Limitation of Science

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    y SCEINCE, In general, studies, the Nature i.e. studies and analyses the phenomena going on (oroccurring) in and

    around us. Based on the analyses, it enunciates certain LAWS, in terms of some statements and in some cases, pu

    it in mathematical formulation.


    With the help of such Laws and formulations , some tools , machines and contrivances have been developed whihave changed the face of the world -------This change , in general , has been very fruitful to mankind but some

    others have proved to be very detrimental.

    y Science provides tools, but it CANNOT provide guidance to mankind. This point is on the basis of social aspect.

    y Now, we discuss,certain aspects on the basis of the establishedLAWS of science and in the light of Logic.

    y All the LAWS of science analyze and explain as to HOW a phenomenon occurs in the Nature -------it CANNOT answ

    as to WHY does it occur in the particular way observed. Thus, Gravitational Law explainsHOW two masses kept at

    distance are attracted with a force described by the famous formula F = G(.m1m2 /r2).But it CANNOT answer , WH

    attracts and not repel and WHY it follows this formula . ..Thus science answers HOW but does not answer WHY

    In the parlance of Logic it can be said that LAWS of science cannot be deduced by

    methods of logical deduction, nor can it be invented ---------it can only be observed in the nature, and analyzed an


    y There are other things science cannot explain such as WHY distribution of electrons in various orbits round the

    nucleus of an element characterize the physical and chemical properties of that elements.

    y Why H2 (Hydrogen ) with two electrons is a combustible material , why Oxygen O2 is a material helping the

    combustion.But combination of Hydrogen and oxygen becomes a thing helping in extinguishing a combustion.Wh

    y A)Speed of light can never be crossed.

    b)The Absolute Zero (- 2730

    K) can never be reached ---------------these are barriers , stated by science itself.

    c) The Laws of Thermodynamics puts barrier to the efficiency of any machine that it can never reach 100 %

    (Efficiency, = (( Q1 Q2) / Q1) =1 Q2 / Q1-------where the heat outputcannot be zero, according to Law of Q2 0,Thus an Engine , being supplied with 100 Jules of

    petrol can never give workoutput of 100 j ; there must be some unutilized Q2 heat output.

    d)The stars can never be seen with naked eyes at their exact Locations.Stars have speeds roughly from 50, 000

    km/hr to 5 Lakh km/ hr . The nearest to Earth , star is prima century 4 light year distant ; by the time , light

    emitting from it reach to us in 4 years , it moves to another position with its high speed . ( we cannot see the

    things in Future but there are certain things of the past which can beseen. ----- these are stars whatever we are

    seeing in the heavens are pictures of the past.

    y Laws of Thermodynamics are one of the most important laws of science. They indicate many aspects which lead

    open new windows to understand the physical and meta- physical nature of the world.

    1> It leads to know that most of the processes occurring in nature are IRREVERSIBLE.

    2> Irreversibility leads to increase of entropy, the measure of the disorder of the world.

    3> It leads to the fact that Energy cannot be fully utilized; thus there must be some unavailable energy

    left. With passage of time, unavailable energy of the world is increasing and hence entropy of the

    universe is increasing, This further leads to a leads to a law , sometime called , Law of degradation o

    Energy of the universe . This leads to a scientific proof that one day this world has to perish.

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    4> The law of Thermodynamics indicates that TIME is Irreversible, the arrow of time is unidirectional,an

    proceeding from one event to another but never reverses back. Can science ever reverse it back? it


    y Now we come to a peculiar aspect of science -----we may call it mysteries of science;

    In spite of all advances till now,there are many things which stand in the face of science as UNSOLVED. For examp

    take ENERGY ; all forms of it known till now; gravitational pull Electromagnetic waves Light etc. Add to it all

    the LAWS known in various fields of science. Can we ever say why, after all why,a Law functions in the particular

    way described ?Thus electric Current flows when a conductor moves in a magnetic field in a particular


    The Laws and various Energies became operative the time the universe was created.Who could know that such ansuch Laws and Energies will be needed in such and such situations? That too in a very sophisticated measured

    manner.This you can comprehend from the fact that the rate of Expansion of the Universe is so well calculated th

    had it been slightly more ,the whole universe would scatter,had it been slightly less ,whole universe would collaps

    All these are just MYSTERIES to us; -----------In the parlance of the Quran all these come under the purview of

    (MUTASHABIHAT) As Quran tells us there are many things which we cannot comprehend.


    AND THEY will ask thee about [the nature of] divine inspiration. Say: "This inspiration [comes] at my Sustainer's behest;

    and [you cannot understand its nature, O men, since] you have been granted very little of [real] knowledge.

    reas they cannot attain to aught of His knowledge save that which He wills [them to attain].(2:255)

    nderstand and explain the above described mysteries of science, the scientist have expressed their helplessness, we quote the

    e following .

    y They do not attempt to answer questions relating to an Original Cause ---------i.e. where the law of the universe

    cause from or how they came in to being (modern theories of the universe p. 197. )

    y If we ask Why (tounderstand) . We enter in to the territory of metaphysics -------the scientist at all events wi

    not attempt an answer .. WE MUST NOT GO ON TO ASK WHY ( Frontiers of Astronomy ,p. 342)

    The universe ------- as all material things --- must have a beginning, scientists theoretically reduce the universe to a

    primeval atom or cloudy of gas. But where such a mammoths atom or clouds of gas might have come from is

    mystery .Again , scientist cannot say that such a mystery will be solved in future by more advanced scientists , as i

    is quite evident ; such a mystery can never be solved by physical instruments.

    Harlow shaply : where came these atoms of hydrogen ( which was present in the very beginning ) . Th

    is perhaps a question for metaphysics .the origin of origins is beyond astronomy. It is perhaps beyond philosophy

    the realum of the unknowable to us .(view from Distant star , Harlow shapley p.47)

    We humans, no matter how brilliant, cannot know .wewerent there at the time, the expansion started. The

    beginning occurred BEFORE the known laws of physics that govern the entire universe were in existence; beforematter and energy were there; ------------------the knowledge of beginning depends on REVELATION.

    We need not try to trace history back before this event , because the universe , and indeed the time itself, did n

    then exist .(The mystery of the Expanding universe p. 111-12).

    Every theory of the creation of the universe rests ultimately on the prior assumption thatsomething was alread

    in existence.(The Universe and Dr Einstein:

    Lincoln Barnett p 104-5-6)


    No doubt Allah created man with knowledge (2:31-allama Adamaasmakullaha) but there is a limit of this

    bestowed knowledge----(2:255-they cannot attain to aught of His knowledge save that

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    cannot comprehend beyond a limit.the questions regarding the origin of universe cannot be answered if you

    Reject a Creator God. This is the missing element in all theories discussed.