Library of Congress · CIVIL COURTS. Tür Ai'i:ii.Ti RM l*t In»united I n>! l i.11rt tk«*-April...

CIVIL COURTS. Tür Ai'i:ii.Ti RM l*t In» united I n>! l i.11 rt tk«*-April Tenu «* -il «liintii It i- ¦ .»«id all ( tuirt t. ill in- «lis- f«-e',l i-f Min,: Lim, argument, api» ni. A«. t Is prohahl . Huit J «griminal canes to he eli i>oaed of are tl* v lue h tin- el, te-:,1.tut g n lot« » ». Stlllieelat IfI , lil 'i is i bargi el with i. gi ry; I in .^ _\( ), «détendant rl-arge-d svlth rtmbe Government m.ii t-j», and the ..,. of the United Alexander i;«»-. et al, ka thick defauelai « rgt ti with dttfraudlua the Government nutol au ma of iiiiiiit-y by luuitung t-i niaku full returns of (lio ¦alua to the t"ollee loi ol lut« in the U nu «»«i« -, District Oourl tin Admiralty Term ¦will (-..iii» »t 11- on TtM-adap, ni II be -.| .»n thal day, i>\ Judgi i".. it-, foi tin i aiiso^. It m the Intention of Judge Betta to ait «luring t no t-et m None of the caee*a on the alen 1er a j. ibllc ink-lot; most of tin m i" i y ovllulou ita. In t!;*i T!ttitei1's Con,«- '.eui lo lie dlslHNMMl of. (»1 ans put'« ti' i; lui Daring at »least a portion of Ulla montl lia*** tl.o tiiatusui.l fact util C.atirt <«r "ippeals sitting in tins Metric! In the Supreme »Court then s be Ueneral Terai held by Jualle-es leonard, Sutherland, snd Ingra» barn. Only tsti» cn ruit-» tvil) l»e-li»l»l. m »1 those pre« over bp «ladara from otb r tUatrletn Justice Clerke will fceud the Speoiat i.iti, fui tríala wliih ¡sir Juslico IISinslil all« In Cli n min in («> he-u-cx parte b I *igati-d motion*. Then«eulteol thf m the ( nan,i»e-i-'scalendar d lion The calendar on thafliat Monday of hfaroh, by arrearages, overiOO cases iioh imber, Thieoali-adar, with Ihr lecrction-io (he month ha« been (liaposcel of by Mi luatloe lugnthanii wit'i nona. frota Jradge E D. Smith, the numbai reserved bj «; over t<» tin- next term being les» titan usual. Hull tim ciile-nelar e>f this branch will re« ¦ foi to¬ day. An important motion tn relation to the Fernando Wetod r.aie'i» stands lri»,'ii OB the / r 'ached some day this st,«. U Ia the Hupii.M«. ('-»int tin» |tny ti ireSStdOWS for J nat I»--«t Jonc^ and Mi (linn, tin, 11 lal !>.ni foi MM Vury caiia»v» belli»»' appointed to Juatice Garvin. Justit ;o&eruon, Bat hour, and Um ' m the («etiicrttl Terni In tin» Court of Con.u,«-»i l'li-ai. «lie. appoint menta for the first two weelu ere Judges Cardoxo aim »als t»> the Jury Teem, .mel .luelge Brady lo tha «Sp« ' .. til rd Monet «v tin's»»- will besuspoii« ia held by ali the Judges. U 8. flOlflfMOimil I OPTH R much M -Batea*] ('«iliiiiiiisioin-i Willi l A"» RXTRADITION 0A8S.AH AIXJMIBD ATl-i »n;«1N». -J! f'KKI Mt Y OP A «MIURS1 SN RAILROAD CiSlllSY la Kitraditlo" if Phill On r-onipliiiut e»f liaron Guido son (Irabow, Atti in; ( «tisiii (»«»ueinil t»f Pruasia for the United states, that Philipp II ri. h. late "»«ci. tais «.f Un Rhenish Railroad Company of Cologne, Prusala, hr,,l committed cert; In forgeries in Prussia, and, on the presentation « f sufficient proof» e»f probable ciatise, tin» pints tue- -e«1 waa arrested at Fon Im Lae, Wlsoona n, ana brought te« tin. city for an examination The substance «»f the all« ill.t Henrich are th-ii. m lK-.i v.. h,«, with Intent to defraud the railroad company, f«»rgi»«l at'nt ottered forged papera; and,ea pectallT. with li \ j n_;. i.-.«.'., at Ctdi-gne. falsely m ol'« receipts, namely one of Hcinrtdi Dahleuof Cologne, for gfS tbalers, n "-roar-fin, 1 fleming; e»».i» »f Wimar OMtaa of «Cologne, for t «> ti "t Herman Rich» arti of «'«»I ogni-, fur Hit thaler*; am 'lier of Herman Rich- arte of I'oh.gii«'. for soo thaler«- oneol Wlmar Uaatan. for bh) th titi«; one of the widow i.f l'.ii r .I«,-« p)i Spalngen, for 70*! thaler»». V) griwchcn, I pfennings; ooaef the helm of Ki.»nz Kaiser »,f üolocne for i.e» thalera, tgroswhitn,S pfenning-.; one of M.ittluas Dinger «>f Gologlie, for m thalera, is graacb.-ii. pfennings; on. of Peter Baastn, for 4T thal« r*. 12 gi.»-, lien, i pfennings; MM Of Andrea« Kleisclihain, fm 1,13.5 thaler«, l «groachen, 7 pfenning«; one of Jacob Mall, for ir t batel -, i groachen, 7 pfennings; one of liri m,«u Ku ha»t/. for 1,800 tlialtt-, 9 groeohsn, 1 pfen« niug-, earn-of «Berbart Mall, for ist timli i-, i' grosehen,a pfennings, anil one of Wm. (.«ludh ich of Blppes, for till thaler«, and k groe« hen Tho-a» t-ece»ipt«4>iiri>i»it»»il te» !«. signed respectively bj theponsm«anoTri nt.oneil. The- aggreirate» amount of the.«««' alb-ge-d forge-i le« i* tater S/*.ot»Ó ill American »»iirrein s ItstscniHthitt tim Kiiiiiish of which Henrich waaf»ecr«-titn, is owned by the Prussian (ios ti inn,-nt. That, (bo roeid wauti-d bunt» fût it- Own Us«», owm-il t».S the reraooa wlame named were torged t<» these receipt»«; thal Ue lands wore t.tkeii l«y the e...v.»tleiii.-nt. ami ttic.s.- re ceipt» put ported !».. «-riven f»y the varions amount« awarel.vd to «»ach ownei ux land That Henrich preaentod forged paiHTH te. the TieMurer e-f tlie road, purporting to be powern of uttoriic). cmai.uting (¡uni the ne.landowners, and cmiHiwering htm to receive the amount-« swarded to each one; la alleged, Henrich atoo forged lient it b »vi acted asfteeretary e»f the «road froin 1»« ». l>tM»a_d wm in the habit of obtaining from the < bief Tresanrer of the etompttiy orden gist s for the payment of landa required tiy the company. Tahlug ^vantage of ibis privilege, be pn«aent»'_ tlt-sa« sUeged fenrged pt-ssi-rs of attorney; ob- talned the order» foi the mi>iu»y swsrdedto the i>crav>us from whom Luid had b.-.-n' taken, and preaentod tbeae ordeatH, uud obtained tUo money on thetii, by giving these forged receipt« The pr«K>fs show that the Chief of Treasury rendant. Phdipp Km k,paul lo Henrich the amount »>f the receipt«; that Henriih ahortlj sfti i staid, on the ttth of Deooraber, lSSej, procured ¿t fi «m. ¡ to a ¡»'.ne on the road on the protensc tltat he waa» ttOuut to put his «v»n Into busitieii at tbAt plue*' That on the .'d e.f January, lfteW, a iter waa ¦»«ooivo- by the« ralliée,, !, ompany from the defendant it- «using hlmseir for not returning us «non expected, on account of a e»ete»ri« cold, he le-rt he- hail Stat« »1 to various pomona that ho was going to take his son to Lou¬ don. Henrich did not return but took passage for this coun¬ try, arriving here in March, 1SSS. He fli^»t laude-el in llia- la.ikoD. He went from theie toChlcago und fietabHshed himself in busitic ii-s a doctor ami druggist at Ne», lsi) Van Burou-st. Ile r.-uiamed -then until six month aero, having Imh-11 joined by lils family la the meantime' Hi then rembved to Poa du Lae, wisconsin, having, It w stated, given out. previous te« Ins elepni tin r». that he wa* 5oing to various place, but telling no one the real plave. t tfon du «Lae ho reaumc»d the baainess be lia»t follow« «1 In Chicago. He was au rented in Foo da Lae on Wednes¬ day last, to which place he b.inl be» ti trat ked through the vigilance of Pmaaton offlciato ami detective« Great credit is given to tb>* lion. Benn Clauaaalns, Piusstan Co.i. at Chicago, for hla ak:il ana em rgj In the matter. Mr. Henry B. ^paugh appeared «IS counsel for the Pruaslan government- Baron von Grabow was alato pi-e- sent. The alleged fugitive Is quite an ordinary looking man; la rather sparely built; complexión light; hair long, and wear« S goatee, mustache, and sble whisker« of the thin- Beet possible kind. He- sppeared to i.»- lu ex-oelient spiriUaudwas app'tn-ntly tin coolest hnd moat nucou cerned porsou preaeut. Ile, on being i]iiee>ti«>n»-d, stat«d that he was not ready for an examination, ami ha«! no counsel. At hiereqaeet the examinât lou wai- iiosttHiiievi until Tiu-tthty next, at S o'cltsrh p.m., wa^en, it lie has not obUtiacxl counsel, «counsel will be aasigued bim. ALLKCKI» TIIKKT OF SF.IZFI» WHIsRl Before Commissioner Betts. Us.tsd 8ts|«i tfkaut i. K. KiiiiaiaVn. C. II. Ksn.nitB. Bog«i I.«,., »» Ling lol Michie-! Lang. The two first naund »lefendants were appointed keep «ra of a seized distillery at Ko. 81 Abattoir place. Roger Jiang keep« a liquor store at the conter of Lleventh e. and Thlrti-flfth-st. It la harged that on the night of the 18th lust.tbe defendants secret!y remove. 1 from This«_s- tillery to Roger Lang's place, three barrels of whisky, for weich Roger hael agree-d to pay the. Ramsden« Slim. The tostimony of In sulistantiatlon of these chargea was quite strong; twe» peallee off leers s weadng that they aaw defendants remove» the whisky to Roger's atore, and i»ii» of th« stitu«»*.«.»* testifying that he- over¬ heard an agreemti t made by the lumsden'« to nu thla whisky to ftogrr. The further examination was then adjourned to April 8, at I o'clock p.m. COURT OF APPEALS.Mak«;ii jo -Ikfore a-'l the Judges. ARK Ü. 8. CEimyKATKS EXKMPT FltOM TAXATION AS M e" Ti» F«»spta mt ni. Tba Mita.-uil BmialwiT Bink «it J. bu T. It« fmaiB St «ti. Ssbs ex iyL SbUbbsI Bid! «.f tbt Kr|ni»»l»c liri Tba Skrur ' Tbeae» are appeals fruin judgments renden «I m favor Of the defendant«, on returns made 1-y them to writs of alternative mandamni, whereby they were direct«-«! to refund to the appellarits, the Broadway and rrthig banks, ce-rtaln taxes paid by them tn lba and lue,* on United Rtatoe Boemrlties, the same havfng t»«»,»n d«-clare-l by the Supreme Court of the United mate« as exempt from fltate taxation, and an act having bet»n pa.««**- by the La*£talature of this Mate on April 80, isss. hmatO on that decision, authorizing and directing the Board ot üi%»«i' visora to refund su« b taxes. The Supervisors audited and allowed the ch-jin-. of this .ad other banks, ami ordered the Issuing of county ist «>uue bonds for th« amount of the i-<««sp<««-tlv.* claims Put »the Controller refuse«! to «leliver them, the Mayor r«riis«-»'i to sign them, »%nd the Clerk of th« Pupervlectrs rcfuse-d to aeal them, on the ground that portions of the claim wen Taoasod upon "certificat«»* «>f in_ebte<tne*ft" of tho United fltatee, and that they were not exempt from taxation The appellant« claim that the question in ree adjuditota, -being covered by the decision of the Supreme Com t «>f the United States ; that certificates are securitke of the United State« within the meaning of the act af Congr*«*« of Keb. 23,1962. The t of l8«! gare a legislative con¬ struction to the language of the former act, and declares the words "obligation or other «cnrlty ef «the United «tate«" «hall Include "certificate« of in«lebt«.«ducae." The relator« also claim that the «-n-ihiuu of the Board ef ftupervieors was a judicial «Wtermi nation, and aftor Isring approved by the Mayor ami Corporation itiuuii«! waa final, and the Court Ix-lew had no right to review the Queatton. On the other hand it is conteneted that nndei the set of late, It wat left entirely open for judkial detormiaation what amount« of taxes imposed for litit and ism were paid by or collected from any banking asaociniion, Ae., «potrrnny portion of their capital stock luveeted in aernra- tiaa of the United Htatea, by law exempt from etaxatltm. Cangressa ha« no axpreas autliority to grant an exemption from Use taxing power of the (state*. It is only vIkimhi exemption arise« from the nature of the «ubjeet brought be implied from tah Constitution ItwiiX that Congres» might declare it. It waa plain that ootna el the acta ol Otiagreaaexempting Fe-,tul -*cuiiti*a trow btale taxa «tie« applied to eertifliatea of U^lebtednes*. Jkckhon reaerveaU Thoa. H. Bodman for Bath of Mi« RcpubU; Jidi» T. Bunill tor Broadway Baak; Ruhsid u«uoi_.aaV««r respóndante. . -»ii .Pl'PRCME COÜRT-Si-BCUL TXSA---MA1CB ».-Baten Mr. Justice Sutuksland. .j ni cormsMcr qt*«»ynoN--AN AosrKMKK*r io hy A CCltTALt SUM TS GOLD CJiSHtttT JBK EKM»He Fl» AT LAW, TROUGR AM AOKhtME.NT VHP TUP. KAl P. on rvacBAMB or COU) may ph-imfumtav-i l'K CISIÓN TO BOl-IiKPS OP BONB8 MAI» fg.FVKI 1H« LCOAL TSODK» ACT. Csrs'aas Uarrmj aft kUrj BtrTitm, sr»4 Othet» lite teeto of the case »re brkrfly as follow*,: V 'Uara Barris«» executed hU bond, dated Max ae, ibte, tv Frederick Bronson, Bxocutor, he., ot Isaac lireum,n. «leceaeed, te th« penalty of to.t-00. oondRtoaed to poy gold and eUrer coln of the stai»rtar«l by which «the ««hit f the United ttetoe wer« legularcd by tha law« existing «» toe Mth day ef Msy, 1st«; the «um of te-noin it)** yean from the dato thereof, with lntonat mt the nato of i ver sent per annum, payable aemi-anuually (Complaint 7»v. I, ko., tiki r-mrtoagesd certaU property aa collateral aaeuilty. The plaintiff U aaelgnae of this ¿end and mort Maga. The premlaea mortgaged being decreed to ¦he WAS te Ms-tltion, and the Referee being directed f # the ;adgteeat to pay eff this mortgage, seeerd i ne! y «paid the plilntlff on the 11th of r>ec<-*nib-»r, UM. M.i'.i ti»'«, tlie amount then due («ii the bond and mortgage in it-(*M. tender uotea This j>«n mei t w«as by -special d< r entered in thla sctlon and wltu t»f tv plain iff in.1.1- mihi.ut pi. ¡nilli.- t.,, ii« i mvlng her right i., h paid In gold and hiITer, nceói In ii ferma of «aid lunn! and mortgage, and a balance ol »..<.".'. i elng the rtlf- reta value lu tween the value of auld m tea und the. ; uni Mb cr « ¡'«»I - nu of a depo b ii Statt i 'i i lurt Comp my «sa a substitut« for the mortgugod *«e, Judgment « on dei I p. in- ( lp ti m (i n i. rest, to wit, |4 ' suds , and that the moucy« in Court be« paid by .iff. To tills con«; complaint doe» not atate ifacU sufficient to couatii Cause nt ac'lnll. M h Miller, plalatifTsattorney il. w Bobinson for Mi 011* M itbont criticising the complaint in any o«b« r reap«««, I ii the demarren to It, which are general, as jo-, touting, and intending to present for de« lalon, tin« «li gie tiucatlon, win-iher the plalntlfl mast deem herself und «i '.»»nd and mortgage »etlsfied by the|i,lM «S w«hlch ¦bred In legul tender n-otea, «or whether she .¦mi« i»m addition thereto the9_,M_- in legal tender-sates deposited in the l olted States Trust Oom uinlei iii«« onbr of tin* « mu! in the pitrtUnui «suit« hy «it raugemt ut i>« t\. een the parties, a* and fur the differ euee between ft.lSl CS (the amount due n, the bond and mortgage for principal and knterroti and the market initie ol ti cert.»in quantity or nun.I'd of ji.c.of gold or silver coln, of the standard ment) Mied In tin- oondliion «>f tlie bond, amounting by tale, or denominationally, to UM -i one Niiin. In my «.punnu It inevlta'.lj tat¬ lows from lui« decbdou of th.« Court of Appeals in Meyer agt Roosevelt (3Tth M R inn, holding the I.'gil Tender Act to be constitutional and \ alfa not only a* to » mill acts tii.nir. alter Iii,- BMSaM of the a ¦'. bul ii--" «I '<. culi! t.M t- ni,ide Im-Íoic ; I Inn ('(«liri munt coualdei the plaintiff* Lend and mortgage fully paid and eatteficd bj tbefi.isi M which she has received ni -,i! ii-ni, r note«-«, and that theft must he Midgi.111 fin the defendant« on the demurrer«, Tin. ooudltivo of the bond dated Mai J6,is.«_l,i ii t.> pay I*.1'--»» in three j'-ar-from the ilute "" iii gold («r «aili i- coin ti the sliind- .uii b \>ini h thiM-oiiiM of the United States wrc regu- tatedbj th* laws existing on the ttth day of .May, lats, wiih tuterest nt the rate of t per cent per annuni, p » «ble on the .' days of Muy and November In each mid every year. In coin H sfOteSShL" (Md anti »liver ure ¦sed not oniy for COiasge. but extensively foi various other tiaoful purpose«; hence g. Id ami »liver bullion, M n commodity, or as merchandise, has an Intrinsic value, no1 mill' fur cointigi*. but for mich other «pur* peees; -uni hence gold or Mirer cola bus an intrinsic luluo um a commodity or as merohandise, and may be treated «a« "in h b* parti«*« in iniiiritig con¬ tracte; and in construing and enforcing oont-ruota,! do nut «et, i»bi tin- ((.urti ahould not treal gold or oliver coin aa the partie« have treated it bj tin li conti m-t. The m«,.ia,-, ci stamping of portion» or [deo ¦« of theo, mel ila alloyed with bauer metala, by Oovernment prerogative, lixe-i the value i'! such piece» ii« money, or emin«.! money; but the regulated at anda rd of a gold or sil ver coln of n (.¦neu weight, thal la the proportion bj weight ol Its fine metal and allay, determine« it« relative initie aa a com modify. Before the i-ouai lender Act. money me,mt coined lunney, and all legal proceedings t«i enforce the payment or «collection of money debt«, it nan the office of money, no1 only to measure the money value ti ali commodities, eren it*» own value, viewed or treated m a commodity, but al.-»»» to pay or satisfy money debt«. In¬ deed, If Mm may be aaeuaed tor uttering such a mere verbel, value in tlu- abatrad, or an mea-ure«! by money, (oui I not la- expressed wllhont luoiie*,. Hence it i-ci id. i,t that before the Legal Tender act, tf tallowed from ii.fin e oi eapacitj of coined mom y. Ibe coinage ayatem of tba United Btatee, it* adopted unit a. value. Hinl Iii«« |"«wer of <'ongn-s-, ti. cnlii muli«} lind to regulate the value of coln-', Unit « promlae to pay HW waa In legal r-ftacl apromiae to paj at the opUoo of the j.romi-or t'lmin any coln wIiich might In- a li gal U-ndi r for «liol at the tims of payment; and heme, that a note for HOD and a note tar lui» payable In tot silver dollar-, or in 100 gold dollars, or in five doublt« eagle-, m ten eagle«, or .«o half -eagles, with or without the additions I words, lawful or eui rent money of I ho United Mates, wa¬ the Rame in fogal effect, for in eil!:t-r cum« the note could have been paid in silver dollar», or in either of Um gold ( (.ms. My cn ass forth««*-t-xtrt nniy elementary ri murks mast in* tin« peculiar character «ol the couttuel In thin e:tr>o. The contrat t i- to p.iy H.oon (the iiriiicijial mentioned In the condition «>t tin bondi, and the interest in gold or hiiv. i oom. of th»» utan.lind by winch the coins of the United tie« wen regulated by the law«, on the i.-th of May, l-v;. the di,le of tin* bond As the standard of % gold or -ii ve r i oin «>r a given weight di leniiiiie- its relative value a«, bullion or a commodity, the contract may be said to be te paj StaOW and Interest la gold «or «allver coin of the value of Übe coln «of a certain standard specified In th.* i t. It ia plain, then, that hy the contract, the parties to u treated the gold or »liver coin lo lo- ngia or tendered. M a ommoditi, or ss specific urti, les of a caouDodlty, fur the ( ..m t.. ix« value, of coane i.iiue.i in iiionei, in dolían ami cents. Bj the contract, the coln tendered In «payment i-a »,o la- valued, and if not of the value or »tandara .ailed f..r by the contract then the different«« In raines Is stsu to be paid or tendered The raines, aad the difference be¬ tween them, must «of «course be expressed la money, In (lollara and cents. Now, the thing, the coln, which by the . «mtmet is to be rained in money, cannot by tin* oontract i»o treated as mousy. Money and the thing which it is to mea-ure and exprès- the i ulm* of cannot both be «rtewed er treated money, eran though that thing be gold or -silver coln. Ki« «rident, then, tust the pan..-to the contract, by it, treated the Min In which the hondls «paya-ble« ss a commodity, which hythe eos tr»et wras to be of a (.«.rtaiii value, or of a value the im aas [.lining winch an- fixed bl the conn ad. The Court mast tr« at the coin m wim h the bond li paj ««his the parti»- ta the contract hythe eoatnet baw treated II; ami hat is the result t <»f courie the n-iili is thai the Court must view the on,Hu« I a ciu.trm t t«i pa) a certain sum of money, a nonar debt, Inaeertaln com- modify, m In spécifie article»or acanala commodity, at a curteut price cr valuation, fixed or ¡irovi.l. f.,r by the (.nilli, t. And what the legal result I It mual l>.- deemed settled that a contract for the payment of a i .«r! sum of money, a nota for instance, in six-ciflc article«, at a cei tain price oi ralnatloB, glees to ths pa*, lug patty ths ot.iion or privilege of paying the money, in tuen sp« Clfli article*», at the price «if valuation, but does not giie to tin. party entitled to receive paiinent tin- right to enforce p»)inent in such articles, at the price -named, or any oilier pro .- or valuation, th it tin- paying party may pay In the specific mil, ¡, i or commodity, at the price or valuation, but that the te,clvlng party must rec« ive lils debts ni money, If legally tendered. " (I'mnev agt. Gleeson, .1 Wend, y.'t: Smith agi .«-milli, ..l.itir». MS; Brooks agt. Bnbbnrd, I Conii. tu. mr. Fletcher Hgt. «Derleltaon, » B.»-w. ISLI of course It follows If the legal tender act had not besa passed, but Congres«, after the date of the Ininti, had mulei lally deha «ed or lowered the staudard of tho gold and siller coin, that the plaintiff would have been Obliged to Westra payment M her (fehl In «net debased gold or silver com by title or «.niit; thnt lier debt could have Ih-cii paid in anv g.'ld cr «11k r ( «in at Ita then reg. luted siandaid or valu.» na coin or money, which wa» or might he a h-gai tender for tam a sum or amount of inone> It is plain that this result would have i>.ll,.wr«l from the verv tenueef the contract, and without referen«««' to the ooaaidentlous that it wa* the cvi.leiii Intention of brou- si»n, !.. Whom the l»ond wa* executed eieciitor by the contrai t to protêt-! the «Stat« uiiih-r lim i barge against tb<» power of Congre** to regulate the value of coins, of course to debase them, and that no Court could aid a party lu thus lindert .»king by contract to thwart or evade a ('..needed jw.wer of Cuagresu The ver}'terms of the eentrael compel the Court to hold that the plaintiffs claims are not for the coin to lie valued, or for Its lalue, hut th.ct har claim Is for her money debt, eaprewd in dollars, and Hie inteiest on it, by the contract to be lu Mid or silver coin. ki. I am not aware that the standard «or weight of gold or silver coins (except the weight of half dollars and smaller silver coins, by the a«*!«- of 1HÍ3, and whuh, by th* act, are made a legal teiidd for sums not exceeding |5i ha.s been lowered, or li-sM-iw-d or aller»«d since the date of the bond. I cannot see, therefore, how there could have boen occasion for saving what has bien saldas to it» construction, legal effect, Ac if the Legal-Tender a<-t bad never been paSM-d; bur the I-ega!-T« nd. r ait was passed and ham en held constitutional by a Court which controls, and basa right to contint, th* de. ¡sinne of this Court. The act do«--not de< lare legal-tender notes to \,e coins. The moft sanguine alchemist that ever lived probably never dreamed of converting paper into either gold or »liver. A ino legal-tender note doe» not purport on Ita face to be «Vin, t,ut «does purport on Ite tace to be a promise to pay tlO. Ou its face It purport« to tie a promise to pay money, not to Ik- money, but the act doe| declare that these note« "shall be lawful money, and a legal tenderla payment of all debts, nubile and private, within the tinted Rates,«except dutue on Import« awl interest on Government bonds, whuh shall he paid In cota." Now, .h.i tiling which ia a legal tender for a money debt.-which a party is by law obliged to receive lu pay¬ ment of Ins money debt, muet be money, or considered to Ik- moiM-.-,. for it perform» an office, or ha» a capacity, whi< h r.eth'.iiK hut money «an jn-rform or have. It necee- aarily fotkiw*. then, troa» the terms and legal «fleet of the tem» of the plaint iff« bond, or contract, and from the I.