Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and...

Link–Up November 2018 E-Magazine

Transcript of Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and...

Page 1: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)





Page 2: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

From the editor November 2018 Remember – Remember the 5th. of November and please read the article from the RSPCA advising how to keeping animals safe .

Link-Up has caught up with the 21st. century and is now ‘on line’ every month on the Kingston St Mary website. (Useful if you have lost your copy) The website address is included on the ‘What’s On’ page.

Please note the early deadline for the December magazine.

Lindy Mansfield _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Richard Baker Past editor of Link-Up Sadly Richard died on 17th October at 10.15. am. Many of you will know that Richard was suffering from Motor Neurone Disease and had recently moved into a Nursing Home. Whilst he had become severely physically limited, his mind was still very active, and he had been able to spend time overseeing and directing the arrangements for his exhibition of Photographs, which took place on 13th /14th Oct. He was able to spend two hours at the exhibition on Saturday 13th. The exhibition was a great success, his work was much admired, many pictures were sold and we made the magnificent sum of £1800 to donate to his chosen charity, St Margaret’s Hospice. Thanks to all who helped to set up the exhibition and who provided such delicious teas and cakes. But most of all to those who came, his many friends and family, from far and near, and to the other visitors who enjoyed the exhibition, bought the photographs, teas and cakes, and to those who made a donation to his charity. I know that he appreciated your love and support. At this time funeral arrangements are not known. SJ LINK-UP - Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s) the editorial staff or the LINK-UP board. The board gratefully acknowledges the support of all whose advertisements appear in our magazine. However, inclusion in LINK-UP does not imply recommendation. The LINK-UP board reserves the right to accept any material and advertisement at it’s discretion.


Page 3: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

CHURCH CONTACTS Rector Rev’d Dr Mary Styles 451189 Associate Vicar Rev’d Jim Cox Benefice Office Mon,Tues, Wed, Fri. 9-2pm 451257 [email protected]

CHURCHWARDENS Broomfield Bez Purdy 451632 Cheddon Pauline Stone 277637 [email protected] Kingston Richard Flood 451181

Julia Hammett 451642

LINK-UP OFFICERS & STAFF Chairman Sheila Jones 451170 Secretary Jean Alger-Green 451732 Treasurer Jackie Aldrich 451696 Advertising Manager Annie Trolley(yellow pages only) 451312 Distribution Manager Carol Platt 451605 Duplication Manager Corinne McMylor 0773 088 4413 Editor this month Lindy Mansfield 451374 Editor-church pages Esmé Padgham 451559 [email protected] Editor next month Yvonne Harris 451883 [email protected]


Hard copy contribution by: 10.00am. ‘Tara’ Cheddon Fitzpaine

(Bungalow next to church) 10.00am Fyne Court Farm, Broomfield 12.00noon Benefice Office, the Vicarage, KSM (on left through Vicarage gates)

E-mail contributions to the editor by 12.00noon

Collation: 2.00pm at Kingston Village Hall. Thurs 22nd. Nov. Distribution: From Friday 23rd. November

Only e-mails clearly marked ‘Link-Up’ will be opened and acknowledged


Page 4: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

Mary our Rector writes . . . . . .

As I write we are still in the middle of celebrating harvests across the four parishes. We will have welcomed the Rev Jim Cox to the Benefice in October as our new Associate Vicar and I hope you will see and hear more from him in the next issues of Link-Up.

As we now look forward to the next month we have lots to think about and join in:

The Church calendar has us celebrate “All Saints” at the beginning of the month. That is followed on 2 November by “All Souls” when we remember all those who have gone before us - our special quiet and reflective service - open to all - will be at West Monkton Church this year at 6.30pm.

November 2018 also draws our thoughts to the 100th Anniversary of the end of the “Great War,” and we remember all those fallen in many conflicts on 11 November in each of our churches. This year, though, has inspired the knitters of the parishes to produce thousands of poppies, yes thousands! - They will be on display in West Monkton and Cheddon churches from around 5 November. At West Monkton, I have been asked to bless the poppies on 10 Nov at 2.30pm - and that will be followed by some appropriate music and 2 or 3 poems from the World War I poets - just lasting about 30 minutes. The church will be open all that day 10am - 4pm for those who would like to drop in and see the poppies and remember ….. There will be refreshments, as well as a display of some photos and memorabilia.

In addition to our morning remembrances, this year on 11 November at 3pm we will be planting a tree in the new Somerset Wood to remember those fallen in the 1st World War - a short ceremony that you would be welcome to attend - check for details with the Benefice Office.

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Towards the end of the month look out for the first of our quiet days helping you reconnect with yourself and with God. - And of course there are all the things that go on regularly that you are welcome to join occasionally as you can - from morning prayer on Wednesdays to our evening Bible discussion and prayer groups.

As October celebrates the harvest and November, the remembrance of those who have given their lives to make our own lives safer and better - how will we live to allow those in the next generation better lives on our fragile planet? The Earth is a gift from God to be shared and looked after - conflicts, both local and national, often arise out of discontent, frustration and greed. The way we live today has a huge impact globally, from how we invest our savings to what we buy in the shops and on-line. That old adage - “live simply, that others may simply live,” in many ways, summarises our Gospel teachings. Being content with what we have and giving thanks might just help our world be a happier and safer place.

