Lesson 19 - Jesus Establishes the New Passover (Grade 7 - Claret School of QC)

Lesson 19 – Jesus Establishes the New Passover Prepared by Mr. Arvin C. Lising CLE Grade 7

Transcript of Lesson 19 - Jesus Establishes the New Passover (Grade 7 - Claret School of QC)

  1. 1. Prepared by Mr. Arvin C. Lising CLE Grade 7
  2. 2. The most solemn feast in all the Jewish festivals recalling their passing over from slavery in Egypt to new life of freedom under Gods protection. It is known as the Festival of Freedom. It lasts for eight days. It begins with a special meal called the Seder (Hebrew = order).
  3. 3. The paschal supper was always celebrated in Jerusalem as prescribed by law. Today, however, the meal is celebrated at every Jewish home, but with the hope that the next year, the Passover will be celebrated at Jerusalem with all the Jewish nation gathered together with the Kingdom of David reigning forever.
  4. 4. The paschal supper was a symbolic reenactment which includes: 1. The night of watching 2. The possession of the Promised Land 3. The partaking of the bread and wine 4. The holy calling together of the people The paschal meal is reminder that the meal is a sacred meeting where all dine with one another and form a close relationship as they do no harm to one another.
  5. 5. Matzah (matzoh; mazzot) an unleavened bread that reminds of the Jews hurried departure from Egypt with no time for bread to rise.
  6. 6. Wine symbolizes the sweetness of life and the world as God shapes it. The wine is drank four times in four parts: 1. Kaddesh (kiddush) I will bring out; reciting the blessing in honor of the holiday symbolizing this present world; also symbolizing of the calling of Abraham.
  7. 7. 2. Maggid I will deliver; symbolizing the Messianic age; also symbolizing the redemption of the Israelites during the Exodus event as retold in the Haggadah.
  8. 8. 3. Barekh (praying the Birkhat Hamazonthe grace after meals) I will redeem; symbolizing the world at the final resurrection; also symbolizes the survival of the Jews during the Exile
  9. 9. 4. Hallel I will take; symbolizing the world to come as the prophet Elijah heralds the coming of God; also symbolizing the salvation which will come at the end of days.
  10. 10. Haggadah the book read at the Seder retelling the Exodus event
  11. 11. The Passover story is read after the youngest child asks the four questions which is essential to the celebration of the Seder.
  12. 12. Every Passover, the youngest child asks an introductory question: Why is this night different from all nights?
  13. 13. The elder (often the father) asks the son to point out the noticeable practices of the Passover meal which will be the basis of the four questions.
  14. 14. Why do we eat only matzoh on Pesach? Answer:Matzoh reminds us that when the Jews left the slavery of Egypt they had no time to bake their bread. They took the raw dough on their journey and baked it in the hot desert sun into hard crackers called matzoh.
  15. 15. Why do we eat bitter herbs, maror, at our Seder? Answer:Maror reminds us of the bitter and cruel way the Pharaoh treated the Jewish people when they were slaves in Egypt.
  16. 16. Why do we dip our foods twice tonight? Answer:We dip bitter herbs into Charoset to remind us how hard the Jewish slaves worked in Egypt.The chopped apples and nuts look like the clay used to make the bricks used in building the Pharaoh's buildings. We dip parsley into salt water.The parsley reminds us that spring is here and new life will grow.The salt water reminds us of the tears of the Jewish slaves.
  17. 17. Why do we lean on a pillow tonight? Answer:We lean on a pillow to be comfortable and to remind us that once we were slaves, but now we are free.
  18. 18. Maror (bitter herbs such as horseradish) represents the bitterness of the slavery the Jewish people suffered not only in Egypt, but throughout history.
  19. 19. Karpas (usually parsley) symbolizes springtime in which the Passover festival is usually celebrated.
  20. 20. Charoset (charoses or haroseth) a mixture of chopped apples, walnuts, cinnamon, and wine that represents the mortar the Hebrews used when assembling the Pharoahs bricks.
  21. 21. Salt Water represents the tears of the Jewish people during enslavement
  22. 22. Beitzah (baked or roasted egg) symbolizes mourning for the suffering and deaths of the Jewish people over the ages; symbolizes also new life in the age of come.
  23. 23. Zeroa (shank bone) symbolizes the sacrificial lamb offering that the Jews made to God. The blood of the lamb was also used as it was applied to the doorways of the Jewish dwellings to alert the Angel of Death to pass over their homes and spare the life of their firstborn during the 10th and last plague.
  24. 24. Extra goblet put on the table for the eagerly awaited guest, Elijah, the prophet of hope and faith.
  25. 25. The rites followed during the meal ensure that the younger members of the family understand why the Exodus is important in their lives. Each food eaten during the paschal meal is symbolic of an event during the Exodus.
