Life on Campus



An overview of housing and dining options at Oregon State University. Geared toward students planning to live on campus in the 2012-13 school year.

Transcript of Life on Campus

Page 1: Life on Campus

LIFE on campusunIVERsITY HousInG & DInInG sERVIcEs


Page 2: Life on Campus

University Housing & Dining ServicesOregon State University102 Buxton HallCorvallis, OR 97331-1317

Telephone: 541-737-4771 or 800-291-4192Fax: 541-737-0686Email: [email protected]

Oregon State University is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The university does not discriminate against applicants for housing based on race, color, age, religion, physical ability, national origin or sexual orientation.

This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. Call 541-737-4771 for more information.

Page 3: Life on Campus

LIFe on CaMPus 2013-2014WHaT’s InsIDE?

The First-Year experience 4roommate Matching network™ 8how to apply 9on-Campus Living 10 residence halls 10 Cooperative houses 16 Family housing 16educational Living environments 18 austin entrepreneurship Program 19 Community service Learning 20 International experience 20 university honors College 20 gender-Inclusive Living 20 engineering, Math and science Program 20sustainable design 21new student residence 21dining on Campus 23Contract Information 26rates 26rights and responsibilities 28resnet 29Campus Map 30

7 Roommates: Brandy and Shawna

22Faculty-in- Residence: Sandy Neubaum

17 Roommates: Mike and Karl

Experience of a Lifetime™

Page 4: Life on Campus


College comes with lots of new experiences — late-night study sessions, new friends, spur-of-the-moment outings, newfound interests and more. and the best way to make the college experience everything you want it to be in your first year is to live on campus, where you’re readily connected to all the activities, support services and resources oregon state has to offer. That’s why all new students are required to live in an on-campus residence hall or cooperative house during their first year of studies. national studies show that living on campus helps students thrive academically and personally during their first year. here’s how:An academic boost: First-year students who live in a residence hall or co-op typically earn higher grades than those who live off campus. each hall hosts a writing and math tutor every week, as well as events, workshops and seminars during the year. Plus, you’ll find ready-made

“You meet so many people and can be a part of a larger community. I have friends all over campus that I see just walking by every day. I wouldn’t have known them if I hadn’t lived in the halls.”

— danny Brandes | history hawley hall | gresham, ore.

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study groups with your neighbors. students who live on campus their first year tend to graduate more quickly than those who don’t. That means savings on tuition and a sooner start on your future.

Connected to campus: When you live on campus, you can be independent, but not alone. With more than 350 student clubs, along with all kinds of activities and events happening every day, there are always new friends to make, new experiences to try and new interests to discover. It’s a diverse and welcoming community where you can feel comfortable being yourself and learning more about others. You’ll also find many opportunities to make connections with faculty both in and out of the classroom — an excellent source for support and motivation.

Help when you need it: support is right outside your door. There’s a resident assistant (ra) on each floor or wing and a resident director (rd) in each building, ready to help with everything from finding your classes to figuring out what to do on a tuesday night.

“the ras are the most amazing people. I love that I’m taking classes with others in my hall, too. We also get to study for other classes together and share notes and our experiences with professors.”

— susan dunham | Mathematics Wilson hall | hood river, ore. 5

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a variety of academic support centers are just steps away, offering free tutoring and other services in almost every subject. all over campus, you’ll find resources with the answers you need — even the ones you didn’t know you were looking for.

No unexpected expenses: all of your basic living expenses are covered in one bill, including your dining plan with a choice of 30 restaurants across campus. Plus, our residence hall rates include services and amenities you’d have to pay extra for off campus: high-speed Internet, utilities, extended basic cable, even free laundry. nor do you have to worry about maintenance and repairs. We’ve got that covered.

Safe space: all residence halls and co-ops are locked 24 hours a day, and only residents and building staff have key access. In addition, the campus is well lit and regularly patrolled by the oregon state Police.

“Living on campus pretty much means you will always have someone to hang out with and an easy way to become aware of any campus activities and how to get involved in them.”

— Claudia rojas | Pre-nuclear engineering halsell hall | Columbia

take a virtual tour of our residence halls and co-ops at

Page 7: Life on Campus

Brandy Cordeiro Business Makawao, Maui, Hawaii

Shawna Fujita Animal Science Mililani, Oahu, Hawaii 7

BRAndy CORdEiRO And SHAWnA FUjiTA both thought it would be a better experience to live on campus for their first year at oregon state. Coming from hawaii, “we didn’t really know anyone,” shawna says. not even each other.

Brandy knew she wanted to find a roommate who shared her culture. “I was looking for a roommate from hawaii because we’d have more things in common,” she says.

using the roommate Matching network, the two found each other and bonded over their similar backgrounds and interest in oregon state. They took a virtual tour of the residence halls, which Brandy says was “super helpful,” getting the suite-style room they wanted in Bloss hall.

“We didn’t actually meet in person until start,” shawna says. But once they met, the two found themselves getting along easily — even their parents liked each other.

shawna and Brandy have enjoyed taking advantage of multiple opportunities on campus. shawna likes playing intramural sports — bowling, soccer and softball — while Brandy has appreciated the chance to experience new things. “You find your independence here by taking everything in,” Brandy says.

