Lesson 1B - WordPress.com · and Katbiyan Ansar Al-Tawhid wal Sunnah, and a number of Iraqi tribes...

1 Lesson 1B 1. Listening comprehension (3 x) 1 1.1. What is David Cameron talking about? What specific events is he referring to? What do you know about all this? 1.2. What words does David Cameron specifically use to qualify the act that has taken place? How does he define such an act? 1.3. What do we know about the likely identity of the person David Cameron simply refers to as the “individual on the video”? 1.4. While commenting upon the identity of this individual, David Cameron says “it is_____ shocking”. Could you recognize the word that is missing here? 1.5. Complete the sentence: “(0’30’’) But we know ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________and violence (0’37’’). 1.6. David Cameron then enumerates several measures that the government should take. What are these measures? 1.7. David Cameron defines the British foreign policy agenda as clear. What are the main ingredients of the British foreign strategy? 1.8. How does the present situation compare to the previous war in Iraq? 1.9. Can we say that David Cameron throws a bridge between the past and the present in order to predict the way the British people are going to deal with the threats of terrorism? 1.10. Can we view this struggle against Islamic extremism as another form of religious war? Where does David Cameron situate “mainstream” Islam in this struggle? 2. Vocabulary DEEPLY Can you think of other adjectives that can collocate to the right of “deeply”? Deeply________________________________________________________________________ 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhWXmtLe6WQ

Transcript of Lesson 1B - WordPress.com · and Katbiyan Ansar Al-Tawhid wal Sunnah, and a number of Iraqi tribes...

Page 1: Lesson 1B - WordPress.com · and Katbiyan Ansar Al-Tawhid wal Sunnah, and a number of Iraqi tribes that profess Sunni Islam. ISIS grew significantly owing to its participation in


Lesson 1B

1. Listening comprehension (3 x)1

1.1. What is David Cameron talking about? What specific events is he referring to? What do you know

about all this?

1.2. What words does David Cameron specifically use to qualify the act that has taken place? How does he

define such an act?

1.3. What do we know about the likely identity of the person David Cameron simply refers to as the

“individual on the video”?

1.4. While commenting upon the identity of this individual, David Cameron says “it is_____ shocking”.

Could you recognize the word that is missing here?

1.5. Complete the sentence: “(0’30’’) But we know



____________________________________________________and violence (0’37’’).

1.6. David Cameron then enumerates several measures that the government should take. What are these


1.7. David Cameron defines the British foreign policy agenda as clear. What are the main ingredients of the

British foreign strategy?

1.8. How does the present situation compare to the previous war in Iraq?

1.9. Can we say that David Cameron throws a bridge between the past and the present in order to predict

the way the British people are going to deal with the threats of terrorism?

1.10. Can we view this struggle against Islamic extremism as another form of religious war? Where does

David Cameron situate “mainstream” Islam in this struggle?

2. Vocabulary


Can you think of other adjectives that can collocate to the right of “deeply”?


1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhWXmtLe6WQ

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Collocation cloud2

First of all, let me condemn… [kənˈdem] 1. [generally, LAW] condamner

condemned to death condamné à mort

people who are condemned to live in poverty

(figurative) les gens qui sont condamnés à

vivre dans la misère

2. [disapprove of] condamner, censurer

To take place

To take part (in something) Prendre part, participer (à qqch)

We must redouble all our efforts to stop people going […]

To contemplate We must take away the passports of people contemplating travel

[ˈkɒntempleɪt] 1. [ponder] considérer, réfléchir sur

2. [consider] considérer, envisager

to contemplate doing something envisager de

OR songer à faire quelque chose

3. [observe] contempler

2 BNC Web. Collocation window span : R1-R1, frequency (node, collocate) at least: 5; restrictions: any adjective.

Statistics: T-Score test.

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To stick with “We will stick to the very clear foreign policy and the very clear strategy that we have”

[activity, subject] s'en tenir à, persister dans

now I've started the job, I'm going to stick

with it maintenant que j'ai commencé ce

travail, je ne le lâche pas

2. [person]

stick with me, kid, and you'll be all right

(informal) reste avec moi, petit, et tout ira bien

Ally (plural: allies) [ˈælaɪ] [generally, POLITICS] allié masculin, alliée féminin

the Allies HISTORY les Alliés To put the pressure on Islamic State, this appalling organization

To make sure e.g. We must make sure that our people won’t suffer the consequences of barbaric acts

This country won’t get involved in another Iraq war

But this is not a time for a knee-jerk reaction, it is time for what Britain always shows in these circumstances, and that is resolve.

knee-jerk adjective


knee jerk reaction (figurative & pejorative) réflexe

masculin, automatisme masculin

/!\ Inversion

David Cameron: “And let’s be clear what this act is. It is an act of murder”

* And let’s be clear what is this act

COMMENT DIRIEZ-VOUS : “Dites-nous où est l’église ”

WRONG: “Tell us where is the church”

RIGHT: “Tell us where the church is”

TIP: En anglais, il faut garder l’ordre sujet+verbe. L’inversion verbe + sujet se rencontrera en

anglais beaucoup moins fréquemment qu’en français. Elle se rencontrera notamment dans les cas

suivants :

les phrases interrogatives (Are you 13 years old ? Do you eat an apple?)

