Library of CongressDESTI8TKY..1. W.MKlLSOtf.Oentist tax vfaln ntireet. PKTSErOlf XKJiTH TKN DOLXAR9...

DESTI8TKY. .1. W.MKlLSOtf.Oentist tax vfaln ntireet. PKTSErOlf XKJiTH TKN DOLXAR9 Hold Hilling To Iln s.lTrr nn.l i in Kl.lln-- x On Dollar Uumd Kxlrartliig. meli KinCent MitlaC-plIn- n Jfl T nf LUST. aflerroon, a portion of BBEsSrHINWednesday breastpin. Tbe Onder Ml 1 be rewarded br returning It to People Insur- ance Conipsnr. IB Madlwn Mryet. TO KXCIIA.1HC3I5. for Hempbli property. HiAHM3-toexehft- ii"e K P. BT3, No B Mulhepy street. On the 71 li of April, one dnrtc brown MCLE mul- -; about 1 S bands high, wlib a white !ot und-- r saddle, and abort eats. A liberal reward b"iilv"ii for her irturn to j" M -- a CAM IH' NK, 2 Johnson stpbub. AIULE-S- 25 RtWi RD-O- ne small brown mare iYL mule. I JH4 bands biitb. iilne years old; white oullar marks In mane; small white mark on each bit)- - Terr short bead; trimmed up close; strayed frjin my place, at Horn Lake, or March 18th. A. P. MONTANA, Horn Lake. MtssltPl. JUUOti AND BO AMD. OOM Furnished or unfurnished, with board. at 431 y street. IOOM Elegant front room, with board; also, day- -. V boarders wanted at 1 0tt Adams street. ' "OOMS furnished rooms with excellent table 7V board. Day boarders wanted at 66 Monroe 8U 1,'HONT KOOli Klrxauilr fumlsbed, at No. 104 17 Court street. Suitable for gentleman and wile, er two tingle gentlemen. Beferencaa. LOOSia Nice turn tubed rooms, cheap, at XX n. main stkkktv FOB MALE. 600 ACHES of land on President's Island, LAND- - 115 acre three mile out on Mississippi and Tennessee nailroad. Address PXTKU atlTCfl-KL- care Hill, Fontaine io. OT8 4 ND LAND3 about Central Point Paulina I- - J A. Dunn's lot t n Walnut, Vance, Plgeonroost, Union avenue, Humboldt faitc and fifteen acres west of Mr. John Overton's residence. W. A. WHKTLKV, 281 Main. In nantsTllle, Ala., one mils from the HOUSE a good uouae. containing six rooms, fine mil and cistern. 8e ai-re- s of land, stahles and good will be sold low ltalspneedof by Mny 1st. Address P. O, box Chattanooga, Ten- nessee The aboe la iliuaied on good pike toad. OOr r00 cords ash end backberry, at foot of w Court sireet. Mi per com. ABLK-A- nd Irl ball POOL TABLE; BILLIAUD-- 1 good order; only bave been, used six months. Apply to Crystal Palace ca'n. M'BAK CO. AND BINDERY MATERIAL- - Qufta ijKINTIXi quantity of seoi.nd-ban- d material for sitle. In quantities to suit purchasers. The above material comprises the establishment of the late Boyie Priming Company, which we now own. a C. TOOK A CO.. Memphis. N(,INK AND B01L8B Bhaltlng. pulleys and Jll bankers, lomplete. J. V. PATRICK. CJITTLIBII bOCKAWAT -- Almost new; for cash. P. O Coillgan. SMnihnd Broadway, Ft Pickering nLOUKl.NU AN U COHN-M1L- CHKAP In tlrtt-J-J elans oraer. If application Is made Immediately; engine 12 Inch cylinder and b stroke. Also, a Bteam Fire Engine, ut LatU's make, Cincinnati. Inquire kt Csrifrittrnnon. Second street WANTS. Invite application from able TEACllEHB-W- e In all departments ho s ek autumn engsgrments; many desliable southern vacancies. Crt.tral Agency. 514 Pine st. 8t louis. Mo. 1KB HABNKS HANDS-- 60 hands en SADM.B permatient engagement, at Rood wage, by appl,ln la pe s a or by letter; also, one good operator. HRH1.SN t O ATHRIGHT, Louisville, Ky. TjLBMITURK Nice seonnd-h'D- d parlorsetsnd J.' n che n furniture. Address X , Appeal office. white woman lo co k In a small family. ClOOK-- A at B78 Lin-e- street AKBKrt A firrt e ass baibtfr. Apply tiaston's B Hotel Baner-sbo- OY-- To lea n the pilntlug buslne-s- ; none bat B those uavug had some experience need apply. 8. C TOO ft CO. VAPOR BATH INFIRMARY 130 Desoto street) again, with water, spray and showers, for exolmlve of females. buy for esb. house and li t; house HOUSB-T- o suitable for grocery and sufficient room forsnrdl fHmlly. Adorers a. J M , Appeal ofHce. o RH AND KIIU.IapD Rt'OM with dress B ing room attached. Addtess, stating teres. 36 I., appeal omca CAI ITAL- - lu tbe biggest paying enter 1ITTLE In Memphis. ProOm Immense: secured by innti'-tKii- piil m onn-H- A W'rt. aHHMalnst tHt it HAY. Of Ave rooms. In good repair; will C"WTTAMR Inquire on premises, 279 POfLAR 8TBIKT. 10 aatt-- good land and bouse, near lbs LAND g. P. BATEd, B Mulberry streeL Linden street, 8 rooms; HOl'E-H4- 1t by R. It. Phillips. Esq.; In good repair; bath-roo- water, gas and tber eunvenienots. Ap- ply ,o l. QUIHI.EY. aasMi Front L OUSKS Two iiuuses on Hawley street. App PI at N' kii Jones avenue. ui NI3HED iiunl loom; also others; good located, 38 Mali), nearTJuioa. rpUK ou TbPd "street, between Madl-- ion and Mon.oe, lately occupied by J. A. Forre-- t A Co. as a tab'e lot; 74 feet front, and running back to the aliey 1 4 fe-t- . A only to B. RICHMOND. 20 Madison street n.rtatiOU Uhl Main slre-t- , now M Hmiion; possess on given April 1st, MINT KR PARKB, Main t. well located hill place ot 100 AUtaliil. tioni tbe city; large house lu good order; plenty ot corn, bay and todder on the Llano Also 20 and 233 Desoto street. 1112 Mosbr street, J 70 Carroll avenue. 1H1 Washington street Hiitf Jrfferson street extended. H 2 Mantaon a reel extended. Corner Butler and Georgia streets. Apply to - A M bOTD BON8. VML 4 Ah D on m Ui3ou street, uov occupied I b R. Bryan A Co. RFSIDKNCK3 Nos. 105 and 109 Madison, and Ian Court street. Apply to R. B Bnowden.or J m. urwiDLOR, II K Maaison. A laiico and tiouimouious bouse, con KOUeis. thlneeii rooms. and two detached COT-TAU- of to rooms each, wl.h a good spring and a gardn.i spot, at bewanee, Tennessee. The bouse Is paitl? lurnlsued, and ts suitably located for a boarduigbouse and hotel For terms, eta., apply to T. H. ARMSTRONG, 8wane. Ftai kiln county, Tenn. Thoroughli cleaned, unfurnished rooms, ROOMtJ parties, without children, at 81T Mdt-n- n sireet. Call In afternoon. I luui- l- Larue untuiuisued front room, with small I V nwim conneotli g, can be had, with good board, St 7i Court streeL References required. uroiiUed or unfurnU bed, single or in KooMS without board; apartments suited for lulit housekeeping, at lol Jeflersoi. street u'olW-urnlo- lied rooms, SB to OS per month. at tl7 reer Til K PUBLIC WILL TAKE KOTICE That tbe wrder ef the al asalaat thsflallsaf thelaaalalaw state l otteryCowspaay la REbCISDED. Krcletered. Lettcra aad Bssey OrUera can be neat throagh the avail mm fer-serl- y. S3 A 4tI.Kji!lOttOKT('!il' I V TO WIN A r OUT UN K. Fi'llUTH HRAND DISTRIBUTION, i;i,A. ".AT NEW OULEANd. TUESDAY, APRIL ia. 1SS0 lllWi Monthly Drawing. Louisiana State Lottery Company This Irvr.ltutlon wa regularly Incorporated by tbe LenihlBlure ot the 8. ate tor Eiluoalli nal and bin purixMes In 1SBM. fiir I be term qf venly V'rs, lo blob contract the Inviolable faith ot tbe rJliiuj Is plrdKrl. which leilge baa been renewed by an overwuuirulng potmlar vote, securing Its Iran-ch's- e In the new unstliutlon adopt d December 2. A.O 1H7H, w.tb a capital of l,ti(K).(XK). lowfatob li has since auded a reeerve lund of S.'InO.OOO. Jrawd Hlasle a im br r IMalrlbw tloal will taae place monthly, on the second Tuesday. It wirr Wc or poityune. Lock at the lolluwlng Dl- - IflbUllOU! CtPITAL PRITS.S'IO OOO. 100,000 TICK E rd AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. IULF TK Kt.TS.ONK DOLLAR, LldT OF PR17JU t Capital Prize SS0.00O 1 Capital Prize 10.01KI I Capital Prle ,0()0 a Pilze, of aJ.rilX) B.urH) 5 Prises of l.OtX) MlOO 20 liu. sof MW - lO.OCMI KKI Prises of l'XI 10.IHH) oihj pTKeaof Ml 10.010 fxH.1 ITU-s- ot 20 10,1 KM 1000 I'lUes of 10 10,000 arvitoxiMATiuii pr!eks: 9 Approximation Pnzea of JuKH) 2,700 H Approximation Prizes of 200. 1,800 cl Approximation Prizes of 100...... IKjO 18fi7 PrtTea, amounting ta 9110.40Q Responsible convaixMidtiig agents wttited at all points. u whom a liberal rompensauon will be paid. Write, clearly stating full adtlreaa, tar further In- formation, or send oniers by Express or lo a Regis- tered Letter or Money Order by mall addressed ouly to M. A. Uti rHLv, New Orleaaa. Law. or same person at !. ll Broadway. Kew Tark, or to U. L. .tLi.i'i, No. B West Court street. IHeuipbs. Tennessee. AU our tlrami Kxirmtrtitttarv Vnnoinft art ttawter tt vuiierwuniMt unci trvmooemewj of NEK A La U. T. RK.kHRW04HD.tnrf JIIHaL EAHt T. .V. K -- Thvt Omixrm hat NO AOF.XTS tn tn BkJTlSU J'OS.SA.s.'.O.VS. awf all tnon pntrnti-tu- g to 6 so, and .; oniers by drvuiart or Aeripiae. ni S Wl Vflf a'K.S. ll' KKXHWAKE. CHARLES N. ERICH, DIRECT IMPORT KB 0 laohemian Glassware, French & American China, QUEEKSWARE! K7KCIAE.TIRS I Uar-flxtare- a. Mir rare, ete. sVaadrapla-riate- d laalTea, C'aatora.ete Uatel aad Hleaasfceat Ware. 321 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn KKWAKD. OKf REWARD- - Stolen from Sft Union. Wednea-OOv- J day, Ai.rll 7tb. about 5 o'cinelc in theeven-In- u. one chestnut eorrel hUHdK. lots hands high, with wh'ts spot the size of a silver quarter on his forehead; tali and mane short; borse Is about ten years old; long co.ipled an-- t shod all round: &2i f ir return of borse acid 8-- 5 for tbe corivlrtlon of thief. AnnlT to CflLE CO 50 Half Barrels hew Potomac Roe Herring! Olra.FHB&Co LOCAL rAUAGUAPHS. Table vegetables are appearing rapidly. Monday night next the school board will hold a meeting. Thechancery court stands adjourned oyer to next Monday. The atmosphere yesterday mornine was chilly and frosty. Tbe M'Clellaa Guard were out on the street drilling last night. No business of any public importance was transacted at the criminal court yester- day. The Grant reception at Court square on Tuesday next will be a popular demonstra- tion. Barge loaded with ic9 are en route for Memphis and other southern ports from tbe north. The bright and pleasant weather yester- day induced hundreds of lddies to go on tnopping raids. The cotton market from a speculator 'a point of vantage presents a bad and droop- ing appearance. Will there be a Fourth of July celebration in Memphis this yar, ia tbe quaxtion. Where is General Peter Tracy? Now thut the rivers and bayous aro fall-to- g good fishing is anticipated at the Missis- sippi and Aikansas lakes. General Grant and pirty will be ban- queted at the Peabody hotl on Tuesday night next by the citizens of Memphis. At the Masonic Temple last night the degree ot the order of tbe Temple was con- ferred by Memphis Commander;, No. 4. Nobody experts the yellow-feve- r hera this summer or fall, const qaently we will have a big Mardi-Grs- s celebration next year. The old worn-o- at Nboisoa pavement is to be torn op and coca gned to the Missis- sippi river, and to give place to a rock pave- ment. Old wagons and carriages stored oo South Court street, near the curbing, form an unsightly appearance and interfere with travel. It is rumcred that General Grant and party will visit the Theater next Tuesday night and witness tbn presentation of the comio opera. Pirate of Penzance. The Florida stiaaberry, from New Or- leans, is arriving duly. No straworry festi- vals will ba held until the native and to the manner born makes its appearance. There are a greater number of rotten and dangerous wooden awmnga hanging abjve the heads of Mwmphiarson tbe princi- pal streets than in any city in tue land. - Monday night next, at the M'Clellan Gaardi' armory, on Second street, under (be Greenlaw optroouae, the Guard and their aolored friends will indulge in a jr,i9 drill aad hop. The bazar given by the ladies of St. Pe'er's church, at Casino hall, corner of Union and Second streets, will close to nwht, when the ontsata over tbe prizes will be determined aad settled. Tbe Midgets, comprising a number of little people, will reach here on board the Guiding Star from New Orleans and will give exhibitions in this city commencing on Tuesday next. The Bluff City Grays and the Chickasaw Guards are drilling with a view to compete for the prizss ottered at the State centennial exhibition, to be held at Nashville on the twenty-fourt- instant. - The following marriage licenses were is- sued by the county court clprk yesterday: Colored John Wesley and Fannie Harris, Wru. burton and Alic Goodwin. If'Atte Zachary T. lorry and Kiltie Jones. The Nashville centennial committee on art and decorations as It a tbe citiz ns of the State to contribute