Letter to My Adolescent Self


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A project for an online class that asks everyone to reflect on their former more naive selves and offer honest advice from our current standpoint.

Transcript of Letter to My Adolescent Self

If I could write a letter to my adolescent self it would go something else like this:

Dear little Lis,Stop sweating the small stuff and start thinking more about finding yourself. Your family, your cheating boyfriend, the fake friends; all these people hold nothing over you. Find out whos really there for you and spend time with them. Stop crying so much. You'll look back and feel so silly because these matters are so trivial in the long run of things. Life gets harder, so you have to get tougher. Those people at school who look down on you, you are just as good as them. Carry yourself proudly. These things will mean nothing to you when you go on with your life and meet so many amazing people who are just like you. Be proud of who you are above all else. Rock that long dark hair, pull up at school with the pumpkins blasting at 30+ volume, smile at everyone you pass. Make new friends. If someone doesn't like you for you, DON'T change. Stick with your guns. Those people who are strung out and do nothing but bring you down- let them go. I repeat, let. them. go. If anyone tempts you to change or makes you feel stupid for your interests, drop them. Real friends love one another for who they are. So you too should be accepting of others- unless they are hurting themselves or others. Then its time to speak up. Be a friend, be a help, be a contributor and NOT just a consumer. Religious matters don't define who you are. Find your spiritual gifts and use them. You have so much love in your heart, show it and give freely. Realize that it is morality that makes for a good society, not religion. You will meet a lot of people who say one thing and then do another. Don't let things like this discourage you, instead focus on improving yourself. Parent-child conflicts are a part ofeveryone'slife. Don't let hard times stop you, go on to do great things. Only you can make YOU happy. Don't hold on to hate, it will eat you alive. That guy who pressures and controls you, stand up for yourself and leave. This is critical. In a few years you will meet someone who will make you feel like the heavens literally created him just for you. Always listen to your heart as it will never steer you wrong. And when things do go wrong, don't stay there long. Move on with your life. Go many places, meet many people. Reach out to those who need love. The boy that sits behind you in botany, he will commit suicide in a few years. Turn around and try to make his life a little brighter. Jack will die in a car accident in November of 2012, get to know him a little better. There is no shame in dealing with hard times on your own, but don't push away help. You will find out who's really there for you. No question about that. Learn what to care about and what not to care about. I repeat, "It is better to give than to receive." However, watch out for consumers and leeches, they will suck you dry. Get outside and dance in the grass, string the lights, turn that music up. Drink your red wine and JD and be merry. Take delight in the spicy chicken wings and French fried onion rings. That 2-speed window fan when its 93 degrees. Make your grandmother something special to say "thank you." It'll mean more to her than you think. Mobility will become your way of life. Some will wonder about your roots, ensure them that they are as deep as a wild fig tree. You will find happiness in strange places. Home isn't a place, it's a feeling. Don't forget this. Friendships are formed in hours and will last a lifetime. And while it is inevitable that paths will part, keep hope that you will see them again. The writers weren't kidding about how all good things must end, you know this line. Stay strong, kid. You are on a good path and don't ever compromise it foranything.Even wild horses couldnt drag you away.

Love always,Melissa, 2015.