Levitating IQs Case Analysis


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Transcript of Levitating IQs Case Analysis

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(MGT 4110)






SEMESTER 2, 2015/2016










26th APRIL 2016

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The fundamental amount of intellectual ability is inherited. James Flynn, a well-

trained political philosopher, also a researcher from New Zealand reported his results of study

about the rising of the intelligence test scores in 1984. He found that majority individuals who

took IQ test in 1970s did better than those who did in 1940s.This findings created the “Flynn

effect”. Flynn also said that though the scores were rising, it is probably better to say we are

“more modern” than “smarter”. He also reported that we are not getting better at everything.

Modern mind only takes a scientific approach to problems, with abstract classification,

logic and imaginative hypothetical reasoning. However, the prescientific mind was utilitarian,

focuses on the uses of things. Flynn reports ability in solving puzzles, identifying similarities,

processing the non-verbal symbols and visual images has increased but overtook our ability in

calculating arithmetic. Besides that, Flynn effect was tested in some less-developed countries

as well and it became valid. On the whole, verbal intelligence increases until middle age then

reduces gradually. However, it differs depending on individuals.

In spite of powerful heritability of IQ, researchers continue to pursue techniques that

might raise IQ scores, essential among them the pursuit of finer educational systems for youth

and adult alike. Moreover, regular physical exercises and brain exercises (even videogames)

seem to boost brain power, at least for short-term. On the other hand, other research in

neuroscience found it difficult in pinpointing physical techniques that can boost IQ, although

researchers proposed that focusing on brain chemicals like dopamine may lead to drugs


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1) Do you believe people are getting smarter? Why or why not?

We believe that people are getting more modern with the change of generations over time

but not necessary smarter. According to Flynn, the modern mind takes a scientific approach to

problems with abstract clarification, logic and imaginative hypothetical reasoning, this study

according to Flynn has effect on rising only our ability to solve puzzles and identify

similarities but not our ability to calculate arithmetic. And this is due to the modern world we

live in today.

2) How do you reconcile Flynn’s recent description of the modern mind with the

General Society Survey’s findings that U.S. adults perform poorly on scientific

questions and aren’t knowledgeable about scientific method?

As Flynn reported, modernity effects only by rising the ability to solve problems, do

puzzles, identify similarities and process nonverbal symbols and visual images. But not rising

the ability to calculate arithmetic. Flynn statement does not have to do with something related

to scientific questions or the knowledge of science. What Flynn tried to say is people of the

newer generations are having a modern mind through implementing the scientific the

scientific approach to solve the problems using the abstract classification, logic and

imaginative hypothetical reasoning. Meaning to say here is people of the newer generation

tend to understand and solve the problems through the scientific method without even

realizing that they are using the scientific method and approach. Of course it is not necessary

for them to know all of those scientific methods unless they learn about it. The ways they are

thinking are using the scientific approach perhaps due to the modern situation compared to the

older generation where their mind is utilitarian.

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3) Given that the Flynn effect has been tested and found valid throughout time, and

across countries, would you still consider intelligence an inherited trait?

Yes. Intelligence can still be considered as an inherited trait even though the Flynn effect

is valid. This is because Flynn effect does not testify that the people of the newer generation

are smarter than the previous generation but it said that they are more modern than before.

Having to say this, the intelligence that the newer generation have may be inherited from the

previous generation. For example, if the our grandparents scored 100 points on the IQ scale

and we scored 115 points, the difference of 15 points may be considered as the result of the

Flynn effect while the 100 points are actually inherited from the grandparents. So, yes, the

intelligence can still be an inherited trait even though the Flynn effect is there.


Based on the case study, we found that human's ability of intelligence was reported to

be not permanent throughout one's life. The study on this particular issue proved that people's

IQ tends to decline starting from their middle age but at different rates. Either it is strong or

slow decline, the ability believed to be inherited from the older generation is only for

temporary period of time. Therefore, we learn that mankind utilize his/her ability not for them

to be proud of or showing off to others especially with the intention to look down on them

whom less in intelligence. By realizing the fact that we are only human being or creatures of

God, the all gifts given would not last forever, one must contribute to the society by using the

idea and skill he/she has instead of merely personal interest.

The second thing we manage to observe throughout the whole case study is that people

nowadays assumed to be more modern instead of smatter compared to the previous generation

many decades ago. The statement by researcher, Flynn mentioned that currently people is

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depending more on scientific approach to solve problems, and we think it may due to the

technology advances exposed to us. Therefore, we agree that is one of the reasons people

today mostly less critical and independence especially the teenager group. So, it is important

for the generation and becoming generations to train the brain in order to increase the power

either by physical exercises as well as brain exercises which even tough by playing

videogame consistently.

