lilliiii^ -...

WITH OTHERS fit xxni. DOVER, MORMS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1893. NO. 41 ^•:V';-^ ^ ?'^l'W^.(HHIn.ePBa^ J 'rltlilAy.B^', :;•;., ABOUT $100 $9001 P«'k md Mounliln »VM. »nil Vkinllv, " ','}'B|uk«nll Mid.UnM.8ti.K-:,:.:. :;:•..- Rlchardf ind M)rllB *iot,, , 7 *.:''; Lawrence St. and on Ford Ava.*,; i S N S w C h h •*. —.-—dapad8oaUnoVin*laai4 »'. ukm. •;:JubliiiK alwaji jmnJi utarly attondad J'jWOnlmWt at Ilia Brtof.DnijBtonoT a Mr;#oi, H,OoodalB:or at'lba port ofloa will \: bawomiiU.aU«*lad:to.; Corner Urtw and i ; rimB ; HKW JERSEY I11O8 JUSISO CO. j, JOHNSON, ,-. ,•:;;•• s?;•••;•: •.;•;••.: /cjiitBo tton,.[orall * notl»,. and urali*d at tfortj . in I *• ,»a».ot. - ^S i ;_WUrtEB..w«ar,! <»^!*» HEATH& DRAKE. : , linjjortsttipns a -1 UUUi/<'j R«litlra;fFuU'(>iyioa,'at urn' eitrA'jp^i-'valtie for *... ••''':";,(•.••. >V.,•!••;.•:.«v. limiii ilUB to BKLBOT New Fall'Stylts (Sow Ready?; tf« BM jirRpaiis^ tii tnilMaml loy all mmlnratflprh-u. BUILDING i in, rliioit llacvltbalKK nforll,«ICP..;- l tw'unaot ^ ^ WKRRANTKU total WoR-ll.l I Cnunpi, Chafer*, Cbol«i» Mnrbun, D«ea- toiTi STok H-itortw, lwJlfBtton; Flttolwwi or Wind CMlouid8M SlokMM.*: : =/.':';-- J l l b l FlllCdidrtJ in^.-'.(iii - <<?«v;.-->. •-i'; i v j:i-^ ; *^>f/^y^^y '••:'.'. ; y ^^v\V. k ttad^ wltli IMbM of a W u i l a i in tli :llna and add at livioj pilcn.'; Call awl --•. eiamina my vrtock and prim.'/. All ' .':*;">- giKidi deilwwd to any »rt ; r of ;>: :•;;;;:.:;'.:tl»:tomiat lliortnliHile.J5^;%••;. N AH lor mla UMMowing plvata prppBrty'tj^-.'; WO^TBACrtS t)P LAND BITOATBDlK THE BBCOflD TRACT tontain,IU B-UO .JrjS!,;!', f , ".BWPBASgjWii % •'-':' •'. - lit-' CAMPAIGN BEGUN Horn 73 MARKET STREET," NEAR P L M E STREET (LIMITED)' . Ssvorlmre.W6ot niiy.other \mtmgivdn the citizens o l u i n n and \ieinitv BUCII n grent O])|iorlnnitv niul urli npiiiml ilifpUy of n] nmy patterns of OilpulK, neiv designs of, Biulroqni SiiilH, rain' ntjicH o( Pniliir.Snita »nd new jmtfJ-i'tK nf Bangm; will) nil tlia tiioilnrii im- proveinMits and at anoli tixtrritnoly low prmes: '•'• NOTICE THE N"AME JLMOS BEFORE ENTERING THE STOPE. ! ; ;; ; . IlipNO OPillKGWEEK Andareprc'clnotipuof n Bteol Priot^Engraviog will be Rivnn 'io nyer pnmtieBpr at bur eHtalilisliivienl, Oumo nud BOO HH,'..wiirlliiir juu ;mr- cliiiroTpt not, nnd see vt»lifit. low prim"; fair; cValing. nnd m '"(tone form. EVERYBODY WEIyCOME,; - '•,;_ THE fOBTLANIj BAK&B Beeinfi:lo:|)Oj : Vy cniiyewatioD, tho maiii 'Tang**.- Our- latt order-for: them waaHwo ear loads. ,NOTE THK: KXMB AMOS: BEFORE ENTEItlNOTBESTOJtE. ' STORE IS THE OTJR fi««s eniiiitf Ffu of cusfgiio soy Pan of i^6 s 'StBPHONEiSS^ Ni^Phme'St^^ lilliiii^ 1 " vliioli Iiai given the bo»t satisfaction, 'Oneof/timeiii n»o Riijeaf •^'.V^.S;- i :' : ' l '-"''«wiUvoi^A^ PlumMnj, Tlnulng, Steam He»tlnif and Hot Wiater Heating 11 M ^0 Alto dealer in 8raall Kuiioal Imtruments of all kinds, Trim- -;-s2iiillig» trad Snppliei, Bheet;Mu4o Mfl MB»|O B'iiikB,^ :; v.tietiiri»Pram«ioB'-hani!and tnada'tdtinian .Onlentaiien forCmfun and011 Pnrtnlui. Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, COMPETITION is healthy and; [ like it. The advantage of having the] largest stock made by the best manufiictirers in the country, keep- ing everything from A to E, the leading trade in tJ((B cities of Dover, Boonton and I'i justifying large purchases at terd; 'are substatial reasons f y d; 'ar it . iaro substantial reasons for inviting icultranors to share advantages that competitors cannot give My Spring styles aro superior to anything ever shown in Morris County and are not excelled any- whero. Liidiel, call andexamine my su- perb assortmeifc of Ties and Slippers in all colors, widtjipatid prices, ranging from ^ p gg Q $ OQ^ ^enueinen'8 styles in Rns Set and Choc(|lato colored Bluchers ani Bals. in addition to the largest lino of rog- iilar.goods eyelshowii in the county. 1,01)1) pair of CliildiWs Shoes from 33c. to 89c, being |ne-thii'd of their value on i coMlwr, and tit* gttttttl vordlok Is. tbafc. I"" 1 *"? ^ «?• iiitiwt capacity he 1* second to none, not «••"""»""• *"" 1 '--' even tha ablo nnd enthufibutlc Jaoub Kot longaft^r tha game luul been started was there ait earnest kick against tlie umpire. The Medical Director luul Neloctod an elderly eiiiMl Imuwii on " Fop Hearing, 11 to pre Kids over thi*game, hut no pi-unoumwl and tnijiiiiitln wuro the proteaU from iinniibeni nf Llio oaiiteating uluox that, tie bad to bo g . patleuta Iwikod on, and enjoyed tlio rare sport. Tt dromiltodtn a tie. The soon Cfjndenctd Milk...... „,;'...",. : .'. L ...;...,.8a Bib. P«tlJelly .... i i..'.;..',„ BTo. Sib. WortNtu-Ntcd .... , ...... ti THH^lNR^T MIKKRHOrA;, TB»1' KI.OUR M»HH, OM.Y j i I r-r i'RIl mil. ; V; ' •''"•..• : -*V •' • : ' • i P T a I .>••••. ... »f*.eKKHKI. NO. I, ONLY (ft j 20 ONB rouNi) oi'KXiiuii'Wtin'i'EA >N(>;nSif..|'aUNim liisr QRAIIUMTIIP At 11>, u. tb«* AmuwniBnt HsJl wanpacked i i)vurfl'iwing, ohd tlie heartB of man> aliimtB grew gitul bocause wliea the rttlitmtra HtorUxl up, it meant tlie opunlug |i nf tliu tvcnlar weekly dunoos, whtgli wltli other forms of nniUMmenta serve to break tliomouotoayof institution life. It was a great rtsy and a glorious evening, andmans* who by tlinlr atnictiiiii otie would tlilnk would lw soil nnd rtowmwt, worn niiula Joy- Tlio out-iloor m'liiWioiita addml (a tie In- utltutiniitliiii nott*iii liavs Biiablvil tlintte In ,o to uiitortatn Mul ninuw \htt pMmto i)oreoxton)ilfet/!alotliau lion prolwbly lioen kuoini In (Uo Matory of tbe inititutloD, aud It is uwloiibttHJy amove in the right di- rection. It is a healthful employment ef the ' nl aiiil lxMly,aiid eveu In tliom r*tea where )i ocunjiatiou of muid'aml muwlo doos lotteud u> bring about recovery, tt must (Uy iinke more cheerful many of tho ounuf tliefrllvsaof alflloUon. . Tl.fl Umpitol bos a Ant olan team of bane I>*H Vlaysw, wmpoeeiUt nltowlatito anA em- ployeea of the Institution, whioli occasionally |ilayn vlsllliig clubs. It Is surprising the iiniMiHj.rt intorwtdlplayml by the itntioiitA i tliiweganiM. " '..'"•. V Ttioy nre the U)])In of dlwuswloii all over Mliouio, tmUi In tho a'mln ami fwiialu de- IDIIU, nnd many, of tlio rlirciilo com ira HU>]I their nioanlitgH, anil for tho line forgut tlielr HorrowH and jnln in tlio IOI-B liealtliful aiiil intoruHtliiK toi>lc, , : NEM 1 BOOR TO THE POST^OPFICE, WUHnlh«»Uttlrtjilajla!ltt«>limiiitao^ilnUb««ciaatH p«rcenU Ian than uiniai;. Blnra I.OKIIIWH ad/nrtliMnmU «re tie tobby of tb« day we f«ka Uli method to dnllcit.yourattenMon. ln-ji.Wfirt.biisln»< way, ,RaroemW. WVIWUSTON DUOa-, AT 'llii:m UKEAf CLOriilNU bl'ANl>, KKH1'A I ' — always on hanl.'',''Ottr. gooili bav« lieea Hlccted with Very grwt cire. .Ca]l wbeoyou h»*e ttoe to tpore. Arrangamenti btlof mada with [mportera and ;wboli^e trade we are prrparedtftrurnttb you (ood* at low pricee and the Call early and late „_., _. j and jobbers in the waare preparedfatrurntib jou foods,at low prlcas aDd.tna best tbat are 'I . t: lTbtjUt«rtle-iitm of bi«**' : . Toil wUIfliid"* brttei W^riffleiit with twtban it any tarle In ttadty.(-.;i;- v -: •••-:• "r.'-"' 1 - 1 -. - ' l! : •-•-••'••"••'-•••.; '•:•••:-'••;•;;--,•- ' • • Wo hivt'a Urn stock bt Flia' 8bltta-Naw York liilla-tba ohaapett and hot Jon cinfltii]./. Donotfcr|.ttooallaBilaaa lit,.* ffaap thlalo jour mind.; Alito.Tlalteil anil Oi»n lk»omEiiitreli<orelBblraii>rtba tKat.mitartal., .. , , ;•t ..:'.,,: . , " ^ ^ f AND;--/ CELLULOID ^.COLLARS, *Bt« mating nibm for Poll Qbodi; Gr»t Kaduotluu In.prlnea, (ba llka'of wlilcb ban nayer Ixteii known before,; : ; : OP ALL KIND3. ^ g ; fi rptiiejps, ! Blaokwcll Street, opp. Baker Opera Home, IOVEE. N. J. CLOOK . ' , " ( » ' B1DBWAUC.' ir Diamonds, Watfelies, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Silver-Platod Ware, Qold Pens. Silver-Platea Knives, Forks and Spoons, ..':•.- ' '!^ l: -AT THK LOWEST HARKBTP1UCE./ ;, WEDDING AND-BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, SOU- :- : ; ':• f:; :^: :'V£!MB SPOONS,' ; .,';:':; •;.,.• tha laiKut ataortniwjt aw ahomt InDorar. A full Una or ElMctaclm alul Ej. Olaina. to fninea o! Gold, Btatl and llnWxr, promrl; luad to tbeeTa.- I am constantly nplanlibtcK my itook.ln all Its depart* : ••-.. n w l . . .Tmi *lll al»iya Hod[tboTatiit patlam. and alylm. ' ' dTAllkindlotWATOHIB, 0UKJK8 andJKWRI.RT HRPAmBD or otberwfaa nnoratad aa raqoirad; , '.'; • '. • . Tim WAT0UES ADJH8TI0 TO TKHPEBATUItE AND POSITIOK. : Watches Sold :on Instalments. SMFTU•«-;FAHSIIH^y . Masons and Builders, Contracta for al! i uieTerybnuioli(rfinaannwark. J0BB1B0 fEOMPTLY AITIHIOBD TO. ; . > V / - ' . : - . , ; ' : : . . . : . ' . ' . - : - . . \ : . . . - . MAOTQFTHELOTS.. WHS. MoUAiri 1 . L •' •-• offered at .•" '-•' REDUCED RATES have been taken. Whou tho rest have been, sold the ;':•;;•; vV prico; willbe LAB0B DAY AT THE NEW JEBSEY STATE HOSPITAL.«)r Day at tlio Nuw Jer».iy SUitii Hi jiltal miM IUI uniiHimlly Ititorotrtiitg one. The fair wottthvr ami LnwJng atimw]>horo mivlo tlio patieute to Indulge iu i door BitarU to tlio-ir heartu content. l a tlie forenoon tbo female patients wltli thoir attendant)!, made merry the tenal ud tlit* sitrroundlng gromidx, and many gonivs of (ntorwting t^nnla wero IIIURII to tlie ainnsenioiit aiul t taininent of all present. Iu tbo aftoruoon a ganie or Itaw Iwll wan played ujnn ttiejnagniilceut grounds of the Institution, It waa not simply an interesting, or entertaining affair, it was hntnonw. Both nfoos were composed antiraly ot mart of them bafng brawny; able hodM men, wlio had toned good ball in dnysgoi by, and Uioy Bhowed thuy had not forgotten mmo of the IUIMO euipliatic and lin|Mjrtant featunm of this popular gwny. Ouonlti waa umpired Ly Jacob W. who Is one of tb most eulbusiagtla atlmlrura of ball playing, iBODg out* genthmen patleutn. The other nine wai umpired by Clutrles U. young man wlio had not spoken a word audible to mortals for about two years, unti bull began at the Hospital, when in an tmguanled moment, or a moment of mllalilo excitement, he spoke. On lAbor Day he itood upon the coaching line, and oont«9t«d honora wltli Jacob W Two ctlier umpires ofllclated dd Ab before tlio ganie.w«a tl k About Ttio it on the Vorit of the Booitton's new pitohar. Ta UM a familiar exprtrton BOOL tonpeoplearedaftdltDokonhlin. Io the hit four gauea tbls pitcher has -truck out 37 iu-n. Where Is that Rocktway "router 11 that pridi UimKlI on Hllrr^s old pitclttog f Do fou tlilnk Uller ever caine up to that r Urlfllos pltohfd ouil BIIIHII ("tight and the Jloonlotis made tevtnteon runs. This number teemta i Boonton'i limit. TbU has been Boontot: miDilwr of run* in tbrw out uf tta lut four gamei played, and tbeNewarka went borne difguited, alihough they had eight goon eggs a remember tbe "fanners" of Boonton by. Boonton.., ft 0 8 0 7 3 D j _ ] Newark,, UOUUUO p II— Stopped after eighth failing so Newark could cmMi the tralu. We uoticwl Day oi thegrouads. Protnblm we ltarucd that tbi Rookiwajfi did not'play tbe 0. N. T.'a be cants Carter, the »-R. A. 0., came with them to play agslnst toe ft. A. C. but don' • BASE BALL, ..H. -\. 0. Vfl HUKIUv'tUlak. ";-.• •iMt Satui'dfty, •when ths Murray Hill dub U )lt. A,* p., tbeytirouglittttongHain Cartnr, taa of the p]aj'(ii-n who aoouplo of weeks be- 'oro hadduwrtod'tlie lattwoluli in a very '~ " liiaimor witliout causti. Mana- ger Doughty, aoting under the" advice of the oHiclnUt of the H, A, C., refused to pUy ngaliutt Carter, aud when w u stated the uuuiBger of tlie Murray Hills he linmfr- itlfltcly decided that Carter sliould not piny .tlie gaitiH, taking the grouutl 'that all reputably amataw. dub« should hnife fiwtio protection ngftlimt unscrupulous players, but u tlio boors aliowa the champions of New- York wore not crippled by the same, oa their catcher put up one of the Hunt games eeen on thoIlocVaway grounds tills season. At the _ <\ jonccment of UieflM. Inning it looked rv} nughtlie'H, A. O.wni)ldbebodlybeaten' it not entirely shut out, as tha wore then stood:! toll Infivpr of thoviellore, but in this tuning tha borne team, by good stick work, piled up throe runs,' ttetng the eenn, and from then out-was witnessed one of thi iad Intemitlng ciunmena on tlie IU A; 0/ grounibi this season. The bat- ting and fielding of bath dubs was superb. Eii tbelr half of thd fifth'the visitors scared one ran, BgMn taking the lead. Tbeyblanked tlo home t«am In the sixth and added two more runs tfl their More. ; In the seventh the II, A, 0.' added two'runs to their opponent's la the eighth the homo team, by some One batting and the'_ beet team' workseea on tha grounds ihla season, added fourrunj to score and easily disposed of their oppon- 'Thuiended the run-getting,'as neither Mored In the last tinning/ 1 ; Following In tlie complete score: AB; ' u. mi. TO. IUMIX,I.B..., r> . i)U .;,,'. b tookmau, ilh...,. 4 EcCarthy,p..,,.4 Gordon. Ib', ..... 4 . UeninteiE.l.f..... 4 XoCortnack.tib.*. 4 ' 4 Btrongr.f ..... :.. 4 .1 a II -1 7 U .67 12 n. A. c, AH. hex, •... 5. [urley.ab...... ;. fl •Kb, Ib... S; Tavau Wsll. i'.Ffohter.of.... fi iroetnan,l.f.'..... !> 'ippett,^ti 4 D. Wtar1Tj....J- _ Total! , . , , 4tf U »)..•!» •U'elsli o u t - lilt by lintt&l Ull.- 0 0 1-, 1 1 II 1 was oervotl up last Monday and(n the u Ing game tha Boontnut came very iu_. ohoklnit ti> death. Ilolb sides ployed g,u* ball. Theroornfeitgiimn waattie l»nt. C of the anut exhibitions of firofeMlonal In ball plsylng was wen at Vint Boonton tl in was that given hj- |boHoontn •Calnatthe Newark Piald Cluu. Tliolioon tool pbyrd ill through tbo game u if t. m«Dt buslneis. - At the close of tbe gome n) lett the ground well MUaiiod with the garni and would eipect another one In the noon, but their exptntatfnii »n* not u aa we stiall tee. Catcher FlntMase Phillips Murph Pleno Kelli R. 1', looker H. V'orman Boonton i) t tfewark 22 Third Raw HhortBtop Left Field Centre PW.l Kl*ht Field SOORK BV INNINUH. 0 1 .1 1-1 a <) 0 (J— Huillva Hrifltm Hi AtTtUKOOX DAVE. Only one of Cajit, Htullfa'a mosaic collection nf Use ball curifliitles readied third baie, but von forertr iireveuUtl from waring |>y Booflton'a line fielding. Kememlter McDon aid pitched both mornlDg and afternoon rwnton goes to RookAway Bflptember Ifith and they will liring along tbe nou-dom ,1.1B Uct).inild and stone nail Mlluer TbB Uoontohi tomorrow t m v l to Caldwol wlo anoltwr Tl«tnry. Tim Itoontnim W this lesm on July 8tb, score 9to1. 0 . M. T. VS. ROCk'AWAV B. II. II. ThaO. N. T. luue hall toain came toIlock- way on Ulwr Uay to piny two games with R. K, C, «t Umt plat*, but did imt play tho IWCAUWtlie O. H. T.'s hR u Carter witli them tn jilay tho morning game,a* tlley wero Hbortaplayer, hut (ha It, AiO.Kfuwdto playiC Carter pbjed, and the O, N, T.'n m|d that if Carter couldn't play they would not play any game ou tin R. A. 0. hToiindfl. TiioO, N. T.'a, howevar, easily got a game with the Itockaway bat* ball clllb. The Rookaway butto ball club nlm liail the i-olorod champion trick rliler of the world, I'rof, Iku Johnumi, i grountlM, nuking tint flnut apiKaninc* on a blpyclo tliat baa ever lieen In Roekaway. At WOOo'clock tho ball game aUrUxl butweon ookAwaylMBO boll club mul tlioO. N. ,% The gajjio was a very Iiitemotlng but the Uookaway bom boll club wax p l f any gamo wJUi tlie 0. N..T Von LjihorUay, and did not have anyIdwi of winning the game from the start, but did thi b t tlut caulil beex]»ctod for the nmmintof liiw tbby had togot ready In. Tlw .(J, N. .'j'elalitt Mint Hiiy liave a right to play aiiv- ouoln tliolr teaintlutt thejr wW), niid th«*; won't allow any one to pick nut their playars for them, and they claim iwUi gninoa froi R.A. C. The following IK' tlw w«ro liy WAHIUNHTOV, AUK- SO.—Tlie House made nLdrt Murk of thti silver (jueiitlou yea- t*>rtlny. Voting begun on the Bland five coinage •iibitltuUt at 12:13, uud the JO to 1 frus colllAfjs prouonitlou wai (lefmlrLtl — yew, ll>3; nny», Sffi. The ttiirinuintmeiit of tbe vots wm rectlved vrilti aiijilmistt mul HUIIIU gurjirlMe At dm DinJnHlj iiKufnxt fmi COUULKO, Lt U'lng nearly double the larfjeMtestimate u.nduby tbu miU-silvtr couinillUie. Mr. Hlflinl asked a yea sod naj vole on tbu <iUt'Ntlun of fre« toluugu fit the ratio of 17 Ui 1, mul wciiral IL Tlw mult was yuati, t(«l; imyii, 240. The 18 to 1 free coinage atupudiiieiit noa jwud. VtJis, 103; uuya, aytt. The vnUt on theIUto1aiuauilmeiit was S;J7 to ion against. Tim Hligltt tfaln mnde ou tbi'liltfhurrnUon ait nliown )iy thelam two vutcx WAH not mi- expitU-d liy wrniB of the leuiJenr, aud it WUH thu pulillnhed knpri'Hulou of thoHg tliut tl»e mtluof SOto 1, the next aiuoutliuent offered bp Hr. filuud, would poll the largest vote record hi fAvor of freecaiuaga, Tlie tlia roll CH!! was: Yean, 110; *ya, 888. The nmetidmeut ta re-enact tha Illand- lllfon act vrn» ilcfeiited. Venn, V.IQ; »yn, ailt. Then when nil tuene propn»!tluiiN had * a n>lfcu>d a vote won taken on the uduptltiii of tlio WilMou bill for the uncon- ditional it-poul of tbu purchnHtiig clnn* of tlio-Blienunu act requiring tho monthly jmrcliuse by the United Htutonof $4,500,.' 000 uiiDoes otflne ellvnr. This bill JVM vwd by a vote of 240 to 110. In oue Hiiwi tlio rot lug In the House wiui Uulntcmtlug. Wlien it, was seen tbilt tho nutiillvor nieii wore in a slroug mnjorliy upon the Qrnt voto Uken, the gol'eriea rclnpaed iuto their IIHIIQI bur.z nf ctitiversatlou nnd ou the floor the victors vniuiulsheu alike rvllren to tlie ulouk Hto llybt tba great Mttla over ngalu In R ifHiilii) niuod. Tle silver mou fult clingrlned at their ovorwhelinlng dofent but they look their 1 overthrow pbllosopliloully mid found In their Into opDonuuta iuau who wren too gtiierouc to uaj ought of ungTOclousoeaa, AfU^r Mr. CaUlilnjfS had givau notlca that he u-ould call upthe Hoimo ruius today, tbu Umme at 8-IJO adjourned. .WASHINGTON, gapt 1.—The »peei-U of Jlr. Wuloult (Itep.i CoLJagattistUwblll to njl tlie jiurchnslu? climwi of Slierninu act was delivered yeatenfny lu tho preteuca of almost all [IIB Bcnatora, and cf ti Inrue uJieua) In tint gnllerlra. Thu most toll- ngpaita ot It, and tlicwt thai nmiiw-d and iillflXAtwl lUt liwWflTB most, "wnraj Hiitiu liUKitrcjiis mul wircnsllo lunches, in lvhicu ID Jtijiluiw! the eouvonlouof Doinncriitlo lat«nmeu from tbelt Iwliuf Inhllvitr and tlielr iluvotlon Ut biraeUllisui, to the gall onometiillism f,ath of the Pmihlent, Tlie next gpwcll wiu onthe opposite sldn of the [juentlnsi and wan nmdo by Mr. CafTery, tha auccessoi- of Ut, Gllnon of . Luutalntm. It na> Ills flint, "npjwurnufi' tit the Senate DH a aiwetVmnker, hut tlia p l i won remarkable MH {inmnuiu-til declaration lu favor' or imcftiulltlotiai re. ul of the Hhernjan law, ni though ho ml- iit!«l UinttliejrtMltinu w te;.en hy him. light not meet l lie approval of lilx Suitti, nd mlglitpnta to his further puliilcal enrnr. Tba resolution offered last ireelt by Mr. - trer (Pup.! Km.) Jit refi-rance to nnttoiial banks ruftiBlng topuy cbunkn of ttiolr. dopoiltoralii currency WIUI taken upland Bgalnit ItlacpjwHltlou auil a ncoro of other '.•• HenatorA, .wai referred to the Finance Cum*' .' U t l t » W t 2 L g oekavrayn.,.. :i DO I ) ) (I ( I I it-T J.M.T.S".... ,. l) 8. 1 0 0 (I 8 4 t—Ifi Earned runs, Rocliaway 5, 0. N. T. 8; !truck out, by Hawkins *>, ty Boiluy 7; bam balls, by Hawkju I,T>y Bnlloy 3. Tlmu of gaine, two lioura and W> minute*. Umpires, ami Mills, bothdolngvory guoct w , Fill DAT, BKP. I. ' ,' ., ; >n unknown laborer wan killed by n irnm on the Uitist ltlnud railroad near lllld :J!oveo-year-ol<\ Mury ITttdiell wan fa- tally burned nt Brooklyn hy tlio ignition of cupoIvnrnlBh. • . ilnttlo Stmtton, a beautiful and accom- ilfliifl yninig woninii. luu been arreatcd t .Tort Tonnsund for sniuggtlnff opium. 5ndpilok Brooks, jr., agwl 10, WAS irnlulil* fatally injured at Mount Vernon iv Ix-inic thrown (rom a Lanw und kicked ' lie lirad. ; " , Fr: nk A. Uwls, of Now Vork, wna nr- resHlHt Cottage City, Mom;, for obtnlu- under fnlw prcteuw-s. He i* a Ing maney under fnlw pr Dullre of Pat«rsdD. N. J. : 1 a « -I ft ft 7 8 a lurrny Hill.,.. 0 0 !i I 1 a 1 tl 0—7 [.A.Ju,;,.,,.. <l 0 II 0 Jt" H-U -| o—)i Homo run, Frootnon} two-bane hits, Ue- tl IV'obh, \Vfwr, Uoviuiagh; Bacriflco n Iwm on blhi'ofr UCrtUH game, one liour nad Ilfry-e!ght i Umpire, Yoghurt) Kogen. " , n,nuv|UiK, ' - • On Maturtlsy Iwt" tho DenvillM cameIo toonton with Cornel from Hoboken I guess g pitfib, Frank Rlghter caught and two' lundred found Callahin played short, and fter the «..™d Iniilo« the Denrilln wlihod I Emnm Ff Uachnian, aged SO, wife of % Itxwr Cfntrnl •enitlueer, cut her throat tttabtttcnorVulfeat Morse's Uilla, N. She left three children.. Tlie loHjtshoremeu'i strike at New York n over, the men havlug ylotilfd and ap- i!ic<l far work: Jlore than (10,000 mluem returned to work iu Wales yenttinlny. About 4D.0A0 cnawotlll nub, Two more su!ipeo<]Ml twiilm ot T/iutfiville, the Olty Natlobtil and tlie Jturcliauta Na- llonsl, have resumed buslncwi. It required 1,793 ballata U>nouliiata H. Eundy tor Congress nt Irbnton, O. The Slonmouth Park Association bns corotaencril a libel «ult a^nitiHt the New York 'limes and tbe Ne\r York Tribune fur }100,000dnmng«, . fiATUUDAV, HKV, 8. Tliere In no yellow- ftrer lu Florida. Tl.a Itutalwsa oltar bill of health. Orders liave been sent from the Navy )i nnrtinint for the dissolution nf the E.hrIiiK Sen fleet, li» (utper mill at Roaring Spring, Pa., m/jiiuylng aliaut 800 men, boyn and glrb, if ir|mrliig to renume nperHtionii. - Vlin cwper Rtoua ot the ,lay OouW Me- muilid Cuurcli at Kuxbury, ' Delaware County, N. Y.{ wan laid at noon by George Oouid, ': The Duncansville, Pa., Hulling Mil, em- ploying between 600 andWO man, bus re- sumed operations after a several wrekV •Imtdbwn. Fk<* hundred employes of MID Sforrlnon it. Oftfw Paper Mill at Altoonn, I'n., have , been given employment by a niirtlal re- 01 snmiitlnn ot the plant . <in nwouut of the uuccrtnlnty of Am-rl- cau Intcrmta In Cliliia occann at the (Sriiry law the gunboat Petrel will be went tu Hiina without delay. The Comptroller of the Curiviir.r to-tlny appolnlwl Mr, K. E. Bvcklmm, of Fort Worth, receiver of tbe El i V o Katlpunl Worh, recer of the El iV £nnk or Texan, El Paso, Terns, Find Comptroller Bowler boa returned resulted Ina dead heat, Kiiott for Uittall, WAHinflOTOS,' Srp. 4—Tho 'PraMilcnt and Secretary Urcnbam nre giving ntleu- tlou ta the eluctlou of o nowMinister to Hawaii to mtcceed Mr. Ulnuut nnd so ap- pointment' to the ofllce of Minister pmy be expected in tbe nenr futtuo. hey had n e w seen Booatoo. Thebomedob tmm WasMnjrton from oh homo iu Ck dmplr played with Camel's enrves and he' clnusll, O. Hofauappointed Mr. tt'ai a "dead»Inge"a» the boys expreunl ft.j wick, of Ohio, bin prtrnte wcreUry, llemanwttU to m.bellTa hit- off our 'lira match race for JIO.ODOn nido ove oD-comperaUa Mcllonald, while Hoonton the Futurity course betnetin J. It. Kwiie' made fourioea. MoDooild eollpwd all jin)- Doinioo autl Richard Oroier's Ubll lou» rewnis by striking nut fmirteen ot DBVHIe'Bbattff". B. Dlckerson and Camel sre the only men on the team tbat be. did itatrike out. Ai lor the Boonton J. He- Mld, F. Pear, Oliver, John Wcl). and Mil- reachinai]«a'twobaie hit. 1 tn the fourth lohn MoD. llnna out a' tfane-btgger sent In K. V, looker and. Oliver. Denvllle made hre« rum in the flnrt, Cooper and F. RlghteT Mrodon E. p,,I^ookerV throw home, lbs ind Mew. the ball away-from Milner and ne tn. Again Jo tbt'lHtfe Oliver'* fM throw let In E. ami F.' Dlckerson. The i c o r e : ' ' : ; . .... ';;."• ' ' • - '• . - . [)«nvlll8..t.... '8 0 0;0 4 0 0 0 0—7 Joonton . , 4 8 (f S 1 S 4 0 x—17 BaUcries, UoDonald and Milner i Camel at! P. Righto.. Umpire, 0. W. Wobtton. : '. nnoirron vs. NEWARK FIKLD CLDB. Tnebojigotagood rest Sunday,for they knew well they had to play ball on Ubor Day arrl ptayballtheydld. Wnrdwupowd l f C tlie line that the Newark Field Club . ClDfeland at the WARHIHOTON, Sep.' 4.—President Cleve- land and Secretary Lamntit occupied a box at the Nation»t TliMtrt Saturday night, and apparently enjoyed tho performance oi Frobtnan's comedians In the new play, n n O i h r i t n a " ; rnotlomil Sllrer, PAIUB, Aug. 80.—Tbe French govent ment hoa agreed tocall A conferancd of tut members of the Latin Union in Purls, to deddo the question of ths DBtlonalizatlon of fractional diver carrenoy. i lT#Uh Chair for lh« Jr»!r 4—A SHORT WORfC OF SILVER The House Declares for Un- conditional Repeal. iBHiNorow,fep.l.—'ThrenhinK over: oiUHtraw" WM tho nmupmit-ul vrhHi tin..,.. 1 Houna indulgetl lu yesterdny, liienilcsof . tha Fifty-third Cougrew wero relcgaW < Io . the backffrouutl, (inil. tliu r u l a of tlie FKty-ftat ConKrosn came iv, far, t&o cliiof part of the discussion. No new clinrgea wen made and no noV annwern . were iuV terjectetl, but Mr, Heed WM kept upun hU ftiet almost continuously. juHtlfyins the. propriety of his course wlieu he ocntinled Uieobmir. Tbe banking ami currency'and tha coin; ranted leave to report at any time; Mtid these were tbe only noteworthy clntngon nmde In the new code. But there Is nh" amendment still pondiag that, if tuloptal, may lu Iminu: WIM far-reaching lu Ha effect*. It was offered by Mr. Borttner ot Louisiana and provides for a* practical clotnra whenever amember in cliargv of « measure an the floor aooa lit to auk tor It. No action was token ou this nuifiidiuunl before an adtourntueut, . . . Tale WMU tu« Ilodlai. 1 NsvV HATBIT, Conn*i Sep. i.—The (ao- titty or Yale have nottHed the local select- men tliftt, uccardlng to a recent act nawted- by the General Assembly, all bodies of persona dying within the town's Jiirlwllc- and unclalmad by friends for 24 lionnr, must be tumed over to that inHtllittlon. The college lias totiflwl other charitable Institutions In tbe State to the wmc efftct; Tbe local (own oHlclula do uot. relish tlis) lavr, owlns to UJB commmit it will excite. Brutal I WASHIKQTOK, Sep. 1.—Mrs. Einuift 0. Sickles, clnilrman of the Indlnn Couimlttea of tho Universal Peace Union, ho* trouH< mittcd to tbe proper authorities a vigorous praU-nt againsb the "brutal and cruel exhl. ., Illoni vrhich have Iienn glvtu of Ilia jHlihiiSuuIWef-nt. tlia World'n Oolimi* blnn l'jti«siUon," uudertlmtUrectloiior the \ Worid'n Fairomciiil*. . , . • WAsios, Sep. 1.—Patrick Eg«n, •x-Miuister toClilli, called at the Htala Department yesterday to pay his fMpecta a SecreUry Qresbsm. llr. Egautold a •oporter tliat he was anxious to visit Lon*, lau and Dtiblla to re!»U to bia frleudi ho cnluninieit that were bonped on bint < lurliijf bis ofllclsl career at tianllago. KnxUad «ni Slam. , • ' LONDOU, Sep. 1.—The London Clumber cf Commerce, In urging the adopUau ot lromeuial« measures to protect Brltltb' jn- lrentsin Slam, points out that Infringe- ent ot Slam's Independence would per- manently lujtiro Gnat Brltaiu tbrougbouC the East. 3A« The Worll'« Fair Vox FlfUisn Gents, Upon receipt of your addrw and Of teen eents la pnntagn sUmps, we will mall you prepaid our SOITVKNIR PORTFOLIO or TDK ^ COUJMMIAS Hxpoamopi, tbe rfg- liar price is Fifty Contu, but as we want yon , have one, wo make tbo pries nominal. You 111 find It a work ot art and a thlnft to bo irked. It contains full pago views of tfao >at buildings, with dworlptlons of same, id IB executed ID highut style of art If \ )t MUided with It after you got It. «e' will fund tbe stamps and let you kpepttie book.. ld H. K, BUCKr-EN, &CQ., - : " Chicago; HI. Dr, Saln'a Household Ointment.' : is tbe flnwt remedy ID the worlil. 2$ abao- ' toty cures cat-rrb. It cures neuralgia and emiiailsm, Camtitles Ilka magic. Cures- salt rhfura In the most soothing manner., ireu inIUmodanil grsuuIat?d«yeUdt. Curea' ~ iiflh* and colds. C»n taken Internally, positive «p«|(!o (nr pneumonia. •Cuta, . nlws, burns, fhlllilnlnK, scirea of long lUnd- Ing, corns and bunions are cured quickly; different from all <1M> ; superior to .11 els©; It . has no Njual. 25c..and COc. boxes. Urge lMPhcape«t. Bold at Rbt KlIlVC nor Drug Store, Dover. N. J. Buoklen'a Arnica Salve, Tho lust salvo in the world for Onto, Korna, . Braises, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fairnr florw, Tetter, Chsppwl Hand*, Chilblains, Coras and all Hkln KrnpUous, and positive* cares ' Pil«,ornopayr»qulred. It ti quartnteed to Rive potfect MtUfactlon, or nioney Jft-, funded. Price twenty-five cent* per boa, FormlohyJlobert Klllgore, Dover, Orani, lanpe A Co., Pnrt Onm, and F. N. Jenkins, . > Mrs. a. 0. Hhea, of UOford, Keb., M J , the sttlTi r-om a oompllcation of disaosM of. female weaknen and liver «ml kidney trouble* Her' tealth was fully restored by asipg Dr. HalaV Hmucbold, Tea, Us mc«t plpasutuid UMt' :

