Library of Congress · tflmtte. V^XLIIL..W°-13,429. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1889. PRICE...

tflmtte. V^XLIIL..W°- 13,429. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1889. PRICE FOUR CEiXTa IRELAND AND IRISH CRIMES. . PRISONERS AWAITING TRIAL. COJISTABLK WOUNDED POUBTKEN TIMES-THREAT- KN INO TO SHOOT A WITNESS The Hea*I Constable who attempted io evict a tenant iu County Down, Ireland, on Monday, WR8 wounded fourteen times, but is out of danger Rensbaw, the tenant, has been re¬ manded for a week. A printer has lieen arrested in Dublin for ttireateniuK to shoot a witness in the Phoenix Park murder trials. Tlie prosecu¬ tion in the case of James McDermott will Btlow that the prisoner had been in Cork with one of the convicted dynamite conspirators. The Irish Rojriatration bill has been rejected by the House of Lords. A TENANT CHARGED WITH INTENT TO KILL. London. Aug. 21.-Deunis Renshaw, the man who shot at three policemen at Banbridge, County Down, yesterday, while they were approach¬ ing his house for the purpose of evicting him was arraigned to-day on a charge of shooting with intent to murder, lt was shown in the randi- .¦BltestiuiO'iv ibat the head constable, one ol tho evii'tors, burl been wounded in fourteen diflereut places, but bat he was in no immediate danger. The case was remanded for a week. THE SHOOTING OF JAMES CAREY. London, Aug. 21..Details received by mail of the sbootinn of James Carey by Patrick O'Donnell on the steamer Melrose ahow tbat O'Donnell when hedi-covert-il at Cape Town that Carey waa on board at Kiufauus Castle, exclaimed: " Mad I known that he was on board 1 would have swung I.iinddN, Aug. 22..The correspondent of ITit Daily Neics at Cape Town telegraphs that O'Donnell, the uiurncrci of Janie* Carey, will he tried iu Eug- isutl snd will be sent home immediately. THREATENING TO SHOOT A WITNESS. Dt'BU.v, Aug. 21..A painter named Everard ha* been arrested and remanded on a cbatge of threat¬ ening to ahoot Golding, the Phu-nix Park rani*er, who was one of tbe wituesses iu tbe trials of the riiiJbnix Park murderers. james mcdermott remanded. LlVERPOOl, Aug. 21..James McDermott, who was arrested here recently on his arrival from America in the steamer City of Montreal on sus¬ picion ot complicity in ihe dynamite conspiracy, Bas been further remaudod. Tho prosecution will »now that McDermott hail been in Cork in company with Featherstone, thu convicted nyuamito con¬ spirator. -?_. THE REGISTRATION HILL REJECTED. LONDON, Aug. 21..The Irish Regis!ration hill was rejected in tho House of Lords this afternoon by a vote of 52 nays to 32 yeas. EARL SPENCER'S VISIT TO CORK. Dublin, Aug. 21..Earl Spencer, tbe Lord Lieutenant, arrived at Cork last eveuing. Ile was escorted through the principalatreets of the city by s small tuouuteit guard. He was respectfully re¬ ceived hythe people. Policemen in sight of each other guarded the train of the Lord Lieutenant along the entire roe ie from Dublin to Cor*:. MONEY TO HE RAISED IN AMERICA. London', Aug. 22..Tho Irish Bishop who will probably go to America to raise money to supple- Bient the £50.000 set apart by the Irish Tramways bill for migration purposes in Ireland, is Bishop Franc it J. Mccormack, of the diocese of Schonry. Two companies have been formed lo organize :i migration plan. ENGLAND, f-7r__.\ VEANDMADAQA8CA II m Al EXPLANATION HY MR. GLADSTONE. tlV__Y D-BATE IN THU HOUSE Of COMMONS ABO UT TU ARRKSr OE MR. SHAW'. London, Auk. 21..A lively discu sion was caused ia the House of Commons this afternoon iii regard to tbe case of Mr. Shaw, the Ulalah missionary in Madagascar, who ii held in custody by the French. Mr. Gladstone warmly declared that he had no laaaoD to behave tbat then* hail beeu au excess of jursidictiou exercised ny tbe French. The airest oi Mr.Shaw, he said, was certainly a serious matter, sad it would he th* duty of the Government to watch eveuts ui Madagascar carefully. Ho was lin¬ allie to say when or where the court-martial of Mr. -kaw would he held. The discussion of the aflair, kesaiu, was calculated to impair the good will aud santy existing between England aud Fiance. (This remark was received willi cheers.) tootmuing, Mr. Gladstone said that there was no leaton to presume that a friendly aud civilized government would lack tho elementary principles of justice towan! imprisoned foreign subjects. He was nor aware that Admiral Pierre had throe times retuned to allow Mrs. Shaw to see her husband, not¬ withstanding the fact that she had beeu absent nota hun for two years. Ile said be would inquire niri-r.r into tho matter, Notice was given ot sev- *-*l quealiouri to be submitted to-nionow. THK GOVERN MENTa" POLICY ATTACKED. London, Auk. 21..In the ll'.use of Commonfl this evening .Sir Staflord Northcote attacked the whole policy of the Government. He accused ll)-) Cover-meat of keeping back tho fact* of the Madagascar artair. Mr. Gladstone, in reply, Praised the working of the Laud act aud Earl Spencer's vigorous goveiument of Ireland. In re- t-d io Madagascar, he declared thai nothing had «tcarredtoUlgtlirb llj(. t.(,,,!,,* relations exi*ting sw sen England and Fiance. DEMANDS OF REAR ADMIRAL GAL!HER. I-AB18, Aug. _1..Rear Admiral Galiber, tho-uc- J*"lor<*- Admiral Pierre ni command of th* French fleet in Madagascan waters, will meet Admiral .rierra st Reunion. He will afterward go to Tama- tateaod open negotiation* with the Horaa. He *"l insist upon a French protectorate over North- *t« Madagascar, theabolitiou of tho law relating tii?v!K ?f .*¦_,- *'y Europeans aud the payment to [Mrnsuchof Bjl.uuo.uuo francs iudeiniiitv. The athitr. ".*"'. ""-r- ¦"- waived, however, if thc .wert ara complied with. «.¦ 1U8CRLLAX£0US FOREIGN SE WU. FRANCE AND CHINA. r-r*tt, Aug. 21.-Auotli.ial dispatch fruin Ton- '»n*ays that Colonel Hhouvar. with a column of u*)p*, started ou Aujrust 15 to occupy Hai_ouu_. **ndo)*, Aug. 21..Ta* TimeJs correspondent at JJ*"1' Kou« reports that Haidoung was attacked ^iheFreuch on August l'J. Tho result of the .".ck is uot yet known. The Standard's Berlin correspondent asserts that .*» Chinese Guver:.ui. ut is negotiating with Ger- jT* wul- » view to the purchase of 100,000 Tue Paris correspondent of T/i« Times say* that < !i"UffQ>*Dt tbjU M- Tr,,;oU wou,d .*-Jortlir -.*-ve «f i_.t ..Ja-'14U '. a!J admission of the suspension irturn .tl01is.,J«tweeu France aud China. The Jan-iiia y"i th1 «orr*spondeut, of M. Tricou to fcoui shu V') "lly a ¦-.*.»<.« for getting him away *^tur*7 w»thout an open appeuraute of a flUXCE AND HIE SPANISH TROUBLES. <fc*~*a-' A!*K- 21 .1 he Epoca aaya that the Oov- yt!^ **** aUdreMe(1 »n energetio note to tTiirT 'lrgbB tbe ,u'1 P"-a«on* rf Spain, "i are understood to mean a claim for the ex- ' 'wnofRuu Zornlla from liberal States. The J1"" de la Vega de Armijo, Minister "reign Affairs, haa shown to hia FerT ^l^rmmB from tha Duke de ^""".-Nuru-z, th* Spanish Ambassador at Paris, P*u_*a!t*nti0n mmt *-tiel«» -11 -wn-* French tm. Order, have been sent to the Ambassador ¦ «" ta* subject. P**ertto stats* that Franc* bas received a col- _*7«u»te *ig_*d by Germany, Austria and -trnasia ^^** moto* iarecwd w im conduct of Franc*. Other papers recommend prudence and protest against the interference of Germany in Spanish affairs, expressing a preference for the friendship of France. The official organs are reticent on the ques¬ tion. The statement of the Pragreso is not believed. The visit of King Alfonso to the Emperor William of Germany is expected to take place on September 20. The Mari)(UN de la Vega de Aumin. Minister of Foreign Affairs, will accompany the Ring. Paris, Aug. 21..The Havas News Agency denies the statement of the Madrid correspondent of a Loudon local news agency printed yesterday that the Spanish Cabinet had resolved to seek the support of Germany in view of the attitude of France toward Spain. CAPTURED BY BRIGANDS. C0N8TAXTINOPI.K, Aug. 21..Brigands havo cap¬ tured tba Governor and several councillors of Flo¬ rian, near Salonica. They demand $20,000 for the ransom oi tho captives. Florian ls a suburb of L* Vnlr-tt a, a seaport city and capital of tho Island of Malta. It contain* the dwellings ol many English families, and has barrack*, a botanic garden nnd a house of industry for fomale children. 4a- lonlca ts a seaport city in 'european Turk<*y, lu llou- melia, capital of a saulak. Tbe nopiila'tnn n >m m r.-l at 80,000, of whom 25.000 are Jews, 5,000 Turks, aud the rest Greeks aud Franks. BANQUET TO KX-SECRETARY WINDOM. London, Aug. 22..William Windom. ex-Secxe- tary of the Treasury of the United States, was en¬ tertained at a bauauet in London last night. Amouir those present were Messrs. Courtney, Reed, Pules- ton and Lewis, members ot Parliament; Uuited States Senator Hawley, of Connecticut; Mr. Reed, member of the United States House of Representa¬ tives from Maine; J. M. Francis, United States Minister to Portugal; William .). Ilopniu, Secre¬ tary of the United .Stat.« Legal ion al London, ami General E. A. Merrill, United States Consul-Gen¬ eral at Loudon. _ THE CHOLERA EPIDEMIC. Alexandria. Aug. 21..Owe hundred and forty deaths from cholera have occurred among tho British trooos in Egypt sinct* the outbreak of the disease to date, and forty-three persons died here yesterday. London, Aug. 21..There wera 108 deaths from the disease iu Egypt on Monday, including three at Cairo. SOCIALISTIC FAMl'HLlaTS IN AUSTRIA. Vienna, Auk. 21..A numher ol sociali>tie pamph¬ lets which attack the Emperor Francis Joseiih ma virulent manner, have been found in the vicinity of the Imperial summer palace at Laxcnunrg. nine miles from this city, when* the Archduke Rudolph, Prince Imperial of Austro-Hiingary. and his wife, are residing. Pamphlets ot a similar ch*I*et*l have, been circulated at several pleasure resorts in Lower Austria. A STATUE OF LAFAYETTE TOBE UNVEILED. Paris, Aug. 21..A stain** of Lala.\ t*tte will tie unveiled at Le Puy. capital o' the Department of Haute-Loir.*, ou September 0. M. Wftlleck-1-ousseau, Minister of the Interior; (.moral Thihaudin. Mininer ol War, and Mr Morton, tbe American llI*tatar, will b* pieneni al lite ceremony. KING MILAN AT VIENNA. . Vii-nna, Aug._T.King Milan, of Servia, has arrived bereaud bas visited Coitut Kaluoky. Imperial Mininer of ForetgL A_.tlr*. The Kmperor I'laticU Joseph vi-.ii.-.l lb.. Kine 11_t-* murnini; amt remained with bini half au Kin.* returned nit visit inter In tho day. SOUIH AND CENTRAL AMERICA I RT TH- l'-.NI'KAL SMS .vil.-IH ---KHAN laBI.B. | Lima, Aug. 21, via Galveston../,.1 Futblo .tales tlie Ciilhau Army will probably eva. uu'e. Lima on September 10 slid concentrate in (ul ino. Tacit*. or I'ltco. igleaiat bat troop* ready to proclaim blt guvcruui-ut. lt 1* teated tbat lite Cblliau Government lois ..rrauged wit ti a French atearnthip company for tlie conveyance of cmlicrauts from tin ope. Three hundred ur.- expected to arrive In October. Panama, Aug. 21..A tight ha» ncc.irreil at Zlpaipiira betweeu tbe national troop* and those uf Cuudinuuiur.'u. and tba commandant uf the latter was killed. Ibu Federal troops were triumphant. Geueral iiuriado. President of Cam a, has been named a Minuter of tito Federal Government. Ex-I'ntident Ketnales wnl proceed to Cauca as Com- missioner of Instruct I.m. li* will go to tjintu or I'opa- yau. B( ii >r Otalora having renounced the canill.lacy for the presidency, Lt WiV.iea will lie cupported by the Llhrralt ag ai it- Nunez. ( ui.imuia ha* prohibited the pattatre of arms to Ecuador, permuwiuii foi w.ucli >va* applied for. FOREIGN NOTES. Ki mk, Aug. -1..A disa*trous coullagatloti bat occur- tedat I'i'.iae-i*. Forty.lour house.* were barned., AU|*. ll Matta* ls published lu 'Die Official Gazelle tut* afternoon convening ihe Buudesratu un AuKUSl 87 aud tbe i't-iohklag on August Ut). Vienna. Aug. _l..Ulot* cauaed hythe opposition of tha people to the use of tbe Hungarian languag.. lu oin. ia! indlees have occurred in other towna in Croatia lie*iile* Aicraui. ( i.i'i.MiAiiKN, Aug. 21..The1 ttftta Congress of Amen- cuulsts (students of early Aturrlcau history) opened herc to-day. The Princess of Walu* and other membt-rs of ihe Danish royal family were present., Aug. _1..Fresh vesstioii* passport ruin* have been adopted on the Russian frotitlcr. and obttaeles are liing placed in tho way of Gctmaus who wl»n lor sldeln Russia. i'Ains. A'ig. '_1..Count Mcnabrea, the Italian Ambas¬ sador here, ha* thauke.t M.Challeuiel Lacoitr, tbe Pt***t Minister of Foreign Affaii*, for the aid alfa* by Fiano* to tbe sufferers by tbe eartbtiuake lu bah**. I'Altls, Aug. Ul.-The expu.slou Irom France of M. Boland, who failed to prove his charge ot having lirilied dcputict. han ii.eii deferred until the Council of Minister* lia* upprov. il the decision lu Blt rase. Knr.SL'r, Aug. Jl.-A laudlord in thia city yesterday murdered hi* live children by hanging them and then commitieu suicide. London. Aug.'