paintings, statuary, etc., to the centennial loan collection, to ba exhib ited in tbe art department ot the exposition The two story brick block on Monroe street, extending: from Second street to the alley, midway to Main street, is beinr torn down to give place to a fine block of build ings to De erected py uoionei Jotin M. t.2a, ot ash vine. A few days since, William II. Poillips, colored, ex marketmaster, was kicked in the face by a mule, and had his jaw broken in several places. lie was conveyed to his resi dence, on Allen uvenue, where he now lies in rather a critical condition. The buildings occupied by Woodruff & Uj on Slam street, and by John liaston, on South Court strett, are rec3iving new coats of paint. The awnings in front ot thtte bouses have been torn down, hence tbey pre- sent a neat and buamess-lik- e appearance. The buildings at 175, 177 and 179 Miin street, occupied by Woodruff & Onver ai a carriage factory and repository, irs bung brightened up with a liberal amount of paint. There are some other prominent blocks that a similar suit would add to little to their general appearance. As Charles Dickens slid when ha saw an American southern city its uosibtly awnings along tbe streets: "It looks like a city in masq ierado." Main aad other busi- ness s'rets deprived of awniuus and swing- ing gns, would com pa to favorably with the streets ot eastern cities. Newspaper correstondonts should sign their names to their articles sent in for free publication so that they could sea thetu elvrg as others see them, and thett-b- learn the animus that inspired their their effusions covered up by a non de plume. This would take the starch out of many diatribes. The judge of the criminal court will to- day render a decision on the change of venue motion in the case of the Sta'e vs. James A. Anderson, so far as selecting between Tipton and Fayette counties as tba venue, to which tbe prisoner will be sent for trial on tbe thir- teen! indiotments fonnd against him lor em- bezzlement by the grand jury of Shelby county. We have received from Ycung & Bio., Odd-Fello- ball. Mam street, a copy of Xtlli' Memoirs, ft novel by li ma Nonchetf e Carey, author ot Wooed and Marritd. It. is from the press of J. li. L: polecat t & C.. Philadelphia. It is one of the most readable and chatming novth of the season, one that provokes an uunsual interest and almost com- pels a reading through at a sitting. Last Tuesday, tbe anniversary of the battle of Shtlob, the people of New Orleans decorated tbe gravts of the Jovd and lost at the Canal stteet cemeteries. The monument in Greenwood cemetery was covered with floral offerings that aweke manv tender and heroic memories. The Graod Army of thj R'tubHosent a shield with red, white and blue segments, and surmounted by dove bearing in iU bill a twig sj mbwlical of the olive branch. "I'll strike yeu with a feather," sang the Cincinnati drummer who purchased the twelve hundred pounds of Memphis feathers, driven out ot Nashville and Chattanooga and sent back to tbe Bluff city, but the response of the Cincinnati house was, "No you don't, if the feather is infected." The Cincinnati drummer who purchased tbe feathers on speculation should send a telegram to his house, repeating the words ot Hirhelieu, "The pea u mightier than the sword." At the Shelby circuit court yesterday there was on trial a claim for damages, in the suit of Mr. Mary T. Frost r. J. A. Hays and H. T. CotlVe. The rlaintitf claims five hundred dollars tor rent of residence at Buntyn Station during tbe epidemic of 187S. Tbe suit is for trespass, in taking possession of the premises witbout authority and tailing to pay rent for the same. The declaration charge that, in October, 1S7S, and at other j tune for a number of days alter, the defend-- 1 rriJa MEMPHIS ID-rI- X APBIL lO, IS8Q. anta turned their cattle into her clover-fiel- d near Buntyn sanation, usea ner orewooa, coai, milk and butter, also broke and damaged i... KM.oralni. . and ininrpd her residence. UDl M.V - - -- , rf furniture and carpeting, and infected it with yellow-teve- r, so as to rentier it uokhsuw iur a month. The caFC will be further beard to-da- PEIiSOAAL. Jodgb James Fentbess, of Bolivar, Ten- nessee, is at the Peabody for a few days. Ludwig Tkikk, of New York, the great wine merchant, is stopping at the Peabody. Dr. W. E. Rogers was on the street yes- terday, much improved after a week's ab- sence. Mr. John J. Dvrrr has returned, after a ten days' trip to Washington City and other cities of the east. W. A. Whbatlbt, 281 Main street, offers for sale the Pauline A. Djnn lots and lands at Central point and Humboldt park. Victor D. Fcchs, at No. 39 and 41 Jef- ferson street, has just received a shipment of fresh oysters; also, Reelfoot lake perch and live chickens. F. I. Matburt, Esq , of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and traveling agent of the great Mackinac fishing line and G. R. and L. rail- road, is at the Peabody. Thk visitors at the cotton exchange yester- day were: J. W. Baker, Dyersburg; D. M. Russell, Mississippi; J. Rosenbach. St. Louis; J. A. Coolidge, Lagrange; J. R. M'Kinney, Hickory Valley; J. F. Light, Dyersburg. Thk committee appointed to make ar- rangements for the reception of Grant are requested to meet at the Peabody hotel this evening precisely at tour o'clock. Captain J. Harvey Mathes is a!s) requested to attend. Coroner Galloway has appointed Cap- tain Charles T. Smith deputy-corone- r. Either of them can be fonnd in tbe day at 31 Madison street, and Deputy Smith can be found at night at No. 56 Court street, Vin- cent block. JcDfiB E. S. Hammond, of our United States district court, will be back from Padjcab, Kentucky, on Sunday next. Ua has been holding the United Stat 68 court at that place for two weeks past, and will re-ta- vi the river, cn board the steamer Andy Baum. Ledger, of yesterdav: "Major D. W. Haydon, of Louisville, Kentucky, formerly a member of Albert Sidney Johnston's staff, and now agent fcr the life of that distin- guished chieftain, written by his son, William Preston Johnston, has been in the city seve- ral weeks, and we are glad to learn has been quite successful in his business, and has en- joyed himself socially to his heart's content. He has met many of his old army comrades here, and made new friendships as well as revived old ones. He says that Memphis is the banner city of this country; that it has more sense and social vitality than any place he has ever s?en. The Tennessee club is the best organization of the kind that he ever met in his life. He goes away with the high- est opinions of the Memphis people he met. Major Haydon is an elegant gentleman ot the old school. Though young in heart and manner, who wonld be taken for a Ken-tucki- an or Virginian in any part of the civ- ilized world. Meeting one of the Ledger staff yesterday, he said : 'I would like to express my appreciation of Memphis and my heart- felt thanks for the continuous kindness and courtesies I have received here.' He goes to Jackson, Tennessee, in a day or two, and we commend him to the good people ot that in- telligent and highly cultured community." AMUSEMENTS. HU Peter'a Caareb Jtaaar The attendance at the charitable bszar held at Casino hall last niht was quite large at d f ishionable. Qaito an amount of pleasure was eijoyed by those in attendance. The tableau on the stage depicting the Gipsey camp, and in which all the ladies in costume participated, was picturesque in the extreme. During the evening tbe music by Arnold's baad kept time for tbe dancers who filled tbe flxr. The voting for tbe ditT.reut prizes resulted as follows: For the silver servica set to tbe most popular dry goods house- - Leu-bri- Bros., 115; Menken Bros., 110; Lowenstein & Bros., 22; Frank & Co., 9. ror the elegant clock to the most popular steamboat captain : Cap- tain Bob Wise, of the J. W. Gff, 100; Cp-tai- n Stack Lee, of the James Lje, 21. For sword to the most popular member of a mili- tary company the voting was not brisk last night, but the contest will be lively Captain Waldron, ot the L'gbt Guards, and Lieutenant Wildberger,- of the Bluff City Gravp, are the obief contestants. A basket of flowers to the most popular young lady attending the bazar was given to Miss Mamie Lightbnroe, who received 423 vote; Miss Cmp, 320; Miss Apperson, af Nw Orleans, 128. The basket brought 62 25, and was donated to the bazar by Mrs. T. J. Latham. A stick of candy ot mammoth pioportions, to be given to the sweetest young gentleman at the bazar, will be donated by vote. Tte young ladies are hard at work for their beaux, whom they naturally desire to be the perfection of sweetness, and to receive the candy tribute of recognition. Among tbe most brilliant of the rare beauties that swelled the throng near the well were M:es Jennie Camp and Miss Apperson. These young la- dies were not only much observed for their loveliness, but also on account ot assiduity in serving their friends, and their unselfishness in deserting the dance and remaining at their post of duty, working with unflagging cheer- fulness. Miss Mamie Selig and Miss B Cohen, two of our most charming ladies, at" tended the bazar last evening. To-nig- the attraction will clcsa and tbe award of prizes will be made. Pirates of Peaaaaee. Oa Tuesday night next Gilbert and Salli van's latest operatic production, Pirates cf Penzance, will be presented at Leu brie t lne ater by the D'Oyley Carte English opera com pany, it is sparkling in (tumorous dialogue. good in style, admirable in dramatic situa tions, and is embellished with popular music. Comparing it with Pinafore, Gilbert's share of the present work is even brighter than in the former opera. It is fuller of points and happy witticisms. As for Mr. Sullivan, be has evidently spared no pains to prevent himself from falling behind his previous reputation, and has given to the Pirates even a more elaborate and carefully written score. and a broader and more scholarly treatment than he brought to the composition ot Pina fore. The story is exceedingly droll, full of good romts, odd rhymes, and irresistibly comical situations. ine sale or re- served seats at Hollenberg's, on yesterday, for the engagement, was Quite targe, not only for Tuesday night, but for Wednesday and Thursday nights and the Wednesday matinee. It is more than probable that Gen eral Grant and party will attend the Tneater and witness the Pirates of Pentance on luesday nignt. LAW KE PORTS. Crlaalaal Coart Horrlaan, Jiidce. Calendar for 154. R. A Wright; Ibo, Mike Hacketf; 167, Pat Gnffio; 189, L nis P. Buerer: 190. Thomas Dwver: 191. 192, Jack South; 193, John Carroll; 195 ruin o;ar. SOLVJK THIS PUZZLE." Why pay twenty dollars for a "hand-m- e' down-eui- t" when you can have a goci suit of clothes made to order for fifteen? Why pay twenty-fiv- e and thirty dollars for ready-ma- de clothing when you can have made to order the same class of goods for twenty and twenty-fiv- e dollars? Why pay forty-fiv- e dollars for "Scotch imported Bannockburn Cheviots" when you can have them mada to order for thirty-tw- o fifty ? Why pay seventy dollars for imported diagonals and broadcloth suits when you can have them made to order for forty-fiv- e to fifty dollars? These questions will be answered to your satisfaction by us. Suits made to order by our tailors here when req liied. Goods delivered in five days if required. Waaaaaaaker A Brown, Represented by Miles Sc Co., C-r- . Court and Second. Mprlng Lambs. Drrsaed ebtekea. All klada of vegetable. Lsks Erie Malasan. Keeiroot lake pereh. i Bed-aaapp- Mrs baas. Presaiaaa Kea tacky Beer. H. MKKaH KX, SR. at tOK, Coraer JetTeraaa sad Meeead Mtreeta. New saada arrlvlaa dally at Blc Boot ahoe atare, 844 Halw. Letup's St. .Louis lleer. Frill Pu...!. 1, r -- t It W.l ,, Pnn.l . ' 1 I' ll H. , H. V o wu. street, are the sole agents for the celebrated Letup's St. Louis beer, which is the only pure ueer lumiBuea w :ms market, being brewed especially for this climate, and is the only beer that retains its strength and delicious flavor alter transportation. Fresh shipments received daily by the agents, at No. 1 West Court street ' FALL Of A.XVNIXCI&. A II air Block of mreet Awilif Tarn-ble- a lata the Hewer.Dlteh oa Beale Street Nobody Sertaaaly Iaared Bad Jlaaaceaseat la Dizains Hewer Treaehea. Yesterday forenoon about two hundred feet of awning or veranda in front of the Magevney block, near the bayou on Baale street, tumbled into the street, fortunately in- juring no one seriously, although the sewer excavators were working in the trenches un- der the awning at the time. The sewer-tren- ch was being dug just inside the curbing on the Booth side of B?ale, in front of stores Nos. 