Transcript of lilliiii^ -...



^ • : V ' ; - ^ ^ ? ' ^ l ' W ^ . ( H H I n . e P B a ^ J ' r l t l i l A y . B ^ ' , : ; • ; . ,


$100 i» $9001P«'k md Mounliln »VM. »nil Vkinllv, "','}'B|uk«nll Mid.UnM.8ti.K-:,:.:. :;:•..-

Rlchardf ind M)rllB *iot,, , 7*.: ' ' ; Lawrence St. and on Ford Ava.*,;

i S N S w C h h

•*. —.-—dapad8oaUnoVin*laai4»'. ukm. •;:JubliiiK alwaji jmnJi utarly attondadJ ' j W O n l m W t at Ilia Brtof.DnijBtonoTa Mr;#oi , H,OoodalB:or at'lba port ofloa will\: bawomiiU.aU«*lad:to.; Corner Urtw and

i ; r i m B ; H K W JERSEY I11O8 JUS ISO CO.

j , J O H N S O N , ,-. ,•:;;•• s?;•••;•: •.;•;••.:

/ c j i i t B o• tton,.[orall* notl»,. and

urali*d at tfortj. in I * • ,»a».ot. U»

- Si ;_WUrtEB..w«ar,! < » ^ ! * »


:, linjjortsttipns

a-1 • UUUi/<'j


urn' eitrA'jp^i-'valtie for

*... ••''':";,(•.••. >V.,•!••;.•:.«v.

limiii i l U B t o BKLBOT

New Fall'Stylts (Sow Ready?;

tf« BM jirRpaiis^ tii tnilMaml loy all



i in, rliioit


l t w ' u n a o t

^ ^

WKRRANTKU total WoR-ll . l I

Cnunpi, Chafer*, Cbol«i» Mnrbun, D«ea-toiTi STok H-itortw, lwJlfBtton; Flttolwwior Wind CMlouid8M SlokMM.*: : =/.':';--

J l l b l F l l l C d i d r t J


•-i'; ivj:i-^ ;*^>f/^y^^y '••:'.'.;y ^ ^ v \ V .

k ttad^ wltli IMbM of a W u i l a i in tli: l l n a and add a t livioj pilcn.'; Call awl--•. eiamina my vrtock and prim.'/. All ' •.':*;">- giKidi deilwwd to any »rt ;

rof ;>::•;;;;:.:;'.:tl»:tomiat lliortnliHile.J5^;%••;.


lor mla UM Mowing plvata prppBrty'tj^-.';



.JrjS!,;!',f, ".BWPBASgjWii % •'-':' •'. - lit-'




. • Ssvorlmre.W6ot niiy.other \mtm givdn the citizens o l u i n nand \ieinitv BUCII n grent O])|iorlnnitv niul urli npiiiml ilifpUy of n]nmy patterns of OilpulK, neiv designs of, Biulroqni SiiilH, rain' ntjicH o(Pniliir.Snita »nd new jmtfJ-i'tK nf Bangm; will) nil tlia tiioilnrii im-proveinMits and at anoli tixtrritnoly low prmes:'•'• NOTICE THE N"AMEJLMOS BEFORE ENTERING THE STOPE. ! ; ; ; ; .

I l i p N O OPillKGWEEKAndareprc'clnotipuof n Bteol Priot^Engraviog will be Rivnn 'io nyerpnmtieBpr at bur eHtalilisliivienl, Oumo nud BOO HH,'..wiirlliiir juu ;mr-cliiiroTpt not, nnd see vt»lifit. low prim"; fair; cValing. nnd m

'"(tone form. EVERYBODY WEIyCOME,; • - '•,;_THE fOBTLANIj BAK&B Beeinfi:lo:|)Oj:Vy cniiyewatioD, tho

maiii 'Tang**.- Our- latt order-for: them waaHwo ear loads. ,NOTETHK: KXMB AMOS: BEFORE ENTEIt lNOTBESTOJtE. '


fi««s eniiiitf Ffu of cusfgiio soy Pan of i 6 s


Ni^Phme 'St^^


vliioli Iiai given the bo»t satisfaction, 'Oneof/timeiii n»o Riijeaf


PlumMnj, Tlnulng, Steam He»tlnif and Hot Wiater Heating

11 M

^0Alto dealer in 8raall Kuiioal Imtruments of all kinds, Trim--;-s2iiillig» trad Snppliei, Bheet;Mu4o Mfl MB»|O B'iiikB, : ;v.tietiiri»Pram«ioB'-hani!and tnada'tdtinian .Onlentaiien forCmfun and011 Pnrtnlui.

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings,


is healthy and; [ like it. The advantageof having the] largest stock made by thebest manufiictirers in the country, keep-ing everything from A to E, the leadingtrade in tJ((B cities of Dover, Boonton andI ' i justifying large purchases at

terd; 'are substatial reasons fy

d; 'arit

. iaro substantial reasons forinviting icultranors to share advantagesthat competitors cannot give My Springstyles aro superior to anything ever shownin Morris County and are not excelled any-whero. Liidiel, call and examine my su-perb assortmeifc of Ties and Slippers in allcolors, widtjipatid prices, ranging from^ p g gQ $ OQ ^enueinen'8 styles in Rns

Set and Choc(|lato colored Bluchers aniBals. in addition to the largest lino of rog-iilar.goods eyelshowii in the county.

1,01)1) pair of CliildiWs Shoes from 89c, being |ne-thii'd of their value

on i coMlwr, and tit* gttttttl vordlok Is. tbafc. I"" 1 *"? « ? •iiitiwt capacity he 1* second to none, not «••"""»""• *"" 1 ' - - 'even tha ablo nnd enthufibutlc Jaoub Kotlongaft^r tha game luul been started wasthere ait earnest kick against tlie umpire.The Medical Director luul Neloctod an elderly

eiiiMl Imuwii on " Fop Hearing,11 to preKids over thi* game, hut no pi-unoumwl andH» tnijiiiiitln wuro the proteaU from iinniibeninf Llio oaiiteating uluox that, tie bad to bo

g .patleuta Iwikod on, and enjoyed tlio rare sport.

Tt d romiltod tn a tie. The soon

Cfjndenctd Milk...... „,;'... ",.:.'.L...;...,.8aBib. P« t l Je l ly . . . . i i..'.;..',„ BTo.

Sib . Wor tNtu-Ntcd . . . . , . . . . . . t i

THH^lNR^T MIKKRHOrA;, TB»1' KI.OUR M»HH, OM.Y j i I r - r i'RIl mil .;V;' • ' ' " • . . • : - * V •' • : ' • i P T a I . > • • • • . . . .

»f*.eKKHKI. NO. I, ONLY (ft j 20

O N B r o u N i ) o i 'KXi iu i i 'Wt in ' i 'EA >N(>;nSif..|'aUNim l i i s r Q R A I I U M T I I P

At 11>, u. tb«* AmuwniBnt HsJl wan packedi i)vurfl'iwing, ohd tlie heartB of man>aliimtB grew gitul bocause wliea therttlitmtra HtorUxl up, it meant tlie opunlug|i nf tliu tvcnlar weekly dunoos, whtgli wltli

other forms of nniUMmenta serve to breaktliomouotoayof institution life. I t was agreat rtsy and a glorious evening, and mans*who by tlinlr atnictiiiii otie would tlilnkwould lw soil nnd rtowmwt, worn niiula Joy-

Tlio out-iloor m'liiWioiita addml (a tie In-utltutiniitliiii nott*iii liavs Biiablvil tlintte In

,o to uiitortatn Mul ninuw \htt pMmtoi)oreoxton)ilfet/!alotliau lion prolwbly

lioen kuoini In (Uo Matory of tbe inititutloD,aud It is uwloiibttHJy a move in the right di-rection. It is a healthful employment ef the

' nl aiiil lxMly,aiid eveu In tliom r*tea where)i ocunjiatiou of muid'aml muwlo doos

lotteud u> bring about recovery, tt must(Uy iinke more cheerful many of tho

ounuf tliefrllvsaof alflloUon. .Tl.fl Umpitol bos a Ant olan team of bane

I>*H Vlaysw, wmpoeeiUt nltowlatito anA em-ployeea of the Institution, whioli occasionally|ilayn vlsllliig clubs. It Is surprising theiiniMiHj.rt intorwtdlplayml by the itntioiitAi tliiweganiM. • " '..'"•. V

Ttioy nre the U)])In of dlwuswloii all overMliouio, tmUi In tho a'mln ami fwiialu de-

IDIIU, nnd many, of tlio rlirciilo comira HU>]I their nioanlitgH, anil for tho

line forgut tlielr HorrowH and jnln in tlioIOI-B liealtliful aiiil intoruHtliiK toi>lc,


WUHnlh«»Uttlrtj i laj la! ltt«>limii i tao^ilnUb««ciaatH p«rcenU Ian thanuiniai;. Blnra I.OKIIIWH ad/nrtliMnmU «re tie tobby of tb« day we f«ka Uli method todnllcit.yourattenMon. ln-ji.Wfirt.biisln»< way, ,RaroemW. WVIWUSTON DUOa-, AT'l l i i :m UKEAf CLOriilNU bl'ANl>, KKH1'A I ' —

always on hanl.'',''Ottr. gooili bav« lieea Hlccted with Very grwt cire. .Ca]lwbeoyou h»*e ttoe to tpore. Arrangamenti btlof mada with [mportera and

;wboli^e trade we are prrparedtftrurnttb you (ood* at low pricee and the

Call early and late„ _ . , _ . j and jobbers in thewaare prepared fat rurntib jou foods,at low prlcas aDd.tna best tbat are

'I .t:lTbtjUt«rtle-iitm of bi«**':. Toil wUIfliid"* brttei W^riffleiit with twtban i t anytarle In ttadty.(-.;i;-v-: •••-:• "r.'-"'1-1-. - ' l !: •-•-••'••"••'-•••.; ' • : • • • : - ' • • ; • ; ; - - , • - ' • •

Wo hivt 'a U r n stock bt Flia' 8bltta-Naw York liilla-tba ohaapett and ho t Joncinfltii]./. Donotfcr|.ttooallaBilaaa lit,.* ffaap thlalo jour mind.; Alito.Tlalteil anilOi»n lk»omEiiitreli<orelBblraii>rtba tKat.mitartal., .. , , ;• t . . : ' . , , : . ,

" ^ ^ f AND;--/ CELLULOID,

*Bt« mating nibm for Poll Qbodi; Gr»t Kaduotluu In.prlnea, (ba llka'ofwlilcb ban nayer Ixteii known before,;: ;:


^ g ; fi rptiiejps, !Blaokwcll Street, opp. Baker Opera Home, IOVEE. N. J.


. ' • , • " • ( » • • • • • • • '


ir Diamonds, Watfelies, Clocks,Jewelry, Silver and Silver-Platod Ware, Qold

Pens. Silver-Platea Knives, Forks and Spoons,

..':•.- ' '!^ l : -AT THK LOWEST HARKBTP1UCE./ ;,

WEDDING AND-BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, SOU-:-:; ':• f:; :^: :'V£!MB SPOONS,';.,';:':; •; . , .•

tha laiKut ataortniwjt a w ahomt InDorar. A full Una or ElMctaclm alulE j . Olaina. to fninea o! Gold, Btatl and llnWxr, promrl; luad to

tbeeTa.- I am constantly nplanlibtcK my itook.ln all Its depart*: ••-.. n w l . . .Tmi *lll al»iya Hod[tboTatiit patlam. and alylm. '

' dTAllkindlotWATOHIB, 0UKJK8 andJKWRI.RT HRPAmBDor otberwfaa nnoratad aa raqoirad; , '.'; • ' . • .Tim WAT0UES ADJH8TI0 TO TKHPEBATUItE AND POSITIOK.

: Watches Sold :on Instalments.


Masons and Builders,

Contracta for al! i


J0BB1B0 fEOMPTLY AITIHIOBD TO.• • ; . > V V / - ' . : - . , • ; ' : • : • . . . : • . • ' . ' • . - • : - . . \ : . . . • - .


WHS. MoUAiri1

. • L •' •-• o f f e r e d a t .•" '-•'


have been taken. Whou tho

rest have been, sold the

;':•;;•; vV prico ;willbe

LAB0B DAY AT THE NEW JEBSEYSTATE HOSPITAL.«)r Day at tlio Nuw Jer».iy SUitii Hijiltal miM IUI uniiHimlly Ititorotrtiitg one. Thefair wottthvr ami LnwJng atimw]>horo mivlo

tlio patieute to Indulge iu idoor BitarU to tlio-ir heartu content.

l a tlie forenoon tbo female patients wltlithoir attendant)!, made merry the tenal

u d tlit* sitrroundlng gromidx, andmany gonivs of (ntorwting t^nnla wero

IIIURII to tlie ainnsenioiit aiul ttaininent of all present.

Iu tbo aftoruoon a ganie or Itaw Iwll wanplayed ujnn ttiejnagniilceut grounds of theInstitution, I t waa not simply an interesting,or entertaining affair, it was hntnonw. Bothnfoos were composed antiraly otmart of them bafng brawny; able hodMmen, wlio had toned good ball in dnysgoiby, and Uioy Bhowed thuy had not forgottenmmo of the IUIMO euipliatic and lin|Mjrtantfeatunm of this popular gwny. Ouo nltiwaa umpired Ly Jacob W. who Is one of tbmost eulbusiagtla atlmlrura of ball playing,iBODg out* genthmen patleutn.The other nine wai umpired by Clutrles U.young man wlio had not spoken a word

audible to mortals for about two years, untibull began at the Hospital, when in an

tmguanled moment, or a moment ofmllalilo excitement, he spoke.On lAbor Day he itood upon the coaching

line, and oont«9t«d honora wltli Jacob W

Two ctlier umpires ofllclatedd d Abbefore tlio ganie.w«a

tl kAbout


it on the Vorit of the Booitton's newpitohar. Ta UM a familiar exprtrton BOOLtonpeoplearedaftdltDokonhlin. Io the h i tfour gauea tbls pitcher has -truck out 37 iu-n.Where Is that Rocktway "router11 that pridiUimKlI on Hllrr^s old pitclttog f Do foutlilnk Uller ever caine up to that r Urlfllospltohfd ouil BIIIHII ("tight and the Jloonlotismade tevtnteon runs. This number teem ta

i Boonton'i limit. TbU has been Boontot:miDilwr of run* in tbrw out uf tta l u t fourgamei played, and tbe Newarka went bornedifguited, alihough they had eight goon eggsa remember tbe "fanners" of Boonton by.

Boonton.., ft 0 8 0 7 3 D j _ ]Newark,, U O U U U O p II—

Stopped after eighth failing so Newarkcould cmMi the tralu. We uoticwl Day oithegrouads. Protnblm we ltarucd that tbiRookiwajfi did not'play tbe 0. N. T.'a becants Carter, the »-R. A. 0., came withthem to play agslnst toe ft. A. C. but don'


. .H.-\. 0. Vfl HUKIUv'tUlak. ";-.••iMt Satui'dfty, •when ths Murray Hill dub

U)lt. A,* p., tbeytirouglittttongHain Cartnr,

taa of the p]aj'(ii-n who a oouplo of weeks be-'oro hadduwrtod'tlie lattwoluli in a very

'~ " liiaimor witliout causti. Mana-ger Doughty, aoting under the" advice of theoHiclnUt of the H, A, C., refused to pUyngaliutt Carter, aud when w u stated

the uuuiBger of tlie Murray Hills he linmfr-itlfltcly decided that Carter sliould not piny

.tlie gaitiH, taking the grouutl 'that allreputably amataw. dub« should hnife fiwtioprotection ngftlimt unscrupulous players, butu tlio boors aliowa the champions of New-York wore not crippled by the same, oa theircatcher put up one of the Hunt games eeenon thoIlocVaway grounds tills season. At the

_ <\ jonccment of UieflM. Inning it lookedrv} nughtlie'H, A. O.wni)ldbebodlybeaten'it not entirely shut out, as tha wore thenstood:! toll Infivpr of thoviellore, but inthis tuning tha borne team, by good stickwork, piled up throe runs,' ttetng the eenn,and from then out-was witnessed one of thi

iad Intemitlng ciunmena ontlie IU A; 0/ grounibi this season. The bat-ting and fielding of bath dubs was superb.Eii tbelr half of thd fifth'the visitors scaredone ran, BgMn taking the lead. Tbeyblankedtlo home t«am In the sixth and added twomore runs tfl their More. ; In the seventh theII, A, 0.' added two'runs to their opponent's

la the eighth the homo team, by someOne batting and the'_ beet team' workseea ontha grounds ihla season, added fourrunj to

score and easily disposed of their oppon-'Thuiended the run-getting,'as neither

Mored In the last tinning/1 ;Following In tlie complete score:

AB; ' u. mi. TO.IUMIX,I.B..., r>

. i)U .;,,'. btookmau, ilh...,. 4EcCarthy,p..,,.4

Gordon. I b ' , . . . . . 4 .UeninteiE.l.f..... 4XoCortnack.tib.*. 4' 4

Btrongr.f.....:.. 4

.1 aI I • - 1

7 U .67 12

n. A. c, AH.hex, . • . . . 5 .[urley.ab......;. fl

•Kb, Ib . . . S;TavauWsll.i'.Ffohter.of.... fiiroetnan,l.f.'..... !>

'ippett,^ti 4

D. Wtar1Tj....J- _

Total! , . , , 4tf U »)..•!»

•U'elsli ou t - lilt by lintt&l Ull.-

0 01-, 11 II


was oervotl up last Monday and (n the uIng game tha Boontnut came very iu_.ohoklnit ti> death. Ilolb sides ployed g,u*ball. The roornfeit giimn waattie l»nt. Cof the anut exhibitions of firofeMlonal Inball plsylng was wen at Vint Boonton tl

in was that given hj- |bo Hoontn•Calnatthe Newark Piald Cluu. Tliolioontool pbyrd ill through tbo game u if t .m«Dt buslneis. - At the close of tbe gome n)lett the ground well MUaiiod with the garniand would eipect another one In thenoon, but their exptntatfnii »n* not uaa we stiall tee.




R. 1', lookerH. V'orman

Boonton i) ttfewark 2 2

Third RawHhortBtopLeft FieldCentre PW.lKl*ht Field

SOORK BV INNINUH.0 1 .1 1-1a <) 0 (J—



AtTtUKOOX DAVE.Only one of Cajit, Htullfa'a mosaic collection

nf Use ball curifliitles readied third baie,but von forertr iireveuUtl from waring |>yBooflton'a line fielding. Kememlter McDonaid pitched both mornlDg and afternoon

rwnton goes to RookAway BflptemberIfith and they will liring along tbe nou-dom

,1.1B Uct).inild and stone nail MlluerTbB Uoontohi tomorrow t m v l to Caldwol

wlo anoltwr Tl«tnry. Tim Itoontnim Wthis lesm on July 8tb, score 9 to 1.

0. M. T. VS. ROCk'AWAV B. II. II.

ThaO. N. T. luue hall toain came to Ilock-way on Ulwr Uay to piny two games with

R. K, C , «t Umt plat*, but did imt playtho IWCAUW tlie O. H. T.'s h R

u Carter witli them tn jilay tho morninggame,a* tlley wero Hbortaplayer, hut (ha It,AiO.Kfuwdto playiC Carter pbjed, andthe O, N, T.'n m|d that if Carter couldn'tplay they would not play any game ou tinR. A. 0. hToiindfl. TiioO, N. T.'a, howevar,easily got a game with the Itockaway bat*ball clllb. The Rookaway butto ball clubnlm liail the i-olorod champion trick rliler ofthe world, I'rof, Iku Johnumi, igrountlM, nuking tint flnut apiKaninc* on ablpyclo tliat baa ever lieen In Roekaway. AtWOO o'clock tho ball game aUrUxl butweon

ookAwaylMBO boll club mul tlioO. N.,% The gajjio was a very Iiitemotlng

but the Uookaway bom boll club waxp l f any gamo wJUi tlie 0 . N..T VonLjihorUay, and did not have any Idwi ofwinning the game from the start, but did thib t t lut caulil beex]»ctod for the nmmintofliiw tbby had to got ready In. Tlw .(J, N..'j'elalitt Mint Hiiy liave a right to play aiiv-

ouoln tliolr teaintlutt thejr wW), niid th«*;won't allow any one to pick nut their playarsfor them, and they claim iwUi gninoa froi

R.A. C. The following IK' tlw w«ro liy

WAHIUNHTOV, AUK- SO.—Tlie House madenLdrt Murk of thti silver (jueiitlou yea-t*>rtlny. Voting begun on the Blandfive coinage •iibitltuUt at 12:13, uud theJO to 1 frus colllAfjs prouonitlou wai(lefmlrLtl — yew, ll>3; nny», Sffi. Thettiirinuintmeiit of tbe vots wm rectlvedvrilti aiijilmistt mul HUIIIU gurjirlMe At dmDinJnHlj iiKufnxt fmi COUULKO, Lt U'lngnearly double the larfjeMtestimate u.ndubytbu miU-silvtr couinillUie.

Mr. Hlflinl asked a yea sod naj vole ontbu <iUt'Ntlun of fre« toluugu fit the ratio of17 Ui 1, mul wciiral IL Tlw m u l t wasyuati, t(«l; imyii, 240.

The 18 to 1 free coinage atupudiiieiit noajwud. VtJis, 103; uuya, aytt.The vnUt on the IU to 1 aiuauilmeiit was

S;J7 to ion against.Tim Hligltt tfaln mnde ou tbi'liltfhurrnUon

ait nliown )iy thelam two vutcx WAH not mi-expitU-d liy wrniB of the leuiJenr, aud itWUH thu pulillnhed knpri'Hulou of thoHg tliuttl»e mtluof SO to 1, the next aiuoutliuentoffered bp Hr. filuud, would poll thelargest vote record hi fAvor of freecaiuaga,Tlie tlia roll CH!! was: Yean, 110;

*ya, 888.The nmetidmeut ta re-enact tha Illand-lllfon act vrn» ilcfeiited. Venn, V.IQ;»yn, ailt.Then when nil tuene propn»!tluiiN had

*a n>lfcu>d a vote won taken on theuduptltiii of tlio WilMou bill for the uncon-ditional it-poul of tbu purchnHtiig clnn* oftlio-Blienunu act requiring tho monthlyjmrcliuse by the United Htutonof $4,500,.'000 uiiDoes otflne ellvnr. This bill JVM

vwd by a vote of 240 to 110.In oue Hiiwi tlio rot lug In the House

wiui Uulntcmtlug. Wlien it, was seentbilt tho nutiillvor nieii wore in a slrougmnjorliy upon the Qrnt voto Uken, thegol'eriea rclnpaed iuto their IIHIIQI bur.z nfctitiversatlou nnd ou the floor the victors

vniuiulsheu alike rvllren to tlie uloukH to llybt tba great Mttla over ngalu

In R ifHiilii) niuod.Tle silver mou fult clingrlned at their

ovorwhelinlng dofent but they look their1

overthrow pbllosopliloully mid found Intheir Into opDonuuta iuau who wren toogtiierouc to uaj ought of ungTOclousoeaa,

AfU r Mr. CaUlilnjfS had givau notlcathat he u-ould call up the Hoimo ruiustoday, tbu Umme at 8-IJO adjourned.

.WASHINGTON, gapt 1.—The »peei-U ofJlr. Wuloult (Itep.i CoLJagattistUwblll to •n j l tlie jiurchnslu? climwi of Slierninuact was delivered yeatenfny lu tho preteucaof almost all [IIB Bcnatora, and cf ti Inrue

uJieua) In tint gnllerlra. Thu most toll-ngpaita ot It, and tlicwt thai nmiiw-d andiillflXAtwl lUt liwWflTB most, "wnraj HiitiuliUKitrcjiis mul wircnsllo lunches, in lvhicuID Jtijiluiw! the eouvonlouof Doinncriitlolat«nmeu from tbelt Iwliuf In hllvitr and

tlielr iluvotlon Ut biraeUllisui, to the gallonometiillism f,ath of the Pmihlent,Tlie next gpwcll wiu on the opposite

sldn of the [juentlnsi and wan nmdo by Mr.CafTery, tha auccessoi- of Ut, Gllnon of .Luutalntm. I t na> Ills flint, "npjwurnufi' titthe Senate DH a aiwetVmnker, hut tliap l i won remarkable M H {inmnuiu-til

declaration lu favor' or imcftiulltlotiai re.ul of the Hhernjan law, ni though ho ml-

iit!«l UinttliejrtMltinu w te;.en hy him.light not meet l lie approval of lilx Suitti,nd mlglitpnta to his further puliilcal


Tba resolution offered last ireelt by Mr. -trer (Pup.! Km.) Jit refi-rance to nnttoiial

banks ruftiBlng to puy cbunkn of ttiolr. do •poiltoralii currency WIUI taken u p l a n dBgalnit ItlacpjwHltlou auil a ncoro of other '.• ••HenatorA, .wai referred to the Finance Cum*' .'