-1.fl p. m..A dispatch from Cardiff, Wales, states that an explosion occurred In a colliery ni-ur there, aud thal a miner was killed anl twenty severely bumed. l.u.MioN, Aug. -1..Dsulucss waa suspended to day al Coatbrldge, Scotland, the scene of the recent riots be¬ tween Orangemen and Catholic*. Crowd* of people gathered ia toe streets, hui the police succeeded lu pic- venting a disturbaacai. BEW-TORJL FIREME.S IN 0ONTMRTI0M. THE HTATl-: ASSOCIATION' MKrlTHIN KINGSTON* Kingston, If. Y., Aug. 21..The New-Yoik Hut* Firemen'* Association met lu convention hero to¬ day. The entire city ls gay wlth-a-rs aud bunting, and the silents are crowded with visitors. A grand stand was erected lu front of tbe City Hall, where the oj*, tiing ex erciaes took place. Judge T. B. Westbrook deli verna au address of welcome, whn li was responded to hy Thomas A. Raymond, president of the association. The uhimIo was by Ia oool i's Arion iiuml. Tho remainder of tbe ten¬ sion was devoted to routine business. Over thirty-five organizations will attend; many arc.already here, and others will arrive to-morrow. An excursion up tbe fitter aud Delaware Hallway to tho Grand Hotel lu the Catskills, and a clam bake at Phoenicia, arson the programme for to-morrow. _n upoer floor of tho City Hull has been titted up for tb* bu»liies* sessions of thcrconvcntlon. A etuipctitlve drill of firemen ls to be oue ol the feature* of the_*:atbcriug, and prizea ar* to he awarded to the »uec*-»slul compu- nli ». A series of horse-races and a balloon usceualon hy Carlotta ob Wedue&day will take place al the grounds nf tho Kingston Driving lark; also a game of baseball be¬ tween tbe leaders and At lani les on the ground* of the home, iitui- to-morrow afternoon. Kxcurslou truiua trill be run on the Went Shore. Wallklll Valley, and lister und Delaware railways during the convention, ami it ls B_- 1,11 nd that several thtitinauils of people Mill twit tho city. The home " machine* " and ali ibu paraphernalia _re resplendent with polisu, uud the boy* uevei looked prouder nor 1- bettei spirits. The parade on Friday afternoon promises to bo a line ono All tte firemen and slxteeu baud* a III to la imo. lu the evening a display of flrework« will he made. TUE ESTANCIA RANCH AFFAIR. m JAME!* 0. WHITNEY K1I.I-KD, NOT HIS BnOTUKR, J. V. Boston, Aug. 21..An Albuquerque, N. M., dispatch yesterday slated that J. P. Whitney, of Boston, had been Shot dead while serving a writ ut the Kataiicia lunch. Tne Whitney thu* referred to waa Jame* G. Whitney, the brother of J. P. Whitney. Later advice* signed by himself state that Jame* P. Whitney waa not evan .*riou»ly wounded. The trouble aro*e from a dis¬ pute about tua laud Ulla* oa tue i-*unu* iuuca, «hit.- covers a large torntoty and haa been lnvaoeo oj .quaffer*. Recently trie New-M*ri"o couria had fully established the claim of the company, which J. P. Whit¬ ney represents, to the property. THE FIRE RECORD. A BRIEF ALARM IN CHICAGO. THE WKSI-1RN UNION AND ASSOCIATED M-B- ansom daj-aoed. Chicago, Aug. 21..Tho five-story stono building at Lasallo and Washington ate., occupied ny the Weatern L'uion Telegraph Company, tho Union National Rank, the International Bank, the Associated Press and numerous commission offices, was partially bumed this uiomlnjr, and wa* mn io completely uninhabitable ny the stream* or water thrown into the building. The fire originated ou thu fifth II mr, used aa au operating department by the Western Union Company, snd within twenty mimili* every description of property on the floor wa* a inaas of ruins. Ton men were on duty at thc time, Basal** the night manager. The nra originated from two duplex battery wires noar tho switchboard coming In contact with a ga* Jet. The Hr.* department wa* on the seme quickly, and beyond a heavy drenching given to every portion of the building no special damage occurred to the maia structure below the fifth story. The Western li. kui oukial* immediately b.'gan the removal of their property to thc otflca of tho Mutual Unlou Company. Tile market and atock quotation* wer.i not delivered for a time, aud little butineas wm transacted on'Change. Linemen were employed thr.iuzh-mt BBS day In dltco.i- uectingths network of wire* woicn mads their way Into the ruin* of tbe ol 1 building, and connecting them with Ci" Mut n il Union biiildinr acroti tie way. Tat- West.ira I'm ,n estimate* that ila Ioks will uot exiled B.0,0 H). on which tb«t* )* B* iiuurancn. Tim lott on toe building ir Sid).on), l'ae los* to oder tenant* will nm nec-d $10,000. rho Building was Insured for BlUO.OOo. Order* have been ..-nen for ihe reconstruct!m ol the binldii*. and tue arcliiic. ts hav BBBB directed to plan ono ol thc ttaelt ninia,leg rooms in tm- world. A.l tho Wheatstone insii uiuenN iu Ihe old roo ii weig* saved. Twenty-five wire* hail lie.-u co.merited with ls** new op-rattug room Hil- .inning, anti by tomorrow Mn* compinv iiutlcipat.'S having * lull fore.- at work. Two banks were bimini. 'nit sought q iirtrt lu the vicinity, and auocetsli'd lu !>*».eslbb in*ir *bb*I btuinea* TBa Aaanetatad Pma* temporarily ls quartered in thc office of Tlie limes. Hiiperliiteudint I). H. Hate*, of tho WcHtcru Union, .aid last evening to a Tuiiiink re|iorter: "Tho burning of Iho company'* principal Chicago utll"o ha.* greatly delayed the service, to and from thal elly le-d.iy. BB 1 hs* beeu a source of much trouble to the iifhYial* in rc Thc building i* only leased by tuc West sm rubin Com¬ pany, our Halli in* w. r uut in Hts Born** building ai ali Had it Beta BtBarwIae, tB* toooareotcaoe Bad mba to Hie company would lia\ <. liern »rrlou»." Rp*Biilatrf* Boataaas tra* praetlrall* .utpeaded until noon yesterday a'tao Produce Kx.- an**, owing '* tkfl li* ta the Weatera Ualaa Butl.iiug ut cnn Mfa, IBa I'm-, al Telegraph Uaaa were also ou; of order at the tame time. At.-.v in s*a^e< Were r-r.-ivrd .ucl s-ht ny Ihe lin. tim ora ,, -i 111,-,., f ipjjmnn c nap***', bot thit aa*** p.uiv ta not paatadal la* BKObaBge. Aa**! a*a* ina wire* began wuraiug aud there wu* nu runtier ii'.flii ult., during tbe day. DWELLINGS BUBlfED AT DAKFOBTEt. SvitAfi-E, N. Y.. Aug. 21..A tiru at Din- ft>: tit tl.!* morning dcfttrovcd UM dwi.Hugs of Edward Abeel and T. K. Kuller. The Ina* la $-i>.OO0; lustiraaee, $--,000. Tu<- origin of the fire w.,s Beet***!*) A GIRLS DISAPPEAR INCE. MA1IY CIICIKIIMt, OK Wt. UHJI-i MI?s|\ti riK.M IMMK. Sr. Lui is Aug. 21 .Another mysterious disappearance occurred B*N itu Naturi! .y. On that evening ( olouel Jaine* o. Cuurrhiii, vice piraidcnt arid manager of the Wr«rerii Air e.-1. ne f'ompaiiy. aad hit wife went out for a abort drive, leaving at l**M their daughter. Mary, wh j I* ab nit sevetiteeu y»ar* old. Ou their return, about ti o'clock, the daughter could nut be found and no clewloh'-r »Vr . ... ii* ha* yer b*M discovered. She wa* last «cen standttiz alon*, alu ii' 7 o'clock, ar the front gate of tbe family raaldenee. No. 2,7117 IU Ot gB* Bl. lu MOM attiie niel |.res.-titln_ nn u. ti mal np.ii .'am-- Ii-t.-elive* i.iv., i* a wir.iu,- .iii tin- ca*.- (ince las' night. .. tatt Baa beru maila liv iii* ni bl the girl's father ami li innis, nut ant dug lia* liern h-ard of h.r. slit- wa* a quiet, grave _r;ri. slinlloil*, d.-voletl la music and utrle for male tu cieiy. AL.lin tiiui ls lbs only thea.rr BBggeatad. | ol.i'iel Churchill 1* Baafldaal Ilia' ni' ha.* not elnpetl nml lu- ia obliged (o vxprc** ht* dread thal *he ha* li. ru kidnapped and *u:)|rcte I toB dreadful fair He claim* hts daughter waa, if anything, averil- io in ru* .oeletr, and that abe had been carefu iv trained liv him¬ self and wile tu believe that ao r*oag 'adv should cuter upon the lUBI I tad Biala until SIM had reached the ago of twsnlv one. Tue li.tun..te friend* of Hie family are situ P>.Hilve tbat the young lad/ encouraged no main ad uiircr*. ince i Ideiiee ufa number of peopio having humble r.sldencc* ou (he alley In Ihe rear of Colonel . lum lull'* hume, hu "ever, allow* thal ti.- young h id admirer', and that tn one of them, with flba Bad 1 inde»lliie meeting*, sin* wa* very much alladin!, omi oi I wo wituesae* tay they »aw her wnb him at BB*M little dUtauce irom the li i-i- at ti o'. Isck ou Mindai evening, lin lari*, coup «-d willi tb' knowledge tua: Mi** Churchill wa* a vtiy br mildil! and womanly young lady, laver thn olouemeot theory *o strongly that thu ji.iljiv, aiihiagii still routlutilug a sesrch through tba loeaUtl** wbnre iii- t< rest Itt the ti .irnsnn girl'* illsappearatii Mi cnitiil. give ii ai their opinion Ina! she BM slinp.y liken a mai i .inoiiial st.-p .rn h.-r own rti»p..ii»i. nilly, and t li al lu ii .1.iv ..r two th* will rellim home tbe wire of her favored lover. A FATHER silo I Bl* BIB BOX HIWIB III VKW-Ynl'.K AM) THIN't t. lu VIRGINIA. Pt-STCMOIni, Vu., Aug. 21..A hf- iiiiihh ..- before the. departure of au riprrn train iht* evening, and while, many negroes of au excursion party wi re galhcrcdal llinlrp'' baN,*jr*>*g mas puahud bli way through lip- crowd, flour,.tiing a revolver, anti In an ex cited milliner ciird out lo tue pt 0pie to gel nut of bl* way; that he would kill tim tlt-t mai who interfered with him that his father wa.* on UM train, aud that he mr mt to kill him. iietearrhed the train and found lilt father mandingol! the platform of one uf thc cir*, and b-gan Bria* a' him. The bullets struck tie father In thu thigh lu two place*. hr assailant was arrested, and, WBBB qur»t!oin*il, said that hts name waa A. M. Bj***; that he lived in Philad. Ipili, anti that he had *worn to kill hi* father. D. Hyde*, for daaertlBg and ¦ laiidermg bl* motlier. He said Ilial be had foll iwod hi* father to New-York, sad IBeaefl ta Sfotfotk. lue father aaya tbe trouble grew mu of IB* dMBlpatad Babita of hi* ¦on and iii*un**tl*lled demand* for BM**/. 1 he w.uiiul I mat. I* dangerously but, the ilortor.* think, not fatally hurl._ TUE LEOALII f OF HEAD MONEY. A Tl ST CASI Pl.1.1 s iii KOKI: .11 I (.ll IlLATCUrORD AT NKWPORT. X kw pi mit, K. I., Au^r. 'JJ..This morning Justit r UUlc.fort! began tin- heariug In Ihe New-York hetitl-iDoney cann. In August, is-r.:, Congress patted a law requiring that ..Occurs «hould le paid on every alien patseugor coming (o ihe Culled*. Tbe steamship cumpaaies have paid tho monty to the Collector of the Port nuder piotr*', ati'l the compaiilct now bring tull to r, cu. cr back thc hu ms so paid, ou the ground*, til«1.1 lia! the law !. tinconstitiitionsl. and aerminl, that lt I* in vio¬ lation of titling trea.les bslwee.u the United Mtate* and fortigu.powet* The (iovcruu.rut, mwever, claim, firs!, that the law ii eonstttutloaal, and a*oo*d, that if ii doc* coullict with tb** Iteatv. lt prevails, because lt it th- kaat expreasmn of I be making power. iJistnci-Altorucy A. W Tenney, of the Ka»terii Dlatliet, uml IiUitle,-Attorney Kiihu Koot, of the Hiiiithein Insliicl of New-York, repre¬ sent the (.overiiioci.t, and Judge Joachim.on and Mr, Lord thc sleamthlp companies. THE FAILURES IN BOSTON, WniOIIT, WORSTEIl A VO.'ti, KINAACIAL CONDITION. UAB1LIIIES OK OT1IEII HUM-. Boston, Aug. 21..A meeting of tlie creditors of Wright, Worster A Co., the suspended wool dealers, wa*, held this nfteruoon. Tho firm reported their ulreet liabllltict to be B-HJ'.'.OOO. and their contin¬ gent liabilities something over $100,000 more. Tho creditor* appointed Charles Kay mond, W. f. La wi cine and A. E. Jones a committee to ii ake au Investigation and to report al a meeting which th<y shall call. Of thn linoel liabilities $80,00© ls owed 'Vorster's father for money loaned and $r_().inii>iui ludo 'semenls, which will be paid tu full. The assets availald) for the payment uf the 9401)000 amount to #108,000, and consist princi¬ pally of incrchaudise anil good ace MM These assets ure exclusive or.Vi-,O(.m) invested lu mining stock and i-j.nt $78,000 in ii' .nd in a cattle ranch lu tho West, ou account of the latter of v. bleb notes for shout the same amount bave beeu issued. The .$78,000 lu notes ;is-in¬ cluded lu the lialiiiiiu-s. As explaining the present thouing of the firm lt was slated tbat about *luO.oon, exclusive of the $-8,000, had been lost lu -peculation, principally iu pork and oiher provis, ona. An atttofuueut for $-U,000 has teen placed upon the property of Mr. Ileald. of the bro) erage firm of Merttll A. Ileald, of Lawrence, at tbe in* tigitlsn of P. Harvey ic Co., of Chicago, with whom they t ave done business. IBU ha* J*- to thc rumor tbat the former nra bad id*- I-cnuea. ont mey claim mat tm* is untrne ana itar rne attachment lt morely the result of a mi*under«tsnillng a* to their rcspeollvo accounU which will apeedlly be sett'ed by a court. The liabilities of Joseph F.Paul, tho lumber-dealer, whose failure was announced last night, are said to be about #70,000. Tbe Holton Sewing Machine ami Cabinet Company han failed. Tho company l.otignt tbe property of the Iloston Sewing Machine Company nominally for $l_.->,0O0, of which $00,(MJO waa lu stock. The *tock of the company aa* originally $100 ooo, but was Increased to $..00,000, of which B34.VOO0 was held by Ihe Ames family. It Is sahl that $150,000 cash waa invested tn the business. The failure was caused hy that or J. F. I'aul A Co., Paul ticing one or the stockholders. MR. HOADLY AND MR. M'LEAN AT PEACE. liiAisK of m'lkan's hamilton county nominees BY IIOADLY'S OnGAN.A BOLT THKKATKNED. InV TEI.KGUAI'II T.I Tl IK THUU SI.. J Cincinnati, Au_. 