Library of Congress · 2017-12-21 · gTHE''YRiWi)^\.m Priscd'a Poemit Tmv>°PoiticilJiffiS...

g THE''YRiWi)^\.m Priscd'a Poemit Tm Poiticil Works of Winthrop MacrworthPraih v>° JiffiS faiMeeted: By Korea W. Uris wolo : U2m... pp. 28-".; U.J-intjf*">. 8 Asloi House. The Editor and Publisher have here done the public a real service. Er-pecially those who with as were boya fifteen to twenty years ago and in their leisure hours hung" enraptured over the page of the British Reviews and Magazines, then ra- diant with the scintillations of Genius from t(V pens of Macaihy, Jeffrrt, Lamb, Hont, Hood, Hazutt, Praeo, Maginn. Mrs. Hemanf, Mica Landox, <fcc. and whose memory still treas urea the delight with which they first quaffed UV sparkling wit of 1 Lillian,' the * Evcry-Day Cha- racter,' 'Paltnodia,' 'Twenty-Eight and Twenty nine,' &c. &c. will thank them fervently. In the way of epigrammatic point and richness, pleasant satire, and quiet humor, varied by occasional flashes of true poetic feeling, English Literature has acarccly a superior to Pracd. Of Pnicd personally littre can be added to what his readers will have inferred from his Poem?. He was born in or near I/ondon, of an opulcn' and respectable family ; lie was first educated e: Eton, with John Moultrie, II. N. Coleridge, ami other boys of future eminence, where he was principal editor of' The Etonian,' one of the be-t College Magazines ever published. From Eton ho went to Cambridge, where he ran a brilliant career, winning many of the honors of that ro- nowned University. On leaving Trinity College he was connected with Macaulay and other youn./ men of rare talent in the conduct of 1 Knight's Quarterly Magazine.' After the discontinuance ofthat work, he wrote for the New Monthly and the Annuals, and was in Parliament, and deem- ed a riling member for someyears before his death, which occurred July 15th, 1839. His age wm about 40, and ho died a bachelor. No collection i f his works has ever been made in England,owing, we understand, to some dispute respecting th;: .opy-right; and to the industry and taste of Mr, Griswold is the public indebted foremost deligh'- ful book, of which the materials were widely scat, tercd, and only to be obtained with difficult}. Even now ho informs us that there are probabl,- as many Poems circulating privately among hi-t friends as he lias been able to glean from all the periodicals in which they, from time to time, op. peared. But no more of preface.we shall need all the room we can spare for our extracts. Pa«. sing by ' Lillian," which, popular and famous as it is, we do not prize so Highly as many of his Je?s elaborate effusions, we make one first dip at a rare old favorite, to wit: SCHOOL AND SCHOOL-FELLOWS. Twelve \eurs ago I made n mock Of filthy trades und traffics: I woudered what they meant by stock ; I wrote delightful sapphica: I knew the streets of Rome and Troy, 1 supped wiih fates ami furies;" Twelve vcurs ngo 1 was u boy, A happy boy, at Drury's. Twelve year." ago!.how many u thought Of laded paints and pleusures Those whispered svllables have brought From Memory's hoarded treasures! The field.-1, the form?, the beasts, the book», The glories and disgraces, The voices ol dear friends, the looks Of old familiar faces. Where are my friends?.I am alone, IVo playmate »hure« my beaker. Some lie beneath the church-yard atone, And some before the Sjienker; And some compose a tragedy, Anil some compose a rondo; . And som» draw sword for Liberty, And some draw picas fur John Doe. Tom Mill w-as used to blacken eyes, Without the lenr of sessions; Chnrles Metiler loathed false quantities', As much as falsa professions ; Now Mill keeps order in the land, A magisirate pedantic j And Medier's feet repose un->canned, Bctu-iitli the wide Atlantic. Wild Nick, whose oath* mnde such a din, Docs Dr. Mnrlext's duty; And Muilioti, w ith that monstrous chin, Is married to a beauty; And Darrel studies, week bv week, His .Munt and not bis Manion; And Ball, who w«a but poor at Greek, Is very rich at Canton. And I am eight-and-twenty now. 'l'h- world's cold chain has bound me ; And darker shades are on my brow, And sadder scenes around me: In Parliument I fill my sent. With many other noodles; And lav my head in Jerrnvn-streot, And sip my hock nt Doodle's. But often, when the caros of tile Have tot my temples aching. When visions haunt me of a wife, When iluns uwnit my waking. When lady Jane is in a pet, Or Hobby in a hurry, When (.'uptain Hazurd wins a bet, Or Beafilieu spoils n curry: For hours and bourn. 1 think and talk Of each remembered hobbv ; I lone; to lounge in Poet's Walk. To sluvi r in the lobby ; I wish that 1 could run away From house, and court, nnd levee, Where bearded men appear to-day, Just Eton boys, grown heavy ; That I could busk in Childhood's sun, And dance o'er Childhood's roses; And find huge wealth in one pound one, Vast wit and broken noses: And play Sir Giles at Datcliet Lana, And call the milk-maids Houris; That I could ho u bov again. A happy boy at Drury's! .We ought now to skip a few pages ; but how «an we pass by this ? UTOPIA, -" I ean dream Sir, If 1 cat well and »leep well." , , ,. . The Mod tMvtr. Ir I eotilil st .ire the sun away, No light should ever shine ; If 1 could bill the i louds obey, Thick darkness should l>e mine : Where' er my weary tootsieps roam. 1 bate w hate'er I see ; And Fancy builds a fairer home lu Slumber's hour for me. I had a vision yesternight Of a fiirer hind than ibis, When- Heaven was clothed in warmth and light, Where E trth was full of bliss; And every tree was rich with fruits. And every field with flowers, And every zephyr wakened lutes In passion-haunted bowers, t clambered up a lofty rock. And did not find it steep; I read through a page and a half of Locke, And dill not fall asleep. 1 said whate'er I may but feol, 1 paid whate'er I owe ; And [danced one day an Irish reel, With the gout in every toe. And I wi!s more than six feet high, Am! foi tu natu an! «i<<. And 1 had a voi e of melody, And beautiful black eves My horses like the ligliming went, -M\ barrels carried trui And I held mj tongue at an argument. And winning curds nt Loo. 1 saw an old Italian Priest, Who ke without disguise And I dined ». h a Judge who swore, like Beat, All libels should be lies- I bought fur a penny a two-penny loai Of wheat, and nothing more' 1 danced with a female piii'oswph'or Who was not quitu a bore. There was a crop of wheat whirh grew Where plough was never brought There »a> u noble lord w'ho knew What he was never taught. There was a scheme in the Gazette For a lottery without blanks; Aud a Pariiament hmj lat> ly met, Without a single Bankes. And_here were Kim-s who never w*nt 1 O cuff.- lor balf a crown And Li.wve.r8 who were eloquent Without a wig or gown: And Statesmen who forebore to praise Their greyhounds and their guns; And Poet» who deserved the bay?. And did not dread the dun9 ; And Borough.* wer? houirht without a test, And nu man feared tlie Pope; And the Iri*»!i cabins weie all pot-sensed Of Liberty ntul ?oan; And the Chancellor, feeling very sick, Had ju«t resigned the seals; And n clever little Catholic Wn« hearing Scotch appeals. There was no fraud in the pe-nal code, No dunce in tlie public school, No dust or dirt on a private road. No shame in Wcllcsley Pole. Thev Bliowecl me a fiffttrante, whose natu* "Had never known di^rrnce: And n gentleman of spotless time. With .Mr. Bochsa's face. It was an idle dream.but thou, Belov6d one'. wert there; With thy dork clear eves and beaming brow, White neck and lfoating hair: And oh 1 had an honest heart, Arid a house of Portland stone ; And thou wert dear, as still thou art; And more tluin own. Ob, bitterness! the moraine; broke. Alike for boor and bard ; And thou w ert married when ] woke, And all the rest were marred : And toil"und trouble, noise and steam, Cuino da-k with coming ray, And if I thought the dead could dream, I'd hang myself to-day. .And fo of the twin of ' Utopia'.it would be heedless barbarity to separate them PALIXODLA. Not mine this lesson.hut Experience'*, winch taught it me. There was a time when I could feel All Passion's hopes and Pars, And tell what tongues can ne'er reveal, By smiles, and sighs, and tears. The days are gone I no more ! no more, The cruel fates allow-; And though I'm hardly twenty-four, I'm not a lover now! Lady! the mist is on my sight, The chill i* on my brow; My day is nicht, my bloom is blight, I'm not a lover now! i never tnlk about the clouds, I laueh ut sirls nnd boys ; I 'in growing rather find ol crowds, Ami very fund of noise. 1 never wander forth alone I'pon the mountain's brow- j 1 weigned last winter sixteen stone.- I'm not a lover no.v! 1 never wish to raise a veil, I never raise u sigh, I never tell a tender tale, I never teil a lie ; I cannot kneel ns once I Hid, I've quite forgot my bow, 1 never do as I am bid. I 'ui not u lover now. I tnuke strange blunders every day, If I would be gullnnt. Take smiles for wrinkles, black for gray, And nieces for tlu ir aunt; I fly from folly, though it llows Ftoni lips of loveliest glow ; I don't object to length of nose. 1 'm not u lover now! The Alusc'a steed is very fleet. 1 'd rrither ride my mare; The poet hunts u quaint conceit. I'd rather hunt a hare; I've learned to utter yours and you, Instead of thine and thou; And, oh I ca n't endure a blue 1 'in not a lover now! 1 don't encourage idle .beams Of poison, or of ropes ; I cannot dine on airy schemes, I cannot sup on hopes' New milk 1 own is very fine, .hist foaming from the cow; But yet, I want my pint of wine. I'm not a lover now. When Laurn sinzs young hearts away, I 'in deafer than the deep; When Leonora goes to play, I sometimes l'o to sleep ; When Mary draws her white glove* out, I never dance, I vow. Too hot to kick one's heels about''. I'm not n lover now! I'm busy with the State uflkirs, I prute of Pitt iiiuJ Fox 1 ask the price of rnilroail shures, I watch the turn of stocks. And this is verdure Mourns Upon the withered bough; 1 save a fortune in perfumes. I'm not a lover now ! I may he yet what others are, A boudoir's hnhblitig fool; The flattered star of bench nnd bur, A party's chief or tool. Come shower or sunshine.hope or fear. The palace or the plough, My heart ntui lute me broken here. 1 'ni not h lover now Lady the miat is on uiy sight, The chill is ou my brow, My Jay is night, tny bloom if blig. t, 1 'in not a lover now .And now an old favorite in a different vein, to show lhat Praed could write otherwise than in epigrams. We think the following arc not gene- rally understood to be his by those who admire them TIME'-- CHANGES. 1 saw her Ires lily fuir That, lik'-1 a blossom just unfolding, She opened to Life's cloudless air; Ami Nature joyed to view its moulding : Her smile it haunts my memory yet. Her cheek's fine hue divinely Blowing. Her rosebud month .her eyes of jet. Around on all thoir light bestow ing : Oh who could look on such n form, So noblv Iree, so softly tender, And datkly clreutii thitt ^urihh storm Should dim such sweet, delicious splendor1 For in her mien, and in her face, And in her young steps's fuiry lightness. Nought could the raptured gtizer trace But Beauty's glow, and Pleasure's brightness. 1 saw her altered charm. But still of magic, richest, rarest, Than girlhood's talisman less warm, Though yet of earthly sichts the fairest: L"pon her breast she held a child, The very iiiintie of its mother* Which ever to her smiling smiled. They seemed to live but in each other:. But matron cares, or lurking wo. Her thoughtless, sinless look had banished. And from her cheek the roseute glow Of girlhood's balmy morn hud vanished . Within her ey<«. upon her brow, Laj something softer, fonder, deeper, As if in dreams some v isioned wo Had broke the Elysium of the sleeper. '' I saw her thrice.Fate's dark decree In widow's garments had arrayed her, Vet bentitiftil she seemed to be, As even my reveries portrayed her; The glow, the glance luul passed away, The sunshine, and the sparkling glitter; Still, though 1 noted pale decay, The retrospect was scarcely hitter; For, in their place n calmness dwelt. Serene, subduing, soothing, holy; In feelins which, the bosom fell That every louder mirth is folly. A pensiveness, which is not grief, A of sunset streaming. A fairy glow on flower and leaf. Till earth looks like a landscape dreaming. A lust time.and unmoved she lay, Beyond Life's dim, uncertain river, A glorious mould of fading clay. From whence the spark huii "fled for ever I fares t was like to burst. , And, as {-thought o! years departed, The years wherein 1 saw her first, When sh.:-, a girl, was tender-hearted. And, when I mused on later days, As moved she in her matron duty, A happy mother, iu the blaze Of ripened hope, and sunny beauty. 1 f-lt the chill.1 tinned uside. Bleak Desolation's cloud came o'er me, And Being seemed a troubled tide, Whose wrecks in durkness swam before me .We must hold up ; but tho following; though exceptionable in mailer, must have room, as the moat finished and admirable verso in the English language: JuSEfHINE. We did uot meet iu courtly hall, Where Birth anil Beaut] throng, Where Luxury holds festival, And Wit awakes the <«ong; We met where darker spirits meet, In the home of Sin and Shame, Where Satan shows his cloven feet, And hides his titled name ; And she knew s-be could not be. Love, What once she might have been, But rlie whs kiud to mo. Love, J My pretty Josephine. We did not part beneath the sky, As warmer lovers part, Where Night conr-enls the glistening eye, Rat not the throbbing heart; We. parted on the spot of ground Where we first bad laughed at love, And ever the jests were loud around, And the lamps were bright above: " The h-nven is very dark. Love. The blast is very kern, But merrily rides tr.y barque, Love. Good night, my Josephine She did not speak of ring or vow, Hut filled tiie eup of wine. And took the roses from her brow To make a w reath for mine; And bade me, when the galr- should lift My light skit! on the wave, To think an little of the gift As of the hand that gave " Go gaily o'er the sea. Love, "And find .1 our own heart's queen; And look not back to mf. Love. Your bumble Josephine !" That gurlnnd breathes and blooms no muie. Past nre those, idle hours ; I would not, could I choose, restore The fondness or the flowers; Vet oft tlioir withered witchery Revive- its wonted thrill, Remetiiber.-d.not with Passen'» ?;gb. But <ih! remembered still: And even from your side, Love, And even trout thi: seen.'', One look is o'er tiie. tide. Love, On*; thought with Josephine! Alas yutir lips are rosier, Your uyts ol softer blue. And I have never felt for her As I have felt for you; Our love was like the snow-flakes, Which melt before you pass. Or the bubble on the wine, which breaks Betöre VOU lip the eja.-;;. You saw these eye-lids w< t. Love. Which she has never seen : But bid me not forget, Love, My poor Josephine! .We can make room for no more: but the reader of Poetry who can afford to buy the vol. ume and docs without it must have a different taste from ours. COMMERCIAL AND 3IONE1 MA TTERS Sales nt the Stocit Exchange, May -il. 10,00017 SS«, »S3.hi BO doMercbEscCo.... SWj" 2.1»» .V V t>. '54.lute, t.'i d., Canum (\..M 7,'JOU (.Hunts, oO.tell 1300 do 1!. <A .' do.MUH« Ml ,lo do.blOtS 10.000 ilt.b'ju loo \\:u rio do.1*30(2 3.DU0 1I0.IOÖJ4I SO do d.\ß0 '-i . 5.ISJU Kentucky tis.'tii... l i| jo, ,,,, ..-. ,;-, lO.tAi d,.UK Vit do Mohawk It. , 5,000IllinuitSpactal.4/ liuu du «I.l>iU 77 g.WAI I ml nulluni;. . 45\1!|U,.| tie Harlem Itnl. ST.; 2,000 do.4V,l;$io do Stunington.-i i 5.ÜUU do.WO 4'i 50 do do.U90 53 S.UOJ do.45 2o do du. i2 1.000 do.*5X||50 do Reading It.57 ti.UtsJI'eiirisylvnniu in.... 77 tj do d. 10.UUU do.77', -jil d.i.Oi > 20.UW do.77 .. 50 doXnavfcHartford S3 l.tMJ d.btw 77\ 121 doN II Canal. 01 20.UW du.u3 77,'a 17j do Erie S3 13.000 d(.bW 7s j 4" do di.27-, do.btw 77J,' 473 d L Islonil Rrd.83 5.000» 78*41150 <lo do. vi 1 SOsnnSIanhattan Dank. 8% ISO do do.I»30 t'iH i,U do Bkuf America... .1.» do Patcrson', HO doix-l. &Uud. 116 50 do Nor At Wor. bnw 73,'i 25 do l'bemx liank.liu do 1*0.73 1U do Bunk of Coin.lull va% VJ ,!¦, do.1,13 73 60 do do.scrip BS) im do do.bnw 7.) 25 iiu.N'ATr. rio do.7. .. 125 do do.iVa £0 do d.blO 7-.' , 360 do farmers'Tr.42 50 do do.M5 1110 do do. 42l4 £0 do dn.bnw 723 50 do do.sSO 42Sj »0 do do. 72 s 200 do do. 42.-.: 500 do ii. *- 50 do d.b!0 422«l50 rio do.b:iw 72 100 do Vicksbura Bk.¦' 2"> do <lt. 71'; 25 do Illinois Bank. -. 150 ii.i di. 71*, 60 do do.b30itWil23 do do.bSO TUs SECONn DÖARD. 01.000X Y 6s.'<!. do d.»3 74 45shr, X. V.and E Rrd. S5 *l 50 do d.73',' 07 do do... .88 2> do dn.73-a 25 doXorit War....s3 '.;; 50 do do.... Monday 74 25 do do.a ::>,'., m> do Reading Rrd .b» 58 175 do 74 'li*J da di.57'.. 25 do 73\ loo do Canton Co.t.3 32.) do do.btw 71 25 do do.63\, 50 do da.1.30 75 Public Stock Exchange, May SI, «1,000 Ohio Cs. '60.«3 99"412'i ihrsNi r & Wor. 72 1.000Illinois6s.'7u....h3 45 1«0 tl" do.en«h 72'., 4.000 d.b30 46X1225 do di.btw 72rs 2.0U0 do.b3 45^1500 do do.btw 7:1 1.000 di.h3 45'j 50 do do.«20 72 4.000Keut'kvl4i. 'Tti.blwliM', .r« do do.e:.«h 72' lOOklir-. Iirv Hoik Itk.b'U) 7U 2> do do. 72 . 50 do Vtcksbuie... eash Sii 23 do di.btw 7:'r, 100 do Farmers'Tr. ca»h 48*4 50 doMohnwkR.,,.1 O't 25 du do.-20 42 50 do do.bSO 7h 26 do di.ra-n 42'.! 23 do do.i :7: 167 do Morris Qinai cash 10 do Erie ltd.«10 23 275 do Canton Ge..cask 63^ 10 do do.«in 96 SO do do.rush 6' J 2i) d,» do.ut -j; 75 do do. 64 7: do!0 25 25 do do.M'J 23 do do.cask 2 50 do llnrlem l!nl...l»30 f4\\ S> do do.b3 28 50 dol. l-liiml Krtleti-li 81 SO dn X II Canal... blO 70 50 do do.bl5 82tg| S5 do do.stOCS 100 do M'4i 25 ¦!<. do.«15 64 25 doStoninfiton....bl5 5.') 60 tl.U'i > 1 25 do 52 J_ MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK, MAY 21. Cleared, Shin Cladintiir. Britton. London. Rrinnell, Mmtnrii Ac f.'o. FkrfaCondor, W ise, Ponce, PR. II utbmayd Ac Son; l«n- liflla. Ite'm Neuvitas. Holt 4c Owen. Brigs Diploma, Five. Maiwandla,Nesmitfa k Walsh, Pio. neer. Parker. Norfolk, V L. McCready &tCo; rseniiuin, bcull, do. do; Eveline, Walston, Philadelphia. Buck & Peters; Mary Suiter. Saltcr, Parsboro', Soule, Whitney At Co. Sehn Industry (F!r| Mormon, St Johns, XI', T Wmniett: Maiu-lie*ter, North, Richmond, Allen Ac Paxson: f'liallentje, Parkes, Philadolplua. A rrlvetl. Brie Angora, Ffeb. late Mean*, 29 ds fin Tqbasco, logwooit, &c. to .Ncsuiitli tvabh. Left ngs Captain, .lohn, just itrr; Kleetora. ol .New t tattle, Peekard; «, hr (Ihnppell, of I lierrv- tield. Died at Tobasco, offever. .March 15, Captain-Levi T .Menns. lute master ofbrig Anporn, ,,i Elbworth, Me. Seit« Townsend, Oram, !t ds in Cardedas, in<>li:-«cs, to Jieob Dram. Sailed in company with scbrs Peru for liostuti, Ktt- dolph (ot Richmond gehi Edward. Ii Paters, fm Machias. Iiiini,c.