let MORNING-, W. CRBAT€¦ · M. SULZ15AOIIER. March20_ Sweet Potato SlipB. ¦tJ_v/vl/r\f\BUSHELS...

BY JULIAN A. SELBY. A Million Capitaii..Wo understand that a prominent business man of this city, who possesses the confidence of a large number of capitalists in New York, i Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati, has in contemplation the formation of a company with a capital of 01,000,000.S9U0.ÜÜÜ oi the aiuouu; to be subscribed by pur ties in the cities named above, a nucleus of $100,000 to be first obtained in Augusta. The gen¬ tleman in question has no doubt but' that the company can be formed, and the required amount of Northern atd Western capital procured, if the com¬ mencement referred to is made in this city. With this capital of $1,000,000 it is proposed to erect on the Augusta Canal one of the largest and most oom- plete cotton factories in the South, add¬ ing largely to the wealth and population of the city, and giving an increased im¬ petus to manufacturing. The Northern and Western parties who are expected to take stock in the enterprise sell annu¬ ally a large amount of merchandise of various .descriptions to merchants in Augasta,and have, therefore, an interest in onr oity aside from the profits to be rraie by manufacturing. There seen g f to be every prospect that the project a will succeed. f [Augusta Chronicla and Sentinel. . The London Commune..A London letter, which gives an account of the! burning of the Pantschnicon, attributes the disaster to the Commune. The' building was supposed to be fire-proof,| and no fire was allowed inside, yet, at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, the flames | burst forth. This led to some investi¬ gations, which resulted in pointing very ßtrongly to a secret organization, which j is known to exist there, but difficult to j unearth. They are antagonistic to the nobility.in other words, are Commun- f ists. If the suspicious are correct, the whole stratum of royal nnd noble society jj overlies a most fearful volcano of plebian ihatred. Heaven help the titled few, if ever the ignorant, hunger-impelled many rise in brute force against them. "Led Astray" is still leading Gotham j that wnv. Celeorated 5 Cent Cigars. THIS CIGAR In no patent arrangement, calculated to bntnbug people out of their money, but baa become "justly celebrated only on account of merit. Meeting tho wanta of tho poor man, becauso it enables him to get as good a smoke for 3 cents as can be bought elsewhere at ten conts. Meeting the wants of tho rich man, because in theso times of uncertain speculation ho docs not feel that he can indubgo in his accustomed Havana, and this is the host substituto. Meeting tho wants of travelers, b icauto thoy can protect themselves from tho enormous prices usually charged by dealers, and at tho samo time get a hotter articlo. Meeting the wanta of all, becauso luxury and ooouomy are herein combined. Sold only by PERRY A SLAWSON, Indian Girl Cigar Htoro, Columbia Hotel Hlock, Columbia, S. C. March 21_ Now is tho Season TO get your HOUSE PAINTED, JfiSmPAPERED and KALSOMINED. It ^*"A-*5'you havo an old House, It can be made to look liko new. Work dono at as low rates as can bo had in the Kt ate for cash. Apnlyto WM. CLOTUIER, March 20_It) Washington street. THE SEGARS AT THE* CALIFORNIA SEGAR STOKE HAVE grown so popular that nobody thinks of buying anywhero el-o, aa tbo best begaus, from 6o. to 25c, Bold in this city, ars to be had at this establishment. The roauon everybody patronir.es tho Cali-' fornia Segar Store is, that all their Domestic Sogar» aro modo by Factory No. !), on the premises, and onr citizens aro awaking to tho importance of patronizing homo manu¬ facture. Everybody chow* the celebrated CARLE COIL, put up in tin foil. Hold only by the Cali¬ fornia Sogar Store. M. SULZ15AOIIER. March 20_ Sweet Potato SlipB. ¦t r\f\ BUSHELS YAMS and reds, in J_v/vl/ line order, for vale by Maroh 15_HOPE a OYLES. Planting Potatoes. err{\ BARRELS, in One order, EARLY OU R ISE, EARLY GOOLRICH, PINK¬ EYE and PEERLESS, for sale low for green- > backs._nOPE A gYJ,EN Flour! Flour!1. QAA BARRELS fresh ground FLOUR, OvJv/ all qualities, from .s'wper to Fancy1 Family Flour, and at greatly reduced prices, just received and for sale by MarchJ0_ JOHN_AGNEW a SON. Take Notice. LL in want of DRY GOODS and NO- A TIONS, cheap, will call at C. f. JACKSON'S and purchase, as he will sell off his stock at greatly reduced prices before going North to lay in a new stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. Remember, C. f. JACKSON, Leader of Low Pi ices, 12H Main st. N. B..On hand, SPRING and SUMMER GOODS at extra tow prices. C. f. J. Hay, Oats, Bran and Shorts. BALES PRIME TIMOTHY hay, 5U0 bushels Heavy Oatf-, (00 bushels Bolt id Meal, 10,000 pounds Whoat Bran and Shorts, For sale low, for Cash, bv' Ftb 20_Hope aj^ylf«? Timothy Hay. r tp:,S;.ririteTIMOTHY nAY.fnrsuln .. ..or eis'- HOPE a GYLES. GO let Special KTotiooa. OUSTADLKS TO MAKIU.VGK . HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from the effects of errors and abases in early lifo. Manhood Roatorod. Impediments to Marriage re¬ moved. Now method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Rooks and Cir¬ culars sent free, in scaled cnvelopos. Ad¬ dress, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa..an institution having a high reputation for honorsble conduct and professional »kill. Feh 10_4173mo TO THE PUBLIC THE undersigned, having assumed the GENERAL AGENCY of tho SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY for the Stato of South Carolina, beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, that they have opened their ofllce on Main street, in tho city of Columbia, where they will be pleased at all times to meet their friends, and give such information as may be de- aired, and to writo life policies on tho most approved plans, as well as at tho lowest stock rates. Tho very satisfactory and sub¬ stantial condition of this groat Southern in¬ stitution, with tho prompt and liberal man¬ ner which has characterized it in the adjust¬ ment of its looses, should commend it to the highest consideration, respect and patron¬ age of tho citizens of South Carolina. Re¬ spectfully. HAGOOD A TREUTLEN, March lS+lmo General Agents for S. C. ma Neuralgia, Piles, Headache Dlarrh«a. Boils, Old Seres, Lameness, Burns, Soreness, Toothache, Scald3, Sprains, Hoarseness, Ulcer3. Wounds, Soro Throat, Colic, Bruises, Ehoumatism, Hemorrhages, Mnrch 1 THE MILD POWER Og irOMEOPA TI2IV SPECIFICS HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, nn entire p'tcc-*. Simple, Prompt, EUlcieut and Reliable. They ;u-j the on'./ medicines perfectly ruluptcl to popular u-. «ixnplc that iniBtiikes cannot bo made in »:.