LifeSoulutions DreamBuilder eBook Blue.2 25.LvS




Transcript of LifeSoulutions DreamBuilder eBook Blue.2 25.LvS


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    Mark Twain once said he could teach anyone how to get what they want; he just couldnt find anyone who truly knew what they wanted.

    Most people dont know what it is they really want to achieve. They often know what they dont want, but then thats where their focus and energy goes to what they dont want.

    Maybe youre at a point in your life where youve accomplished certain things a college degree, a certain job, marriage and family, or a nice home in a town you like but you sense that more is possible...

    You have been feeling a call to something greater than what youve experienced so far in your life...

    Youd like to live a more purposeful life and wake up every morning with a bounce in your step and a smile on your face as soon as you open your eyes, because you have the conviction that you absolutely LOVE your life. You want to have more energy and focus and the freedom that comes with living a life thats perfectly suited to who you really are.

    Youre tired of settling in life or going through the motions.

    You want more because you know youre capable of more. But youre not exactly sure what that looks like.

    Maybe youve explored different ideas in your mind.

    You want more because you know youre capable of more


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    What is it that youd truly love?

    This is where you get stuck, and its usually for one of three reasons:

    1. You dont feel particularly passionate about any one thing.

    Youve often heard that you should do what youre passionate about. The problem is that youre not particularly excited about anything. Sure, you have interests and hobbies, but theyre not something you necessarily want to engage in full-time.

    You may even like your job well enough, but you dont want to do it for the rest of your life. Youd like to be doing something thats a lot more gratifying for you, you just dont know what that is.

    One thing is for sure, you dont want to live the same life, doing the same things a decade or two from now. You know something must change and you know the first step is figuring out what you want and your dream is.

    2. You have too many dreams and dont know which one to focus on first.

    Youre a person who has a lot of interests and passions. The problem is, you dont know which one you should focus on first. You know you cant possibly pursue all the dreams you have, since theyre so different. Success comes easiest to those who maintain focus on one goal at a time, to the exclusion of all other distractions.

    You need help narrowing down what it is you should pursue, and you want to feel confident that you made the right choice.

    3. Youre scared to have a dream because you dont want to be let down.

    Youd love to live a different kind of life and wake up each morning with excitement and clarity of purpose. Who wouldnt? The problem is that every time you allow yourself a moment to imagine a dream, you get nervous. What if you dont have what it takes to

    You know something must change and you know the first step is

    figuring out what you want and your dream is


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    accomplish it? The idea of investing so much of yourself in a dream, but not having what it takes to make it a reality, paralyzes you.

    Youd almost rather spend your life not hoping for more, and living a life thats OK, than putting all your time, energy and investment into a dream just to see your efforts fail. To you, failure would be crushing. So you go along, trying to be happy with what you have, because fear stops you from going after what you really want.

    (If this describes you best, youll want to go through this Toolkit and pay particular attention to the Next Steps page at the end.)

    The other challenge is that you may be stifling your imagination before it even gets the chance to develop a dream. The adult inside of each of us systematically measures the thing we want and immediately asks the question, Is this possible? and inevitably, we find many reasons to answer, no. Asking, Whats possible?, before we even allow ourselves to dream, is an acid that eats away at our happiness.

    The Pull of Becoming

    Longing for more, but not knowing your dream, is like going to a builder and saying, Id like a happy home. Build me a really nice house. The builder would look at you and say, Youve got to tell me what you mean by a happy house or a nice house. Youve got to describe it. Youve got to decide. Youve got to give me a picture, or a blueprint, that I can build from.

    This is what this DreamBuilder Toolkit will help you do. Youll get the 3-step process to discover, refine and decide what your dream is.

    As you go through this 3-step process, you will see that theres something at work in you; this ever-upward pull of becoming. In the Talmud, it says, Every blade of grass has an angel leaning over it, whispering, Grow, grow, grow. That blade of grass will actually break through cement seeking the light.

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    There is that same pull of becoming in you. It will give you ideas and images and possibilities, but it is up to you to allow those things to begin to be shaped in your mind as dreams. These ideas will form into pictures and the pictures can become your reality.

    What Keeps Us From Our Dream?

