Liber Trapezohedron

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    ~Liber Trapezohedron ~~The Magicks of the Crawling Chaos ~

    ~Grimoire of the Church of Starry Wisdom ~

    ~By Enoch-Tahiti ~

    ~Ye servant of Nyarlathotep ~~8 CE ~

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    A.) The Epic Of The Old OnesB.) The Black Goat With A Thousand YoungC.) Levels of the Cult of Chaos After EnlightenmentD.) Concerning The Treasurer, The Librarian, The Assistant High Priest,

    The Assistant High Priestess, The High Priest, and the High PriestessE.) Ye Rite Of InitiationF.) Banquet To Honor Nyarlathotep and the Newest MemberG.) Ye Means Of ProtectionH.) Path of Enlightenment:I.) The Chaos Of The Zodiac (First Level of the Beginners):1.) Pisces - Learning from body, mind, and soul.2.) Gemini - Working with body, mind and soul.3.) Aries - Purifying body, mind, and soul.4.) The Rite Of The Second Level Of The Apprentice

    II.) The Second-Apprentices of the Zodiac (The Level of the Apprentice):5.) Cancer - Protecting body, mind, and soul.6.) Sagittarius - Setting goals that support the body, mind, and soul.7.) Scorpio - Working on the goals that support the body, mind, and soul.8.) The Rite Of The First Level Of The Apprentice-Masters

    III.) The First Apprentices of the Zodiac (The First Level of the Apprentice-Masters):

    9.) Leo - Taming the strength of the body, mind, and soul.10.) Taurus - Taming the wisdom of the body, mind, and soul.11.) Virgo - Conquering impure desires of the body, mind, and soul.12.) The Rite Of The Second Level of The Apprentice-Masters

    IV.) The Masters of the Zodiac (The Third Level of the Apprentice-Masters):13.) Aquarius - Attaining peace/balance of the soul.14.) Libra - Attaining peace/balance of the mind.15.) Capricorn - Attaining peace of the body.16.) The Rite Of The Masters

    V.) The Gods of the Zodiac (The Level of the Masters):16.) The Thirteenth Zodiac - Trapezohedron - Enlightenment

    I.) Of The Rule Of Nyarlathotep And Young WorldsJ .) Concerning The Trapezohedron

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    K.) The Rite of the ShoggothL.) The Rite Of The Communion of CthulhuM.) The Rite Of Transmutational SorceryK.) Of The Times And Seasons To Be Observed For The Ultimate Rites

    N.) The Nurturing of the CadaverO.) The Vessel of BalonP.) The Ring of HypnosQ.) The Speculum Of ApparitionsR.) The Rite of Transfiguration [According to Etymology, it turns you into aFrog-Man permanently and that in itself should keep you from doing it.According to the Turner Necronomicon, this rite should only be done oncethe Old Ones are free.]S.) To Make Ye Powder Of Ibn Ghazi

    T.) To Make Ye Unction Of Khepnes The Egyptian

    U.) To Summon Shub-Niggurath, Ye BlackV.) Ye Formula Of Dho-Na (Goes with the Rite Of Transfiguration).W.) The Conjuration Of Yog-SothothX.) The Globes of Yog-Sothoth

    Y.) The Missing Symbols Of The Turner EditionZ.) Ye Black Mirror Of Yog-SothothA1.) Ye Invocation of NyarlathotepA2.) Black Mirror Of Bloody Mary (Yes this works if you follow every rule

    to the letter. Based on section Z.)

    A3.) Invocation Of The Black Flame Of MortarA4.) Using The Urilia Text

    1.) Preparing And Consecrating The Bowl of Tiamat2.) The Ritual Of The Urilia Text3.) Preliminary Conjuration Of The Souls of The Underworld

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    A.)The Epic Of The Old Ones:

    And they created Nyarlathotep for their messenger, and they clothedhim with chaos that his form might be ever hidden amidst the stars. Who

    shall know the mystery of Nyarlathotep? For he is the mask and will of thosethat were when time was not. He is the Priest of the Ether, the Dweller in theAir, and hath many faces that none shall recall. The waves freeze before him;gods dread his call.

    In mens dreams he whispers, yet who knoweth his form? They madehim for one purpose, that man may free the Old Ones and serve them on thisEarth once more. His faces are many, and are only known by the Sorcererthat serves him. From Azag-thoth, came forth the Crawling Chaos.