21..The Nun-Journal came out thin morning in support of tho McLean county ticket. This was in obedience to a resolution adopt¬ ed at a meeting of the etockholders held last evening. Tht Nnrs-Journal was started for the express purpose ol' lighting the McLean anti- Peudletou element in tim politics of Hamilton County ami the State. It waa to represent the lietter class of Democrats, and that it might ba unpurchaseable tho stock eras taken by something over _00 reputable Demo¬ crats, and tho articles of incorporation were so framed that no stock can lie transferred except bf permission of it majority of tho atoek- botaVth. Homily took a large block of tho stock, and it was largely through thc iiilliiciii'o of tim paper and thc personal efforts of so many stockholders that he received the nomi¬ nation fur (iiivernor. The McLean lonventiou of Saturday furuisbed positive proof that, politically si>eakin_, Hoadly had sold out the stockliolileis ta the very cli(|iio they had iiTix.nii7.enl to light. That evening he was driven to 'II.i iVj'Wa r-BIBBl oftice anti gave iiiHtnictions to tho managing editor whicli comuletcly silonc'-d the paper regarding the convention, ami it did not i-|teak about ihe convention until this morning. The bargain with McLean, as it is current rf iitiilcrstfiri.l, was thal Hoadly was to prevent lat Nswt JsturssA iroin saying anything afiuiit the convei'tion or fnun urging the party to bolt the ticket, atpl as a reward he OTB* to receive the support of Ike |/7/t> uuirer which had been thus far with¬ held. D is understood that tao vote of the «lockl)nlilrrs to support the ticket wa* carried by a bare majority of (li stock, iBBlodiag H ladly* large block. What the paper BB** kl dav is that while tb* ticket wa* nominated by the very worst of lafloao*** it 1.1 nut it-elf bad, ami should com- liiaiil -upiio'i*. Daatocraia do uot liku thia sort of talk, and it is saiti many of them have stopped The St ir,..lonni,il to-dav. I bern is strong Mik of p*lHioaiB* th* Stat* (nm mi rte" to take Hoadly off the ticket, BBS. tb-re a paper In ciiculati "ii to winch a long list nf rc()tit.ible riiiiie* is d*etr*d nilling for another enmity i'¦.iivnntpui. There is much indignation aiinmg D'ininrats au.l defeat n| both thc Slate ami cinitity tink*) is now CQOfllnafad certain. .Mr l'eii'Jiet.m bv n.aaaa gives up tint ship. Hi- remarked to a trie,ul to-tnglit : "Tha money thai. McLean gave th*** fellows won't, last loin.'. I lieu mv turu will .vitne.'' The indi***tion al tha MB!had*. nominating thc county>* bus b.-eti ab Bleat bat several "f tlie candidates, particularly tniisr on tho legislative . lt beti, have hastened ti assure the public that they (lo lint wear the McLean Ballar ami are unpledged on tba Senatorial qnaattoo. 1 be position of ntl hm now i* this: Hut wlulti McLean captured tho convention rVndle.ton is.'iiirtly workiit- lo win over the nominees, in tba long mu Pendleton la thought to ba far more likely to wm tb.m McLean. If McLean should li.inme s:iM*li'*il tbat he cannot dapatna upon Uta Hamilton Conntr del****tlon aa ai.ti-t'i'udlf(<m. then it in flie npiiiion of pnli- t.tiaiLS thal 1'iere will be some ttnire 'knif¬ ing." It was a belief that Pendleton wimbi sin .-. tl rel *in <'ireuinvriiting Mcl.nan that mil.ped I he \,n ...loHrnal direcinis to pass a resold- Moil tm Mood*] ry.'liing formally pledging tbe piper te supimit the ticket, although on Sunday lt .' i'li.iU'd it. TOOAN AND M.I HOM.. A III UK? IN WASIIlN'I'MlN IHAT I lt K TWO SEN'A- Itiltrl HA VU Ki.R.MH) AN ATI 1A NC K. iht ri.i.Miuu'ii r.i nut ratsi'SKi Wasihni;ton, Aug. lil..It was understood here before Menator Logan departed Irom Waihlngtou to plunge into tf.e We*t..*rn wlldt tbat a corp* of jealous Maadfl in Od* elly would be constantly on (ho alert to keep htm potted aa tn every apparent rhan.o lu His political which might io any way affect bia prospect* a* a ramil.late for the I'relldentlal nomination. lt watallo ii'i'l" rsl.i ..I that thc Illinois Senator bad already formed s.imn strong political alliance*, one of Wat atti rtt-d, was wuh ."-emiter Mahone. The laller's remark in sn Interview in Thk TBIBOBI last week thal " Vu glala would conanl-r it » oleaaing to bavs Arthur r-ontioned iii the A.iiiiiuiitrat.ou of the (iovern- Bia*I.** Baaincite*1 nnutldarahla bwbbbbI in Waahiug- ton. «a*rB many people hellcve thai he 1* playing a to lice game ami ial be ls really eominit'eil to tue . upport of .Seuater Logan. AB aa evidence ul lin* lt ia pointed ..ut thal mott of thn few hour* Mahons .peal lu Waahiniftiu a week ago last Sunday were passed In fha company of et ( onitnt«tloner Kanni, who Bl li ti a* um- of denei.ii Logan's confidential rrleuds aud dusted llculeuauls. REPUBLICAN MSRTINQ IN BBOORLTN. Thc first gm of thc tail campaign ia Brooks lyn wa* sounded last evening lu a well-alteDded and enthusiastic Hireling of tin- Third Wari Kepnblicau Assoelatioti, held lu everett Mall, No. Mt Knllon-st. Ma) t H. K. Corwiti |ire*ldetl. A series of rrsolutloas was ailopted, selling forlh lint the Itepublicatis of or the Third Ward were un ted In support of a clean and wise government and urging iho importance) of tin.til¬ ing election Id tts bearing upon the executive amt lsgls- I nrasciic* of the city government of Brooklyn. Bpaehea were made hr Warren (Jreru, William Potts, AiiKustm Maverick. Baparriflof er***, DaaM wilke* anti olin is. Ihe inn v hu; uf ail factional difference* and nulled action lu Mippoit or Mayor Low aud a I."ai 'I ol Aldermen or high character, were urged. I hr nomination or .ueh men ... ex-Mayor Hamiirl Mooth and Jonathan T. Ogden rnr Alderin "li at Larne weir iv fe red (o as ihe moat tit dug lor the ttcpublicai*)to inane. lt wa* tb lided lu nil a puhllc meeting tor Ibo consider¬ ation nf campaign issue-, to hu lp ld lu Millie Hall on f epiriitin-i 'I. A campaign .-.1111111't.. wa* coustltuted .f the standing officer* of ihe a-soeiallou. DA li: ol A DEMOCRATIC C0NFENT10N. Surrogate C. Meyer Znlick, of Newark. chan man of Ihe Executive Committee of thcNew-Jorsoy Democratic Mate I'nmmittte, stated to a reporter yes¬ terday that tue Democratic Convention would be held on Septeiniiei ls, as announced, and that the halt lu Trenton had been engaged for that tlate. As uo call has been issued hy the committee for the convention, it bas been asieried that the Democratic commltleo Int elided tup'Klpouu thc tiuitliii- of the con veli lion nulli arter tho Kepuiilicau Convention was held, iii order to prevent the Republican* Irom taking advantage nf protiahlc Drinooiailo lilunder*. The uncertainty about tue dale ol thc convention has provoked * good deal of crl'lrism lt) the --tate, and the Republican organ* gener¬ ally have nih ired thc postponement ot tb* Kepuiilicau Convention to a da e later thau ilia! announced. Tbe Itcpiililicaii I onventinu will he heit) a wc.-k later th«u tuc date announced for the Deimicralic Couvcuilon. A COLORED CONVENTION TO BM HELD. Tbe ( nloicil Ki publican Central Coniinitteo held a meeting Inst night at No. l-il West Twenty-fifth- tt. There was a small sitendauce. Phillp A. Walton, |r., presided. The propriety of holding a Colored State Convention wa* dltcutted, addresses being made 'ay Colonel Freeman and other*. It wassaid that there were bB.OOOBBBBiad votun In this htate, and that while mo*t of them are Republican* lt "as weil to have a dltrlncr, eoiivetitioii. ibis coiivculinti will he held a few day* after the Kepuiilicau Convention at Klehtield Hpilugs. audit was tani las: night that the coloied men would duubUees indorse thc action of tho lira: eoiiveutloii. A SUNDAY I. IROB CASE, I'liiLADi Li'iiiA, Aug. lil..The four Reading Railroad laborer* who were arrested here on Buuday, August tl, upon tha chargo of Illegally performing woi Idly labor on that day, were given a hearlug to-day. Testimony wa* offer to the effect'that the work could not be accomplished on uny other day ol the week, in contequciice of tho frequent passage of train*, and tlie magi*'ral" taking that view of the case, decided that thc work wa* necessary and discharged tho defendants. THE ALLEOED FORCING OF A LABEL. Boston, Aug. 21..Irving D. Smith, who was arrested at Portland on a charge of forgiug the trade¬ mark Of .th* Royal Baking fowder Company, ol Now- iota, i rac nm nure to-tnijr nun was put, ua pnauu w await tbe arrival of officers Irom Cleveland. Ohio, where he lt under indictment. Smith ba* little to tay about the charge on which he ls held. liol* willing to go to Ohio without a requisition. TUE MISSING YACHT MYSTERY. NO TIDLXOSOF THE VESSEL.A 8KARCII BEGUN BT MK. 8AKOKNT. New-Havbv, Aug. 21..Nothing additional ha* been heard of the missing yacht Mystery and her crew. To-day a man was »ent along the shore line on tho look out, and another man started from Nan¬ tucket. George II. Sargent, of Sargent dc Ca, of N'cw-York, who ts the father of one of the missing crew, has arrived her?, anti went out this afternoon with a volunteer crew in a steam launch to make an extended search. Providence, R. I., Aug. 21*~The yacht Mystery which has arrived at Newport, belongs to the New- Vork Yacht Club aud ia three times the size nf tho niissicg yacht Mystery, of the Now-llaven Yacht Club. SENATOR BUTLER'S SON INJURED. {Br rri.Ki.itA.lil TO THF. TRIBI'NH.t Colcmbia. H. C.. Aug. IL.Dr. F. W. P. lintier, a sou of Senator M. C. Hutler, while horseback riding with a young lady at Lancaster, S. C., yes¬ terday was thrown from his horse. As he struck tbe ground the horse fell upon him, crushing him severely and causing concussion of the brain. Dr. Butler is iu an insensible condition and no hope* .re entertained of his recovery. SURRENDER OF A DEFAULTER. KIRKLAND M. FUCK GIVES HIMSLLr* UP TO TUB BOS ION POLICE. Rostov, Aug. 21..Kirkland M. Fitch, the lcfaultlug cashier or tbe Secoud National Raak of iVarreu, Ohio, whose place, ot reaidenoe has been un¬ known to tue Western police authorities for some time, irrived here early Sunday morning. He went to oue of the leading hotels, and during the lay appeared to sailer severe mental trouble. On ar*lt- Baj yesterday morning aft r passing a sleepless night, lie ileci. nil to give [linnell' up to the police, and walked tito the headquarter* of the district police in tbe after- roon. He said that his name was Kirkland M. Fitch, md that his pretence was desired In Warren, Ohio, tecause or his embezzlement uf $80,000 rrom the Second S.itional Kau- or tbat place. Ile BB* at once takcu into .uttody. He appeared aa ir stuTerlug severely from a <'r.e.en conscience, and *atd tbat he could not account 'ni ht* coming to Huton, unle** it was to get away aa 'ar a* possible from tho sceue or his crime. Ile also taid thai ho had takcu tho money as charged, and bad ont lt all lu stock .peculation* tn New-Vork. IL wai nestrons of saying b t little about his evil halag Ho expressed a desire to return to Ohio as soou is possible wita**! being subjected tn auv legal delay, md saul tbat he would go without a requisition. Cnief iVade Informed tbs authorities at Warren of the arrest, uni tn day received notice tbat officer* were now on heir way to take l'lt.-h home. FOUND* SICK IN AN ALMSHOUSE. L MISSING SON I'llMiiIti I) TO HIS BARENTS.ROBBED AND PCI OFF A THAIN. Reading, -'cud., Aug. 21. .Janies D. Bother- ucl, sou ol Jacob Kotucruiel. a wealtay farmer of Kerry I'owinhip. Hork* County, who disappeared mysteriously i'inc weeks ago, has been restored to bit parents. He efl home u*r April for Iowa, havtug bee., supplied ny il* fattier with abundant means. After seeing confider ibie of tho Northwestern country, he became homesick, iud wat also attacked with malarial fevers. Ho saned minc, ami lu due ti ut* Bit trunk arrived, but hu did aa*. mi.- There were no liding! iu regard to bim until Uti friday, wheu the tallier revolved a letter written from :ii" Veaatigo County (Penn ) Airathouso by the ton, a»k- iug for *>:i0 lo enable bim to come home. Tho fat uer *ent tuother of ht* ion* to bring Ultu home. When the yomg man reached, it was learned mat his inlud had bo- 'o.iie somewhat affected owing lo lover. At Chicago he tonk a North bound tr.iin Instead of one for the Kati. Ce wa* robbed oo (ho truln, aud about 150 miles Dorib mt hicago, having neither ticket nor money, bo was put off IBO train lu a wilderness. He worked bis way with dit- Iculty through tho pine forest, .ubcUling ror several lays upon roms and Bailie*. On making the open emin- ry be undertook to walk home, an 1, after eudunug jreal hardships, ho arrived al ths Veuaugo County Poor- iioutc, biokoa down lo health aud iu rags. _l COLORED RI RC EAR KILLED. " NED'' RIVES MOX BY COLONEL G. E. DENIAL AT HAKIIISONBIHG, VA. Hauiiiminihik;, Va.. Aug. 21. . Colonel leorgo C. Deueal, au aged mun who, before the war, aaa a member nf the House oi Delegates aud of the Slate lea*B**t Virginia, killed last night a uesro named 'Ned" Kura, vt ho had forced au-entrance into lils louse, lt ls supposed f or the purpose of robbery. Colonel Deueal wa* aroused by a none, and taking bis pistol named the door leal ng Into the adjoining room Just lu lime to see the outer door forced open and a niau step tito the ronni Ho Iniiiirilu e y fired. The bullet passed llreetly through Rives'* heart, who fell forward on hi* ace. An iinpiest wu* demoed uuuecetiary, as Colonel Dental acknowledged thu *hootitig. Denial was brought ,o lowii, in. it i'elute .i magistialr; aud acquited. RAI LIVA Y ACCIDENT IN OHIO. SEVERAL PERSONS IN.H'RED BY A COLLISIOX AT UAZLEION.'