Level work flow 3d


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Transcript of Level work flow 3d

Page 1: Level work flow 3d

First I created a terrain that will house my level and I decided to make it a forest level in a medieval setting

I choose medieval because It an easy to represent it setting but with quite a lot of limits since it’s the medieval era so I can’t have modern building cars or planes in it like what is on the unity store so I had to Google some assets outside the asset store Next I textured all the terrain and put in the trees and the overall layout of the land

Page 2: Level work flow 3d

There are all the same trees but I did it as a place holder to be a part of later design and also did the Terrain. Mountains which have an entrance and exit to the valley that I am in and smooth them all out so they look like real mountains in a valley Then I download textures I need to make it all not grass so I can accurately show what the terrain is showing like mountain need a cliff texture and of the water needed advanced reflections and textures that are in unity by itself These textures help show what environment I need to show what I need to show if there a grass on a cliff side 10 thousand feet up it look really weird and won’t be any realism at all so you need to correct textures for rocks, water, grass, and roads I downloaded a lot of medieval house assets so I can get my town going so it actually can look like a town Assets to create medieval town like houses, walls, castles, taverns, warehouses,

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I selected these wooden medieval houses because it reflects on older time theme of medieval times where the houses where all made out of wood and wood beams to support the house and these are good of this since it’s all wooden strut supported Mansion House

This house is raised up on a fenced of hill to signifies the royals in the town since they are above the others and have a larger house and have a garden area and a path leading out of there palace and out to the town Layout of the Town Lower class masses I made the houses like these to show all the poor people in the medieval ages having no space to yourself having neighbours right next door and behind you too in a mass housing district Layout of the Middle Class People These people are more spread out and got gardens and space between each house but not great differences in the different housing space but great distances like the mansion in the middle

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I made these taverns because it acts a place where the people would meet if this was a real town this is where all

the people would go and that I added them in between the two housing districts

Fenced Off Mansion

I added a fence around the mansion because I couldn’t find walls to made it a palace so I replaced it with fences

because they don’t want to socialise or have them on their property there the upper class in the mansion with all

the space to themselves

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Walled In town

Because medieval towns are normally under siege and are in castle town so they need to be protected by walls

towers and a castle that houses all the soldiers to defend against invading forces

Castle Towers

This is where the castle defences sit on when they are defending the town from attacking forces that would

threaten them and castles have a lot of these

Castle Gatehouse

This is what castles use to control

what goes in and out of the castle

and to lock people in and invaders

out to completely seal the castle

and make it hard to get in

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Barrack Houses

To house all the soldiers in the castle there are small houses with two floors just for allowing soldiers to sleep in

and keep their stuff in these houses

War Tent

These tents are for the more battle ready soldiers in the castle and the commanders that are planning defences

and attacks on other castle basically the

mobile command hub

Overall Terrain

I made this terrain to house a medieval town and an exit and walled in with the town that can be seen and can

see the entire level and mountains

and the forest area completely I

did all this to show a low levelling

medieval castle town and see the

key features of the level