« gal ««iiiWir aet. and the «lontroiliiig rt««si«_,ii,s affirming it» constitutionality. th»t I most hold, a* tlie ««oiuoialnt shows, that the plaintiff had received K.isi e«*,, the amount due on the temi) foi principal and interest, In legal-tender notes; that the fiend has Iieen paid, ami that she must consider herself and her bond both aatiefted by euch payment for inch is the controlling law of the caw* Of course, any one must «ee that when gold or silver eoln is the subject of a -contract of pur« h.i*e and sale and delivery, or of pledge, or of special ttepirtdt, or of an unlawful eunvenuon, it is per¬ fectly désistent with the fore «nmg view« and conclusion arrived at for the Court te treat It a commodity, and apply the »ame rule of «tamag. s for It» non-delivery, er unlawful conversion, as would be applied tar the non deiiiery or unlawful conversion of any other arte leo. »on.moally. And te prevent miaappreneiision of what baa been maia, and m view of several of the caaes growing eut of the Legal-Tender act, cited on the argument, and which I have not time more i^rticukirly te refer te. I «a ill go further aud sa-y tf A. Ii. 1b the preeent oomtition of thing», agrees t* mil «and de-ltver tJO bóchele of wheat t«j c I), or io perform ewrtain amice* tot C. I), tot tied in solder silver coin, that I do not »ee why the «curt can¬ not and ought not to tre«t tiuv agi cement as «an agree¬ ment m tlie one ease, te exhaaare one commodity for another («juiniodity, «nd In the other ease a» ui. agree¬ ment to exebang« or reader certain «crviee» tar a certain commodity. An agreeiseot to pay ao many dollar« ta ooIb, or In coin at a «ertein vataaWob by tale or weight, is on« thing; lit an agiwcment io pny so tumuy dollars or to render certain »ervicee, or deliver a ee rum eoniioedrfy, for eo» by Ulta or weight, is another thing. The result of tbe Legal-Teater act is that gold tttrtl »liver coins have practically ceased to he eurie w7, and have become.«jeept ss te the Oeverasaent-pracft- eally enctuslvrl- a e-emmodity. and an bought, and soki, and speer.lutexl ¦*., and con.monly.viewed and treated m such. Why should a timm ignore this stat« of things, nu- le«»» coiui-e.lcd to do so by the term» of th«,ixmtract or by torc« cfiSi Lega>Tender arti Why should net A B. and C. Ii, be preeumed to bav-e made the eappoeed agree meet. In view of th« fact that gold and uiver eetn hae, M between mell vidual», héteme exe lamvtly a ceuamo<_fy - ia 1 iew of th« fa<rt that a roUl ««tragic le worth taartaeu or liftecn «tallai« in legal te neb--- i.ete*l Why »hoind not tti« * «uit eoaakWr A. b aud (*. D. as baring, by their «rapposed If reemeat, treated the coin to be pabl for the eommoditw or servie«« as a commodity, and t word« one ha>n»*rtd itt^kmri, aa uaed by tbero forth« pûtpose ».f d«,»iftniting tlie (Quantity or «.uuittt of pie««« of sota« at their »tamped or coined vahie se money, to 1* de live red «rr paid t And If A II and C. P. har« so I rested It by their »ap-peaed agree meiil, why ahould not the Court ao treat it, and coMtder C. D.'s «agreeassal «ululant!« ally au «greeaieet te deliver a ecrtawquuutHy or number of piicea of coii*. ss a roniroodify, tar a certain other oom- UoAlly, nr for certain »«rvir«» I Ia »zamtatng the plain¬ tiff» ena* of a money debt, and her rights under her money bond in view of the la*gm\ Tende» act, I have not Intended te sty anything not consistent with the conclu¬ sion, that if io th« supposed ca»e, A. B. delivered wheal «» Dgreeinetil on li!« p irt, he would bo IcgaJh liable to pty be » due ' the oin t! I Urs, that is, pt n-tically. in legal or r»erf »t-rnisd the (tervites aeeordlng to sirreemnnton kia patt, and (\ l>. did not pi.« or llvi-r the« coln »<«e»rdlng II t.'ml. lióles, for in.i» tn ally legal ten .lcr not «»at ni, in,,in > and reprearnt douars 'Iii«« agreemont on «C. H.'a pari n tins supposed cane «Is not to pay so many dollar»«, »or to p ) se, many dollar« In (»oin, or In coln at a eertala raitt ¦'...!" .! ii tis in coin lient oc lui tin r\ i. . Na» tb-lat ear datj d»0 n ni iii A Hi ..- ra the wheat oi performe the 111, -t-r, ni'il, tfbcii A B d««»»«« this, tlie terroa of the sup ¡ens.»»! agreement would not « «>tnt»« ) the Coori to hold that debt of 1100 was du« fi mi I»., ind I do not are why tin- ('mut oould not bold,oonsldenng the rircnm ande «.... ii Hu. supposed ,ra», i',»ii,i-iit »»a made« ami willi reference towhlon the partli* Bust I»» pre» ¦»¡aiin.i t,. ii u,» m ii ». t<,!, thiii e- li.'a duty w»s pei f... i; se it; A li «at .. to delivei in.« coln, or to pal Ita \ i'ii.» in |. . «I tendel »»tes There munt lu, Judgment ior the défendante on tin» ii. mnrrera, wit* seat» Cn tv n-a, it« fore Justice Ikoraoam CAN IHK CUV JI.IX.K ».IttVT A Willi 1)1' ____t___t CORPUSt tn r»- imteyk tam Mr K«-en. the-\V:ir»l»»ii ot tin- Penitoittisrjrotl Blsek» well's Intend, w»« «erved with a wrll «r ii«!..»as onrim«, pan ti by ('ri -. Judge Ru wiiroonnnndlng linn to pr»adnie tim body of (baili n Kdwarda, w bo waa confined Is Hie r< i.iitiiiiaiy on it commitment f«»i mladniiMiior. Air. be-, n made re»(nrii thal Wa irdawaain his custody ss a pi ison***-, imitera final commit mont of tin« ('«»iirtiif Hpeclal Bf¿etona, and bo reapcotfullv declined t«> prod's * A Kdwarda before the Jtidj*», .hyrraeoti of aald comrall liicnl, Illili Ii.S In» .ii». Dettaoft 'li.ttn« ,in,l Corra« lu n «Tu tee Russel « « j mm» tiievto fat-t-j i-nne«! an titt.i liment .»-.etnst Keel for eonta-mpt A Beetloo s. ita noss na.oír. t.» s .t. ii», tin., attachment. It we« contended (hat the City Indgi 'i I i.. p,,sv-r or an¬ ti, ,,ntv to leane a s. rit »»r hfcbee»corpus, s ml (ho Qeneral i. m ¦'. tin-« nutt h.»ti to hold in tiu> ma«' of Die l'copie agi. N-uili. .iiiilgo liiitiaii'ini, aft'-r hearing u-gunsnt, said tliat, although be haltered the City Judge la»»<i the powsr t«» i » t. nts of babees oorpua, yell the deeisten of the Oes eirti 1,'iin .te to the oounanr. end be would vsaete the nttarhionl and discharge Mr. Kana it undonteod that an t_*pt*m sstil la.« t.ik.-n to tin« licner-i! -nu «Befen Justit« Hi "nu ulan*. - «MKWMOM& fWtolliKI Ml «fttoltem illlllgSSSRt fur plaintiff on demurrer wtlii -.'«»ata«, and with l.>.tv-» to rletVn laut to su- nw-r in H days on payment of e»o»,lH of liomin rar Heroin Justice« Imiuaiiam, Darting Mt-tMiliei Befemtentopeaed0« payment of coate of »inn.i tad motton, Danes to be nstond tom' «»ml »r. and mi «l«»*ni fear li»e* tilt li of Ajaril. I.tiiior agi Itraillord.. Moimi» »le-nli» I, pi al ni "fe costa g1»), to alilil» «»soul. Reten .Jtn!i<« Munn Ptt-e kc-i et al agt Mayir- Rotea OB i»-»l«»revt1 COURT OP COMMON PLSAI Mauoii m I.Ititi!.II e«l e.V. NH;»e ''«-.l-l K IIK. I.IKN LAW* ti. k V) llhl-iHeia iel. llaili.eli. I Hie«»»-., leal othei-l. This artioa is lor «the ion towra oi « mee 'heaic's lion aKHiiMi th«. New Timk 1»italii fin aaalailelafaiiilAael bv pi »tutiffsat the rripioft of II. II Davis, wini had nit agrecmanl In wlittng,dated Met ¦. is.«, willi A. T. *->!e-si«i!, >vin -ii agreement oontainnA the following oteases: "Is oooalaoratloa »>f the «um of g';-o paid i.v Beria to Stewarton the sxeoatlon ead dellrary herty>r, Stewart niam-»» to and !i»»r»l»y d'»"»» let and iiMit tinto sold Hats li the- bulltling kiiowtt: M the (In!.-a Church Of the Mcj»- sluh. situated on llii.a-lw-iy, opp.eiite Uio New York Hotel, in enid «i\, fsr Du» term «>f 11* <> wash», eemsssae- iin» »in Dee. KI. imA, wai ending M De-* 14. UM l'iwaea- sion of sahl prämiere shall, boss.«vit, t..' given te» Davison l»t>c i. UM, with the «privileges if mtiUnrimob altrrsttims theftreon, mbjeot to the spproval »if srii hi.»»art or in« tigiiii. ,»s «li iii no4 deprecíate tin« value of aald building." In nuüdagaoch »:i< mt min«. Part« may nae the s eaei /. ¦aateiiala, -V-. »».> fat now un the preta aee, it to-lng niniei stooel Mini agWieted Hint the Change» «I'litiinpl »li.l te the Interior eif a;tl«l btiihlina V"-. t»nly such tae»;!l 1 ipt ii t<» the purptMoa of a fu-I t ¦aaa tbe»*ter, similar toalbtoei Theater. Darts »gil» kate ami taits sahI f'hureh ir building upeiti th.e t. in, mu! («oiiejitneii si ia v»»t.» 111, to adapt it to the put i»«.ti « .if..;«'«-aid, .«t ins oss n ...i »tn i ispeas» sad ut tin« expiration e«f n «id teni mrrendei the pii-tacMinn of said butt.ling and ¡panatanate «aid Munit wKh all th» altérations, adtllttoiis, am' unpiov» BMatfl Hitit thateo», without an.» ihtiea" whatorerthereto! l in» rtijri-, m. n" Chea givea Bavia the prlvileeje, " »L'h«*. of still let m «tit.l surrender nioreislii. of r.ntitig th«« thi.aU-r up to M iy I «li'-ii >-tt. I »i th,» stun of ti li fe«i «Silt levn w.sli-i, | »a« V i»'»1 « In «.It ««ne Al! the i*»»ee to this ai'iiii» w»»rr reemerad tothaHea j h ho« WOfth s-ol». rofiii-i», beer, 'r>, »ml l«»'«ailinne th» same. The plaintiffs cintro that tinder Du* ttativetue-ii thelossea bael th«- right t.» bitnl Iheui »is rty Iw «outrmcta ssitu «ia, in« .lan! .. » III olhtsr »ViiaD. lllMt COI li'I ois With hilo I" cann-, m s irt't.s of it. OOntraOtefW, «>r «1 liei^i »»ila »-<»utr te tors to the os. tiers of tin* N«' w Y«»i k ThuV-or Til«, détend in!* r»ai*te-ii i'ii* etta I K litiiW'ir'h. »tfl- r s'stlng 'ti« »t»*e«, and JiiV'i-S Ins if In itsgeixtral bearto«, s.-ty» Tim i-. if I ululent!-»iiel it, present* (lie nsk-sl «ju»'« tia,n whether» lessee, stn ii« «the put .».-». of makinftaltor iitiniM at I. « «»an mel and a-ip-ui*-. w-th a view lo the better ntlaptaUon of the premiáoste the bastaste tat »hi, la .!, <t it- rented, Is the igenl >' -hi» less«»r In mak lin»'in. h slteraUona s.« thal i lien for the agi »ed prtta« therefor ee, .;. oat thereof sea be tniic»«»»«! »ip»Mi th«« lor*a «lil'-iett In t!i»t prrtnliiis tints diaXpOOSd of la mr view at the atétala,-this goeatioa maat an s\t.»te»»i t«. the Bnaatlrn Ia I bia view tin» oempteint shieitl«! !>«. dlsmlaard, *iti» -«».li .«> the dafeo Imit Ht-»wsrt '1 here Is tw pretenae liar«! the pi.un! itf* s. «n» nits ..! i,j Mr. Sti.w.irt, or by anv on.» Img foi Ii ni, ** tt» Dot rate t,,,us ixlating betwo»» bin and Mi Perte <» ulan. t¡ff-» »li»! n »' ni loratand II ah thej inn.ulina tim«»i I:ti*. A«. I nn.1i" .(.tut tl's.r p.. t,..i, the« ronnnbr It proper, under the »dvlosaf «r« i»r their tetM e-tt, te» t- <»t the «pi-itiuti of Mr H dtlty SSOW»er uti'lsr the ststats first «cited, and if nnaunoeáafnl (b«-jr Should pay tlie Ooat« Which ihsylher.-hy maka it lii-»ce 1 . r«»r Mi hi» v. ut te incir tell la« Baale -i* I" Ita deolalona to sid s p»»*a.bln futeire ni amina!'.in of tins OOM by th« I true M uurl is lu- * Iiai expounded «x11 theatattatee in ri><|ie-. t to mechauiM I-m * r.tbitiie< to Di«-Cily and («»uni) »»f New V;.rk Ho far m an) of thean former etatutoa «* ..-«. s ni lar to th» Hassal one in raeptsot to the na ila »weattea larolv«sd in this man, tin» d«-< .ti.en, riWtetalrtS Dum i'ii for the ooivsUucUjP vtiii. h I hats givea to 'ne*. pr»»fiit one l; h Duerna forplalntifbi li li v.', a tor «l-rmi-mt tra« i a i. li.-f.irs, Jtiit"*. AKi'«./»» lan Ml«.Ni f-,¡gler»g. aiglet -Ke.s.ii of nitre*<oo«hfin_M »uti d«»« i- .* grant« (lentil agt. Mari'i-n. The ord»«r prt>i»«««*-»l by planiliff'a atte.rnev isrlght, eue'/tpt that tin» reveivir »aould he lia .pointed now. If Die parties do nut agres* un the natue of the reioivei, I will Insert «»ne In the» order. RDRRODATF-rt COURT The wi'li of the following «ieoeaeed persona hare hera Milo at t»-«l t«» priabat« during the peat a -*\l Wllhixm II. Jeplu.011. Catliannn Mc» nffnty, TheaVeS» OHyriu». Tlaomaa Brown, l.tu-retin Bronson. I^ite-rs eef administration ha»».- la-en grant.'.l on tim fol¬ lowing estates ; Willmiia lib.era. MIobae! 1 Hikey, Alfred Towers, Loola» Deykle. Praiicis Vlnciiit, Itridajot Harret, K Hi»» Hillier or Heinllltg, Harban» Dmelflr, .laineM I". II »«pe, Charles ti. ('««ffin, Kami"' M Dommon, James 1 II!gi;iiiN, »Leonard Lang.John Walla«/«, Henry Ball. Hermann li <>t timan,Stephen N. w. Jone«, H««phia Mispie««, Kphmim 1'iM.le, Pntnck Dote», Pauline- Qp >*--i». Ann 1ju\ Margmr-.t Watkins. CAI.rSDARÄ-Tiii.-i Dir l »al KI i>Y Al'I'KAl«« -l»,»«i. » -Bim s«. Kirlir IJ. _«-»*»__I. Ifl. "TV-B 'M- laing liiLk SCl- Wiitin'I IS-WUiuMBI l«i Sllllrr rt-a-k-crle-k «g1. hlgl»lb in t. R. Co te-Miri.lui igt Rif Pint Dat'k Cht.rrh li- H.iu»i-,i. kit Stillt 81TKEMK id! H I -«.««iss-l I sri'itKMk teiitTr-cis«, t'l~l< ,»r»u»,l Or*»kVJ lui . .«liri. Har-I, li 1. (iiian.lar igt. «iqrrlM«. ¦. .^t Baton %. »V.-Wiataalu .<>. lla.VIt». it: Mi y at\\ Tn»g« li R ("« e.»-KiVlfl Stanford «»C1» ma.Mill IHwi tit Tssa. Mon iii! «g1 Hi en»imar«(«t.l m I T .I'inr I l«»-a t-ST.I*i«oit ««t. Hay re 11«.'. Hrim 1«' Hi'.le. »1.H an ia» igt I "tal Il'.atllti Vin» lia Co. Iii. IU, »e elk li Igt I.fDcL. lia-;.-Swiftigt w«rt lï«l>-Merh»« «gt Th« Central Ata. Tnnsll Co, 10O5-Ailie- «g1 Collier. till.(atti-, »gt luia-i fc«.«-«liil «gt Mil* 1111-KulUit.tW^t Wlitf Igt. M ¦ L Wfl>iW. asi. il' » Hal»» i.t HJ-Mrl iirairk «tgt F-ilhimu lliavl.Cliin; igt 1 km Huli» A. S I <>. Il"**.«I. r I .n «gt Litl'aria*« lill.H«r»nt «il Maurt-u. U«J. Ki.) I r Igt l.ruy nsi-Wbrut «gt «>gii»i_ M7.Siodick« r mt\. fil«t,r aW-llu-Lilita Igt. Min 1»H*-Wf»i«»i« Hitter l-17e-Sr«re|»gt «yilher ITIA-Homi «gt Hnnil S»-Tully »g1 Tappet» ÎISO-Lit igt II lu . 1". lit. lia-àu«» »ut Slaerwooi. I.kM»- l-ilii »g1 lie l-artS-aL lOtn.Lei-DtnHkgt OnttaaTtVM 3>M-II»rt-T »gt J»»** 2UIA-Harklar ist l'tiili ]a 2t>a.Ounik »gt JirlML l'iar V. lil«.S«it!»r*if1 ITarring »1»-St«»eni «gt l'alrtcL l-St.OstSSrf «g<- tUib. r«7-C*Ille-utl »gt l'iire TSS. Nerim »gt Miritnu lWej.forrll «gt Kelli, hbitrl SU. Metulesgl Kirri. ¡losa-Lsio* «g»- Buleu. ill!».SUrlI'.g «gt Vun Holte« »-il-|i»t.tU. «gt Orar. |U<M.Par-a-igt Le«rilt SI rsl'MU . Ol HT-Svs« til Till -Uni ¦ I llin-rrer» S. KUplii »gt g k -I Wlap »gt .t .Tt.n -j--*i«Um «gt Ptmglss. t. M.llaau.1 H1» Sit »rt««)»»« bu.» lunn of Ls« mi Vut VMb.Cmtbn kit Vroillih. 141.rbemli B»iA »ft fWiSrtd Hit. »gt Hoff__. v-t-- d Si »gi at '«ibu. Ub-Otyoai »gt DurbuL» I1-8I-I Igt M»«. li-Him* igt. Bdu«. i/» «-.-..r »r» Sam«. I»-tllllllla仫 igt I l.|-t«.ii l..|-Hal.t.n. «g_ PeKS» l'H-1'nagua« «gt l'In-ll* vu. l»»ri»[H,rl igt KioSir I U. alaïUlg «gt Hit Ua-titurDtAAn srt TrüiaVr. «g1. C. tuai 124. Uufn-Wi itrl ni IKhMI f«it'HT-Csisssas. Ttit Irrt iiUt (-itktKUi »all ti» tmltii. .¦»ITKHIi.H (I.IHT-Tsui Tssa-Pist t-Mossii tAl.'i. itrom »gt Crus«. jftb-ilkli Igt Nltl-D r?«r.-it<.«r«i«.r t.m. et p,w.a »fi Tlat lis Kui »a« Co. ¦ -ie>~ fe»em t»X K,»ll_. iltlb.Wumbaimar igt Tin So»_»l PtlnlesBa ko. 1\tb-ytrKlLb,i »g1 TU Aiiliieu »1 bank ')l1\-Hoenn* ut TU lull»«« lia (.V 3l7*e-l!«le_.| »gt Th»».», irrt-iiarhner »gt Ctini. -V--1 Wllrt. ta »gt W.V.0 .«-aJ-Mfllel »gt Pbehn ¦UUfr-MeCoU «g»- Ona Ma. L.fc lus Co. "e-fet- -Kell «g1 Uti- iMW.Striittirgii »gb Weil tires Til CÎ. -J933.Iioffass «gt Mithittiû Tir* les Ce. PlST ll-«alSVlS. J )***. Pttirt kit lnkissll; lbl ( u. JAV.teth ayi t*,, M-bA-Mbiito- »g1 K"»l»,t 1 igt Se*!-»!. BH-l!_BI ««fi iUTirk 3IS-KÎU kit ¥«-f 1 6*l»-r«M,lrkgt tUaim. lïleV-WbssIr- kg! Oirr-». JiJl.tVirtbmrM tax Rirwire! < *-.IHK»S ?LKA»t . TsiJX S"«V-K:i.UI! «g1 Aitle-B« t. »a-Munt kgi Bsetrais \ ¦ a Citt.Wnail agi. Hotrtj. Jllî.PowWr ut BamUit. IDtal-OeaaJrielgi igt. Nil.on! P.t* Ira. »Ta. U3«*.JosoïKi igt Sims. J236.L«t»b kgi SUnmss. ir,4-Bi*r<'«kgtUiust«Ml Firs lit Ilill maa »s».P« 3Í-- Xi-tnutU igi Tk« TI.r«) ki* S. ACm «.A-fètU-v» »gi- L*«!* lg. »I-Sauird igt lanklyi«l A«. Ur.i kgi .Vs. r.l-l lit ? **. S»t«ir«si kg* Bins (5aV-l*»W» «gi ISfttT Sr. laj-Palelk Peu Morl Bs Baliig «U- Igt M.i»Sf,k.. Psav 11 -Put. I. U*-Wslss agi Ktllr. Ki.»-Sln»»i»-_«i tagt Mos-a*-». *D-H«-«Ton«a«gl Sfi lut. bkb-hnri «vgl Ort Ig* OSA.rJmar tyk Tmbrr. 4SW-llclta-_M kgl rnttt, MV-KMlk» «ej-l »iss-iisr .««- teritAk ara H. S. t«. 110-Smsties igt lis«. «SU..Pi ST I-lMMH, J. tiy-Aara» SsteselsT*. k. t. Cm. IM-Bri»-*.! kft Shtrisss Ss Hinbsll. >», k* ,kgt Trill. Ut-Ptut IA*.. Mt Mut h«i4l UetWGa e*fr-_awntbk! kgi Kri, I *§J%. V ormet »gt Witti.1. <».»r*|i,« (iii. 1 mut it tKllt* kft Wilt*»». Me-LlDii»si*« »gt Hiilln. St«. Dsikii igt Kuna- » ¦WO-Hie-phreiri sgt Kuglt »*»-Aii*s »gt sbttaa, IKat-Seknlsg*» Igt Kirtiul Hft-B.ik-igt. Girt»»» B«t Put Oattk Ctsie-l». "Hie Hon. Win. B. Cemphell, a Démocratie Member of the XXXIXth C-nngrese from the Vth Tenn-aaee Dla- trief, has piitillshatd a eard declining re-election to the XLtn Congress on the around that the "generoua kind«' ness and confidence" or hla roustituencr '' has not been rewariled by adequate service dutüig the ihvrt tirss" hs held 111« *r-»l THE MONEY MARKET. HUM ST 'lilli MUCK KXCIIAXng. truss «ii i:t-g Phaais Uauk B. adlnc, ktj M.i"*-«j of Comm« u c ¡ski ii j M .Ill U'. ...Vi tall buj ino. Il.i mirth .Nation Ik Weel l-'iiii.i. Ti 1'" .bill M\ em . « .fells, Varga Bxpi II. Hi I". H M ,M rUH ni li«.-Inn Mat I--.M-, 10(1.1* (Hinton ino . Its» .(I «rill Paean« Msii ino... 1.'>H» Mi. I, Ho A ÍHKI. Ml loo. Ino. loo lill..1.1 lis».. IM... _ISI ! W j liol . HI .sill '.ii ... li.o TI ...HO 7IJ r. i,'nid itsa .iu| lii'-ii Uti ino 1*1. ««... -, n 13. In loo N V Central ion. cn ve a ruts .Kl 21-0. blO. Tn| te} _m.vsl ban im Cblo« ¡s West ....mi n-».m ....uri ami.bin ac 1271 Chit A- N *.Y Pnl _hat. 3d cull li30.M_l Clei _lui 200. ill 10*,} Chu Ut H es .si . l -.,.« IMl O.iij -'«.i ti ii j .hi j i; H«.- :. mouup -J 8 'HI. I ! i, v. «".-. .*. ji)i:.g'i.'. i, f.,lM). 1117 «J 0 Ml« I -*.»('|''t- inn.10.IO"! 1 I- tal JO toni« IJ»TO io 1 li h laS-WOuup '.; f.,n ii.iii-j ti H .-,.«. 10 10 (.'imp 9-000. . Tree« KotasT 3 lo l-tt BeiiiM. I.HoO.100 3d Henea. 6,600.10,| 3d Hoi-ica«. l.noo.lo*| IIIiii'sCmu Wdsli -ti» . Hil '¿.(KHI.101 42.l'-'M Ninth carss m.vim u.imjo m-mua, m vu Mi.-M.i.iri Ga 2.000. 1.ÍXKI. 9| «¿00. Int 41 h Iloitgiigp ion. . 2d c lo.isxi.:.\ Brie Chu* A li I 1 ni It r.-i. f.« 4,0»)S.lOli\ Uti .....<> cull «Mj Mil A 81 l'uni lui ?M). 6V 4,000 . 84 N Y & N Haven Chic It I A l'a V.ln 34. IM 8.000. Bil Hut li Ave It I. Mlüb Mouth 2.1 m :W.1» t.Otsi. ¦ Mil A HI Paul Cleve A Tul HP II | 6«i. 334 1,000.101 40. HI OPKM HOAItll <»V IIIKHIKIM.IO A. M. NYOuilral .Mb li Ho A N lud iCblc It I A Pa 200_ .1*3.10« 400. 7H| 200. tt\ i-.i-ie ne.»io nv w_ IOS. 0 (W JI -00.»3. T'iè . bl-5. 98 «MU.Ml Cleve iii Pltteliurx 200.M* 07J MO.« bal 200 . 7*4 Chu A N Vi Vu-1 to*.Id hê\ Pitta, Pt WA Chu '¿on.MI Iteadlng I .300. ink 1«».*3. 611 ano.b3 ioa K'bic, u I A Pa ans.inr. g.% («tor A Toledo 400.o. or| am. b3 cs 300.,. I11|' 400. ... »"ii 600.M «H'Kfs lUllltl» Ol' llllOKKKM--1 I», k1. '.1,1.1 Hn JIXI OMI I.Si (lev A.T0I11I0 .121 it Hot u [alai MS me I 1 Pitta I' W A. 0 6<SI. ¦«00_ ., Hloiiii.glou II. Toi Wah A Wear loo. NI 91 N| M l ii Werten llnlou Tel Midi Ho A No lad Ita. 1.« li. N Y Conti al 100. BOO 1,20s ... 100 200 Itt-ading SOO 200. 60S. Mil uni sot# 1" I 4M 1)10 10f>¡> 200 800.b3, l»0.elO «nie. It 1 ft ft« 400. IU 10-i b1 in-all »I0.IO-.4 10-4 Mi h Ho AN lud W».«FS 80S. GUS HI b3. bl'» el) au li. bio. M| ;ioo Kilo aw.. Uni. 1,300 COO. 20s Clere A Pitta 200 .1*10 um. ririi;. »I.KUM AMI MINIMI mun- HOAiii». Prlrolrttm Moeia. !».,. A«kf«« J 00 Cleve A Pitts 600. M. 600. .loo.l.a. W7|Chic AN Weat 300. In. A N W Pre* 200. »3 06 -300.C. bill coe. 2.-0.I>10 400.. k3 200.b3 a witt* 171 I M C »I R M ¦:h{ m S5| 6-4 eui cr.j CJ| ¦"i Pit lu Pt WA Chic. 600... HKKJKfl Itonneiioff Kim.. lill, ii ill ia I'M III C. ntral . TI « linton Oil . TS ('liony UHpeo'. i'ivcoli-ior. MaiibA«n%n. S V A Alleçhsnjr Pit Hole Cronk Rjad I'aiiii.. ii llnite.l Petrol P. S Uuttad States Cm,»n 71 tittrl.t Al mir da 1 M Alpin« 2S A in mcin PI.a. ti AtlautieAPaelfis ItatoaAH.11 ter (I I AS Cold llobtall (lol.l li«- ...alM«l Mil VIT. Pul.ion Con-ol'il Purr,11 ,'1.«« loM. Onll.tlt, old (*i«./l, r fiobl 1 Iii 3 01 «M fliiniii'll Union 61 i ',:. !l ii «I.,11.1 (I A Co]). 1 20 Holman. IS I on ¦*..)-. Cold. Ii I Kc.j-tUuic HHvcr H I ¦' Kl['|. A liti'-ll (I CO l.a Oro-sMO Cold.. 40 l.iebir. II Clbcitr (»old ... I Muni in,! Quida... id New-York. M Nye Hold ... I Onie a Cut. o n Pc.» (I A Hof C ii 1 «> an.«!!-* Hill. 3 «SS KejriiiiblH («old .... Hot It Mount «I 1 00 Him!li A Pur Q. 6 IS Hennendcrf.-r. Symond«'Pork (J .... V, 20 6 50 76 12 10 4 M S » I 60 t li I I 1 Ml 3 00 4 *H l r. 9 <*«i 2 t* (.«.liiiiil-i.i ,'»,. S Oouaol'd Outora CoiM.'d «IroRory «n j Ion He» Munica (.«.1,1 li.iw.ii'vll.« Ool.l «..linn«.>.|.l Cold Hill (I'll. 11.«J! <i..Id 4 W '.ut. Valley liol. 1 IA lexiwiC.ild Y (»Ho**- Jacket (1 AtutrrllaneoHt Itonn Ihland I'oitt. Wallcill lz-vl 1 UuCand Marble. IO 00 SO Cirfrjatr titoCAt j 10 « «I uloola Cop lo 'nu ida < <.ii|i«T no * ii Charter (tas Cup 1 fi» 4 '»o 1 ».i»..i.-.n Osuuer i ..-» nlHrercreeu it < «.|» I-a- lloVHl Clip I no Onlma «_»i>|h 1 I (Arl tltoili (iirtui \rj M,,ri,i 6 Ol, Hu «e-il nie .. J 00 I 7i' 96} »ii-J. 64 1 0.1 20 19 4 er, 60 06 7 46 S SO I 46 I 10 16 6 16 1 66 36 0 S 00 60 16 00 i 75 1 76 II SO H 60 6 00 Ift- ni} /t'.yli Oolunililaa u A it Uti 3 w |i>0 «J .1 Ol a iik» Q ian» ein .<.' »J ino loo 1 M I 01 3 1 «i Mfd »li-« Ool 200 .3 IO Hu.ith A Pirmelee Oua'd t«rei;ory Col «M fi W I.P 200 600 i.».» 600 SO» -»«.I t»n _i*0 1 «1 ino Ml 1 100 loo. ano m l><-.( »! «in«--, 100 bl r, 10 6 IS loo loo 10-1 600 1 n IM .M.W. .c3 .b.T0. M 0 2-1, 1*1 9 00 7'»i K3 6 00 Walkill luM.l I" ..iv 600 m wa *. 1 m Charter(lah Onp K,-)n!i«iic Hllver a »» MS . 1 70 in 8 M 'JOD !.. 1 7'» li«'. MM Qold t 00 Ohio A ol »! A H IM 0 (IO I,'«»O . CO Kipp A Hu. il t 00 tir- -.1.1 ' 9 10 0 10 9 10 9 U 9 2.1 9 30 2 66 9 JO 9 36 M M .ti M 9 10 Ahuaeda 9 IS S«»' S U SOO 9 SU ('<»lniiiln.ui «i » 10 IM lort .MO m » P ...¦" h iM.! A H li.«ni«.i. 110 1.7 lu «w ... IN.*** Y.«ik Cold I Ml IM 1»3. ti h i¿.i«ir*/ lilli A M. MI bl S IS Smith '. Psrssatas t «MI loo 0 IO 1 hi,Walkill N'ii.1 . M 1 y, Matikiiat. Min h 30-p M (¿nid tit>er*n || l!.'.¡ Un» export of the woek waa tlV'.Ci'-s (¡ ttatitmit* staaiiy. ^nd tlie new isnue of -m memugpgaèemgm. Th» inwcellanooiiii liât ü «till ii««Kl<*-jt««<l. I'acific Mail inatill iwtire, aud closed At 1 m\ after aollini; at 1 -C, Tho K.tilir.iy sliaro mar ket m a ivli do w t* alroiiK'.r ni th.* timmins, with a ii,miel itn l.ii-.i,.-.-. IlieUgMI «S'iutliorn wiw nu ex- t («jdion, ami -nild »lnwn lo 74' and cloue-il st 7I¡. Late in the day the foUo-wfag .[iiot.itioiM wen» made : Now York Central, l'CJ a* IShei Bri* 8af»|) Hud tau, UT| ; Reading. 1»/!| tílO-'l Mu hiican Boothern. 7I¡ 0-7'.. Clüvcl.uiil ami l'ittilniriili. 7-<J ,r7'.i ; North- Wtit-rn, M| w ".'.',; North-Wjitcrn Pi.-f.rrcil. ('»'ila* O'.i, K.ick Liland, M| «Ht, ex div. ; F«»rt Wayne, Mè-dtU Money wau activo to-day at full citen, but tlie i»r.*v «tui.* tu htiiitiw wai not 10 great tut on l'ii(l.»y Si nu pat cent uni freely pii'l, and i ti soino cas. ia little moro. -Commercial ¡kiimi nt-Ws at 7a7i for Wat, and -«..M for »»«comí pata« The scarcity of money thrniiitli'iiit tin- country ii attribut«*d by the iiifla- tioniitu to tho withdrawal of legal-tandcrs by tho .Socretary of tho Treasury «luring March. Thu opinion as we have reaaon to'behere, Iim a slight foundation. Some contraction of k-gal-tciubsrs will bo shown in the April Htatatnent. but not the|4,000,000authori_r«l. In this state of offairs borrowers cannot be too care¬ ful in making long engagemeaits, baaed upon the idea of cheaper money in April and during the Sutnnier. In ordinary year«, abundance of mouey in the Sum¬ mer and low rata« aro the mK but thore are move¬ ments of magnitude to be made by the Treasury in funding Seven-Thirty and comp«Jund note« prior to August 10, which will diaturb all ordinary calcula¬ tions. For the present Government sectiriticn offer to capital the Im |/<- ««t rate of intt-xeat, and until gold ia at a much lower premium federal stocks will not lose their advantage, and cull kiuus will be cheap when bad at about 7 per cent. Tbe Bank statement is reportad as showing an in- creaae of legal tenders of $1,(100,000, with a decrease of deposits of $2,100,000, and a reduction of $-:, -»«V-boo in loans. Exchange is not so firm. Bills at «10 days ou I«on- ! donare quoted at 10H <-109 for commercial; 1081-1 100] for bankers'; do. at short sight, W>i u-MH ; Paris | at (»days. .1.21 i_;5.1«i]; rio. at start sight, 5.1ft.-2 5.1«.-..; j Antwerp, 6.20«i»5.1?i ; Swis«, 5.20<»5.1H| ; Hamburg, \ WSaMl; Amstardom. 44>J-_2*-tl|; Frankfort, 40;«*tl Bremen, 78f«Í7Í ; Prussian tbalen«, 71 i _ TJ. In Freights the engagements to Liverpool are 200 bales Cotton at i£_-16d.; 100 tons ManulVtuml To¬ bacco at 25s., and per steamer, 100 balee C«»ttou a* ' lf-1. To Bremen, 40 hL«ls. TobMco at Sk Od.. and 150 boiee Estrai*t|Logwood at 22e. (Id. A Norwegian bark to Camm and »market, with 2,000 grs. Corn at 5e. Od., and a British bark to London, with 2»,000 bush. Barley at '»Jil. The Naw-York imports of foreign dry goods com¬ pare sefoBowu fmr tbe Week IM«. Í***ttk, Entered at ths «pert. ttrj-).«*« »¿,M«,^l Thrown on market. l.loe.TM» i.tnt,:ss »a*j,n i. ima. ima. v literie at the port.go,t**,rti Thrown m markst. «,7D|,ö»4 si,3M,i7l Tbe total hnports at New-York for tbe week com¬ pare as follows : Writ tuting Uitth U. Mir.hM. Marri Mick T Dry Gooda.|1,_17,M_ tJ,611,7«3 M.rr»,î7t |Q,4«S,U1 General MáM. I,0M,17S s.sid.ioo l,9W,4_3 XM,.,I Total.