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les hypothèses (Had we known, we wouldn’t have come!)

les adverbes négatifs ou restrictifs: (Never had I seen such a mess ! Hardly had I finished



- Le chauffeur ne peut pas nous dire où sont les bagages3.


3. Reading comprehension: translation

3.1. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant4

The Islamic State (IS) (Arabic: ة دول -ad-Dawlah l ا ة ال

ʾIslāmiyyah), commonly referred to by Western media sources as

the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL /ˈaɪsɪl/) and

the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS /ˈaɪsɪs/), is

a jihadist group in the Middle East. In its self-proclaimed status

as a caliphate, it claims religious authority over

all Muslims across the world and aspires to bring much of the

Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its direct political

control, beginning with territory in the Levant region, which

includes Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, and an area in

southern Turkey that includes Hatay. It has been designated as a

foreign terrorist organization by the United States, the United

Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, and has

been labeled by the United Nations and Western and Middle

Eastern media as a terrorist organization.

The group, in its original form, was composed of and supported

by a variety of Sunni Arab terrorist insurgent groups, including its

predecessor organizations, Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) (2003–

3 le chauffeur : the driver les bagages : the luggage (non count. + sing.)

4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant

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2006), Mujahideen Shura Council (2006–2006) and the Islamic

State of Iraq (ISI) (2006–2013), other insurgent groups such

as Jeish al-Taiifa al-Mansoura, Jaysh al-Fatiheen, Jund al-Sahaba

and Katbiyan Ansar Al-Tawhid wal Sunnah, and a number of Iraqi

tribes that profess Sunni Islam.

ISIS grew significantly owing to its participation in the Syrian Civil

War and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Allegations of economic

and political discrimination against Arab Iraqi Sunnis since the fall

of the secular Saddam Hussein also helped it to gain support.


ISIS compels people in the areas it controls, under the penalty of

death, torture or mutilation, to declare Islamic creed, and live

according to its interpretation of Sunni Islam and sharia law. It

directs violence against Shia Muslims,

indigenous Assyrian,Chaldean, Syriac and Armenian Christians, Yaz

idis, Druze, Shabaks and Mandeans in particular.

ISIS has at least 50,000 fighters in its ranks in Syria and 4,000 in

Iraq who, in addition to attacks on government and military

targets, have claimed responsibility for attacks that have killed

thousands of civilians. ISIS had close links to Al-Qaeda until

February 2014, when, after an eight-month power struggle, Al-

Qaeda cut all ties with the group, reportedly for its brutality and

"notorious intractability."

ISIS’s original aim was to establish a caliphate in the Sunni-

majority regions of Iraq. Following its involvement in the Syrian

Civil War, this expanded to include controlling Sunni-majority

areas of Syria. A caliphate was proclaimed on 29 June 2014, Abu

Bakr al-Baghdadi—now known as Amir al-Mu'minin Caliph

Ibrahim—was named as its caliph, and the group was renamed the

Islamic State.

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3.2. Death by Terror: James Foley’s Execution and the Question of Ransom


§1 The reaction to the terrible death of James Foley, the

freelance journalist kidnapped and executed by Islamist

extremists, comes in stages. First and foremost is the grief at

the cruel death of a brave reporter who knowingly risked his life

to tell a critical story.

§2 Then comes horror at the sadism of the executioner, whose

accent spoke of years spent in London. Could he be one of the

many young foreigners who have joined the ranks of the Islamic

State in Iraq and Syria, attracted by the perverse romance of

“holy war?”

§3 Finally there’s the chilling knowledge that this is neither the

first nor the last time we must witness the horror of a hostage

kneeling before masked executioners. Seizing hostages for

revenge, to terrorize, to make a political statement or to exact

ransom has become a standard weapon in the arsenal of terrorists,

leaving no journalist, humanitarian worker or traveler in a conflict

zone immune.

§4 All these motives appear to have figured in the fate of Mr.

Foley. He was captured in Syria in November 2012, and before he

was killed ISIS reportedly demanded 100 million euros ($132

million) in ransom, following Al Qaeda’s practice in recent years

of raising funds by abducting foreigners. But no money was paid

for Mr. Foley, and a special operation failed to find him.

§5 After the United States began airstrikes against ISIS forces in

Iraq earlier this month, the group shifted to the infamous practices

of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, who was

known as “Sheikh of the Slaughterers” for the many foreign

captives he decapitated. The masked man with the British accent

who killed Mr. Foley said he was doing it in retaliation for the

American airstrikes; at the end of the video that was released, he

is shown holding another captive American freelance journalist,

5 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/22/opinion/james-foleys-execution-and-the-question-of-


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Steven Sotloff, as he says, “The life of this American citizen,

Obama, depends on your next decision.”

