Life at the Rosary · nel—Rosary Catholic Primary, Birmingham. There are many prayer videos...

Welcome to our first digital edition of Life at the Rosary journal. It has been a strange 6 weeks since lockdown, having to stay home to stay safe and having to do lessons in our houses rather than at school. We have been very impressed with the hard work you have been completing and sharing with us, some examples of which can be seen in this special edition of ‘Life at the Rosary.’ Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the Centre of the Rosary Communi- ty, where we live, love and learn to- gether. On Friday 1st May, we joined together as a virtual school community to have a May Pro- cession. It was slightly different to previous years in that we could not be together in school but teachers and children joined togeth- er virtually to honor Mary in this very special month dedicated to her. We have also created a Mary Garden at the entrance to the school and would encourage you to take a few minutes to visit if you are passing school. Mary is especially important to the Rosary School Community for the example she gives to each of us of complete trust in God. At this time of need we ask Mary to help us and strengthen us to face the challenges of lockdown. May—the Month of Mary Our Mary Garden Life at the Rosary 24.10.19 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTER- EST: Month of May is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary Opportuni- ties for pray- er and reflec- tion Excellent example of RE work.

Transcript of Life at the Rosary · nel—Rosary Catholic Primary, Birmingham. There are many prayer videos...

Page 1: Life at the Rosary · nel—Rosary Catholic Primary, Birmingham. There are many prayer videos already there, that you can use with your family and a new one will be uploaded every

Welcome to our first digital

edition of Life at the Rosary

journal. It has been a strange 6

weeks since lockdown, having

to stay home to stay safe and

having to do lessons in our

houses rather than at school.

We have been very impressed

with the hard work you have

been completing and sharing

with us, some examples of

which can be seen in this special

edition of ‘Life at the Rosary.’

Jesus Christ, Son of

Mary, Son of God,

is the Centre of the

Rosary Communi-

ty, where we live,

love and learn to-


On Friday 1st May, we joined together as a

virtual school community to have a May Pro-

cession. It was slightly different to previous

years in that we could not be together in

school but teachers and children joined togeth-

er virtually to honor Mary in this very special

month dedicated to her. We have also created

a Mary Garden at the entrance to the school

and would encourage you to take a few

minutes to visit if you are passing school. Mary

is especially important to the Rosary School

Community for the example she gives to each

of us of complete trust in God. At this time of

need we ask Mary to help us and strengthen us

to face the challenges of lockdown.

May—the Month of Mary

Our Mary Garden

Life at the Rosary 2 4 . 1 0 . 1 9



O F I N T E R -

E S T :

Month of May

is dedicated

to Our Lady

of the Rosary


ties for pray-

er and reflec-



example of

RE work.

Page 2: Life at the Rosary · nel—Rosary Catholic Primary, Birmingham. There are many prayer videos already there, that you can use with your family and a new one will be uploaded every

P A G E 2

Spirited Arts Competition

Virtual Worship

Pupil Prayer Pupil Prayer has continued to

take place every week even in

these unusual times. If any-

thing, our prayers are exactly

what is needed in our world


To join us through the power

of prayer, please check out

our school YouTube chan-

nel—Rosary Catholic Primary,


There are many prayer videos

already there, that you can

use with your family and a

new one will be uploaded

every week.

All of the staff at the Rosary

are continuing to keep all of

you in their prayers. Every

Friday, we have a virtual col-

lective worship where we

come together through pray-

er in our homes at 8.30am.

It is great to feel connected

through God and share our

intentions as one.

Spirited Arts have created a

competition based on Art in

Heaven this year. The art

work can be based on Pictur-

ing Faith, God’s Good Earth,

Inspiring, Holy Words or

Where is God?

In school, we have been

working with the children to

create different pieces of art

to enter.

Here are some of the pieces:


Hi Everyone, I hope you are all ok and keeping safe during this difficult time. I hope you have all been keeping busy. I hope you have all been working hard. I've been doing my school work during the day and in the evenings trying to keep busy by trying new recipes and being a little more creative, sew-ing, knitting and painting, as well as reading some new books. Enjoy the time you get to spend with your family. Remember to smile. Your smile can change everything, it can make a bad day good. We will always be the Rosary community and together we will support each other through this difficult time. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Miss Godfrey

Dear Children and your families School is about learning. Learning to be polite and kind. Learning vocabulary and mathematics. Learning that we are all Gods children and that there is a lot to learn. As we at The Rosary pass through this difficult time, we can learn that we can all feel sad, but we can all make each other happy, smile, talk, listen and be kind to our children, office staff, teachers and our support staff. That way we can all learn how to deal with this to-gether. God Bless ,take care and stay safe. Mrs Kennedy

Pupils, Staff, Parents, Guardians, Governors and all associated with The Rosary Catholic Primary School. We are all going through a period of intense challenge and uncertainty, and now more than ever we need to pull together as a school community, support each other and look forward to the day when our normal routine resumes. Nobody can be sure when that will be, but I’m confident that the spirit of The Rosary will shine bright until we get there. Stay Safe everyone. Andrew Kennedy

Our dearest pupils in Year 1,

We are very proud with how you have all adjusted to life

and continued your learning from home. We miss each one

of you dearly and hope you continue to spread your loving

smiles and exciting stories with those around you. Remem-

ber you are all unique, special and amazing individuals who

should continue to spread love, hope and peace.

