Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Lesson Plan Workshop 5th year students English Pedagogy / UAH 2014 Workshop Facilitators Carmen Cecilia Montes, Carmen Gloria Muñoz, Gabriela Silva, Pablo Silva, Salomé Villa, Mauricio Miraglia. Designers: Mary Jane Abrahams and all of the above J u n e 6 t h , 2 0 1 4 mages licensed by Creative Commons nput text by OUP JC Richards, Interchange 1.


PPT used in our lesson plan workshop at UAH this evening. 5th year EFL Pedagogy students engage in putting together their knowledge about planning and rehearse the process. English Pedagogy Program - UAH 2014, Santiago de Chile

Transcript of Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Page 1: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Lesson Plan Workshop

5th year students English Pedagogy / UAH 2014

Workshop FacilitatorsCarmen Cecilia Montes, Carmen Gloria Muñoz, Gabriela Silva, Pablo Silva, Salomé Villa, Mauricio Miraglia.Designers: Mary Jane Abrahams and all of the above


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Images licensed by Creative CommonsInput text by OUP JC Richards, Interchange 1.

Page 2: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

What is planning?

https://todaysmeet.com/lessonplanworkshop What is it?What elements do you consider essential?

Page 3: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Getting into groups

Now let’s get together in groups (facilitator gives instructions)

Image by mauromirag at Instagram

Page 4: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Draft a lesson plan for6th gradersSchool in La FloridaPrivate subsidizedClass of 41 students10:00 am – 45’

Use any formatUse possible components agreedin your group

Task 1 Imag

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, J C R




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, J C R




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Task 2

Does a textbook tell you what you teach?

Does it tell you how you need to teach?


Image source: OUP Interchange 1, J C Richards

Page 7: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Task 3: group discussion

Please address the questions in the cards you have just received

After you have agreed on your answers, use craft paper to post your group message on the walls (20 MINUTES)

Each group you will use 4 minutes to present their poster to the class.

Page 8: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Sets of questions

SET 1 What do I teach? What is “content” for me? What’s the relevance of context in what I

plan and teach? Why do I need to plan?

SET 2 Is there a perfect format for lesson planning? What are the essential components when I

plan? Do I need learning objectives? Why so? Why


Page 9: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Sets of questions (cont)

SET 3What should the center of my

planning be?Who do I plan for?Who is the protagonist of our

lesson plan? Does this have any practical implications? Are there any pedagogical assumptions and implications?

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Sharing answers

We share answers in the classroom and online!


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Reflection point

What have we gathered so far? How much do we know? When did you learn this? Can you

think of moments in your career development?

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How would you intepret this?

Image by mauromirag at Instagram

Page 13: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Would it work with kids? Any thoughts?

Image by mauromirag at Instagram

Page 14: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

Agreed elements about planning 5th to 12th

graders Young learners


Page 15: Lesson Plan Workshop for pre-service teachers of EFL in Chile. UAH 2014

So what do you take away?

Lesson Plan Workshop5th year students English Pedagogy / UAH 2014