With love in Christ, Mary THIS MONTH'S ROTAS

Broomfield Church Cleaners

3 & 10 November Lindy Mansfield 17 & 24 November John & Sonia Pether

Kingston Altar Linen and Floor ,Jean Alger-Green

Kingston Flowers

4 November Joan Leahy 11 & 18 November Sheila Hayes 25 November ?

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Page 6: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

Bishop Peter writes . . . . . Somerset remembers

Over this last year I have been hearing about the different ways our communities have been coming together to mark the 100 year anniversary of Armistice. Remembrance Sunday is always a poignant time and it will have a particular resonance this year as Remembrance Sunday falls on the centenary of Armistice Day, 11 November 1918.

We will remember them. We must not forget. As Bishop Tim Thornton says in the special Remembrance issue of our dioce-san Manna magazine, “Re-membering does not mean going through an intellectual exercise. It means doing everything we possibly can to bring back into the reality of today the horrors of the past so that we do not make the same mistakes again.”

I’ve been moved to hear the stories of how our church commu-nities have used this landmark as an opportunity to research their own Tommies, to rededicate memorials, make spectacu-lar poppy displays or install the Perspex Tommies of the char-ity, Remembered. And how communities have really come to-gether across the generations through these acts, large and small.

Wells Cathedral’s Book of Remembrance contains around 11,300 names. These are the people from Somerset and be-yond, listed by community, who gave their lives in the service of their country.

We will remember them.

A date for your diary: Sunday 16 December at 5.00pm

For Kingston’s Carol Service Mulled wine and mince pies afterwards

All welcome


Page 7: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

VOICES WANTED! Would you like to join Kingston’s Church choir for the Christmas Carol Service?

If so, please e-mail Doreen: [email protected] Before 30 November in time to attend some rehearsals

Family Announcements Baptism At Kingston Church on 23 September, Oliver George Finan At Cheddon Church on 29 September, Alana Ruth Scanlon

We welcome them into the family of the church and pray for them Funerals At Kingston Church on 30 September, Patricia Steel At Kingston Church on 5 October, Faith Page Burial of Ashes in churchyard: At Kingston on 6 October, Brenda Betterton

Praying for them and those who mourn


The winners of the October draw were £50 – Jan Church

£10 – Jane Lown

POPPIES Poppies flower in the summer so why are poppies so evident in November? They will be seen everywhere this month (though not growing out of doors) We wear poppies because, among all the mud and chaos of the bat-tlefields of the First World War, men were amazed to see the field flower of home, the humble poppy, spring up when the earth was disturbed – a blood-red splash among a sea of khaki. When the British Legion started an appeal to help those whose bod-ies or minds had been shattered in the war, the poppy seemed an ideal symbol.


Page 8: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

Are you seeking peace and quiet? Would you like to exchange the busyness that surrounds us for a time of stillness?

We are delighted that the South Quantock Benefice are offering a series of three relaxing Quiet Days. They will be held on Monday November 26th, Monday February 4th and Saturday March 30th from 10 am to 3pm at Kingston St Mary Village Hall. The day will be facilitated by Dr Ruth Sewell who has a wealth of experience in leading sessions in relaxation, Christian meditation and labyrinth walking.

The day will offer various opportunities; learning more about the background of the labyrinth, enjoying a bring and share lunch, sharing our favourite poems, music, prayers and scripture. There will also be plenty of space and time to engage in a guided meditation and walking the labyrinth. Labyrinths offer a spiritual space for prayer, reflection and peace, they provide a stilling space in a busy world.

These days are open to all in the Benefice and we particularly welcome you to come and try something you may have never tried before. If you would like to find out more or book a place please contact Liz Thompson 01823 451529 or Tracey Hallett 07854 489753. Please note that there will be no charge for these days (although donations are always welcome) but numbers are very limited and must be booked in advance please.


Page 9: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

Update from Tracey, Cheddon Pioneer Ordinand

Community update: It is so great to be living and building relationships in the new housing development at Northwalls Grange and there is a real sense of community beginning to develop. A group of us have gathered at 4 Garden Close in the hope that we can motivate each other and become a little fitter. On the 24th September we began a NHS fitness programme. The

Couch to 5k challenge aims to help people get off the couch and get running up to 5k in just 9 weeks. We currently meet on a Thursday evening at 6.45, we begin and end with a walk and run at intervals as we are gradually building our stamina and fitness. We are open to all and welcome anyone who would like to join us.

Cheddon Primary School: As pioneer ordinand my role includes spending much of my time with staff, children and families from Cheddon School. This week I had the great privilege of leading the school in their harvest celebration. The children were an absolute delight. We had great fun by creating a drama sketch to share the story of the parable of the sower. The sower and the seed became the central theme of their harvest celebration. The children and staff began the celebration by welcoming me to the school, their prayers and words were deeply touching and it is my joy to be a presence in their school. I feel very much part of the school community already. It was overwhelming to see the abundance of food donations presented from the school to Mark from Open Door. Mark engaged the children in stories of those who were in need of these donations, as he told stories of individuals in need he called each of them by their names. The children were totally absorbed by all they heard and the celebration ended in collective pray for all in need. It was so encouraging to participate in a very well attended harvest celebration and I am sure the powerful message delivered, in all its varied forms, met each of our eyes, ears and hearts with lasting impact.