Love from Mrs. Rajbhai and Miss Finnegan.

Message to Children

We are living in extremely uncertain

and unusual times, I’m sure you have

many questions such as: Why can't I

come to school? When will I get to see

my friends again? In time these ques-

tions will all turn into answers but in

the meantime please talk the people

who love you – remember, it is good to

talk. Please do not keep your worries to

yourself - share them.

Be kind, be hopeful and stay at home,

soon enough we will reunite as one in

the Rosary community together again.

God bless to all.

Miss O’Shea

What’s going on at the moment is confusing,

You have more time for family time and snoozing.

You might be missing school,

But, with all the different things you can get up to at home, I bet you’re having

a ball!

It’s important you are keeping safe and well,

So after quarantine we can listen to your stories you have to tell!

Remember looking left and right when you cross the street,

Followed by enjoying time in the garden- with our lovely British heat.

Germs are everywhere,

On your hands and in your hair.

Remember to wash your hands all the time,

To help remember, you could make a colourful sign!

Maths, English, fitting in some art as-well,

Who knows after lock down you could have a few pieces of art to sell!

You may miss your friends and the teachers too,

You might’ve even grown after this, and leave me asking who are you?

We miss you all,

But we will be back at school in no time having a ball!

Laugh, be creative and enjoy this time,

Get up to fun things like painting and making some horrible slime!

Take care and we will see you soon! Ms Healy

Missing all our beautiful children at the Rosary. Hope your all keeping well and most importantly keeping safe. Can't wait to see you all very soon. Love Ms Dunnion xxx

Page 3: Life at the Rosary · nel—Rosary Catholic Primary, Birmingham. There are many prayer videos already there, that you can use with your family and a new one will be uploaded every



God Bless each and everyone of

you. We all miss your smiling

faces and are looking forward to

the day we can all return to

school as the Rosary Community.

Keep up all the hard work and

keep safe. Mrs Norris

In these difficult times, do not

forget that God is making this

journey with us and guiding us

along the way. Families cannot

always be together; and even

though The Rosary Family is not

together, we continue to pray

for each other in the knowledge

that we will all be together again

soon. Mrs Murphy

This time is like no other and you may feel all sorts of emo-tions. You should know that it is okay to be confused, sad, hap-py and maybe not even know what you're feeling. You should also know that your presence at the Rosary and in our daily lives is deeply missed. However, this does not stop us from praying for you. During this time, we pray that God keeps us healthy and safe, we must also ask God to look after the world for it needs prayers just as much as we do. Miss G Price

Hello chil-dren, I hope you are all keeping safe and well, I miss seeing all your smiley faces around school!

Here’s a little poem I have written especially for Year 5.

There once was a class Who were really awesome, When they worked as a team, They started to blossom. Fractions were a breeze When they used a bar model, Whilst big writes when planned Became a doddle. They loved Harry Potter And a bit of Shakespeare, Their reading was fab And their handwriting clear. When told school was closing, They weren’t happy and frowned. But when we read your emails, We, your teachers are super proud

Miss Mullins

Hello Year 4 I wish we had started our

summer term with everyone streaming

through the door, excitedly telling their

friends and teachers about their Easter

holiday. But sadly this can't happen. I

hope you are all well and coping with

lockdown. I have been thinking of you all

lots, and it’s been lovely to hear how you

are doing when I called many of you last

week and it made me miss everybody

dreadfully! I loved receiving emails from

some of you. Looking forward to the day

we are reunited. I will remember you all

and your parents in my prayers.

Mr Davids

I hope you are all keeping safe and well during this difficult time. Enjoy and appreciate the time with your loved ones. Make beautiful memories. Stay positive and keep up the hard work. We love seeing your wonderful work. You are all making us very proud. Remember our community is always together and we are always here for you. I look forward to when we all come together again. Miss Khatoon

Dear Children, as I was in school today the silence that sur-rounded me, made me realise of 3 things that I was missing! Firstly, YOU! Secondly, my colleagues whom I work with and... Thirdly, my daily routine! Let us pray that we will be together again soon. God bless you and your families. Keep safe and well. Miss Daly Good morning Reception

How are you all? I hope you and your families are keeping well and busy! We are missing all the reception children I hope you’ve all been practicing your sounds and becoming ‘Marvellous Mathmaticians’ for your families Have lots of fun and be good reception See you soon take care and keep safe. Mrs lmran

God has given us many talents. We have contin-ued to use and develop our talents even when we are not together as a class. Keep praying for everyone in 2L; safe in the knowledge that God is with us and loves us. Mrs Liebig

Hello Year 6, What a strange and confusing

time we are experiencing at the moment!