U t l t » W t 2 L

goekavrayn.,.. :i DO I ) ) (I ( I I i t - T

J.M.T.S"....,. l) 8. 1 0 0 (I 8 4 t—IfiEarned runs, Rocliaway 5, 0. N. T. 8;

!truck out, by Hawkins *>, ty Boiluy 7; bamballs, by Hawkju I,T>y Bnlloy 3. Tlmu of

gaine, two lioura and W> minute*. Umpires,ami Mills, bothdolngvory guoct w

, Fill DAT, BKP. I. ' ,' . , ;>n unknown laborer wan killed by n

irnm on the Uitist ltlnud railroad nearl l l l d

:J!oveo-year-ol<\ Mury ITttdiell wan fa-tally burned nt Brooklyn hy tlio ignition of

cupoIvnrnlBh. • .ilnttlo Stmtton, a beautiful and accom-

ilfliifl yninig woninii. luu been arreatcdt .Tort Tonnsund for sniuggtlnff opium.5ndpilok Brooks, jr., agwl 10, WAS

irnlulil* fatally injured at Mount Vernoniv Ix-inic thrown (rom a Lanw und kicked' lie lirad. ; " ,Fr: nk A. Uwls, of Now Vork, wna nr-

resHlHt Cottage City, Mom;, for obtnlu-under fnlw prcteuw-s. He i* aIng maney under fnlw pr

Dullre of Pat«rsdD. N. J.

: 1 a « -I ft ft 7 8 alurrny Hill.,.. 0 0 !i I 1 a 1 tl 0—7[.A.Ju,;, . , , . . <l 0 II 0 Jt" H-U -| o—)i

Homo run, Frootnon} two-bane hits, Ue-tl IV'obh, \Vfwr, Uoviuiagh; Bacriflco

n Iwm on blhi'ofr U C r t U H

game, one liour nad Ilfry-e!ght iUmpire, Yoghurt) Kogen. " ,

n,nuv|UiK, ' - •On Maturtlsy Iwt" tho DenvillM came Io

toonton with Cornel from Hoboken I guessgpitfib, Frank Rlghter caught and two'

lundred found Callahin played short, andfter the «..™d Iniilo« the Denrilln wlihod I

Emnm Ff Uachnian, aged SO, wife of %Itxwr Cfntrnl •enitlueer, cut her throattttabtttcnorVulfeat Morse's Uilla, N.

She left three children..Tlie loHjtshoremeu'i strike at New York

n over, the men havlug ylotilfd and ap-i!ic<l far work:

Jlore than (10,000 mluem returned towork iu Wales yenttinlny. About 4D.0A0

cnawotlll nub,Two more su!ipeo<]Ml twiilm ot T/iutfiville,

the Olty Natlobtil and tlie Jturcliauta Na-llonsl, have resumed buslncwi.

I t required 1,793 ballata U> nouliiata H.Eundy tor Congress nt Irbnton, O.

The Slonmouth Park Association bnscorotaencril a libel «ult a^nitiHt the NewYork 'limes and tbe Ne\r York Tribune fur}100,000dnmng«,

. fiATUUDAV, HKV, 8.Tliere In no yellow- ftrer lu Florida. Tl.a

Itutalwsa oltar bill of health.Orders liave been sent from the Navy

)i nnrtinint for the dissolution nf theE.hrIiiK Sen fleet,

li» (utper mill at Roaring Spring, Pa.,m/jiiuylng aliaut 800 men, boyn and glrb,if ir|mrliig to renume nperHtionii.- Vlin cwper Rtoua ot the ,lay OouW Me-

muilid Cuurcli at Kuxbury, ' DelawareCounty, N. Y.{ wan laid at noon by GeorgeOouid, ':

The Duncansville, Pa., Hulling Mil, em-ploying between 600 and WO man, bus re-sumed operations after a several wrekV•Imtdbwn.

Fk<* hundred employes of MID Sforrlnonit. Oftfw Paper Mill at Altoonn, I'n., have

, been given employment by a niirtlal re-0 1 snmiitlnn ot the plant

. < in nwouut of the uuccrtnlnty of Am-rl-cau Intcrmta In Cliliia occann at the(Sriiry law the gunboat Petrel will be wenttu Hiina without delay.

The Comptroller of the Curiviir.r to-tlnyappolnlwl Mr, K. E. Bvcklmm, of FortWorth, receiver of tbe El i V o KatlpunlWorh, r e c e r of the El i V£nnk or Texan, El Paso, Terns,

Find Comptroller Bowler boa returned

resulted In a dead heat,Kiiott for Uittall,

WAHinflOTOS,' Srp. 4—Tho 'PraMilcntand Secretary Urcnbam nre giving ntleu-tlou ta the eluctlou of o now Minister toHawaii to mtcceed Mr. Ulnuut nnd so ap-pointment' to the ofllce of Minister pmybe expected in tbe nenr futtuo.

hey had n e w seen Booatoo. Thebomedob tmm WasMnjrton from o h homo iu Ckdmplr played with Camel's enrves and he ' clnusll, O. Ho fau appointed Mr. tt'ai

a "dead»Inge"a» the boys expreunl ft.j wick, of Ohio, bin prtrnte wcreUry,llemanwttU to m.bellTa hit- off our 'lira match race for JIO.ODOn nido ove

oD-comperaUa Mcllonald, while Hoonton the Futurity course betnetin J. It. Kwiie'made fourioea. MoDooild eollpwd all jin)- Doinioo autl Richard Oroier's U b l l

lou» rewnis by striking nut fmirteen otDBVHIe'Bbattff". B. Dlckerson and Camel

sre the only men on the team tbat be. diditatrike out. Ai lor the Boonton J . He-Mld, F. Pear, Oliver, John Wcl). and Mil-

reachinai]«a'twobaie hit.1 tn the fourthlohn MoD. llnna out a' tfane-btgger sent InK. V, looker and. Oliver. Denvllle madehre« rum in the flnrt, Cooper and F. RlghteTMrodon E. p,,I^ookerV throw home, l b sind Mew. the ball away-from Milner and

ne tn. Again Jo tbt'lHtfe Oliver'*fM throw let In E. ami F.' Dlckerson. The

i c o r e : ' ': ; . . . . . ' ; ; . " • ' ' • - ' • • . - .

[)«nvlll8..t....'8 0 0 ;0 4 0 0 0 0—7

Joonton . , 4 8 (f S 1 S 4 0 x—17BaUcries, UoDonald and Milner i Camel

at! P. Righto.. Umpire, 0 . W. Wobtton.: ' . nnoirron vs. NEWARK FIKLD CLDB.

Tnebojigotagood rest Sunday,for theyknew well they had to play ball on UborDay arrl ptayballtheydld. Wnrdwupowdl f C tlie line that the Newark Field Club

. ClDfeland at theWARHIHOTON, Sep.' 4.—President Cleve-

land and Secretary Lamntit occupied a boxat the Nation»t TliMtrt Saturday night,and apparently enjoyed tho performance oiFrobtnan's comedians In the new play,• • n n O i h r i t n a " ;

• • rnotlomil Sllrer,

PAIUB, Aug. 80.—Tbe French goventment hoa agreed to call A conferancd of tutmembers of the Latin Union in Purls, todeddo the question of ths DBtlonalizatlonof fractional diver carrenoy.

i lT#Uh Chair for lh« Jr»!r4—A

SHORT WORfC OF SILVERThe House Declares for Un-

conditional Repeal.

iBHiNorow, fep. l.—'ThrenhinK over:oiUHtraw" WM tho nmupmit-ul vrhHi tin..,..1Houna indulgetl lu yesterdny, liienilcsof .tha Fifty-third Cougrew wero relcgaW < Io .the backffrouutl, (inil. tliu r u l a of tlieFKty-ftat ConKrosn came iv, far, t&o cliiofpart of the discussion. No new clinrgeawen made and no noV annwern . were iuVterjectetl, but Mr, Heed WM kept upun hUftiet almost continuously. juHtlfyins the.propriety of his course wlieu he ocntinledUieobmir.

Tbe banking ami currency'and tha coin;

ranted leave to report at any time; Mtidthese were tbe only noteworthy clntngonnmde In the new code. But there Is nh"amendment still pondiag that, if tuloptal,may lu Iminu: W IM far-reaching lu Haeffect*. I t was offered by Mr. Borttner otLouisiana and provides for a * practicalclotnra whenever a member in cliargv of «measure an the floor aooa lit to auk tor It.No action was token ou this nuifiidiuunlbefore an adtourntueut, . . .

Tale W M U tu« Ilodlai. 1NsvV HATBIT, Conn*i Sep. i.—The (ao-

titty or Yale have nottHed the local select-men tliftt, uccardlng to a recent act nawted-by the General Assembly, all bodies ofpersona dying within the town's Jiirlwllc-and unclalmad by friends for 24 lionnr,must be tumed over to that inHtllittlon.The college lias totiflwl other charitableInstitutions In tbe State to the wmc efftct;Tbe local (own oHlclula do uot. relish tlis)lavr, owlns to UJB commmit it will excite.

Brutal IWASHIKQTOK, Sep. 1.—Mrs. Einuift 0 .

Sickles, clnilrman of the Indlnn Couimltteaof tho Universal Peace Union, ho* trouH<mittcd to tbe proper authorities a vigorouspraU-nt againsb the "brutal and cruel exhl. .,

Illoni vrhich have Iienn glvtu of IliajHlihiiSuuIWef-nt. tlia World'n Oolimi*

blnn l'jti«siUon," uudertlmtUrectloiior the \Worid'n Fairomciiil*. . , . •

W A s i o s , Sep. 1.—Patrick Eg«n,•x-Miuister to Clilli, called at the HtalaDepartment yesterday to pay his fMpectaa SecreUry Qresbsm. llr. Egautold a•oporter tliat he was anxious to visit Lon* ,lau and Dtiblla to re!»U to bia frleudiho cnluninieit that were bonped on bint <lurliijf bis ofllclsl career at tianllago.

KnxUad «ni Slam. , • 'LONDOU, Sep. 1.—The London Clumber

cf Commerce, In urging the adopUau otlromeuial« measures to protect Brltltb' jn-lrentsin Slam, points out that Infringe-

ent ot Slam's Independence would per-manently lujtiro Gna t Brltaiu tbrougbouCthe East. •

3A« The Worll'« Fair Vox FlfUisn Gents,Upon receipt of your addrw and Of teen

eents la pnntagn sUmps, we will mall youprepaid our SOITVKNIR PORTFOLIO or TDK^ COUJMMIAS Hxpoamopi, tbe rfg-liar price is Fifty Contu, but as we want yon ,

have one, wo make tbo pries nominal. You111 find It a work ot art and a thlnft to bo

irked. I t contains full pago views of tfao>at buildings, with dworlptlons of same,

id IB executed ID highut style of a r t If \)t MUided with It after you got It. «e' willfund tbe stamps and let you kpepttie book..ld H. K, BUCKr-EN, &CQ., - :

" Chicago; HI.

Dr, Saln'a Household Ointment.' :is tbe flnwt remedy ID the worlil. 2$ abao- 'toty cures cat-rrb. I t cures neuralgia andemiiailsm, Camtitles Ilka magic. Cures-

salt rhfura In the most soothing manner.,ireu inIUmodanil grsuuIat?d«yeUdt. Curea' ~iiflh* and colds. C»n l» taken Internally,positive «p«|(!o (nr pneumonia. •Cuta, .

nlws, burns, fhlllilnlnK, scirea of long lUnd-Ing, corns and bunions are cured quickly;different from all <1M> ; superior to .11 els©; It .has no Njual. 25c..and COc. boxes. UrgelMPhcape«t. Bold at R b t K l I l V Cnor Drug Store, Dover. N. J.

Buoklen'a Arnica Salve,Tho lust salvo in the world for Onto, Korna, .

Braises, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fairnr florw,Tetter, Chsppwl Hand*, Chilblains, Corasand all Hkln KrnpUous, and positive* cares 'Pil«,ornopayr»qulred. It ti quartnteedto Rive potfect MtUfactlon, or nioney Jft-,funded. Price twenty-five cent* per boa,FormlohyJlobert Klllgore, Dover, Orani,lanpe A Co., Pnrt Onm, and F. N. Jenkins,

. > Mrs. a . 0. Hhea,of UOford, Keb., M J , the sttlTir-om a oompllcation of disaosM of. femaleweaknen and liver «ml kidney trouble* Her'tealth was fully restored by asipg Dr. HalaV •Hmucbold, Tea, Us mc«t plpasutuid UMt' :

The Dover Printing Companyt*UBUiau< AW' PKOEBIKTOai.

Friday, Sept. 8, 1893.

B.OCKAWA.Y.Our lUiljlfcHdiool opened on MowUj-mm

li't \iw yaxvuia tin (heir i» r t to altl our princi-l*l and tuocliers by Ketiug lo it tUat thlit \iw yaxvuia tin (heirl*<l and tuocliers by KetiuM liolttrt attend regularly uiliuicu uut only retardn tlmof luumlug, but in a i;*11 ay ant* to tlie t*aclit'r.

Tba llrut (rust u( Uie tnoticed un tin- Itiw uruundH

to altl our princilo it tUat the

irregular alU'n-l l ' h

iiaon hare wn ISumluy iiiuri

\V. 8. Green tui* rmiMtiMK-wl taking icMer appUtt- This crop in this vitality in

u.the rtruMtBat fnitu 1


eddtfut toe Bald lastuipuUt«tI

d ht

J\;aehes ur« selling on the rtrwltoijUcviitipur basket.

Owing to the droHglit the jxitJ• n way U-lutv the average.

We uiv gl«J to lirar ttmt the iJaUuy tCflU-y in \wi a* Ixul aswett. lmU'0.1 ur liiif leg beingInflow UjokJiiH) wo have (tince learned that•inly ouu side of lii= foot had hi bu takcu off,.iiiritiforuiuiit iftjit week MAJS a railroad manw 1,0 elaimt-d to Vuow nil olniiit tlie fccrlileiit,Uitdldiii.

Two Jtovkaway mtii Imvu lutvly boonKV&nU*l ,»U;uU whivb VUBJ' fondly t«»ins willbring them wealtb. Mr. Fml Fisbur hcuboeu graiitoil a put* lit oil an air >'a[ve forluieurnatk Urea, liufure aji ily Ing for ajmtwit lie had his iuvuiition thoroughly UwUxland (.be result warranted bin) lu ImlievUiKIliat bo lutd *ucct-td«l in what uiauy liadfalliil in ]>ru<liirjjig a jwrfe-t nlrtlglit valve.Ternu.oeG.ln.ey tinabeei. granted a |«itentmi what ho Uirnih u uijiple huh lor fur tbe useof iiiaclifi.ti.tti mid ga* iltU'r. Mr. (.ijbneyclaims to have reralvud twa very HalU'riiiBolTcirs far his invention.

Tlie new factory or theW. F, Hrotvii Uo.IH funt nuaring coni|>iuti(tii. Tlw walls w e UJI,tlio f mine raised aud HID roof will aouu be un.

Work boa 1>wn wimiiieiiewl on the foumla-t(i>n ol T. A. «tnUf« new bonw.

J. Jf. HJjthlwur Dunvillo w u in lowu ouSaturday lo see llio bull game, lie informalus that liin l>rotliur 1>. M. was ttwlng tlu>NlgtiU at tbo World** Fair ami that Im nlaoexiucted to Htart im Handily uni t fur tlitU'liluj C'fly. U'owlsli Iwtli a [deivMii.t tlmmill safe return.

I'urt Uram in fast booming famouit for itsroughs, umgiu and thugs ami If bU]«i «re mLukfu u< stoii their Iftwlww ramr Mity wlsoon be cai.dldnUw fur Ktaw prison if not tligullows. Lcua Moiidny tvoning two yomimsuitwra uf ttw It. C. wliveluien rule utlmro IUIII illKiiiniititvd fur a fe'niuiiii>nU to watch tlie dam-Ing Intho grove. They were standing afeet from their wbouJa when a crowd of diken rowdies Rtrullw) up and une remark**) l*>aiiulfaer tbat he would give him tbat wheel,poiuting uut one which beluDged to DUB oftiie llQL-baway boys, The luelrr Uwk ihenincbiue and started oil" and wbeu tlie omwt<|Uiotly informed liliu tbat it *rai bin, tie IVA*r»t upon, kuockwl down, pounded autl ubokvdinto iuneiiatbfllty nod Uio buys weie unuulrt« ru.'tt|><) from tlit) thugs until the arrival olan utUcw, The young QUID (I still luRetlugfrom the eOVcla of tbe brutal assault, Tbtrulilaiir) (ire well known aud should bu madetuaiuwer for ttis and threats to kill Moretho next Uraiid Jui-y,

LltUe by little uur population iucreise*kEf|iitiK«ellui) with the r « t Df the ivorldHall to Una lAtik, tltegieat popuUtor. HI*I'Jtli IvUle UlUa Is & nice lUUu girt.

ATII1.KTIC.Tlit juuitcr bat lieeu itutmcted to k« p the

(,'luli biiuKi uf ihe K. A. C. open each wicknitihl for tbo lieiiUU of the inenibm whuwith ut auiuxe tbi tnse.ves. Tho rouai \a wellr<iulpi«d nitb dumb belhi, gloves, imncb bagmill ntliur furiun of exerdM.

^dlurtley next l»lb) tlie 11. A. 0 . will meetthe MorrlHtonn dub nt Uorristown. A (treatgame may be looked for.

At lioontou onUouday U. H. Pteemttn, IVA. V, was bfa ten by Daw BOO, of Itoonton, Inthe une mile championship race. After be-ing pocketwi until near Uie, flnUU he tusde alirilllant spurt gaining rapidly on Dawsonwbo won by less than two teet. Freemanalso ran third lu the half mile scratch andthird lu tbe one mile handicap. Among th>entries nereBuch fyers m Paul Orounh and(itlien.

FL&.NBKRS.There worna to bive beta a geueral

of vMton and boarders. MIM Mabel Hoplernod little urotuer, Thornton, b&ve returnedt«i their homo in Newark : Mr. and Mrs. W.),. Uolemat), to noievllle: Mr. and Mri. U.1'. Dross and children, to Foreit Hill, uul theHotol Is quite decortod. of anmnier buirilen,the house bas been full and it roustseeiu reryquiet la that part of the, vlHiRft

HOT, and Mia. T>. B. Frembes were ludtknly called to Warwick, N. tbeBoiloinlllueBt of their daugbUr, Mm. Wood, they leftearly on Wednesday tnurnlng,

Public ecUool b u roopetwd wltb. a goodattendance of icbolars and with Mr, QeorgeCorwln, ol 8ucca*uuns, aa teacher.

Several of tbe younx people attended Uuparty a t Mr, K H, Balnioii'a, of Mount Olive,mi Tuesday evening.

Much sypipathy is felt for the hUKband andfamily of Mrs, Vanatta, of Eoatou, wbo Kithherbuib*ndwid little nnca tue to FlanJomone week laii Friday, on a visit with hercona)n, Mr. Robert Price, and wlio passed toeternal rest an Monday of this west. Mr*.VapatU had been 111 before coming to Flan-tlirra, but It w u thought the changa would beof beneot to her health, tbo waa taken 111long after ber arrival and grew worse, herfatally wen tent lor mtl were hen for n fewdays. Tbe funeral services take place atBoston, where the remains were removed to

Mr. Ed. Woodbull gradually falls aud Inonly waiting far the welcome menage ofdeliverance from a wwry body.

Ur. aud Mm Cbarlsa Bird nud llttliilaugfater, Miss Helen, of Morriitotru, arestepping a t Mr. D. A. Nicholas' for a aborttllUfl.

Un. Horton aiadeathortvUvilla last week.

Mrs. Jao. Uoei ing leave* to morrow, Thun-d*jt tat a wMk'a May at BptrUL

Mrs. FroUiicgbajn, uf Uke flopatcong,frwjuently ride* over to Flundsm Hotel,which b u btcome a popular stopping placefor'-LakeltM."

Hiss U'.U Gnbtm, the actress of AttcDTrvst, with her mother and Mrs. Duclaptook dinner at the hotel liera one day lest

X T . FBBEDOtf.Tho cummer Utui goas and w

Uon wason.Tbore wai a l*lr held at tliu M. Y. Church

lout Thursday evening. It was a graiul sue-

Mm, V'ood gave s> M'k «bo tit tbo World'sKulr hi tlio n'»lf4 5"-liwll,onw l t W l<lny evening,

Mr.a.ndMra Loeey,of Dover,ttpent Sundayat ths lionie uf J. W. Albertsan.

The Ladles' Missionary and Aid Societymet at tho home of Mn. CU&rles WoodWednesday afternoon. The meetings wereptwtpnuod during the month of August.

Toe AVolfe tcliool opened on T n y !taught by O. K. Johnson; the Mt. FreedomUy I. S. CoBil*ek; the Homer* by Miss Car-rie Coo.

Elliot Wood, of New York city, sjwnt Sun-day with hli vextmt*.

A social will beheld at the l'reebyterianimrsoiiagfl on Vrlday evenbjg, Heptemhcr II.Thtro will be no charge* and. everyone U in-vited, but there will be a free-will offeringlmx, &ud Uiey can give If t h e / desire. -

Mrs. £. & Thompson has been very tick,but is a little butter at this writing.

Mr. aiul Mr*. U. A. DitktraoD, of Newark,«iwtit Sunday with friends of this place.


OAK RIDGE.J&cV Frort paid a visit to this place last

Batunlay night.Mr. Win. lioorae and family went to Bas t

l » t dlugJ. . Fredericks «]>«nt Hunday with his

family here.Air. .ViUSktnsr. ot Newark, aud brother

Steve, of BuUer, visits* J. 0. ttmith'* Sun-ilay.

Mr. Joseph Hough ontl family ot Newark,are visiting among tlielr frlebds here.

Maatar Charley Cook has been boardingwith IYof. Baxter alll sumuier, lias rBturnedboms,

A party of fishermen from Patenah, spenta few days at Moose Back Uke this week.

The annual giving party for the Presbyter-lau minister frill bo held In the p&reonagtttepteQiberaoth., Tbe marriage contract Irattveen Mln Em-ma McComeac and Mr. Tom Normaa waspolemalied by Ber. R. II. Bbarpe Saturdayevening, nt the re*SJ»nce of the bride's par-ent*. . neitWT*

MT. ASIJKQTOK.Mr. J. A. Cn.btree,of£iigUiid,lstfaeguesl.

of bis daughter Miss Lotu a t " Attol Tryst."Miss Miry Baker bai been rlsltlng relative*

In Hoboken and Bummlt, .fictiool opened in lbe Town Hill on l u t

Tuesday, with about twenty-flre scholars,Miss 0. Prndao ti tia teacher, ;' tievartlof our yoang people attend**! tboW r at Mount OUTB lost Friday night andreport a very ple*amt time,

I t la nunond that Hotel BretUa will CIOMon September lSth.

, M»yorProtMiiihiunaod family ipent lastH y y

Conndhnjui a tcpanuto Cadi 's Lais n t n t W j . fcxoMdlail; to low Mr BlfpoHuC UmOj, bat

l h t b j f a t i i r f in t W r M V

POHT UOBBIS.> ffo. 10 iimtl« n trip w Waterluo leti Tut^lay afUru'ton fctid j(ut bftck

wftli a few cars to the eait end uf tbe yardhere and just a* *he startnl to back her train*w»y the crank pin brake and bet .roda slotted aruuud ouce or twin and nudetbe chips ny out of tbe Ue» as It Job a Davisaud bis trackmen hod been trying them with

pick, and blew out one of ber cylinder__&>!». Hubody hurt. Ruglneer Lew Barbert ru on her a t tbe time. Ur. Barber is the

of tbe Mr. Barter *h<> was M. C. R. a tDover car shops s,ud on wboM death Ur.Baker was promoted to his vacant place.

A Trlbu of Ked Men was imUtutcd b«relu t week. I t starts off with eighty chartermembers. Tbeofllcers elected were : Prophet

Baker, He don't propose to pose a* arealber prophet and I did not learn his flratame. but he Is track foreman at ML Arliog-

. w ; Bachem, A. D. Cnudal t , Heolor Segs.-more, Jubu Bbeer; Juulor Sagamore, CyrusUerritt; Chief of Itecurds, Frank Bkinner;Keeper of Wampum, Nathan Beers. Theywill make tolerably good Indians, I have DOdoubt, lor most of th%m have been excellent

'bite men during a greawr p«rt of tfarirlives. I ttish thaiu succeu.

Agent Scnttli took (u fur tliesale ot ticket*alone in tbe month of Auguit #SOU, and his

sight received was over WU», while lie for-warded freight amuuntfng to about the same.Who'd a'thought it I

Tlw M. & K. Mutual Benefit Associationdecided a t a special nieeling om day last week

in excursion to Glen Onoko on Oct.•ith. Then (ano doubt it wilt tw & very largeeicurelotr Judging by the past. Up In tutitown tickets may bo hod of J. H, Beaman orNathan Boere. Draltuvllle folks and peoplearound Hucca*unaa and ML Arlington willfindtlckeUatChas. A.Bakev's, while D. J .McDede will furnish Ucketa to the Htanhopflpeople. If you want to take a day eff In oneof the most delight!u monlhsot the year andget your money's worth com* along.

"When heads are gray and eyes grow dimWe call the autumn saber,

But Iiow with life In every Iliul)We love the brown October/

Mrs. Dr. UeUroot, of Mendbom, waa InStanhope last week as waa also lira. Dr.Trimmer, of H&ckrtUtown, I law JohnGlover there also Mrs. Harry Shields was" Stanhope Tuesday.

I m i sorry lo near I as part of the m*rs ofthe neck the death of the infant sou of Mr.anc.Mn.miaw,oftJtanhope. It waa burledlu Washington Tuesday.11 Tlie spoiler set tbe Real of silence on his

marble brow,Death emlled and left It there,"

K«v. 1. H. Condit conducted tha services a tIn lututt. Mr. aai Un. H U * iiave tbe

aynijiatby of the community In their efltlc-tlon

Ur. Jf. 0 . Uwreuce, ot ttt&nhope, b u gan«„ tbe World's Fair and I hear or some otherfolks luHuahopean'l Netcom; wbo are going.

The Stanhope baker went up to MountArlington one ilay last week, l ie went IntoUr. Hhafet'n sad left bia team untied. Whenbecame out the team bad started on a runfor houie. Tbey fell of! a bridge w c » 25 feet.Both hanM were killed and tu t wagonknocked Into kindling wood. I am sorry forthe baker.

The big double deck side wlitMUteainer runJU a rook uotiiuwhere In l<ake Hopatcongfluidity and ]>uuched a holo in her Iwttotn.Her- paUNeiijjeni wore gotten o(T all right, buttlie steamer was allowed lo run en a bar ami

ik. They raised bur again Huuday. Andw it is only a jwrt of the Jiistory of theit Hoek. C'uiulderin£ Iiow tbe coastwise«mer8 have mifTcrod during th» post weeki don't have much roanou to uoinplaln wlimi uHcajied with i>uncblug a hole in tbe bot-

tom of one of the iiuuiy steamers oa Lake-uug. The Board of Freeholders of,county may congratulate tfaenuohes

tlmt they Just BBcaiwd tlie experience. iDue day last week A, M. Jones' hack was |tft&HUope station, when Joe HogW train,

arrived. There were tioveral paiisengeni for Ihoi- "J"1 t«o for Mrs. Ktclla Allen at,song. Tl» driver WBnt Brouiid liy Mm.

Allen's and left two patsengere there and,drove on until lie passed 1. li. Miller's, whenLlw driver gbipjrad suddeuly ami tbe frontend necmed to settle, and the im£sengera gotmt, to find that the front axle had broken,

and they would tiava to go the b&tacce of theway on foot. Luckily fur tliem It did notrain mucb. Ono of the jajwongent hud t«-o

ik-hels to carry, and ha did some pretty tallBWoariug, but I don't believe it made the

:1IO1B auy ligliUsr by the time he got to thehotel over iu HUuhope.

The building aud loau awoclatlon meetingVM Lcld iu Kliner King'j OML-B bat Fridayjveuing, as annouueed. Tne evoning wasitormy and there was not a rery big crowdmt, A. J. Drake waa elected chairman tuulFrank SfeDwle secretary. A committee often was appointed to caiivna Buddha l^tlce,Port JJorris and some otlisr bcnlgUtod townsanil ask tliem to como to >'linor JCIng'i ofllce Inest Friday (tulsl evouiug and help form aliulldlngniid'oaii asaoclation, Joking apart,gentleiiion, It will be a good thing to do, andI hope to Me it fnirly under way li ter nextFriday evening'. Mauy a young fellow couldInvest a five dollar bill in this thing as well

iot, tvho thinks it fun to help nmke iplutocrat of xoine othor fellow wbo will

laugh at your calamity and mock whenour fear oonmsupon you."J. T. HUdwortby was elected treasurer of

tlw Htaauope Racetrack B.S. Brake vice president.

.Samuel Miwery, who attends gat« at tberailroad crotalng vX Utauliope, b u gone tothe 0 A. II. onrsmfinrnt at In<Jiauapolis.Don't tell Huke Bnilth, or he might take ItInto his wise head tliat an old veteran whoi-ttu raise moiiay enough to pay bia faro fromKtannope to Iinllanapolis and return Is notix>or enough to draw a iienslon ami mlghfrule aocordingly.

Was Uie present <Joniii\iBalo»cr of I'enslonipreseut at tbe pim-wow ? And how did beexplain Uie Secretary of tho Interior's orderxuspeudlUK tlie pension taw of 16901, I utwlu some paper ilia other day bow an oldMidler walked twenty miles to draw his pen-ftion, and when be got to the pension a(tlc« hefound ho had his long walk for nothing1. Hiwaa ono of th« fellorrs that Moke Smith badrounded, aud he had no notice uf bis suspen-sion, either. There Is an old man working onthe track between Bt&nhope and WaterlooWHO micl« application fora |>enslonundartuelaw of l«<0 and got a couple of dollars. Hislepers wtiro all regular, lie had fulfilled allthe requirements of the law am-got his pen-tlon all r ight H was not itiucli, to be mire,hut when a poor man gots. too old to carry hisend of the rail or raise track every little hdpe.When things were going along nicely for himalong conies a notice from Uie Interior De-partment saying that bis pension waa sus-pended for sixty d&yB, n id If Inside ~that time he did not furnish fur-ther proof ot his disability he wouldnever get no pension any more. The mansaid lie had filled out the papers furnished bythe War Dcpartipent once, and he would notdo it again. They might keep their two dol-lars a month If It would help tbe gorernmenfalong ujy. That l i the status of th i t caseup to thn time whdu I loot lieai\l Ii-otn It.Good Uncle Stun targete maybe that In Olderto induce thin man, to go to war, when heneeded men awfully, he promised to takecare ot him to his old age if be came bornerrom tbe war alive. ' And this Is t t» ws.y h«keeps bis promise. Where was Solte Smithwhen this man was lighting In the wri ts torthe Integrity of Uie Union { A great man UHoke, just uon- while Ibis poor fellow has towork oa tlie track for a living.

There is a story current that a certainmanufacturer of Edged Tool! was In Stan'hope the other day, looking for a lite for afactory. He found a place to suit him downnear tbe furnace pond. I understand httayi If tlio citisens of that town will pay ttthe land which will be overflowed by raisingthe furnace pond about two feet be will pur-chase Ills own site, build his" own factory)and bring (X) men to town to run I t I tto me the people of Stanhope ought to takelilm up. Stanhope has been behind thelimes long enough. A manufacturing es-tablishment that will give employment ta

1 sixty men most of them skilled mechanics, iinot to be despised these days, - I). J .