*, Ohio, Aug. 21..A switch of the ['ltUlturg anti Lake Urie Railroad al Hazlaton was left ipeii tn-d.iy ami a passenger train ran lulu lim rear eud if a freight tralu tia.ming on the tame traek. lt " leie- icoped " the caboo*>< and plunged through a i*B* car of he freight tralu. completely wrecking both cars. The .iigins ot tho pa*«eui;er train wat b.nilc wrecketl. -uglneer Samuel Rote, or the passenger tralu, revii-red he lever aud *tood hy (he throttle, miraculously coni'ug mt of the wreck wlttiotit receiving a scratch. Knouiaa ..out* Kluutz Jumped sud was badly bruised mid cut iii,un the face, li mut aud budy. William Jobi..-.ou, nf lev-land, au express iues4.-ng.-i', wa* much bruited. ii.ii ri Wal*h, li.iggags man,wa* severely injured. None if the passengers was injured. Ul OLD MAN REATES TO DEATH Baltimore, Aug. 21.--Last night an old man, 'upturn llc/di, while seated ou tue tldewalk lu front of he Washington Hotel, iu (aulden »(., was violently as ¦united and beaten by Hush Rosboruurh, from the 'ffects ol which he died tnis morning. Rodborough ls veil known to thc police as a t-uarreltoiuo person. 'aptaiu Heytlt caine to Kaitlin .re several uionuii ugo rom Ouio During the war no served li; ihe 100th Ohio i'olunteera, and has slues received a pension. Rosbo- ough was urrssted. THE TRIAL OF THE MISSOURI OUTLAW. St. Lot i-. Autr. 21..A dispatch to 'Ihe Post- 'jffitch from Uallatin, Mo., say*: " the sheriff lt busy uiuinoiilug 100 ii-or* for tho l-'rauk Jame* trial. It I* islleved that lt will take three flays to secure tho t welv* lieu. Tho lown i* crowded. Charles '-'urn la here and till ie*llfr. 'Dick' Little has not been se*u, and it is bought that bu hu* lied. James'* friend* ure mimer- ni-, bul are making nu demonstration*." ARCHBISHOP PURCELL'S DERIS. Cincinnati, Aug. 21..A conference of the irlottt of thu diocese met to-day to cousldur the tubject if ile viBiiig means h.- which to pay tbe debit of ths late irehblahop Purcell anti ht brother. About ISO priests rare present. It wa* t*f uciuded to take uo action till arter he emin* had decided the question* dow pending as to be liability of tho Church property tor the debt. RETURN OF ALEXANDER Willi E. S.uaclse, N. Y., Aug. 21..A dispatch has ¦ecu received from So/rburuo which states tuat Alex- mler White returned mero this morning aud euipnati- ally denies havlug met with a large iocs iu Wall Mreet, r that he is pursued by officer* or the law. Hit rrleudt lo not place any credence in thedispaloue* regarding bia jttct. _ .RIMES AND CASUALTIES-BY TELEGRAPH. UK MV-sTKRIOC.-l MATH I'i'HEN'lRAI, hain*'.:¦<. Maui kurd. Conn., Aug. -l,. lh« anuoriiiea of ho li.-aus Httieat herc decline to ulUnn or deuy the correct- irs* of tho tumor that tioneial Hawes, who r.CouUy U.ed id hat lusiitutlou, tiiiniuilteil sun ids. KILLED WHILE ATTK-PT1NO TO ROB A HOUSE. Dr iiinir. Aug. ill..J. P. tenB**lf was dint and dileil' while sitei-t-iiits to ctiiuiuit burgiary at Dlrmlu.haui, en uille* Hom ml* City, st an sari/hour suuJar atom. ¦.. Bette* kauw min he wat »*i*Bgoiuu* man suda uofstsiuuat burglar THK CITIZENS" UK EL PASO EXCITED. Kl Faso, lox.. Aug. 21..luton** excitement ex- ad in IBia town lu regard io tho action ul Hi* eoiiuty author- tie* lu the «'a»e uf l|)* .""''dor ut yoiicotnan I ho ina* W*4e by inward Dougiieitv aud uis accomplice*. Horn Burl anti Bid ne Tn.- putuoais w*re teleased ave dayt ajo. and theiiil. mt uisii.utn tuat several otOcei* were bought. Thsr* 1* *W*bB)***B_B I>,-ill*Ji>Ai- UAI-Ti'AJL, lVn^OL REMOVALS BY GENERAL GRESHAM. WHY CERTAIN CLERBB WERE DISCHARGE -ONE Of THEM BUSY IN BLTL-IN'G A COUNTRY HOUSE, [BT TELEG-APH TO TUB TBIBL'NICI Washington, Auv. 21..Ia a Waahingtoa letter to a Philadelphia uewapaper the other day lt wee stated that " Postmaster-General' Gresham ls not mae* of a reformer." that he ordered the Third Assistant Post* mastor-oepcral lo " make four vaoano'.es In bis offlee." which was done, aud that "Gresham, no doubt, had saturn friend* tbat had ta be provided for be for* the Civil Ser¬ vice Reform business begun." The facts are a* follow*: Congress at thc last session provided for dispensing with thirteen clerk* in one divinion of tbe Post oilice Depart* incut. Nearly all the clerks In that divinion were woolan whose ciericu! abilities were far above tho avers**. Be¬ fore Howe died, be told them tlmt ut the beginning nf the next fiscal year, when the reduction waa to tana effect, be would provide for aa many of them as he could In ttber divisions or the Department. They were all needy an- deserving persons as well aa excellent 3lerkt, and he thought be could make room tor them. Whoa General Gresham came into office the sltuatlou wa* ex¬ plained to Bim. Upon investigation be round that the services of certain clerks could be spured and their places tilled to the ad vantage of the Government wita tb* women clerks who wore about to bc displaced by the action of Congress. None of these clerks wera per¬ sona iiy ii uo sr a to him. Ho did not hesitate io make th* change. In the publication above referred to the case of one clerk who was removed is described os a very hard otto. That clerk ls .-puled to be a maa in comfortable circum¬ stances. While he possessed good clerkes! qualification* hie -ii purlers lound that illa tim* aa 1 thoughts were so much occupied sith a tfue country residence which he la bulldiug aa seriously .to m.pair bis efficiency. His re¬ tirement from tbe public* service enabled the Post- iini der (ieneral to retain another clerk equally compe¬ tent, whose .mention to public dullen will not be inter¬ rupted by the building or cara of a country house. General Gresham says tbat he did create oue vacancy in order to make a uew appointment. The lady he ap¬ pointed is a grand-nteceof George Wnsblmt'.ou, und ls noe a personal aci|Ualutauo* of bia. she, waa iu need of aa opportunity to work lu order to support herself, and ber appointment was liersiiually urged by a prominent mil¬ itary officer wno ls fully acquainted with ber circum¬ stances and knows her to iw worthy. YELLOW FEVER ON THE COAST. THE SITUATION* AT PENSACOLA.A COUBT OF IN¬ QUIRY ORDERED. Washington, Auk. 21..The Surgeon-G-in- erai of the Marian Hospital Service received a telegram last Light from Surgeon White, at Pensacola, as follows: "No new cases at Navy Yard hut forty eight hour*. Eight cases sud three deaths reported to date. Villa*** ol Warrington and Woolsey perfectly healthy. Fever confined lo Yard, aud Hospital Surgeon Owen lu critical condition." Commodore English, Aotlng-Seeretary of the Navy, bat root*..ved a telegram from tbe Commandant of tha Pensacola Navy Yard lequestlng that a Court of Inquiry be ordered to inquire Into the origin of the yellow reva. at the Yard. In accordance with that request the rol¬ lo wmic Court was to-day ordered: Lieu tenant-Coin- ¦nan.lei William Welch, president; Lieutenant Daniel Whlppio und Assistaut-Surgeou William Martin wit* Gunner George Magruder aa Judge Advocate. Tba Court will cnn vent* at Peusacola to-morrow. A telegram to ths Navy 11 -partmrut dated yesterday. Irom Puusa- coia, *a>s: ".tine* last nlgat no new cases. Woolsey caa* Bad Private Sarger lu the hospital died lasi mg ht." THE SUFFERINGS Ol' TUE SALOME'S CREW. Washington, Aug. Tl * Ttl*tlman a* Obbbb.iI ol the Marino Hospital Service ha* iee ired a report Irom Surgeon smith, in charge of tbe Capo Charlo* quarantine, iu rogarJ to tbe Norwegian bark Salome, now lu qti.irautlue at tbat statlou. She lett Cardin', Walo*. February 6, for Vera Cruz, with screw or eleven pe. ions. Tao health of tbe crew remained good until th* cargo waa discharged at Yirra Cruz, where searnau Borea A*lsg*eu was taken down with yellow fever and died ia three days ot black vomit. The captain had me fever June 10, out recovered, aud the entire tlup's crew were taken down io rapid succession. The Salome salle* from Veracruz Juno -ti for Galveston, where she arrived July 1, uud was ordered to the outer quAruuilue. Tba day fottowiug thc first mate wa* taken with the fever aud ..'icu Jun H. A ivan.*-inger. Guerre, of New York. who took passage at Yera Cruz, was attacsed Ju.y 2 and died July 4. J ua laat death waa that of Ole Toblusou. a Beuiiia*i, wno was (.ikea sick J air 8 and died July 14, the day of *ailiug iroai Galvestoa, making a total o' four death*. One couvmeseout wu* left at \ era Cruz. Aa adds'lou ai unaeeliuiated seaman wa* shipped at (.ulves- tou. On arrival at Lyua Haveu Roads, August 14, all were fnuud comparatively weil, thirty-ou* day* having elapsed "ince the last death or case of any kiud. Tba laat man shipped ha* thu* far eacaped ihe favor. Th* vessel wa* iiuaigated aud disinfected at Calveston. GOLD COIN IN THE MAILS. A SMAU. MHI BETUUNEO FKoM ITALY.HIE OWNEB* SHIP UNKNOWN. Iii T-LEORAPII TO TUE TKIlllNh.J Washington, Aug. 21..The Postmaster- Geueral ha* a letter to-day. inclosing t)tii) lu gold, from the Italian Director ot Potts, witu the expiauaiiou thad tbe money was fonud loose In a mail-pouch containing, ordinary Utters received trom New-York ou May 19, aud tbat the Italian postal autuonties had tuen unable tu discover to whom the gold belonged. It probably represents thc savings ol some thrifty laborer who desired to send lt to his relative* ut home, but lt is rather doubtful whether hi* desire will ever be gratitleJ. As ihe inouey was Inclosed lu an ordi¬ nary letter no clew to the sender eau b* found. It fre¬ quently ncc.ira thai coin neut lu registered envelope* escapes Irom them aud ia found loose in the mall pouches Usually a careful examination of all the puck- ages enables tbe postal officials to restore it to tts proper place or to return it to tha seuder. For several years the subject bas eun'aicud ihe aiteutlou .I officers ot the Pott Office Lieparimeut, and many attempts have beeu made to devise a registered envelope which, while strong ciiotigb to re* slat the alu'.iliiig action ol' eula, should ant be tooex- pensive to preclude tts use. lu Great Britala a persoa sending a registered package I* re.pine.i to buy tho envelope in which lt is sent, aud neavy linen-liueol envelope* are provided tor that purpose. Tney cost twa or tun* c rim' apiece. In the United Slate* no anett charge la authorize.1, ihe cost of the envelope being in¬ cluded lu tue iee tor registration, when 1* loo small to Justify amore expensive envelope lhau the oue now m u*e. TUE LUNG PLAGUE IN CONNECTICUT. Washington, Aug. 21..The following ia a* copy of tbe report received at the Treasury Depariuienc Irom E. F. Thayer, or tho Cattle Commission, concern- lug the outbreak of pleuro-pueumouia iu ion a ec tic ut: " I bave to report an outbreak of lung plague lu tba town ot Salem, Slate of Cou-ectlcut. On April IU laat a cow waa purchased by H. E. Williams, ol Salem, la Jersey City, near Hoboken ferry, of a uian named Dur¬ ban!. Early In July a disease appeared amoug the cattle owned by Mr. William*, throe sf which died or wera killed by th* owuer. The lung* were examiusd oy Pro¬ fessor Lcautarct, of Auieri-au Veterinary College, and by Ur. Hu e. V. S., ot Hartford, Conn., wno pronounced the disease to be lung plagu*. By reque*t of the stat* Cattle Commissioner* I visited the farm of Mr. William* on Tuesday, August 14. Of the remaiaiag animals ot the herd, three aro affected with lung disease lu th* chronic form ; the fourth bas uot fully passed througU the acute stage of tbe dlsoase. Au adjacent (ai ni ia owned by Captatn Seaiueu. who has a huge herd of cattle, oue or .v inch bas died. Both heida are in quar¬ antine by order of the stale Commissioner*, wuu appre¬ ciate the* imp.,i lance of prove .nug the apie.i.i of ta* disease, and, li..vlug full authority, will doubtless pre¬ vent ll* lurtlier extension." The Treasury Derailment feel* no apprehension aa to rh* spreatiof 'the di*ea»« beyond lt* present locality. Whether thu eow ta.en from Jeissy City came from a tittil reoeaU) imp .ried ls uot auowu at Hie Treasury Department.' .-salem, Couu.. ls lu tbe touthern part of that State, about twenty lillie* from Laug l*iat.d Sound. ARMY ORDERS. Washington, Aug. 21..Second Lieutenant James H. Krwlu, -Itu Cavalry, now at st. launs, has beeu ordered to proceed lo Jeltorsou Barracks aud report to the .upenateuded mounted recruiting service for tom- porarv duty Seoond Lieutenant James D Maun, -tb Cavalry, has beeu relieved irom duty as Judge Advocate of tbe general court martial convened at Jeltersoo Bar¬ rack*. By direction of the 1'reaideut the Anny Retiring Board convened at Governor"* Uland, Now-York Harbor, aud at Omaha, Neb., by special orders of M irea ltf,ls83* the Board cou vened at -ho Pre*idlo of Bau Francisco by .pecial order* of March 17, 1883 ; thc Hoard convened at Han Autoulo, Texat. by apecial or.'.cr* of July .1, 1H8J, and tbe Hoard oonveued at Kori Snelllug. Mum., by special orders ol July _8, 1883, havo all been di*. solved. The superintendent general recruiting service bas been ordered to cause thirty recruits lo be prepared, aud forwarded without delay under proper charge to Fort Snelling, Minn., for assignment to 'be 3d lu ran try, and tony lo Fort Douglas, Ulah TeiriU-ry, tor a*s>gnmeui to tb* Oin infantry l.ic'itei.uir. A. I-;. Wood, 4ti Cavalry, now on leave of abteuce lu Paris, bas been designated by the Culled Siatss Govt ruuieni attend tho military mu- omuvres ot the Frauen Army, near Paris lu september. on lnritaUou of Ute Franck GuverameaU Mahn* fi. B.