Take5 Each Monday morning after school drop off at 08.45 in Cheddon School hall, we are offering refreshments and a quiet space to take five minutes. Open to all parents, grandparents, carers and friends of children who attend the school. This is an informal and friendly a place to meet, catch your breath and gather your thoughts before beginning a busy week.

If you would like any information on any of the above please contact Tracey Hallett on 07854 489 753.


Page 10: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)


The warmer spell of weather at the end of September brought out a late flush of butterflies, we could see

them on the purple flower spikes of the buddleia tree, peacocks, red admirals and just one tortoiseshell. There were plenty of the white variety about but we have not seen many of their caterpillars. What I have seen on a neighbours fuchsia bush were two elephant hawkmoth caterpillars – one was brown and the other was the green variety. They were huge, I saw them on different days. I have seen many brown ones but only one other green one. They bury themselves in the soil covering themselves in debris i.e. leaves, small twigs etc. then emerge as beautiful pink moths in the spring. There seems to be plenty of berries around - they will keep the birds happy during the winter days. Plenty of berries is not a sign of a hard winter to come, it just means that the weather was ‘right’ during the spring. Our huge Bramley apple tree is full of little rose hips because during the summer our Rambling Rector rose, rambled up into the tree and blossomed well, resulting in a good crop of hips. There is not much colour in the trees, we have usually noticed a change in colour along the hedgerows and the leaves that are falling are dead ones through lack of moisture. The autumn colour is always later than you think it should be.

Rainfall Sept. 2018 - 18mm Rainfall Sept. 2017 - 40mm

Janet Lovell

MUSINGS FROM NICK, MILLCROSS New seats, old trunks, a lovely addition to The Spinney. A couple of boughs from a fallen oak transformed into somewhere to stop, ponder and look around, the former being something that Archie and I do rarely. However, on this occasion I did manage to get him to sit with me, his having jumped over the seat many times. On scanning the view in front I noticed, stood stock still in the oak opposite a pair of yellow legs, perfectly camouflaged by the autumn leaves. The buzzard was itself scanning its surroundings, and surprisingly accepted the presence of the both of us for a couple of minutes.


Page 11: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

And then, opening wings, the bird flapped , once, maybe twice and effortlessly crossed the open ground heading into the trees on the South West of the woods. Out early one morning with Archie, the mist hiding the tree tops and the church tower. Through the hazy woodland out on to the field above Gadds with its magnificent oaks, somehow now visible. Looking up a pale yellow disc hanging in the sky, now obscured now revealed by the moving clouds. Ideal eclipse watching conditions, but sadly none was due. Round by the elephant grass the sun became stronger, more permanent feature of our walk and lit the soft subtle colours of autumn that gently drifted up towards Buncombe, still shrouded in mist.


In all of my lifetime I don’t think I have lived through a year so topsy-turvy as this one. It started with snow, then a cold wet spring followed by one of the hottest summers on record. (I lost count of how many watering cans I wore out)

All the crops suffered from lack of rainfall at the wrong time so has this year got a sting in it’s tail, like floods or a white Christmas ? I hope not. Snow may look nice on a Christmas card but it is the chaos it brings that we old uns could well do without.

This summer’s haymaking and corn harvesting had no drying problems, but the yields were down 20% in some places. The dry weather was a nightmare to the dairy farmer for the grass did not grow after haymaking and to maintain the milk yield they had to feed the cows full winter ration and worry whether the feed will last to spring.

At the time of writing it is the hottest October day’s on record and a storm with gale force winds is forecast for the weekend. Whatever is happening. ?

One of the crops that suffered most was the usually reliable potato, for when the potato crop is in full flower (some time about mid-summer) it needs an inch of rainfall, this year it didn’t get any. Even the irrigated ones suffered because the sun was so hot the


Page 12: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

water evaporated before it did much good. So you may have had your chips this winter !

I don’t need to tell you that vegetables will be dear this winter so I have planted rows of assorted cabbages and leeks, some are quick growing so we shall be eating spring cabbage at Christmas. With a bit of luck I will not be short of greens this winter.

You could all do the same but people today prefer to have car-ports, patios and lawns. Father used to say ‘you can’t eat grass’ The soil in your garden was meant to grow things to eat, not to be covered in concrete !

Many people blame the farmer for the lack of wildlife in the country side but a good old-fashioned garden will do a lot to help the birds, bees and butterflies. The hedgehogs used to like roaming between gardens picking up insects and slugs. Gardens have gone and so have the hedgehogs. We had two hedgehogs coming to the back door every night who we fed with cat food and sunflower seeds then one night they were missing. Next morning we found the skin of one hedgehog on the path, it had been killed and skinned. There is only one wild animal that can kill a hedgehog and skin it – the badger ! believe me I have seen some horrible sights involving wildlife but the sight of the skin of this hedgehog lying on the path made me quite sick.

When we first came to live at Leach’s Field I planted a Rowan tree, it is now a well maintained tree covered in berries, this winter they will feed many hungry birds, you try to help wildlife but some don’t play ball. Take the squirrel, I also planted a walnut tree which I grew from seed, each year it is covered in nuts but I lose many of them to the squirrel, he is greedy and takes more than he can eat, dropping some on neighbours lawns in his haste to find somewhere to hide them. We are always finding little walnut trees where he has hidden the nuts and forgotten to go back for them.