OHEflTEE.M. John Moore and wife of Newark, are

vbltlug old aoqualntancM In town.Mrs. Win. J. Taylor and son Alward,

Bound Brook, tpent Monday In town.Mr, Frank B. Burnett, »f Newark, was

Uie guest ol V. N. rtmith and family overBunday.

The Ha&kard family who have bean stop-ping with Mrs. Osborc, returned to theirhome at Bayooue on Tuwday.

Ber. r, U. KBIT, pastor of the PrenbvUr-ian Church, left for a month's vacation onMonday, expecting to visit the WorldVFalrbefore his return. lVe hope be wilt have aileasaat trip and return to un much benefited

thereby.A penny party was held a t the home of

Mr* James Mattison on Thursday of lastweek, which won very interesting and madeluch amuMmentThe peaeb thippera conmitnced shipping

> Boston, MASS., over the C. it. H. of ft. J.n Monday of thii week.We understand Mrs. Theodore NaughrigUt

will open a private ncbool at her residence in"!ib place, commencing on Monday next,

Kuptemberlltb.Tbe Lay and Graham families who hare

been (pending the eummer a t " Sunny Bide"returned to their city homes this week.

Tha Methodist Church people contemplatewldiag a [sir In Music Hall on the '->t)Ui. We

hope there will be a biff attendance, and that'itie net proceeds will rearh a large amount.


EUDD'S LAKE.11 The shades of night are falling fast,"

Tbe summer season b u come to • close andour BumaiH guwta are fast returning to theirbnmea and to their labors. Their outing forchange and (or health has not been overlyexpensive unong Harris County's bills and

1 around her life giving waters and on the•bores of ber beautiful lakes.

Messrs. Stephens and Dedrlak. late of! Washington Tidings, are still camping onI sandy shores. They stood the rtormi Hie! soldiers and tbalr frail tent clung to theearthas If weighted by tbe solid rocki. I ventureto say II thus* young men bad beta anywhere•long the •bores from Cape May to HandyBook they would have either goo* up like aballoon or have been washed Into old oceanby the tidal wavw. Here is tbe differencefor safety at least,

A. K Baker and family areitUlsojouralngin their pretty cottage. Mr. Baker contemp-lates putting upother .buildings and makingmore Improvements this fall.

James Mills has sold his cottage to a gen-tl«mftn la New York who ii making ready toerect a larger bufldlDR tberson for next mim-"isr visitors.

Our lake boa been up at bigh water markand boats have no trouble to reacb tbelrlocks or land along the shores.

• O B S I S PXJ.IN8.Master Charlie I^ounsbery of Moiristown,

[ spent Sunday witli Charlie Beers.Mr. John HatroD spent Sunday at Pleasant

nai.Misses Addle and Sadie Munn qwnt Him-

day at Newark.Mln Lettle Jones b u returned to tier Iwme

it Rooeville.Mto Sophie Robinson luu returned to her

JiomeafWr BpmdJiiR Uie eumnier wfth hercouirtn, Miss Mule Sheen.

OUT school house feels quite proud with anew coat of paint.

We wish that our cburcb might have attt.Mln Slieen1! new house is complete*!.

Meeara. Craig and Allen went to work withtheir usual energy and soon finished It.

Rev. Mr. I'aruell of Morrlstown, willpreacu in the lVesbyterian Cburcb Bundayboth morning and evening. HMII.AX.

SBMVILLE.Denville school opened Tuesday of this

week.Ana and Stswart Iglthart spent part ot t tu

reek In this place.Hlus Llnbti Blnchmau will return to Mt

Holyoke College next week.D. M. Rfgbter writes from Chicago, thai

the Pair Is one of ihe grandest display! ofart and tnecbanlcism ImaginablBt ^

yL. Ulckerson of this place and Isaac D.hytftt of Morristotrn, expect to visit tlieWorld's Fair next week.

Mrs. H. 8. Greene is at Chicago now.Warier Harry Dicierson will attend school

nt MorrffUown Public School tbfi year.The lawn HOCIOI given by tha new church

league, proved a pleasant affair. tlttfO wainetted.

NaUiaoinl Dlclcersiui's arm Is slowly Im-proving.

Thewlllconteitbetween David r*eh andhis cousin Mlas Jacobui, has bwm docidudagainst laaab. Tola we should atinposa mutdcause the disputed estate to revert to Mrs.Jos. Lath, Mts. Leek's ulster.

Chc«Uiut Urove school will open September

Labor Day w u quite paers,Uy obtsrved Intfals place, but labor at present needs workmore than rest.

Denville ball team crowed bats with theBoontouclub on the latter dub's diamondlu t Saturday. After » very pleasant andharmonious gams took defeat In a score H to10. x ' " •

Kin Jennie Klott, of Thomutoa, Conn.,li paying 111B Bertha Coojier. of this place,a v i n t . ' • ' '• " • . " • . ' ' . ' • " • " i

Mr. James ir. MiUflr.wlU rtaasJn-.the

The Latest in Style!

TAYLOR BROS.' CLOTHINGand we mean what w« say " WE W H J J NOT BE D N D E R S O I J D "

and you Bfty rest fissured of thai. Wecnusell

Fall and Winter Clothingiheapor thnu anyone in DOVER and we nre going to do it We ft"tcder so expense, to we'Jl give you tlie benefit of it and sell yoa

The Best C lo i t t of t|e Latestfor less money than anyone elm dare to ilo. Do not liolievo fniso ad'oi'tiser«, but come and see for yourself.

Wait Foi T|e Real

SHOES.Another " racy "translation utteiedwith upright beadought to inspirethe morning primeshoe buying circleto bridge over anoccasional intrin-sic worth. Reced-ing beating downthe advocacy ofdarkness againstepping forwardpreserving withjealous care themodern hue whichhas semblance otthe dames andknights of antiquedays.




11Afternoon and Evening.



Cabin.HtrriM bijji* Blom, »It4 «U Un giwdl*ck otSlbtctas Bl.KaHoomb. Imlndlnt tinnJM nlomn of two oonUoanfe, FBITZ tnd

MATINEE PRICES.CUUraunlerlS . . . 13 oil

Baarnd Bell IBE V K W K 0 .

A d m W o o X l n n t i( t e r n d 8e«U . . . . 5 0


Br dlnctlai at tlit Common Coundl olDorar, I. Otofgo ChrriUli Btntt CotBiaU-•lonr <K Mid town, do Wt&r (Ira Datlo tnall whom It mar ojaccrn that It b tbe parniai and {DtMitloD of Ut Coamoa OauDdl ofDorer tokjroutandopan a pnblla i tmt lott4Townlt Doter, mUch i t n u «1U lstar-atotandoiiiuiKtwMilfoTTliitmtatapoInt

t i t e U I M BasqrfieMmroTTlii

DBtvaanitenaUlooBOI Mn. BasqrfieMmand lha dmUloc bom nut aoatliait ot Itand now ooouplad b / Lutfacr T Howall. andInm thaooa aaU pranaad atfagt will runnottlaaitarlT for a dloane. of about al|blbudnd aDddibtj faatlo a itoni mooommtMt In tba grand1 a abort dlnanoe autcrhr(romthakmnaUteiioeot Dantel Moll«, wliitrMwUbUhlrtMiln fnt aid ati IncbaiDidaaod «1U ba laid tut ovar tht ibip ofland now la m a u a prlvatorc * ~irajand rnmmnoly niown u•Ira^•odIorlbepIlr|>mo(la. .•traetarl|bt of my will bt actiulnd orerfiid "Mov&taut Avwiia " Audailaucb pv-•ooa at mar object to racb fanproretnanl beingmadaara u n b ; nqoarted u preamt U«lrosjaotlone la wntlnj; at Ito Btnet OootnU-eioaaHoSn ta Un OointU room at tba Ko-

« t ! D


The Lowest in Price 1The Best in Quality!











Bigger and grander than ever.







Only Big Sfiow io tie HEfe This Tear.Cheap Excursions on all Pailroad|s.v,--JK*




now 40 cent*G5 "72 "75 "

1.00 ''

WHITE WAISTS,i CO cents, now 40 cents.

85 « " . G5 "$1.00 " " 75 "

LAUNDERED WAISTS.5 $1.00 now 75 cents.

1.25 " #100

Black and White Satine WaistsWere 75 cents, now


1)0 cents.75 "

MEN'S OUTING SHIRTS.'reduced in price.

$ 1 00. now





YOUTHilSiiStilfflEifWere'; )^^!^0^fo\j^0- 50 cents.

80 "

Ladies' Swiss HpuMngsFormerly $18O;-;Sii^|iii^||$,',35




GLEARING SALE OF SHOES.150 pair Women's* Fine Shoes

broken lots, sold regularly at $2 50

to $3 CO perjpairi alfat $8.00 pair.--

75 pair. Ladies Tipped Oxford

Ties, were $1.25 now $1. pair.

• 120 pairs Child's Cenuine Don-

gola, Tipped, Spring Heel Shoes,

sizes 9 to 101-2, at 98c. pair..

120 pairs Misses Genuine Don-gola Tipped Spring Heel Shoes,sizes 11 to 2, $1.35 per pair. - ] \ .

Men's Veal Calf Oxford Ties$1.00 per pair.

— — — — — — — " i1'





Peek it SOM'S Opera Piuei,Decker Bros. PtaiisV-^ililll-

. We*erPJiiM|pSIV - . C. P. B»wll>y'i t r f ••• .

Can furnklt InstrumBiib nt nny wMt, dulrad cheaper than any nU»r d W — •" I M - -"'<""Okb ttr MWJ nmnihly t -ymenU fall and ax our iDitrumeatt btty

• u we can save jou money, • ,;,/-.:::J'

•:• WAKEKOOMS > •'• ? • • ? ' ?


j-oa can't get > "Fisher" Harnessfrom y o u dealers. 'All goods oan be re-

turned i! not satiriaoto'ry. YOU BCN SO BISK.


COMEAOAIK.Haraees is


tbe beet p« t Lwtlier tiBea.Bay direct from the manafiwturere

FOR SALE!1 SORREL HORSE,good size fine road-ster, suitable for roador draft sold for wantOf USe. | prices at our store. Bat" good

A i r r n w n v nnv iKods»'Iljw'%'"BFOB CASH.'"•'OBE hil th l

H. E. Qreengrass,BARGAIN STORE,

Scfiwarz Ml flower, H. j .A SYSTEM OF OKEDITIS BAD



The ProspectHlllSchool«iUt»<5»ii MMrfaj, a^~ijjiK;J$v:- • -;

8X0EE while other-merolianlatheir ooantera, little

. „ ot ths day of diaastetand raia, awa^iog all who bny on

pnoo u d soil on longer. /•'.- -V'JEEY VI8IXOB ATaJSTOi


ATTENTION TO THE roiwraraa:It giros me pleasure to acquaint my Mauds

with the fiot that they can have teeth extractedwithout pain b j ihe use of Sr. Jeesop'a LocalAnngtheho at the ofioe ol Dr. Freeman, Dover.

MB& Vlvanaa FAUOB,Boetevaj N. J., April 8th, 1893

Try the "Local Anesthetic at Dr. Frcenmn'noffice and be oanvinMd tBat it is all that is claimedfor it. ' . ,Mna. H, EaraoK,

Netcoug, N. J., April 21st, 1803.

I can eheerlallv recommend the " Inciil Aoma-tlietio" for extracting teeth.


Port Oram, April 24th, 181)3Dial. FBEEMAN ADD VHEEUMD :

S U B Sins:—I am so veil pleased with tho UHOof t ie Iiooal Annstbetio in laving teotli eitraclodthat yon bava my permission to use uiy name any*f>; you pleaw at reference

UR. LEWIS WHITE,•. Stanhope, N. J., Hay, 1st, 189,1


DR. R. C. VREELAND,after ten yean experience, having a well known

' reputation for extracting tootb, - . L.jopteil nposition wilt I.1.-. Freeman.

DB. FHEEMAH has tho eiolnsiviiifcltlo useDr. Jeasop's Local Anaestliotio



/Oi i l j a few more J>JB of plnv ""'I llio'spliporlwll will ritig,

. A r e joor alildrcn rpaijj -.\: : " ; ^ . :'•..'' v ' " '.'•. •

"•'; ,WD aio* pfieriug pe»t inducomoiits to ptireiils

olosiD^ out rnaoy lines of BOTS'OIiOTHING, both in eliort niid

long piuite BniU, at rodncotl prioos,:

-Wo've. several, lots of medioni woiglits, nnd dnvk colorR,

but of whioli lUo sizes ..tiro -broken nro,. nonvboing

prices1 tiwt.'arp.a pionio to paronto. •,.;, .:';-.

; Onr UioiglitB libout UIO.IIOJB l»vq niiiioipfttotl jour ncod

land joail amp both tronWe{', fitting' tliem, oal

;nt onr store.. ''.: • '•: \\';,,•./'•:" ";\ ;>0.'-'"' V-.':'"'-. •-;:';"-~' :i' v ' .v 'V;"^

850 & 852 Broad St., NEWARK,-N. J


Property and Furniture-"ErNilSBORAfiCE 00. orflABTPOBD.

« <*•


Furniture UpholstererAHTJ DEAUIt IN

PURMTUBE, CARPETS,Bedding, ShadeB, OnrtainB,

Poles, Oil Cloth,




Men's ShoesFOB SUMME

Pat. Oxforiffri s; Bluchsr : tind G ( o | ^ ^ i

ami t l » MEW JUTOOir! BBOE. H . f . j o u » » » l t i -If i i t i r w i f c i i r t / f c e ' S a ' t a t e It

Men's Dongola Shoes, wore $178,; n p ^ fBU'SPigifliwui flh™ (of Buinhw tol no Bond (op winlw. • laVe a pat>VK.*.ii«fil»Io«, hntb

•; :: ; JDQN'T FQBQET THE, PIiA0E;|^ggg3i/ft:v .



REAL ESTATE.* »«"!« Arllngto nuke t l . mtol h daaoniedonla

m=»l», aid rml »tflf t a i f t

•"«»' " *n»toJ, irilfo. taSS !Klourtli day o« tjepteoiter neit at the bjuroftoo oUoot 1. A, altannoirmt.Un lliilnrtArlington Hotel In Uw Md U«n>ujb, K | | tbehnd.M r f r r t« t .«hm»iJ»VI«l5d atUS ° 'SH'' 'or "" "bort"t •""• »»' «•«MI»8 tb rtj yura, tor wild! an? ponon orl»rjon. wlU airoe to take lbs m i Voit ptv« • * laxoe, wftl, totowt Unmm at tta S Sd t«.lre p»r oot f ttt l

tJM~^*°*,°«>l'i.»*V«r,t«o>: Tax ilue|«t«ie,MtArlJogtoii

, Trnndy, lot 8, blade 8 Tat to

^ Tax to.

Faynmt tout be mate bdore tin Hindu-

SSi!igUSkCollector ol TaiV

Tto abova uie itaode pnttp«iH4 to

MONDAY, AUGUST 11th,MM at tbe bonr of J oVlocl. In (be oKemoon.



— I S O -




aoxoo' "; '


Aanrimnt" to 'cbooaa

A lot of raraaaola o( baad«Ha aUia, IIIcolon, lolUble for trlmailag d

BMTKWtttJ. ST., , . . --DOVJill,


iiittt'iiniSSfflSl'Siv^Siit''WJI. a. amnioii«f;a»;-,ft.*svWu-' •J;H,:VA»Itow,iN,i4b;i?*(vvia


riitiMMuit InWojk ttfamiannmW

Wa»r^««ldiia^jJiStf.m_, ,-,

Tsncher or rUiii' Port* &' liiin'.ltollio.V-:Toot* :.i»i:.T!<4»lo.'*rido.'l.';'lif.-«lul«I ;Coumat. H rthtoWn,I«aUtata a«TF»t<l -.


IHE H:Hal|

Friday, Sept. 8,1893.Eo.terad>att>ie FMtlMKeat Doier, N. !•

aa M«Bd-alM* matter.


. LODAti loTTOraa

Hebool opmed Tuaelay.Boraton will aooii bavB two new Are on


Than are fifteen hwyera and fl.n phyrfelana in Newtm

Tlie Tbomaa Iron OntDpanv'e mliimnt Oxfora have altut down for good

Tba M.mut Olive fntlTal laat Tlmralavevening, waa a gratui rooeora

a ftCoVebrfe will IJMontlay on amount of a bcllday.

An fffbrt la In Ing mado tu organlae a campottbaP 0 a of A at Uoirlaumn

Tbealneof b i t t j U 0 nnil Da.M ' areoarwil bv grliblnni near HtewitrUvllle.

Vol. MnKluaoii, tba Itokaway aia ftiinutankirw, vecellen an order for via) axel lent

The Portal DuMe la dmpnlng tbe "hVIr.nn "liunaba'aultlie "JBWfMin "liarougha"

Itlaruinnol Uut t bl« >«> ton" witu araptclty of 01 ono ton*, will lie erected atHiirdbivn.

No* Jeney fern pra romulaln that tlilayear's breed of miMqultftra are n> revrrmwthat U >y sink tbe hena' tg|a

A rumor pretty generally circulated If totbe i ffrct that a KeeVy Jortltutloii \> BOOH tolieoneofthafeatumofJairrliiown '

S W. Kami, ol Port Colimi, ha. been t»-, pointed Tai UO!IKIOI< liy tha Com nlltoe nf

Waalilngtwi la plan ot fnnk TliumlnToere will nea ahrotlng tonrnunwt at the

Knniatom l)rivli« rark.nn feptenUer Ijtband Will, l.j tbe aforrlainwr, Oun and Alhbillc Club "

• Bllllw.ll. aunt ol Juatloo Hull,wrll, vl, died Iu bar nwra onWcdneiday evening, almnrt Innaotly tarnbent dlaeue

' We bar Uat Mr. B K>U* kalfe farbirv atHtuckuciliu, can o verj Mar bung tat oa lirefrom an overheated or delfotlre cbiitin./ afnw daya rlnee

, Taienty all |000» parc«t achool toad,oltbe town of Kewtoo, got tatelile, brougbt atauction oa Monday of laal wwr ,111,91813Two boada remain untold

Tbe Amorican Oairyman luggut, tenay aaa remedy for tbe reJM ol cow. from Ibatawful peat, the horn liy Ho ln«c! nerlouche, tanay, ana a bandrul of it rubbedoor a bofte will drive awey all Bin.• Tba'aonutl optnlog of Ibe Ifounf Un'a

Oarfitlta Aandallon, or Horrlitnwn, «IU bebald on October alb A verr Intonating pro-

^ greiama (a being prepared fur tne oooeaion <. _ illuw wnoeoaldn't

apart a dollar for aobetri^oo to bla localpaper, but aant nlty two-lent alatii|i. to. a

., "Teke hold of Ibetoi« aiMl pell for all you are wortli '•

A. J Una', the contractor tor tbelanjeInlMlDgotyr I P S BnilUi, por«ha»jro!

1 tba Arcber HLenhau fann at Bud4 Lean, t u, t n lane I>fl (aet bam now raited on Ibe' , (auodaliotL Mr UmltbcofiKin[ilit«a/aicy

-. eMck tana. *> Kirk « Jaooliua, a well known NewaieBroi, employing many oarpautan in Kvrrla-town, and wfao ban wrtral large ooulrarteon band In that paw, barf paie a red notion

, In tbt pay of Ihelr banda anwuntlag tn twin-rj.n<ept«iw[*ro»7(

KiCouuxUoprrinttnoaal• > rtab, II< Columbia, Warren ouinty, baa re

relTeil anappolntmenlIn tba I*en Vurkpoetoffice ' Tie iilaoa oltatad wan In Ihe alamp

' department and paya »s» . year. Jar. Deit-Hob baadicUiad with thankl -Qaiutr. ,"•HManar"Ojob, of Morrntown, baa jar.

\ lieearalinid Iron lall a'taratarm of aim-.. tvteven daya.' He b u ben committed to.ferhm vet hundred aad,Mmtv.two t lu» ,tai U Mala naa» for one Jaar for trelVlaglaWtMaBOttheboglae boueeiakout tan jeanago. ' • ^

The Slela Fair la not to well patecnUed a.It haa bean hi former Teara.

Tbare Mm torty-llve deatba In H ittBiKlAux ITth

The George nfcuanbi Loniiwoy are ugInto Uiefr new

iyauire oa Huawx

Tbe Udlaa' Aid Sosletr, with UH ataliuUMot tbeEpworth: leeguV'Khig'e Dangbtenand Junior, of the St. John1! MetbodlatChurch at PortOrani areprepariniforlhelrb'g fair and ffetlval, lauar, elc , bpteinberIU and III. Amnat iMIghlfnlUinola lookedfir

TbeSiUi anniversary of IUndol|* LnoV,1,0 0 K,wllllaioelebnledtblaeniulngliitbe Armory, and It promise! to lie an Inter-eatlagairalr Tbo Crand Lodge offloen willla rraaentand tbe Part Oread Me»t»r whoinaUtoltd the lodge will elan be etwmg UwdjatuignlabedvUton


aluiaya Ibal tbe p S i n w t n a r a g r m ubllof about tbe lor ptlcat laealved for tkelrtrull,lali aaatoa. On. man bad to eaodtwenty come 10 bla comtnlaelM man In Naw.arkaataaaavlof petolMaenl there dM « t

-. toll for aaoogt to pay for lbefnl|lit, oartagai i l i

' - " Afamwwbotriedlheea'lierliiiutolnib.blag tbe aldo ef an animal wltb a mw.onkaiteporla that tba raault waa to rk) Ibe animalot lice, and It la biliarM that onlooa wlUaarvefcirldanimaleDtallauch pane aa Uot,tlcfce, Heat, em., Uadllllculty being tae laborof BBplloatloti of tea ream!/,-To. Neelbain rkwMlftaa Co , of Waab.

ington, eoiae daya ago aold their giaad »x-^alUtat the World'. Fair to J A Bryaat,

- wbo la one nf lae largeri daalara lo mnakal-, InetnmnlainUtilcago. rbaelhiUlcoliauti

of etibt planui and i fourteen orgtna. Ikaywill not be removed however, until tne Hair

* oloaee.—8Ur. i t , ' *K large snstier sf flttdgUar tonnterfell

nouaareifl olrcuUUon. The not, ia e'falrIroltatloo, thiuRh to anjr ofafafnlllarwithtbe baudllog of paper tnonv ft would Bot

.paaatiudnbetrd Ite note la ol Ibe aeriea of1 1UA, and all are of ibo aame number, "B

- - TW.IW.W," Ibe vignette ot U e w a l - a m ,ia poorly eiecutej

i a. U. 1 W . while working la Manorial' • T Uiqilal found a oannon hall walcb looba oU

enuush to bare Dew In the Cruaede ft/ar.^ Tfee boapual waa furmerly tb. lm |c»ky ul

the Her Ur limuUy JohiM, p a * * U Ihes ' Morrieuiwu fnebytarlau Uaurcti, and vary

likely tbe cannon hall waa laid away br anMolier ol the family aa a relic of Ibe Ibeo

_ ' lutloa-JmeymanWkila living iW-, of Danville, wbo waa

working oa a aoctien at Hluarnia juncUan,on UB U k aod W,, oo ThoraUy. wa. vjbt-ealog s jutot, the w m o i allppal ami be felltowanl ueopiioBlle rail, •be' . Mr Cooper,the fiireman, wu uuog an adt. Ha 1.11 aaIhaada wet ikandlua aid I' ilruck bin iathe bapa ol tbe brad making a eevoregaaa.

" Ur>oaler4IMiiledblm-Heosrd - ,

The amice ol a lot ot bone, bj workmenrixateUbU iu the tear o[ to. aiorrlatowa,

v Vwul UUUMI, bave l«i to auiuane; omaplioalinna A lut of tincalaUoo ltd up to tbe

Uet Uwy weje Ua bone, l i t eKlane, in. uiuiflerer, and uial Iu turu led totbe le-liUlucauun bl tbe nvulUng abiry otIb. elncMia crime flow » I rna out thaithey were the ! » « • of a largt dof that aiUaenlf UoaeU had bunej then aome jeanajo

, Sereraltlgbtealncea young man of Chat-ham, naoad Nrf Hopping, while walkingalong Mala ttreet above the City Ball, atiladleon, waa attacked by enera! lullemand aevanly beaten in the almgeje he waarqblied of e watch and dialo Owing lo thtrobbd ofdarknna]imi«llo;ili I tailed to reoogeliehliaaMlbuita. Tbeclty nianbala, however,are endeavoring to dlaouver tbe muereante,wbo, If found, win lie aaverely punuued ,

The Morrlatown ournrpDnileot of tbe Kaw-art Dellj AdvtrUeir t t j ! that the handMnaUndooaUyitoneeliarencWInBt l'etar<aKslaonnl Chnmb a fewjraraagoUia|ildlyhUlogtoi«ecea. The .hllcete tracery aadnoved work la .plittluj and, to many ptooea.

" l»c«Bl»«o««M Iron. " • ° » 1 ° r H M 2(ba^tar Tb. a«l»na. ol

Mr Jama. Cnaeren, of N.w Tort city,ew!baguMolMr and Mra Iboa Johnaon

Tha celebration of tbe UOth annlvmary olfiia aettleineut ct Oorman Valley liaa beenpnetpond

Tbe olotblng alone ol T^vingitan Brae, willbeoloeed on Monday and Tureday onaooountofbolldtya

There waa naught fruat at Centre GroveHonda? morning, and Uia tuertnomiiter regiatemd«Iile||nu.

The old Convent building, on tba Altonroad, will bo torn down Ihla portion of Iheriroperly will In Improved

On account o! our crowded aAvartialiigoolumua we liave been compelled to cut enineof our oornHpDndent'a letiera

Tbe race botweon J U C and David P atNorton laat Friclaj raultel In an eaay vlo-torr for Uie latter Tiiuer li 37%

Only ai 2 a wa, allowed aa rebate on Mor-rlatown1! tax lev J for alto prceont year liy tlie

onuuUl Hitting tu liear • yoala.'Too Mnrrla County Klectrlo Conjuany la

adding a third heller lo lie plant in Mcrrtetown, and reeetlf Dg the two other boiler... Wot Cbaa W. Ulabt aod Bcglneer Ami!

Warr brought Ue Itiilerpriu KeitiuM HeHoller't pleaaure boat, ito.n from the Lakeon Tuonlay

IPioWcmsniAualllaryottbiir U I Awill bnlil Uialr Ksular Beuwmbcr moutliijnntTueedayafujnioonBt.l

Tbe ladlae ot 111! Outre Grove Bundayihoo will bold a featlval oa tbe grouuda ad-

i lining Ue acbnol binne on Wedneadar attar-noon and evenlcg ot next week.

The report that the Lackawanaa wouldnot accept cbecka for lielfbt, mileage hooka,

t wet arroueooj In aa tar u Jerwy Ia oonearned. Ho gocd check, will he reluaed

Hellaf Council, No 31, 0 V f, will havea aurpriaa la eton for tncea membera wbobave not been In Ibe habit of attending tbeinaeUnga, wbo will lie (reaeol ne<l Mondaytight.

Joerph York ha, hOUed ai d luralaned blaUrge b-wrdlng houei near the Mnrrletowadepot, (umerly known u the Uunou Hooae,at en eiptnae of (9 OU) luen are fortyrooma Ul the hoitat

Mlaa Anna Btrta,of 1'ortOiwu, he. lawWaiting bar alitor, Mra. A Oaynor, of NewYork city, and will apeod the Uta auumerweeka at Sharon 8|iriiiga, ProviOenco, 11. I ,BoatonandWaibhigton^ C

m Orllten U lajtog a Una flan aide-taU and curbing along bit property on HtDope avenue. It la about tliae for Uie towneutborltlai to get after tba nlber propertyboldert new and make Ibrm follow Mr (inflau1! eiwnple.

The Inilependent Hoea Company, ol Morrlatoon, haa bran challenged by Ite HceoliiteHuok end Udder Comptny to play a game

" a ball not later than tjepttiolier lothThaftrocaedatoiotowini a ftranen'atiedinIbe Memorial BoanllaL

AdalegaUnniif Morrlatoirn Lodge, No, ltfl.Knlghte 01 1'ythiaa, vl.llad Preebld. hewJaraey, ou Monday, Labor D.y, and tooktart'lu Uie annual yialil Day parade and exercienof Ihe Uniform Hank of Knight* of



WIUIPI Ilavtna, ol Fatalo, U vlilllug DiHaldenatSlanliope.

Mlae Annli Unddej, ol arunairica, Ua.,naltii« Mania la town.

Mr. Iraok Haaaiaan apeut the Ant pan cttee week at tag Braixfc.

Harvey Vreeland, of Hew York, la vialliagatBI>unoneandUndu>r.

Iteoordar Beaob and eWar retumed f n uthe VTorkre ralr yejtarday,

Mutai V?mie Johnmlaipndlnga moutawirhfrtoli In l»Eoj, B. 1.

Fred. Honking, formerly of thla town, baaaccepted a pcaltlon c. Bonnlon.

Mr. J. D.- Liwr-aoe, of Btunbope, atartalfor tba World'! '.air bat B u U y ,

Bev. Dr I'allo.ay, of tba FnabjlerkaCburah, baai«turnad[rouiblavaaallon.

Mr. Dudlej rjrollli and a Mr. Vraeland, ofItowark, bave beau vUtlng at Btanbopa,

Mlia Nellie Caa«eU,o! Brooklyn, ». Y., laVbdUiuj bar grandparenta on Prapeot ttreet

Mlea Allot Pbttrofi, of Praepaot alraet,apent a cnnplt ofdaya ttla week In New York.

Mr. Joon olorar, ol Hewark, baa beenapendlng ami tine with, hla MUw la Stan-ope.

Mr. and Mr. Qua Hamilton, ol Hewark,are rpeoul&g a few dan with reUtliia InDover.

Mary Ann UnHally, of Bewarlr,uia«eiil-Ing t . o weakaat bar parenla near St. •Urj'fObnrcb.

Etra rerrb anil wife, of CuaUiam, liavMen tUltlng Mr, aail Mra. A. M, Join, atHetouig.

MlaElUNewklrk, of Kloj.tot, H. Y.,lavUlliglau'ooulna.ltlaMaJtniuetnd Dal.,Hewklrk.

Mr, Irrlnf lewli, of Hew York, tbeUral part of the week with hie panota la

« 7 e n « o r * w lOabaauqua, Pa., to U f a Hupttoeng. •About

Latartaa jo lake twoITdta* Point. Jmt

u t a t y km Ibe dock lee boat Allbaada ware taken ont by 0 V . Blako andMr. Decker: who keept Ike boat boner,

• Tae Korrlatown ladku AaenUloo la o•UaraMy lnleraeted ai tab] Hot In the ml*-adn work enoog the Moqni Indiana In Art-acaa, Kew Jaraay h aaked to provide 1700,tee aalary nf the maavaiaryand hla •Ife.aowon the Held, and the Morrlrtoem AualHaryexpecUtQ liable to malralaeqna terry r»ymant,d9alii0clobav.