$4,342,300 mmasmm $4^01,(M $4,S0S,1(M The case of Stewart against Drew and others, t«- garding tbe alleged frauds in the management of the stock-gambling " pool " in Erie last year, haa jost en¬ tered on a new phase. The plaintiff, Joseph B. Stsw- artajhss been arrested with Leonard Huyok. ona charge of conspiring to defraud the Qorernment. Stewart and Hurck hart both beoa vince«! la lujj* 1NH7. $1.3l7-fl!_i t^o.î-is^si 83.7M.4S4 low-et. jail, the ball bolig fixed at $-»0,000 e.vh. iiliich aiiimint they lind not hean ahl» to obtuin laM evening. Mr. 111 : > 1.. it will be mnemoered, wat n«.! Cn .M reliants'Katiosal Bank of Wash« in ''«i. which institution Is nil«-;;.-.! ft» be indebted li» Um (¡»M-niiiiiiif in tlie sinn of |75O,000i II.nins tintiaxfeii. »! gportion al hiaproperty to Ifr« Stewart, bars bo. t arrutad for conapiriag to io* band« aJ M-ir«i Domett and Nichol«, Bankers and Brokera, linve o;»-:it ti an offleo_d No, IS Brond-ek, for UM pur < baas ¡in.) sale of Government .eeui.tiea, gold,nnd Mocka« exclaaivelj on coiiimis.iion. Mr. Junien It Nichols i-« btte of the finn of John llryan <5r Co., und a member of tbe Nw-Yoik .S!<»ck là\cli,itigc. ThaCOOponaof tut Land IJonds of the llitiiiiibal «ml 8t. J(»m-|»1i KiiiIki k1 Company, «hie April 1, will be paid in Neiv-Voik i»>- Unana Bherasnn á.Co, or in lhatMl by tin» Tie.i-iiiicr. li. S. Wutaoii. The filloMing in mi official atatement of the bnsi- neRiof tin- offi'-o of th" A»«*.i.«,t*uit 'J.'r<-a.*iiin-r of the 'IiiitiHl Si.itc.-i, in Low-Voik, for tho month gkaamUg Y(\ m, ItSCT: ItKCHTITI» AMI niSIUinSFMRXTS Feb. 2v.iv,7, by balance .1114,3%,'VTt N |{(«cell»^ (lim: tin- ii.iiiiII), On n««» ..inf. .f ('.HtoiiM .ti2.ifw.03. 2*1 On accounts» Gol«! Not«. 4,0:4,711.» no On minina 1 le..,-..] Kel (inn« &f,.m Vi On Hciount V. C Department. 67s.Mn H On 11c unlit Tran-..,. . 3.6W.HOO CO On aeoeaat Patent .,.,.,, ^ ey, v_ o., aecvaut^,^ ;' 4.7.810Ü06 en On sccoont I>l/*lmi>*iii*; vi c 'M lObMMM M AasayOrflos. i«h -/re 10 Ou aooount IntortrttAu-JU.»^ 4,34«, 159 75- ft.*Tti r.iymenu. . $194,111.r»'«IS TrcuHitrv lirnftH ..»'734,90-¿ 78 l*eM Office UraftM. ^.t». ïl ll|sliiireli'< Accounts. ll.'tVi'sm 01 Ajuoiy Offic«. 'JaJOjie m lateras* Account-», sis In «Nitn . a.HlOfiït ft» In Ciin-encjr. '.»'/J.OOV 84. -¡^ .-,- 744 m .««lance. ""-Ml W Hy Hal. t.» Cr. Tr-HHiirer 0. el. n 71 Hy Uni., Cr., Ditbttrstag Acts J,oit),iU 74 Hy Kunda In Im Assay Office. 3 501,04» Hy li ii , Cr., lntortxt ACMOBtl 1.2 >...T4» 74- 1M.I34.I.1C M Hy He-oetnts for Cuatomfl m «li«* Mouth of Marok, mt.tll.lAi.9H M Ity KmcaIoU dir <.u.itun_« lu tin: Mouth March, 1*07. KMMMM Inonwmc in Iftf/r . «tl,044^i»5 15 Htnteane>nl of biunnetá tit On tin Uni Mnlrs A stay Offne at Ara York for il-.C S tttth ending Utireh ,w, lifii»^ilH .if «iiifil. ^lO,t)ii0 0S Vntatga Omm.«ti..,»»«-«) o«i Foreign Hulllon. MM lliiltcd «KUU-rt KtiUloii «-- "¦> * Iit-posiM of bill cr, liii-ludin-t I'ur- nlnv*««. Altino Ù0 PondgaUotas. O-ons Foreign bullion.. 6-000 united (-.tilt.«a liniiioii (cuni«.in.-<1 In «..lill .... . 6.O0S 00 United r»t.U«* nullum (Idaho) . 1 l.iXJO 00 lind»*! HUttM Bullion (l^iko H'.iih>r'r» l.'iOO «*) United Htat«a Ulllii'in (NoVtvl.i./. 9.«!KW OS Tot ni d.|H,«it«i ragtblali in*» *i» 1.000 oe Tot.ti depoelta 1'iy¦»''»;¦ »la« >u«i t»),.**) .uy- MMM 00 aoMIUrssUtDpe«!. « M Tmiirtiiiiltcl to ñi.itfo nina, foi»OMnngi. tlW.Oîd 07 Tho biMiiuvirt of the hub-Treasury was: Ko«;.i|»ti foirOaatnuota, $; ImQobS Motee, fciis.ow); total Koceipt*. |i «MMM] lol 1! l'ayoieuU, It^SM^IM 74. lliilanc«'. %tiX),ÍAiA,\ ;«» In con.-K-iitKiii«;«-. i»t .1 r.«.«] irk in the»«, coi.innis on Bâtardal laat, «wa Hire bad banded aathaieUawing «*opy of it letter-j-dilre-tued on the pr»viou.i\V'iMlnea«lay to the (.'(¦liiniittoo of the A-noinlily, olutfgtd v- ith tho .n ve«ti.'T« it ion »! «iffiiir-i Inn Pai'iiu- M.11I Steiiiuship Oomanay. NmrT.m* M«r-li F liWT Tit* lint, Meurt ''mill, l'i,, t:t U'jklh, l.i.»u'i«r iu-1 Ja« «-m Oma MM «f-*- i>K*KKiit)i. Tbanntersigaed»ii«», in respsneata yem «tiiiiiii.iiM, attended befare >ou 011 Moi-biy la-«!, m wit« lie«».«*-., m-, «ni iMinci i«y m reporterei Un BupreaieCourt, nhees sei s lees, how »ver, wera-denied to tneni by your «'li.iii niau, ii;...:i tin« plea tlint if he were iidiuitt.d, it Would Im« iii* .via.try to admit other lt«|»iirt«i|-l, ¡t(yllj«-.> Sd in lint dei iMoa iiiHin tim furiiier assitrsaee that tun temXb- inony of ti»- witiit^.«.«-. takea «iowa hy th« repartee ptaa- cut on the p.irt t«f tin« ( wmmlttee vrould 110K be imliinhetl, i-ritliont I1.11 ln< Ix-a-n funt nul.uiitted in eiieh cu-md to tlie .MneaS fur re-, hum. Notwtthataadlna thi* rt«ií.»«^.>in(«nt. liowcvcr. the ln- oi«.4«..i aawspapec reparta «hare been aahHahod te ¦Jsy of t< ntiiii.iuv purportIu«x t" he that <>t the Bnisrilgiml. hut wimii in not titt.-iiyatMiii.tii..',la «««ni. tstt.irltb ivimt they did «H-iy, ninl winch. In »onie In.tance,-,, at- 11 iiiiit. h i«, t ¡1. ni stateoaaots ahlektae«/ never thoagal of lu.ikii.a,-. and wine ii do not n> < ord with the truth, at nill ajij.cai by icfi-ii-im to Um tesUmoaj tbey did gira. k i. a «a i._r. tin! io geatleaina actaaited uy .1 ac-me t.> pr.-- vent InjiiHttei« and »lin*.« u-f iKnn'i-r. th.-y will lint u|i|>ei«l in v.iiiii foi redress «el thegrteraaoeof wUeh they aare i. «.iii-n-«i:--i| t«. ion,)i;..m above,the aadenicned «i«- m ItoaiM-eeasao tesaj ssers lhaa uns to «all your atton- tiuu to it. And the) lasaata, >. u nhedieat «n-riaiit-», J i.MKH linon g, Al LAN Mci.IM I'ai-scta .auiiiT. Ftgg df IlATfH, ISl-iKfHS *Mt> DkiI Ut* IS «iiiVKKNMeST SFCttlTIRS No. it Maaaao-er. Will reçoive Hr.TKN liiiK-n iu»t«6forconveriiionJiit«>the Nsw oin 1 ".<¦?«. hi-a:ku Homos, on ths nioit f_Snr_hle Mbm THE MAKKET8. |i »Tttu't., n.purt.-0'tur Ina riinril ruai, March jo. Ii«7. ASIÏKM -Th" 111,1 rkcI for Tot« it »Hejd> at$n J74(f|» M|| l'e.iiM .trn tumti-f and nomluul. AI-c<UI«)la.We not« ealca of 600 hhli. at 49c. currency m bond BKK8WAX 1-1 firm with a fair demand, tales at Md40c. for Yellow Wettern nial Southern. Hlil' K-« m- firm anil in fair demand at til »tu for ('«unman Hurd, |i; dill for (loton, ann ITS foi 1'lilL.idel phl.t Krout. «XiTTON- The market opened firm, but, under the len« fnvnralile new.« fruin iilirnud, prices are rather beary, closing at *>le. for Middling I'plands, to31|c. for do. New, Orleans; sales of l.'.bO I».iles. COFFEE.Mo Hale.* of any «lesctiptuu are reported; prlcea nuntin finn. CAVDLEB un moderately active itml íteady at i8*w<*. for Adamantine, 3bi/i0c. for Hinrm, aud 48<fiOv. foi Pat« at. ckmknt-Rosendale to lower, with more doing at the dec 1 un Hale*« at «ti 7'., 1a-.l1. 1 l.oCH AM* MKAIa-Tlie Market fm* Western and Stat«» Flour is lesa active, but with Hunted arrivals prices an» firm. Our stock Is rada« ed to about SOO.ilOO bbl.-. and U dally diminishing, The s ile» are 4,1*00 bbls at pi to,. 110 70 fur Hiinerfliii* State; tll*|13 for Kutra Ht.ite; |ln 5«! ...Iii d5 for tue low grides of Western Ettra; lu M -ill i oi> fur Shipping Onto; »l»»SU Cm) for Ti-udo Oulo; SlJitóií |17 7J for st. i-onis l.xtr.iH. California Flour is firm, out 1am active; silica of 7no bbls. at |13_H* _,i. ('«tiMdlan Klour l8 steady, with a fair demand ; sul«*s of «300 Mila, at lil «50 for Common In bond. «ti.all. 60 for Good to «'hole und Trade and Family Kxtraa at |13a|13 80. Bonttaeru >*lour la in f.iii tleiiiand, and Is steady ; sales of 3fO bble« at 111 Mafia 60 for Common to «iotwl F-tra*, Haltimom and Country, and tis'/|t7 ii for Tirade and Family Fit ras Kye Flour Is easier, and iu firm demand; eales of »00 bbl»«. at |7 bodgs 23 Corn Meal la «iiili and heavy. lll'lUUS IIIOM SKIT. 1, \06t), T«> niTlf. <irr»t Kr.t. u <^h.r for»:-.« »Uil Ir-rlufel. (.arts. I'.,|tl rto'tr lilli». bttla i.-M». New-York. March W. 4v,oki _eo,_o_ >r.\i*. llaltimorc, March ». ... *_ Hl.iOO M.-*-. l'hllinlelphlit, .Mar« li ..'. Xl.tir, W.-.-.3 Boaton, Man-h M. 3,510 73,134 73.634 Fort Uiul. March ti. 1".¦ «>* 3,-.,ü__3 i. « Hem- orteaiia, March ÍJ.. am lio Iii Totals .«ia,781 .JO_,W0 tnoO,66u IU6Ó. 1_C..V.¿ 1,lilli,««. 1 li", «M ISit.m.'.mi '-«.-Ml I.0IMM FISH-Dry Cod ure ft UttU.« m«ire «active and prU'«aa aie brSB at IS Santa Mackerel are 111 fit li* (obblnit it« __ui(!, and iirn<-s itn« nell sustaiued; aalca at «l.-e for No. 1 »hoi«. «.RAI \ II,e When ni.irki t is finn and moro active, eapccialiy for white H l.euts; the ilem»iid in part for in- vtsti-ctit, thouKh chiefly for milling; the unit» are 13,000 huab. tatt* No. i Milwaukee at ti It uU te. 1,100 bush. Amtier Mate at 13 li: 37,tSAi lnibh White olifumia at Hi. 1 gi Id; aud.'.Joo lal-U White Canada at ti 20u$S IA. Hurley Malt Is quiet at ti «tt-i ti -_V Varley it firm aud m fair iWinand for home nu* and for eiport; the sales ale 43,0«X>bush, at «Kk*. (or ( iiiiadai West, iii Iniud, and li IS-» ti 36 for «lo do. Free. Oat» aro iftnt» furn and nwie active; sale* of 60.000 l»nMi. al J.. «-«7.J, for old Chicago; «71 a esc. for New do., and 7*J.*. tor stat«» in «toro. Kye.» tau^ uud the demand mo.ler.ife, sale« of 7,ms» bufli. Western ut ti J.!, in store « win ove ned firm. *aitt» a inn lti-d demand, anti cloae.l etnunr and^»le at 18^«. for Mii«mI, In storei tim salea «ara 1 -joAnt) bash, at II 17| tor No. I Weetara .Mixed.ti le-atll.» for good t-o wry « liolio d<». lu «ture: ti 10 for Nen do uflout: uud li is .1 ti H'«i«itJ 17 fordo, du. at the I-oug Dock; und 11 JO all _«t for Did Wt-sui n Mixed afloat, -since 'change. Corn has advauced 4c. ptr bu»h.; we kear of Mies of i%hO__ Wu«h Mixed \Vc«lr . in at ti -¡1 afloot; $119 is bid for *',uOd buabs.« iu r.«»re« but hokler« denuiod a higher price. fixj-uH.» non >wif.'X obx. to oaiz. ,.., , lu«»« lirit_» Oii>*i »«.u ******* au.1 li-elABd. Fo.'lf» Psf«. T,u^ bub »»um S«*!. New York, .March at. 3W»,471 17-XJ0 sss.-jn FhUa-, March »1. 3.W» ^.S3T 3".,HO Fortland. aMarch M. VIO* _1JM, tritt)*. *»i,oau 4t,SO 4e_.«l69 im. 1.1M.8US #7.061 1,'lll.W) ISAS. 1.S37.Î1S fia.341 1,7*3,90» i noa« »-row ferr- 1, l8**, tv &aib. Ol^«l __...:» lllSlt -V«f«V. C***» »BJIr.ui.4 ».Miol-«'*» ' *** i.u.h. l"Mii. I"»»A. Maw-*y«»»lr, Martha.4,431.7*14 J71.567 i.K-JMt Baltimore, Man al. I17.S43 ».all S87.SW I'tifladelpliia, Mai^b» ... *34^»* lnH» ¿MU Bostea, Mare h W.- - Vi,iti 1..453 irortiasùr, Msrea _a. »,m t,en »j« ToUlS.4,rM.7S7 tteXtflt I,118/H_ im.i,M«.1-M «3I,«W «,MS.7<ri IMA. WOW MI.P1/J S**0W niDES-The marks» for Dry Hides baa been /airly acme throunhout the weeta, under a soed demand Irem tbe trade and ont of town buyers ; prices have advanced durin« the w«ek tate, and clone fina, sttk an apwsrd tendency. Upper lacather Stock It alan 10 goed demand, chiefly from the tanner« and dealer«, at fun prices; salee of Rio Oraude Kips st 90|e., void, and Sierra Leones, lo Hostou, at a»*c , Mirwucy. Wet Bslted Hidsa-Ttie de¬ mand contluues fair for Domeatle SlMithten, at fall prioe«, hut with a limited supply on head, «aies ara re- Itrteted la CnUiUts Stock thsr« Is a (air lugulry tor haXh J desrriptinna. but siles are prevented by tli»« ftrmnsas of hobler.« Wo epte»«/« aat fedloia Dry Hide« lt«ien«>« A>i«t«, lH'tta, Bunnoo Ayres, prime, -. M ..,.)«»,», i«4 Bite, Kio ». Orinoco, l'i-'iV California. I to Cul h Ho, li;-. Vera 4 US, Val«*»»'i ; I 11 .1 lain and Cl'l Uni Alllilll »1, II .1 got», II '»lei'.. Rio 1.mi., dry itml .- i-.; .-.-.iiniiia 1 hare. I,nut, It at I Port 11 ; Te»a\ loy balli «1 Ililli M,iran¬, 12 -.. '¦, J "- ra iii iiilai., «., 1 M.ita- in,I .,el. 1 vi tie : Hu lim, 11 !:¦ ; (bill, I3«al«k'.; t-outhern Burt WesK-rn, HarflOl» Wet «_all« (1 li - Ayres, . V r., Kb» (Iranii.-, lo^.rii.ji«- *»« ts; California,le*» U'h' V It-. 1 «ia. lu tl"if I' if. ni!. ...... St. - «»I,,, mincir D 'ii.tis Kimi,.!,!, 1 ],,i,. ., , :.. ( ii/ sit ugh«W tlimaaed and meei. ile ile; (.'¡tv -.¡Hngliter tiimiiKMl un.l ...» 1. i j -.,. l)-i-r Leather block. s j-r»'- ami H!»> e ,,ntl,- y -,. rr t ¡^»ne, * »Sie 1, su, m, ¿iiain .Minns, re ney Kaa»t I riftl-» Hu»,»!, -(,,!, ulta, »if) - ..I',<a l''<¦. V ti., ('».le nu 1. «1e»««i ar.1,11, I3|álac P tt; ( .»i.-iiita, buffalo, li>a O'llc- «y DJ, Mee-mll« uu.l Batalla, bu/falo, 9e. P in. ...UV iiA'i -The «1- t..-»i.<1 ti fait .uni de nir.rk.t stead/ at |1 7*. f..1 eil ippit _. and ti "-.'?: f'.r 1. li I. Mi' '.; ,. ... fn m a ml 11 io.hI. t..;, ti «,ni"et at 130. g«»i«i, .«thiel km .tu «I.« a a.1 nominal IIOI'H Hie firm ami in good «1« oiauil for lioiue «onsiimp- tlian; we quote-at from |t*#40C, and ISO., at lo |-ri,wt_ aud tj mill v LEATHER li »lock«oh has ruled «pii.-t tbroughonl the v.'1-ek, uutler a llnrliel ili-iuiiii.1 from niSlillfailUIISH and di-alera, though in tin lal Iel pat I Ih. it- baa been con- sitlerabie lii<|iitrv for speculation: price«, how, ver, are v iiim ut m a tr lal alteration. It« « tptsrrout the tam, «nea b».»«- boen fair, » _.: refill n.; about nl.UCO e , »eightsart» In «gu«*d supply and neglected, .tlaüa» ligbl a light« mi«»-k-te ». mi! y..tnt. .1 Oak Bul« The market la (tuite artIve for lighl weights; othei» » an inlet Ih'IIii-<. arein «I« inatml at lim. prie « a: 0.1k MUugteraag Baited l.ia.:!it, .-.<-.<., Middle, .-,..:.. 11«.»it. t." «isc ; Light CiojajH-tl. li ' »Ti.: Middle ( rapped, 47aWc.; iu-llle» Cr«>pped, l-uailt. Hemlock Bnenm Ayies, a. light, 2-t.r/Jije'.; Aliddl» 'i-b, A'MM ¦. Ile« vi J»« ,i;|e- «.. Light, tt Jim . Middle. j: «*¦/..... lient). Haine ; Orinoco, Ac., light, 37anse.; Ml«bile, 'H¡rmi,i-.; lf«-,,vy. aud.We¿1l. A DMiiiiig«»«!, ali weights, I'oor »io, 1 j «silo; Hlitughter in KoiikIi. M *S»*to.; oak -Hlaugbtei in Lough Light, In-rleV; M illili»', 9 -. Hesvv, b*âiSc. LATHS -Eastern ait- Lii-i an»l lu fa. 1 demand at t*ti for llin-o mulila a I IM I. ltotllantl li without change, tim demand la tin»«!. ato; sales ;»t ti *'¦ for ( ominóla, «n<l ti IO f.«r Lump MOLA.-WKH-Tlu- mut k»t is quiet andptice -im.Innige*!. NAVAL STORm spirit-, rurpentine finn,' «»..-a ef 4s» bbl». at "M«'. Koli tis at.» fit'11 itml lit b«-tfei-«letiiaad, -ena. ra of 1,'iae I,I,a I olia I, ,1, Bl« It ill »I I.'«,««*»! I»»;. »Obbla. Ktrnineel ( »mumu at ki i-1, and oVD bbl-. .Via. 1 at k6 lt|. Tilt «H »pllet. Llina-ed without (bange; We quote St ¦- ."<» si 3c Fla» (HU »ave m<-t with a nio«li«ratc de '*»..'-. at full prill'», we gaeta (rude Wlial- at sue-»II, «uiil (-"»»de sp,»-. ut Sa ona-*. 60: l..utl oil iron »:« «»li ii f«»i n.o. r.jv,,. a, au,i f ,,;r io i-rime. PROVBgONg -We base lind n fair demand for l'ork te- diiy, but pt»,,-. ttn. a shadeearner, closing boar**, fee f nur«-d« Its ».^ we.hcttrof»ale»s of ¡to»» biala. Mess, buyee May, at 124fa Tlu- k.i1,-e. m-th «ni recular, »are ».«ice Mils., at ta-' i;-rp_i tor o'.el Mf-.v tu ita » for Mew Mess, and tu to *.t prime M. -s. l.- «f i- steady; serte» of *»> bhla. «t til N^iií» set fear Platin Mess, and P»en m fur-Ktra. M««**. Ti»;i»e beef w «juiet but »teady. Bee« Hams are fairly actlv« hales of 12«) bble. at ti-i fer Weet ern Cut Mi-ais are dill and heavy; s-tles of llOpkga. «uiall MweT-etl-ickleti Ham« at léejc. liaie.ii is inn« five nag nounna!; sales of (Mi boxes L. <;. at Uah I~i«l ia luit uni heavy; salera of 1,150 tin-*., pait 1.i-»t evealag, at iii., for No. l; lae. for City; W»l»c. for fair to prime steam, ami l.'i*l;iic. for tile- K*»iielert*>d. li.ll.ol.l.l a\I is without d.-iii'ad «hange; te quota ( t u«i... at ll«i< .. in bulk, and IC+oilc.. inbbu. l'..-fiiaa;d, la bond, at i»".«tan«.-, for P. L 0. to W. ; trie, for H. W., «aud inejo. for 1' W. ?rraasoos Provision Maukkt. 8J o'cm.rK NoVhlng hut b«»e,n done In Men-« Pork slnee 'Changs; priests ara weak. New Mess, tul cash, and tu ntApM kK'K-Iii the» iibie-iu-e» of ¡»ah -, pr.«-a are uominallf uii«'liuiu<'.1. 8U<IAKH.Tlic market is not verv artice, but, in come qiioiue of a aean-ity of refining gra«^«», pu« ....> bave rallier limit t«alle, » loHlllg st about I'^arlm for fair Uefl.alUg, sad Kaejalole. feir good tin.; sales of «IMbhda. at J^'ini«. far Cub», und 190 boxe.«t Uavana at io»./ loie. Beflned areduil. hKIN'8..Goat.Then arrivals has.» b. on lixht-T bulee CtiiH.-oa. 2-2 i.aU.-s 1'ayt.t, and el bales Malleea via New- i>il«>«. Thore has btse ii a fair dom and ft«>iu uianufao- turt-r». but tratui.u tiona are reatric-te .1 l > the firmixMa tit botdera, who. owing to the hu.»b cost of their Mocka,, aero un st iiim g to make tina con« aeatoiis demandi «1 by bayera. Prosite« ti se- re««ipts »n» large. Deer Hie narke, baa beeu only moderately actlv«*. »-viies Uiiig oooflned to small p.11« el.«. The Stock is small of prime «ittailii»-.«. while ititi-t.oi gratti-.« ate in go«.i anppi**, ni.«I l»at little la «1'iiiiii for. We« »pióte', in golel «p It." Deer.Hod'.ita»«, let* 5,»s«'.-. Han Juan, «Vn\; Kolitar, inc., H<al,5te.; Vera Our., fió«'. Chagra», ¡itabtc. Puerto Cahello,4tc. ; Para. Wo. (,oat-Tampu e>, 4>«-; Mat amortie, lie.; Umiios Ayres, W9 ftTt«- ; Payta, 34 <run:. ; In curniuy ( iirsvao, 60<f4*o. ; ( up»-. 37ej<#|Oc. Aladras, il^n th- c.nit BKBM.A fair deniaml for Chive r He.»«! ut 16J *17o. Tun.»thy «*-»¦« .1 m iu fair elennind at Aj '¦¦> 1 ti. Hough f'iaa Boni is in fnlr demand at tu Milito .«J por bu.-h. Calcutta 1.11,-nc.l it atellllig lit ti fni'ltI tit. hOAP.OsstttB te »teuely, with sah.« to a moderate es¬ tent, at 17«., curreucy. Tobacco.Kent.u ky Leai baa bee» in f.ur demAnd, at itlxetit pnsious pines We quote- In eurrency as follows J.ialit Leaf Lags at t.i'*.-.-. Commou at sj.TTe., M«-.lunn at TfteVSe.; (load at Dimiic-, Pitta at H'afl«*., and 8<>le«'tioiis 15«li>e. : Ileasy Westens and (. larkitvilac Lug-, ',.thi-.; ( oliimoll at Cj<*9c. ; M»- du.-j, ni,!! a-.; (,i>od, li\ane. Vine, 10--17«-., and b«»t^- tioiM. UMh ; Seed l^'.if Is in fair eli inaiiil and firm; quoto at 7efl0c. fur Connectu itt Ki!!« ¦«; J" .' ».. for wrap leery lots, anel M<i à.*-- for fine wnpiiers; 6ui,c. tor Nsw- Sink Ht.tte fillers; »aVie. for do. average lots; »and ir._j«»c for «arapiiera ii<itjf. f..r lvi:i svlvauia and Ohiofillore; t9«le. tor»reragi» lota, andu «/ .'¿.'. for wrap- lH«i-.. New, i top Ciiiitiei-tii-ut filian,; **rapi»ety lota, ».ii:!«-., ami fin«» wrupper» 15«a tot-. TALLOV -The demand la quite active »tul firm, salee of i.'-».!««» i- ut li ii'«', for fall to i rilli«, iii« for liutoh trtf Aaaoctatiou; ;n..t in Philadelphia, l «.,««« m prime (My »t ni-illl«.; alrt-j salmof i".,is-a tia Hutchtrs'Atnocl»- Uon st u¡<-. WOOL.-Wa« have iieipsrtu ular chsnae to note in the miirki-t for »liitne-tii 1«<<». .*- Mian» our last. Tile «li-iii»ii«i ftoin iitaiiuf.irtun m linn Ue n moderate. The eleitlng «juotation*. are na follows: Ix»me»tlc Fleeces at "SOeMe for Native and Meiluoe», MV57C. for one-half and three quarter-. d»>, on-itxc. tar full blood Merlii«ii, and «a>#70» for etoxoaj l'lt«t««:es, "Jn-KS». for No. 1 Pulled, ti)ejte¡ for Bupertme do., and ñt-aj»;«'. for Kitts d-< ïl<ttfQ for (»».iiinii'ii I'li-saslu-d Culifoiitla, SS9SSS. for Ftue do., o' for lettie. ,i.ul AUiiriiali < oillttllig at ."a.'a</W. Wa quote Foreign as follow»»: .«jotith Ameriian at :s'.iU<'. fer («»tunion Washed, tiBOc. for Cnwashed Mestiza and Me¬ rino. M »IO«- tor Washed Kntre Kios. «/2---. for Cnwashed ( re.ile, 40#4«-c. tor Washed Cm dova ; Chilian at ai-vllo. for L'uwaahiHl M>-«itizaruid Merino; Cape of Goi>d He»p*t 3.v,>«ioc. for CnwMShed Kant Imli.i. leftSSC. for Washed, and African at ao»30c. tor L'uaaihed, and ¿a,iiac tor Washed. WHISKY- The market is" hK.ielv.'Isiid showeilfimoce activity; sales of 5*> bbN. Western at ¿c*-. Lu laond. RKCEirra of produce. Mis» h 'W*.-i.7»«J bbls. nour, »1 bbls Wlitsky. M bbl«. Corn Meal. 1.13S sacks Corn MnI,!I,.UI bush. Cora, 1.-.71 bush. Oats, «..son bush. Malt, ojc bush, Itoeda. m Pkgs. Ashes. Ml pkgs. Ueef, Vja pkgs. (tit Meats, IV. pkgs. I-ird. l^M bbls. Petroleum. l.idO pkgs Butter, VW pkgt. ( ¡lee..«" ^tnonclot. (TILLS Jai kmstills. Ii ti, Hirth ti. !"*»"" Ornes or is« ht. L»an», Jscanaavnta »i»s « an luVs. B Co., > COUPONS of St. Lotiif», Jackminville Mid Chi- riio lit Mort(if* B.uli. du* April 1, l«°*f7 wül br pali .an lal iflri tut «lit' it the .Ski of Muir* M X. JIM P I. CuMl'AST, S*. 81 I'., .i-:»»» .N<r« loti, fr*« of (.ia<rcran*st las. 1». a HOWARD TrsssBrtT. c I'rni'i «ir ist Pâle «oo «sp Alto-« IUilkoid("o., » Cn ara*» lu., ttaeak »O, ISA I 0UPON8 of Income Bonds of the «t'hicag-o an«} Alton Kirl'.-id Co. du! Air! I. HIST, w11 be m«<| ea iel *A|| elite ii th* Be« ol Smu M K JIMF k « ««MPA.VY Ko. I* Srceuiwii *><¦» loll. leM* l»itiir,»a»rt las. _W. M. LAR BAB FE. Tre»u-ir*f._ VKW-YORKsnd NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD li (V.-Tb* IirrERKST du* . i. tk« «i-rt»»ti« Bos«!« of ttli (onipmj, April 1, Ifefl, «ni! 'a* ..iiel do io-I i(t»i that «Ute it th* otee ni thi Com itsnr. e>» it th« XitWLsl Bmi «f (hi Kaput,]'.« <- '».». of Wi it nat Hmnliie W Bl.MI.NT Trceuurtr. Iff-Iori. Mir-h H, ISb***._| Orrits or Ciicahoass Nibts Ws-tsvx Raiiwit Co.,1 ST BsnaiawiT Ni« Voss Maret, Î9. 1«**". 1 COUPONS due April 1. It«tr7. from this Cora- DSB-i ttxtt pat em Kgi'IPMIvJIT BONDS w.!l ft.t on iad U- t«r tUI dil I'D lerCMiUtiuB It !L»«.iTaV » _A 1- fRlTCHASP Tr«*a»v«ir. Ultu.» ul »IIB PAHAOA Ki LHlall, lUlJWSjn T.MrM Bl .1 DtSOf. I go fc^ W*li n Mt V.hK, Misis It '.«e.7 1 ryim ANAUAI. EaLECTiON for THIRTEEN A 1 IltK. ïe»K.S if ih» 1 ANAMA . o «ii! It* leid il kit .»-.a ..f t-r e -iii,. N'- .' Mi' tk Tostiss BsildisA, .»¦> M05HAT, ti.« li» ut Apr.l te»t Tbt .». '!« m». op»t, al H .VWk a. ani ««.. lrna«i,at.t. .'|» le JOSK**H F JOT HrmtuJ_ ri\i i ni: SUM. mk.uVkrs OF THE AMKR: A K AS l'A. i S ri^l l-atl-'tliVUMl-VT TaNSINO I OMPA.NÏ: i'Ahb VOTK 1- tUl is pniti'iuiia «f Um yi«».»i.»* «if m iel p«a»««l tj ti.. Lef«ilBtuir uf lab* *"«»l« «.! bia Mori. ear,..U«.I in *e( u. u.U.. r_ tit« ftKiBBtlda of ifipurBtkBi di u,w a.',».*g -«ehit.'il vi (tM-biit-sl (KUeViaMI {alieil letiitjllj H IS«, lad ibr «u.iT.dtsin-1 t.» «I« «nile . u'**titii i-f »Le Ste-ell ni<l*ra r-J isid 0«n)pi«f will ha be it On «..Ve of A. R. Huahe, li Wb1 I-uti««-! iMj at Ne«-Yorl.oa tl.r l«tt, .U» ai April mu. stt«'«Wxa. Is IU a/Ursoos. Tb* ol«j«rt* flii «hv-b isiil me. nor ii . ill».! st« tor Ih« pup«** uf üjlisiUns tim B«Mimm »I mia I <-»r.p«e.» t* iIm .*I Del .( ngbt*. »mi i-t li- imiag olbin to a .sail, lui* ui.k'1 l.* psWiitB Ulil mi Cv»ups3<*. To .u»-r*üJ« ! ila« ...itht» «.f T-vit*.» «r»tru. .k*l B Pi«l..let.i fre.u. th»Tlult«^ i »id fl.a La I li« of li« p.»».« «f lB*.l.e-l I U-! 1'aiaJBl.y.. 1 Si« 1er* Mlfefc*», l»- ARtLtiMM «rrt-Ksa, i HKVRY U tYLUKR ; A Mai. a«f if tt«Tniit*e» FRANCIr4* I. SThKH.« i_ e«r»r-»B t- -«. i-»i«I« RaiiBUAO."«? Mai*b S IIW7 1'IIK ANNUAL MEETING, for th«> election A itTblrlitr l»i-,tf*ri »III let beW it ti,« (St.« «g Um Corni id« al !¡.i.'ei--| P. '». Ia»"h IiUdJ «an >% HPHRSPAT, II» lOtk da» of Aparil. Pill .»i,«« re 1.' Ia I oVitMk Tb« Tue»**» H«-all wlU e!««M»d *S tb« lill, «lar uf MsrehlB«! mil -Joi*dnt.«al tt«« MM. «ia* «f Attrll JhROMB H. l:DDra«r,.ir« ÏF.B&BY CltY CVVPONS.-NOTICE- Th» *' t oapnm !.»*) tit April enlbaPt-eimoiitntJ Cnj 11.1 b4 (-a .1 <m pmamkalnh al l»-« On.-ki Kain tal Bask «I lum J Oil-, ai al tk« 1 »ttb 5»-.«.ual Bilk «".» Titi _^_ VOTlCK TOSUBS0RÎBEHS lo th«? STOCK i% «f ti* DflCHESS tutti taiU'KHIl BAliSOAI «*t-.MPAN"l. Ka* Voaa. Marri! JS. Hal TI« lui*-».Uri tk» It««, mt iba tSktibimmi Caotmhtm Rai.iM«! .'emnsne. is I»»,ick«M I»«. i-S Uni ' «.l ht. Oit Hat P1K5T IN HTA) MïMT »tirite Holla-* p-t «Air« »pen tk*» -**>«<_ tri K.Uef-a- »;«a.i is I*» ia«J payiM« U.rt; «*s>i fi«.is ttu* ia**. Suf*»i b«'i ta t-ti toeiri tf P\ue Tmiui and S«aa'*«-al. wl'l pi« Is WilKus S. Eiv> mu al tb« Sfinàas KsIVa«-! Bask vi fm Pli'.M |th»«Til»*i»i it ti» tamo» «I Watt.iftsu s«l I !>««b Val«, »ni i .. la M. bi- «'«Au. tt.) Yaun «* Stibieailavrri ia th« luv» »I tia dratf,«, »iii pa* U A*S*rl laass, «se», ti Artbaiskurfl». sa'tisrnbsi« ire »at» ilttttm** fail VtsUil). sad FtikkiU will .il. HT .<* J*«*» A Vss Si««*«*re;k mt. at ti« )-hkiU, N«t»««-_ k*"k __ i t Li «. m »: ,-, «ali ti Anti ta tub timk ic^scilkeiT, ti« >«k 4a« »I AtejJ, lign, mpaa mtimsi .< tu Im :mais»«at. m shs*«. t j »riet *t lU Bm*4 «M Bl-s«l»ia .,_ | »BOROl ¦. »ItOWP. ft*-"-l»_l. CfTTÄUri CfrY B0.ND8, 30 year» to run ; ti «tt«t«*k *-*-»..« t»4r t«tl, p*»B*l« 'aiun-i sod *«.-*, is gi« Tori, <X»M IA I H . nera-l ik*MtiS4al Um le» STOUT, THAYER & CO., _'_S«. » »SOAP ST (" .tö'CPÖN NÖTlCE.---C,oupoiui otTïhe Ôoodi i »I Ota CN ION BO l-l. fSOPEBTV. e.r*i«»«ii. 4«* April 1. I»*" .»til ha MM ti Ib« us NiSstti Bask. ".'.->Y«rb Oil«;, oa a«-t aS*r **. .Si.e.ii , tiklt_P ¦501JUBI. t-»rtte>|t é-ms-*-