Going along with the editors wise words in last month’s Link-Up ‘Every day is a good day but some are better than others’ is another saying that we still use.

Perce -11-

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CHARCOAL continued………..

After wood has been barked it may be used to make charcoal, which burns with a short flame and a consistent heat, very hot and smokeless. It was therefore a desirable product for blacksmiths, as well as for foundries in town on a bigger scale. Houses like Hestercombe would be glad of it in the kitchen, the accounts show payment for ‘pits of charcoal’ in 1750s for example. In a Taunton house was found a stone hot plate with three circular gratings considered typical for cooking with charcoal and of course barbeques rely on it.

Early use of charcoal for iron working was revealed in excavations west of Volis Farm when three small hearths, roasted iron ore and slag were found dating from the Iron Age. Evidence of charcoal burning is frequently found in archaeological digs where there has

been habitation or metal work.

The burning of stacks usually took place any time between Spring and late Autumn. The aim was to heat wood with very little oxygen, sufficient to drive off the moisture and volatile oils and gases, leaving unburnt solid black carbon. More than one hundred burning sites have been found in a recent survey of the Quantocks. The illustrations in H

Riley’s book ‘The Historic landscape of the Quantocks’ give an excellent picture of the set up. First a base for the stack was dug out, generally oval in shape and about five foot long. Looking rather like a straw beehive, it was composed of oak logs, preferably seasoned, or of coppice wood in smaller pieces. They were built around a stout pole in the centre, taken out to enable lighted charcoal to be put in to start the burning. The whole stack was covered over with soil and topped with turf or bracken. It had to be watched carefully to see that it burned evenly, probably every two hours, so the workers lived on


Page 14: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

the job, and more soil was added if necessary. Before the stack was built, a shallow platform was prepared nearby for more soil and tools. The art was to know just when the charcoal was ready - probably several days.

At present, Hestercombe stages some charcoal burning now and then, but these days a metal container is used for the stack, but the skill has not gone out of the work and charcoal is in demand for barbeques and some art work. Charcoal burning sites can still be found on the Quantocks by the observant, when the vegetation has died down.

Audrey Mead.


The RSPCA advises keeping pets safe during the firework season by ensuring dogs and cats are safely indoors with all doors, windows and curtains closed. Playing music helps drown the sound of fireworks but let them hide if they feel safer doing so. Ignoring the noise yourself helps to keep them calm.

Small pets that live outdoors should have their pens, cages and aviaries covered with blankets making sure there is a small space to look out and to allow them air. Extra bedding to burrow in helps them to hide, or bring them indoors if possible.

Farm animals and especially horses are also very frightened of fireworks with many injuring themselves during the firework season, so ensure all horse owners and farmers in the neighbourhood are told of any intention to let off fireworks. Lower noise fireworks are now available and help to reduce the stress caused to animals.

Before lighting bonfires, check for any animals that may be hibernating. Only build bonfires at the last moment and disturb the foundations to give wildlife a chance to escape.


Page 15: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

Going greener: Turning off the tap…. Last month I wrote about climate change and the importance of community. The same goes for the plastics crisis. Before you turn the page, I promise to go easy on the gloom and doom, and focus instead on what more we can do. Few of us will have escaped the recent press coverage of the effect of plastic waste on our oceans and marine life. The BBC’s Drowning in Plastic was heavy viewing, even though it revealed great moves towards technology that will help to clean up the oceans. As Liz Bonnin said, along with recycling and the clean-up, we need to “turn off the tap” on plastics. Easier said than done, when we rely so heavily on this material, but there are good things happening locally. At a recent TDC meeting the proposal by councillors to move towards a ban of single use plastic in council buildings and to work in cooperation with Exeter University on further challenges posed by plastic, was passed unanimously. We also have a great team at Somerset Waste Partnership, who now recycle plastic pots, tubs and even the dreaded black trays. But as consumers we can radically change retail practice by choosing products with minimal packaging, as well as voicing our concerns. Many of you will remember a time when we used soap instead of handwash, sandwiches were wrapped in greaseproof and a day out involved a thermos of tea or coffee. It didn’t kill us then and it won’t kill us now. The same could be said for our attitude to clothing. I used to tease my late husband for his approach to fashion. He hung on to his minimal wardrobe until the fabric was in tatters – the record was a pair of multi-coloured swimming trunks which I finally disposed of without permission in their twentieth year, for the sake of decency. He was also convinced washing jumpers ruined them and regularly retrieved them from the washing basket, much to my annoyance. I didn’t know then about microfibres, the tiny traces of plastic that are damaging the environment. While facebook posts with images of forlorn polar bears on a lonely iceberg just make one feel wretched, I think this practical advice from Friends of the Earth about minimising microfibres is worth repeating: * Wash at lower temperatures (ie 30 degrees) * Put washing in a Guppy bag or Cora Ball* * Fill machine so clothes don’t rub against each other so much


Page 16: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

* Reduce spin speeds * Air rather than tumble dry * Use a frontloading washing machine * Keep clothes for longer * Avoid polyester fleeces…opt for wool instead I’ve just ordered a Guppyfriend washing bag on line for £25, but can’t find a UK supplier of the Cora ball. There are also lint filters for washing machines which are said to collect microfibres but they are pricey and only seem to exist in the USA! Finally, another reminder about Nicky Jones’ talk on “Climate change – the Way Forward” on Wednesday 7th November at 7pm at CICICC. And the Kingston Parish Litter-Pick on Sunday 25 November at 10am. Thanks for reading, Dixie Darch, AKA the Green Irritant.


