Lighting The Way



Incorporating Jesuit Values into Your Graduate Studies. This excellent book of reflections on Jesuit values was written by graduate students for graduate students. Articles include: Cura Personalis, Discernment, Finding God in All Things, and several others. The book ends with reflection questions on how these values might impact the graduate student’s studies and worldview.

Transcript of Lighting The Way



Lighting the Way

Enhancing Your Education

his book was written by graduate students for graduate students as a means of introducing the values and beliefs for which Jesuit

education is best known. As you read each essay, you are invited to reflect on its theme and its impact on your work and personal experience. Ultimately our hope is that this guide helps you gain

a deeper understanding of the core Jesuit principles, and you are able to incorporate them into your studies so that you might get the most out of your graduate education.

The great aim of

education is not

knowledge but

action. Herbert Spencer




WCura Personalis

If you want others to be

happy, practice compassion.

If you want to be happy,

practice compassion.

Dalai Lama

Civilization is a method of

living and an attitude of

equal respect for all people.

Jane Addams

There is more to life than

increasing its speed.

Mahatma Gandhi




The honorary duty

of a human being

is to love. Maya Angelou

hen given this assignment, I felt my anxiety level rise. Writing an essay on the application of Ignatian prin-ciples in my life was going to be a challenge. I’m not

a religious person. I don’t attend church every Sunday, nor do I pray on a daily basis. I wouldn’t even classify myself as a spiritual person. If you asked me to define a spiritual person, I probably would say someone having a solid, faithful connection to their religion. In preparing to write this, my definition has changed.

The term cura personalis—Latin for “care of the whole, individual person”—is the most intriguing part of the Ignatian principles for me. Being a nurse, this concept should have been instilled deeply in me. The thought should be natural that we need to care for the entire person. However, in today’s society, we become so focused on one thing that we tend to lose sense of our surroundings. If a patient has an acute infection such as pneumonia, we focus our concerns on improving lung sounds, oxygen levels and respira-tory rates. In doing so, and we miss how the infection may be affecting the “whole person,” how it affects other areas of his or her life, such as emotional needs—becoming depressed due to the

loss of energy, feeling a loss of environmental con-trol, being isolated from loved ones, suffering from a loss of income due to their inability to work.

The same thing happens to ourselves. We become so focused on family, work, school and community obligations that we often lose sight of caring for ourselves. What put this into perspective for me was a quote from Eddie Cantor: “Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast—you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.” As I get older and learn from life experiences, I now realize that if we don’t care for ourselves—mentally, physically, emotionally, financially and, now I will add, spiritually—we are not going to be able to care for others.

I believe our society, community and world shape who we become. Most people can succeed at reading, studying and taking a test, but to take the learned knowledge and apply it to society really determines the achievement of academic studies. I thought this quote by B.J. Palmer summed up the subject perfectly: “You never know how far reaching something you think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.”

After preparing to write this essay, it is clear to me that I am, in fact, a spiritual person. I was just not properly defining the term spiritual.” To me, being spiritual means one has compassion, love and integrity; a person who is trustworthy and willing to give. We make a living by what we get,” Winston Churchill said, “we make a life by what we give.” How true.



Happiness is when

what you think,

what you say and

what you do are in

harmony. Mahatma Gandhi

We [need to be] aware…of our

temptations and fears, the

consolations and lights given

to us by God, and the various

movements that happen within us.

Ignatius Loyola

Find something you’re

passionate about and keep

tremendously interested in it.

Julia Child

Wisdom is your perspective on

life, your sense of balance,

your understanding of how

the various parts and prin-

ciples apply and relate to each

other. It embraces judgment,

discernment, comprehension.

It is a gestalt or oneness,

and integrated wholeness.

Stephen R. Covey




ur lives are made up of an endless intersection of choices, and it is up to us as individuals to decide which path to follow. We need to be aware, understand and take

action on the choices set before us, and know that God is ultimately involved in the journey with us. Each path we are given, each choice we make, each action we take influences our lives personally, professionally and spiritually. It is not an easy task to be able to untangle and identify life’s “right” path. The process of discernment enables us to sort through the internal struggles and begin to understand what God wants us to do with our lives and take action on that understanding.

