Library of Congress · tlTwttStaff^TAßl!KSß__SCmrm ram A*?**)agi t


Transcript of Library of Congress · tlTwttStaff^TAßl!KSß__SCmrm ram A*?**)agi t

Page 1: Library of Congress · tlTwttStaff^TAßl!KSß__SCmrm ram A*?**)agi t

tlTwtt Cmrm ram A*?**)agi t<»Staff^TAßl!KSß__SttMht, talaifß or small__. im i " \u25a0 "i1 i. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' i YftSf:

TllilfltAPßlC NUTS.A Yiilßry ia Teaaessee-CBBtare of

Heveral Hbb4i«4 Prisoaers.

fSpecial dispatch lo the Richmond nisr»* fl' ILynchbcro, Sept. l»- <>» Tuesday

morninga fight occurred at Telford's «station on the East Tennessee and > n-

_m Railroad. 33 miles from MMH andM from Knoxville The enemy wasdmen back six miles to Limestone-There our forces fame up with them,and alter a short engagement .apturedBereml hundred Yankeesand about 100Ka..t Tennessee tories, who had gottenInto a block house, from which theywere delivering a pretty heavy fire onour troops.

Our casualties were slight. The lossnf theenemy is not known, as their deadand wounded were carried ttt io therearin a train on therailroad.

Two hundred and fifty-five of theprisoners arrived here this evening.

Therumored captureofCrowley, Mont-gomery, and Nelson proves unfounded.They all escaped, and have come throughinto our lines.%ii Entente ia Raleigh? Two News-

paper Office* .Hobbed.Raii'ioh, Sept. I#. ?Some soldiers af

Hennings's brigade, apparently led byofficers, mobbed the Standard newspa-per office last night about 10 o'clock, de-stroying the furniture and throwing thelipes in the street. They also destroy-ed a lot of Stateprinting, &c.

Gov. Vance reached the spot alter thework ofdestruction was nearlyover, andaddressed the crowd, begging them todesist. He rebuked them for the act,felling them that no such example hadbeen set in Lincoln's dominions. Thbsoldiers cheered GovernorVance and dis-persed at one o'clock, and left the < ity.

The building and power press of theoffice werenot damaged,and Mr. HoMenwill resume the publicationof the stand-ardin a few days.

This morning, about 7 o'clock, someMM rung the town bell, and a crowd ofcitizens gathered and rushed upon theState Jimrmiloffice, turning the con-tents into the streets, breaking up fumi

..hire, Ac. The Mayor was sent for, butarrived too late to stop the mob. Gov.Vance was sent for, and made anotherspeech. The crowd dispersed,and all is«iuiet now. No further deeds of vio-lence need be feared from the citizens ifThe soldiers are restrained, but any J'ur-ihei- such demonstrations by them willcause another outbreak, ami there is noTelling where it will end.

[The State Journal, which is men-tioned in the above report, is a loyalSouthern paper, which has been mostdeterminedin denouncing the treache-rous course of the Standard. It is tothis fact, doubtless, that it owes the de-molition of its types, &c, by the sup-porters of that sheet. It is stated thatHolden, theproprietorof the Standard,was in Petersburg, Va., at the time ofthe occurrence.] I

Aflairs in Texas.Mobile, Sept. 9.?Excellent wages are

paid in Texas for field hands. Negroes.-.ell at from three to four thousand dol-lars each. Upwards of a hundred thou-

-wand slaws have arrived from Louisianaand Mississippi. Planters and specula-tors are goingbeyondShreveporl to pur-chase or hire.

Good beef on the foot sells at eightcents per pound; vegetables arecfaeaa;cattlebring thirty dollarsa head ; conaethirty-five cents per pound; silver livedollars in currencyat Brownsville,Texas.Planters are cheerfully according tithestn the Government.Thirty-two of Lincoln's Louisiana over-veers are at Huntsville, to he sent toGagle Pass for their liberation. Thecountry in thatregion is a desert.

Foolish reports are spread throughTexas like wildfire, lt is reported thatPresideut Davisand Gen. Bragg arebothdead, and that Gen. Lee has been superceded. Gen. Tavlor is in greatrepute.

Pendleton has been elected Governorby a small majority. Herbert. Sexton,und Branch are elected to Congress.

Military matters are quiet. The pen-pie and troops are prepared torepel im a-Hion.

The health ol the State is good.The Indians on ihe frontier ate tiou-- blesome.An average offourteen vessels aie con-

t-tantly oft" Galveston, blockading theharbor. Great confidence is felt in Gen.Magruder

The crops in Texas are unprecedent-ed!? large. Wheat and corn enough aremadeto supply thewestern bank of .Mis-sissippi for two years to come, if not agrain is sown in the interval. The sum.iner has been very dry.

Cotton picking commenced in August..About oue hundred and fifty thousandbales tt the old crop are. now in theState.

From Ckarleetoa.Chaßl.kstox. Sept. 10.?There was no

tiring last night, except from onr batte-rife. ?

The enemy is working hard on MorrisIsland.

The prisoners taken in the assault onSumter werelanded in jail last night.

All quiet this morning.W__m BAKIXIC NOTIOK-The members of 1/ge*m F̂ Franealaa, Ko i_L are requested to atu-nd sMeted laeetiac of their Lodge,at their lodgeroom,onMarstu.ilstreet,beiweeu 6tb had Tib,tins (Friday)mersiM,at 7 o'clock

_> _r,£ a,wr*Ui* **rsbipful Masterestl-Ut hKIIfUH-S.N.S. ry

\K9r lio4 « e ' N" "--BmlMwilrWtt eveotae at 7 o'cioek. Broi_MrTo.ni_tt_.i-I aremviuid toattead. »»»uer» oi stster

By order of Wor Master,SSII-.U* - HgjCaSKTT. See y.

?HC-WWCAL \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 :

Ofßeoosaothstrset, MMI Sm^'btomillr. o*%teswill ho (MM at his o«oe at all hours**3t***'' **"* *** estitged.

_r_w I 988 Usee Is eaeeaeso to mr ttWmt*that I Meo retaraed fre»

mmbuytmSA .Bt -9 Bb BSBMM. Mala street,-mm4

___ m________tlmmt._}*" l_!_A*__***t ____*_*____^_

\u25a0 mfu^fu*w*m m*mm_mmWJt

I m--------s-*u-abammmmmmmmMAB_U_BI>. .

On tlM> Slhol *Ttha %>r Mr <WBht. MrMlesaDBAH BsJJBk ?«* ot Wetaasad.

Ita ihmßr tha bt mst,by 9m Mr W__kws,i*s_Jgffsa^r2ss^^^i ANSA tniiWD. at Bub Kent connty, va.1» uln.hacur oa ih" ***> __bt*,bm R.«r \U

I mi?.*! *» «?«» ioaWMAITHP 6̂. ,,f uaorhmttr, rtierierield rouuly,

'gW* Charleston Courier aud Petersburg HqpSSSSplea** copy ____

mmWm%mm_mmm +

DIED.O* ThiredeT morning,af 1 o'clock, IDA VIB-

fIINIA. caiyrnlldof John Band Ann V Tayloraged 19 months.

3»dlr weeps :hr mothero'er thee.Uckl hts called Ibee lo thy home:

Thro h»'t left us la thy beanty:Thou wilt never morereturn.

Nerer morewill I earest thee.Wiih my heart**deep yearninglore:

H .fused anvelanow enfold the ?In thf heavenly home shore

O, my heart l_ fad and lonely,At. I weep above thy bvd.

Ard my home is Inm and dceary.For my darling Ida's dead.

Takeaway thatempty .-radle.Half worn sho saod little dres?,

lor the.. reli<-» of my Ida.fad upon my ?pirit press.

The friend* and re'atitea of the family are reque.t.d to attend her funeral thi-t t Friday)niorc-iag, at half-pant 10 o'efock. *SeptemberKhh, lWw, at quarter past 12 o'clock,ANNIE, eldet daughter ot .'eremiah and MarthaCougblin, aged 14years.

Thm bloominggirl wa« snatchi-d awayBy death's reentless hand.

He srave the blow : 3be was to goIt was tbe's commaud.

Kiml angels watch this sleeping du=iTill .lesus rniries toraise the juM.llien mvy witli >weet --urprisfAnd in her Savi«ui's .majre rise

Her uneral will tak>- place, at 4 o'clock,from tbeie-idence of ber-pnrenl'-. near t'_S New maiket. Tbetnoutlsof the family are .nvitcd to attend withoutt.irther notice *

FOR RENT AND SALE.\'Al.rAßi,'<-' rarm of e,m air.;, in Henrictt, onUie* Chicaheminv, 14 mtl«M below Riclitnond. and ot:*-mile ffom tlto Voiii river railroad, lor rent.?At tbei-.-Hiie«' ni the excculrix. we otter for rent the trulyvjii'iable l.iiun !'H.aiPd un at.ove, mi which tbe latePi Jo>s 0 Carterrsawjsrl al ths time ot ins death,intl now occupied by tttOomgfl I' Knaufl Th.'ie toa line dwellingand all ouj-houses for a large .amity.Aliout 400 acres o|vn land, in fill" heart, ami much\.il.ialile meadow Bad. Price *I,OUO. PsaaassiMl. iven lstJaiiuarv next A|)p!y to

s,;n?4l " _ ________IX>MS FOR RENT.? * private samOy of buttwo, wi'l rent to a family with noyoungcbil

di-en.or a few single gentlemen ofsteady taMJa,ii-veral vi<*l p'.easauti nl'urniseJ abaud-s ik_ dwelline; with two front yards and open lotson either cide A statrcasv in tha rear as well an? front with the rooms on the secondthior: also, akitchen in ba-tement. (las and wateron pmaiMs. Apply en premi*\u25a0*, South Clay st,aaotmd house btjood Ist. "r to

go j1-11* M T I.YXCII, M I>.faOtlllS for Reui - \ i-inai| private tamily wiTl_\, r: ul a tuite of large,nicely ioouis.