The Breadwinner Saturday November 17th Arrive from 7pm for refreshments Film starts at 7.30pm

Tickets: £5 on the door at Broomfield Village Hall, but reserve seats to avoid disappointment

Oscar nominated animation in English. The film presents a bittersweet tale of Parvana, a young girl in Afghanistan forced to care for her family when her father is carted off to prison. It is a compelling and empowering story, beautifully directed by Nora Twomey. Every character in the film is presented in loving detail, and the ending brings the movie’s many threads together to a breathtaking conclusion.

Certificate 12, Running time 91 minutes

To reserve your seat please send an email to: [email protected]


Page 17: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

SERVICES IN THEPARISHES NOVEMBER 2018 2 November All Souls Day 6.30pm All Souls Service West Monkton

4 November All Saints Day 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingston 10.00am Holy Communion West Monkton 12 noon Baptism West Monkton 1.00am Family Service Broomfield 7 November 2.00pm Holy Communion The Vicarage, Kingston 11 November Remembrance Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion West Monkton 10.00am Act of Remembrance Broomfield 10.50am Remembrance Sunday Service Kingston 10.50am Remembrance Sunday Service Cheddon 10.50am Remembrance Sunday Service West Monkton 6.00pm Evening Prayer West Monkton 18 November Second Sunday before Advent 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingston 10.00am Holy Communion West Monkton 11.00am Holy Communion Broomfield

21 November Wednesday 2.00pm Holy Communion 4 Garden Close

North Wall Grange Cheddon


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25 November Christ the King Sunday next before Advent 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) West Monkton 10.00am Holy Communion Cheddon 10.00am Holy Communion Kingston 10.00am Morning Worship West Monkton 6.00pm Evening Prayer Broomfield

2 December Advent Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion Kingston 10.00am Holy Communion West Monkton 10.00am Family Service Kingston 11.00am Family Service Broomfield 4.00pm Christingle Service West Monkton


There will be an Advent group looking at ‘Follow the Star’ booklet. They will be available to purchase at the groups or from the Benefice Office. A journey through 12 days of Christmas To find out more about the #FollowtheStar Christmas campaign see Mondays 3, 10, 17 December, 2.00pm at Winpenny, Church Lane, Kingston (Julia’s) Each session 1 hour Let the Benefice Office know if you wish to come. If you cannot come but would like a booklet (£1.50 each) collect one from the office


Page 19: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

What’s on … in November 2018 Page Thurs 1 Walking Group. KSM Church Car Park 10.00am Wed 7 W.I. Kingston Village Hall 7.30pm 27 Thurs 8 Parish Council Meeting. Cheddon Hall 23 Thurs 8 CHSW Early Christmas Fayre. KSM Hall 10 – 12noon 28 Fri 9 Somerset Wood Dedication Ceremony. TA2 8JT 3.00pm 23 Fri 9 Youth Club. KSM Hall Fri 9 Quiz Night. Cheddon Memorial Hall 7.30pm 22 Mon 12 KSM Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall 7.30pm 24 Mon 12 Cheddon Memorial Hall AGM 7.30pm 19 Wed 14 Wednesday Café. Kingston Village Hall 2 – 4pm 27 Wed 14 – 17 The Vicar of Dibley. Tacchi Morris 21 Thurs 15 Walking Group. KSM Church Car Park 10.00am Fri 16 Cheddon Cinema. Cheddon Village Hall 6.30pm 20 Sat 17 Broomfield Cinema. Broomfield Village Hall 7.00pm 15 Tue 20 Broomfield Parish Council. Broomfield Hall 7.30pm Wed 21 Gardening Club. Kingston Village Hall 6.30pm 30 Wed 21 Defibrillator Training. Cheddon Hall 7.00pm 22 Fri 23 Kingston Cinema. KSM Village Hall 7.00pm 26 Fri 23 Youth Club. Ice skating. Tropicana WSM Sat 24 Meet the village. KSM Village Hall 10.30 - 12noon 26 Sun 25 Litter Pick. KSM 10.00 - 12noon 29 Mon 26 Quiet Day. Kingston Village Hall 10 – 3.00pm 7

…… and in December Sat 1 Craft Fair. KSM Village Hall 2 – 4pm. 25 Mon 10 Music at the Grange. Kingston St Mary 10.00am 29 Fri 14 Cheddon Cinema. Cheddon Village Hall 6.30pm 20 Sat 15 Christmas Wreath Making. Fyne Court Sun 16 Kingston Carol Service 5.00pm 5 Mon 17 Carols in the Cowshed. Tetton Farm 6.30pm

Regular Events

Bell ringing. Tuesdays. KSM Church Badminton Every Monday. KSM Village Hall 7.45pm Baby and Toddler Group. Every Monday. (Term time only) KSM Church 11.00am Pilates 11.30am and Keep Fit 12.45 every Tuesday (term time only) KSM Hall. Contact Alison Roberts 07850 507489/01823 672617 Art Group every Tuesday. Broomfield Village Hall. 2 - 4pm


Page 20: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

If you would like to flag-up a forthcoming event in any of our three parishes occurring in the next 12 months, please let the next editor know.

