Linda Bandini - Healthy Weight Research Network for with Autism & Developmental Disabilities

MISSION RESEARCH AGENDA NETWORK ACTIVITIES HWRN MEMBERS & ADVISORS Linda Bandini, PhD 1,2 ; Carol Curtin, MSW 1 ; Aviva Must, PhD 3 1 UMass Medical School/E.K. Shriver Center; 2 Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College 3 Tufts University School of Medicine; Funded by the Maternal Child Health Bureau in 2013, the mission of the HWRN-ASD/DD is: to advance the understanding of obesity risk factors in children with ASD and other developmental disabilities to promote the development of evidence-based solutions to achieve healthy weight in this population to disseminate research findings to broad and diverse audiences. The HWRN-ASD/DD fulfills its interdisciplinary research agenda by: engaging in formative research conducting pilot and feasibility and/or acceptability studies developing collaborative relationships to leverage extramural funding for interdisciplinary research. The Research Agenda focuses on: children’s eating patterns and behaviors family practices around food/mealtimes physical activity sedentary behavior patterns how school and community-based organizations exert influence on children’s food intake and physical activity how these environments may be modified to promote healthy weight in youth how prevention or intervention programs can be developed, adapted, and delivered Promoting Physical Activity in Adolescents with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Lauren Ptomey, PhD, RD, LD & Joseph Donnelly, EdD University of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute Data on effective strategies for increasing physical activity (PA) in adolescents with IDD is extremely limited. This is a 12-week pilot study to explore using technology to deliver a physical activity program to 30 adolescents with IDD using video conferencing via a tablet computer. All participants will be provided with a tablet computer and a Fitbit wireless PA monitor to assess PA during the exercise sessions and any equipment (resistance bands, hand weights) needed for the intervention. Three weekly 30-minute PA sessions, focusing on both cardiovascular and strength training, will be delivered to groups of five adolescents with IDD in their homes by video conference on a tablet computer. The primary aim will be assess the feasibility of delivering a group-based PA intervention, conducted via video conferencing on a tablet computer, in a sample of adolescents with IDD. The secondary aims are to: 1) assess the quality of weekly activity accumulated during the group exercise sessions, using data from the Fitbit activity monitor. It is expected participants will obtain at least 20 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous PA at each lesson, and 2) assess participants’ attitudes toward PA using two simple questionnaires administered at baseline and at the end of the 12-week intervention. It is expected that attitude and self-efficacy toward PA will improve across the 12-week intervention. Family-Based Weight-Loss Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder Kerri Boutelle, PhD University of California, San Diego Currently, the gold-standard behavioral intervention for weight loss in children is family-based behavioral treatment (FBT), which provides treatment to both the parent and the child. The initial efficacy of a parent- only intervention has been demonstrated by the investigative team and represents a promising model to provide weight-loss treatment for parents of overweight and obese children with ASD. The purpose of this pilot project is to design and pilot a parent-only FBT for weight loss specifically tailored to the unique needs and concerns parents of children with ASD. Existing FBT manuals will be modified to incorporate parenting skills and behavior modification strategies unique to parents of children with ASD as well as session topics that focus on ASD and dietary restrictions, increasing child motivation, introducing novel food stimuli to children, and increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables. Twenty families of children ages 5-13 yrs with will be recruited to attend a weekly 16-session FBT-ASD group. The feasibility, acceptability and initial efficacy of the program will be evaluated, including parent and child weight loss, food intake, physical activity, home food environment, and mealtime behavior. PILOT STUDIES Secondary data analysis on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in youth with ASD and intellectual developmental disabilities HWRN Secondary Data Analysis Core Purpose: To estimate obesity prevalence in children with ASD and ID and to assess how weight status is influenced by child age, co-morbidities, and modifiable risk factors associated with mealtimes and physical activity. Used the 2011-2012 wave of the National Survey of Children’s Health, a nationally representative survey conducted by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. 95,677 parent interviews were completed from February 2011 through June 2012 Parents were interviewed about their child’s health. Parents reported height, weight, child age, co- morbidities, and modifiable risk factors associated with mealtimes and physical activity. Abstract on analyses were presented at the Obesity Society in November 2014 One paper has been submitted to BMC Pediatrics, “Prevalence of obesity in children with ASD” Second paper on prevalence of obesity in children with ID is in preparation. SECONDARY DATA ANALYSES Using dance to promote fitness and well-being in adolescent girls with ID Heidi Stanish, PhD University of Massachusetts Boston Dance represents a promising vehicle for promoting PA among girls generally, and may be particularly well- suited to girls with ID. Dance is viewed as an enjoyable and popular activity and may serve as an ideal means for engaging girls with ID by virtue of its non-competitive nature, the ability to participate regardless of skill level, and the camaraderie and opportunity for personal expression that it often affords. The proposed pilot study will test the feasibility of a 10-week dance intervention for adolescent girls with ID that includes group dance classes held at a YMCA and