Library of Congress · 2017-12-15 · iiI o THE SUN FRIDAY JULY tl 1900 l VJbe Uu FRIDAY JULY 13...

o JULY tl iiI THE SUN FRIDAY 1900 l VJbe Uu FRIDAY JULY 13 1Il- ptOD Postpaid toth DAILY SUNDAY Year DAILY AND SUNDAY Yr 00 DAILY AND SUNPA Ice 1 forrCD TUB Sup Zew York U Orne Klue No 10 Bulnac t Il ao Jlt4101 send 1 PIP SO Is a sent or In which worth tolumns of plat form adopt by the Katonal It no lad Preldnt He of The our no of our t of our duty In that of the world The f doe not to more and plainly did the at i at which the f at 1 his of the bsue of no for lng the on that but the from Mr a more and a plank I makers were afraid to I care the doctrlno of the ot to for the i McKutn the He the doctrIne In I the which the too pru- dent at they It might a future decision of the Supreme Court TUEoDonE ItOOSEVELT sound on the Brief his at Oyster hay It was with The people the candidate for Y must decide they go on the road to at home and honor abroad or turn their hacks on what ben done In the pMt three and thereby plunging the country Into ot and and what the of this In few I candidate have taught a Icon to the trimmer made the year TiE SUN hoped would from the advance of abroad of at homo and Branlsm A who the Democracy paints here vividly the naggings to Independence him I To op J ou to me to an tottlrrol dtcsoD on Ih- ephol quuUon- I back I ran Item hue brro of the mol the that tugbt In out I to Ibath the oae I voted IU uaUII 9 when RAI and alfr rime totb tenet studied this new teepee I ADd the that wOllld breed immediate the for ot teeth U not one to me rom The rnul was I dteard mnlln favor of a rold My at ram down me pr- ulded tbe7 even to Iln ot which i bad uhled un I had rome me more than I CAn to Hand rnllrlall the blandlar me a ielo to I had teamed nealto VeiL t ton whet WI rChla the St ot of end my tot the Ir Now lenlrll IUt Are arsie roid J dod four th see than nn In favor of a and the alan begun me tan J tan I that lhre f- 1llcs the to me from bltlnc what J ran mea qulrd the I up my for 13 on this mundane NEW YonK July 7 PElOCRAT What of but name the Democratic party of the I party the free of and It holds to I and on acrount of I of In 1873 were I this Wits the of Its woo and It the main cal o let tho Dranle Now your grlatjrnr father knew that the or IUer doll In 1E04 and that coined between that and that the larllsonln was the I great gold I papr men who nro now I the loJul t the lion Anrti EWING dc voted to a the Coin net Tat net IbM the and to tho disadvantage of thE later Your of and of Drops In kept dropping of The of Daddies n pine for And the oM rfmcmbfr always a of the fact that greatgranij father may that the of of the opinion to that the had an right to and that make It Into a new or add It to an the of the or rlgla for RreaHfrandrathrr chuckled because flea JACK ON wrote In 181 that ho wu j t by XU DAILY per 50 I 0- t PIT Year 6 00 pit 00 pet A pt Uonth 70- I couiitttU added City 3 PAISIEiaiqUe o nest Hotel and des 51 fyttsdj Its wW rs2iWciS- I wish articles usurnd they atamN tot 5 cutt1Ing There cingle six wordo PreiIdent cKiNIEfaspechofaceeptanee Is anreral the hearing I There InU5t b cuttIe polIcy the was speaking I Philippinca are there will be abatement abandonment part Engilob dictionary contain words wherewith iquarey I than President Canton yesterday the proposition platform makera Philadelphia balked jutt three weekM before Equally etralghtforward statement financial There wa ground Philadelphia reeo- lutlon subject paragraph McKINLEYS speech ii I virile utterance better The platform de Republican full Congress legislate territories Mr supplied omission zui3ertcd Identical language I gentlemen Philadelphia rejected because thought possibly conflict with t And Is likewsA- i noscuttle iolicy as- I wa speech crowded meaning said iccPreildcnt- I now whether will prosperity baa onequarter an abyss misery distress Is worse shame All great issues contest are those words The dates as and believed they No scuttling line expansion No scuttling pros- perity Democracy man baa renounced revolu- tionary which his subjects THE EOITOa Tn CtNSlr appsi- I help I pOIiIiC1 A trace my anCetors DemoeraI pronounced type end principiciof tep see- S1nc cbttdtood oesen anS uniti betama believe anal wih honest convictions was P4tTty with honest principles nod ticket ieue with care and as italy as eout1 reached ronctuston It dtaeter upon counter cii the reasons set towby It ehould- besecepted appealed eshsvtnt non sense thtt Ii the ptote ones upon ttke a- satancLe Ihty ariCd lhe3 riasoned they tIey threatened accused me cowing a traItor a tsxnlty Demoeest before upon the sen- Itecat say out sgtnbt CII this as t party to I- aimset holy Notaithetandint I eluded eey honest idca of COUfltt laTe wea gecater than even my ties blond Cote waj rag time UaInt the puly that the that upon subject ha- a nade soore gold standard onMotight has upon What I do vhat will show I cf crosofgoId theory the utter ftuIttee 5 I the attempt tear away to- I see ll about national I alec dsy oct initial wall I rat epiere I VoL4o Democracy the is left to The cardinal principle llryanized flemocratlo I Is coinage silver I that everything has been going rack ruin the soealled- demonetization silver tntil Trusts nail Imperialism diseovered calico all is still eti- matlon Democratic Tnoits I stopped coinage 1 i practically 1200were date 19 Your Democratic grandfather knrw Iemocrncy party haviog fought down the represented by and The Democratic party gold currency Ct Gold ratio between gold c wm lirToNa Mint and JtcKsoNM Yellow lloys Gold was dijeovereil California Silver mit eight It became gradually lemonetired Dollar otir wan coin nttr Democratic Daddies didnt and sidom saw lentncracy was gold party Your lemocrnth grentgrandfathpr ws proud JEflEItSON bought Ii Loulalana Your Democratic leave remembered AUIERT- I OMLATI greatest Democratic I Secretaries Treasury gave his JarrErso Initcd States I Inherent acquire territory they eculd State I existing State with I consent latter prescribe I tions Its government Your Democratic 1 II President MoNroE ready 5iiL = < to In days U word given and JACKSON did It In A mOt Your ap- prove the of In Your grandfather with the of them In for Oregon or none or and he the Meslcan War of or not the of pry did he more than to the United by the ot under Your the purchase when square were to under a consent of the of the or by never party Gold the to the the than the for free trade or for It you an old tenet It not to thought of laughter- now for the that wee the of of the of of of the of and of BSTANS of a of now more and Knowing that the favor of the can fount It to that they are a in Inorof upndlnc our In of Ibor and for our people by honest And means Our our lusUlr the In lb I the un furled ito human We against the the world the serantet of our down the In the the Government the way for the and of American commerce Whatever the other of the think the know tht the American to the Inhabitants of the such they have not known and they would never know they were to the tender of AOUINALO and other dictator It of the which the of that It the people of the Unit by that they are the and that the would enjoy more I from the and their ale Ignore or the meaning Two Frightful Examples PQllton In which and humbug have place him and his before the to b by man who schemed to procure for a monopoly of the sale of a ment the of the from W McKI- NIU who on on the In own name and who to the from or document to the at on price and under noto rloush fraudulent by the agent of his DARCUR mad by man- ager to preside over the recent The of Irony could not have that The spectacle of at the acetising of turning to and upon certain agents of the much even for that organ of the Democracy the St Paul Globe Wo quote some of that under the A Ills of rublr seen han citan and of and hue out prll men of no of the ran 10 done bl lori There h A eolmJI ul- stnr 01 the part a ruble omr1 a desecetog to a need look for from Ihe ron name In anyone questIon Irpullon man may In the lot loved h the most the man who I impugned or to him In of aurprlslnr- IhU Tennessee should man Inc done the put and honor a pubic man Nol but hens car the issuance of throulh the sane lon of able I matie tfdtra ThIs a any mon In Made a mOan of aurb that he II IS Chairman of hti cnnn nftthflai speelnc hr Rica enable him to male and that is do Conrru put a stop to hi undrlllnr This IICnl may be rerhlnlr wtth the Sou on Are of honor the coer which publeman might zpected to purue St no from of honor and that Journal him to In drawing dividend from the most of In of the by tho Senate of a Joint to put end to It for tho up for the next by House on of which he- WM the chairman of his nasty of the of the to late during the campaign he Is explaining to voter the Im- pornce of the sl conquer Florida sixty the was because virtually conquer iBIS uncommonly criminal aggressor was Arnitsw Democratic greatgrandfathet Florida 1819 Democratic Administration Domo ritio yelled loudest 1814 All and Fiftyfourforty fight and Pout DAILas Whether ap- proved criminal aggree- sion majority his and saw FOOOOO added States Treaty GuadalupeHidalgo r Democratic Administration Democratic father remembers Gadaden 45000 milci added the United Statee Democratic Administration The Inhabitants territory grabbed bought Democratic Adminis- trations was aaked The Republican Is the party as Democratic party used be The RepubUcan party is expansionist party 83 Democratic party used to be The Republicans are much better Democrats Bryanitee- As tariff revenue only will Democratic is be without After shouting and spouting it Democrats discovered they protectionists thernselvea There remains Democratic doctrine strict constriction Constitution as little Federal interference as possible Ask yourflcmocratlc family attics what they think BRYANS Populist nlliesof Govern meat ownership and operation means transportation communication theory Federal license Thietta The Republican party Is Democratic than the socalled Democrats Expansion Liberty Northwest eipanaion the makers Silver platform necessary assert after manner We see commerce the IntHeste American the benefliof sit every peaceful creed and blunT natIons of the earth repectlng whereTer American ear Ii authority liberty and politIcal IIb- erty will be found protelt adoplton- of any potter that will charge to thought of the flar- By putting insurrection Philippines is preparing bonffit peaceful ex- parision nations earth may American peoplo flag brings liberty Philippines liberty as as if left mercks upstart must be mon- grel combination seeks election Mr BaTAN insults States assuming govern Philippines Filipinos be better governedt and liberty withdrawn United States The Silver Republicans misrepresent American flag The unpleasant Con grossman party understood Democratio newspapers The himself Govern document containing messages Presidents clapped illegal copyright same his pro- ceeded pocket returns the sale this Government public exorbitant representations partner was selected the Democratic Kansas Convention Devil im- proved choice RIcicAltnSoN chairmans desk de- nouncing monopolies Repubhicn- omeeholders corruptly public op- portunitles privato profit charging scandalous practices AcImlrIstration is too ancient journals editorial remarks title Grave Charge to the toy the South that Iti rematnd alnuIerIy theIr conceptions otfltial conduct carrIed their ideals to actual as the public other iccticfl be Mid have sIt thnutb lice nations publIc in the whtehaecountt conduct on of thc utmost reprobation SouthefO eorntnuntty eTen cosemon toleration people whose onclel life feet at liberty to on a public conduct pMC South it ii speedily serious consequences either tm name who Ve lirhi all tbt it eeme quit Congreuaman nIcnAtusoN cf atlent ai he ha no under most imputations upon hIs honesty as one paper number of thtt i conneti with pubite ConCreel he has been