    The reason why most of us dont have a dream, or dont allow ourselves to go after our dream, is because... we have been trained from an early age to look at our current conditions to determine what our opportunities are.

    Let me tell you a story about how they train elephants in India in order to illustrate what I mean.

    In India the elephant is the farm animal, unlike cattle for much of the rest of the world, therefore they have to domesticate it and train it from a young age. When the elephant is still a baby, they put a big rope around one of its legs, and tie it to a big strong stake in the ground. That baby elephant pulls and tugs and fights to try to get away. Ultimately the rope and the stake are stronger and the elephant finally gives in to the tug of the rope. He gives up. He knows he cant get away, and the tug on his leg reminds him of that every day.

    As the elephant gets older and bigger, instead of increasing the size of the rope and stake they decrease it because the elephant by then has given over to the tug. It leans toward the tug instead of away from it because they figure, whats the use in fighting anyway? They have been trained to think that a rope around their leg means they cant escape, and that tugging and struggling are futile.

    When the elephant grows to adulthood, they remove the rope and just weave river reeds together and tie it around their leg. The slightest little tug from the reed will tell the elephant which way to go. Now, it isnt that the elephant doesnt have the capacity to break free from that river reed. It does, but it doesnt know it does, so it is disconnected from its capacity and ability. It has learned to give over to the tug.

    You and I have some of that same river reed thinking. We have been trained to look to conditions to determine what our opportunities and possibilities are, and its completely backwards. When we look to past conditions in order to create our life, we get stuck in re-

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    patterning the conditions weve already had. We might change a little color and form, but basically its the same life lived over and over again.

    I once heard somebody say, Some people live ninety-nine years and other people live one year, ninety-nine times.

    In this Toolkit youre going to do some re-patterning, some paradigm busting, some opening up and some exploring of what it is that you really want.

    Dont Focus on What You Dont Want

    The other thing that keeps us from our dream is focusing too much on what we dont want instead of what wed like to have.

    Lets say I told you to not think about the Statue of Liberty.

    Dont think about that woman on Liberty Island outside of New York City. Dont think about the woman with her arm stretched up in the air. Dont think about the torch at the end of her hand. Dont think about the ferries going to and from the island back to the city. Dont think about the Statue of Liberty.

    Nowwhat are you seeing in your minds eye?

    You are seeing the Statue of Liberty! Your mind has no sense of humor. So, if you start thinking, Oh, I dont want this to happen or I dont want that to happen, your mind begins to go to work on those pictures, the pictures of what you dont want, instead of the pictures of what you do want.

    Say, for example, that instead of focusing your thoughts on what it would be like to have financial freedom, you worry about being broke. You imagine what it would feel like to

    When we look to past conditions in order to create our life, we get

    stuck in re-patterning the conditions weve already had-

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    have no money in your checking account to pay your bills. You picture yourself dealing with creditors, getting late notices, losing your house and having to live in your car.

    Have you ever heard of the term, self-fulfilling prophecy? If you fill your mind with thoughts of financial ruin and homelessness, there is no space in your imagination for strategies or ideas on how to actually achieve wealth.

    The way the Laws of the Universe work is that everything is created twice. It is created as a thought before it becomes a thing. This is why you want to focus on what you really want, not what you want to avoid. You dont want to accidentally create the very thing you dont want.

    As you explore the possibilities, allow images of possible futures, of lives, of ways of being to enter your mind. Explore in your imagination what you would love to be and do and create and give.

    How These Principles Saved My Life

    I grew up in Portland, Oregon. I had a great upbringing and a high school experience like most young girls dream about. I was class Vice President. I was on the drill team. I had a lead in the junior play, was homecoming princess and, at the end of my junior year of high school, I got pregnant.

    When I told my parents, my mother wept for me as if had died. In her mind all her dreams for me were dying.

    We had a very hasty 10 person wedding. A couple of weeks later, I told one of my trusted high school teachers that I was now married and pregnant. The next thing I knew the principal of the high school called me into his office and told me I would not be allowed to return for my senior year of high school. He said it would be inappropriate for a pregnant girl to get mixed in with the normal girls.