Transcript of Library of Congress · tflmtte. V^XLIIL..W°-13,429. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1889. PRICE...


tflmtte.V^XLIIL..W°- 13,429. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1889. PRICE FOUR CEiXTa




The Hea*I Constable who attempted io evict

a tenant iu County Down, Ireland, on Monday,WR8 wounded fourteen times, but is out of

danger Rensbaw, the tenant, has been re¬

manded for a week. A printer has lieen arrested

in Dublin for ttireateniuK to shoot a witness in

the Phoenix Park murder trials. Tlie prosecu¬

tion in the case of James McDermott will

Btlow that the prisoner had been in Cork with

one of the convicted dynamite conspirators.The Irish Rojriatration bill has been rejectedby the House of Lords.


London. Aug. 21.-Deunis Renshaw, the man

who shot at three policemen at Banbridge, County

Down, yesterday, while they were approach¬ing his house for the purpose of evictinghim was arraigned to-day on a charge of shootingwith intent to murder, lt was shown in the randi-.¦BltestiuiO'iv ibat the head constable, one ol thoevii'tors, burl been wounded in fourteen diflereutplaces, but bat he was in no immediate danger.The case was remanded for a week.

THE SHOOTING OF JAMES CAREY.London, Aug. 21..Details received by mail of

the sbootinn of James Carey by Patrick O'Donnellon the steamer Melrose ahow tbat O'Donnell whenhedi-covert-il at Cape Town that Carey waa on

board at Kiufauus Castle, exclaimed: " Mad Iknown that he was on board 1 would have swung

I.iinddN, Aug. 22..The correspondent of ITitDaily Neics at Cape Town telegraphs that O'Donnell,the uiurncrci of Janie* Carey, will he tried iu Eug-isutl snd will be sent home immediately.

THREATENING TO SHOOT A WITNESS.Dt'BU.v, Aug. 21..A painter named Everard ha*

been arrested and remanded on a cbatge of threat¬

ening to ahoot Golding, the Phu-nix Park rani*er,

who was one of tbe wituesses iu tbe trials of theriiiJbnix Park murderers.

james mcdermott remanded.LlVERPOOl, Aug. 21..James McDermott, who

was arrested here recently on his arrival fromAmerica in the steamer City of Montreal on sus¬

picion ot complicity in ihe dynamite conspiracy,Bas been further remaudod. Tho prosecution will»now that McDermott hail been in Cork in companywith Featherstone, thu convicted nyuamito con¬

spirator. -?_.

THE REGISTRATION HILL REJECTED.LONDON, Aug. 21..The Irish Regis!ration hill

was rejected in tho House of Lords this afternoon

by a vote of 52 nays to 32 yeas.

EARL SPENCER'S VISIT TO CORK.Dublin, Aug. 21..Earl Spencer, tbe Lord

Lieutenant, arrived at Cork last eveuing. Ile was

escorted through the principalatreets of the city bys small tuouuteit guard. He was respectfully re¬

ceived hythe people. Policemen in sight of eachother guarded the train of the Lord Lieutenantalong the entire roe ie from Dublin to Cor*:.

MONEY TO HE RAISED IN AMERICA.London', Aug. 22..Tho Irish Bishop who will

probably go to America to raise money to supple-Bient the £50.000 set apart by the Irish Tramwaysbill for migration purposes in Ireland, is BishopFranc it J. Mccormack, of the diocese of Schonry.Two companies have been formed lo organize :i

migration plan.ENGLAND, f-7r__.\VEANDMADAQA8CA II




London, Auk. 21..A lively discu sion was causedia the House of Commons this afternoon iii regardto tbe case of Mr. Shaw, the Ulalah missionary in

Madagascar, who ii held in custody by the French.Mr. Gladstone warmly declared that he had no

laaaoD to behave tbat then* hail beeu au excess of

jursidictiou exercised ny tbe French. The airest oiMr.Shaw, he said, was certainly a serious matter,sad it would he th* duty of the Government to

watch eveuts ui Madagascar carefully. Ho was lin¬

allie to say when or where the court-martial of Mr.-kaw would he held. The discussion of the aflair,kesaiu, was calculated to impair the good will audsanty existing between England aud Fiance. (Thisremark was received willi cheers.)tootmuing, Mr. Gladstone said that there was no

leaton to presume that a friendly aud civilizedgovernment would lack tho elementary principlesof justice towan! imprisoned foreign subjects. Hewas nor aware that Admiral Pierre had throe timesretuned to allow Mrs. Shaw to see her husband, not¬withstanding the fact that she had beeu absentnota hun for two years. Ile said be would inquireniri-r.r into tho matter, Notice was given ot sev-*-*l quealiouri to be submitted to-nionow.

THK GOVERNMENTa" POLICY ATTACKED.London, Auk. 21..In the ll'.use of Commonfl

this evening .Sir Staflord Northcote attacked thewhole policy of the Government. He accused ll)-)Cover-meat of keeping back tho fact* of theMadagascar artair. Mr. Gladstone, in reply,Praised the working of the Laud act aud EarlSpencer's vigorous goveiument of Ireland. In re-

t-d io Madagascar, he declared thai nothing had«tcarredtoUlgtlirb llj(. t.(,,,!,,* relations exi*tingswsen England and Fiance.

DEMANDS OF REAR ADMIRAL GAL!HER.I-AB18, Aug. _1..Rear Admiral Galiber, tho-uc-

J*"lor<*- Admiral Pierre ni command of th* Frenchfleet in Madagascan waters, will meet Admiral.rierra st Reunion. He will afterward go to Tama-tateaod open negotiation* with the Horaa. He*"l insist upon a French protectorate over North-*t« Madagascar, theabolitiou of tho law relatingtii?v!K ?f .*¦_,- *'y Europeans aud the payment to[Mrnsuchof Bjl.uuo.uuo francs iudeiniiitv. Theathitr. ".*"'. ""-r- ¦"- waived, however, if thc.wert ara complied with.



FRANCE AND CHINA.r-r*tt, Aug. 21.-Auotli.ial dispatch fruin Ton-

'»n*ays that Colonel Hhouvar. with a column ofu*)p*, started ou Aujrust 15 to occupy Hai_ouu_.**ndo)*, Aug. 21..Ta* TimeJs correspondent at

JJ*"1' Kou« reports that Haidoung was attacked

^iheFreuch on August l'J. Tho result of the.".ck is uot yet known.The Standard's Berlin correspondent asserts that

.*» Chinese Guver:.ui. ut is negotiating with Ger-

jT* wul- » view to the purchase of 100,000Tue Paris correspondent of T/i« Times say* that

< !i"UffQ>*Dt tbjU M- Tr,,;oU wou,d .*-Jortlir -.*-ve

«f i_.t ..Ja-'14U '. a!J admission of the suspensionirturn .tl01is.,J«tweeu France aud China. TheJan-iiia y"i th1 «orr*spondeut, of M. Tricou to

fcoui shu V') "lly a ¦-.*.»<.« for getting him away*^tur*7 w»thout an open appeuraute of a

flUXCE AND HIE SPANISH TROUBLES.<fc*~*a-' A!*K- 21 .1 he Epoca aaya that the Oov-

yt!^ **** aUdreMe(1 »n energetio note to

tTiirT 'lrgbB tbe ,u'1 P"-a«on* rf Spain,"i are understood to mean a claim for the ex-

' 'wnofRuu Zornlla from liberal States. TheJ1"" de la Vega de Armijo, Minister

"reign Affairs, haa shown to hia

FerT ^l^rmmB from tha Duke de

^""".-Nuru-z, th* Spanish Ambassador at Paris,P*u_*a!t*nti0n *° mmt *-tiel«» -11 -wn-* Frenchtm. Order, have been sent to the Ambassador

¦ «" ta* subject.P**ertto stats* that Franc* bas received a col-

_*7«u»te *ig_*d by Germany, Austria and -trnasia^^**moto* iarecwdw im conduct of Franc*.

Other papers recommend prudence and protestagainst the interference of Germany in Spanishaffairs, expressing a preference for the friendship ofFrance. The official organs are reticent on the ques¬tion. The statement of the Pragreso is not believed.The visit of King Alfonso to the Emperor William

of Germany is expected to take place on September20. The Mari)(UN de la Vega de Aumin. Minister ofForeign Affairs, will accompany the Ring.Paris, Aug. 21..The Havas News Agency denies

the statement of the Madrid correspondent of aLoudon local news agency printed yesterday thatthe Spanish Cabinet had resolved to seek thesupport of Germany in view of the attitude ofFrance toward Spain.

CAPTURED BY BRIGANDS.C0N8TAXTINOPI.K, Aug. 21..Brigands havo cap¬

tured tba Governor and several councillors of Flo¬rian, near Salonica. They demand $20,000 for theransom oi tho captives.

Florian ls a suburb of L* Vnlr-tt a, a seaport city andcapital of tho Island of Malta. It contain* the dwellingsol many English families, and has barrack*, a botanic

garden nnd a house of industry for fomale children. 4a-lonlca ts a seaport city in 'european Turk<*y, lu llou-melia, capital of a saulak. Tbe nopiila'tnn n >m m r.-lat 80,000, of whom 25.000 are Jews, 5,000 Turks, audthe rest Greeks aud Franks.

BANQUET TO KX-SECRETARY WINDOM.London, Aug. 22..William Windom. ex-Secxe-

tary of the Treasury of the United States, was en¬

tertained at a bauauet in London last night. Amouirthose present were Messrs. Courtney, Reed, Pules-ton and Lewis, members ot Parliament; UuitedStates Senator Hawley, of Connecticut; Mr. Reed,member of the United States House of Representa¬tives from Maine; J. M. Francis, United StatesMinister to Portugal; William .). Ilopniu, Secre¬tary of the United .Stat.« Legal ion al London, amiGeneral E. A. Merrill, United States Consul-Gen¬eral at Loudon.


THE CHOLERA EPIDEMIC.Alexandria. Aug. 21..Owe hundred and forty

deaths from cholera have occurred among thoBritish trooos in Egypt sinct* the outbreak of thedisease to date, and forty-three persons died hereyesterday.London, Aug. 21..There wera 108 deaths from

the disease iu Egypt on Monday, including threeat Cairo.

SOCIALISTIC FAMl'HLlaTS IN AUSTRIA.Vienna, Auk. 21..A numher ol sociali>tie pamph¬

lets which attack the Emperor Francis Joseiih mavirulent manner, have been found in the vicinity ofthe Imperial summer palace at Laxcnunrg. ninemiles from this city, when* the Archduke Rudolph,Prince Imperial of Austro-Hiingary. and his wife,are residing. Pamphlets ot a similar ch*I*et*lhave, been circulated at several pleasure resorts inLower Austria.

A STATUE OF LAFAYETTE TOBE UNVEILED.Paris, Aug. 21..A stain** of Lala.\ t*tte will

tie unveiled at Le Puy. capital o' the Department ofHaute-Loir.*, ou September 0. M. Wftlleck-1-ousseau,Minister of the Interior; (.moral Thihaudin. Mininer olWar, and Mr Morton, tbe American llI*tatar, will b*pieneni al lite ceremony.

KING MILAN AT VIENNA.. Vii-nna, Aug._T.King Milan, of Servia, hasarrived bereaud bas visited Coitut Kaluoky. ImperialMininer of ForetgL A_.tlr*. The Kmperor I'laticUJoseph vi-.ii.-.l lb.. Kine 11_t-* murnini; amt remained withbini half au Kin.* returned nit visit interIn tho day.


Lima, Aug. 21, via Galveston../,.1 Futblo.tales tlie Ciilhau Army will probably eva. uu'e.

Lima on September 10 slid concentrate in (ul ino. Tacit*.or I'ltco. igleaiat bat troop* ready to proclaim blt

guvcruui-ut. lt 1* teated tbat lite Cblliau Government

lois ..rrauged wit ti a French atearnthip company for tlie

conveyance of cmlicrauts from tinope. Three hundred

ur.- expected to arrive In October.Panama, Aug. 21..A tight ha» ncc.irreil at Zlpaipiira

betweeu tbe national troop* and those uf Cuudinuuiur.'u.and tba commandant uf the latter was killed. Ibu

Federal troops were triumphant.Geueral iiuriado. President of Cam a, has been named

a Minuter of tito Federal Government.Ex-I'ntident Ketnales wnl proceed to Cauca as Com-

missioner of Instruct I.m. li* will go to tjintu or I'opa-yau.

B( ii >r Otalora having renounced the canill.lacy forthe presidency, Lt WiV.iea will lie cupported bythe Llhrralt ag ai it- Nunez.

( ui.imuia ha* prohibited the pattatre of arms toEcuador, permuwiuii foi w.ucli >va* applied for.

FOREIGN NOTES.Kimk, Aug. -1..A disa*trous coullagatloti bat occur-

tedat I'i'.iae-i*. Forty.lour house.* were, AU|*. ll Matta* ls published lu 'Die Official

Gazelle tut* afternoon convening ihe Buudesratu un

AuKUSl 87 aud tbe i't-iohklag on August Ut).

Vienna. Aug. _l..Ulot* cauaed hythe opposition of

tha people to the use of tbe Hungarian languag.. lu

oin. ia! indlees have occurred in other towna in Croatialie*iile* Aicraui.