Is try sesi3us egs1dlflj public life rsneernin eminence chosen the Permanent psetys national tiol it is a mattero concern lbs chute IC made artiest WsN that be nit teed blepositton a COCErIsnsaet- to money i1iiritt continued to it fuse It say o Ills contltiuesl silence ii cr4 eonsiutent either bern smilttvenesi the oOcIul or wtth ace be The Iaul Globe will get reply Mr RtcuAnnsoN Tennessee Thesertseof selfrespect which friendly charitably attributes will be appealed vain lie is still scan- dalous monopolies spite passage resolution an resolution was hung hiss benefit until session the Comtnittee Printing formerly The profIts little monopoly wisdom Presidents will continue accumtl Presidential while trust neo- ssj Iityof net of of some upon the par by the lon VAN of the the of the of the plntform It the of Judge VAN WYCK to New York on the on tom lii to the of The he at the have not and the of the Incon- venience not to say of when are for Quite the more of and JUlES D RicuAtwooN and AUGUSTS WYcK at the frontuch Is In regard the of the of the Hralt Demcrncyl on the Lake large built for the Iron ore at have t lon of for and bid In they of In some yea the have the In of and amount of but they are pu a than of A cane In the of shipping the ploughing of the wheat the grand ot the Lake Superior Iron and the of the Soo canal from ten to of and since 1880 of the new Is now of The tonnage of new In from 107 tons In to In 1891 and the tonnage double 1884 antI We so much of the I wo did a few ago Ship are not that It so after to other and to the older of marine for ten the of ship on the lake that of the along our For two years however the on the out double the ton nage of merchant that the have A good sign for what the a great of ship for sal water that new era when which us at the or the commerce I fairly opening be a great day for the on the when ship and Bat water may the compete with on the Delaware the Clyde may hound the If they the world a better when may up at Bay City or Vnparamotint Paramountey paramountcy of issue Is one of the by the Na tonal Is by tn the party are Some or them are famous names of tot tORGAN or Alabama or of JONES of at once to the mind There many and the of is a one Under thE turbulent stream of and of pro tot Expansion the It hard for to It up and many of tem have not given It up The paramount Is one M to which the is not A Great A great that a landmark of at the end of the has Just ben the of and last volume of or atonal by the house of t In London hy a luncheon In honor of the Mr and Mr at which were by or the of the United the of n to LEE The plan of the work form by GEORGE RmTJ the frt Mr that Is the that from enc clop lr works turned out hands that of In but compact form that of Interest subject of n memoir to the may obtained The volume In had been sPent In mapping out the work and and every months a volume hM appeared now the is STEPhENS him frAt to Lnn with as ten cars ago and to re the whale to him and on brunt or the 10r man yrar of the are of and women who have of kind them found anti highwaymen ot 1 the who are worthy of been that the standard one In of who have In the and that the for the to In four thousand There too that The name that mOt oren I Is to SMITh or that name worthy of then JONES STEWART numTOS BRowN In tam the 49 limiting th earnings certain industries to four per cent Similarly significant are the comments straightforward Democratic news- papers taken Auduarirs Ice construction antitrust plank Kansas City makes little difference whether choice represent Committee Resolutions resulted inadvertence as RICIlAItDBONa from cynical indifference require meats decency hisses which commanded convention ceased perception tmpropr1ey his presence trusts being denounced political effect has become general among sincere organs his party Antimonopoly antitrust with VAN to second three chosen issues hip IJullding Two steel steamers Lake Supedor trade will be launched this week Chicago Cleveland will look after the laurels she has the largest shipbuilder the ports Chicago some other places fair to become rivals this Industry Altogether are building 10000000 worth mercantile craft this season Great Lakes surpassed Will make this summer number vessels tonnage ting out greater proportion usual large vessels remarkable has occurred character since first Dakota fields development mines deepening eighteen feet The building sailing wooden vessels lies almost ceased Ninetenths all shipping built steeL average vessels creased 1880 058 tons lake last year whaleback years owners convinced Is superior all vessels they are returning styles architecture years after 1887 tonnage built usually equalled all vessels built seaboard shipyards seaboard have turned voseels lakes built country craves is revival building traflic The signs indicate we shall take the belong to bead ocean carriers It will builders lakes the canal is opened between fresh They They build grey AustraliaChina trade contract The will be little oft ocean shipping tie Chicago The ntiimper1ahism as- a Democratic biggest whoppers uttered Democratic Convention AntIimperlahlsm paramount Democratic itself Democratic expansionists common and influential Democrats The Sena Chi f JtiMtiec Son cRAMS Tennessee Tsidge RsAOAN TEXAS Governor Arkansas occur are others iit DernocraUc expansionist papers considerable Bryanism there are smitten currents was Democratic policy that is many Democrats give Democratic Issue Democratic party united Work Completed literary tindertaking will stand as British scholarship nineteenth century completed by publication the The Dictionary Biography Co The occasion was celebrated editors Lrs- Jr SrzrtirN Sirar IrS speeclie macto distinguished persons including course Ambas- sador States and by pres- entation testimonial Mr was jg Mr 31 editor STEPIIp characteristic quality distin- gttlshes the Dictionary most by English namely presenting clear adeqitate all ii concerning each with references sourCen where further information be first was published 1855 after three years pre- paring matcrial three thereafter like the seasons till tabs complete Mr health compelled associate Mr himself editor finally hinquish supervision mlr IaFl the work has rested IIIes Dictionary included notices 9i20 men attained distinction some Among will ho adventurers and pirates and pictu- resque scoundrels all sorts well na moreestimablo persons usually deemed record it has fig- ured out adopted admits person five thousand all ever reached mans ago British Isles proportion rises nine- teenth century one are omissions will flu sup- plementary volumes occurs needless say is Ito persona being thought a notice follow CLARK Moons TAYLoR Dovotas The articles vary length pages I and the of dow a few My 10- I of work and there I of whom die during the of the work a work but the New now It a of vat and not of Govercment Grain and ot 1000 of the of our on the day of the mont I one of wheat low and there a In the yield of of from to with last of wheat now a one The whet may put at for our use for It a male years but the wheat la more 10 than It a year foun when the that the farmer a from It he The of but the acre la the WM wt year The reeele a much money fo- rte crop of the leon previous one Government that the the largest ever and that the of the crop at pre ent There Is danger to this from hot during the of month of the of of drought and high In the Wit- hal the talk hot winds which heard each year In the of July It be that serious and genera to tim corn crop to the fact that the of have diminished and that a very great demand for It the last few happens that the price of the staple Is now much higher than It In many the Import crop In this country and for the crop of the season Is that It not only a one but at higher price have ben known for years A long or woundi death mOt or In the or from the use or the toy pistol on the or Julr or wounds were from pistol meant for the use or blank from the toy tol pure and simple The use of pistols on the Fourth or at my other In some of the or our The ought to be The toy Is a toy ought t be here arid elsewhere RICHARDSO of an tn mnalmel of lbs Col BINS with Copyb D RICHARDSON lIon TATOR muss l Governor of Into melody over Gov from for I am to hear harmony BOB Its the set st music to my ear BOB Ire In out more joyously thon now In when the old part old pary wouldnt know Ir It sw I nolblnc In a to of Shl The or a Stats might bo uPped to prefer to itt money for but Colonel duty to vote for him he is a tamer Just u ho is a financier of New York away a t be more BO than now They have to In or the and same Impostor can found In the plot way and cannot the or the put a stop to this ne of Emptre To or What do the Democrats by I do that one In one hun ran by party to n they mean do not know but lot ot the word I that I do not how apply to palrlolo and an ton M ben July 1 RUla- ne Scotch Ulood tn To CnlToR or Tie SUSI In T S In the mod by that Prldmi MeKlnlrY of Is no In the VreuIdents and his wee AIId for many In the fet James 1tKlolty a Itand In of Orange in the of tis Done and allward In on land Mcinley In but A compaallflr tarly to was the rrtalCnIcrlcrnc lalbr of emigrant In ont rent the of our the of TiE know that McKinley a of F It n- t InooKLYJ J- uWut to Celebrate mfhc To Tit lttT0fl or TIlE SUH from twolhoundlb of Crsar Title the seen Irm actions wt nn Ireday on the n C CIr would lDPP old he proper Is one ear ur- 1lnr not to make U n Remedy for Ok Pollnl To TiE EDITOR In for the of I tried many and tot a guide that poe talent of In burning the hand made Is always In or an of po- I July W devoted to SnAzasPsaBw the 32 pages to Duke Wellington lines LKSUE pages the Mr SIDNEY 1370 pages and were besides 653 contributors fiftysix publication The Dictionary istruly national like great English Dictionary boiag preparedunder Dr- Muasays direction Is product pd enterprise The Cotton The Governmentreport condition first current an exceedingly encouraging condition spring is ex- tremely will undoubtedly be deficiency this grain 100000000 150000000 bushels as corn pared year the harvest winter secured Is very large probable harvest be roundly This is ample domestic and export 13 harvest than last than per cent greater was ago It will be harvests financial returns are 1na1ly computed American has gained greater advantage than did last year condition cotton is very low exceedingly large while twothirds greater than it Southern planter will greater return cotton present than the The statisticians declare corn acreage is planted condition Is promising some crop winds remainder this and specula- tors will course make most isolated instances temperature corn belt about first weeks must remembered from this exceedingly rare Owing resenee corn greatly export has been cultivated within years it was last year Corn is ways most raised present will be bumper will sell many harvest and them horrible form lockjaw beln reaped Fourths ilany these cartridges were pie these time Is pro- hibited cities country prohibition general pistol deadly It sup- pressed Representative Teonsusee wIll take part the liryan- campsignIndtenspoUs Probably he wili republish speeches the Inscription JAMES The lion sometime the cal has burst McMuuws withdrawal tteec fight Senator glad the beli ring cries has a mendous ringing his ears Be issure that the harmony belts will ring November grand Democratic will see daylight Ijofor- tunatelr Democratic daylight rise Republican platform has it which a great agrIcultural lIke people great asricuittiral like Nebraska good evidently believes that their paramount ii And fancy fancy The profesional beggars nuisance seem lately token posting them- selves the stairways elevated railroad stations the be aaron blocking the peopie Wbr oflkials Manhattan Railroad Company Parrot Cry ins Emvois Tan StTSr tO to I imperialism not believe Democrat dredknous whatit arplied their McKinley suakecd what by imperialism