    He told me there was a special high school for girls like me. It wasnt held during daylight hours. It was across the river, in a part of Portland I wasnt allowed to drive in after dark. It was where all the pregnant girls and delinquent boys were sent. Now, this was 1966, so you can see the thinking of that era.

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    My first son was born during the winter of my senior year and by May, I graduated from Washington Evening High School.

    Then in July of that year, I was in an intensive care ward at Portland Adventist Hospital having been diagnosed with fatal kidney disease. One kidney, the tests said, was totally destroyed with nephritis. The other kidney had fifty percent destruction and active nephritis.

    I was told that if we could get the blood toxin level in my body reduced enough so that I could sustain a surgery to remove the right kidney, then maybe I would have six months to live. So here I am, in intensive care while my mother is caring for my infant son, and I have just been told that the best shot Ive got is maybe six months. I am desperate and devastated. The God of my upbringing was not really a friendly place to go when you felt like you had really messed up. I didnt have a faith practice. I didnt have a higher power to turn to that I really felt reliant upon or would be responsive to me. Thats why what happened next was so serendipitous.

    The night before my scheduled surgery, at about ten oclock, a woman walked in my room and identified herself as a chaplain in the hospital who was offering prayer with people who were going to have surgery the next day. She asked me if I wanted someone to pray with me. I was scared so I said yes. She came over and stood next to the bed where I was laying and then she pulled up a chair and she sat down. She did not begin with prayer. She began this way: She said Would you be willing to tell me whats been going on in your life the last year or two?

    I told her what had happened to me in the last two years. At the end of my story, she looked me very compassionately in the eyes and said, Mary, everything is created twice.

    I know I had a quizzical look on my face. What do you mean?

    Then she said The bed you are laying on, the nightgown you are wearing, the sheet covering you, the carpet, the floor, the ceiling, the walls, all this machinery, everything was first a thought before it could become a thing. Then she looked at me and said, You know this. You just dont know the power of knowing this.

    Then she said, I hear how much you love your little boy but I also hear how much youve been hating yourself. You feel like you shamed yourself, you shamed your school, you shamed your family and now that you are considering the connection between thought and result, cause and effect, that everything that is experienced first began in thought;

    Everything that is experienced first began in thought


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    could you consider the possibility that there could be some relationship between this toxic thinking and the toxicity that is in your body that is actually threatening your life?

    Now, this was before the idea of a mind-body connection was in the common nomenclature. In 1967 people had no idea that what happens in our physical body often manifests from our thoughts. It was a brand-new idea for me.

    She continued, In this universe, there is one presence, one power, one life. It is ever-seeking a freer, fuller, more-expanded expression of itself and thats happening in your right now. The toxicity thats in your body can be released because it can be released in your mind. Can you believe its possible that if you were to align with that precision that is at work in you, that your whole body could actually respond to that, and in the morning the doctors would say to you that you dont need surgery. That you could get up and go home that you are fine. Can you believe that that is possible?

    I didnt really know what to believe. But here, the interesting thing was, that I could tell she believed it and it was the first time I ever consciously chose to believe in someone elses belief.

    I told her, Well I dont know if its possible or even probable, but I am open to it. She said Ok. Thats all we need is one corner of your mind open to the possibility. Lets work with that.

    We prayed together, and the next morning when I woke up I realized I had slept all night without waking. I hadnt been able to do that in weeks because I had been in so much pain. When the doctors did the surgery they told my family, who was gathered afterward, that the one kidney was destroyed with nephritis. They removed it. The other kidney, when it was looked at it didnt look quite as bad as they would have suspected with fifty percent destruction, but time would tell. And time did tell.

    I went home and I continued to get better and better. I didnt die in six months like the doctors said I would. What happened to me at the hospital with the chaplain got my attention. I got a thirst for knowledge on everything I could find in the field of metaphysics, philosophy, psychology and science to discover how it works in the universe that everything really is created twice.

    Just open yourself up to the possibility that in this great gift of your life you have an imagination-

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    Im encouraging you now to consider any possibility, just like I opened myself up to a possibility so many years ago. Just open yourself up to the possibility that in this great gift of your life you have an imagination; that there is a place inside of you that is un-muted by circumstance. Its not controlled by your history. Its not defined by anything youve ever known about yourself. There are no river reeds around your ankle.