The best part of having a roommate is having someone to talk to. “If you were by yourself, you would be lonely,” shawna says. “Very lonely,” Brandy agrees.

They give credit to the roommate Matching network for finding such a good fit as roommates. “Who knows what we would have gotten,” shawna says. “It has been perfect for us.”

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The freedom to pick your roommate You can decide who you’re going to live with well before you come to campus. You can live with a friend you already know or use Oregon State’s Roommate Matching Network™ to meet someone new. You can create a personal profile and browse through profiles of other students to find a good match, contact potential roommates online and arrange to meet before move-in day. Once you two have settled on living together, you’ve made your first friend — long before you ever get to campus. Make your selection by our priority deadline of April 1, 2013. If you choose not to use the Roommate Matching Network, you may request a friend, or we will assign your roommate based on your personal profile information.

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Step 1:

Get admitted to Oregon StateComplete and submit your application for admission at once you have been admitted, (including students enrolled in the oregon state degree Partnership Program and educational opportunities Program), you’ll receive an onId account to serve as your university email address.

Step 2:

Activate your online accountgo to, select “sign up for onId” and follow the directions to activate your account.

Step 3:

Set your housing preferencesLog in to using your onId account. select the application period for which you want to live on campus. all assignments are made based on the date of completed application using such priorities as roommate choice, hall or co-op preference and room type desired. so the earlier you apply, the greater the chances of getting one of your top choices.

select your preferences, including roommate, using the roommate Matching network. requests for assignment with a specific roommate or to a particular hall or co-op will be honored whenever possible, but are not guaranteed. You can also choose to opt-out of the roommate and room selection processes if you prefer that uhds make your assignment for you.

HoW To appLY FoR HousInG

Preference is given to students requesting academic theme halls if 1) you are enrolled in the appropriate academic college and 2) your application is submitted by april 1.

Your advanced tuition deposit (atd) must be received by the university for housing assignments to be made. If you don’t have Internet access, call our office toll-free at 800-291-4192 during business hours for assistance in the application process.

submit your application. Your online application is not considered complete until you have agreed to all the terms and conditions on the final approval page. This is the date your student account is charged the $45 non-refundable processing fee. This is also the date used for room assignment priority. all first-year students are required to live on campus for the full academic year, so be sure to apply for housing once you’ve been admitted to oregon state.

You’ll receive an email notification to your onId account verifying your completed application has been received.

Step 4:

Choose your roomIf you’ve submitted your application, you can log in and choose a room in a hall or co-op in the spring. For the residence halls, you can select your specific room via an interactive floor plan. If you have already chosen a roommate, he or she will automatically be invited to select your room.

If you select your room during the housing application process, that space will be reserved for you upon selection. If you do not select a room, assignments will be made before July 1 when possible for applications received by June 2. 9

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on-campus LIVInG

Residence Hallsa residence hall is more than a 12-by-14-foot room where you can rest your head in between classes. at oregon state, a residence hall is a community. It’s a place where friendships, ideas and memories are created. all residence halls are conveniently located on the south, east and west areas of campus. each features high-speed wireless Internet throughout the building.

Residence Hall Staffa big part of residence hall living is making sure your needs are met beyond the classroom. That’s why there are live-in staff members in each hall, including a resident assistant (ra) on each floor or wing and a resident director (rd) in each building. These standout upper-division or graduate students and professional staff prepare programs for residents and are on hand to offer assistance with issues from labs to laundry. They’re also available to help you achieve the incredible college experience you planned for.

Our residence halls:

• Accommodatebetween200and350students.• Provideatleastonesetofbathroomswithsinks,toilet

stalls and showers on each wing or floor.• Includefurnishedstudyareas,loungesandamain

recreation lounge.• Areequippedwithtelevisions,recreationroomsand

kitchenettes.• Aresmoke-free*.• Areopenduringallacademicyearbreaks.• Offerwingsandfloorsdesignatedquietorsingle-gender

in select halls.• Arelocatedminutesfromthecenterofcampuslife.• Offerweeklysessionswithmathandwritingtutors.


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The East Side The east side features three coed residence halls and a dining center within easy walking distance of downtown Corvallis. Located across the street from a lower campus park, the complex is close to the library and academic buildings. Meet new students with similar interests through focused living group floors oriented toward engineering, math and science. a new residence hall is scheduled to open on the east side in fall 2014.

Callahan, McNary and Wilson halls(Mcnary and Wilson feature moveable furniture)


McNary Hall • Upper-divisionandtransfer

student experience• Female-onlywingandquiet

wing available• Wheelchair-accessiblefacilitieson

second floor• Internationalstudentroommateoption

through Into osu

Callahan Hall• Female-onlywingavailable• Internationalstudentroommateoption

through Into osu

Wilson Hall• Updatedrestroomsandfacilitiesin2012• HomeoftheWomeninScienceand

engineering and the Louis stokes alliance for Minority Participation (LsaMP) programs

• Engineeringprogrammingemphasisonfloors four and five

• Female-onlywingandquiet wing available

• Technologically-enhancedstudy room available

• Academicpeercoachingavailableforengineering students

• Internationalstudentroommateoptionthrough Into osu 11

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Cauthorn, Poling, Buxton and Hawley halls

The West Side The West side includes a dining center, sackett and West halls, Weatherford residential College and the residence hall quad, a complex of four halls (hawley, Buxton, Cauthorn and Poling) adjacent to each other and enclosing an open courtyard. here, you’ll live close to the state-of-the-art dixon recreation Center and the new student Legacy Park intermural fields, as well as the Memorial union, where students spend hours enjoying free entertainment and daily campus activities.