they 111cc a parrots shout confes see thercan it so suceeosful Administra has Toss I3Dzu McKinley vnn todays- sl4 Mr Gaflne question slate- nient recently THE SUM in en edItorial is SeotchIrIsh ancestry lie sOIrees that there Scottish ftain pedigree that ancestor generations Ireland before to this country Tar 5t1c Is right as followIng show Perthohire Seoteisman went to a soldtrr WIllIam lie fought flatUe eritled tister confiscated Ifs cn David was boCn Ulster as age came America This President ltcKtntry President McKinleys ancestor was Scotch md bia anefslrs tired Ireland foroahy atin As did ancestors of very many clittens of Scotch lrtPt origin It may interest readers Stjc to President has Scotch Pres- byterlan blood goodly strain Pnglieh Puritan biond CORNWALL 11 Jaitus sar year witi be the anniversary of the birth Julius treat muss restsIof sluice guat whose lives and derive benefits was born 12th ef July 100 years be years today If were alive eetebratton to be arranged lime will be too meets preparations YouliJuly Mexican m rite 5u5slr Pemoes bid the collate may be interrated remedies erect ysleon eati bare with tadif aurcais salves prescribed washes lotionS and fleshy hint from a Mztean so potnn k even to the being enveloped the arnokofthe shrub In- a fare and neck in strong brine with table salt which camp prevented eruption appearance zrJ IV71 AFRICA In a dMpth daYttf4r en the or the and on the rl way and the abut en road wi at by a of the the two or the of And a or the In the but late to Slmlltalna made held by A cavl some troP Klcrp Abut but the A or the Padeki of and her In on of the ot the the met ot too doe to or how the I tat to the state ot In of Colon mat law tate not by found to Tow the Dutch to bring their direct and Germany In this and other the Dutch their to on the In the for which they have to put up the In by the subjugation of the two is with The last mal from show of the South only SIR ruFRl LAVRIER- Tbe Seizure of ta Cnd- lorBAL to s- own or If not Yet from Bore of doing could learn from a v that an the from n In New York and the pArcel hu the by order of tho UotrOent at This act of Sir blow at the or lpr lon end of opinion In a which that a man had a right to he however to the Jingoism a of In do and U and mluDc pl H prohibit do approve so thy In tat that to un at Ottawa who mid court their tan a for on t- ote nullY rons for that Sir Wi J it mu MId fail vbch he I lon other ll wit 0 or loyalty on of to on or In South at that Isssn made pubic but I hint and In I It out that hla not an hArt discus the or Sir hs tot wishing to make who nIUIPr nor when at by high t on Ih of of St John for In proclaiming In what Mr Mont or larlhlmnt on at In came out and lor annexation ow hAd to lay do is a Is on foot mon the or or have In the of the W of bAd and luriAr not On hand hn jl to b a harmless hut and on to make and that n In 1 n1 REICHJVN He That Took No Part Doe In the Samoa PHI July 12A denial by wit army of the that he or at Post last March hAS just the or War In a written by Capt Relchmann The en Is notmodo that port to the surprised by from at to the that I was Quot d In a Reuters hay the In on Slna PI him as a mlle him Irom the other In I under charge or a by the ermlt Mr lay he capers here anJ a to to hll report 1 by Alum uaeM the I p that tie took no whatever In the In From Or Tm the In this during the peat wu wbatmnitht b or not the of July In bad to by the dozen The thermometer 90 once last but far we hard prostration from during the whole The the amount of end three from due no two the heat a more on days and hat coming ocalonal the of Ar- mor the d hot They the of u- cedn amId heal they avoid In Hit From your ta now fulltdCd phyaldan ale GUral Ur hung ahlncle- ne not doa much though I I O he II A Gal I three solid hosts for that pales t get to I dldnl get oa la btU of 1 tendency 1low 1l- I toed RobertS reports part Boertaround Pretoria between Johaisrmeburg Lningt Nek- On Wednesday British force holding a position Called Nttruia Nek eighteen ielles wat of Pretoria the Attacked dawn Beer commando result fighting was that Beers captured guns the greater part squadron cavalry company battalion that oceupled position Re8nforeement were sent rem Preteria arrived too preventthe Doers carrying awly the guns and an attack was on PretorL5 which was British regiment and other The being hard pressed eIghteen miles northwest was also attacked Doers were repulsed party Ikers destroying railway near were also driven of This sudden display aggressiveness west or Pretoria Johannesburg they wee believed to have all submitted tMresting commentary reports peel fication country and dlscourse the Beer leaders The ttack Bnttsh positions Pretoria ar significant imperfect information ij being allowed reach British regarding the actual affairs In South Africa certain districts Cape Is itlli rigorously main newspatrs approved British milttary commandants are strictly prohibited and persona In poe session of them are severeiy punished Mean- while accordIng information from boycottof Engllahgoods and English ii tskiliz organizedfOrm Importing companies being formed by Afrtkanders goods from flohland ways Cape arc shewlng intention retaliate British imperialist Afrikanders who ire minority the indignities bad with before and during war Natal tsreata are being freely asade British majority that unleM the republics made complete and the burghers rigorously dealt they will cut the British connection news both there and Cape Colony that the real troubles British Govern- ment in Africa have begun Reported Indepesdence Lesgie- fladges July tThe present Govern is nothing according designation itself Ilberal all accounts in Its hardly be beaten good source organIzation here called Canadian Independence Iainie recently ordered several thousand badges for lie members factory ftrt sent been seized by CustomHouse authorities Lib- eral Ottawa ii a direct liberty manifestation and comes very strangely country In it used to be the boast thlnkand expt4ss any opinion chose Things eseuf have changed since that grew out of the Itoer war has taken possession of cerlala class people this couzitti Dominating ns they Its politics finances they all power they any ttw not and completely have cowed the element the Covprnntent the Fnnoiiiuusdiana are aulM It be better hove Eng Itch Premier votes the salt sivrs way occasion element of opposition have good saying frLd rather late hasplaced interview ace dar with nssxnbr led the revoit thetnssnsatm manifestation spurious the occasion cit the vote the the success the Itritish army Africa againt the Bors What subjects discussed Interview has not it commonly understood Mlr Lauders partisans ngente have charged give whatever he flay seem to itt Without stopping to this new revelation S lUrid rca sorts Canadians are jingoes believe it- Mr BomwMss was complimented Win- nipeg i dignitary Church occasion the Baptist his boldness arliarnent every ors was thinking another member the Ottawa the sam occasion Michigan openly unreservedly some have ths courage open their mouths and what they others are daring to Mlifrtd at last becoming aware that revolt against abetted and some Its members call loyalty that been indulged during present session hence the satrure the Independence 1ague the sending nut the word Sir Is an Imperialist the one trying tue socalled loyalists tneon- venterit manifestatIon of sentiment the other hiss deeontented adherents believe he has beSet playing deep proclaiming a Imperialist DENIAL CAT Dectars He Wtth the Fight at WtsnzNcsTow complete CaptCarl Iteichmann American militaryal tachd tbs Hoer report led a floess in the fight Sannea reached Secretary report tire report ptmbilc but re- ferring chhrce says Iwas vervnuch one day a tele- gram out Consui lrcioria effect telegram as icy led their descent ItmmediteIy been mere speotater and certificates attachs sameeffect fn guide furnlhed us toy me that had the local cabled dental Washington Capt Relchmnnn appends statement mange the French attach part fight New Orleans Summer fist Xtc Mao qDrnoerat whit temperature city week fairly warn unpleasantly warm incoming varlus cities Iortb bsve weltre4 a tropical heat and base chronicle fatalities with us touched degrees or twite week as as have thei- wasonlyone heat weekon Ilaturday at smal mortality prostration Is heat to New Orleans is doubt to esues First here though continuOus throughout bnger period is equs- ble being srareciy CTCC 0 Intense paetieu1r it It this Intense that kills and ecscsdiy people ezert in metierof taking cere weather know eSect energy torrid arid it- Starttng Profession the Detroit Free Peru So son a Mr to Yea be bas out his is yet suppose yu lie has Joined medical societies Sat FrorelS CtS4SO waited reader aroused me- Weiit lie told me lIfe my ° TII OOID Arlla Statement of Dop Do by July t2In tM of than Gold to Bryan us Iotenlhl or them for William ot them for Palmer and liuckner In the the vote for the In than the for the let 182 117137 SJJU UOall t4231 Lulls 113 1181 117 flew n11 zlni- Ne uen New aUBGI BBJJ Pennsylvania lu 2US UUV- eraoL IGU lUID 101 UU4- nOU 2040440 In States six In the the the rat In the or vote of for The or Gold ago met In on 3 year orOold to WeSt in that If the dom And of mere of to the of a which four ago may and by a our or for whIch lano at Four power and the br the or by him working of the There were of Internal States District and minor a of who the of the the to a Palmer vote U with A to running in some In Atonal and are out or They the which from tn the have The now an of few without and any of the of in fact or In In the of to In the to In the nomlna lion of Bryan and the of duly who by the of the Bryan on to a vote for a wu to up the 10tAI or which had a ot Wit some or the to from support of and to In made In But In the wu no of Bryan There not n Ala who against or hold of a In by any ot to their cam to only Gold or hd to Indorment of Sir McKinley that bas his known and or the Gold at that a quaint which make the at the and the which for to the of the and tue monty The of which Gold the every the up foreign for and to time and no one but mOt embarking on pry movement against the of McKinley or there would only fr the ddt take up and rrcnill to of or who are have already bid for the by who have In with n atonal pur or memories which would to the In on July To or to sldlculou by the for would b The Financial CeTlnloae or Adl Front On was the at ttuat Virginia by the round or such ma- lI she wishes of e fought la nots on Is of Itlon In which he money Ir1 on the The lad len had of acceptance came Iran plannrd to sprint to last or Iwo an on Steensooi on old be but one In Ihe event of Itt the and uth a could the tact that bad no of a hAd undergone cissare In a 10- Mr let bins irorge f wu at the mal headed In WI on of ready for signature bust Sinenion money record I now Ibe of may front signed which Mr Parker SI Nols of panted Its of the great Man day DEMOCRATS Whit TleyCas Separate Aetlos- VAsntssnrox Preeidetitisml election IBM probably more lioOJ Democrats Democrats refused accept the fletnocratlo partr candIdate voted MeKin voted following States DezimocratioElectoralttckct ltPG was les vote Democratic ticket legs legs Alabama 138138 Connecticut Delaware 18513 13424- Georlia 45044 Maryland Massachusetts hampshire Jersey Yoek Rhode isiand Wisconsin these sixteen South six In New England North Atlantic atidcno net failing off Democratic vote was 450000 onehalf- of the total Democratic the country McKinley four years ago National Demomatlo Convention of tour years Indianapolis Sept ThiS theNational Democratid Conven- tion has been called ths same citj with many present indications wOe good Judgment influential members this faction are not exercised thwart nomination separate ticket this political organization had many intelligent members years be brought into ridicule derision policy there valid reason present visible years