an at-home practice component. The implementation of the dance intervention will be evaluated through measures of enjoyment and satisfaction, attendance, retention, engagement in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in group classes, and participation level in at-home practice sessions. Changes in cardiorespiratory (CR) fitness will be assessed and the impact of the intervention on participants’ physical self-perception will be examined. Sixteen to 20 girls with ID ages 13-21 will participate. Peer-reviewed articles Curtin, C. Hubbard, K., Anderson, S.E., E. Mick, A. Must, L.G. Bandini (in press) Food Selectivity, mealtime behavior problems, spousal stress, and family food choices in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder" Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M.C.T., Lo, C., Gleason, J.M., Fleming, R.K., Stanish, H.I. (in press) Including youth with intellectual disabilities in health promotion research: development and reliability of a structured interview to assess the correlates of physical activity among youth. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M.C.T., Bandini, L.G. (in press) Comparison of enjoyment, barriers, and beliefs about physical activity among adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S., Maslin, M.C.T., Bandini, L.G. (in press) Physical activity enjoyment, perceived barriers, and beliefs among adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities, Journal of Physical Activity & Health. PMID: 25830443 Must, M., Curtin, C., Hubbard, K., Sikich, L. Bedford, J., Bandini, L.G. (2014) Obesity prevention for children with developmental disabilities. Current Obesity Reports, 3:156-170 Abstracts/papers/presentations national meetings Healthy Weight Research Network for Children with ASD/DD, The CAAI virtual poster symposium, July 2014 Healthy Weight Research Network. ATN/AIR-P Advances in Autism Research & Care Webinar, July 15, 2014. Healthy Weight Research Network for Children with ASD/DD, AUCD 2014 Conference, Washington DC, November 11, 2014 Establishing a Research Network Agenda for Promoting Healthy Weight among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities (ASD/DD) American Public Health Association (APHA), New Orleans, LA, November 2014, The Obesity Society, November 2014, in Boston, MA: o Elevated prevalence of obesity among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): the disparity increases across pre-adolescent and adolescent ages o Elevated prevalence of obesity among children with intellectual disabilities (ID): the disparity increases across pre- adolescent and adolescent ages o A research gap: obesity in children with autism and other developmental disabilities Obesity As a Modifiable Risk Factor in the Treatment of Feeding Problems in Children with ASD, as part of the panel entitled, "You Want Me to Eat What? Novel Treatment Approaches for Food Selectivity and Feeding Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder," 2015 International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), May 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah HWRN ADMINISTRATIVE CORE Linda G. Bandini, PhD , Associate Professor of Pediatrics, E.K. Shriver Center- UMass Medical School; Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College ; Carol Curtin, MSW, Research Assistant Professor of Family Medicine & Community Health, E.K. Shriver Center- UMass Medical School; Aviva Must, PhD, Professor of Public Health, Tufts University School of Medicine; Jessica DiBari, PhD, MHS, Health Scientist, Division of Research, Maternal-Child Health Bureau, HRSA; Donna Caira, E.K. Shriver Center, UMass Medical School; Helen Hendrickson, MPA, E.K. Shriver Center, UMass Medical School; Misha Eliasziw, PhD, Tufts University School of Medicine; Sarah Phillips, MPA, Tufts University School of Medicine CORE MEMBERS Kerri Boutelle, PhD, Associate Professor Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego; Joseph Donnelly, EdD , Professor of Internal Medicine, Center for Physical Activity and Weight Management, University of Kansas; Richard Fleming, PhD, Professor, Department of Exercise and Health Sciences University of Massachusetts-Boston; Sandra Hassink, MD, Director of the Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management Clinic, Nemours/A.I. duPont Hospital for Children; Kathleen Humphries, PhD, Associate Director of the Institute on Development & Disability Director of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disability Oregon Health & Science University; Tanja Kral, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Biobehavioral Health Sciences University of Pennsylvania; Angela Odoms-Young, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition, University of Illinois at Chicago; James Rimmer, PhD , Director of the Lakeshore Foundation/University of Alabama-Birmingham Research Collaborative University of Alabama at Birmingham; Mary Segal, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Center for Obesity Research and Education, Temple University; Nancy Elizabeth Sherwood Johnson, PhD, Senior Research Investigator HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research, School of Public Health; Linmarie Sikich, MD, Child Psychiatrist and Associate Professor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Heidi Stanish, PhD, Associate Professor; Department of Exercise and Health Sciences University of Massachusetts-Boston ADVISORS James Perrin, MD , Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Director, Mass General Center for Child and Adolescent Health Policy; Director, Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health; Michael H. Fox, ScD, Science Officer, Division of Human Development and Disability, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Tawara Goode, MA, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Georgetown University Medical Center; Darcie Mersereau, MPH, Vice President, Special Olympics; Elizabeth Weintraub, Member, President Obama’s Committee for People with Disabilities Association of University Centers on Disabilities; Nate Blum, MD , Director, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia HWRN PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS


The Healthy Weight Research Network (HWRN), funded by MCHB, is an interdisciplinary research network that addresses the biopsychosocial dimensions of obesity in children with ASD and DD. The HWRN represents a major step in unifying an interdisciplinary group of researchers to address the unique needs of this population.

Transcript of Linda Bandini - Healthy Weight Research Network for with Autism & Developmental Disabilities





    Linda Bandini, PhD1,2; Carol Curtin, MSW1; Aviva Must, PhD3 1 UMass Medical School/E.K. Shriver Center; 2Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College 3 Tufts University School of Medicine;

    Funded by the Maternal Child Health Bureau in 2013, the mission of the HWRN-ASD/DD is:

    to advance the understanding of obesity risk factors in children with ASD and other developmental disabilities

    to promote the development of evidence-based solutions to achieve healthy weight in this population

    to disseminate research findings to broad and diverse audiences.

    The HWRN-ASD/DD fulfills its interdisciplinary research agenda by: engaging in formative research conducting pilot and feasibility and/or acceptability

    studies developing collaborative relationships to leverage

    extramural funding for interdisciplinary research.

    The Research Agenda focuses on:

    childrens eating patterns and behaviors family practices around food/mealtimes physical activity sedentary behavior patterns how school and community-based organizations exert

    influence on childrens food intake and physical activity

    how these environments may be modified to promote healthy weight in youth

    how prevention or intervention programs can be developed, adapted, and delivered

    Promoting Physical Activity in Adolescents with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Lauren Ptomey, PhD, RD, LD & Joseph Donnelly, EdD

    University of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute

    Data on effective strategies for increasing physical activity (PA) in adolescents with IDD is extremely limited. This is a 12-week pilot study to explore using technology to deliver a physical activity program to 30 adolescents with IDD using video conferencing via a tablet computer. All participants will be provided with a tablet computer and a Fitbit wireless PA monitor to assess PA during the exercise sessions and any equipment (resistance bands, hand weights) needed for the intervention. Three weekly 30-minute PA sessions, focusing on both cardiovascular and strength training, will be delivered to groups of five adolescents with IDD in their homes by video conference on a tablet computer. The primary aim will be assess the feasibility of delivering a group-based PA intervention, conducted via video conferencing on a tablet computer, in a sample of adolescents with IDD. The secondary aims are to: 1) assess the quality of weekly activity accumulated during the group exercise sessions, using data from the Fitbit activity monitor. It is expected participants will obtain at least 20 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous PA at each lesson, and 2) assess participants attitudes toward PA using two simple questionnaires administered at baseline and at the end of the 12-week intervention. It is expected that attitude and self-efficacy toward PA will improve across the 12-week intervention.

