LGBT Rights-Major Paper

Gay Rights In Today’s Society 1 Gay rights in today’s society Elizabeth Gardner Rhonda Ottley SPM 4025-01 April 11 th , 2014 Florida State University

Transcript of LGBT Rights-Major Paper

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Gay rights in today’s society

Elizabeth Gardner

Rhonda Ottley

SPM 4025-01

April 11th

, 2014

Florida State University

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Gay rights is a very big topic for most people in this generation. Being gay is not a choice

it is something genetically different inside of you that you are not able to control. Homosexuals

are getting treated better every day; just imagine twenty years ago or so gays and lesbians were

so scared to “come out of the closet” because they were scared of what society would say about

them. Surface level diversity is an observable characteristic that you can see; when certain

people see a woman you expect her to be with a man and vice versus. Another form of diversity

called deep-level; has two categories informational and value. Informational diversity is based on

the knowledge and information someone has resulting from how they were raised, while value

diversity is someone’s values, attitudes, beliefs and preferences. Both surface and deep level

diversity is why some people have trouble accepting others sexual orientation, all because of

how they were raised and the different values and beliefs they have. Just consider the progress

that has been made, more states are allowing same-sex marriages and are accepting the benefits

and privileges associated with marriage. Gay rights have progressed in the last twenty years by

the legal rights that homosexuals now have.

Prior to 2000, in the United States government did not allow homosexuals to marry one

another, but in October 1989 Denmark was the first country in the world to recognize gay

marriages. On April 26th

, 2000, Vermont was the only state that allowed full marriage rights to

same-sex couples. On May 17th

, 2004 Massachusetts became the first U.S state to allow same-

sex marriages. Currently, there are seventeen out of the fifty states that allow gay marriages, but

in 2007 there was only six. There is no federal law protecting individuals with a different sexual

orientation from discrimination. In the twenty first century, countless homosexuals are finding it

easier to “come out of the closet,” as it is referred to, but for others it means telling their families

and close friends they are gay, lesbian or bisexual. In the United States, homosexuals now hold

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hands in public more than ever before because they are not afraid to show their affection in

public, while in Iran they would beat, torture and kill you if you were homosexual.

Gays and lesbians have a hard time trying to adopt kids together because people do not

think they are or could be good enough mothers or fathers because their life style is a little bit

different than the majority. This can be considered an example of treatment discrimination

because you are a capable human being that is able to adopt a child but you are not given the

opportunity, based on your sexual preference. In the United States there are only two ways that

the LGBT community is able to adopt and that is by one partner having the child and the other

can adopt like a step parent, the other is they can adopt a child. There are many different

theories that can be used to understand diversity, one of being the managerial theory. There are

different categories within this theory one being, the information/decision-making theory, with

this theory a person can walk into a group of people and see how they are and make a

decision/assumption of them. As a result of this many people view gays and lesbians as unfit

parents because their deep level diversity is viewed as surface level diversity and judging gays

and lesbians in this manner is not the right way to make a decision. At least it is more accepting

now but during the 1980’s and 1990’s most Americans had a problem with gay and lesbian

couples adopting because it was not “The Traditional American Family.”

The military used to not allow people who were openly gay to enlist. The policy that led

to this may have been due to a statement on January 28th

, 1982 by the Department of Defense

stating that gays and lesbians are incompatible with military service. The policy they had in

effect was called the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”, meaning as long as you do not show/flaunt that

you are gay then it is okay; if they find out you are gay then you get kicked out of the military.

This would be an example of access discrimination because they are preventing you from

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entering a job based on your sexual orientation. A lot of individuals had to make sure they did

not disclose themselves to the military via passing, whereby you can use three different methods

to hide from someone your sexual orientation. Those three methods are fabrication, concealment,

and discretion, which are all very important especially when it comes to the military. That policy

was finally ended with the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” repeal in 2010; it had been in place since


Name calling is very hard on the lives of many gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and

transgendered people, but for others, they just laugh at what is said. Anyone could ask any

homosexuals if they have heard comments like “Lezbo,” “Dyke,” “Queers,” “Fag” or “Faggot”

and more than likely, the answer will be yes! It is something many heterosexuals say to

homosexuals and others to make fun of and humiliate them. In today’s society things are getting

a little bit better especially in the younger age groups. When people use these harmful words

most of them are either doing it subconsciously because they have heard others say it and they do

not realize what they are actually saying while others are explicitly saying these things because

they just do not like homosexuals and are trying to hurt them. About “90% of the LGBT

(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexuals/Transgendered) youth have heard sexually prejudiced

remarks at school, including from teachers and administrators.” (Cunningham, 2007, p218)

When people think of a parade they usually think of a Christmas parade or something like

the Macy’s Day parade. For homosexuals parades have a different meaning. The first ever Gay

Pride Parade was held in 1969 which was known as the March of Stonewall, which started out as

a protest. Also in 1987, a group of about 200,000 to 500,000 gay, lesbians, bisexuals and

transgendered people participated in a National March in Washington for lesbian and gay rights.