    The keeper of the gate, lord of a thousand faces, dread messenger ofthe insanity which is Azag-thoth, upon the wings of the night. Existing primal

    and immortal. From the days of old he has had one name: Nyarlathotep.Yea, there is no safety at the gate. There never was.

    From fire was the universe formed, through the mindless excitation ofthe Outer Gods in their orgasmic frenzy did the light come into being. Andfrom the cooling of the sea of light formed in chaos, did the Great Zonei, thespheres moble and fixed form the body of Tiamat. Nor should we think thatwe upon our sphere are alone. For it is said, when the stars are right, theGreat Old Ones may plunge from star to star.

    Many strange aeons did our world form from the void. Before mans

    time the great races of the Star-Spawned, the Elder Things did come untothis world of shallow, lifeless seas. Coming upon strange wings that did beatupon the nether-aethyrs of space. Yea, as some still yet are want to do whensummoned. With them they did bring their servants, the dark children, theShuggoths.

    And these creatures waxed cleverer and did learn to speak in imitationof their masters. They brought also that mass that has no form, which iscalled Ubbo-Sathla, which spawned within the cold dead seas of this worldthe formless creatures from which all life yet created upon this world dotharise and come. With Ubbo-Sathla, father of the Shuggoths did the greatraces leave writ upon star-quarried stones the wisdom held and passed downto their children by the premundane gods.

    Yet it was, during these times that did Great Cthulhu, priest of thosefoul and gibbering ones who wait outside, did come forth and seep unto thisworld from the green star of Xoth where Cthulhu spawned three god-lingswhich is told in ye Xothic Cycle. And, with his star-spawned children did

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    claim and inhabit the dark continent of Rlyeh. And the children of Cthulhudid make war upon the Elder Things.

    Then, after aeons, did the stars change, and the earth did heave.Many of the cities of the Elder Things were laid to waste, and thus did dark

    Rlyeh sink beneath the great sea, trapping Great Cthulhu within his blackhall. There today dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. Waiting for the cursed daywhen his city shall rise once more above the waves of that dark sea.

    But yet still he doth command and is served by his Great Priest andPriestess, Dagon and Hydra, who the children of the deep call father andmother of their race. As doth the Children of the serpent and the viper call

    Yig father. Great basalt cities were raised unto the stars by the FORMLESSFLIERS from beyond, and the earth did groan and crack under their weight.

    Then came the great ones of Yith to this world upon their minds, anddid take up habitation within the bodies of the THAROGOR, the cone-shaped

    plant slaves of the FORMLESS FLIERS. Those of Yith did build arcane(spiritual) weapons of great power and destruction. These arcane energiesdid they use against the FORMLESS FLIERS in a great war. In this war theGREAT RACE of YIG did prevail.

    Then were the FORMLESS FLIER (The Mee-go) imprisoned farbeneath their great cities where it is said, they remain to this day.Imprisoned within tombs of basalt, sealed with the Elder Sign. ButNyarlathotep, ye dark one, the Black Pharaoh of Egypt, he remains freeupon this world, as is Pazuzu, Lillith, Gelal, Lallartu, Xastur, and Lallasu, ye

    children of the Old Ones. For the Zonei could not imprison all of them.But when the stars are right once more, Dagon shall wake Cthulhu.

    Cthulhu shall awaken and break his bonds by the power of NAMMTAR, theKing of the Dead. And then, Nyarlathotep shall open ye gate to the outsideand ye Old Ones shall be freed. Then, they shall rule where they once ruled.Where man rules, they have ruled in the past. And they shall pass through

    Yog-Sothoth. For Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Past, present, future, all is one inYog-Sothoth. Yog-Sothoth is the key whereby the Old Ones shall be freed, forhe is the Lord of the Spheres.

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    B.)The Black-Goat With A Thousand Young:

    Before he came to our world, Nyarlathotep chose from the stars abrideShub-Niggurath, the Black Goat with a thousand young. She is the

    queen of Shaggai and has many under her domain. She is the ruler of theShuggoths that were enslaved by the Old Ones. Cthulhu had ye Deep-Ones.Yig had ye dragons and snakes. Tsathoggua had ye Dholes. And Shub-Niggurath had ye Satyrs. But, she also controlled Shaggai, ye dark star ofthe Shuggoths, ye prison for the Children of Ubbo-Sathla.

    The Old Ones had many creatures under them. Ye Dholes, ye Manti-cores, ye Satyrs, ye Deep-Ones, ye Dragons, ye Snakes, ye Salamanders, yeDwarves, and ye Sylphs . When the Old Ones return, they shall rule ye littlepeople. As well as ye Night-Gaunts that dwell in the dream-city of Zin, andye Ghouls that was worshipped in Egypt. Ye Leprechauns, elves, and fairies.

