Lesson plan N° 4


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Lesson Plan N° 4 School N° 4 - Practice II

Transcript of Lesson plan N° 4

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Practice II – Camila Roldán & Samanta Otamendi Gomez

Lesson Plan N° 4

Date: 08/09/2014

Class: 6th grade “C” & “D”

Level: Beginner

Time: One class

Language Exponents: can / can’t, have got / haven’t got

Language Skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening.

Main Aims:

• Students will learn how to ask an answer short questions with can/can’t.

• Students will learn how to describe parts of the body of animals with have

got/haven’t got

Personal Aims:

• We will try to use more English during our classes, especially when giving

instructions. Also, Samanta will try to speak louder and Camila to write the date on the board.


• Photocopies.

• Cardboards.

• Animal images.

• Beamer, headphones.

Anticipated problems:

• Students may not understand the structures of questions with can/can’t or

how to answer them.

Possible Solutions:

• We explain the new structures as many times as possible.

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Practice II – Camila Roldán & Samanta Otamendi Gomez


1) Warm-up activities:

a) We will present the structure for questions with can/can’t using the

information in the chart we worked with in previous classes. This will

be done with examples such as “Can snakes fly? No, they can’t”

“Can jaguars run? Yes, they can”. Students will have to copy these

examples in their folders. After we have introduced the structure,

students will have to ask the teacher questions to guess which

animal she is thinking of. (10’)

2) Main Activity:

a) We will present students new items of vocabulary: parts of the body of

the animals. This will be done with three big cardboards with three

different animals that allow us to introduce the necessary vocabulary

to use later on with animals descriptions. Students will also have the

three animals’ images in one photocopy so they can follow the

explanation and copy the vocabulary. We will put in each part of the

animal body a tag with its name. (15’)

b) We watch a clip from the Lion King film asking students to focus on

particular animals because then they will have to describe them.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nae0bYSMoM (3’)

c) After we introduced the vocabulary and watched the video, we show

students how to write a brief description using have got /haven’t got.

For this we will write some sentences on the board, and also give

them a short piece of text as an example. Then, they will have to

choose one of the characters they saw in the clip and write sentences

about it.

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Practice II – Camila Roldán & Samanta Otamendi Gomez

Animals in the video: Lions, elephants, flamingos, ostriches, rhinos, zebras,

giraffes, hippos, monkeys, crocodiles, anteaters.