Please include a contact number so anyone else planning an event may telephone you.

This list is intended as a guide only to aid event planning.

WEBSITES Kingston St Mary: Broomfield: Cheddon:

HOSPITAL TRANSPORT & EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTION SERVICE The following people have kindly offered to collect your prescription or take

patients for admission to, or discharge from hospital

For Residents of Kingston Parish only

Jenny Fisher 451332* Fay Huleatt Boyd 451891 Sonia Pether 451311 (* Prescription only)

For Residents of Cheddon Parish only Mary Gunning 412179 Ann Pugh 412810 Liz Thompson 451529

If you are able to offer transport for this service it would be gratefully received



The annual General Meeting of Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall will be held in the committee room on;

Monday 12th. November at 7.30pm

This is an open meeting. Reports for the past year will be presented together with plans for the future.

Please come along and support YOUR HALL


Page 21: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

CHEDDON AND WEST MONKTON FILM CLUB Note that the date for December has been changed from our usual 3rd. Friday FRIDAY 16TH. NOVEMBER

THE HATTON GARDEN JOB In April 2015, the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Company, an underground safe deposit facility in London’s Hatton Garden area, was burgled by 4 elderly men. The total stolen may have a value of up to £200 million, the incident has been called the “largest burglary in English history. “ It is never too late to take the chance to risk it all. To go out on top !. FRIDAY 14TH. DECEMBER

THE BOOKSHOP Free spirited widow Florence Green risks everything to open a bookshop in a conservative East Anglian coastal town. While bringing about a surprising cultural awakening through works by Ray Bradbury and Vladimir Nabokov, she earns the polite but ruthless opposition of a local grand dame and the support and affection of a reclusive book loving widower. As Florence’s obstacles amass and bear suspicious signs of a local power struggle, she is forced to ask: “is there a place for a bookshop in a town that may not want one” ? Drama CHEDDON FITZPAINE MEMORIAL HALL DOORS OPEN- 6.30pm. FOR REFRESHMENTS SHORT FILM – 7.00pm. MAIN FILM – APPROX. 7.30pm. TICKETS £6 AT THE DOOR

[email protected] 01823 412 278


Page 22: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)


In early September we were contacted by David Northey from @2K Theatre in Taunton asking if they could take some photos of Cheddon Church for their next show “The Vicar of Dibley”. The idea being to have shots of the cast both inside and outside of the church to use for their publicity.

The photo shoot took place on the afternoon of 9th September and Hilary, the Organist at Cheddon Church, decided to go along to watch but also offered to play the organ for them. They wanted a Carol as the production is set at Christmas. In no time at all, Hilary was rushing home to practise the Carol, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and put on her red jacket, then rush back to church. Hilary played the Carol and the cast sang in real “Dibley” voices. So, now Hilary is in the photo shoot as well. Hilary could only comment “They were all soooo funny”. A local house was also used as photo backdrop. Great publicity for Cheddon Church.

This amateur production of “The Vicar of Dibley” is at the Tacchi Morris, Monkton Heathfield, from 14th-17th November.

Pauline Stone, Churchwarden

Cheddon Parish Council Bulk Buy Fuel Loans

We know living without mains gas can be expensive. If you live in Somerset, are a homeowner or private tenant and rely on oil, Calor gas,

LPG, wood or coal to heat your home, we may be able to help you to spread the cost of your bulk buy over six months*

Find out more: call 01823 461099, or email [email protected]

Your local, not for profit lender

Wessex Resolutions CIC Heatherton Park Studios, Bradford on Tone, Taunton, TA4 1EU


Page 23: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

The Trustees of Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall have installed an Automatic External Defibrillator in the entrance foyer to the hall. The AED is now available to hall users and members of the wider community whenever the hall is open. Although the equipment is specifically designed for use by anyone with no prior knowledge or experience, we have arranged for a representative from the manufacturer to demonstrate the AED and give training in the CPR resuscitation techniques required for successful treatment. This session will be held in the hall at 7pm on Wednesday 21st November. While attendance is free of charge and open to all, please book in advance with Trustee Mike Batsch on 01823 272376 so we have an idea of numbers.

Joint Fundraising


Friday 9th. November 2018 at 7.30pm


Teams of 4 – Tickets £10 each To include a Fish and Chip Supper

Proceeds to be split jointly between Parkinson UK and Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial hall

Tickets available from: Malcolm Lown 01823 41275 Stuart Triggol 01823 413459 Wendy Green 01460 391381 -22-

Cheddon Fitzpaine Parish Council met on 11 October 2018 and the

Page 24: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

following items were discussed: Country Park: We are delighted to report that Taunton Deane has completed the purchase from the Crown of two fields at the lower end of Maidenbrook Lane. This provides the basis for an impressive leisure and recreational amenity for use by the local community and beyond. Somerset Wood to commemorate the First World War: Linked-in with the Country Park, this substantial new plantation will honour all those, who lived or served in our County and fell in The Great War. A high-profile, public dedication Ceremony will take place on 9 November 2018 at 3pm. Follow signage to: TA2 8JT. Notices giving information are posted on the notice boards and on the parish website. Nerrols Primary School: The sponsor is Richard Huish Trust (at the time of writing) will hold a consultation on 25 October 2018 at Brittons Ash Community Hall. Please complete the questionnaire, the deadline for comments is by Friday 30th November 2018. Northwalls Grange: It is hoped a notice board will be installed shortly by DWH near the DWH sales area. Once building has completed, the board will move to a more central location. Next Parish Council meeting: 8 November 2018 in the Committee Room of Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall. It is hoped a TDBC speaker will attend to update Councillors on the position with the land ownership of the Country Park. Denise Webber/Chairman 07788 522 266 [email protected]