Buxton and Hawley Halls• FirstfloorishometoUniversityHousing

and dining services central office• Wheelchairaccessible• Internationalroommateoptionthrough

Into osu

Cauthorn Hall• Updatedin2009withmoveable

furniture, upgraded bathrooms and lounge spaces, new flooring and lights

• InternationalroommateoptionthroughInto osu

Poling Hall• Updatedin2010withmoveable

furniture, upgraded bathrooms and lounge spaces, new flooring and lights

• Wheelchairaccessible• Internationalroommateoptionthrough

Into osu

Sackett Hall• Renovationsthroughoutthe

building in 2012• HomeoftheROTCprogramina

designated wing• Quietareasavailable• Substance-freewing• Single-genderdesignatedfloors• Wheelchair-accessiblesuites:two

bedrooms, living/study room and private bathroom

• Noelevators• Internationalroommateoption

through Into osu

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Weatherford Residential College(sample only: rooms vary in design)

Sackett Hall(sample only: rooms vary in design)

West Hall(sample only: rooms vary in design)

Weatherford Residential College• HomeoftheAustin

entrepreneurship Program• Small-groupeventswithvisiting

entrepreneurial executives• Faculty-in-Residence• Wheelchairaccessible• In-buildingcafé/coffeeshop

West Hall• HometoUniversityHonorsCollegestudents;

other students as space permits• Suitearrangement:privatebathbetween

two double-resident rooms• Singleroomsavailableonaverylimitedbasis• Wheelchairaccessible• Internationalroommateoptionthrough

Into osu


DoubleDouble 13

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Bloss Hall

The South Side The south side features three coed halls, the arnold dining Center, Cascadia Market and Peet’s Coffee & tea, along with close proximity to athletic venues. hear the roar of the crowd at goss or reser stadiums during baseball and football seasons. Walk less than two minutes to gill Coliseum and enjoy basketball, gymnastics and wrestling competitions. In five minutes, you can find yourself on daily jogs or scenic bike trails through avery Park to the south. The heart of campus is less than a 10-minute walk to the north.

Bloss Hall• Suite-styleliving:twodouble-residentroomsshareaprivatebath• CommunityServiceLearningthemehostedontheseventhfloor• Upper-divisionandtransferstudentexperience• InternationalroommateoptionthroughINTOOSU

Halsell Hall• Apartment-stylesuites:foursinglebedrooms(ortwodoublebedrooms)and1½

bathrooms, a shared living room and small kitchenette with a sink and stove top• Upper-divisionandtransferstudentexperience• Gender-inclusivelivingsuitesavailable• Wheelchairaccessible• InternationalroommateoptionthroughINTOOSU


Halsell Hall


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Finley Hall


International Living-Learning Center• Newresidencehallopenedin2011• Livewithaninternationalstudentroommateorsuitemate

through uhds’ partnership with Into osu.• Suite-styleliving• Availableforsummerhousing• In-buildinggrocery/deliandcoffeeshop

Finley Hall• InternationalroommateoptionthroughINTOOSU

International Living-Learning Center



Suite-style 15

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Family Housing at Orchard Courtuniversity apartment housing for students with families is available close to campus. students with minor children (17 years old or younger), students with a spouse or partner, or single graduate students are eligible to apply. Contact uhds for more information: 541-737-4771 or

Cooperative HousesThere are four university-owned co-op houses on the east side of campus. each has a uhds-trained resident director who helps advise the executive board, which is elected by the residents. house members reduce living expenses by sharing work duties.

two to five students are usually assigned to a study room with a desk, closet and space for personal belongings. Individual study rooms have local cable tV, telephone line service and data jacks for high-speed Internet access. shared sleeping rooms (called sleeping porches) with bunk beds are separate from the study rooms. all co-ops have television rooms, study areas and living room space, and most have recreation areas as well.

house members contract with their individual house for a meal plan. all co-ops have kitchens and hire a cook to prepare lunch and dinner each weekday. Weekend meals are assigned as a house duty to residents throughout the term, and all members have kitchen privileges.

The Co-ops Avery Lodge• Accommodates55men• Multiplesleepingporcheswith

up to eight beds• Large-screenTVandpooltable

Azalea House• Accommodates55women• Onesleepingporchforall

house members• Largelivingareaandstudyareas

Dixon Lodge• Accommodates64women• Multiplesleepingporcheswith

up to eight beds• Somecombination

sleep/study rooms• Large-screenTVandpooltable

Oxford House• Accommodates38women• Four-story,colonial-stylehouse• Onesleepingporchforall

house members• Large-screenTV

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AFTER living in A RESidEnCE HAll HiS FiRST yEAR, Michael Moore decided to stay on campus for his sophomore year.