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, from which a com- paratively new awning projected. Tbe con- tractors in digging the deep trench paid no attention to the alluvial soil and its caving in propensities, so the workmen undermined the awning-posts- , and the entire awning tot- tered and fe 1 outward into the Blreet and be- came a complete wreck. It was fortunate at the time that but few persons were on the street, otherwise the loss of life and ir juries to limb would have been most serious. By tracing the sides of the trench near the awning- -posts the result would have been avoided, but it seems as if nature indorsed the Appeal in its advocacy of tbe proposition to tear down these nuisances, awnings and swing- ing signs, which prevents the ingres of sun- light and fresh air to buildings. Yesterday afternoon the block, withont its awning, pre- sented a pleasing appearance. TUE CtfcTOMHOCJSE. Total AbaBdoaaaeat of tbe Batldlasr Work by tke Contraetere No mar- ble Bteae at the 0.uarrlea Stoae-Catte- rs Uapald aad Oat or Work. The United States superintendent of pub- lic buildings was in the city yesterday look- ing into the customhouse building business. He had visited the quarries from which the marble is furnished, and found tbat no work was being done there, and no stone was be- ing quarried lor the customhouse by the con- tractors. Here the work of cutting stone has long since been suspended, many of the stone-cutte- having left the ci, while oth- ers are hei cut of money, tbe contractors not having paid (hem their wages. The way the work has been managed by tbe contractors has been shimeful in the extreme. The original con- tractors became bankrupt and their securities attempted to finish the work, or made a pre- tense of so doing, with a view to sub-le- t the work at tbe same low figure, or at a less fig- ure than the original bid and contract. This they have been unable to do, and tbe custom-bous- e is as far Irum being fiaished as ever, standing just as it did when it was dedicated by laying the corner-ston- e nearly two years ago. At the present rate ot progress it will not be finished in one hundred years. It is time for the government, to step in and de- clare the contract forfeited, and settle with the bondsmen ot the original contractors then either have the work done under the su- pervision of a government superintendent or let it out on contract a second time. The building should be finished as soon as possi ble by somebody. TI1K SHELBY COUHTY Medical Society 91 ast be Content wllb a Disclaimer oa the Part or Dr. Wight or any Intentional ' Wrens. At Wednesday's session of the State medi cal society, in Knoxville, tbe report ot tbe committee to whim was rtfjrrtd the charges against Dr. Wight, for alleged improper ruling at tbe fast meeting ot tbe society, the following report was read by tbe chairman. Dr. Deenng J. Roberts, Dr. Wight retiring meanwnile: To tbe Presld nt and Members ot the Tennessee JUedlcal Society: Gkstlkmen While we are unwilling to do anytning tbat would impair or weaken tbe aUection ot any ot tbe snelby county medical society, and regretting tbe absence of tbe members of the State society mentioned by them in their communication to tbe State society, yet from all the evidence tbat we. your committee, could get from tke members of tbe State society who were present at the meeting at Isasbville. lennessee. November 17, 1879, including the ex parte statement ot Dr. i. u. aummers, wbo introduced tberesc lution in behalt of tbe Sbelby county medical society, we are sat sSed that Dr. E. M. Wight did not, intentionally, do said Sbelby county medical society, or any ot its members, any injustice, and expressed his regrets that they sbould so construe bis action. We. therefore. your committee, cannot recommend that the charges he entertained; but in view of tbe above facts, and the statements made to ns by Dm. Wight and Ciark, disclaiming any indention, wbatever, of disrespect to tbe del' egates or resolutions of Sbelby county medi cal society, do recommend tbatibe pacers be returned to the Shelby county medical socie ty, with the request and sincere hope that tbey win accept this disclaimer ot any inten tional wrong as fully satisfactory. We beg leave to append the letter of Dr. Clark, and subscribe ourselves, most respectfully, your obedient servants, DEKEING J. ROBERTS, T. A FBEWITT. r. BOtt.BT, Committee. The report was accepted. Eminent Dr. W. A. Greene, JIacon, Ga., Writ s: "I cheerfully state that I have tested tbe virtues and tthcieocv of Colden a Lie' big's liquid extract of beef in my private practice in cases of general debility, weak ness, depression, dyspepsia, loss of appetite aad nirvous affections, when medicine had proven more tnan useless. 1 nave found it ' the best remedy I ever used in chronic alcohol ism, when the stomach ia always irritable and food required to nourish." Sold by leading druggists. Floyd's Candies. Copied by many. Envied by all, and equaled by none. Send fcr a box. iTilboi's Cod-Liv- er Oil and Lime. The great popularity of thia safe and ffficaclotiS preparation is alone attributable to its intrin- sic worth. In tbe cure of coughs, cold?, as'bma, bronchitis, wliooping cougu, scrolu-lou- s humors, and all consumptive symptoms, it baa no superior, if equal. Let no one neg- lect the early symptoms ot disease, when un agent is at hand which will cure all com- plaints of tbe chest, lungs cr throat. Manu- factured only by A. B. Wilbor, chemist, Bos- ton. Sold by all druggists. Economy is Wealth. Gents' clothing dyed, cleaned and repaired by I. Isaacs, 270 Second street, opoeite Court q jare, Memphis. Tenneiwpe. Head and Remember. Tbe great medicine fcr all diseases of tbe svstem is Dr. Cheek's liver invigorator. Try it. For igue. Anemia, Intermittent Fever, Consumption, beueral Dfbilily, etc Bavbnni, IIkrckb Co., Mo., May, 1879. Tbe Fellows Medical Manufacturing Co,: Gents We have n3ed ynir Fallows com-i.ou- ad syrup of by(Opbospbites with gratify- ing results in our practice, and cheerfully recommend it to physicians, and others, as a reliable and agreeable preparation in ague. intermittent fever, first and second stages of pulmonary consumption or anemia or gen- eral debility. We would recommend it as tbrt best thing we know of. Signed, J. K CALLAWAY. M D. JOHN L UtUPLhY. M.D. Fashionable Dressmaking. Mrs. George Miller, 61 Linden street, cor- ner St. Martin, has resumed business, and solicits a call from her old patrons and the public. Telephone SSetsengers. The "Telephone Exchange" will furnish swift, trusty and intelligent messengers at all hours of tbe day or night, tcr errands to all parts of tbe city, by calling through any telephone to the central office. Rites: 30c per hour; quarter-hou- r or less, 10 J. French Steam Dje-Work-a. Ladies' and gentlemen's goods dyed and cleaned at I.oni RpjgplV.'8 Jaffarson street. A Great Discovery by a Great Han. Th s, primarily, is what Warner's safe nervine is. The great min is one of the most famous living physicians. He found a harmless remedy for all kinds of pain, others improved it, and the final result is th stfe nervine now manufactured only by H. H. Warner & Co. Ice Cream and Sherbet. The nicest dessert you can have for din-tier- s. To get it pure leave orders early at Floud's. Aiv n I n gs M att re sses. II HlTTEXBEBU, S31 tseeoad at. llefore ltreakfast Always nse eozdont and rub it in well. It rives such pleasant relief from patched tongue resulting from sleep, promotes the healthful secretions of the mouth. It will cost more for meat and such things, bat don't begrudge it. Brown x Jones Pittsburg, athotwell aad Oeanel Coat. gM) Hala .street. NTKAB boats . FOR NEW ORLEANS. He Loots and New Orleans) Anebor E.Ine Vor Vlcksburg, Natchez and Kew Orleans Steamer Commonwealth, George Corveil, master, Will leave th Aucbor-llo- e wnarf bont SATURDAY, April lOtb, at 10 a. m. Kor freight or passage apr.lT to AD STORM. 8 'P't. on wharfboat. FOR DYERSBURG. Var Halm. Faint, Key Connor, Iy -- r- harf and all Way Landings. Tbe fine Steamer muk: twain, E&x W. P. Hall master I Harrv Teiry clerlt leave THIS DAY. April 10th. at 12 o'clock to. Special attention given to way business. Kor fmtirht or rnsa amir on boart FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Memphis and Pine Blurt C. S. Mall Line. Kor Pins Bluff. Little RocH.and through to Kort Smith Sir. liatie E2ojji iii& Ed. Rowland mtir I J. N. Thomson clerlt Lenves as above SATURDAY, April lOili, at 5 p.n;. For tieUtht or pa.ssme apply to JOHN N. HAKB1N. Snr't. 9P'lb Front st FOR ARKANSAS CITY & GREENVILLE. Adams Nrnl-wrrkl- y 1'. M. Mall Line For ArkansatClty, Pine Bluff Railroad, Greenville, and all waj landings The elegant steamer Oiiaciiiti. llelie, 23 Hark B. Cheek... murter I A. L. Cmnrams... clerk Leaves as above KYBEY MONDAY for Arkansas City: and THURSDAY for Greenville, at 4 p m. fVT- - QUO. No. H Ms Hwn iw FOR UAIKO AND ST. LOUIS. St. lianis aad Vleksbnre Anchor !le u. m. aiail-i- Ofi CJLIKO AND ST. LOUIS. Ste. Genevieve, ZZi Welti master. Will leave the Anchor Llnewbarfboat THIS DAY, April 10th, at R u.ra. Forlrelghtor passage apply to AD. 8TOKM. 8uo't. nn wnai iikmi. FOR VICKSBURU. t. baala and Vlrktbarr Anchor Line Enltid dtaten Mall FOR VICKSBUKO. John U. Mnuile,! Brolasltl ...master. Will leave the Anchor Line wharrboat SUNDAY, April 10th, at 10 a.m. Kor freight or passage apply to AD 3TOKM. 6up't. on whartbngt. LEE LilWB STEAMERS. For fcUenUale. Helena end frlara Point Jamet Xee, ijy Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow. ..titrk Will leave as above on every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FlilliAY, Et 4 p.m. Ofhc No. ft MsflLnn "trt. FOli O.0EOLA. Trt-Week- ly II. . Mall Packt-F- or Rhc- - Uotpc, Fulton. Osceola and way landings 8tr. Henry Cooper muster I Wm. 8mltheTS cierk Will lesve Memphis every MONDAY, WEDJJBDAY and FRIDAY, at n pm For information a;pljon board, or to Nn. 3 Martlson FOR WHITE RIVER, Memphis & whits Kiver Packet. Bearalar Inrlependent Meciphls aad White River Facnel For Augusta, Jaoksonpon Searcy, and way points. The regular Independent Packet HAUD CASH, Ed. C. Postal waster I Charles Postal clerk Will leane Memphis EVKttY WEDNESDAY, at 6 p.m. For freight or passage apply to B. W. LIUHl BURNS, To 1 Monroe St.. opp. Peabody betel. ,T T WsSFJNHinN l .. FOR SI". FRANCIS RIVER. Memphis and St. Francis U. S. Mail Line Steamer Katesville. o. K. Joplln." roaster A. L. Banning cier Leaves Memphis TUESDAY and falLiAY. 