ago theClovetand Administration was in Federal oflicera appointed President etoined onsti- tuted the eisment National Democratic party Collectors Curtorna Revenue Ageiits United Attorneys Treasury officiate number active and tolerably ipfluential Democrats dissatiefled with course Chicago Convention but still nominally connected with Dernocratio party exerted themselves procsxreas large and Buckner possible view political exigencies Slate local tickets and some cases Congres Legislative candidates This year these Federal practically all 0111cc srowithout recognition comes being public service and they been superseded by Republican successors National Dernomatlc party as such is therefore assortment individuals in number political foilowing without agendes warfare being all them private station National ConTeutton 1595 l dde gates whose title seats convention was undisputed refused acctiiesce Sewall and number other delegates elected were ax- cluded action Committee Contested Seats secure twothirds sliver candidate large enough brisig Democratmalconterutsto 200 Ins convention membership 020 warrant backing therefore delegates could claim riiht secede an Intolerably unDemOcratic platfnnn participate nominstioni- sioro truly Democeatto than those Chicago recent Kansas City Con- vention thewe like claim The stamIna tion was tmnantinous wai delegate voted Mr opposed it and tie mr convention Indianapolis dele- gates without vestige political authority would be moire ridiculous regularity The serious and tangible objection which the Democrats Indianapolis the for President at time was well views record matter the tariff The platform which Demo crate n4opted period has archaic value its publication Interesting we therefore denounce ptotecttors and its alty free coinage of silver as schemes for personal proSt of- a few expense of the many oppose two parties stand thae schemes a hostile people republic whon food and shelley comfort property are attacked by higher and depreciated emptiness these claims has been crushindy demonstrated since The tariff policy the Democrats denounced has In acknowledgment at one largely ihereasied public wealth opened new markets Mnerlcutn goods cereals added home demand and filled the Treasury flue fatuous political lrreconcilahlis yCarof a separate both McIinley and based upon tariff policy the National AdministratIon The Cleveland Federal offidais haYIIu been effacv4 and the tariff Issue disposed remain Indianapolis gates one tsssiieto one welcomethe motley sqtTisd antIimpcrlsiisti Those theta Demoernt had tbeirsuport at highest political terms the Kan- Ms City Convention and those Of them are Republicans certainly little common Democratic art tise pose revive and tea ditlons nh Republicans reject There appear tci be two courses only open National Democrats when thOy convene with nuiich dimInished mcnobenship Indianapolis 23 adjourn withotil- maklna nominations make themselves an abetted ticket ngiegate vote which ridiculously incig- nlflcant the flo oe Tranurir the mney question which veal point at Issue Kansas Cu1 Stevensons attitude Is like of the West schoolteacher who when skcd a rommttteemn whether she taught that world was liii replied that ira consulted the personal the parents hIss Congress campaIgns tented lilt species greenback bitterly assaIled the power was his stand question issue by 1892- As that neared a close however coat uteenson writien iso letter word to Decuocrsttc healqurles that the Repub the day of the attack record quoting from his greenback Speeches and Ootiog that there would life Demo cratte between country Presi- dent also point to Stevenson writtan leiiee aceeptnce evidence that his views a there circumstances courter was depsteh4 Stevenson lI from a suitbl letter of ac- reptance taker who afierward- Conul Itirmiegham was selected lIe Stevenson oft and And tog him had a letter acceptance all his This ii heretofore ilOpublithed history as so important seal secrecy properly removed it- Mr Stevenson readily the ringing wund money document bad penned a ye Feces IS AiSaas Wejiaer Tint St4s the Convention thu acmm stories Philadelphia and 55 City pohtiteal conventions wire smoSg the bright cM specimens of newspaper sketch wriUng that Amegi sea Jousrealism has had to its credit In many a en nom to rlanl Coalllnnal CUBAN 11IzI1XnK cit G STool Ordered Discuss toy EletlCg a ConyntiniS- AslIawovox Leonard Wood Military by rnor of Cuba hs been ordered to- ht itt a ecnsitltaton with ths becretat t of ar- in regard to arrangement to be made for the elecIon ofa Cuban Cotratitutionil Convention ThIa will be the fret important tep taken by the United Statea in carrying out the Presidetas I rogramtre of giving Cubi absolute itdepenthneo The election in- Cubalatmonth haishown to the Aciministra tim official that the reopie of Cuba are rapidly reaching the Point where they can nasume the reins of government and It Is intended to push asrapldly as conditionsin Cuba wiil permit the work of rocontruction of the Island Just when the electionfor delegate to the Constitu- tional Convention will be held Is to be determ toed at the conference between Secrtary- I ROOt and Gm tond After the convention meets ad adopts a Constitution for Cuba the plan of having it submitted to the people of Cuba for ratification wili be followed so that it will be several months before a Cuban Con stitmitiori can be fully adopted Gsa Wood Is expected to leave havana tho- iatterpartnfthia weekorearly nest week and he wilt come direct to Washington from New York Some of the offlcisls believe that condO tions in Cuba will permit the holding of an election for delegates within the next three month Is ii the intention of the Admlnistra- Uon to facilitate these elections as much as possible so that the military forces stew in the island can be wIthdrawn len Wood doss not believe that his force should be reduced at this time and the action of the Secretary of War in ordering the return to theUnited States of three regiments was in oppcsition to the reoom- suendation of Gen Wood who suggested that only two regiments be withdrawn atthisttms Plans are also being discussed for the holding of the legislative election in Porto Rico next November lot Allen and Secretary Root hao had several confennces on this subject The act of Congress providing a civil govern- ment for Porto Rico stipulated that a deLegate to the United States should be elected at a general election to bi held In Porto Rico on the same day as the Presidential election In this country Rather than have two separate dee tiona on different days Oov Allen and Secre- tary Root have agreed that it will be the better plan to have the legislative election on Nov 6- at the same time as the election for delegate to the United States KANSAS iROPZBITY Bask Deposit Have Increased 30 Per Ceet Dicing the Put Tear TOXKA KanJulyl2The State Board of Equalization made a statement today showing ft gales of 15000000 of assessed property In Kansas during the last rear chiefly Irs the form 4- of personal poperiy The evidences of Kansas prosperity are coming In thick and fast from vailouu independent source This year owing to the high levy fixed by tho last Legislature the State will raise about 85000 more taxes than its present need Ai one of the instances of better times n the Stat the Assessors found this year about 2OoO more pianos than last Bank deposits during the year have increased 20 per cent All the evidence goes to show that Kansas people are enjoying a degree of prosperity never cx- perienoed before and that wh n the farmers go to the polls they will vote to continue the present National Administration LOUZSIALL LffOISLATURit The dTrat Law ad the ll ReparAtlag- Whtteesnd Blacks In Street Cars Valh- aw Osrxar July 12The Louisiana Legislature adjourned tonight after a sea sion of sixty days It was unanimously Demo- cratic in both branches for the first time in the history of the State Much of Its legla- latlon has aroused opposition and it is thought a that it will etzengthen the Republicans In the election this fall The most important political measure passed was that amending and prao- tically abolishing the CIVIl Service law inNew Or- leanaIn oppositionto almost the united press in- thecity A measure adopted which hadaixnott universal support was the abolition of the convict leaNs system and the substitutIon of State contract of the penitentiary and the emplo rnent of convicts on State The Legislature carried on a vigorous cam- paign against Insurance companies pwing- a law and one corn between companies Trustlaw modelledon statute but far more rigid and the most extreme In the country one House and In the other through issek of time and the vigorous agsinst it made the New Board of Trade The antItrust people who are in a majority threaten to and It at the next sessIon The bill separating whites and negroes in the street cars passed one house In the its itariog a masjoylty and will also be raked up- Ths original bill exceeded the revenues but at the suggestion of the Governor it 55 dslt down to a revenue but is still much than usual The Legislature elected wo United States I Foster late Governor and Samuel D McEnery the present Senator VALUR OF DOMESTIC XXPOiXT- SFoytbe 11 Months Ended June 3031 Was STeIaI179SZacreaae S45542722W- A5RINOTOId July 32The value of the four principal articles of domestic exports for the month of June was 852666655 an increase of 1553024 over the same month last year Breadatuffs increased 1413500 proviions in- creasedl45l495 mineral oIls increawd 257 while cotton decreased 1559412- ft the twelve months cnded Jittue 30 the cx ports of these articles were valued at 531 laS an tncreaso of 45542722 over those ol the fiscal year and exceeded only those of the fiscal 1805 when the volume p 0151 value of breadstuffs were abner Compared with the preceding twelve- month show a decrease of 10431- Ml provision lncreaed 4Sl34t6 cotton In and mineral oils increased 19087566- A Democratic Journal That Will Help to Bury Bryanism Irma sad Manchsfr Veins Vouv years sgothe Union could not consdentloiisly und therefore did net support Mr Rryn because of the piatfoim on which he then stood There was not particular objectIon to Sb man The objection was tothe platform Mr I4ryan has splvrdtd courage and w admire him for It but we Cannot admire hint for anything else Iii utter lynorance of the A I C- of linseed ii apparent He baa shown himself a Populist pure and ample and we resist take him as such or repuditte him altogether The only way toput the Demoeratc party urea Its V feet It to take M Liryan at his word antI uttrziy and entirely buiy hIm and the ceusethe only cause he- atandaforbeyond resuereclion Anhththgcan wait for that Imperialism or no imnrerlaltom we cart do nothing if Mr Bryan Is to hare his way and hIs free coinage 000aenrn receive any further encouCIgeIflent We utterly and entIrety repudIate the plsUnrm and its candidate and see hope an I believe they wIlt b beaten by an overutlmiag vote SIxteen Two One I Next to Bryan From the CIifrago Jiecord- C3i flryans house alanc on the edge of the city a modest cottare neatly paInted in yellow with trim- mings of lndtan red Ii bearss the number I CIS to the street The house nest door Is loll and a waggislu friend husuggested to hire the adleabtlity of teed log numebees with his neighbors so that the Agurei- of hi threshold sesy be she shibboleth of his cam palgn lSto 1 Iced Water fer Communion From It tUlwaute Sntinet BIG Brso Wi July 9The Free ilaptist Church membersof uthtch are mostly Prohibition Isle has dtecarded wine t communIon services TM new paeioe the Rev Mr l1anoek seCmed much cur poised at first Lut accepted the wIshes cf his flock and ccmnemorated the Last Supper by using cold water Beg SCala and Wolff Peon th IlarUord CiurirtL Willie 1tate the rire yearcld son of harris Kate of 73 Chutes 1tree was bitten by a dot belonging to a- mtlkinaa named Wolff on Front stress a 10 >