Apart from that, in terms of workforce within business organization, all of us learned

that whether people is high or less in the intelligence ability, it cannot become the milestone

for the management to assume the higher intelligent person would contribute more in

performing task. Because of that an organization should practice a proper diversity

management whereby it takes into account the recognition of disabilities and must avoid the

discrimination to these people as they can work together with those who own the ability and

perform well with diversity. According to the research by Flynn, mostly people these days

tend to have changes in mental process instead of educational opportunities and that

contributes to the higher scores of IQ test undertaken. He also mentioned that the ability

increases in terms of solving puzzles, identify similarities, and process nonverbal symbols and

visual images rather than the ability of calculating arithmetic.


Allah has given each of us certain abilities and capabilities that are to be used to serve

Him by serving His creation, for as so much as we serve and contribute to human welfare we

glorify Allah. One thing we must understand, however, is how we define such words as

'greatness', or 'extraordinary'. During our times, we may think a genius has to go to Harvard

and become a great scientist or become famous in some special skill or trade. However, in the

eyes of Allah, greatness can only be defined according to our piety. If we are endowed with

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certain gifts, and we use those gifts to serve Allah, then they truly are great. However, if we

use them merely to obtain fame and fortune, then they are our means of self-destruction. It is

not so much the gift, therefore, but rather how we use it and what we do with it, i.e. the

intention with which it is used.

In a time past, the greatest talents in the Muslim world became scholars of all kinds

and ended up spending their lives in the service of Allah. These are the people that we read

about from centuries ago. These geniuses used their tremendous skills and talents in the way

of scholarship, science, the arts and humanities to serve the Muslims and humanity as a

whole. It was their dedication to Allah, i.e. their piety and noble character that defined their

greatness. The modern age has very different definitions of greatness, and it often has to do

with how famous one is and how much money one make. This is not how Islam defines

greatness, however.

However what is important is your actions and belief. If one is not gifted but tries

harder than by Allah he will receive more of a reward. Some of the matters which you

mentioned in the question may be a gift from Allah who grants it to whomever He wishes

since birth, and they may be acquired by doing some reasons which help achieve that; among

the most important reasons are the following, performing acts of good deeds, as it is a source

for activity and energy; Allah says (what means):

“Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer— We will surely

cause him to live a good life.” [Quran 16:97]

Moreover, it is reported that Ibn „Abbaas may Allah be pleased with him said:

"Indeed, a good deed has brightness on the face, a light in the heart, strength in the body,

abundance in sustenance and a love in the hearts of the people."

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Next is staying away from sins because committing sins may be a reason for

discouraging one‟s determination and dimming his perception; Allah says (what means):

“No! Rather, the stain has covered their hearts of that which they were earning.”[Quran


The remainder of the aforementioned statement of Ibn „Abbaas may Allah be pleased with

him reads:

“And indeed a bad deed has blackness on the face, darkness in the heart, a weakness in the

body, a scarcity of sustenance and hatred in the heart of the people.”

In addition, being determined, not hesitating and having the courage of doing what is

beneficial; are among the important elements.

The capacity of memory in the brain to store, process and recall information is truly a

wondrous blessing of Allah. We use our memory to gain beneficial knowledge; we also use

our memory to recall the mistakes we‟ve made in the past and learn from them to become

better. The following are some tips to strengthen your memory, first is, healthy Body for a

Healthy Mind. Physical exercises, especially aerobic ones, are beneficial to keep the mind

alert and healthy. If you can‟t do aerobic exercises, the good news is that a moderate amount

of walking on daily basis can keep the mind healthy too. Indeed, walking for most people is

pretty easy to maintain as a regular activity (even taking the stairs instead of the elevator

exercises your body).

The next one is about resting. Taking a nap improves memory and mood, promotes

physical well-being, and sharpen senses. Napping has many benefits so taking a 15-30 minute

before or after Zuhr should significantly affect your intellectual performance, energy level,

and plus – it‟s sunnah! Moreover, try to get an Adequate Amount of Sleep. Recent German

research lab finds that sleep helps memory shaping. Sleep is needed to clear the brain‟s short-

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term memory storage and create space for new information. Sleep and night time is yet

another mercy and blessing from Allah, The Most Generous:

”It is out of His Mercy that He has put for you night and day, that you may rest therein (i.e.

during the night) and that you may seek of His Bounty (i.e. during the day), and in order that

you may be grateful.” [28: 73]

Last but not least is asking for it. If you want a good memory, ask Al-Mujib (The

Answerer of Prayers). Ask Allah S.W.T for what you need – beneficial knowledge,

understanding, and good memory. Our memory is indeed a true blessing of Allah, and we

should be grateful for it. To show our appreciation, let us keep it healthy and use it for

beneficial purposes that lead us to get closer to Allah, The Most Merciful.