letting go of illness

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This was written as instructions on how to use pads filled with substances meant to absorb energy. The pads can be made of anything, and the abosorbing materials the same..The possibilities are, keeping in mind that wahtever is used to absorb the energy one relaeses, that it be a substance that can abosorb and transform the energy in a healthy way for all.This said, as really, looked at two ways, either we are everything at one perspective, or what you do to others is done to you at another. it is the same theory looked at differently.

Transcript of letting go of illness

Three main stages1. let out2. neutralize3.refill

1. let out..

This is the letting out of energy related to the issue ...this can be sumarized as letting go of all beliefs, emotions and patterns or habits associated with the issue. Included is tne coding in DNA, energy of infections, noise disturbances, negative emotions others , or feelings towards others that are still in the body and field around the body, electromagnetic pollution, cells feeling ill, and so on...

1a.For this first part, imagine letting as much energy as your body will comfortably allow out into the pad imagination methods include things such as putting the pad on the skin and imagining energy seeping out into the pad. putting the pads in socks and setting an intention before sleep that the negative energy will pour out through your feet into the pads while you sleep, or in shoes and the negative energy pours into the pad with each step and so on. If doing this while awake, you can also sense energy from people and places you have been where the energy you feel in your body is connected tothe issue (the memory is in the nerves of our body, so although it may be a far off place, your body experiences it within as memory and pattern) physical methods include moving the body in a way of throwing out or in some way releasing the energy like hitting pad into a pillow, stomping on pad ground, throwing a lightening bolt through the pad and into the ground, or or in putting the pads in shoes and the intending that the energy pours into the pad with each step and so onWhatever way feel best to you, these are suggestions..the important part is letting it out of you 1.b When in a space to do this you can let out into the pad that which may be uncofortable to let go of. This may be a good thing to do during sleep. It can include those things put away on shelves because they hurt or we de not want to look at them, subconcious things, beliefs, emotions and ideas that can go as far back as conception. It may be something held onto as you wanted to remember "i will never do that again" or i have to be careful of", or as simple as "i would rather see this in a good light and forget or ignore this aspect of a person aor situation and so on".. Your own body and being knows what it needs for itself, and ignored things can scream until they are heard, ill things can fester until cleaned out. It may bring up long forgotten memories, old or recent memories, beliefs and emotions. you will have the choice to let go or keep holding on. 2. Neutralizing1.This is about honoring where you are, that this exists now, and that you choose to change it to . It is about honoring why the issue exists at all, finding out what it's purpose is for you, and changing it to your most optimum well being available to you now. The above paragraph can be stated in whatever form most comfortable for you, this intention, to honor why the issue exists, what was the origingal intention to help your well being, and if change is needed, how can this change be implemented . If it is simply an old energy that is impacting the issue poorly, can you honor it's past and present presence and let go? This includes the emotions, beliefs and so on associated with it. You can thank it for being there at the time to help you through whatever situation it did and let go.This may be most easily done during sleep, where the mind is at reast and can work on changing the situation while you sleep. It may require conscious letting go or allowance of the change on waking too.3, Refilling1.This last stage fills in the areas of your being where the energy has left or changed with optimal energy. It allows continual changing and healing of the issue. An intention can be added to protect yourself from similar issues while you are becoming healthy enough to have immunity without protection.Here again, is the option of imagination. with the pad, a word written on a piece of paper, if a higher power of force you believe has the complete power to heal, this energy can be imagined as puring into any chosen areas of the body. Whateverr method works best. Sense and feel energy that vibrates at your highest health and resolution of the issue now. Feel this energy seeping from the pad, or chosen method. Let this energy seep into all the areas of your body and the field of energy around you, again, even into memories of places you have been where the energy you feel in your body is connected to this benefiecial healing energy for yourself.the physical method is of putting a physical object that you know has healing properties for you, and putting it on your skin, smelling the object (essential oil, a salve or lotion or leaves), even consuming an object. this can be done at the time of taking medicine to, adding in that medicine be of the highest benefit for the body, and all negative side effects of the medication be neutralized.