Transcript of Library of Congress · 2017-12-15 · iiI o THE SUN FRIDAY JULY tl 1900 l VJbe Uu FRIDAY JULY 13...

Page 1: Library of Congress · 2017-12-15 · iiI o THE SUN FRIDAY JULY tl 1900 l VJbe Uu FRIDAY JULY 13 1Il-ptOD Postpaid toth DAILY SUNDAY Year DAILY AND SUNDAY Yr 00 DAILYIceAND SUNPA




ptOD Postpaid


Ice 1forrCDTUB Sup Zew York

U OrneKlue No 10 Bulnact

Il aoJlt4101 send 1 PIP


Is a sent or In

which worth tolumns of platform adopt by the Katonal

Itno lad

Preldnt He of

The our noof our

tof our duty In that of the world The

f doenotto more and

plainly did the ati at which the



1 hisof the bsue of no

for lng theon that but the

from Mr a moreand a plank

I makers were afraid toI care the doctrlno of the

ot to for thei McKutn the

He the doctrIne InI the which the too pru-

dent atthey It might

a future decision of theSupreme Court

TUEoDonE ItOOSEVELTsound on the Brief

his at Oyster hay It waswith The people

the candidate for Y

must decide they go onthe road to at home and honorabroad or turn their hacks on what

ben done In the pMt three andthereby plunging the country Into

ot and and what

the of this Infew

I candidate have taught a Icon tothe trimmer

made the year TiESUN hoped would

from the advance ofabroad of

at homo

and BranlsmA who the

Democracy paints here vividlythe naggings to Independence

himI To op J

ou to me to an tottlrrol dtcsoD on Ih-

ephol quuUon-I back I ran Item

hue brro of the molthe that tugbt

In out I to

Ibath theoae I voted IU

uaUII 9 when RAIand alfr rime totbtenet

studied this new teepeeI ADd the that

wOllld breed immediate thefor ot teeth U

not one to me romThe rnul was I dteard mnllnfavor of a rold

My at ram down me

pr-ulded tbe7 even

to Iln ot whichi bad uhled un I had rome

me more than I CAn to Hand

rnllrlall the blandlar me a ielo toI had teamed

nealto VeiL t tonwhet WI rChla

the St otof end my tot the

IrNow lenlrll IUtAre arsie roid J

dod four thsee than nn In favor of a

and the alan begun me

tan J tan I that lhre f-

1llcs theto me from bltlncwhat J ran mea

qulrd the I up my for13 on this mundane

NEW YonK July 7 PElOCRATWhat of but name

the Democratic partyof the I

party the free of and Itholds to I

and on acrount of I

of In 1873

were I

this Wits the of Its woo and Itthe main cal o let tho Dranle

Now your grlatjrnrfather knew that

the or IUer doll In1E04 and that

coined between that and

that the larllsonln was the I

great goldI

papr men who nro nowI

the loJul t the lion Anrti EWINGdc

voted to a theCoin net Tat net IbM the

and to tho disadvantageof thE later Yourof and ofDrops


kept dropping ofThe of

Daddies npine for

And the oM rfmcmbfr alwaysa

of the fact thatgreatgranij

father may thatthe of

of the opinionto that the hadan right to andthat make It Into a newor add It to an the

of the or rlglafor

RreaHfrandrathrrchuckled because flea JACK ON wrote

In 181that ho wu


t by XUDAILY per 50



PIT Year 6 00pit 00

pet A

pt Uonth 70-

I couiitttU addedCity

3 PAISIEiaiqUe o nest Hotel anddes

51 fyttsdj Its wW rs2iWciS-I wish articles usurnd they

atamN tot


There cingle six wordoPreiIdent cKiNIEfaspechofaceeptanee

Is anreral the

hearingI There InU5t b cuttIe polIcy

the was speaking


Philippinca are there will beabatement abandonment

partEngilob dictionary contain wordswherewith iquarey


than President Cantonyesterday the propositionplatform makera Philadelphia balkedjutt three weekM before

Equally etralghtforward statementfinancial There wa

ground Philadelphia reeo-

lutlon subject paragraphMcKINLEYS speech ii

Ivirile utterance better

The platform deRepublican full

Congress legislateterritories Mr suppliedomission zui3ertcd

Identical languageI gentlemen Philadelphia rejected

because thought possiblyconflict with

t And Is likewsA-

i noscuttle iolicy as-

I wa speechcrowded meaningsaid iccPreildcnt-I now whether will



an abyss misery distressIs worse shame

All great issues contest arethose words


dates asand believed they

No scuttling lineexpansion No scuttling pros-perity

Democracyman baa renounced revolu-

tionarywhich his

subjectsTHE EOITOa Tn CtNSlr appsi-

I helpI pOIiIiC1

A trace my anCetorsDemoeraI pronounced type

end principiciof tep see-

S1nc cbttdtood oesen anS uniti betamabelieve anal wih honest convictions was

P4tTty with honest principles nodticket

ieue with care and asitaly as eout1 reached ronctuston It

dtaeter upon countercii the reasons set towby It ehould-

besecepted appealed eshsvtntnon sense thtt

Ii theptote ones upon ttke a-

satancLe Ihty ariCd lhe3 riasoned theytIey threatened accused me

cowing a traItor a tsxnlty Demoeestbefore upon the sen-

Itecat say out sgtnbt CII

this as tparty to I-

aimset holy Notaithetandint

Ieluded eey honest idca of

COUfltt laTe wea gecater thaneven my ties blond Cote waj rag

time UaInt the pulythat the

that upon subject ha-a nade soore gold standard

onMotight has upon WhatI do vhat will showI cf crosofgoId theory the utter ftuIttee

5I the attempt tear away to-

I see ll about nationalI alec dsy oct initial wallI rat epiereI VoL4o

Democracy the is

left to The cardinalprinciple llryanized flemocratlo

IIs coinage silver

I that everything has been goingrack ruin the soealled-demonetization silver tntilTrusts nail Imperialism diseovered

calico all isstill eti-matlon


I stopped coinage1 i practically

1200were date19 Your Democratic grandfather knrw

Iemocrncyparty haviog fought down

the representedby and

The Democratic partygold currency

Ct Gold ratiobetween gold


lirToNa Mintand JtcKsoNM Yellow lloys

Gold was dijeovereil California Silvermit eight It became

gradually lemonetired Dollarotir wan coin nttr DemocraticDaddies didnt and sidom saw

lentncracywas gold party

Your lemocrnth grentgrandfathpr wsproud JEflEItSON bought

Ii Loulalana Your Democraticleave remembered AUIERT-

I OMLATI greatest DemocraticI Secretaries Treasury gave his

JarrErso Initcd StatesI Inherent acquire territory

they eculd State

Iexisting State with

I consent latter prescribeI tions Its government

Your Democratic1

I IPresident MoNroE ready




to In days U

word given and JACKSON

did It In A mOt

Your ap-

prove the of InYour

grandfather with theof them In for Oregon

or none orand he

the Meslcan War ofor not the of pry did

he more thanto the United by the

ot under

Your thepurchase when square

were tounder aconsent of the of the

or bynever

party Goldthe to


than thefor free trade or forIt you an old tenet

It not to thought of laughter-

now forthe that wee

theof of theof

ofof the

of andof BSTANS of a of

now more

andKnowing that the favor

of thecan fount It tothat they are a

in Inorof upndlnc our In

of Ibor and for

our people by honest And means Ourour lusUlr the

In lb I the un

furled ito humanWe against the


world the serantet of our

down the In thethe Government

the way for the andof American commerce

Whatever the other of thethink the know

tht the American tothe Inhabitants of the such

they have not known andthey would never know they were

to the tender of AOUINALO andother dictator

It of thewhich the

of that It the people

of the Unit by that theyare the andthat the would

enjoy more I fromthe

and their aleIgnore or the meaning

Two Frightful Examples

PQllton In whichand humbug

have place him and his before theto b by

man who schemed to procure fora monopoly of the sale of a

ment the of

the from W McKI-

NIU who on on

the In own name and whoto the from

or document to theat on price and under notorloush fraudulent by the

agent of his DARCUR madby man-

ager to preside over the recent

The of Irony could not havethat The spectacle of

at theacetising

of turningto and

upon certain agents ofthe much even forthat organ of the Democracy theSt Paul Globe Wo quote some of that

under theA

Ills of rublr seen

han citan andof and hue out

prll men of noof the ran 10 done

bl lori There h A

eolmJI ul-stnr 01the part a

ruble omr1 a desecetogto a need look for

from Ihe ronname In anyonequestIon Irpullon man may

In the lot

loved h the mostthe man who Iimpugned or to

himIn of aurprlslnr-

IhU Tennessee should

man Inc done theput and honor

a pubic man Nol buthens carthe issuance of throulh the sane

lon of able I matie tfdtraThIs a

any mon In Made

a mOan of aurb that he II ISChairman of hti cnnn

nftthflaispeelnc hr Rica

enable him to male and that is

do Conrru put a stop to hiundrlllnr This IICnl may be

rerhlnlr wtth theSou on Are of honor

the coer which publeman mightzpected to purue

St nofrom of

honor andthat Journal

him to In

drawing dividend from the mostof In

of the by tho Senate ofa Joint to put end to Itfor tho up for

the next byHouse on of which he-

WM the chairman ofhis nasty of theof the tolate during the campaign

he Is explaining to voter the Im-

pornce of thesl

conquer Florida sixty thewas because

virtually conquer iBIS

uncommonly criminal aggressor was

ArnitswDemocratic greatgrandfathet

Florida 1819

Democratic AdministrationDomo ritio yelledloudest 1814 All

and Fiftyfourforty fight

and Pout DAILas Whether ap-

proved criminal aggree-

sion majority hisand saw FOOOOO

added States TreatyGuadalupeHidalgo r Democratic

AdministrationDemocratic father remembers

Gadaden 45000

milci added the United StateeDemocratic Administration The

Inhabitants territorygrabbed bought Democratic Adminis-

trations was aakedThe Republican Is the party

as Democratic party used be TheRepubUcan party is expansionist party83 Democratic party used to be TheRepublicans are much better Democrats

Bryanitee-As tariff revenue

only will Democraticis be without

After shouting and spouting itDemocrats discovered they

protectionists thernselveaThere remains Democratic doctrinestrict constriction Constitutionas little Federal interference as possible

Ask yourflcmocratlc family attics what they

think BRYANS Populist nlliesof Governmeat ownership and operation means

transportation communicationtheory Federal license

Thietta The Republican party Is

Democratic than the socalled Democrats

Expansion LibertyNorthwest

eipanaion the makers Silverplatform necessary assert

after manner

We see commerce theIntHeste American the benefliof sit

every peaceful

creed and blunT natIons of the earthrepectlng whereTer American ear Ii

authority liberty and politIcal IIb-

erty will be found protelt adoplton-

of any potter that will charge to thought of theflar-

By putting insurrectionPhilippines is preparing

bonffit peaceful ex-

parisionnations earth

may American peoploflag brings liberty

Philippinesliberty as as

if leftmercks

upstartmust be mon-

grel combination seeks electionMr BaTAN insults

States assuminggovern Philippines

Filipinos be better governedt

and liberty withdrawnUnited States

The Silver Republicansmisrepresent

American flag

The unpleasant Congrossman


Democratio newspapersThe

himself Governdocument containing messages

Presidentsclapped illegal copyright

same his pro-

ceeded pocket returns the sale

this Government publicexorbitant

representationspartner was

selected the DemocraticKansas

ConventionDevil im-

proved choiceRIcicAltnSoN chairmans desk de-

nouncing monopolies Repubhicn-omeeholders corruptly public op-

portunitles privato profit chargingscandalous practices

AcImlrIstration is tooancient

journals editorial remarks titleGrave Charge

to the toy the South that Itirematnd alnuIerIy theIr

conceptions otfltial conduct carrIed

their ideals to actual as the publicother iccticfl be Mid havesIt thnutb lice nations publIc

in the whtehaecounttconduct on

of thc utmost reprobationSouthefO eorntnuntty

eTen cosemon toleration people whoseonclel life feet at liberty to

on a public conductpMC South it ii

speedily serious consequenceseither tm name

whoVe lirhi all tbt it eeme quit

Congreuaman nIcnAtusoN cfatlent ai he ha no under mostimputations upon hIs honesty

as one paper number ofthtt i conneti with

pubiteConCreel he has been

Is try sesi3usegs1dlflj public life rsneernin

eminence chosen thePermanent psetys nationaltiol it is a mattero concern

lbs chute IC made artiestWsN that be nit teed blepositton a COCErIsnsaet-

to money i1iiritt

continued to

it fuse Itsay o Ills contltiuesl

silence ii cr4 eonsiutent eitherbern smilttvenesi the oOcIul

or wtth ace


The Iaul Globe will getreply Mr RtcuAnnsoN TennesseeThesertseof selfrespect which