“The atmosphere here is great,” he says. “There is a very social feel, and you’re surrounded by peers ready to help you with homework or to study with.”

now roommates, Michael and Karl smith met in the residence halls last year: “he’s a great guy and a great roommate,” Michael says.

Both Michael and Karl appreciate how easy it is to get from class to their home base on the fourth floor of Wilson hall. and when he’s not studying for his dual engineering degrees, Karl loves camping out for football tickets at nearby reser stadium.

“My freshman year I chose to live here (Wilson hall) to meet more people studying in my field and make new friends,” Karl

says. “I decided to return to the residence halls because of the conveniences and communities they provide.”

Karl suggests that new students use the roommate Matching network to find someone to live with who is coming to oregon state from a city other than their own. “Putting the strain of living together on a high school friendship may not have the results you hoped for,” he says.

Michael’s advice on living with a roommate: “If you ever disagree about something, talk it out.”

Michael and Karl see huge value in living on campus during the transition to college. “The most helpful aspect of living in the hall was the sense of community throughout it,” Karl says.

“My ras have been very helpful in both my years here, and being a part of hall council has me involved with a variety of activities across campus.”

Michael Moore Finance Beaverton, Ore.

Karl Smith Forest Engineering-Civil Engineering Myrtle Point, Ore.

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National studies continually show that students who live on campus, thrive on campus. You’ll be encouraged to succeed by living with your peers and getting support from professional staff and faculty members who live and/or work in the halls. Students who live on campus are more likely to:

• Knowtheirprofessors.• Feelmorecomfortabletalkingwithprofessors

and administrators.• GenerallyfeelmoreconnectedtoOregonState.• Havehighergradesthanthosewholiveoff-campus.• Returnforsecondyearincollege.

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More than 83 percent of our on-campus residents return to oregon state after their first year. That’s a higher percentage than those who do not live on campus.

uhds sponsors a number of programs to help students achieve academic success. each hall also hosts a writing and math tutor weekly. In addition, we offer a variety of events during the year, such as Faculty Fellow dinners, the Faculty Connections program, academic recognition events and various workshops, seminars and events that enhance students’ connections to their academic life.

Austin Entrepreneurship Program — Weatherford Residential CollegeWith a rich tradition of innovation, creativity and originality, historic Weatherford residential College is the home of the austin entrepreneurship Program (aeP).

at the core of this unique community is a visionary group of self-starters consisting of 290 students from diverse disciplines, visiting professionals, industry leaders and a live-in entrepreneurship professor.

With its distinctive case rooms, executive suites for visiting entrepreneurs, a faculty apartment and most importantly, incubator spaces, Weatherford residential College is a fitting environment for potentially creating the businesses and organizations of the future. The Weatherford residential College is a comfortable and exciting environment where residents live, dine, work and dream together, sharing a common interest in entrepreneurial adventure.

Whether you are enrolled in the entrepreneurship academic program or just interested in getting involved in innovative activities, consider living in Weatherford residential College. all majors are welcome. all residents are charged a College of Business fee for aeP participation, which is incorporated into the rate of the room (approximately $300 per term). 19

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Community Service LearningBloss hall has a Community service Learning theme in which the hall staff work with residents to create a compelling living and learning experience with the community. Community service Learning is a concept that promotes responsible citizenry, and it fully integrates experiential, hands-on learning activities with a student’s academic and social experience.

students learn to make the connection between belief in helping others and acting to influence social change in the hall, around campus, off campus and globally.

International ExperienceThe International Living-Learning Center is designed for international students, as well as those interested in the world community. student programs and events encourage communication, involvement and positive community interactions, with a focus on foreign languages, cultural studies, study abroad and connections with campus international programs. Many domestic students living in the hall are paired with an international roommate.

University Honors College Residential ProgramWest hall is the residence hall for the university honors College (uhC), offering a close-knit, welcoming community that encourages academic and personal growth. at West, both honors and non-honors students live and learn together, discuss and act on community issues and have fun. honors classes and academic success classes are taught in the West classroom, and faculty and staff are available in the hall for advising and support. students enjoy academically focused programming and have access to multiple study areas within the hall.

Gender-Inclusive Livinghome to upper-division and transfer student communities, halsell hall features unique gender-inclusive living suites. This housing option is directed at students interested in choosing roommates or suitemate groupings regardless of gender identification. halsell hall’s suite-style living provides a comfortable, welcoming living environment for students with gender-variant identities.

Engineering, Math and Science ProgramWilson hall offers a variety of exciting opportunities and services for engineering students.

as part of the engineering community, students have the unique opportunity to create connections between their in-class and out-of-class experiences. The hall features an engineering resource Center, equipped with study tables, a resource library and computers students may access 24 hours a day. students with College of engineering computer network accounts may log on to any of these computers and use an array of engineering software without leaving the hall.

The Wilson resident director works closely with College of engineering faculty and advisers to enhance the learning opportunities for all engineering students — with special emphasis on programs for women and students of color who are considering pursuing engineering degrees.