\u25a0.villi k..s -in I atleti'laace, lo gaatleaMß. A|>]>ly atihe sec-sad bosse oa Grace si. above Ist. Cnexeepinitial r--I.t-ii.<\u25a0 ret'piiied. se It?lt*f. 08 I' two.sioiy Iraiued btiuse, sit-Posted la the most business place vi the cityApply an 17ib st, betweea Main au.l Franklin, sppssite the market, at Mrs Murphy's. se 11?3tfjJOIt HOT.-For rent ti.ur Rooms fumh-hed or-P uufarninbeil, with :_».. Applyon fliiiu street,third door from oth,aiid t.ppusite the Arlingtonlliiuse. se IT?-2S*'|-\Vti rotims Lu-renten" luniisiied am! one unI furnished \u25a0v a pica,mt hwbUob, wiit-ut (bus?ite-r walk of the capitnl. Trims iii.i.lerate. Fort'ttrllior pa.-tirulitis inquireit 121 L'roatl st.

re ll?litgjOil RENT? A furnished HtlOM. with a closet" aitarhed to it, and an inifiirnisli.J room, for

rent, oi 6'h street, between Clay and 11?lt»

\u25a0 TORRENT?One tiirni«ht'd Room, tor asingle sentp Human, at tin- corner of Mayo ami Frankliu

streets. aa 11?lt*s. III. Rent?A business staud, corner Iluvalami

SI Rani sts. Apply on the 11?2it

\u25a07 OR BALE.?I have for sale a nice,genteel tamily9r Resilience, witb well, and alt necessary out-

houses, situated asChurch Hill. Fo alt further information applyal the Virginia Stables, ou Franklinstreet. se lo?;H*

ORREXT?One )iir(j(_~fr_nf R oitT furnished,suitable for gent emeu,oue door _. ove Coc-

gt«M Hall. Franklin st, iet«.. n 18th and 1.'"..ta 10?2t*

HOUSE and FtuiiitiHe for Ken.?Any on. wish-ing lo reut a House ami riirtJit'.itc can be ac

commodated by applying at ihe premises, oa 4tbstreet, between Canal and Byid. od do.trbrlow Caiy.A family of three persons will desire loboard wilhIhe party rentingthe bouse sc 9?-HBtOR RENT?The spacious iron frotil WareUonsetr on Governor street recently occupied by us.

Poasessiou giveu hsueadialely. For terms apply tofeUMM-B. k AK2NTS, Auct'rs,

se 4?Cw Corner tfain and ll'tb its.

SUBSTITUTE NOTIONSS(.Batumi. Wasted.?Wanted itiiiuetliaieiy a

tub-.tiii.te. inau ariiiiery company stationed ivone afthe batteries. A liberal price will be paid tora Viigiiiianover 46 ycirs of age. Apply to CaplaiuCo C, lOtit V.i battalion, stitlone.l at battery No d,Williamsburgread. se 9?.'ltf?OUasnTU-B ?btifiOt will be paid ioi- attiHi-H| BBS who is over4j years oU\. Applyat ( h'.ni-barsso Boapital, Ist division, ward 0, Richmond, Va.

He :?tit* .IEN.S ____________BOSSES, Ac, FOE SALE.

AITXi: Brood Mare f r late. Call on.1 J HOOP.

m 11?It* Mi sissippi Depot

F"~OR\SALE? A NoT bay Mare, with sailtlfe andbridle -She is au excellent ruling animal, and

I will soil for rarulrvservice. For particulars applyal Duke's stables, on 18th street, or at my store, uuMain street, between 17th aod 18tb.

se 10?ill* _<Mg g BAKERVTOB SAU&?A Morgan htallion, q.yearsold; worksf« ami rtdei well, lie can be seen atv Mr J CCOntE'S.'2dsi,

se 18--atf lleiween Clayand Leigh.|7 CR"SAI.K.? 1 have a No 1 grey Horse lot- Pale,tr sts wars old, perfectly so.iuJ, works well auy

where,and would make a most excellent cavahyban*. Applym un- beast, I'nion H 11, coniT Mnunit Veuable streets" .1 9 UARWCHiP.

mb?ai*ltj*6R BALE?The tiu;ou«b-bret.t olallioui'laiFiiiont,

sired by Ke.t i'.jeo'it'o! oue of the tiueii rase\u25a0ares is lk*Stats Also, a. efssßtnt ruimganimal, n.jt eßOeUad l»y auy in Virginia, aud an es

i client bagfj and liaruess-OKO \V !>ARHACjTT,

sc T? iii* ? Na\y H.ii Slabies.


MR F W WA'l.-ON, who was iv tMTreasury onThursday, September 10_b,!o:- the purpose of

'olieciicg lutaresi, wiU ptSSSS cail as st on as:ouvenient. ae 11?lt*\iFi! Y'BCRWKLL, ol Jenkins's cavalry, Stuart's« divibion, will ie.tni sssMtlM( tebtosdrsatafeuy audressitig '? Uox l,ola," Richinoud l\»sl Otlfc,iil.i giving uuiuber oi lesniwut amt company, SSWwnure st.'itioiioti. Ku _?ftt*

JUS., received al .1 MYKtt'-S. tub pii'ts Cottou'* lot. .'.n/.-ii un cu|«, ail sizes, aud a Urgelot ot Im cotlae pots, buckets, plates, aad oilier i,uware. Also,a Urge supplyof fancy goods,such asiead pen.-.t's, steel peas, pea Miters,pathst-taMcsuud pocket books, leitc.- and ucte paper, ha.r pins,barn, ivory, and gnttSpercM flue tooth aud dressingcombe; brushes of all kinds; gU__a aud chuiaw-are,.nob as cups and ISBCOs, plate_.,tutiibleis,pih___S_a,\u25a0MM, and a thous_iid other artic'.es. A!?o, tablefi.iiei>, aoti a larj,'o Mef ladies' sad chltdrea'sshoes nl mi sizes, *c

Jl'tJl'S MYKR, Xo 17* Broad s!s-e ) I? between alt. anil Mil.

m ai BABtaien.Insurance Agent y,

iH.'i.t. llih street, btlwceu Mam audRank.Fire r.sks taken ou all kinds of property iv No 1

Coin pan les uu the most favorable terms.While lives iubure.l iv Southern Mutual Life lueu-

rauco Con.pauy. Slaves insured lor oneor a termofyears in the Lyuchburi; Hose and Fire Insurancei on.pasy. _ se 1\_-_\*QTOKAOF, I'cminission, kc? l am now prepared lo~e receive goodsou siorago or SSSSSSBsMI al theuew ironTroutwarehouse ou 13th (orUnveruoi. si,between Itaiu and Fraukim sts, recently o<-cupted bySuiuiivi A Applyuutil the Ist of Oc.Uibert? DAN'L S lIUEI*RI>,ac 11? tOl MM su-eei.

EW MUSIC ?Now ready snd may M sijd ofall Book sadBasle Bellers. ? k

"Aaals oftM Vale" By the authorot -In NnyCottage Inr tMBaa." \

?When this Cruel Bar is Over." By H Tuckedai»ach. se 11-r-era-tt*

TKAMER BON ITA wi'l lead ftir Petersburg ToMysM Balmdsy. Freight tlpar IMpounds,

ieyehte Mrs. For I:eight apply si tM oSeeof 1BMbeelt. ClIAh CAMMANB,

\u25a0ell?tf Agaat.tOk?l havea host bmdot IT*> is froiitof tM<W-l kfalßM, whtoh 1 will retail at f» per botM!,<Btuy amtmasotrom DAVIDL CRAY.sot»^steI .****?.'*bm*aut ttoottbkkleo.whleblw.llteUsiaUahiiaMl

sell?lt* "-"lßMsin i .Boa VJMaasMy wßh a hew stuca J'amm, atlast. ssIV-ms

\u25a0jH/%rtlV»*»fi-Wii-i-- _\u25a0*__-*-__?f^ ? .-w^v?

Wilt BMOUaV-tMs waeh'? uumbee t* *vA\u25a0\u25a0I ii nfilMwia f _.-_.«_.?_\u25a0__\u25a0_,._-_______.ror-hre jab* sis, sad s summary ot iha esml\u25a0waft a Jc&wfWf, wanes**.. u» m*. se. Mcs tM s rear. Bach nu»l#r« res still ,*?_*?f»i_..» - ssll-lt

BJ -tfBCUL Notice ? I wiMiI.I Ssfitfeepartl£_laraiJt.ii tonol teamsters sail the piillls jjmersqrleme sale of terns*, wagons, baines*, kc, (the property of llr Enrougtity.) cornerof Byrd aad Ith stre» Is,tins mot-mug, vi 10 o'clock. __._,?__, . .

?e H E S PI-EABANTB, Auct.

"att-SI'KCUL Notice?AUentlon is asked lo thesale Sf the frssnul dwellinghouse and lot tins a o'clock, on U6th street, between I.eigUan,l M. ou Ch.ircti Hill. THOS W KEESEB,

«_t_ ll?lt Auctioneer.

bar I'RIMKNew Orleans Sugar, la bbls and halfl.tTfurrale at No 4 Exchange Hotel Building,WSrt-treet ______i"SijOß DREWRY'S BI.UPF.?