We mnet aak tbo Indalgence of onr readerathla week In tkellmltrd amount ot readingmatter We will nail weak lane a aupple-nuat II led with rwadiiut nutter of generalfotenet, UnapageolwhlobalUbecfapBlalImanattoour naderaof helng a aatory oftba town, IU hialneej Inlereata and Ib advantagaa aa a manufacturing oanter. IVaabtll ooiUniie lo laaa auppkmeata H long aaoar advertent «nlumne ere eo arowiM,

for tbe benefit of tlnXher Toner, of tbeWarren Umniorat, w. make Ilia itotanwntthat Maitln Lutber Col, tbe new luperin-tendentefacuuolabf Morrbiominty, lanowarealdentof ltover, butUlbe time of hla ap-pointment bo lived at Uttiernto, In tt««awaytomahlp, Ibrae mile, from HI. UopiC Blaottos la n o t door to the Una, and If llm.Toiler ever comae thli way weehall not onlyliegladtoaeehlnl,lut»llllie la Intraduce him tc Superlnlendent Cai, wbo liewill (In I lo bo an afabla and intelligentyoung tnan with a bright fm<ir>v

' Oreat Hall.There baant boea a' fame of ban ball

(flared In thla aeetket Una teaano Ibat teacaoeed aaora iatofeat or more Bnapolattmthan Ibaiamei by nlara from Ibe three Oreooatpanlaa on Lebor Day, Bad Dot of Ibe con-tnt VWbnt No. 9 < itrluajpUn and•l ib Iliiagoolon. The game In Ibe morningbetwem No. 1 and Mo a waa cloea up to Ibaaiita Inning when Uaa Vigilante began to runaway and kept oa running Ml the i m MoodlStoHtttaeoloaeofthe | H.rd u l

n wary the faatfary for No. 1, and HenryDealer, 'KM" Debla and Jebo Ball IOCOpled the polnla for. He. 1 The out DddiBgwaa almply gnat, and tae eurveaanddropaot Dealer and Debbe ware loo moot for tbaHo. 1 beya Bad they retired beaten. Thenbriidee, "Den" Deblar waa in the nald for Soi,and what •.cooldoH gal by aallleannetohim by luck and be waaaiarltablemeacot,and be wu tbt only one that played ball ao-oiirdiagtogatiaraliiaagaeaaBe waa tbe onlyontbatkiekelBtttaun^i»iadtiaaona. s

lathe afternoon th. IMeotlcti nine nettievtctortou, No. 9 team u d they ataiplywereatln It. Dealer and Bbu'p, wtte 14 teaboi for Vigilant, and the Hook and UdderbstanenoonUnHaee tee ball UU attar It gotbytheej Tbeasorewull lo 9 In favorofHo. 8, and U»y a n enUUel to the toll hotuofhtvlrg Ihe beet hall teem in Ite depart-ment. Weuaderatand a game late hear,rangei between tbe victora and a nine fromthe Dovel Bead, with Jamee alallck aa cap-fain, lftbebandttainranpiayhallaewallaa tb.y do mnalo Ihe Tlgllanta will bare toloch lo their lanrela.

. Whoop It TJp,TbaOeneral Crrnmlllee tpfulnleil by the

varicneProoimpanKe at tbalr matting laatFriday night uetkbd to bold a •ramea'a per-

Banford Huydor, of tartk Bnucli, haabeen ipenJIng tome time with old frlenita InStanbpa

Dr. Naldea and Obarlee Htrrlck, ol Uhu-lioDt, went to nattwnod laat weak tn aleNVDCJ Hnfika trot.

Mean. V. E. Boatedo, D S.'Drain andWm Larbxni, of Hetoung, atarted tor tberYUMoitjonruaaday.

Mr. Harry, of Miorlatown, andallai Annie May, daugblar of Mayor Mo.Craoktu, will ha married on Kept. Mth.

Majter Fred. Treganowari baa retuniedfrom I Ore weeka' vacation with bla airier,Mn. J H. Utan, «t Bridgeport, Cons

Mra. John Drummer and daughter, Bertha,bare returuad from MewHavra,Gonn ,whereMna Bertha haa bean aprading bar vaoallon.

Mr. Rodny Hotel], formerly Secretary otthe Dover?. M 0. A., an] XuaOrace Coo,will lie married at i f ooloak Tburadey after-noon, Septenilitr Utt

Mlat Minnie B VNeman, daughter of DrA 0 rnemail, Ml laat Monday for lealTenneeae lo eUead tb . Maryvlllt College.Bbeatpactabi lake the lull oleaavjalcoiiratandmitlc

Pnit I. 0 Pom end airier have relumedfrom the World'a Fair and are al work latat edwl room Waa Tarn baa not teenleacbleg oreojn.y.ara, but baaagaln takenip the work end t. aegatad al HopUoongTbennnloa of tbe!«IIlegln>Bttata(,!r.

riaUwn on Monday waa largely attended,and the vetemna bad a good time talking overold UBMB and Indulging In nmluhceooee ofdaifc daya ol thirty Jean ago. They didutpan aey reaolalioua In hvor ol Hobe Bmlth,

Mr. and Mr.. J 6 lameoe, of HackeHatown, art alBnaton tbh week attaadlng theenanalcoavrotlonoftkeU, B Mall ServiceMolual Benefit Aantatloo TheBottonAB-aodaUou naede great preparaUona and Ihenembere at thla moetdlmoult branch ol tbtpubllo earvkie artenUlta] to the beat the landafford.,

I W l'awl»y,ol Waterloo, N V , baa beenatruRdhy Ue Board of Truetaat ot Ike V.M C.A to take tae petition of Secretarymade <aoa nt by Ibe rwagneUoe of Mr. Smith,Mr. PawUy euttnd upon the dlt in of hitaaw Kaakkn but weak, and we hone ha maybe abh to Improve on the very good work olhUirndMtaair.

Mr D H. Blake,Br,Mr D H. Blake, Jrtnlwlfeaa«loalH,ab»Mr WlJ.aMawatMr. John. A Horhr Bad Mka Aggte Raid,from New York «ty, load. • airprba to hhiaoa and daogbtarla-bw, Mr. aad Hra. otaaW, Bhtke, aad all weal to apead tabor Haywith Mr eadafre aeitoa, la Hartley, oaugh-fcr J Mr. D H Rltaa, Br. All enjoyed theTbrft very much.

The late Mra Michael bVemanle Priaqundied leavlag five nne and three daughtara,aj>loMttt|iu>il(bur, tlie Utter of whomauaallajigtntPrl«|UalwUIUiueiltthawholeot btreauta.eiid will elan come into p »ajerlon ot a largaaiun of raon.j, wbioh haabeen aocumulaUag alnot Ihe time of herbirth 'Mlatrrieuuehaaalwayalieendevotei)tonaraUen,and will tekt Ml* Clylheni,wbo haa been In 111 health for enno Ume andMbaNettte, Booth with her for the winter,and In Ibe early eprlnfthej will all aall forKurcpe

T. at. 0 . A. JDL1ETIB.g eventa cant their iliadmra be-

fore," aj fell apuroai'bw llw tnwdthought labi Irani finding out auinetlilju; Utuaeoretitdyandtopaaatnatuiie during tlielengnlgbte of tha fall and winter a-annThe Anociatlon Ulrecton and Conuuittee-men are planning for aauiiithing that will aid^ulnaolvlng the problem that ooufrootaTOO A lively Interact la already manlfoatamong the fellowa wbick mean awuathiug Intbe near future, and eoinethlng that allvoung men will be lutoreatedln, notnemberaonlj but any fellow who will moke me of faopportunity.

Andweaball offer luduconieute for newmembera aewollaifortbeDldoneaibuliuiorfi

Next Sunday inornttig preliminaryatepi toward tba organliatlon of a workenUlble trebling olaaa wUI be taken, any actlvaaKioIate member la eligible aa a meinlwr,otber cuuaea will be organ'aad aa aooiipoanble. Kev. H. Bice of St. Jubn'a H. K.Church, Port Orani, wlU be Uio.ep9aker atthe ment meeting next Uumlay, The«euaetlnga aro for mui aud Iwya and are veryprofitable. If you bave never attended cueyou ihuuld ooine next Sunday,

A large audience ooinpleulyulledpur par-lore a.t laat Sunday aftemoon'a aarvioe, and

lenjoyableaeaionltprovcdtausail. Goodaluglug, ahort and lively meetinga aboulddraw, and they aVTuenewQeueral fiocro-tary waa In charge ot the aervioo.

ThaY, M.O.A. ban hall team dafaatadbolndependant'eof ltockaivay, laat Situr-

dayaflenoontothii tune of IS to 19, untillaulayadafitrgame. Wliuwill be the

next to meat the bo;a I come right along I

.TneBeoretaryuireadyatalltJuieato vuitany alck tellowa or do any tblng In bla powertoaldthe young mim of Dover. - VLItoraand atnmgere are alwaya oordlnlly wotcoiuMlto our building. Tbe AaeocUtieu (e a home

' young men of all clean., agaa; creed, anddhtlnotiona. "You , ere Invited to come InandaeeuaateuyUmeand naa our reading


Tbe annual gathering of tbe Indian YoungMen'a Chrlttlan Aauolatlon of tlie Norlbwett,will open at Fine Illdge Agenoy In tlie HadLandt, B. D.; Beiilembar UUi,

•pedal Oounoll afootlne-.A apedal mealing of the Common Council

wet held Friday evening In council room ataujbt oVlctk. Pntenl—Ua)or MoOrankra,

Brown and«Ooiiuc!lfflen Blobardr,3ook, Bnadwtll, Vrealaod and KodJa.

The mfnntaaof the preceding meeting wenread aad approved

ApeUUouoftWlllam King ni|neetlng Uieappolotiieut of Jauilorablp ol the rnglnehoute under tbe new ordloance, waa receivedand ordered placed on Mo

ConmgDntlotifnniEaglueCo No S, ap-proved hy tbe Cblff Eogineor, nqueatlng tbeoonnrmaUoo ot Kdward William, and LoulaPollard, and the re|t»uumant ot John TDabba, aa mvmban of tald oompany, ou nio-;iott the tame waa granted

CommunloaUoDoIJ J Backet!reuaaaUna;i Council to trao,f«r bla aaloon, blluard

and wbohaale ll«na« to Moller ft Co, waareoelved and oo nmion referred to the Or.dlnanoe Comnrlttee, wbo w m directed IKprepare an ordinance tn oovar tbe aam.

Oa mollouall Ullnweislaldi'iFr until Ihanett regular imetlng

Htraet Oomitilttee reporteil that the autboi.IlkaottbaS 1 0 1L R bad lieen eeeneoirtgarda to the eleculo tlgneK, but ttut far

deolalon bad beettarrlved at .rapt Ibtttboelguala would be made lo work right IIIhedty would allow tbe oompany tu do noSo action taken

A reeoluUoo waa adopbd can lemnlng tb.known aa Mountain avenue aod con

vonieg It to public urnOn motiiw ibe Mayor waa authorial to

maka- aoU for 13,100 at tour nsontbtOouacil adjourned

Kabor Say at Port Oram.Tbe I'ort Oram Athletic AamHalloli aU-

brated Labor Day on Monde; huttn a manner en}o;eb> to ell. In the morning at lD klHon. O. A. Munttr, of Maw York city, ad.

, A UCenaca of Oplaloa.At the mealing of the Coaamoa Council a

week ago laat Monday eight, Mr Broad wellaa chairman of tht Fire and lamp1. Com-DlUee, reoomniandad that an ordluaaoa liepaaeKl not permitting any of the Ore appar-atnalo lie loaned to any otber town, etoaptln(ie»ol nnunVaaalletpauta of tnaapor-Utlonandany damage that might happenwhile ao loaned hi made good by the bor-rower, and he cited the oaee of Dover havingloaned a ateamer lo Newton and the.torohaving been put toaneipenee of over paafor repaln whan the ttaamar eama balkThe BeghterpubluhadatNtwlouaBTBi

"About two yean ago the Dover autbor-lUe. loaned Btwtoi a ileamr while our o n

II w u not cut ofI e !ior lueil Iu any

manner, and aae eappoaed to have been re-loroeillnaagood order aa when It waa.ahlp-padcera. If there ma a low, by damafa, ItwaarokuowntoNtwloaauthorlliea, and Itomild not have baa laciimd while hereTVII1 aame one explain!

Chief Engineer Logee Inform, ua that theDoverstaanerwaanotnren while It waa InNewton, and that it want back with IheBuiuklndlngintbtfunaetthktlthBdwlenit arrived ban Before it waa returned Itwee pobahed. Evidently Mr. Broadw.ll |tlaboringudera-wrang Imiiraaaiai, at New-ton would not permit a leaned engine to bereturned la a, damaged connltion.^

FLA.O9M-OA0M.randeno. of Police JaatlceOage waa

teeaceaeofa tary pretty home waUmgonWednaedarereolnl, when kk daughter Ber-tha 0 waannlltd In marrtaga to Dr. F. w .Xajga, of Boaaway. The waddiig pneae.aVm waa beaded by Maetan Bayaamt andHarold WIHrlck, nephewa of the irlaVwhowere rollowad by Ue bridewneld, Mitt IiDlannayl»,olOheatar. TbenoamethebrkkHleetbaulng no the arm ol bar lather, aed, at apereached the head of the room, waa mat by the

work of ail will be neeeaearUy large, but will ^ . ^ n l x a d Weduaeday, OetobeHIb, aa leeaotfallnppn tba chutch, at Ibe Urm which, j , , , , Kot-ltartandlnl the dill tlmai andZcted the alter haidecUrd to fully nalora thaihort bout, for the worhlngoan tbe ret b work at lie own expeaae ipoiue to the rvqneata for mberjlptioai waa

g gBiking lor rdlblea la entertain tie neiU ofthe ^Iflwent oombaaha they will withouttj^ be met with tha aaae liberal apirlt.Th..x«,pa.l«h.».-I antarri h-rtll, Into

^fcrtttdltl^mlth „ p r t ^> j £ j u,b..roujng rucom. a>4 a credit to.lh.

^ , ^ II b b

. ow-y and land from Utloa,« plant to that dlT.lany oame Irom Brooklyn to B<n Hallla fneli|ent and VVIllltmTKimw Tbe work. ba« bai .h»,v»lt»ere«.ov.ll , rnreaad >»allour j ^ u U K * ^ l M , a . j m , t n , beenriUf»a . B y U » « r « m « ^ - » b ^ t o W ^ ^ ^ . . ^ u , f u w bad wbat p w

w»kVwl7l ^ o f !» calledapamda an» Iba memory uf thatwoiae wm g m .nin^UKopnroacblng event« aourca of

Dleatureehle anudpatllln, both to tha Bratoddieeand to - » clui-JB. To make It Ibe

- HioceaiJtaboiild ha will reaoli* the hearty,pjj tho Board of and volnntary l»«ptration ol all thtpaople

. _ . • gj^^ni^uieeommll loal iavatheaub-e a n i ™ . ? - . • » « " aamraaoaof, that nport. Tba oaly

tolnKed out of tb. owrt, •*<>* tb . q , , , , u»t cen epptrandy mar tbe oooeelou

hy Jinn*'Uf tlaaaiuesa/ [.-, ll_t|_,r».wca|MilJ Una thoae Tw-BpUelta.

Ttafrlenue of good roadi» Morrki poontyi« thellawBtk AdrenlW, are making a

t h Bd «dMntuI #ar< to COBHSScMar, to budn ">»»«• TbelrappealC S p O o u r l t»« remllad lo three

b t dUg th.f tbe u , get Treatoo and abow

fctl bto •!>!*« «t " ^ J J J .

Church; attar.which the mgrstaialioaaoftbaaumerenafrimiqa preaant were received,after which tha bride I party and the gueitawera aarnd by Day, the IbtrlatMrn catarer,Mnaki waalxnlahed try a Hew York orchaIra, and Ue hoaae laa bauUfully danrabalby Bpangbr, the Herat Th. newly weldedompUlaUta ttalnldet of a tBatlaaeot tor-pelma on naa naff tram for Ibe wadding tripQa their retain they are to take up theirreaatapa In-Eookiway, lae b o w of thegroom. hlleaCragebe. bean oaa of lha oorteOeknit of tha tort, of leaphm of tba DoverpabUc aebDoaj, and haa ahn bam active InBupoay«aool and obnrch work, where abawlllbegmllymlaeaJ.

gi will be bad weather. _

ProKrtloo.Uook and ladder Company

WMr« It (tan* Fran.Bra. RHteohwM, ot tlw H«*rttitoirn

(ftsrttp, firM UM rollowlm nplufttlonualUtf] nlpbur >prli« tMtwMOwd WUppuyt <'WbIlt In

woMrto U teddh^ b t b

Torn M M U I «I4 ttetBramlH-dnlwl pi mti*b-dMpfatwnUinv Inta-nUni t>


t i UtthWlT 0 v

piibllp print thai • tc&ptot *prlz*HA bmadlioonrad tMtnwa Wbipfmny u d Marrirtown. Tba ooudmrfon !• (rrMbtiUt Uat•Ilbcr Brown lilovt or ttk* ralphnr iprinf li

tt tie UwUpd point wbm till


t S p e c . MThe ball WM loa. In the (If tb

tine TOd«tt Ian aoore showedIngtou, LI; Blaobojw 4.

On Uood»7 lut.the Btanhopt. (Irat nineplayed the aeooui tiltw. - Ttw wore stood »tUie eod of tbo gamt of tix loulngi t Fintu.De.U.Stooadnine, I'.*

Uarry lilejell coraajtwoert teaclloir tbaUrookf * *• ' *' ' " ' '" - -


Tbe Hetoong public eahooloonimenoed againtXunday and bunbope;wlll begin oa Uon-

egoodljrerawdnf people In the rimOroveand delivered a very able addreee, atlilwaafollowedbil K. E. Potter, who bald Uie

for about thirtr mlnutee '•Ihe altemoon htr.'.klaoKett won the

Ihree mile.Mcjcle race from Mr Kintty,covering the dlatanoa iu 11 minulee and 11anoada. It wan a very pretty race, both rid-ing a very even lace lo the loot race Ilan.

S - 5 S 5 Y ( V 1 W K Tbeaaexrace wee won by Heater Crege.! The three.

ladratabyltaeteraHulahleeraiid Wllcoitht ball Ihrowlng'oiaitaet by Uainuel


The ball game between Ibe IU.tar.rJ I'ortIramclube Marled In a. very dlasouraglni

lor Ihe Port Pram rlub They wereabort a pitcher aad they triad a new manrom Hew. York who chanced to be In Iba

•own, and.before Ihe.flrat iunng .wai onrtha Eaatona had* toored.elufen trmk. • Ket-

t waeeuhatltuled later and Fort Oram bjtarrine battug eooceedvd In laaUng themoattnlhelnbaaeejoy of nearly air preemtRjllowlnglatbaecore bj Intnlnra:

Mr Cuntjl>Gll and fimJJy, at Nova-k who»Ya beeu ipwidln^ tb« mimraer wit!. MmWilliam DuiTon) retumej to tlieir Ltin o onMouday

Hn DvUer In •poiidiDg a f«v wcoka withhor ikujhter at Clinton, who ti qulta ttckrvltli qulkity Vfd liojw Bh» rnaj ncuvor her[ormerhealtli

Quite « number from tbli jiltcc will attendiVtverl; ftvtr this WMII

A lUteruid tirochJIdfiDof Prof Itotea-raw tire visiting at tbalr borneLytnan Kuim is building aa addition ta lib

houM aj«ie>i»ctatotwCTpy ithtuWt in Uioipring , -

It If report-*! Uiat Alfr*i Dalilwln luu par-•—^ tbe Joe Htrujfahii ror tlie bum of

'Mli . EdUb Rchoenhelt and guotbi a^ntHatunla; at IAV-J U patcoug

Um Owjrge Bntuer, of Illoomiburg, andIn 8 P Utotlget, of HpringfleM, ri.-ant tit..ttorpartof iwtwtwItaiitliL guentarr IholrInter, Hr» UytMOar publlo school t.jMHi'id on TUniutojMm Qt»rfiobtnaokliBmr>rliaut«

Imlv friendMr ami Hra. (tear Hulioenliolt, of Naw

'ork, Itavo been ipeaitlng a favrdojn In towuitb their parciit.Wa Dotioe that guodtan bain,; entorUlnedC Mr and Mn. haqany,A dau8ht«Hii taw an 1 clilUni fromUiitfareat aro vlaitlng at Uie bomo of Mm, Bel]Ur Joe Karnw hu settled In our ouui-

lunltr and mlrtM with ELD N«aKhrlghtWm ISdtranl SutUni or Bonu.rvllle I. vis-ing Mn. I-ewU DtilTordMn, N*.ugUright aad dangiiter Orate \HVBitiiraedfrom a lettgUiy Visit with relativesi New Fork fltatoMia Hunt, who has boen qwniiing Kverel

w(»knwiiliMrH A D il^r,rrtur..edtolierborne ou Thurmliv morning

Mi% John Mwuy, Mis. Hyde, Mr HwatwBndllr K ButtniilortUiaoarllorittrtof thewouk for it two woelti,1 at tlio lVnrlil

KBBUM II IVottOwo.,,. 0

1 1 0 ] O-]flLli2 6 0 I-1V

BtUariM, flaboock, Ibttrick awl TrevetwHoy.. Umpire*, O'L«arr and

In Iba tTMlpf KM pk-nlo and danoa wa*trail attotded and allugctfatr ft waa a i*j of

Soonton AlhleUo OlUb.Tlie gtand opwlng of the Boonton Atliletloib took'' plaoa" I<ainr,Day,aflermxin, and

I t U PaulOrouch,p ,champkw ot New Jtntj, was there KrerjUilug fMHdoff u Intended Prof. He*eyd t d h " i U Q H Bid f B

g fdonated the"mwio a

y, H. Bird, of Boon

O h f iltan, won the mile novice nwe.. One-half mileP twaa won ly Paul Orooot, Ray Daw

Moood, onemllo bandlcaj). von by Vaiilahnwb, B., Dawwn woml; twt>mlle baud!

Dnbyfl I) Uowan, of HIUabethA 0Oroucband llay Damnn word lint'In

Uorrti county Itay iMwaon oinmfn flr*.aotl Freeman, nf ; Rockaway, aecond. TbeWli won by Ray Dawaun.

e there enjoyed mine].'to i

All of oi that jyand eoon agabi hope to >ee aome more racingon the twi t

• A great mlrtakti wn made In not havlni; aball ground In the nnter of the track,

Hit wait until next year. .Timo worlu wrm

U m t i Tom*a Cabin Co.Thai cou|Mny will give a matinee tuid

night perfornunee at Lho .JUker Ojrtianue on Saturday, September OUi. Itlaid to be one of the bert Uncle TomntpaulM oa the road.'. Tha Allowing aoton

and utreBMaara in the cart, Haaan. Grog) ^ V U l C U k ; B k R I I 1

. Tne Colored Meadow ,Qnartetle areigging*, Harkltu, Albert and Johaaou who

wen t i* .ubilee aiiigwa in A V, Palmer'sb f a " O ; Thelattea In the out an

im Gregory, wltb little Olgm Buker u Kt-a.hematJo»pri»«wIllb0l\SS,E»,and the

eranlogprioeiaStudCaTdte oompaoy oarriei all of tistr own

Meoary, and the, tnufonpatloo aoene inhih R U dl W b l

ywhich Rr« U aweodlnf W beaTen li- * . . W U | H I V,waai ea> ^xnita • •wtatg HIM aw aeaaBavwj H

Tbe oersaooy «M pwfomrf hy ootopo^o/ three dtetinot dropa. The triok!. .H t I k7 r*T l * r ^ V T * 1 1 ^ donkey Jerrrliainwliig The bloodhound

dopkey jerry |i amitilng The ti«FrlU"f.aiiilMirUjBpfoliiieil at tlio true

t 4 4 b I

diaordert^Juiticeof i

JtUrtJM'a Oaurta,fMaggltt Glarlfe, of Ht Ifope aceoun, waa

inrated by Oouatable Jol,n"F, Wood onrueaday;lnootapti,lutof a

penop She waa taken before. thePaaoeT.D HcGnUtonWed-

q«ed»y and flo*^ W centa and ontttn. ani|bound over to keep Ue peace

On Toeeday of laat w*ek mm» raid tawotl abig chip iwt ot the tn» In front ot Dr. Cumpln^pewrjat bow, and the Vanhal haab«p trying to Qai out who did i f I « t

l b t h f d t U a m l wbo keentUiea p g

guljty partiy. Thli tnanlng ha arratod 11mand t itioa Juatic«Hag* ftned him « 0 0 and

Don't niu It ,Tbe great mtdtammw ckaring mi

prloMfar briow oort at tha D O T * Buar ofH, Grimm.

; Special Vauto Phoaplutafmfe from tke faatcwy tUt *prin«, Th»Kie>

^ O l O

Harrmh tor Low Frioee,Allanmniar gooda marked away down r»

gardkaaofooai, dome early and aBCBraaamaof tfa* gnut now offarwl at theDoTarBaMrol«t. fit.Grimm.

BTAKHOPEU IKW b«n tied Ihm

•uimiur iKianirni rtinl T)«ilwt are fait leaing, •JthiiuKh I uiot ono follow who Mid ItolifatorlUmoLthtrt ru>tlmte Vou t», tw

, Ims; « i loomug forcanl witti the bl

degnei<l« lor tho luMdln day ot B«p-tMDbar when tbej can go out and get thopoor Unit tqulrrflf Ta*rewlUueao 'ohnt-nub" -brut them then

Kplirairo LelghUm i- lairt u,, wltb t Umefoot yet

Only tl) worth of thee? bllU audited Ivy theBjrnun Townthip ComciIttM on the retpiUvrd*y, Bept tth Tbe owt at tba moeUog iraiMarlraimueh u tbe lilll allowod, but tbetowiuhlp got off cheep, tithougb lilll Hhmjdottt have run rff four ID Qumbn

SarrogfttaB JoDti*] DfCter mu in torn ooWetiutadiy of tbli tmk looking afisr bitI>rmpectt for re-eJfctlna

N» man talk about a bftnlt at Utanbopa.Tbe surplui eapltal | tu »J1 gnna ioto U-a newftctorjr building the WAJ tnattsn appear

Tin, child of Mr Bh»-», .faipplag cl«rlt forrU.<> FoidtD VendertktunUy,T u d

turlBd, <llrdWiuhlcgton o

on, an aged cJUiea of Ut Olive,formerly owning a ferm Joining tbe rear oHudd-B Ukr, died AR enburdiy lu t at tbe

w of U f l a WatU, bU n o la !•.«, saie« i i Ukrn to DmkBitowti Tor !>uritU on Mund i j aftu-ttoon lut. Hit age wai KI jnn.Two jtut ago bit ptm. i t u made lamauby obUJntog a dlroroi from bit wife t i« i tti

aan ot age.H(™inHton»rooentJy'ioW anatlier one of

tab valuable young boraat to a gentlsmui IuOrmtige for • good price

Joutban Ulack U praptrlng for the oy§t« Bud will won l» reii'iy to cater h> tbew»oti of tba pulllo

Tba ML Arlington 11- b. C. a i m dotvo lastSitunlaj aftarmon and i>)a>ed l\va limlugiwltb tbe Stanhope cIub.M a return game.Th b l l WM lo I th (If tb I d tb

gInning and tbeed lit. Arl

tok school lutTuwJay, H«pL Gcb• of the WtxW li likely to or-

a terrible storm raging 1 IVell, Itthe treUHketialghte I over saw. 1mad and furiuus, came duhlng liiftta trt>luoudoua rate, and aa far u eye oould aw allwaa in » disturbud atste. An I itarted up tbeplu)k walk I found wreckage on all nidm.Ute boats had be«u dubei) to pieces. oUierawere lauded high and dry on Ooeoi) aronue,tin board wilk and pavilion were torn up Inplaces, and we were obliged to go out on tlieat-eoue ID order to proceed. Ai I neared UioUf th avenue pavilion I noticed large orotrda•tending gating tvt tonietliiiig. As I camenearer I saw the objet* of their gaxe. Thereon tbe taad lay a twonuuted flailing echoouerwhich hud come ashore about 51. u. 1 readthe name, " Mary F. Keliy^1 Tlie two largoiiiasta lay acroeti the boat, anapi>eJ olT likepIlMBtenia. There she la; a wrecti, rollingami rocking at tbo iueroy of the waves.

\ja look"Order

Ute lulivenaf the Ht Fl«ejanti.tvl OrcbwrdnaaliadtoiiilTeraiiDtberreduiiUon of 11)r cent in their wag« oa Fridajr lait,mo refiiaed i t flrrt togotoworklmt laterweuthl They are BbwdANitto ono dollar

<Uy «nd no nfgtu ofiinprovemonfcKf ifobiiHant>oWi(Viidh t.J*H itrV^was

rialliiig Jnbn i parentti Iu town on Mondayast. •Joe. Jainen, of Teuxumburg, pttchsr of tbe

Pbrt Own ball club, met with a very badaocklent on Vonday niornlug Aug 'Jn. Hetriad to gtt on a inovlug train near Dovertad la trying to get a more tlnn hold, mlanlhla fooUng and hli leg* fall under Uiewbeela, but, hehadDmanceof mind left tole .iulck and BWintf hlmaelf with tbe train,but hla left foot got cauiht under the wheel*arid WM maibttd Dr. K(M tad Klaffpi wa-tery lalnful candlllun The athletic aaaoci-atltju lumlihsc htm company atnlglt, andalaootheraof lisjounx frl>nt)a It will be

e time .wfttre Joe will 1» able to munisk

Tbe Ltdiat AU Bootety, of BL jofaa'a U! Cburnh, wlllbnH UwfrftiilTalaadbajaari tne ohan* ground and In (he btiement of

ihurefa, on Bent, l.ib and BO, afUmooa and•Ttmlng Anoyafer tuppar will Le me ofthe ftatarat .

A pleMoUl WM bald at Ibe rtrtbcK* of. £ . P v . U , r i T r v M j e n n K , u n d e r

tbeao»Plc«n*a.t>gti DlvUlonBshio( Tem-l*r«noi.

OurillkmllUuow run,HT* d*j> a w*ek,eight hnunadfcy.atareiiuctiofi of I en par


B&BTLBT.Ur and Ur* Hance and daughter and MrI MrH. Jamil BlniAi0aUir of n at>hlngtouft Piwere tbe guerta of Mr aod Mm T, 1'

lletoverSundairMr uvlMn » H. Couowr hurt rolunwd)M tlieir vliitwlth friemli al Hopewell,

Mr and atra. Atiram Hetbm am entertainlog frisods from Vew York

Michael Fllda baa drawn over Vailoaili of

unlt.T7j;t t

l Udi lon hla wbtwt grnnnd

fehhfttb f^itint wmt-rjFhl

Our FfehhfttblUwlUi U» Plunder* ichool ou anaxcurttan to

Lake Hopatcong on Saturday of this weekOur publlo achool wU op. 4 oa Monday, th.