    You are being asked to consider unlimited possibilities for who youd like to be and what kind of life youd love to live.

    Why Should You Discover Your Dream?

    The universe is a spiral universe. Your very DNA is a spiral. In the spiral universe there is an ever-present upward pull of possibility seeking to express itself. Everywhere the universe is seeking a freer, fuller, more expanded expression of itself. Your own search for the more expanded version of yourself is as unique as your thumbprint.

    Your dream what it is that you are here to be and do and express and experience is unique to you. It will not be a chore. It will be something that gives you life. It will be something that expands, opens and thrills you.

    When you are in harmony with your souls purpose and what you are here to be and do, things get easier. The flow expands. You become more alive. You are energized. This is how the universe works. This is one reason you should discover your dream.

    But theres another reason, and it has to do with a research study done by a famous psychologist many years ago.

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    The Key to Happiness

    When I was getting my undergraduate degree, I became particularly interested in the work of Abraham Maslow. As a psychologist, he got interested in what the factors were that made a person really happy. What happens in a persons life when they report that they love life or love waking up in the morning? The happy people are those whose relationships work well. They are creative in some way. They do work that matters to them. They live a life that has meaning and purpose.

    He wanted to determine the consistencies and determining factors that led to a person experiencing this sort of happiness.

    He looked at the kind of things we might look at. He looked at the family of origin to see if it was the key to happiness. Did happy people have some kind of advantage based on having a good upbringing compared to a horrific one? The answer was, No. There was no correlation." Then he thought maybe happy people had a degree of financial success others didnt have that gave them the ability to experience life the way they wanted to experience it. It turned out that that wasnt true either. Happy people came from all different economic backgrounds.

    Health wasnt even a factor. Some of these happy people lived with chronic pain, difficult illnesses and all kinds of things.

    Maslow determined two things as he studied these happy people. One was that they all had what he called highly potentiated lives. They could enjoy the smell of coffee being brewed first thing in the morning if thats what was in the room, or the sound of toast being buttered. When their child took their hand it wasnt just a sensation, it filled up their whole being. Happy people had a high porosity to aliveness. You think of something porous like a sponge, it soaks everything up. These people soaked up life.

    Imagine having a high porosity to aliveness, that you arent just trudging through the day muted by worry or by patterns that keep you out of the real depths of your own life energy. The second factor Maslow discovered was that happy people were sensitive to, and paid

    Simply put, discovering your dream can make you a happier person living a

    happier life-

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    attention to, the longings of their heart. They hadnt given up the kind of childhood optimism that allowed them to believe that they could create and do whatever their heart wanted to.

    This is the most passionate, wondrous, alive-making way to live life.

    I invite you now to pay attention to the longing of your own heart. What would you love? Where and when do you feel most alive? What are the secret desires you havent even allowed yourself to fully express?

    Why should you discover your dream? Simply put, discovering your dream can make you a happier person living a happier life.

    Lets begin.

    Discovering Your Dream Step 1:

    Notice the SOURCE of your longing and discontent.

    Dreams speak to us in two ways: through our longing and through our discontent.

    In our day-to-day lives, we might not consciously notice our longing and discontent. We pay attention to whats in front of us in the moment, such as the road if were driving, or the spreadsheet were programming at work, or our child when she asks for something.

    Underneath all of that, there is hidden longing and discontent and its the source of a wealth of information about your dream. Lets tap into that.

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    Exercise A: Your Point A

    Rank Your Satisfaction in the Four Key Areas of Life

    Its tough to get to where you want to go unless you know where youre starting.

    Below is a great tool for accessing your starting point, which we will call your Point A.

    Treat this tool as a litmus test to assess your current life as you view it today. Place a check mark on the line where you would rank your life on a scale of 1 to 10 in each of the four domains below.

    The score 1 means you feel discontent or unhappy, and youre not seeing the results you desire in that domain of life.

    A score of 10 means you feel content, happy and like youre fullyliving your dreams in that particular domain of life.

    Be honest and thorough with your assessment, as no one will see this but you. The more energy you put in to this exercise, the more value you will gain.

    Once you have assessed your Point A, proceed to Exercise B.