    All of these element-beings shall serve the Old Ones upon their return.On the longest night of the year, when the spheres align in a strait row, theOld Ones shall break free and the Zonei shall be captured, tortured, and cutasunder in their sleep. For the Zonei truly do sleep. The Zonei are distantand do not know what the Old Ones do at all times. Shub-Niggurath hasgone by many names in ancient times.

    She has been called by many names through-out history. These namesvary from Pan, Capricorn, and the has been confused as the Gugs that playthe flute before Cthulhu that serve Azag-thoth, always ensuring that the flute

    keeps him asleep until it is his appointed time to awaken, in Rlyeh where hesleeps.

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    C.) The Levels Of The Cult of Chaos:1.) Apprentice - The first degree of the Cult of Chaos. The Apprentice has

    limited responsibilities in the Cult of Chaos as it is the lowest innerdegree and has limited access to the knowledge of the Cult of Chaos.

    2.) The Second Level Of The Apprentice-Masters - The second degree of theCult of Chaos. The person who holds this degree must first read the firstsection of the Grimoire dealing with the Path of the Zodiac and mustapply it to his/her life before he/she can apply for the next degree.

    3.) The First Level Of The Apprentice-Masters - This is the third degree ofthe Cult of Chaos. The person who holds this degree has access to themajority of non-financial information related to the Cult with theexception of any knowledge held by the Treasurer, the Librarian, theAssistant High Priest, the Assistant High Priestess, the High Priest, andthe High Priestess. He/She can not acquire the degree of a Master unless

    he/she first reads the section of the Grimoire dealing with the next sixsteps of the zodiac.

    4.) The Masters - This is the highest degree of the Cult of Chaos. Before aperson can apply for the degree of a Master, he/she must first master thePath of the Zodiac. He/She will learn to Master themselves along theway, both mentally, physically, and emotionally because of this path. Hemust also apply all of the lessons he/she has learned along the pathwhen it is appropriate to do so. This degree has an extra requirement.Once a person has learned to master themselves, they are to go out and

    seek at least three people to become Apprentices. These new Apprenticesmust be trustworthy, have a good reputation, and have a sound mind.

    This degree is made up of those who are truly devout to Nyarlathotepand the Cult of Chaos. After reaching this level, the initiate is bestowedthe rank of Priest. Should the High Priest or High Priestess choose tomove on outside of the Cult of Chaos, they are to pick several men andwomen to replace them from this degree. The Assistant High Priest andAssistant High Priestess are to act as the High Priest and High Priestessuntil a reasonable time is found for the anonymous vote to be cast. Oncethe new High Priest and High Priestess are sworn in as High Priest andHigh Priestess, they are to pick two new Assistants for them so that thepositions of Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestess will befilled. Before the Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestessofficially leave, should they choose to do so, they are to sign a documentshowing that they will not reveal the sacred mysteries of the Cult ofChaos. If they decide to stay on longer, they may do so as long as they

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    help out the Cult of Chaos when need arises. They are also to teachtheir replacements no matter what they choose to do. If by anonymousballot, a new Treasurer and new Librarian are chosen, then the

    Treasurer and Librarian must teach their replacements and then sign a

    document showing they will not reveal the secrets of the Cult of Chaosshould they choose to stay. Like the former High Priest, former HighPriestess, former Assistant High Priest, and the former AssistantHigh Priestess, they may choose to go back into the field by helping withadvertising and recruiting if they so wish.

    5.) The Treasurer6.) The Librarian

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    D.) Concerning The Librarian, Treasurer, Assistant High Priest, AssistantHigh Priestess, the High Priest, and the High Priestess:

    The Librarian is the guardian of our sacred texts and takes note of

    everything that occurs in the Cult of Chaos, both popular vote and changesin the hierarchy. It is up to the Apprentice-Masters, the Assistants of theHigh Priest and High Priestess, the High Priest, and the High Priestess toteach the degrees below them. The High Priest and High Priestess are overeverything that occurs within the Cult. They also are the final ones to voteconcerning initiation and decisions. Voting is done by anonymous ballot, butall members must participate in the vote except for the Treasurer and theLibrarian. If the High Priest and High Priestess can not reach a decision,then the Treasurer casts the deciding vote as he or she is a neutral party.