When facing a turning point in our lives, it is often very difficult to try to hear God’s voice while listening to the expectations of

others and comparing those expectations to our own wishes. Discernment is giving conscious atten-tion to our inner feelings, our intellect and our will.

For example, my choice to leave my job and become a graduate student was

part of a discernment process that involved deciding whether I should stay in the “for profit” business world—a world in which I was successful politically and professionally but not satisfied personally—or whether I should select the “nonprofit” route where I could use my talents to make an impact with a different focus. After weighing my options and really listening to my inner core, I made the decision to return to school and pursue my master’s degree in human resource development.

Through my own faith in God, my loving family and close friends, my final decision became much clearer to me after I had time to reflect, assess and understand what God was directing me to do. The discernment process gave me a sense of confidence and resolve in knowing that my choice to change careers was the right one for me. Since high school, I’ve had the privilege of a Jesuit education, which has played a large role in developing me into the person I am today. The core values that Jesuit schools emphasize within their community of scholars, from cura personalis” to “men and women for others,” has given me the fortitude to act upon my decision to change my life’s vocation. For that, I am truly grateful.


TFinding God in All Things

The fullness of

Joy is to behold

God in everything.

Julian of Norwich

An authentic life is the

most personal form of

worship. Everyday life has

become my prayer.

Sarah Ban Breathnach

God communicates with us by

way of all things. They are

messages of love.

Ernesto Cardenal

In the shadow of death may

we not look back to the past,

but seek in utter darkness

the dawn of God.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.




he Jesuit commitment to “finding God in all things” has a significant impact on the ways in which Jesuit universities approach the task of educating students. Jesuit education

challenges us to recognize that “the world is charged with the grandeur of God.” And, as we seek to build our knowledge in a given area of study, we are encouraged to ask, “How does this recognition determine my approach to my subject, as well as my research and work in that field?”

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, reminds us that there is more to university education than providing an arena for people to “learn more and more about less and less until they know everything there is about nothing at all.” Education is not about the accumulation of facts; rather, Kolvenbach suggests, education is a process of listening and discernment.

The Jesuit perspective calls us to move beyond a functional approach to education. The tools we receive become resources for deepening our relationship with God. Work and school assignments are not tasks to complete; rather, they are creative opportunities to enter into and share the mystery of God. Ultimately, we are taught to see our profession as a vocation.

The writings of Alfred Delp, a Jesuit priest executed by the Nazis in 1945, have profoundly affected my sense of vocation. Delp reflected in his prison journals, “There are genuine creative dreams that entice us on and drive us out of the rut of routine. Woe to youth if it should ever lose its capacity to conjure up glorious visions and to feel the breath of the Holy Spirit.”

We experience the darkness of life’s challenges in light of the fact that the tomb was found to be empty and that the risen Christ promised, “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Jesuit education forms us with the imaginative capacity to find resurrection moments” amidst the routines of our day, and it calls us to transform them into possible moments of revelation. The Jesuit vision of education calls us to seek and discover the God of peace and justice, and be a prophetic witnesses to that God in our academic and professional careers. And the grace and the challenge of the Jesuit academic experience is the way in which it forms students with a willingness to allow ourselves, our thought and work, to be interrupted and surprised by the voice of God.


Ignatius used the term magis (Latin for “more”) as a call to excellence, a push beyond “good enough.” Graduate education ideally encourages students to

strive for magis with their minds as well as their hearts.

Many people pursue graduate degrees to learn more. We seek intellectual stimulation, an increased depth and breadth of knowledge, and a level of expertise in our fields of study. As a doctoral student in clinical psychology, I have learned more than I could have ever imagined about the causes, effects and treatment of mental illness. I have been challenged to look beneath the surface and consider biological, psychological

and sociological factors that contribute to the development (for better or worse) of each of the clients I encounter.

Magis, however, is not just about acquiring knowledge for its own sake. I believe it is about learning more in order to do better for others and for God.