friendly charitably attributeswill be appealed vain lie is

still scan-

dalous monopoliesspite passage

resolution anresolution was hung hiss

benefit until session theComtnittee Printing

formerly The profItslittle monopoly wisdom

Presidents will continue accumtlPresidential

whiletrust neo-


Iityof net of


upon the par by the lonVAN of the

the of theof the plntform It

the of JudgeVAN WYCK to New York on the

on tomlii

to theof The he

at the have notand the of the Incon-

venience not to say ofwhen are

for Quitethe more of

and JUlESD RicuAtwooN and AUGUSTS WYcK

at the frontuch Is In regardthe of the of

the HraltDemcrncyl

on the Lakelarge built for the

Iron oreat

have tlon offor and

bidIn they

ofIn some yea the

have theIn of

and amount of but they are pua than

ofA cane In

the of shippingthe ploughing of the wheat

the grand ot the LakeSuperior Iron and the ofthe Soo canal from ten to

of andsince 1880

of the new Is now ofThe tonnage of new In

from 107 tons In to In1891 and the tonnage double1884 antI We somuch of the I wo did a few

ago Ship are notthat It so after to other

and to the olderof marine

for ten the of

ship on the lakethat of the

along our Fortwo years however the on the

out double the tonnage of merchant that thehave A good sign for what the

a great of shipfor sal waterthat new era when

which us at theor the commerce Ifairly opening

be a great day for theon the when ship

and Bat water may

the compete with on the Delawarethe Clyde may

hound the If theythe world

a better whenmay up at Bay City or

Vnparamotint Paramounteyparamountcy of

issue Is one of theby the Na

tonal Is bytn the

party areSome or them are famous

names oftot tORGAN or Alabama

or ofJONES of

at once to the mind There manyand the of

is a oneUnder thE turbulent stream of

and of pro

tot Expansion theIt hard for

to It up and many of tem have notgiven It up

The paramount Is oneM to which the is not

A GreatA great that

a landmark ofat the end of the hasJust ben the of

and last volume ofor atonal by

the house of tIn London hy a

luncheon In honor of the Mrand Mr at

which were byor the

of the United theof n to LEE

The plan of the work formby GEORGE RmTJ the

frt Mr that Isthe that

from encclop lr works turned outhands that of In

but compact form thatof Interest subject

of n memoir to themay

obtained The volumeIn had been sPentIn mapping out the work and

and every monthsa volume hM

appeared now the isSTEPhENS him

frAt to Lnn with asten cars ago and to re

the whale to him andon brunt or the10r man yrar

of the areof and women

who have of kindthem found

anti highwaymenot 1the who are

worthy of beenthat the standard

one In of who haveIn the

and that the for theto In four thousand

There too thatThe name that

mOt oren I Is to SMIThor that name

worthy of thenJONES STEWART numTOS BRowN

In tam the 49

limiting th earnings certainindustries to four per cent

Similarly significant are the commentsstraightforward Democratic news-

papers takenAuduarirs Ice

construction antitrust plankKansas City makes

little difference whether choicerepresent

Committee Resolutions resultedinadvertence as RICIlAItDBONa

from cynical indifference requiremeats decency hisses whichcommanded conventionceased perception

tmpropr1ey hispresence trusts being denounced

political effect has become generalamong sincere organs hisparty

Antimonopoly antitrust withVAN

to second three chosen issues

hip IJulldingTwo steel steamers

Lake Supedor trade will belaunched this week Chicago Clevelandwill look after the laurels she has

the largest shipbuilder theports Chicago some other

places fair to become rivalsthis Industry Altogether are

building 10000000 worth mercantilecraft this seasonGreat Lakes surpassedWill make this summer number vessels

tonnageting out greater proportion usual

large vesselsremarkable has occurred

character sincefirst Dakota

fields developmentmines deepening

eighteen feetThe building sailing wooden vesselslies almost ceased Ninetenths

all shipping built steeLaverage vessels

creased 1880 058 tonslake

last yearwhaleback

years owners convincedIs superior all

vessels they are returningstyles architecture

years after 1887 tonnagebuilt usually equalled

allvessels built seaboard

shipyardsseaboard have turned

voseels lakesbuilt

country craves is revivalbuilding traflic The signsindicate we shalltake the belong tobead ocean carriers

It will builderslakes the canal is opened

between fresh They

They build greyAustraliaChina trade

contract The will belittle oft ocean shipping

tie Chicago

The ntiimper1ahism as-

a Democratic biggestwhoppers uttered Democratic

Convention AntIimperlahlsmparamount Democratic

itself Democratic expansionistscommon andinfluential Democrats The Sena

Chi f JtiMtiec SoncRAMS Tennessee Tsidge RsAOAN

TEXAS Governor Arkansas occurare others

iit DernocraUc expansionistpapers considerable

Bryanismthere are smitten currents

was Democratic policythat is many Democrats


Democratic IssueDemocratic party


Work Completedliterary tindertaking will

stand as British scholarshipnineteenth century

completed by publicationthe TheDictionary Biography

Co Theoccasion was celebrated

editors Lrs-

Jr SrzrtirN Sirar IrSspeeclie macto distinguished

persons including course Ambas-

sador States and by pres-

entation testimonial Mrwas jg

Mr 31

editor STEPIIp

characteristic quality distin-gttlshes the Dictionary most

by Englishnamely presenting clear

adeqitate allii concerning each

with referencessourCen where further information be

first was published1855 after three years


paring matcrial threethereafter like the seasons

till tabs completeMr health compelled

associate Mr himselfeditor finally

hinquish supervisionmlr IaFl the work has rested

IIIes Dictionaryincluded notices 9i20 men

attained distinction someAmong will ho adventurersand pirates and pictu-resque scoundrels all sorts well na

moreestimablo persons usuallydeemed record it has fig-

ured out adopted admitsperson five thousand all

ever reached mans ago British Islesproportion rises nine-

teenth century oneare omissions will flu sup-

plementary volumes occursneedless say is

Ito persona beingthought a notice follow

CLARK Moons TAYLoR Dovotas Thearticles vary length pages


the of dow a fewMy 10-

Iof work and



of whom dieduringthe of the work

awork but the New

nowIt a of

vat and not of Govercment

Grain and ot 1000of the of

our on the day of themontI one

of wheatlow and there

a In the yield of offrom to

with last ofwheat now a oneThe whet mayput at forour use for It a

male years but thewheat la more 10

than It a yearfoun when the

that thefarmer afrom It he

The of butthe acre la the

WM wt year Thereeele a much money fo-

rte crop of the leonprevious one

Government thatthe the largest everand thatthe of the crop at preent There Is

danger to this from hot duringthe of month

of the ofof drought and high

In the Wit-

hal the talk hot winds whichheard each year In the

of July It be that seriousand genera to tim corn crop

tothe fact that the of have

diminished and that a very greatdemand for It

the last few happens thatthe price of the staple Is now much higherthan It

In many the Importcrop In this country andfor the crop of the season Is that It

not only a one butat higher price have ben known for


A long or woundi death mOt orIn the or

from the use or the toy pistol onthe or Julr or woundswere from pistol meant for the use or blank

from the toytol pure and simple The use of pistolson the Fourth or at my other

In some of the or ourThe ought to be The toy

Is a toy ought t behere arid elsewhere

RICHARDSO ofan tn mnalmel of lbs

Col BINSwith Copyb


lIon TATOR muss l

Governor of Intomelody over Gov from

for I am to hearharmony BOB Its theset st music to my ear BOB Ire

Inout more joyously

thon now In when the old

partold pary

wouldnt know Ir It sw Inolblnc In

a to of ShlThe or a Stats

might bo uPped to prefer to ittmoney for butColonel duty tovote for him he is a tamer Just uho is a financier

of New York awaya t be more BO thannow They have to

In or theand same Impostor can found

In the plotway and cannot the

or theput a stop to this

ne of EmptreTo or What do

the Democrats byI do that one In one hun

ran byparty to n theymean do not know but

lot ot the wordI that I do not how applyto palrlolo and an

ton M benJuly 1 RUla-

ne Scotch Ulood tn

To CnlToR or Tie SUSI InT S In the

mod by thatPrldmi MeKlnlrY of

Is no In theVreuIdents and his weeAIId for many In

the fetJames 1tKlolty a

Itand In of Orangein the of tis Done and

allward In on landMcinley In but A

compaallflr tarly towas the rrtalCnIcrlcrnclalbr of

emigrantIn ont rent

the of our

the of TiE knowthat McKinley

a of

F It n-

t InooKLYJ J-

uWut to Celebrate mfhcTo Tit lttT0fl or TIlE SUH

from twolhoundlbof Crsar Title the

seen Irmactions wt nn Ireday onthe n C CIr would

lDPP old he properIs one ear ur-

1lnr not to makeU n

Remedy for Ok PollnlTo TiE EDITOR

Infor the of I tried

many andtot a guide

that poe talent ofIn burning

the handmade Is always In

or an of po-I July W

devoted to SnAzasPsaBw the 32 pagesto Duke Wellingtonlines LKSUEpages the Mr SIDNEY1370 pages and were besides 653

contributors fiftysixpublication

The Dictionary istruly nationallike great English

Dictionary boiag preparedunder Dr-

Muasays direction Is product pdenterprise

The CottonThe Governmentreport condition

first currentan exceedingly encouragingcondition spring is ex-

tremely will undoubtedly bedeficiency this grain

100000000 150000000 bushels as cornpared year the harvest winter

secured Is very largeprobable harvest be roundly

This is ampledomestic and export 13

harvest than lastthan per cent

greater was ago It will beharvests financial returns

are 1na1ly computed Americanhas gained greater advantage

than did last yearcondition cotton is very low

exceedingly large whiletwothirds greater than it

Southern planter willgreater return

cotton present thanthe

The statisticians declarecorn acreage is planted

condition Is

promising somecrop winds

remainder this and specula-

tors will course make mostisolated instancestemperature corn belt

aboutfirst weeks

must rememberedfrom

this exceedingly rare Owingresenee corn

greatlyexport has been cultivatedwithin years it

was last yearCorn is ways most


will be bumper will sell


harvest andthem horrible form lockjawbeln reaped

Fourths ilany these

cartridges were piethesetime Is pro-

hibited cities countryprohibition general

pistol deadly It sup-


Representative Teonsusee wIlltake part the liryan-campsignIndtenspoUs

Probably he wili republishspeeches the InscriptionJAMES

The lion sometime thecal has burst

McMuuws withdrawaltteec fight Senator glad the

beli ring crieshas a

mendous ringing his ears Be issure that theharmony belts will ring

November grandDemocratic will see daylight Ijofor-

tunatelr Democraticdaylight

rise Republican platform has it whicha great agrIcultural

lIkepeople great asricuittiral like

Nebraskagood evidently

believes that their paramount iiAnd fancy


The profesional beggarsnuisance seem

lately token posting them-

selves the stairways elevated railroadstations the be

aaron blocking thepeopie Wbr

oflkials Manhattan Railroad Company

Parrot Cry

ins Emvois Tan StTSrtO to I imperialismnot believe Democrat

dredknous whatit arplied theirMcKinley suakecd what

by imperialism they111cc a parrots shout

confes see thercanit so suceeosful Administra

hasToss I3Dzu


vnn todays-sl4 Mr Gaflne question slate-nient recently THE SUM in en edItorial

is SeotchIrIsh ancestrylie sOIrees that there Scottish ftain

pedigree that ancestorgenerations Ireland before

to this countryTar 5t1c Is right as followIng show

Perthohire Seoteisman went toa soldtrr WIllIam

lie fought flatUeeritled tister confiscated Ifs

cn David was boCn Ulster asage came America This

President ltcKtntryPresident McKinleys ancestor was Scotch

md bia anefslrs tired Ireland foroahy

atin As did ancestors of very manyclittens of Scotch lrtPt origin

It may interest readers Stjc toPresident has Scotch Pres-

byterlan blood goodly strain Pnglieh Puritanbiond CORNWALL


Jaitus saryear

witi be the anniversaryof the birth Julius treat muss

restsIof sluice guat whose lives andderive benefits was born

12th ef July 100 yearsbe years today If were aliveeetebratton to be arranged lime will

be too meets preparationsYouliJuly

Mexicanm rite 5u5slr Pemoes

bid the collate may be interrated remedieserect ysleon eati bare with tadif

aurcais salves prescribed washeslotionS and fleshy hint from a Mztean

so potnn k even to thebeing enveloped the arnokofthe shrub In-

a fare and neck in strongbrine with table salt which campprevented eruption appearance