T__stesmt-r hchci.?. Capt D.l II beeutboi-uughly pamied anrt. repaired, will lor tbe presentmake one trip daily to Ibewry'aBluff, leaving ber?barf at Rocketts at 3 o'clock P It.. fare for tbe round triponly o.vb doilar.

aa.l'ait:e_ desiring tocharter theboat for specialmorning irips,can make arrangemsnis by applyinglo ibe Captamon board. .. w^,

BY *'' persons are required tohare pas*!*l" 3 oeTore comtog on board. an ib? ts

AMUSEMENTS.MEW RICHMOND THEATRE.Acting snd Stage Manager &EJKTreasurer WUBnggs


BRILLIANT SUCCESSOi tlie new and elegant comedy, tv lliree inis, en


m ok\IFB IN PARIS.Beautiful Scenery.

KtegaiilPsrlM Appointments

ttt*? nance By MISS Mary IMrtiujstonBallad (vow, 1mtmm) ......... !?>' Miss. *oW_ _ alio"Opei at ie S-'lectious Orcbenr.i

To corn-lade with tbi. of


THE STAGE STRUCK BAKBEK.O'Oraey Ogden ta six characters, with Messrs Puu-can. Wells, Misses atom, IVrcey, raid Crystal iv thecaste.

OGMfI AT HOME, Of. A MANAGER'S TROUBLES.A local E.xtrnvagarza. Buriettn, Ac,


NotiCK?The doors open at a quarter lo T. Perforraauce tocommence at quarter to 8 o'clock.

se 11?ltHALL.

* I*6 (FRIDAY, aj*yUt Sot 11, lbi«.

in constq.uarr <>!' thegreat StICC-lS Of

Till. IRON CIADB,'Ilu'v wi'l appear in



Rmerted seats $1. Qaßery, ..i> realsBJS"See programme,.. i>e 11? It*

77AMI l.'iX ABLE_> OamCsso AcAtsuet,

liy Prof .1 SI BbUt Btsmbam.Mmehamge Hotel, cor nil. and Franklin ft-.. BaSrahee

mi uili.t" ladles' prIrate rntnara

I't..t EBagham peeseats liir-: eetai-limeats lo ihe l__tiies ali.l ll.'litleiiieil of Rictllii.tii.l. iiml respectfnlhannounces tti them thai In* Will re:nine tlto duties ..Ilitti profe-ti-nin.

Tttt'sdiy eveuiii", Sept.lalli. IMS, 4 i-Vlm 1.,'f0.ctiililien.

\Vednct_i-ay, 4 r it, for ladiesWednesday, 8 v m,~tot geutii men.Children's'classi'.-- . TaeaSayii aud Thursday.: Iph.

Saturdays Hamladies' classes : Monday:-:, IVe'lne.Mav.-- and l-'iidays 4vv.Uetitlt-iiieirs classes Mondays, WabAentays ami

Saturdays Sea'I'KRVsascertaiiieil on ap|tlicatioti.Anearly attendance is requested.[["r'l'nicliciugpartiesevery ltniisdav evening, at

%y. o'clock. jPrivate classesat scßoolsarat rasideMsa w.tii.c

formed if requested. se 9

LOST, STRAYED, Ac. ~"~ \IOSt?A BAIR CHAIN',witb a geld lot-kel attach |ed,eel with bair. The liuder will he lili.-iHllyrcwanled L>y ieavi_g it al tinsotHce. Thechain was ;probably lost at or ueal-lit.Hywood. " sets |

\u25a0 .IKrV Dol'ars Reward? Par a lady's browu moW* tueeo Work Box, winch was Ult ou the seat or

the ladies'cur ol Me Hanviile tram which arrivedhere Tim;sday morui ig,i%*yt 10th. The tinder willleave it al the Naval lloepital. on lot_i street, nearMain. BS 11?g> ;CAME to my place, onthe 2d ol August, a sorrei

mare muie, which the owuer can get by provingproperty, and paying charges. She has a mark inleaded Gar"M" er --N" bb her Bwnller. Unlesscalled lor she wit bo dealt with accoidiug to law .inquirent tusl lock on Uie canal.

tell? ltf ___ J HENDRKK.

TAKEN up, on my farm, three miles liom tbe city01 Hu hinoud,ou the Mcctisuicsvilie ttimpiUe, a

small tou buClaioi'ow, w.tli a ropo atiar.hed to oneOfber legs; also,two begs?oue arbUa wf Umothuta black snd white spotted one '1 owner willplease come [onrard, prove property, apt pay esi-MBSSS. HKNKY UUiIX, llulcuei-

se ll?lt* ;SbTiTaY COM 3?C am- to my bouse, about ihelj 1-t inst, near Camp Winder, two stray Orwe;

0..« red, tbe other white aud tab .spotted. Tte owl-er is leiuesttd to prove jropcrty p*y d aiges, andtake them away. MOBAB MOKRIS._______

yST Ou Ihe Mccbanicsville turnpike,betweenj llio toll-gale uod Richiiitind city,a guano Baj;,

containing a roll of liomes|iun cottou cloth, striped,containing about IYi yards, oue razor -strop and tworazors, SSSM apples,ouious, and sweet polSSsaß Aliberal reward will be paid to the Under by Icavmsit at MOORK & TCKNKH'S.

se 10?2tf No 8 Frauklin st.

| the fcth Inst, betwteo 9th sol Mar-I / .ball streets aud Mr(J A W Taylor's la. m, _nChesterfield county, ny POCKET BOOK, eaatalaiagone huudred aod tit'tv dollars, and a Cert lit-ate, No1,112 f.i-SIOO, on tbe Cod-derate SUV. s. Averyliberal r.wml will be paid tor the same by callingat W P W Taylor'sshoe Store,corner 4 _h aud BrotdsMMa. [asia?atf] TUOi KTaYLOI;.a Q_JT?-Betaeen tbo ivst-OUice Depart?a! audI i Sir I!-i'sstaule.ou 101U _t,and the I'ostiuaster-

Oencrsl'i. ou MsMMH aud 2d Ms, my Pochot-Boek,ct-'iilaiitiiig ni> ti ccpapers, some tax Mils, my Ctiveivnoul l»asa, ami $»i SO in unm.-y. I Will fay Ihe later£5 reward it left at t___so_Bce.

se 10?i.1* !'!,__.ASA.N't CREW.m WOHuadred DoUar_i Reward ?strayed ursioku,

\u25a0*? ou Cary 8., iv rear Of M Hair's,corner of 13that, black HofSS, wnil one ahite tnud foci and Star.a forehead, and ca.alry aaMle, Ih idle, and Halteron. 1 will pay tbe above it-wiril for the deiivciy olIhe horse, saddle, and bri-ile. IS Mr C J Halclicr, _\u25a0_.-er 9Ui unti Ma.n sis, or toMs F SUgg; St ttajmtP BWaatVe office, on liana, it, oi io me, ibe,Cary ot.

M io?ii ? bahAtcam.1f iV Dollars Reward.?Strayed or sioleu fiomlit.ckclls, ou ibe evening of ihe -7lii nil, a

...nail blightsorrel Horse, with a btSSS lace, ladbobbed, and mane roached. 1 Will pay ibe abovereward toauy lATSSBWM will deliver him to me ivcauip, or lodge hut m auy _Üb.e iv RieMaoM, luij

iiotify meof the iact. R X McCAY,Co !_, (cavalry,) HsiCOSBM legion,

se 10?21* Richmond, Va.

h" ths RockbndgoAlum springs,ibis week, a larg*- l):amon 1 Ring,

eel iv gold. The above reward of SSM will bo pactou delivery nt the uig lo Mr Waaler, at the Pprmgs,OT taVetß Richmond t'b.> jewellersaleca.ltioheduoi to aarohsss tbe same._ 9-41 WARWICK.

TRAYEl ior Stolen?A Email sorrel mare Mulefrom mv, at Ashland, otutie night «|

ihe ttt-i inst. She ie slightlymarked by collar andoa wiltiers and back. A lutlahle reward will begiven for ber delivery to moor toM KCM, At.hlau.l,or for iufot inUioii leadiug lo her recovery.

HT BARTON,bo 10?-if Surgeon'l Uo. pilal.No 13.

ij^STKAY.? Cane to my bouse lv hiluey,si.iii.\j time ago, a very daik iron gray Utile. witha white spot on right hind lag. The <wner * iiiplease take her away. CM ROBIN'FON.

m______a'Two Hundred Hollars Reward?sinteu ou mabout the Hilh of August, on tbe Main heslei

road, from tbe farm of Mr IToluire, five miles fromtbe city,aroan horse, MM. face, three while feellarge irame, wounded on thebackbone immediatelyunder thesaddle, tbescar still visible. Tbe bonstwas well knows through the whole army as belongtug to lbs late Lieut Col GCoppens. Any informstion that will lead tn tberecovery of said horse wilhe gratefullyreceived, aud the abore reward wilc giyen. Address Lieut Col A COPPENS,iu______ epetswood Hotel.