In Chicago, a group of gay business owners and activists were led by Jon-Henri Damski, Lana

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Hostetler, Art Johnston, Rick Garcias, and Kit Duffy who ended up persuading the city council

in 1988 to protect homosexuals just as they would protect heterosexuals. A theory that comes to

mind would be social psychological, this is where people focus on how being different from

others in a group influences reactions and behaviors. Subsequently, if LGBT people are

marching down the street who obviously have different beliefs compared to the norm, you

automatically create an “us” versus “them” dynamic, which is the social categorization

framework. As such, you will treat them differently, which in turn can cause implicit and

explicit prejudicial behaviors. Implicit prejudice is where you feel a certain way about

something or someone and not even knowing you are doing it, thus you treat them negatively.

Explicit prejudice is where you know what you are doing and you do it with purpose or with


The American flag has thirteen stripes of red and white that mean blood and purity with

the fifty stars from each state in the United States. Gays and lesbians have a gay pride flag that

represents them and is rainbow colored which has a significant meaning to them. Red means life,

orange means healing, yellow means sun, green means nature, blue means harmony and purple

means spirit. Bisexuals have the same rainbow flag but with an added pink stripe that was

designed by Michael Page in 1998, or they may use a flag with just pink, blue and purple.

Transgendered individuals also have a flag that represents them. It is pink, dark orchid, dark

violet, dark magenta, and blue. In an interview with an author named Michael Ford, he said this,

“At the same time, the rainbow does make an immediately recognizable symbol, and it can be

very encouraging and comforting to see it is you’re a gay person who perhaps doesn’t live in a

place where there are a lot of visible gay people.”

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For the first time in Division I sports history a young man by the name Derrick Gordon

“comes out of the closet” to his family, friends, and teammates in March of 2014. He felt that he

was tired of hiding who he was and some people do not understand this concept of hiding,

people always say just be yourself and then you would not have to “come out.” Well the

reasoning is because it is not easy to be openly gay and especially in sports In sports you are

already in the press enough and once they get any news on you they make it a huge big deal.

How many gay athletes are really openly gay? Not very many athletes are. Gordon tells others

that when NBA (National Basketball Association) star Jason Collins openly “came out” to the

public and the NBA accepted him he finally felt comfortable to be able to come out and not be so

worried about what others would think. In his mind he felt that if the NBA and the public can

accept Mr. Collins then he does not have so much to worry about. Derrick had a hard time

telling his teammates but head coach Derek Kellogg helped Derrick tell them, they were

accepting and told him that they would all be there for him through everything.

Michael Sam aims to be the first openly gay pro football player. A defensive end from

The University of Missouri “comes out” two weeks before the NFL (The National Football

League) combine, he was worried while during the combine his experience would only be about

his sexual orientation but it actually was not. He was asked football questions and it was all

about the kind of player he is and where he will best fit. The NFL coaches and general managers

said it will not be about his sexual orientation but about the kind of player he is. Of course during

interviews he was asked about what if players have something to say to him while in the locker

room and Sam handled it very well replying they would get through it and he would talk to

whoever it was with the problem. One thing that Michael wants is “I just wish you guys would

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see me as Michael Sam the football player instead of Michael Sam the gay football player.”

(Seth Walder, 2014).

In my opinion, I believe that with these two stories are about two openly gay pro athletes

that stood against all odds and “came out” to the public with their sexual orientation. In my

personal experience it is hard to just “come out” to your family and close friends, so I can only

imagine “coming out” to America. Athletes and celebrities are already in the spot light with

everything they do they are put out on the front page and being judged at all times. Especially in

a society that is just now being more open to individuals who are openly gay, I believe these two

young men are very brave and inspiring to young people everywhere. With more people like

them in the future more people will be able to live their lives more freely and not worry about

hiding who they really are which is very stressful. Yes, they got some heat for “coming out” but

overall they have gotten a lot of support and a lot more than they probably ever could have

imagined. This also to show that people are able to change how they think and how they view

things, not everyone is the same and we have to learn to accept that. Thirty years ago there were

no players that would ever imagine to “come out of the closet” like these two brave young men

have done, but in this day in time we are far more along, with that we can only imagine where

will be in the next thirty years or so.

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