-. to J F Snow. Sehr Example. Sjmti«oti. Im .Mnelnn«, lumber Sehr Claradon, tin Boston, mdse, hound to Albany. - Sailed. Ship< Queen of the West, Liverpool: Gladiator, London; Natchez, Valparaiso; Soktn, Liverpool; Powbaiian, Sutien, Cnarleston; 'I'albot. Trieste; bark Henry, Keber, dn; hnps Pioneer. St Tl. John. Enders, Porto CabeUo: Aauvoo. St Juan Kn Keamtiu.and Otiten. Memoranda, The brijs Marybtnd sailed from Canton on the 24tu Novem¬ ber, 1S43, bound to Mazatlan, and hn not arrived at the lat¬ ter place on the 10th of April, hems 138 days out. Sixty day* is considered a luir pawnee. Disasters. «fcc. The btitk Cowper, on In-r passage from Rnm-gate to Boston, fell in xviib nnd buorded; t,n the i'6in of April, in lat. 43 1*. lone. 42, the wreck of 11 lumber laden brig, deck, topmast, ami lower yards gone: lencrCin her name, and K X X Ens part of the place she bailed from, ntul the letters S I, T S T X H J M A cut on bettatfrail: counter stove und full of water, companion way on itie larboard side of the iitintter deck.. T.Mik Irnm hern small quantity ofrigsin: and a few blocks.. She was covered with barnacles. The bng New-England, Weed, arrived atBoston from Mar¬ seilles, teports tlittt on the lb't.'i ult. when in lnt Ti 31. Ions 14 u. passed ti vessel <>i about 300 ton«, bottom up; uppctired to hnve lieeu newlv coppered. Brie Andrew Kmc. ofLubec, nt Bermuda, from New-York, w as estimated to be damaged to tbe amount of 51500; m«ured in NYork. Spoken, Ace Mar 5, lot 20 15, long 52, scar Alpine, Irom Boston for the \\ est Indies, May 7, oll" S;.tnl Key. litic Aüeino, from X't )tlet.::> io: (. i, rttltar. May 11. lat30OS.Ions6320.ilupJohn*; Elizabeth, Miller, ol nnd lor .\ London, from Nllolland, via S: Helena. 1-t April with 2300 bob oil Jan 12, ofTSt David's l«!e, brig Wissabickon, Webber, from Ball> for Amoy. To Mariners. We am requested to s:iy, by n gentleman acquainted xvith the flirts, tl.iit the heft on the MoroCastle, at tnc tlavaaa, has net ret been removed, but will be removed on the receipt of the new lamp from Prance. [Philiul. Inquirer. AVlinlcrs. &c. Art at NBedfordlSth inst «h:;>T«ilier. Indian Ocean, flo- bait Town Jim 10. with full cargo, 1800 bbl. wh oil, and 11,5.0 ilis. bone Arr atNBedford I8th inst. ship Minerva, Macomber, New Zi sod, via St Catharines April 3d, witli full cargo, 2420 wh, 280spoil, and8000 Ms bone. Arr at New Bedlord ISth inst. bark Pioneer. Tallman, New Zealand, via Buh:a, AprilS, full catgOj 15* wh, 240 oil and 7000 lie, belie. THE MEUCHA NTS- FIRE LVSURAXCE COMPANY A -Otiiee Xo. 55 Wail «tre-t-.M..v 1-t. 1S44..<7apitaL S3CÖ.CW0.'1 Ins Company continue to ln-un? Dwelling House*. Mores, uercbondue, Steariiboats, and also Ships in t'e.rt, or while buildu g repairing, 1 [amsi '..r d ut age by lire, at the lowc«; city r:i!e«, LHIECTOKS. Nathaniel KKhaitb, ('liver Corwin, Joaathan Lawrenoe, John !.. Lawrence, Robert Chesebrouch, Charles X. Tuibot. laornat Lasvraooa, JamesG. Sttn er William W. Fox. Josetih Hudson, l.eoree llarelay. Andrew p.-te' Jr. Jite.b P. Ctrand. ||. Ct nnell David M. Prall. nine.-11. t; rdou. Ephraim Uolbreok, Richardid. Lawrence lle.-n- K. Boeert, John W. Livingston Anlnony C. Iti~«,rc, \Vnldr,,n It. Pus: M ^si'lro or, L'ibr'ei Wisner Elws.-d P. Sanderson. NATH'L RirriARDS. Pres't. m21m» A. H. MULLER. Sec'y. THE HOWARD [NSURÄXCE COMPANY ances ncaine loss ar damage by tire and inland naviga- tum. on tenus as favorable as any other similar itfciitutmn at -ae aty. Capital. S300.000-Ofrice. No. 54 Wall «treet. . PlP.irTORS. R. Ilavrea. Caleb (). H-ü-ted, John Rankjn, Nakbl aylor. W'tlriun W. TodVl, Meies 1). Benjarrsin. J. Phillip* toaaix. \\ ilbam (hoch. Nail a.i Wecl runac (.. 1 .tc^er. B. 1_ VVoolley. Ferdinand Soydam ߣ?rFS& M J-B. V.-.mum. Henry G.TrwmrJson, John D. \\ oife. Michael Baldwin, Pete I.. Xeviui Edward Anthi ny. . R. HAVENS, President. Ltwis Pnin.;?-. r --, jOHOVEIjS it SPADES-'...., ;,. priced article O tor sale by MI RDOCK, LEA V ? T Ar. ('(>. mil_27 West ttrcet. k MER1CAN PIG CROX.-Fi rty five too, No 1 Km P . V Iron, v.ry stricte. t-T ^le in lob to stnt ;ittrehafers. be «<w_, CASS Ai WARD. .No. 71 Broad street. RACi- AND C\XV.\SS. \\ kite and Colored, wanuai fo cash at MtwUfaCtnts*rs' pne^, by aaJO 6m GAUNT «. DLKIUCKSOX. 159 Soulh-su j BEAUTIFUL COCNTRY RESIDENCE AT AUj TION.-tfl.:! .'.!..<! 501 - ml pftrtlt- sale. I sal -ruberwill oil; rat public aurtuMi. nn Sati-mri?. the i«t m .f J.|iw:ie-,t,nn the pr-i. the pl.t re lately .- re 'ic,, hiinwlfat Norn alls. Fa tf-WI'..otitr. I ..nncrt rut. IIb; I n . f two rtorie«, with n ha-enent. modern hoi", vreil »"r-.:-< and fiimulicd wrihevery coavantcTicc. The *'f'1.' :"" r''i'- building* aro t-«ir!y ti-'-v and well arranged. ."".¦". comprise oo* acteandn half, intbehiebe»« .-uRivati.-r jded m: .h gnrc.«n ana lawn, rot mio-w-d v.-Ui tbecl-oicrs of fruit nvl ru-nsnjcntal tree and a great variety¦ nr«hnibf«ery Tbc starden ii enclosed be one of da; mwl beanölnl bawttM» Hr.!;.- ;n ! -i. r.ap.t-j-. N , pa'n«'ir«;««-p«e bn>-' Ken -pare to make etiie place ~ ctrnrecient mil tasteful renoaace. Norwaft is about three bona »ml rrr.m tins ritr. ami lor to b-nntv fiftts i.i;::rrr. tbe salabrjtj ofiu arr. and tbeexr^lien. of iUscbni:«.unsurpassed by any town on :j>« roost I. fine.temier fi.t :n leave,th-.rate forNorwa.a(Wy aitetwen at 2 o'clock, -rtunii--..- at 7 i/cJneJs the next morning. Abi>.Forarde at the eune time ami place, twatty «pannn bonding Lnf, m-t elig.-i'y and l-eautitidiy aitmite-i, aim', one imndpvl r .'a from Norwnü bridge. The conditions ol lit abneesafe will be "imie a, reedrable any purchaser r.a: r.-i-h I'..r tu:t!ie- if ¦<:;-~ pi I-. n. the .iib«er;iicr. _.Ä tltj-_Jli MO. T. AUSRWIN. 13 Waterstisnrt-- APER MILL FOR SaEE..Will be? wUat Mbbcaue , m, withoal reuen the bixbesl bolder, on W eiiiienWy dtetweffUi day ofJune next, at*} o'clock P. M. on the ptemi<es an externure paper manutactory. three giaid due'ins huu>e« bam. nnd about ;h:rtr .-eres of land. The buildings were erected « few yeari - -e b>- the VVestheld Paper Mill» ( an« have l».-en ahvars used and occupied for paper innniifartinir- I are now :!'ered tor iale in svtt.emenl oftne estate ofthe Inte Mines Ely, deceased. The-Ci.-' ir-t advantiureon«. being within about two m:h- (mm the flourishinc ei llage of WotrieM. two miles from the Hnmpden nnd .Nee.- Union r.,a il. :.: d :w.> rn:!>r« Iren. trie Western Kailr.k-.i!. which leenres are»ss ta both Boston ami New Yntk at nil seasons oftba year; The nail has rouria- rrpe». nnd the mncliinerv is ol moderrvstyic. I'hc terms .rill l< !i!-ml. will narticnhirly nnnounrrd nttbc tm-e«1 «a!j. Eorfn therpartisolnc. ALFELD FOST.Now- Mtrrh. N. V.. ..r ECUKNE T'!.V. 71 Fulton 'tree; New Voik city. Execntora of Mares Ely. dee-*sed or of I Ion. P. ludSE or N. T. LEONARU. Eso. VVecticld. Mass.; or fVl.l S W. M;;!.!>. N .. ili.r:u:.r ¦'¦¦:>, .Ve«-'io:k. mT :Jei2 . » A RARE f.'! \N<T.-AT AI.'tTI« »N.-fSe>'m1.'- .CJe'a srnir'r K ill «eil at pubhc auction, nn tl^ preinbes. on '¦i-'- \:o- ,i iy. thin! ilaj fJui ext. at 10 nclock A. nie idcrioaiit and very desil il le >l .». irmany rears own. eu an.: ..reu -d by Ii the Vorfi-Essf ctirrerol Man¬ sion .-. a! \t ashinston Streeti. in the "i ill ir- nt Pmishkeepaic. witinn a lew n«b ofilain street. ':ho central and part oftheVilln theronn Hi tse.Viilar:eHalIandlivoChurch¬ es, wdhin sieht.the Lot-beinc seventy eight feet Innit on Wnshineton drret. and one hundred and fifty feet on Mansion stri-i. tlic gMuials being-filled with bearinc Fruit I n-e-oi ui- tno»t every i:.^.-ri[>:i..n. Rasberry. Gooneherrr. and Currant bu>hes, ai d t.'r Vim s. ar.d n very esiensive variety ol omn- mectal treo.. Shrubs. Buslies Vines. Bulbous, Flower Rosit.1. Flowers, tc. 4cr. i m the premisesn -mnli and verycsinvc- niect Dwcllmc Home. " :h a fine brick Erstem, and a cond and heitine Well of Walen coverci hv a le-niitilul Iemplo. calcul Oed to receive Ihe Shrubs and Flowers, ihirun; the rfuni- inrr Season, from tbe Green House on the prem»es. Ar?<>r«. tec: tie- location r»sinc on the >:reet leadine from New.York to .\lbaiiy. tbroiigh the Village.contequently a thomughiire nt aii m-.-i>..n- o! tha year, fi r plertsire. ueij n> one of the finest, most pleasantand beaahy streets in the Villace. Al*», nt iIk- same time and place; the only two vacant Lot., upon the Es-t vale ofWnshineton street", bctss-cen the nbosc property nnd Mam rtrect. tbeCots heingcach thirt7-fect ftont on said stre*t. rnui one hundred nnd forty seven feet deep.the title iiuh.pntnble aial Urins easy.made ki own or, the day of sale. DAXL W. BE \!>LR No. C3 Washington street; Poiichkecp ie. Marlith. n:],'»iiw,ullJ3VV&S*_ ¦ s_j GI.ASS FACTORV AND LANDS F-ol SALE.. «aV.<3v The Property known as the Beech Wood, Gin a i'söjf ji Works ia simated in Wayne: County, Fer.n-ylvainn. near Honcsdaie. at I ... i. nl the Üciawars nr.d IIa.' a Ciuial. It conai.-ts of about i"> seres ol pus d Ijitid. and nil t.;e bu.Mings iicecs-nrj for an establishment of this Irta!. amuust which are.A larceGlnss-llouse; Flattening.i.'uttinc. Mixinc. Cruidiiis and Dry ng Houses: Blacksmith's Shcp; nine iPa^l and seven I indul'erenl Dwelling-Hcusci; St»m. Bams and Stable The lunmce, flattening; calculinc and drymtr isvctt*. all on the mo t improved plan, are in perfect order. There is abundance id the best quality id sand on or tniir the premises, a Inrie ouantity of.'dry wood In the yard, and, a niinnt.ty of mix ng materials in tbe Nlutüig-Rooms. 'i'iie Work, are at present in operaUon. These are tbe only Glass Works witinn a wide msinn of country, nnd have ., ready market in the neighborlMsnd lor nil thcGlass diey ran make. Indeed, the location possesses ninny peculiar advnnttigcs, and ii believed Ui be one of the best lor this business .a the country. The whole will be told nl a low price, nnd a part of the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage. Part ofthe above Land liennr conveniently divided into öü acre lots, nnd being suitable lor farming pur- iMiaes., will he sold seuarate from the works, to suit purchasers, Apply to GEORGE J. CORNELL, -I Wall-street, New- Vork: or VVLLLL-VM GREELE, on tbe premises, opij lawflw Äaftlf'E CREAM GARDEN TO LET OK i_, LEASE..The Home and Gnrd« i. No. 4S£3* llowery, npposito the Bowery Theatre, known JlÜSi l.cir\ Garde*..tbe flxtores and «tork of the tame lor sale. Tlie above otters a favorable opportunity to any one wishing to go into the business. Immeiliete pinsession riven. Apply at No. 117 Hudson-street, or 130 Water st mil! l-.v * a _j Tf» LI'.!'.A loft on 21 floor, a very desirable location v...*"** leerltcioi-. .'vt.p'v on ii:e prein - r., JC^_ mSO'it SAME PIERCE, 117 II. kmrtn-st y_j. in «I.MS 'I«i LET..A ifeRghtrul .:> i "f rt- lor i "'Sf centlenmn and lady or tor liusle gentlen an, may be JjjjlK,bad nt eiJ Broadway, with a lumuy c,«Mj ..| m t«o ;,, rs.,n«. mySI 7f TO LET..ilioStore N... art Rowerr which *i!l he f..-.-?*"* modeniixed and improved .¦. lull agoodlennot. The JKä£<>re hrulieen occupied for ... any yi rann« a alothing ana tailoring establishment* >t wWlecldcep and has a good basement-room about 21 feet deep, the e ntmnee to which can be coven. I with Hal doc rs. Tb., location is one of the best.. Apply to J. S. Reynolds, No.'" Biiyard »t._r.pü tf s.s AT PRIVA I'E SAI.C-Tbc I of ground85feet by '5 feet coveresl with a three story brick building-. 'i_knov a r.« I'd i Ihurcli ." .:..res n Leonard and Anthony streets, ereeled about I- inonlhf, nnd let to good tenants. For i<art culurs, npply to AN I'HONV J. BLEECKER ik C(». ml*' No. 7 Brand street, near Wall street. i FQR SALE.A Farm.of 75 acres, in the count; of .-r't Middlesex. N.J.M miles from South Amboy rini!*J Ji"^d| miles from the II ilroud; 1'hcre is on die farm a giMMl fiT'-e. Ram,And ii houses. 3 Apple Orchards, and oti;.-r Fruit Trees; The Farm will l*?so!d cheap, and inuMdratepo*^ se-sioii siv-en. For particulars, appty to G. Schiffer, cor. 2d avenue n»! äOth-street, A letter directed to A. nt this ullioe, vvllHe- attended to. tnyiu Ira s_s FÖRS \l.!:i.\-t'|t|'< ITViiFNIAVAIIK-A hoc .? f...-.»> -:-.d 2»..aer.: l.a, .-. s.:u-,;«l in South Bnmdst,-1?Ä JÜ£*LTiat'Hou-e r!i S leet deep, 3 - storlc bighi vviia Tnr.iu piazza tue .rar. nndwcl! hnishied ihrtHightiet. Also, vit"- seal>!t>. Fnn* Trees, fce. attached In Ihe nreinn Far further particulars, inrjuira ol ISA v'" \'ICIIe>£i>, cot of William md WrutagliMt2reett,orof; WILLIAM PAUU raithc pK'ioisis.. I ^. am" s^ji SIMPSON'S IIOTEUr-Tbo snljseribcr tcmlers his ferrfj) thank*to his [r -i..:. it .¦, p f-.r tl..- l:ls»ra I na'rop- It'jj- -j iu.v rc -eived at bisokleatable !,:net,t in Main *..->..::. n il liec- in inlorni them that he :ia« removed therefrom to his präsent deamble hotel. No. .M.arki . street, « hich has l«^n thorough; hr renovated and enlarged in all ils.varwusdcparUnents, 'i'o families, and gentlemen Uesirons ofa cbmfortnlili resilience in a oinei and central situation, witn all ii.Ivantages nfa private dwvlbag-houso, the preaentlocation oller« every toducemenL Tbeparfnnand bedrooms an- nity and convenient, and the term- sin-ii as cannot foil to p!.«-.-e. ALANS! IN SIMPS* >.\. Pougbkeepjie. Ma) Sth.loH. my9Sn jrcA HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE..Tbe two story ffVrtgt liouso nr.d 1 mi at1 Iranee, E'se.x (lo, N. J. situated in lt',"-,j ine in-.-1 pleasani par: of the v illage, within three min. utes walk nl tl - l»:..,tthe Monis ami Essex Railroad n:n- ninir fr..m Morhsti wnto New-Vor!,, and within three hnndr .1 yardsol thePnrkHouse. The II.lusacontains five room- b? »nie the lieilrooms in tbeattie. with a good kitchen and well of water. Aho^aeood barn attached to the premass. The bit contain- "w-rOOtlis of an arre in a good state of cultivation, with n variety ofthrit tree«. tee. &e. proneity will I* sohl low. 'I -rn-.' nude easy un.t piisseanon given launediotely. Apply to W iluam .'. Baldwin, or Jarnos Ii. Ilnlsey. .*> or iW Market -ire: t. Newark. N. J._ 'nilS Ivv* VT PRIVATE SALE..AalesirBble Cottaee situated in limn..'onstreeC'in the rubre of Puughkeeosie.. -..'I'be cottage ittb'leet front bv 4J feet deep, built of wo. 11 illicit in with brick; the ban-usent and aitie tiin<!icfl througliollt. Tbe first or prineiia I »tory u finished ui the niiMir-a style, has fmr njarliHJ mantels; and is divided into two parlors, three bx^lriKims, hall, closets, tkc The lot 10» leet front by about #«l fi-et deep. I,'i» ml uflsiirp!i«>eil lor eanleitius purposes. The house, fences, tec, are all eutir lv new and no expense has been spared to nmke it n desirable residence t..rn genteel liuiiuy. From the observatory there is a beonliful uml commanding new of the village and surroupdine conotry ; in tlie libation are combined the advantages ofcountry air with ntraniet«t.itlieelnirrh-.-4,,. -t ottice. markets. ÜtC Aihawma and cronnd plan of the property ran lie aen ut the oiliecnf the auctioneers, ol wiiom lartbcr partienbtrs may he obtained. Possession can be had immediately. Apply to AN PHONY J. BLEECKER i O m21 Ivv No. 7 Broad street, near Wall >:n?et. NEIVBURGH SUMMER RETREAT.-The nib senber would respectfully inform the public that !.:> _,l!oii«e is now open for th- reception nfsuchasmay wisii to eamy tbu advantage ofa cool and healthy nlrnosphere. The house is larre and comtmaliotis, and pleasantly situated on the Academy iisll, within five minutes walk of the sleambuit landing. The prospect is one of the nrbost on the Hudson River, ab lording an utiohstructed view <d the enure Newburgh Bay. a fine view of VVesI point, the Highlands, nountains, scenery, steamboats; ter. Families or s.n.'le persons can be accommodated with board bytheday or sveekata teasoaable price. Foi further particu- bir<. inquire of Richard Wanes, Esq^ti Beavei irteet. New York. L P. IX i|X;E. Newburgh. Tony>>.!., l^il. nwtjyl* «_j THE NEW-ENGLAND lüM'SE-Tl.e mbscrilier <:rrr-> w- nld inform tbe public that he ha- taken the NEW. }.¦¦. j ENGL INI) HOI j-E. N...Ü1 BROAUWAY.i hieb bai Been put in comt' te f air. The New-Engla d Ifouse, situated next d.-*>r above t'ie Truuty Church, wim.Hanurneroua pleasant parlors and loti?- ins risinis. cirinot tint'¦. p-nj e tip.-e New-York, eitiie.- lor pleasure or on busim v. To remedv crest uicoaxemencd by hoxanffstated fi.ved bouts ter meals, and to accommudtite Iiis cut cttsUimeR, the sob- scnlur gi\e« notice that his brge nnd delighthil IftxiN LOON will be coietantly o|ieti tr..:nd o'clock A. M.tiil l'J ..'- clock i'. SI. during the week: and from 6to8o'clock A. .'.!. nnd troin 12 to - at noon, and from j to 7 P. M. on the Sabbath and that he wdi iunu*:i meals at all times as they may be de¬ sired. leslrintrs will be fiirrii«hed. Without lionrd. and meal. will, in ail cases la? cliarst.l according to the articles and quaatity onlered, which will ap> ar bj the Bill of Fare. TheNew England House will be managed on the strirte,» principles of uoni^ranre: and the especial rum of tbe -iib-.-'i- ber will always be tu parui.-n a quiet and couif irtablo V home" for the stranger. p WIGHT New-York, April 12, ISM. tnlS lw- VAl.FABI.E PROPERTY AT TARRVTOWN For Sale. MrUE noilemgoed offer for sale the |ircniUL-sj«£:-. lately occupied by Caleb Wilder, deceased, «3w .- the easl bank ol tbe Hudson, about 38 mDes _' ,L- Inun the City ,,f New York, adjoining the village ofTarry- town on the South mal Rrrininntnwn on the North, consist- ins of about ICOacreaofexcellent land under n good stare of ealnvan'oo, vvith plenty of timber, about 10 acres ofApple iir.-harJ m fall beannc, and r. variety of fear«. Chernes Pimm. tec. together with Shrubbery and fancy Fruits ofd tTcr- ent kiuJs m abundance. A larre portion ol said premises eanttnands a benut^ful view pftba Hudson river, nnd from iu location betxeeen two thriv¬ ing vulages. and the Albany i'iet road paasn . thmugh might he hud out into small tots nnd >o!.l readily, or ..iild l^. riiv.dcd a< to make several delightful locations for Country«. being in tbe immediate vicinity ofS bouses -if » r- bip otduTerenl detmnunabons, the Post Office, and landing >hcestrotn wa-ch p y two «.'eainlioa!- .i.-.i.y, raid revcral niai- xettng-t easels on dmereni daj, of the week. TheKneik -vh tonn« the North l.r.eot the Ferm tvasthe stream where Major Andre'., borne was at Uie time of his nrn>t. ,, rcaoi. Appir l-tt-rv-, U. te J. T. TAP.-Cl/IT. 7ti Santa «t mrlf cor. Maid-n Lane, «gn.-:: SALE-A Tann ..für, «.eres pleastmUy s,ti.c:r,l VCr. -ta:.-.-. ::>.'.«...., in South Brttsssviek. N. .1 r-v -ja^tfieNew . orkond PWadclphta Kiulroad. Simile, from .irll Stirs, .a^-1 CCh" lll.e. inn V (tnone tit« sack & p 7-i^!i Pedigrees. The tarm ig -. q" re ofM. PALMER ^11 MeS' "' . "' v^'-m*_A. P. SMITE. 