The Jesuit concept of “service in the context of scholarship” speaks to this

understanding of magis, as does the commitment of the Jesuits and those trained at Jesuit universities to serve the underserved. The poor, marginalized and vulnerable often receive the worst and least from society. In the mental health field, they seem destined to receive care from those with the least amount of training and experience, as well as with the largest caseloads. The spirit of magis encourages me to utilize all that I have learned in the classroom to provide the best possible care to those who are accustomed to getting the worst.

High quality care requires more than just intellect and informa-tion. It also necessitates a generous and open heart. Magis, then, is a challenge to spiritual as well as intellectual excellence. It is a call to do, feel and be “more” for those most in need.




When we do the

best that we can,

we never know

what miracle is

wrought in our

life, or in the

life of another.

Helen Keller




The Latin root for the word

perfect’ means only ‘finished,’

not ‘without flaws’ … to be

whole doesn’t mean we have

to be perfect.

Sue Bender

Do all the good you can

by all the means you can,

in all the ways you can,

in all the places you can,

at all the times you can,

to all the people you can,

as long as ever you can.

John Wesley

Each activity of daily life in

which we stretch ourselves on

behalf of others is a prayer in


Richard J. Foster

here is no Jesuit education without reflection. It was through reflection that St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit order, came to the conclusion that he would serve

his church through the power of education. Reflection is carved into Jesuit education. It calls for us to slow down and think deeply. It is an invitation to look at ourselves as a part of a whole and to contemplate how our actions, thoughts and beliefs affect

those who surround us.

The nature of the Jesuit education that St. Igna-tius envisioned involves the intellectual growth of a student as well as the development of his or her character. There cannot be one without the other.

Jesuit pedagogy conveys different perspectives, allowing room to think

and reflect morally, intellectually and spiritually. A rigorous curriculum provides opportunity to conduct an in-depth analysis of the subject studied. Teachers are at the core of the mission and it is their duty to inspire students to want to learn and to serve.

As a student working on a master’s degree in education, I welcome and value the Jesuit model of education. I am aware of the rigorous and challenging courses that my program requires, and I am also conscious of—and grateful for—the benefits of hard work. During my studies, I came to realize that the Jesuit philosophy has changed the way I look at literature. When I read certain books, it is no longer for pleasure only, but has a specific purpose in the classroom. I find myself seeking effective literature that can be presented to my students to create awareness, make connections and inspire service. My teachers have transformed my view on literature by carefully selecting material that has brought knowledge and understanding, and given me a perspective I never before considered. They have inspired me and invited me to reflect on yet another point of view, and they have provided me with opportunities for discussions so as to give voice to my thoughts.

The word reflection may have not appeared in any of my course descriptions, but it was, no doubt, a prerequisite.



God knows us from

within ourselves,

not as objects, not

as strangers, not

as intimates, but

as our own selves.

Thomas Merton

I’m fulfilled in what I do...

I never thought that a lot of

money or fine clothes—the

finer things of life—would

make you happy. My concept

of happiness is to be filled in

a spiritual sense.

Coretta Scott King

We are not human beings

having a spiritual experience.

We are spiritual beings having

a human experience.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

Personal answers to ultimate

questions. That is what we seek.

Alexander Eliot




is a commonly held belief that individuals holding a master’s degree earn more money than those who do not. I ask a simple question: What will you do with the

added income?

A Jesuit education can facilitate the answering of this question. But to resolve this question, you must be willing to undergo St. Ignatius’ “Examen,” a process of evaluating, reviewing and discerning for the sake of improving one’s performance. Such reflection is a core principle of Jesuit education, and I have found that when reflection becomes a staple of one’s life, the answers to life’s questions become clear more readily.

My time in graduate school has continued to fuel the passion to learn, lead and serve. But my Jesuit education has also helped me realize that my passions in life must be connected to my purpose, just as DNA strands come together to form a double helix. Once

you have identified your passions, purpose and strengths, the question becomes: What will you do with them?

A Jesuit education focuses on educating and preparing the entire person, but it also challenges you to use your degree to change the world around you. Oscar Romero, a Jesuit priest who became archbishop of El Salvador, could have aligned himself with the “ruling” families that con-trolled the country’s wealth and lived a comfortable life. Instead, he aligned himself with the poor and oppressed, and he used his position to improve the lives of the Salvadoran people.