Transcript of Library of Congress · CIVIL COURTS. Tür Ai'i:ii.Ti RM l*t In»united I n>! l i.11rt tk«*-April...

Page 1: Library of Congress · CIVIL COURTS. Tür Ai'i:ii.Ti RM l*t In»united I n>! l i.11rt tk«*-April Tenu «* -il «liintii It.»«idi-all ¦ f«-e',l ( tuirt t. ill in- «lis-i-f Min,:


l*t In» united I n>! l i.11 rt tk«*-April Tenu«* -il «liintii It i- ¦.»«id all

( tuirt t. ill in- «lis-

f«-e',l i-f Min,: Lim, argument, api» ni. A«.t Is prohahl . Huit J

«griminal canes to he eli i>oaed of are tl*v lue h tin- el, te-:,1.tut g n lot«

» ». StlllieelatIfI , lil 'i

is i bargi el with i. gi ry; I in .^ _\( ),«détendant i« rl-arge-d svlth rtmbeGovernment m.ii t-j», and the ..,. of the United

Alexander i;«»-. et al, ka thick defauelai« rgt ti with dttfraudlua the Government nutolauma of iiiiiiit-y by luuitung t-i niaku full returns of (lio¦alua to the t"ollee loi ol lut«

in the U nu «»«i« -, District Oourl tin Admiralty Term¦will (-..iii» »t 11- on TtM-adap, ni II be

-.| .»n thal day, i>\ Judgi i".. it-, foi tini aiiso^. It m the Intention of Judge Betta to ait «luringt no t-et m None of the caee*a on the alen 1er aj. ibllc ink-lot; most of tin m i" i y ovlluloua« ita.