83 Ubtrtf-tt :].;:¦ :-;' mW UURDOCE, LEAV11T i. COlsnVestrt. " Eve Iis Ijcefrorn the 5«i> of Cour*>.nHt «'re«t. direct. Tb* n let ALBANY. Capu K. B. Maey. This Bven- V: ...-'- SW UXOW. Car*. A. McLean. To-narrow'ii* .it 7 o'clock. BT/-J ... R oj titi« owit-lo their light draught ot «roter, re bJ stall time*to pa>» tint bars, ami reach Albany and Trot in smpie time to taue the Morning Tnuns ol Car. tor the Kastor West. . .--j-i... !.; jage« or Freight apply on board, or at the Offices or: the Wharves. 1 "«.' ^ 1- i r- ALBANY DAILY LINE. FOR AL- w. !-,:'¦>. \--\ \SD IN rERMEDI VI f..n. V ..."'"7*?." t".-.'i| riI8AMERICA,'Cnr>t M. U. Tnt. Vh.-;l. will leave the Sti tmboat Pi tr, toot .¦! Rotor-sco-st, '1 HIK.-- li \V Ml IRNIXU, Mb; 23d. at 7 o'clock. ro~ Por passage npply on hoard. m33 « r- te NEW EVENING LINE FOR ALBANY. " .-._i.Fnre *1.U.i:c,-tlt»s'Jcetit«..The new an.! j .r^'/rr^. , NEW-JERSEY, Cap- tain Ii \ ritrev. v.:! ive :.-t ol Barclay-stiee*. north nd.WEDNESDAY EVENING. May 15th. at . o'clock. Reeular days from-New-York Mondays, IVedncs days and Friday*;.from Albany. Tuesdays, Thursdays und Sururdui*. . -.. , ',.1 The NEW-JERSEY has been rebuilt and retnodeled, and littcd up in the Im»: piissibie manner; She has a large number of elegant sLite-ruumva tarseand commodious pranieuaue- deck a l.«d Saloon m Ui steeping accoinmodabons lor l'hj I per-oti", extensive nnd airy cabins. Altosether, she hin : nrcoioinodalH for nearlyTW. persons. Hcrdruught of water light, «u thai she able to cross the liar, witn. out detent ion or transhipment._wK»- I W7 V ~ For IHTDSON AND INTERMEDIATE ;~ -LANDINGS.-The-steamboat VVI-KT- VbU-^r .:i.'- --,1 HESTER, Cant. Wm. II. Mellen, will loot»I Ce ar treet, o Mondays. Wednesdaysand I i-v'öiiy. at .j P. M. connecting at Hudson with the Hudson and Berkshire Railroad : (theenrs ofw hieb leave on the iirm.-il oj the !....- ts.i nnd learing Hudson on Sundays. Tuesdays ami Thurxlav-s nt P. M. or on the arrival of the curs, touching ench j wnvni the intcmicibctc Inntlincs. Tickets through to I'itts- ! tielil -J.' 40 nnd to West St< ckbridgo fJ. For freight or pa'-nge. iciply on Im-inI or to ST( M >Rs i. STEPHENSON, 90 West st. This bust has been thoroughly overhaul-n. and her accotn- at id itiol ii iprorod as to be equal to any boat on the river, 1 an additional number of State Rooms baving been added. m This bunt tows no barge:._nil i rc . Z f. POWELL & CO.'S LINE FOR T Jt; ___^vNEWBURGII.Laialint at Coldwell's. W. 3»- 1'. iL»» i r--Point, ildsprtng and I 'ornwall. ""¦'¦ ¦ant"!."..".: Hlt.HLANDER. Cant, R. Wardrop. will ;. ,v. the pser fool '.l Warren si. every Monday. Thursday nnd Saturday at -1 o'clock; P. M. Returning, will lean- Newhureh every Moinlay utt''-., A. M. and Tuesday and Friday St 5 P. M. For Irettrlit or passage, ipply to the Captain on beard. Bug- jm.'e and freight nfSudeiarriptkatas] hunk !i:IL< or specie put mi boa rd must Im at the risk of owners thereof, unless n bill ofbi- d'i'2 or ri eemt Ist «icned for tlie same._uü j aa. r- n l'"R NEWBI RUH.Larsoi'n» at CaH- l i ~ -1.< tvell's, W.-<t point. Cold Spring. Cornwaii, . : -77=- .. p.C.tli !.a .!,.,.. i itj VS. DIS< IN.' 'apt Cbst. Haktead. will leave Warren street pier every Tutaidayaiid Friday nrt*niiK>n nt 4 o'eksck. All BHCgsge, Packatrcs or Pan*!*. Bank Hüls or Specie, put oti lH*a,-.l this bout without being etitced on the book or receipt¬ ed for, must be st the risk of tncowia»rs thereoC mhlä r= (0 i Mi MINING IW»Vf AT SEVEN A.'.M.- -i.^i < >R PEEICSKJLL, VjcarLAtn k's'Grj.» I'nna's i'-hk.. ILvsnrsOS and YnjtKaiti. Brerdtfiut ami |i -rt...-.r,| _|he new and iplendtd steamboat COLIJ3L- III S, i ':.;.':».,i William H. Fmxoe, will leave New York from the loot ofChamber« «ir et eveiy morning nt. seven o'clock, Pridu] i excepted..Keturninc, leave P<-vk-kül »nnieduy nt I- - o'clock. !'. M. egcept Suiiil. y. when «.'ie will leave l*eek»kiil at Jo'el.n k P. M. I. ii nr ai the f-ot of Hammond strtC. each way. Freigld taken t:t reduced rates. Ji'otfct.All goods, freight. Irnggtisc. bank billj. s|iccie. or an] .i ind of uToperty, tnkeu, ..hipped, or put mi board tins hor.t. lutisr ho at tl,e ruli of the ow;:eri OlSUCn foods, freight, baggage, üc. m3 « : t. RÜJIMER ARRiUNGEMENT. ._ ", NEV. VKK aial NEW-YORK..Fare only .sir..v.i*^-. I- eats.The new and swift steamer RtaJA Bi HV, Caiit. John GnUyl on and niVr Monday, May 13. will run as follows: L en i .. N e w a r k , Leave N e w -Vor«, foot of Centrest, fbotol Barclay st, i.t7:. \. M. sail 1 .. P. M. it b! A.M. and 4 P.M. , ON SUNDAYS.Leave Newark at S A. M. and J P. M. and New-York at 10 A. M. ma! 4 p. M. Freight carried very reasonable rotes. .1 Jni -'. .us*. 1 .i/.':/'/: .//../.-.L\V;/:.i;K.%"/'-FfiR ;.- « j MIDDLBTOWN UOSIIEN t\p ivi-hkmek- & sTt plackn..NEW YORK A .Ml ERIE RAIL »AI».-The new and splendid steambot.t El ICcKA. Capt. Alexander H. Sbultx. leaves tha t'u.t of Don le street, daily, ISundays excepted.) at 7 o'clock A.M., i and 4 i'. I.. paasing-the m -t beautiful scenery ol the Hudson tiver, i Piertnoiit, wlntro passengers take the commodious curs oft!..'Co. thronch the 'picturesque ralley of thcKninnpu, to Goslten, Miitilieinv.nce. Itcttrrnine. leave 5li<tdlctown nt6 A. M. and 4 P. M. Passengen by the Morning Line can remain from three to bur hours «: (to-hen and Middletown, und r.itttrti to tha city at So clock the mm evening. D3P Families and Pleasure Partie« will lind tili.« the itto«t do- lightful Excursion from ibecily. Theears are unusually com- modions iiHii have spartment> appropriated expressly to ladies. For fnitaer juartieubirs, inquire <il'the Captain onboard, or ot j, V AN acut, comer f Dunne nnd Wast -treet. if, c. SEYMOUR. Superintendent, Passengers lor Oweao, Btnghampton, and lUI the principal plneesiii the Southern Counties af the State of New-York: and northern Counties ol Pennsylvnnb. will find first rate stages a ml cnrelul driven to take them from .Middletown cheaper ni.d more expedtcisiua than in.y other route. ir:3 .MAVA.tUk AND HARLEM RAILROAD ( >MPA n Y..SUM M ER ARK ANG EM ENTS. -t in and alter May 1st, l*A4. the Cur- will run us Hall for Harlem. Leave Harlem Leave Wms. liridre Ponlnaju tktvms. Bridge. tbrCityJJuU. for City Hnil. t= on A. 51. :i 3(1 3 i»i A. M. I " 7 !0 7 lv " 8 S 50 8 SI " 8 " 9 40 H 2U it " io -u) id -a .. 1 P. M. 1 .£> 1 P. s|. .i , 2 40 2?j '. .S " 3 40 3ä> " 44 -»» 4 20 6 5 40 " If " r> 4t) « -J) 7 7 -f) 7 20 " rm Riindon, it the '-.wither is fne, the Curs will run every hiin: in n Hall 'ojiurlem and Williams' Bride«. 1 he tBall and 27rl, «treet Eine will run every ten minutes through the day, from 0 30 A. M.toS Sol*. M. The Evra -nt Lirte will leave27th street forCity Hnli.nt - '. »30 10,1030. U. II 9». Leave City Hall for 27th street, at9, 930,10. Julio, 11, II 30, 12. By onier of tue Board. a303m \\ M. S. CARMAN. Sec'y. «^staaa. MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILIi« »AD.-SCM- I.0 71 MER ARRANGolKNT.Commencing Tues- jgr^^. day, April 2.1M4._ Leave NewVork. I Leave Newark. I Leave Morrisown. 8 o'clock A-»I. » o'clock A. M. 7 o'clock A. M. 4 < P. M. I s z - P. M. I Z^i " P M I '1 his road Ims been recently relntd with a heavy iron mil of the. Pattern andunjnv'inapor fact order. New nnd splendid 1 ':r"1 ttr ., -. five been placed upon tsesame, which torsaWya: c 'tnkirt are unsurpassed. Travelers for Morru- lown, sciiooiey s Mmintum nnd 1. iston, or liclvideie, < knveso Nctvt-jn. >l-.h:.oik;, Hover. P'ir>ippany, Rockawayand It-.Ts! enrulge, will nnd tha the most >ale aud expeditious of am- other misle oi conveyance, 1 "-rs w-,,|,u;e tr. go South will arrive at Newark in tune lor the r-iiiiv kiiduii brains, and at New-York m time for i>* -'. N'.rtii ihui East, nt . o'clock. ii. tha present arruigwnsntt, «ix hours will be afTor.!»«! to Ktaw* lesil "r ,,,el!-''ljr'!. 'n New-York, and lour m Mor- ...;-" 71 ePars of .In« Company run through fr-jm Jersey City to llomstown. thin avoiding the delay and inconvei. ern e eonse meat upon a diansa ot Cnrs. _ UiADODD.Snrjerintemlent At4Loclock. PJit At5oViock.P. w". :\,?..y:ock p M I mS& PACK'S L?kt AS!e t^POOL LINE OF tvtJs..To sail from New Yorkon the tith and irom Liverpool on the 21st of earj momh. From N-w 'fork. From Liv'p'L New ship ASIIBIJRTON, ^I't-n' fOct 21 U08 tons, Henry UutrJeston Sf}"- b' {Feb. 21 f ¦'u> 8 fJu ie 21 Nan ihip PATRICK HENRY 15 l An». 21 K-.O tons. Jus. c. Delano, t\t°V' a L'' Ship INDEPENDENCE, Ia0«-8 [Sept. a 8»totis.Ezm Nyc. v O»*. 6 <Jan. 21 r -vtntl b* (May 21 SlupCEO.WASHINGTON J,nili SJ"!>' IW tons. Ambrose Burrows, ' 19«. « jJ Nov. 21 r .-;e-iii..ft!, era °,m,mJ]:{fJi '.'-... .'-..d.lailK.tots, -irre:. .: ,-0-ieMI,.Jy fl-,,',-! "' !' -. mm. .,... :., "-., 1'- of -.gef.oui New \ .et to Uverrsool 5100. and iV.'.r'-. » .v- er, New .nr,i:.,..uclu.i.ns,u,resand beÄ^S^ u^'^^^K^'" n,i^,';v''e^, wiH be respntbiiile for any i..t. a^k^A^S^ uaic*,W5Mr m * Mtr«**** & GR4NNELL. MINTi'KN & CO.. 75 South st. <T~ J ''\\ l..!Vi..!U''M"»Lrl'A(:LEP.")F JI NE gZZ?1:'1 ":- P IRCE WASHINGTON. F. P. S5SSL.-«. M er, m sailas a love, bei n rularday. Cor ireiirht or p.-isi.-iire.huvma sujveri..t accoiu::.odat.omr.appb on board, foorot Maiden Lane or to .-¦.¦» i.Ki.NNEl.!.. v|\T( |;v t fjo. 78 South st HENRY. J. C. LÄSl^r '.' .: .1'+'.. u ashiiistoo, and «ail July 6th, her rt> mlJ DR vn3 . N ENGLAND. HcEI.ANU. «rx.Per- :;-rr'-'V'.'-i:'-.'!iierii it ng asusej totbeii friends in the "Old &^\:'-'Jr¥'-e-l "r-'l3 M,mJ"d n:t1' drall, u, stuns of A'!. trii . 1 *".oi any nmoiint. payableon deinand "S i~ ¦.' ,'oVr}' t"-"1tliroinrhout Eticlr.n.J. Ire- - ... .-. i.'.Iaiid. and \\ a)^ which Draft, will V- ihr« nr led i e 1 acket ot Iltn. lt;h. 21-t. or 26th. or the Royal Mail r tcr.nicr. whicr. Ituves Boston on the I.t of .luae, .n ni i.lica AMfisw General Rung* ( »Sooth ,l. comer .\i.-^cn. N. B..A Ictttsrt from loecouuiry must cuise postpaid. COM.' COAL'-Atl kinds nt Summ-r prle»- let sale in atiaaÜXm to nut P"^^j^WpjlMS. tf .No. l'JT Autli.nv «t. rear Hrns/lw?. mHECOAL OFFICE. .\... NnjMH«m«C (T/ 1 Rnitlitir. oPDOsitel ify Had. '«' :"!. where I.,,: [purchaser*. Order* re-ysK-tfiilly solire-d. ^ R ..^y,,. S/V^ n.Vv r.,.-..,v,,,.. Iota r mppl* Jo'the nreaent rev "i "-vl ¦inn*! Coal, winch thtry um-r .-.t'-*'« IöhMowixui re ! F.uu.M g ^rton. ^rcr*!. SS»v".4!^ <io ¦i'f1"- <.<. Orders received ni that for* "> Ktm. \ ork. C"ornerof Bcai h *sn H km- ?ts. .. Kinu jmi GaaBjnvii a. " GnvaaxKUIt Si if amu Front it. In Brooklyn at 113 Adam* si. and Corner of Stats asp rir.M.v-r st«. Ah»nt theirBant, corAVilham und Fine st*. .V myt in, CO M, Cil \l.'.Superior Peach < irrhnrrl Hol A-h Con!, from the Spoon ww Salem veins.Egg «n>l Broken. £a: Store 34 75: .Nat. H a0, well .rreemM. weighed by a e,rT weigher, and delivered, cartage tree, to any part ol the city.. at the raid. eor. of GlWnWtcll ami « hriitopher,- ro.;ta. or a. 106 Arm*. Cord hy the raWO-Fehland du-f eh«jp. mbh'tim _J.\.-. t-I.Kt.t METAL ROOFS. GUARANTEED VV,'< I I.11 Til. I!T F* HI FIVE YEARS' WHICH IS FOI R > EARi U iVCHE THAN USI AI..-I be wbsratbers havemveated a r^r.-Iafcoxet,..rna..; with plain or ealranoed tin ptetee, u hieb they giwrantee to remain watet lrg« rive vl-aks. <.«« p: «iby tiW The metal is »put on thai « cannot b* afeeSig by the idirmldnjt or <weDiw of thepIn-Aj on which it ¦ btid I^hvti.eror.Tmeta.noreS!ii.,..:..n..l tMntttal.- T!;aH..ov.n-eentJeiuan have had tbett dvi dung bo-iseaBad a..-*- if thi- city, covered by th* iucth.-l to thcr .nti»lac:ma : il.-rv Bo vnrt. i'- ... ... ;ner i t .ah avenue and .'ih st. JohnSi. Senennerbarn. Esq.. No. 30 llroadway. Darn' A<r-ti.:. l>... cor. -i öelnuire pi tee anrlAl iTInun It Given Pearson. EkL Merchants Exchange, Had a. Geo. 11. Bulk r. Em.. No. «I Nassu-st Francis Buriitt. Esq.. t".' Broad-s*. . _ Notice is "iven that as the improvement i- patented, ml per- förniix trade wiahinc t. .-over :> hy the .ub-crtuer- ¦an obtain pennisrion oo tnorteratetenni. _ _ n,hUi! P. N.\ i lAHt i. O <t and Broad JONES' SARSAPAKILLA CANDY.Each 2Scentpaek- a"-e co«:ta:p::i; t ounces of the n>e<hcinaj properties nl the roor." Sold at < 1u\tham-«t.and333 Broadway._".''_'_['}} rf-OTAKEGRE VSE SPOTS from Clotliea.Carpctt.Wool- X er-. ate..Tlie Alagte Era«-..? S-iaon e-v. -e Spot«, itain*, ,vc. trmii clothes without injiirui^ the tcxtore.hut on the contrary briabtenimc und beamIii 11 pthem. Soldat n. Chatliauii>u and 333 Broadway, or 139 Fulton -t. Brooklyn. m!7 Ira _ rpUE BEST SHAVING SOAP IN THE WORLD i* the 1 preparation ol the Old Nnples Soap, rnade into a perium. e.l paste by S. Jones. The fotms the .'one -intht for ifesMlemtuni« tu MAKEATHICK RICH 1.1.1 HER, Unit will not dry. It (mind. >,r, it n-nlly doe> thtsl rajjreus the beard, makes the skin *oli and insootb, ud rtvca.ja.lim Im. guinea to the nose. Cent«, try ties once. >.>..! at oji Broad- way S3 Chatham st SStalest Boston; 3 Ledger iiuikuncs. Philadelphia;JS3 Fidtoast Brooklyn. ml" 1m IMXENISH. RED HEADED WOMEN.Men ifyi sve V such^ wives coax them, nays.chnrse them JU> bura trm-e (hilling bottle ofJons s' . 'oral Hair Restorative. Tdl them, in they rub this on theirhnhrlesasealpsi t iej' II have " > g.»-i hair, and then it rour own hair is ilry, d ay, or rusty; rub a little of this on, 'twill it, make it suit, dark and silky, arid keep it so a longtime. Sd.i a ilu» sign ofthe American Eagle. Chntliaui st ud 333 Broau- wuy, N. V.. or 189 Fulton street, Brooklyn. ml" Im To Force the Growth and Dress the Human Hair.To Stop it Falling Ort* fere it ofDandruff.Beautify it, &c Price3, 4 und 8 -hillings a bottle. THESE are the ran! and actual qualities of Jones's Coral Hair Reparative. It will lores tint hair to grow on any place where Nature intended b ur t ~r..w. stop it falling Off, cure Scurf or Dandruir, tin.! ir-oo- light, re.1 or grey hair grow dark. For dressing the liair suit and silky, notliing can exceed makes it truly beautiful, nn.l keep, it so,. it is, indeed, the most economical, yet superior article made lor the Hair,. ! Sold.3 5 or S shillings n tlie s gn of the American Eagle,SSCliathiiinstreet,New York; ISdrurtonst llnmklyn; 8State st Bostou;:3 Ledger Buildings. PhUtidelplib; 30/_King street. Charleston. S. (.'. i"!7 [m FOB THE PERMANENT CURE OF ALL Disease«and ESritption* nftlie Skin. \f.\ N'V ibomaniN in ali pans of the I riinui have been cured lYXnlter tryingcvory remedy in vaiiiofduT rant skin diseases, such as , ... Pimples. Freckle*, Sunburn, Tan Morpbew, Salt Rbemn, Scurvy, br asinglelayolbm halfa ea tel of the genuine Joe-,' Italian Chemical Snap. Bender, tins coan. although adver. trscd; is one ofthe most rurpnsing and blessed remedies ever discovered, and will generally do all hero »'.uted. It clean und whiten. . DnrkSnnbnrct or *i cllow n, rendering it bcalthy and clear. I haveseeu when every thing -.¦ Cure Old Sore Heads, Ringworm, cite. Scaly S:'ir Rheu n. Rough Skin: It is insil.! in the Rum of a beautilul piece ol soap, and is a pleasant remedy. Give itonetrial. Bat render, ibis article counterfeited, nnd you must be very pniiicul ir .ml buy it nowbera nbetn N. ^'. but at the sign of the American Eagle, W Chatham street and :iit Broada ay. A g^rit*. State street. Boston; Zeiber, :t Ledger Buildings, Pluladclphia; Hay?. 133 Fulton street, Brooklyn. ml7 lin__ MfJrtTüAöf:, Abraham L Braiae, Ute of the City of New-York, new deceased, mortgagor i.i bis life rune, (he then being of the age of tweio ty-oin- veareaudapwards,) togrlhei with Acnes U. öniie-. his wife, fshe being *lso of tlie age of twenty-one years and Upwards,] in and by their ccn .ia lodetttnreof Mortgage V tliem ma.'e am! execnted.Jjearin : ¦! its the ibinl day of A prtl, in the yearofotu Lordooeihoi. .n..l- tui.t l.iu.d.-ed.suJ thirty, m'seenre the naytnent bv th* ssid Abraham LsBmine of the sum of tsv.» thowaad seven hundred dollars ou the third day of April in the veer one thousand li^hl baudred and tldrty- two, And tlso of interest upon the said r.uiu from'thedateof the said Indenture of Mortgage it nd afti r the raft ul sit pr centum per ananm, payable on the third day of "»crv October and April ea.ii" g, the date thereof, nntil tne_aforesaid prim i- pil irtm should bs p.iid according to the condition of the Bo,, d or (.:.:¦ pationol thesn i Abraham L. Braine in the said 11- deutart i" Mortgage mentii tr .1 and referred to, did grant and convey unto Harmon bVodricks, then of s.tid I i"..reliant, nowdece»aed,"mortgagre, "All that certsin dwelling house and lot, pii c- - parrel m* gronnd, si:.; ite, lying uid being in th- Fourteenth (late Eigbthl Ward oftlie C it> ol New-Vork, on the westerly siile of Mulberry street, now known amldis- tiiign'sbed as nnmbectwo hoadred niui teen(No.3l3) Moltn-r- rysUeetl bounded easterly in font by Miiloerry stre»'t,_svest- erlyia the rear by ground cn» or lata is tiie iiossessim: of John Telfarr, noroierly on :!ie en- sid bj th- lot ol ground known as number two hundred jmI twenty-one Mulberry* streer,and soatherly on the other side by the 'or of ground known as number two hundred and seventeen Mnlb-rrystrcrr, containing in breadth, i" front sad rear.-ich twenty-two fret, and inlength on roll side seventjHoar feet thrce'inebeo, being the vinir dwelling n.'ii : o d | >-.¦-or i,,reei of k ro*n<d vvliicn were conveyed to rii- said Abraha a L. Braine by the New-York La Favettc Fire Insurance Company by Indentpte dsted thej-Tenth day of May, kighteea handred snd twenty. nine, recorded iu the office of i". gi.ter in iad lor theCity and Count/of Nrvv-York in l.ib.2>2 o! ' otiveyauces, nhi* ill".And whereas the said jadentures of Mortgage ami i-a power of Sale tbrr-ia coutaiued and In-ieiiMlter mentioned, Were dole acka iwleilged md recorded in the office oi RegisUr of the City ;md Coaatv of N -v, Vork in Lib M5 ol Mertga* gea. page art. the 3d ray of Apiil, tftiu.ill mm. [.-st 2 i*. M. Ami waere.ii, i,u the thirtietli 1 iy oi November in :he >enrol ru.- Lord one choasanil eight handred >.ud Diirryfive.the said A 1.1 en L. Br ovv dec .d. tngKMer w ith th- s ild Ag- nes i>. ni. wife, mortgagors, (being both of th ags oftts enij- one ye ir.s and upward.,.) in and bv t .^ir ce.i nu o'.her Inden* rure of Mortgage b] diemaUomadeaudezrcatrd, beanng date the darand year laut tforesaid, to secare the payment hy the sod Abraham L. (5rao.e of th* e rrtaiu orber sain of one tnou- saoid dollars:on or beforethe tliirtietb dav of November, in toe ye«r of oar Lord one thottsajid eight hundred and thirty sit, ael il-o; f^r ths same u uu.l rftei thu rate ofseven p-r cnnim jieranntun, on t!.- ihirtierti day of every M*»y and .'snverf,bere:;siiii:g,fbe said ist rnentfo ted dav ua'il t'.e !