§6 There will be those who argue that the United States is

somehow responsible for Mr. Foley’s death, either by refusing

to pay a ransom or by bombing ISIS. But the history of political

kidnapping suggests this is too simple. Kidnappings have been a

staple of guerrilla warfare since they were popularized by Latin

American revolutionaries in the 1970s, as has been the debate

over whether to pay ransom. The United Nations estimated that

about $30 million was paid out in ransom for political kidnappings

in Latin America in 1973 alone.

§7 The practice was exported around the world and especially to

the Middle East, where many hostages, including journalists, were

seized over the past decades. More recently, ransom income has

played a major role in financing the Qaeda network — a

recent report by Rukmini Callimachi in The Times found that more

than 50 hostages have been seized by Al Qaeda over the past five

years, and many have been ransomed for substantial sums paid by

European governments.

§8 Still, there have been changes in recent years. First is the

cruelty of kidnapping foreigners purely to post their executions

online. The beheading of Daniel Pearl, a Wall Street Journal

reporter, by a top Qaeda operative in 2002 revealed the

viciousness of the Islamic fanatics, a cruelty raised to new levels

by ISIS. Second, while journalists are by no means the only

victims — many more humanitarian and government workers have

been seized — the death of Mr. Foley and the threat to Mr. Sotloff

point to the special danger faced by the freelance reporters who

have become more numerous in war zones with the proliferation

of Internet news sites. Without the resources, credentials or

experience of established news organizations, freelancers are

often at greater risk in conflict zones.

§9 There is no simple answer on whether to submit to terrorist

extortion. The United States and Britain refuse to pay ransoms,

and there is evidence that hostage takers target victims based

on the potential for a payout. If everyone refused to pay, terrorists

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might not have had the incentive to turn kidnapping into an

industry. At a Group of 8 summit meeting last year, Western

countries agreed not to make ransom payments, but some

European governments continue the practice.

§10 In the meantime, we can honor the many brave journalists,

aid workers and civil servants who risk their lives in conflict zones,

and grieve for Mr. Foley and the many others who have lost their

freedom or their lives.

4. Grammar:

§6 […] Kidnappings have been a staple of guerrilla warfare since they were popularized by

Latin American revolutionaries in the 1970s, as has been the debate over whether to pay

ransom. The United Nations estimated that about $30 million was paid out in ransom for

political kidnappings in Latin America in 1973 alone.

§7 The practice was exported around the world and especially to the Middle East, where

many hostages, including journalists, were seized over the past decades. More recently,

ransom income has played a major role in financing the Qaeda network — a recent report by

Rukmini Callimachi in The Times found that more than 50 hostages have been seized by Al

Qaeda over the past five years, and many have been ransomed for substantial sums paid by

European governments.

§8 Still, there have been changes in recent years. […]

Let’s consider things from a very distant position first…

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A macroscopic approach to the English tenses and aspects…



I lived in

London in




died in



passed her

exam last

year (N.B.:

to take an

exam ≠ to

pass an



I like


I work at a

sports shop.

It’s a




I will give

you an

example of

why I have

come to




“I didn’t

take the

call, I was







When I

arrived, I

realized he

had just




Vicky felt



she had


working all


When the



bankrupt, it

had been


money for



Be quiet!





I’ve never

ridden a


in my life.

This is the


time Rachel



to give me

a message.

We haven’t

had a party





How long

have you



Listen. That


alarm has



since eight

o’clock this


I’ve been


That’s why

hair is wet.


He will be

studying at

the library

tonight, so

he will not

see Jennifer

when she


At midnight


we will still

be driving

through the


What do

you think

you’ll be

doing in

five years’







altogether I

will have

spent 100$

on train


By the time

you get

home I will


cleaned the

house from

top to






we will

have been

living in this

house for a


At 10


when the

bell goes,

the House

will have

been sitting

for seven

and a half

hours, from





and this


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Present Perfect

Formation du Present Perfect

En général

Le present perfect se forme en utilisant l'auxiliaire 'have' au present simple suivi du participe passé.


I have complained

You have failed

She has accepted

We have eaten

They have left

Le participe passé des verbes réguliers se forme en ajoutant -ed à la forme de l'infinitif. Pour les verbes

irréguliers, voir liste des TP.

Quelques règles d'orthographe pour la formation du participe passé

Si le verbe à l'infinitif se termine par -e, on n'ajoute pas -ed mais simplement -d. Exemples:

die > died

name > named

love > loved

agree > agreed

Si le verbe se termine par -y précédé d'une consonne, le 'y' se change en 'i'. Exemples:

carry > carried

bury > buried

try > tried

Notez cependant que si le 'y' est précédé d'une voyelle, il n'y a pas de changement. Exemples:

obey > obeyed

play > played

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stay > stayed

Attention: le verbe say est irrégulier: say/said/said

Les règles de redoublement des consonnes sont les mêmes que celles qui régissent la formation de la

forme verbale en -ing6. Exemples:

knit > knitted

look > looked

prefer > preferred

answer > answered


Bien qu'il soit souvent classé parmi les temps du passé, le present perfect exprime toujours un lien très

fort avec le moment présent. En fait, comme son nom l'indique, le present perfect est à cheval entre le

présent et le passé. Il s'utilise dans les cas suivants:

lorsqu'une action commencée dans le passé se poursuit jusqu'au moment présent

Exemples: I have lived here for three years

Je vivais déjà ici il y a trois ans et que j'y vis encore maintenant.