In a dMpth daYttf4r en theor the and on the rlway and


abuten road

wi at by aof the the

two or theof And a or the In


late to

Slmlltalnamadeheld by A cavlsome troP Klcrp

Abutbut the

A or the


and her In

on of theot the the

met ot toodoe to

or how the

I tat to thestate ot

In ofColon mat law

tate not by


to Towthe

Dutch to bringtheir direct and GermanyIn this and other the Dutch

their to on theIn the

for which they haveto put up the

In by thesubjugation

of the two iswith

The last malfrom show

of theSouth only


Tbe Seizure ofta Cnd-

lorBAL to s-

own or If not Yetfrom Bore of doing could

learnfrom a v that an


from n In New Yorkand the pArcel hu the

by order of tho

UotrOent at This act of Sirblow at the

or lpr lon end of opinionIn a which

that a man had a rightto he

however tothe Jingoism

a ofIn

do and Uand mluDc pl H prohibit

do approve so thyIn

tatthat to unat Ottawa who mid court their

tan a foron t-

ote nullYrons for that Sir Wi

J it mu

MId fail vbch he

I lon other

ll wit 0

or loyalty onof to onor In South

atthat Isssn made pubicbut I hint

and InI It out thathla not an hArt

discus the orSir hs

tot wishing to make whonIUIPr nor

when atby high ton Ih of of St John

for In proclaiming Inwhat

Mr Montor larlhlmnt onat In came outand lor annexation ow

hAd tolay

do isa Is on foot monthe

or orhave In theof the W

ofbAd and

luriAr not Onhand hn jl to

b a harmless hutand on

to makeand that

n In1

n1 REICHJVNHe That Took No Part

Doe In the Samoa PHIJuly 12A denial by

wit army of the that heor at Post last

March hAS just the or War Ina written by Capt Relchmann The en

Is notmodo that portto the

surprised byfrom at to the

that I was Quot d In a Reuters haythe In on SlnaPI him

as a mllehim Irom the otherIn I under charge

or a by theermlt Mr lay he

capers here anJa to

to hll report 1by AlumuaeM the I p

that tie took no whatever In the


From Or Tmthe In this during the peat

wu wbatmnitht b or notthe of July

Inbad to by the dozen

The thermometer 90 oncelast but far we hard

prostration from during the whole

The the amount of endthree from due

no two the heata more

on daysand hat coming ocalonal

the of Ar-mor the d

hot They the of u-

cedn amId heal they avoid

In HitFrom

your ta now fulltdCd phyaldan aleGUral Ur

hung ahlncle-ne not doa much though I

IO he II

A GalI three solid hosts for that pales tget to

I dldnl get oa la btUof 1tendency 1low 1l-I

toed RobertSreports part

Boertaround Pretoriabetween Johaisrmeburg Lningt Nek-

On Wednesday British force holding aposition Called Nttruia Nek eighteenielles wat of Pretoria the

Attacked dawn Beer commandoresult fighting was that Beers

captured guns the greater partsquadron cavalry company

battalion that oceupled positionRe8nforeement were sent rem Preteriaarrived too preventthe Doers carryingawly the guns andan attack was onPretorL5 which was Britishregiment and other Thebeing hard pressed

eIghteen miles northwestwas also attacked Doers were

repulsed party Ikers destroyingrailway near were also drivenof

This sudden display aggressiveness westor Pretoria Johannesburg theywee believed to have all submittedtMresting commentary reports peelfication country and dlscourse

the Beer leaders The ttackBnttsh positions Pretoria ar

significant imperfect informationij being allowed reach Britishregarding the actual affairs

In South Africa certain districts CapeIs itlli rigorously main

newspatrs approvedBritish milttary commandants are

strictly prohibited and persona In poe

session of them are severeiy punished Mean-

while accordIng information fromboycottof Engllahgoods and English

ii tskiliz organizedfOrm Importing companiesbeing formed by Afrtkanders

goods from flohlandways Cape arc

shewlng intention retaliateBritish imperialist Afrikanders who ireminority the indignitiesbad with before and during war

Natal tsreata are being freely asadeBritish majority that unleM the

republics made complete and theburghers rigorously dealt they will cutthe British connection newsboth there and Cape Colony

that the real troubles British Govern-ment in Africa have begun

Reported Indepesdence Lesgie-fladgesJuly tThe present Govern

is nothing accordingdesignation itself Ilberalall accounts in Its

hardly be beatengood source organIzation

here called Canadian Independence Iainierecently ordered several thousand badgesfor lie members factory

ftrt sent been seized byCustomHouse authorities Lib-

eral Ottawaii a direct liberty

manifestationand comes very strangely country Init used to be the boast

thlnkand expt4ss any opinion choseThings eseuf have changed

since that grew out of the Itoerwar has taken possession of cerlala classpeople this couzitti Dominating ns they

Its politics finances they allpower theyany ttw

not and completely havecowed the element theCovprnntent the Fnnoiiiuusdiana areaulM It be better hove Eng

Itch Premiervotes thesalt sivrs way occasion

element of oppositionhave good saying

frLd rather latehasplaced

interview acedar with nssxnbr ledthe revoit thetnssnsatm manifestation

spurious the occasion cit the votethe the success

the Itritish army Africa againtthe Bors What subjects discussed

Interview has notit commonly understood Mlr

Lauders partisans ngente havecharged give whatever he flayseem to itt

Without stopping tothis new revelation S lUrid rcasorts Canadians are

jingoes believe it-

Mr BomwMss was complimented Win-nipeg i dignitary Church

occasion theBaptist his boldness

arliarnent every ors was thinkinganother member

the Ottawa the sam occasionMichigan openly

unreservedlysome have ths courage open their mouthsand what they others are daring to

Mlifrtd at last becomingaware that revoltagainst abetted and

some Its members call loyalty thatbeen indulged during present session

hence the satrure the Independence 1aguethe sending nut the word Sir

Is an Imperialist theone trying tue socalledloyalists tneon-venterit manifestatIon of sentimentthe other hiss

deeontented adherents believe he hasbeSet playing deep

proclaiming a Imperialist


Dectars He Wtth theFight at

WtsnzNcsTow completeCaptCarl Iteichmann American militaryal tachd

tbs Hoer report led afloess in the fight Sannea

reached Secretaryreport

tire report ptmbilc but re-ferring chhrce says

Iwas vervnuch one day a tele-gram out Consui lrcioria effect

telegram asicy led their descent

ItmmediteIybeen mere speotater and

certificates attachssameeffect fn

guide furnlhed us toyme that had

the localcabled dental Washington

Capt Relchmnnn appendsstatement

mange the French attachpart fight

New Orleans Summerfist Xtc Mao qDrnoerat

whit temperature cityweek fairly warnunpleasantly warm incomingvarlus cities Iortb bsve weltre4 a tropical heatand base chronicle fatalities

with us touched degreesor twite week as as have thei-wasonlyone heatweekon Ilaturday

at smal mortalityprostration Is heat to New Orleans is

doubt to esues First here thoughcontinuOus throughout bnger period is equs-ble being srareciy CTCC 0 Intense paetieu1r

it It this Intense thatkills and ecscsdiy people

ezert in metierof taking cereweather know eSect

energy torrid arid it-

Starttng Professionthe Detroit Free Peru

So son aMr to

Yea be bas out hisis yet supposeyu lie has Joined medical societies

SatFrorelS CtS4SO

waited readeraroused me-Weiitlie told me lIfe my



Arlla Statement of DopDo by

July t2In tMof than

Gold toBryan us

Iotenlhl or them for Williamot them for Palmer and

liuckner In the the votefor the In

than the for thelet 182


UOall t4231

Lulls 1131181 117

flew n11 zlni-Ne uenNew aUBGI BBJJPennsylvania lu


eraoL IGU lUID101 UU4-

nOU 2040440In States six In the

the the

rat In theor

vote offor Theor Goldago met In on 3year orOold

to WeSt inthat If the

dom And of mereof to

the of awhich

four ago mayand by a our

or for whIch lanoat

Fourpower and the

br the or by himworking of the

There were ofInternal

States District and minora of

whothe of the


a Palmer vote U with A

to running in someIn

Atonal andare

out or They thewhich from tn the

haveThenow an offew without

and any of theof in fact or In

In the ofto In the

to In the nomlnalion of Bryan and the of

duly whoby the of the Bryan

on to a votefor a wu toup the 10tAI or

which had a ot

Wit some orthe to

from support ofand to In

made InBut In the

wu noof Bryan There not

n Ala who againstor hold

of a In byany ot

to their cam to

onlyGold or

hd to Indorment of Sir McKinleythat bas his

known and orthe Gold

at that a quaintwhich make

theat the and the

which for tothe of the

and tuemonty

The of

which Goldthe every

the upforeign for and

to time

and no one but mOt

embarking on pry movementagainstthe of McKinley

or therewould only fr the ddttake up andrrcnill to of

or who arehave already bid

for the bywho

have In

with n atonal puror memories


to the

In on July Toor to

sldlculou by thefor would b

The Financial CeTlnloae or AdlFront

On was theat

ttuat Virginiaby

the round or such ma-

lI she wishes ofe fought la

nots on Is of Itlon In which hemoney

Ir1on theThe lad len

had of acceptancecame

Iran plannrd to sprint to last or Iwoan on Steensooi on

oldbe but one In Ihe event of

Itt the and uth acould the tact

that bad no of ahAd undergone cissare

In a 10-

Mr let binsirorge f wu

at the malheaded In WI on

of ready forsignaturebust Sinenion money record I nowIbe of may front

signedwhich Mr Parker

SINols of

panted Its of the great Man



Whit TleyCasSeparate Aetlos-

VAsntssnrox Preeidetitismlelection IBM probably more lioOJDemocrats Democrats refused accept

the fletnocratlo partr candIdatevoted MeKin

votedfollowing States

DezimocratioElectoralttckct ltPG wasles vote Democratic ticket

legs legsAlabama 138138ConnecticutDelaware 18513 13424-Georlia



Rhode isiand


these sixteen Southsix In New England North Atlantic

atidcno net failing offDemocratic vote was 450000 onehalf-

of the total Democratic the countryMcKinley four years ago National

Demomatlo Convention of tour yearsIndianapolis Sept ThiS

theNational Democratid Conven-tion has been called ths same citjwith many present indications wOe

good Judgment influentialmembers this faction are not exercisedthwart nomination separate ticketthis political organization had manyintelligent members years bebrought into ridicule derision

policy there valid reasonpresent visible

years ago theClovetand Administrationwas in Federal oflicera appointed

President etoined onsti-

tuted the eisment NationalDemocratic party CollectorsCurtorna Revenue Ageiits United