-»t afonsiaid principal sum should br paid tccording to the con* ditiou ..I ii on otherBond oc UbUiratioa ofthe uid Abia- ba.'u L. Brtineiotliessidlsst meuliom d licotureofMortgage itiutinnedaud referred to, did tlso grant and couvey unto the said Harmon Hendricks, now deceased, mortgagee,'* All tue sarn» premises in the foregoing mortgage particularly in til- ly described, am! in tie said second mortgage also fully de- senn-.i. Aad whereas, th; said last mentiouesl Indenture of mortgrrgeend the power or sa - thereia contained, and also Iw.-itiitter meutieii-d. wl.e also iiulv ickn<>w|edged ..- cordrd lu the £ nd office of Rvgiatei ol the City and Couutt of New 1 ork, in Lib. Tal of Mortgages, page ii. the Mm ,iav »f Nov. nib-r. lüü, at 2a nun p.-,t 2 P. M. Ami w I-p aathesu: a Abraham L.'Braine and Agnes D. his wife, in and by their ctruin Indenture of Mortgage, by thetn nude and execnt and heari'.-g diteon theeuh e, nth day of Jaaaary.onethon* sainl eight hu'idrrd ami forty.the said Mortgagors being then MVetally of tiie age <>| cwentr-ooa years and nuwanbr, a d being therein called Aitrahaus L, Bram.of the City of "^ert- Jtork. Geatlein a, ami Agnes his «vife, and the said Abrahem L. Lranicbeiui so.c-decfa^-d.tosrc'ir-tiiepaj rru nt o! ihesum pfnve handred ami eiühceen 91-100 dollars >u manner follow* in to wit: one hnn red dollars on or before the eighteenth day^of Jasaary,.eighteen hundred Md forty-one; ooehnndied dol.ars on or beforethe Igth day of January. I£42; one bun- diedIdolla» on or before the tsth davoi Jana try 1813- e bnädisäldollarron or before the Urhdayof fuaary, Itiftand tne larther r.umo: one h.Ir,.l and ei oitern dollars a .d iiu-e ty-pnr cc,.i» on or before tlie 18th dav of Jauasrv, if.s, with unnal interest, payable on the eighteenth dtvol Jivnuary of eacaaad every year Uiereafter, on all sums unpaid, without into, or delay, in the manner particulailj stiecified in ' >a- ditton ci i.u, tnat t.,thes.od Abraham L. Unme*soneCen; .'¦ Mad orpoliicaaoo,^trearing even date with l es I: imu- tlOOed Alor'e.lge, mil tl .. a le; it..,t.did ....j r,, ; .. nau I'lttt Uog-rsi-.i: Hiram \. H ige,»,0f ,|... . ,... that n, ol the City ol New-York, M-r..:, nt,. Mort . ¦'¦ I Um same premise* m th list mentioned .'<! ,f'g...*. ..nmu.- y and luilyile-cribs.i, md in said last mentioned Moris tg 10 I iii. Oetcnbed. And whereas the said lot tnrationol li.-bu. ture ol Mortgage, and the t ower of sal-1' eieiu contaioed siid ben in liter meatipiied, v.rr- duly recorded in the office <.! the tbrgisterol the < ityand Coontyol New-York, in LiberTi9 ol .Mcrrgt;.-, j x- 210. on the tills day ofApril. Kin., t IJM And wltereas tlie said thr cseveral tadsntares ol Mortgage, sorecoided ev aforesaid, and tiie and due* »rveral bom!., and .. i ,¦' .....'' .... lllil'TS s;ol Cl.a'.» , in-e- StHI hive ,Ven daly made and sckaowledged ami -ecortted in the olbceol the tteaisteref Jte City sad County of New- . or*, on divers days am! tum imeruisdiate tiie dates 6f slid .Mortg ig-< .-.r.d the day Of the d;,te hereof And. whcieja default Ins beru made iu tiie r-s; m'nt of t'ir pnucipsJsatn da« e »aid first mmt.oued Morta-ige and ofthe mreresr ther-ou, and there it now due of principal ou the said hr<t mruiijürd Mortgage die snm of two tlioosacd dodo. «W«d interest the sum of one hundred and rixty dollar, to the till ddayoi .Nuivml»r, one thuuaaod eight handred auJ fort,-tnree. And v. l^rea.s ,1-f.mlt h-.s alto h.n raade in the pavment of me priacipal sam tue on «aid secoud meutiooed Morttrag udol thetaterest thereon, and there u now da.-of prim ij I oa the satd second mentioned vlortttsgethesura el one stad dollars, and of interest th* iura of one hiaadred and five doiiars io the thuDi th tl ty ol November, one Uaotuand eight bandied wti fortr-three. And wii-i-.-.s de&ialthaj been nude in the paTtnentof the twoprmcira spmsol cm nuiailred doUar*each,secnred to be paid b> the -a:.: thinl md I i^t mentioned (rideaurs of .N.o't* £T.c,ard v. l,,. ii. tosedier witli :rie sjnl heretobefoti recited snm oi prmcipal and interest, m-dr>a the wholeamoont .j-.i tothe i ml :. aunted, Benn Tobia*, on the said üu-a*sev». rat ator tg-ces, as ttcreinbefoie *r>eci£adt tliree Umnitud fotrr handred am! kixty-ttve dollars. Aud .int. rir cedirgit lawliaab-ctiinMitofrd to recovgrijie -eyd sereriidebu, or naj or eitlierof .""*a'ru any rtart thv reof, ..,-1 .. ,uit for the !*..,-c:.-s0ir of th, l8^o etaeetl^*"01*0'* l"-ud",s no'' 0,i,e"VLt« in siy Now, th-refof, notice is hervbv irivra that hv ri.rti- of rb» ; j .1 ower. in that behrdf conuSied in tl-,; ,1, fe^ . fndenw-iarof aloitgage, and etch and ,-.erv of tLm l taeoi ..: "' " '' "'. ?»d A.-ne» l>.wife, M*n> - md*-Vi " ^Cv\-0' 1 ;-'ir M*i> "ecutori. tdmmucm Una itJieretnand mererrrvlrt and arc-l ri~-~.r ^.'d o'V"" ;:';''|-V;.1!"' '-J.-'Veiy l art ;-c.:l sre I tb-r" f. t.n. Ki-nonirn, Airornev. 18 Wall dtt i > |l Ct if K- .>. * ,.. p.;a-.. :,..... ji , «i| jiy alo «RitNi\Ei>,^LVl'uLN'«i CO. 7bSoutbi 3.1 «a .. v n.h >i .tbi -«i-t i .' «V . -in- r -it ji uwtfta R Wj B N IN "j'URM'A.'N-.K f i ." <.:.'..? ' .' ."-...<; 1 of the ro« of New-Yoik, it ¦.;' ¦.ij¦¦ H o^ohiimrrbiTi mint. ELLANOK ' i.rra. late eftfw City ot New-Yorik\ single *"'.«.'.,f" r-i - ««m». with rim »oocheri thereof, to the sabseTiheri. at rh- Hsee of of them or either of them, or -. it .. i .,r L0. Ml'M) s. tlLRKY, its Fait m e Citl <.( N.w.Vo,k.ourrhfror.. the ttth d>', I i luie- >>CXX.Date*] NeW-York, the 19th day of DM»mU r. IWi By OictTEH "J i.Mti'e! Pratt, Ptrst Judged GttOassaga County < o«i,-. and Counsellor f. .... Supreme Curt. .Notice is herebT gi»"i that «m ..'.'rrr..,.t !..« issn-d agsii st tie--state of Hoy-1 St'*. >'¦. -I ' !«»l,od, State of Ohio, a r.oierestaVut debtor. "»..'" rool t- ¦aid Judg- kc, punutnt ,o the directions of the "um:« co% cerniof '' ittichmmt- nf-iiatT abaeojidiwc, coneeaM r»»ii)ent <Vbfor»;''aud that UVi»m» v. It i* iol.! tor t.V pt,. men' of hu d.bts. u .!r« be. tie "id It..} U .Vrwstr. a-cJ ilitc'iits* »u< ii etlas-hmeut act' 'iini» to l,w, ... , month* from t/w first publican >n ol tin. N"tte-; »jk1 thit tu paymcat of any debt* due to htm by r-s ... art or hatSiau, a-:d th»delivery t»'im or for hi» us«* of any PTOprrtj »nhie t'o. State balooxutx to him, snd tor (rsus!-r Of *,r»ach j-to ;'<rty .. him, ere forbidden hv law »..¦. n W..Djred Jla. tt'ry M. fntt. '! SHELDON. lit I.w'iin Al'nri., for t: ¦' . t ., Tl VORDER of '1 ao-rt-.s. C. u. fir-t Ji.dje of to* 13 County Courts ol the County ol Jem notice <*¦..., given that an r ttnchuieiit brs issued agairsst tlie estate of MAU- VIN CHAPLV. ."' noii-M-odcM ilei-tor. .... «:m: Ute «a il fict Judge, pnr-umt to the ilirections ofthe statuta cntic-riimy " AU o-hmeijls iora.i ... .'«¦... .1 ...-.] nun-rtsioeritdebtors.^aod ti«.t the »ame ¦.'H hn«.,a< i^u* pnvuient ofhis 'iehts unk-she. the said MamnCnapin. »;>>-«r 11:1.1 di iitir.-e such BUasrdtrnerrtaccordimrto law, wruuaam* tnontin from the tint mibUcatioa of tbts netiro. and that the payment ofnny dcbu <iiio to htm by resklrnts l.'usSl .u. s-,1 the delivery to him «»r ibr bts use of a.iy property wnhra this State atnkMiröa t.. Inrti and the ttanaierol am- rech leperii by him. are lori.aldeii by law und are vo;.l. 1Mb J Man-h 13, 1:4t. r.ilM/ Iaw9ni Attorney for Attaching Creditors. OHKRtTK'S S \ LE By ;>¦¦¦(- «.r .< f :.«-ri !'. taTtonse ^ ihrected and densered, I wiU r»i-.. c to . jkt on Mo 'lay, the . day ofJunenext, at 12 o'emck. >t, at im vestihuji of tha .ity Hall of tin' city of .New-York, nil the rittht. t tie art«l is- ,..ri-t of Stephen tVe-ks. winch bo had on tlie Mh d?7 <i" Iprili lOtfe oratany lime tfterwanb, in ha d, v»-ief the same may U.Alltimt rcr^m lot,_ piece or parcel of Und with trie buildinn thereon, situate, I)me ami l«-ing in the Twelith Ward ofthe city ofNew \ nrk", oaiunsrui sbed :.. s;> uVsundry kxsof land bestMupntr to Samuel J. nea. ban. in tan Ward near the Afans House, by the number twerre 12 Unnd- cd Donheruterly in front by twenty-ninth street, «<iui!iea«t«rly by i' t number thirteen tOk southwesterly in Utt rear bj M i:iimb«ir II , .-.t: ti' rt'i». .t. r'v by !"; fi pow «ir tc.te l>ek,tijr'iil to \. lVvt;.-<».p. 'I 'an! I..t utimbar twelve now inteMed tobe coovtyed c otai ; .'.1 * .a front nmi rear twenty fire t' -t. and on each ode nujety-sngbt feet and nine iiiehtr«. be lllesame more or !e*«. HuUMNcw V ,k.Apr..^h.iMl.wM ^ ^ ^ Thos. K. Pictaa. Deputy 9.'' all lt*6* CJHEKIFT'S SALE..By virtue nf a writ of fiat f .«. .<» 55 me directed and dchsxtred,! will expose for»nie on Mob day ih Hi d.iy ol May next, at 12o'clock iL. at tbevwubule i.i the City Hau of tbeCityol New-York*, all tlie ncbt. t.Ua und interest ol J. ihn Murray, which be km on die 66> day of March, 1314,or atony timenllcrwards, in whose Ilaodssoavei the same mit» I»1...! in and to all those cavtain sot*, pieuj or parcels of hon., with the taiildim thereon, sftuate, lying and be¬ ing at Harlem, in theTwelilh Wardol the I ity ofNew-York, lituateon the Basterntüdeol the old Boston Post Road, wbera the sam«' is intersected by the Sautberlv side of HPth street; thence South Westerly, ali^fir the wuil Boston Po»t Koad. to land Ibrmerly belonging to William Brady, U<i wet; the ce North Kasterly.along fand formerlybelongingtothe tseirsef John P.Waldron. l»the land «.l"Phomn» ISm. thence W ester- Irafongtbe hud of Tbotnas Brass, to the Sx>ulJierIysideof I20th Urttet,totheisld Boston P< -t Road.thepla.I beg ai ag. Dared New-York. April 13th. KU. WM. JONES Slss .. Tmom. P. IV«it.,. UeputyShenir._alalawgw I N CHANCERY, v,ii Circuit.The Prei ism. Directi rs sml ! Cumpany ol the Onondaga Countf Bank »s. The Bank uf Bulralo, In pursuance ofanonler ot the Cnurt-ol Chancery. dated the9th day of April, ISM. notice a hereby given that the subscriber lias U-eti duly appointed receiver ol the property and eflecti ofthe said. The Bank of Buitnks. 'i hat b> » ur- i|. .-and an order of peWunry 21. 1*13, It n rtl-tr..! to James Crocker, Eta., ofthe city ofßuftaJo, in the County of Kre, amongst other Uunga, to take ami state nn account of all the demands nfany description ngain<t the «aal Bank ..( Bulfalo, am' to enable the said iMa.-t*r to take and -tntc such account ntid for tlic gat'.'nil pun>'sucontemplntodbf the statute. All tji«creditorsol'lhesaid Bank of Bulfalo. uro leqtuind to exhi¬ bit, tltcir occXiUnts, claims and demands against the »oid Bank of Burlaln, to ,he sa.d .iutnei Crocker, E '|.. the Master having -.aid reference in charge, n*. his office -.n the eil r ol Buifeta. by theiilusenth day of yVucust r.e\t. and become parties to this und in default thereof, tle-y w ill be precluded from all l<e ncrit ot ttvedecroo whichidmll be made in tili« su.t, and from any o^^bntion which diall he made under rqchdecree. ' IRA A. DLOSSOM. Receiver.>fthe Banked Budaio. .!..>«k-: Crockkr, Late Master in Cboncery. BulfuJo. Ai ril !. 11. aplb'slm rpAVERN ÄND EXCISE LICENSE.Notice t. every .iL pets Ml w tiding, dea ling in,wtxuling Strons or Spiritu¬ ous I.Minors in-tbeCity tit .New Y'.rk. All persons who shall «eil or deal in Strong or Sptrituom fj. quor«, [except importers or IMstillers, »elltng ui:y Initiors im¬ ported or iii-i lied by il.em, :u auantit es above nee gallons,J without havingflratobtaiued a License tot, such i.-:rj>.^« from the .Mayor, and the respective Aldermen uml Asa .UaLt oi tl>e Wards in which tbey severally reside, ure suhjeel by L iw, l -r each oftbnee, to the penalty ot $2"<: and in eawol Itetouers, to the adtlitional punisnmentTby indictnient] of line and impri¬ sonment. Tavern and Excise Licenses w ill be ts»ued at the Mayor'sOltiee, i lity Hall, ls-t«is.-.i the hours ol lb ana 2 o'clock, on tiro days pro-oribed as follows, tor each wsjHictiTe Ward. :-t Ward, Wednesday na.l 'I bunday, l.'t'i ace Ifth May. 2>l do Friday and Saturday, 17th and 18tb " 3d do Monday and Tuesday, 20th and 2Lt " 4th do Wednesdayand Phunsday, icli and23d " Jili rlo Friday and Saturday, 94th and 2Hh " do Mondny and Tuesday, 27th and 2Sih " 7th do W't dmsabiy in <l Thursday, 29th .s-h " f'.h do Friday and Saturday, Bist May, and 1U Jana. 9th do Mm .lay and Tae«iay, 3d and 4t!t 10th do and Thursday, 6thand ölh " Hth do Friday ami Saturday, 7th ami tnb " lith do M'i'idav and To.ilav, lOtli oud.llth " 13th do Wednesday.'am! Thursday, I2tlt ami ISth " 14,h do I'ridar ami Saturday, UthandlSth " 15th do Monday and Tuesday, I7tli and 18th Iritis do Wediiesdai ami Thursday, I9tn and 20lh " Etc. do Friday and Saturday, 21st ami 22d " D^T*. Pcntons now holding Ucences are rcnucstetl to pr dues them when applying Ibr.renewal: also, specially reoe-.|«l to apply within lite time aa above, to avoid the pennltifaol the Law. Ily order, Ml iNSt «N CL VRKE, Fir M ird al. New-York, Mayor's Ottice, .May 6th. 1841. myJJ i22j r|Hi CONTRÄt T< IRS..Pilrsu nit t.i n Rpsöhitiori öf thn 1 Board ofSupervisors of the Comity of Wcstchester, the subscribers will receive proposals for Removing the Court Hons... at White Plain*, 86 feet from the pine., where it now -t.inils, raising it and budding ti stone basement under tbesame lor n prison, and niakiugalliieceasary repairs thereto. ppjposab will be recervedjointly or separately lorüic Stona Work, the Carpenter Work, inul 'de Iron Work. The plan- nmi specifications lor the work -ire led nt the.tore ofRobert Palmer in Wime Plains, w-heretbey con be exam med. All proposals for any part of this work must tse seal*! and sent with, or forwarded to, Robert Pabner, on or before liic 8lh .luv ol Jane next < ontractors toe this work will ho reqnireil to give satufactory security for the litithiul performance t their a>mtract ROBERT PALMER,) Ruildinj ABI.IAII MORGAN. > t oiniiut. ..... D, . , ,. ALEX II. WEI.I.S. ) tee. \\ hit,-i Plain.. May 10. T-41. mU I't IMPORTANT DISCOVERY, ti't.ii ,\i C.i.'s Cclc'irntetl AMERICAN PANACEA, rPins Mcslicu e. conipounded solely Irom vegett ble mafer dT^.,.l'^'!,rr,,,','l.'''.''i'',J*r'i,!':n\1'!l,i warranted fr« from any ingre dietits detr.rm ntal lo Iv-.-.H), .¦.. discove, .i nbmii ,..0 r.-nr ]""."",'. forely afflicted with ULCERATED rw Ki>| I.A. nmi who tea been under the trcatrnetit of tba most cininen: physiaanaau the Crated States for eight year-, without lltr-le-.'-ppai. nt hone .ft" r-t..-..,...» >oh. .ilth ami wax by them proniwnced incurable, but who. after taking the nUive named ineibcnw for nvewcsjln, was rcstorcsl to perfect health. hat medicine as been sold with unpr redented st c cess. rtndhiisiiev*r|.iilediiii:iiyi,.|iince vt|..-n tr.kuu u n. cord -.iiiii t:onvt,, elf,.-i perl- t cure of the following diseases, to wil .SALT RUE! M.ISCRUFCI.A I ci- lt- ATED SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS FEVER SORES RING'S EVII^.XHfSTELO LNFLÄKuiATORY < N il L IRS ItY R{{^X^inrRvTOIr>? KM- W'«r^ ekysip>.ea I!ILL»..-( rvy, chron ic sore KVPs in rvi'CM ift. !:tT'K^;;:V11'l^,-,iM:,:- scald^hL'dandali or an dip re state ok THE blooil TiteSffiea cj ol ibis medic.b 1 .. a t-.te. in nil tin, di^.-s »l».v« eiiumcmted ,d its eifect. are truly ..,to,uslung. 'oTdy'one u\1 ble spoon ul to be taken 'by an adult ..-tirli morning et;,,,, eat- mir. which Usually produce, a tome effect, while (hi roost n.esl it als«, not. r.s a pentle Cathartic, increasing the appetite and general health oi the patient, causing «II ulcenited sores to dis chtmre more profusely, rujd prodacing an eflfacUta] üteratisa ftte Wood!,Jr pma*m**aa' prodacing a p.ffcet acti.j.i Per-..:: while^taking it should refrain fron, the uaeofall iUmnlatinednnksor b -I Ivseasoi.ii-.d. F«- .tt...!,,:..iat.vhole*ri:.-,,f thos. G. tal.mace. Ceiieral aajmt,» Pme-'r -t. opposite the Custom ii. .New York:« dntlOAstrir House; HO, and 771 Broadway; corner IJroadw.ay and Chinnber- Ir.'et No £i Froilt-rtrcet- N... 144 VV>'or.,-t ;\o.. c;.,..] Bowery .V 30 Pu ione street: No. 33}and 246 Hudson, and :t; llnmiriood.stnrsit, cor. Hudson : No. OS <.'r ual street'; No. IA7 and 17* Greenwich. »treet; So. 112 and IB Cherry-strset; No. 136 VVaJker-sUeet- No. Sji I thai oe-street; Nos. 301 and 421 Pearlstreet No nJ C it mii- .treet. Brooklyn. J. W. Smith, comer of Fulton end Cranberry streets;and Wm. Blagrove, Smiira'a Building., corner wit- low and Atlantic .U, and by aU the pr.pc.pal druggiits in the L nrted States. L»'D,,V,,,& '."<.»'row, No. 54 Boaverf. Clinton, GSW.V*YrSre,a,e llL'tul1 Agent to- Albany. T. H Drottjc Son, No, 143 No.ta Second st.. General \\ rioiesaJe Agent lor Philadelphia. Jii-rm t on. l.,r taking the artie«, and n great numberofcer- mtcatesand testimotuals rnay 0e -eon and obtame.1 at any of the above places._n24eodlmly CHI lie:.' BEl.l.-t AMI Tt.WN Ci.nCKS.- I heHubscnber, who wasaw-arriod ¦ Hiplomaat ti:- .Neu A nrk State Pairs of 1843 ai 1-4.! air tlie Imttoned Church Bell, and also n Stiver Medal for the i«-t Bell, mid Diploma brTown Clock, exhi¬ bited at the cur oftha Antenean InaJtrite inOctrsberavLii n.e- preMrtyfol h . Foumiry at West Troi Stw- York to fur- ntsh Bcdbo rrmn20tol0jX»lbs. madeol i. ibe itenaband warranted to stand ami tone to -te..- ,u thrin im- l.r.nvd < :..t ironi\wi'. \t,,4........ A. ,.. ;,,,,.« i.eiiiand lor Ii:- Be .i Is ttic best esrilk ICfl that can be given of tjieir exceBertce. Order- ime been received from l>- i a. a,!as and alniost all the States, and about 400 been furoisbed to different plaees ia the State of New-York fr« m his 1 oun try- josii tiock- Ixvu-mg ar.d Surveying InstruinaaLi.Copper an.I i.ra--1 axtings, 4i.c. 6ir .} ¦'¦ '¦.. ANIHtEW ME.NEEI.Y- X WARRANTED CAST-STEET. EDGE I'ni iLS..1 be q eC< nger sTooh i can only bo had at 33 AttorncyiMrn t, wbera j tliey are maileand finished with my own handi . therefore I can reeooin end tl en ; r-' '" P ..- St Co.'*, 5 Platt SL 'I hi by t .t Uttle.at33 Fulton sire, t, «tnro; r«! "Ci oger." »'« 'i"t in._, rtke. ad are designed r. deceive. Mine are so .-¦ t«fi t..iis: I.oncer. Ne« v.ri;. zi Attorney street." A Iiu-ral iiiM-.tinf to Dealers. Please« b«er\e tfa« tun p. JOHN CONGER. AMERN AN Cl >. '. >l.-.rind TimiES m irencral lor ff' H SE und SHII'C kKPENl ERS. IIUTCHERS. Aje A-r .. ran be obtained in all thrsrvariety;at WHOLESALE nnd R E'i'AII.. at is FULTON STREET. NEW X' >K!<. ot til* most ce'ebrattd ninnufacturers, tircrraritrd cr..i ttctl,\ inrh n, . AI.BERTSi i.N'S. COXCEICS. H* '.;'!': >.VS. (.HTt-VArS. and ROCHESTER. ALSO.ICimpasss' Dowell ,-Bltti. Arnerieon Iror. Rivets. .>.> Beck I- Co«pcr*sTri«s Hoops, Wood Do Tap I r-boreg*. and Iron. l*o leveling I'Uues. Do Headnnd Stave Jointurs.l i'o Vices. Do Steck HoweUs undi.'ro- Ho Compasses. sen. Do Marking Lues. <kc. JiC, Do Isrtices. NOTICE. We have the genuine JOHN P. CONGE1.'?, siso JOHN CONGER'S. Tool*. 'I fie -i bscr hers arc abss l«rottTVRs and fJasraxL Drst.- ra. m ENCLtSIL GERMAN and AMERICAN IIAKD- W VRE, it'i i.ERY. sNc.iic iqcludiuga rerj ExTKIStVil AsfiORxstttKT. wbielt they orlfei t.. Coitirrav Mi:k« iu«st« and otl Maiucxt Piti' Eti. OSBORN a LU i'LE. Ciiari.ks < tanosnt, CiiAiag« S. LniLg. lUij 'ia)