Although we may not be together at the

moment, remember that you are always a

part of the Rosary community and we are

all praying and looking forward to seeing

each and everyone of you again. Until then,

stay positive, stay safe and enjoy your time

with your loved ones! Miss McDonagh

My message is to all our lovely children and families, I hope

you are well and keeping safe. Miss your lovely smiles and

hope to see you all soon when it is safe to do so. Please con-

tinue to stay at home and protect the NHS and each other. Ms Ashmore


P A G E 3

Before we went into lockdown,

we were in the midst of Lent.

During this time, the children had

created Prayer Trees reflecting

upon the season of Lent. It was

great to see the important mes-

sages of repentance, charity and

forgiveness displayed through the

children’s work.

The children wanted to create a thank message

for all the key workers in the local area. They

produced this banner that is displayed on the

outside of the school as a permanent thank you

to all those who are working tirelessly during

this difficult time.

Prayer Trees

Please check out the school You

Tube channel for lots of video

messages from your teachers

and a very special mission com-

pleted over the last few weeks!

Page 4: Life at the Rosary · nel—Rosary Catholic Primary, Birmingham. There are many prayer videos already there, that you can use with your family and a new one will be uploaded every

Home Learning

Thank you to all the children who have been sharing their work with us. We

have been delighted with the art work produced, the stories and poems

written and the wonderful cakes baked. Below are some of the examples of

the work children have been completing over the past 6 weeks. Keep emailing

us and sharing your work with us.

The colourful parrot, with its pointy beak,

Says “my feathered buddy here is very meek.’’

The friendly giraffe, a tall speckled tower,

Says ‘”I have an abundance of might and power!’’

The hairy lion with his fearsome roar

Says “I love strolling through the swampy moor’’.

The stealthy snake, a slithering serpent

Says “I love going for a dangerous hunt!’’

The scaly Komodo dragon with his slimy tongue

Says “my saliva is a poisonous one ’’

The orange tiger, a stripy monster

Says “Watch out or you’ll be my dinner later!’’

The voices of the jungle

During these times, the Rosary community may not be together as we nor-mally are but you and your families are always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are all staying safe and well and that you are enjoying making special memories with your loved ones. I am looking forward to the time soon when we will be back together and our school will be bursting with love, joy and laughter again. May God give you the strength and courage when you need it and remember God is always with you supporting you and everyone you love. We are all extremely proud of all of you for your bravery and your continued hard work. Stay strong, stay safe and keep smiling. God bless, Miss J Price

Messages During this difficult times, where we are stuck at home, many of us are using technology to keep in touch with our friends and family. I have enjoyed seeing both parents and pupils email Rosary staff with questions and wonderful examples of home learning. I have also seen many of the older pupils sending lovely messages to each other on the school email system, what a great way to keep in touch. Many of you are also using the school website 'Year Group Pages' to keep your learning going. Year 5 has had the most 'hits' so far! Well done year 5 - let's see if another year group can overtake them. All the teachers have been using the telephone and have enjoyed hearing the childrens' news. We have also tried to share our news with you all too through the school Twitter account @RosaryRC and the school You Tube channel Rosary Catholic Primary, Birmingham. So even though we are not together physically, each and everyone of you is in our thoughts and prayers and the use of technology is helping to bring us together, even if it is virtually. Also remember when using technology to keep safe, and remember 'Before you click think is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind.’ Keep Safe from Miss Sharp

To all the children of the Rosary school and especially my special class Re-

ception. I miss each and everyone of you. It has been so lovely to speak to

you, it brought the biggest smile to my face to hear your voices. I am so

proud of you when I hear and see that you are working hard from home. Use

this time to make special memories with your families. When we are all back

together as the Rosary Community, we will have so many different stories to

tell each other. I know you are all missing your friends and playing together

in the playground but remember this will not be forever.

Remember to be kind to each other, stay home, be safe and most important-

ly keep smiling.

Sending you all the biggest smile. God Bless, Mrs Percival

You are all greatly missed and in our thoughts and hearts. Looking forward to the time when we can all learn and laugh together again. In the meantime, I thought you might like this Irish prayer sent from my family to share with your loved ones. Miss McAllister

R osary children, you are making us proud

A t home is where we must stay

I miss your smiling faces and hearing all your news

N ever fear, ‘normal’ will come again

B ut until then keep working hard

O ne day soon, when everyone is safe

W e will all be back together to live, love and learn

as the children of God

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Mrs Woolley

Dear children and families, Hope you are keeping well and safe. Children, I am missing you so much and can't wait to see you again. When this is all over we will celebrate so until then I want you to be good, listen to your parents and pray to God for life to get back to normal again soon. Take care. From Mrs Khan (Year 1)

To all of our Rosary families Hope you are keeping well and safe in these most strange of times. Missing you all. Stay safe & hope to see you all again soon. God Bless Mrs Banks