    The Librarian is elected by popular vote and may not participate in

    voting matters. The person selected as Cult Librarian is elected by popularvote upon attaining enlightenment. The Librarian can also be elected byexhibiting thorough understanding of a spiritual matter regarding the Cult ofChaos as long as he is willing to safe-guard our sacred documents andpresent them to the High Priest and High Priestess when they have need ofthem.

    The Treasurer is elected by popular vote and has to have exhibited inthe past that he or she may be trusted with money. The Treasurer isresponsible for the finances that is given to the Cult of Chaos by its members

    as well as regulating the joint finances.If a member is in financial need and it truly has been discovered that

    they are in need, if there is any excess in food, clothes, or money regardingtransportation, then the Cult is to vote on whether to assist the person ornot. If clothes and food are accessible and there is a large amount, then theCult is to give the extra clothes to the person in need. The same goes withfood.

    If it is a matter regarding money and transportation for health needs,and the Cult agrees by popular vote to give the extra money to the person inneed, then the Treasurer is to give only the amount that is needed for thesituation in question to the person who needs it. The High Priest and HighPriestess are allowed to choose who the Assistant High Priest and AssistantHigh Priestess are as long as the person shows him/herself as a responsibleindividual and is willing and able to stand in for the High Priest and HighPriestess in the event of their absence.E.) Ye Rite Of Initiation:

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    I.) Rules Regarding Initiation:

    1.) Initiation can be achieved through one of three means:A.) The person is approached by the High Priest/ess of the Cult of

    Chaos depending on their gender, and membership is approved aftermajority vote within the Cult.B.) The person applies for membership, in which case, the Cult votes on

    their membership via anonymous ballot.C.) Should someone spy on our rites, they are to be hit on the head, just

    hard enough to render them unconscious. Then they are to be blind-folded and their hands and feet tied. Then the person is to be givensmall amounts of food and water so they will not starve and be ableto recover from their ordeal. High Priest(ess) is to approach theperson when they are bound and explain the situation by telling the

    person what they have done by spying on us. Then they are to beoffered membership to maintain secrecy after the High Priest(ess)explains the Rite of Initiation. Should the person accept, they shall beuntied, the blind-fold removed, and they will be educated in the Riteof Initiation. Should they refuse, they are to be hypnotize to forgethow they got to the temple. Then they are to be given a harmlesssleeping potion that will render them unconscious for several hours.When the Rites are complete, they shall be returned to their home andall evidence they have that led them to us and that is connected to it

    will be removed to remain secrecy.D.) Anyone that is an Apprentice or of a higher level is allowed to

    participate in the rites laid out in the Necronomicon concerning Yog-Sothoth, Cthulhu, and Nyarlathotep everyone must participate forsafety reasons.

    II.) Ye Rite Of Initiation:

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    Tools And Attire:A large crystal made of Lapis LazuliA diagram of the star of Chaos

    The Dagger

    Everyone is to be covered in gray robes.

    The Ritual:

    The Librarian and Treasurer enter with their keys to the Library and theTreasurer sits down and prepares to type notes.

    The Cultists enter the Temple and turn off the lights and light black and

    white candles.

    The Librarian then opens the door to the Temple so that the Assistant HighPriest and Assistant High Priest may enter.

    The Assistant High Priest and the Assistant High Priest enter. The AssistantHigh Priest holds an image of the star of chaos out in front of him. TheAssistant High Priestess likewise holds a large crystal of Lapis Lazuli, whichrepresents the Trapezohedron.

    Enter The High Priest and the High Priestess holding hands with the armsbetween them separated as much as possible.

    The High Priest stands in front of the circle in the middle of the room besidethe High Priestess. The Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestesstake their respective places next to the High Priest and High Priestess.

    The Initiate enters blind-folded and his hands bound and is guided by achosen Cultist to the center of the circle.

    The High Priest then takes the dagger and places the tip at the Initiatesthroat to instill fear so that the Initiate will answer truthfully.

    The High Priest: Art thou willing to devote thyself to Nyarlathotep and theCult of Chaos?

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    Initiate: Yes.

    The High Priestess: Will ye be true to thyself and to the Cult of Chaos?

    Initiate: Yes.

    The High Priest: Will ye serve Nyarlathotep with strength, respect, andhonesty?

    Initiate: Yes.

    The High Priestess: What is the Trapezohedron?

    Initiate: It is the black crystal that was brought by the Mee-go from darkYuggoth to the Temple of Chaos in Atlantis. Through it, Nyarlathotepbestows on us whatever we wish, so long as we serve him.