I have been ill since Monday

J'étais déjà malade lundi et je suis encore malade aujoud'hui.

I have never seen anything like this

Je n'ai jamais vu rien de pareil, ni avant ni maintenant.

She has always felt very lonely

Elle s'est toujours sentie seule, dans le passé et maintenant.

Dans cet emploi, le present perfect est souvent accompagné de compléments de temps qui indiquent

le lien entre le passé et le présent (for three years, since Monday, never, always, etc.). Mais attention,

la plupart de ces compléments peuvent aussi être employés avec le simple past (voir section 3.5.7).

Un complément de temps introduit par depuis correspond en anglais à for s'il exprime une durée et à

since s'il exprime un point de départ. Exemples:

I have lived here for three years/for a week/for ages/for a long time

I have lived here since 1984/since 18 May/since the end of the war

lorsqu'on met clairement l'accent sur le résultat présent d'une action passée


6 http://www.ilv.ucl.ac.be/Gramlink-AN/Grammaire/gram033.htm

7 http://www.ilv.ucl.ac.be/Gramlink-AN/Grammaire/gram035.htm

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I have lost my key. I can't get in.

Il est clair que j'ai perdu la clé à un moment dans le passé mais lorsqu'on emploie le present perfect,

ce n'est pas cela qui compte mais le résultat présent, à savoir que je n'ai plus ma clé maintenant et

que dès lors, je ne peux pas rentrer.

I've found a wallet. Do you think I should take it to the police?

Ici aussi, ce n'est pas le fait qu'on a trouvé le portefeuille dans le passé qui compte mais le fait qu'on

l'ait maintenant et qu'on se demande ce qu'on va en faire.

Le plus souvent, dans ce cas, il n'y a pas de complément de temps qui indique le lien avec le présent.

C'est le contexte général qui permet de choisir le temps approprié. Dans les deux exemples ci-

dessus, le contexte général est présent (I can't get in) ou futur (Do you think I should take it to the

police?). Dans les deux exemples suivants, le contexte est clairement passé et c'est le simple past et

non le present perfect qui est employé.


Last week was a very bad week for me. On Monday I lost my keys. Two days later I was burgled

and on Friday my car broke down!

Ici, le fait de perdre ses clés est clairement relaté comme un fait passé, situé à un moment

clairement identifié du passé, lundi de la semaine dernière.

On my way to the station I found a wallet and immediately took it to the police.

Ici aussi, le fait d'avoir trouvé le portefeuille est présenté comme une action passée. Il n'y a pas de

complément de temps comme dans l'exemple précédent (last week, on Monday) mais le contexte

faire clairement référence au passé. C'est en me rendant à la gare que cela s'est passé.

pour exprimer un passé récent


I'm afraid he has just left

She has just been appointed

L'emploi de just indique que l'action vient de se terminer (il vient de sortir; elle vient d'être nommée).

dans une subordonnée de temps, introduite par when, as soon as, etc., pour exprimer une action future

antérieure à une autre action future.

Exemple: I'll help you when I have finished my homework

Les deux actions (help et finish) ont lieu dans le futur mais l'action de la phrase principale (help)

précède l'action de la subordonnée de temps (finish). En français, on emploie un futur antérieur dans

ce cas (Je t'aiderai quand j'aurai fini mes devoirs), mais en anglais, on emploie le simple present et non

le 'will' future dans une subordonnée de temps. On dira donc when I have finished au lieu de I will have


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Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous8

Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

We use the present perfect tense to talk about things where there is a connection between the past and the


He’s written 16 books.

He started writing books at some time in the past. So far, he has written 16 books. He may write more books.

As well as the present perfect simple, we can use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about

events with a connection to the present.

1 Look at these 2 sentences:

I’ve been decorating the house this summer. The focus is on the action – decorating – and the action is


I’ve painted the living room blue. The focus is on the finished result. The activity is finished but we can see

the result now.

We use the present perfect continuous when the focus is on an activity that is unfinished.

2 Look at these two sentences.

I’ve read that book you lent me. I finished it yesterday.

I’ve been reading that book you lent me. I’ve got another 50 pages to read.

The present perfect simple (I’ve read) gives the idea of completion while the present perfect

continuous (I’ve been reading) suggests that something is unfinished.

3 Look at these two sentences.

She’s been writing emails for 3 hours.

She’s written 10 messages.

The present perfect continuous (has been writing) talks about how long something has been happening.

The present perfect simple (has written) talks about how much/how many have been completed.

4 Look at these two sentences.

I’ve worked here for thirty years.

I usually work in London but I’ve been working in Birmingham for the last 3 weeks.