--iir,' ihrin; bo liatmlcfu I..* to b¦: free from danger; and fo efficient a* to lie nlwuys reliable. They linve th'> highest commendation from all, and will idwaya render aal InfantIon. Price, in lurguthrce-dracliin viala, with directions: Xos. Cures. O nt* 1. Fevers, Contention, InflnrnmalinTU", . . to Worm*, Worm b'ernr, Worin Coli.?, . . *0 S. Cryliig-Colh-, .'I'Tcrtliii.guf Infant*, . 50 4. ninrrlm ii, of Children or Adull", . . AO .'>. iDyiicntcrya Griping, Bilious Colic, . 50 <>. Cholern-SroruuH, Vomiting.50 I. Cough«, Colds Bronchitis,.M B.' lVcurnlgln,T'wtUarlie, Facenclie, . 5<l If rndnches, Sick Headache, Verti;r«, . 50 W. iiyi4pi-p*iu, Bilious Stomach.53 11. Kup pressen, or Painful Periods, . . . 5ft 12« "Whites, too Profuse Periods, ... 50 IS. Croup. Cou*h, Difficult Breathing, . . I" 1J. S'nlt illirum, Krysipelai, Eruptlotw, . 50 }*». Itheiuunt Ism, Riu-umutic Puiiu*, . . . 50 10. Fever ni»d Ak»«o, Chill IVvvi, Ajptos, 59 17. nie«, Mind or Hi edlng,.M IB. Oph tun. Imy, and tore or Wenk Eye*, . 50 10. Cutnrrh, Ai.ile or Chmtiio Inline»!/«, . M i'*. Whoopluc-Cough, Violent Cough', W 21. Aetliinn, OppreHneil Breatliinv, . . . U\ 22. Knr l>l<«f1i«rgcs. Impaired llcnrlnir, . .'«.' 2.'». Nerofnla, Enlarged Glands, Kwelling, . .'«o 21. ticnernl Debility, Physical Weakness, . '0 "¦i. l»ropsy mid Scanty Htfcwtioti!',.'0 2tl. Kcii-Sldciiea»» Bidmesa from Rluins, o v.;. Klilney-OlHcnse, Gravel..'u Qs. Kci-vour ItebilltJTf Seminal Wer.L-m or Involuntary J liselmrjoj,. 21». Soro Month,Canker, . . . . . . . .¦<. so. ilrlnnry We»l:nc*s, Welling two I.vd, ..) SI. Painful V»-rto:lr., with Spasms, . . .0 S3. KuflVrhu: :.«.'. oi-.-.-ofl.tt.-, . . . .10>l S3. Kpltep-.. y. . n-.Kt. N it«««'Diinee, . 10.» 31. IHphin.H.. I 'I 1;,>>! H.n.:.l,. .. M 3.*.. Chronic < o.f.v.t .(..no und l-.i uptiona, ^ I tJlli.V CASlS. Cn«c iMniwro) will»above an large vi»d>« nM Mnnuiilof l>e.-<.:i->n-. . . . . 5-1" Cime. (Morocco) of 2" largevial* und itnoK, am D-i»~The<«e remedies nra s«nt ,l»y the ense or Klnglo l»ox to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt or price. Address * Humfi8KSo£?^ Co.. Office und Depot, No. 5<;> nroadway. Nkw Torr. For Sale by nil l»ruKgl»t«. For salo by Goiger A McGregor, Apeutu. Dec 17 ttfly NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! IIAVr*!G recently removed my ostab ihrhment to tho new building, opposite lihe City Hall, and received an entirely .new and fresh stock of SPRING GOODS, I cordially invito an inspection. My stock embraces French, English and American OA89IMERE8, or the latest deslgtiB, which I will make up oh reasonable terms. C. D. EBERHARDT. March 1_ imot Seed Oats. F7AA ru3helh Vrimo WHfTE SPRING 4 1/1/ SEED OATS, tor sab. low for cash. Fob 1 ._ _ HOPE * GYLES. New Garden St-er'.s FOR I Y-FÖLD PEAS, Koye'a Fxtra Eaily Prolific T< matt», Black Pohin Egg Ph>»»tj Canada Vi-f »V iomalO, Allingtoll i I :rato, Ca^.ion Ball Gaobapc, Marblo-head Mammoth Cabbage, Early Adams Corn. For - alo at e. Ii. nRisiTsirs Feb 22 t Drng acJ Scctl store. our Just Censures COLUMBIA, S. C, SUNDAY 1 & W. C, SWAFF1ELD. IK CLOTHING AND HAT HOUSE ! A HE oren i Dg dailv. a choice line t\. FRENCH and ENGLISH COATINGS, CASSIJIERES, VESTLNGS. Having recently re-organized our CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, and secured the services ot a stylish and competent CUTTER aud iirst class TA1LOP.S, we aro now prepare d to suit the taeto of the most fastidious. We are now receiving new stylos HATS ilnio.»t dailv. Give ua a call. March 15_ INSURANCE. HAVING resigned the agency or the Southern Life Insurance. Compai y, wo havo conutctcd ourselves with the Cotton States Life Insurance Company OF MACO.V, GEttKGIA. W. R. JOHNSON, S. G. OR EAR, President. Secretary. Capital.?000.000 State Deposits. 159,000 The Cotnpanv issues policies on both the STOCK AND MUTUAL PLANS, giving to non-participating policy holders the advant¬ age of premiums LESS by twenty per cent, than mutual rates. It will establish BOARDS OF ADVISORY TRUSTEES in the principal cities ot the State, and will "onlract with said Boards to invest Iii said cities seventy per cent, ot the net premiums taken there, thus making it a Home Company ill Each Locality. We confidently recommend this staunch Southern Cbmpauy to our friends and the public, nod bespeak a continuancj ot bind patronage heretofore extended to ns. BLACK Ss WARING, General Agents for South Carolina. Active and reliable canvassers w inle-d with whom wc will mako liberal contracts. Fob '21 iimn Seegers' vs. Cincinnati Bc-.er. 11HE Cincinnati Gazette, makes tho aalo- . nislilng announcement that Cincinnati beer ia no longer puro, bnt adulterated with molassÖS, sugar of starch, fuacl oil and the poisonous Colchicum, Tho Oommieeioncr cf Agricnlturu, in his report for 1SÖ5, nays that Prof. MapoH, of New York, analyzed the beer from a dozen dificruut brcweriu*, and found all of it adulteratod. Cocculus Indious and mix vomica entered largely into its composi¬ tion. J. 0. SFEGERfl guarantors bin beer to he puro aud reliable. He does not adulterate it, but brews from tho boat barley, mult and hops. Jan 2:1 Notice. Greenville and Columbia Railuoad Co., TiteasCttEIi'S 01KICE, Colcmdia, S. C, January 1,1874. HOLDERS of the STATE GUARANTEED BONDS and tho admitted SECOND MORTGAGE BONDS of this Company, who havo funded tho past dun Coupons of said Bonds, matured botwoen January, 1872, and July, 1S73, both inclusive, are notified tuat the" January, 1S74, Coupons of said Bonds, and, also, those of tho funded Interest Bonds and Certificates, will ho paid (in presentation at this office on tho FIFTEENTH 1NST. GEO. W. WATERMAN, Jan 1 Treasurer. CONGAREE IRON