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Sustainability is Built Insustainability is built into every construction project at oregon state. all new buildings, including residence halls, must achieve a Leed silver or higher rating (Leed stands for the u.s. green Building Council’s Leadership in energy and environmental design program).

our newest residence hall, the International Living-Learning Center, opened in 2011. The $52-million center, home to Into osu international programs, along with 320 international and domestic students, is built to Leed gold rating standards. sustainability features include:

• Rooftopsolar-thermalpanelsthatprovidehotwaterthroughoutthebuilding.

• Heatrecoveryunitsthatreuseheatthatwouldhaveotherwisebeenlost.

• High-efficiencyLED,fluorescentandnaturallightingthathelpsreducepoweruse.

• Dual-flushtoiletsandlow-flowshowerheadsthatreducewaterconsumption.

• Landscapingthatfeaturesnativeplantlifeandavoidsinvasivespecies.

Coming in Fall 2014! New Student Residenceoregon state is building a new student residence hall that’s scheduled to open in the fall of 2014. The 85,000-square-foot residence hall, most of which features three-bedroom suites with a shared bathroom, will house about 300 students. additional community bathrooms and showers will be available on each floor.

other amenities include a large kitchen and study area on each floor and a free laundry room. The new hall, conveniently located near the Mcnary dining and service centers on the east side of campus, will be open to both first-year and returning students. 21

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Sandy Neubaum Faculty-in-Residence — Weatherford HallCollege of Business

SAndy nEUBAUm doesn’t actually live in Weatherford hall. It just seems that way.

as the associate director for the austin entrepreneurship Program (aeP), which is housed in Weatherford, neubaum describes her role as supporting the living-learning community of 290 students. That means helping them determine what they’re excited about and putting them in the position to act on it.

“College is about finding out who you are,” she says. “It’s laying the foundation so you can spend your life loving what you do.”

Neubaumsaysentrepreneurshipisn’tjustforbusiness;it’saway of approaching your college career. “oregon state is rich withopportunities;takeadvantageofthemall,”shesays.“If you develop those skills in college, it will follow you the rest of your life.”

Most aeP students living in Weatherford are freshman, and neubaum believes living on campus gives students a strong support network, helping them build connections within the community. “Living on campus helps you find your home on campus,” she says.

as faculty-in-residence, much of neubaum’s job is simply being available — as a teacher, adviser and mentor. and she can draw from her own experience.

“I knew as soon as I stepped into a classroom that I wanted to teach. When I came to oregon state, I knew this was the best place for me to be,” she says. “I tell students to listen to your gut, listen to your head and follow your heart. That will serve you well throughout your life.”

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DInInG on campus

Within steps of any residence hall, you’ll find Ivy Award-winningrestaurants,conveniencestoresandcafés.TheIvy Award recognizes Oregon State for offering the same delicious, high-quality fare found in some of the country’s finest restaurants. 23

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When you live on campus, you’ll select one of four uhds dining plans. each dining plan has a corresponding dollar amount for use at any of the 18 uhds-operated locations. The dining plan works like a debit card: use your student Id card to pay for what you buy, and your balance declines with every purchase. all meal service in uhds dining facilities is à la carte.

UHDS Dining Dollars• DiningDollarsmaybeusedatall18restaurants,coffeeshopsand

convenience stores managed by uhds.• Studentsreceivea15percentdiscountonpurchasesmadewithUHDS

dining dollars.• Eachdiningplanincludesapre-purchasedamountofDiningDollars,added

to your student Id Card at the start of each term. You can check your account balance online at

• DiningDollarscarryoverfromtermtoterm,buttheymustbeusedbythe end of the contract period. dining plans may be changed at any time during the school year until May 31, 2014 at (some restrictions apply).

Orange Rewards

• OrangeRewardsisapre-purchasedaccountthatcanbeusedat30restaurantson campus, including uhds facilities and those operated by the Memorial union and located in dixon recreation Center, Valley Library, Linus Pauling science Center and Kelley engineering Center.

• AllUHDSdiningplansincludeaone-time-onlyallotmentof$100inOrangerewards funds. These are preloaded at the start of the fall term and billed to your student account.

• UseOrangeRewardstoreceivea10percentdiscountonpurchasesatanyon-campus restaurant operated by uhds or the Memorial union.

• EnjoytheconvenienceofusingyourstudentIDcardat30dininglocationson campus, since it contains both your uhds dining dollars and orange rewards accounts.

• OrangeRewardsfundscarryoveryeartoyear,aslongasyouareaffiliatedwithoregon state.

• CheckyourbalanceordesignatefamilymemberstoaddfundstoyourOrangerewards account at

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Global Flavors, Local Sources, Healthy Choices Whatever you’re craving at mealtimes, you’ll have plenty of choices in our campus restaurants. and while we offer flavors from around the world, we also use local, organic and sustainable products as much as possible. You’ll also find lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains at all our locations. We are proud to provide a variety of vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free dining choices in all of our locations. In addition, our staff dietician can meet with you regarding any special dietary needs or answer any questions you might have.