1th, under the tnanigonient of Mi* MamieItnible, of Junction, N J.TbeUtartfs that H.A Deliart h u pur

d tba machinery and online ot tbe De-lart mine, of Mt. Freedom, and lulendaput-

tmg-«p large ddvr work, on Uie road hadingfmin Hartley ta DraketQwn, and uae the enor-mous engine for bla power. Cider will cer-tainly be very cheap Iu thla vicinity

A very inyaterioiu flre occurred on UMmountain on Tueaday night, then being aUrge ataek of etraw which had Jiut beenthmlied ofT of about twenty-five mat* ofgrminil. It took fire at»ut» Si V u Who

OommandahU.When Captain Ricbarda reosirad notice

from the Mt PlMuant Mining Cobpany lastweelctooloee tha mines on Hoptemosr lit, heImmediately aakexl Utlie niinet oould bo keptunning provided Uwy could be operated atMBezpetue. .Tlieoompany decided that they

would not throw tlie men out of work If theywould work at a Inmr'ntt, and CaptainIliclianls nnttfled tha men tlAt ther'.couUjoiitlnue worttat a 10 por oent rwlocUonThe men at ftnrt agreed toacctptthoee termabut on Friday morning they .plunged their

ind), aud the tint shift refined to go toi Hevoml of the nun went to K, K

aud aikol hla advice, awl lie Uild themy all Hiram to accept tlio roducUrai, ai the

proapft t nf mourlng work cbewbere wan veryk Tho arlvloe waa wnind, and judged hj

uMntoutJook for Ubor/.botii Captainand Mr. i'olter are to be commend

e.1 for Lh. [r otTnrta to luepthe men at work

A Obarainr Tnp.Inrrta and Saaer Railroad Employee.

cautuiuual exeiiralbn to Maoch Omnh aod

len Onoko and. UM fare from Dover andpobU wnt haa been fix«d at II SB for UMround trip, the cbeapeet rate arar offend to

people of tbla Writ thli noatotlial of rennnTlraalaH pfctawq

Tfekite ran be bad in Ilontr ofFrank ITaod, I4. B. Uedden and SUpbea ABroadwAll,' TIM proctwds are fnr Uie bensllt

Uw ilok and iditabled maoihen of the at-aoctaUttt.

aak by JanktoB, Bunk * Po,, Mine Hill

bane power, complete with gOTcrttor, oOcape and gate valf at. It li tn flntrchu* too*ditton and will bo soli at a Iwrgain. Applyat the Eiu office.

Vetice to Kotheri.AhtwttUul dlaplayof InfanU'wear to be

EOONTON.I WM (fiijoyiDg mj vacfttlouat Asliury Pork

wL*D thotM two Urrltic storina tkiUtd tlwJarsny ooa*t on the DlghU of August Zt ai

. 1M first aae t never ihall forget,waa OD a Wedneeday night It raged fiercelyuntil midnight After daylight the nettmorning the rein fell ID torrents and the windblew a gale. Hleep was out of tbe question.AiomlooaUdoutofbla bedroom window hawuld aee llgbta In all wlndom. People un-able to sleep or rut in bed bad ar.- en, turnedou the electric Ifghta or lighted Uieir caudltm.The hotel* ant. cottages swayed to and fro,•eemlngly trembling as though ready totumble. At tbe light of day began to a,>j>6hr•bove the borlxon, tnrongs of people left thulrbuardlng pUces and traadered to tlie boardwalk to see what damage Old Ocean badcaused, for It had already beea nolwd aboutUiatasigbtworUiseelng awaited thosa whowho WDuld go to the beaeli. Altbougb thorain bad ceue.1, tbe wind waa still blowingat a terrible rate, and what a sight wu wit-1 cued. Hare you ever nun tlie ocean, intliofull of the moon, with tho tide coining in ant!


'.VM anyone drowned I" I asked of ate ofthe bathing niartere. Yea, four gone, fourFtrocg men, unable to battle with tbe ele-ments, had been lort, Tha reuiBinlinf wvenhad bean taken to the Columbia hotel.Lujteu, aa I Ilttened, to the ttoryof the wreckan told hf one of tkee noble fellows connectedwltb tba lite-mvlng utatloiu. "And, rtrangoto aay, that during UID sunnner season thesestations rwntfn closed, buttbls old man ofsixty whiten or more lived near Anburyl'uk, aad Dams over durinjj tho itorm to weif my one needed help." Hearkon to his•tory aa he told It to a crowd that tuiroundedhim oa tbe beach. " I could not deep," hebegan. " I arose from my bed time and timoagain and looked out Into the dorlcnem, therain pelting agaltu. the window panea, thewind moaning and aliening, the breakersdashing in at a tremendoui rate, was all Ioould see or hear. Finally I raid to iuy«-ifo,'Wiftalmustgooiit; aotuetblngtellainethataoui6 one needs help.1 'No, no,1 Bald Bhe,•Dont go outln thkt torrlbleitonn j (otnethlngwill happen you/ 'Yes,' replied, <I muat go.[ foet that aomebbdy needs help. I dressedliurrisdly, went out into the darkness, downto the beach. I waited and listened, and Ina little while tomebody came running alongaud (aid, 'Hurry to the Fifth avenue pavll-

n., a boat haa driltM aahore, llyaa are to beived and we need help." I hastened thlttier,1"

he went oil, "and then I found that §chp<mer,"pointing to ths boat, "wrecked and nieu onboard shouting above the noise of the windand water, 'Save ui!', Oh, what a moment IBverjtliing agaiiuit us, luooa at Its full andtlie tlie ooinlng in. We ventured as near u(safety would permit, and tlnu tlimwtng outthe lire lines to Uwuti on board wepull'il tlieuiaahore, weak,' eshauiited, almost lost, butsaved,. Have we mcued timn all 1 A look

_ the crew that contained elovun tneuwe saw only seven. 'Where ia tlie captain I1

waa saked, 'And tlie dint mate I And theiteward I And Walter, one of tha sailors rAll gone, uiuk beneath Urn wavei. We mayHnd Uielr bodies Utor.on. 1, tell you," said

9 old man, aa he concluded tulllug hli ex-igence, "Tears stood [11 tbeeyeti of thote'

tailorboys that were rescued.. l'rayora wore•aid from grateful hearts, and tlw prayer*that went up to our Heavenly Father fromtha men OD that boat asUng for miccor andhelp from Uocl were many. Then It U" oon-c.udtnlUiemai., t l That man calls upon Oodor help. • Atsucb a time mail Is not ashamed

afrtvld to pr»y,M And tlio eld fellow, as heQulalu-d, wl|>ed the'tuara from bla eye*, asdid many olhori who heard him. tiolngUtujLt

1 w»y I hid rome, I went to Ocoan Grove,. a hoard Walk from Uota'a pavilion, stand-

ing up higher than the rent, waa notdamagudmiiLh, <mly In places.-Kvon Uie board* hadbeen railed- and looaeawl by the water, lintIrcyoinl the flubing pier and so OQ to MIUgore's pcvrllon, the walk had dhappearodoomplstely, aod nothing but wreckage waslelt, while much damage was done at the»lwvBl«ivimoii(cauilugalo«,Iw(ui told, of(W,IH» to Mlllgore, Wbst tbeoUior lonesamounted to I don't know,, but undoubtedlyran up In tlie thousands. It wu a'light worthaeeiiig and long to he remembered.. •'•-,' ' •

Taw-Beotmn1-4 ublon wont to • UMle FeiitI*bor Day, and oame tack with another vfs-toty i*l«l to thulr liat, h*vf r,g beat a.elub atthat place, ttoicon atanding 0 to fi, • •

Tbe New York World laat Sunday, had fora head lines, on the flnt page In large type

denoi. that btaiuew'oottfutenoe ta rmotloallyrestored; I just waat to put along side ofthat an item tJhatireally Interastoour Boon-ton people, and ask them If ttiey Iwllevea BQQA tlmet Are at Loiid'' ^rv\ thst is thatour idkfliitl wwhlah t u been running on lialfUme for some time [tut, h u shut down alto-gether throwing out of emntoytntmt aonie3(10 hands or more, at a loas of nearly <V.,OCOanroutok-ouroomniunitj1, good times, eh I

i>falllo*tiU'iIowuUjl«rT»».A man named Dennis Slelngland age 18

years, wnployed In »KlIk mill nt fateraon.waa stealing a ride with a compatilou on tupof a freight car Monday night, when he wasstruck bj an ovwbetd bridge near Fater«xiand inrtautljr killed, hla oompsnlon caughthtm and saved him from ftiling nC tha. car,llui Ixtdy was brought to Eoonton, and takenoharge of by Drew & Van Duyne undertaiers,

An Ordinance.Aa ordluADoo iirovliIinR for tlie apualiitiuoiil

of a Janitor or the EUKIUB HOUW and »nncrlblng Ills dutlaa awl aiipoIuUng a ilrinau'i aunual insiweUcn day,

VAKHKD KEPT, lut, 1«fl.Hie. 1. Be It ordained by tbe Mayor, Itu-

corder, Aldermun ind Common C w l l mr ti T f D T h t

corder, Aldermun ind Common Cowicllmenor tiie Town of Dover; That a jaultomball•s appointed for the Kngtno Hume In the

Town of Dover who slullTiold hii offloe dur-ing tho pleasure of th« Cominan Council,Andwhotliatlbevatd a salary to be fromtime to time ilied tty resolution of Uie Com-mon Council and WIIOM duUes iball be tokooR the Enjrlna House clean aud In goodorder, to attend to, and care for, thu flro*aud lights thereof, and to keeu tlie Flro Kn-glnu, Truulcs and all other flre apparatuidean and in good Grdur, aud tu reedlneat atalltimee.

HKU. g. And be it further ordained thatJO third Wednesday In Beptember of each

year slioll lw flreuiou'e annual Inspection day,O BCOKAOKKN.

Mayor.rVttoat:—Jf.n.«V. IlAidEn, Clerk. 4l-l!i

A Supplementi.?nient toauordlnanceentitlad,11 An

...n» to ««Ub1li.h and regulate theDenartmratandfnrrhepreTeDUonand

rsuDKiilahment of fire." 1'aaaod February

PASSED BIPT lit 1808,BKO. 1. Belt ordalDKl by the Mayor. Re-

corder, Aldermen nod Commnn CouncJlmBnof Dover, That It sball not be lawful to loanor hire out any of tbe engltiBs, trucks orouwr flro apparatus of ths Town of Dover toany Individual or to any municipal corpora-tion or to remove tbe satna beyond the corpo-rate limits of tho Town of Doier, eiojpt In~~Lte of Are and when taken by a Ore cointiany-

loBpt by and In pursuance nf a resolutionthe Commnn Council duly passed and

prMnrcnrpontiao borrowing or btn'ng shall pay tran«port«Uon and engloeer'aebarfiei and ahall make Kond all damage tu»-talued by tbe property wblleao borrowed orhired, and any person or persons wbo ihallauthority, aid or eta'sUn removing BUT tireengine, truck nr oU>erflnapnanitut of thetown beyond the oorp rate llmlta of Dover,

icent wb#n tbaretodulr authorised punu*nttbe pmvlrlona of this ordinsnoe. and ex-

cept in case of lire as above apedQed, shall br.Wile to a penalty of Fifty Dnllara for MobDiTwce. QionoB UcCRiOKllf,«.t:~JoB. V. BAKIR. Clark. 41-2w.

an D j n e u n d ,citui u g jte, waauunuiDaad, aint

after viewing the body \mmtO% burUl permitand the body waa removed to bis home atrtt 1 ' " ; ' '

Garvhler'K. H. Baldwin ot the NaUooalUnion Bank, will move to Dovor with hiafamUyabouttheflnt.of Ootolor, and Mr.Wm V Smith, Treaninr of the IntorolianRt)-able Tool Co , goca about the tama time toUtica,N.y,, when the Tool Co, will locatetheir flant.; We regrat sincerely to looo auclirrlend. f rani bur community. .,* ., , '

Jlev. • Thoauui Carter rtartnd for tlieWorld's Pair Uonday nfght, taking three of

his chlldreo with him, he'will beabiont abouttwo or'threa weeka," during hta absence hjapulpft Will bo supplied by.itev, II, Hllltard

agsiof Dovmv. - •'•'•:".•: .--r1-'-. •"•.. '"'':It tv Ei' A. * ScrlWr lAt. rttu'fn(»«l from

h l o a j o . - ' ! .1 1

- - ' , . - : ' - ' . ' • • • • • ' 'l ;

-l i

- '!

- '•,•• -•

HT, J. 0. Porter atarted for a wettern trip:on lVedneaday.< Including a visit to tho

SB.: Thorn** and tiunghters, whtniipenilliig the summer at Chicago,

jturoed home on Wednesday.Mr. James U. Gardiner aud family linvo

wturnadhomB. . . . . , . •Our pabllo school oiMued on Tuesday with

an atUodanctt of »boxt 400, all of the farmerteaclten are employed eicupt Mlas CarrieMorton, whose place la fllled byaMbsCoylesof Tarrytown.N.Y. ' •, , : ' - , -

Prosecutor J- 8 Salmon, returned homoruin the Wurld's Pair on l.;Mnc*lay.

Ask for tbe Bicycle Stooklng, which, weguaniiit«e In color aod wear, fromllo, to Itfo,according to the siwj wortlidouble. Infant'soattHaaspecialty. H,H«

' G*nal,DoTer,N,J.

Tha Tlortda Iteam Heaur.Foru^ti»*i»toddn3olarBe«id to The Fred.tmotMewUn.. VaraieniVaUer. V. *.

KlNG-MCCONVlLLE-.USt. ElltabethbChurchtlSlst Street, KewTorkCft Vtemberard, 1893, Junes Francis KingNew York, to Annie Ross BfcConville,merlyof Ogdewburg. ' • .:•

rlPBIinY-fiCHIPPNEB-At Wnrt OraUetiKKllat peXMnagQ, August »1, IMM, lwItev. Henry U K A.' Hurry aud MIIIIIIBHchiCTner, toth of Putt Oram, N. J.

McPALIr--HA VKKCOOL-At Dmvllla. AUR.STlb, by Bar.- 0. R. Siiyder, Cbaa. B. Mo-Fall, of Da*er. tnd MIu Annie 11. Baver-oool,ofDorer. : \\

FLAOOE-aAGE-At lie house of the

2B « b a

OL B., nt Roctawtr, andOage '

. • ' . • • ' : . . . : • » I B D . ' •'

CIABK-In Bteokton. California, HnpnhClark, relict nf Aahbdl Clara, a natrteolNew Jeraqr ag«l 14 years, 8 tnontna andI S d a y a . ' • •. .'• . ; - : . •


ilo general liuunewnrk. A|iplyit Dr. I. W. Conilletv; on' frmiient atnwt.

4 i u • • ' • , • ' . '••' •' ' : ' - ; • • • • • • . . •

'. ;(• ' . . T H B ;.•'. ';.

Morris County Savtngs Bank,COR. BOUm 1HD DlHART STrt,


made on or before October 8d will dmw Is-twert from October lit,

• H. W.MILLSR, PresideDt. I



CliniL-n] Att't. N. Y., Optti. and Aural I ml .(Dr. Krmpp.).

Jiltmf of Ryu. Bar, Ham and Ttiroat, mTrfituiriii by MCltttrirtty HptMUt*.


roiirx: Tiic*. Wed, Tliiirs, oitil Mnt. r tn tana 6->> to S K N. Sunday 1 to 1-30 ONLY.


An Ordinance.An ordinance b> transfor tbo naloon II

noiwe, tlie billiard llranso and Uie wlidaul0l(<|uarlii!eiiw "f Julin J. llackolT t-Mtl & Cintiaiiy.


BKO. t. Da it ordtUiici] by Uirder Ald n and (Jonim

BHED HEIT. 1st,] by Uio Mayor li

IT. 1st, Mayor, lity

aii Cuuuciluient i H l II

y ycarder, Aldern en and (Jonimaii Cuuuciluienof ibeTuwn of Cover, Xliat t ie Halooii II-oenu and Uw Billiard lloenwaid the IV'Lolo-

l Ll li t d b l Cnu d Uw Billa l lenwaid the IVLolo

wlfl Lliiuor license graiited by tlie CommonTounollof tlieTowu ot,Dover, to John J.tackoff of Dover anil now in force, be andhe mill lioemea aro hereby triiifferred tololler & ConiDony for the unexulred tortu

ttiereof. GKOIUIE MCCHACKKK,Mayor.

Attest :-J(W. V. UAKXR, Clerk. r '

e Mayor, ICowicllm

j l t o b

Oor. Blackwell and Morris fits.. Dover, N. J.

or blrirg out of tba same In each par-.tar taw and for iscb partlrular iccsslim1 upon condition tint the property aoni-d or hlrrd out shsll bi accompan ea by1 of the MiBiiieor* of the Fire Ucptrtumiit1 who sball remain with ths s*we unti]return and upon the <utW O3nditian that• — ' imror hin»-





Vests and


A Supplement.L tupplfltnmt to an nrdloanos entitlwl "Anordinanoe to ealabllaband regulate the Fir*Deparinwnt, aod for ttu p»e.ti.Uoo andPitlnguUhnwnt of Urea," passed February

'• ' pAaaiDBaitT lit ifflM.lie It ord.lw.1 by the Mayor, UecorjV Al-nnenandOommoaC<>UMllmsnofth*TownDover, That an ordinance eatttlett "An

iminance to eaUbllth and reculata tbe Fir*Apartment, and for the prevention and ex-dnfulshment of Ilrce," p«w-»d febrairy 9th,674, be u d tbe suns b b e n b y ajwddep u

follows: Tbat station 1 of arttelo 1 of saidordinanoe beameuded so auto read as followa:

B«c. 1, Tbe Pin Department of - the Townof Dorer shall omtht of a Chief Engineer,w AasUUntBngltMH. one UeautdJtori*taiitEnfiDter, twenty'OTi Wantou, ami suebengine men, bom m«o «nd hook and Udder

. — L , l t w , b / tt([

' i« t lw2of artklelof said ordinance•t amended ao aa to read as follows:

8KO 2, Tbe Chid Knglnaar of the Fire DB-srtnwn. aud the Aastflaat Bauineer and the

tvoo&d Assistant Bcgitiefla", ahall be appointedby ths Common Council from time to " ~and they afaall hold their office, raprct.. ..„

nring tbe pliaaare of tha Common Council.Tow ibsJl ooDBtttuio and ba called tbe Boanl«f Eftganeen t l Ihe Flr» Otpartment They

all moke such rules and regulatlona foi


Guaranteed to shoot cqnal to any high-priced gnn in tbo markolr,

$115 SAFETY FOR $85,• ' . . • : • • . - ' . - . ••• . : — A N D — - . " • : •

EVERYTHING IN aa ton henafter be appoliCommon Council. - .

That sMtlon 8 of article 1 of MI

idr owns and regulations for, not Inconsistent with

or tbe ordtoaoot of. _.... government,not

- laws of this Htate, or the ordtoaoon ofie town, au they may deem advisable, tub-Ht t3 tb" aiiproTal of tba Comraoo Ooanoli.That sectlanl/Solartlolea of said ontloanoe

Batceadodsoastonsd asfollowst ;btc. 15. The OhM Eiwliiear shall In all

cam uf (Ire, threatening damagra or deatruo-tlon of nroperty within the town,1 taku prompt

- • " • - - — - - u » tbfl meatuol

of fin have Mle and abaolute control andcommand over ali the lire engiitts, and allmetntwi of the lire department, and over alloliwr a B p t aud p r s o s idl

etntwi of the lire department, and ovliwr an Bpimmtw, aud persons aidll

aapliUngttaa department In cakttt of afin. InthealsmiOB of the Chief Engineer,at an; flre, the comma-d shall devolie upontiifl Atatttwiit Kngln*er, mi It b* bo not pn t-••nt tben upon tbe S«»tid AuisUnt EngJoeeiaccordinz to the rtguliUo s established forthat purpoes by thelJoard of Knglneeni andIn tfatt abwioeol all the eogloeeii then uponUie eoiifor foreman present.

That MCUOU lOt/attlcle D of said ordinances amended so aa to ivad aa follows , .Stc. in. Tb» Ae*I.tan( Englnters when at-

tending ares, shall orer the flrmUani of thfChief Engineer. Tbty ahall take propermeasum to arrange tie several Hra i

and other flre apparatui iu the mosttageoua manner, and tocauMthMn tnbednljwirk«>l Tor the tffeotual eiUngoUunent of

•M nshallUtbadntyotthlt^lef Xngt

ling oractual

Hra eogliwmost adVan

. .r and Anlitant Bnglnecn to CHIM ordsrto be obwrred by tbe numbera of tne departmrnt lo ffolng to, working at, or retnnilBgfnwi tirta. and at all oUnr limes when eotn-panies belODgiag to the tire departmeatan

_ - MOltonlW of article 3 of tald ortlnaowbe ameniled so as to read aa fallows;

Pea. SO. The Fin Wardena when att - .rea iball be .ubject ta tbe direction of tt*

Chief Knglneer and the AmUUnt Eagtneers oftoe flre (j»parltnMit, ' ' . ,

TfaatrecUun 31 of artfclea of asid ordluanoebe amended aa follows 1 By strlktag, ottt UMword ••Jfrglnaer'' where is occurs after tbeword "Ait&UntTaBdtetoretbe1 * "

lrsot" and lnaertlDg the word ' _.tu IU stead and so mat it shall nad "Assistant Engineers may direct," &c • ' ;.'

Tbat aaotioo 23 uf article* of taldordloaiKetw amended as follows t By rtrlklnn out Uu" " - .KT-^^'WrtiUr

UM worts "or Aaslstant" and betora tbewordi "ihall cause tneroll" aodinaertlug the^ _ ^ ^ _ . . i n ^ — i K k u • , _Hn i^ At a ±__ j _ _ i _ _

thet shall causa the roll," «fco.Tbat eecHon SO ol article 4 of aall onUoance

be amended aalollowai By striking oat theword " JCoglnter11 where It oootuiiiter theword '•As*litMtt',ntwop.actB fa esid sectionand inMriing in Iu stead tho word "Eogl-

'ibat ascUon 97 of article* of aald ordlasnce>e amended In tba first claute tbereuf relat-it>|toU»0bW iiatdnwr and Assistant ED-glneer so as tu read aa followi.: .:

Bso. 27. The numbers of UM lire depart-ment wbeo on duty sball aeverallf be dlitin-guWirfufoJlowi; XbeCbWBagEitear.baUwear a leaUur cap, painted white with aglJdid frunt iharuty, and a lire engine biasutwd Uiwoou, nod Uw xoTil* " Eugrneer" paiDttd Uternm In blank lottara and beHhall curry a HpeakiDg trumpRt. Tbe Aatxvtst-ant Bugmeer wwH wear a leather cap, paJntMwnlte, wiUi a KiidM ttmt Uitreto, «uid a liraangina nlt,.uiiw<l Uetiioii, and Ute wordi "As-kUuu i Htmlnew1* palnicd ibrreon iu black•eu*r«, and Uie Htcoact Aaaistant; flugtoeerhbail wear a almiUreap except that tbe words

Cscond Assistant EuBlnetr" shall b« palnudtfavreuiinllkenHUiiier, and butta tne Assist-ant Engineer and U» deoood AasiaUuit Jtngi-neer trball also Ctu-17 spftskbu trnmpeti.

Tbatu)cuonltiuinicle4utaulollbe am<4tded aa followa: By itrUIng out theword "Engineer11 wbert It occur* at the endof tald atctlon and fnaertimt the word "Kogi-mtrs'1 in Instead.

That eecUfm Kl of article 4 of aald ordlnanwbeamen4«laaloUofra: By renking out tbeword " Kngineer" wbere it occora after tteword "AsUttant" In tiro place* in aald see-'Uon end .wetting Ibe word ••Engineer-" In

That sectionUS of article 4«f said ordinancebe amended asfollows i By itiikiug out theword " JCtuduMr" mhere it oocors after theword "AJrtJtani" and before tbo worda •• tbellayor," and laaerUnx Uia word •- Engines!.'In iu stead and ao tiiat it snail read ' J

ant JEnglnean, the Major," &o.TbwtleeOon 3T of ardols 4 of aald ordinanoe

be amended as follows 1 ByatrlkioK out tbeword '-Engineer" if here .C occur, alter Uieword "AftUstant" and • before tbe wonts

aa,aJns. firemen," aid Inserting the wordKuglnteiV* la iu stead and so that It sball

read "Auiitant Boftlnsen. against fireman,"

'liint teolloni 48, M and 47of article 4 ofsail oniiuanca be amvodad u follows; Byiirlklng out tnrword " Kniinear" wbBreverIt OCCUIK In said sectlona allwr Ute word 'As-

"t^iiii«nto»\hj.wOTl' — '

KeepYour Eye



Next Week.










LAST GRAND FINAL REDUCTION. ' . ' ' • • - - I N - • '




Lov^ PricesrilKI'AHATOKY TO (Mill

." • '. OI'BNINO OV

Fall and Winter

Garments,WHICH W I U J BE AHNOUN('i:0 IN A


BICYCLES. BICYCLES.We have a; few left same grade as we

hare beeia selling at less than half-price.

Sizes suitable for Men, Ladies, Youths,Boys and Girls.


$25.00 to $78.00.Come quick if you want a bargain


'I lie l u l l DM Guuc.

ufliu.-Pi ill |ii.riiiitor iliu JIJIIIUII K«ug re-limiwl hs i uiKlil •ii,|.lj1 liitntlwl. "it,cruilm-rs lirou^it in citlii inuiK 1'iii/i'iiH tit(»BaUs i«.iMinltit*'l 'U-m in tin1

A iWiur cliiims ly Un%.' l*tii fwnliljrsi HI •nil til iti^lit Ui Uu' guug'K vdin,t »>t.tlI'oiu.H'lli'il in iliv-^lt.rir Hound-, (ft «t.tjrU«. nmi ihjMiliiv lliru- iWII ilio,

ijn 11.11 HI; \ ' i i (ur i ,AI.LE.VT.PW.-., Fa . .H.-... . l .-Mt K<<-. Ful-

ler A. C:«i.i|n«iy h a w «u!.v«l an a.tlrr (orthe LiioNMiiiil tu-iaiu (.•;.,•» fur luli.i. 'IVirwills urn I wirslwiis ul |-uHt;i\<.ivii ivill liuhinrtt-d up ui till t in order, giving rmplny-i.u-iil lu «>l) men. J he Jim] -k'parl m.-JH of

viliMs linM bei-ii iialoln'o iiiimtlis, nil) *Li,* uu ^ wliii^lrtv, yivin^ work t <>

Tli" Vlgil«uf» .UiuMii-fliurriH.

NEW VOMIT, &•[>. •!.—McjiMin'r Hydlupof lliu New i'ark Vnilit ("iuli went tof'uiwy i.sliiml on Friday af'v.MioKii in (liemjiu-t of .Mr. 0. Ulivirr Jsillii, and il..-Yitfthiiil W» round lo iiii'HMti-u MO.HJ fn;I

l.i.i] jui»l M-lUO'cf ft fiidl in cimrf tonpiiti* t*>e*c»iM double time"vi.m-f, incut* a le wttsseUeteil io tiie«t HIP Vnlkyri.i.

CAS.VIUII.OUE, N. \ \ , St'JI, !».—T..CRIM.II-uy iiorfiiliuut-s is m-errim with tramp trojiiiicitrt. Vcxtt'olnr «t S.u-oiif, Ui-uak H;nimlK-r«rtliL<iii wirkiiiR f.«r '..'illhuu 1,TijM-<iii! ln'<;i!iir tioiiiiiH nfii'r lx>[ii ilfiiieilmure Jiiiy mid ifotuil tlie f.itmci-HittKtliMJkt-iviiuli.w- in I)'" liousos. .11 length niniui-l«r of vjtlnww urniLil (IK-III-WIVL'S mill drove,),ulj,.]ii.i.-kL-r.Hfroiii tin- lo.j.Iiiy.

J^.n-i.wBiow.v, .Muss, Nfp. 5 , - T I I PSluui.J.-ftij>^JJU>, of ihi-. I'l.ri, liin ljewiKlveii Hli «* WL HI"' «ill«i Aim'. :'lin.iti W O H I - I I I I I I lor Xi-M-poM, w.,,,Amiiiv ««-jiiii|(1«l Hi Dm p.U- ul tl.nt diiy.I U '»•« Wfve.iolm Uu-li. Ma-iiic. liitnn.*

ir. I : M.I> . N. V , , ^ | i . 5.—Tin- Tiv

iu! I'l^liiy- lliu null* lutvi- Wen

V f(:lllk.


CiniiiJ-vriiV, 3, C , Sett. !j .—.Wl.-t-.n- tvmly foi1 tiusini'M again. A MiUicli-iummlu'Viif lvlinrvi* huve bvc-n r-'iuuii-d U^HK-roiMiiiiHlu'eall ibli-j!, ( ,ui mil.

M an iuniiiji)i. __^

tract, tin.) tl,..l*iiill n ,«rsv

. 11 ,.,•,. | i ; b],.n

irty.lHt;iv<K« •I ...Utt III• In-.f Hixl tlifrlv t- "• If IllollliOJlr.if IUl t.n.1. mnii, tl)i'|ir.-|',l filling Ibf NlU.tJp Ii

..f l'io.iv.,1 »M I»r> ir>rlb M r . y t . v e <..•«!«e->l »«'•(•» liiitiilral mill *Ut.v (t«l , iH'ifeI",,-. t» a )>' hit in thi<> *i>r t;.» lorkri

•Ui''lo tin' rigut al-ui)!> ul Hie liiiMI iinrllifi'li' f;>jk i>t HI

•lie' tHi. lVViih, («L to tlie i.iWt.l-tjip J)rubt'-<\II!<' r'*w*lT UIPIK'I? [ 11

r IIUIKIO .1 nk n d l l Tulii-ly fu.'

a)ri.Uh\III.. "tM.u'-jjifi. miii

Ku'.|i itig, lu. M'vor, fr*-i» .l...».tif; lut.H »..k-h DHVP lierettifura IK*!mvejiil liy'lti<7> KiijjtU-i.iiK Lunil nii|iriivni,fiiiCiiiii|iPii_ij-, Hist Id io *«y : - I*

T.', 'L'ru tiHt, | l f ,1^1 »int*ii Ort.mdcJ lu li-iuk N II «r 11C*HI«J. : jmrUif !/>t:;, fu Block No.

wllli'li "ua mun' l t i l In UHVM T. TritUdFrusUf, <>y IIHMI ii*ii-il Murdt H', 1147,Horded in /. II >-t UvtA*, J-p '.CIlA:

AlU'i.tiroutTi.y^ewl (IIIK'II -Aiiril T, ISSi,- ' " • " • • (* II ul IH-ttls, |i|>. *il A."

, . . , in t)Ji>c-t No. 15, uoiivuvwlWillitim K fit.-like hy tlwil ilnlixJ Feb'j-

,Vc ';' l> t " '* :•"arUd -"'."tii lilcclt So! I

laudNi of UeBni'l I'

> W d i n n t M. IVlcKor hi t\ilM'i-^, ^• '7 , rwiDitlwl In Hook|i|> !b iVr.) uf l i t 0 irf Mtl/j-cL t o the r i g h tf t h l l h » n a iti H o


Mild rH

u! evey EH)tlii' I.uB« Ht)|,nUruiiK Hotel O)iii[wuy liy tin

Lakti liujBittini^ I.ii t i l nii ' l liiijirttvt'iiifiii(niuy tiy dtuil d«lwl A|>t*il —I, itosb, BJII!•fifU in J(u.ik O til ut Jjt'tiln, [i(i. HW '•rtvl Niuu!n_*r l^^.ur—Ik-iitfl t. cwtiviu tTttc

hi luiiil, llt-^iiiiiiiin ut ft stuuiiliea)), 'jtim^ IUellLU dllil Itluat WJlltllrrJj cul'Otr ul t

.ni|t»l»it*1 luiitoi"urn"J«mm H. ihir!.!lU-il Uu'. -7, 1^:!, *ud I'UUB ilieuv* [I] ulniig

rtdi-Jrew! tVukJiiiliiut«ii,M«nt'itlKlit liu.«i ami bixtj t l« t l HIIU JJfLj-Birtliba tt-'tt to a I>UIIII .it ttiit IXutii

ut irail l j x ,

Ittl'r, HicL HluNK ^ ' J UlUkt^llliu l i w l tWiliumlrnlttJi.i lilt) Itirt, iiioiu itr Ii-ai, W til

ilitle.l "uhv iiu

C l ' i , " llli'H tUe .Ui-ri- nUiMtU JlUH

i, nuritiurly lorK «t I'rotpoot avenue,u uu iwiia KIU[>, cite liU(nii«i mitt Wjv

y ( t t t , itinre nr luen, u> me cwitre «( tin*s i,l mlit Hi-umin, t lwi i feHl IIIOUR llio

r.n> Hu'UiKiveMi-U, lu tli

Hiviivu l-*|irntl tuxui ttitj

l mid ttfti'iity-uji lH'giiiun,K.