WORKS, COM'MMIA, S. C. JIJHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFACTU¬ RER Of STEAM ENGINES, SAW A N D GRIST 'MILLS. Gin Ocar- Mng, and nil kinds ot Iron Castings for Machinery aud Ornamental Ca slings fur Stores and Dwell¬ ings, Patent Railing- for Gardens and Ceme¬ teries, lroa Settees and Arbor Chair*; also, Brass Castings of all kinds, Bells for Churches, Schools, Work-shop*, Ac. Gua¬ rantee all my work first clars and ro,t:al to any North or South. Works at foot of Lady street, and near to South Carolina and Greenville and Columbia Railroad Companies' Depots. Nov IS Cannon Ball. FAMOUS CABBAGE SLED, just roeeiv« d Cannon Rail Cabbage, Marblehcad Mammoth, Fotler'sEarly Drumhead, Carter's Extra Early Cabbage, Winningetadt, Schuiciifust, French, Ox Hcai t and other kinds. also, Key's Extni Early Prolific Tomato, Extra Early Puas, Corn, Onion Sets, .til warranted und cheap, at koadqnartors, for good seed. E, 11. IIEINITHH'H Jan tillf l»ruir St on . Breakfast Bacon, BU F F A LOT 0 NG U ES, MESS MACKEREL, LEAF LAUD, PIGS' FEE »\ tor s ., low by_ IKM'K ,V BY LI S. Feed! Fort1.!! Feed '.!! HAY, COHN, OATS. BRAN, Constantly in hand and f< r sah jow bv !' b 2! . JOHN AGNEW A SON. MORNING-, MARCH 22, 1ST An Additional stock cf new MUSICAL MERCHANDISE bay just been received at the above place, and will bo disposed ol at price* to uui* a!!. Call and examine. The location is next door .South of the Fmr.Nix office. Feb 21 lmo A T T II E Grand Central dry goods establisi1mext ok w. d. love & co. "TXTILL be oj.cr.ed, on MONDAY, the 10th yv instant, an elegant assortment ot Parasols. Sun Umbrellas, Dress Goods, Embroideries, Ruffs, Linen Sets, Ties, Belts, &c., &c, Comprising poox :.l the ch'docr;' preduccd th.:t> ..eaeon. A big line of CASSIMERES and TWEEDS, for boys, at 37A cents, a yar 1.half price. Wo aro daily receiving frctdi additions of new and seasonable goods, which will bo offered low foi cr.ah at the oraxd cEyir..tr. DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT of \VM. 13. LOVE *S« CO., Under Wheeler House. March 15 THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE F. B. Orchard & Go,, rxor.it liUVtx'S hall. . TTtrE wouM recp'.ctfully inform ui friends j VY itud (he public generally, that wo arc now in receipt of onei of tho nicest assorted etocka of DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, NO-j TIONS, iVc, and at aa low prioc« as th< y c m bo bought in the city. Among our stock will bo fouud; 73 de/.;:. KID GLOVES, in one and two buttons; all shades and color;, at popular I pi icos. DRESS GOODS, in tho most dci irablc uti io« s ror atrcet and evening wear. PERCALES, CRETONS and CALICOES. A good assortment of OASSIMERES, TWEEDS, COTTONADES and JEANS. Beat SHEETINGS and LONG CLOT HS in the city for the price. EMUBOIDERIES, RUFFLING. COLLAR¬ ETTES, TIES. Ac., in groat variety. T-> which we crII tlie attention of all before purchasing elsewhere. F. B. ORCHARD & CO. N. 15..Connected with our storeia a liral clasp Dress-making oetablishment, conduct* cd by MUS. BURWELL, late of B. C. Shiver .t Co., where bIio will be pleased to «eo her friends and customerH. March H gTIInöT-" PURE PERUVIAN, imported direct, and for aale at Government Prices. LAND PLASTER also for sale. It. G. LAY, March 10 lino Agent, Savannah, Ga. $100,000 mam mm FOR CLOTHING gexts' nmmm mm, BOUOHT Hiiwe the great decline, and wo aro celling them at tho very lowest prices for cash. We intend to ftivo our cus¬ tomers the advantage of tho LOW PRICES. Oomo and see our stock. We consider it a onnipli incut for persons to call and t«ce our gonda_KIN ARD A WILEY. Office City Treasurer, COLUMIIIA.S. C, Dkci mi m: 27, 1S73. riUlEcity of Columbia will, on lh?»lfithol L Jainiiirv, 1^71. eemmtneo paying the PAST DUE COUPONS of her Ron» !'. TI»cy will he paid at ihe Carolina National Ban! ulsnal tho Smith Carolina Bank and Trnit Compam'* Rank, in this city. 'CUAS. liABNUMiCily Treasurer. I>ue2S t; ion i IXE IMPORTED WIRES, BRANDIES, ft jam Sherry Wine, I ->it Wim-, M ideirn Wine, Mho, a largo deck .' fine old iVhiskic !lf»ar?, At. L C. SEEG ERS fJ^/SR^ SCOTCH WniSKM I'-if K'i t)ld Jamaici Rum, uulMJl Rrnndios Otard, \ . [(ME Event." 4. CRBAT EXCITEMENT! GRAND RUSH FOR IIARDIf SO LOHOS'S! TO accuro eomo of those fine CAN- YA.SED Hi MS, which every one talks about and everybody buys. flow delicious! what a dne flavor! the best I ever alt! is tho oxclama- lion of all who try those celebrated Hons. They are the flnest in tho market; sell rapidly, and, tboroforo, t'» secure thorn, yon must call early. That new lot of FLOCR ia also goiug off very fast, and plc-asoa every one. Made from the best quality of white wheat and bought from first hands, it ia l etter and can bo sold cheaper than by any other house in the city. You need only to puroha&e it once, to always buy it aqain. Those 3::<j California APRICOTS, TEARS and JELLIES sell at tight. Also on hand and constantly arriv¬ ing, the largest and best selected stock of CANNED GOODS in the city, consisting in part of Tomatoes, Corn, rcachci?, Pine Apples, Peas, Strawberries, Asparagus, Salmon, Lobster, Sardines, Tnrtlo, Terrapin, Vermicelli and Mulligatawney, Soups, Potted Meat-, A-e. OM Governra« nt Java and Rib COF¬ FEE, TEAS, SUGARS, STICES, Dr. Price** RAKING POWDERS, Toilet and Laundry SOAPS. OLIVE.-', Mis id, Extra aud olofus- .-it PICKLES; Tyler A Brother's and Peek. Fre.iu ft Co.'s CRACKERS, CHOCOLATE, COOOAKUTS, Lcmmi ar>l Vanilla FÄTRACTS, Ac. Ac. To make a Jose, matter abort, 1 have everything that is usually kept in a FIRST CLASS FAMILY GRO¬ CERY STORE, which I will sell at prices that will eclipse any house in the city. Look to your own interest, and buy Roods where you will save both mowy and time. HARDY SOLOMON. Mareh 10 Road and Be Wiser. 500 Dixon Steel , Sweeps. 100 Twisters. 100 Scooters. 100 Shovels. Tho largoly increasing demand for those goods each year, with hundreds of testimo¬ nials in their favor, Is tho best evidonco that they are cheaper ami better than can be made by ordinary country smiths. a i/o, 25doz*n IIAMES. luO pair TRACES. 1 dozen Dow Law COTTON PLANTERS. 