  26. 26. The blessing of the food and drink bring about a closer fellowship among those dining together and signifies a union between the people and God. The paschal supper is eaten at the same time although in different homes.
  27. 27. What unusual act did Jesus add to the usual rites of the Passover? What significance did these unusual acts have?
  28. 28. Jesus takes bread into His hands, and blesses the wine, but does something unusual as he says the words of consecration This is My body;This is My blood
  29. 29. With these words, the Lord Jesus institutes the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. He does this in four solemn actions: 1. He took bread and wine 2. He gave praise and thanks to the Father in doing so 3. He broke the bread 4. He gave it to the disciples.
  30. 30. The present celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is patterned after these four solemn actions: Solemn Acts of the Lord Jesus during the Last Supper: The Liturgy of the Eucharist 1. He took bread and wine 2. He gave praise and thanks to the Father in doing so 3. He broke the bread 4. He gave it to the disciples. 1. Preparation of the Gifts 2. Eucharistic Prayer 3. Breaking of the Bread 4. Holy Communion
  31. 31. Jesus words and acts during the Last Supper changes His coming death from a senseless tragedy to an act of love. He enjoined them to celebrate them repeatedly:Do this in memory of Me.
  32. 32. The Last Supper was prefigured by the Passover meal as the reenactment takes on a whole new meaning in the New Covenant: The Passover Meal The Last Supper 1. The night of watching 2. The possession of the Promised Land 3. The partaking of the bread and wine 4. The holy calling together of the people 1. The Christian vigil 2. The Christian redemption 3. The Holy Eucharist 4. The forming of the Church that celebrates the Holy Eucharist
  33. 33. The specific points of this descriptive definition of the Eucharist can be summarized as follows: First,the Eucharist was instituted by Christ. He prepared for it in the many fellowship meals which he shared during his public life. He established the Eucharist at the Last Supper,the night before he died on the Cross. And he confirmed it as the Risen Christ in his Easter meal appearances to His disciples.
  34. 34. Secondly, the Eucharist is celebrated with Christ by the Christian community, the Church. It is an essentially ecclesial act, carried out by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is, by the Head and his members (SC 7).
  35. 35. Thirdly, the Eucharist is at once both sacrifice and sacred meal. It is the memorial instituted by Christ so that the saving benefits of his Death and Resurrection can be shared by the People of God through every age.
  36. 36. Fourthly,Christ himself is really present in the Eucharistic celebration in multiple ways, but especially under the sacramental signs of bread and wine.
  37. 37. Finally, the Eucharist is the eschatological pledge and foretaste of our future glory.
  38. 38. How can we make the Eucharist a real Sacrament of Love as it is really meant to be? Here are some suggestions: Do tasks willingly and joyfully without complaining and grumbling. Be a friend in need. Help someone who is in trouble. Serve the community Be kind.
  39. 39. Preach against sin. Thank God. Observe Gods laws faithfully. Share the Good News to others.
  40. 40. What country is St. Rose from? What character traits did she have as a child? As a young lady? As a member of poor family? How is she honored today?
  41. 41. Q:What is the Passover? A:The Passover is a commemoration of the Jews release from slavery in Egypt. Certain rites are followed to make the past event meaningful to the new generation.
  42. 42. Q: How did Jesus make unusual the paschal meal He celebrated with His apostles? A:He instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist by adding to the usual prayer of praise and thanksgiving the words This is My bodyand this is My bloodthereby changing the bread and wine into the body and blood of the Lord Jesus.
  43. 43. Q:What is signified by Jesus changing of bread and wine to His body and blood? A:It signifies the sacrifice and covenant of love that He offers us with His death. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist frees us from the hold of sin and enables us to continue on our mission of love, unity and charity.
  44. 44. Q:Why did Jesus institute the Eucharist? A:Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper when He transformed bread and wine to His Body and Blood. And when He tells His Apostles to do this in memory of Me. (Luke 22: 19-20), He commands them to celebrate the Eucharist themselves.
  45. 45. How can I thank the LORD for all the good He has done for me? I will take the cup of salvation and I will call upon the name of the LORD. I will keep my promise to the LORD in the presence of all his people. The death of his faithful is precious in the eyes of the LORD. O LORD, I amYour servant,Your servant, the Son of your maidservant You have loosened my bonds. To you, I will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving and I will call upon the name of the LORD. (Psalm 116:12-17 )