5f3L88--yn>mthsrMdiscoof Mr Wm j_M__Mjk->e\l.lh el, between MsrsMU and Clay, a hlaclsad i*\tbtrmt slut, with a whlU spot eaMrbreastears cr&wod, louf tail. A liberal tamted willh.paid iflSSvirod toftiOXfßEtMAS.Siaiih Ooambl'i?'i*a<Kft*f *U,> *i {'artMsitT* **"*' i*" si? I

ITCH SAL£«A He Bar Mma.taewav ibe ____F iSßAWarifcloeo, with sU tM Mtures spperuTalbg tuotbto coiater, glasses, insures, bo. iiipteailidsitaellnti Also, the keyef tMhsasseMan,eoouia_ag sis tegs reeeas sad Msemeat, walteed aide aad MM eatraaees. TM hsess to as*MlMssalsMi4Ms«assßsMssM«BraoAHNb«tWMsßh. rerpestwalaN apply at im (Moos, Ife II«U-*t

? Wa\MVA_. _ . ~W"'aOTM^aVisilseiM^ahhi^fc--aoeliMiBiea-wMßawd aßwalslii reeas,wttßw wUhiNrt tha assat ~utb*m, tabmtumd to sayreepeetabte part ot the ctty. Aayperew_ who eaaat all HiamilHi ea will »eeh eWlge H>. appllrams hy wMratilsff"T- Vlepatrlin«ee, orfstsnuhthePeat OaU-e. sell~W_WANTED. I wish in purchasea negra woman,as

sesiostreya aad nurse. A liberal price will be. pattlfortKiewho can cbme W*U raroinmeiuled tersnasslW. iudnnryand cai*city Apply to weat the, Adj'tand fasp den's office, er Mr atarke's, ontraceet, nearthe oldFair .. _.__.;.,

__> 11- ett jnowrraam,a acen._fbmWs\*A-_ few steadyand iadustrious girle, to

** work at the match factory, corner I_eighandAdams sts. Apply immedlaielyto _______f se 11?It* M C WINCHESTER.

AiTKD- -Ina rrivate family in the c.ity.aUachar to iußtruct two childen in English, French

and Litln. Address "J E." DispaU.h 11-3tf

WANTED? A Sabetitute over45 years of age,-forwhich a liberal twice will be paid in apeci.. Ap-

ply fir oue week at officeof SpoUwood Hotel.sell?lt*

ANTED?A Governess immediately. Applyto."Box &48," Ric,hinrnd,_ya. se 11?ltf

li ishmau and Irish womau, logoto the country; the man lo work about tbe

yard and do other labor oa the farm; the woman tocook and aid in washing:. Would prefer man andwife. The best wages will be given. Applyat Hos-pital No 10, cornerof Main and I9lb streets, be1ween 9 and 11 o'clock A M,and 6 ami 7 o'clock !? M.

se 10?21*1 illANTED? ANo 1 Tannerand Currier suchVV a mauran find constantemployment at hehint.est wages by applicationto

J T HUTCHESON,At .pottsA Harvey's, NoooPearl st.

cc 10?3ttWANTED,? A gentleman rtsidiug in Middle

Florida deaiiea a TUTOH capableof prepar-irg thoroughly b'S two sots forcollege. For rar-

appl» at WEST k JOHNSTON 3 BookStore, or by letter addressed to "EDUCATOR," atthis office. __J_______L

ANTED?In a retail grocery store, an active,iudustrioag Youth, who jean furnish testimo-

nials as tocharacter, kc. Oue with someknowledgeofthe busiot's preferred. Address, iv haudwritiugof,\u25a0\u25a0_!," box OC6, City Post-Office.som-atf ; t

WAHTXD?By a young man exempt from militaryd'!ty,a situation as bat-kccpei, or would accept

other employment. ApplyalC I HOLLKS. Broad st,

mM?m* Between Ist and 2nd.

WANTED?1 want to hire, fo: the balance of theyear, a good took. Washer,ami Irouer. Apply

to ' E D EACHt»,sa 10?21* I4th street.

WASTED?An eaperteeoed colored Surae, to takechargeof an iufaut. I'ncxceptionablc testimo-

nials required. Apply at Key DrREAD'S, Lui.l.-us.|itare, Franklin st se 10? .it*

WANTED? A No 1Cook, Washer aoU Irouer.tor which HO a month will be paid. Must

come well recommended. W H CLARKSON,he 10?2t* .'!d st, between Cl«y and Leigh.

WANTED? Servant ?I wish to purchase or hire adiningroom servant ol suitable qualifications,

and af good 10?01 JOS R ANMBBOW.

WANTBD? Hd pin.base at> iuterest in a drugstore. Address "J W E,v Dtspafct oilice.

' sc lo if_AI ANTED?A goad Bread and Cracker Baker,W toe wbich good wages aad constantemploy

ment can he had. Applyat J D BRKiIIS'S,"ge 9? tf Come. 4th and Broad streets.

WANTFD-lloop Poles?'lhe highest price willbe paid for hooppoles at ni> factory, corner

ol Byrdaad loth streets.aßU?ba* JOHN V.HITWiiKTH.

W' ANTED?To purchase-a handsome and durableone horse Carriag ,to seat four peisotis. Far

ties lav IBS onefor .air Will call onuc'j-.'.!j HILL A NnKFI.FEI'._*_, AN'TFD- By a joing lady wilh some tspeVy riaasa as » wh.tse home is in the.enemy.! ines, aHITCATION in a family or st ht 01.!l _,be i-qualified to toneli French. Latia.lhe usual

Kuglish brauches, snd the rudimehti if-Indie.?Be-t ol reference given. For further particulars,please address immetiate'y

JOHN W RIBON Drn?gi_tt,j El. «_ct* Box MS Bit hm ud. Va.jTjETANTIP?A silssllns, hy - Virginia laly, who! *» ha;, bad several years' experience, in 1.-achiugI Ihe English branches, French, aad music onI tin-piano. R.fereiiee_. given il de.ued. ApplicantsI intist slue terms. Address immediately '-Mist. A

D," Rit______ Va. Ep __m____1TXrAMEIA?Au mlelugenl audaclive Votilb, ill bis

1 W l?ta year,wishes aSBMtlss in stmie ottice orimercantile house, where ho can make himself gcue-i rally useful. References g'ven, or be can be eeeu if

application be matte to RO E RICHARD-ON,bo 4?ls Qnarteriuasier-Cetris Ollice.

W"~ANTED? ImnieliateTy, a res|H-ctable youug oractive middle aged while woman as upper

{ Nurse,sad who can make herseif generally usefulliv afamily livingivthe couuiry. She mustbo able

to give good references for heaeaty, industry,andsobii-ty. Address, slating terms and references,; Mks D B HARKId,

Thompson's Cross Roads, Louisa co, Va.j se7?T-l*jiyANTED?A Cutler, to lake chargeof a boot aud

'\u25a0 99 jjhotimanufactory. Toone qualified toconducttbo business ivall its branches liberal wages will be

i given. Apply to JNO C PAUE, .lv,M s_C.t* No 9o Main bt..


CrO-FARTNKaSBIP NOTICE.?Wo,tM iiederalgiied,' .) LUALDICOI', toiiiuily of Broad street, beI tWOOfI _W atnl M Etrcets, ami S BOCIrf, Jr, of theI el'B itoi-i.s k Co. N'o'__i_ Mu:u street,Mre tbi.s! <;iy tin tui'il a eo-portaer»hlp umier Mm Ktyie aiiti,Hi in of WAI.PKOF A: BUUIS, for tbe jim pose of coo: diMitiog a Cam iii aad Oamiraws Busotbs, a>h

j lik\iii:-i ia Yutm ami Usariinrna or Csxar,alNo -mi Maiu street, ronaorly La«B J Booaieus's.jAioea l wai.dkof,

Banufß uons,.in.R .'.iinoiid, Sept 34, WiW.

.1 L WALOROF, very tlunkftil for the liberal patrooage hi ilowrd aa him, respectfully eoßeßi v con-tiaasace of Ihe sain, to the new concern Of WaMrop;s U.,uid JAIME 1. WAli.Kiii"

i S HOl'l- 5, Jr, will be gla.l to see hi_i tbt Ineiitt.-ol Ihe Oriu of 9 llouis i: to, al IM newIplat.-of bttsioesß. _ 8008, ?!«?

\u25a0c 4?bm_____t__*FEiJaL NOTICE.?Mr C WALTHALL haviugpurchased the iuterest af Mr J \V ARUYI I iv! onr aasiMSS from Ut May l_M, i« admitted aaa

I:.rtut-f in be (.nine. Ttie style ot tlie cOLceru ie-BtatoS UCehailged. .! Mr Walthail's kuowledg« aettuirei

in many years' experience un s luanufai-tuiei'andileuler. will eusb'e us to muke adviinU. geous sales; fbrtbOSS who favor us with tousiguimnt.of ihat' article. Oar stork of Faucy oeo4a, such as Faper.Bara'opo , tioap..Katoea Btas *s. Hpea Ac *c,j is wi-.-tliy tM at:etnit/u t.i Sutlers and otlie.' deal-

\u25a0 ' ers. Wo iuvi'e au vi ai.i luli. nof our sticki J X BOBBBM & CO,

fi s?lw Corner y_h ai_d Brou<l streets.

MJLITAR V NOTICES.111-11..'.1-- XlAYO'.i HofNTKUlit AWI, I

lt .c.bmotiu, Sept lil, lSi3. jI \TFI-T inlr.Hitot thel'uyHill, h.tiinlay, Sept 12,! -*- ait, 1, ra, for diiii. BMfssass will rsparl at! 41. i' v. By orderI I.t BAKER, ComV.

GkkvasSf'tKKS. OS.. be 11?Ut

AI I'KNTtON.?IS mole mtn waiitt-d to completethe org-Uunti-iu ef a company ef cav.i'.iy ;n Jtaj

i Oiiinor's tadepeadeat Mttahaa. Iliaam, o<taH'O>es*s,

' tiojiity fiutiistie.l. Apply lumieUiat.-ly al IMi oflii-eof .1 li Hedg-t.iali, ou Mak,between lOtti au.l

' Uth streets. \u25a0' * HABBBMf,cm avon,-:e 9?4t* Recruitius Berfesata

1 CtStMtt Behara Boaaty u.a'i >tMitu__ betweeatMI O j,gcs of lf» mi.t 1» WM eiilwt iv Cup! I! H Ban B, j company, to*BB*ter m Major Miitiiorti -_ battahoa,for«|te.-ial aod local deii-uce ef the city ot fUt___a_es_4.

' Attply ut camp, aeai the oia Pair a?ai* 1! U UI'RR,Cain _____

RUNAWAYSIhAN AWAY I'romCainp Wieder Hospital, oo. M\ lbs 3t»t day \u25a0 I Anjust, IM ._,wy servantmat.