130 do/, m Plantets' HOES, at rodnocd prices. LÖRICK A LOWRANCE. Mareh 13 _ OUR STOCK OF CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES IS now eompleto, comprising an assort¬ ment which, ill variety, QUANTITY, tylALI- tv asd low 1MUCE9, is not SURPASSED by any house in tiii: city. Wo aro determined not to iiF. under-sold. Without quoting prices, will meet any competition of THOSE IN THE TRADE. Our stock comprises, with other choice Kood*. a full nuppiy of CORN, HAY. OATS and BRAN, Planting Potatoes, Liverpool Salt, Flour, from Super to Fancy Fnoiily, Reil nod, Crushed, Powdered and Raw Sugar, CoS'ecs- -Rio, Lagnayia, Java and Mocha, Teaa.Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong and Young Hyson, Davis* Sugar-cured Canvasod Ham.* Breakfast Strips and Baooti, Choir' Cream Chouse,Oilt Edge Ilnttor, Pure Leal Lard, CitniK d Goods, Cakes, Crackers, «vc. \Viili a complete nse»rtmeut of Corn and Whiskies; P.r.mdy, Gin, Wines, Liquors, [gars, Ac., nhich will be delivered tree oi cMtairi al tho depots,or at tho roejdtices ol onr city er.itei.ieis. Man l n JOHN VGNEW A SON. Fresh Biscuits. .>/\ BOXP.S Cream, Soda, Milk, Lemon, ««v/ Cracknals,Butter, Farina and Ginger Snaps, for - al- by nOPE ft GYLES. VOLUME X.NUMBER 2 MONEY TO LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals. EXCHANGE on New York, Baltimore, ! Philadelphia, P.oston and all prominent cities of the United ö tat es and Enrooo boueht and sold. DEPOSITS received and interest-bearing certificates issued. BONDS, GOLD *rä SILVER Donght and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchantaand others from tbe citv and countrv solicited,and LLBERAL LINKS OF DISCOUNTS granted by tbo CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, Corner of Plain and Richardson streete. Feb 25 Jewelry! Jewelry! Jewelry! WM. GLAZE, AT hie new etore, Main etreet, nearly op¬ posite tho Central National Bank, has a large and beautiful stock of fine WATOHEB stem and key winders, from tbo beet Eu¬ ropean and American mai (.<<.: uroTs, and oi his own importation, in gou. und silver cases. Elegant JEWELRY 1 An unrivaled assort¬ ment just received, and all tho latest stylee. Sterling &ILVER-WARE, in sets and cases, Bridal Frescuts, and a very fine selection of Platcd-Ware, Gold Watch and Neck Chains, Locket?, elegant Scat, WcddiDg and Engage¬ ment Rings, large stock of Spectacles and Eye-GlRsses, Clocks, Mueical Boxes, and n great variety of Fancy Articles. My stock ie tbo largest and best selected in the Southern country, and will be sold as cheap au the -amc article can be bought an; where. Oct 24 Baltimore & Wilmington, N.C. Semi-Weekly Steamship Line, CenipoBcd of the first-class Steamships D. J. FOLEY.Capt. D. J. Puice REBECCA CLYDE.Capt. D. C. Cbilos LUCILLE.Capt. J. 8. Eennett RALEIGH.Capt. J. S. Oliver. TXTTLL hereafter sail from BALTIMORE YV every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and from WILMINGTON every WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY. Connecting at Wilmington, N. C, with tbe Wilmington, Co'umbia and Augusta Rail¬ road, giving Through Bills of Lading to and from all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Conhccting at Columbia, S. O.with tho Greenville and Columbia Railroad and Char¬ lotte division of tho Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. Cenneciiu;r at Augnsta, Ga., with Georgia, Maccn end Augusta and Central Itaihoaöo. Steamere cf this line, on arrival in Wil¬ mington; stop at Railroad Depot, and tho Uailror.d Fn Ighl, beiiip stowed separately in Steamer, is transferred, nilder covered sheds, j direct to Cars, without delay, nnd forwarded ' by tbe fast Freight Express that evening. No drayage in Y\ ilmington, and no transfer from Wilmington South. Rates enarnnteed as lew ns by any other reute, und u 11 losses or over-charges promptly paid. Mark all Goods ri'a Steamship to Wilming- Inn, and forward Bills of Lading to Railroad Agent; Wilmington, N. C. For further information, apply to either ol nndemigned Atrents of the lu e. ANDREWS A CO., Agents B A W. Steam¬ ship Line. No. 711 Smith's When", Baltimore. A. D. CAZAUX,. Agent D.A W. Steamship Lino. Wilmington. N Ü. A. POPE. Oen»ral Freight Agent, F. W. CLARK, At^t Gtu. Freight Ag't. Wilmington, N. C. H. M COTTlNGIiAM, (i«u<ral Western Aeent. Atlanta (Jn Ni v v l Smos Columbia Music Store LyBrand & Son I^AKE pleasure in calling the attemita ol . the public to an examination ot their STOCK of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE,eou- sistiuRot Pianos, Church and t'srlnj Oipans, Melodoous, Violinn, (>uitxir. Psi.je», Flutss, Accordcons, Brahs and hilvi . Bund Indiu- mouts ot all kinds. Also. Sheet Mimic, and lustrucliou Rooks for ever} class of Musical Instrnmenls on band at all times We art Sole Apents for the State ot South Carolina- ofEstoyA Co.'s COTTAGE ORGANS. Sheet Music sent by mail, post paid, on receipt o| price; and all kinds of Musical Goods, sent by Express, wher ordered, to ary part of the Rtate, marked C. O. D. Good Secono-hann Pianos and Organ* for sale cheap, for rash. Pianos, Or-rsim nnd Melndeois Tnurd and Repaired in a satisfactory manner: ai.d will Kivo especial at I eution to Packing. Removing and Shipping Pianos for otln i pnrtir* ti any point dosired, at nioderatspiicee. All orders promptly attended to and satis¬ faction guaranteed to these favoring us with their patronage. Send for our eatalogw of Sheet Music and Mueical Merchandise. Ri- chardson street, a few doors ibovc Phcrkit :>fncp. Colombia .8. O._,_N^ov 7 " LÖRICK & LOWRANCE, Wholesale and Retail Grocers an« Provision Dealers. OUR stock ie (complete in every respect. We soil at tho very lowoBt ipriceq, and warrant f<ur goods pure. Wo do not pnblish prices, but teol satisfied that nono of our patrons will leave dissatisfied. Wo pay tho highest market price for COTTON, either in goods or currency. Wo have an excellent WAGON YARD in rear of our establishment. Look out for the sipn of tbe plow aud tbe CRrriag-r wheel. Richardson street, a few doors below the PnfEMix oftlco. Give us a call, and in¬ sert our (roods and prices. Nov 23 WM. M. FINE'S ~ state Capitol Saloon. THE best of WINES, LIQUORS, .^SEOAltS, TOBACOO, etc, con¬ stantly on hand. Norfolk OYS¬ TERS, if a'i nt ol the cht 11. Givo hhn a cr.ll. Jan 1,»