Transcript of Library of Congress · 2017-12-21 · gTHE''YRiWi)^\.m Priscd'a Poemit Tmv>°PoiticilJiffiS...

Page 1: Library of Congress · 2017-12-21 · gTHE''YRiWi)^\.m Priscd'a Poemit Tmv>°PoiticilJiffiS faiMeeted:WorksofByWinthropKoreaW.MacrworthPraihUriswolo: U2m... pp.28-".; U.J …

g THE''YRiWi)^\.mPriscd'a Poemit

Tm Poiticil Works of Winthrop MacrworthPraihv>° JiffiS faiMeeted: By Korea W. Uriswolo : U2m...pp. 28-".; U.J-intjf*">. 8 Asloi House.

The Editor and Publisher have here done the

public a real service. Er-pecially those who with

as were boya fifteen to twenty years ago and in

their leisure hours hung" enraptured over the pageof the British Reviews and Magazines, then ra-

diant with the scintillations of Genius from t(V

pens of Macaihy, Jeffrrt, Lamb, Hont,Hood, Hazutt, Praeo, Maginn. Mrs. Hemanf,Mica Landox, <fcc. and whose memory still treas

urea the delight with which they first quaffed UVsparkling wit of 1 Lillian,' the * Evcry-Day Cha-racter,' 'Paltnodia,' 'Twenty-Eight and Twentynine,' &c. &c. will thank them fervently. In the

way of epigrammatic point and richness, pleasantsatire, and quiet humor, varied by occasionalflashes of true poetic feeling, English Literaturehas acarccly a superior to Pracd.Of Pnicd personally littre can be added to what

his readers will have inferred from his Poem?.

He was born in or near I/ondon, of an opulcn'and respectable family ; lie was first educated e:

Eton, with John Moultrie, II. N. Coleridge, ami

other boys of future eminence, where he was

principal editor of' The Etonian,' one of the be-t

College Magazines ever published. From Etonho went to Cambridge, where he ran a brilliantcareer, winning many of the honors of that ro-

nowned University. On leaving Trinity Collegehe was connected with Macaulay and other youn./men of rare talent in the conduct of 1 Knight'sQuarterly Magazine.' After the discontinuanceofthat work, he wrote for the New Monthly andthe Annuals, and was in Parliament, and deem-ed a riling member for someyears before his death,which occurred July 15th, 1839. His age wmabout 40, and ho died a bachelor. No collection i f

his works has ever been made in England,owing,we understand, to some dispute respecting th;:

.opy-right; and to the industry and taste of Mr,Griswold is the public indebted foremost deligh'-ful book, of which the materials were widely scat,

tercd, and only to be obtained with difficult}.Even now ho informs us that there are probabl,-as many Poems circulating privately among hi-tfriends as he lias been able to glean from all the

periodicals in which they, from time to time, op.

peared.But no more of preface.we shall need all

the room we can spare for our extracts. Pa«.

sing by ' Lillian," which, popular and famous as it

is, we do not prize so Highly as many of his Je?s

elaborate effusions, we make one first dip at a

rare old favorite, to wit:SCHOOL AND SCHOOL-FELLOWS.

Twelve \eurs ago I made n mockOf filthy trades und traffics:

I woudered what they meant by stock ;I wrote delightful sapphica:

I knew the streets ofRome and Troy,1 supped wiih fates ami furies;"

Twelve vcurs ngo 1 was u boy,A happy boy, at Drury's.

Twelve year." ago!.how many u thoughtOf laded paints and pleusures

Those whispered svllables have broughtFrom Memory's hoarded treasures!

The field.-1, the form?, the beasts, the book»,The glories and disgraces,

The voices ol dear friends, the looksOf old familiar faces.

Where are my friends?.I am alone,IVo playmate »hure« my beaker.

Some lie beneath the church-yard atone,And some before the Sjienker;

And some compose a tragedy,Anil some compose a rondo;

. And som» draw sword for Liberty,And some draw picas fur John Doe.

Tom Mill w-as used to blacken eyes,Without the lenr of sessions;

Chnrles Metiler loathed false quantities',As much as falsa professions ;

Now Mill keeps order in the land,A magisirate pedantic j

And Medier's feet repose un->canned,Bctu-iitli the wide Atlantic.

Wild Nick, whose oath* mnde such a din,Docs Dr. Mnrlext's duty;

And Muilioti, w ith that monstrous chin,Is married to a beauty;

And Darrel studies, week bv week,His .Munt and not bis Manion;

And Ball, who w«a but poor at Greek,Is very rich at Canton.

And I am eight-and-twenty now.'l'h- world's cold chain has bound me ;

And darker shades are on my brow,And sadder scenes around me:

In Parliument I fill my sent.With many other noodles;

And lav my head in Jerrnvn-streot,And sip my hock nt Doodle's.

But often, when the caros of tileHave tot my temples aching.

When visions haunt me of a wife,When iluns uwnit my waking.

When lady Jane is in a pet,Or Hobby in a hurry,

When (.'uptain Hazurd wins a bet,Or Beafilieu spoils n curry:

For hours and bourn. 1 think and talkOf each remembered hobbv ;

I lone; to lounge in Poet's Walk.To sluvi r in the lobby ;

I wish that 1 could run awayFrom house, and court, nnd levee,

Where bearded men appear to-day,Just Eton boys, grown heavy ;

That I could busk in Childhood's sun,And dance o'er Childhood's roses;

And find huge wealth in one pound one,Vast wit and broken noses:

And play Sir Giles at Datcliet Lana,And call the milk-maids Houris;

That I could ho u bov again.A happy boy at Drury's!

.We ought now to skip a few pages ; buthow «an we pass by this ?

UTOPIA,-" I ean dream Sir,

If 1 cat well and »leep well.", , ,.

. The Mod tMvtr.Ir I eotilil st .ire the sun away,

No light should ever shine ;If 1 could bill the i louds obey,

Thick darkness should l>e mine :

Where' er my weary tootsieps roam.1 bate w hate'er I see ;

And Fancy builds a fairer homelu Slumber's hour for me.

I had a vision yesternightOf a fiirer hind than ibis,

When- Heaven was clothed in warmthand light,Where E trth was full of bliss;

And every tree was rich with fruits.And every field with flowers,

And every zephyr wakened lutesIn passion-haunted bowers,

t clambered up a lofty rock.And did not find it steep;

I read through a page and a half of Locke,And dill not fall asleep.

1 said whate'er I may but feol,1 paid whate'er I owe ;

And [danced one day an Irish reel,With the gout in every toe.

And I wi!s more than six feet high,Am! foi tunatu an! «i<<.

And 1 had a voi e of melody,And beautiful black evesMy horses like the ligliming went,-M\ barrels carried truiAnd I held mj tongue at an argument.

And winning curds nt Loo.1 saw an old Italian Priest,

Who ke without disguiseAnd I dined ». h a Judge who swore, like Beat,

All libels should be lies-I bought fur a penny a two-penny loai

Of wheat, and nothing more'1 danced with a female piii'oswph'or

Who was not quitu a bore.There was a crop of wheat whirh grew

Where plough was never broughtThere »a> u noble lord w'ho knewWhat he was never taught.

There was a scheme in the GazetteFor a lottery without blanks;

Aud a Pariiament hmj lat> ly met,Without a single Bankes.

And_here were Kim-s who never w*nt1 O cuff.- lor balf a crown

And Li.wve.r8 who were eloquentWithout a wig or gown:

And Statesmen who forebore to praiseTheir greyhounds and their guns;

And Poet» who deserved the bay?.And did not dread the dun9 ;

And Borough.* wer? houirht without a test,And nu man feared tlie Pope;

And the Iri*»!i cabins weie all pot-sensedOf Liberty ntul ?oan;

And the Chancellor, feeling very sick,Had ju«t resigned the seals;

And n clever little CatholicWn« hearing Scotch appeals.

There was no fraud in the pe-nal code,No dunce in tlie public school,

No dust or dirt on a private road.No shame in Wcllcsley Pole.

Thev Bliowecl me a fiffttrante, whose natu*

"Had never known di^rrnce:And n gentleman of spotless time.

With .Mr. Bochsa's face.

It was an idle dream.but thou,Belov6d one'. wert there;

With thy dork clear eves and beaming brow,White neck and lfoating hair:

And oh 1 had an honest heart,Arid a house of Portland stone ;

And thou wert dear, as still thou art;And more tluin own.

Ob, bitterness! the moraine; broke.Alike for boor and bard ;

And thou w ert married when ] woke,And all the rest were marred :

And toil"und trouble, noise and steam,Cuino da-k with coming ray,

And if I thought the dead could dream,I'd hang myself to-day.

.And fo of the twin of ' Utopia'.it wouldbe heedless barbarity to separate them

PALIXODLA.Not mine this lesson.hut Experience'*, winch taught it me.

There was a time when I could feelAll Passion's hopes and Pars,

And tell what tongues can ne'er reveal,By smiles, and sighs, and tears.

The days are gone I no more ! no more,The cruel fates allow-;

And though I'm hardly twenty-four,I'm not a lover now!Lady! the mist is on my sight,

The chill i* on my brow;My day is nicht, my bloom is blight,

I'm not a lover now!i never tnlk about the clouds,

I laueh ut sirls nnd boys ;I 'in growing rather find ol crowds,

Ami very fund of noise.1 never wander forth alone

I'pon the mountain's brow- j1 weigned last winter sixteen stone.-

I'm not a lover no.v!1 never wish to raise a veil,

I never raise u sigh,I never tell a tender tale,

I never teil a lie ;I cannot kneel ns once I Hid,

I've quite forgot my bow,1 never do as I am bid.

I 'ui not u lover now.

I tnuke strange blunders every day,If I would be gullnnt.

Take smiles for wrinkles, black for gray,And nieces for tlu ir aunt;

I fly from folly, though it llowsFtoni lips of loveliest glow ;

I don't object to length of nose.1 'm not u lover now!

The Alusc'a steed is very fleet.1 'd rrither ride my mare;

The poet hunts u quaint conceit.I'd rather hunt a hare;

I've learned to utter yours and you,Instead of thine and thou;

And, oh I ca n't endure a blue1 'in not a lover now!

1 don't encourage idle .beamsOf poison, or of ropes ;

I cannot dine on airy schemes,I cannot sup on hopes'

New milk 1 own is very fine,.hist foaming from the cow;

But yet, I want my pint of wine.I'm not a lover now.

When Laurn sinzs young hearts away,I 'in deafer than the deep;

When Leonora goes to play,I sometimes l'o to sleep ;

When Mary draws her white glove* out,I never dance, I vow.

Too hot to kick one's heels about''.I'm not n lover now!

I'm busy with the State uflkirs,I prute of Pitt iiiuJ Fox

1 ask the price of rnilroail shures,I watch the turn of stocks.

And this is verdure MournsUpon the withered bough;

1 save a fortune in perfumes.I'm not a lover now !

I may he yet what others are,A boudoir's hnhblitig fool;

The flattered star of bench nnd bur,A party's chief or tool.

Come shower or sunshine.hope or fear.The palace or the plough,

My heart ntui lute me broken here.1 'ni not h lover nowLady the miat is on uiy sight,

The chill is ou my brow,My Jay is night, tny bloom if blig. t,

1 'in not a lover now

.And now an old favorite in a different vein,to show lhat Praed could write otherwise than inepigrams. We think the following arc not gene-rally understood to be his by those who admirethem

TIME'-- CHANGES.1 saw her Ires lily fuirThat, lik'-1 a blossom just unfolding,

She opened to Life's cloudless air;Ami Naturejoyed to view its moulding :

Her smile it haunts my memory yet.Her cheek's fine hue divinely Blowing.

Her rosebud month.her eyes of jet.Around on all thoir light bestow ing :

Oh who could look on such n form,So noblv Iree, so softly tender,

And datkly clreutii thitt ^urihh stormShould dim such sweet, delicious splendor1

For in her mien, and in her face,And in her young steps's fuiry lightness.

Nought could the raptured gtizer trace

But Beauty's glow, and Pleasure's brightness.1 saw her altered charm.But still of magic, richest, rarest,

Than girlhood's talisman less warm,Though yet of earthly sichts the fairest:

L"pon her breast she held a child,The very iiiintie of its mother*

Which ever to her smiling smiled.They seemed to live but in each other:.

But matron cares, or lurking wo.Her thoughtless, sinless look had banished.

And from her cheek the roseute glowOf girlhood's balmy morn hud vanished .

Within her ey<«. upon her brow,Laj something softer, fonder, deeper,

As if in dreams some v isioned woHad broke the Elysium of the sleeper. ''

I saw her thrice.Fate's dark decreeIn widow's garments had arrayed her,

Vet bentitiftil she seemed to be,As even my reveries portrayed her;

The glow, the glance luul passed away,The sunshine, and the sparkling glitter;

Still, though 1 noted pale decay,The retrospect was scarcely hitter;

For, in their place n calmness dwelt.Serene, subduing, soothing, holy;

In feelins which, the bosom fellThat every louder mirth is folly.

A pensiveness, which is not grief,A of sunset streaming.

A fairy glow on flower and leaf.Till earth looks like a landscape dreaming.

A lust time.and unmoved she lay,Beyond Life's dim, uncertain river,

A glorious mould of fading clay.From whence the spark huii "fled for ever

I fares t was like to burst., And, as {-thought o! years departed,

The years wherein 1 saw her first,When sh.:-, a girl, was tender-hearted.

And, when I mused on later days,As moved she in her matron duty,

A happy mother, iu the blazeOf ripened hope, and sunny beauty.

1 f-lt the chill.1 tinned uside.Bleak Desolation's cloud came o'er me,

And Being seemed a troubled tide,Whose wrecks in durkness swam before me

.We must hold up ; but tho following; thoughexceptionable in mailer, must have room, as themoat finished and admirable verso in the Englishlanguage:

JuSEfHINE.We did uot meet iu courtly hall,

Where Birth anil Beaut] throng,Where Luxury holds festival,

And Wit awakes the <«ong;We met where darker spirits meet,

In the home of Sin and Shame,Where Satan shows his cloven feet,

And hides his titled name ;And she knew s-be could not be. Love,

What once she might have been,But rlie whs kiud to mo. Love,

J My pretty Josephine.

We did not part beneath the sky,As warmer lovers part,

Where Night conr-enls the glistening eye,Rat not the throbbing heart;

We. parted on the spot of groundWhere we first bad laughed at love,

And ever the jests were loud around,And the lamps were bright above:

" The h-nven is very dark. Love.The blast is very kern,

But merrily rides tr.y barque, Love.Good night, my Josephine

She did not speak of ring or vow,Hut filled tiie eup of wine.

And took the roses from her browTo make a w reath for mine;

And bade me, when the galr- should liftMy light skit! on the wave,

To think an little of the giftAs of the hand that gave

" Go gaily o'er the sea. Love,"And find .1 our own heart's queen;

And look not back to mf. Love.Your bumble Josephine !"

That gurlnnd breathes and blooms no muie.

Past nre those, idle hours ;

I would not, could I choose, restoreThe fondness or the flowers;

Vet oft tlioir withered witcheryRevive- its wonted thrill,

Remetiiber.-d.not with Passen'» ?;gb.But <ih! remembered still:

And even from your side, Love,And even trout thi: seen.'',

One look is o'er tiie. tide. Love,On*; thought with Josephine!

Alas yutir lips are rosier,Your uyts ol softer blue.

And I have never felt for herAs I have felt for you;

Our love was like the snow-flakes,Which melt before you pass.

Or the bubble on the wine, which breaksBetöre VOU lip the eja.-;;.

You saw these eye-lids w< t. Love.Which she has never seen :

But bid me not forget, Love,My poor Josephine!

.We can make room for no more: but thereader of Poetry who can afford to buy the vol.

ume and docs without it must have a differenttaste from ours.

COMMERCIAL AND 3IONE1 MA TTERSSales nt the Stocit Exchange, May -il.

10,00017 SS«, »S3.hi BO doMercbEscCo.... SWj"2.1»» .V V t>. '54.lute, t.'i d., Canum (\..M7,'JOU (.Hunts, oO.tell 1300 do 1!. <A.' do.MUH« Ml ,lo do.blOtS10.000 ilt.b'ju loo \\:u rio do.1*30(23.DU0 1I0.IOÖJ4I SO do d.\ß0 '-i .

5.ISJU Kentucky tis.'tii... l i| jo, ,,,, ..-. ,;-,

lO.tAi d,.UK Vit do Mohawk It. 5« ,

5,000IllinuitSpactal.4/ liuu du «I.l>iU 77g.WAI I ml .« nulluni;. . 45\1!|U,.| tie Harlem Itnl. ST.;2,000 do.4V,l;$io do Stunington.-i i5.ÜUU do.WO 4'i 50 do do.U90 53S.UOJ do.45 2o do du. i21.000 do.*5X||50 do Reading It.57ti.UtsJI'eiirisylvnniu in.... 77 tj do d.

10.UUU do.77', -jil d» d.i.Oi >20.UW do.77 .. 50 doXnavfcHartford S3l.tMJ d.btw 77\ 121 doN II Canal. 01

20.UW du.u3 77,'a 17j do Erie S313.000 d(.bW 7s j 4" do di.27-, do.btw 77J,' 473 d L Islonil Rrd.835.000» 78*41150 <lo do. vi 1

SOsnnSIanhattan Dank. 8% ISO do do.I»30 t'iHi,U do BkufAmerica... .1.» do Patcrson',HO doix-l. &Uud. 116 50 do Nor At Wor. bnw 73,'i25 do l'bemx liank.liu do 1*0.731U do Bunk of Coin.lull va% VJ ,!¦, do.1,13 7360 do do.scrip BS) im do do.bnw 7.)25 iiu.N'ATr. rio do.7. ..125 do do.iVa £0 do d.blO 7-.' ,

360 do farmers'Tr.42 50 do do.M51110 do do. 42l4 £0 do dn.bnw 72350 do do.sSO 42Sj »0 do do. 72 s

200 do do. 42.-.: 500 do ii. *-50 do d.b!0 422«l50 rio do.b:iw 72100 do Vicksbura Bk.¦' 2"> do <lt. 71';25 do Illinois Bank. -. 150 ii.i di. 71*,60 do do.b30itWil23 do do.bSO TUs

SECONn DÖARD.01.000X Y6s.'<!. 2» do d.»3 7445shr, X. V.and E Rrd. S5 *l 50 do d.73','07 do do... .88 2> do dn.73-a25 doXorit War....s3 '.;; 50 do do.... Monday 7425 do do.a ::>,'., m> do Reading Rrd .b» 58175 do 74 'li*J da di.57'..25 do 73\ loo do CantonCo.t.3

32.) do do.btw 71 25 do do.63\,50 do da.1.30 75

Public Stock Exchange, May SI,«1,000 Ohio Cs. '60.«3 99"412'i ihrsNi r& Wor. 721.000Illinois6s.'7u....h3 45 1«0 tl" do.en«h 72'.,4.000 d.b30 46X1225 do di.btw 72rs2.0U0 do.b3 45^1500 do do.btw 7:11.000 di.h3 45'j 50 do do.«20 724.000Keut'kvl4i. 'Tti.blwliM', .r« do do.e:.«h 72'

lOOklir-. Iirv Hoik Itk.b'U) 7U 2> do do. 72 .

50 do Vtcksbuie... eash Sii 23 do di.btw 7:'r,100 do Farmers'Tr. ca»h 48*4 50 doMohnwkR.,,.1 O't25 du do.-20 42 50 do do.bSO 7h26 do di.ra-n 42'.! 23 do do.i :7:167 do Morris Qinai cash 10 do Erie ltd.«10 23275 do Canton Ge..cask 63^ 10 do do.«in 96SO do do.rush 6' J 2i) d,» do.ut -j;75 do do. 64 7: do!0 2525 do do.M'J 23 do do.cask 250 do llnrlem l!nl...l»30 f4\\ S> do do.b3 2850 dol. l-liiml Krtleti-li 81 SO dn X II Canal... blO 7050 do do.bl5 82tg| S5 do do.stOCS100 do M'4i 25 ¦!<. do.«15 6425 doStoninfiton....bl5 5.') 60 tl.U'i > 125 do 52 J_


Cleared,Shin Cladintiir. Britton. London. Rrinnell, Mmtnrii Ac f.'o.FkrfaCondor, W ise, Ponce, PR. II >¦ utbmayd Ac Son; l«n-

liflla. Ite'm Neuvitas. Holt 4c Owen.Brigs Diploma, Five. Maiwandla,Nesmitfa k Walsh, Pio.

neer. Parker. Norfolk, V L. McCready &tCo; rseniiuin, bcull,do. do; Eveline, Walston, Philadelphia. Buck & Peters; MarySuiter. Saltcr, Parsboro', Soule, Whitney At Co.Sehn Industry (F!r| Mormon, St Johns, XI', T Wmniett:

Maiu-lie*ter, North, Richmond, Allen Ac Paxson: f'liallentje,Parkes, Philadolplua.

A rrlvetl.Brie Angora, Ffeb. late Mean*, 29 ds fin Tqbasco, logwooit,

&c. to .Ncsuiitli tvabh. Left ngs Captain, .lohn, just itrr;

Kleetora. ol .New t tattle, Peekard; «, hr (Ihnppell, of I lierrv-tield. Died at Tobasco, offever. .March 15, Captain-Levi T.Menns. lute master ofbrig Anporn, ,,i Elbworth, Me.

Seit« Townsend, Oram, !t ds in Cardedas, in<>li:-«cs, to JieobDram. Sailed in company with scbrs Peru for liostuti, Ktt-dolph (ot Richmondgehi Edward. Ii Paters, fm Machias. Iiiini,c.-. to J F Snow.Sehr Example. Sjmti«oti. Im .Mnelnn«, lumberSehr Claradon, tin Boston, mdse, hound to Albany.


Sailed.Ship< Queen of the West, Liverpool: Gladiator, London;

Natchez, Valparaiso; Soktn, Liverpool; Powbaiian, Sutien,Cnarleston; 'I'albot. Trieste; bark Henry, Keber, dn; hnpsPioneer. St Tl. John. Enders, Porto CabeUo: Aauvoo.St Juan Kn Keamtiu.and Otiten.

Memoranda,The brijs Marybtnd sailed from Canton on the 24tu Novem¬

ber, 1S43, bound to Mazatlan, and hn not arrived at the lat¬ter place on the 10th of April, hems 138 days out. Sixty day*is considered a luir pawnee.

Disasters. «fcc.The btitk Cowper, on In-r passage from Rnm-gate to Boston,

fell in xviib nnd buorded; t,n the i'6in of April, in lat. 43 1*.lone. 42, the wreck of 11 lumber laden brig, deck, topmast, amilower yards gone: lencrCin hername, and K X X Ens partof the place she bailed from, ntul the letters S I, T S T X HJ M A cut on bettatfrail: counter stove und full of water,companion way on itie larboard side of the iitintter deck..T.Mik Irnm hern small quantity ofrigsin: and a few blocks..She was covered with barnacles.The bng New-England, Weed, arrived atBoston from Mar¬

seilles, teports tlittt on the lb't.'i ult. when in lnt Ti 31. Ions 14u. passed ti vessel <>i about 300 ton«, bottom up; uppctired tohnve lieeu newlv coppered.Brie Andrew Kmc. ofLubec, nt Bermuda, from New-York,

w as estimated to be damaged to tbe amount of 51500; m«uredin NYork.

Spoken, AceMar 5, lot 20 15, long 52, scar Alpine, Irom Boston for the

\\ est Indies,May 7, oll" S;.tnl Key. litic Aüeino, from X't )tlet.::> io: (. i,

rttltar.May 11. lat30OS.Ions6320.ilupJohn*; Elizabeth, Miller,

ol nnd lor .\ London, from Nllolland, via S: Helena. 1-t Aprilwith 2300 bob oilJan 12, ofTSt David's l«!e, brig Wissabickon, Webber, from

Ball> for Amoy.To Mariners.

We am requested to s:iy, by n gentleman acquainted xviththe flirts, tl.iit the heft on the MoroCastle, at tnc tlavaaa, hasnet ret been removed, but will be removed on the receipt ofthe new lamp from Prance. [Philiul. Inquirer.

