Lesson 6 dramatization learning experience



Educational Technology

Transcript of Lesson 6 dramatization learning experience

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All dramatization is essentially a process of communication, in which both participant and spectators are engaged.

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DRAMATIC EXPERIENCES come next to contrived experiences in the CONE. Can do these dramatic experiences require us to be dramatic in our entrance into a classroom and in lesson presentation.

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A dramatic entrance is something that catches an holds our attention and has an emotional impact. Something dramatic is something that is stirring or affecting or moving. If our teaching is dramatic, students may get attracted, interested and affected and may leave an impact on them.

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Dramatized experiences can range from the formal plays, pageants to less formal tableau, pantomime, puppets and role playing.

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Depict life, character, or culture or a combination of all three. They offer excellent opportunities to poverty vividly important ideas about life.


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Usually community dramas that are based on local history, presented by local actors. An example is a historical pageant that traces the growth of a school.

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Art of conveying a story through bodily movements only. Its effects on the audience depends on the movements of the actors.

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(a French word which means picture). A picture like scene composed of people against a background. Often used to celebrate Independence Day, Christmas, and United Nations Day.

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puppets come in different kinds.

These are the most common:


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SHADOW PUPPETS-flat black silhouette made from lightweight cardboard and shown behind a screen.

ROD PUPPETS-flat cut out figures tacked to a stick, with one or more movable parts, and operated from below the stage level by wire rods or slender sticks.

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-the puppet’s head is operated by the forefinger of the puppeteer, the little finger and thumb being used to animate the puppet.

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GLOVE-and-FINGER PUPPET-make use of old gloves to which small costumed figures are attached

MARIONETTES-flexible, jointed puppets operated by strings or wires attached to a cross bar and maneuvered from directly above the stage.

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ADVANTAGES1.Drama can improve vocabulary and reading comprehension.

2.Dramatizations provide for the development of intelligences like linguistic and bodily-kinesthetic which could not be enhanced through ordinary pen and paper test.3.Drama could also develop skills in acquiring a foreign language.

4.Drama can stir the learner’s creativity and imagination.

5.Drama could be helpful in teaching attitude areas including trust, self-acceptance, acceptance of others, and empowerment.

6.The dramatizations could present a large chunk of concepts within a short time.

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1.Dramatizations require a great deal of money and labor.

2.Content may get out of context if role playing is for older students.

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