In t!;*i T!ttitei1's Con,«-'.eui lo lie dlslHNMMl of. (»1 ans put'« ti' i; lui

Daring at »least a portion of Ulla montl lia***tl.o tiiatusui.l fact util C.atirt <«r "ippeals sitting in tinsMetric! In the Supreme »Court then s be UeneralTerai held by Jualle-es leonard, Sutherland, snd Ingra»barn. Only tsti» cn ruit-» tvil) l»e-li»l»l. m »1 those pre«over bp «ladara from otb r tUatrletn M» Justice Clerkewill fceud the Speoiat i.iti, fui tríala wliih ¡sir JuslicoIISinslil all« In Cli n min in («> he-u-cx parte bI *igati-d motion*. Then«eulteol thf m the( nan,i»e-i-'scalendar d lion The calendar onthafliat Monday of hfaroh, by a» arrearages, overiOO cases iioh imber,Thieoali-adar, with Ihr lecrction-io (he month ha« been(liaposcel of by Mi luatloe lugnthanii wit'i nona.

frota Jradge E D. Smith, the numbai reserved bj «; over t<» tin- next term being les» titan usual.Hull tim ciile-nelar e>f this branch will re« ¦ foi to¬

day. An important motion tn relation to the FernandoWetod r.aie'i» stands lri»,'ii OB the /r 'ached some day this st,«. UIa the Hupii.M«. ('-»int tin» |tny ti ireSStdOWS

for J nat I»--«t Jonc^ and Mi (linn, tin, 11 lal !>.ni foi MM

Vury caiia»v» belli»»' appointed to Juatice Garvin. Justit i«

;o&eruon, Bat hour, and Um ' m the («etiicrttlTerni

In tin» Court of Con.u,«-»i l'li-ai. «lie. appointmenta forthefirst two weelu ere Judges Cardoxo aim »als t»> the JuryTeem, .mel .luelge Brady lo tha «Sp« ' .. til rdMonet «v tin's»»- will besuspoii« ia heldby ali the Judges.U 8. flOlflfMOimil I OPTH R much M -Batea*]

('«iliiiiiiisioin-i Willi l


-J! f'KKI Mt Y OP A «MIURS1 SN RAILROAD CiSlllSYla r» Kitraditlo" if Phill

On r-onipliiiut e»f liaron Guido son (Irabow, Atti in;( «tisiii (»«»ueinil t»f Pruasia for the United states, thatPhilipp II ri. h. late "»«ci. tais «.f Un Rhenish RailroadCompany of Cologne, Prusala, hr,,l committed cert; Inforgeries in Prussia, and, on the presentation « f sufficientproof» e»f probable ciatise, tin» pints tue- -e«1 waa arrestedat Fon Im Lae, Wlsoona n, ana brought te« tin. city for an

examinationThe substance «»f the all« ill.t Henrich are

th-ii. m lK-.i v.. h,«, with Intent to defraud the railroadcompany, f«»rgi»«l at'nt ottered forged papera; and,eapectallT. with li \ j n_;. i» i.-.«.'., at Ctdi-gne. falsely m ol'«

1« receipts, namely one of Hcinrtdi DahleuofCologne,for gfS tbalers, n "-roar-fin, 1 fleming; e»».i» »f WimarOMtaa of «Cologne, for t «> ti "t Herman Rich»arti of «'«»I ogni-, fur Hit thaler*; am 'lier of Herman Rich-arte of I'oh.gii«'. for soo thaler«- oneol Wlmar Uaatan. forbh) th titi«; one of the widow i.f l'.ii r .I«,-« p)i Spalngen,for 70*! thaler»». V) griwchcn, I pfennings; ooaef the helmof Ki.»nz Kaiser »,f üolocne for i.e» thalera, tgroswhitn,Spfenning-.; one of M.ittluas Dinger «>f Gologlie, for mthalera, is graacb.-ii. pfennings; on. of Peter Baastn, for4T thal« r*. 12 gi.»-, lien, i pfennings; MM Of Andrea«Kleisclihain, fm 1,13.5 thaler«, l «groachen, 7 pfenning«; one

of Jacob Mall, for ir t batel -, i groachen, 7 pfennings; oneof liri m,«u Ku ha»t/. for 1,800 tlialtt-, 9 groeohsn, 1 pfen«niug-, earn-of «Berbart Mall, for ist timli i-, i' grosehen,apfennings, anil one of Wm. (.«ludh ich of Blppes, for tillthaler«, and k groe« henTho-a» t-ece»ipt«4>iiri>i»it»»il te» !«. signed respectively bj

theponsm«anoTri m» nt.oneil.The- aggreirate» amount of the.«««' alb-ge-d forge-i le« i* tater

S/*.ot»Ó ill American »»iirrein s

ItstscniHthitt tim Kiiiiiish of which Henrichwaaf»ecr«-titn, is owned by the Prussian (ios ti inn,-nt.That, (bo roeid wauti-d bunt» fût it- Own Us«», owm-il t».S the

reraooa wlame named were torged t<» these receipt»«; thalUe lands wore t.tkeii l«y the e...v.»tleiii.-nt. ami ttic.s.- re

ceipt» put ported u» !».. «-riven f»y the varions amount«awarel.vd to «»ach ownei ux land That Henrich preaentodforged paiHTH te. the TieMurer e-f tlie road, purporting tobe powern of uttoriic). cmai.uting (¡uni the ne.landowners,and cmiHiwering htm to receive the amount-« swarded toeach one; la alleged, Henrich atoo forged lient i« itb »vi acted asfteeretary e»f the «road froin 1»« ». l>tM»a_d wmin the habit of obtaining from the < bief Tresanrer of theetompttiy orden gist s for the payment of landa requiredtiy the company. Tahlug ^vantage of ibis privilege, bepn«aent»'_ tlt-sa« sUeged fenrged pt-ssi-rs of attorney; ob-talned the order» foi the mi>iu»y swsrdedto the i>crav>us

from whom Luid had b.-.-n' taken, and preaentod tbeaeordeatH, uud obtained tUo money on thetii, by giving theseforged receipt«The pr«K>fs show that the Chief of Treasury rendant.

Phdipp Km k,paul lo Henrich the amount »>f the receipt«;that Henriih ahortlj sfti i staid, on the ttth of Deooraber,lSSej, procured ¿t f i «m. ¡ to a ¡»'.ne on the road on theprotensc tltat he waa» ttOuut to put his «v»n Into busitieii attbAt plue*' That on the .'d e.f January, lfteW, a 1« iter waa¦»«ooivo- by the« ralliée,, !, ompany from the defendant it-

«using hlmseir for not returning us «non a« expected, onaccount of a e»ete»ri« cold, he le-rt he- hail Stat« »1 tovarious pomona that ho was going to take his son to Lou¬don.Henrich did not return but took passage for this coun¬

try, arriving here in March, 1SSS. He fli^»t laude-el in llia-la.ikoD. He went from theie toChlcago und fietabHshedhimself in busitic .« ii-s a doctor ami druggist at Ne», lsi)Van Burou-st. Ile r.-uiamed -then until six month aero,having Imh-11 joined by lils family la the meantime' Hithen rembved to Poa du Lae, wisconsin, having, It wstated, given out. previous te« Ins elepni tin r». that he wa*

5oing to various place, but telling no one the real plave.t tfon du «Lae ho reaumc»d the baainess be lia»t follow« «1

In Chicago. He was au rented in Foo da Lae on Wednes¬day last, to which place he b.inl be» ti trat ked through thevigilance of Pmaaton offlciato ami detective« Greatcredit is given to tb>* lion. Benn Clauaaalns, PiusstanCo.i. at Chicago, for hla ak:il ana em rgj In the matter.Mr. Henry B. ^paugh appeared «IS counsel for the

Pruaslan government- Baron von Grabow was alato pi-e-sent.The alleged fugitive Is quite an ordinary looking man;

la rather sparely built; complexión light; hair long, andwear« S goatee, mustache, and sble whisker« of the thin-Beet possible kind. He- sppeared to i.»- lu ex-oelientspiriUaudwas app'tn-ntly tin coolest hnd moat nucoucerned porsou preaeut.

Ile, on being i]iiee>ti«>n»-d, stat«d that he was not readyfor an examination, ami ha«! no counsel. At hiereqaeetthe examinât lou wai- iiosttHiiievi until Tiu-tthty next, atS o'cltsrh p.m., wa^en, it lie has not obUtiacxl counsel,«counsel will be aasigued bim.

ALLKCKI» TIIKKT OF SF.IZFI» WHIsRlBefore Commissioner Betts.

Us.tsd 8ts|«i tfkaut i. K. KiiiiaiaVn. C. II. Ksn.nitB. Bog«i I.«,., »»

Ling lol Michie-! Lang.The two first naund »lefendants were appointed keep

«ra of a seized distillery at Ko. 81 Abattoir place. RogerJiang keep« a liquor store at the conter of Lleventh a« e.

and Thlrti-flfth-st. It la harged that on the night of the18th lust.tbe defendants secret!y remove. 1 from This«_s-tillery to Roger Lang's place, three barrels of whisky,for weich Roger hael agree-d to pay the. Ramsden« Slim.The tostimony of In sulistantiatlon of thesechargea was quite strong; twe» peallee off leers s weadngthat they aaw defendants remove» the whisky to Roger'satore, and i»ii» of th« stitu«»*.«.»* testifying that he- over¬heard an agreemti t made by the lumsden'« to nu thlawhisky to ftogrr.The further examination was then adjourned to April 8,

at I o'clock p.m.

COURT OF APPEALS.Mak«;ii jo -Ikfore a-'l theJudges.


Ti» F«»spta mt ni. Tba Mita.-uil BmialwiT Bink «it J. bu T. It« fmaiBSt «ti. Ssbs ex iyL SbUbbsI Bid! «.f tbt Kr|ni»»l»c liri Tba Skrur

' Tbeae» are appeals fruin judgments renden «I m favorOf the defendant«, on returns made 1-y them to writs ofalternative mandamni, whereby they were direct«-«! torefund to the appellarits, the Broadway and rrthig banks,ce-rtaln taxes paid by them tn lba and lue,* on UnitedRtatoe Boemrlties, the same havfng t»«»,»n d«-clare-l by theSupreme Court of the United mate« as exempt fromfltate taxation, and an act having bet»n pa.««**- by theLa*£talature of this Mate on April 80, isss. hmatO on thatdecision, authorizing and directing the Board ot üi%»«i'visora to refund su« b taxes.The Supervisors audited and allowed the ch-jin-. of this

.ad other banks, ami ordered the Issuing of county ist

«>uue bonds for th« amount of the i-<««sp<««-tlv.* claims Put»the Controller refuse«! to «leliver them, the Mayor r«riis«-»'ito sign them, »%nd the Clerk of th« Pupervlectrs rcfuse-d toaeal them, on the ground that portions of the claim wenTaoasod upon "certificat«»* «>f in_ebte<tne*ft" of tho Unitedfltatee, and that they were not exempt from taxationThe appellant« claim that the question in ree adjuditota,

-being covered by the decision of the Supreme Com t «>fthe United States ; that certificates are securitke of theUnited State« within the meaning of the act af Congr*«*«of Keb. 23,1962. The a« t of l8«! gare a legislative con¬struction to the language of the former act, and declaresthe words "obligation or other «cnrlty ef «the United«tate«" «hall Include "certificate« of in«lebt«.«ducae."The relator« also claim that the «-n-ihiuu of the Board ef

ftupervieors was a judicial «Wtermi nation, and aftor Isringapproved by the Mayor ami Corporation itiuuii«! waafinal, and the Court Ix-lew had no right to review theQueatton.On the other hand it is conteneted that nndei the set of

late, It wat left entirely open for judkial detormiaationwhat amount« of taxes imposed for litit and ism werepaid by or collected from any banking asaociniion, Ae.,«potrrnny portion of their capital stock luveeted in aernra-tiaa of the United Htatea, by law exempt from etaxatltm.Cangressa ha« no axpreas autliority to grant an exemptionfrom Use taxing power of the (state*. It is only vIkimhiexemption arise« from the nature of the «ubjeet broughtbe implied from tah Constitution ItwiiX that Congres»might declare it. It waa plain that ootna el the acta olOtiagreaaexempting Fe-,tul -*cuiiti*a trow btale taxa«tie« applied to eertifliatea of U^lebtednes*. JkckhonreaerveaUThoa. H. Bodman for Bath of Mi« RcpubU; Jidi» T.

Bunill tor Broadway Baak; Ruhsid u«uoi_.aaV««rrespóndante. . -»ii

.Pl'PRCME COÜRT-Si-BCUL TXSA---MA1CB ».-BatenMr. Justice Sutuksland.

.j ni cormsMcr qt*«»ynoN--AN AosrKMKK*r io hyA CCltTALt SUM TS GOLD CJiSHtttT JBK EKM»He Fl»AT LAW, TROUGR AM AOKhtME.NT VHP TUP. KAl P.on rvacBAMB or COU) may ph-imfumtav-i l'KCISIÓN TO BOl-IiKPS OP BONB8 MAI» fg.FVKI1H« LCOAL TSODK» ACT.

Csrs'aas Uarrmj aft kUrj BtrTitm, sr»4 Othet»lite teeto of the case »re brkrfly as follow*,:

V 'Uara Barris«» executed hU bond, dated Max ae, ibte,tv Frederick Bronson, Bxocutor, he., ot Isaac lireum,n.«leceaeed, te th« penalty of to.t-00. oondRtoaed to poy t»gold and eUrer coln of the stai»rtar«l by which «the ««hit

f the United ttetoe wer« legularcd by tha law« existing«» toe Mth day ef Msy, 1st«; the «um of te-noin it)**yean from the dato thereof, with lntonat mt the nato of iver sent per annum, payable aemi-anuually (Complaint7»v. I, ko., tiki r-mrtoagesd certaU property aa collateralaaeuilty. The plaintiffU aaelgnae of this ¿end and mortMaga. The premlaea mortgaged being decreed to¦he WAS te Ms-tltion, and the Referee being directedf # the ;adgteeat to pay eff this mortgage, seeerd

i ne!y «paid the plilntlff on the 11th of r>ec<-*nib-»r, UM.M.i'.i ti»'«, tlie amount then due («ii the bond and mortgagein it-(*M. tender uotea This j>«n mei t w«as by -special d< rentered in thla sctlon and wltu t»f tv plain iffin.1.1- mihi.ut pi. ¡nilli.- t.,, ii« i mvlng her right i., hpaid In gold and hi ITer, nceói In ii ferma of «aidlunn! and mortgage, and a balance ol »..<.".'. i elng the rtlf-

reta value lu tween the value of auld m tea und the.;uni Mb cr « ¡'«»I - nu of

a depo i« b ii Statt i

'i i lurt Comp my «sa a substitut« for the mortgugod*«e, Judgment « on dei I p. in-

( lp ti m (i n i. rest, to wit, |4 '

suds , and that the moucy« in Court be« paid by.iff.

To tills con«;complaint doe» not atate ifacU sufficient to couatiiCause nt ac'lnll.M h Miller, plalatifTsattorney il. w Bobinson for


M itbont criticising the complaint in any o«b« r reap«««,I ii the demarren to It, which are general, asjo-, touting, and intending to present for de« lalon, tin« «ligie tiucatlon, win-iher the plalntlfl mast deem herself und

«i '.»»nd and mortgage »etlsfied by the|i,lM «S w«hlch¦bred In legul tender n-otea, «or whether she I«

.¦mi« i»m addition thereto the9_,M_- in legaltender-sates deposited in the l olted States Trust Oom

uinlei iii«« onbr of tin* « mu! in the pitrtUnui «suit«hy «it raugemt ut i>« t\. een the parties, a* and fur the differeuee between ft.lSl CS (the amount due n, the bond andmortgage for principal and knterroti and the marketinitie ol ti cert.»in quantity or nun.I'd of ji.c.of goldor silver coln, of the standard ment) Mied In tin- oondliion«>f tlie bond, amounting by tale, or denominationally, toUM -i one Niiin. In my «.punnu It inevlta'.lj tat¬lows from lui« decbdou of th.« Court of Appealsin Meyer agt Roosevelt (3Tth M R inn, holdingthe I.'gil Tender Act to be constitutional and \ alfanot only a* to » mill acts tii.nir. alter Iii,- BMSaM of thea ¦'. bul ii--" «I '<. culi! t.M t- ni,ide Im-Íoic ; I Inn ('(«lirimunt coualdei the plaintiff* Lend and mortgage fullypaid and eatteficd bj tbefi.isi M which she has receivedni I« -,i! ii-ni, r note«-«, and that theft must he Midgi.111fin the defendant« on the demurrer«, Tin. ooudltivo ofthe bond dated Mai J6,is.«_l,i ii t.> pay I*.1'--»» in threej'-ar-from the ilute "" iii gold («r «aili i- coin ti the sliind-.uii b \>ini h thiM-oiiiM of the United States wrc regu-tatedbj th* laws existing on the ttth day of .May, lats,wiih tuterest nt the rate of t per cent per annuni, p » «bleon the .' days of Muy and November In each midevery year. In coin H sfOteSShL" (Md anti »liver ure

¦sed not oniy for COiasge. but extensively foi variousother tiaoful purpose«; hence g. Id ami »liver bullion,M n commodity, or as merchandise, has an Intrinsicvalue, no1 mill' fur cointigi*. but for mich other «pur*peees; -uni hence gold or Mirer cola bus an intrinsicluluo um a commodity or as merohandise, and maybe treated «a« "in h b* parti«*« in iniiiritig con¬

tracte; and in construing and enforcing oont-ruota,! donut «et, i»bi tin- ((.urti ahould not treal gold or olivercoin aa the partie« have treated it bj tin li conti m-t. Them«,.ia,-, ci stamping of portion» or [deo ¦« of theo, mel ilaalloyed with bauer metala, by Oovernment prerogative,lixe-i the value i'! such piece» ii« money, or emin«.! money;but the regulated atandard of a gold or silver coln of n(.¦neu weight, thal la the proportion bj weight ol Its finemetal and allay, determine« it« relative initie aa a com

modify. Before the i-ouai lender Act. money me,mtcoined lunney, and all legal proceedings t«i enforce thepayment or «collection of money debt«, it nan the officeofmoney, no1 only to measure the money value ti alicommodities, eren it*» own value, viewed or treated ma commodity, but al.-»»» to pay or satisfy money debt«. In¬deed, If Mm may be aaeuaed tor uttering such a mereverbel, value in tlu- abatrad, or an mea-ure«!by money, (oui I not la- expressed wllhont luoiie*,.

Hence it i-ci id. i,t that before the Legal Tender act, tftallowed from ii.fin e oi eapacitj of coined mom y. Ibecoinage ayatem of tba United Btatee, it* adopted unit a.value. Hinl Iii«« |"«wer of <'ongn-s-, ti. cnlii muli«} lind to

regulate the value of coln-', Unit « promlae to pay HWwaa In legal r-ftacl apromiae to paj at the opUoo of thej.romi-or t'lmin any coln wIiich might In- a li gal U-ndi r

for «liol at the tims of payment; and heme, that a notefor HOD and a note tar lui» payable In tot silver dollar-,or in 100 gold dollars, or in five doublt« eagle-, m teneagle«, or .«o half -eagles, with or without the additions Iwords, lawful or eui rent money of I ho United Mates, wa¬

the Rame in fogal effect, for in eil!:t-r cum« the note couldhave been paid in silver dollar», or in either of Um gold( (.ms. My cn ass forth««*-t-xtrt nniy elementary ri murksmast in* tin« peculiar character «ol the couttuel Inthin e:tr>o. The contrat t i- to p.iy H.oon (theiiriiicijial mentioned In the condition «>t tin bondi,and the interest in gold or hiiv. i oom. of th»»utan.lind by winch the coins of the United n» tie«wen regulated by the law«, on the i.-th of May, l-v;. thedi,le of tin* bond As the standard of% gold or -ii ve r i oin«>r a given weight di leniiiiie- its relative value a«, bullionor a commodity, the contract may be said to be te pajStaOW and Interest la gold «or «allver coin of the value ofÜbe coln «of a certain standard specified In th.* i t.It ia plain, then, that hy the contract, the parties to utreated the gold or »liver coin lo lo- ngia or tendered. M a

ommoditi, or ss specific urti, les of a caouDodlty, fur the( ..m |» t.. ix« value, of coane i.iiue.i in iiionei, in dolíanami cents. Bj the contract, the coln tendered In «paymenti-a »,o la- valued, and if not of the value or »tandara .ailedf..r by the contract then the different«« In raines Is stsu tobe paid or tendered The raines, aad the difference be¬tween them, must «of «course be expressed la money, In(lollara and cents. Now, the thing, the coln, which bythe . «mtmet is to be rained in money, cannot by tin*oontract i»o treated as mousy. Money and the thingwhich it is to mea-ure and exprès- the i ulm* of cannotboth be «rtewed er treated a« money, eran though thatthing be gold or -silver coln. Ki« «rident, then, tust thepan..-to the contract, by it, treated the Min In whichthe hondls «paya-ble« ss a commodity, which hythe eostr»et wras to be of a (.«.rtaiii value, or of a value the im aas

[.lining winch an- fixed bl the conn ad. TheCourt mast tr« at the coin m wim h the bond li paj ««his a«

the parti»- ta the contract hythe eoatnet baw treatedII; ami i» hat is the result t <»f courie the n-iili is thaithe Court must view the on,Hu« I a« a ciu.trm t t«i pa) a

certain sum of money, a nonar debt, Inaeertaln com-modify,m In spécifie article»or acanala commodity, ata curteut price cr valuation, fixed or ¡irovi.l. f.,r by the(.nilli, t. And what i« the legal result I It mual l>.- deemedsettled that a contract for the payment of a i .«r! sum ofmoney, a nota for instance, in six-ciflc article«, at a cei tainprice oi ralnatloB, glees to ths pa*, lug patty ths ot.iionor privilege of paying the money, in tuen sp« Clfli article*»,at the price «if valuation, but does not giie to tin. partyentitled to receive paiinent tin- right to enforce p»)inentin such articles, at the price -named, or any oilier pro .- or

valuation, th it tin- paying party may pay In the specificmil, ¡, i or commodity, at the price or valuation, but thatthe te,clvlng party must rec« ive lils debts ni money, Iflegally tendered.