AVlinlcrs. &c.Art at NBedfordlSth inst «h:;>T«ilier. Indian Ocean, flo-

bait Town Jim 10. with full cargo, 1800 bbl. wh oil, and 11,5.0ilis. boneArr atNBedford I8th inst. ship Minerva, Macomber, New

Zi sod, via St CatharinesApril 3d, witli full cargo, 2420 wh,280spoil, and8000 Ms bone.Arr at New Bedlord ISth inst. bark Pioneer. Tallman, New

Zealand, via Buh:a, AprilS, full catgOj 15* wh, 240 oiland 7000 lie, belie.

THE MEUCHA NTS- FIRE LVSURAXCE COMPANYA -Otiiee Xo. 55 Wail «tre-t-.M..v 1-t. 1S44..<7apitaLS3CÖ.CW0.'1 Ins Company continue to ln-un? Dwelling House*.Mores, uercbondue, Steariiboats, and also Ships in t'e.rt, orwhile buildu g repairing, 1 [amsi '..r d ut age by lire, atthe lowc«; city r:i!e«,

LHIECTOKS.Nathaniel KKhaitb, ('liver Corwin,Joaathan Lawrenoe, John !.. Lawrence,Robert Chesebrouch, Charles X. Tuibot.laornat Lasvraooa, JamesG. Sttn erWilliam W. Fox. Josetih Hudson,l.eoree llarelay. Andrew p.-te' Jr.Jite.b P. Ctrand. ||. Ct nnellDavid M. Prall. nine.-11. t; rdou.Ephraim Uolbreok, Richardid. Lawrencelle.-n- K. Boeert, John W. LivingstonAnlnony C. Iti~«,rc, \Vnldr,,n It. Pus:M ^si'lro or, L'ibr'ei Wisner

Elws.-d P. Sanderson.NATH'L RirriARDS. Pres't.

m21m» A. H. MULLER. Sec'y.

THE HOWARD [NSURÄXCE COMPANY ncaine loss ardamage by tire and inland naviga-

tum. on tenus as favorable as any other similar itfciitutmn at -aeaty.

Capital. S300.000-Ofrice. No. 54 Wall «treet..

PlP.irTORS.R. Ilavrea. Caleb (). H-ü-ted, John Rankjn,Nakbl aylor. W'tlriun W. TodVl, Meies 1). Benjarrsin.J. Phillip* toaaix. \\ ilbam (hoch. Nail a.i Weclrunac (.. 1 .tc^er. B. 1_ VVoolley. Ferdinand Soydamߣ?rFS& M

J-B. V.-.mum. Henry G.TrwmrJson,John D. \\ oife. Michael Baldwin, Pete I.. Xeviui

Edward Anthi ny..R. HAVENS, President.

Ltwis Pnin.;?-. r --,

jOHOVEIjS it SPADES-'...., ;,. priced articleO tor sale by MI RDOCK, LEA V? T Ar. ('(>.

mil_27 West ttrcet.k MER1CAN PIG CROX.-Fi rty five too, No 1 Km P .

V Iron, v.ry stricte. t-T ^le in lob to stnt ;ittrehafers. be«<w_, CASS Ai WARD. .No. 71 Broad street.

RACi- AND C\XV.\SS. \\ kite and Colored, wanuai focash at MtwUfaCtnts*rs' pne^, by

aaJO 6m GAUNT «. DLKIUCKSOX. 159 Soulh-su j

BEAUTIFUL COCNTRY RESIDENCE AT AUjTION.-tfl.:! .'.!..<! 501 - ml pftrtlt- sale. I

sal -ruberwill oil; rat public aurtuMi. nn Sati-mri?. the i«t m

.f J.|iw:ie-,t,nn the pr-i. the pl.t re lately .- re 'ic,,

hiinwlfat Norn alls. Fa tf-WI'..otitr. I ..nncrt rut. IIb; I n

. f two rtorie«, with n ha-enent. modern hoi", vreil »"r-.:-<

and fiimulicd wrihevery coavantcTicc. The *'f'1.' :"" r''i'-

building* aro t-«ir!y ti-'-v and well arranged. ."".¦".comprise oo* acteandn half, intbehiebe»« .-uRivati.-r

jded m: .h gnrc.«n ana lawn, rot mio-w-d v.-Ui tbecl-oicrs

of fruit nvl ru-nsnjcntal tree and a great variety¦ nr«hnibf«eryTbc starden ii enclosed be one of da; mwl beanölnl bawttM»

Hr.!;.- ;n ! -i. r.ap.t-j-. N , pa'n«'ir«;««-p«e bn>-' Ken -pare

to make etiie place ~ ctrnrecient mil tasteful renoaace.Norwaft is about three bona »ml rrr.m tins ritr. ami lor to

b-nntv fiftts i.i;::rrr. tbe salabrjtj ofiu arr. and tbeexr^lien.of iUscbni:«.unsurpassed by any town on :j>« roost I.

fine.temier fi.t :n leave,th-.rate forNorwa.a(Wy aitetwen

at 2 o'clock, -rtunii--..- at 7 i/cJneJs the next morning.

Abi>.Forarde at the eune time ami place, twatty «pannn

bonding Lnf, m-t elig.-i'y and l-eautitidiy aitmite-i, aim',one imndpvl r .'a from Norwnü bridge. The conditions ol lit

abneesafe will be "imie a, reedrable n» any purchaser r.a:

r.-i-h I'..r tu:t!ie- if ¦<:;-~ pi I-. n. the .iib«er;iicr.

_.Ä tltj-_JliMO. T. AUSRWIN. 13 Waterstisnrt--

APER MILL FOR SaEE..Will be? wUat Mbbcaue, m, withoal reuen the bixbesl bolder, on W eiiiienWydtetweffUi day ofJune next, at*} o'clock P. M. on the ptemi<esan externure paper manutactory. three giaid due'ins huu>e«

bam. nnd about ;h:rtr .-eres of land. The buildings were

erected « few yeari - -e b>- the VVestheld Paper Mill» ( an«

have l».-en ahvars used and occupied for paper I are now :!'ered tor iale in svtt.emenl oftne estate

ofthe Inte Mines Ely, deceased.The-Ci.-' ir-t advantiureon«. being within about two

m:h- (mm the flourishinc ei llage of WotrieM. two milesfromthe Hnmpden nnd .Nee.- Union r.,a il. :.: d :w.> rn:!>r« Iren. trie

Western Kailr.k-.i!. which leenres are»ss ta both Boston ami

New Yntk at nil seasons oftba year; The nail has rouria-

rrpe». nnd the mncliinerv is ol moderrvstyic. I'hc terms .rill l<

!i!-ml. will narticnhirly nnnounrrd nttbc tm-e«1 «a!j.

Eorfn therpartisolnc. ALFELD FOST.Now-Mtrrh. N. V.. ..r ECUKNE T'!.V. 71 Fulton 'tree; New

Voik city. Execntora ofMares Ely. dee-*sed or of I Ion. P.

ludSE or N. T. LEONARU. Eso. VVecticld. Mass.; or

fVl.l S W. M;;!.!>. N .. ili.r:u:.r ¦'¦¦:>, .Ve«-'io:k.mT :Jei2. » A RARE f.'! \N<T.-AT AI.'tTI« »N.-fSe>'m1.'-.CJe'a srnir'r K ill «eil at pubhc auction, nn tl^ preinbes. on'¦i-'- \:o- ,i iy. thin! ilaj fJui ext. at 10 nclock A.

nie idcrioaiit and very desil il le >l .». irmany rears own.

eu an.: ..reu -d by Ii the Vorfi-Essf ctirrerol Man¬

sion .-. a! \t ashinston Streeti. in the "i ill ir- nt Pmishkeepaic.witinn a lew n«b ofilain street. ':ho central and partoftheVilln theronn Hi tse.Viilar:eHalIandlivoChurch¬es, wdhin sieht.the Lot-beinc seventy eight feet Innit on

Wnshineton drret. and one hundred and fifty feet on Mansionstri-i. tlic gMuials being-filled with bearinc Fruit I n-e-oi ui-

tno»t every i:.^.-ri[>:i..n.Rasberry. Gooneherrr. and Currantbu>hes, ai d t.'r Vim s. ar.d n very esiensive variety ol omn-

mectal treo.. Shrubs. Buslies Vines. Bulbous, Flower Rosit.1.Flowers, tc. 4cr. i m the premisesn -mnli and verycsinvc-niect Dwcllmc Home. " :h a fine brick Erstem, and a condand heitine Well of Walen coverci hv a le-niitilul Iemplo.calcul Oed to receive Ihe Shrubs and Flowers, ihirun; the rfuni-inrr Season, from tbe Green House on the prem»es. Ar?<>r«.tec: tie- location r»sinc on the >:reet leadine from New.York to

.\lbaiiy. tbroiigh the Village.contequently a thomughiire nt

aii m-.-i>..n- o! tha year, fi r plertsire. n« ueij n> one

of the finest, most pleasantand beaahy streets in the Villace.Al*», nt iIk- same time and place; the only two vacant Lot.,

upon the Es-t vale ofWnshineton street", bctss-cen the nbosc

property nnd Mam rtrect. tbeCots heingcach thirt7-fect ftonton said stre*t. rnui one hundred nnd forty seven feet deep.thetitle iiuh.pntnble aial Urins easy.made ki own or, the day of

sale.DAXL W. BE \!>LRNo. C3 Washington street; Poiichkecp ie.

Marlith. n:],'»iiw,ullJ3VV&S*_ ¦s_j GI.ASS FACTORV AND LANDS F-ol SALE..

«aV.<3v The Property known as the Beech Wood, Gin a

i'söjf ji Works ia simated in Wayne: County, Fer.n-ylvainn.near Honcsdaie. at I ... i. nl the Üciawars nr.d IIa.' a

Ciuial. It conai.-ts of about i"> seres ol pus d Ijitid. and nil t.;e

bu.Mings iicecs-nrj for an establishment of this Irta!. amuust

which are.A larceGlnss-llouse; Flattening.i.'uttinc. Mixinc.Cruidiiis and Dry ng Houses: Blacksmith's Shcp; nine iPa^land seven I indul'erenl Dwelling-Hcusci; St»m. Bams and

Stable The lunmce, flattening; calculinc and drymtr isvctt*.

all on the mo t improved plan, are in perfect order. There is

abundance id the best quality id sand on or tniir thepremises, a Inrie ouantity of.'dry wood In the yard, and, a

niinnt.ty of mix ng materials in tbe Nlutüig-Rooms. 'i'iieWork, are at present in operaUon.These are tbe only Glass Works witinn a wide msinn of

country, nnd have ., ready market in the neighborlMsnd lor nilthcGlass diey ran make. Indeed, the location possesses ninny

peculiar advnnttigcs, and ii believed Ui be one of the best lorthis business .a the country. The whole will be told nl a lowprice, nnd a part of the purchase money may remain on bondand mortgage. Part ofthe above Land liennr convenientlydivided into öü acre lots, nnd being suitable lor farming pur-iMiaes., will he sold seuarate from the works, to suit purchasers,Apply to GEORGE J. CORNELL, -I Wall-street, New-Vork: or VVLLLL-VM GREELE, on tbe premises,opij lawflw

Äaftlf'E CREAM GARDEN TO LET OK i_,LEASE..The Home and Gnrd« i. No. 4S£3*llowery, npposito the Bowery Theatre, known JlÜSi

n« l.cir\ Garde*..tbe flxtores and «tork of the tame lorsale. Tlie above otters a favorable opportunity to any one

wishing to go into the business. Immeiliete pinsession riven.Apply at No. 117 Hudson-street, or 130 Water st mil! l-.v *

a _j Tf» LI'.!'.A loft on 21 floor, a very desirable locationv...*"** leerltcioi-. .'vt.p'v on ii:e prein - r.,

JC^_ mSO'it SAME PIERCE, 117 II. kmrtn-st

y_j. in «I.MS 'I«i LET..A ifeRghtrul .:> i "f rt- lor i

"'Sf centlenmn and lady or tor liusle gentlen an, may beJjjjlK,bad nt eiJ Broadway, with a lumuy c,«Mj ..| m

t«o ;,, rs.,n«. mySI 7f

TO LET..ilioStore N... art Rowerr which *i!l he

f..-.-?*"* modeniixed and improved .¦. lull agoodlennot. TheJKä£<>re hrulieen occupied for ... any yirann« a alothingana tailoring establishment* >t wWlecldcep and hasa goodbasement-room about 21 feet deep, the entmnee to which canbe coven. I with Hal doc rs. Tb., location is one ofthe best..Apply to J. S. Reynolds, No.'" Biiyard»t._r.pü tf

s.s AT PRIVA I'E SAI.C-Tbc I of ground85feet by'5 feet coveresl with a three story brick building-.

'i_knov a r.« I'd i Ihurcli ." .:..res n Leonard andAnthony streets, ereeled about I- inonlhf, nnd let to goodtenants. For i<art culurs, npply to

AN I'HONVJ.BLEECKER ik C(».ml*'No. 7 Brand street, near Wall street.

i FQR SALE.A Farm.of 75 acres, in the count; of.-r't Middlesex. N.J.M miles from South Amboy rini!*J

Ji"^d| miles from the II ilroud; 1'hcre is on die farm a giMMlfiT'-e. Ram,And ii houses. 3 Apple Orchards, and oti;.-rFruit Trees; The Farm will l*?so!d cheap, and inuMdratepo*^se-sioii siv-en. For particulars, appty to G. Schiffer, cor. 2davenue n»! äOth-street, A letter directed to A. nt this ullioe,vvllHe- attended to. tnyiu Ira

s_s FÖRS \l.!:i.\-t'|t|'< ITViiFNIAVAIIK-A hoc .?

f...-.»> -:-.d 2»..aer.: l.a, .-. s.:u-,;«l in South Bnmdst,-1?ÄJÜ£*LTiat'Hou-e r!iS leet deep, 3 - storlc bighivviia Tnr.iu piazza tue .rar. nndwcl! hnishied ihrtHightiet.Also, vit"- seal>!t>. Fnn* Trees, fce. attached In Ihe nreinn

Far further particulars, inrjuira ol ISA v'" \'ICIIe>£i>, cot

of William md WrutagliMt2reett,orof; WILLIAM PAUUraithc pK'ioisis.. I ^. am"

s^ji SIMPSON'S IIOTEUr-Tbo snljseribcr tcmlers hisferrfj) thank*to his [r -i..:. it .¦, p f-.r tl..- l:ls»ra I na'rop-It'jj- -j iu.v rc -eived at bisokleatable !,:net,t in Main *..->..::. n il

liec- in inlorni them that he :ia« removed therefrom to his präsentdeamble hotel. No. .M.arki . street, « hich has l«^n thorough;hr renovated and enlarged in all ils.varwusdcparUnents, 'i'ofamilies, and gentlemen Uesirons ofa cbmfortnlili resiliencein a

oinei and central situation, witn all ii.Ivantages nfa privatedwvlbag-houso, the preaentlocation oller« every toducemenLTbeparfnnand bedrooms an- nity and convenient, and theterm- sin-ii as cannot foil to p!.«-.-e. ALANS! IN SIMPS* >.\.Pougbkeepjie. Ma) Sth.loH. my9Sn

jrcA HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE..Tbe two storyffVrtgt liouso nr.d 1 mi at1 Iranee, E'se.x (lo, N. J. situated in

lt',"-,j ine in-.-1 pleasani par: ofthe v illage, within three min.utes walk nl tl - l»:..,tthe Monis ami Essex Railroad n:n-

ninir fr..m Morhsti wnto New-Vor!,, and within three hnndr .1yardsol thePnrkHouse. The II.lusacontains five room- b?»nie the lieilrooms in tbeattie. with a good kitchen and well ofwater. Aho^aeood barn attached to the premass. The bitcontain- "w-rOOtlis ofan arre in a good state of cultivation,with n variety ofthrit tree«. tee. &e. proneity will I*sohl low. 'I -rn-.' nude easy un.t piisseanon given launediotely.Apply to W iluam .'. Baldwin, or Jarnos Ii. Ilnlsey. .*> or iWMarket -ire: t. Newark. N. J._ 'nilS Ivv*

VT PRIVATE SALE..AalesirBble Cottaee situatedin limn..'onstreeC'in the rubre of Puughkeeosie..

-..'I'be cottage ittb'leet front bv 4J feet deep, built ofwo. 11 illicit in with brick; the ban-usent and aitie tiin<!icflthrougliollt. Tbe first or prineiia I »tory u finished ui theniiMir-a style, has fmr njarliHJ mantels; and is divided into twoparlors, three bx^lriKims, hall, closets, tkc The lot i» 10» leet

front by about #«l fi-et deep. I,'i» ml uflsiirp!i«>eil lor eanleitiuspurposes. The house, fences, tec, are all eutir lv new and no

expense has been spared to nmke it n desirable residence t..rngenteel liuiiuy. From the observatory there is a beonliful umlcommandingnew of the village and surroupdine conotry ; intlie libation are combined the advantages ofcountry air withntraniet«t.itlieelnirrh-.-4,,. -t ottice. markets. ÜtC Aihawmaand cronnd plan of the property ran lie aen ut the oiliecnfthe auctioneers, ol wiiom lartbcr partienbtrs may he obtained.Possession can be had immediately. Apply to

AN PHONY J. BLEECKER i O >¦m21 Ivv No. 7 Broad street, near Wall >:n?et.

NEIVBURGH SUMMER RETREAT.-The nibsenber would respectfully inform the public that !.:>

_,l!oii«e is now open for th- reception nfsuchasmaywisii to eamy tbu advantage ofa cool and healthy nlrnosphere.The house is larre and comtmaliotis, and pleasantlysituated onthe Academy iisll, within five minutes walk of the sleambuitlanding.The prospect is one of the nrbost on the Hudson River, ab

lording an utiohstructed view <d the enure Newburgh Bay. a

fine view of VVesI point, the Highlands, nountains, scenery,steamboats; ter.Families or s.n.'le persons can be accommodated with board

bytheday or sveekata teasoaable price. Foi further particu-bir<. inquire of Richard Wanes, Esq^ti Beavei irteet. New

York. L P. IX i|X;E.Newburgh. Tony>>.!., l^il. nwtjyl*

«_j THE NEW-ENGLAND lüM'SE-Tl.e mbscrilier<:rrr-> w- nld inform tbe public that he ha- taken the NEW.}.¦¦. j ENGL INI) HOI j-E. N...Ü1 BROAUWAY.i hieb

bai Been put in comt' te f air.The New-Engla d Ifouse, situated next d.-*>r above t'ie

Truuty Church, wim.Hanurneroua pleasant parlorsand loti?-ins risinis. cirinot tint'¦. p-nj e tip.-e New-York,eitiie.- lor pleasure or on busim v.

To remedv crest uicoaxemencd by hoxanffstated fi.ved boutster meals, and to accommudtite Iiis cut cttsUimeR, the sob-scnlur gi\e« notice that his brge nnd delighthil IftxiNLOON will be coietantly o|ieti tr..:nd o'clock A. M.tiil l'J ..'-clock i'. SI. during the week: and from 6to8o'clock A. .'.!.nnd troin 12 to - at noon, and from j to 7 P. M. on the Sabbathand that he wdi iunu*:i meals at all times as they may be de¬sired.

leslrintrs will be fiirrii«hed. Without lionrd. and meal. will,in ail cases la? cliarst.l according to the articles and quaatityonlered, which will ap> ar bj the Bill of Fare.TheNew England House will be managed on the strirte,»

principles of uoni^ranre: and the especial rum of tbe -iib-.-'i-ber will always be tu parui.-n a quiet and couif irtablo V home"for the stranger. p WIGHTNew-York, April 12, ISM. tnlS lw-

VAl.FABI.E PROPERTY AT TARRVTOWN For Sale.MrUE noilemgoed offer for sale the |ircniUL-sj«£:-.

lately occupied by Caleb Wilder, deceased, «3w.- the easl bank ol tbe Hudson, about 38 mDes _' ,L-Inun the City ,,f New York, adjoining the village ofTarry-town on the South mal Rrrininntnwn on the North, consist-ins of about ICOacreaofexcellent land under n good stare ofealnvan'oo, vvith plenty of timber, about 10 acres ofAppleiir.-harJ m fall beannc, and r. variety of fear«. ChernesPimm. tec. together with Shrubbery and fancy Fruits ofd tTcr-ent kiuJs m abundance.A larre portion ol said premises eanttnands a benut^ful view

pftba Hudson river, nnd from iu location betxeeen two thriv¬ing vulages. and the Albany i'iet road paasn . thmughmight he hud out into small tots nnd >o!.l readily, or ..iild l^.riiv.dcd a< to make several delightful locations for«. being in tbe immediate vicinity of S bouses -if» r-

bip otduTerenl detmnunabons, the Post Office, and landing>hcestrotn wa-ch p y two «.'eainlioa!- .i.-.i.y, raid revcral niai-xettng-t easels on dmereni daj, of the week.TheKneik -vh tonn« the North l.r.eot the Ferm tvasthe

stream where Major Andre'., borne was at Uie time ofhis nrn>t.

,,rcaoi. Appir l-tt-rv-,

U. te J. T. TAP.-Cl/IT. 7ti Santa «t

mrlf cor. Maid-n Lane,

«gn.-:: SALE-A Tann ..für, «.eres pleastmUy s,ti.c:r,lVCr. -ta:.-.-. ::>.'.«...., in South Brttsssviek. N. .1 r-v

-ja^tfieNew . orkond PWadclphta Kiulroad. Simile, from.irll Stirs, .a^-1CCh"lll.e.inn

V (tnone tit« sack & p7-i^!i Pedigrees. The tarm ig -.

q" re ofM. PALMER ^11 MeS' "' . "'

v^'-m*_A. P. SMITE. 83 Ubtrtf-tt:].;:¦ :-;'

mW UURDOCE, LEAV11T i. COlsnVestrt.


Eve Iis Ijcefrorn the 5«i> of Cour*>.nHt «'re«t. direct.Tb* n let ALBANY. Capu K. B. Maey. This Bven-

V: ...-'- SW UXOW. Car*. A. McLean.'ii* .it 7 o'clock.BT/-J ... R oj titi« owit-lo their light draught ot

«roter, re bJ stall time*to pa>» tint bars, ami reach Albanyand Trot in smpie time to taue the Morning Tnuns ol Car.

tor the Kastor West. .

.--j-i... !.; jage« or Freight apply on board, or atthe Offices

or: the Wharves. 1 "«.'

^ 1- i r- ALBANY DAILY LINE. FOR AL-w. !-,:'¦>. \--\ \SD IN rERMEDI VI f..n. V

..."'"7*?." t".-.'i| riI8AMERICA,'Cnr>t M. U. Tnt. Vh.-;l.will leave the Sti tmboat Pi tr, toot .¦! Rotor-sco-st, '1 HIK.--li \V Ml IRNIXU, Mb; 23d. at 7 o' Por passage npply on hoard. m33

« r- te NEW EVENING LINE FOR ALBANY." .-._i.Fnre *1.U.i:c,-tlt»s'Jcetit«..The new an.!j .r^'/rr^. , NEW-JERSEY, Cap-

tain Ii \ ritrev. v.:! ive :.-t ol Barclay-stiee*.north nd.WEDNESDAY EVENING. May 15th. at .

o'clock. Reeular days from-New-York Mondays, IVedncsdays and Friday*;.from Albany. Tuesdays, Thursdays undSururdui*. .