5 t) m., for Mailanna, theCiit- - and all Intermediate land- ings. For freight or pangnse enplv on hoard, or to i n U4nM, -- u,r"t FOti COMMERCE AND THE RENDS. For Scanlan's. Star, Bennett's and Commerce. Shields, Wm. Ashford master I Ed. W. Crowell clerk Leaves Memphis daily, at 5 pm , for Commerei-- , ex- tending trip on tratur.lays to Xilioon's, Walnut Band. Austin and OK. Monday and aatuida; t Ipsextendrd Council Bend, "or fretunt or rmg RpiH on boar-i- . FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. Ml lit' UAHK1 I.J K. HeatpMa White Kiver and HlacR Kiver V. r. Me.ll Park'ts. For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devoirs BluH, Des Arc, August, Jacksouport, West Point, Searcy, Batesville, Ponhattan, and Pocahontas. The new steamer Josie Harry, M. R. Harry, captain. Waixer Outlaw, cierk. Leaves Memphis on and after November 'J4. every SATURDAY, at 5 p.m., connecting direct with the new Black liver V. 3. matl packet MILT HARRY for Powbattan rfnd Pocahontas, and with Dally Packets to Batesvlll.' and Upier White rl7er. Through tales to all points. Freight consigned to Mill Harry Line, Memphis 01 Terrene wIM be promptly forwarded. R W l,l()nTPVNH .lr rnt s . FOR COMMERCE DAILY. lue Elegant Accommodating Bauds Packet, Sllvertliorn, 8. H. Whitehead. ..master I Nell Booker clerk Leaves Memphis Daily, at n o'clock p.m. For freight o. passage apjly oa Doa a, or to NO H Vartl.rm .trwr. FOR LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNAT Memphis & Ohio River S&PACKET COrViPANYSsi COB Cairo, Louisvills and Cincinnati STKA31EK5 ANDY BAU5I, CO-- S MILLA.R. JAMES W. GAFF, VINT SHINKLE, JAS D. PARKER, T1RG1E LEE. Steamers of this line leave Memphis for CAIRO, LOUISVILLE AND CINClNNAil Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays AT 5 OCLOCK P.M., Connecting at Cincinnati xlth Railroads and Steam-ei- a for all Eastern, Northern and Western Points, Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS, CHICAGO, TOLEDO, BUFFALO, RICHMOND KEW IORK, WASHINGTON CITY, PHILA- DELPHIA AND BOSTON. Eastern toorHts will find ths La Belle River Bonte Safe, Delightful ana Economical. Bates by this line Cheaper than any other first-clas- s route. Meals and Staterooms Free. Baggage checked thronah. STi'asseDgor3 can rely on a splenuld tilp by this line, as tbe steamers are all Qrt-clas- having been expressly built for the accommodation ot paase ti- ers. Each steamer carries a full String Baud. For full Information, apply to R. W. LIGHTBUBNS, General Freight and Ticket Agent, No. 7 vionro. rfft Vorntrit. GENERAL EFFECTS OF PELLOWS'S C0HP01LND SYRUP OF HYPOPOSPHITES ! "Jt is Perfectly Safe, and tlie Taste Fleasasit." THE first apparer t effect Is to In the appetite It assist dlge9tin, and ciiutes the rood to aalirilate propt-rly- , Ihut the sys- tem la nourishes, it also, by Its toiilo action on the digestive s. Induces more copions and eular evacuations. Its ffec' on tbe mucoui membrane Is such thHt ea-- y exicioriilln Is produced; not only Rre tn air pas-aae- s eas ly voided of tbe tern-- t on Hlrtadr de- posited, but Hs collection Is carried on In a healthy manner. the formation of tubt-cl- Is retaided. The rapidity with which pa'lents take on tin b nhlle under the Intlu eow of the Pyinp, of It elf Indicates that no othrr preparation can be adapted t) h-- lp and nour- ish tbe constitution, and bence be morn efllcai:ious In all depiesslon of spirits, shaking or trembling ot the bauds or body, cinnsb, shortness or breath, or consumptive habit. The nerves and muscles be- come strengthened and toe blood punned. FELLOWS') Compound Syrn? of Hjpopbo?iilii1e9 Speedily and pennftnent'y co'es Congestion of the Lungs, Bronchitis. Consumption, Nrrvous Prostra- tion, Shortness of Breath, Palpitation of the rt, Trembling of 'he Hands at d Limbs. Fhjstcal and Mental ep'nio-i- . Loss of Appetite, Los of En- ergy, Los of Memory. It wl 1 rapinly Improve the weakened functions and organs of the b ly, wnlch depend lor health uin vo'untary. and Involuntary nervous action. It acts wllh vlfoi, gentleness and subtlety, owing to the exu-lt- e har- mony ot Its lngrertieius, akin to pure blood It elf. Its taste 19 pleasant, and us effects permanent. Mold by all tlrntglnts. SI 59 per bottle. LACLEDE HOTEL, 5th, 6th and Chestnut Sts ST. XsOUIS, : : : HIO. ASOS PtCUKAVl a. . MOSES BILt.AUD J. H. CHliSAING Rates 32 f 0 and ?3 ppr day. TOBITmTKK'i i I, k Pursuant to the terms of a deed of trust marl- - to me. as trustee, by C. A Tayior, on the second day of Keb.uary, 1S72, to secure a certain indebtedness therein um-- i. I will. on S4TL KUAT. the 15th day ol May, 18X0. before the courthouse ooor in ine city ot neinphls (now Taxing-district- Tennessee, sell for casb, to ths hiehfcat bidder, the folluwlpz described nrooprtr. couveyed to me In the deed nforesaid, w I'cu deed is recorded In book No 85. page ITS In the Register's office of Shelby county: Part of Mock sixty one (rtl). sltuved on the north sldecf Beale street, lu the city of Memphis, fbelby county, Tenue&see. and more partleu arly described as follows: Beginning 222 feci we.-- t ot tbe western line of the right ot wy of I he Memphis and Charleston Railroad the same being 25 tea-t- , at right angles, west f n m tbe center ot sitld ratlrotn; theoce north at right angles' Uh Beale street 22d feet to a stake on tue boumiart 11 n of aid raliioad; thence 451.4 dvg east with tbe boundary line or said railroad 18!!lj feet to a rtake; theuce weot parallel with Beale street 82U feet to a slake; thence south 3 df g west Vo feet to a stake In the north Uneof Beale street; theuce west with the north line of Beale street 90 feet to tbe beginning, and being the lot eoi.vtyed 10 said Tal r br w. B Waldran. July 2, ISrirl Tbe title to said property Is believed to be good, but I convey only as trustee. April o, ibbia id, tr, ttttiNULva, trustee. Dress Goods Silks & Satins! Tbe most novel at? lea aad combinations not to be btalned elsewhcrr. ODB LINK OF BELLINI AND BONNET SILKS 1 At SI. 1 3.1. 1 65. St 83. IS. S 85. S 85, S3 X5. AN ADVANTAGE IN Spring Mantles! We bought a lot of Imported (irmeatt la tsUb, Hatln de Lyaa, Lace, aad Cashmere, from an Importer, tar below valae. A. rare chance for seed lavestmsit TTe start them at SI 85 p to S43 75, 1000 YARDS BROCADED RIBBONS! At I triple. J. S. fciODrTIN. J EST GOODS Or LATEST bTYLES, GOOD "AT MULL.1AS. Jr. Cotton 336 front PftrttoTilw-- r tvttoii oli Has UEFAKTHENT THELABGE8T! Admitted! PATTERNS, ROUND HATS BROADWAY OloTes1 rARa-SOLS- , SPECIALTIES! with Commission Merchants Memphis. ROI W mm "larhlne-Slio- p Johnston k Two CUSTOM-MAD- E CLOTHING! SPEIM STOCK KECE1VED. Suits Made Order! GOODS PRICES 305 MAIN Factors and street, cfc Llvormoro, Pa?op'sl 93 St., dpp, Square, 12 em phis Fronts, Colamns, sills, Ventilators, Cellar-Graling- -f "H klnd Iron and. Casting;!), General Repairs and Ev-r- y ia Line r Fonndrv and IS. IS. KHTKH. late Ks tea, Vlaer at Co. SSTES, BO AIT Sl OO (tsneeeaaors ta At L. II. Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors Commission Slerchants, 33 Union Street. Memphis. Eoneset Bourb In combination of Boneset nd fine wllb ripe old from oar larn stcik ol pure we select tbe best or tills purpose. Oar amaat flae or nothing. hare no for ForDjs-lepsl- a. Malaria, Debility, tbe of Delicate Women, Pros- tration of Overworked Clergymen, morbid secretions which cause Bad Breath, and all Bronchial Weakness, It Is and CHAHBEB8 . BKUITIT. LouUvllIe.'Ky. T. O". cf9 CO., AOKPTH HEUFDI r JtECISTEREDi' GIN & MACHINE CO. MANUFACTUBEB3 OF 1MPBOVED and Eclipse Hulling Gins, Feeder?, Condensers and Cleaners, lot proved Arrow and erw lor Steam or Sbaftlng, Pulleys, etc., and dealers la Belttnr, Glawrlgbt .Material, etc., etc. Atlas, and other Steam Engines, C0BN-MILL- 3 JLKD SAW-MILL- repair nil kinds of Gins. Xrglnee and Machinery. 8end tor catalogue. 391 to 399 Nhelby st , Memphis STATE A COUNTY BACK To All Persons Interested. UNDEB Instructions from the State to rail tour Attention tn thn Into rtrM. slon of the Court In Ibe case of tbe State et al. vs. Martha In Ibis case tt was neii mot the state's lien for taxes could be enforced by bills filed In tbe Chaxjcrrv Court; lh"rt the equity of renemption would be barred, and that purchasers would valid titles to real esute sold under these proceedings. In oance wli h the terras of tbe decree In this case. I will lsue certificates of dern. tlon to parties who settle before the nili g of a bill ngslnBt tbfir prone tr. a Mia the paymeatof tbe tx with lDiemst since tbe as e of uixale, On the 15th or April Kext, I will commence to fl'e bit's against all dllnqne,t property not redeemed br tbat dale To avoid lb expanse to the taxpayer that will be by t'je Cling of sucb bills, 1 huve tried as far I could to g ,ve personal nolle to parties who are interested In tbe delinquent list, and I will continue to do so nnti ih. date above named (April lth). but owing lo tbe uuiuuer iicnuutruto 11 will 09 impOSSIDie ' Of all to be so notified, in view of this I would uig 9 upon P'oprrty-owner- s the necessity of calling at once at teeofUoe. to see li anything aprears unnn triju. books against them. Respectfully. C WKITHKRmi n Btate and Connty Agent and Back Thi-C- Mnclor. Inman Royal Mail Steamers KewTsrk to Qieeastowa 4X tlwerpool NOTICE The Steamers of thfs Line take Lien tenant Maury's Lane route at ason of ibe year Citt or Richmond, Saturday, April 17. 11 a.m. Citt or CaasTva. Thursday, April 22. at 3 p.m. Citi or Thursd-.y- . April 29. at 9 a.m. Citt or Bkuljn, baturday. May 8. al H m. Citt or Montbeal, Thursday, May 13, at H a.ra !?". P'er 7. North river. loot or Charlionst Cabin passage $80 a..d 100 Ketutu favorable terms. BTEKKAGK. S28. Saloons, stS rooms, smoking and bathrooms amidships. man i. DALE, Agent, 31 US Broadway. M Y THOd. KIBBZH, U Madison TfUMphla, OVa BEiT I Prices Lowest ! UniTemally PARIS YORK ! 8ee what S5, SS, S7, SS and pracarelaa 1000 English Sailors ! 50 ceata. OUB SPECIAL STYLES 1 yOB.HI3E.E3. HEAL UK KIT! Onr L,eadiD Glores! Oar 45e t loves I Oar 1 Laces. Iianaraedae and Span lab, at IO. lV, Hto.Wi. gp every width. Kvcry department alive neTclrles. 8. M. JttcCAliLL'M cor. Union, tiwvtdl lyigof whH in Work.. I JAM. II. lOAK, Ilmphla, Tenn. Bates. eX Ca.l FINE OJSNTS' rUKNlv.HING to LOW ST. siren rtandlo Second Market tSIIouse Liatals, Brass tiling t e And Tuh. 11 and elegant olher tonics, a Keataeby Whisky, whiskies, Tome be We use false pretenses. Keebleness tbe tbe adellolous reliable remedy. Carver Cotton Ames's We Plantation TAXES Comptroller, W. Duucan. acquire aiv-- o m- - anginal Incurred ui Line all Bkcsbiua p NEW SlOwIll nn nTvri Fixer Tonic BTTSI1Y WHOLESALE iWEN LILLY Practical Builder OF FJLNE ightOarriiges I KEEP A SELECT STOCK (rxi itwalwelr of say own nssafsrtsrr) CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I am also prepared lo build (TO OR-DK- any or all of tb tneae rs atyleo of Hisflra, and Kamlly Carriages low In use. I use nothing but the VEttY BEST MATERIAL, and employ strictly first-cla- mechanics. KBPA1UIN6, In all Its branch's, done promptly nd In the best msnnw "WM 44 masks and Costu.mes Fsr Ladles aad Kentlemea Si ew Htoek, la dreat Variety. Sam'l May, Costumer, r S S Z -- t f;- -. IT 1 1 iPili PATENTED a. iS-SK- is ,Beptrnber 24.1878. Notice IS heiebr gtven tbat I haT lost or mislaid O rtl f- loat No. 18 or the second series of stock ot toe Building aod Lotto Association of Mempbts, and bare msde appilcatloD tor a dupli- cate thereof. A tl persons are oeiebr warned against purchasing said oertincate, as tbe same has never been transferred of me. a B. fliUOWAV. atempbu, tfarea 8. 188a ABE ExMbiting Inexhaustible Variety Ulagaificent Silks and Bress ioode! IK HERALDIC, ORIENTAL, JAPAKZSE SATIN EFFECTS. No Duplicates Ok These Goods Be Found IX City! LQWEOTEIIBR .111 . - OTHEllS GEAHB OFBHIUGo KIRKLAHD'S PEABODY ARCADE MONDAY, APRIL 5TH, OSE DAT ONLY 6BASD EXPOSITION OF GENTS' FURNISHING GO HATS, VALISES, QDS tJXiad.les aro Hapooiallv Invltoca..Sl BLUFF GITY CLOTHING HOUSE NOW 1ISPIA.Y131 THK H A.N 1 H O MK ST LIKE OP To be fonnd anywhere. Bent Make. Choicest Style. LowefcA Prices. P.B. Lare a tack oa hand tar ttbaleaate Trade, ta whlcU the attentlan of Merchant la directed.. S. "VTSlSrOia, :: : Q 9 VTAIN ST. C. IS. Moore. IflOORE, B AS SETT & CO, IotaJLoi 1n Doors, Sash, Blinds, foldings, Lumber, Eath Shingles, 351-353-3- 59 Second street. : Memphis, Tcnu. JH. C. PKARCE. AH OP Ho. 258 Paid thn mI ALL OF and and Etc., W. Dillartl. AND Can HIE and n rn FRONT Etc. ii. T. Uattsett. li. D. SUGGS. K. Jm Coffin. SI. 43. fiT IMHRMPTTIS. 4. at, rslO. -- i nn inn r trirrs n H A to rUSTAXSE, JEUOMZ PEARCE, SUGGS & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, Front Street, Memphis, Tenn. tgrPttrttcnlar Attention to ot Coton..g1 M.H.Ooover&Co JLLSUFACTUKE11S OF Doors, Sash, Blinds & Moldings, KINDS DOOIi WINDOW FRAMES, Brackets Scroll Work, Bongh Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Nos. 161, 163 and 165 Washington street Jno. DiLMBD, 00FFI11 & 00. Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers, 260-20- 2 Front, street. Tafemn'hiB. P0E.TEE.TAYL0R Ik bo COTTON 3QO rRONT n r P a 3 R, 296 and 29D nail FACTOR: AND HU.L. AND Grocers, Cotton Factors, AND ATT AGENTS, COTTON STREET, MEMPjSl.,i....TEXX. UMBRELLAS, NTAINE&O FACTORS AND I COR. THIRD AND LOCUST STS., I ST. LOUIS MISSOURI. BTAgeat tor He Celebrated IS. Oarrcr Cotton-eia- . JL x1