( i.i'i.MiAiiKN, Aug. 21..The1 ttftta Congress of Amen-

cuulsts (students of early Aturrlcau history) openedherc to-day. The Princess of Walu* and other membt-rsof ihe Danish royal family were, Aug. _1..Fresh vesstioii* passport ruin* have

been adopted on the Russian frotitlcr. and obttaeles are

liing placed in tho way of Gctmaus who wl»n lor sldelnRussia.i'Ains. A'ig. '_1..Count Mcnabrea, the Italian Ambas¬

sador here, ha* thauke.t M.Challeuiel Lacoitr, tbe Pt***tMinister of Foreign Affaii*, for the aid alfa* by Fiano*to tbe sufferers by tbe eartbtiuake lu bah**.

I'Altls, Aug. Ul.-The expu.slou Irom France of M.

Boland, who failed to prove his charge ot having lirilied

dcputict. han ii.eii deferred until the Council ofMinister* lia* upprov. il the decision lu Blt rase.

Knr.SL'r, Aug. Jl.-A laudlord in thia city yesterdaymurdered hi* live children by hanging them and thencommitieu suicide.London. Aug.'-1.fl p. m..A dispatch from Cardiff,

Wales, states that an explosion occurred In a collieryni-ur there, aud thal a miner was killed anl twentyseverely bumed.

l.u.MioN, Aug. -1..Dsulucss waa suspended to day al

Coatbrldge, Scotland, the scene of the recent riots be¬

tween Orangemen and Catholic*. Crowd* of peoplegathered ia toe streets, hui the police succeeded lu pic-venting a disturbaacai.



Kingston, If. Y., Aug. 21..The New-YoikHut* Firemen'* Association met lu convention hero to¬

day. The entire city ls gay wlth-a-rs aud bunting, and the

silents are crowded with visitors. A grand stand was

erected lu front of tbe City Hall, where the oj*, tiing exerciaes took place. Judge T. B. Westbrook deli verna au

address of welcome, whn li was responded to hy ThomasA. Raymond, president of the association. The uhimIo

was by Ia oool i's Arion iiuml. Tho remainder of tbe ten¬

sion was devoted to routine business. Over thirty-five

organizations will attend; many arc.already here, and

others will arrive to-morrow.An excursion up tbe fitter aud Delaware Hallway

to tho Grand Hotel lu the Catskills, and a clam bake at

Phoenicia, arson the programme for to-morrow. _n

upoer floor of tho City Hull has been titted up for tb*

bu»liies* sessions of thcrconvcntlon. A etuipctitlve drill

of firemen ls to be oue ol the feature* of the_*:atbcriug,and prizea ar* to he awarded to the »uec*-»slul compu-nli ». A series of horse-races and a balloon usceualon hyCarlotta ob Wedue&day will take place al the grounds nf

tho Kingston Driving lark; also a game of baseball be¬

tween tbe leaders and At lani les on the ground* of the

home, iitui- to-morrow afternoon. Kxcurslou truiua trill

be run on the Went Shore. Wallklll Valley, and lister und

Delaware railways during the convention, ami it ls B_-1,11 nd that several thtitinauils of people Mill twit thocity. The home " machine* " and ali ibu paraphernalia_re resplendent with polisu, uud the boy* uevei lookedprouder nor 1- bettei spirits.The parade on Friday afternoon promises to bo a line

ono All tte firemen and slxteeu baud* a III to la the evening a display of flrework« will he made.



Boston, Aug. 21..An Albuquerque, N. M.,dispatch yesterday slated that J. P. Whitney, of Boston,had been Shot dead while serving a writ ut the Kataiicia

lunch. Tne Whitney thu* referred to waa Jame* G.

Whitney, the brother of J. P. Whitney. Later advice*

signed by himself state that Jame* P. Whitney waa not

evan .*riou»ly wounded. The trouble aro*e from a dis¬

pute about tua laud Ulla* oa tue i-*unu* iuuca, «hit.-

covers a large torntoty and haa been lnvaoeo oj.quaffer*. Recently trie New-M*ri"o couria had fullyestablished the claim of the company, which J. P. Whit¬ney represents, to the property.



ansom daj-aoed.

Chicago, Aug. 21..Tho five-story stonobuilding at Lasallo and Washington ate., occupiedny the Weatern L'uion Telegraph Company,tho Union National Rank, the InternationalBank, the Associated Press and numerouscommission offices, was partially bumed thisuiomlnjr, and wa* mn io completely uninhabitable nythe stream* or water thrown into the building. Thefire originated ou thu fifth II mr, used aa au operatingdepartment by the Western Union Company, sndwithin twenty mimili* every description of property onthe floor wa* a inaas of ruins. Ton men were on duty at

thc time, Basal** the night manager. The nra originatedfrom two duplex battery wires noar tho switchboardcoming In contact with a ga* Jet.The Hr.* department wa* on the seme quickly, and

beyond a heavy drenching given to every portion of thebuilding no special damage occurred to the maiastructure below the fifth story. The Western li. kuioukial* immediately b.'gan the removal of theirproperty to thc otflca of tho Mutual Unlou Company.Tile market and atock quotation* wer.i not delivered fora time, aud little butineas wm transacted on'Change.Linemen were employed thr.iuzh-mt BBS day In dltco.i-uectingths network of wire* woicn mads their way Into

the ruin* of tbe ol 1 building, and connecting them withCi" Mut n il Union biiildinr acroti tie way.

Tat- West.ira I'm ,n estimate* that ila Iokswill uot exiled B.0,0 H). on which tb«t* )* B* iiuurancn.Tim lott on toe building ir Sid).on), l'ae los* to odertenant* will nm nec-d $10,000. rho Building wasInsured for BlUO.OOo. Order* have been ..-nen for reconstruct!m ol the binldii*. and tuearcliiic. ts hav BBBB directed to plan ono ol thc ttaeltninia,leg rooms in tm- world. A.l tho Wheatstoneinsii uiuenN iu Ihe old roo ii weig* saved. Twenty-fivewire* hail lie.-u co.merited with ls** new op-rattug roomHil- .inning, anti by tomorrow Mn* compinv iiutlcipat.'Shaving * lull fore.- at work. Two banks were bimini.'nit sought q iirtrt lu the vicinity, and auocetsli'd lu

!>*».eslbb in*ir *bb*I btuinea* TBa Aaanetatad Pma*temporarily ls quartered in thc office of Tlie limes.

Hiiperliiteudint I). H. Hate*, of tho WcHtcru Union,.aid last evening to a Tuiiiink re|iorter: "Tho burningof Iho company'* principal Chicago utll"o ha.* greatlydelayed the service, to and from thal elly le-d.iy. BB 1

hs* beeu a source of much trouble to the iifhYial* in rc

Thc building i* only leased by tuc Westsm rubin Com¬

pany, our Halli in* w. r uut in Hts Born** building ai

ali Had it Beta BtBarwIae, tB* toooareotcaoe Bad mbato Hie company would lia\ <. liern »rrlou»."Rp*Biilatrf* Boataaas tra* praetlrall* .utpeaded until

noon yesterday a'tao Produce Kx.- an**, owing '* tkflli* ta the Weatera Ualaa Butl.iiug ut cnnMfa, IBaI'm-, al Telegraph Uaaa were also ou; of order at the tametime. At.-.v in s*a^e< Were r-r.-ivrd .ucl s-ht ny Ihelin. tim ora ,, -i 111,-,., f ipjjmnn c nap***', bot thit aa***p.uiv ta not paatadal la* BKObaBge. Aa**! a*a* inawire* began wuraiug aud there wu* nu runtier ii'.flii ult.,during tbe day.

DWELLINGS BUBlfED AT DAKFOBTEt.SvitAfi-E, N. Y.. Aug. 21..A tiru at Din-

ft>: tit tl.!* morning dcfttrovcd UM dwi.Hugs of EdwardAbeel and T. K. Kuller. The Ina* la $-i>.OO0; lustiraaee,$--,000. Tu<- origin of the fire w.,s Beet***!*)



Sr. Lui is Aug. 21 .Another mysteriousdisappearance occurred B*N itu Naturi! .y. On thatevening ( olouel Jaine* o. Cuurrhiii, vice piraidcntarid manager of the Wr«rerii Air e.-1. ne f'ompaiiy. aadhit wife went out for a abort drive, leaving at l**Mtheir daughter. Mary, wh j I* ab nit sevetiteeu y»ar* old.Ou their return, about ti o'clock, the daughter could nutbe found and no clewloh'-r »Vr . ... ii* ha* yer b*Mdiscovered. She wa* last «cen standttiz alon*, alu ii' 7

o'clock, ar the front gate of tbe family raaldenee. No.2,7117 IUOtgB* Bl. lu MOM attiie niel |.res.-titln_ nn u.

ti mal np.ii .'am-- Ii-t.-elive* i.iv., i* a wir.iu,- .iii

tin- ca*.- (ince las' night. .. tatt Baa beru mailaliv iii* ni bl the girl's father ami li innis, nut ant duglia* liern h-ard of h.r. slit- wa* a quiet, grave _r;ri.slinlloil*, d.-voletl la music and utrle for male tu

cieiy. AL.lin tiiui ls lbs only thea.rr BBggeatad.| ol.i'iel Churchill 1* Baafldaal Ilia' ni' ha.* not elnpetl

nml lu- ia obliged (o vxprc** ht* dread thal *he ha* li. ru

kidnapped and *u:)|rcte I toB dreadful fair He claim* hts daughter waa, if anything, averil- io in ru*

.oeletr, and that abe had been carefu iv trained liv him¬self and wile tu believe that ao r*oag 'adv should cuter

upon the lUBI I tad Biala until SIM had reached the ago oftwsnlv one. Tue li.tun..te friend* of Hie family are situP>.Hilve tbat the young lad/ encouraged no main aduiircr*.ince i Ideiiee ufa number of peopio having humble

r.sldencc* ou (he alley In Ihe rear of Colonel. lum lull'* hume, hu "ever, allow* thal ti.-

young h id admirer', and that tn one

of them, with flba Bad 1 inde»lliie meeting*,sin* wa* very much alladin!, omi oi I wo wituesae* taythey »aw her wnb him at BB*M little dUtauce irom theli i-i- at ti o'. Isck ou Mindai evening, lin *« lari*,

coup «-d willi tb' knowledge tua: Mi** Churchill wa* a

vtiy brmildil! and womanly young lady, laver thnolouemeot theory *o strongly that thu ji.iljiv, aiihiagiistill routlutilug a sesrch through tba loeaUtl** wbnre iii-t< rest Itt the ti .irnsnn girl'* illsappearatii Mi cnitiil.

give ii ai their opinion Ina! she BM slinp.y liken a

mai i .inoiiial st.-p .rn h.-r own rti»p..ii»i.nilly, and t li al lu

ii .1.iv ..r two th* will rellim home tbe wire of her favoredlover.



Pt-STCMOIni, Vu., Aug. 21..A hf- iiiiihh ..-

before the. departure of au riprrn train iht* evening,

and while, many negroes of au excursion party wi re

galhcrcdal llinlrp'' baN,*jr*>*g mas puahud bli waythrough lip- crowd, flour,.tiing a revolver, anti In an ex

cited milliner ciird out lo tue pt 0pie to gel nut of bl*

way; that he would kill tim tlt-t mai who interferedwith him that his father wa.* on UM train, aud that he

mr mt to kill him.iietearrhed the train and found lilt father mandingol!

the platform of one uf thc cir*, and b-gan Bria* a' him.The bullets struck tie father In thu thigh lu two place*.hr assailant was arrested, and, WBBB qur»t!oin*il, said

that hts name waa A. M. Bj***;that he lived in Philad. Ipili, anti that he

had *worn to kill hi* father. D. Hyde*, for daaertlBg and¦ laiidermg bl* motlier. He said Ilial be had foll iwod hi*father to New-York, sad IBeaefl ta Sfotfotk. lue fatheraaya tbe trouble grew mu of IB* dMBlpatad Babita of hi*¦on and iii*un**tl*lled demand* for BM**/. 1 he w.uiiul Imat. I* dangerously but, the ilortor.* think, not fatallyhurl._


A Tl ST CASI Pl.1.1 s iii KOKI: .11 I (.ll IlLATCUrORD ATNKWPORT.

Xkw pi mit, K. I., Au^r. 'JJ..This morningJustit r UUlc.fort! began tin- heariug In Ihe New-Yorkhetitl-iDoney cann. In August, is-r.:, Congress patted a

law requiring that ..Occurs «hould le paid on every alien

patseugor coming (o ihe Culled*. Tbe steamshipcumpaaies have paid tho monty to the Collector of the

Port nuder piotr*', ati'l the compaiilct now bring tull to

r, cu. cr back thc hums so paid, ou the ground*, til«1.1 lia!

the law !. tinconstitiitionsl. and aerminl, that lt I* in vio¬

lation of titling trea.les bslwee.u the United Mtate* and

fortigu.powet* The (iovcruu.rut, mwever, claim, firs!,that the law ii eonstttutloaal, and a*oo*d, that if ii doc*coullict with tb** Iteatv. lt prevails, because lt it th- kaatexpreasmn of I be making power. iJistnci-Altorucy A.W Tenney, of the Ka»terii Dlatliet, uml IiUitle,-AttorneyKiihu Koot, of the Hiiiithein Insliicl of New-York, repre¬sent the (.overiiioci.t, and Judge Joachim.on and Mr,Lord thc sleamthlp companies.




Boston, Aug. 21..A meeting of tliecreditors of Wright, Worster A Co., the suspended wool

dealers, wa*, held this nfteruoon. Tho firm reportedtheir ulreet liabllltict to be B-HJ'.'.OOO. and their contin¬

gent liabilities something over $100,000 more. Tho

creditor* appointed Charles Kay mond, W. f. La wi cineand A. E. Jones a committee to ii ake au Investigationand to report al a meeting which th<y shall call. Of thn

linoel liabilities $80,00© ls owed 'Vorster's father for

money loaned and $r_().inii>iui ludo 'semenls, which will

be paid tu full. The assets availald) for the payment uf

the 9401)000 amount to #108,000, and consist princi¬

pally of incrchaudise anil good aceMM These assets

ure exclusive or.Vi-,O(.m) invested lu mining stock and

i-j.nt $78,000 in ii' .nd in a cattle ranch lu tho West, ou

account of the latter of v. bleb notes for shout the same

amount bave beeu issued. The .$78,000 lu notes ;is-in¬cluded lu the lialiiiiiu-s. As explaining the presentthouing of the firm lt was slated tbat about *luO.oon,exclusive of the $-8,000, had been lost lu -peculation,principally iu pork and oiher provis, ona.An atttofuueut for $-U,000 has teen placed upon the

property of Mr. Ileald. of the bro) erage firm of MerttllA. Ileald, of Lawrence, at tbe in* tigitlsn of P. Harvey ic

Co., of Chicago, with whom they t ave done business.IBU ha* J*- to thc rumor tbat the former nra bad id*-

I-cnuea. ont mey claim mat tm* is untrne ana itar rneattachment lt morely the result of a mi*under«tsnillnga* to their rcspeollvo accounU which will apeedlly besett'ed by a court.The liabilities of Joseph F.Paul, tho lumber-dealer,

whose failure was announced last night, are said to beabout #70,000.Tbe Holton Sewing Machine ami Cabinet Company

han failed. Tho company l.otignt tbe property of theIloston Sewing Machine Company nominally for$l_.->,0O0, of which $00,(MJO waa lu stock. The *tock ofthe company aa* originally $100 ooo, but was Increasedto $..00,000, of which B34.VOO0 was held by Ihe Amesfamily. It Is sahl that $150,000 cash waa invested tnthe business. The failure was caused hy that or J. F.I'aul A Co., Paul ticing one or the stockholders.


liiAisK of m'lkan's hamilton county nomineesBY IIOADLY'S OnGAN.A BOLT THKKATKNED.