Transcript of let MORNING-, W. CRBAT€¦ · M. SULZ15AOIIER. March20_ Sweet Potato SlipB. ¦tJ_v/vl/r\f\BUSHELS...

Page 1: let MORNING-, W. CRBAT€¦ · M. SULZ15AOIIER. March20_ Sweet Potato SlipB. ¦tJ_v/vl/r\f\BUSHELS YAMS and reds, in line order,for vale by Maroh15_HOPEaOYLES. Planting Potatoes.


A Million Capitaii..Wo understandthat a prominent business man of thiscity, who possesses the confidence of alarge number of capitalists in New York,i Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis andCincinnati, has in contemplation theformation of a company with a capitalof 01,000,000.S9U0.ÜÜÜ oi the aiuouu;to be subscribed by pur ties in the citiesnamed above, a nucleus of $100,000 tobe first obtained in Augusta. The gen¬tleman in question has no doubt but'that the company can be formed, andthe required amount of Northern atdWestern capital procured, if the com¬mencement referred to is made in thiscity. With this capital of $1,000,000 itis proposed to erect on the AugustaCanal one of the largest and most oom-plete cotton factories in the South, add¬ing largely to the wealth and populationof the city, and giving an increased im¬petus to manufacturing. The Northernand Western parties who are expectedto take stock in the enterprise sell annu¬ally a large amount of merchandise ofvarious .descriptions to merchants inAugasta,and have, therefore, an interestin onr oity aside from the profits to berraie by manufacturing. There seen g

f to be every prospect that the projecta will succeed.f [Augusta Chronicla and Sentinel.. The London Commune..A Londonletter, which gives an account of the!burning of the Pantschnicon, attributesthe disaster to the Commune. The'building was supposed to be fire-proof,|and no fire was allowed inside, yet, at 11o'clock in the afternoon, the flames |burst forth. This led to some investi¬gations, which resulted in pointing veryßtrongly to a secret organization, which jis known to exist there, but difficult to junearth. They are antagonistic to thenobility.in other words, are Commun-

f ists. If the suspicious are correct, thewhole stratum of royal nnd noble societyjj overlies a most fearful volcano of plebianihatred. Heaven help the titled few, ifever the ignorant, hunger-impelled manyrise in brute force against them.

"Led Astray" is still leading Gotham jthat wnv.

Celeorated 5 Cent Cigars.THIS CIGAR In no patent arrangement,calculated to bntnbug people out of theirmoney, but baa become "justly celebratedonly on account of merit. Meeting thowanta of tho poor man, becauso it enableshim to get as good a smoke for 3 cents as canbe bought elsewhere at ten conts. Meetingthe wants of tho rich man, because in thesotimes of uncertain speculation ho docs notfeel that he can indubgo in his accustomedHavana, and this is the host substituto.Meeting tho wants of travelers, b icauto thoycan protect themselves from tho enormousprices usually charged by dealers, and at thosamo time get a hotter articlo. Meeting thewanta of all, becauso luxury and ooouomy areherein combined. Sold only byPERRY A SLAWSON,Indian Girl Cigar Htoro,Columbia Hotel Hlock, Columbia, S. C.March 21_

Now is tho SeasonTO get your HOUSE PAINTED,JfiSmPAPERED and KALSOMINED. It^*"A-*5'you havo an old House, It can be

made to look liko new. Work donoat as low rates as can bo had in the Kt ate forcash. Apnlyto WM. CLOTUIER,March20_It) Washington street.


CALIFORNIA SEGAR STOKEHAVE grown so popular that nobodythinks of buying anywhero el-o, aa tbobest begaus, from 6o. to 25c, Bold in thiscity, ars to be had at this establishment.The roauon everybody patronir.es tho Cali-'fornia Segar Store is, that all their DomesticSogar» aro modo by Factory No. !), on thepremises, and onr citizens aro awaking totho importance of patronizing homo manu¬


Everybody chow* the celebrated CARLECOIL, put up in tin foil. Hold only by the Cali¬fornia Sogar Store. M. SULZ15AOIIER.March 20_Sweet Potato SlipB.¦t r\f\ BUSHELS YAMS and reds, inJ_v/vl/ line order, for vale byMaroh15_HOPE a OYLES.Planting Potatoes.

err{\ BARRELS, in One order, EARLYOU R ISE, EARLY GOOLRICH, PINK¬EYE and PEERLESS, for sale low for green->backs._nOPE A gYJ,EN

Flour! Flour!1.QAA BARRELS fresh ground FLOUR,OvJv/ all qualities, from .s'wper to Fancy1Family Flour, and at greatly reduced prices,just received and for sale byMarchJ0_ JOHN_AGNEW a SON.

Take Notice.LL in want of DRY GOODS and NO-A

TIONS, cheap, will call at C. f. JACKSON'Sand purchase, as he will sell off his stock atgreatly reduced prices before going North tolay in a new stock of SPRING and SUMMERGOODS. Remember, C. f. JACKSON,

Leader of Low Pi ices, 12H Main st.N. B..On hand, SPRING and SUMMER

GOODS at extra tow prices. C. f. J.

Hay, Oats, Bran and Shorts.BALES PRIME TIMOTHY hay,5U0 bushels Heavy Oatf-,(00 bushels Bolt id Meal,10,000 pounds Whoat Bran and Shorts,For sale low, for Cash, bv'

Ftb20_Hope aj^ylf«?Timothy Hay.

r tp:,S;.ririteTIMOTHY nAY.fnrsuln.. ..or eis'- HOPE a GYLES.




of errors and abases in early lifo. ManhoodRoatorod. Impediments to Marriage re¬moved. Now method of treatment. Newand remarkable remedies. Rooks and Cir¬culars sent free, in scaled cnvelopos. Ad¬dress, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa..aninstitution having a high reputation forhonorsble conduct and professional »kill.Feh 10_4173mo

TO THE PUBLICTHE undersigned, having assumed the

GENERAL AGENCY of tho SOUTHERNLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY for the Statoof South Carolina, beg leave to inform theirfriends and the public generally, that theyhave opened their ofllce on Main street, intho city of Columbia, where they will bepleased at all times to meet their friends,and give such information as may be de-aired, and to writo life policies on tho mostapproved plans, as well as at tho loweststock rates. Tho very satisfactory and sub¬stantial condition of this groat Southern in¬stitution, with tho prompt and liberal man¬ner which has characterized it in the adjust¬ment of its looses, should commend it to thehighest consideration, respect and patron¬age of tho citizens of South Carolina. Re¬spectfully. HAGOOD A TREUTLEN,March lS+lmo General Agents for S. C.

maNeuralgia, Piles, Headache

Dlarrh«a. Boils, Old Seres,Lameness, Burns, Soreness,

Toothache, Scald3, Sprains,Hoarseness, Ulcer3. Wounds,Soro Throat, Colic, Bruises,

Ehoumatism, Hemorrhages,

Mnrch 1



ample experience, nn entire p'tcc-*. Simple,Prompt, EUlcieut and Reliable. They ;u-j the on'./medicines perfectly ruluptcl to popular u-.«ixnplc that iniBtiikes cannot bo made in »:.--iir,'ihrin; bo liatmlcfu I..* to b¦: free from danger; andfo efficient a* to lie nlwuys reliable. They linve th'>highest commendation from all, and will idwayarenderaal InfantIon. Price, in lurguthrce-dracliinviala, with directions:

Xos. Cures. O nt*1. Fevers, Contention, InflnrnmalinTU", . . toWorm*, Worm b'ernr, Worin Coli.?, . . *0

S. Cryliig-Colh-, .'I'Tcrtliii.guf Infant*, . 504. ninrrlm ii, of Children or Adull", . . AO.'>. iDyiicntcrya Griping, Bilious Colic, . 50<>. Cholern-SroruuH, Vomiting.50I. Cough«, Colds Bronchitis,.MB.' lVcurnlgln,T'wtUarlie, Facenclie, . 5<l

Ifrndnches, Sick Headache, Verti;r«, . 50W. iiyi4pi-p*iu, Bilious Stomach.5311. Kuppressen, or Painful Periods, . . . 5ft12« "Whites, too Profuse Periods, ... 50IS. Croup. Cou*h, Difficult Breathing, . . I"1J. S'nlt illirum, Krysipelai, Eruptlotw, . 50}*». Itheiuunt Ism, Riu-umutic Puiiu*, . . . 5010. Fever ni»d Ak»«o, Chill IVvvi, Ajptos, 5917. nie«, Mind or Hi edlng,.MIB. Oph tun.Imy, and tore orWenk Eye*, . 5010. Cutnrrh, Ai.ile or Chmtiio Inline»!/«, . Mi'*. Whoopluc-Cough, Violent Cough', W21. Aetliinn, OppreHneil Breatliinv, . . . U\22. Knr l>l<«f1i«rgcs. Impaired llcnrlnir, . .'«.'2.'». Nerofnla, Enlarged Glands, Kwelling, . .'«o21. ticnernl Debility, Physical Weakness, . '0"¦i. l»ropsy mid Scanty Htfcwtioti!',.'02tl. Kcii-Sldciiea»» Bidmesa from Rluins, ov.;. Klilney-OlHcnse, Gravel..'uQs. Kci-vour ItebilltJTf Seminal Wer.L-m

or Involuntary J liselmrjoj,.21». Soro Month,Canker, . . . . . . . .¦<.so. ilrlnnry We»l:nc*s,Welling two I.vd, ..)SI. Painful V»-rto:lr., with Spasms, . . .0S3. KuflVrhu: :.«.'. oi-.-.-ofl.tt.-, . . . .10>lS3. Kpltep-.. y. . n-.Kt. N it«««'Diinee, . 10.»31. IHphin.H.. I 'I 1;,>>! H.n.:.l,. .. M3.*.. Chronic < o.f.v.t .(..no und l-.i uptiona, ^

I tJlli.V CASlS.Cn«c iMniwro) will»above an large vi»d>« nMMnnuiilof l>e.-<.:i->n-. . . . . 5-1" '»

Cime. (Morocco) of 2" largevial* und itnoK, amD-i»~The<«e remedies nra s«nt ,l»y the

ense or Klnglo l»ox to any part of thecountry, free of charge, on receipt orprice. Address *

Humfi8KSo£?^ Co..Office und Depot, No. 5<;> nroadway. Nkw Torr.

For Sale by nil l»ruKgl»t«.For salo by Goiger A McGregor, Apeutu.Dec 17 ttflyNEW STORE!

NEW GOODS!IIAVr*!G recently removed my ostab

ihrhment to tho new building, oppositelihe City Hall, and received an entirely.new and fresh stock of SPRING GOODS,I cordially invito an inspection. My stock

embraces French, English and AmericanOA89IMERE8, or the latest deslgtiB, which Iwill make up oh reasonable terms.C. D. EBERHARDT.March 1_ imot

Seed Oats.F7AA ru3helh Vrimo WHfTE SPRING4 1/1/ SEED OATS, tor sab. low for cash.Fob 1


New Garden St-er'.sFOR I Y-FÖLD PEAS,Koye'a Fxtra Eaily Prolific T< matt»,Black Pohin Egg Ph>»»tjCanada Vi-f »V iomalO, Allingtoll i I :rato,Ca^.ion Ball Gaobapc,Marblo-head Mammoth Cabbage,Early Adams Corn. For - alo at

e. Ii. nRisiTsirsFeb 22 t Drng acJ Scctl store.

our Just Censures


1 & W. C, SWAFF1ELD.



HAT HOUSE !A HE oren iDg dailv. a choice linet\. FRENCH and ENGLISH


VESTLNGS.Having recently re-organized our CUSTOM

DEPARTMENT, and secured the services ota stylish and competent CUTTER aud iirstclass TA1LOP.S, we aro now prepare d to suitthe taeto of the most fastidious.We are now receiving new stylos HATS

ilnio.»t dailv. Give ua a call.March 15_

INSURANCE.HAVING resigned the agency or the

Southern Life Insurance. Compai y, wohavo conutctcd ourselves with theCotton States Life Insurance Company

OF MACO.V, GEttKGIA.W. R. JOHNSON, S. G. OREAR,President. Secretary.Capital.?000.000

State Deposits. 159,000The Cotnpanv issues policies on both theSTOCK AND MUTUAL PLANS, giving tonon-participating policy holders the advant¬age of premiums LESS by twenty per cent,than mutual rates.

It will establish BOARDS OF ADVISORYTRUSTEES in the principal cities ot theState, and will "onlract with said Boards toinvest Iii said cities seventy per cent, ot thenet premiums taken there, thus making it a

Home Company ill Each Locality.We confidently recommend this staunchSouthern Cbmpauy to our friends and thepublic, nod bespeak a continuancj ot bindpatronage heretofore extended to ns.

BLACK Ss WARING,General Agents for South Carolina.Active and reliable canvassers w inle-d withwhom wc will mako liberal contracts.Fob '21 iimn

Seegers' vs. Cincinnati Bc-.er.11HE Cincinnati Gazette, makes tho aalo-

. nislilng announcement that Cincinnatibeer ia no longer puro, bnt adulterated withmolassÖS, sugar of starch, fuacl oil and thepoisonous Colchicum, Tho Oommieeioncr cfAgricnlturu, in his report for 1SÖ5, nays thatProf. MapoH, of New York, analyzed the beerfrom a dozen dificruut brcweriu*, and foundall of it adulteratod. Cocculus Indious andmix vomica entered largely into its composi¬tion.

J. 0. SFEGERfl guarantors bin beer to hepuro aud reliable. He does not adulterateit, but brews from tho boat barley, mult andhops. Jan 2:1

Notice.Greenville and Columbia Railuoad Co.,TiteasCttEIi'S 01KICE,

Colcmdia, S. C, January 1,1874.HOLDERS of the STATE GUARANTEEDBONDS and tho admitted SECONDMORTGAGE BONDS of this Company, whohavo funded tho past dun Coupons of said

Bonds, matured botwoen January, 1872, andJuly, 1S73, both inclusive, are notified tuatthe" January, 1S74, Coupons of said Bonds,and, also, those of tho funded Interest Bondsand Certificates, will ho paid (in presentationat this office on tho FIFTEENTH 1NST.GEO. W. WATERMAN,Jan 1 Treasurer.