Transcript of Library of CongressDESTI8TKY..1. W.MKlLSOtf.Oentist tax vfaln ntireet. PKTSErOlf XKJiTH TKN DOLXAR9...

Page 1: Library of CongressDESTI8TKY..1. W.MKlLSOtf.Oentist tax vfaln ntireet. PKTSErOlf XKJiTH TKN DOLXAR9 Hold Hilling To Iln s.lTrr nn.l i in Kl.lln-- x On Dollar Uumd Kxlrartliig. meli

DESTI8TKY..1. W.MKlLSOtf.Oentist

tax vfaln ntireet.PKTSErOlf XKJiTH TKN DOLXAR9Hold Hilling To Ilns.lTrr nn.l i in Kl.lln-- x On DollarUumd Kxlrartliig. meli KinCent

MitlaC-plIn-n Jfl T n f

LUST.aflerroon, a portion ofBBEsSrHINWednesday breastpin. Tbe Onder

Ml 1 be rewarded br returning It to People Insur-ance Conipsnr. IB Madlwn Mryet.

TO KXCIIA.1HC3I5.for Hempbli property.


K P. BT3, No B Mulhepy street.

On the 71 li of April, one dnrtc brownMCLE mul- -; about 1 S bands high, wlib a white!ot und-- r saddle, and abort eats. A liberal reward

b"iilv"ii for her irturn toj" M -- a CAM IH' NK, 2 Johnson stpbub.

AIULE-S- 25 RtWi RD-O- ne small brown mareiYL mule. I JH4 bands biitb. iilne years old; whiteoullar marks In mane; small white mark on eachbit)- - Terr short bead; trimmed up close; strayedfrjin my place, at Horn Lake, or March 18th.

A. P. MONTANA,Horn Lake. MtssltPl.

JUUOti AND BO AMD.OOM Furnished or unfurnished, with board.

at 431 y street.IOOM Elegant front room, with board; also, day- -.

V boarders wanted at 1 0tt Adams street.' "OOMS furnished rooms with excellent table7V board. Day boarders wanted at 66 Monroe 8U

1,'HONT KOOli Klrxauilr fumlsbed, at No. 10417 Court street. Suitable for gentleman and wile,er two tingle gentlemen. Beferencaa.

LOOSia Nice turn tubed rooms, cheap, atXX n. main stkkktv

FOB MALE.600 ACHES of land on President's Island,

LAND- -115 acre three mile out on Mississippi

and Tennessee nailroad. Address PXTKU atlTCfl-KL-

care Hill, Fontaine io.OT8 4 ND LAND3 about Central Point PaulinaI-


J A. Dunn's lot t n Walnut, Vance, Plgeonroost,Union avenue, Humboldt faitc and fifteen acreswest of Mr. John Overton's residence.

W. A. WHKTLKV, 281 Main.

In nantsTllle, Ala., one mils from theHOUSE a good uouae. containing six rooms, finemil and cistern. 8e ai-re-s of land, stahles and good

will be sold low ltalspneedof byMny 1st. Address P. O, box Chattanooga, Ten-nessee The aboe la iliuaied on good pike toad.

OOr r00 cords ash end backberry, at foot ofw Court sireet. Mi per com.


good order; only bave been, used sixmonths. Apply to Crystal Palace ca'n.M'BAK CO.

AND BINDERY MATERIAL- - QuftaijKINTIXi quantity of seoi.nd-ban- d material forsitle. In quantities to suit purchasers. The abovematerial comprises the establishment of the lateBoyie Priming Company, which we now own.

a C. TOOK A CO.. Memphis.

N(,INK AND B01L8B Bhaltlng. pulleys andJll bankers, lomplete. J. V. PATRICK.CJITTLIBII bOCKAWAT -- Almost new; for cash. P.O Coillgan. SMnihnd Broadway, Ft PickeringnLOUKl.NU AN U COHN-M1L- CHKAP In tlrtt-J-J

elans oraer. If application Is made Immediately;engine 12 Inch cylinder and b stroke. Also, aBteam Fire Engine, ut LatU's make, Cincinnati.Inquire kt Csrifrittrnnon. Second street

WANTS.Invite application from ableTEACllEHB-W- e

In all departments ho s ek autumnengsgrments; many desliable southern vacancies.Crt.tral Agency. 514 Pine st. 8t louis. Mo.

1KB HABNKS HANDS-- 60 hands enSADM.B permatient engagement, at Rood wage,by appl,ln la pe s a or by letter; also, one good

operator.HRH1.SN t O ATHRIGHT, Louisville, Ky.

TjLBMITURK Nice seonnd-h'D- d parlorsetsndJ.' n che n furniture. Address X , Appeal office.

white woman lo co k In a small family.ClOOK-- A

at B78 Lin-e- streetAKBKrt A firrt e ass baibtfr. Apply tiaston'sB Hotel Baner-sbo-

OY-- To lea n the pilntlug buslne-s- ; none batB those uavug had some experience need apply.8. C TOO ft CO.

VAPOR BATH INFIRMARY 130 Desoto street)again, with water, spray and showers,

for exolmlve of for esb. house and li t; houseHOUSB-T- o

suitable for grocery and sufficient roomforsnrdl fHmlly. Adorers a. J M , Appeal ofHce.

o RH AND KIIU.IapD Rt'OM with dressB ing room attached. Addtess, stating teres.36 I., appeal omca

CAI ITAL- - lu tbe biggest paying enter1ITTLE In Memphis. ProOm Immense: securedby innti'-tKii- piil m onn-H- A W'rt. aHHMalnst

tHt it HAY.Of Ave rooms. In good repair; willC"WTTAMR Inquire on premises,

279 POfLAR 8TBIKT.10 aatt-- good land and bouse, near lbsLAND g. P. BATEd, B Mulberry streeL

Linden street, 8 rooms;HOl'E-H4- 1t

by R. It. Phillips. Esq.; In good repair;bath-roo- water, gas and tber eunvenienots. Ap-

ply ,o l. QUIHI.EY. aasMi Front L

OUSKS Two iiuuses on Hawley street. AppPI at N' kii Jones avenue.

ui NI3HED iiunl loom; also others; goodlocated, 3 8 Mali), nearTJuioa.

rpUK ou TbPd "street, between Madl--

ion and Mon.oe, lately occupied by J. A. Forre-- tA Co. as a tab'e lot; 74 feet front, and running backto the aliey 1 4 fe-t- . A only to

B. RICHMOND. 20 Madison streetn.rtatiOU Uhl Main slre-t- , now

M Hmiion; possess on given April1st, MINT KR PARKB, Main t.

well located hill place ot 100AUtaliil. tioni tbe city; large house lugood order; plenty ot corn, bay and todder on theLlano Also

20 and 233 Desoto street.1112 Mosbr street,J 70 Carroll avenue.1H1 Washington streetHiitf Jrfferson street extended.H 2 Mantaon a reel extended.Corner Butler and Georgia streets.

Apply to - A M bOTD BON8.VML 4 Ah D on m Ui3ou street, uov occupiedI b R. Bryan A Co.

RFSIDKNCK3 Nos. 105 and 109 Madison, andIan Court street. Apply to R. B Bnowden.or

J m. urwiDLOR, II K Maaison.A laiico and tiouimouious bouse, conKOUeis. thlneeii rooms. and two detached COT-TAU-

of to rooms each, wl.h a good spring anda gardn.i spot, at bewanee, Tennessee. The bouseIs paitl? lurnlsued, and ts suitably located for aboarduigbouse and hotel For terms, eta., apply to

T. H. ARMSTRONG,8wane. Ftai kiln county, Tenn.

Thoroughli cleaned, unfurnished rooms,ROOMtJ parties, without children, at 81T

Mdt-n- n sireet. Call In afternoon.I luui- l- Larue untuiuisued front room, with smallI V nwim conneotli g, can be had, with good board,

St 7i Court streeL References required.uroiiUed or unfurnU bed, single or inKooMS without board; apartments suited for

lulit housekeeping, at lol Jeflersoi. streetu'olW-urnlo- lied rooms, SB to OS per month.

at tl7 reer

Til K PUBLIC WILL TAKE KOTICEThat tbe wrder ef the al

asalaat thsflallsaf thelaaalalawstate l otteryCowspaay la REbCISDED.Krcletered. Lettcra aad Bssey OrUera

can be neat throagh the avail mm fer-serl- y.

S3A 4tI.Kji!lOttOKT('!il' I V TO WINA r OUT UN K. Fi'llUTH HRAND DISTRIBUTION,i;i,A. ".AT NEW OULEANd. TUESDAY, APRILia. 1SS0 lllWi Monthly Drawing.

Louisiana State Lottery CompanyThis Irvr.ltutlon wa regularly Incorporated by tbe

LenihlBlure ot the 8. ate tor Eiluoalli nal andbin purixMes In 1SBM. fiir I be term qf venlyV'rs, lo blob contract the Inviolable faith ot tberJliiuj Is plrdKrl. which leilge baa been renewedby an overwuuirulng potmlar vote, securing Its Iran-ch's- e

In the new unstliutlon adopt d December 2.A.O 1H7H, w.tb a capital of l,ti(K).(XK). lowfatobli has since auded a reeerve lund of S.'InO.OOO.Jrawd Hlasle a im br r IMalrlbw tloal will

taae place monthly, on the second Tuesday. Itwirr Wc or poityune. Lock at the lolluwlng Dl- -IflbUllOU!



LldT OF PR17JUt Capital Prize SS0.00O1 Capital Prize 10.01KII Capital Prle ,0()0a Pilze, of aJ.rilX) B.urH)5 Prises of l.OtX) MlOO

20 liu. sof MW - lO.OCMIKKI Prises of l'XI 10.IHH)oihj pTKeaof Ml 10.010fxH.1 ITU-s- ot 20 10,1 KM

1000 I'lUes of 10 10,000arvitoxiMATiuii pr!eks:

9 Approximation Pnzea of JuKH) 2,700H Approximation Prizes of 200. 1,800cl Approximation Prizes of 100...... IKjO

18fi7 PrtTea, amounting ta 9110.40QResponsible convaixMidtiig agents wttited at all

points. u whom a liberal rompensauon will be paid.Write, clearly stating full adtlreaa, tar further In-

formation, or send oniers by Express or lo a Regis-tered Letter or Money Order by mall addressed oulyto M. A. Uti rHLv, New Orleaaa. Law.or same person at !. ll Broadway. KewTark, or to U. L. .tLi.i'i, No. B West Courtstreet. IHeuipbs. Tennessee.

A U our tlrami Kxirmtrtitttarv Vnnoinft art ttawtertt vuiierwuniMt unci trvmooemewj of NEK A La U.T. RK.kHRW04HD.tnrf JIIHaL EAHt T.

.V. K -- Thvt Omixrm hat NO AOF.XTS tn tnBkJTlSU J'OS.SA.s.'.O.VS. awf all tnon pntrnti-tu- g

to 6 so, and .; oniers by drvuiart orAeripiae. ni S Wl Vflf a'K.S.



laohemian Glassware,French & American China,


Uar-flxtare- a. Mirrare, ete.sVaadrapla-riate- d laalTea, C'aatora.ete

Uatel aad Hleaasfceat Ware.321 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn


OKf REWARD- - Stolen from Sft Union. Wednea-OOv- Jday, Ai.rll 7tb. about 5 o'cinelc in theeven-In- u.

one chestnut eorrel hUHdK. lots hands high,with wh'ts spot the size of a silver quarter on hisforehead; tali and mane short; borse Is about tenyears old; long co.ipled an-- t shod all round: &2if ir return of borse acid 8-- 5 for tbe corivlrtlon ofthief. AnnlT to CflLE CO

50 Half Barrels hew Potomac

Roe Herring!



Table vegetables are appearing rapidly.Monday night next the school board will

hold a meeting.Thechancery court stands adjourned oyer

to next Monday.The atmosphere yesterday mornine was

chilly and frosty.Tbe M'Clellaa Guard were out on the

street drilling last night.No business of any public importance

was transacted at the criminal court yester-day.

The Grant reception at Court square onTuesday next will be a popular demonstra-tion.

Barge loaded with ic9 are en route forMemphis and other southern ports from tbenorth.

The bright and pleasant weather yester-day induced hundreds of lddies to go ontnopping raids.

The cotton market from a speculator 'apoint of vantage presents a bad and droop-ing appearance.

Will there be a Fourth of July celebrationin Memphis this yar, ia tbe quaxtion. Whereis General Peter Tracy?