    1 10


    1 10

    Creative Expression

    1 10

    Financial Supply

    1 10

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    Exercise B: Notice Discontent

    If there was a domain of your life which didnt rate a 10, list the reasons why youre not perfectly content and happy in that domain of life. Be as specific as possible. Name at least one feeling associated with your discontent (anger, sadness, boredom, disgust, etc.)


    Relationships: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Creative Expression:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Financial Supply: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    Replace any negative emotion you wrote above with an emotion youd prefer to experience in each area of your life below:



    Creative Expression: ______________________________________________________________________________

    Financial Supply:______________________________________________________________________________

    Exercise C: Notice Longing

    Locked inside each one of us is a child-like part that knows that all things are possible, that loves to dream, that revels in big thinking, and is unconcerned with how to make the dream come true. All things are possible to this aspect of us, and it is in this place that the power of our imagination is rooted.

    Deep inside our hearts, we already know what makes us happy. We just need to allow ourselves to imagine and dream big.

    So now, imagine in your hand is a magic wand. This magic wand gives you the power to create anything you want simply by wishing for it. There are no limitations.

    In each of the four domains, describe vividly 3 dream scenarios for each of the categories, or what you would love if money, time, experience, education, your gender or background were not a factor.

    We just need to allow ourselves to imagine and

    dream big-

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    Dream Scenario 1:


    Dream Scenario 2:


    Dream Scenario 3:


    Relationships: Dream Scenario 1:


    Dream Scenario 2:


    Dream Scenario 3:


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    Creative Expression: Dream Scenario 1:


    Dream Scenario 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Dream Scenario 3: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Financial Supply:

    Dream Scenario 1:


    Dream Scenario 2:


    Dream Scenario 3:


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    Begin to shape a possiblity. Imagine a life youd like to live; physically, relationally, expressively. Imagine your work, your money, how you spend your leisure time. What do you do for your community?

    Your opportunity is to begin to let those images emerge.

    Writing these images down in this exercise is an important aspect to dream-building. Theres new research that validates what great goal achievers have known for many, many years, and that is the amplified power towards a dream when you actually write it down.

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    Discovering Your Dream Step 2:

    SORT your dreams and find the right one for you.

    How will you know if the dream you choose is the right dream to pursue? This is a very important question, and one to you should give serious consideration.

    Just because a dream feels exciting at first doesnt mean you should invest yourself into making that particular dream a reality.

    Your dream needs to be worthy of you. It needs to pass a series of tests. It needs to align with your values and it needs to make you feel more alive.

    The people who hesitate to discover their dream hesitate because theyve been burned before. Theyve invested time and money into a dream or goal and it didnt turn out like they had hoped. There was some stumbling block or

    challenge, their motivation fizzled out, they lost interest, or found out that it wasnt all they had imagined. There were unforeseen complications. You dont want to go down that road.

    Thats why youll want to go through the process of SORTING your dream scenarios before picking out the one you want to focus on.

    Exercise D: Core Values Assessment

    It is important that the dream you put your energy into is one that is in alignment with your core values.

    Core values help us understand what truly matters to us. If we choose a dream that isnt in alignment with our core values, we wont feel satisfied. There will always be an internal conflict between what we think we want and what our gut tells us is right. For example, if what we want is a higher paying job, but one of our core values is time with family, and getting promoted means more travel time and longer hours spent away from home, then a higher paying job (at least one that required more time away from home) would be a conflict with our core value.

    It needs to align with your values and it needs to make you

    feel more alive.

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    Examples of core values might be family, health, security, autonomy, creativity, time spent in nature. One way to think of core values is to ask yourself, What would matter if I knew I only had a year left to live?

    Knowing your core values will help you be more clear about your dream.

    Below, write down five of your core values, or things that are most important to you and that you need in order to feel at ease with life.






    Exercise E: The 6 Qualifying Questions to Test Your Dream

    Select one dream from Exercise C, where you wrote down 3 different dream scenarios for each of the four life categories. It doesnt matter if you cant decide which one to choose first, because you can do this exercise as many times as you wish with as many dream scenarios as you wish. Just pick one to start. Then ask yourself the following 6 questions in regards to the dream scenario you selected.

