Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources.

Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources

Transcript of Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources.

Page 1: Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources.

Let’s Tour Washington D.C.

Making Sure AStudent Has


Page 2: Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources.

Author: Pennie Reese

[email protected] County Elementary

Grant, Nebraska

Page 3: Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources.

Grade Level 3rd Grade

Page 4: Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources.

Choosing a Search Site

Overview: *Through online observations students record and compare the features of four children’s

search sites. *Create a keynote presentation.

Objectives: * Identify children’s search sites

* Compare and contrast features of specific search sites

* Research a special monument, place, or thing in the

community of Washington D.C. * Navigate his/her way around a site

* Create a Keynote presentation* Present presentation as a tour

Page 5: Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources.

Prior Knowledge

* How to navigate Keynote * Basic computer knowledge * Washington D.C. Community

Page 6: Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources.


* Computers* Internet access* Keynote* Empty CDs* Sites bookmarked on computers: www.yahoo.com www.kidsclick.org www.askkids.com www.factmonster.com www.awesomelibrary.org*Worksheet: This worksheet is from The CyberSmart Education Company. Copy &

paste this URL address: http://www.google.com/search?q=cyber+smart!+education+company&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&hs=WyC&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&source=hp&q=cyber+smart!+education+company+choosing+a+search+site&pbx=1&oq=cyber+smart!+education+company+choosing+a+search+site&aq=f&aqi=q-w1&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=155973l165010l0l165517l23l23l0l0l0l0l356l5555l0.4.17.2l23l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=34068878fc13277f&biw=1024&bih=544

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Activities and Procedures

1. Hand out worksheet: Choosing a Search Site2. As a whole group research one of the search sites using the worksheet.3. Put in groups of 2 and have them research another site.4. Come together and have each group share the site they researched. Allow class time to search the other sites their classmates presented.5. Choose a monument, place or thing to research in Washington D.C.6. Locate everyones project on a Washington D.C. map.7. Pick out at least 5 important facts.8. Start a new Keynote presentation.9. Add a title page.10. Put one fact on a page.11. Add a picture to each page.12. Have them take their own picture, with Photo Booth, and add to the last page with their name.13. Add a transition to each page.14. Add music.15. Burn a DVD

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Tying It Altogether

Invite in family, friends and administration for a tour of Washington D.C.

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The next slide is a student project

that was created using these


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