Now thut the rivers and bayous aro fall-to- g

good fishing is anticipated at the Missis-sippi and Aikansas lakes.

General Grant and pirty will be ban-queted at the Peabody hotl on Tuesdaynight next by the citizens of Memphis.

At the Masonic Temple last night thedegree ot the order of tbe Temple was con-ferred by Memphis Commander;, No. 4.

Nobody experts the yellow-feve- r herathis summer or fall, const qaently we willhave a big Mardi-Grs- s celebration next year.

The old worn-o- at Nboisoa pavement isto be torn op and coca gned to the Missis-sippi river, and to give place to a rock pave-ment.

Old wagons and carriages stored ooSouth Court street, near the curbing, forman unsightly appearance and interfere withtravel.

It is rumcred that General Grant andparty will visit the Theater next Tuesdaynight and witness tbn presentation of thecomio opera. Pirate of Penzance.

The Florida stiaaberry, from New Or-

leans, is arriving duly. No straworry festi-vals will ba held until the native and to themanner born makes its appearance.

There are a greater number of rottenand dangerous wooden awmnga hangingabjve the heads of Mwmphiarson tbe princi-pal streets than in any city in tue land. -

Monday night next, at the M'ClellanGaardi' armory, on Second street, under (beGreenlaw optroouae, the Guard and theiraolored friends will indulge in a jr,i9 drillaad hop.

The bazar given by the ladies of St. Pe'er'schurch, at Casino hall, corner of Union andSecond streets, will close to nwht, when theontsata over tbe prizes will be determined

aad settled.Tbe Midgets, comprising a number of

little people, will reach here on board theGuiding Star from New Orleans andwill give exhibitions in this city commencingon Tuesday next.

The Bluff City Grays and the ChickasawGuards are drilling with a view to competefor the prizss ottered at the State centennialexhibition, to be held at Nashville on thetwenty-fourt- instant.

- The following marriage licenses were is-

sued by the county court clprk yesterday:Colored John Wesley and Fannie Harris,Wru. burton and Alic Goodwin. If'AtteZachary T. lorry and Kiltie Jones.

The Nashville centennial committee onart and decorations as It a tbe citiz ns of theState to contribute paintings, statuary, etc.,to the centennial loan collection, to ba exhibited in tbe art department ot the exposition

The two story brick block on Monroestreet, extending: from Second street to thealley, midway to Main street, is beinr torndown to give place to a fine block of buildings to De erected py uoionei Jotin M. t.2a,ot ash vine.

A few days since, William II. Poillips,colored, ex marketmaster, was kicked in theface by a mule, and had his jaw broken inseveral places. lie was conveyed to his residence, on Allen uvenue, where he now liesin rather a critical condition.

The buildings occupied by Woodruff &Uj on Slam street, and by John liaston, onSouth Court strett, are rec3iving new coatsof paint. The awnings in front ot thttebouses have been torn down, hence tbey pre-sent a neat and buamess-lik- e appearance.

The buildings at 175, 177 and 179 Miinstreet, occupied by Woodruff & Onver ai acarriage factory and repository, irs bungbrightened up with a liberal amount of paint.There are some other prominent blocks thata similar suit would add to little to theirgeneral appearance.

As Charles Dickens slid when ha saw anAmerican southern city its uosibtlyawnings along tbe streets: "It looks like acity in masq ierado." Main aad other busi-ness s'rets deprived of awniuus and swing-ing gns, would com pa to favorably with thestreets ot eastern cities.

Newspaper correstondonts should signtheir names to their articles sent in for freepublication so that they could sea thetu elvrgas others see them, and thett-b- learn theanimus that inspired their their effusionscovered up by a non de plume. This wouldtake the starch out of many diatribes.

The judge of the criminal court will to-day render a decision on the change of venuemotion in the case of the Sta'e vs. James A.Anderson, so far as selecting between Tiptonand Fayette counties as tba venue, to whichtbe prisoner will be sent for trial on tbe thir-teen! indiotments fonnd against him lor em-bezzlement by the grand jury of Shelbycounty.

We have received from Ycung & Bio.,Odd-Fello- ball. Mam street, a copy ofXtlli' Memoirs, ft novel by li ma Nonchetf eCarey, author ot Wooed and Marritd. It. isfrom the press of J. li. L: polecat t & C..Philadelphia. It is one of the most readableand chatming novth of the season, one thatprovokes an uunsual interest and almost com-

pels a reading through at a sitting.Last Tuesday, tbe anniversary of the

battle of Shtlob, the people of New Orleansdecorated tbe gravts of the Jovd and lost atthe Canal stteet cemeteries. The monumentin Greenwood cemetery was covered withfloral offerings that aweke manv tender andheroic memories. The Graod Army of thjR'tubHosent a shield with red, white andblue segments, and surmounted by dovebearing in iU bill a twig sj mbwlical of theolive branch.

"I'll strike yeu with a feather," sang theCincinnati drummer who purchased thetwelve hundred pounds of Memphis feathers,driven out ot Nashville and Chattanooga andsent back to tbe Bluff city, but the responseof the Cincinnati house was, "No you don't,if the feather is infected." The Cincinnatidrummer who purchased tbe feathers onspeculation should send a telegram to hishouse, repeating the words ot Hirhelieu,"The pea u mightier than the sword."

At the Shelby circuit court yesterdaythere was on trial a claim for damages, inthe suit of Mr. Mary T. Frost r. J. A.Hays and H. T. CotlVe. The rlaintitf claimsfive hundred dollars tor rent of residence atBuntyn Station during tbe epidemic of 187S.Tbe suit is for trespass, in taking possessionof the premises witbout authority and tailingto pay rent for the same. The declarationcharge that, in October, 1S7S, and at other jtune for a number of days alter, the defend-- 1


anta turned their cattle into her clover-fiel- d

near Buntyn sanation, usea ner orewooa, coai,milk and butter, also broke and damagedi... KM.oralni.. and ininrpd her residence.UDl M.V - - -- , rf

furniture and carpeting, and infected it withyellow-teve- r, so as to rentier it uokhsuw iura month. The caFC will be further beardto-da-


Jodgb James Fentbess, of Bolivar, Ten-nessee, is at the Peabody for a few days.

Ludwig Tkikk, of New York, the greatwine merchant, is stopping at the Peabody.

Dr. W. E. Rogers was on the street yes-terday, much improved after a week's ab-

sence.Mr. John J. Dvrrr has returned, after a

ten days' trip to Washington City and othercities of the east.

W. A. Whbatlbt, 281 Main street, offersfor sale the Pauline A. Djnn lots and landsat Central point and Humboldt park.

Victor D. Fcchs, at No. 39 and 41 Jef-ferson street, has just received a shipment offresh oysters; also, Reelfoot lake perch andlive chickens.

F. I. Matburt, Esq , of Grand Rapids,Michigan, and traveling agent of the greatMackinac fishing line and G. R. and L. rail-road, is at the Peabody.

Thk visitors at the cotton exchange yester-day were: J. W. Baker, Dyersburg; D. M.Russell, Mississippi; J. Rosenbach. St.Louis; J. A. Coolidge, Lagrange; J. R.M'Kinney, Hickory Valley; J. F. Light,Dyersburg.

Thk committee appointed to make ar-

rangements for the reception ofGrant are requested to meet at the Peabodyhotel this evening precisely at tour o'clock.Captain J. Harvey Mathes is a!s) requestedto attend.

Coroner Galloway has appointed Cap-tain Charles T. Smith deputy-corone- r.

Either of them can be fonnd in tbe day at31 Madison street, and Deputy Smith can befound at night at No. 56 Court street, Vin-cent block.

JcDfiB E. S. Hammond, of our UnitedStates district court, will be back fromPadjcab, Kentucky, on Sunday next. Uahas been holding the United Stat 68 court atthat place for two weeks past, and will re-ta-

vi the river, cn board the steamerAndy Baum.

Ledger, of yesterdav: "Major D. W.Haydon, of Louisville, Kentucky, formerly amember of Albert Sidney Johnston's staff,and now agent fcr the life of that distin-guished chieftain, written by his son, WilliamPreston Johnston, has been in the city seve-ral weeks, and we are glad to learn has beenquite successful in his business, and has en-

joyed himself socially to his heart's content.He has met many of his old army comradeshere, and made new friendships as well asrevived old ones. He says that Memphis isthe banner city of this country; that it hasmore sense and social vitality than any placehe has ever s?en. The Tennessee club is thebest organization of the kind that he evermet in his life. He goes away with the high-est opinions of the Memphis people he met.Major Haydon is an elegant gentleman otthe old school. Though young in heart andmanner, who wonld be taken for a Ken-tucki- an

or Virginian in any part of the civ-ilized world. Meeting one of the Ledger staffyesterday, he said : 'I would like to expressmy appreciation of Memphis and my heart-felt thanks for the continuous kindness andcourtesies I have received here.' He goes toJackson, Tennessee, in a day or two, and wecommend him to the good people ot that in-telligent and highly cultured community."


HU Peter'a Caareb JtaaarThe attendance at the charitable bszar held

at Casino hall last niht was quite large at df ishionable. Qaito an amount of pleasurewas eijoyed by those in attendance. Thetableau on the stage depicting the Gipseycamp, and in which all the ladies in costumeparticipated, was picturesque in the extreme.During the evening tbe music by Arnold'sbaad kept time for tbe dancers who filledtbe flxr. The voting for tbe ditT.reut prizesresulted as follows: For the silver servicaset to tbe most popular dry goods house- - Leu-bri-

Bros., 115; Menken Bros., 110;Lowenstein & Bros., 22; Frank& Co., 9. ror the elegant clockto the most popular steamboat captain : Cap-tain Bob Wise, of the J. W. Gff, 100; Cp-tai- n

Stack Lee, of the James Lje, 21. Forsword to the most popular member of a mili-tary company the voting was not brisk lastnight, but the contest will be livelyCaptain Waldron, ot the L'gbt Guards, andLieutenant Wildberger,- of the Bluff CityGravp, are the obief contestants. A basketof flowers to the most popular young ladyattending the bazar was given to Miss MamieLightbnroe, who received 423 vote; MissCmp, 320; Miss Apperson, af Nw Orleans,128. The basket brought 62 25, and wasdonated to the bazar by Mrs. T. J. Latham.A stick of candy ot mammoth pioportions,to be given to the sweetest young gentlemanat the bazar, will be donated by vote.Tte young ladies are hard at work for theirbeaux, whom they naturally desire to be theperfection of sweetness, and to receive thecandy tribute of recognition. Among tbemost brilliant of the rare beauties that swelledthe throng near the well were M:es JennieCamp and Miss Apperson. These young la-

dies were not only much observed for theirloveliness, but also on account ot assiduity inserving their friends, and their unselfishnessin deserting the dance and remaining at theirpost of duty, working with unflagging cheer-fulness. Miss Mamie Selig and Miss B kL.ieCohen, two of our most charming ladies, at"tended the bazar last evening. To-nig- theattraction will clcsa and tbe award of prizeswill be made.

Pirates of Peaaaaee.Oa Tuesday night next Gilbert and Salli

van's latest operatic production, Pirates cfPenzance, will be presented at Leu brie t lneater by the D'Oyley Carte English opera company, it is sparkling in (tumorous dialogue.good in style, admirable in dramatic situations, and is embellished with popular music.Comparing it with Pinafore, Gilbert's shareof the present work is even brighter than inthe former opera. It is fuller of points andhappy witticisms. As for Mr. Sullivan, behas evidently spared no pains to preventhimself from falling behind his previousreputation, and has given to the Pirates evena more elaborate and carefully written score.and a broader and more scholarly treatmentthan he brought to the composition ot Pinafore. The story is exceedingly droll, full ofgood romts, odd rhymes, and irresistiblycomical situations. ine sale or re-served seats at Hollenberg's, on yesterday,for the engagement, was Quite targe, notonly for Tuesday night, but for Wednesdayand Thursday nights and the Wednesdaymatinee. It is more than probable that General Grant and party will attend the Tneaterand witness the Pirates of Pentance onluesday nignt.


Crlaalaal Coart Horrlaan, Jiidce.Calendar for 154. R. A Wright;

Ibo, Mike Hacketf; 167, Pat Gnffio; 189,L nis P. Buerer: 190. Thomas Dwver: 191.192, Jack South; 193, John Carroll; 195ruin o;ar.


Why pay twenty dollars for a "hand-m- e'

down-eui- t" when you can have a goci suitof clothes made to order for fifteen?

Why pay twenty-fiv- e and thirty dollars forready-ma- de clothing when you can have madeto order the same class of goods for twentyand twenty-fiv- e dollars? Why pay forty-fiv- e

dollars for "Scotch imported BannockburnCheviots" when you can have them mada toorder for thirty-tw- o fifty ? Why pay seventydollars for imported diagonals and broadclothsuits when you can have them made to orderfor forty-fiv- e to fifty dollars?

These questions will be answered to yoursatisfaction by us. Suits made to order by

our tailors here when req liied.Goods delivered in five days if required.

Waaaaaaaker A Brown,Represented by Miles Sc Co.,

C-r- . Court and Second.

Mprlng Lambs.Drrsaed ebtekea.

All klada of vegetable.Lsks Erie Malasan.

