Link Building Fundamentals: The Art & Science of Building Links By Debra Mastaler

#SMX 11D @debramastaler Debra Mastaler Link Building Fundamentals The Art & Science of Building Links

Transcript of Link Building Fundamentals: The Art & Science of Building Links By Debra Mastaler

Page 1: Link Building Fundamentals: The Art & Science of Building Links By Debra Mastaler

#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Debra Mastaler

Link Building Fundamentals

The Art & Science of Building Links

Page 2: Link Building Fundamentals: The Art & Science of Building Links By Debra Mastaler

#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Debra Mastaler

Link Building Fundamentals

The Art & Science of Building Links

Page 3: Link Building Fundamentals: The Art & Science of Building Links By Debra Mastaler

#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Link Building Is So Hard.

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Getting people’s attention is hard.(really hard)

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler



InfographicsQuizzes Courses

VideoTop Ten

White papersPolls


Blog PostsComparisons


ImagesRound Ups


ComicsNew jacking

Opinion PiecesGiveaways


TimelinesPin boards

Parody postsLists

Case studiesReviewsTweets

Slide decksNews jacking

How to

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Smartphone users:

Spend less time browsing a site

Are less likely to perform desirable actions -- like linking L

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Link Popularity

Links to Avoid

Penalties and Disavow


Lightening Round

What We’ll Cover Today

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Most Popular Search Engine? (2/2017)

Source: @Statistacharts

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

What Makes A Page Rank?


Featured snippet

ü Domain & page level links

ü Page level content (Title, tags, etc.)

ü Machine learning (Rank Brain)

ü Query click data

ü Site load speed

ü Location personalization


üAnother 197+ factors

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Why Links are ValuableLink P pularity

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

What Is Link Popularity?

Link popularity (link authority) measures the quality and quantity of links

pointing to a webpage.

Considered an off-page factor.

Engines weigh off-page factors more heavily than on-page.

SLANG: Link Juice, Link Love, Link Pop, Link Equity

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Link Popularity



Anchor Text


There Are Four Components

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Link Quantity The number of links pointing to a webpage from “outside” pages

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Link Quality Determined by the authority of the host sites and sites linking to them.

My Website

Site ASite X

Site Y

Site B Site Z


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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

§ Rank well

§ Topic expertise

§ Linked to frequently by trusted sources

§ Clicked on frequently

§ Relevant to the query

What Makes A Quality Page?

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Relevance Establishes your topical and/or geographic focus

Business Coaching

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Relevance Partner with similar sites




Costa Rica Vacations

Baby StrollersSaveACat


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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

My daughter and my money go to Villanova University.

My daughter spends a lot of money buying college text books.

Visit for more information.

Anchor Text An Endorsement of What’s To Come | Query Ranking Factor

Google…”anchor text influences the queries your website

ranks for in the search results.

…”anchor text helps define the theme of a

linked page”Bing

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

3 Pieces of Anchor Text Wisdom

§ Hyperlink when it makes sense, don’t over do it.

§ Make your anchor text conversational

§ Doesn’t matter what you do, if Google *thinks* your inbound

links are anything but editorial, you may lose.

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

1. Attract a large quantity of links from

2. Quality and

3. Relevant pages using smart and

4. Conversational anchor text

Your Goals When Building Links

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Links To Avoid


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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Paid links

Large scale guest posting

Low quality directories

Footer links

Template links

Links Google Frowns On: From Google’s guidelines

Large-scale reciprocal linking

Spamming with press release

Blanket widgets and badges

Forced forum drops

Tee shirts for links

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Flags and Footprints

Do not acquire a lot of the same links quickly

Avoid using same anchors over and over

Avoid linking with low quality pages

Use nofollow attributes on “sponsored links”

Avoid pages/sites hosting excessive reciprocals and template links

Don’t make directory links (even niche directories) a large part of your portfolio

Avoid sites with excessive Adsense

Avoid sites with no Contact/About Us information's info

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Questions To Ponder Before Placing Links

Is the page hosting your link ranking “well” in the search results?

Do they use no follow attributes?

Does the website participate in social media?

Is the website tied to a network?

Did you search “complaint” + URL/name of owner/site?

Does the site load quickly, come with HTTPS?

Is the other guy’s content relevant to


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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Penalties & Disavows

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Penalty or Algorithm Update? Stinks either way.

Lost Ranking?(ouch!)