InV TEI.KGUAI'II T.I TlIK THUU SI.. JCincinnati, Au_. 21..The Nun-Journal came out

thin morning in support of tho McLean countyticket. This was in obedience to a resolution adopt¬ed at a meeting of the etockholdersheld last evening. Tht Nnrs-Journal was startedfor the express purpose ol' lighting the McLean anti-Peudletou element in tim politics of HamiltonCounty ami the State. It waa to represent thelietter class of Democrats, and that it mightba unpurchaseable tho stock eras takenby something over _00 reputable Demo¬crats, and tho articles of incorporation were soframed that no stock can lie transferred exceptbf permission of it majority of tho atoek-botaVth. Homily took a large block of thostock, and it was largely through thciiilliiciii'o of tim paper and thc personal efforts ofso many stockholders that he received the nomi¬nation fur (iiivernor.The McLean lonventiou of Saturday furuisbed

positive proof that, politically si>eakin_,Hoadly had sold out the stockliolileista the very cli(|iio they had iiTix.nii7.enlto light. That evening he was driven to'II.i iVj'Wa r-BIBBl oftice anti gave iiiHtnictions to thomanaging editor whicli comuletcly silonc'-d thepaper regarding the convention, ami it did noti-|teak about ihe convention until thismorning. The bargain with McLean, as itis current rf iitiilcrstfiri.l, was thal Hoadly was to

prevent lat Nswt JsturssA iroin saying anythingafiuiit the convei'tion or fnun urging the partyto bolt the ticket, atpl as a reward heOTB* to receive the support of Ike |/7/t>uuirer which had been thus far with¬held. D is understood that tao vote ofthe «lockl)nlilrrs to support the ticket wa* carriedby a bare majority of (li stock, iBBlodiag H ladly*large block. What the paper BB** kl dav is thatwhile tb* ticket wa* nominated by the very worstof lafloao*** it 1.1 nut it-elf bad, ami should com-liiaiil -upiio'i*.Daatocraia do uot liku thia sort of talk,

and it is saiti many of themhave stopped The St ir,..lonni,il to-dav. I bernis strong Mik of p*lHioaiB* th* Stat* (nm mi rte" totake Hoadly off the ticket, BBS. tb-re i» a paperIn ciiculati "ii to winch a long list nfrc()tit.ible riiiiie* is d*etr*d nilling for anotherenmity i'¦.iivnntpui. There is much indignationaiinmg D'ininrats au.l defeat n| both thc Slateami cinitity tink*) is now CQOfllnafad certain.

.Mr l'eii'Jiet.m bv n.aaaa gives up tint ship. Hi-remarked to a trie,ul to-tnglit : "Tha money thai.McLean gave th*** fellows won't, lastloin.'. I lieu mv turu will .vitne.'' Theindi***tion al tha MB!had*. nominating thc>* bus b.-eti ab Bleat bat several "f tliecandidates, particularly tniisr on tho legislative. lt beti, have hastened ti assure the public thatthey (lo lint wear the McLean Ballarami are unpledged on tba Senatorial qnaattoo.1 be position of ntl hm now i* this: Hutwlulti McLean captured tho convention rVndle.tonis.'iiirtly workiit- lo win over the nominees, intba long mu Pendleton la thought to ba farmore likely to wm tb.m McLean. If McLeanshould li.inme s:iM*li'*il tbat he cannotdapatna upon Uta Hamilton Conntr del****tlon aaai.ti-t'i'udlf(<m. then it in flie npiiiion of pnli-t.tiaiLS thal 1'iere will be some ttnire 'knif¬ing." It was a belief that Pendletonwimbi sin .-. tl rel *in <'ireuinvriiting Mcl.nan thatmil.ped I he \,n ...loHrnal direcinis to pass a resold-Moil tm Mood*] ry.'liing formally pledging tbepiper te supimit the ticket, although on Sunday lt

.' i'li.iU'd it.



iht ri.i.Miuu'ii r.i nut ratsi'SKi

Wasihni;ton, Aug. lil..It was understoodhere before Menator Logan departed Irom Waihlngtou to

plunge into tf.e We*t..*rn wlldt tbat a corp* of jealousMaadfl in Od* elly would be constantly on (ho alert to

keep htm potted aa tn every apparent rhan.o lu His

political which might io any way affect bia

prospect* a* a ramil.late for the I'relldentlal watallo ii'i'l" rsl.i ..I that thc Illinois Senator badalready formed s.imn strong political alliance*, one Wat atti rtt-d, was wuh ."-emiter Mahone. Thelaller's remark in sn Interview in Thk TBIBOBI lastweek thal " Vu glala would conanl-r it » oleaaing to bavsArthur r-ontioned iii the A.iiiiiuiitrat.ou of the (iovern-Bia*I.** Baaincite*1 nnutldarahla bwbbbbI in Waahiug-ton. «a*rB many people hellcve thai he 1* playing a

to lice game ami ial be ls really eominit'eil to tue.upport of .Seuater Logan. AB aa evidence ul lin* lt iapointed ..ut thal mott of thn few hour* Mahons.peal lu Waahiniftiu a week ago last Sunday were

passed In fha company of et ( onitnt«tloner Kanni, whoBl li ti a* um- of denei.ii Logan's confidential rrleuds

aud dusted llculeuauls.


Thc first gm of thc tail campaign ia Brookslyn wa* sounded last evening lu a well-alteDded andenthusiastic Hireling of tin- Third Wari KepnblicauAssoelatioti, held lu everett Mall, No. Mt Knllon-st.

Ma) t H. K. Corwiti |ire*ldetl. A series of rrsolutloas was

ailopted, selling forlh lint the Itepublicatis ofor the Third Ward were un ted In support of a clean andwise government and urging iho importance) of tin.til¬

ing election Id tts bearing upon the executive amt lsgls-I nrasciic* of the city government of Brooklyn.

Bpaehea were made hr Warren (Jreru, William Potts,AiiKustm Maverick. Baparriflof er***, DaaM wilke*anti olin is. Ihe inn v hu; uf ail factional difference* andnulled action lu Mippoit or Mayor Low auda I."ai 'I ol Aldermen or high character, were urged.I hr nomination or .ueh men ... ex-Mayor Hamiirl Moothand Jonathan T. Ogden rnr Alderin "li at Larne weir iv

fe red (o as ihe moat tit dug lor the ttcpublicai*)to wa* tb lided lu nil a puhllc meeting tor Ibo consider¬ation nf campaign issue-, to hu lp ld lu Millie Hall onf epiriitin-i 'I. A campaign .-.1111111't.. t« wa* coustltuted.f the standing officer* of ihe a-soeiallou.

DA li: ol A DEMOCRATIC C0NFENT10N.Surrogate C. Meyer Znlick, of Newark.

chan man of Ihe Executive Committee of thcNew-JorsoyDemocratic Mate I'nmmittte, stated to a reporter yes¬terday that tue Democratic Convention would beheld on Septeiniiei ls, as announced, and that the haltlu Trenton had been engaged for that tlate. As uo callhas been issued hy the committee for the convention, it

bas been asieried that the Democratic commltleoInt elided tup'Klpouu thc tiuitliii- of the con veli lion nulliarter tho Kepuiilicau Convention was held, iii order to

prevent the Republican* Irom taking advantage nfprotiahlc Drinooiailo lilunder*. The uncertainty abouttue dale ol thc convention has provoked * good deal ofcrl'lrism lt) the --tate, and the Republican organ* gener¬ally have nih ired thc postponement ot tb* KepuiilicauConvention to a da e later thau ilia! announced. TbeItcpiililicaii I onventinu will he heit) a wc.-k later th«utuc date announced for the Deimicralic Couvcuilon.


Tbe ( nloicil Ki publican Central Coniinitteoheld a meeting Inst night at No. l-il West Twenty-fifth-tt. There was a small sitendauce. Phillp A. Walton,|r., presided. The propriety of holding a Colored StateConvention wa* dltcutted, addresses being made 'ayColonel Freeman and other*. It wassaid that there were

bB.OOOBBBBiad votun In this htate, and that while mo*tof them are Republican* lt "as weil to have a dltrlncr,eoiivetitioii. ibis coiivculinti will he held a few day*after the Kepuiilicau Convention at Klehtield Hpilugs.audit was tani las: night that the coloied men wouldduubUees indorse thc action of tho lira: eoiiveutloii.


I'liiLADi Li'iiiA, Aug. lil..The four ReadingRailroad laborer* who were arrested here on Buuday,August tl, upon tha chargo of Illegally performingwoi Idly labor on that day, were given a hearlug to-day.Testimony wa* offer to the effect'that the work couldnot be accomplished on uny other day ol the week, incontequciice of tho frequent passage of train*, and tliemagi*'ral" taking that view of the case, decided thatthc work wa* necessary and discharged tho defendants.


Boston, Aug. 21..Irving D. Smith, who was

arrested at Portland on a charge of forgiug the trade¬

mark Of .th* Royal Baking fowder Company, ol Now-

iota, i racnm nure to-tnijr nun was put, ua pnauu w

await tbe arrival of officers Irom Cleveland. Ohio, wherehe lt under indictment. Smith ba* little to tay aboutthe charge on which he ls held. liol* willing to go toOhio without a requisition.



New-Havbv, Aug. 21..Nothing additional ha*been heard of the missing yacht Mystery and hercrew. To-day a man was »ent along the shore lineon tho look out, and another man started from Nan¬tucket. George II. Sargent, of Sargent dc Ca, ofN'cw-York, who ts the father of one of the missingcrew, has arrived her?, anti went out this afternoonwith a volunteer crew in a steam launch to makean extended search.Providence, R. I., Aug. 21*~The yacht Mystery

which has arrived at Newport, belongs to the New-VorkYacht Club aud ia three times the size nf thoniissicg yacht Mystery, of the Now-llaven YachtClub.


Colcmbia. H. C.. Aug. IL.Dr. F. W. P. lintier, asou of Senator M. C. Hutler, while horsebackriding with a young lady at Lancaster, S. C., yes¬terday was thrown from his horse. As he strucktbe ground the horse fell upon him, crushing himseverely and causing concussion of the brain. Dr.Butler is iu an insensible condition and no hope*.re entertained of his recovery.



Rostov, Aug. 21..Kirkland M. Fitch, thelcfaultlug cashier or tbe Secoud National Raak ofiVarreu, Ohio, whose place, ot reaidenoe has been un¬

known to tue Western police authorities for some time,irrived here early Sunday morning.He went to oue of the leading hotels, and during the

lay appeared to sailer severe mental trouble. On ar*lt-

Baj yesterday morning aft r passing a sleepless night,lie ileci. nil to give [linnell' up to the police, and walkedtito the headquarter* of the district police in tbe after-roon. He said that his name was Kirkland M. Fitch,md that his pretence was desired In Warren, Ohio,tecause or his embezzlement uf $80,000 rrom the SecondS.itional Kau- or tbat place. Ile BB* at once takcu into.uttody. He appeared aa ir stuTerlug severely from a

<'r.e.en conscience, and *atd tbat he could not account'ni ht* coming to Huton, unle** it was to get away aa'ar a* possible from tho sceue or his crime. Ile alsotaid thai ho had takcu tho money as charged, and badont lt all lu stock .peculation* tn New-Vork.IL wai nestrons of saying b t little about his evil

halag Ho expressed a desire to return to Ohio as soouis possible wita**! being subjected tn auv legal delay,md saul tbat he would go without a requisition. CniefiVade Informed tbs authorities at Warren of the arrest,uni tn day received notice tbat officer* were now onheir way to take l'lt.-h home.



Reading, -'cud., Aug. 21..Janies D. Bother-ucl, sou ol Jacob Kotucruiel. a wealtay farmer of KerryI'owinhip. Hork* County, who disappeared mysteriouslyi'inc weeks ago, has been restored to bit parents. Heefl home u*r April for Iowa, havtug bee., supplied nyil* fattier with abundant means. After seeing confideribie of tho Northwestern country, he became homesick,iud wat also attacked with malarial fevers. Ho sanedminc, ami lu due ti ut* Bit trunk arrived, but hu did aa*.mi.- There were no liding! iu regard to bim until Utifriday, wheu the tallier revolved a letter written from:ii" Veaatigo County (Penn ) Airathouso by the ton, a»k-iug for *>:i0 lo enable bim to come home. Tho fat uer *enttuother of ht* ion* to bring Ultu home. When the yomgman reached, it was learned mat his inlud had bo-'o.iie somewhat affected owing lo lover. At Chicago hetonk a North bound tr.iin Instead of one for the Kati. Cewa* robbed oo (ho truln, aud about 150 miles Dorib mthicago, having neither ticket nor money, bo was put off

IBO train lu a wilderness. He worked bis way with dit-Iculty through tho pine forest, .ubcUling ror severallays upon roms and Bailie*. On making the open emin-ry be undertook to walk home, an 1, after eudunugjreal hardships, ho arrived al ths Veuaugo County Poor-iioutc, biokoa down lo health aud iu rags.



Hauiiiminihik;, Va.. Aug. 21. . Colonelleorgo C. Deueal, au aged mun who, before the war,aaa a member nf the House oi Delegates aud of the Slatelea*B**t Virginia, killed last night a uesro named'Ned" Kura, vt ho had forced au-entrance into lilslouse, lt ls supposed f or the purpose of robbery. ColonelDeueal wa* aroused by a none, and taking bis pistolnamed the door leal ng Into the adjoining room Just lulime to see the outer door forced open and a niau steptito the ronni Ho Iniiiirilu e y fired. The bullet passedllreetly through Rives'* heart, who fell forward on hi*ace. An iinpiest wu* demoed uuuecetiary, as ColonelDental acknowledged thu *hootitig. Denial was brought,o lowii, in. it i'elute .i magistialr; aud acquited.