Keeiroot lake pereh.iBed-aaapp-

Mrs baas.Presaiaaa Kea tacky Beer.

H. MKKaH KX, SR. at tOK,Coraer JetTeraaa sad Meeead Mtreeta.New saada arrlvlaa dally at Blc Boot

ahoe atare, 844 Halw.Letup's St. .Louis lleer.

Frill Pu...!. 1, r -- t It W.l,, Pnn.l.' 1 I' ll H. , H. V o wu.street, are the sole agents for the celebratedLetup's St. Louis beer, which is the only pureueer lumiBuea w :ms market, being brewedespecially for this climate, and is the onlybeer that retains its strength and deliciousflavor alter transportation. Fresh shipmentsreceived daily by the agents, at No. 1 WestCourt street '


A II air Block of mreet Awilif Tarn-ble- a

lata the Hewer.Dlteh oa BealeStreet Nobody Sertaaaly Iaared

Bad Jlaaaceaseat la DizainsHewer Treaehea.

Yesterday forenoon about two hundredfeet of awning or veranda in front of theMagevney block, near the bayou on Baalestreet, tumbled into the street, fortunately in-juring no one seriously, although the sewerexcavators were working in the trenches un-der the awning at the time. The sewer-tren- ch

was being dug just inside the curbingon the Booth side of B?ale, in front of storesNos. 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, from which a com-paratively new awning projected. Tbe con-tractors in digging the deep trench paid noattention to the alluvial soil and its caving inpropensities, so the workmen underminedthe awning-posts- , and the entire awning tot-tered and fe 1 outward into the Blreet and be-

came a complete wreck. It was fortunate atthe time that but few persons were on thestreet, otherwise the loss of life and irjuriesto limb would have been most serious. Bytracing the sides of the trench near the awning-

-posts the result would have been avoided,but it seems as if nature indorsed the Appealin its advocacy of tbe proposition to teardown these nuisances, awnings and swing-ing signs, which prevents the ingres of sun-light and fresh air to buildings. Yesterdayafternoon the block, withont its awning, pre-sented a pleasing appearance.


Total AbaBdoaaaeat of tbe BatldlasrWork by tke Contraetere No mar-

ble Bteae at the 0.uarrleaStoae-Catte- rs Uapald

aad Oat or Work.

The United States superintendent of pub-lic buildings was in the city yesterday look-ing into the customhouse building business.He had visited the quarries from which themarble is furnished, and found tbat no workwas being done there, and no stone was be-

ing quarried lor the customhouse by the con-tractors. Here the work of cutting stone haslong since been suspended, many of thestone-cutte- having left the ci, while oth-ers are hei cut of money, tbecontractors not having paid (hemtheir wages. The way the work has beenmanaged by tbe contractors has beenshimeful in the extreme. The original con-tractors became bankrupt and their securitiesattempted to finish the work, or made a pre-tense of so doing, with a view to sub-le- t thework at tbe same low figure, or at a less fig-

ure than the original bid and contract. Thisthey have been unable to do, and tbe custom-bous- e

is as far Irum being fiaished as ever,standing just as it did when it was dedicatedby laying the corner-ston- e nearly two yearsago. At the present rate ot progress it willnot be finished in one hundred years. It istime for the government, to step in and de-

clare the contract forfeited, and settle withthe bondsmen ot the original contractorsthen either have the work done under the su-pervision of a government superintendent orlet it out on contract a second time. Thebuilding should be finished as soon as possible by somebody.


Medical Society 91 as t be Content wllba Disclaimer oa the Part or Dr.

Wight or any Intentional' Wrens.

At Wednesday's session of the State medical society, in Knoxville, tbe report ot tbecommittee to whim was rtfjrrtd the chargesagainst Dr. Wight, for alleged improperruling at tbe fast meeting ot tbe society, thefollowing report was read by tbe chairman.Dr. Deenng J. Roberts, Dr. Wight retiringmeanwnile:To tbe Presld nt and Members ot the Tennessee

JUedlcal Society:Gkstlkmen While we are unwilling to

do anytning tbat would impair or weaken tbeaUection ot any ot tbe snelby county medicalsociety, and regretting tbe absence of tbemembers of the State society mentioned bythem in their communication to tbe Statesociety, yet from all the evidence tbat we.your committee, could get from tke membersof tbe State society who were present at themeeting at Isasbville. lennessee. November17, 1879, including the ex parte statement otDr. i. u. aummers, wbo introduced tberesclution in behalt of tbe Sbelby county medicalsociety, we are sat sSed that Dr. E. M. Wightdid not, intentionally, do said Sbelby countymedical society, or any ot its members, anyinjustice, and expressed his regrets that theysbould so construe bis action. We. therefore.your committee, cannot recommend that thecharges he entertained; but in view of tbeabove facts, and the statements made to nsby Dm. Wight and Ciark, disclaiming anyindention, wbatever, of disrespect to tbe del'egates or resolutions of Sbelby county medical society, do recommend tbatibe pacers bereturned to the Shelby county medical society, with the request and sincere hope thattbey win accept this disclaimer ot any intentional wrong as fully satisfactory. We begleave to append the letter of Dr. Clark, andsubscribe ourselves, most respectfully, yourobedient servants,


Committee.The report was accepted.

Eminent Dr. W. A. Greene, JIacon, Ga.,Writ s: "I cheerfully state that I have testedtbe virtues and tthcieocv of Colden a Lie'big's liquid extract of beef in my privatepractice in cases of general debility, weakness, depression, dyspepsia, loss of appetiteaad nirvous affections, when medicine hadproven more tnan useless. 1 nave found it

' the best remedy I ever used in chronic alcoholism, when the stomach ia always irritableand food required to nourish." Sold byleading druggists.

Floyd's Candies.Copied by many.

Envied by all,and equaled by none.

Send fcr a box.

iTilboi's Cod-Liv- er Oil and Lime. Thegreat popularity of thia safe and ffficaclotiSpreparation is alone attributable to its intrin-sic worth. In tbe cure of coughs, cold?,as'bma, bronchitis, wliooping cougu, scrolu-lou- s

humors, and all consumptive symptoms,it baa no superior, if equal. Let no one neg-lect the early symptoms ot disease, when unagent is at hand which will cure all com-plaints of tbe chest, lungs cr throat. Manu-factured only by A. B. Wilbor, chemist, Bos-ton. Sold by all druggists.

Economy is Wealth.Gents' clothing dyed, cleaned and repaired

by I. Isaacs, 270 Second street, opoeite Courtq jare, Memphis. Tenneiwpe.

Head and Remember.Tbe great medicine fcr all diseases of tbe

svstem is Dr. Cheek's liver invigorator.Try it.

For igue. Anemia, Intermittent Fever,Consumption, beueral Dfbilily, etc

Bavbnni, IIkrckb Co., Mo., May, 1879.Tbe Fellows Medical Manufacturing Co,:

Gents We have n3ed ynir Fallows com-i.ou- ad

syrup of by(Opbospbites with gratify-ing results in our practice, and cheerfullyrecommend it to physicians, and others, as areliable and agreeable preparation in ague.intermittent fever, first and second stages ofpulmonary consumption or anemia or gen-eral debility. We would recommend it astbrt best thing we know of.


Fashionable Dressmaking.Mrs. George Miller, 61 Linden street, cor-

ner St. Martin, has resumed business, andsolicits a call from her old patrons and thepublic.

Telephone SSetsengers.The "Telephone Exchange" will furnish

swift, trusty and intelligent messengers at allhours of tbe day or night, tcr errands to allparts of tbe city, by calling through anytelephone to the central office. Rites: 30cper hour; quarter-hou- r or less, 10 J.

French Steam Dje-Work-a.

Ladies' and gentlemen's goods dyed andcleaned at I.oni RpjgplV.'8 Jaffarson street.

A Great Discovery by a Great Han.Th s, primarily, is what Warner's safe

nervine is. The great min is one of themost famous living physicians. He found aharmless remedy for all kinds of pain, othersimproved it, and the final result is th stfenervine now manufactured only by H. H.Warner & Co.

Ice Cream and Sherbet.The nicest dessert you can have for din-tier- s.

To get it pure leave orders early atFloud's.

Aiv nI n gs M att re sses.II HlTTEXBEBU,

S31 tseeoad at.

llefore ltreakfastAlways nse eozdont and rub it in well. Itrives such pleasant relief from patchedtongue resulting from sleep, promotes thehealthful secretions of the mouth. It willcost more for meat and such things, batdon't begrudge it.

Brown x JonesPittsburg, athotwell aad Oeanel Coat.

gM) Hala .street.

NTKAB boats .

FOR NEW ORLEANS.He Loots and New Orleans) Anebor E.IneVor Vlcksburg, Natchez and Kew Orleans Steamer

Commonwealth,George Corveil, master,

Will leave th Aucbor-llo- e wnarf bont SATURDAY,April lOtb, at 10 a. m. Kor freight or passage apr.lTto AD STORM. 8 'P't. on wharfboat.

FOR DYERSBURG.Var Halm. Faint, Key Connor, Iy -- r-

harf and all Way Landings. Tbe fine Steamer

muk: twain, E&xW. P. Hall master I Harrv Teiry clerlt

leave THIS DAY. April 10th. at 12 o'clock to.Special attention given to way business.

Kor fmtirht or rnsa amir on boart

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER.Memphis and Pine Blurt C. S. Mall Line. Kor Pins

Bluff. Little RocH.and through to Kort Smith Sir.

liatie E2ojji iii&Ed. Rowland mtir I J. N. Thomson clerltLenves as above SATURDAY, April lOili, at 5 p.n;.

For tieUtht or pa.ssme apply toJOHN N. HAKB1N. Snr't. 9P'lb Front st

FOR ARKANSAS CITY & GREENVILLE.Adams Nrnl-wrrkl- y 1'. M. Mall Line

For ArkansatClty, Pine Bluff Railroad, Greenville,and all waj landings The elegant steamer

Oiiaciiiti. llelie, 23Hark B. Cheek... murter I A. L. Cmnrams... clerkLeaves as above KYBEY MONDAY for ArkansasCity: and THURSDAY for Greenville, at 4 p m.


St. lianis aad Vleksbnre Anchor !leu. m. aiail-i- Ofi CJLIKO AND ST. LOUIS.

Ste. Genevieve, ZZiWelti master.

Will leave the Anchor Llnewbarfboat THIS DAY,April 10th, at R u.ra. Forlrelghtor passage applyto AD. 8TOKM. 8uo't. nn wnai iikmi.

FOR VICKSBURU.t. baala and Vlrktbarr Anchor LineEnltid dtaten Mall FOR VICKSBUKO.

John U. Mnuile,!Brolasltl ...master.

Will leave the Anchor Line wharrboat SUNDAY,April 10th, at 10 a.m. Kor freight or passage applyto AD 3TOKM. 6up't. on whartbngt.


For fcUenUale. Helena end frlara PointJamet Xee, ijy

Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow. ..titrkWill leave as above on every

MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FlilliAY, Et 4 p.m.Ofhc No. ft MsflLnn "trt.

FOli O.0EOLA.Trt-Week- ly II. . Mall Packt-F- or Rhc--

Uotpc, Fulton. Osceola and way landings 8tr.

Henry Cooper muster I Wm. 8mltheTS cierkWill lesve Memphis every MONDAY, WEDJJBDAYand FRIDAY, at n p m For information a;pljonboard, or to Nn. 3 Martlson


Memphis & whits Kiver Packet.Bearalar Inrlependent Meciphls aad

White River Facnel For Augusta, JaoksonponSearcy, and way points. The regular IndependentPacketHAUD CASH,

Ed. C. Postal waster I Charles Postal clerkWill leane Memphis EVKttY WEDNESDAY, at

6 p.m. For freight or passage apply toB. W. LIUHl BURNS,

To 1 Monroe St.. opp. Peabody betel.,T T WsSFJNHinN l ..

FOR SI". FRANCIS RIVER.Memphis and St. Francis U. S. Mail Line Steamer

Katesville.o. K. Joplln." roaster A. L. Banning cierLeaves Memphis TUESDAY and falLiAY. 5 t) m.,for Mailanna, theCiit- - and all Intermediate land-ings. For freight or pangnse enplv on hoard, or to

i n U4nM, --u,r"t

FOti COMMERCE AND THE RENDS.For Scanlan's. Star, Bennett's and Commerce.

Shields,Wm. Ashford master I Ed. W. Crowell clerkLeaves Memphis daily, at 5 p m , for Commerei-- , ex-

tending trip on tratur.lays to Xilioon's, Walnut Band.Austin and OK. Monday and aatuida; t IpsextendrdCouncil Bend, "or fretunt or rmg RpiH on boar-i- .


HeatpMa White Kiver and HlacR KiverV. r. Me.ll Park'ts.

For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, DevoirsBluH, Des Arc, August, Jacksouport, West Point,Searcy, Batesville, Ponhattan, and Pocahontas.The new steamer

Josie Harry,M. R. Harry, captain. Waixer Outlaw, cierk.

Leaves Memphis on and after November 'J4. everySATURDAY, at 5 p.m., connecting direct with thenew Black liver V. 3. matl packet MILT HARRY forPowbattan rfnd Pocahontas, and with Dally Packetsto Batesvlll.' and Upier White rl7er.