    Question #1: Is the dream worthy of me?

    When most people think of a dream, they ask the wrong question.

    They ask, Am I worthy of the dream? In other words, are you rich enough, smart enough, savvy enough to make your dream a reality? Those are the wrong questions. Instead, you should be asking if the dream is worthy of you.

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    Is it grand enough to reflect your talents, your experience, your wisdom and your passion? You only have one precious life. Is your dream worthy of that life?

    Is your dream worthy of you? YES NO

    Question #2: Does my dream make me feel alive?

    When you step inside that dream, do you feel an amplified aliveness? You want a, Yes! to this question. Your life force will never lie to you. If you imagine stepping into your dream and feel a constriction or a containment, its not your dream.

    You may have a worthy goal, like cleaning out your garage. But thats not really your dream. Your dream is for a more expansive, expressive life and the forms of that will be unique to each one of us. The creativity and the lens through which that is expressed is as unique as our thumbprint. But that it gives us more life, is universal.

    So when you imagine putting yourself inside the dream, do you feel more alive?

    YES NO

    Do you feel more expansive?

    YES NO

    Question #3: Does it fit with my core values?

    When its all said and done, what will have mattered most to you? Those are your core values and you listed them in a previous exercise.

    And heres the truth: your real dream will never ask you to be out of alignment or to mute or to mitigate your authentic true values.

    So heres an example. There was a young woman in her early 30s who took my dream-building workshop some years ago. When the time came to explore her longing, she revealed that she had never traveled. She told me that whenever she thought about adventure and exotic places, she would just light up. She hadnt gone to college. Instead, she went to beauty school straight out of high school and had been working full-time cutting and styling hair ever since.

    She started thinking that maybe she could get a job in a salon on a cruise ship. I could just see her light up when she talked about the possibilities of visiting foreign countries and exploring world-class beaches.

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    But when it came time to align this with her values, there was a part of her that wasnt happy with the answer. Her husband was in support of her and her dream, but the thought of leaving her husband alone to care for their 3-year old toddler during the three month-long stints that shed be traveling didnt sit right with her. She worried about the long-term affects her absences would have on her marriage and on her son. Her familys wellbeing was one of her core values.

    When something doesnt sit right with you, its a good sign that its not in alignment with your core values. When its in alignment, all parts of you will agree about your dream. You wont have internal struggles. Youll know youre on the right path and you wont have to compromise about the things that matter most.

    Does your dream fit with your core values? YES NO

    Question #4: Does the dream require that I grow?

    Your dream should require that you step into a larger dimension of yourself. Does that mean you should know how to do that? No. Does it mean that you know all that is required? No. But can you see that to live a larger life you are going tohave to grow. Grow in understanding, grow in awareness, grow in action, grow inthe many different things that will be required to anchor and secure and makestable a larger experience of aliveness and life-demonstration.

    Your dream should require that you grow in some way, whether its learning a new skill, overcoming fear, or stepping into a better version of yourself.

    So does the dream require that you grow? YES NO

    Question #5: Will I need help from a higher power to accomplish this dream?

    Another way to ask this question is to ask yourself if you know every single thing that needs to be done to bring about this dream. If you do, then the dream isnt big enough. Its just a worthy goal.

    Your dream should actually pull you into you into a larger dimension of who youre meant to be. That dream is the future pull of the discovery of the authentic self. Part of that is exploring the unknown aspects of really who you are. You have to allow the dream to build you, not just have you building the dream.

    One way to know whether or not your dream will require help from a higher power is to ask yourself if you know absolutely all the steps its going to take to accomplish your dream. Take the example I mentioned earlier about cleaning out the garage. You probably know all the steps itll take to accomplish that goal. Youll have to hire a dump truck, you

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    may need to sell some things on Craigslist, and youll probably have to spend at least a few days sorting, cleaning and organizing. Theres nothing about cleaning out the garage that will require help from a higher power.

    In contrast, take the dream of opening up a fly fishing outfitting business in the mountains of Colorado. You love to fly fish, but your current profession has nothing to do with fishing. You work in a corporate office and you live in Indiana. Youve never owned your own business before, let alone an outfitting business in a part of the country you may have only visited while on vacation once or twice. Do you know all thats required and everything youll need to do in order to have a successful outfitting business in a location you know very little about? Most likely youll need help from a higher power to be successful.

