Lessons Learned From the Book of Acts: Fearless Faith

Lessons Learned From the Book of Acts: Fearless Faith Christians today need to put on the kind of fearless faith that our brethren who lived in other times before us had in the Lord Jesus Christ and The Word of GOD. The same kind of fearless faith, which did not take mind of this present life, but the life to come with the LORD Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of GOD. What does fearless faith look like? The willingness to lay everything on the line including one's own life for the Truth's sake. Paying no mind to worldly things: such as money, power, career, family or one's own life. Standing up for the name of Jesus Christ and the Truth, which is The Word of GOD. Letting no man rule us, because we who have put our faith in Jesus Christ alone have been bought by the Blood of Jesus Christ and we belong to HIM. Eleven of twelve of the apostles whom the Lord Jesus Christ chose were killed a martyr's death for their faith in Jesus Christ. Save the apostle John, who spent many years as a prisoner on the Isles of Patmos, because he preached Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again on the third day for the remission of sins. Neither the Jews nor the Romans would have any of this type of preaching for fear of loosing their power and control over the people who lived under their lordship whether they be in the halls of government or the rulers of the synagogues. These men envied and feared the LORD Jesus Christ whom they crucified. The very thought that there were followers of Jesus Christ preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unlearned men and women throughout the lands terrified those that exercised power and control in the lands. Because, as men's hearts were turned to the Truth which is Jesus Christ died for the remission of sins, was buried and GOD the FATHER raised Jesus Christ back to life on the third day, and to them that would believe on Jesus


Christians today need to put on the kind of fearless faith that our brethren who lived in other times before us had in the Lord Jesus Christ and The Word of GOD. The same kind of fearless faith, which did not take mind of this present life, but the life to come with the LORD Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of GOD. What does fearless faith look like?

Transcript of Lessons Learned From the Book of Acts: Fearless Faith

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Lessons Learned From the Book of Acts: Fearless Faith

Christians today need to put on the kind of fearless faith that our brethren who lived in other times before us had in the Lord Jesus Christ and The Word of GOD. The same kind of fearless faith, which did not take mind of this present life, but the life to come with the LORD Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of GOD. What does fearless faith look like?

The willingness to lay everything on the line including one's own life for the Truth's sake. Paying no mind to worldly things: such as money, power, career, family or one's own life. Standing up for the name of Jesus Christ and the Truth, which is The Word of GOD. Letting no man rule us, because we who have put our faith in Jesus Christ alone have been bought by the Blood of Jesus Christ and we belong to HIM.

Eleven of twelve of the apostles whom the Lord Jesus Christ chose were killed a martyr's death for their faith in Jesus Christ. Save the apostle John, who spent many years as a prisoner on the Isles of Patmos, because he preached Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again on the third day for the remission of sins.

Neither the Jews nor the Romans would have any of this type of preaching for fear of loosing their power and control over the people who lived under their lordship whether they be in the halls of government or the rulers of the synagogues. These men envied and feared the LORD Jesus Christ whom they crucified. The very thought that there were followers of Jesus Christ preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unlearned men and women throughout the lands terrified those that exercised power and control in the lands. Because, as men's hearts were turned to the Truth which is Jesus Christ died for the remission of sins, was buried and GOD the FATHER raised Jesus Christ back to life on the third day, and to them that would believe on Jesus Christ would be saved and would be given the gift of the Holy Spirit and eternal life; these new believers would be turned forever to the truth and turned away (freed) from the power and control of the godless rulers of the land.

One of the best examples of fearless faith came though a follower of Jesus Christ, a man called Stephen. For Stephen, was a godly man, full of the Holy Spirit who withstood the rulers of the synagogue of his time. One of the most faithful testimonies and defense of the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ graced the lips of Stephen as it had been given him by the Holy Spirit to speak. After Stephen had finished his testimony, the rulers and the people which heard it gathered around him and stoned him to death, but Stephen's testimony to them that heard and believed on Jesus Christ was salvation, but to them that stood against was to them condemnation to their own destruction.