8 http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/fr/grammar-reference/present-perfect-simple-and-present-perfect-continuous

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We can use the present perfect simple to talk about how long when we view something as permanent. But

thepresent perfect continuous is often used to show that something is temporary.


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Ex 1, 2 et 3 : Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au ‘simple present’, au ‘present

continuous’, au ‘present perfect simple’, ou au ‘present perfect continuous’.9

EX 1

9 http://www.ilv.ucl.ac.be/Gramlink-AN/V-passe-present-rev.htm


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EX 2

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EX 3

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/ !\ ex 4 : temps et aspects mélangés, ‘would’ entre dans la dance…

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Mélange des temps et aspects, voix passive et active, auxiliaires

SERIE E : à réaliser après avoir revu la théorie sur le passif (cf infra)

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La formation de la voix passive en anglais est très semblable à la formation de la voix passive en français.

Cependant, il existe des différences notables entre les types de constructions passives dans les deux

langues et surtout, il y a de grandes différences d'emploi, le passif anglais étant deux fois plus fréquent

que le passif français. Le francophone a donc souvent tendance à recourir à la forme active là où

l'anglophone emploierait spontanément le passif.


Tout comme en français, la forme passive d'un verbe est constituée du verbe be conjugué et du participe

passé de ce verbe. La forme passive infinitive du verbe kill, par exemple, est be killed.

Lors du changement d'une forme active au passif, il y a lieu de respecter le temps employé:

His neighbour killed him He was killed by his neighbour

His neighbour has killed him He has been killed by his neighbour

His neighbour may have killed him He may have been killed by his neighbour

Dans le premier exemple, le verbe kill est employé au simple past (killed). Au passif, on emploiera donc

le verbe be au simple past (was) suivi du participe passé de kill. Dans le deuxième exemple, le verbe kill

est employé au present perfect. Au passif, on emploiera donc le verbe be au present perfect (has been)

suivi du participe passé de kill. Le même processus est illustré par l'emploi du 'perfect infinitive' après

l'auxiliaire de mode may dans le troisième exemple.


Alors qu'en français, seul le complément d'objet direct de la phrase active peut fonctionner comme sujet

d'une construction passive, en anglais d'autres compléments - le complément d'objet indirect et le

complément prépositionnel - peuvent aussi fonctionner comme sujets d'une phrase passive.

Construction passive monotransitive

La construction passive la plus courante est celle où le sujet correspond au complément d'objet direct

de la phrase active correspondante . Cette construction est monotransitive, c'est-à-dire qu'elle ne

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contient qu'un complément d'objet, le complément d'objet direct. Les exemples suivants illustrent

cette construction.

A group of political fanatics disrupted the lecture >< The lecture was disrupted by a group of

political fanatics

My uncle ran the Sunday school >< The Sunday school was run by my uncle

Bedford will interview them >< They will be interviewed by Bedford

Dans le premier exemple, le complément d'objet direct de la phrase active (the lecture) devient le

sujet de la phrase passive correspondante tandis que le sujet (a group of political fanatics) devient un

complément introduit par la préposition by. Il en est de même pour les deux autres phrases.

Il faut toutefois noter que dans la toute grande majorité des cas, la phrase passive anglaise ne

contient pas de complément prépositionnel introduit par by (cf. section 2.3.). Les exemples suivants

sont donc plus typiques que les exemples précédents:

He is regarded as a very promising politician.

Early in the war I was sent to Colchester.

This was said at the meeting.

Remarque: Deux autres structures passives moins fréquentes méritent d'être mentionnées:

la construction passive impersonnelle introduite par le pronom it:

It was decided they'd get another professor of literature.

It may be hoped that this sort of thing will never happen again.

It has been made clear that the director is opposed to the new regulations.

la construction avec infinitif:

He is said to be honest (= On dit qu'il est honnête).

Jane is expected to attend the meeting.

Construction passive bitransitive

Le complément d'objet indirect d'un verbe à l'actif peut également être employé comme sujet d'une

phrase passive. On parle ici de construction bitransitive, puisqu'il y a deux compléments d'objet, le

complément d'objet direct et le complément d'objet indirect. L'exemple suivant illustre ce type de


Their grandfather gave them five thousand pounds >< They were given five thousand pound

Ici, c'est le complément d'objet indirect (them) du verbe give qui devient le sujet de la phrase passive

correspondante. Cette construction est impossible en français.

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Autres exemples:

He was asked several questions (>< They asked him several questions)

I was left some money by my grandmother (>< My grandmother left me some money)

We were told that he won't recover (>< They told us that he won't recover)

Construction passive prépositionnelle

Le complément d'un verbe prépositionnel peut également devenir le sujet d'une phrase passive.

This sort of thing is not approved of these days >< People do not approve of this sort of thing these


They were looked after by the sons of the family >< The sons of the family looked after them

Dans la première phrase, le complément de la préposition of (this sort of thing) devient le sujet de la

phrase passive et la préposition est rejetée après le verbe. Il en va de même pour le complément de la

préposition after dans la deuxième phrase.