, ',.1The NEW-JERSEY has been rebuiltand retnodeled, and

littcd up in the Im»: piissibie manner; She has a large numberof elegant sLite-ruumva tarseand commodious pranieuaue-deck a l.«d Saloon m Ui steeping accoinmodabons lor l'hj

I per-oti", extensive nnd airy cabins. Altosether, she hin

: nrcoioinodalH for nearlyTW.persons. Hcrdruughtof water i« light, «u thai she able to cross the liar, witn.

out detent ion or transhipment._wK»-I W7V



VbU-^r .:i.'- --,1 HESTER, Cant. Wm. II. Mellen, loot»I Ce ar treet, o Mondays. Wednesdaysand

I i-v'öiiy. at .j P. M. connecting at Hudson with the Hudson andBerkshire Railroad : (theenrs ofw hieb leave on the iirm.-il ojthe !....- ts.i nnd learing Hudson on Sundays. Tuesdays amiThurxlav-s nt P. M. or on the arrival of the curs, touching ench

j wnvni the intcmicibctc Inntlincs. Tickets through to I'itts-! tielil -J.' 40 nnd to West St< ckbridgo fJ.

For freight or pa'-nge. iciply on Im-inI or to

ST( M >Rs i. STEPHENSON, 90 West st.

This bust has been thoroughly overhaul-n. and her accotn-at id itiol ii iprorod as to be equal to any boat on the river,

1 an additional number of State Rooms baving been added. m

This bunt tows no barge:._nil i


T Jt; ___^vNEWBURGII.Laialint at Coldwell's.W.3»- 1'. iL»» i r--Point, ildsprtng and I 'ornwall.""¦'¦ ¦ant"!."..".: Hlt.HLANDER. Cant, R. Wardrop. will;. ,v. the pser fool '.l Warren si. every Monday. Thursday nndSaturday at -1 o'clock; P. M.

Returning, will lean- Newhureh every Moinlay utt''-., A. M.and Tuesday and Friday St 5 P. M.For Irettrlit or passage, ipply to the Captain on beard. Bug-

jm.'e and freight nfSudeiarriptkatas] hunk !i:IL< or specie put mi

boa rd must Im at the risk of owners thereof, unless n bill ofbi-d'i'2 or ri eemt Ist «icned for tlie same._uü

j aa. r- n l'"R NEWBI RUH.Larsoi'n» at CaH-l i ~ -1.< tvell's, W.-<t point. Cold Spring. Cornwaii,

. : -77=- .. p.C.tli !.a .!,.,..i itj VS. DIS< IN.' 'apt Cbst. Haktead. will

leave Warren street pier every Tutaidayaiid Friday nrt*niiK>n nt

4 o'eksck.All BHCgsge, Packatrcs or Pan*!*. Bank Hüls or Specie, put

oti lH*a,-.l this bout without being etitced on the book or receipt¬ed for, must be st the risk of tncowia»rs thereoC mhlär= (0 i Mi MINING IW»Vf AT SEVEN A.'.M.-

-i.^i < >R PEEICSKJLL, VjcarLAtn k's'Grj.»

I'nna's i'-hk.. ILvsnrsOS and YnjtKaiti. Brerdtfiut ami|i -rt...-.r,| _|he new and iplendtd steamboatCOLIJ3L-III S, i ':.;.':».,i William H. Fmxoe, will leave New York fromthe loot ofChamber« «ir et eveiy morning nt. seven o'clock,Pridu] i excepted..Keturninc, leave P<-vk-kül »nnieduy nt I- -

o'clock. !'. M. egcept Suiiil. y. when «.'ie will leave l*eek»kiil at

Jo'el.n k P. M. I. ii nr ai the f-ot of Hammond strtC. eachway. Freigld taken t:t reduced rates.Ji'otfct.All goods, freight. Irnggtisc. bank billj. s|iccie. or

an] .i ind of uToperty, tnkeu, ..hipped, or put mi board tinshor.t. lutisr ho at tl,e ruli of the ow;:eri OlSUCn foods, freight,baggage, üc. m3

« : t. RÜJIMER ARRiUNGEMENT.._ ", NEV. VKK aial NEW-YORK..Fare only.sir..v.i*^-. I- eats.The new and swift steamer

RtaJA Bi HV, Caiit. John GnUyl on and niVr Monday, May13. will run as follows:

L e n i .. N e w a r k , Leave N e w -Vor«,foot of Centrest, fbotol Barclay st,

i.t7:. \. M. sail 1 .. P. M. it b! A.M. and4 P.M.,ON SUNDAYS.Leave Newark at S A. M. and J P. M.

and New-York at 10 A. M. ma! 4 p. M.Freight carried very reasonable rotes. .1 Jni

-'. .us*. 1 .i/.':/'/: .//../.-.L\V;/:.i;K.%"/'-FfiR;.- « j MIDDLBTOWN UOSIIEN t\p ivi-hkmek-

& sTt plackn..NEW YORK A .Ml ERIE RAIL»AI».-The new and splendid steambot.t

El ICcKA. Capt. Alexander H. Sbultx. leaves tha t'u.t ofDon le street, daily, ISundays excepted.) at 7 o'clock A.M.,

i and 4 i'. I.. paasing-the m -t beautiful scenery ol the Hudsontiver, i Piertnoiit, wlntro passengers take the commodious curs

oft!..'Co. thronch the 'picturesque ralley ofthcKninnpu, toGoslten, Miitilieinv.nce.

Itcttrrnine. leave 5li<tdlctown nt6 A. M. and 4 P. M.Passengen by the Morning Line can remain from three to

bur hours «: (to-hen and Middletown, und r.itttrti to tha city atSo clock the mm evening.D3P Families and Pleasure Partie« will lind tili.« the itto«t do-

lightful Excursion from ibecily. Theears are unusually com-modions iiHii have spartment> appropriated expressly to ladies.For fnitaer juartieubirs, inquire <il'the Captain onboard, or

ot j, V AN acut, comer f Dunne nndWast -treet. if, c. SEYMOUR. Superintendent,Passengers lor Oweao, Btnghampton, and lUI the principal

plneesiii the Southern Counties af the State of New-York:andnorthern Counties ol Pennsylvnnb. will find first rate stagesa ml cnrelul driven to take them from .Middletown cheaper ni.dmore expedtcisiua than in.y other route. ir:3

.MAVA.tUk AND HARLEM RAILROAD( >MPA n Y..SUM M ER ARK ANG EM ENTS.-t in and alterMay 1st, l*A4. the Cur- will run us

Hall for Harlem. Leave Harlem Leave Wms. liridrePonlnaju tktvms. Bridge. tbrCityJJuU. for City Hnil.

t= on A. 51. :i 3(1 3 i»i A. M.I " 7 !0 7 lv "

8 S 50 8 SI "

8 " 9 40 H 2Uit " io -u) id -a ..

1 P.M. 1 .£> 1 P. s|..i, 2 40 2?j '.

.S "3 40 3ä> "

44 -»» 4 206 5 40 "

If " r> 4t) « -J)77 -f) 7 20 "

rm Riindon, it the '-.wither is fne, the Curs will run everyhiin: in n Hall 'ojiurlem and Williams' Bride«.

1 he tBall and 27rl, «treet Eine will run every ten minutesthrough the day, from 0 30 A. M.toS Sol*. M.The Evra -nt Lirte will leave27th street forCity Hnli.nt

- '. »30 10,1030. U. II 9». Leave City Hall for 27th street,at9, 930,10. Julio, 11, II 30, 12.

By onier of tue Board.a303m \\ M. S. CARMAN. Sec'y.

«^staaa. MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILIi« »AD.-SCM-I.0 71 MER ARRANGolKNT.Commencing Tues-

jgr^^. day, April2.1M4._Leave NewVork. I Leave Newark. I Leave Morrisown.8 o'clock A-»I. » o'clock A. M. 7 o'clock A. M.4 < P. M. I s z

- P. M. I Z^i " P MI '1 his road Ims been recently relntd with a heavy iron mil ofthe. Pattern andunjnv'inaporfact order. New nnd splendid1 ':r"1 ttr ., -. five been placed upon tsesame, whichtorsaWya: c 'tnkirt are unsurpassed. Travelers for Morru-lown, sciiooiey s Mmintum nnd 1. iston, or liclvideie, < knvesoNctvt-jn. >l-.h:.oik;, Hover. P'ir>ippany, Rockawayand It-.Ts!enrulge, will nnd tha the most >ale aud expeditious of am-other misle oi conveyance,

1 "-rs w-,,|,u;e tr. go South will arrive at Newark intune lor the r-iiiiv kiiduii brains, and at New-York m time fori>* -'. N'.rtii ihui East, nt . o'clock.

ii. tha present arruigwnsntt, «ix hours will be afTor.!»«! to

Ktaw* lesil "r ,,,el!-''ljr'!. 'n New-York, and lour m Mor-

...;-" 71 ePars of .In« Company run through fr-jm JerseyCity to llomstown. thin avoiding the delay and inconvei. ern eeonse meat upon a diansa ot Cnrs.


At4Loclock. PJit At5oViock.P. w".

:\,?..y:ock p M I mS&

PACK'S L?kt AS!e t^POOL LINE OFtvtJs..To sail from New Yorkon the tith and

irom Liverpool on the 21st of earj momh.From N-w 'fork. From Liv'p'L

New ship ASIIBIJRTON, ^I't-n' fOct 21U08 tons, Henry UutrJeston Sf}"- b' {Feb. 21

f ¦'u> 8 fJu ie 21Nan ihip PATRICK HENRY 15 l An». 21K-.O tons. Jus. c. Delano, t\t°V' a


Ship INDEPENDENCE, Ia0«-8 [Sept. a8»totis.Ezm Nyc. v O»*. 6 <Jan. 21

r -vtntl b* (May 21SlupCEO.WASHINGTON J,nili SJ"!>'IW tons. Ambrose Burrows,

' 19«. « jJNov. 21r .-;e-iii..ft!, era °,m,mJ]:{fJi

'.'-... .'-..d.lailK.tots, -irre:. .: ,-0-ieMI,.Jy fl-,,',-!"' !' -. mm. .,... :., "-., 1'-

of -.gef.oui New \ .et to Uverrsool :¦ 5100. and iV.'.r'-. » .v-er, New .nr,i:.,..uclu.i.ns,u,resand beÄ^S^

u^'^^^K^'" n,i^,';v''e^, wiH be respntbiiile for any i..t.

a^k^A^S^ uaic*,W5Mrm * Mtr«****& GR4NNELL. MINTi'KN & CO.. 75 South st.

<T~ J ''\\ l..!Vi..!U''M"»Lrl'A(:LEP.")F JI NEgZZ?1:'1 ":- P G£ IRCE WASHINGTON. F. P.S5SSL.-«. M er, m sailas a love, bei n rularday.Cor ireiirht or p.-isi.-iire.huvma sujveri..t accoiu::.odat.omr.appbon board, foorot Maiden Lane or to


i.Ki.NNEl.!.. v|\T( |;v t fjo. 78 South HENRY. J. C. LÄSl^r

'.' .:.1'+'.. u ashiiistoo, and «ail July 6th, her rt>mlJ

DR vn3 . N ENGLAND. HcEI.ANU. «rx.Per-:;-rr'-'V'.'-i:'-.'!iierii it ng asusej totbeii friends inthe "Old&^\:'-'Jr¥'-e-l "r-'l3 M,mJ"d n:t1' drall, u, stuns of A'!.trii . 1

*".oi any nmoiint. payableon deinand

"S i~ ¦.' ,'oVr}' t"-"1tliroinrhout Eticlr.n.J. Ire-- ... .-. i.'.Iaiid. and \\ a)^ which Draft, will V- ihr« nr led

i e 1 acket ot Iltn. lt;h. 21-t. or 26th. or the Royal Mailr tcr.nicr. whicr. Ituves Boston on the I.t of .luae, .n ni i.lica

AMfisw General Rung* ( »Sooth ,l. comer .\i.-^cn.N. B..A Ictttsrt from loecouuiry must cuise postpaid.

COM.' COAL'-Atl kinds nt Summ-r prle»- let sale in

atiaaÜXm to nut P"^^j^ .No. l'JT Autli.nv «t. rear Hrns/lw?.

mHECOAL OFFICE. .\... U» NnjMH«m«C (T/ m«

1 Rnitlitir. oPDOsitel ify Had. '«' :"!. where I.,,:

[purchaser*. Order* re-ysK-tfiilly solire-d. ^ R ..^y,,.

S/V^ n.Vv r.,.-..,v,,,.. Iota r mppl*Jo'the nreaent

rev "i "-vl ¦inn*! Coal, winch thtry um-r .-.t'-*'« IöhMowixui re

!F.uu.M g ^rton. ^rcr*!.SS»v".4!^ <io

¦i'f1"- s» <.<.

Orders received ni that for* "> Ktm. \ ork.C"ornerofBcai h *sn H km- ?ts.

.. Kinu jmi GaaBjnvii a." GnvaaxKUIt Si if amu Front it.

In Brooklyn at 113 Adam* si. andCorner ofStats asp rir.M.v-r st«.

Ah»nt theirBant, corAVilham und Fine st*. .V *¦ myt in,

CO M, Cil \l.'.Superior Peach < irrhnrrl Hol A-h Con!,from the Spoon ww Salem veins.Egg «n>l Broken. £a:

Store 34 75: .Nat. H a0, well .rreemM. weighed by a e,rT

weigher, and delivered, cartage tree, to any part ol the city.. at the raid. eor. ofGlWnWtcll ami « hriitopher,- ro.;ta.

or a. 106 Arm*. Cord hy the raWO-Fehland du-f eh«jp.mbh'tim _J.\.-. t-I.Kt.t



U iVCHE THAN USI AI..-I be wbsratbers havemveated a

r^r.-Iafcoxet,..rna..; with plain or ealranoed tin ptetee,u hieb they giwrantee to remain watet lrg« rive vl-aks. <.««

p: «iby tiW The metal is »put on thai « cannot b*

afeeSig by the idirmldnjt or <weDiw of thepIn-Aj on which it ¦

btid I^hvti.eror.Tmeta.noreS!ii.,..:..n..l tMntttal.-T!;aH..ov.n-eentJeiuan have had tbett dvi dung bo-iseaBad

a..-*- if thi- city, covered by th* iucth.-l to thcr .nti»lac:ma :

il.-rv Bo vnrt. i'- ...... ;ner i t .ah avenue and .'ih st.

JohnSi. Senennerbarn. Esq.. No. 30 llroadway.Darn' A<r-ti.:. l>... cor. -i öelnuire pi tee anrlAl iTInun It

Given Pearson. EkL Merchants Exchange, Had a.

Geo. 11. Bulk r. Em.. No. «I Nassu-stFrancis Buriitt. Esq.. t".' Broad-s*. .


Notice is "iven that as the improvement i- patented, ml per-

förniix trade wiahinc t. .-over r« :> hy the .ub-crtuer-

¦an obtain pennisrion oo tnorteratetenni. _ _

n,hUi! P. N.\ i lAHt i. O <¦ <t and Broad

JONES' SARSAPAKILLA CANDY.Each 2Scentpaek-a"-e co«:ta:p::i; t ounces of the n>e<hcinaj properties nl the

roor." Sold at < 1u\tham-«t.and333 Broadway._".''_'_['}}rf-OTAKEGRE VSE SPOTS from Clotliea.Carpctt.Wool-X er-. ate..Tlie Alagte Era«-..? S-iaon e-v. -e

Spot«, itain*, ,vc. trmii clothes without injiirui^ the tcxtore.huton the contrary briabtenimc und beamIii 11 pthem. Soldat n.

Chatliauii>u and 333 Broadway, or 139 Fulton -t. Brooklyn.m!7 Ira _

rpUE BEST SHAVING SOAP IN THE WORLD i* the1 preparation ol the Old Nnples Soap, rnade into a perium.

e.l paste by S. Jones. The fotms the .'one -intht for« tu MAKEATHICK RICH 1.1.1 HER,Unit will not dry. It (mind. >,r, it n-nlly doe> thtsl rajjreus the

beard, makes the skin *oli and insootb, ud rtvca.ja.lim Im.

guinea to the nose. Cent«, try ties once. >.>..! at oji Broad-

way S3 Chatham st SStalest Boston; 3 Ledger iiuikuncs.

Philadelphia;JS3 Fidtoast Brooklyn. ml" 1m


V such^ wives coax them, nays.chnrse them JU> bura trm-e

(hilling bottle ofJons s' . 'oral Hair Restorative. Tdl them, in they rub this on theirhnhrlesasealpsit iej' II have p« " > g.»-i hair, and then it rour own hair is ilry,d ay, or rusty; rub a little ofthis on, 'twill it, make it

suit, dark and silky, arid keep it so a longtime. Sd.i a ilu»

sign ofthe American Eagle. Chntliaui st ud 333 Broau-wuy, N. V.. or 189 Fulton street, Brooklyn. ml" Im

To Force the Growth and Dress theHuman Hair.To Stop it Falling Ort*fere it ofDandruff.Beautify it, &cPrice3, 4 und 8 -hillings a bottle.

THESE are the ran! and actual qualities of Jones's CoralHair Reparative. It will lores tint hair to grow on any

place where Nature intended b ur t ~r..w. stop it falling Off,cure Scurf or Dandruir, tin.! ir-oo- light, re.1 or grey hair grow

dark. For dressing the liair suit and silky, notliing can makes it truly beautiful, nn.l keep, it so,. it is, indeed,the most economical, yet superior article made lor the Hair,.

! Sold.3 5 or S shillings n tlie s gn of the AmericanEagle,SSCliathiiinstreet,New York; ISdrurtonst llnmklyn;8State st Bostou;:3 Ledger Buildings. PhUtidelplib; 30/_Kingstreet. Charleston. S. (.'. i"!7 [m

FOB THE PERMANENT CURE OF ALLDisease«and ESritption* nftlie Skin.

\f.\ N'V ibomaniN in ali pans of the I riinui have been curedlYXnlter tryingcvory remedy in vaiiiofduT rant skin diseases,such as , ...

Pimples. Freckle*, Sunburn, TanMorpbew, Salt Rbemn, Scurvy,

br asinglelayolbm halfa ea tel of the genuine Joe-,' ItalianChemical Snap. Bender, tins coan. although adver.trscd; is one ofthe most rurpnsing and blessed remedies ever

discovered, and will generally do all hero »'.uted. It cleanund whiten. . DnrkSnnbnrct or *i cllow n,rendering it bcalthy and clear. I haveseeu when every thing

-.¦ Cure Old Sore Heads, Ringworm, cite.Scaly S:'ir Rheu n. Rough Skin:

It is insil.! in the Rum of a beautilul piece ol soap, and is apleasant remedy. Give itonetrial.Bat render, ibis article :» counterfeited, nnd you must be

very pniiicul ir .ml buy it nowbera nbetn N. ^'. but at the signof the American Eagle, W Chatham street and :iit Broada ay.

A g^rit*. State street. Boston; Zeiber, :t LedgerBuildings, Pluladclphia; Hay?. 133 Fulton street, Brooklyn.ml7 lin__

MfJrtTüAöf:, Abraham LBraiae, Ute of the City of New-York, new deceased,

mortgagor i.i bis life rune, (he then being of the age of tweio

ty-oin- veareaudapwards,) togrlhei with Acnes U. öniie-.his wife, fshe being *lso of tlie age of twenty-one years andUpwards,] in and by their ccn .ia lodetttnreof Mortgage V

tliem ma.'e am! execnted.Jjearin : ¦! its the ibinl day of A prtl,in the yearofotu Lordooeihoi. .n..l- tui.t l.iu.d.-ed.suJ thirty,m'seenre the naytnent bv th* ssid Abraham LsBmine of thesum of tsv.» thowaad seven hundred dollars ou the third dayofApril in the veer one thousand li^hl baudred and tldrty-two, And tlso of interestupon the said r.uiu from'thedateofthe said Indenture of Mortgage it nd afti r the raft ul sit prcentum per ananm, payable on the third day of "»crv Octoberand April ea.ii" g, the date thereof, nntil tne_aforesaid prim i-

pil irtm should bs p.iid accordingto the condition of the Bo,,dor (.:.:¦ pationol thesn i Abraham L. Braine in the said 11-deutart i" Mortgage mentii tr .1 and referred to, did grant andconvey unto Harmon bVodricks, then of s.tid I i"..reliant,nowdece»aed,"mortgagre, "All that certsin dwelling houseand lot, pii c- - parrel m* gronnd, si:.; ite, lying uid being inth- Fourteenth (late Eigbthl Ward oftlie C it> ol New-Vork,on the westerly siile of Mulberry street, now known amldis-tiiign'sbed as nnmbectwo hoadred niui teen(No.3l3) Moltn-r-rysUeetl bounded easterly in font by Miiloerry stre»'t,_svest-erlyia the rear byground cn» or lata is tiie iiossessim: ofJohn Telfarr, noroierly on :!ie en- sid bj th- lot ol groundknown as number two hundred jmI twenty-one Mulberry*streer,and soatherly on the other side by the 'or of groundknown as number two hundredand seventeen Mnlb-rrystrcrr,containing in breadth, i" front sad rear.-ich twenty-two fret,and inlength on roll side seventjHoar feet thrce'inebeo, beingthe vinir dwelling n.'ii : o d | >-.¦-or i,,reei of k ro*n<dvvliicn were conveyed to rii- said Abraha a L. Braine by theNew-York La Favettc Fire Insurance Company by Indentptedsted thej-Tenth day of May, kighteea handred snd twenty.nine, recorded iu the office of i". gi.ter in iad lor theCityand Count/of Nrvv-York in l.ib.2>2 o! ' otiveyauces, nhi*

ill".And whereas the said jadentures of Mortgage ami i-a

power of Sale tbrr-ia coutaiued and In-ieiiMlter mentioned,Weredole acka iwleilged md recorded in the officeoi RegisUrof the City ;md Coaatv of N -v, Vork in Lib M5 ol Mertga*gea. page art. the 3d ray of Apiil, tftiu.ill mm. [.-st 2 i*. M.Ami waere.ii, i,u the thirtietli 1 iy oi November in :he >enrolru.- Lord one choasanil eight handred >.ud Diirryfive.the saidA 1.1 en L. Br ovv dec .d. tngKMer w ith th- s ild Ag-nes i>. ni. wife, mortgagors, (being both of th ags oftts enij-one ye ir.s and upward.,.) in and bv t .^ir ce.i nu o'.her Inden*rure ofMortgage b] diemaUomadeaudezrcatrd, beanng datethe darand year laut tforesaid, to secare the payment hy thesod Abraham L. (5rao.e of th* e rrtaiu orber sain ofone tnou-

saoid dollars:on or beforethe tliirtietb dav of November, in

toe ye«r of oarLord one thottsajid eight hundred and thirtysit, ael il-o; f^r ths same u uu.l rftei thu rate ofsevenp-r cnnim jieranntun, on t!.- ihirtierti day of every M*»y and.'snverf,bere:;siiii:g,fbe said ist rnentfo ted dav ua'il t'.e !-»tafonsiaid principal sum should br paid tccording to the con*ditiou ..I ii on otherBond oc UbUiratioa ofthe uid Abia-ba.'u L. Brtineiotliessidlsst meuliom d licotureofMortgageitiutinnedaud referred to, did tlso grant and couvey unto thesaid Harmon Hendricks, now deceased, mortgagee,'* All tuesarn» premises in the foregoing mortgage particularly in til-ly described, am! in tie said second mortgage also fully de-senn-.i. Aad whereas, th; said last mentiouesl Indenture ofmortgrrgeend the power or sa - thereia contained, and alsoIw.-itiitter meutieii-d. wl.e also iiulv ickn<>w|edged ..-

cordrd lu the £ nd office of Rvgiatei ol the City and Couutt ofNew 1 ork, in Lib. Tal of Mortgages, page ii. the Mm ,iav »fNov. nib-r. lüü, at 2a nun p.-,t 2 P. M. Ami w I-p aathesu: aAbraham L.'Braine and Agnes D. his wife, in and by theirctruin Indenture of Mortgage, by thetn nude and execntand heari'.-g diteon theeuh e, nth day of Jaaaary.onethon*sainl eight hu'idrrd ami forty.the said Mortgagors being thenMVetally of tiie age <>| cwentr-ooa years and nuwanbr, a dbeing therein called Aitrahaus L, Bram.of the City of "^ert-