I FAT L. He is ahoul 21 yearn of sge. black, no .otlti -Wiu, hlm.hi .'. f et 7 or 8 mt lies b;gh, H.ifk let,'jquick ,|« Uen, liuips slightly, oeing to suaffection

' jof oo« of ftie little toes, c.iuin.>»l» known as "cowitfh." Ue wsa t'ormrily frooi Jellaraon couuty,!where b- may aloitogo,«.rt»Cliarlottea»ilse, whsreh« was hired fssf year. 1 will give $100 reward f

I (lelt. __«><) to meatsaid Hospital,or SSBBBM in somei jail, so that I get him o_?«i««.I . 5 X I.XX WAOBR. M I>.

*c 11?3.* Ist Dls'n, Camp Winder llowp'l. _/\NK HUNURFU HOLLARS RRWAKO.?Kuit-i' 11 »way fr. m Ibe »v! s rihef. on tbe of ther _th inst, it Hkelyboy named JIM, about lb y*ars

i old. Jim has a"lull head oi Mark h .ir, gingerbrmd, enter, well g.own, and his wslk is slow and careless.f SuM boy had onwhen be left a graymilitary <a?,0 light grey iacMt aod dark pauta, Jim was raised

by Mrs Welt, in Btereasharg, Oalpeporroualy, aM- may Mniikl- g hie War there, or he may hafc goaeII with Uen Hood's Dhrhioa, as he has b<ea in tM1 army before, sad liked it eerymaeh. Jim has re-

Istloaa livingio Rh-bmond, aad w_tM lurkingsbont the city at tbk time. 0 Z BILKI,- eelO?>t» First, efMiles b Bro

It __WL doadred Dollars Beaard?Mpposod lo havei, Mrs yst___rMyam»sM|Stfa^!lock,oatM

. to moral tMBalBtoMiM. OHKBRT.a «oia-»t , ~W «_» mAm_tL?&???&!&???????~~??? ???*?-? ' ' *h "B J oaio*U?A aaaHemsa of woU kaowa roaata-« M Usa esl aoaaptVposokm -iM mamoal ML _B__tL_aT_f auSn-MWhmMModmtMcay.-B

aaMr.MoMtMMMroot. mt asdtt*

mmmmmmmmwmmmmwmmmmAUCTIONSAItBa FiiwPtn. .. By Cham. f. Worihum A Co., Attttra.

rtAMAOBB btutmra fcr VsM?Ou Tbmatay, theAT IMBday atSept, 1863,at 11 OVdoek A If. at theTobacco Wamriy ot Plea ant* A Ttuymt, em Wthamamt, tsbuouu Maiu aad Praaklia. la t*e ettr ofBkihmoaa. ISkillre' pmIAU-aaetfea.ooareeaatof ahi m Itaay concern, ton-em htebmad* or f>«f at,daseaged hy water ia treuslt Peteratiarg loRichmond, via the river.

LEWIS H FKAYSER.Cats T WoariUM A Co. Aucl's. ne 11?41*

WIU. be solii st aialion on Count il CltaiuherHill, nextSaturday, if not sold privatelybefore, a superior cavalry mare, 7 yeara old; workswell, is perfectly sound and gentle, and is un.|u.«tionablyan aainial of rare properties. She can beseen at Hixs stable, on 10th st. s.'ll-.'ii

\u25a0fT-REE Negroes at Auction ?By virtue of au orderr* of the 11ust inns Court of the city of RichmondI will sell on Monday nest, ttie 1411. inst, (that beingCourt day,) in front of tbe i ;ty Hall, at IU o'clockA M. 1..trick Coleman and Job Ureen, free negroes,convicted by said Court ol grand larceny and or-dered to be sold into absolute slavery. Also,au oldman named John, committed to jail for goiug atlarge, and ordered tobe sold.

THCIMAP D 'DUDLEY,£c 10?It Berg't Cilvof Bichnioud


VALUABLE Farm in the upper part of Uinwiddiecounty, near tbe Brum wick line and Cut Bank

Bridge,over Ibe Nottoway river, 27 miles from Pe-tersburg, 18 or 20 miles froiriiJM&.tiiti Side railroad,ami II miles from Diuwiddie court house, for saleprivately.?At therequest or Col John(lo_de I oilerfor sale privately tbe above valuable tract of land,containing about 700 acres, .'.no acres of which arewell timbered, beingmostly of original gfrwtb. Theaaa is fair an I well adaptedto Ibe growth 0! wheatand tobacco. The lamt is well watered, a eiball creekpassingthrough it, ou tne margin of which there ia aemail portion of low Krouutls. The improvementsitinsiitof acomfortable dwellingwith 4 rooms andthe usual out buildings,in tolerable good order.Possession of the land will be given iv tine for theTall crops, and full possession uu Ibe Ist .lan, 18C4.JASMTAYLOR,so 11?Ct Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer.T3EAL Estate in tho towu of Boydlou, MecWeuburp** county, tor Bile privately?At the rc.4lle._t ofCapt G R KdmondKOti I SSS.r for rale, privately, twoHouses and lata) iv the above named towu. The\u25a0tatis a large framed dwelling,with seven rooms,together with about eleven cabins iv the yard, thatcan accommodate a number of persous, with setftaattb' Wbtattt .ittactied. The let contains aboutouo acre.

Tlu second is a comfortable dwelling,with sixrooms, includingtwo basement raoan,with B largehall 01 jmaaay>. Then B a sssatl ImfWllag ia thayiltd suitable for an adtOt, togetlu ? ,vith Ibe iwualoc.t houses, ail iv good order. The lot coetaiae alioutthree iutit tii. Ot anacre, with anexcellent garden.Terms tosuit the purchaser.

JAS M TAYI.uR,si ll?fit Real Fstate Ag'l mid Auct'r.

11. X are authorised lyMr W t* Plena tosell,WV privatly, a tract of I_aud in Powhatancounty.aboutseven mi'es frr.ui IWhatau Station,

.on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, near theBuct-iogham or Flut Keck Road, about bye milesfrom Powhatan C 11, about four mi'es from JdU.esriver,adjoining the laud' of Mw th P'e_i«Bnt_t,Korloin. and McOruder. It contain* about Mlacres, half c'earetl, ba'anfti iv oak asd pine. Tl.edwelling-househas four rooms and passage, kitch-en, stable, de, all of logs. The buißlags not ivtery good order. A fine spriug of water- Hear thehouse, and a tree', passing through th* farm.Price, fj.0.0 fash 1 PtfSSBStfM will be giveu iui Apply to

Sell?At OODDIN A ABW-BSON,OflCC?I will aaß aay Yurm, eoas_etia| ofbe-uveen live and sis hundred acres ol tana iv

Bucbingham county, two miles from the I'anal, atFallsbnrg,and three miles from Wanan, a tleput onthe canal. Frees SSS to SM under fence, the balantewell limbered. There is a frame dwellinghouse,with live looms m it,and all seeesnary mil buildings,Willi yard an.l gardes newly pailcd 111. The f.irui 1.well Watered, with goo.l la. tmg springs <n each ti.-idulso, a creek ruumugiluom-h the istrtu. wtihn.ut seat. Terms ot _alewade accommodating, ivrsession farseeding this fall gitee lini-iiiHalnly, andfull pnasessiOß in.- toih November nest. Address

.1 n 11 :;i* Warrnn I'll, Va.

}"j>OR ftlle?A place on the Manchester idri fSoT,t justah.>vo tiie toll gale, containing . amfSOflautl, a roopis to Ihe house, smoke house, stable, agaad well of water m -O feel tit ihe house, aad uimi ageot crop af corn, cabbage, eweel ami umb potat.wson it. Any persou wistiiug to purchase i-all imme-diately. l'os-.e->sion given as --non as Sold.

Also, another -...all placeon the _a_BS K_Sd,COa-taiiiingabout .1 half acre of knd, iearroecas to theh.ui_e, and gsrd£tj set in .mhhatmmm] pot .to.*.

bwcasb dyer,se 11?:;_* On the premises

ITTMrSAl.K?jTbeauiTltil Farm ."very near Fredcr* ii.-ksbiirg. containing abonl CtlO a-res, 4DO ofwhich are arable ami ver\ fertile, Ihe halauce grow-ingup in wooil The iiii|irt)veineiils arc a anlnitlMltial brick dwelling,nearly treat, containing sixteenrooms, an exce'leiit grist noil, ami other houses ?

Appiy lo It II Ht.wisiiu, Richiii.tiid, or In the pro-prietor,sa the premises. JOHN HOWISON.

se _____DN£IR.\BLE Farm of 1,'»7 acres iv Hanover county,

near to Saleni Church, I.i miles east ot Huhiiionil, for sale.?We are authorized to sell the desira-ble Farm on which Mr Charles P Cross now resides,i-oulainiug157 acres, and adjoiningihe lamls ol l)rliooigi; W Pollar.l, J..1111 Haw, audi: W Ellett. Theimprovciueiits consist of a dwellingwith liverooms,carnagebouse, corn house, stable, kc. Possessiongivenat mice. l'ntvJ3s per acre. The ar_pß.Bc,can be boughtat valuation The neighborhood is auexcellent one Apply to

M io_4t " ______ _ _________ _sai.k?Privately, my Farm m ChaaSe-BaU

O :ity, containing 4.1 acres, lying three mi.escouth ot Coalfield Station, on tho Richinoiitl am. Dan-ville I'Mihoad. Il has ou it acointortabio dwellingwits sis reacts, the nnr.miary aat-hessss, ami anabumiaiici; of wood and timber. For a further de-scription oi Iha lav.l refer toMean Peter (J Cobbya Oi,roauainsifls SMrehatßs, Rfebaaaad, or io theaahecrlher, living cc lite pMatrises.

so 10?ol* WILLIAM (_<H»DE.