    Does your dream require help from a higher power? YES NO

    Question #6: Is there some good in my dream for others?

    The universe cares very much about experiencing a freer, fuller and more expressive version of itself through you. And not just you, but everyone, because we are all connected. So your dream, in order to have the full weight and support of the universe, must in some way make a difference for good.

    If your dream is meeting your soulmate, will your dream have some good in it for others? Heres the truth. Any two people who absolutely anchor and demonstrate what real love looks like in the world are a blessing to every person who knows them. If your dream is about growing a garden, you are either going to produce food or beauty. There is a blessing in that. So your idea of good for others does not have to have some peak merit to it. Its not like that. Look at your dream and ask if theres a blessing in it for others, if there is good that will come from this to others.

    Is there some good in your dream for others? YES NO

    Scoring: Now add up your yes answers in this exercise. If you wrote 6 Yes answers, congratulations! That means this dream is likely the right dream for you. If you answered Yes on 1-5 questions, you may wish to refine your dream or consider a different dream.

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    Discovering Your Dream Step 3:

    SELECT the right dream from all the possibilities.

    Youre almost there! Now that youve made a list of several viable dream scenarios related to the four main life categories of health, relationships, creative expression and financial supply, youll want to select the dream you want to pursue.

    The exercises below will help you make your selection.

    Exercise F: Does This Dream Make You Feel Contracted or Expansive?

    If several of your dream scenarios scored a perfect six Yes answers in Exercise E, youll want to test your dream options further in order to narrow it down to one. In this exercise, youll use your intuition and a mind-body approach.

    Close your eyes and think about your dream scenario. Really get into how it would feel if you were already living the life you would love. What does the environment look like? What are the sounds associated with your dream? How does it smell? What are you doing throughout the day in your dream scenario? Who is with you?

    Dream Candidate 1

    As you are getting into this dream, what do you feel in your body? Any tension or tightness? Note it below.


    Do you feel a sense of expansiveness or contraction when you imagine your dream scenario? YES NO

    Describe the positive feelings in your body here.


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    Dream Candidate 2

    As you are getting into this dream, what do you feel in your body? Any tension or tightness? Note it below.


    Do you feel a sense of expansiveness or contraction when you imagine your dream scenario?

    YES NO

    Describe the positive feelings in your body here.


    Dream Candidate 3

    As you are getting into this dream, what do you feel in your body? Any tension or tightness? Note it below.


    Do you feel a sense of expansiveness or contraction when you imagine your dream scenario?

    YES NO

    Describe the positive feelings in your body here.


    Out of the ones you tested in this exercise, which dream scenario feels most expansive to you?

    Dream Candidate 1 Dream Candidate 2 Dream Candidate 3

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    Your body has intelligence and is tapped into your subconscious. If you feel tension or tightness in your body when thinking about a certain dream scenario, it may be worth investigating why that dream may not be right for you, or you may just want to find a different dream.

    Youll want to select the dream that feels most expansive. Which dream fits that description? Write it down here:


    Exercise H: Are There Aspects of Your Dream That Need Refinement?

    After putting your dream to the test, is it exactly as you would like it to be?

    YES NO

    Are there aspects of your dream that need to be changed or expanded? How can you alter your dream to align with all of the tests listed above?


    Now write out your final dream, with all the refinements and revisions here:


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    Exercise I: Getting Clear on Your Why

    Have you discovered the dream youd like to pursue? If so, way to go! Thats great! But be careful. Too often, when people become intuitively aware of something they deeply want in their life, they quickly jump to the question . . . How can I make this happen?

    When you set out on your dream-building path, the first question you should ask is not How, but rather, Why do I want this? When you get in touch with your Why, which is your passion and the deep, driving desire for what you want, something magical happens. Getting clear on your Why puts you on the same feeling tone, or vibration, as your dream. By connecting to the vibration of your dream, you begin to access what Thomas Edison called, The Land of the Solution.

    As you get emotionally involved with your Why, by Universal Law, you will begin to see the Hows show up in your life. Youll begin to receive ideas, resources, and connections that will transform your dream into a reality. Remember, you cannot get to your dream; you must come from it. How do you come from your dream? Thats easy get clear on your Why.

