Lifecycle Metadata for Digital Objects

Lifecycle Metadata for Digital Objects September 11, 2002 Major archival and digital library metadata schemes


Lifecycle Metadata for Digital Objects. September 11, 2002 Major archival and digital library metadata schemes. NHPRC Initiative, 1991. Research Issues in Electronic Records - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Lifecycle Metadata for Digital Objects

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Lifecycle Metadata for Digital Objects

September 11, 2002

Major archival and digital library metadata schemes

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University of Pittsburgh Project

• 1992-1996• “Business Acceptable Communications”• “Warrant” for functional requirements

– Legal– Records Management– Management– Medical– Archival

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Pittsburgh metadata reference model in six layers

• Handle

• Terms & Conditions

• Structural• Contextual• Content• Use History

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Handle layer

• Unique identifier– Record declaration– Transaction domain– Transaction instance

• Discovery metadata– Description standard– Descriptors– Language

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Terms & Conditions Layer

• Restrictions status

• Access conditions

• Use conditions

• Disposition requirements

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Structural Layer

• File identification metadata

• File encoding metadata

• File rendering metadata

• Record rendering metadata

• Content structure metadata

• Source metadata

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Contextual Layer

• Transaction context metadata

• Responsibility metadata

• System accountability metadata

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Content Layer(actual data)

Use History Layertypeinstanceuserconsequences

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Indiana University test of BAC

• Evaluating administrative recordkeeping systems at IU

• Testing functional requirements• Mapping metadata requirements

– Elimination of “metadata encapsulated objects”– Reduction in structural metadata– Pulled back from record-level metadata to record, file,

class levels– Influenced by MoReq– Lacks understanding of implementation issues

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InterPARES Project

• Initially a University of British Columbia project that led to DoD STD 5015.2

• Aim to establish characteristics of a reliable and authentic electronic record

• InterPARES is international project funded by NHPRC, SSRC, etc.

• Aim to establish rest of record life cycle

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InterPARES case studies

• Examine digital recordkeeping systems in wide variety of contexts worldwide

• Qualitative methods used to discover how records are used, carry out functional analysis

• Data used to provide basis for modeling preservation processes

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InterPARES basis in diplomatics

• 19th-century method for establishing genuineness of documents

• Defines four types of records:– Dispositive (form is essence of evidence)– Probative (written form part of evidence)– Supporting (written form discretionary,

procedurally linked to action)– Narrative (provide context)

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InterPARES Authenticity template

• Documentary form– Extrinsic elements– Intrinsic elements

• Annotations

• Medium

• Context

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InterPARES findings, 2002

• Hopes for a clear typology dashed after four rounds

• Contemporary systems too fluid for model– No fixed form or content– No annotations– Embedded in social contexts– Managed procedurally

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Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

• Supported by OCLC

• Primarily a surrogate/discovery metadata scheme

• Does not aim to document everything

• Useful for management of active digital objects

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Dublin Core elements

• Title• Creator• Subject• Description• Publisher• Contributor• Date• Type

• Format• Identifier• Source• Language• Relation• Coverage• Rights

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Dublin Core development

• Initial development of simple elements

• Subelements and user communities

• Warwick Framework

• RDF and XML

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Dublin Core in HTML environment

• Example: MDAH


• Example:

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Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS)

• Developed out of LoC’s MOA project

• Designed to support maintenance of library of digital objects

• Three overall types of metadata– Descriptive– Administrative– Structural

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METS Descriptive metadata

• External (e.g., finding aid)

• Internal (part of the document)

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METS Administrative metadata

• Technical metadata

• Intellectual property rights metadata

• Source metadata (re analog source)

• Digital provenance metadata– Relations between files– Migration/transformation data

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METS Structural metadata

• File groups list

• Structural map (defines relations between files and METS element structure)

• Behavior segment (associates executable methods with specific content elements, e.g. for display)

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• The METS XML schema


• Why is it all so complicated?

• How can anyone ever keep track of all this metadata?