional brand?

TIP: Set up a “Google Alert”

Is your profile collecting

internet dust?

Headline:Title + keywords

+ show your passion and value = Interesting


Example of a headline that stands out

First Impressions Matter

Crafting your LinkedIn summary

Customize Summary Section for the ideal position or audience

Tell your professional story!

Write in 1st person – speak to your ideal industry

• What you do & how you help

• Focus on career accomplishments, credibility statements, what you are passionate about

• Use as many key words as possible

Who & what

Credibility & key words

Show accomplishments

DO NOT list responsibilities

Creative Summary

People want to hire winners!Highlight successes

Your career is not a "static document."

What are three things that you accomplished in your job last year that brought value to the organization and made

you feel proud?

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Summary Section - Add multi media

Get creative!

Add a white paper or article you wrote or contributed to Add images showing your work Add video

Examples- Add multi media


Successes, accomplishments

Add a video of yourself


Showcase Skills & Expertise

Recruiters search key words

Skills & Expertise• Add 5 relevant skills, you’ll be messaged

up to 31x more by recruiters & members• You can add up to 50 skills• Search this section for more key words• Don’t be afraid to delete skills that are not


Know what skills are in demand & add them to your profile

Add optional sections – show character

What you care about matters

“Personal recommendations, word of mouth, are the number one driver of buying decisions.” – Forbes Magazine

Tips for gaining meaningful recommendations…

1. Request specifically what you want someone to recommend you for, use key words in the language

2. Always ask what results the person gained from working with you and highlight specific skills


WHAT TO STAND OUT?Never send default invitation, always tell people why you are sending the invitation

Job Seekers OR Business Professionals: NURTURE YOUR CONNECTIONS

1.Target companies where you have connections even if no job is immediately available

2.Determine specific target position(s), and request introductions to recruiters and others that could help you

Second-degree connections untapped source of entry into a target employers company

How else can you get your profile noticed by recruiters & hiring managers?

1. View lots of profiles - then check “Who’s viewed my profile”

2. Follow the company page - add comments where you can

3. Follow hiring managers without connecting and engage with their status updates

4. Post a status update daily with relevant, valued added content on your expertise

5. Engage: leave a comment under someone’s update you want to stay top of mind

6. Become more influential and credible by publishing content via LinkedIn’s publishing platform

Forging personal connections can’t be overstated!

80% of jobs are landed through networking

Tools & TipsJobs APP

ConnectedAPPFor companies

Pulse APPFor news & publisher

Get the LinkedIn mobile APP


Big Takeaways'…

Tweet the good stuff@joannefunch Hashtag #IFMAWW16

LinkedIn is a long-term strategy for your professional development

Remember, you are managing your reputation Be clear on what you do and who you serve

Showcase the breadth of your experience Let your character shine Gain quality recommendations Build & maintain a network of meaningful


Time for you to take charge

ARE YOU?Download the worksheet on the conference website ORGet the handout with all the notes from this session by texting to: 44222Text the code: IFMA16

Invite me to connect on LinkedIn – JoAnne Funch

For attending this educational offering at

IFMA’s World Workplace

Be sure to evaluate the session online at the Attendee Service Center

Thank You!