You’ll find uhds restaurants in five convenient locations near the residence halls:

West Side

Marketplace West •Calabaloo’sGourmetBurgers™–Burgers,chickensandwiches,friesandhand-dippedshakes•ClubhouseDeli–Customsandwiches,paninisandwraps,saladbar,breakfastandgrab-and-goitems•Cooper’sCreekBBQ™–Southern-inspiredbarbeque,freshtossedsaladsandcuisineinspiredbysoul

food traditions•EBGB’s–Customcoffeebeverages,icecreamandgrab-and-goitems•RingofFire–Pan-AsianandPolynesiancuisine•SerranoGrill™–CuisinefromregionsinMexicoandLatinAmerica•Tomassito’sItalianCafé–Dailypizzaandpastaspecials

Weatherford Hall•Bing’sCafé–Customcoffeebeverages,handmadesandwichesandcalzones

East Side

McNary Dining Center •BoardwalkCafé–Dailyspecialsfromaroundtheworld,customstir-frybar,fullbreakfastmenu•Calabaloo’sGourmetBurgers–Burgers,chickensandwiches,friesandhand-dippedshakes• Zephyros–Pasta,pizzaanddelidishesinspiredbytheMediterraneanregion•MainSqueezeSmoothies–Fruitsmoothiesandshakes,icecreamandgrab-and-goitems•RainTreeCoffeeCo.™–Starbucks™coffee,dailyselectionofhouse-madepastriesanddesserts

South Side

Arnold Dining Center •Globalcuisine,freshsushi,wood-firedpizza,customsandwichesandburgers,saladanddessertbar

International Living-Learning Center•CascadiaMarket™–Full-servicegrocerystorefeaturingfreshproduce,delicase,groceryitemsand

personal care products•Peet’sCoffeeandTea™–Freshroastedcoffee,handcraftedbeveragesandfreshpastries 25

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RatesAverage estimated annual rates for various room types with a Preferred meal plan are listed below. The rate for a standard double room has not increased for 2013-14, despite a rise in the cost of tuition. All rates are subject to change. For updated information, see

Room type................................Estimated rateSingle room ................................... $11,446 double room ..................................$9,325Triple room .................................... $6,850Quad room .................................... $6,995University cooperatives* ............... $5,290

*Room payment is made to Oregon State and goes directly to the cooperative house for meals and other charges.

All UHdS residence halls will remain open during campus breaks, including the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, winter break and spring break.

All cooperative houses will close during winter break and spring break.

conTRacT InFoRmaTIonAssignment NotificationIf you choose your own room during the room selection process, that space will be reserved for you contingent on receipt of a signed contract. For students who do not select their own room, assignments will be mailed before July 1 when possible for applications received by June 15.

housing assignment information will be available on Myuhds (

residents who do not receive assignments before arriving at oregon state should check with university housing and dining services staff at the central office or any service center regarding their placement.

assignments for winter and spring terms will be distributed before the term begins or sent via email.

Contract Cancellation Feeuhds offers a full-year contract, beginning in september and ending in June. students who arrive during the academic year will be offered a contract for the remainder of the year. Cancellation of your room reservation after the cancellation date will require full payment of room and board, excluding unused dining dollars. Contract holders who cancel their contract after the cancellation deadline, but before occupying a space will be assessed the full contract amount. Contract holders who cancel after occupying their space will be assessed the remaining days of their contract at the date of checkout, excluding remaining dining dollars.

Reminder: All first-year students are required to live on campus for the full academic year (September through june).

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Cancellation of Assignment by the Universityresidence hall and cooperative house assignments will be canceled at noon on the first day of classes at the beginning of each term if the student has not officially checked into the assigned space, unless uhds has received written notification from the student that he or she will be arriving late. reassignment of late-arriving students who do not provide written notice will be made upon their arrival at oregon state.

The university may cancel a residence hall or cooperative house contract due to conduct or community standards violations, and the student will be required to pay the contract cancellation fee. an appeal process will be provided to the student should that occur. students who have their enrollment or housing contract canceled must vacate their residence within 24 hours. In the event of a potential threat to themselves or others, students may be relocated to an alternate on-campus living space or have to vacate on-campus housing immediately.

If you decide not to attend oregon state, please inform uhds so your room reservation can be reassigned.

Residence Hall Room Change requests to change rooms will be granted as circumstances permit and as determined by uhds. no room changes will be allowed until uhds accommodates students who may have been placed in a temporary housing situation. specific information regarding the process for room changes is available online, at all uhds service centers or from your resident or co-op director. during the academic year, we offer room changes in weeks three to nine of each term.

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RIGHTs anD REsponsIbILITIEsThe rationale for most uhds rules are based on the four Compelling Community Interest principles outlined in Judicious Leadership for Residence Hall Living by Forrest gathercoal (1991, Caddo gap Press). These principles apply to all students with regard to their rights and responsibilities on campus.

Compelling Community Interests

Health and Personal Safetyhealth and personal safety policies are designed to help protect students against incidents or behavior that may jeopardize the physical, mental, emotional health and/or safety of either the residential community or individual students. That requires limiting certain individual rights for the common good of the community.

Property, Property Loss or DamageWhile the oregon state campus has a relatively low incidence of crime, it is important to remember that no community can be totally risk-free from incidents that cause property loss and damage. all members of the community share the responsibility to care for and protect both common and personal property.