JjtXTRAOBUUIABY EMe?Tho rateable Hotel andA ether ical assets at AsbMnl, Hanover coaaty,

Virgiuiu, sixteen miles ii .1 Ui ol' Hicliiiioti I ? Hintv>-ry valuable propone Mnwa as IM AMIMd Hoteli.s esßred ut private Bus, sM piessata se extraatdt-nary opportunity far ptMlahlS ltiv»-tiiii'i.t. Tlieliuilliiig-t,Winch orinitially cost (before IM war)over $i_o,ooti, rnnalM ef tbo Hotel proper, of aaspisdieaeasßas ami _e___aoe_oaa arraafasaeat, a spa<,MwNßg alley an.l billiard s_ilfM.ii,nine i;i_.t. iv) cottages.C** Moaa, with pipes extendsay. toall the Ihiil.l.ii.-* ami IhrosgMsl .In- grounds, couiain from _ to 15 acres, ot beastifallypicturesque character. The entire property Biasg.od tiuti- of peessiration, with a well ol MlightfWwater, aiut nearly all Ihe lioi._m.-S occupied al v go.Nlrental,4no hotel being ,tl_i_ broakfiM Mass for pus-BeaaKS by the mail tram 00 the RieMfeoad,; au.l Fob. mac raliroM.

Capitalists have UOW a CMaOO, rarely .ttpudetl,olturoini: their funds into a . limim-l wh-u- tbey niayrealise full rcinum-i atiou from IM outlay.

Mrseas Msßtog lv purrlitee win beshows IMpremises an.l male a< .jt.aii.l.'.t with iMtSOSSefsale ou application ul Hi ? AMlai-d Post Office toJaatea W Taylor. uOOl'l.N .\_ APW?ftW.

Se 8 ?4tri.IANCi.LLoUsViT.Li: FAllMfia .-..oisylytiaia*-* county, containing *54 acres, for tale?We areaatheilaid to _.. li tne aMos farm, situated oa th»ptaak-toM Naaaag from iMMileMfaTa laOssaaaCourt llease, 10_*Hea tli.t .i.t f.i m Fretieriek.<burg,SWntSllllllM IN BOrCS, (two anl r- red for i.t'i ily;jrave->ard ) 'i't.e 'aod la f(M uf Ma well forcvltlrattOß, is Wail wooded. sM has sMMtbt acresof clear. 1 laud, mostly line uplandBHSSIsW. Therela aaotatmmf*betub oa th,_ plare IMdwoilicgaad otherbaildlagswees drifieyM by the .u.ioy.Tbeualls of ths large dwelling sayfOOtdtociintiiu .ItHj OW hiiiKs. nre still etaadiag. Forterawapply te uwDIUN 9 AFHMaOM.

«c H?ts

XANIt For gale ? Tha swMrriPers will ottes at pub* lie aa.-t.ou, at Rue s Bspos, oi. ibe iJoath BMe, in ttie rotinly ol Finite Kdward, tv, ouFndsy, ihe ld.Hi sf__MS_BM_ next, two tracts o:Lacl One tiinlßlßß 6Marris of lan laM __M tourmtlm trow thedepot; tM ether oaatssatMPyunl liesone mile from iMiSSQt Bath Iracts are well WOMi.t, wit.'ied, anil conveuieul, ami atau.i liijjli SSaSeoMtttfbnas. fMsarplas MM tbama M IBsasfarIDS B WOethS lalgetMSß I'civ.ix..;? .MM an lorestaMa! will ia wM lo sasssiao fo. Iheas ?\u25a0!>>-: 4

Tibas CMli. Is Confederate laeaey.Ad.irt_._s Booth It*«.itn., HsM'ax, Va.

JOHN' 9 RUUFKH,au 19- -ti7ths» ____ 1! I:«HJKI_..| akautiPtJi.ltUlLUl-Mt Lor, oa tuc_<_utb .v.I"a of Clsy. betweea Adams street aud Urn-k sue

lane, ior mi*. ? We are sutl_.cri._d to rll that ui-.-lvaluableLOT Iccetrd as alioTe, sjj .iliim; Hie ta*\dene*,of Mr Dabcey HI Witter. Mooting MBet, ruunine back I ><> fret to aualloy.

set?U 000D1N A APPKRjIo.V.SBSoßs'ld in_ LoU, .._,_? with

p a Hue sta'-Ie oa it; one is ou 3d atr*»». aloe*I*'.gb; and onewon bib »titet. _l«.v. Abargain may lie h_d hy callingonlh«* sube.-i.her «iBoyle A Ueiuliiex Sword 'daouf»etory, »t IVjoICIi:.tb at, » Huvi.i:.

Alf&lbrMlo. Ahaat 1*99 aorea in -WhoUsj coutiiy,Ve.jOrtol whßh Iseßared; tMhalaftro' heaviiy IMhered; good tolas of easl also o» ii.c

' Iratt. TlUe tiniiueiil.ouuble. Apply t<>. CH.V.S H I>m Hl.ji. ,I %?tA batcooy Falls, Va.1 T>AFFR"aud Mrsßtpos? a* bd tumm XmttAwtAt note paper at a low \ukjo,

tocUu-St _ ?- Knglish vole pa|ter

v.; SStea Sue KoglUb uiouitiiUK ftymt100 II hautlsoiiMi baß eavelofioai 6)1 ottcial '?

i In store audfor sale by?se la-at - (.bo _*____,_m __I ltfEW Udtea' ghoeWote Just Opened.-All Itudsof

ladles' iwafress fetters; sshMta boots .alsoat geaeral sssortmeat or all InaM of woih. fbviMparcMsod of Messrs Harvey AHellwgathe tuosi oftheir stock 1 feeleaablad tosupply tbeir formercus-. loosen aa asaal, st tM cornerof ethsM Broad suI sea-«t»_ QWXHAB. \u25a0BOOK aM News lab-Book aa* New. lak tv

' isa-iB kirta* Mo«*. iJian.

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0IAVOWXON _t_tZ_____?FUUM DAT*By JUnuAon,Adorn* A Co., Auct*.

\ QALK ofUraeeriee, Msafd Tobseeo, Iroa,Mails,; O aadBlockade Oocßa, at auction ?At 10o'clock,teaTuesday, the IMblast, we will offer?Mteascheiee M OSmsts-WhbTs do do doft bbls I'ru-tb,,! ,|j411 bUts lj.rd

lSbltleJaaak-aßumis k«ga BI Carb ft-da-.'.ll .ox_?« Btan hMl eaeee Browu Heap9 libls N O MoUimk.

ALSO,61 bare eqsare. flat aad round Wrought Ircn4o kegs Nail* and _"pik».Al_Bo,

l.cod pkgs Maal'dTobaeeobO hbla Ba*ok!agTobarcoLot la bag* andpapers Tobacco30,000Cuba Cigar*, * me eerychoice.Partiee desiring to otter goods at the abore saleWillplease Mind invoice, aad templesearlyMonday

laoraing. ROBINSON, ADAMS A 00,?

te M, Auctioneers.Eg E. S. Pleasants, Auct'r~.

FOR SALE at Public Auction?Beautiful Oray(Lady*) Poney? I will eel! oo Saturday, the12thiust, at 10 o'clock, the abore animal, at tbeHorse Lot. He is 8 years old, gallop* well, paces,and has mir.y fancy tricks and aaiiiNing habits ?

B ing perfectly sound, re iable and geatle offer* afine chance to a lady mho _b»v devire to own a petand abeauty. X s I'I.F.ASANTSse 11?2t Auct'r.

HCRSES, M.tlrrt, Carriages, and Buggies, for saleal auction.?l will sell at 10 o'clock, ou i-'atucday, the Uth inst, at the Horse Lot, Council Cham-ber Hill,

Several superior saddle aud draught horses,among which is oue splendidyoung c_* airyliorse, lti bauds high, sound, reliable, andhandsome

Several pairs of young mulesOne 2 borne carriage, in complete orderTwo extelicit buggies, ftcse 11 ti PLEASANTS, Auct.

/\u25a0JENTEFL Household Furniture at Auction.?On" Monday, the 14th mstaut, I will sell at the resideuce of ti WHarris, Ksa, on Venable, between 21_tami _._d streets, (Cuion Hill,) all bis Household amiKitclteti Furniture, embracing

I entirety new Brucella car|iet, very larg.»1 n i; ~U j,1 superior sofa, 1 lounge1 wardrobe, bureaus, csue feat chairsBedsteads, bedding,curtiitis, ftc

SMS,A generalassortment of kilclu v furniture.At the same lime the House can be rented pri-vately. F S PIJ.ASANTB,se 10 Auctioned.

By OioensA Willis, Auctioneers,[No 6 ldih street. ]

Will, sell at auction on Salurdav, Sept l_th, atlo o'clock.A large kit household aud kitchen turintureCooking movesCrockery au.l glasswareLadies' Bilk mousliu aud calico drSSSSSRcatly umbo cloibyigShoes, hals, blanket*GMdasi Mirer watches, tewelry,Ac.

SS 11 OWENS & WILMS, Aucts.By Jbamt ML fbm_y. Auutmrnmr,

rUVMRn *Skn\tmmai 3 Cary and tth sts,at auctiou?At tbe it'ipiest of Mr l»avid i.ibsnu,I will sell, ou Monday, the 14lii September, at VI

O'clock M, the large framed t'arponter'suuap locatedas above,and but recently Imill. 1 will also nB thelinisheU work Tor a two story dwelling and kit.lieu,together within thetools, work benches, ami appa-ratii;. usually bum.l iv c house joiner'sestablishment.