Jo Pearson/Parish Clerk 07891 529 809 [email protected] -23-


Page 25: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

KINGSTON ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL At the meeting of 8th October the following topics were considered POLICE The council meeting this month was pleased to welcome PCSO Tony Wearmouth. He was able to report that the villagers should see more of him as changes to ways of working get him closer to the communities he supports. Reported crime in the last year is down. PARISH COUNCIL CLERK - VACANCY Our Parish Clerk, Caroline Roche has stood down due to new work commitments and so there is currently a vacancy for a new Parish Clerk. If you can give 27 hours per month to the role please apply to Sharon Farnham [email protected]. PLANNING There were two planning applications this month , both were agreed with no objections. 20/18/0020 Little Fulford applied for a 3 bay garage and 20/18/0021 Millfield House applied for a 4 car car port , conversion of existing garage to accommodation. CHAIR Councillors are taking turns to chair the Parish Council on a monthly rota. Your Parish Council Chairman from 12th of November is Cllr Ken Taylor. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the council will be held on Monday 12th November, at the village hall 19.30. The public are invited to attend.

Marcus Anderson (Acting Chairman) Caroline Roche(clerk) Email: [email protected] Tel. 762417 Tel. 451644


Page 26: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

VACANCY The Council is seeking a new PARISH CLERK

The clerk organises meetings of the Parish Council, issues the agenda, takes minutes and deals with any correspondence

Salary £3,065.55 for 27 hours a month, working from home, plus expenses

Previous experience is an advantage although training is available. Applicants should e.mail; [email protected]

or ring 01823 451 972


Saturday 1st. December

At Kingston St. Mary Village Hall 2 - 4.00pm

New for this year; A craft fair with quality handmade crafts from Somerset

makers, including candles, bath products, cushions, cards, pictures, bags, food and many more things.

Children’s arts and crafts area – Come and make a Fairy Door

Plus mulled wine, mince pies, tea, coffee squash and cakes available.

So come along and buy unique presents and treats and maybe win a raffle prize donated by the stallholders.

More information will be available on the Kingston St Mary website.

£1 entry fee. Under 12s free

(Please come prepared to pay stallholders by cash or cheques due to limited

wifi access at the hall)


Page 27: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)


Tickets £6.00 on the door DOORS OPEN at 7pm for 7.30pm start

Tea, coffee and a licensed bar selling wine, beer and cider




Certificate 15, running time 120 mins All profits go towards the upkeep of the village hall.

For more details please contact Serena Lumley on 451877 Or if anyone needs a lift to the village hall then

Annie Trolley is happy to organise this. Please contact her on 451312

More films next year…………..

Meet the Village

Saturday 24th. November

Kingston St. Mary Village Hall 10.30am. – 12noon

50p to include tea or coffee and biscuits Paperback exchange – bring a book and take one away

New and old friends always welcome


Page 28: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)


It was Rock and Roll all of the way for Kingston WIs 95th. birthday. Terry Cole and his team of South West Teddy Boys entertained members

with a demonstration of types of rock and roll dance steps. The men were resplendent in long colourful jackets with velvet collars and ‘winkle pickers’ or ‘beetle crushers’

The women wore dolly shoes, full skirts and petticoats. Members were invited to join in and those who could not tapped their feet. Thanks were given by Kathy.

Member and guest had previously feasted on a sumptuous buffet meal prepared by the committee and members. The president Kathy Pugh gave members dates for the lunch club also the village craft fair on 1st. December when the WI will provide a cake stall.

The next meeting will be on 7th. November and the speaker will be Derek Robinson – his topic ‘Women in Lifeboats’ The competition will be a seascape in any medium.

Janet Lovell

Wednesday Café Kingston St Mary Village Hall (every second Wed of the month)


Come for the afternoon or just drop in any time between 2.00pm – 4.00pm (£1 entrance) Need more information? Contact one of the following: Lindsay Thorne 01823 451469 Serena Lumley 01823 451877


Page 29: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

Please come to our early Christmas Fayre on THURSDAY 8th. NOVEMBER 2018


10am. – 12 noon

Christmas Cards – Cakes – Seasonal Food Gifts – Raffle – Potted Bulbs – Books

Refreshments Bring your friends Please park in the Church Car Park

Charity no. 1003314

YOUR VILLAGE GREEN We enjoy and appreciate our Village Green which is used by local people and passers by alike. It is kept tidy by volunteers on a Rota. Organising this Rota is not an arduous job and someone is needed to take this on as soon as possible. It involves producing an updated list of dates for volunteers (approximately every 9 months) and then ensuring that this list is delivered to those involved. We are also in need of some more volunteers to help. The Council is responsible for mowing the grass. Those people on the Rota (and they are from different parts of the village as well as those who live near the Green) currently have a 2 week stint every 9 months or so: they clear leaves and debris from the grass and paths, clean the wooden seat and ironwork and check that the area is as tidy as possible. Please contact Bella Flood (451181) if you would be willing to take on the Rota or you would be happy to be included in this worthwhile contribution to our Village. Many thanks.


