Letter to OSA

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  • 8/11/2019 Letter to OSA


    October 9, 2014

    Prof. Ma. Althea T. Enriquez, PhD

    OSA Coordinator

    Office of Student Activities, Vinzons Hall

    University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101


    Dear Professor Enriquez,

    I am Chad Osorio, a 3rdyear student of the UP College of Law and the Head Photographer for External

    Affairs of the UP Photography Society (UP OPTICS). I was advised by Miss aLyn Silarde to write a letter of

    complaint as regards the incident which happened last Tuesday, October 7, 2014.

    My orgmates and I were at the Vinzons Org Tambayan from around 4pm to 6pm. We were talking to

    each other and taking photographs. Our bags were at the tambayan next to us. In the span of a few minutes,

    I lost my entire bag, with my laptop, smartphone, Php6k in my wallet and around Php500 in my coin bag, IDs

    and bank cards. Estimated cost of all the equipment I lost is Php50k plus. I'm extremely grateful I decided not

    to bring my camera and lenses for the day.

    From initial reports at the scene of the theft, apparently the past two weeks this has happened thrice,

    once at UP Cradle (2 bags went missing) and another at UP Lakan. However, when I posted this topic on social

    media via my Facebook account and through various UP Diliman online groups, the comments reveal that

    there have been a lot more incidents similar to this in the past year alone. One student and a personal friend,

    in addition to losing his iPad, wallet and watch, even had his safety compromised when the thieves were able

    to ransack his condo and take two laptops, from the key they got from his bag. The initial theft happened in

    the College of Engineering.

    These are not isolated incidents anymore and has escalated to be a recurring and unsolved problem.

    Suspects include streetchildren as well as mendicants who roam the area, though from reports it is

    apparent that a man of about our age, above-average height, dark and wearing decent clothes, pretend to be

    a student hanging out in the area only to nick bags the moment when people are not looking. Usually the bags

    that he takes are black laptop ones, which would look inconspicuous on him.

    UP has not provided lights, added security or notices to secure personal property despite these

    incidents and despite its clear duty to do so, so I am writing to you to respectfully suggest a massive information

    campaign, for students, faculty, staff and visitors alike be more vigilant to prevent these occurrences from

    happening again.

    Thank you very much. My organization and I look forward to working with the rest of the UP community

    to solve this very pressing concern.

    Respectfully yours,

    Chad Patrick Osorio