M 17, l^ttiid IU, Htib Jtl

__,.. "fibllatrii Oitanit Ilcn.c*.y to "it.,niedicfDUI tiavo cvrr found thntwnnlildiauyicood." I'rleoilOcU, Mold b/JJriiBC

SHI LOWS CURE.Tins OniAT Cooon Ctmj prompdrcurH

where»IlothciSfull- ForCoo»umntionJtliM


Janira II. Brt'slln, difemtunU,mul Uu>i«!|>lF. Itnlie, Michael U. Orow, NlclmJIVnry ami A HUB U. IAUII, lulerIKiriies K). Kn, for v\h of nior

h J U M l l V

r i lwnlHivc ntntwli n r IIAIHIN, Inliiilli>xilut' nt lilt' Cuiirt lt

ev, Kut'r.writ uf tl.


MONDAY, tlia 25tli tlay of EfcfrleiiibirA. V. )Mf!, betweoji tlie boiira uf 11.' )i. it.'clwk IV U , ttist IH to My at uVlucli In tinttfUrnwn of w\A tlay, all Ihe fo.lnwliiK duMtrllHwl BOWIB atut c(mtUl«, rfi rt>& of tttui'ltlain]* au<! roil MtAt.% wlibli lands era sttuitin the townsblp uf itoxbury. In Hie CiuntrMorris and Htnte of Nnw Jcrwy.

Parcel Niimlwr Oti t - lpt i ndlng wvunltlitve ("1J tlmres nf tbi* un,i>ital Hix'k ot Tinl^ihe HnjmtftmR Trawujwrwtiw, ami HIPBIHINIUI Coiujmuy, nnd alsn a certuln atcniulnoinpd "AusuitUH C. CaiilleM," siul uliivrtalu trait<•( luiid dewfilrftl an fullowrj:

tloltift tlm name wliicli wiu conveyed liy Tl"'Ij.k6 lltniaicoiiR I^ntl ami liiiiirovoiml*om|iauy t't the lAku Hu]m.tooi( TranB]wrtion and Kleu mbout Coiut>att; liy dved iUiHi'iitemfar LNlli. 1^0, atid rrcorded in iMiVri* L'ouoty Ctok'a OHIee, in liwk Xol Ileeila. ftgH 1"1, *ft, «trt in imrtli'iihrl.

iltglimiiiB at a pnin\ UH tba iiurtb-tveutftl:p(da of WliiilQiiuunt avvnuu vrltfiu lln» eiiHiiuiilary line of Ixtt Ni>. a la Ittack No.hiurittcu Mid ddo of U'lniienmsre ovruiniiil tliencerunning 11]noiitti'eastward!)-nlchalt, nortb westH 1> tide of Winiicnnere atnu« atxtul flvo liundrnt and IHty feet to tli*it-litre line ut AttcnliraiHl taVtmut', [i] north-westward))' alonz [be centre line ut Allenlirand avenue nhntsnerer tlio <l Wai ice ma.« ut HID fbcre of Labo Ho]wtcoii|{, |.tj HtiiinTt,h-WE£t*>r,n,ly tbrou^ti Cbe centre ofwKdrf Rt tb^ f<**'t c( A It cu brand laVt'inip to tliitiid of wfd nliatf in tliu lake, (4] noutli^vrardl/ from the ecutre ilnu at ttte cud uCwlurt to the jMiljit of liittrp«ctiou l" thocaul bflutidnty lino of Lot No. 8, iu Ulci'k!U>, with tbo Baiurp of Laku lJtijiatcuittjs:<iutli'e«.*twardty along ttie bfclJ ( bnuin

-lltieof tliueaid liut Ku. U tiUmt two Iwiitlrejninl neveuty feet to tlm [Miini nr jibirc UC be-

AIMI alw nil tlie rJ({btF, llberlln,and privilege wbleli HVH> tomhytd hy Tlil-»lii. Ilui'nlwiujj l_iitd olid Improveniei(.•wujiftBy toTtio IjikB ii'cptjtw lit Trancix.talluii and Hlctunlioat OntiiiHwy by tlcoj dateKupteinlwr l"Jtli, lt*SS, and ncardtd In KClerks clllw, in Book X 1] nf fted*. m *l*.i, At"., whicli rfelitiT. lilxrtfts, (trJTlli>K(ami eam-mcntii relate urnl i*rtain tutwoct-tAlntmcld uf lttiHl psrt.m.iirly (ifFcrUmi |the taut mentioned dt«t.

l'arwl Ntiml«r Two-InelmmiK tn-o r e

In 111 trau (i at land, WtiR tliu tvfHtli niI lilrtcentb tmctn dwenhed iu tbe mcrtcaiiimade by Tlie Rntlfii Holol miO U n d Con)»ny toHnt*rtDunla|iand JimionH. Brexlli«.».«. IHe. SJTtb. IHMt, am] being nlmi thf Mnn(wf> latu descrltieil in i, ctrtaln Bgrft-ricimode betirccn Uanlel Bchatur ncit AUEIUUliid wlf*, of Uie a m l>nrt, iiml the Hotel Bi*lln Villa Company, of the second twrt, dateSt.*. Ut, lRrtf, and rrconlftl in the MtirrCounty Clerk'* offlrr, in Hook F lu of uiVi\on ^Rfn 8-S4, & c fiiij nie nl«> ibB eatne twotract* dttfribpd In a deed of ronepywico fromthf Mid Danlol and Aiigunta Bcbafpr to Theilreallii Hotel and Loud Com turn v, dataMBTC.1 t«h, 1«W, aini ircnrdftl in Lei,!; IV lifll Deed*, imgts OiO, &D , imen. dewrlbcu fl» fultons;

The Twelfth Lot—Rpgtus at a iMlntln tinft LoRpgt )Jnfl of the whole tract fwcwv

«rtiH of Hie drat i»ri MI:I IKJIIn tlip WMtnldc line rf Arlltii;ton

1 l id t id '

kejflltnU twin)!

_ . . ._. _ . . . — . _ . _ . i...h>*-i« n^'dtiio._ t [ l ] along Mia vect IMP "seven degrees, .birty-unu minutes, oa>tKBventy-uue feet to Uw north Me (if 1'nrlavenue, tbenco (-'1 BIOUR the mine «.tliirty'itevep rifgi-wn, thlrty-nlnt* miniwMt three bumlred anil four feot to tlie . anliitb ol Prwpect avenue, thenw [3J along tin-utue iiortii titty-two drgre«, iwpnty-om>miuutw, w«t t«vo hundred nnd rixtj-flvnTt ut, more or tos, to the outMdo tiiio nfnr«mill of tlis wliole Irert. tliPKre HJaloiiK tli.-MHII* north K.xty-nlno dtKreex, th.rtj-nlnmlcuttts, ctut tbtbc tiuiidrt-tt nnd nlxty-foutect to the [ o( twKtnv.liii;,

Tlifl Tbirt«entU IjOt—llt^lns nt Uie rormof Turk aod Arliugton nr«nufH ntfl nmthence Ul nlonf! the weet side of Arlingtonaveuue noutn forty noven deurcs, "(Lirtyoncminutes, east erne hundred fecit, ihrnce Wsouth Uilrty-flcvcti d^grw*, ihljty-iilnt ntiuut*a, west two hundred aud ninety two (e*tto tbe east side of I'l-ooiM t «venuo, thence [,"!]along tie fame nortb flftr-.tro dttdewn,twenly-tme minuUfl. neat one hundred («•to the Bautb line uf 1'i.rlt memo, tbeuc

H the eaiue tiartti ttiifty-meu livgi-nine rnlDiites, emit tbiue hundntlet to Uie place of LfginniiiR.

tialil lotj sre subject to tlI(j prior t-iicu...braace of « oerUlo Mortcago nmtle by Thellmlln Hotel anu La..? eom|»riy ib thnTruitee« ot the Mount Arlington .'art Atwo-clatfon, dated March U, Igtt, an<l rtcuidwl intho Morrfi County Clerk's olllw, iu Bw\t 11 4ot tnortcages, p. ;(*,£<:,

Excepting Uitrefroni, bonerer, a nnrceJs tliod eooVBjrf by the wild Drptdiu Hnit-I aii~I«tut Cotcpsjiy to Albert Tilt by deed datedon or about July % IStci, nod nt* jet ucorded.

Faroe] Number Three—Being tv cn-ialitract of land, Jbgiunlcg ID tbe middle of u>tUntkeavillerMdastliafrnu[oti a, won enti-t led" Mop M o. S at itountAi-lfngton, un UkeUoi»tcang,UorrlB County, MewJor*ev," filedin t ie Clerk's effle* of Morris County. K<Jemx.wJd point Wog fa the Umvt tan...fDrmerJyocUIIrer Van£rerf aud now ownedhy llobertPunlap, and from said point rmBIBB [1] Kroih Blxty-tbroe degrees etut oereity-Ure feet, more or lees, to a rock nitiicroMont^UsttiR ttw fourth corm-r of wlwoood tract and of said nrentb, tract a* d.•cribed In said mortgage^ thence [2] nun.liJorty-four degreei east aJooff the UUM uf saidsecond kod HTenui tracta and of Mid liztlitract, bAlng &lso the UBB ot eald Van Brerypropftrtx, nine hundred acd thirty leet, mornurleM.totbsmoitiiarUierlr comer of ealdsixth tract, tbenw IH] along tba easterly1 — l a r j of laid *lxu> t n m and of mid aec-txnudaryol tald Hxtb tract u d of fold weoad ftnd wventb trmcU, being alto In ti» lineof, tha slnth tract, aonth eleven degree* out

' alaren b audnd and thlrty-tiim lt*£ man orl*M,totb«xao«t eaaterlrutdbtelnalDE ear-t w c l Mid Mwod tract M 4 rfiold m t h

Fivr-UrfiiRa certain truelfiliix )/>t« I, J, ;i, I, S, il end

in . 11 (HndfonifirlhliiK the wlJU]asmd Hl'nt' Mw>*n \ii«)ij "Map No, 2Mount Arlington, ,.u [.abu t1>>^l^t>g. MnnCimiHj-, Pmv Jei»fy," nuivmiU e lutlie Unrii» f ity Cti-ik'li i Illw, brginnlujt fn tlHi' !ii!tM>r H<i|HU('(iiiK nv-iiuti, an mmwU lunp, at lint iM'ini wliere Hie botiiia n( litiMli- (acuioi ly uf Daniel anil AHi-linfer(p-iiVL'yi'(itr(tl>.ciwtiy I ^ iWWuinlftinltiUflmml It) •IrHlilMlnl J W .tllld H't; Kilwl itt Itiiuk 1. 11 »!' Ui'uriit, nilil.'i*I, tVc ) cntsrcHBulliivi-ntio,ami runs(lluwlli t>fVBiit>-f)Blit dciincH, tlilrtf-JlvtuilimU's, i-u;t tticou limnlrnl nwl tiulityHvtfoci, muro or l«w, to tUe cuiitte IIIHS u( Athttgtun avenue, an stiunii on wild Jim it, tlieiiue I:iioniittTNUrlj iiJung the mlildle ut Arlingtuvenuoluur hundred and twenty foot, mnr U™, l»i UW Uiortut nlth theit'iitrulliwmt Hujiatcuiig uvuuui-, tbeuce liwinlbKostprly ftluiiK toe middle oC tluimtcuitavt'tiuefoiir mimlrwl mid Iwmity ft«t, m»I T iiKM, Ui tlio plitL'o of IK-KIUNIUK.

l'arwl Numbur til* -UUIIIK n tertaln traof Imul, cinn]iriiittig Lola 11,1:J, j:i, 14, ifl, 1It «swl IS, in IHm-K No. 13, aa sbuwii IIINI'• Mali Ko, !i, uf Mvimt Arllngtun, on U llluimu-ong^lurriii County t New Jvmy/ ' tmon (lie lu lliy lluriiu Comity Clerk1* uifk-e1 twjiimiliiK ut n jmtiit iii tlio iHirtbimUrly tUhiArl)DgtO!ii»itnii»uahbD«-uun oaid mup, Ml

lti- u«iug lln> inum Btiuttierlr curiifr of, in mock Xo. [•• mul mut tlicuce il

iiurtiieiuttorly along tho line ol luU tl and VtnohltuJmi fcettiithdHuuttinedtcrlyiilduubdKL-iiieru nvenue, as shutrii on Hid motvtitHCTl'J](iiinlie(i«u.rljnluiJ({lbeBidefKd(ULTO onu Immlrtil imt to tli

lit ilOHU 1'liltB, HI MOW lull! UUt |UHl tt|eUKltwlHB Ulan llio mu,t euhlerly uoruer ot LuC Cto!IS, (is Biioivn «m mid iimj,, thence (H] aoiituwvterly o o tbu du of Jt i 'K

i to i dtiiti

IT, thtuui UJ tiutllmntterty uluug tlm-kllllltf tot I fi^rlflJH (JllO ];1lllllc?<i (tlit "

Uiu jilBco ul tirKiniiltiK-

tx\ NHIKIHI-HRVPn—liningBBlrluof hCPL lu ^Itttu lying tsutweou llie \a,z&>

_ Tiv uf Oliver \ iiu Kvf ry (uow owned. t>\ttubort Dutilaji) nnd tho roar lints of tbe LolOinprUlnn lllnck Kl ni ilionn ou a nun on-Jtled "M«p So. a of Mount Arlington,AIM Hotmtci'iifi, Mwris County, Hew Jny," no iv on Ille tu tlie Morris County Clerk*iflice, Mid strip of hitil oileadfnit from tli

sliore of Lake H(.[j«te.-njf, a t tlie foot ot Ho—*• nveiiuo, to (ho middle of BdMiue

ra ld ' ap . 8alJ stripland ih H

at fBUttjf_.... -_. . . . . . . the right of tiio o' -

the JU-tpl lin-vlhi tu lay, maintain ami rtpalilino of eevrtr nlim nlong (he same ta us full

injilo nnd lionpfK'ial a niajiiier an uid.igta<aa tout-eyed by Tlie Ijike Hojatcting Iiaui

Ho(iat0itiK Hotel Comuauy \iy detd datedA|iril ^i, 1H5S. iiml r<>cordott In Ltwik U ViD «1H, on pngiiM 'JUS, ^'C

1'nrcrl ^uiidter Kight—BeitiR a Htimlt p&rk.r iilot<if itnuini], ntioivti ujnin A tntm entftliMap ISo. -.'of Mount Arliiffttou, on U lloj-fttctwii, Morris County, New Jersey,"nnv

on lllo In tho MwrisCouniy clerk'n oftico, tinIN huunded on the iiortii t ' j Kdjiemere avenuenptslintvii en u ld tiin);, 6uniid(d uu ttie castby Wlndermeu avenue, MI tho south by tbenortherly line or l^ t No. a, in Block No, 8,end on the w*Ht l>y Hd£cinereavBuue.

1'arcri Number Klne-lncludes two Iota\n\\—Tim KtiKiT Is th« ea(n6 lot «b!t-h WBB COU

eyed by ICdtrln I>, L. IVtcta to Tba HotelItrwIIn Villa duiipaiiy by iirtnl dated July T,ivfl. Biui MHtirdcd In the Mrrrjs CountyYelk'solilce,in HooW 1) laof Vealt,on paats£, i t c , w«l tlicreln vlewi-ilwrt aafollowg^-

BpglsmbR nt n point in ttiu centre lino, u,iiitx (ocntfd.att a lirnncb nilroad of tlie LakeUo[*tMnK ]ialln-ad irhtii-g the eald ct-mre'inutrcMOH the dlviuou line between the Jamif JamtK 11. Fmicltor and the party of tie flret

jmvi, and fnim thouL-o ruuniit(( J_ J J north

nboiu one buucltvd and (Itty feet lu ihe'lln* ol

lniprovriiiMit (.'frini'itiiy, and Jroiu theuctjilng U']«long the bouudnry Jlnu bctweeum i n t tho U k e Jiojiatcung Land an

.-_,:ownwbt Comi>aity anil Etlitin }}• ]U'lckf, worth thlrtwn dcgretB weit four tauidrwl und fifty feet io n |N.iiit thirty fuet i.right augltst m>r.bco»liJi ly [rum thu ceutre lintul .hid brnpoh, Htii. from thence [•'!] RoutberJyiwill ii

, e [ ] sutherluti NtUl ctntro line, mid tufrt

t l t f h dfeot dlitatit Uwtbtrum, aliwui four hundredind »hty fet>t to the Hueottbulaudeot James1. KaniTiiei-, thi-tw) (JJ nortb eigbtj-nfue u;roe«, illutn iniuutiN went about tbirty feti> Uio i>i»iv nt t^JiminB. euiimliilDg ahum'tis awl tlirtu uuu-uUMlttilthB Acres,

riw wmvwyfcrt liy Uti(* E. Uuiver and UeulAltcnbratid, Trusm-n, Lu Hie Brt-elin UoUl~"d Lsiid Cuiiipaii) by (te*<l dated HiiiUnttwi

\hsut mid rt-furded in JJuuli K lit ul b«sde.DO p«gu*;M. He, being ibo PHIIIO Jut of In wa» ttonviucd t.y James H. Panchwi« *alil Culv«r oud Aiu-iibraiK.,Trustee*, „

.wd dated May II', IHt'i.oniclrtcorrfel in UTO1V II ol lK*d», jp. .VI, .Vc , utiU tbeit-ttt 0

Jtfgiutiiug at n i-olut In thu dlvUtun It,wtwepii lauds ul taid Fauchei- und Albert IV> ivki4t timi wVitTia Uiti oentre Una uf tho JJQLUo.ifttwun tmtl Hi>w Vt>rk Hitllroad, an not*lix'Otfd, crusoea I In; IHIUV, mm ruuuiux them

itu twt*ut}W>Fio i.E' reeti tuul Uii.o i.iiiiajtittlurtj-Jin. r ^ t u> n ntnko, tuuicu tiv«» to tbtt l t d *nn a radlu* u( seven bu-t i

ilrni awl e

In-1 wwu MidU'l

n a d lu u( sevenleet a UUUtncu ol tt I r t

ll iiw ii>,ir wwu), llio aboviMli-H'iUxd lliiQ Ultijr <lino, mid ttiu knd hen>|iy convoi

. „ mil ttftiiiB tbliij - t | j r« .ht i n(do ou **,strtv Uisrecl, e td emiiidrilDt; cue and iilu*

HaUl two lot» me t-uliject tu the rlicbtuf tinmutt!B ill tliu llnU'l ttti' ^loiiurty to laviitaiiiWip ond ketp In repair w vwtnlii line J«w«r plpu tij.ori M>II| Jaiitli, In a« full, atunlimd bt-ueik-ialu maiititraBMiii] right WMOon-itOftd by U)B Uuiel Urwlm Villa Uoinjwiy u>hw IJILU tkijmtwji'u ilutcl Cumpany UJ- deedlauu Alnj -1, iiiSa, uitd itcordwl tn Boos u 'if Uet-os, |w«(L-a )5, ito,

. 'an*. KuniberTcn-lltliiR a certain traor loml, ln*[tiK OBB of thesamo tract*. doMrilx^in a dtuj ot cynvoyance from LOUIM* AHen-iraiidnndhu»u4iiil to tlie I.«k« Hopft•aiid und ImjiroFeuitnt L'DaipsDr i

AtM&t. lDS' j , anil rworded iu Biwli .•will, un iflBM uu, -Sc , aud iliojiln de

tiliiiiim nt a u.-nier of n tract ul tl/ly-dm

Comlitit Fuliruary S, ISfl, and rwonl^flK'k is I-', iHtffi 413, in (JIB Surveyor (Jeni nll.c« at i*erth Ainbor, thence rnnulaamW tbjttr-Umw degrew nest nineteenla odd ftircy Lluks, [i] iwitb. fifty-three

...jesesBtiJs cWmaoaMK'.y-flfelmii t oJoseph Hud', line, [il] by tee nm« mnh %lx-

— *-—a e u t iwuehiliu and fifty Units u,er, thencf [<J troutli tttty-nm do-w—» : TUB tuap nnucied to said( » t e : Ttw luap m.w4«l to

Jtenbruri iUtM mve. vtiw ctiuroe u wutbJilriy-llPo drgiw wtt j live chains and oiw,-

llnki to K nwp uf ttuuea ou theauUlde litn,,Mld tract, [S] norw flfw-nlw degrw ea«tou i bald men riret tiu« ooonv M nortbt r dtgroMtut,) &lu tfasJu and fifty llDb,

[*1] north twenty-Lhree dmrees west (tightcbninj and fifty llnki to a rock *Itt> ttaoee onUnear Ibeold IIIIIB kiln. [7! north elevm d -(trecu pu t 6iglit*en cbaim nrtd tbirtcxn link"

one half degree *t - t irhalon t-i Cornlitn'i

ttfteen roaini (Nnte : Thfa in an err/r fnrmgut chains and IIHy tinhi-l to the brftinuii>K.(i lUUlutnit tweiiiy HITMI.

IWuit tbenanifl vir«i»t«»«i! iovitv«l hy l'»lcl>It. Diclierson and ni/<t I" U-ury T. ckp^a (tyil-«d tinted April 5tb, IN;'!, recunit«J ill M- rri-truniity L'ierk'H offloe, fn UUtc Q fJ, iia^" 1-W,T.nd by tbe heirs nf will {'aiwn (•nii.cye<) totUeimrtyofU.efirrti.artlLm.Bi. At—1 ---•"•tjvrf(nw)(|r»t^t Anril IHIi. [H-SJ. atidl-.wij'i ClerkWlli<*i, in Ml«r I' Id

t !'

en, whluli weru coovnye-. by1,1)11114 Alt*n"r«tirl and Lu-bawl to Ttw lAt«HD)>aU'in(C Hull road (Joiujuuy UjdiuJ datclApril ^ , JWJL', and recnrd^H in the M'.rr.sUoiinty Ulerk'i ofltce, In H.mlt I > Id nf llewln,

i'avwil Jtumbor Klevm—nttiug a certaintract of land, lnjy;iim(iH£ at ttw li.Wr-vct.ia ufthu Drabeovlile road wltli Alu-utiHtulnvuuut),us Hhowo uiNiu MainNa 1! of Mount Arlington,on Lake liointcon^, Morris Cuunty, IJewJersey, ivm on »!•> lu tlio MorrU CountyI'lerh'a ctltce, s.n<t ruao tbsucp I <1 northwest-rly alontt tbe inMdla of Alle<ib»nd aveane:othfl ioumwciion ttiereuf witli tti» middle.Ino of U'iuiennurt) avenue, ttianc-e [J) mutii-tresUrly along Winilttrniarti aveituv tu tlioInterwulion thereof with tha niiJdto tins otKouth Glena««KUe, th««w[it] soutlieriy Wongtbn udddle of Sou 111 tilcn bvenuo to the fut«r-noctJun tbnreof with tiunwt Terrace, them-o[I] wwit«rly along the inlddh of HunPetTui-raee nail along the wotitbtir.y Ride ol theMount Harry via«t to ilm lnt*rw.-ct.op ulHiinaot Terrace wltti South, L'fttt Way, tbetive[.")] twutheoaterly nlong the mlddlu of Houtht'arlc Way to the iutf-rneutJan tneroif withthu centre hue of the l'rakesrillt) mail, [i>]along tbe middle uf the Drabmvilta road mm- ti-westerly to the. ouUlde line of tlm lands ufraid Breslin Hotelaud LaudCuutpaDj, (,!.<-n.»j] easterly, nortberJv, «nd uorlhiventt-ilf

jilona tbe ouWJe lines of the iH-jjh-rlj ol HaldHresTio Hotel end l<aud Contpauy (fiicluitiiinall the lawlt of salil Coni^ny wtiluh lie to tbeetutof the Uraltirtvtlie romi BW! u>\ht> awiUiof the landH formerly uf Dauiul and AutusiaNhaferi, until Halt) nut«Ide lines uftliu imiiiri>f Mtld Brwlin Hotel aud laud Companynt*mcl (.gala ni tb tlie ceutru line of uulj

J n i k m i l l e m w l , tttoniie [«) inirtbc-rly n)vDgsnld Drakeavllla roa i to tlie utoce of Wiiminga t the iriWDoctloii of (bo UrabeavlUe roadti[tb Altenbraitil avemm. Bald purcel In-clude* Blocks £), i!4, £'>, ~1», HU oud !tl upontlie fifortftatd limp Nu - ot Mount AriiiiKtun,


Th^re tvns n acvero fnint on the hl),ulaud'nt %.('i«*, N. H , i'ii tiiuuidny uixliL.V'-giiJiiiciii n.ts Jaiiirt^i'd tuusi(lontl)ly,|l)UtII liinvy log wivt^i tli^ rix'er ucojw

Ibf lli>«i-rn Jjiccuiotive ConijuinyI'atvtxKii. S. •).» rjiivif inslitd un uniiiilm-iui^ tlir wnii'-t of iw I'JOti emjilityt

't'rii-Hit HI-WHIIJIIMT" uf K»tiiri1ai' last o«-Uiil, of Vimm,

I, WllO llttH it'lLUl.tlititut tins Moat* C*arl« ymnin,il n-iinirkniik luck far wvew

N.IV.V, tvliicli ciilniln.iUil in tlm lut'jikiitit tiIt."* Iwitk. KhelMfiHid K> tinva m>n xifij,OW in mu: hour.

M«r. .SHIOJII, tho Aiiontollc Hi-lff-nle tll'ti Unitcil Slut'-n. will leave Wiwhlugtotoday foru WCSUTII trip iiii.-lnilln^ UhiCitk'o, AliKvmikcf, mid Un't-ll I'ny, Uia,

MNI Sijuure llnnk. New Vork, hnve nitkedTin- riccitYi* fDi' full Information it-Himlltlliesi-ciintti'M iu DID bnufe vuilUs In nni(HtainbHsb a proper biuh for rforgitulutiuii.

Tho iliil ,^ received nt tlm CIISIOLHmiK.>, Nevr York, a t Uiin port duringtlw iiimith »>( A»igii»t w«* »6,0l«),0n,).Pit Imtt tliuwj rtcelvwl In Mm maw inonili tIWls!. Ni'iirly fi(J [wv ™»t. of tlm t.Hticftdaily nuid Into the vHsliiiVH cililcu IN in

from tgcit, Ikrliu, »nyirtieuttiHtwimi i'rinra JJhuiucck'

•(nrlijy wrrse.\t-w Vork was l« Iwr glory nt «w_C!.t-

• iviu Mi'.-iirlenctj ami nuiiv n«twl dtl-ai.. Ntii'i-flnJM wero Hindu by (iuvvrtiiirlitivi-r HIIII r.'Jinuucuy M. D'nww-. Tbur

IIH H n-cupllon in tliu ttirnitiK.

I'liiiilf letter* jiiftt itfceit'ttl fron

iBCorifio Slutu rojtori tlint Kerck liu veil'*LpwIiMiui U-JUI ciJiitiilutely iluati-iiyitil lift*ii-ir Iwli ' t 's ilouth. Tiveaty whitii mi' t.idr lives,llt'ir 1'iiiiHcli, the iiolorioilHiiilti-friiifli

IN liwit [ii-onuuinwl a daiittiTiniH linuitnnd )IIIH beeiiRCUl Io (lie anyltlui nt )>nll

Qi-itr^e UiiliorU, ot Turont)i« Inventor ut a bop t>|n*iiyi-r In gttt-prul IINU lu Uie Wellington .nip lit-Mn, I

• mntliine for ' l " 'L'tvifure'HuIdauiIconveyoJ, that in lotav -, i Tiio vii.uN urn ehovtil into a cj'Undur lllie n

Lot 1!, in^J. conveytd uy Ilia L.kt! Ho-! il.tvuliitig umdilne mid thu li?i_ Land auit Utipravtu

'A ufitiete frttlltr by di-ed dau'd HeiJt*iy

ltar |:f,l

:u, &<i., ttlsw the rlgbt t» lay oml umimmindeiground witter pipefrucu thu eti ing*>l I', iu illock ^4, ai-ruM UloiA Mil a« e .eyw] by wild (Jonip»uy t*i said 1'uttlur b1

u wd dateil tteut. Ill, 1SS«, uad rewrded IrHook W 11 uf Doedt). un pagfs 1W &.-. U lNo. 10 iu Ultck No, m, cjuvejod i>y soUL'omiiaiiy to Martha Tot ten liy dovd dawJJet. 14, ISSO", aud recorded in tfmk If ]U ulDeeds, un JMIK" m & c - I-1'11;» in itt'uk 1L-in*tj)-ed by HBM Un(ii|nuy to J)av "I'tunay l»y Heed dated Maicb ai, ]hs7, a..- .iwrdod lu U .ok H ta ot utwl* (.|i W[ , tp. ; U t1(1, In llluck iil, L-ubvtij'cd hy w»id (Jominny t>iuavid T. Trumly ti} ii«*l dated Out. N, \&%

Vv.\ Lots' 13, 13, H nod If", In Block' ;!(%'on-vtiyvti by «ui«l (Jynipauy U> Men itk l». ijitit-nce by dewl d&uxl U J I . 18rWi', ttmlrtwiJitt Bock E IL> of UwHii, [ip ;W , tc ; L ,t:(,Illock 14, cuuveyed by tbe iJi^nu tli-U-l «i

• Cwuj-auy Ui AuKiutlue J'jitier by tie,April T, L&tt, autl ruurdrd In lijot Y.