Page 30: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

Christmas Music Morning At The Grange, Kingston St Mary

Monday 10th. December From 10.00am.

You are cordially invited to join the staff and students at The Grange for a morning of festive music,

performed by our talented musicians and vocalists Please join us for mince pies and mulled wine afterwards

There will be a collection in support of S.U.R.E

Kingston St. Mary Parish Litter-Pick

Sunday 25th. November 2018 Between and 12.00 noon

* Either start from you home and bring your bags of litter to the village hall. In order to make best use of everyone’s time and effort, PLEASE let me know if you are starting from home or a particular area so other volunteers can litter-pick elsewhere. I can drop equipment to you beforehand or pick it up from me in advance.

* If the bags of litter are too heavy to bring back, leave the bags in a safe but obvious place and let me know asap so they can be collected – also let me know of any fly-tipping.

* For your safety, you must wear hi viz jackets and heavy duty gloves

Sorry but no unaccompanied children please. Parents/guardians must take full responsibility for their own children during the litter-pick.

Jean Alger-Green 01823 451 732 Mob: 07513 460576


Page 31: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)


The Community Assistance Group of the Kingston Community Partnership (KCP) invites you to a shopping trip to Taunton on either:

Wed. 21st November, Wed. 5th. December, Wed. 19th. December From 11.30am. to 3.30pm.

This is intended as an introduction to Wivey Link who will provide a return service from Kingston to Taunton at a subsidised cost of £6.45

with a current bus pass, or £12.90 without. The service is run by a team of forty volunteer drivers, 3 of the 4 vehicles are wheelchair

friendly, and it is a door to door service.

There is a temporary sign up fee of £1 for these taster trips (subsidised by the KCP).

On the dates above you can be collected from your home, dropped at the rear of Marks & Spencer; have time for coffee/lunch and shopping; be picked up at Sainsbury’s car park (the town store) at 3.30pm; and returned to your home.

These shopping trips will be able to cater for 6 people (or 4 including 1 person in a wheelchair) and will be booked on a first come first served basis. While the KCP is arranging these trips as an introduction, the Wivey Link service is open to anyone in Kingston & Cheddon on an individual basis, subject to advanced booking and an annual registration fee of £15, and is ideal for all local travel needs – shopping, doctor, hospital trips, etc.

Please contact Lorraine Cross to book your place(s) on telephone no: 451112 or email: [email protected]


At our meeting on Wednesday 21st. November, David Usher will be talking to us about Gertrude Jekyll.

PLEASE NOTE… that the hall will be open earlier than usual at 6.30pm. We hope to start the talk at 7.00pm prompt. (Half an hour earlier)

If you have any plants for sale please bring them – named if possible.

Guests and visitors are always very welcome. Any queries ring Carla on 01823 451 513


Page 32: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)


The audience came from far and wide on 5th October filling every seat and every conceivable space in Broomfield’s lovely parish church. What drew a coach-load from Exeter, two minibuses from Minehead and Porlock, and a field full of cars? The concert by the St Petersburg Singers from Russia, whose members included three female stars from the city’s world-famous Mariinsky Opera and several singers from the Red Army choir.

There was not room to seat everyone and we had to turn away over 50 local residents who had queued patiently in the hope of buying spare seats. Please accept our apologies If you were one of those unlucky people. To avoid disappointment at future concerts please join our mailing list by emailing [email protected].

Unless you are on our mailing list you will struggle to get seats because our concerts sell-out very quickly. For example, our next concert by star American singer songwriters Julie Felix and Joan Baez sold out in only 12 minutes! Calling all mums and dads with school-age children! A businesswoman whose ambitions and success in business were inspired by attending a world-class music concert when she was ten years old wants to offer free tickets at our concerts to children attending Kingston and Cheddon primary schools. The whole idea is to widen children’s horizons and spark their imagination.

This is the third time this generous offer has been made in the last two years. Previous offers were made via the schools but sadly we received no replies or expressions of interest from the headteachers.

So, please get in touch with us direct if you are a parent or carer of a child aged five to eleven attending a state primary school and we will send you a list of concerts. These include the performances by two of the biggest names in choral music, The Sixteen and The Tallis Scholars, also the concert by the world-famous guitarist John Williams. Oh, and by the way, parents accompanying their children receive 50% discount on adult tickets. Contact us at [email protected].


Page 33: Link–Up · Is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views expressed in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s)

SMALL ADS. For sale/wanted/lost/found. There is no charge for a small advertisement. However, due to

limited space please keep wording to a maximum of 50 words. A commercial advertisement 1/3 A5 page (depending on space available) may be placed at a

cost of £8.00 at the discretion of, and following discussions with the Editor.


Beautiful, full, fresh and handmade Pre-order now for free delivery

e.mail: [email protected] Tel: 07791 895 425

Christmas Wine Tasting Evening

(including nibbles)

KSM Village Hall Somerset’s Greenhill Estate Wine

Tuesday, 4th December

7.00pm to 9.00pm For further details:

Annie Trolley, 01823 451312 [email protected]


Samsung larder fridge in silver grey Excellent condition – changing due to remodelling kitchen 600 x 1800 x 600 £60.00 Please tel. 01823 451 370


Admission £5.00