Lexy Acc

LEX AND YACC Implementation of Calculator using LEX and YACC. Description: Lex is used for breaking up an input stream into more usable elements. Lex is used for tokenizing input i.e separating input into the lowest-level objects that your grammar defines. YACC is used for analyzing the structure of the input stream.YACC stands for “Yet Another Compiler Compiler”. YACC is a parser that tokenizes input provided by Lex. YACC performs parsing of grammer.


Program For SDL

Transcript of Lexy Acc

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Implementation of Calculator using LEX and YACC.


Lex is used for breaking up an input stream into more usable elements. Lex is used for tokenizing  input

i.e separating  input into the lowest-level objects that your grammar defines.

YACC is used for analyzing the structure of the input stream.YACC stands for “Yet Another Compiler

Compiler”. YACC  is a parser that tokenizes input provided by Lex. YACC performs parsing of grammer.

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#include <math.h>

#include "y.tab.h"

extern double vblt[26];


%%([0-9]+|([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?) {yylval.dval=atof(yytext);

return NUMBER;}

[\t ] ;

sqrt {return SQRT;}

log {return LOG;}

[a-z] { yylval.vblno=yytext[0]-'a';

return NAME; }

"$" {return 0;}

\n|. return yytext[0];


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//yacc file



#include <math.h>

double vblt[26];


/*%union is used to collect all the attributes which are going to used in our program */

%union {

float dval;

int vblno;


/*this is used to know yacc file that which attribute is attached to which terminal */

%token <vblno> NAME%token <dval> NUMBER%token SQRT LOG

/* Priority & associativity */

%left '-' '+'%left '*' '/'

%nonassoc UMINUS

/*this is used to know yacc file that which attribute is attached to which non-terminal */

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%type <dval> expression


statement_list:statement '\n'| statement_list statement '\n'


statement: NAME '=' expression {vblt[$1]=$3;}| expression {printf("=%f\n",$1);}


expression: expression '+' expression {$$=$1+$3;}

| expression '-' expression {$$=$1-$3;}

| expression '*' expression {$$=$1*$3;}

| expression '/' expressionif($3==0.0)

yyerror("divide by zero");



| '-' expression %prec UMINUS {$$=-$2;}

| '(' expression ')' {$$=$2;} | SQRT '(' expression ')' {$$=sqrt($3);} | LOG '(' expression ')' {$$=log($3);}


| NAME {$$=vblt[$1];};



{ //extern double sqrt(),exp(),log();

yyparse(); return 0;


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int yyerror(char *s)



return 0;