2tUl Ao., nliicli l«nlfo(Hanrlttod

ILitteit DunUp Ui the twld A.ugUBtiut fuUIited April 1 , IWKl.nin.rtconlt^lulUwk 4

.deasofl, IJJI. If I Ac.; Lot R In lllouk i»>, con-veyed by «ald Brollu Hotel atid Laid Coin)«t)v to Uartba T'Jlteu by cn-i dat«l Mareb'JO, 16U1, and recnnlled In Book P IH uf Deed*),pages titfi &o., wblcb. lot In also deE>Tll>ed In nrelease made by tbe f«Id Urenlfn onU DUUIR|lo sold Martha Totteu dAt«] April VJ, IS^nd recorded In Book 4 uf Keleasox, pu 1*3 AParcel Ntmiber TweJve-Beiug a certainnet of land, l*e|tluuingitta)jolutfntbeceu-

.u lino of Winderwere avenue.iu sbonn uiwnMtiii No. ii (>{ Mount Arlintiton, on Luke llo-(tutcong, UotHa County, New Jonoj, lvlibblimp ts nan on lllo la tUo SlcirrU CountyUlerb's Ml Ice, wld |x>int being at tbe internetlon of Wtndermere areiiue with the ceuf-linouf aoutb Ulen aTenue, u tftiorra ou u_innp, thtncfl running [1] westerly along tinrautre lino of Wludenneru avunue to tv poluiiiiransfl with the easterly boundary Hue olLot No. 8, in Ijloclc S3, as SJJONU on MM m r[hcn(.« l'i] norllierly along tbecusterly linemlill'OtMD. Utwoliundrtd and ninety femtire nr \w», ta tbe adore ut 1 Jike Uopatcong,thence [3] luit-tli-euterly la a btnlght llutt tothe end uf a wharf Ijingat tlie footof Alteii-brand avenue at a point whyre tlio ocutre lineot mid wharf as cou tin nod from AI ten brand

meets ttie end ut said wharf, tlieucoA) running along tlie twundaty line ol tbe

IsformerlyotDftulelandAiigu&ta Bet teruortb-weaterJy direotlon to tha outelde

of the lands of said Jlmllu HoW midUnd Oomiiauy In tba waters uf h\ko Unpat-cong, theni-e 1$) BGUtli-nraterly along sail] ouraidu Kao to * j>oi«t «« «aid Itno U toUrsw.ted by the cttnlre lino ot Lato Terrt.ce, aselionu on Mid map, wben said Joat nientloiifdwntra Niio is intended Ui the north went ward,tlieuop tit) south-easterly along tbe centra linoof said L*Vi> TDTIBCC IO the inWnectiou ofLike Terraoe with the. cuutre Una uf Huus*t'frnce. thence I '] easterly and wutiierlydung the osntre line of Suiuot Terrace to t t»IIUTWCHOD thereof mtli the centre line of

Houtli Olen avenue, thence [8J DoTth-o*»terl;and noUlttily along the centre Una of P—*(lien aveuue to th» place 0 [ beeltiDliiir.

Including wlthta tbe above (lewuuods tbe whole of Block 'in as shownaid map, and so much of m w k ;ig e B u& to

tbe westward of a tract of land wlilch mconveyed by the UkaHopatconK LandauImproveaiBntConpanyto the Lalo HopOLoong Transportation, mitt Steamboat; Com-pany by deed dated September !»), ISWJ, ftBdrecordetUn Book X H of Deeds, pp.101 &<and Including also so much of the land lyli.under ita waters of lake Uopatcon(t, oppo-Bite to taid Block No. J.3, as 1B tticluded withinthe centra line ot Luke Terraca and tbeboundary line of the abtm mentioned laormerly of Daniel and Auguata Scliafer.

Rxcepliug, however, /mm the above rie-_rlbad tract certain jnrcela thereof wbicblave been heretofore mild and, conveyed, thatIs to Bar:—Dnt 7, lu Block No. 28, twmeeyedby tbe Ube flopatcoiig Irfnd and linproTement Cnmpflny to Abraham Van Do)*en bydrcd dated 6tpt. 27, 880, and recorded Inlook W 11 ot Deed», pp. 276, &c, IM », iJlcclf 28, conveyed hy w(d ontnmnv to V.1

(ftiu I. Van Pulven by <twd dated Augmt Il«ff, recorded In Book D 12 of Deeds, pp. Uftc; Lot 5, In Block :t3, conveyed Ittald Coiapany to Thomas 8 Qutnn by dee'Jaled July 2fi, 16S7, and recorded In Bonk I.

12 of Denfo, pp. 115 &o.; IVitO, ta Block 83,conveyed br said Company to Abraham VauDo.Hn by (feed dated Aug. 24, 1687. and re-orded in Boo* D12, on pages 258 A c ; Lots

.1 und 5. la Block 38, conveyed by Tb& UreallnHotel and Land Company to Ueorga 0. Greenby deed dated Dec. 2$, 1BS8, and wc^tfdtd IDBook 012 of I)«ds, pp. S03 Ac.; Lots 1 and 4,Biidtbewe&torlypartoflrttO, in Block US,nnd also Lot 4, In Block 33, conveyed hy tbeBreslla Hotel and Luid Company to GeorgeO.,Oreea bF deed dated July H, m\U, *nA n-

ivhlcb are Also deicribed In two deeds of rmfleinadabyJaino«H. Bn-slln and Ilobei

Puolap to »id Company, one dated J illy V.""" • ill r*cord«d tn Bw* 4 o( Ilelranea, pp.

., and the otherdited Jnly J»,18ttjyrt corded In Book i of Releases, no, 187 &hat 10, In Block 28, conveyed by said Com-winy to Smma Arnatt by deed dated July H,1800, and recorded In Book B li) ol Deeds,iMees 334 &Q., and viblch is altodncribedln arelease made by Jauea H. Brealin and RobertDunlap to said Company dated July 13. 1890.and reconlrd in Book 4 of Releaaes, pp. 163 Use.,Lot 1, In Block a3. conveyed by said Companyto Albert Alteubrand by dsed daud July 1-itiHO, and recardod ia Book B 13 ot Deed/, pp!W> ko., wblcb IK also described la a releasemade by wld Brealin and Dun.ap to saidCompany dated July 13. iSflO, and recordedIn Book * - • " • —•

Parcel Number Thirteen—Being B certaiutract of land, beginning at the Interjection oftti« centre Una ofLAke Terrace with tbe c«n-tr6lineoe8unMtTemc« taR &himn upon aman entitled " Map No. li of Mount Arlington,an Lake Hopatcong. Mon,I« County, New Jer-«ev" now on file tn the Uiirrla County Clork'lllM, BDdruna thenceinnlongtbecentrolln

of L&ke Terrace northwesterly about sewl d d d i b h h ] i

_ Hoitatcong and contlnutnz tlw eaine» u r » in RBtralHht line, be the distance s m

U», from wld shore to tbe oulaida line n«1» o! said Brwlin Hotel and LaDd Com-

tany la tao w m n of Lulie Uopntsong:hence [2] southwesterly along raid outsideaesaut! following the serer&l courses end

dUtanccs of the outside boundaries of Midlanatlntbe wnt«re of Mka Hopatcang until

le uld outside tmindnry meets again with:iie shore of aafd Lalit; thencepq Boutheaeierly

ng the most MxitbWMtarly qutfilde Il»n o._ lands of mid Dreillu Uoteland LnudCom-

l*nj unUl Raid outside Jine meeta with tbe«nti» line of tbe Drakaivllle road ; thence [4

itrtherly idopg the centre Uneotaald Drakes-rllle road to the ttiUrsecticn thereof nilh tbeMiitro line of South Park Way as. shown on

Id Uap No. 2 of Mount Arlington; thencej northwesterly along tbe centre line of

drath Park Way to Uie inteneotlon tnoreofwith tha centre line of BunwtToiTBCe. thence[S] northwesterly and northerly alongiieoen-ire line of JiuisetTerraMflQdalongthe «mth-wfiterlv bound* of tbe Mount Harry tract to

« rlnce of beginning at tho Intersection oleceatre line of Sunset Tcmee with lAkt


Ing in the above described tract thewhole of Block W e.r,l Block :U, M •hown onuld map, together with so much ot Windsr-preavaiuBBJ tltm within sold boutrfs. andnrtudlng abo all the lands uf mid BrosllnMriaiid Land Company iThlch are cover«l

the wat*M of JJUB HO|«IU>OBK lying Intit of wUd Block No. 34 Rod betireentbo

centre line of X<aie Termee uroduced oortb-waterly Into tue waters of raid lake aod the

t MUtb-ireaterly boundary of Uia lands ofcompany.

Parcel Number Fourteen—Being all tbatart of the second tract ot land detcrlbed Indeed ot conttjaace made by Ixiulia Alten-- - ' and husbftQi to Tttft Uk» Hopatcotig

and iniiroreroent Comp«nj dat*3,, t SV, 16SS, and rtoonted In tbs Uorria

suiitr Clerk's office, Ifl Book P 11 of Deedi,« H W9, etc. wblch u flowed by tha waters

united (torn the 1JOJ« by ti b tti<im «('>> tnjiW ruvoluliuu

i**viim OHO ol cx-Himnlor Jolm J.liitfwtls' closest ft-icmlit eoinen tliBtitU'tHcnt thitt be will Iw a uintliilnttnr Hie UullcdfiUtea S«iiui« hi 18fltf, nwtlmtiiR ti Htcpplne stone to Unit }il:tce liproposes to become n cuiidldnto for (lavcrnor nf Kntiens nt tlie next election.

A l»liynkian tv|Kirtvtl In the NewYork Btinrd ut UvaMh Inst ul«lit itmtiiert: wece several niwa oi wtuill )io.\ Utlio tenement nt l&fl Mmllwni utreet. AnInNpeclor wlio wcut tbei« found IIv« [K>r-KOUH »lck witb tlio dlsenso. 'ilier «eroM'nt u>lJlversldfl Hosjiitnl.

Hnlpli PcFareet, nf Boslon, tho cook ontint 'lining cur which went down In tlm('lii'Hlrr wreck, died ristfrdfly, iimklng tinl l f h l l l T

ilia cliolera IQ Hungary in ilei-njildly. During tlm lnsl -IH IIOHlmvo lx%n SI new ca«en nnrl ')<> (leiil


cent lyjury ur

l inut.

VM*\K, N. J.' Sep. 4.—JiiBttuioTthl'«ace U'lllinm Levy w/ts nrrenlwl re-

t ly pit cliurge^ot fotgery nnd ot i*rt by Ottirno 1'. Kiist, ol I V

wil-i, Mosei Bliiion mut Htvwer liiitiiKHU WCI-CLIH boinlHiiieiu Levy\M*IU Hecn or lieanl of nince bo wnon bull find Simon thinks be him (llmip-piiiml for gootl. Home of liln noles an-dnrsetl by Hlinon are fnlllnjt due mid willlinve to he pnld slorLly ftud tt wcond imirtKwe lor $4, COO on some toiicmutit i>ro[>ertyiu First t>trt]ftjclvcntflpri>U-ct tlio buudn-

i« wild to lmvo turned out to be worth

iNtitANAfous, Sep. 6.—Tlie nttcjidancnt the Grnud Army encamnmeiit U (ulljup to expccUitlons, nnd the programme, labeing Kntlsfiictorllf ciiri-Ied out, 'J'he.roodfl nra full of amiliihlf candidates lottlie ofllco of CDinninnder-in-Cfilef, tlio lintcomprising Otn. H. N. Hurst, Ohio; Cant..1. a . B. ^ilitniH. MnswichiiriutlA; Oen. H.Hard Qi-ubl>, New Jcnsey; l^Igar Allen,Virginia; L'liurleB T. Llnooln, Wnshliij,Uiiii.Innies A. tjexton, Cltlcugo, nnd others- .


Fall o n FamicsNOW READY.

Our Block ol FALL DKES8

GOODS, including all the latest

UD\*eltifs of French, Qermna

American proclncers, is now on ex-

hibition in onr lvoll-ligliiod DBE88


tlio novelties may be


Tliis assortment; of goods, inctmnecHon witli (lie followingstyles of

STAPLE WEAVES,forms ono of tbe strongest lines


rer sliomi in Newark:

Orap d'Paris, RailroadCords, Bengalines. Em-press, Epingelines, Cash-meres and Henriettas,in ALL THE NEW SHUDINGS

iuch as Mousse, Reslda, Myr-

:le, Marine/Seal. 4c.

Cull ond inspect, or Btml for

01, 703, 705 BROAD 8T,





A rtimnr liad Ralmd rtrrulnUon thnt.tbiwell-known Ed*ard T P.-rm, Rrq., of Mr,

61 Ht.. New Y'Dk Cite, «••* uKerljen down In hmlili, Iind lur tin unahli

to stUml to hti du'fpn and »m i*-ai'y incondition bajond cure.

Over twenty docUn-r. IIMI ••mni'iiod auitreated bin cant>, and nil tiem Imcud to i dip and acknowledge that bis ewe was btjau

Uielr ulafll.Tben tbe remark wai nwde ttiit here wuMt caw for the great and povular mcdldue,

Dr. OreeilC1* F»rvura hlnod and twt»*edy. It h ot touriw a widely kaow.ithat tad wonderful rvmedy rartly If everfalls to cut*, but could even 11* n.arv<

ttv«{>ai>en rwtotft bwlib iu thisterioui cats t

Tho Narvura was uaad anil everyltod;iiicbtd tU elTfcta witb defp Interest aitaost brcathlets anzlety.We will gico Mr. Ferou's own venlon

"Par fire yeant," l>e wld, ' '1 have beenrunning down, gradually Inning ray healthind strength; at last I got very bad and wsitroublrd with rittlns in nty ha^k and aroundmy huart.

! • • • • • • 1


"I could not i l«p a t nt tbt I grewweak that t wu obllgtd, to ttop wnrh,

" I Uad tried more tban twenty droUat they ful& do me Ao good, BO I gsre iti & tiad job"Then tbe great iredictup, Dr Qrta

Nei-vura blond and nerte lemtedy, WMWig-geated to me. and 1 took a hottl* nf it.'

" I t made me reel ao pood tbat I tried onemore, atid now, after liavlng taken four bnt-tl«t 1 am well and strong again, I alernsoundly every nfglit and can work errr? day.

1 Teal ao strong that I can dn an; bardwork without feeling any wearlnusor painIn my back or tide,

" 1 am At a loss to flfid words to »pretituy toankfutaeu and grat.ttt>I« for tbbdciful diBCoverjr, Dr. Greene's Kerturt bloodand ntrve remtdy. I bave told my man[tleuiiiakmtlti wonderful cnrwUfe p'jwoniti l I would not be without It if It c u t tedollars A bottle. I adrlM people to use itthey want In be cured,"

You can get It at any drug atoro for Iit It purely vegetable and hannless. aod Itpurely cures. It should be used by all whoare nfllni, who are weak, tired, oarsleepless and run down. It la the b u t medi-cine pgealbte to take. It « u d l w m m l byDr. Greeua of as W. Uth 8tr«*t, Kew York,tlie moat niocetaCul • In oaringohronto And aervoo* dimits . who can beooDBultod tnt, ptnoDally or by letter.

AUVirM. ,Tbow wboU?e used Dr. King's Haw Dis-

OOTMJ know lu tiJtif, and ttioee who havenot, b « e noir tbe opportunity to try It Free.Call on tlie adrerttod Prugglit and gat

'rial Bottle, Free. Bead your name anaddress to H. E. Buckten & Co, Chloago, anget a sample box of Dr. King1* New Life,

ills, Free, as well M a copy of Quids toHealth and Household Instructor, Freeof which Is guaranteed to da you good tadcost you oolbtcg at Robert Ellle;ore'a DmStore, Dovel-, H- P. Or*m fc Co.'i Drugatere. Port a™m,aud P. H. Jenkins1 DrugStore, Cberiex, $, S.

The Verdict UnaalmoiM.It pVasea the lawyer and t l i client, too, to

bars tbe verdfet of tbe jury unanimous. Ait jury cotnpond of tbe Auerloan uublta

bas rendered an unanimous verdict oa Dt.Bale's HouMhokl Cough Cute u a BwdloiBe,•greelnx that Ita promttnc of % ipaedy curefor coagbt, colds and bronchial troublea are&l«-ayi carried out to the letUr.. Tblsplda*-t a t Tsrdlct b u sot b*en obUfiwd withoutKrutpftlm taken to uiike it tlia belt coughcore DQ tbe market Try a botUe when you

i?e a oougta or cold and you will belong tnUie "unanimous" ttw after. For sale hyRobert Klllgora, Druggtit

i t oorbasIaeM, even during t h | U timetbecatue good tqntte dealing, aad raodertboaltwtt mtthadi pay. We n a i k EVERYXBIHOia plain figufet, *t lowest priceitod invite loipectloq, _.-•".' .

And it Pays!You can wilk through row after row Q

FURNITURE(It isn't crowded,*na (ho PRICE Isalwaytthere) and ocamlae It ti youi Uiwie.

Oar latest addition, fgrotuicl HOOT) glyttinearly two.icrei' of .floor space, mon

than any other concern In Jersey tuu taxHousefuralshins.


and every other Homchold need;


. r.n 1 1'iat mirltea In . .


FORSAKE.Tbe bouse, barn and lot ao Protpact streett the bead of Chftatnat t t rwt WU! be » Ui Ion flgnrsa dtfwf ai a .whale « ' wtiaootia upper portico of lot.jt»;iblt porehasera.


Dottble Chloride of Gold Tabletsd t t h d i T T O B A D T O i f S t B l r f t l ldwtToythBdcBiioTorTOBADTOiiifromkniMifl,audniaybaKtveninu.ciip(i(twi.

nt, who will voIn 11 tartly stop suioklogaor obuwluglu ix few duya.tan be cored at JiDmc.and witU-outtiny (sffort on tbo jmrt of

Uia^aUenL,byU.e\i>eof om SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CUKE TABLETS.Dtir[nRtt<mtmeiittnU«ntii&Ti>i>li<>'ffDd Uto Ircc une ot Uquor or Mot",phlne until vuchtfmeastliey ahall vuluutarlly give ttieui up.

Wo send pitrtlouUm and wuiphlot of tQaUmoiiii>U froo. and «ball_ _ JtA topUeo salltrcw frtrn. unyot Ihmo tanblU in oo nt mimic n-UouwUbpBrsonswUuiiavobtieacurcdbrthouwsufunrT

.'< - T A B t E T S wo for fl*lo by all :FIHM-

Write TOUT EoniB and artiircss plainly, and swhether Talileta ucc fur Toliiwuo, Idorpliiao tXlaoor Habit,

~ IB DECEIVED Into jinrcltasli

r'ffiwsssJS1"?S and lake ou otlior. d

caimA for BUlfl.T A B I . B X ' B and lak

UftuufUDluru) only by

— T H E —

OHIO CHEMICAL CO,61,63* 68 CpmBlMl,



Tsstimraialsfrom persons

who have beencured by the use of

Hill's Tablets.THE WIIO CnRtftrA). Co.;

Or.jiR Hilt:—I liuvo been using* yiliftforioliactti ttitbltiSiHt found It wor ao wltut you claim for IU I uiw*l ten cs

worth uf tljeBUinigwHclioB'liitr luttiu^osd.,and irom OUH tu tlvo tlgiirx; or 1 would nnioko

"rom ttui tu !urtypliX'*of luUacuO. It tiv e t$\\<

for~lT.w"woftb of yolir TaUluta forToliniwo ii'itblt-." IWQSbotiiahuavyHniOatorauatljoWl

tiiey did tlio work in l.uw thitn UirutidayR. I am curul.Truly yours, MATUW JOfIK&OJ.,l'.O.Box4d

Pirremmcn, PA.Jo,i-<jBKTL¥ME»;-HB.Tca me ploaaaro toanoak a

word of prftlue tor your Tablets. My «iu wusHiruiiBly nudtcteawtuauBoc*liquor, mill throuKli a fiiuntl, I was led to try your TutiM.o, Jlo waiu heavy an

L'1 will not touu^ llQUorof any klnd^ 1 lmvu wAtL£tl fi>iii* IAOHUI before wratlnJuorilerW kiiow Uiucuru wiw iicrmouiiut. Vours truly,

OtKClITHATJ, OfllO.-Toar T»Wet» h«»fi pertom.eC ivmlnMj.e in tny oas«.

..Jurmioally, for seven joura, nnd liuvo liotiocuma by""and without any effort ou wy part. Vf. h, U.undraw oil Orders to


x Onto CHEaia*L 0O:-GEI


Antbr&clu cool uwil t-xctuMvolj'i insuiliiicl»Dllueea nnd caaifurt.

m u T< II(.K IM t vrecr JUT u':.'. i., IHI;!


For Now York.Kenrl and Eli*abotli, ut 0,4fi, 11-31 A. M i» Ml, 5:50P. M SBUDAIS, (S00 I>. M.

For PhiloaelpLia u* C4(i, 11-.34a M ; 3:20 p. M,

For Loug Brauoli, Ocean Grovu.A.&Liury Park and poiuta. ou ftewYork and Lmi({ Drshoh Railroad,at BAR, 11:34 A. « ; 3:20 v. M

For r.lHtatio.ns to HJRII BriJgoat 0 4G, 1134 A. «; 3:20, 6;D0 P.M. SuKDAVa, (100 l>. «.

For Lxbo Hopntcoug. at 68:58, 11.84 A. at; 0:20, fi:00 p.SONOA\«, 1018 A. M

Por all stntions to Edison nt H:8:68 i . «.; 3:20 p. V.

ForEoolawty at8:00,9.20,11:45A. JI.; 2:GS, 0:18, 7:27 p. » Bus-Diva, 10:41 A.M.; 8:23)'. M.

For Hibprnin ot 8:00, fl:20 A. M ;2:65 in. .

For Eastern, Alleutown nnd MnnoliOhuok ftt 0:46, 11:34 A. ».; 320,6:60 p. JI. SuHDAi'S, 6:00 p..jr.

RBTUHWINO.Leave New,York at 8:00, 8:45,

ll:4fi A. Jr.; 4:30 r. M. SOTMYB,7:lfl A n.

Leave Rookamiy at 8 37, 8:17,11:24 A. M.; 8:10, fi:40 r. it. SUN-DAVS, 10K19 A.M.; 5:60 r. M. '

Leave Port Qram at 7:65, 0:16,11:40 A. «.; 2:50, 6:13, 7:22 T. M.SOTDAVS, 1038 A.M.; 0:18 p. ir.

. Lenva High Bridge nt 815,10:37A.M.; 1:47,0:22P.M. SUSDAVB,9:30A. M, . . . .

J. U. OUIAUSBS, • •'•Oenl. Supl

H. P. HAIDWIK,Gen. i'ajia. Agt.


BEEHIVEThings Sold There That Hake

The Great Store i l l s . '

The best§5£lumber, brick, lime, cemenly sand—whatever goes Into the constructionof a buUdiag; they employ only theb€it^wotkmeo and pay the best wages;they eet better prices for their workthan Ihetr lea* careful compeUtoii,And always get the belt contract*, jthey paint their work with . .

Strictly Pure -White Lead

manufactured by the "Old Dutch Pro-cess " of slow corrosion, and with oneof the following standard brands;

"Atlantic" «Bradley"" Brooklyn ""Jewett"

"Ulster"For colors they use the National Lt(4Company's Pore White Lead TintingColors. These colors are sold insmall cans, each being sufficient to'tint twenty-five pounds of StrictlyPure White Lend the desired shade.

Thcie brands at Strictly Pu» White Leadtnt. mtlonul ht*& Co.'i Tinting Colon, arefor Mia by tha most rellibU dcilenln tu>.ttUeverywhere. • . • . , '

II you ire gpiag to pitnt, It will piy youta tend to «* for » book tonWtnlnjt \ofoTmm-tlon thftt m»y s*v* you many * dollw; it willonly cost you * postal card to do ao.





Presldent-HENHY W. MILTJER.Vtoe-FreoidBUt-AURUUUS B. HULLSecretary and Trwiturar—H. T. HULL

MANAGERS:Henry G, Pttney, it«niy-w, Hl»or,Hwoptcn O. Manh, Aurelio* ». Hall,Philip H, Holtinim,. Paul Ravero,

i Y H ' M l )

.' , ,A83»T8. .July 1st, liffii

; - UABIUTIE8.fi3,mfl.4717.tt2.VW


IntoresttsdecUreilandpoJdtaJfttittKry uiAJuly of euuli year from tlia profita ot tho pro-vlous six months' unnlueM.

Dopoaito nwule on or before tlie aiday* nfJtutuary, Ajirti, July unil Octolwr, draw in-terest from tlie Ut A&y* ot » « nonlliH nt•neetfVBly./ " - ' •• ;

BAMKINO UOU1W.U A. Mi" to 4 tvit , dally. «uet>t BnUmUy,

tiatunliyn from 0 A. H. tn IU u. tamml wulf mm 7 to H P. «.

[ M I OH »HD 3A>E FDR »EF£»EKCE. |




OOMEITICTi«t» n, a."'flie»RU."Thot'WH11

' Mtuitvmu VVurrvn'R R w n olinl l , . MsdamFoyV .'loomls ' (Tutmrny, (" Hannettc"—•••- - -TlioniBon •

; Trloorft• Alca raw's Abdomtn*.

HUnt lHQ C O M E T S

"U.O.,'*Trlcor*RniiHMtth • '


LADIES', MiaSERt1_CtHt.Dn.E\"R Bftd

iKrAVw.WAlfirnin KERitW and" V . V , * • - . . - . . • • • ' • : . - •



HECK RUCHINOClilflbn, Crepe Lolmo, Bended, Tourist,

. '. tng CtMh (Jtylw.' ' • '

•KIRT nUCHINQUlack Silk'. Colored H{Ik, 8timled Rllfe nnd

Lace Biyle*. . .


L.8,PLlTIC0.707 to 721 BROAD ST.

Mall Orderfl Pilled'on Uay at Receipt.

Ji»?*l| UUiUliJU



Step Heatersu p a t e a n i and I M Water Heatcn, The

are male ol wrought boiler Iron, have oof*r t!ue», ami rl»ln» superiorly In tho folio

Ity of coiiatruction 1 • Ho uasQc*Ml>ie jolni*No long flaeo or lieatlag surface di(llcult*t>hep]) r-Ie»n 1 Ua»y to nmutgfi I Nn coal to 11Utttewpof aJar^umagnndie I lVfedtsafetj

All hlDdn of Flurobfofr, Rooflcg ontl-BLeelIron Work mtlsrotibirj executed In stock a«U tim«i »tov» *nd Hot Air Furnacw of e vendcgcrfiiUaB;tIftwlware,Cull«y,TlnwflrB1OClotts. IVpatt, elc Uhtgh mid BcrantoCoal. U m p s fMlnta, OJla, Felrlanlt'a ScaKaud noft\ liubtor Bucket Chain Poniptt,


Fancy Goods,Material for Fanoy* Work'

Stamped Goods,Silks, IrtoetvKld Gloves,

Hosiery.^I.ADIRH' A

Spring and Summer.Underwna



W I L C O X & .i Carpenters and Builders,

, Dover, H, .it.•:..•';•Thna. «(rt»™il,,u« (or lralMtajn, cnlrac

taken ami material. furnlHuiNl..

Jobbing Prompdjr" Attended to.

' KI,A PK KOOJS.-Wa W c l .mate and |mt on Blataroof. lij Kond iracbanb.

IVDro you-a* (or Baltalloe'n Kiport, b<sure you n.t:lt . : Oa not accept au; otberUwr.lwcaUM K>ne ooeaaj. It I. iuse a . gootl.A .mall glare of the 8B]u1ne h better than agallon of cbeap imitation. For Mle fn al


EstaMsbed 20 Tears41ARW8P0NSIBLI.

Dover Boiler Works;V. P. BIBCH, - - Proprietor.

Jftt -old to BBLt, or »U%Sh7Sr j ' ,'puw, inanviaEcQTen prorttict*. «n««i«p i™.-

_ . . . •;•- ; DOTTLE11B OP



Soda aiid.Mineral Waters. o r cvcftT HKP-WPHOII.


COLEMANCOLLEOC. N o v a r l c N . J i

N Alt, THE TEAR) • ,'v

4••.•••'. • " . S i i J t a A L PATllOSAGEBUSfoOOBSEOFBOBIHEdaTRAIllIKa.

ant«t locatton.' tndonwd by „ , . „ „ „,•—•iuatea jnd hundndiof t(» losdlng tan.

i turn of the Ststa aud nation. Write (orbe ooDTlnnd.H. COLSMAN. Prfnrlp«l

. IT YOU WANT8econcMiii»d Purnlture oC nil" vfnii Si „Bod •lUT'l'oB S!M;OT It jon wantninalpita (or acrap Iron rf all kind., go to

! . JAB. E. THUDOUN,OnE«»St, iuart t»Blnk, Doier.H.J,

a e and |mt on elate roof. ItW«ok«l'«Sli<aUilr,g !'«perOlllw and shop fi


l«Sli<aUilr,g !«per «l»nj« on hatOlllw and shop on fileokwotl Ht; neit

l>»v«rLumber(i>m|«ujy'«Mill, c 'AS . lmuuv .





u i Kn-»nt ron t u n ra Kxpiiirai


OOVUV*.' . 'J . '.•.••:•

r « < H ' l : i f s . 1I.OUAI.

KJ for n'nUeilnK thi-lr wnhwMr lvliltu. iflili tun ,ioll.

' tut». sntt lir MNII ror'si


: . ATA. O. BOOKS,-1-.1-.





HOISTING SNOINES, rf.t;.,,.. at)ii revermlfa,:; . v .

raid ^ r t . ^OORNISIT'Pl/MFS, 'Sokk

' ..;;V»iifo7«.1;.;: :•:»;-:; :




HUZZY UVAHAhTJiKli, \_ "^ . ; •'." . *QVD » T : . • " ' • ' • " " • • - • - .

ar. T.;KBRH; ;B0VEB. K. J.

Tinning, Plumbing,, — ASH— • - " ' ' .

STEAM FITTING-.nnl|i|i<-lrliri.|i('hPi. '- ' . .


Perfect ^team HeaterA L O T f»F • '

BeooniiUjand Parlor Stovfls,in (torn. n-t^KU'in Ami fnr fit I ft nl n tiariialn. '•linvo rfiwlrt of all kliidi will l» fi.n.Witd »,"hort noUiw. Ptarllrulor at lent (on K(««U *A

. IManl.*ell Btm'», ojip U

Cor.;sumx and Bbckitttll uifttiitdlits MM rejrotfliloi' tar kn-jiliig .,..

full *)V.l tmnt'|)1eti» mcwljii ut•': ' : - -

GROCERIES1 — A N D - • • • • " ; • •

PROVISIONS Jitt I IIP [mil '({rmlprt jfilMi • ;- . . ,•

PHIsbury's Best Brand• ' . ' • . :of Flour,v:;yyj.->FEED.ORAN BUTTER,:. CHEESE.; ECCS,,EicXv8tjangem vlRltirtg.l)Oforar« lliwlte*l b in i t i '

tnd examine my gwidii, fo|)ul.r prlwia ptae*>hnu nlUjlnttinrparli nf tint* fflnne inMng«ru limited, and my tlm eawrlinrut mmmt ''til to p i ta* niid natlsfy U|B roonfc nrltlral :Ituyera. " • . Jmttf AnnDT. . ;. '

H. F. knarF ilesrubrpinuiidn» pu teg, alx» sti no erii'.ysaolp doog nwo ylitot ylpraiH i:

Boga ohtllahguorht gnlnnipsdeiinitnoo sah yllufecarg; v

diets os koes yjiw yobVymi ;'•'eeht slia takW, V8^* "woni v •:I eroftrohw ,daerbjrork»a;ynos. tnaryt !d«orpt^foilBj/:;;;draeli oh nehw m'h defligil-yli

* ^¥%iilfSfei

^ • • ^ i s

A. U'ldiiToNj


Tin, Copper aid;;Sheet

'; y ; THE.GORTON; S; ;;':-

Fine Bologna

tfiyhraa« our plabe, may

l D

^,SaafSSSi £i»«Jl»Killedaad vicliiltv, or'

the .tore ol John Downtoj, Port Ontm,:UBUUEN BBO/iv Butolwtti >" • • omnui'aBpvwtrj;


amiSACTDMSB AID aOTTLBBOr •'•'.:;' ,: '

o d a . a ^ ^ ^