Il est très important de faire remarquer que cette structure passive n'est possible que quand on est en

présence d'un verbe prépositionnel, c'est-à-dire d'un verbe qui a un lien très fort avec la préposition

qui suit. C'est le cas de look after et de approve of mais ce n'est pas le cas lorsque le complément qui

suit la préposition est un simple complément circonstanciel (de lieu, temps, manière, etc.) qui

n'entretient pas de lien fort avec le verbe, comme dans les exemples suivants:

My sister camped beside the lake (forme passive impossible: The lake was camped beside by my


The dog walked under the bridge (forme passive impossible: The bridge was walked under by the



Une des principales raisons d'emploi du passif est le souhait de ne pas mentionner l'agent, soit parce

qu'il est très général (exemple 1), soit parce qu'il peut facilement être déduit du contexte (exemple 2),

soit parce qu'il n'est pas connu (exemple 3) ou que le locuteur ne souhaite pas le mentionner (exemple


(1) This kind of behaviour is regarded as normal nowadays.

(2) He gave a huge feast for all in the village. Everyone was invited.

(3) The car has been stolen.

(4) I have been told that the secretary keeps complaining about me.

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Le choix du passif se fait aussi souvent pour des raisons de cohésion textuelle. Dans les exemples

suivants, la construction passive convient mieux que la construction active car elle permet de maintenir

le même sujet: the house dans l'exemple (5) et Stoke Place dans l'exemple (6).

(5) The house was spotlessly clean but it was very dark. Since then, it has been painted white, it's

quite different.

(6) We are now going to Stoke Place. Now Stoke Place is on the south end of the village and it is now

owned by Eton Rural Council.

Attention ! N'employez pas trop fréquemment la construction active avec le pronom indéfini one. Cette

structure est beaucoup moins fréquente que la structure française avec le pronom indéfini on. En fait,

les structures françaises avec on correspondent bien plus souvent à des structures passives en anglais ou

à d'autres structures. Exemples:

On ne connaît pas la raison de ce changement >< The reason for this change is not known.

On parle l'anglais >< English spoken

Attention ! Le passif est surtout fréquent dans les textes d'un registre soutenu (textes scientifiques,

articles de journaux, etc.). Il est rarement employé dans les registres familiers (conversations, lettres à

des amis, etc.), où on a souvent recours au pronom indéfini you. Exemple: when you make a mistake,

you have to bear the consequences (plutôt que : when a mistake is made,...).

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5. Speaking and writing

Discuss the following statements with partners first (for about 5 minutes), and then in writing (Min. 150


“§6 There will be those who argue that the United States is somehow responsible for Mr. Foley’s death,

either by refusing to pay a ransom or by bombing ISIS.”

Ҥ9 There is no simple answer on whether to submit to terrorist extortion. The United States and Britain

refuse to pay ransoms, and there is evidence that hostage takers target victims based on the potential

for a payout. If everyone refused to pay, terrorists might not have had the incentive to turn kidnapping

into an industry. At a Group of 8 summit meeting last year, Western countries agreed not to make

ransom payments, but some European governments continue the practice.”

Nom : Classe :

Prénom :

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6. Listening Comprehension (theresident.net)10

Réponds en français aux questions suivantes : (3x)

1. Quel sujet la journaliste propose-t-elle d’aborder ? Pour quelles raisons ?

2. Quelles informations donne-t-elle concernant l’homme nommé Abusalha ?

a. Adolescence

b. Nord de la Syrie

c. Éducation, lieu de résidence après son parcours scolaire, « formation complémentaire »…

3. D’après la journaliste, quel élément semble le plus fou dans cette histoire ?

4. La journaliste mentionne un nombre d’occidentaux – et plus particulièrement d’Américains – dans

son intervention. A quoi correspond ce nombre ?

5. Quelle interrogation découle de ces statistiques ?

6. Quelles sont les raisons qui peuvent probablement expliquer le phénomène décrit par la

journaliste. Sois complet !

Vocabulaire :

The current crisis is a case in point : la crise actuelle est un exemple typique/ un bon exemple

Obviously, it takes more than watching a video to convince someone to travel across the world

They go to Syria where a war is actually raging

Heinous: odieux, atroce



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7. Reading

Isis: a contrived ideology justifying barbarism and sexual control

The appeal of the Middle East wars to some young British Muslim men can't be

reduced to an 'Islam and the west' debate11

Mona Siddiqui, The Observer , Sunday 24 August 2014

§1 Islamic State or Isis have emerged as the most recent form of radical jihadism and we in the west feel bewildered by their ferocity and brutality, especially towards minorities. First, the Iraqi Christians, then the Yazidis – hundreds of them being forced to either convert or be killed.

§2 The recent beheading of the American journalist James Foley is only one act of defiance towards US airstrikes, with threats of more reprisals. With Al-Qaida, Boko Haram and now Isis – never has it been easier to instil fear, it seems, into the most powerful nations in the world.

§3 In the UK, the fear that Isis have attracted hundreds of British men to fight in

the region has reignited the question of integration and radicalisation among younger British Muslims. But perhaps what is more chilling this time is the way many of these men, who have gone over to fight, have unflinchingly assumed the role of thug and tyrant given the first opportunity.