(I'mnev agt. Gleeson, .1 Wend, y.'t:Smith agi .«-milli, ..l.itir». MS; Brooks agt. Bnbbnrd, IConii. tu. mr. Fletcher Hgt. «Derleltaon, » B.»-w. ISLI ofcourse It follows If the legal tender act had not besapassed, but Congres«, after the date of the Ininti, hadmulei lally deha«ed or lowered the staudard of tho goldand siller coin, that the plaintiff would have beenObliged to Westra payment M her (fehl In «net debasedgold or silver com by title or «.niit; thnt lier debt could haveIh-cii paid in anv g.'ld cr «11k r ( «in at Ita then reg. lutedsiandaid or valu.» na coin or money, which wa» or mighthe a h-gai tender for tam a sum or amount of inone> Itis plain that this result would have i>.ll,.wr«l from theverv tenueef the contract, and without referen«««' to theooaaidentlous that it wa* the cvi.leiii Intention of brou-si»n, !.. Whom the l»ond wa* executed a« eieciitor by thecontrai t to protêt-! the «Stat« uiiih-r lim i barge againsttb<» power of Congre** to regulate the value of coins, ofcourse to debase them, and that no Court could aid a

party lu thus lindert .»king by contract to thwart or evadea ('..needed jw.wer of Cuagresu The ver}'terms of theeentrael compel the Court to hold that the plaintiffsclaims are not for the coin to lie valued, or for Its lalue,hut th.ct har claim Is for her money debt, eaprewd indollars, and Hie inteiest on it, by the contract to be

lu Mid or silver coin. ki. I am not aware thatthe standard «or weight of gold or silver coins (exceptthe weight of half dollars and smaller silver coins, bythe a«*!«- of 1HÍ3, and whuh, by th* act, are made a legalteiidd for sums not exceeding |5i ha.s been lowered, orli-sM-iw-d or aller»«d since the date of the bond. I cannotsee, therefore, how there could have boen occasion forsaving what has bien saldas to it» construction, legaleffect, Ac if the Legal-Tender a<-t bad never beenpaSM-d; bur the I-ega!-T« nd. r ait was passed and hamI» en held constitutional by a Court which controls, andbasa right to contint, th* de. ¡sinne of this Court. Theact do«--not de< lare legal-tender notes to \,e coins. Themoft sanguine alchemist that ever lived probably neverdreamed of converting paper into either gold or »liver.A ino legal-tender note doe» not purport on Ita face to be«Vin, t,ut «does purport on Ite tace to be a promise to paytlO. Ou its face It purport« to tie a promise to pay money,not to Ik- money, but the act doe| declare that thesenote« "shall be lawful money, and a legal tenderlapayment of all debts, nubile and private, within thetinted Rates,«except dutue on Import« awl intereston Government bonds, whuh shall he paid In cota."Now, .h.i tiling which ia a legal tender for a moneydebt.-which a party is by law obliged to receive lu pay¬ment of Ins money debt, muet be money, or considered toIk- moiM-.-,. for it perform» an office, or ha» a capacity,whi< h r.eth'.iiK hut money «an jn-rform or have. It necee-aarily fotkiw*. then, troa» the terms and legal «fleet of thetem» of the plaint iff« bond, or contract, and from theI.« gal ««iiiWir aet. and the «lontroiliiig rt««si«_,ii,s affirmingit» constitutionality. th»t I most hold, a* tlie ««oiuoialntshows, that the plaintiff had received K.isi e«*,, theamount due on the temi) foi principal and interest, Inlegal-tender notes; that the fiend has Iieen paid, amithat she must consider herself and her bond both aatieftedby euch payment for inch is the controlling law ofthe caw* Of course, any one must «ee that whengold or silver eoln is the subject of a -contract ofpur« h.i*e and sale and delivery, or of pledge, or ofspecial ttepirtdt, or of an unlawful eunvenuon, it is per¬fectly désistent with the fore«nmg view« and conclusionarrived at for the Court te treat It a« a commodity, andapply the »ame rule of «tamag. s for It» non-delivery, erunlawful conversion, as would be applied tar the nondeiiiery or unlawful conversion of any other arte leo.»on.moally. And te prevent miaappreneiision of whatbaa been maia, and m view of several of the caaes growingeut of the Legal-Tender act, cited on the argument, andwhich I have not time more i^rticukirly te refer te. I«a ill go further aud sa-y tf A. Ii. 1b the preeent oomtitionof thing», agrees t* mil «and de-ltver tJO bóchele of wheatt«j c I), or io perform ewrtain amice* tot C. I), tot tied insolder silver coin, that I do not »ee why the «curt can¬not and ought not to tre«t tiuv agi cement as «an agree¬ment m tlie one ease, te exhaaare one commodity foranother («juiniodity, «nd In the other ease a» ui. agree¬ment to exebang« or reader certain «crviee» tar acertain commodity. An agreeiseot to pay ao manydollar« ta ooIb, or In coin at a «ertein vataaWob bytale or weight, is on« thing; lit an agiwcment io pny sotumuy dollars or to render certain »ervicee, or deliver aeerum eoniioedrfy, for eo» by Ulta or weight, is anotherthing. The result of tbe Legal-Teater act is that goldtttrtl »liver coins have practically ceased to he eurie w7,and have become.«jeept ss te the Oeverasaent-pracft-eally enctuslvrl- a e-emmodity. and an bought, and soki,and speer.lutexl ¦*., and con.monly.viewed and treated msuch. Why should a timm ignore this stat« of things, nu-le«»» coiui-e.lcd to do so by the term» of th«,ixmtract or bytorc« cfiSi Lega>Tender arti Why should net A B.and C. Ii, be preeumed to bav-e made the eappoeed agreemeet. In view of th« fact that gold and uiver eetn hae, Mbetween mell vidual», héteme exe lamvtly a ceuamo<_fy -

ia 1 iew of th« fa<rt that a roUl ««tragic le worth taartaeu orliftecn «tallai« in legal te neb--- i.ete*l Why »hoindnot tti« * «uit eoaakWr A. b aud (*. D. as baring, bytheir «rapposed Ifreemeat, treated the coin to be pablfor the eommoditw or servie«« as a commodity, andt h« word« one ha>n»*rtd itt^kmri, aa uaed by tbero forth«pûtpose ».f d«,»iftniting tlie (Quantity or «.uuittt of pie«««of sota« at their »tamped or coined vahie se money, to 1*de live red «rr paid t And If A II and C. P. har« so IrestedIt by their »ap-peaed agree meiil, why ahould not the Courtao treat it, and coMtder C. D.'s «agreeassal a« «ululant!«ally au «greeaieet te deliver a ecrtawquuutHy ornumberof piicea of coii*. ss a roniroodify, tar a certain other oom-UoAlly, nr for certain »«rvir«» I Ia »zamtatng the plain¬tiff» ena* of a money debt, and her rights under hermoney bond in view of the la*gm\ Tende» act, I have notIntended te sty anything not consistent with the conclu¬sion, that if io th« supposed ca»e, A. B. delivered wheal

«» Dgreeinetil on li!« p irt, he would bo IcgaJh liable to ptybe » due ' the oin t! IUrs, that is, pt n-tically. in legal

or r»erf »t-rnisd the (tervites aeeordlng to sirreemnnton kiapatt, and (\ l>. did not pi.« or d« llvi-r the« coln »<«e»rdlngIIt.'ml. lióles, for in.i» tn ally legal ten .lcr not «»at ni, in,,in >and reprearnt douars 'Iii«« agreemont on «C. H.'a pari n

tins supposed cane «Is not to pay so many dollar»«, »or top ) se, many dollar« In (»oin, or In coln at a eertala raitt

¦'...!" .! ii tis in coinlient oc lui tin -» r\ i. . Na» tb-lat ear datj I« d»0

n ni iii A Hi ..- ra the wheat oi performe thes« 111, -t-r, ni'il, tfbcii A B d««»»«« this, tlie terroa of the sup¡ens.»»! agreement would not « «>tnt»« ) the Coori to hold that

debt of 1100 was du« fi mi I»., ind I do not arewhy tin- ('mut oould not bold,oonsldenng the rircnm

ande «.... ii Hu. supposed ,ra», i',»ii,i-iit »»a made«ami willi reference towhlon the partli* Bust I»» pre»¦»¡aiin.i t,. ii u,» m ii ». t<,!, thiii e- li.'a duty w»s e» peif... n« i; se it; A li «at .. to delivei in.« coln, or to pal Ita\ i'ii.» in |. . «I tendel »»tes There munt lu, Judgment iorthe défendante on tin» ii. mnrrera, wit* seat»

Cn tv n-a, it« fore Justice IkoraoamCAN IHK CUV JI.IX.K ».IttVT A Willi 1)1' ____t___t

CORPUSttn r»- imteyk tam

Mr K«-en. the-\V:ir»l»»ii ot tin- Penitoittisrjrotl Blsek»well's Intend, w»« «erved with a wrll «r ii«!..»as onrim«,pan ti by ('ri -. Judge Ru wiiroonnnndlng linn to pr»adnietim body of (baili n Kdwarda, wbo waa confined Is Hier< i.iitiiiiaiy on it commitment f«»i mladniiMiior., n made re»(nrii thal Wa irdawaain his custody ss a

pi ison***-, imitera final commit mont of tin« ('«»iirtiif HpeclalBf¿etona, and bo reapcotfullv declined t«> prod's * AKdwarda before the Jtidj*», .hyrraeoti of aald comrallliicnl, Illili Ii.S In» .ii». Dettaoft 'li.ttn«,in,l Corra« lu n «Tu tee Russel « « j mm» tiievto fat-t-j i-nne«! antitt.i liment .»-.etnst Keel for eonta-mptA Beetloo s. ita noss na.oír. t.» s .t. ii», tin., attachment. It

we« contended (hat the City Indgi 'i I i.. p,,sv-r or an¬ti, ,,ntv to leane a s. rit »»r hfcbee»corpus, s ml (ho Qenerali. m ¦'. tin-« nutt h.»ti to hold in tiu> ma«' of Die l'copieagi. N-uili.

.iiiilgo liiitiaii'ini, aft'-r hearing u-gunsnt, said tliat,although be haltered the City Judge la»»<i the powsr t«»i » t. nts of babees oorpua, yell the deeisten of the Oeseirti 1,'iin .te to the oounanr. end be would vsaete thenttarhionl and discharge Mr. Kana it i« undonteodthat an t_*pt*m sstil la.« t.ik.-n to tin« licner-i! -nu

«Befen Justit« Hi "nu ulan*. -

«MKWMOM&fWtolliKI Ml «fttoltem illlllgSSSRt fur plaintiff on

demurrer wtlii -.'«»ata«, and with l.>.tv-» to rletVn laut to su-nw-r in H days on payment of e»o»,lH of liomin rar

Heroin Justice« Imiuaiiam,Darting Mt-tMiliei Befemtentopeaed0« payment of

coate of »inn.i tad motton, Danes to be nstond tom'«»ml »r. and mi «l«»*ni fear li»e* tilt li of Ajaril.

I.tiiior agi Itraillord..Moimi» »le-nli» I, pi al ni "fe costag1»), to alilil» «»soul.

Reten .Jtn!i<« MunnPtt-e kc-i et al agt Mayir- Roteaa»OB i»-»l«»revt1

COURT OP COMMON PLSAI Mauoii mI.Ititi!.II *¦ e«l e.V. NH;»e ''«-.l-l K IIK. I.IKN LAW*

ti. k V) llhl-iHeia iel. llaili.eli. I Hie«»»-., leal othei-l.This artioa is lor «the ion towra oi « mee 'heaic's

lion aKHiiMi th«. New Timk 1»italii fin aaalailelafaiiilAaelbv pi »tutiffsat the rripioft of II. II Davis, wini had nit

agrecmanl In wlittng,dated Met ¦. is.«, willi A. T.*->!e-si«i!, >vin -ii agreement oontainnA the followingoteases: "Is oooalaoratloa »>f the «um of g';-o paid i.vBeria toStewarton the sxeoatlon ead dellrary herty>r,Stewart niam-»» to and !i»»r»l»y d'»"»» let and iiMit tinto soldHats li the- bulltling kiiowtt: M the (In!.-a Church Of the Mcj»-sluh. situated on llii.a-lw-iy, opp.eiite Uio New YorkHotel, in enid «i\, fsr Du» term «>f 11* <> wash», eemsssae-iin» »in Dee. KI. imA, wai ending M De-* 14. UM l'iwaea-sion of sahl prämiere shall, boss.«vit, t..' given te» Davisonl»t>c i. UM, withthe «privileges if mtiUnrimob altrrsttimstheftreon, mbjeot to the spproval »if srii hi.»»art or in«tigiiii. ,»s «li iii no4 deprecíate tin« value of aald building."In nuüdagaoch »:i< mt min«. Part« may nae the s eaei /.

¦aateiiala, -V-. »».> fat now un the preta aee, it to-lng ninieistooel Mini agWieted Hint the Change» «I'litiinpl »li.l te theInterior eif a;tl«l btiihlina V"-. t»nly such tae»;!l 1 ipt ii t<»the purptMoa of a fu-I t ¦aaa tbe»*ter, similar toalbtoeiTheater.Darts »gil» t» kate ami taits sahI f'hureh ir building

upeiti th.e t. in, mu! («oiiejitneii si ia v»»t.» 111, to adapt it tothe put i»«.ti « .if..;«'«-aid, .«t ins oss n ...i »tn i ispeas» sadut tin« expiration e«f n «id teni mrrendei the pii-tacMinn ofsaid butt.ling and ¡panatanate «aid Munit wKh all th»altérations, adtllttoiis, am' unpiov» BMatfl Hitit thateo»,without an.» ihtiea" whatorerthereto!

l in» rtijri-, m. n" Chea givea Bavia the prlvileeje, " »L'h«* of still let m «tit.l surrender nioreislii. ofr.ntitig th«« thi.aU-r up to M iy I «li'-ii >-tt. I »i th,» stun ofti li fe«i «Silt levn w.sli-i, | »a« V i»'»1 « In «.It ««ne Al! thei*»»ee to this ai'iiii» w»»rr reemerad tothaHea j h ho«WOfth a« s-ol». rofiii-i», U» beer, 'r>, »ml l«»'«ailinne th»same.The plaintiffs cintro that tinder Du* ttativetue-ii thelosseabael th«- right t.» bitnl Iheui »is rty Iw «outrmcta ssitu «ia,

in« .lan! .. » III olhtsr »ViiaD. lllMt COI li'I ois With hilo I"

cann-, m s irt't.s of it. OOntraOtefW, «>r «1 liei^i »»ila »-<»utr tetors to the os. tiers of tin* N«' w Y«»i k ThuV-or

Til«, détend in!* r»ai*te-ii i'ii* ettaI K litiiW'ir'h. »tfl- r s'stlng 'ti« »t»*e«, and JiiV'i-S

Ins if In itsgeixtral bearto«, s.-ty»Tim i-. if I ululent!-»iiel it, present* (lie nsk-sl «ju»'«

tia,n whether» lessee, stn ii« «the put .».-». of makinftaltoriitiniM at I. « «»an mel and a-ip-ui*-. w-th a view lo thebetter ntlaptaUon of the premiáoste the bastaste tat»hi, la .!, <t it- rented, Is the igenl >' -hi» less«»r In maklin»'in. h slteraUona s.« thal i lien for the agi»ed prtta«therefor ee, .;. oat thereof sea be tniic»«»»«! »ip»Mi th««1» lor*a «lil'-iett In t!i»t prrtnliiis tints diaXpOOSd of

la mr view at the atétala,-this goeatioa maat b» ans\t.»te»»i t«. the Bnaatlrn Ia Ibia view tin» oempteintshieitl«! !>«. dlsmlaard, *iti» -«».li .«> the dafeo Imit Ht-»wsrt

'1 here Is tw pretenae liar«! the pi.un! itf* s. «n» nits ..! i,jMr. Sti.w.irt, or by anv on.» s« Img foi Ii ni, ** tt» Dot ratet,,,us ixlating betwo»» bin and Mi Perte <» ulan.t¡ff-» »li»! n »' ni loratand II ah thej inn.ulina«»i I:ti*. A«. I nn.1i" .(.tut tl's.r p.. t,..i, the« ronnnbrIt proper, under the »dvlosaf «r« i»r their tetMe-tt, te» t- <»t the «pi-itiuti of Mr H dtlty SSOW»eruti'lsr the ststats first «cited, and if nnaunoeáafnl (b«-jrShould pay tlie Ooat« Which ihsylher.-hy maka it lii-»ce 1 . r«»r Mi hi» v. ut te incirtell la« Baale -i* I" Ita deolalona to sid s p»»*a.bln futeire ni

amina!'.in of tins OOM by th« I true M uurl is lu- * Iiai

expounded «x11 theatattatee in ri><|ie-. t to mechauiM I-m *

r.tbitiie< to Di«-Cily and («»uni) »»f New V;.rk Ho far man) of thean former etatutoa «* ..-«. s ni lar to th» Hassalone in raeptsot to the na ila »weattea larolv«sd in this man,tin» d«-< .ti.en, riWtetalrtS Dum i'ii for the ooivsUucUjPvtiii. h I hats .¦ giveato 'ne*. pr»»fiit one

l; h Duerna forplalntifbi li li v.', a tor «l-rmi-mttra« i a i. li.-f.irs, Jtiit"*. AKi'«./»»

lan Ml«.Ni

f-,¡gler»g. aiglet -Ke.s.ii of nitre*<oo«hfin_M »utid«»« i- .* grant«(lentil agt. Mari'i-n. The ord»«r prt>i»«««*-»l by planiliff'aatte.rnev isrlght, eue'/tpt that tin» reveivir »aould he lia

.pointed now. If Die parties do nut agres* un the natue ofthe reioivei, I will Insert «»ne In the» order.

RDRRODATF-rt COURTThe wi'li of the following «ieoeaeed persona hare

hera Milo at t»-«l t«» priabat« during the peat a -*\l WllhixmII. Jeplu.011. Catliannn Mc» nffnty, TheaVeS» OHyriu».Tlaomaa Brown, l.tu-retin Bronson.

I^ite-rs eef administration ha»».- la-en grant.'.l on tim fol¬lowing estates ; Willmiia lib.era. MIobae! 1 Hikey, AlfredTowers, Loola» Deykle. Praiicis Vlnciiit, Itridajot Harret,K Hi»» Hillier or Heinllltg, Harban» Dmelflr, .laineM I". II »«pe,Charles ti. ('««ffin, Kami"' M Dommon, James 1 II!gi;iiiN,»Leonard Lang.John Walla«/«, Henry Ball. Hermann li <>t

timan,Stephen N. w. Jone«, H««phia Mispie««, Kphmim1'iM.le, Pntnck Dote», Pauline- Qp >*--i». Ann 1ju\ Margmr-.tWatkins.

CAI.rSDARÄ-Tiii.-i Dirl »al KI i>Y Al'I'KAl«« -l»,»«i.

» -Bim s«. KirlirIJ. _«-»*»__I. Ifl. "TV-B'M- laing liiLk SCl- Wiitin'IIS-WUiuMBI l«i Sllllrrrt-a-k-crle-k «g1. hlgl»lb in t.

R. Cote-Miri.lui igt Rif Pint Dat'k

Cht.rrhli- H.iu»i-,i. kit Stillt81TKEMK id! H I -«.««iss-l I

sri'itKMk teiitTr-cis«,

t'l~l< ,»r»u»,l Or*»kVJ lui >». .«liri. Har-I,

li 1.(iiian.lar igt. «iqrrlM«.¦. .^t Baton %.

»V.-Wiataalu .<>. lla.VIt».it: Mi y at\\ Tn»g« li R ("«e.»-KiVlfl Stanford«»C1» ma.MillIHwi

tit Tssa.Mon

iii! «g1 Hi

en»imar«(«t.l m IT .I'inr I


t-ST.I*i«oit ««t. Hay re

11«.'. Hrim 1«' Hi'.le.»1.H an ia» igt I "tal Il'.atllti Vin»

lia Co.Iii. IU, »eelk li Igt I.fDcL.lia-;.-Swiftigt w«rtlï«l>-Merh»« «gt Th« Central Ata.

Tnnsll Co,10O5-Ailie- «g1 Collier.till.(atti-, »gt luia-ifc«.«-«liil «gt Mil*1111-KulUit.tW^t Wlitf

Igt. M ¦ .»

L Wfl>' » Hal»» i.tHJ-Mrl iirairk «tgt F-ilhimu

lliavl.Cliin; igt 1 km Huli» A. SI <>.

Il"**.«I. r I .n «gt Litl'aria*«lill.H«r»nt «il Maurt-u.U«J. Ki.) I r Igt l.ruynsi-Wbrut «gt «>gii»i_M7.Siodick« r mt\. fil«t,raW-llu-Lilita Igt. Min

1»H*-Wf»i«»i« Hitterl-17e-Sr«re|»gt «yilherITIA-Homi «gt HnnilS»-Tully »g1 Tappet»ÎISO-Lit igt IIlu .

1". lit. lia-àu«» »ut Slaerwooi.I.kM»- l-ilii »g1 lie l-artS-aLlOtn.Lei-DtnHkgt OnttaaTtVM3>M-II»rt-T »gt J»»**2UIA-Harklar ist l'tiili ]a2t>a.Ounik »gt JirlML

l'iar V.lil«.S«it!»r*if1 ITarring»1»-St«»eni «gt l'alrtcLl-St.OstSSrf «g<- tUib.r«7-C*Ille-utl »gt l'iireTSS.Nerim »gt MiritnulWej.forrll «gt Kelli, hbitrlSU. Metulesgl Kirri.

¡losa-Lsio* «g»- Buleu.ill!».SUrlI'.g «gt Vun Holte«»-il-|i»t.tU. «gt Orar.

|U<M.Par-a-igt Le«riltSI rsl'MU . Ol HT-Svs« til Till-Uni ¦ I llin-rrer»S.KUplii »gt gk -I Wlap »gt .t .Tt.n-j--*i«Um «gt Ptmglss.t. M.llaau.1 H1» Sit »rt««)»»«

bu.»lunn of Ls« mi Vut

VMb.Cmtbn kit Vroillih.141.rbemli B»iA »ft fWiSrtdHit. »gt Hoff__.v-t--d Si »gi at '«ibu.

Ub-Otyoai »gt DurbuL»I1-8I-I Igt M»«.li-Him* igt. Bdu«.

i/» «-.-..r »r» Sam«.I»-tllllllla仫 igt I l.|-t«.iil..|-Hal.t.n. «g_ PeKS»l'H-1'nagua« «gt l'In-ll*vu. l»»ri»[H,rl igt KioSirIU. alaïUlg «gt Hit

Ua-titurDtAAn srt Trü «g1. C. tuai124. Uufn-Wi itrl

ni IKhMI f«it'HT-Csisssas.Ttit Irrt M» iiUt (-itktKUi »all ti» tmltii.

.¦»ITKHIi.H (I.IHT-Tsui Tssa-Pist t-MossiitAl.'i.itrom »gt Crus«.jftb-ilkli Igt Nltl-Dr?«r.-it<.«r«i«.r t.m. et p,w.a »fi

Tlat lis Kui »a« Co.¦ -ie>~ fe»em t»X K,»ll_.iltlb.Wumbaimar igt Tin So»_»l

PtlnlesBa ko.1\tb-ytrKlLb,i »g1 TU Aiiliieu

»1 bank')l1\-Hoenn* ut TU lull»««

lia (.V

3l7*e-l!«le_.| »gt Th»».»,irrt-iiarhner »gt Ctini.-V--1 Wllrt. ta »gt W.V.0.«-aJ-Mfllel »gt Pbehn¦UUfr-MeCoU «g»- Ona Ma. L.fc lus

Co."e-fet- -Kell «g1 Uti-iMW.Striittirgii »gb Weil tires

Til CÎ.-J933.Iioffass «gt Mithittiû Tir*

les Ce.PlST ll-«alSVlS. J

)***. Pttirt kit lnkissll; lbl ( u.JAV.teth ayi t*,,M-bA-Mbiito- »g1 K"»l»,t1 igt Se*!-»!.BH-l!_BI ««fi iUTirk3IS-KÎU kit ¥«-f 16*l»-r«M,lrkgt tUaim.lïleV-WbssIr- kg! Oirr-».JiJl.tVirtbmrM tax Rirwire!

< *-.IHK»S ?LKA»t . TsiJXS"«V-K:i.UI! «g1 Aitle-B« t.

»a-Munt kgi Bsetrais \ ¦


Citt.Wnail agi. Hotrtj.Jllî.PowWr ut BamUit.IDtal-OeaaJrielgi igt. Nil.on! P.t*

Ira. »Ta.U3«*.JosoïKi igt Sims.J236.L«t»b kgi,4-Bi*r<'«kgtUiust«Ml Firs litIlill maa


3Í--Xi-tnutU igi Tk« TI.r«) ki*

S. ACm«.A-fètU-v» »gi- L*«!* lg.»I-Sauird igt lanklyi«l A«.Ur.i kgi .Vs. r.l-l lit? **. S»t«ir«si kg* Bins(5aV-l*»W» «gi ISfttT Sr.laj-Palelk Peu Morl Bs Baliig

«U- Igt M.i»Sf,k..Psav 11 -Put. I.U*-Wslss agi Ktllr.Ki.»-Sln»»i»-_«i tagt Mos-a*-».*D-H«-«Ton«a«gl Sfi lut.bkb-hnri «vgl Ort Ig*OSA.rJmar tyk Tmbrr.4SW-llclta-_M kgl rnttt,MV-KMlk» «ej-l »iss-iisr .««-

teritAk ara H. S. t«.110-Smsties igt lis«.

«SU..Pi ST I-lMMH, J.tiy-Aara» h» SsteselsT*. k. t.

Cm.IM-Bri»-*.! kft Shtrisss Ss

Hinbsll. >», k* ,kgt Trill.

Ut-Ptut IA*.. Mt Mut h«i4lUetWGae*fr-_awntbk! kgi Kri, I*§J%. V ormet »gt Witti.1.

<».»r*|i,« (iii. 1 mut ittKllt* kft Wilt*»».

Me-LlDii»si*« »gt Hiilln.St«.Dsikii igt Kuna- »

¦WO-Hie-phreiri sgt Kuglt»*»-Aii*s »gt sbttaa,IKat-Seknlsg*» Igt KirtiulHft-B.ik-igt. Girt»»» B«t Put

Oattk Ctsie-l».