    Family-Based Weight-Loss Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder Kerri Boutelle, PhD

    University of California, San Diego

    Currently, the gold-standard behavioral intervention for weight loss in children is family-based behavioral treatment (FBT), which provides treatment to both the parent and the child. The initial efficacy of a parent-only intervention has been demonstrated by the investigative team and represents a promising model to provide weight-loss treatment for parents of overweight and obese children with ASD. The purpose of this pilot project is to design and pilot a parent-only FBT for weight loss specifically tailored to the unique needs and concerns parents of children with ASD. Existing FBT manuals will be modified to incorporate parenting skills and behavior modification strategies unique to parents of children with ASD as well as session topics that focus on ASD and dietary restrictions, increasing child motivation, introducing novel food stimuli to children, and increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables. Twenty families of children ages 5-13 yrs with will be recruited to attend a weekly 16-session FBT-ASD group. The feasibility, acceptability and initial efficacy of the program will be evaluated, including parent and child weight loss, food intake, physical activity, home food environment, and mealtime behavior.


    Secondary data analysis on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in youth with ASD and intellectual developmental disabilities

    HWRN Secondary Data Analysis Core

    Purpose: To estimate obesity prevalence in children with ASD and ID and to assess how weight status is influenced by child age, co-morbidities, and modifiable risk factors associated with mealtimes and physical activity.

    Used the 2011-2012 wave of the National Survey of Childrens Health, a nationally representative survey conducted by the CDCs National Center for Health Statistics.

    95,677 parent interviews were completed from February 2011 through June 2012 Parents were interviewed about their childs health. Parents reported height, weight, child age, co-

    morbidities, and modifiable risk factors associated with mealtimes and physical activity. Abstract on analyses were presented at the Obesity Society in November 2014 One paper has been submitted to BMC Pediatrics, Prevalence of obesity in children with ASD Second paper on prevalence of obesity in children with ID is in preparation.


    Using dance to promote fitness and well-being in adolescent girls with ID Heidi Stanish, PhD

    University of Massachusetts Boston Dance represents a promising vehicle for promoting PA among girls generally, and may be particularly well-suited to girls with ID. Dance is viewed as an enjoyable and popular activity and may serve as an ideal means for engaging girls with ID by virtue of its non-competitive nature, the ability to participate regardless of skill level, and the camaraderie and opportunity for personal expression that it often affords. The proposed pilot study will test the feasibility of a 10-week dance intervention for adolescent girls with ID that includes group dance classes held at a YMCA and an at-home practice component. The implementation of the dance intervention will be evaluated through measures of enjoyment and satisfaction, attendance, retention, engagement in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in group classes, and participation level in at-home practice sessions. Changes in cardiorespiratory (CR) fitness will be assessed and the impact of the intervention on participants physical self-perception will be examined. Sixteen to 20 girls with ID ages 13-21 will participate.

    Peer-reviewed articles Curtin, C. Hubbard, K., Anderson, S.E., E. Mick, A. Must, L.G. Bandini (in press) Food Selectivity, mealtime behavior

    problems, spousal stress, and family food choices in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder" Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

    Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M.C.T., Lo, C., Gleason, J.M., Fleming, R.K., Stanish, H.I. (in press) Including youth with intellectual disabilities in health promotion research: development and reliability of a structured interview to assess the correlates of physical activity among youth. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities

    Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M.C.T., Bandini, L.G. (in press) Comparison of enjoyment, barriers, and beliefs about physical activity among adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly.

    Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S., Maslin, M.C.T., Bandini, L.G. (in press) Physical activity enjoyment, perceived barriers, and beliefs among adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities, Journal of Physical Activity & Health. PMID: 25830443

    Must, M., Curtin, C., Hubbard, K., Sikich, L. Bedford, J., Bandini, L.G. (2014) Obesity prevention for children with developmental disabilities. Current Obesity Reports, 3:156-170

    Abstracts/papers/presentations national meetings Healthy Weight Research Network for Children with ASD/DD, The CAAI virtual poster symposium, July 2014 Healthy Weight Research Network. ATN/AIR-P Advances in Autism Research & Care Webinar, July 15, 2014. Healthy Weight Research Network for Children with ASD/DD, AUCD 2014 Conference, Washington DC, November 11,

    2014 Establishing a Research Network Agenda for Promoting Healthy Weight among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    and Developmental Disabilities (ASD/DD) American Public Health Association (APHA), New Orleans, LA, November 2014,

    The Obesity Society, November 2014, in Boston, MA: o Elevated prevalence of obesity among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): the disparity increases across

    pre-adolescent and adolescent ages o Elevated prevalence of obesity among children with intellectual disabilities (ID): the disparity increases across pre-

    adolescent and adolescent ages o A research gap: obesity in children with autism and other developmental disabilities

    Obesity As a Modifiable Risk Factor in the Treatment of Feeding Problems in Children with ASD, as part of the panel entitled, "You Want Me to Eat What? Novel Treatment Approaches for Food Selectivity and Feeding Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder," 2015 International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), May 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah

    HWRN ADMINISTRATIVE CORE Linda G. Bandini, PhD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, E.K. Shriver Center- UMass Medical School; Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College ; Carol Curtin, MSW, Research Assistant Professor of Family Medicine & Community Health, E.K. Shriver Center- UMass Medical School; Aviva Must, PhD, Professor of Public Health, Tufts University School of Medicine; Jessica DiBari, PhD, MHS, Health Scientist, Division of Research, Maternal-Child Health Bureau, HRSA; Donna Caira, E.K. Shriver Center, UMass Medical School; Helen Hendrickson, MPA, E.K. Shriver Center, UMass Medical School; Misha Eliasziw, PhD, Tufts University School of Medicine; Sarah Phillips, MPA, Tufts University School of Medicine CORE MEMBERS Kerri Boutelle, PhD, Associate Professor Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego; Joseph Donnelly, EdD, Professor of Internal Medicine, Center for Physical Activity and Weight Management, University of Kansas; Richard Fleming, PhD, Professor, Department of Exercise and Health Sciences University of Massachusetts-Boston; Sandra Hassink, MD, Director of the Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management Clinic, Nemours/A.I. duPont Hospital for Children; Kathleen Humphries, PhD, Associate Director of the Institute on Development & Disability Director of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disability Oregon Health & Science University; Tanja Kral, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Biobehavioral Health Sciences University of Pennsylvania; Angela Odoms-Young, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition, University of Illinois at Chicago; James Rimmer, PhD, Director of the Lakeshore Foundation/University of Alabama-Birmingham Research Collaborative University of Alabama at Birmingham; Mary Segal, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Center for Obesity Research and Education, Temple University; Nancy Elizabeth Sherwood Johnson, PhD, Senior Research Investigator HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research, School of Public Health; Linmarie Sikich, MD, Child Psychiatrist and Associate Professor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Heidi Stanish, PhD, Associate Professor; Department of Exercise and Health Sciences University of Massachusetts-Boston ADVISORS James Perrin, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Director, Mass General Center for Child and Adolescent Health Policy; Director, Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health; Michael H. Fox, ScD, Science Officer, Division of Human Development and Disability, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Tawara Goode, MA, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Georgetown University Medical Center; Darcie Mersereau, MPH, Vice President, Special Olympics; Elizabeth Weintraub, Member, President Obamas Committee for People with Disabilities Association of University Centers on Disabilities; Nate Blum, MD, Director, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia


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