§4 Their narrative may well be wrapped up in the familiar language of jihad and "fighting in the cause of Allah", but it amounts to little more than destruction of anything and anyone who doesn't agree with them.

§5 Then there is the other problem: our own language and how we speak of these warring factions. We call them Sunni extremists as if they are a unified body of people made respectable through an affiliation with mainstream Islam; they are in fact marauding and warring groups, even if some were formerly Iraqi soldiers […].

Confus, dérouté, perplexe

Décapitation Grammaire: inversion (cf. supra) N.B. structure intéressante “But

perhaps what is more___ this time is___” Chilling : qui donne des frissons Unflinching : qui ne bronche pas. (cf. : To flinch) thug [θʌg] : voyou

cela revient à, cela équivaut à



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§6 What, for instance, does a caliphate mean today, if anything? It is spoken of

as an ideal Islamic polity, even though most young Muslims, especially in the west, have little knowledge of the word's history and political complexity.

§7 We don't have the vocabulary to explain the political, religious and ideological mess that has engulfed so much of the Islamic world. But our language tries to categorise the rise of this group and its destructive mission as inextricably tied to

the sectarian conflicts in Syria and Iraq. §8 Here, we are in danger of focusing only on Isis, when it is quite likely that another group, perhaps a splinter group even more ferocious, might spawn from this current spate of violence. Sunni, Shia? Take your pick.

§9 There is something else about Isis that has emerged as different from other extremist groups and that is their treatment of women and girls. Male violence

against women is nothing new and unfortunately knows neither racial nor cultural

boundaries. But the manner in which Isis are reported to be treating captured women and young girls speaks of another era.

§10 There are allegations of women being sold into slavery or repeatedly and barbarically raped and even if some claims are exaggerated, there are too many terrible truths. Women, especially young Yazidi women, are being told to convert to Islam so as to marry Isis fighters. The mantra is that the caliphate needs new converts and children to spread; women can provide both.

§11 This lethal mix of violence and sexual power, this deeply flawed view of manhood – is this what young British Muslims are drawn to? When religious narrative can justify this kind of oppression and moral blindness, everything

suddenly seems simple and the cause appears even more worthy. Instead of oppression, they see honour; instead of killing, they see victory. Women who are victims of the Isis advance are losing their brothers, sons and fathers. You lose much in war but you can still hold on to your dignity. When women lose this, they might as well have lost everything.

§12 It is becoming increasingly difficult to explain why the wars of the Middle East appeal to some British youth. It can't be reduced to an Islam/west debate as the Isis advance wants to wipe out the Shia as well as other minorities; Muslims killing other Muslims for the sake of "pure" Islam is sadly nothing new.

§13 Many young men see war as a drug, all powerful and mindblowing, with the

thrill of donning a uniform and carrying guns. But we are no nearer to understanding the appeal of a nihilistic rhetoric among middle-class, educated young men other than it may be a way of unleashing all kinds of psychological frustrations.

§14 This is not a failure of integration; there is a deeper malaise than that tapping into a sense of emotional unfulfilment when you have everything. I asked my 18-year-old son last week why he thought that some Muslim men

would be drawn towards groups such as Isis. He said: "You don't suddenly turn; you already have the desire in you, however deep down, through your upbringing. A lot of it comes from home."

It sounds simple but I can't help agreeing with this.

Mona Siddiqui is a British Muslim academic and professor of Islamic and

Interreligious Studies at the University of Edinburgh

Un groupe dissident ; être le

produit de ; +/- surenchère de la violence

Notez la struture “the manner in which…”

Grammaire: present continuous (see supra) To appeal to: plaire à

To wipe out: anéantir, décimer, effacer Mettre un uniforme

To tap into: to make a strong or advantageous connection

with<trying to tap into a new market>

Grammaire : Can’t help + gerund: ne pas pouvoir s’empêcher de

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8. Listening12 §5 Then there is the other problem: our own language and how we speak of these warring factions. We call them Sunni extremists as if they are a unified body of people made respectable through an affiliation with mainstream Islam; they are in fact marauding and warring groups, even if some were formerly Iraqi soldiers […]. §6 What, for instance, does a caliphate mean today, if anything? It is spoken of as an ideal Islamic polity, even though most young Muslims, especially in the west, have little knowledge of the word's history and political complexity.


9. Group discussion and writing

§12 It is becoming increasingly difficult to explain why the wars of the Middle East appeal to some British youth. It can't be reduced to an Islam/west debate as the Isis advance wants to wipe out the Shia as well as other minorities; Muslims killing other Muslims for the sake of "pure" Islam is sadly nothing new.

§13 Many young men see war as a drug, all powerful and mindblowing, with the thrill of donning a uniform and carrying guns. But we are no nearer to understanding the appeal of a nihilistic rhetoric among middle-class, educated young men other than it may be a way of unleashing all kinds of psychological frustrations.