    Write down at least 5 reasons WHY you want to create your chosen dream.






    Whenever you start to get stuck on the How, be sure to refer to this list of Whys. Stay open to solutions and opportunities. Listen for the answers that may appear, in the form of a conversation, an article, or a piece of advice you hear from a friend or colleague. Youll be amazed at what shows up!

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    Congratulations! &Next StepYou have completed the 3-step process for discovering your dream! Youve gone from not knowing what youre passionate about, to having too many interests filling up your time, to narrowing it and choosing one, big, wonderful dream thats worthy of you.

    Knowing the details of your selected dream is an important first step, but its not enough. You must take action in order to make it a reality.

    Ready to do that?

    If so, great, because Ive created a high-value, 75-minute FREE webinar that will propel you from where you are right now to where you need to go in creating the life you love.

    During this free webinar, Ill reveal proven techniques for evicting the limiting patterns of self-doubt and fear once and for all so you can step into confidence that is necessary in order to manifest your dream and your bigger life.

    Heres what youll discover from the webinar:

    Simple thought-strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry (the 3 types of thinking that can stop your dream in its tracks)

    The 3 steps most people miss when building a dream (miss any of these and you may never see your dream come true)

    The #1 factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated and override it

    A proven vision technique for building the lasting faith, self-love and confidence that will guide you to your dream

    An easy way to keep mentally and spiritually motivated each day

    And so much more!

    I host these webinars only a few times a year, and due to limited space, you have to register ahead of time so that I know to save a spot for you.

    Id Like to Register for the FREE DreamBuilder Webinar Now

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    Discovering your dream is a key step to living a life thats fuller, freer and more purposeful. But its only the beginning.

    And if your dream seems out of reach right now, or you feel overwhelmed and hesitant to take action, then its especially critical that you register for my webinar.

    It can help you make a quantum leap to the life you were meant to live.

    Register here:

    Heres to your dream life - as youve always imagined it!

    P.S. Remember, this webinar is absolutely FREE, and has the potential to change your life as you gain the knowledge to focus your dream and take steps to where you want to be. Register now:

    About Mary Morrissey

    Speaker, best-selling author, and consultant for over three decades, Mary Morrisseys transformational talks and seminars have made her one of the elite teachers in the human potential movement. She is the President and founder of LifeSOULutions, an international company providing programs and products that transform dreams into reality. She is also the Founder and Director of Life Mastery Institute. Her work takes her weekly to different parts of the globe.

    Mary is the Co-Founder and the first President to the Association for Global New Thought. Along with Dr. Michael Beckwith, she became the first New Thought minister to be appointed to the Executive Counsel of the Parliament of World Religions. She has spoken three

    times at the United Nations as the national Co-Chair for A Season of Non-Violence, and has received the honor of being inducted into the Martin Luther King Order of Preachers.

    Representing the Association for Global New Thought, she has co-convened and facilitated 3 different week-long meetings with His Holiness The Dalai Lama in leading

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    conversations with world leaders, and addressing the most significant issues our world is facing. In addition, as part of the Gandhi-King delegation, she met with Nelson Mandela in Cape Town, South Africa.

    She is the author of two best-selling books, No Less Than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams, which became a PBS special. Featured in the movies The Moses Code and Beyond The Secret Mary Morrissey has also authored several audio programs, including the popular co-produced audio, Working With the Law with Bob Proctor.

    As a highly sought after inspirational speaker, executive coach, and corporate consultant, Mary has 30 years experience empowering individuals to achieve new heights of spiritual aliveness, wealth, and authentic success.

    Mary has a Bachelors Degree in Education, a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, and an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters. She has been an ordained minister for more than 30 years.

    While Mary holds some significant degrees and achievements in higher learning, she says her two most important degrees are the two black belts she has earned: one in success and the other in failure.

    While Mary holds some significant degrees and achievements in higher learning, she says her two most important degrees are the two black belts she has earned: one in success and the other in failure.

    Discovering Your Dream: Step 1Discovering Your Dream: Step 2Discovering Your Dream: Step 3

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