Trim*.?-Cash. .I.\S M TAVI.'iR, Auct.\u25a0c 11

OlDlti: ami liwelliugoii the Rnlll side i.f*~ nea, l-ii-t :(,ut aiiflmii ?1 aißssN ou Wednes-day, lt.lli HByti'iahir, ut e'eleek,the fiaaitefroi.t Mare aad da tiling located aa above, warn seespied by Mr .las O'N'eil a* S groce-'V. Tbe dwell uu»has ti reams Tie re \u25a0 Mis upon IMpnaMai> t.rtokI'liiltliii;- Willi l rooms uu.l . moke-hous... Iliel..tttOUtB on Kroad l 'J4 ', Let hy I','t fe. I deep touuall.y. This (,rup..ity i.saiitv.elleiit Hand An I-h-iBeaa,

Tkmmi matte knnwu as tlavof sale.BS 11 ' .111 TAYI.oR, Auct.

VrAI.I'AUI.K House and IM ou llraccand ath sts atauction.? 1wtil sell tipfcii tin.pit-mis.---, on Tluirs.

dry, 17.hS-|deiiibei-, tIMI valuableprivate residencelocated as above,autl ut present ot-.-iipi.d by Mr A AHtii'lt ... Hits pn.peity is .-o well known thai it Bite.-iind OMMMSCMSty togive a unrtile t|]i|i.Mi olit. Teiins made known on .lav of Bale,


Qi.VKNTY IITC Acres ol i.oid iii Usance caaafcr,on tbe Yoik Kuer lt.iiti.t_.-t, Hintibe ro;»tl Bad

ing to Btakeyl Bill, I'4 miles from the city ?Al theicpie.i ef Mr Tleis I, I'lidaiits, who resides theplace. 1 will idler for sale, spaa tbe premise-, on18-assy, IM Kith aeptembai, at t_ ahdoek, tbeabove valuable piece ol taint, in live lots, Irom 6 I.i25 acres each. Oa "lie "01 the has, winch Coiil.uitsabtnit ii) a_-i.-t-.-_, ~; ,t new lianicd tlwelitng,cotiieii.-ing six large itt.d three unall rooms, and all uecesa*_y eat-housea. A slatel the land cau be seen atUIV utlliv l'trini-. cash.

s« B>MS .IAS M TAYI-08, Auct.rpWO Brick Teut tinnls, ou Ibe North side Duval st,A near tlie late resilience ol .1 ti Fret ..-.a, at'auc-tion.--1 will sell ou the premises, on Mouday, UlbHeptemher, at 4_ o'clock, tho two buck leueuiuliUlocated a.-, above lut ii Uiicmeul bus 6 rooms, withakilt hen. Tholot fronts 'Ai loci and ruus back 167feet lo au alloy.

Terms made kuowu ou day of 8 .IAS M TAYLOR. Auct.»c *» -._»-. _h ia \u25a0 ..un, /.in i.

By Pidl'mm, Hams A Weisiyer, Auct'rs.

CIOMMIBSIoNKR'S Ssle of Land in Chesterfield.j As Counui-siouerof « hestel lipidCounty Court,

in Ihe chaocery suit cf Henry Whitlock va JohnMortis, I shall exposefor rale, at auction, at Ches-terfield C 11, on MONDAY, the 14th day of Septem-ber, (being Coort dty.) a tract of Laud, rootainiugtwo hundred and twenty (SM) acies, ou .-wm creeksod the Cl< ret Hill l< -it d, about i\C miles fromthe Court House, 10uii!e« from Richmond, 10 mitt-sfrom Petersburg, and 4 miles from Chester li.ji.t,tn the Rithiiioiitl sod I'etersbil gßaiiroad. On thistract issn ei.vlleot Pruno-d Dwellirg. with hitcheus, St-tl.les, Ice 11011.-c, Ac Also, auOtchSrd of.belßO young fruit trees.

The Laiitl is g<« J ;»t.,1-us'-eptil.l m i high improre-m.'iit. Tl.e laaattaa BI Lealtby v...l the neighborhootl i.. hI It is a good chance 1..r m»u- mriii,having facilitiesft r mark_t, not easily met with.

Persons desirous ol viewing the place, will callon MrSilas Chn>tha.u, at theCourt aiuse, who will-Uow the-premises.

TiSMS?l'ssb :Mid. as usual, the ssle to te sppr..v«d by the Conit. IV M AMBKRS, Com'r.I'IILIAM, MANES A Wl'lslui.S, Au.t'rs.

Atr We w. uld tal tLe attention < f per* nswisht> invest in real ettate lo thesliove prop».ty._ ll?lt* 9, II A W, Auct'rs.

rAND FOR HALF AT AUCTION'.-sU'h will selli ttt unction, at C!_e«'cit.eM C 11. at U ??'? h* k,

ou the 14lh or s.<pteniher, (Court day,) a fratt ofLA .Ml, coniaiuiui; about M seres, at d Mated 'about one mile of Clover Hill R R, ti miles of Ches-ter held C 11, 13 mites nf Fetetsburg, snd adjoiningthe lands of hui'ii.d snd Petersburg R R Co, MrMtd IW tou. Dr Robinsou, and others. Forty serescleared, snd four hundred Here., in wood sad tu-ber, oneor two small dwellingbous.s, out of repair,u| on it TbesttenUou af pvisons who wish to iovest iv property that will a-ways brio* them a goodincome by a little attention is called to this sal.-

T'RMs?Osetbird'S.-b, ai.d b-iisut" in one, twoaod three years: or cash as the purchi*r may Msire. PLLLIAM, HANKS A tYKISIUKR,

w s?Bt* Auct'r*.By Williamson A Co., Amt'f, Y.K Main ahUmt,

F"ISE F'anuly Carrmpe. Mule, OSrt, Harness, Be,al sscMa ?ou Palatdaj. Mitfloiß, al Me'cft

a li, yye «ill sell al the horse lot, t.-iincil ChamberHill?

I vciy tine Family Carria/cI you..* Mule, Weeks wellII .ul ami \u25a0svasss

Al.-O,1 Int rate Milt h I.»W

? _ Wil I.IAMFOM It C«>

IIOIgFUoI liaud Ki.cbtu luinstoio al SSMtSB.?\u25a0 on Mrs_M], l"h lass, BBsuaaaelM| ai io o'clock

a a, we will sell ..I theresilience ofBr * !_a." Luhuerl, Ion ilarsball si, MtWOOB UA and 9*h_ a very d«-siraMeaaasetaMßtof MasMstdMkd kuciu-u faraßaea,.un-:M in-..f Hie following and ottu-r aiI -. M , y i/

I rosewtHtd I'iaiio, t_'v etSbrss1 mahogany Writing lk-sk1 mat hie topTabh-

Wardrobe, Chairslit: BtOaM, BeddingW.ii.b.w I'urleir.:-Marea,i«i-|n'U, M

se lo WILLIAMSON A * O, At.< t^.

BCOCIK3, Srwltig Wag.*:., siuiHi.;' Tools, Ac, attiarttna, ye wdl tsß -v Itetay, Ilib, et

the sh._p af F. 0 BMBsf*** l~> l-- -*-' Manball»ireel, (.i.iim.'i.tiiik al HI u'rlnek A M.tbe fo|i. wugSad. Ibel _vtu'lt-s .

V. Isititir::, iHlc Uearly UCW1 sprioj. wagtSt, with topWag<*i, dray, amt carl asksI-.Iof oew' sleieeSinttlMt' lools, <»f all deeeriptviva1 >1 of wluviwr.ghi'stia-te4 SH__ SUa'ks and tl-eSU>t of smiths' vual

' 1 drill press, be, be.WHJJAMSON k Os Aact'rs.

N B?As Mr Fly.hug coutehiitUtss a tte«|« ufbustuoss, all persiHiaowningartistes al his shop areherebyoottded to come forward befure the day of

aate.iaycM^audtMotl^^^^^; T~WiLL <*rfor sola or lbr*mJ_m___s___¥___[< lasptomhw,myll*m,oatlmll«suOa^«att-» A Oak Orore. Itto wMhm <*?__-*__ _»*"»_*_I aM 10of R-ebmood, sM «oMM» _*_________* mhoaleh^aaa»- It adKMatM Mela of Mra <____*?____*_**atMwTllMparohaoor wMMsBoaM tMprtntofo

J as dayaf ssMtt Applyoa thosrmaJf^^,.tMlMißPO,

atasa* mmmm

____._._ ___..... ...

By Stauyhtar WatkamA Co 4_,[1» Main street] ' *****WIU. he sold atbutthW ttmtmmmmm" »«\u25a0* 10 o'clock, a »ar-rt_r_l^!" f",**arade Goods, coosatiag of ?*"\u25a0*^wJ^.MOO yds alpMsa, _B?lM_mPrints, tommHaHeshark towMiteg___aa*h,red, whtoe, and UMamHansel shirts, 10..Oou si«,.| ~*?,.Boswt ribbons,, Jßf ham, *Caaalaserea, latiaeuBroad cloth, fancy silksSewingsilk, handkwehH-U

STATWJtIUT.Cappaper, letter paperFuvelopee, pencils(ißocumat _tsm 1* cheats tea, cod liver ..,[Epeoin salts, indign

Itlark pepper, boraxExtract logwood, concernrale.l ?_Magnet)ia, allspice 'raj-iT (moit.lino caps, fancy soapsTooth brubhis, twtir brushe*Cologne, pipesFins, buttons, Ac

\u25baHoe* _».m» ba' boots and sho-*Children a boots and tho__Men's boot* and «ho_,-Id tlo/ felt bats.