    The High Priest: What is the meaning of Chaos and what can it do?

    Initiate: Chaos is the darkest element of nature. It is shown in the universeas the blackness of space. It is shown in carnal pleasure, uncontrolled rage,terrible insanity, true love which knows no bounds, limitless happiness, inner

    peace, and the creation of new life. Chaos can be used to cure disease, easesuffering, heal old wounds, and cause peace and life. But it can also be usedto cause disease, suffering, make deep wounds, cause strife, cause insanity,and end life through these things.

    The High Priest then removes the dagger from the initiates throat.

    The High Priest: Well done Initiate. For ye have proved yourself worthy tolearn our sacred mysteries.

    The High Priestess then walks to the Initiate and kisses him on both cheeks.

    The Assistant High Priest then unties the Initiates hands while the AssistantHigh Priestess removes his blind-fold.

    Everyone except for the Librarian, the Treasurer, and the Initiate: Praise be

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    to Nyarlathotep, the Priest of the Ether, and Messenger of the Old Ones.

    The Initiate is then given a new name and is given a gray robe.

    The Assistant High Priest gives the image of the Star of Chaos to theLibrarian and the Assistant High Priestess does the same with the largecrystal of Lapis Lazuli so that the Librarian may place them under lock andkey in the Library.

    The lights are then cut back on and the candles are blown out.

    F.) Banquet To Honor The Newest Member and Nyarlathotep:

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    At the start of the meal, the High Priest and High Priestess sit side by side,while the Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestess take theirrespected places next to the High Priest and High Priestess. The Librarian

    sits next to the Assistant High Priestess while the Treasurer sits next to theAssistant High Priest.

    Then the High Priest and High Priestess rise at the same time.

    The High Priest then states any matters dealing with the Cult of Chaos.The High Priestess then proposes a toast to the newest member of the Cultand to Nyarlathotep. Then everyone agrees with her by joining in the toast.

    Then everyone sits down to eat and may begin their meal.

    When everyone is finished with the meal, everyone goes home.

    G.) Ye Means Of Protection:

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    Of Ye Diverse Signs

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    Other things that have been found to work against Necronomicon demons isHoly Water that has been blessed by a servant of Thoth, as well as an ankh,the Egyptian symbol for life and immortality.

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    The Conjuration of the Watcher

    First, raise the sword, bearing the seal of the Watcher, Bandar and thePentagram without the circle, into the air, strait out in front of you.

    Then say this spell:

    O great ageless child of the Old Ones.I conjure thee to protect me during my rites as told in the covenant betwixt

    the Old Ones and the race of men.Come unto this circle now, great Watcher.

    As I hold out this sword, prepared in accordance to ancient lore, I invoke yeto come unto me.

    This is a successful Conjuration of the Watcher that I have attemptedmyself. It works very well. There is no need to burn plants as incense oranything like that. The Watcher will still act accordingly as laid out in theMaklu Text and according to the Covenant of the Old Ones. Which is seen inthe Urilia Text and the Epic of the Old Ones in the Yellow Necronomicon.

    The spells in the Book of the Watcher in the Yellow Necronomicon andin the Maklu Text work just as well with the Watcher, as long as the spellsinvolve helping the Old Ones or to protect the Sorcerer that serves them.Remember, the race of the Watchers is a Grigori/Egregori (giant familiarspirit) that protect the Sorcerer. Because Al-hazred betrayed the Zonei and

    the Old Ones, eventually the Watcher killed him in front of thousands offright-frozen witnesses which is hinted at in his second testimony

    Remember the Elder Sign, for to forget it would cause thee muchgrief. Remember the Watcher, for to forget it would ensure thy demise. Evennow the Watcher protects me. Did it always have that form? It had taken ona menacing form because he had broken the sacred covenant of the Zonei, aswell as the dark covenant betwixt the Old Ones and man.

    D.) Ye Path Of Enlightenment:

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    I.) The Chaos Of The Zodiac:A.) Pisces - The Wayward Fish:

    I have always been at war with my inner self.I can find no peace in my life.

    Even though I know what to do,I have trouble making important choices.

    I am always unsure about things.What lessons do I need to learn friend?

    B.) Gemini - The Twins:

    I always seem like I am beside myself.I am quick to judge and always think Im right.

    I never take the time to look at the lives of others.I repeat my mistakes sometimes and rarely ask for help.

    What do I lack?

    C.) Aries - The Ram:

    I am arrogant and never think I can make a mistake.When I want something, I never give up until its mine.My anger is great and is rarely challenged by others.