"Hie Hon. Win. B. Cemphell, a Démocratie Memberof the XXXIXth C-nngrese from the Vth Tenn-aaee Dla-trief, has piitillshatd a eard declining re-election to theXLtn Congress on the around that the "generoua kind«'ness and confidence" or hla roustituencr '' has not beenrewariled by adequate service dutüig the ihvrt tirss" hsheld 111« *r-»l


truss «ii i:t-g Phaais Uauk B. adlnc,ktj M.i"*-«j

i« i« ofComm« u c ¡ski ii jM .Ill U'. ...Vi tall bujino. Il.imirth .Nation Ikia.nuWeel l-'iiii.i. Ti1'" .bill M\em . «.fells, Varga BxpiII. HiI". HM ,M rUH nili«.-Inn Mat I--.M-,10(1.1*(Hintonino .

Its» .(I «rillPaean« Msiiino...

1.'>H»Mi. I, Ho AÍHKI.Mlloo.Ino.loo


!W jliol. HI.sill '.ii... li.o TI...HO 7IJr. i,'nid


lii'-ii Uti

ino1*1.««...-, n

13.InlooN V Centralion.

cn ve a ruts.Kl 21-0. blO. Tn|te} _m.vsl

ban im Cblo« ¡s West....mi n-».m....uri ami.bin ac

1271 Chit A- N *.Y Pnl_hat.3d cull

li30.M_l Clei_lui 200.

ill 10*,} Chu l

-.,.« IMl O.iij-'«.i ti ii j

.hi ji; H«.- :. mouup -J8 'HI. I !

i, v. «".-. .*. ji)i:.g'i.'. i,

f.,lM). 1117 «J0 Ml« I -*.»('|''t-inn.10.IO"!

1 I- tal JO toni« '«IJ»TO io 1

li h laS-WOuup '.;f.,n ii.iii-jti H .-,.«. 10 10 (.'imp9-000. . V«Tree« KotasT 3 lo

l-tt BeiiiM.I.HoO.100

3d Henea.6,600.10,|

3d Hoi-ica«.l.noo.lo*|IIIiii'sCmu Wdsli -ti» . Hil'¿.(KHI.101 42.l'-'MNinth carss m.vimu.imjo m-mua, m vuMi.-M.i.iri Ga2.000.1.ÍXKI. 9| «¿00.

Int 41 h Iloitgiigp ion. . 2d c

lo.isxi.:.\ BrieChu* A li I 1 ni It r.-i. f.«4,0»)S.lOli\ Uti .....<> cull «MjMil A 81 l'uni lui ?M). 6V4,000 . 84 N Y & N HavenChic It I A l'a V.ln 34. IM8.000. Bil Hut li Ave It I.Mlüb Mouth 2.1 m :W.1»t.Otsi. ¦ Mil A HI PaulCleve A Tul HP II | 6«i. 3341,000.101 40. HI

OPKM HOAItll <»V IIIKHIKIM.IO A. M.NYOuilral .Mb li Ho A N lud iCblc It I A Pa200_ .1*3.10« 400. 7H| 200. tt\i-.i-ie ne.»io nv w_IOS. 0 (WJI -00.»3. T'iè H». bl-5. 98

«MU.Ml Cleve iii Pltteliurx 200.M* 07JMO.« bal 200 . 7*4 Chu A N Vi Vu-1to*.Id hê\ Pitta, Pt WA Chu '¿on.MIIteadlng I .300. ink 1«».*3. 611ano.b3 ioa K'bic, u I A Pa ans.inr. g.%

(«tor A Toledo 400.o. or| am. b3 cs300.,. I11|' 400. ... »"ii 600.M

«H'Kfs lUllltl» Ol' llllOKKKM--1 I», k1.

'.1,1.1HnJIXIOMII.Si(lev A.T0I11I0

.121it Hot u [alai


I 1Pitta I' W A. 06<SI.¦«00_ .,


Toi Wah A Wearloo.


Werten llnlou Tel Midi Ho A No ladIta.1.« li.-00.bjN Y Conti al100.BOO1,20s ...

100200Itt-adingSOO200.60S. uni sot#

1" I 4M1)10 10f>¡> 200

800.b3,l»«nie. It 1 ft ft«400.

IU 10-ib1 in-all»I0.IO-.4

10-4Mi h Ho AN ludW».«FS80S.GUS HI'»

el) M| ;ioo

Kiloaw..Uni.1,300COO.20sClere A Pitta200 .1*10um.

ririi;. »I.KUM AMI MINIMImun- HOAiii».

Prlrolrttm Moeia.!».,. A«kf««J 00

Cleve A Pitts600.M.600..loo.l.a.

W7|Chic AN Weat300.In. A N W Pre*200. »3 06-300.C. billcoe.2.-0.I>10400.. k3200.b3

awitt*171 IM C»I




Pit lu Pt WA Chic.600...


Itonneiioff Kim..lill, ii ill ia I'M IIIC. ntral . TI« linton Oil . TS('liony UHpeo'.i'ivcoli-ior.MaiibA«n%n.S V A AlleçhsnjrPit Hole CronkRjad I'aiiii.. iillnite.l Petrol P. SUuttadStatesCm,»n 71 tittrl.tAl mir da 1 MAlpin« 2SA in mcin PI.a. tiAtlautieAPaelfisItatoaAH.11 ter (I I Coldllobtall (lol.lli«- ...alM«l Mil VIT.Pul.ion Con-ol'ilPurr,11 ,'1.«« loM.Onll.tlt, old(*i«./l, r fiobl

1 Iii

3 01

«Mfliiniii'll Union 61

i ',:. !l ii «I.,11.1 (I A Co]). 1 0»20 Holman. IS

I on ¦*..)-. Cold. IiI r« Kc.j-tUuic HHvcr H

I ¦' Kl['|. A liti'-ll (I COl.a Oro-sMO Cold.. 40l.iebir. IIClbcitr (»old ... IMuni in,! Quida... idNew-York. MNye Hold ... IOnie a Cut. o nPc.» (I A Hof C ii 1 «>an.«!!-* Hill. 3 «SSKejriiiiblH («old ....

Hot It Mount «I 1 00Him!li A Pur Q. 6 ISHennendcrf.-r.Symond«'Pork (J ....


6 50761210

4 M

S »I 60

t liI I1 Ml3 004 *Hl r.

9 <*«i2 t*

(.«.liiiiil-i.i ,'»,. SOouaol'd OutoraCoiM.'d «IroRory«n j Ion

He» Munica (.«.1,1li.iw.ii'vll.« Ool.l«..linn«.>.|.lCold Hill(I'll. 11.«J! <i..Id 4W'.ut. Valley liol. 1 IA

lexiwiC.ildY(»Ho**- Jacket (1

AtutrrllaneoHtItonn Ihland I'oitt.Wallcill lz-vl4»

1 UuCand Marble. IO 00SO Cirfrjatr titoCAt

j 10 « «I uloola Coplo 'nu ida < <.ii|i«T no

* ii Charter (tas Cup 1 fi»4 '»o 1 ».i»..i.-.n Osuuer i ..-»nlHrercreeu it < «.|»

I-a- lloVHl ClipI no Onlma «_»i>|h 1

I (Arl tltoili (iirtui \rj M,,ri,i6 Ol, Hu «e-il nie .. J 00I 7i'



1 0.120194



I 46I 10


6 16

1 66360

S 0060

16 00

i 751 76

II SOH 606 00

Ift- ni} /t'.yliOolunililaa u A itUti 3 w|i>0 «J .1 Ol

a iik»Q ian» ein

.<.' »Jinoloo

1 MI 013 y«

1 «i Mfd »li-« Ool

200 .3 IO Hu.ith A PirmeleeOua'd t«rei;ory Col «M fi W


200600i.».»600SO»-»«.It»n_i*01 «1

inoMl1 .«

100loo.ano m

l><-.( »! «in«--,


bl r, 106 IS


I«6001 nIM



0 2-1, 1*19 00 7'»i

K3 6 00 Walkill luM.l I"..iv 600 m wa

*. 1 m Charter(lah Onp K,-)n!i«iic Hllvera »» MS . 1 70 in8 M 'JOD !.. 1 7'» li«'. MM Qoldt 00 Ohio A ol »! A H IM0 (IO I,'«»O . CO Kipp A Hu. ilt 00 tir- -.1.1 '

9 100 109 109 U9 2.19 302 669 JO9 36


M9 10 Ahuaeda9 IS S«»'S U SOO9 SU ('<»lniiiln.ui «i» 10 IM

lort .MOm »

P ...¦" h iM.! A H li.«ni«.i.110 1.7 lu «w ...

IN.*** Y.«ik ColdI Ml IM 1»3. tih v» i¿.i«ir*/ lilliA M. MI bl S IS

Smith '. Psrssatast «MI loo 0 IO1 hi,Walkill N'ii.1. M

1 y,

Matikiiat. Min h 30-p M

(¿nid tit>er*n || l!.'.¡ Un» export of the woek waa

tlV'.Ci'-s(¡ ttatitmit* staaiiy. ^nd tlie new isnue

of -m memugpgaèemgm. Th» inwcellanooiiii liât ü

«till ii««Kl<*-jt««<l. I'acific Mail inatill iwtire, aud closedAt 1 m\ after aollini; at 1 -C, Tho K.tilir.iy sliaro market m a ivli do w t* alroiiK'.r ni th.* timmins, with a

ii,miel itn l.ii-.i,.-.-. IlieUgMI «S'iutliorn wiw nu ex-

t («jdion, ami -nild »lnwn lo 74' and cloue-il st 7I¡. Latein the day the foUo-wfag .[iiot.itioiM wen» made :

Now York Central, l'CJ a* IShei Bri* 8af»|) Hudtau, UT| ; Reading. 1»/!| tílO-'l Mu hiican Boothern.7I¡ 0-7'.. Clüvcl.uiil ami l'ittilniriili. 7-<J ,r7'.i ; North-Wtit-rn, M| w ".'.',; North-Wjitcrn Pi.-f.rrcil. ('»'ila*O'.i, K.ick Liland, M| «Ht, ex div. ; F«»rt Wayne,Mè-dtUMoney wau activo to-day at full citen, but tlie i»r.*v«tui.* tu htiiitiw wai not 10 great tut on l'ii(l.»y Sinu

pat cent uni freely pii'l, and i ti soino cas. ia littlemoro. -Commercial ¡kiimi nt-Ws at 7a7i for Wat, and-«..M for »»«comí pata« The scarcity of moneythrniiitli'iiit tin- country ii attribut«*d by the iiifla-tioniitu to tho withdrawal of legal-tandcrs by tho.Socretary of tho Treasury «luring March. Thu opinionas we have reaaon to'behere, Iim a slight foundation.Some contraction of k-gal-tciubsrs will bo shown inthe April Htatatnent. but not the|4,000,000authori_r«l.In this state of offairs borrowers cannot be too care¬

ful in making long engagemeaits, baaed upon the ideaof cheaper money in April and during the Sutnnier.In ordinary year«, abundance of mouey in the Sum¬mer and low rata« aro the mK but thore are move¬

ments of magnitude to be made by the Treasury infunding Seven-Thirty and comp«Jund note« prior to

August 10, which will diaturb all ordinary calcula¬tions. For the present Government sectiriticn offerto capital the Im |/<- ««t rate of intt-xeat, and until gold ia

at a much lower premium federal stocks will not losetheir advantage, and cull kiuus will be cheap whenbad at about 7 per cent.Tbe Bank statement is reportad as showing an in-

creaae of legal tenders of $1,(100,000, with a decreaseof deposits of $2,100,000, and a reduction of $-:, -»«V-booin loans.Exchange is not so firm. Bills at «10 days ou I«on-

! donare quoted at 10H <-109 for commercial; 1081-1100] for bankers'; do. at short sight, W>i u-MH ; Paris

| at (»days. .1.21 i_;5.1«i]; rio. at start sight, 5.1ft.-2 5.1«.-..;

j Antwerp, 6.20«i»5.1?i ; Swis«, 5.20<»5.1H| ; Hamburg,\ WSaMl; Amstardom. 44>J-_2*-tl|; Frankfort, 40;«*tlBremen, 78f«Í7Í ; Prussian tbalen«, 71 i _ TJ.In Freights the engagements to Liverpool are 200

bales Cotton at i£_-16d.; 100 tons ManulVtuml To¬bacco at 25s., and per steamer, 100 balee C«»ttou a*' lf-1. To Bremen, 40 hL«ls. TobMco at Sk Od.. and150 boiee Estrai*t|Logwood at 22e. (Id. A Norwegianbark to Camm and »market, with 2,000 grs. Corn at5e. Od., and a British bark to London, with 2»,000bush. Barley at '»Jil.The Naw-York imports of foreign dry goods com¬

pare sefoBowufmr tbe Week IM«. Í***ttk,

Entered at ths «pert. ttrj-).«*« »¿,M«,^lThrown on market. l.loe.TM» i.tnt,:ss

»a*j,n i. ima. ima.v literie at the port.go,t**,rti Im.uu.kiThrown m markst. «,7D|,ö»4 si,3M,i7lTbe total hnports at New-York for tbe week com¬

pare as follows :Writ tuting Uitth U. Mir.hM. Marri 1« Mick T

Dry Gooda.|1,_17,M_ tJ,611,7«3 M.rr»,î7t |Q,4«S,U1General MáM. I,0M,17S s.sid.ioo l,9W,4_3 XM,.,I

Total.$4,342,300 mmasmm $4^01,(M $4,S0S,1(MThe case of Stewart against Drew and others, t«-

garding tbe alleged frauds in the management of thestock-gambling " pool " in Erie last year, haa jost en¬

tered on a new phase. The plaintiff, Joseph B. Stsw-artajhss been arrested with Leonard Huyok. ona

charge of conspiring to defraud the Qorernment.Stewart and Hurck hart both beoa vince«! la lujj*



low-et. jail, the ball bolig fixed at $-»0,000 e.vh.iiliich aiiimint they lind not hean ahl» to obtuin laMevening. Mr. 111 : > 1.. it will be mnemoered, wat

n«.! Cn .M reliants'Katiosal Bank of Wash«in ''«i. which institution Is nil«-;;.-.! ft» be indebtedli» Um (¡»M-niiiiiiif in tlie sinn of |75O,000i II.ninstintiaxfeii. »! gportion al hiaproperty to Ifr« Stewart,

bars bo. t arrutad for conapiriag to io*band«

aJ M-ir«i Domett and Nichol«, Bankers and Brokera,linve o;»-:it ti an offleo_d No, IS Brond-ek, for UM pur< baas ¡in.) sale of Government .eeui.tiea, gold,nndMocka« exclaaivelj on coiiimis.iion. Mr. Junien ItNichols i-« btte of the finn of John llryan <5r Co., unda memberof tbe Nw-Yoik .S!<»ck là\cli,itigc.ThaCOOponaof tut Land IJonds of the llitiiiiibal

«ml 8t. J(»m-|»1i KiiiIki k1 Company, «hie April 1, willbepaid in Neiv-Voik i»>- Unana Bherasnn á.Co, or

in lhatMl by tin» Tie.i-iiiicr. li. S. Wutaoii.The filloMing in mi official atatement of the bnsi-

neRiof tin- offi'-o of th" A»«*.i.«,t*uit 'J.'r<-a.*iiin-r of the'IiiitiHl Si.itc.-i, in Low-Voik, for tho month gkaamUgY(\ m, ItSCT:

ItKCHTITI» AMI niSIUinSFMRXTSFeb. 2v.iv,7, by balance .1114,3%,'VTt N

|{(«cell»^ (lim: iç tin- ii.iiiiII),On n««» ..inf. .f ('.HtoiiM .ti2.ifw.03. 2*1On accounts» Gol«! Not«. 4,0:4,711.» noOn minina 1 le..,-..] Kel (inn« &f,.m ViOn Hciount V. C Department. 67s.Mn HOn 11c unlit Tran-..,. . 3.6W.HOO COOn aeoeaat Patent .,.,.,, ^ ey, v_o., aecvaut^,^ ;' 4.7.810Ü06 enOn sccoont I>l/*lmi>*iii*; vi c 'M lObMMM MAasayOrflos.i«h -/re 10Ou aooount IntortrttAu-JU.»^ 4,34«, 159 75- ft.*Tti

r.iymenu. . $194,111.r»'«ISTrcuHitrv lirnftH ..»'734,90-¿ 78l*eM Office UraftM. ^.t». ïlll|sliiireli'< Accounts. ll.'tVi'sm 01Ajuoiy Offic«. 'JaJOjie mlateras* Account-», sisIn «Nitn . a.HlOfiït ft»In Ciin-encjr. '.»'/J.OOV 84. -¡^ .-,- 744 m

.««lance. ""-Ml V« WHy Hal. t.» Cr. Tr-HHiirer 0. el. n 71

Hy Uni., Cr., Ditbttrstag Acts J,oit),iU 74

Hy Kunda In Im AssayOffice. 3 501,04» 7»

Hy li ii , Cr., lntortxt ACMOBtl 1.2 >...T4» 74- 1M.I34.I.1C MHy He-oetnts for Cuatomfl m «li«* Mouth ofMarok, mt.tll.lAi.9H M

Ity KmcaIoU dir <.u.itun_« lu tin: Mouth oíMarch, 1*07. KMMMM

Inonwmc in Iftf/r . «tl,044^i»5 15Htnteane>nl of biunnetá tit On tin Uni Mnlrs A stay Offne at

Ara York for il-.C S tttth ending Utireh ,w,»^ilH .if «iiifil. ^lO,t)ii0 0SVntatga Omm.«ti..,»»«-«) o«iForeign Hulllon. MM '»lliiltcd «KUU-rt KtiUloii «-- "¦>*

Iit-posiM of bill cr, liii-ludin-t I'ur-nlnv*««. Altino Ù0

PondgaUotas. O-ons 1»Foreign bullion.. 6-000 <»

united (-.tilt.«a liniiioii (cuni«.in.-<1 In«..lill .... . 6.O0S 00

United r»t.U«* nullum (Idaho). 1 l.iXJO 00lind»*! HUttM Bullion (l^iko H'.iih>r'r» l.'iOO «*)United Htat«a Ulllii'in (NoVtvl.i./. 9.«!KW OS

Tot ni d.|H,«it«i ragtblali in*» *i» 1.000 oeTot.ti depoelta 1'iy¦»''»;¦ »la« >u«i t»),.**) .uy-

MMM 00

aoMIUrssUtDpe«!. « M

Tmiirtiiiiltcl to ñi.itfo Mint.Philad.ilnina, foi»OMnngi. tlW.Oîd 07

Tho biMiiuvirt of the hub-Treasury was: Ko«;.i|»tifoirOaatnuota, $; ImQobS Motee, fciis.ow); totalKoceipt*. |i «MMM] lol 1! l'ayoieuU, It^SM^IM 74.

lliilanc«'. %tiX),ÍAiA,\ ;«»In con.-K-iitKiii«;«-. i»t .1 r.«.«] irk in the»«, coi.innis on

Bâtardal laat, «wa Hire bad banded aathaieUawing«*opy of it letter-j-dilre-tued on the pr»viou.i\V'iMlnea«layto the (.'(¦liiniittoo of the A-noinlily, olutfgtd v- ith tho.n ve«ti.'T« it ion »! «iffiiir-i oí Inn Pai'iiu- M.11I SteiiiushipOomanay. NmrT.m* M«r-li F liWTTit* lint, Meurt ''mill, l'i,, t:t U'jklh, l.i.»u'i«r iu-1 Ja« «-m

Oma MM «f-*-i>K*KKiit)i. Tbanntersigaed»ii«», in respsneata yem

«tiiiiiii.iiM, attended befare >ou 011 Moi-biy la-«!, m wit«lie«».«*-., m-, «ni iMinci i«y m reporterei Un BupreaieCourt,nhees sei s lees, how »ver, wera-denied to tneni by your«'li.iii niau, ii;...:i tin« plea tlint if he were iidiuitt.d, itWould Im« iii* .via.try to admit other lt«|»iirt«i|-l, ¡t(yllj«-.> Sdin lint dei iMoa iiiHin tim furiiier assitrsaee that tun temXb-inony of ti»- witiit^.«.«-. takea «iowa hy th« repartee ptaa-cut on the p.irt t«f tin« ( wmmlttee vrould 110K be imliinhetl,i-ritliont I1.11 ln< Ix-a-n funt nul.uiitted in eiieh cu-md to tlie.MneaS fur re-, hum.

Notwtthataadlna thi* rt«ií.»«^.>in(«nt. liowcvcr. the ln-oi«.4«..i aawspapec reparta «hare been aahHahod te ¦Jsy oft< ntiiii.iuv purportIu«x t" he that <>t the Bnisrilgiml. hutwimii 1« in not titt.-iiyatMiii.tii..',la «««ni. tstt.irltbivimt they did «H-iy, ninl winch. In »onie In.tance,-,, at-11 iiiiit. h i«, t ¡1. ni stateoaaots ahlektae«/ never thoagal oflu.ikii.a,-. and wine ii do not n> < ord with the truth, at nillajij.cai by icfi-ii-im to Um tesUmoaj tbey did gira.k i. a «a i._r. tin! io geatleaina actaaited uy .1 ac-me t.> pr.--

vent InjiiHttei« and »lin*.« u-f iKnn'i-r. th.-y will lint u|i|>ei«lin v.iiiii foi redress «el thegrteraaoeof wUeh they aaref« i. «.iii-n-«i:--i| t«. ion,)i;..m above,the aadenicned «i«- mItoaiM-eeasao tesaj ssers lhaa uns to «all your atton-tiuu to it. And the) lasaata, >. u nhedieat «n-riaiit-»,

J i.MKH linon g,Al LAN Mci.IMI'ai-scta .auiiiT.

Ftgg df IlATfH,ISl-iKfHS *Mt> DkiI Ut* IS «iiiVKKNMeST SFCttlTIRS

No. it Maaaao-er.Will reçoive Hr.TKN liiiK-n iu»t«6forconveriiionJiit«>the

Nsw oin 1 ".<¦?«.hi-a:ku Homos, on ths nioit f_Snr_hleMbm

THE MAKKET8.|i »Tttu't., n.purt.-0'tur Ina riinril ruai, March jo. Ii«7.ASIÏKM -Th" 111,1 rkcI for Tot« it »Hejd> at$n J74(f|» M||

l'e.iiM .trn tumti-f and nomluul.AI-c<UI«)la.We not« ealca of 600 hhli. at 49c. currency

m bondBKK8WAX 1-1 firm with a fair demand, tales at Md40c.

for Yellow Wettern nial Southern.Hlil' K-« m- firm anil in fair demand at til »tu for

('«unman Hurd, |i; dill for (loton, ann ITS foi 1'lilL.idelphl.t Krout.«XiTTON- The market opened firm, but, under the len«

fnvnralile new.« fruin iilirnud, prices are rather beary,closing at *>le. for Middling I'plands, to31|c. for do. New,Orleans; sales of l.'.bO I».iles.COFFEE.Mo Hale.* of any «lesctiptuu are reported;

prlcea nuntin finn.CAVDLEB un moderately active itml íteady at i8*w<*.

for Adamantine, 3bi/i0c. for Hinrm, aud 48<fiOv. foiPat« at.ckmknt-Rosendale to lower, with more doing at the

dec 1 un Hale*« at «ti 7'., 1a-.l1.1 l.oCH AM* MKAIa-Tlie Market fm* Western and

Stat«» Flour is lesa active, but with Hunted arrivals pricesan» firm. Our stock Is rada« ed to about SOO.ilOO bbl.-. andU dally diminishing, The s ile» are 4,1*00 bbls at pi to,.

110 70 fur Hiinerfliii* State; tll*|13 for Kutra Ht.ite; |ln 5«!...Iii d5 for tue low grides of Western Ettra; lu M -illi oi>fur Shipping Onto; »l»»SU Cm) for Ti-udo Oulo; SlJitóií|17 7J for st. i-onis l.xtr.iH. California Flour is firm, out1am active; silica of 7no bbls. at |13_H* _,i. ('«tiMdlanKlour l8 steady, with a fair demand ; sul«*s of «300 Mila, at

lil «50 for Common In bond. «ti.all. 60 for Good to «'holeund Trade and Family Kxtraa at |13a|13 80. Bonttaeru>*lour la in f.iii tleiiiand, and Is steady ; sales of 3fO bble« at111 Mafia 60 for Common to «iotwl F-tra*, Haltimom andCountry, and tis'/|t7 ii for Tirade and Family Fitras KyeFlour Is easier, and iu firm demand; eales of »00 bbl»«. at|7 bodgs 23 Corn Meal la «iiili and heavy.

lll'lUUS IIIOM SKIT. 1, \06t), T«> niTlf.<irr»t Kr.t. u <^h.r for»:-.«»Uil Ir-rlufel. (.arts. I'.,|tl

rto'tr lilli». bttlai.-M».New-York. MarchW. 4v,oki _eo,_o_ >r.\i*.llaltimorc, March ». ... *_ Hl.iOO M.-*-.l'hllinlelphlit, .Mar« li ..'. Xl.tir,W.-.-.3Boaton, Man-hM. 3,510 73,134 73.634Fort Uiul. Marchti. 1".¦ «>* 3,-.,ü__3i. «Hem- orteaiia, March ÍJ.. am lioIii

Totals .«ia,781 .JO_,W0 tnoO,66uIU6Ó. 1_C..V.¿ 1,lilli,««. 1 li", «MISit.m.'.mi '-«.-Ml I.0IMM

FISH-Dry Cod ure ft UttU.« m«ire «active and prU'«aa aiebrSB at IS Santa Mackerel are 111 fit li* (obblnit it« __ui(!,and iirn<-s itn« nell sustaiued; aalca at «l.-e for No. 1 »hoi«.«.RAI \ II,e When ni.irki t is finn and moro active,

eapccialiy for white H l.euts; the ilem»iid 1» in part for in-vtsti-ctit, thouKh chiefly for milling; the unit» are 13,000huab. tatt* No. i Milwaukee at ti It uU te. 1,100 bush.Amtier Mate at 13 li: 37,tSAi lnibh White olifumia att» Hi. 1 gi Id; aud.'.Joo lal-U White Canada at ti 20u$S IA.