As a student, I was presented the opportunity to serve the poor and underserved, both in education and health care settings. The experience of standing in solidarity with those in my community, coupled with the didactic work of a Jesuit education, has helped me answer my own question: What will I do with my passions and income? And the answer is this: I will conduct my life in such a way that I am standing in solidarity with the poor, working to change social structures that breed injustice, and to use my resources to improve the community in which I live.


ItService Rooted in Justice and Love

Great acts are

made up of small

deeds. Lao Tzu

We plant seeds that will flower

as results in our lives, so best

to remove the weeds of anger,

avarice, envy and doubt, that

peace and abundance may

manifest for all.

Dorothy Day

Memories of our lives, of

our works and our deeds

will continue in others.

Rosa Parks

As we serve others we are

working on ourselves; every

act, every word, every gesture

of genuine compassion natu-

rally nourishes our own hearts

as well. It is not a question

of who is healed first. When

we attend to ourselves with

compassion and mercy, more

healing is made available for

others. And when we serve

others with an open and

generous heart, great healing

comes to us.

Wayne Muller




he goal of Jesuit education is to challenge students to go beyond the pursuit of knowledge in the classroom and apply that knowledge to the issues that confront society. Jesuit

graduate programs exist to meet particular societal needs. Our expe-rience is in the graduate program in health services administration, which addresses society’s health needs by developing values-driven leaders of health-related organizations.

One of the core Jesuit values is the development of men and women for others. This means living in solidarity with fellow human beings, being selfless and working for positive change in one’s society. It is

an opportunity to practice the principles of social justice, humility and action.

Social justice is central to solidarity. Health services administration students have a social responsibility to ensure the just distribu-tion of health care services. For example, in our program we collaborate with two organizations

that work with underserved populations. Urban Health Project (UHP) places medical students in internships at local not-for-profit health care organizations. Medical Volunteers of the University of Cincinnati (MedVoUC) runs a free health clinic at Cincinnati’s largest homeless shelter. We practice social justice by working with physicians and medical students to ensure the effectiveness, sustainability and growth of these organizations.

Humility starts with selflessness, which is a precondition for being a man or woman for others. This cannot happen unless one is willing to look beyond one’s own needs to focus on the needs of others. As future health care leaders, we must have a twofold humility. First, we must be humble individuals as we make deci-sions that affect others. Second, we must be humble leaders of the health care organizations that exist to serve their communities.

Finally, solidarity requires growth through action. Our leadership roles with UHP and MedVoUC have afforded us the opportunity to develop our sense of social justice by immersing ourselves in the community. We do these things because we are part of a larger society; we do not do them for ourselves. This experience has made us acutely aware of our community’s health care needs that remain unmet daily. By working with future physicians, learning from each other and combining our skills, we can achieve our shared goal of ensuring the just distribution of health care services.


TSolidarity and Kinship

A bone to the dog

is not charity.

Charity is the bone

shared with the

dog, when you are

just as hungry as

the dog. Jack London




Solidarity is not only a

spontaneous movement of the

heart that responds immedi-

ately, but also a decision

to take action to join with,

to form community with,

those who are suffering.

Marie J. Giblin

Solidarity is learned through

contact” rather than “con-

cepts.” When the heart is

touched by direct experience,

the mind may be challenged to

change. Personal involvement

with innocent suffering, with

the injustice others suffer, is

a catalyst for solidarity which

then gives rise to intellectual

inquiry and moral reflection.

Students, in the course

of their formation, must let

the gritty reality of this

world into their lives, so

they can learn to feel it,

think about it critically,

respond to its suffering and

engage it constructively.

Rev. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J.

Personal Reflection



How do I incorporate cura personalis into my personal life and among those with whom I work?

How does Ignatian discernment aid me when considering options or choices?

Where have I been surprised to find God in the world around me?

How does living in a spirit of magis impact my outlook on life, or my personal and work relationships?

How does taking time for reflection impact my scholarship and research?

How does “service rooted in justice and love” impact my work and world view?

How do I consider myself in solidarity with others around me or with those in different professions or distant lands?

What new ideas did I gain from reading the experiences of my graduate peers?

What new perspective have I gained regarding my major, work and personal life?


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