    Like my the animal that represents my sign,I have lofty goals and my ideals are never negotiable.What mistake am I making?

    D.) The Rite Of The Second Level Of The Apprentice-Masters:

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    Tools:The Image Of The Star Of ChaosThe Crystal Of Lapis Lazuli

    The DaggerA White Robe

    The Ritual:

    The Librarian and Treasurer enter with the key to the Temple which is heldby the Treasurer. Then the Treasurer sits down and prepares to type notes.

    The Cultists enter the Temple and turn off the lights and light black andwhite candles.

    The Librarian then opens the door to the Temple so that the Assistant HighPriest and Assistant High Priest may enter.

    The Assistant High Priest and the Assistant High Priest enter. The AssistantHigh Priest holds an image of the star of chaos out in front of him. TheAssistant High Priestess likewise holds a large crystal of Lapis Lazuli, whichrepresents the Trapezohedron.

    Enter The High Priest and the High Priestess holding hands with the armsbetween them separated as much as possible.

    The High Priest stands in front of the circle in the middle of the room besidethe High Priestess. The Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestesstake their respective places next to the High Priest and High Priestess.

    Enter The High Priest and the High Priestess holding hands with the armsbetween them separated as much as possible.

    The High Priest stands in front of the circle in the middle of the room besidethe High Priestess. The Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestesstake their respective places next to the High Priest and High Priestess.

    The Apprentice enters blind-folded and his hands bound and is guided by achosen Cultist to the center of the circle.

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    The High Priest then takes the dagger and places the tip at the Initiatesthroat to instill fear so that the Apprentice will answer truthfully.

    The High Priest: What lessons does Pisces need to learn?

    Apprentice: To trust others and to think things completely through beforemaking important decisions.

    The High Priestess: What lessons does Gemini need to learn?

    Apprentice: To trust others and not just himself. He also needs to learn tonot judge others unfairly.

    The High Priest: What lessons does Aries need to learn?

    Apprentice: Aries needs to learn to set more reasonable goals for himselfthat are not so hard to fulfill. He also needs to take a good look at hisenvironment before making his goals.

    The High Priestess: Have ye exhibited these traits after reading througheach of their poems?

    Apprentice: Yes.

    The High Priest then removes the dagger from the initiates throat.

    The High Priest: Well done Apprentice. For ye have proved yourself worthyto learn our sacred mysteries.

    The High Priestess then walks to the Apprentice and kisses him on bothcheeks.

    The Assistant High Priest then unties the Apprentices hands while theAssistant High Priestess removes his blind-fold.

    The Apprentice is then given another name and a white robe.

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    II.) The Second-Apprentices of the Zodiac (The Level of the Apprentice):5.) Cancer - The Crab:

    I have crawled out of the sea and onto land.

    I am safe through my shell, my claws, and by hiding.Yet I think I can never be hurt.I have always liked the sea and the darkness of the night.

    Tell me, Child of Man, what am I lacking?

    6.) Sagittarius - The Centaur Archer

    I have walked across the lands and seen much.Like my accuracy with a bow,I always set my goals high.

    I try to be the best at everything I do,but the outside world scorns me for my physical appearance,

    because they think me hideous.I have courage and a brave heart,But I am not accepted by mankind.

    Tell me, servant of the gods,what lesson do I need to learn?

    7.) Scorpio - The Man-Scorpion

    I am a child of the gods.I was made by them for war.

    My height reaches the Heavens.My tail can protect me should an enemy get on my back.

    My arrows never miss their target.I have hidden in the dark and fought for so long,

    That I am weary of war.Tell me friend, what do I lack?

    8.) The Rite Of The Second Level Of The Apprentice-Masters:

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    Tools:The Image Of The Star Of ChaosThe Crystal Of Lapis Lazuli

    The DaggerA Task

    The Ritual:

    The Librarian and Treasurer enter with the key to the Temple which is heldby the Treasurer. Then the Treasurer sits down and prepares to type notes.

    The Cultists enter the Temple and turn off the lights and light black andwhite candles.

    The Librarian then opens the door to the Temple so that the Assistant HighPriest and Assistant High Priest may enter.

    The Assistant High Priest and the Assistant High Priest enter. The AssistantHigh Priest holds an image of the star of chaos out in front of him. TheAssistant High Priestess likewise holds a large crystal of Lapis Lazuli, whichrepresents the Trapezohedron.

    Enter The High Priest and the High Priestess holding hands with the armsbetween them separated as much as possible.