aell-lt BLAIUHTBR' mBBBBi AC...tbe till, of September, 18W _**____***,

tion, on the York R.ver Railr.«u or* __*** v, -»Steam Fugine Saw Mill, bands and «£ J^*plele. Tbe engine is a twenty,? 1 "*order, and wasbought \_t *'prini_ of I v _' '!! ""'ft OS. After the sale of the saw null ?" Tu'"'two yoke of line fat Oxen ami a N.i 1.'_,.,., "'TKiui_*-Made known un day ?i ?_+ ' *For lurlbor particularsapply to i* _*-__.or Dr Chas E Anderson, Rkbmcwd Va ''",se&-61* Wf imgUtOt?OR Sale at Audi.*.?Will be m,Ulm_;i__?JT Ihe county ol New Kent, iromednnh, - "and York River Ra.l«*,(. lr"SUtiou. on FRIDAT, the Uth dayof s.SS,v'*1863, at 11 o'ctocli.tbe tmstUmyZZtSTtm*.cows, 1 yoke of oteu, tf heirera, I fag -. __i.

pigs, Bttme sboala and fowls, 1ImUl tmbT--25 gallons cider vinegar, 3 mucks «h«| _, *"suudry articles at bo.i__etft.ld ami kitchen, turn|," ' ' -H-ININ

By Gaddin d: Apperxm. "rVHK Reautiful place called Rural *~»,)« «, ?A Stooeyßm.r«,tl,2.; miles Fa,! w M-mcontaininglHacrea. for sale at miction _Tti,9 tZ ,ful place will be Fold at auction, l,v reuurm .i iexecutrix of the late E li Tompk'ni. .t«r j ~? ~premises, ou Friday, the Uth lepteaAn lv/,',12 o'clock m. it contaßs ivi am, ..i win, i,a__.acres arc iv an originaloak grove, ihe t.alan.e,j irland isrich, admirably adapted tot ,i niaikel «,,,''with a large number ol handsome __* 'Hue assortment of choice Iruit tree* \? ly all Ihe buildingswere destroyed by ih,. arm» ""i\ car, yet Ihe location ami scenery ,s on-li.'iDd-i.iiitvt aroundRichmondTkhsis Cash or credit, at the ajßaa if i_ mchaser. MBM «t AI'l'KRSiiN,Aiiclh>b#.._

By Thomas IV. Eeesee, Autsmmw.lOfllcecornerof 12th aud Caiy su. '\u25a0 .-wAXD I>w_lliughouse and Lo».,_r Mi iti

,\u25a0J Hon.?l will sell, ou Fi day Mersass,S-i.i.-?berlltb, at .'i o'clock ,ou the premi.en tho Il-welliDg-liotit._ami IM, crnilaiuing in. mam astkttciieti with Ihrsa ioouis, MaslM m Mbaa*between 1.aud M, fronting_7 feet, and 1, ?'IM Rest. Terms al sale.

-' »? THOS W KEEfIEK, »mBy /,'. .V Pleasants, butt.

HttMBB, Wagons, Harness, _.c,ai Anu-a-t;Hit- tequest af Mr ,1 H Knrnughlv I mil_»|i |Friday, the Mil. mst, al lo o'clock, _l :i_- .|_u. i livid and .th M, all hii. st _ am ,;JPig.d Isaperi rdraught Imees'\u25a0'? i tiy? tysthty weaponI -mail spring wagon» '.t-iM harn.i-.-ilAt Mubbb, amy iM epMN- largestreet wagonsa lot af ajiM,saWgMwes,

and numerousoilier articles in ih'.i line w rlhv \.riiit.-iiln.ii ot in want._SBB _KH BJUaaWB, Aurtr

By Smumjmhr, CukllnAOk bustk(150 Main street.J

AUCTION HALF..?Ou Friday, ihe Uth mil ».will s<-ll a 10l af freshly imported ?:*

eieuug ofOr} SssM,

(ir>_vi i.-s,siat...iieiy,

Hardware,*c88-I'arl culars hereafter

MJtDBHTn, Ut;K! t.N _«(i»SS 8? '-t Au.i».lie.'t_

By Jl-'ifasMA Phstkp*, Anets.[ot Maiu street!

WE ivill sellal our store, ou Friday. IM iea,? ..luiii.-ticiugat lo o'clock AM,a lot-i Innturo, coiistsiioj- td

nates, A<-ALIO,ij.tld watches, & I,

HMMBa IHILUPS, asM .cc 10 ut Mam itrw

I EDUCATIONALSCHOOL FOR BOYH ?By former pstioai, tut

the . di/. lisof I.i- Inn >od, t re rsspeotfuilv itided that I wilt leopsn my School on the Ist Mlternext. I au. happyto intuitu tb»ui that 1b»"succeeded in s-'rioriatiog in MMMBS eilh iv« MrI'llk. i., late assistant in Mr Burruis's Kb.*! I't--i. 1u...i it.iui loug aod favorably knowus* Mr by

ius.Vs rooms is lucatsd c*ut>»lly on Mayo . 'if'sell?lt* NORMON IKAM IK MHOkK

Mfal BttNNETfd Mhooi "Tor j__>y_i~will reopeu t*Monday,the sth uf October. The UtStUaUt

be giveu iv a lew days.*receive*!. For particulars apply to Mis B, »i tt« ieii.ct ill? .(.Hues II Osnln_i."Q i!"--l ""SB 11?_______ __

tltHl Moods. Si**tober, tbe Missus 1.1//IK snd .-Al.l.lfc dtAI

TAN will open a Srhool Ir a liuiited uuaitwr 'voting ladies, st Ibuir BBSatsSoe ea 7th utrtt-t, W'tween Fiai.klln end Orsce. mil* be

MR remOBBWB9MBSI wdl ra upeo ou the IB 'October. Apply at bis residence, bib si, aut uaf i.,gh. ____i,


loe next ..ssion of this ssßssl Bil eammmw \u25a0tn. ut ul (k tober, laoa

For further iaformatfciu apply to Mi- 1*! I KINe <<end door from tbe corner of Broad and U >> ? ?

80 9?Atf

Ml.* M CHARY wdl resun.e~lhe dtilirt ul <?*school ou the Ist of October. Krs.Vi. <\u25a0 -4lliatiell, Osinliles Hill -\u25a0' " ;'- 'SumaßUl Mamie taaMtala, Ruti moo-,' 4

~The dull.* of Him lustilututo will be r«*utst«i «

' tbe I.t Moods)' inOctober, and close oe ii"" I* *July,F0.4 For terms apply to_ 4_W ll I.FK _______ I'll*'.*

MU-M fc L REAHwill resume the dut.e» ?\u25a0< <*?'

?trlii id for > .i i-. and .mall buysou ib IMsaber, ou til. met, eatable's HiH Tw^

uiiido wuappl-cet.ou,parable<purit!.* &'

raato ssT-^gor MARY'S COIJ.FJiIK, Coloiubit 8 C_____**J stltutkiu will isopeu ou the Ist "l -Set'l-'"-'I&V3 Board aod tints*, per *«_*_.* mit ye *«*?'\u25a0*\u25a0»_?_*> Tlie I'.er.uai), Hpentsh, French llsUc »'\u25a0

Hebrew languagesform each an «una ? tmrgeat

I-i session Wishingwillalso be cilia i l.ari(« '*' wdl supply be. O«0 bedduttf I*lo?**nilraaaS iiivui i.ibly iv No *_*____absence exempt vi cases of sukustts ..r eiput-FupilS Mill be received onl> between Ua*ali.l li years lay si bola.s aiec._ei_.rJ p«r

(Aiiior class *UI junior.lass *-f> p.« -i- 1*I:-.-.$lr, k.v j J o'IOVNkFI.

au '__V-eo.fiw» >~r* "l,._____

; .NNOmsOBB FOR SALE AND BlßiI |.»R SALfc-A CVok, Wwher aM Miast___\ V Wa-uer^\j7ooet lot sate. Any **_» \u25a0«»«£, >.'chase i_.b>a.fiDUis *** *»'

by **»»»«£«Ml Hrtjed *ue*t. TOe wciusa l« id *?""',,.? ,T_?\u25a0.! sold tat uu fault *Mte»er. ' -l??_!________ kta/ua mirk- * ilk-"* >»-°*

uJ?_u?<~~'y-* i\H tbertmeiadsr of Ihe *«?* »*? '* \u25a0«*" ', ,**k. wa.her snd -*£»_.''£ ? ]-istreets. {**}» ? l_ \u25a0 ?.,

I>lß M> -f" remain u? r Oeer lb -.* I"*';* ,l>lSSi_als mMllgoat Uth.ceor 1»e...y years sge ?£ ' ,\u25a0 b.-_s« scryaut, rs.-ed ci v m a pr.tale Ma-1

' 0i1..-. Ull, Sue I- k,_.g black man. - ' J"" , ..Who has M«.e ir.mtu, .v Ui* »;\u25a0«*? M,A^,?I,e.

' isrt.l. tu a ssidso. stleod-ug t" ?wn'*'JT,, i-n ?..t.da preliy e,i",» bfOßue maker4"; i-""1. neet ltd- -- '

OCHOOL BOOIta- Bei^dßook.. -*'"?>%£-N tot of School Boohs, osasMtag ««, at Me-* ?,

RlhW duo'sTtofcawa and Fea<y it***maerof BroM aadMh sts. . k? .?'A eoaaMeraUodlaeeaat oa «*,"X-la,*-'he aHoaM ts aohoalUaeMn aad ~jj

j poretweis.>I jptSw'aMtM?"?"""f v» M koMeB oars

M " wiater ssss °* Hereoo ouaaigomeet oadMi'*£9 c**l _.

t **>^-*t %--*~±- f.rz~rSs*-A~ Beee»,wMMeM,oan^oh«!seii t- fi> *family lor aMWWo__Mi^MsppO^s . MdeerfMaa gthmbto.BsMeaeorat*"~

?, lf » lrtrt,h *» ?*» ** *_[-etSb__h