Attorneys Treasuryofficiate number active and tolerablyipfluential Democrats dissatiefled with

course Chicago Convention but stillnominally connected with Dernocratioparty exerted themselves procsxreas large

and Buckner possibleview political exigenciesSlate local tickets and some cases Congres

Legislative candidates This yearthese Federal practically all

0111cc srowithout recognitioncomes being public service

and they been superseded by Republicansuccessors National Dernomatlc partyas such is therefore assortmentindividuals in number politicalfoilowing without agendes

warfare being all them privatestation

National ConTeutton 1595 l ddegates whose title seats convention wasundisputed refused acctiiesce

Sewall and numberother delegates elected were ax-

cluded action CommitteeContested Seats secure twothirds

sliver candidate large enough brisigDemocratmalconterutsto 200 Ins

convention membership 020

warrant backing thereforedelegates could claim riiht secede

an Intolerably unDemOcraticplatfnnn participate nominstioni-sioro truly Democeatto than thoseChicago recent Kansas City Con-

vention thewe like claim The stamInation was tmnantinous wai

delegate voted Mropposed it and tie

mr convention Indianapolis dele-

gates without vestige political authoritywould be moire ridiculousregularity

The serious and tangible objectionwhich the Democrats Indianapolis

the forPresident at time was well

views record matterthe tariff The platform which Democrate n4opted period hasarchaic value its publicationInteresting

we therefore denounce ptotecttors and its alty freecoinage of silver as schemes for personal proSt of-

a few expense of the many oppose twoparties stand thae schemes a hostile

people republic whon food and shelleycomfort property are attacked by higherand depreciated

emptiness these claims has beencrushindy demonstrated since The tariffpolicy the Democrats denouncedhas In acknowledgment at one largelyihereasied public wealth opened new

markets Mnerlcutn goodscereals added home demand and filledthe Treasury flue fatuouspolitical lrreconcilahlis yCarof

a separateboth McIinley and based upon

tariff policy the NationalAdministratIon

The Cleveland Federal offidais haYIIu beeneffacv4 and the tariff Issue disposed

remain Indianapolisgates one tsssiieto one

welcomethe motley sqtTisdantIimpcrlsiisti Those thetaDemoernt had tbeirsuport

at highest political terms the Kan-

Ms City Convention and those Of themare Republicans certainly little common

Democratic art tisepose revive and teaditlons nh Republicans reject

There appear tci be two courses onlyopen National Democrats when thOyconvene with nuiich dimInished mcnobenship

Indianapolis 23 adjourn withotil-maklna nominations make themselves

an abetted ticket ngiegatevote which ridiculously incig-


the flo oe Tranurirthe mney question which veal point at

Issue Kansas Cu1 Stevensons attitude Is likeof the West schoolteacher who when

skcd a rommttteemn whether she taught thatworld was liii replied that ira

consulted the personal the parentshIss Congress campaIgns tented lilt

species greenbackbitterly assaIled the power was hisstand question

issue by 1892-

As that neared a close however coatuteenson writien iso letter word

to Decuocrsttc healqurles that the Repubthe day of the

attack recordquoting from his greenback Speeches and Ootiogthat there would life Democratte between country Presi-dent also point to

Stevenson writtan leiiee aceeptnceevidence that his views a

there circumstances courter was depsteh4Stevenson lI from a suitbl letter of ac-

reptance taker who afierward-Conul Itirmiegham was selected lIe

Stevenson oft and Andtog him had a letter acceptance all his

This ii heretofore ilOpublithed historyas so importantseal secrecy properly removed it-

Mr Stevenson readily the ringing wundmoney document bad penned


Feces IS AiSaas WejiaerTint St4s the Convention thu acmm

stories Philadelphia and55 City pohtiteal conventions wire smoSg the brightcM specimens of newspaper sketch wriUng that Amegisea Jousrealism has had to its credit In many a

en nom to rlanlCoalllnnal

CUBAN 11IzI1XnK citG STool Ordered Discuss toy

EletlCg a ConyntiniS-

AslIawovox Leonard WoodMilitary by rnor of Cuba hs been ordered to-

ht itt a ecnsitltaton with ths becretat t of ar-in regard to arrangement to be made for theelecIon ofa Cuban Cotratitutionil ConventionThIa will be the fret important tep takenby the United Statea in carrying outthe Presidetas I rogramtre of givingCubi absolute itdepenthneo The election in-

Cubalatmonth haishown to the Aciministratim official that the reopie of Cuba are rapidlyreaching the Point where they can nasume thereins of government and It Is intended to pushasrapldly as conditionsin Cuba wiil permit thework of rocontruction of the Island Justwhen the electionfor delegate to the Constitu-tional Convention will be held Is to be determtoed at the conference between Secrtary-

I ROOt and Gm tond After the conventionmeets ad adopts a Constitution for Cuba theplan of having it submitted to the people ofCuba for ratification wili be followed so thatit will be several months before a Cuban Constitmitiori can be fully adopted

Gsa Wood Is expected to leave havana tho-iatterpartnfthia weekorearly nest week andhe wilt come direct to Washington from NewYork Some of the offlcisls believe that condOtions in Cuba will permit the holding of anelection for delegates within the next threemonth Is ii the intention of the Admlnistra-Uon to facilitate these elections as much aspossible so that the military forces stew in theisland can be wIthdrawn len Wood doss notbelieve that his force should be reduced at thistime and the action of the Secretary of War inordering the return to theUnited States of threeregiments was in oppcsition to the reoom-suendation of Gen Wood who suggested thatonly two regiments be withdrawn atthisttms

Plans are also being discussed for the holdingof the legislative election in Porto Rico nextNovember lot Allen and Secretary Roothao had several confennces on this subjectThe act of Congress providing a civil govern-ment for Porto Rico stipulated that a deLegateto the United States should be elected at ageneral election to bi held In Porto Rico on thesame day as the Presidential election In thiscountry Rather than have two separate deetiona on different days Oov Allen and Secre-tary Root have agreed that it will be the betterplan to have the legislative election on Nov 6-

at the same time as the election for delegate tothe United States

KANSAS iROPZBITYBask Deposit Have Increased 30 Per

Ceet Dicing the Put TearTOXKA KanJulyl2The State Board of

Equalization made a statement today showingft gales of 15000000 of assessed property InKansas during the last rear chiefly Irs the form 4-

of personal poperiy The evidences of Kansasprosperity are coming In thick and fast fromvailouu independent source This year owingto the high levy fixed by tho last Legislaturethe State will raise about 85000 more taxesthan its present need

Ai one of the instances of better times n theStat the Assessors found this year about 2OoO

more pianos than last Bank deposits duringthe year have increased 20 per cent All theevidence goes to show that Kansas people areenjoying a degree of prosperity never cx-

perienoed before and that wh n the farmersgo to the polls they will vote to continue thepresent National Administration


The dTrat Law ad the ll ReparAtlag-Whtteesnd Blacks In Street Cars Valh-

aw Osrxar July 12The LouisianaLegislature adjourned tonight after a seasion of sixty days It was unanimously Demo-cratic in both branches for the first time inthe history of the State Much of Its legla-

latlon has aroused opposition and it is thought a

that it will etzengthen the Republicans In theelection this fall The most important politicalmeasure passed was that amending and prao-tically abolishing the CIVIl Service law inNew Or-

leanaIn oppositionto almost the united press in-

thecity A measure adopted which hadaixnottuniversal support was the abolition of theconvict leaNs system and the substitutIon ofState contract of the penitentiary and theemplo rnent of convicts on State

The Legislature carried on a vigorous cam-paign against Insurance companies pwing-a law and one corn

between companiesTrustlaw modelledon statute but farmore rigid and the most extreme In the country

one House and In the otherthrough issek of time and the vigorousagsinst it made the New Board ofTrade The antItrust people who are in amajority threaten to and It atthe next sessIon The bill separating whitesand negroes in the street cars passed onehouse In the itsitariog a masjoylty and will also be raked up-

Ths original bill exceeded therevenues but at the suggestion of the Governorit 55 dslt down to a revenue but is stillmuch than usual

The Legislature elected wo United StatesI Foster late Governor and

Samuel D McEnery the present Senator


SFoytbe 11 Months Ended June 3031 WasSTeIaI179SZacreaae S45542722W-

A5RINOTOId July 32The value of the fourprincipal articles of domestic exports for themonth of June was 852666655 an increase of

1553024 over the same month last yearBreadatuffs increased 1413500 proviions in-

creasedl45l495 mineral oIls increawd 257while cotton decreased 1559412-

ft the twelve months cnded Jittue 30 the cxports of these articles were valued at 531laS an tncreaso of 45542722 over those ol the

fiscal year and exceeded onlythose of the fiscal 1805 when the volume p0151 value of breadstuffs were abner

Compared with the preceding twelve-month show a decrease of 10431-Ml provision lncreaed 4Sl34t6 cotton In

and mineral oils increased19087566-

A Democratic Journal That Will Help to BuryBryanism

Irma sad Manchsfr VeinsVouv years sgothe Union could not consdentloiisly

und therefore did net support Mr Rryn because ofthe piatfoim on which he then stood There was notparticular objectIon to Sb man The objection wastothe platform Mr I4ryan has splvrdtd courageand w admire him for It but we Cannot admire hintfor anything else Iii utter lynorance of the A I C-

of linseed ii apparent He baa shown himself aPopulist pure and ample and we resist take him assuch or repuditte him altogether

The only way toput the Demoeratc party urea Its V

feet It to take M Liryan at his word antI uttrziy andentirely buiy hIm and the ceusethe only cause he-

atandaforbeyond resuereclion Anhththgcan waitfor that

Imperialism or no imnrerlaltom we cart do nothingif Mr Bryan Is to hare his way and hIs free coinage000aenrn receive any further encouCIgeIflent Weutterly and entIrety repudIate the plsUnrm and itscandidate and see hope an I believe they wIlt bbeaten by an overutlmiag vote

SIxteen Two One I Next to BryanFrom the CIifrago Jiecord-

C3i flryans house alanc on the edge of the city amodest cottare neatly paInted in yellow with trim-mings of lndtan red Ii bearss the number I CIS to thestreet The house nest door Is loll and a waggislufriend husuggested to hire the adleabtlity of teedlog numebees with his neighbors so that the Agurei-of hi threshold sesy be she shibboleth of his campalgn lSto 1

Iced Water fer CommunionFrom It tUlwaute Sntinet

BIG Brso Wi July 9The Free ilaptistChurch membersof uthtch are mostly ProhibitionIsle has dtecarded wine t communIon services TMnew paeioe the Rev Mr l1anoek seCmed much curpoised at first Lut accepted the wIshes cf his flockand ccmnemorated the Last Supper by using coldwater

Beg SCala and Wolff

Peon th IlarUord CiurirtLWillie 1tate the rire yearcld son of harris Kate of

73 Chutes 1tree was bitten by a dot belonging to a-

mtlkinaa named Wolff on Front stress a 10