RER Of STEAMENGINES, SAWA N D GRIST'MILLS. Gin Ocar-Mng, and nil kindsot Iron Castingsfor Machineryaud OrnamentalCa slings furStores and Dwell¬ings, Patent Railing- for Gardens and Ceme¬teries, lroa Settees and Arbor Chair*; also,Brass Castings of all kinds, Bells forChurches, Schools, Work-shop*, Ac. Gua¬rantee all my work first clars and ro,t:al to

any North or South.Works at foot of Lady street, and near toSouth Carolina and Greenville and ColumbiaRailroad Companies' Depots. Nov IS

Cannon Ball.FAMOUS CABBAGE SLED, just roeeiv« dCannon Rail Cabbage,Marblehcad Mammoth,Fotler'sEarly Drumhead,Carter's Extra Early Cabbage,Winningetadt, Schuiciifust, French, OxHcai t and other kinds.

also,Key's Extni Early Prolific Tomato,Extra Early Puas, Corn, Onion Sets,.til warranted und cheap, at koadqnartors,for good seed. E, 11. IIEINITHH'HJantillf l»ruir St on .


Feed! Fort1.!! Feed '.!!HAY, COHN,OATS. BRAN,Constantly in hand and f< r sah jow bv!' b 2! . JOHN AGNEW A SON.


An Additional stock cf new MUSICALMERCHANDISE bay just been received atthe above place, and will bo disposed ol atprice* to uui* a!!. Call and examine. Thelocation is next door .South of the Fmr.Nixoffice. Feb 21 lmo


Grand Centraldry goods establisi1mext


w. d. love & co."TXTILL be oj.cr.ed, on MONDAY, the 10thyv instant, an elegant assortment ot

Parasols.Sun Umbrellas,Dress Goods,

Embroideries,Ruffs, Linen Sets,Ties, Belts, &c., &c,

Comprising poox :.l the ch'docr;' preduccdth.:t> ..eaeon.A big line of CASSIMERES and TWEEDS,for boys, at 37A cents, a yar 1.half price.Wo aro daily receiving frctdi additions of

new and seasonable goods, which will booffered low foi cr.ah at theoraxd cEyir..tr.


\VM. 13. LOVE *S« CO.,Under Wheeler House.March 15


F. B. Orchard & Go,,rxor.it liUVtx'S hall.


TTtrE wouM recp'.ctfully inform ui friends jVY itud (he public generally, that wo arcnow in receipt of onei of tho nicest assortedetocka of DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, NO-jTIONS, iVc, and at aa low prioc« as th< y c mbo bought in the city.Among our stock will bo fouud;73 de/.;:. KID GLOVES, in one and two

buttons; all shades and color;, at popular Ipi icos.DRESS GOODS, in tho most dci irablcuti io« s ror atrcet and evening wear.PERCALES, CRETONS and CALICOES.A good assortment of OASSIMERES,TWEEDS, COTTONADES and JEANS.Beat SHEETINGS and LONGCLOTHS inthe city for the price.EMUBOIDERIES, RUFFLING. COLLAR¬ETTES, TIES. Ac., in groat variety.T-> which we crII tlie attention of all beforepurchasing elsewhere.

F. B. ORCHARD & CO.N. 15..Connected with our storeia a liralclasp Dress-making oetablishment, conduct*cd by MUS. BURWELL, late of B. C. Shiver.t Co., where bIio will be pleased to «eo herfriends and customerH. March H

gTIInöT-"PURE PERUVIAN, imported direct, and

for aale at Government Prices. LANDPLASTER also for sale. It. G. LAY,March 10 lino Agent, Savannah, Ga.


mam mmFOR

CLOTHINGgexts' nmmm mm,

BOUOHT Hiiwe the great decline, and woaro celling them at tho very lowestprices for cash. We intend to ftivo our cus¬

tomers the advantage of tho LOW PRICES.Oomo and see our stock. We consider it aonnipli incut for persons to call and t«ce ourgonda_KINARD A WILEY.

Office City Treasurer,COLUMIIIA.S. C, Dkci mi m: 27, 1S73.

riUlEcity of Columbia will, on lh?»lfitholL Jainiiirv, 1^71. eemmtneo paying thePAST DUE COUPONS of her Ron» !'. TI»cywill he paid at ihe Carolina National Ban!ulsnal tho Smith Carolina Bank and TrnitCompam'* Rank, in this city.'CUAS. liABNUMiCily Treasurer.I>ue2S

t; ion i IXEIMPORTED WIRES, BRANDIES, ftjamSherry Wine, I ->it Wim-, M ideirn Wine,Mho, a largo deck .' fine old iVhiskic!lf»ar?, At. L C. SEEGERS

fJ^/SR^ SCOTCH WniSKMI'-if K'i t)ld Jamaici Rum,uulMJl Rrnndios Otard, \ .





IIARDIf SO LOHOS'S!TO accuro eomo of those fine CAN-

YA.SED Hi MS, which every onetalks about and everybody buys.

flow delicious! what a dne flavor!the best I ever alt! is tho oxclama-lion of all who try those celebratedHons. They are the flnest in thomarket; sell rapidly, and, tboroforo,t'» secure thorn, yon must call early.

That new lot of FLOCR ia alsogoiug off very fast, and plc-asoa everyone. Made from the best quality ofwhite wheat and bought from firsthands, it ia l etter and can bo soldcheaper than by any other house inthe city. You need only to puroha&eit once, to always buy it aqain. Those3::<j California APRICOTS, TEARSand JELLIES sell at tight.

Also on hand and constantly arriv¬ing, the largest and best selectedstock of CANNED GOODS in thecity, consisting in part of Tomatoes,Corn, rcachci?, Pine Apples, Peas,Strawberries, Asparagus, Salmon,Lobster, Sardines, Tnrtlo, Terrapin,Vermicelli and Mulligatawney, Soups,Potted Meat-, A-e.

OM Governra« nt Java and RibCOF¬FEE, TEAS, SUGARS, STICES, Dr.Price** RAKING POWDERS, Toiletand Laundry SOAPS.

OLIVE.-', Mis id, Extra aud olofus-.-it PICKLES; Tyler A Brother's andPeek. Fre.iu ft Co.'s CRACKERS,CHOCOLATE, COOOAKUTS, Lcmmiar>l Vanilla FÄTRACTS, Ac. Ac.

To make a Jose, matter abort, 1have everything that is usually keptin a FIRST CLASS FAMILY GRO¬CERY STORE, which I will sell atprices that will eclipse any house inthe city. Look to your own interest,and buy Roods where you will saveboth mowy and time.


Road and Be Wiser.500 Dixon Steel

, Sweeps.100 Twisters.100 Scooters.100 Shovels.