(See Acts chapters 6, 7 & 8 to read about Stephen)

Throughout history, Christians have been feed to lions, crucified, burnt at the stake, drowned, stoned, boiled in oil, beheaded, tortured and killed in every way imaginable for their faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, and yet, to the Glory of GOD; Jesus Christ

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continues to be preached from land to land, from sea to sea and in every place under the sun without ceasing. Even in this present day to preach the name of Jesus Christ can have believers and followers of the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST thrown into prison, tortured and killed in many different countries around the world. The Western nations such as the United States of America and Europe are becoming more and more intolerant of the preaching of The Word of GOD, public prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, and any teaching from The Word of GOD that doesn't fit the narrative of the progressive, socialist, communist, far left liberal ways of thinking in today's society.

There have been mounting reports of government censorship and blacklisting of churches or groups or individuals whom openly live and practice their faith in Jesus Christ. The mainstream media is complicit in either under-reporting or not reporting at all the numerous occurrences where by Christians right here in the United States of America have had their homes, businesses and churches raided by a Federal Government Agency, because they were supposedly in violation of some little known federal regulation or statue, which have made it illegal to assemble together in a home or on the premise of a private business as a church assembly. Or, because a Christian is found praying on the sidewalk outside of a federal building or growing their own food without having obtained permits to grow certain crops such as corn, wheat or other crops that the federal government deems unlawful to grow on private property.

Now to many people all of this sounds a bit too far fetched to believe and I would agree if it could not be proven with solid evidence. While it is true that the mainstream media may have chosen to either under-report or not report on these issues that Christians in the United States of America are now facing; thank GOD that there are trustworthy alternative media sources who have lifted up the mantle of truth and are reporting the news the other mainstream media sources are not. One such alternative media outlet reporting news that Christians need to know is found at www.worthynews.com and there are others, but this one I know is reliable and trustworthy.

As Christians (followers and believers in Jesus Christ) we need to put on fearless faith and share the truth as it has been spoken by GOD and recorded in THE WORD OF GOD openly and publicly, whenever there is an opportunity for us to do so. We need to begin living our faith out in the open and not just behind the closed doors of our homes or in our church assemblies. Always remember that we too are sinners and are saved by the Grace of GOD through faith, that not of ourselves, but it is a gift of GOD, not of works least any one should boast.

If after sharing our faith in Jesus Christ to anyone who chooses to walk away then let them walk away in peace. Never share the gospel aggressively, rudely or with any kind of malice. Accept the fact that more people will reject the truth of Jesus Christ than will accept and believe. Don't waste your time debating with anyone your faith, because remember those that have no faith are already lost and all they have is bitterness towards those of us who do believe (have faith) in Jesus Christ as Lord. Forgive them for any trespasses or offenses that you perceived that they have done to you and let them alone and go on their way. Also, always pray without ceasing that GOD will deliver you from

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all temptations, and to also give you the words which to say through the power of the Holy Spirit at anytime you have been given the opportunity to share your faith. And above all, we all need to live in our own lives the things that GOD has taught us through HIS WORD (The Word of GOD) and let our lives be of an example to all who we live amongst. Of course, to live in Christ Jesus, we need to know Jesus Christ as the person HE is and as GOD; and the only way we can learn and get to know Jesus Christ more personally is by spending time reading, listening and learning "THE WORD OF GOD" as it is recorded in The Holy Bible.

Put on "Fearless Faith" and live in Christ (through the Holy Spirit) and stop living in yourself (the flesh). Be Bold in your testimony of Jesus Christ (the Faith) and do not ever be ashamed or afraid of loss of any kind up to and including your own life for Jesus Christ name's sake. Never stop believing, loving or learning all of the blessings and grace of GOD in/through Jesus Christ in/through the Holy Spirit toward you and us.