Affected by algorithm


Disappeared from search results


Manual penalty

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Step 1 Pull backlinks from Search Console and at least one other tool

Step 2 Identify “bad” links, contact owner for removal

Step 3 Document everything you do

Step 4 Disavow if they won’t remove Or Hope Google really does ignore bad links

Disavow Anyhow

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Link Building Tactics

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

4 Link Building Tips To Tape To Your Monitor

It is less about what you do and more about where.

Links help get you ranked but clicks show you deserve to be there.

Have something worth linking to and the links will come.

Start with what works.

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Building Links: How To Get Started

1. Reviews | Picture Sources

2. How To | Infographic

3. eBook | Article Series

4. Backlink | Partnership potential

5. Accepts guest posts | Email Campaign

6. Email campaign | Credibility link | Guest posting opp

7. Guides | Backlink

8. Backlink | Facebook ads

9. Mag guest writers | News curation opp

11. “How To” Content

10. Backlink

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Tactic Benefits

§ Help position you as a credible source

§ Link with authority sources

§ Rarely change

§ Inexpensive

§ It’s not just content, content, content!

Foundational Linking Tactics

§ Reclaiming broken links

§ Reclaiming borrowed images

§ Resource pages

§ Image gifting

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Resource Pages Find opportunities on government and academic outlets

“Links on this page will take you away from” + keyword

Keyword + “resources”

“Useful links” + keyword

“Helpful links” + keyword

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Reclaiming Broken Links

Check My Links (free Chrome plug-in)

Focus on resource pages and guides first

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Reclaiming Unlinked Images

“Image courtesy of” + URL/name34/9

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Image GiftingGiving images to content that needs it!

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Link Building Using Content

Tactics Best Practice

§ Go easy on keyword rich anchor text

§ Avoid blog networks

§ Look for complete About Us

§ Look for full Contact info

§ Keywords in the Title or Company name?

§ Reviews you write

§ Reviews others write

§ Media & press releases

§ Link roundups

§ Wikipedia

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Back Linking Wikipedia For Links

Offer similar content

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Reviews You Write

§ Written reviews with images linked to the most(the longer the better)

§ Issue press release for substantial reviews

§ Bundle reviews into ebooks

§ Create a video teaser for each review, add to YouTube

§ Great review? Consider promoting via Facebook ads

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Reviews Others Write Use what other people have written to gain links

Search for older reviews

Back link, look for sources

Offer your “new and improved” review or

Write a comparison piece

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Getting Links From The Media Via Interviews

HARO (Help A Reporter Out), plus+

§ (free)

§ (free)

§ ($)

§ ($)

§ ProfNet ( ($)

Surveys Case Studies

Images/Video Factual rebuttal


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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Back Linking Press Releases Back link press releases from major brands, find sources. Submit releases directly

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Link RoundupsA collection of favorite posts from around the Web

1. Search queries 2. Add your content 3. Set an alert

Search Strings:Daily Link Roundup + keyword

Link Roundup + keyword

Weekly Link Roundup + keyword

Web Roundup + keyword

Set an alert and let roundups come to you

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Lightning Round

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Key Insights

§ Keep the key components of link popularity in mind when building links.

§ Don’t scrimp on a copywriter.

§ Invest in SEO/link tools after using free trials.

§ Create evergreen content that has been personalized for your target audience.

§ Add email capture to everything, look into “content for a tweet”.

§ Site uses nofollow but the link is worth having? Point it to your social profiles for traffic.

§ Lessen dependency on Google, look into search verticals like Trip Advisor and Yelp.

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Key Insights, 2

• Contests, sponsorships, scholarships, etc – all good ideas but one-off, time sensitive tactics.

• Follow key media on Twitter and LinkedIn. Engage and stalk their Lists!

• Fax press releases directly to media, forget the press release submission outlets.

• Local media outlets love, love, love interviews and factual content.

• Media doesn’t link out except when they have to. Images are the exception.

• HARO (Help A Reporter Out) and others great resources but be quick! <1 hours

• Forums are worthless for link building but priceless for finding influencers

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler

Key Insights 3

Keep an eye on the sites ranking behind you.

Yes, that’s right, behind you.

They are webmasters looking to move ahead.

Watch what they are doing, follow on social media.

Load their domain/brand names in your alert services

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THANK YOU! Debra Mastaler

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#SMX 11D @debramastaler