Hurley Malt Is quiet at ti «tt-i ti -_V Varley it firm aud mfair iWinand for home nu* and for eiport; the sales ale

43,0«X>bush, at «Kk*. (or ( iiiiadai West, iii Iniud, and li IS-»

ti 36 for «lo do. Free. Oat» aro iftnt» furn and nwie

active; sale* of 60.000 l»nMi. al c« J.. «-«7.J, for old Chicago;«71aesc. for New do., and 7*J.*. tor stat«» in «toro. Kye.»tau^ uud the demand mo.ler.ife, sale« of 7,ms» bufli.Western ut ti J.!, in store « win ovened firm. *aitt» a inn

lti-d demand, anti cloae.l etnunr and^»le at 18^«. forMii«mI, In storei tim salea «ara 1 -joAnt) bash, at II 17| tor No.I Weetara .Mixed.ti le-atll.» for good t-o wry « liolio d<».lu «ture: ti 10 for Nen do uflout: uud li is .1 ti H'«i«itJ 17

fordo, du. at the I-oug Dock; und 11 JOall _«t for DidWt-sui n Mixed afloat, -since 'change. Corn has advauced4c. ptr bu»h.; we kear of Mies of i%hO__ Wu«h Mixed \Vc«lr. in at ti -¡1 afloot; $119 is bid for *',uOd buabs.« iu r.«»re«but hokler« denuiod a higher price.

fixj-uH.» non >wif.'X obx. to oaiz.,.., ,

lu«»« lirit_» Oii>*i »«.u******* au.1 li-elABd. Fo.'lf» Psf«. T,u^

bub »»um S«*!.New York, .Marchat. 3W»,471 17-XJ0 sss.-jnFhUa-, March »1. 3.W» ^.S3T 3".,HOFortland. aMarchM. VIO* _1JM,tritt)*. *»i,oau 4t,SO 4e_.«l69

im. 1.1M.8US #7.061 1,'lll.W)ISAS. 1.S37.Î1S fia.341 1,7*3,90»

inoa« »-row ferr- 1, l8**, tv &aib.Ol^«l __...:» lllSlt -V«f«V.

C***» »BJIr.ui.4 ».Miol-«'*» ' ***

i.u.h. l"Mii. I"»»A.Maw-*y«»»lr, Martha.4,431.7*14 J71.567 i.K-JMtBaltimore, Man 1»al. I17.S43 ».all S87.SW

I'tifladelpliia, Mai^b» ... *34^»* lnH» ¿MUBostea, MarehW.- - Vi,iti 1..453irortiasùr, Msrea_a. »,m t,en »j«

ToUlS.4,rM.7S7 tteXtflt I,118/H_im.i,M«.1-M «3I,«W «,MS.7<ri

IMA. WOW MI.P1/J S**0WniDES-The marks» for Dry Hides baa been /airly

acme throunhout the weeta, under a soed demand Iremtbe trade and ont of town buyers ; prices have advanceddurin« the w«ek tate, and clone fina, sttk an apwsrdtendency. Upper lacather Stock It alan 10 goed demand,chiefly from the tanner« and dealer«, at fun prices; saleeof Rio Oraude Kips st 90|e., void, and Sierra Leones, loHostou, at a»*c , Mirwucy. Wet Bslted Hidsa-Ttie de¬mand contluues fair for Domeatle SlMithten, at fallprioe«, hut with a limited supply on head, «aies ara re-

Itrteted la CnUiUts Stock thsr« Is a (air lugulry tor haXh

Jdesrriptinna. but siles are prevented by tli»« ftrmnsas ofhobler.« Wo epte»«/« aat fedloia Dry Hide« lt«ien«>« A>i«t«,lH'tta, Bunnoo Ayres, prime, -. M ..,.)«»,», i«4Bite, Kio ». Orinoco, l'i-'iV California.

I to Culh Ho, li;-. Vera 4 US, Val«*»»'i ;I 11 .1 lain and

Cl'l Uni Alllilll »1, 1« J» II .1 got», II'»lei'.. Rio 1.mi., dry itml .- i-.; .-.-.iiniiia

1 hare. I,nut, Itat I Port 11 ; Te»a\

loy balli «1 Ililli M,iran¬, 12 -.. '¦, J "- ra iii iiilai., «., 1 M.ita-in,I .,el. 1 vi tie : Hu lim, 11 .¦ !:¦ ; (bill, I3«al«k'.; t-outhernBurt WesK-rn, HarflOl» Wet «_all« (1 li - Ayres,

. V r., Kb» (Iranii.-, lo^.rii.ji«- *»« ts; California,le*»U'h' V It-. 1 «ia. lu tl"if I' if. ni!. ...... St. - «»I,,, mincirD 'ii.tis Kimi,.!,!, 1 ],,i,. ., , :.. ( ii/situgh«W tlimaaed and meei. ile ile; (.'¡tv -.¡HnglitertiimiiKMl un.l ...» 1. i j -.,. l)-i-r Leather block.

s j-r»'- ami H!»> e ,,ntl,- y -,. rr t ¡^»ne,* »Sie 1, su, m, ¿iiain .Minns,re ney Kaa»t I riftl-» Hu»,»!, -(,,!, ulta, »if) - ..I',<al''<¦. V ti., ('».le nu 1. «1e»««i ar.1,11, I3|álac P tt; ( .»i.-iiita,buffalo, li>a O'llc- «y DJ, Mee-mll« uu.l Batalla, bu/falo, 9e.P in. ...UV

iiA'i -The «1- t..-»i.<1 ti fait .uni de nir.rk.t stead/ at|1 7*. f..1 eil ippit _. and ti "-.'?: f'.r 1.

li I. Mi' '.; ,. ... fn m a ml 11 io.hI. t..;, ti «,ni"et at 130.g«»i«i, .«thiel km 1« .tu «I.« a a.1 nominalIIOI'H Hie firm ami in good «1« oiauil for lioiue «onsiimp-

tlian; we quote-at from |t*#40C, and ISO., at lo |-ri,wt_ audtj mill vLEATHER li »lock«oh has ruled «pii.-t tbroughonl

the v.'1-ek, uutler a llnrliel ili-iuiiii.1 from niSlillfailUIISHand di-alera, though in tin lal Iel pat I Ih. it- baa been con-sitlerabie lii<|iitrv for speculation: price«, how, ver, arev iiim ut matr lal alteration. It« « tptsrrout the tam,«neab».»«- boen fair, » _.: refill n.; about nl.UCO e ,

»eightsart» In «gu«*d supply and neglected, .tlaüa» ligbla light« mi«»-k-te ». mi! y..tnt. .1 Oak Bul« The marketla (tuite artIve for lighl weights; othei» » an inletIh'IIii-<. arein «I« inatml at lim. prie « a: 0.1k MUugteraagBaited l.ia.:!it, .-.<-.<., Middle, .-,..:.. 11«.»it. t." «isc ;Light CiojajH-tl. li ' »Ti.: Middle ( rapped, 47aWc.; iu-llle»Cr«>pped, l-uailt. Hemlock Bnenm Ayies, a. light,2-t.r/Jije'.; Aliddl» 'i-b, A'MM ¦. Ile« vi J»« ,i;|e- «..

Light, tt Jim . Middle. j: «*¦/..... lient). Haine ; Orinoco,Ac., light, 37anse.; Ml«bile, 'H¡rmi,i-.; lf«-,,vy. aud.We¿1l.A DMiiiiig«»«!, ali weights, I'oor »io, 1 j «silo;Hlitughter in KoiikIi. M *S»*to.; oak -Hlaugbtei in LoughLight, In-rleV; M illili»', 9 -. Hesvv, b*âiSc.LATHS -Eastern ait- Lii-i an»l lu fa. 1 demand at t*ti

for llin-o mulila a

I IM I. ltotllantl li without change, tim demand latin»«!. ato; sales ;»t ti *'¦ for ( ominóla, «n<l ti IO f.«r LumpMOLA.-WKH-Tlu- mut k»t is quiet andptice -im.Innige*!.NAVAL STORm spirit-, rurpentine i« finn,' «»..-a ef

4s» bbl». at "M«'. Koli tis at.» fit'11 itml lit b«-tfei-«letiiaad,-ena. ra of 1,'iae I,I,a I olia I, ,1, Bl« It ill »I I.'«,««*»! I»»;. »Obbla.Ktrnineel ( »mumu at ki i-1, and oVD bbl-. .Via. 1 at k6 lt|.Tilt «H » Llina-ed without (bange; We quote St

¦- ."<» si 3c Fla» (HU »ave m<-t with a nio«li«ratc de'*»..'-. at full prill'», we gaeta (rude Wlial- at sue-»II,«uiil (-"»»de sp,»-. ut Sa ona-*. 60: l..utl oil iron »:« «»li iif«»i n.o. r.jv,,. a, au,i f ,,;r io i-rime.PROVBgONg -We base lind n fair demand for l'ork te-

diiy, but pt»,,-. ttn. a shadeearner, closing boar**, feef nur«-d« Its ».^ we.hcttrof»ale»s of ¡to»» biala. Mess, buyeeMay, at 124fa Tlu- k.i1,-e. m-th «ni recular, »are ».«iceMils., at ta-' i;-rp_i tor o'.el Mf-.v tu ita » for MewMess, and tu to *.t prime M. -s. l.- «f i- steady; serte»of *»> bhla. «t til N^iií» set fear Platin Mess, and P»en mfur-Ktra. M««**. Ti»;i»e beef w «juiet but »teady. Bee«Hams are fairly actlv« hales of 12«) bble. at ti-i fer Weetern Cut Mi-ais are dill and heavy; s-tles of llOpkga.«uiall MweT-etl-ickleti Ham« at léejc. liaie.ii is inn« five nagnounna!; sales of (Mi boxes L. <;. at Uah I~i«l ia luituni heavy; salera of 1,150 tin-*., pait 1.i-»t evealag, atiii., for No. l; lae. for City; W»l»c. for fair to primesteam, ami l.'i*l;iic. for K« tile- K*»iielert*> a\I is without d.-iii'ad «hange; te quota

( t u«i... at ll«i< .. in bulk, and IC+oilc.. inbbu. l'..-fiiaa;d, labond, at i»".«tan«.-, for P. L 0. to W. ; trie, for H. W., «audinejo. for 1' W.?rraasoos Provision Maukkt. 8J o'cm.rK NoVhlng

hut b«»e,n done In Men-« Pork slnee 'Changs; priests araweak. New Mess, tul cash, and tu ntApM'K-Iii the» iibie-iu-e» of ¡»ah -, pr.«-a are uominallf

uii«'liuiu<'.1.8U<IAKH.Tlic market is not verv artice, but, in come

qiioiue of a aean-ity of refining gra«^«», pu« ....> bave rallierlimit t«alle, » loHlllg st about I'^arlm for fair Uefl.alUg, sadKaejalole. feir good tin.; sales of «IMbhda. at J^'ini«. farCub», und 190 boxe.«t Uavana at io»./ loie. Beflned areduil.hKIN'8..Goat.Then arrivals has.» b. on lixht-T bulee

CtiiH.-oa. 2-2 i.aU.-s 1'ayt.t, and el bales Malleea via New-i>il«>«. Thore has btse ii a fair domand ft«>iu uianufao-turt-r». but tratui.u tiona are reatric-te .1 l > the firmixMa titbotdera, who. owing to the hu.»b cost of their Mocka,, aeroun st iiimg to make tina con« aeatoiis demandi «1 by bayera.Prosite« ti se- re««ipts »n» large. Deer Hie narke, baabeeu only moderately actlv«*. »-viies Uiiig oooflned to smallp.11« el.«. The Stock is small of prime «ittailii»-.«. whileititi-t.oi gratti-.« ate in go«.i anppi**, ni.«I l»at little la«1'iiiiii for. We« »pióte', in golel «p It." Deer.Hod'.ita»«, let*5,»s«'.-. Han Juan, «Vn\; Kolitar, inc., H<al,5te.; Vera Our.,fió«'. Chagra», ¡itabtc. Puerto Cahello,4tc. ; Para. Wo.(,oat-Tampu e>, 4>«-; Mat amortie, lie.; Umiios Ayres, W9ftTt«- ; Payta, 34 <run:. ; In curniuy ( iirsvao, 60<f4*o. ;( up»-. 37ej<#|Oc. Aladras, il^n th- c.nitBKBM.A fair deniaml for Chive r He.»«! ut 16J *17o.

Tun.»thy «*-»¦« .1 m iu fair elennind at Aj '¦¦> 1 ti. Hough f'iaaBoni is in fnlr demand at tu Milito .«J por bu.-h. Calcutta1.11,-nc.l it atellllig lit ti fni'ltI tit.hOAP.OsstttB te »teuely, with sah.« to a moderate es¬

tent, at 17«., curreucy.Tobacco.Kent.u ky Leai baa bee» in f.ur demAnd,

at itlxetit pnsious pines We quote- In eurrencyas follows J.ialit Leaf Lags at t.i'*.-.-. Commou atsj.TTe., M«-.lunn at TfteVSe.; (load at Dimiic-, Pittaat H'afl«*., and 8<>le«'tioiis 15«li>e. : Ileasy Westensand (. larkitvilac Lug-, ',.thi-.; ( oliimoll at Cj<*9c. ; M»-du.-j, ni,!! a-.; (,i>od, li\ane. Vine, 10--17«-., and b«»t^-tioiM. UMh ; Seed l^'.if Is in fair eli inaiiil and firm; w»quoto at 7efl0c. fur Connectu itt Ki!!« ¦«; J" .' ».. for wrapleery lots, anel M<i à.*-- for fine wnpiiers; 6ui,c. tor Nsw-Sink Ht.tte fillers; »aVie. for do. average lots; »andir._j«»c for «arapiiera ii<itjf. f..r lvi:i svlvauia andOhiofillore; t9«le. tor»reragi» lota, andu «/ .'¿.'. for wrap-lH«i-.. New, i top Ciiiitiei-tii-ut filian,; **rapi»ety lota,».ii:!«-., ami fin«» wrupper» 15«a tot-.TALLOV -The demand la quite active »tul firm, salee

of i.'-».!««» i- ut li ii'«', for fall to i rilli«, iii« for liutohtrtf Aaaoctatiou; ;n..t in Philadelphia, l «.,««« m prime(My »t ni-illl«.; alrt-j salmof i".,is-a tia Hutchtrs'Atnocl»-Uon st u¡<-.WOOL.-Wa« have iieipsrtu ular chsnae to note in the

miirki-t for »liitne-tii 1«<<». .*- Mian» our last. Tile «li-iii»ii«iftoin iitaiiuf.irtun m linn Ue n moderate. The eleitlng«juotation*. are na follows: Ix»me»tlc Fleeces at "SOeMefor Native and Meiluoe», MV57C. for one-half and threequarter-. d»>, on-itxc. tar full blood Merlii«ii, and «a>#70»for etoxoaj l'lt«t««:es, "Jn-KS». for No. 1 Pulled, ti)ejte¡for Bupertme do., and ñt-aj»;«'. for Kitts d-< ïl<ttfQfor (»».iiinii'ii I'li-saslu-d Culifoiitla, SS9SSS. for Ftue do.,

o' for lettie. ,i.ul AUiiriiali < oillttllig at ."a.'a</W. Waquote Foreign as follow»»: .«jotith Ameriian at :s'.iU<'. fer(«»tunion Washed, tiBOc. for Cnwashed Mestiza and Me¬rino. M»IO«- tor Washed Kntre Kios. J« «/2---. for Cnwashed( re.ile, 40#4«-c. tor Washed Cm dova ; Chilian at ai-vllo.for L'uwaahiHl M>-«itizaruid Merino; Cape of Goi>d He»p*t3.v,>«ioc. for CnwMShed Kant Imli.i. leftSSC. for Washed,and African at ao»30c. tor L'uaaihed, and ¿a,iiac torWashed.WHISKY- The market is" hK.ielv.'Isiid showeilfimoce

activity; sales of 5*> bbN. Western at ¿c*-. Lu laond.

RKCEirra of produce.Mis» h 'W*.-i.7»«J bbls. nour, »1 bbls Wlitsky. M

bbl«. Corn Meal. 1.13S sacks Corn MnI,!I,.UI bush. Cora,1.-.71 bush. Oats, «..son bush. Malt, ojc bush, Itoeda. mPkgs. Ashes. Ml pkgs. Ueef, Vja pkgs. (tit Meats, IV. pkgs.I-ird. l^M bbls. Petroleum. l.idO pkgs Butter, VW pkgt.( ¡lee..«"


Jai kmstills. Ii ti, Hirth ti. !"*»""Ornes or is« ht. L»an», Jscanaavnta »i»s « an luVs. B Co., >

COUPONS of St. Lotiif», Jackminville Mid Chi-riio lit Mort(if* B.uli. du* April 1, l«°*f7 wül br pali .an lal

iflri tut «lit' it the .Ski of Muir* M X. JIM P I. CuMl'AST, S*.81 I'., .i-:»»» .N<r« loti, fr*« of (.ia<rcran*st las.

1». a HOWARD TrsssBrtT.

cI'rni'i «ir ist Pâle «oo «sp Alto-« IUilkoid("o., »

Cn ara*» lu., ttaeak »O, ISA I0UPON8 of Income Bonds of the «t'hicag-oan«} Alton Kirl'.-id Co. du! Air! I. HIST, w11 be m«<| ea iel *A|| elite ii th* Be« ol Smu M K JIMF k « ««MPA.VY Ko. I*Srceuiwii *><¦» loll. leM* l»itiir,»a»rt las.

_W. M. LARBABFE. Tre»u-ir*f._VKW-YORKsnd NEW-HAVEN RAILROADli (V.-Tb* IirrERKST du* . i. tk« «i-rt»»ti« Bos«!« of ttli (onipmj,April 1, Ifefl, «ni! 'a* ..iiel do io-I i(t»i that «Ute it th* otee ni thi Comitsnr. e>» it th« XitWLsl Bmi «f (hi Kaput,]'.« <- '».». of Wi it nat

HmnliieW Bl.MI.NT Trceuurtr.Iff-Iori. Mir-h H, ISb***._|

Orrits or Ciicahoass Nibts Ws-tsvx Raiiwit Co.,1R« ST BsnaiawiT Ni« Voss Maret, Î9. 1«**". 1

COUPONS due April 1. It«tr7. from this Cora-DSB-i ttxtt pat em Kgi'IPMIvJIT BONDS w.!l t« ft.t on iad U-

t«r tUI dil I'D lerCMiUtiuB It !L»«.iTaV »

_A 1- fRlTCHASP Tr«*a»v«ir.

Ultu.» ul »IIB PAHAOA Ki LHlall, lUlJWSjn T.MrM Bl .1 DtSOf. Igo fc^ W*li n Mt V.hK, Misis It '.«e.7 1

ryim ANAUAI. EaLECTiON for THIRTEENA 1 IltK. ïe»K.S if ih» 1 ANAMA . o «ii! It* leid il kit

.»-.a ..f t-r e -iii,. N'- .' Mi' tk Tostiss BsildisA, .»¦> M05HAT,ti.« li» ut Apr.l te»t Tbt .». '!« m». op»t, al H .VWk a. ani ««..

lrna«i,at.t. .'|» le JOSK**H F JOT HrmtuJ_ri\i i ni: SUM. mk.uVkrs OF THE AMKR:A K AS l'A. i S ri^l l-atl-'tliVUMl-VT TaNSINO I OMPA.NÏ:i'Ahb VOTK 1- tUl is pniti'iuiia «f Um yi«».»i.»* «if m iel p«a»««l

tj ti.. Lef«ilBtuir uf lab* *"«»l« «.! bia Mori. ear,..U«.I in *e( u. u.U.. r_tit« ftKiBBtlda ofifipurBtkBi di u,w a.',».*g -«ehit.'il vi

(tM-biit-sl (KUeViaMI {alieil letiitjllj H IS«, lad ibr «u.iT.dtsin-1 t.» «I««nile . u'**titii i-f »Le Ste-ell ni<l*ra r-J isid 0«n)pi«f will ha be it On

«..Ve of A. R. Huahe, li Wb1 I-uti««-! iMj at Ne«-Yorl.oatl.r l«tt, .U» ai April mu. stt«'«Wxa. Is IU a/Ursoos. Tb* ol«j«rt*flii «hv-b isiil me. nor ii . ill».! st« tor Ih« pup«** uf üjlisiUns timB«Mimm »I mia I <-»r.p«e.» t* iIm .*I Del .( ngbt*. »mi i-t li- imiag olbinto a .sail, lui* ui.k'1 l.* psWiitB Ulil I« mi Cv»ups3<*. To .u»-r*üJ«

! ila« ...itht» «.f T-vit*.» U» «r»tru. I« .k*l B Pi«l..let.i fre.u. th»Tlult«^i »id t« fl.aLa I li« of li« p.»».« «f lB*.l.e-l I U-! 1'aiaJBl.y..1 Si« 1er* Mlfefc*», l»-

ARtLtiMM «rrt-Ksa, iHKVRY U tYLUKR ; A Mai. a«f if tt«Tniit*e»FRANCIr4* I. SThKH.« i_

e«r»r-»B t- -«. i-»i«I« RaiiBUAO."«? Mai*b S IIW7

1'IIK ANNUAL MEETING, for th«> electionA itTblrlitr l»i-,tf*ri »III let beW it ti,« (St.« «g Um Corni id« al

!¡.i.'ei--| P. '». Ia»"h IiUdJ «an >% HPHRSPAT, II» lOtk da» of Aparil.Pill .»i,«« I» re 1.' Ia I oVitMk Tb« Tue»**» H«-all wlU k« e!««M»d *S tb«lill, «lar uf MsrehlB«! mil -Joi*dnt.«al tt«« MM. «ia* «f Attrll

JhROMB H. l:DDra«r,.ir«

ÏF.B&BY CltY CVVPONS.-NOTICE- Th»*' t oapnm !.»*) tit April enlbaPt-eimoiitntJ Cnj 11.1 b4 (-a .1 <m

pmamkalnh al l»-« On.-ki Kain tal Bask «I lum J Oil-, ai al tk« 1 »ttb5»-.«.ual Bilk «".» Titi _^_

VOTlCK TOSUBS0RÎBEHS lo th«? STOCKi% «f ti* DflCHESS tutti taiU'KHIl BAliSOAI «*t-.MPAN"l.

Ka* Voaa. Marri! JS. HalTI« lui*-».Uri t« tk» It««, mt iba tSktibimmi Caotmhtm Rai.iM«!

.'emnsne. is I»»,ick«M I»«. i-S Uni ' «.l ht. Oit Hat P1K5T INHTA) MïMT »tirite Holla-* p-t «Air« »pen tk*» -**>«<_tri K.Uef-a-»;«a.i is I*» ia«J payiM« U.rt; «*s>i fi«.is ttu* ia**.

Suf*»i b«'i ta t-ti toeiri tf P\ue Tmiui and S«aa'*«-al. wl'l pi« IsWilKus S. Eiv> mu al tb« Sfinàas KsIVa«-! Bask vifm Pli'.M

|th»«Til»*i»i it ti» tamo» «I Watt.iftsu s«l I !>««b Val«, »ni i .. laM. bi- «'«Au. tt.) Yaun «*

Stibieailavrri ia th« luv» »I tia dratf,«, »iii pa* U A*S*rl laass, «se»,ti Artbaiskurfl».

sa'tisrnbsi« i« ire »at» ilttttm** fail VtsUil). sad FtikkiU HT .<* J*«*» A Vss Si««*«*re;k mt. at ti« )-hkiU, N«t»««-_k*"k __

i t Li «. m »: ,-, «ali ti Anti ta tub timk ic^scilkeiT, *» ti« >«k4a« »I AtejJ, lign, mpaa mtimsi .< tu Im :mais»«at. m shs*«.t j »riet *t lU Bm*4 «M Bl-s«l»ia .,_


»BOROl ¦. »ItOWP. ft*-"-l»_l.CfTTÄUri CfrY B0.ND8, 30 year» to run ;ti «tt«t«*k *-*-»..« t»4r t«tl, p*»B*l« 'aiun-i sod *«.-*, is gi« Tori,<X»M IA I H . nera-l ik*MtiS4al Um le»


(".tö'CPÖN NÖTlCE.---C,oupoiui otTïhe Ôoodii »I Ota CNION BOl-l. fSOPEBTV. e.r*i«»«ii. 4«* April 1. I»*"

.»til ha MM ti Ib« o» us NiSstti Bask. ".'.->Y«rb Oil«;, oa a«-t aS*r **.

.Si.e.ii , tiklt_P ¦501JUBI. t-»rtte>|t é-ms-*-