Serious Disruption of the Educational EnvironmentFor a large number of people to live together successfully, each member of the community has a responsibility to respect the needs and rights of others. rules are established and enforced to support a successful campus living environment, as well as for the efficient, effective operation of residence halls, cooperative houses and family housing units. Please remember that you are responsible not only for your own behavior, but also for the behavior of your guests. You and your guests must abide by the community standards to protect your rights, as well as the rights of others, to make on-campus living a positive aspect of your college experience.

Legitimate Educational PurposeIt’s common to ask in student government, staff training and certain student conduct situations, “Why are you here?” generally, the answer is, “to get a degree.” Based on this fundamental premise, anything not

directly or indirectly contributing to the accomplishment of this goal goes against the legitimate educational purpose of the university and of the housing system. uhds policies and programs are designed to support the university’s educational mission.

Campus Resources and Additional Policiesoregon state university Mission statement:

uhds Policies:

office of student Conduct and Community standards: code/index.php

roommate agreement:

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ResNet is the high-speed wired and wireless Internet connection available to every student living in the residence halls and co-ops on campus. ResNet provides access to the Internet, email, personal web pages, file storage and other campus resources. Computer support staff is available for walk-in and phone support at the Computer HelpdeskintheValleyLibrary.[email protected] 29

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FTo HWY 34

Irish Bend covered bridge, .5 miles

SW 3



SW 3



SW 17



SW 15



SW 11





NW 2






NW 14








NW 11



NW 9



NW 3



NW 2



NW 3









SW 13




ChallengeRopes Course


UHDS Central Office



Coffee Shop

Juice Bar


Closed to Auto Traffic

Orchard Court ApartmentsStudent Family Housing












International LivingLearning Center



New StudentResidence



Cauthorn Callahan



AzaleaHouse Avery



SW 2













Rich Pvy









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Page 31: Life on Campus

Oregon State University Campus Map University Housing & Dining Services facilities listed in orange.

gladys valley gymnastics Center .........................gvgC ....... C6gleeson Hall .........................................................glsn ......... B6goss Stadium ...................................................................... d6graf Hall ..............................................................graf ......... B6greenhouse East .................................................Egrn ........ B4greenhouse West ................................................Wgrn ....... B3

Haile Ford Center .................................................HFC ......... B4Halsell Hall ...........................................................Hal .......... E6Hawley Hall .........................................................Haw ........ C4Heating Plant .......................................................HP ........... d6Heckart lodge .....................................................Hklg ....... C4Hilton garden inn .................................................Hilton ...... F5Hinsdale Wave Research lab ...............................HWRl ...... d1Horticulture Crops Research lab .........................HRCl ....... B2Hovland Hall ........................................................Hov ......... C4

indoor Target Range ............................................ iTR .......... d6international living-learning Center................... illC ......... E6

jefferson Street Building ...................................... jSB .......... C1

Kearney Hall ........................................................Kear ........ B7Kelley Engineering Center ....................................KEC ......... B5Kerr Administration Building................................KAd ......... C6Kidder Hall ...........................................................Kidd ........ B6

laboratory Animal Resource Center ....................lARC ....... d3langton Hall ........................................................lang ........ C5laSells Stewart Center .........................................lSC .......... F5linus Pauling Science Center ...............................lPSC ........ B3lorenz Soccer Field.............................................................. F6

magruder Hall ......................................................magr ....... E3mcAlexander Field House .....................................mcAF ....... C6mcnary dining Center ..........................................mcdn ...... C7mcnary Hall .........................................................mcny....... C7memorial Union ...................................................mU .......... C5memorial Union East (Snell Hall) ..........................mUE ........ C6merrit Truax indoor Practice Facility .................... indP ........ E3merryfield Annex .................................................mfA ......... B7merryfield Hall .....................................................mfd ......... B6milam Auditorium ................................................mAu ........ C5milam Hall ...........................................................mlm ........ B5milne Computer Center ........................................mCC......... B6moreland Hall ......................................................more ....... C5motor Pool ...........................................................moPl ........ C3multi Animal Teaching Facility .............................mATF ....... B2

nash Hall .............................................................nash ....... C4national Forage Seed Research Center ................nFS ......... B2national Forage Seed Research greenhouse......................................................nFSg ....... B2native American longhouse ................................nAlH ....... C5naval ROTC Armory ....... d5new Student Residence* .....................................nSR ......... d7

Oak Creek Building ..............................................OakB ....... F3Ocean Administration Building ............................OAB ......... B5Oceanography Complex ......................................Ocean ..... F4Oceanography Staging ........................................OcSB ....... F3Orchard Court Apartments ..................................OrcC ........ B2OSU Foundation Center........................................Fund ....... F1

Outdoor Rec Complex .......................................................... d4Owen Hall ............................................................Owen ...... B6Oxford House ......................................................OxHs ....... C8

Parking Services ..................................................Adam ...... E6Parking Structure ................................................................ E5Patrick Wayne valley Stadium .............................PWvS ...... F6Peavy Hall ...........................................................Pvy ......... d3Pharmacy Building ..............................................Phar ........ C6Physical Plant Office ............................................Adam ...... E6Plageman Student Health Center .........................PSHC ....... B5Pole Building........................................................Pole ......... E2Poling Hall ...........................................................Pol .......... d4Poultry Research Facilities ...................................PRF ......... d2Pride Center ........................................................PrC .......... E6Property Services Building ...................................PrSB ........ E7Purchasing ..........................................................PrSB ........ E7Public Safety Building ..........................................Casc ........ E6