Jtork. Geatlein a, amiAgnes his «vife,and the said AbrahemL. Lranicbeiui so.c-decfa^-d.tosrc'ir-tiiepaj rru nt o! ihesumpfnve handred ami eiühceen 91-100 dollars >u manner follow*in to wit: one hnn red dollars on or before the eighteenthday^ofJasaary,.eighteen hundred Md forty-one; ooehnndieddol.ars on or beforethe Igth day of January. I£42; one bun-diedIdolla» on or before the tsth davoi Jana try 1813- ebnädisäldollarron or before the Urhdayof fuaary, Itiftandtne larther r.umo: one h.Ir,.l and ei oitern dollars a .d iiu-e

ty-pnr cc,.i» on or before tlie 18th dav of Jauasrv, if.s, withunnal interest, payable on the eighteenth dtvol Jivnuary ofeacaaad every year Uiereafter, on all sums unpaid, withoutinto, ordelay, in the manner particulailj stiecified in ' >a-ditton ci i.u, tnat t.,thes.od Abraham L. Unme*soneCen; .'¦Mad orpoliicaaoo,^trearing even date with l es I: imu-tlOOed Alor'e.lge, mil tl .. a le; it..,t.did ....j r,, ; ..

nau I'lttt Uog-rsi-.i: Hiram \. H ige,»,0f ,|... . ,...that n, ol the City ol New-York, M-r..:, nt,. Mort . ¦'¦ IUm same premise* m th list mentioned .'<! ,f'g...*. ..nmu.- yand luilyile-cribs.i, md in said last mentioned Moris tg 10I iii. Oetcnbed. And whereas the said lot tnrationol li.-bu.ture ol Mortgage, and the t ower of sal-1' eieiu contaioed siidben in liter meatipiied, v.rr- duly recorded in the office <.! thetbrgisterol the < ityand Coontyol New-York, in LiberTi9ol .Mcrrgt;.-, j x- 210. on the tills day ofApril. Kin., t IJMAnd wltereas tlie said thr cseveral tadsntares ol Mortgage,

sorecoided ev aforesaid, and tiie and due* »rveral bom!., and

.. i ,¦' .....'' .... lllil'TS s;ol Cl.a'.» , in-e-StHI hive ,Ven daly made and sckaowledged ami -ecortted inthe olbceol the tteaisteref Jte City sad County of New-. or*, on divers days am! tum imeruisdiate tiie dates 6f slid.Mortg ig-< .-.r.d the day Of the d;,te hereofAnd. whcieja default Ins beru made iu tiie r-s; m'nt of t'ir

pnucipsJsatn da« e »aid first mmt.oued Morta-ige and ofthemreresr ther-ou, and there it now due of principal ou the saidhr<t mruiijürd Mortgage diesnm of two tlioosacd dodo.«W«d interest the sum of one hundred and rixty dollar, tothe till ddayoi .Nuivml»r, one thuuaaod eight handred auJfort,-tnree.And v. l^rea.s ,1-f.mlt h-.s alto h.n raade in the pavment of

me priacipal sam tue on «aid secoud meutiooed Morttragudol thetaterest thereon, and there u now da.-of prim ij Ioa the satd second mentioned vlortttsgethesura el onestad dollars, and of interest th* iura of one hiaadred and fivedoiiars io the thuDi th tl ty ol November, one Uaotuand eightbandied wti fortr-three.And wii-i-.-.s de&ialthaj been nude in the paTtnentof the

twoprmcira spmsol cm nuiailred doUar*each,secnred to bepaid b> the -a:.: thinl md I i^t mentioned (rideaurs of .N.o't*£T.c,ard v. l,,. ii. tosedier witli :rie sjnl heretobefoti recitedsnm oi prmcipal and interest, m-dr>a the wholeamoont .j-.itothe i ml :. aunted, Benn Tobia*, on thesaid üu-a*sev».rat atortg-ces,as ttcreinbefoie *r>eci£adt tliree Umnitud fotrrhandred am! kixty-ttve dollars.Aud .int. rir cedirgit lawliaab-ctiinMitofrd

to recovgrijie -eyd sereriidebu, or naj or eitlierof .""*a'ruany rtart thv reof, ..,-1 .. ,uit for the !*..,-c:.-s0ir of th,

l8^o etaeetl^*"01*0'* l"-ud",s no'' 0,i,e"VLt« in siyNow, th-refof, notice is hervbv irivra that hv ri.rti- of rb»

; j .1 ower. in that behrdfconuSied in tl-,; ,1, fe^ .fndenw-iarof aloitgage, and etch and ,-.erv of tLm l

taeoi ..: "' '¦ " '' "'. ?»d A.-ne» l>.wife, M*n>- md*-Vi " ^Cv\-0' 1 ;-'ir M*i> "ecutori. tdmmucm

Una itJieretnand mererrrvlrt and arc-l ri~-~.r^.'d o'V"" ;:';''|-V;.1!"' '-J.-'Veiy l art ;-c.:l sre I tb-r" f.

t.n. Ki-nonirn, Airornev. 18 Wall dtt

i> |l Ct if K- .>. * ,.. p.;a-.. :,..... ji , «i| jiyalo «RitNi\Ei>,^LVl'uLN'«i CO. 7bSoutbi


«a .. v n.h >i .tbi -«i-t i .' «V . -in- r -it

ji uwtfta R Wj B N

IN "j'URM'A.'N-.K f i ." <.:.'..? ' .' ."-...<;

1 of the ro« of New-Yoik, it ¦.;' ¦.ij¦¦ Ho^ohiimrrbiTi mint. ELLANOK ' i.rra. lateeftfw City ot New-Yorik\ single *"'.«.'.,f"r-i - ««m».with rim »oocheri thereof, to the sabseTiheri. at rh- Hsee of them or either of them, or -. it .. i .,r L0.Ml'M) s. tlLRKY, its Fait m e Citl <.(N.w.Vo,k.ourrhfror.. the ttth d>', I i luie- >>CXX.Date*]NeW-York, the 19th day of DM»mU r. IWi

By OictTEH "J i.Mti'e! Pratt, Ptrst JudgedGttOassaga County < o«i,-. and Counsellor f. ....

Supreme Curt. .Notice is herebT gi»"i that «m ..'.'rrr..,.t!..« issn-d agsii st tie--state of Hoy-1 St'*. >'¦. -I ' !«»l,od,State of Ohio, a r.oierestaVut debtor. "»..'" rool t-

¦aid Judg- kc, punutnt ,o the directions of the "um:« co%

cerniof '' ittichmmt- nf-iiatT abaeojidiwc, coneeaMr»»ii)ent <Vbfor»;''aud that UVi»m» v. It i* iol.! tor t.V pt,.men' of hu d.bts. u .!r« be. tie "id It..} U .Vrwstr.a-cJ ilitc'iits* »u< ii etlas-hmeut act' 'iini» to l,w, v» ... ,

month* from t/w first publican >n ol tin. N"tte-; »jk1 thit tupaymcat of any debt* due to htm by r-s ... art or hatSiau,a-:d th»delivery t»'im or for hi» us«*of any PTOprrtj »nhiet'o. State balooxutx to him, snd tor (rsus!-r Of *,r»ach j-to;'<rty .. him, ere forbidden hv law »..¦. .» n W..Djred'ry M.fntt. '! SHELDON.

lit I.w'iin Al'nri., for t: ¦' . t .,

Tl VORDER of '1 ao-rt-.s. C. u. fir-t Ji.dje of to*13 County Courts ol the County ol Jem notice 1« <*¦...,given that an r ttnchuieiit brs issued agairsst tlie estate of MAU-VIN CHAPLV. ."' noii-M-odcM ilei-tor. .... «:m:

Ute «a il fict Judge, pnr-umt to the ilirections ofthe statutacntic-riimy

" AU o-hmeijls iora.i ... .'«¦... .1 ...-.]nun-rtsioeritdebtors.^aod ti«.t the »ame ¦.'H hn«.,a< i^u*pnvuient ofhis 'iehts unk-she. thesaid MamnCnapin. »;>>-«r

11:1.1 di iitir.-e such BUasrdtrnerrtaccordimrto law, wruuaam*tnontin from the tint mibUcatioa of tbts netiro. and that thepayment ofnny dcbu <iiio to htm by resklrnts l.'usSl .u. s-,1the delivery to him «»r ibr bts use of a.iy property wnhra thisState atnkMiröa t.. Inrti and the ttanaierol am- rech leperii byhim. are lori.aldeii by law und are vo;.l. 1Mb J Man-h 13, 1:4t.

r.ilM/ Iaw9ni Attorney for Attaching Creditors.OHKRtTK'S S \ LE By ;>¦¦¦(- «.r .< f :.«-ri !'. taTtonse^ ihrected and densered, I wiU r»i-.. c to . jkt on Mo 'lay, the. day ofJunenext, at 12 o'emck. >t, atim vestihuji of tha.ity Hall of tin' city of .New-York, nil the rittht. t tie art«l is-

,..ri-t of Stephen tVe-ks. winch bo had on tlie Mh d?7 <i"Iprili lOtfe oratany lime tfterwanb, in ha d, v»-ief

the same may U.Alltimt rcr^m lot,_piece or parcel of Undwith trie buildinn thereon, situate, I)me ami l«-ing in theTwelith Ward ofthe city ofNew \ nrk", oaiunsrui sbed :.. s;>

uVsundry kxsof land bestMupntr to Samuel J. nea. ban. in tan

Ward neartheAfans House, by the numbertwerre 12 Unnd-cd Donheruterly in front by twenty-ninth street, «<iui!iea«t«rlyby i' t number thirteen tOk southwesterly in Utt rear bj Mi:iimb«ir II , .-.t: ti' rt'i». .t. r'v by !"; >¦ fipow «ir tc.te l>ek,tijr'iil to \. lVvt;.-<».p. 'I .¦ 'an! I..t utimbartwelve now inteMed tobe coovtyed c otai ; .'.1 * .a

front nmi rear twenty fire t' -t. and on each ode nujety-sngbtfeet and nine iiiehtr«. be lllesame more or !e*«.HuUMNcw V ,k.Apr..^h.iMl.wM ^^^Thos. K. Pictaa. Deputy 9.'' all lt*6*

CJHEKIFT'S SALE..By virtue nf a writ of fiat f .«. .<»

55 me directed and dchsxtred,! will expose for»nieon Mobday ih Hi d.iy ol May next, at 12o'clock iL. at tbevwubulei.i the City Hau of tbeCityol New-York*, all tlie ncbt. t.Uaund interest ol J. ihn Murray, which bekm on die 66> day ofMarch, 1314,or atony timenllcrwards, in whose Ilaodssoaveithe same mit» I»1...! in and to all those cavtain sot*, pieuj orparcels of hon., with the taiildim thereon, sftuate, lying and be¬ing at Harlem, in theTwelilh Wardol the I ity ofNew-York,lituateon the Basterntüdeol the old Boston Post Road, wberathe sam«' is intersected by the Sautberlv side of HPth street;thence South Westerly, ali^fir the wuil Boston Po»t Koad. to

land Ibrmerly belonging to William Brady, U<i wet; the ce

North Kasterly.along fand formerlybelongingtothe tseirsefJohn P.Waldron. l»the land «.l"Phomn» ISm. thence W ester-Irafongtbe hud of Tbotnas Brass, to the Sx>ulJierIysideofI20th Urttet,totheisld Boston P< -t Road.thepla.I beg ai ag.Dared New-York. April 13th. KU. WM. JONES Slss ..

Tmom. P. IV«it.,. UeputyShenir._alalawgwI N CHANCERY, v,ii Circuit.The Prei ism. Directi rs sml! Cumpany ol the Onondaga Countf Bank »s. The Bank ufBulralo, In pursuanceofanonler ot the Cnurt-ol Chancery.dated the9th day of April, ISM. notice a hereby given thatthe subscriber lias U-eti duly appointed receiver ol the propertyand eflecti ofthe said. The Bank of Buitnks. 'i hat b> » ur-i|. .-and an order of peWunry 21. 1*13, It n rtl-tr..! to JamesCrocker, Eta., ofthe city ofßuftaJo, in the County of Kre,amongst other Uunga, to take ami state nn account of all thedemands nfany description ngain<t the «aal Bank ..( Bulfalo,am' to enable the said iMa.-t*r to take and -tntc such accountntid for tlic gat'.'nil pun>'sucontemplntodbf the statute. Alltji«creditorsol'lhesaid Bank of Bulfalo. uro leqtuind to exhi¬bit, tltcir occXiUnts, claims and demands against the »oid Bankof Burlaln, to ,he sa.d .iutnei Crocker, E '|.. the Master having-.aid reference in charge, n*. his office -.n the eil r ol Buifeta. bytheiilusenth day of yVucust r.e\t. and become parties to und in default thereof, tle-y w ill be precluded from all l<encrit ot ttvedecroo whichidmll be made in tili« su.t, and fromany o^^bntion which diall he made under rqchdecree.


IRA A. DLOSSOM. Receiver.>fthe Banked Budaio..!..>«k-: Crockkr, Late Master in Cboncery.BulfuJo. Ai ril !. 11. aplb'slmrpAVERN ÄND EXCISE LICENSE.Notice t. every.iL pets Ml w tiding, dea ling in,wtxuling Strons or Spiritu¬ous I.Minors in-tbeCity tit .New Y'.rk.All persons who shall «eil or deal in Strong or Sptrituom fj.

quor«, [except importers or IMstillers, »elltng ui:y Initiors im¬ported or iii-i lied by il.em, :u auantit es above nee gallons,Jwithout havingflratobtaiued a License tot, such i.-:rj>.^« fromthe .Mayor, and the respective Aldermen uml Asa .UaLt oi tl>eWards in which tbey severally reside, ure suhjeel by L iw, l -r

each oftbnee, to the penalty ot $2"<: and in eawol Itetouers, tothe adtlitional punisnmentTby indictnient] of line and impri¬sonment. Tavern and Excise Licenses w ill be ts»uedat the Mayor'sOltiee, i lity Hall, ls-t«is.-.i the hours ol lb ana2 o'clock, on tiro days pro-oribed as follows, tor each wsjHictiTeWard.:-t Ward, Wednesday na.l 'I bunday, l.'t'i ace Ifth May.2>l do Friday and Saturday, 17th and 18tb "

3d do Monday and Tuesday, 20th and 2Lt "

4th do Wednesdayand Phunsday, icli and23d "

Jili rlo Fridayand Saturday, 94th and 2Hh " do Mondny and Tuesday, 27th and 2Sih "

7th do W't dmsabiy in <l Thursday, 29th .s-h "

f'.h do Friday and Saturday, Bist May, and 1UJana.9th do Mm .lay and Tae«iay, 3d and 4t!t

10th do and Thursday, 6thand ölh "

Hth do Friday ami Saturday, 7th ami tnb "

lith do M'i'idav and To.ilav, lOtli oud.llth "

13th do Wednesday.'am! Thursday, I2tlt ami ISth "

14,h do I'ridar ami Saturday, UthandlSth "

15th do Monday and Tuesday, I7tli and 18th .¦

Iritis do Wediiesdai ami Thursday, I9tn and 20lh "

Etc. do Friday andSaturday, 21st ami 22d "

D^T*. Pcntons now holding Ucences are rcnucstetl to pr duesthem when applying Ibr.renewal: also, specially reoe-.|«l toapply within lite time aaabove, to avoid the pennltifaol theLaw. Ily order, Ml iNSt «N CL VRKE, Fir M ird al.New-York, Mayor's Ottice, .May 6th. 1841. myJJ i22j

r|Hi CONTRÄt T< IRS..Pilrsu nit t.i n Rpsöhitiori öf thn1 Board ofSupervisors of the Comity of Wcstchester, the

subscribers will receive proposals for Removing the CourtHons... at White Plain*, 86 feet from the pine., where it now-t.inils, raising it and budding ti stone basement under tbesamelor n prison, and niakiugalliieceasary repairs thereto.ppjposab will be recervedjointly or separately lorüic Stona

Work, the Carpenter Work, inul 'de Iron Work.The plan- nmi specifications lor the work -ire led nt the.tore

ofRobert Palmer in Wime Plains, w-heretbey con be exammed.All proposals for any part of this work must tse seal*! and

sent with, or forwarded to, Robert Pabner, on or before liic 8lh.luv ol Jane next

< ontractors toe this work will ho reqnireil to give satufactorysecurity for the litithiul performance t their a>mtract

ROBERT PALMER,) RuildinjABI.IAII MORGAN. > t oiniiut.

..... D, . , ,.ALEX II. WEI.I.S. ) tee.

\\ hit,-i Plain.. May 10. T-41. mU I'tIMPORTANT DISCOVERY,

ti't.ii ,\i C.i.'s Cclc'irntetlAMERICAN PANACEA,

rPins Mcslicu e. conipounded solely Irom vegett ble maferdT^.,.l'^'!,rr,,,','l.'''.''i'',J*r'i,!':n\1'!l,i warranted fr«from any ingredietits detr.rm ntal lo Iv-.-.H), .¦.. discove, .i nbmii ,..0 r.-nr

]""."",'. forely afflicted with ULCERATEDrw Ki>| I.A. nmi who tea been under the trcatrnetit of tbamost cininen: physiaanaau the Crated States for eight year-,without lltr-le-.'-ppai. nt hone .ft" r-t..-..,...» >oh. .ilth amiwax by them proniwnced incurable, but who. after taking thenUive named ineibcnw for nvewcsjln, was rcstorcsl to perfecthealth. hat medicine as been sold with unpr redented st c

cess. rtndhiisiiev*r|.iilediiii:iiyi,.|iince vt|..-n tr.kuu u n. cord-.iiiii t:onvt,, elf,.-i perl- t cure of the following



R{{^X^inrRvTOIr>? KM- W'«r^ ekysip>.eaI!ILL»..-( rvy, chron ic sore KVPs in rvi'CM ift.

!:tT'K^;;:V11'l^,-,iM:,:- scald^hL'dandalior an dip re state ok THE blooil TiteSffieacj ol ibis medic.b 1 .. a t-.te. in nil tin, di^.-s »l».v«eiiumcmted .¦ ,d its eifect. are truly ..,to,uslung. 'oTdy'one u\1ble spoon ul to be taken 'by an adult ..-tirli morning et;,,,, eat-mir. which Usually produce, a tome effect, while (hi roost n.eslit als«, not. r.s a pentle Cathartic, increasing the appetite andgeneral health oi the patient, causing «II ulcenited sores to dischtmre more profusely, rujd prodacing an eflfacUta] üteratisaftte Wood!,Jr pma*m**aa' prodacing a p.ffcet acti.j.i

Per-..:: while^taking it should refrain fron, the uaeofalliUmnlatinednnksor b -I Ivseasoi.ii-.d. F«!,,:..iat.vhole*ri:.-,,f thos. G. tal.mace.Ceiieral aajmt,» Pme-'r -t. opposite the Custom ii. .New

York:« dntlOAstrir House; HO, and 771 Broadway;corner IJroadw.ay and Chinnber- Ir.'et No £i Froilt-rtrcet-N... 144 VV>'or.,-t ;\o.. c;.,..] Bowery .V 30 Pu ionestreet: No. 33}and 246 Hudson, and :t; llnmiriood.stnrsit, cor.Hudson : No. OS <.'r ual street'; No. IA7 and 17* Greenwich.»treet; So. 112 and IB Cherry-strset; No. 136 VVaJker-sUeet-No. Sji I thai oe-street; Nos. 301 and 421 Pearlstreet No nJC it mii- .treet.Brooklyn. J. W. Smith, comer of Fulton end Cranberry

streets;and Wm. Blagrove, Smiira'a Building., corner wit-low and Atlantic .U, and by aU the pr.pc.pal druggiits in theL nrted States.

L»'D,,V,,,& '."<.»'row, No. 54 Boaverf. Clinton,GSW.V*YrSre,a,e llL'tul1 Agent to- Albany.T. H Drottjc Son, No, 143 No.ta Second st.. General\\ rioiesaJe Agent lor Philadelphia.Jii-rm t on. l.,r taking the artie«, and n great numberofcer-

mtcatesand testimotuals rnay 0e -eon and obtame.1 at any ofthe above places._n24eodlmly

CHI lie:.' BEl.l.-t AMI Tt.WN Ci.nCKS.-I heHubscnber, who wasaw-arriod ¦ Hiplomaatti:- .Neu A nrk State Pairs of 1843 ai 1-4.! air tlieImttoned Church Bell, and also n Stiver Medal forthe i«-t Bell, mid Diploma brTown Clock, exhi¬

bited at the cur oftha Antenean InaJtrite inOctrsberavLiin.e- preMrtyfol h . Foumiry at West Troi Stw- York to fur-ntsh Bcdbo rrmn20tol0jX»lbs. madeol i. ibe itenabandwarranted to stand ami tone to -te..- ,u thrin im-l.r.nvd < :..t ironi\wi'. \t,,4........ A. ,.. ;,,,,.«i.eiiiand lor Ii:- Be .i Is ttic best esrilk ICfl that can be given oftjieir exceBertce. Order- ime been received from l>- i a. a,!asand alniost all the States, and about 400 been furoisbed todifferent plaees ia the State of New-York fr« m his 1 oun try-josii tiock- Ixvu-mg ar.d Surveying InstruinaaLi.Copperan.I i.ra--1 axtings, 4i.c. 6ir


I'ni iLS..1 be q eC< nger sToohi can only bohad at 33 AttorncyiMrn t, wberaj tliey are maileand finished with myown

handi . therefore I can reeooin end tl en ;r-' '" P ..- St Co.'*, 5 Platt SL 'I hi

by t .t Uttle.at33 Fulton sire, t, «tnro; r«! "Ci oger." »'«'i"t in._, rtke. ad are designed r. deceive. Mine are so .-¦ t«fit..iis: I.oncer. Ne« v.ri;. zi Attorney street." A Iiu-raliiiM-.tinf to Dealers. Please« b«er\e tfa« tun p.

JOHN CONGER.AMERN AN Cl >. '. >l.-.rindTimiES m irencral lor ff' H SE undSHII'C kKPENl ERS. IIUTCHERS.

Aje A-r .. ran be obtained in all thrsrvariety;at WHOLESALEnnd R E'i'AII.. at is FULTON STREET. NEW X' >K!<. ottil* most ce'ebrattd ninnufacturers, tircrraritrd cr..i ttctl,\inrh n, .

AI.BERTSi i.N'S. COXCEICS. H* '.;'!': >.VS. (.HTt-VArS.and ROCHESTER.

ALSO.ICimpasss' Dowell ,-Bltti.Arnerieon Iror. Rivets. .>.> Beck I-Co«pcr*sTri«s Hoops, Wood Do Tap I r-boreg*.

and Iron. l*o leveling I'Uues.Do Headnnd Stave Jointurs.l i'o Vices.Do Steck HoweUs undi.'ro- Ho Compasses.

sen. Do Marking Lues. <kc. JiC,Do Isrtices. NOTICE.We have the genuineJOHN P. CONGE1.'?, siso JOHN

CONGER'S. Tool*.'I fie -i bscr hers arc abss l«rottTVRs and fJasraxL Drst.-

ra. m ENCLtSIL GERMAN and AMERICAN IIAKD-W VRE, it'i i.ERY. sNc.iic iqcludiuga rerj ExTKIStVilAsfiORxstttKT. wbielt they orlfei t.. Coitirrav Mi:k« iu«st«and otl Maiucxt Piti' Eti. OSBORN a LU i'LE.Ciiari.ks < tanosnt,CiiAiag« S. LniLg. lUij 'ia)