Tho largoly increasing demand for thosegoods each year, with hundreds of testimo¬nials in their favor, Is tho best evidonco thatthey are cheaper ami better than can bemade by ordinary country smiths.

a i/o,25doz*n IIAMES.luO pair TRACES.1 dozen Dow Law COTTON PLANTERS.130 do/, m Plantets' HOES, at rodnocd

prices. LÖRICK A LOWRANCE.Mareh 13



CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIESIS now eompleto, comprising an assort¬

ment which, ill variety, QUANTITY, tylALI-tv asd low 1MUCE9, is not SURPASSED by anyhouse in tiii: city. Wo aro determined notto iiF. under-sold. Without quoting prices,will meet any competition of THOSE IN THETRADE. Our stock comprises, with otherchoice Kood*. a full nuppiy ofCORN, HAY. OATS and BRAN,Planting Potatoes, Liverpool Salt,Flour, from Super to Fancy Fnoiily,Reil nod, Crushed, Powdered and RawSugar,CoS'ecs- -Rio, Lagnayia, Java and Mocha,Teaa.Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong andYoung Hyson,Davis* Sugar-cured Canvasod Ham.*Breakfast Strips and Baooti,Choir' Cream Chouse,Oilt Edge Ilnttor,Pure Leal Lard,CitniK d Goods, Cakes, Crackers, «vc.\Viili a complete nse»rtmeut of Corn and

Whiskies; P.r.mdy, Gin, Wines, Liquors,[gars, Ac., nhich will be delivered tree oicMtairi al tho depots,or at tho roejdtices olonr city er.itei.ieis.Man l n JOHN VGNEW A SON.

Fresh Biscuits..>/\ BOXP.S Cream, Soda, Milk, Lemon,««v/ Cracknals,Butter, Farina and GingerSnaps, for - al- by nOPE ft GYLES.


MONEY TO LOAN,On Marketable Collaterals.

EXCHANGE on New York, Baltimore,! Philadelphia, P.oston and all prominentcities of the United ö tat es and Enroooboueht and sold.DEPOSITS received and interest-bearingcertificates issued.

BONDS, GOLD *rä SILVERDonght and sold.ACCOUNTS of merchantaand others fromtbe citv and countrv solicited,and LLBERALLINKS OF DISCOUNTS granted by tbo

CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK,Corner of Plain and Richardson streete.Feb 25

Jewelry! Jewelry! Jewelry!

WM. GLAZE,AT hie new etore, Main etreet, nearly op¬posite tho Central National Bank, hasa large and beautiful stock of fine WATOHEBstem and key winders, from tbo beet Eu¬ropean and American mai (.<<.: uroTs, and oihis own importation, in gou. und silver cases.Elegant JEWELRY 1 An unrivaled assort¬ment just received, and all tho latest stylee.Sterling &ILVER-WARE, in sets and cases,Bridal Frescuts, and a very fine selection ofPlatcd-Ware, Gold Watch and Neck Chains,Locket?, elegant Scat, WcddiDg and Engage¬ment Rings, large stock of Spectacles andEye-GlRsses, Clocks, Mueical Boxes, and ngreat variety of Fancy Articles. My stock ietbo largest and best selected in the Southerncountry, and will be sold as cheap au the-amc article can be bought an; where.Oct 24

Baltimore &Wilmington, N.C.

Semi-Weekly Steamship Line,CenipoBcd of the first-class SteamshipsD. J. FOLEY.Capt. D. J. PuiceREBECCA CLYDE.Capt. D. C. CbilosLUCILLE.Capt. J. 8. EennettRALEIGH.Capt. J. S. Oliver.TXTTLL hereafter sail from BALTIMOREYV every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, andfrom WILMINGTON every WEDNESDAY,and SATURDAY.Connecting at Wilmington, N. C, with tbeWilmington, Co'umbia and Augusta Rail¬road, giving Through Bills of Lading to andfrom all points in North and South Carolina,Georgia and Alabama.Conhccting at Columbia, S. O.with thoGreenville and Columbia Railroad and Char¬lotte division of tho Charlotte, Columbia andAugusta Railroad.Cenneciiu;r at Augnsta, Ga., with Georgia,Maccn end Augusta and Central Itaihoaöo.Steamere cf this line, on arrival in Wil¬mington; stop at Railroad Depot, and thoUailror.d Fn Ighl, beiiip stowed separately inSteamer, is transferred, nilder covered sheds,j direct to Cars, without delay, nnd forwarded'

by tbe fast Freight Express that evening.No drayage in Y\ ilmington, and no transferfrom Wilmington South. Rates enarnnteedas lew ns by any other reute, und u 11 lossesor over-charges promptly paid.Mark all Goods ri'a Steamship to Wilming-Inn, and forward Bills of Lading to RailroadAgent; Wilmington, N. C.For further information, apply to either olnndemigned Atrents of the lu e.ANDREWS A CO., Agents B A W. Steam¬ship Line. No. 711 Smith's When", Baltimore.A. D. CAZAUX,. Agent D.A W. SteamshipLino. Wilmington. N Ü.A. POPE. Oen»ral Freight Agent,F. W. CLARK, At^t Gtu. Freight Ag't.Wilmington, N. C.H. M COTTlNGIiAM, (i«u<ral WesternAeent. Atlanta (Jn Ni v v l Smos

Columbia Music Store

LyBrand & SonI^AKE pleasure in calling the attemita ol

. the public to an examination ot theirSTOCK of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE,eou-sistiuRot Pianos, Church and t'srlnj Oipans,Melodoous, Violinn, (>uitxir. Psi.je», Flutss,Accordcons, Brahs and hilvi . Bund Indiu-mouts ot all kinds. Also. Sheet Mimic, andlustrucliou Rooks for ever} class of MusicalInstrnmenls on band at all times We artSole Apents for the State ot South Carolina-ofEstoyA Co.'s COTTAGE ORGANS. SheetMusic sent by mail, post paid, on receipt o|price; and all kinds of Musical Goods, sent byExpress, wher ordered, to ary part of theRtate, marked C. O. D. Good Secono-hannPianos and Organ* for sale cheap, for rash.Pianos, Or-rsim nnd Melndeois Tnurd andRepaired in a satisfactory manner: ai.d willKivo especial at I eution to Packing. Removingand Shipping Pianos for otln i pnrtir* ti anypoint dosired, at nioderatspiicee.All orders promptly attended to and satis¬faction guaranteed to these favoring us withtheir patronage. Send for our eatalogw ofSheet Music and Mueical Merchandise. Ri-chardson street, a few doors ibovc Phcrkit:>fncp. Colombia .8.O._,_N^ov 7"

LÖRICK & LOWRANCE,Wholesale and Retail

Grocers an« Provision Dealers.OUR stock ie

(complete in everyrespect. We soil attho very lowoBtipriceq, and warrant

f<ur goods pure. Wo do not pnblish prices,but teol satisfied that nono of our patronswill leave dissatisfied. Wo pay tho highestmarket price for COTTON, either in goods orcurrency. Wo have an excellent WAGONYARD in rear of our establishment. Lookout for the sipn of tbe plow aud tbe CRrriag-rwheel. Richardson street, a few doors belowthe PnfEMix oftlco. Give us a call, and in¬sert our (roods and prices. Nov 23WM. M. FINE'S


state Capitol Saloon.THE best of WINES, LIQUORS,.^SEOAltS, TOBACOO, etc, con¬stantly on hand. Norfolk OYS¬TERS, if a'i nt ol the cht 11. Givo hhn acr.ll. Jan 1,»