Radiation Center ..................................................RC ........... C2Reed lodge .........................................................Rdlg ....... C4Reser Stadium .....................................................Resr ........ E4Richardson Hall ...................................................Rich ........ d3Rogers Hall ..........................................................Rog ......... B6

Sackett Hall .........................................................Sack ........ C4Seed lab ..............................................................Sl ............ B2Sheep Barn ..........................................................ShBn ....... B1Shepard Hall ........................................................Shep........ B6Small Animal lab .................................................SAl ......... C1Snell Hall (mU East) ..............................................Snel ......... C6Softball Complex .................................................Sftbl ........ F5Sports Performance Center .................................SPC ......... E4Stevens natatorium.............................................dxRC ....... d5Stock judging Pavilion .........................................SPav ........ B1Student Success Center .......................................SSC .......... E5Strand Agriculture Hall ........................................StAg ........ C5

Tennis Courts ......................................................Tennis ..... d4Transit Services ...................................................Adam ...... E6

UHdS maintenance Center ...................................HdmC ...... d2

valley Football Center ..........................................vFbC ....... E4valley library ......................................................vlib ........ C6veterinary dairy Barn ..........................................vtBn ........ d3veterinary Horse Barn .........................................Pole ......... E2veterinary Research lab ......................................vRl ......... d3

Waldo Hall ...........................................................Wald ....... C5Weatherford Hall .................................................Wfd ......... C4Weniger Hall ........................................................Wngr ....... B5West dining Hall ..................................................Wsdn ...... d4West international House ....................................WiH ......... d4Wiegand Hall .......................................................Wgnd ...... B3Wilkinson Hall ......................................................Wlkn ....... B4Wilson Hall ..........................................................Wil .......... d7Withycombe Hall .................................................With ........ B4Women’s Building ...............................................WB .......... C4Women’s Center ..................................................WC .......... C6

*Under Construction

Adams Hall ..........................................................Adam ...... E6Aero Engineering lab ..........................................AEl ......... F3Agricultural & life Sciences Building ....................AlS ......... B4Apiary Complex ..................................................Ap ........... E2Arnold Center ......................................................Arnd ........ E5Asian and Pacific Cultural Center* .......................APCC ....... A4Autzen House ......................................................Autz ........ C8Avery lodge ........................................................Avlg........ C8Azalea House .......................................................AzHs ........ C8

Ballard Extension Hall ..........................................BalE ......... B5Batcheller Hall .....................................................Bat .......... B6Bates Hall ............................................................Bate ........ B4Beef Barn ............................................................BfBn ........ B1Beef Research .....................................................BfR .......... B1Bell Tower ...........................................................Bell .......... C6Benton Hall ..........................................................Bent ........ C6Bexell Hall ............................................................Bexl ......... B5lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center .................BCC ......... B5Bloss Hall .............................................................Blss ......... E5Bookstore ............................................................................ E5Burt Hall ..............................................................Burt......... B4Buxton Hall ..........................................................Bux ......... C4

Callahan Hall ........................................................Cal........... C7Cascade Hall ........................................................Casc ........ E6Cauthorn Hall ......................................................Cau ......... d4Central Receiving and delivery ............................PrSb ........ E7Centro Cultural César Chávez...............................CeCh ....... E5CH2m Hill Alumni Center ....................................CHAC ....... E5Child Care Center .................................................CCC ......... d7Clark laboratory..................................................Clkl ......... C2Climbing Center ...................................................dxRC ....... d5Coleman Field ...................................................................... d6Cordley Hall .........................................................Cord ........ B4Covell Hall............................................................Covl......... B6Crop Science Building ..........................................CrpS ........ C3

dawes House .......................................................dgeo ....... B5dearborn Hall ......................................................dear ........ B6dixon lodge ........................................................dxlg ....... C8dixon Recreation Center ......................................dxRC ....... d5dryden Hall ..........................................................dryd ........ d3

Energy Center .....................................................Ec ............ C2Environmental Health and Safety Annex .............EHSA ....... C2EPA Environmental Research lab ........................ERl ......... C2EPA laboratory ....................................................EPAl........ C1

Fairbanks Annex ..................................................FbAn ....... C4Fairbanks Hall ......................................................Fair ......... C4Farm Services ......................................................FmSv ....... C1Finley Hall ............................................................Finl .......... E5Furman Hall ......................................................... jCFH ........ C6Forest Sciences lab .............................................FSl .......... d2

gilbert Addition ...................................................gbAd ....... B6gilbert Hall ...........................................................gilb ......... B6gilfillan Auditorium ..............................................glfn Aud .. B4gilkey Hall............................................................gilk ......... C5gill Coliseum ........................................................gill........... E4gilmore Annex .....................................................gmAn ...... B4gilmore Hall .........................................................gilm ........ B4 31

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University Housing & dining Services Oregon State University 102 Buxton Hall Corvallis, OR 97331-1317