Linear & Lateral Consciousness

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Transcript of Linear & Lateral Consciousness

by Rich ArmstrongAugust 8, 2013from WakingTimes Website

About the AuthorRich Armstrong run the blog His aim is to share observations that have been made through his life journey so that they might be of benefit to others. The ultimate goal of his writings is to help others create a greater understanding of themselves and the world around us by the awareness and integration of universal principles. Throughout our world and, indeed, the entire universe all is governed by two polar opposite forces. These forces are namely Linear and Lateral Consciousness. The previous sentence can also be reduced to the following statement Time and Timelessness. When all the layers of the onion are peeled away, this is what we will find. Linear and Lateral Consciousness are expressions of opposing forces of time. In fact we could actually say that humans are mere expressions of time. Linear Consciousness is the time that most people recognize; it is the sequential; it is a period of time that is added to the previous period of time in a linear precise order that dictates our "future" organization. It is Newtonian in outlook, total causality and effect. Lateral is non- linear; it is the opposite. It does not "add on" to the last period of time simply because it is timeless. It is and always was, and always will be. It has pushed into the three dimensions of space simultaneously, no time sequence lapsed in doing so. It is pure timelessness. We have all experienced timelessness; it is called intuition. Intuition is the gut response to any given situation. It is the asking of a question and the receiving of an answer simultaneously, pure timeless and beyond explanation. This is actually universal default lateral consciousness. It can be tapped into at any time if need be, just by trusting gut instinct. These two forces of time battle within each and every person. Everybody has both forces within them and every person has these two forces to appease which they do through fulfilling the need for significance and love. Significance fulfills the demand from Linear Consciousness; Love fulfills the demand from Lateral Consciousness. Each comes with its own motive: the motive of fear being Linear Consciousness and the motive of love being Lateral Consciousness. The two forces of time actually shape our minds and also our bodies. Again, it is the balancing of the two opposing forces that bring physical and mental well-being in life. Lateral Consciousness Motive of LoveThe need for Love/Contribution Linear Consciousness Motive of FearThe need for Significance/Growth Linear Consciousness is essentially conscious ego mind that lives in fear of ego death. A person expressing Linear Consciousness is more associated to themselves and their ego; unbeknownst to themselves, they have a higher level of tension deep at the core that may not be readily visible on the surface. This "tension" is akin to a piece of string being pulled tightly, as the string becomes straighter it becomes tenser. Hold the thought of that string in your mind, for that is what happens to the person who is motivated by fear. They can become tense, rigid, inflexible and controlling. This is the expression of fear based thinking that has been induced by the dominance of future uncertainty. This tension causes anxiety, which sets the internal clock speed of the individual to a faster pace. This internal clock is actually the metabolic rate of the individual. The close association to future uncertainty sets the metabolic rate to a higher setting. Linear Consciousness expresses itself as "lean to slim" morphic profile, what we will describe as "straight" in profile. This is also reflected in thinking, which is also straight and direct, sometimes rigid and inflexible. Control is key to Linear Consciousness - control of movement (internal and external), control of emotion, control of resources and reserves. Power through knowledge, control through knowledge of all events occurring within the universe (science).Beyond what can be controlled is deemed chaos. Self-preservation physically, mentally and emotionally are first priority. For ego/self- identification, the first question asked in the mind is: How will I survive? For commercial purposes, the first question is: What's in it for me?Linear Consciousness is defined by time and space and consumption of energy. Linear Consciousness is distant (space) by nature and will always create time for itself.It stands alone from the crowd in its own time and space. It is identified as individual. Lateral Consciousness is almost sub/super consciousness, deemed as default consciousness, far less individually identified, even to the point of non - identity. As such, it is more sacrificial by nature as the death of ego is less feared and held in less value, more willing to lose owing to a less association to self, and a greater association to universal default consciousness. People who keep a closer association to Lateral Consciousness have a knowing about themselves and their relationships with Mother Earth, the Universe and all within it, that transcends science and description. Lateral Consciousness only avails itself to those who express the motive of love. For those whose motive is fear are on a frequency that simply struggles to respond to universal stimuli. Lateral Consciousness is less concerned with control as aforementioned. There is a timeless invisible "knowing" of the innate relationship between the being and universal forces beyond their control, and trust and faith in the relationship is intrinsic. Because of this "non-linear" relationship that, with the best will in the world, is indescribable, the people who express Lateral Consciousness are far more relaxed by nature, so the expression in bodily form is also more relaxed. "Lateral" spread is created, which is in contrast to the "straight" tense Linear Consciousness. Lateral Consciousness already knows that this sub/super conscious relationship to the universe is generous, and so the first primary question that goes through the mind of a lateral is:"How may I be of service?" Lateral consciousness is sacrificial by nature almost like an ambassador for the universe, if you will; it is flexible in approach and does not seek to control. Time and space warp around Lateral Consciousness much like Einstein's theory of past and future being simultaneous and beyond reason. There is more certainty about people who express the motive of love. Don't ask me to explain why; it just is. Ask anybody who has fallen head over heels in love. Their fear is totally evaporated. The motive of love is the pure joy of being alive, being in love with life and all within it. However Lateral Consciousness is vulnerable to Linear fear-based predation because of the naturally open-hearted demeanor and less budgetary allowance for defence than in the Linear Conscious. The natural inclination of the Lateral is to give their energy away to others all too readily, which means that if energy is given away then mass must be given in return, because the universe abhors a vacuum. EINSTEIN STATED ENERGY HAS A MASS EQUIVALENCE,SCIENCE STATES NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM,THEREFORE IF ENERGY IS GIVEN AWAY,MASS MUST BE GIVEN IN RETURN. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE WHO EXPRESS LATERAL CONSCIOUSNESSHAVE MORE MASS THAN ONES EXPRESSING LINEAR CONSCIOUSNESS. LINEAR CONSCIOUSNESS RETAINS MORE ENERGY RESERVESBECAUSE THESE TYPE OF PEOPLE CREATE MORE TIME AND SPACE AROUND THEMSELVES AND GIVE FAR LESS OF THEIR ENERGY AWAY TO OTHERS. THEREFORE LINEAR CONSCIOUSNESS = ENERGYLATERAL CONSCIOUSNESS = MASS Return to Consciousness and The Conscious Universe