Through tales to all points.Freight consigned to Mill Harry Line, Memphis 01

Terrene wIM be promptly forwarded.R W l,l()nTPVNH .lr rnt s .

FOR COMMERCE DAILY.lue Elegant Accommodating Bauds Packet,

Sllvertliorn,8. H. Whitehead. ..master I Nell Booker clerk

Leaves Memphis Daily, at n o'clock p.m. Forfreight o. passage apjly oa Doa a, or to

NO H Vartl.rm .trwr.


Memphis & Ohio RiverS&PACKET COrViPANYSsi

COBCairo, Louisvills and Cincinnati

STKA31EK5ANDY BAU5I, CO-- S MILLA.R.JAMES W. GAFF, VINT SHINKLE,JAS D. PARKER, T1RG1E LEE.Steamers of this line leave Memphis for CAIRO,


Mondays, Wednesdays, FridaysAT 5 OCLOCK P.M.,

Connecting at Cincinnati xlth Railroads and Steam-ei- afor all

Eastern, Northern and Western Points,Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS,


DELPHIA AND BOSTON.Eastern toorHts will find ths La Belle River BonteSafe, Delightful ana Economical. Bates by this lineCheaper than any other first-clas- s route. Meals andStaterooms Free. Baggage checked thronah.

STi'asseDgor3 can rely on a splenuld tilp by thisline, as tbe steamers are all Qrt-clas- having beenexpressly built for the accommodation ot paase ti-

ers. Each steamer carries a full String Baud.For full Information, apply to

R. W. LIGHTBUBNS,General Freight and Ticket Agent,

No. 7 vionro. rfft Vorntrit.




"Jt is Perfectly Safe, and tlieTaste Fleasasit."

THE first apparer t effect Is to Inthe appetite It assist

dlge9tin, and ciiutes the rood toaalirilate propt-rly- , Ihut the sys-tem la nourishes, it also, by Itstoiilo action on the digestive s.

Induces more copions andeular evacuations. Its ffec' on

tbe mucoui membrane Is such thHtea-- y exicioriilln Is produced; notonly Rre tn air pas-aae- s eas lyvoided of tbe tern-- t on Hlrtadr de-posited, but Hs collection Is carriedon In a healthy manner. the

formation of tubt-cl- Is retaided. The rapidity withwhich pa'lents take on tin b nhlle under the Intlueow of the Pyinp, of It elf Indicates that no othrrpreparation can be adapted t) h-- lp and nour-ish tbe constitution, and bence be morn efllcai:iousIn all depiesslon of spirits, shaking or trembling otthe bauds or body, cinnsb, shortness or breath, orconsumptive habit. The nerves and muscles be-come strengthened and toe blood punned.

FELLOWS')Compound Syrn? of Hjpopbo?iilii1e9

Speedily and pennftnent'y co'es Congestion of theLungs, Bronchitis. Consumption, Nrrvous Prostra-tion, Shortness of Breath, Palpitation of the rt,

Trembling of 'he Hands at d Limbs. Fhjstcal andMental ep'nio-i- . Loss of Appetite, Los of En-ergy, Los of Memory. It wl 1 rapinly Improve theweakened functions and organs of the b ly, wnlchdepend lor health uin vo'untary.and Involuntary nervous action. It acts wllh vlfoi,gentleness and subtlety, owing to the exu-lt- e har-mony ot Its lngrertieius, akin to pure blood It elf.Its taste 19 pleasant, and us effects permanent.Mold by all tlrntglnts. SI 59 per bottle.

LACLEDE HOTEL,5th, 6th and Chestnut Sts

ST. XsOUIS, : : : HIO.ASOS PtCUKAVl a. .

MOSES BILt.AUD J. H. CHliSAINGRates 32 f 0 and ?3 ppr day.

TOBITmTKK'i i I, k Pursuant to the termsof a deed of trust marl- - to me. as trustee, by C.

A Tayior, on the second day of Keb.uary, 1S72, tosecure a certain indebtedness therein um-- i. I will.on S4TL KUAT. the 15th day ol May, 18X0. beforethe courthouse ooor in ine city ot neinphls (nowTaxing-district- Tennessee, sell for casb, to thshiehfcat bidder, the folluwlpz described nrooprtr.couveyed to me In the deed nforesaid, w I'cu deed isrecorded In book No 85. page ITS In the Register'soffice of Shelby county: Part of Mock sixty one(rtl). sltuved on the north sldecf Beale street, luthe city of Memphis, fbelby county, Tenue&see. andmore partleu arly described as follows: Beginning222 feci we.--t ot tbe western line of the right ot wyof I he Memphis and Charleston Railroad the samebeing 25 tea-t- , at right angles, west fn m tbe centerot sitld ratlrotn; theoce north at right angles' UhBeale street 22d feet to a stake on tue boumiart 11 nof aid raliioad; thence 451.4 dvg east with tbeboundary line or said railroad 18!!lj feet to a rtake;theuce weot parallel with Beale street 82U feet to aslake; thence south 3 df g west Vo feet to a stake Inthe north Uneof Beale street; theuce west with thenorth line of Beale street 90 feet to tbe beginning,and being the lot eoi.vtyed 10 said Tal r br w. BWaldran. July 2, ISrirl Tbe title to said property Isbelieved to be good, but I convey only as trustee.

April o, ibbia id, tr, ttttiNULva, trustee.

Dress Goods

Silks & Satins!

Tbe most novel at? lea aadcombinations not to be

btalned elsewhcrr.




At SI. 1 3.1. 1 65. St 83.IS. S 85. S 85, S3 X5.


Spring Mantles!We bought a lot of Imported(irmeatt la tsUb, Hatln deLyaa, Lace, aad Cashmere,from an Importer, tar belowvalae. A. rare chance forseed lavestmsit TTe startthem at SI 85 p to S43 75,

1000 YARDS


At I triple.

J. S. fciODrTIN.






Cotton336 front

PftrttoTilw--r tvttoii oli










Commission MerchantsMemphis.

ROI W mm

"larhlne-Slio- p

Johnston k TwoCUSTOM-MAD- E



Suits Made Order!GOODS PRICES

305 MAIN

Factors andstreet,

cfc Llvormoro, Pa?op'sl93 St., dpp, Square, 12 emphis

Fronts, Colamns, sills, Ventilators, Cellar-Graling- -f "H klndIron and. Casting;!), General Repairs and Ev-r- y ia

Line r Fonndrv and

IS. IS. KHTKH. late Ks tea, Vlaer at Co.

SSTES, BOAIT Sl OO(tsneeeaaors ta


L. II.

Wholesale Grocers, Cotton FactorsCommission Slerchants,33 Union Street. Memphis.

Eoneset BourbIn combination of Boneset nd finewllb ripe old from oar larn stcik ol

pure we select tbe best or tills purpose. Oar amaat

flae or nothing. hare no for ForDjs-lepsl- a.

Malaria, Debility, tbe of Delicate Women, Pros-

tration of Overworked Clergymen, morbid secretions which cause Bad

Breath, and all Bronchial Weakness, It Is and

CHAHBEB8 . BKUITIT. LouUvllIe.'Ky.T. O". cf9 CO.,



and Eclipse Hulling Gins,Feeder?, Condensers and

Cleaners,lot proved Arrow and erw Prr.seslor Steam or Sbaftlng, Pulleys,

etc., and dealers la Belttnr, Glawrlgbt.Material, etc., etc.

Atlas, and other Steam Engines,C0BN-MILL- 3 JLKD SAW-MILL-

repair nil kinds of Gins. Xrglnee andMachinery. 8end tor catalogue.

391 to 399 Nhelby st , MemphisSTATE A COUNTY BACK

To All Persons Interested.

UNDEB Instructions from the Stateto rail tour Attention tn thn Into rtrM.

slon of the Court In Ibe case of tbe Stateet al. vs. Martha In Ibis case tt wasneii mot the state's lien for taxes could be enforcedby bills filed In tbe Chaxjcrrv Court; lh"rt the equity ofrenemption would be barred, and that purchaserswould valid titles to real esute sold underthese proceedings. In oance wli h the terras oftbe decree In this case. I will lsue certificates ofdern. tlon to parties who settle before the nili g of abill ngslnBt tbfir prone tr. a Mia the paymeatof tbetx with lDiemst since tbe as e of uixale,

On the 15th or April Kext,I will commence to fl'e bit's against all dllnqne,tproperty not redeemed br tbat dale To avoid lbexpanse to the taxpayer that will be by t'jeCling of sucb bills, 1 huve tried as far I could to g ,vepersonal nolle to parties who are interested In tbedelinquent list, and I will continue to do so nnti above named (April lth). but owing lo tbeuuiuuer iicnuutruto 11 will 09 impOSSIDie ' Of allto be so notified, in view of this I would uig 9 uponP'oprrty-owner- s the necessity of calling at once atteeofUoe. to see li anything aprears unnn triju.books against them. Respectfully.

C WKITHKRmi nBtate and Connty Agent and Back Thi-C- Mnclor.

Inman Royal Mail SteamersKewTsrk to Qieeastowa 4X tlwerpool

NOTICE The Steamers of thfs Line take Lientenant Maury's Lane route at ason of ibe yearCitt or Richmond, Saturday, April 17. 11 a.m.Citt or CaasTva. Thursday, April 22. at 3 p.m.Citi or Thursd-.y- . April 29. at 9 a.m.Citt or Bkuljn, baturday. May 8. al H m.Citt or Montbeal, Thursday, May 13, at H a.ra

!?". P'er 7. North river. loot or CharlionstCabin passage $80 a..d 100 Ketutufavorable terms. BTEKKAGK. S28. Saloons, stSrooms, smoking and bathrooms i. DALE, Agent, 31 US Broadway. M YTHOd. KIBBZH, U Madison TfUMphla,



Prices Lowest !





8ee what S5, SS, S7, SS andpracarelaa

1000 English Sailors !

50 ceata.




HEAL UK KIT!Onr L,eadiD Glores!

Oar 45e t loves I

Oar 1

Laces. Iianaraedae and Spanlab, at IO. lV, Hto.Wi.

gp every width.

Kvcry department aliveneTclrles.

8. M. JttcCAliLL'M

cor. Union,tiwvtdl lyigof whH in


I JAM. II. lOAK, Ilmphla, Tenn.

Bates. eX Ca.l






rtandloSecond Market

tSIIouse Liatals,Brass tiling t e

AndTuh. 11 and

elegant olher tonics,a Keataeby Whisky,

whiskies, Tomebe We use false pretenses.

Keebleness tbe


adellolous reliable remedy.



We Plantation



W. Duucan.

acquireaiv-- o

m- -









nn nTvri




iWEN LILLYPractical Builder


ightOarriigesI KEEP A SELECT STOCK (rxi itwalwelr ofsay own nssafsrtsrr) CONSTANTLYON HAND. I am also prepared lo build (TO OR-DK-

any or all of tb tneae rs atyleo ofHisflra, and Kamlly Carriages low In use. Iuse nothing but the VEttY BEST MATERIAL, andemploy strictly first-cla- mechanics.

KBPA1UIN6,In all Its branch's, done promptly nd In the bestmsnnw "WM 44

masks and Costu.mesFsr Ladles aad Kentlemea Si ew

Htoek, la dreat Variety.

Sam'l May, Costumer,

r S S Z --t f;--. IT

1 1 iPili


a. iS-SK- is ,Beptrnber 24.1878.

NoticeIS heiebr gtven tbat I haT lost or mislaid O rtl f-

loat No. 18 or the second series of stock ot toeBuilding aod Lotto Association of

Mempbts, and bare msde appilcatloD tor a dupli-cate thereof. A tl persons are oeiebr warned againstpurchasing said oertincate, as tbe same has neverbeen transferred of me. a B. fliUOWAV.

atempbu, tfarea 8. 188a




Silks and Bress ioode!IK









.111. -






tJXiad.les aro Hapooiallv Invltoca..Sl



To be fonnd anywhere. Bent Make. Choicest Style.LowefcA Prices.

P.B. Lare atack oa hand tar ttbaleaate Trade, tawhlcU the attentlan of Merchant la directed..

S. "VTSlSrOia, : : : Q 9 VTAIN ST.C. IS. Moore.

IflOORE, BAS SETT & CO,IotaJLoi 1n

Doors, Sash, Blinds, foldings,Lumber, Eath Shingles,

351-353-3- 59 Second street. : Memphis, Tcnu.JH. C. PKARCE.



Ho. 258Paid thn mI

ALL OFand and Etc.,

W. Dillartl.





n rn



ii. T. Uattsett.

li. D. SUGGS.

K. Jm Coffin. SI. 43.

fiT IMHRMPTTIS.4. at, rslO.--i nn inn r trirrs

n H A to



Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,Front Street, Memphis, Tenn.

tgrPttrttcnlar Attention to ot Coton..g1


Doors, Sash, Blinds & Moldings,KINDS DOOIi WINDOW FRAMES,

Brackets Scroll Work, Bongh Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Laths,

Nos. 161, 163 and 165 Washington street


DiLMBD, 00FFI11 & 00.Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers,

260-20- 2 Front, street. Tafemn'hiB.


3QO rRONTnr P a


296 and 29D





Grocers, Cotton Factors,AND ATT AGENTS,








BTAgeat tor He Celebrated IS. Oarrcr Cotton-eia- . JL
