Light and sound blog


Transcript of Light and sound blog



Light comes from different sources.

The Sun is a light source.

A torch is a light source.

A light bulb is a light source.

Candles are light sources.

In the day, the Sun gives us light.

At night, we use different sources.

Street lights give us light.

Lamps give us light.

Candles give us light.

When there is no light…

We can’t see anything!!

This is a shadow.

A shadow is formed when an opaque object blocks the light.

Transparent materials don’t block the light.There is no shadow!

Opaque materials block the light. There is a shadow!



We hear sounds with our ears.

Sound comes from different sources.

A radio is a sound source.

Instruments are sound sources.

A bee is a sound source.

Cars are sound sources.

Some sounds are loud!

Some sounds are quiet.

Some sounds give us information.

A radio gives us information.

Tomorrow the weather will be

very, very hot…

Tomorrow the weather will be

very, very hot…

Some sounds give us warning!