SEVERAL PERSONS IN.H'RED BY A COLLISIOX ATUAZLEION.'*, Ohio, Aug. 21..A switch of the['ltUlturg anti Lake Urie Railroad al Hazlaton was left

ipeii tn-d.iy ami a passenger train ran lulu lim rear eudif a freight tralu tia.ming on the tame traek. lt " leie-

icoped " the caboo*>< and plunged through a i*B* car ofhe freight tralu. completely wrecking both cars. The.iigins ot tho pa*«eui;er train wat b.nilc wrecketl.

-uglneer Samuel Rote, or the passenger tralu, revii-redhe lever aud *tood hy (he throttle, miraculously coni'ugmt of the wreck wlttiotit receiving a scratch. Knouiaa..out* Kluutz Jumped sud was badly bruised mid cutiii,un the face, li mut aud budy. William Jobi..-.ou, nflev-land, au express iues4.-ng.-i', wa* much bruited.ii.ii ri Wal*h, li.iggags man,wa* severely injured. None

if the passengers was injured.Ul OLD MAN REATES TO DEATH

Baltimore, Aug. 21.--Last night an old man,'upturn llc/di, while seated ou tue tldewalk lu front ofhe Washington Hotel, iu (aulden »(., was violently as

¦united and beaten by Hush Rosboruurh, from the

'ffects ol which he died tnis morning. Rodborough lsveil known to thc police as a t-uarreltoiuo person.'aptaiu Heytlt caine to Kaitlin .re several uionuii ugorom Ouio During the war no served li; ihe 100th Ohioi'olunteera, and has slues received a pension. Rosbo-ough was urrssted.


St. Lot i-. Autr. 21..A dispatch to 'Ihe Post-'jffitch from Uallatin, Mo., say*: " the sheriff lt busyuiuinoiilug 100 ii-or* for tho l-'rauk Jame* trial. It I*islleved that lt will take three flays to secure tho t welv*lieu. Tho lown i* crowded. Charles '-'urn la here andtill ie*llfr. 'Dick' Little has not been se*u, and it is

bought that bu hu* lied. James'* friend* ure mimer-

ni-, bul are making nu demonstration*."


Cincinnati, Aug. 21..A conference of theirlottt of thu diocese met to-day to cousldur the tubjectif ile viBiiig means h.- which to pay tbe debit of ths late

irehblahop Purcell anti ht brother. About ISO priestsrare present. It wa* t*fuciuded to take uo action till arterhe emin* had decided the question* dow pending as tobe liability of tho Church property tor the debt.


S.uaclse, N. Y., Aug. 21..A dispatch has¦ecu received from So/rburuo which states tuat Alex-

mler White returned mero this morning aud euipnati-ally denies havlug met with a large iocs iu Wall Mreet,r that he is pursued by officer* or the law. Hit rrleudtlo not place any credence in thedispaloue* regarding biajttct.



UK MV-sTKRIOC.-l MATH I'i'HEN'lRAI, hain*'.:¦<.Maui kurd. Conn., Aug. -l,. lh« anuoriiiea of

ho li.-aus Httieat herc decline to ulUnn or deuy the correct-irs* of tho tumor that tioneial Hawes, who r.CouUy U.ed id

hat lusiitutlou, tiiiniuilteil sunids.KILLED WHILE ATTK-PT1NO TO ROB A HOUSE.Dr iiinir. Aug. ill..J. P. tenB**lf was dint and

dileil' while sitei-t-iiits to ctiiuiuit burgiary at Dlrmlu.haui, en uille* Hom ml* City, st an sari/hour suuJar atom.

¦.. Bette* kauw min he wat »*i*Bgoiuu* man suda

uofstsiuuat burglarTHK CITIZENS" UK EL PASO EXCITED.

Kl Faso, lox.. Aug. 21..luton** excitement ex-ad in IBia town lu regard io tho action ul Hi* eoiiuty author-tie* lu the «'a»e uf l|)* .""''dor ut yoiicotnan I hoina* W*4e byinward Dougiieitv aud uis accomplice*. Horn Burl anti Bidne Tn.- putuoais w*re teleased ave dayt ajo. and uisii.utn tuat several otOcei* were bought. Thsr* 1**W*bB)***B_B

I>,-ill*Ji>Ai- UAI-Ti'AJL, lVn^OL



Washington, Auv. 21..Ia a Waahingtoaletter to a Philadelphia uewapaper the other day lt weestated that " Postmaster-General' Gresham ls not mae*of a reformer." that he ordered the Third Assistant Post*mastor-oepcral lo " make four vaoano'.es In bis offlee."which was done, aud that "Gresham, no doubt, had saturnfriend* tbat had ta be provided for be for* the Civil Ser¬vice Reform business begun." The facts are a* follow*:Congress at thc last session provided for dispensing withthirteen clerk* in one divinion of tbe Post oilice Depart*incut. Nearly all the clerks In that divinion were woolan

whose ciericu! abilities were far above tho avers**. Be¬fore Howe died, be toldthem tlmt ut the beginningnf the next fiscal year, when the reduction waa to tanaeffect, be would provide for aa many of them as he couldIn ttber divisions or the Department. They were allneedy an- deserving persons as well aa excellent 3lerkt,and he thought be could make room tor them. WhoaGeneral Gresham came into office the sltuatlou wa* ex¬

plained to Bim. Upon investigation be round that theservices of certain clerks could be spured and theirplaces tilled to the advantage of the Government witatb* women clerks who wore about to bc displaced bythe action of Congress. None of these clerks wera per¬sona iiy ii uo sr a to him. Ho did not hesitate io make th*change.

In the publication above referred to the case of oneclerk who was removed is described os a very hard otto.That clerk ls .-puled to be a maa in comfortable circum¬stances. While he possessed good clerkes! qualification*hie -ii purlers lound that illa tim* aa 1 thoughts were somuch occupied sith a tfue country residence which he labulldiug aa seriously .to m.pair bis efficiency. His re¬tirement from tbe public* service enabled the Post-iini der (ieneral to retain another clerk equally compe¬tent, whose .mention to public dullen will not be inter¬rupted by the building or cara of a country house.General Gresham says tbat he did create oue vacancy

in order to make a uew appointment. The lady he ap¬pointed is a grand-nteceof George Wnsblmt'.ou, und ls noea personal aci|Ualutauo* of bia. she, waa iu need of aaopportunity to work lu order to support herself, and berappointment was liersiiually urged by a prominent mil¬itary officer wno ls fully acquainted with ber circum¬stances and knows her to iw worthy.



Washington, Auk. 21..The Surgeon-G-in-erai of the Marian Hospital Service received a telegramlast Light from Surgeon White, at Pensacola, as follows:"No new cases at Navy Yard hut forty eight hour*.Eight cases sud three deaths reported to date. Villa***ol Warrington and Woolsey perfectly healthy. Feverconfined lo Yard, aud Hospital Surgeon Owen lu criticalcondition."Commodore English, Aotlng-Seeretary of the Navy,

bat root*..ved a telegram from tbe Commandant of thaPensacola Navy Yard lequestlng that a Court of Inquirybe ordered to inquire Into the origin of the yellow the Yard. In accordance with that request the rol¬lo wmic Court was to-day ordered: Lieu tenant-Coin-¦nan.lei William Welch, president; Lieutenant DanielWhlppio und Assistaut-Surgeou William Martin wit*Gunner George Magruder aa Judge Advocate. TbaCourt will cnn vent* at Peusacola to-morrow. A telegramto ths Navy 11 -partmrut dated yesterday. Irom Puusa-coia, *a>s: ".tine* last nlgat no new cases. Woolsey caa*Bad Private Sarger lu the hospital died lasi mght."THE SUFFERINGS Ol' TUE SALOME'S CREW.

Washington, Aug. Tl * Ttl*tlmana* Obbbb.iIol the Marino Hospital Service ha* iee ired a reportIrom Surgeon smith, in charge of tbe Capo Charlo*quarantine, iu rogarJ to tbe Norwegian bark Salome,now lu qti.irautlue at tbat statlou. She lett Cardin',Walo*. February 6, for Vera Cruz, with screw or elevenpe. ions. Tao health of tbe crew remained good until th*cargo waa discharged at Yirra Cruz, where searnau Borea

A*lsg*eu was taken down with yellow fever and died iathree days ot black vomit. The captain had me feverJune 10, out recovered, aud the entire tlup's crew were

taken down io rapid succession. The Salome salle* fromVeracruz Juno -ti for Galveston, where she arrivedJuly 1, uud was ordered to the outer quAruuilue. Tbaday fottowiug thc first mate wa* taken with the feveraud ..'icu Jun H. A ivan.*-inger. Guerre, of New York.who took passage at Yera Cruz, was attacsed Ju.y 2 anddied July 4. J ua laat death waa that of Ole Toblusou. aBeuiiia*i, wno was (.ikea sick J air 8 and died July 14,the day of *ailiug iroai Galvestoa, making a total o' fourdeath*. One couvmeseout wu* left at \ era Cruz. Aaadds'lou ai unaeeliuiated seaman wa* shipped at (.ulves-tou. On arrival at Lyua Haveu Roads, August 14, allwere fnuud comparatively weil, thirty-ou* day* havingelapsed "ince the last death or case of any kiud. Tbalaat man shipped ha* thu* far eacaped ihe favor. Th*vessel wa* iiuaigated aud disinfected at Calveston.



Washington, Aug. 21..The Postmaster-Geueral ha* a letter to-day. inclosing t)tii) lu gold, fromthe Italian Director ot Potts, witu the expiauaiiou thadtbe money was fonud loose In a mail-pouch containing,ordinary Utters received trom New-York ou May 19,aud tbat the Italian postal autuonties had tuen unabletu discover to whom the gold belonged. It probablyrepresents thc savings ol some thrifty laborerwho desired to send lt to his relative* ut home, butlt is rather doubtful whether hi* desire willever be gratitleJ. As ihe inouey was Inclosed lu an ordi¬

nary letter no clew to the sender eau b* found. It fre¬

quently ncc.ira thai coin neut lu registered envelope*escapes Irom them aud ia found loose in the mallpouches Usually a careful examination of all the puck-ages enables tbe postal officials to restore it to tts properplace or to return it to tha seuder. For several

years the subject bas eun'aicud ihe aiteutlou.I officers ot the Pott Office Lieparimeut,and many attempts have beeu made to devise a

registered envelope which, while strong ciiotigb to re*

slat the alu'.iliiig action ol' eula, should ant be tooex-pensive to preclude tts use. lu Great Britala a persoasending a registered package I* re.pine.i to buy thoenvelope in which lt is sent, aud neavy linen-liueolenvelope* are provided tor that purpose. Tney cost twaor tun* c rim' apiece. In the United Slate* no anettcharge la authorize.1, ihe cost of the envelope being in¬cluded lu tue iee tor registration, when 1* loo small toJustify amore expensive envelope lhau the oue now mu*e.

TUE LUNG PLAGUE IN CONNECTICUT.Washington, Aug. 21..The following ia a*

copy of tbe report received at the Treasury DepariuiencIrom E. F. Thayer, or tho Cattle Commission, concern-

lug the outbreak of pleuro-pueumouia iu ion a ec tic ut:" I bave to report an outbreak of lung plague lu tbatown ot Salem, Slate of Cou-ectlcut. On April IU laat a

cow waa purchased by H. E. Williams, ol Salem, la

Jersey City, near Hoboken ferry, of a uian named Dur¬

ban!. Early In July a disease appeared amoug the cattleowned by Mr. William*, throe sf which died or wera

killed by th* owuer. The lung* were examiusd oy Pro¬fessor Lcautarct, of Auieri-au Veterinary College, andby Ur. Hu e. V. S., ot Hartford, Conn., wno pronouncedthe disease to be lung plagu*. By reque*t of the stat*

Cattle Commissioner* I visited the farm of Mr. William*on Tuesday, August 14. Of the remaiaiag animals otthe herd, three aro affected with lung disease lu th*

chronic form ; the fourth bas uot fully passed througUthe acute stage of tbe dlsoase. Au adjacent (ai ni ia

owned by Captatn Seaiueu. who has a huge herd ofcattle, oue or .v inch bas died. Both heida are in quar¬antine by order of the stale Commissioner*, wuu appre¬ciate the* imp.,i lance of prove .nug the apie.i.i of ta*disease, and, li..vlug full authority, will doubtless pre¬vent ll* lurtlier extension."The Treasury Derailment feel* no apprehension aa to

rh* spreatiof 'the di*ea»« beyond lt* present locality.Whether thu eow ta.en from Jeissy City came from a

tittil reoeaU) imp .ried ls uot auowu at Hie TreasuryDepartment.' .-salem, Couu.. ls lu tbe touthern part ofthat State, about twenty lillie* from Laug l*iat.d Sound.

ARMY ORDERS.Washington, Aug. 21..Second Lieutenant

James H. Krwlu, -Itu Cavalry, now at st. launs, has beeu

ordered to proceed lo Jeltorsou Barracks aud report to

the .upenateuded mounted recruiting service for tom-

porarv duty Seoond Lieutenant James D Maun, -tb

Cavalry, has beeu relieved irom duty as Judge Advocate

of tbe general court martial convened at Jeltersoo Bar¬

rack*. By direction of the 1'reaideut the Anny Retiring

Board convened at Governor"* Uland, Now-York Harbor,aud at Omaha, Neb., by special orders of M irea ltf,ls83*the Board couvened at -ho Pre*idlo of Bau Francisco by.pecial order* of March 17, 1883 ; thc Hoard convened

at Han Autoulo, Texat. by apecial or.'.cr* of July .1,1H8J, and tbe Hoard oonveued at Kori Snelllug. Mum.,by special orders ol July _8, 1883, havo all been di*.

solved. The superintendent general recruiting service

bas been ordered to cause thirty recruits lo be prepared,aud forwarded without delay under propercharge to Fort Snelling, Minn., for

assignment to 'be 3d lu ran try, and tony loFort Douglas, Ulah TeiriU-ry, tor a*s>gnmeui to tb*Oin infantry

l.ic'itei.uir. A. I-;. Wood, 4ti Cavalry, now on leave ofabteuce lu Paris, bas been designated by theCulled Siatss Govt ruuieni l» attend tho military mu-

omuvres ot the Frauen Army, near Paris lu september.on lnritaUou of Ute Franck GuverameaU Mahn* fi. B.