    The High Priest stands in front of the circle in the middle of the room besidethe High Priestess. The Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestesstake their respective places next to the High Priest and High Priestess.

    Enter The High Priest and the High Priestess holding hands with the armsbetween them separated as much as possible.

    The High Priest stands in front of the circle in the middle of the room besidethe High Priestess. The Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestesstake their respective places next to the High Priest and High Priestess.

    The Apprentice enters blind-folded and his hands bound and is guided by achosen Cultist to the center of the circle.

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    The High Priest then takes the dagger and places the tip at the 2ndApprentice-Masters throat to instill fear so that the Apprentice will answertruthfully.

    The High Priest: What lessons does the Crab need to learn?

    2nd Apprentice-Master: He needs to show more humility to beings that aregreater than he is and learn cunning so that he can survive.

    The High Priestess: What lessons does the Centaur need to learn?

    2nd Apprentice-Master: He needs to learn to be more forgiving of others andless violent to them so that they may understand him.

    The High Priest: What does the Man-Scorpion lack?

    2nd Apprentice-Master: Peace.

    The High Priestess: Have ye exhibited these traits after reading theirpoems? Have ye learned not to worry about things that you can not handleright now but can only help with in small ways?


    Apprentice-Master: Yes.

    The High Priest: Well done Apprentice. For ye have proved yourself worthyto learn our sacred mysteries.

    The High Priestess then walks to the Apprentice and kisses him on bothcheeks.

    The Assistant High Priest then unties the Apprentices hands while theAssistant High Priestess removes his blind-fold.

    The 2nd Apprentice-Master is then given another name and a white robe.

    III.) The First Apprentices of the Zodiac (The First Level of the Apprentice-

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    Tools:The Image Of The Star Of ChaosThe Crystal Of Lapis Lazuli

    The DaggerA Task

    The Ritual:

    The Librarian and Treasurer enter with the key to the Temple which is heldby the Treasurer. Then the Treasurer sits down and prepares to type notes.

    The Cultists enter the Temple and turn off the lights and light black andwhite candles.

    The Librarian then opens the door to the Temple so that the Assistant HighPriest and Assistant High Priest may enter.

    The Assistant High Priest and the Assistant High Priest enter. The AssistantHigh Priest holds an image of the star of chaos out in front of him. TheAssistant High Priestess likewise holds a large crystal of Lapis Lazuli, whichrepresents the Trapezohedron.

    Enter The High Priest and the High Priestess holding hands with the armsbetween them separated as much as possible.

    The High Priest stands in front of the circle in the middle of the room besidethe High Priestess. The Assistant High Priest and Assistant High Priestesstake their respective places next to the High Priest and High Priestess.

    The 1st Apprentice-Master enters blind-folded and his hands bound and isguided by a chosen Cultist to the center of the circle.

    The High Priest then takes the dagger and places the tip at the 1stApprentice-Masters throat to instill fear so that the Apprentice will answertruthfully.

    The High Priest: What lesson does the Lion and the Bull need to learn?

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    What trait does the Virgin and the Sea-Goat have?

    1st Apprentice-Master: Both need to learn temperance. This will enable themto control their bodily urges and their emotions. Since the Virgin and the

    Sea-Goat also have this ability, they are prime examples of great leaderswho are wise and they also have great spiritual power which is shown by theVirgins purity.

    The High Priestess: Have you been exhibiting this since you learned thissecret?

    1st Apprentice-Master: Yes.

    The High Priest: Have you exhibited secrecy and remained loyal to the Cult

    of Chaos during this time? If yes, will you continue to do so?

    1st Apprentice-Master: Yes.

    The High Priest then removes the dagger from the throat of the 1stApprentice-Master.

    The High Priestess: Congratulations for you have now attainedenlightenment and balance in your life. As such, you are worthy of the final

    degree. The Degree of Enlightenment and the Masters. The Degree of theTrapezohedron.

    The High Priest(ess) then removes the blind-fold and kisses him/her on themouth as if the goddess has done so to a lover while the High Priest(ess)unties his/her hands.

    Another banquet is held at this time to celebrate Nyarlathotep, Azathoth,Cthulhu, and the birth of a new Master.

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    [Note: Women must participate also, but only the men must disperse theWater of Life into the bowl, otherwise the Shoggoth will not serve them.]

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    Black Mirror Of Bloody Mary:


    One MirrorOne Candle

    Rules To Follow:

    Make sure to close all doors to your bathroom and cut out all of the lights.Also put a towel at the base of any doors so that the light from the otherrooms will be blocked out.