§14 This is not a failure of integration; there is a deeper malaise than that tapping into a sense of emotional unfulfilment when you have everything. I asked my 18-year-old son last week why he thought that some Muslim men would be drawn towards groups such as Isis. He said: "You don't suddenly turn; you already have the desire in you, however deep down, through your upbringing. A lot of it comes from home."



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Nom : Classe :

Prénom :

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10. Listening comprehension

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Today, the entire world is


Jim Foley by the terrorist group, ISIL.

Jim was a journalist, a son, a brother, and a friend. He reported from difficult and dangerous places,


He was taken hostage nearly two years ago in Syria, and he was courageously reporting at the time on

the conflict there.

Jim was


He was 40 years old -- one of five siblings, the son of a mom and dad who worked tirelessly for his

release. Earlier today, I spoke to the Foleys and told them that we


Jim Foley’s life (5)_______________________________________________________________. Let’s

be clear about ISIL. They have rampaged across cities and villages -- killing innocent, unarmed civilians

in cowardly acts of violence. They abduct women and children, and subject them to torture and rape and

slavery. They have murdered Muslims -- both Sunni and Shia -- by the thousands. They



They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people.

So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are


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__________________. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do

every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They

may claim out of expediency that (8)___________________________________________________the

United States or the West, (9)_____________________________________________they terrorize their

neighbors and offer them



And people like this ultimately fail. They fail, because


________________by people like Jim Foley, and the overwhelming majority of humanity who are

appalled by those who killed him.

The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be


When people


________________________. And we act against ISIL, standing alongside others.

The people of Iraq, who with our support are taking the fight to ISIL, must continue coming together to


The people of Syria, whose story Jim Foley told, do not


________________________. They have our support in their pursuit of a future rooted in dignity.

From governments and peoples across the Middle East there


There has to be a clear rejection of these kind of nihilistic ideologies. One thing we

(17)_______________________________________is that a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st


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Friends and allies around the world, we share a common security and a common set of

(18)____________________________________________________________ the opposite of what we

saw yesterday. And we will continue to confront this hateful terrorism, and replace it with a sense of

hope and civility. And that’s what Jim Foley stood for, a man who lived his work; who


who was liked and loved by friends and family.

Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim. All of us


All of us mourn his loss. We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated from their

families. We will do everything that we can to protect our people and


May God bless and keep Jim’s memory, and may God bless the United States of America.

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Statement by the President

The Edgartown School

Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts

12:52 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Today, the entire world is (1) appalled by the brutal

murder of Jim Foley by the terrorist group, ISIL.

Jim was a journalist, a son, a brother, and a friend. He reported from difficult and dangerous places, (2)

bearing witness to the lives of people a world away. He was taken hostage nearly two years ago in Syria,

and he was courageously reporting at the time on the conflict there.

Jim was (3) taken from us in an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the entire world. He was

40 years old -- one of five siblings, the son of a mom and dad who worked tirelessly for his release.

Earlier today, I spoke to the Foleys and told them that we (4) are all heartbroken at their loss, and join

them in honoring Jim and all that he did.

Jim Foley’s life (5) stands in stark contrast to his killers. Let’s be clear about ISIL. They have rampaged

across cities and villages -- killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. They abduct

women and children, and subject them to torture and rape and slavery. They have murdered Muslims --

both Sunni and Shia -- by the thousands. They (6) target Christians and religious minorities, driving

them from their homes, murdering them when they can for no other reason than they practice a different

religion. They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people.

So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are (7) overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people

to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every

single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may

claim out of expediency that (8) they are at war with the United States or the West, (9) but the fact is

they terrorize their neighbors and offer them (10) nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision,

and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.

And people like this ultimately fail. They fail, because (11) the future is won by those who build and not

destroy and the world is shaped by people like Jim Foley, and the overwhelming majority of humanity

who are appalled by those who killed him.

The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be (12)

vigilant and we will be relentless. When people (13) harm Americans, anywhere, we do what’s necessary

to see that justice is done. And we act against ISIL, standing alongside others.

The people of Iraq, who with our support are taking the fight to ISIL, must continue coming together to

(14) expel these terrorists from their communities. The people of Syria, whose story Jim Foley told, do

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not (15) deserve to live under the shadow of a tyrant or terrorists. They have our support in their

pursuit of a future rooted in dignity.

From governments and peoples across the Middle East there (16) has to be a common effort to extract

this cancer, so that it does not spread. There has to be a clear rejection of these kind of nihilistic

ideologies. One thing we (17) can all agree on is that a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century.

Friends and allies around the world, we share a common security and a common set of (18) values that

are rooted in the opposite of what we saw yesterday. And we will continue to confront this hateful

terrorism, and replace it with a sense of hope and civility. And that’s what Jim Foley stood for, a man

who lived his work; who (19) courageously told the stories of his fellow human beings; who was liked and

loved by friends and family.

Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim. All of us (20) feel the ache of

his absence. All of us mourn his loss. We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated

from their families. We will do everything that we can to protect our people and (21) the timeless values

that we stand for.

May God bless and keep Jim’s memory, and may God bless the United States of America.