    Then act as you normally would before a ritual. Do not goof off but also do

    not act and think that nothing is going to happen. That will immediatelyprevent anything from happening no matter what spell or ritual you aredoing. There is no need to gather or channel energy for this kind of ritual.Dont doubt, but at the same time dont expect anything to happen. This willonly get your hopes up and will not serve the ritual in any sense.

    First, after cutting off all of the lights and putting towels at the bases of thedoor(s) to your bathroom, light the candle. You only need one and the colorwhite is recommended.

    Then enter a state of gnosis where you show respect but fear also so that youare in the right mind-set for Bloody Mary.

    After that, stare blankly into the mirror, blocking out all distractions (sincethere is no light at all in the room except for the candle, the mirror will belike a black mirror). Do not hold the candle close to your face. Put it levelwith your stomach.

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    While staring blankly into the mirror and having the candle at your waist,say the following spell:

    Bloody Mary,

    Bloody Mary,Bloody Mary,Bloody Mary,Bloody Mary.

    If she does not come, then start to feel like your disappointed about nothinghappening. Then lay down and go to sleep. If you do not have nightmaresabout her or she doesnt actually kill you while staring into the mirror, thenother freaky stuff will happen.

    [I woke up the next morning after trying this with a hook-shaped scrapemark on my stomach. I was under-age at the time and I showed my mom andtold her what I did and me and her both was freaking out at the time over it.]

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    A4.) Using The Urilia Text:1.) Preparation Of The Bowl Of Tiamat:


    One Black SharpieOne Green Bowl

    First, get the black sharpie and then draw the first immediate symbol in theUrilia Text on the inside of the bowl. Then, on the left side of the bowl on theoutside, draw the seal of Caput Draconis which looks like an n but it hastwo circles on each end. Then directly opposite of that sign, on the outside ofthe bowl, draw the seal of Cauda Draconis which looks like a u but it hastwo circles on the top of each line at their end.

    Then say this spell to consecrate the bowl:


    I AM the God of GodsI AM the Lord of Darkness, and Master of Magicians

    I AM the Power and the Knowledge

    I AM before all things.

    I AM before ANU and the IGIGII AM before ANU and the ANNUNNAKII AM before the Seven SHURUPPAKI

    I AM before all things.

    I AM before ENKI and SHAMMASHI AM before all things.

    I AM before INANNA and ISHTARI AM before NANNA and UDDU


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    I AM before ERESHKIGALI AM before all things.

    Before ME was made Nothing that was made.

    I AM BEFORE all gods.I AM before all days.I Am before all men and legends of men.


    NO MAN may seek my resting place.I receive the Sun at night and the Moon by day.

    I AM the receiver of the sacrifice of the Wanderers.The Mountains of the West cover me.The Mountains of Magick cover me.


    I AM before ABSU.I AM before NAR MARRATU.

    I AM before ANU.I AM before KIA.

    I AM before all things.



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    2.) The Ritual Of The Urilia Text

    These rituals are only to be done at the nights of Beltane (May Eve),Candlemas (Feb. 2nd), Ostara (April 14th), the Summer Solstice (July 21st),

    the Fall Equinox (September 14


    ), Spring Equinox (March 21


    ), All HallowsEve (October 31st), and on Yule (December 31st) for these are the days thatMarduk sleeps and Enki quakes in fear. If done at another time, then Mardukwill know what you have done.

    Place cedar or pine incense in the bowl and then light it. After that, say theConjuration of the Fire God. Then say the following spell.

    [NOTE: This ritual is made up of several spells and is to be done in theorder I have them laid out. This next conjuration is based on the

    Conjuration of All Great Powers but works solely for these fourentities. Hold out your dagger directly in front of you before saying thisnext spell.]

    Conjuration Of The Four Queens

    Spirit, Lord of the Cauldron, Remember!Lady SHAKUGUKU, Queen of the Cauldron, Remember!

    Spirit, Lord of the Demons, Remember!

    NINNKHARSAG, Queen of the Demons, Remember!Spirit, the Horned King, Remember!

    NINKASZI, the Horned Queen, Remember!Spirit, Lord of the Magick Wand, Remember!

    NINNGHIZHIDDA, Queen of the Magick Wand, Remember!

    Then say the Conjuration IA ADU EN I from the Book of the Calling sectionof the Simon Edition of the Necronomicon. Then while the incense still

    b th i il f th d th t i ht j d f th