Lesson - 17 · 2015. 3. 3. · Lesson - 17 1 ... Details Pane for an .mp3 File 10

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Transcript of Lesson - 17 · 2015. 3. 3. · Lesson - 17 1 ... Details Pane for an .mp3 File 10

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Lesson - 17

1 www.semainformatics.wordpress.com

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Understanding Windows Windows are frames on

the desktop that contain the contents of opened files, folders, or programs.

Windows can be closed, resized, moved, minimized to a button on the taskbar, or maximized to take up the whole screen.


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Parts of a Window Main parts of Windows are:

Back Button

Forward Button

Address Bar

Menu Bar


Minimize Button

Maximize/Restore Down Button

Close Button

Search Box

Selected Item


Navigation Pane

Preview Pane

Scroll Bar

Details Pane


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Title Bar The title bar is a horizontal bar at the top of each

window of a program.

The title bar contains:

the program icon,

the title of the window,

the minimize button,

the maximize button,

the close button.


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Toolbar A toolbar is a row, column, or block on-screen of

buttons or icons in a program.

Toolbar of Windows Explorer When Any Folder is Selected

Toolbar of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3


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Navigation Pane The navigation pane is used to

access libraries, folders, saved searches, and even entire hard disks.

We can use:

the Favorites section to open your most commonly used folders and searches,

the Libraries section to access your libraries,

and the Computer folder to browse folders and subfolders.


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Search Box A search box is included

at the top of each open window or on the Start menu.

It is used for looking for any item in the current folder or library.

When we start typing, the search starts automatically.


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Address Bar The address bar is used to navigate to a different folder

or library or to return to the previous one.


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Back and Forward Buttons Back and Forward

buttons are used to navigate to other folders or libraries that we have already opened without closing the current folder.

Back Forward


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Details Pane The details pane displays the most common properties

related to the selected item.

File properties are information about a file, such as:

its size,

the date we last modified it,

and any descriptive tags we might have added to the file.

Details Pane for an .mp3 File 10

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Preview Pane The preview pane displays

the contents of most files.

If you’ve selected a picture, music, or a text file, you can see their content without opening them in a program.

If the preview pane is not displayed in Windows Explorer, click on in the toolbar to turn it on.


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Menu Bar The menu bar is a long bar

where function menus are located.

We can use function menus to perform several operations, such as: opening, copying, or moving a file or folder.

Almost every program has a specific menu bar.

If a menu bar is not displayed in Windows Explorer, use the Organize button.


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Using a Program Icon A program icon is located at the left edge of a title bar of a program. The program icon displays a pop-up menu. This menu lets us access the:

minimize, maximize, close, restore, resize, and move the window options.

To display the program or folder icon pop-up menu, click on the program or folder icon in the title bar or press <Alt> + <Spacebar>


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Using the Scroll Bars The scroll bar is used to scroll through a list of files or

folders in order to display or select them.

When the contents of a window are too large to fit in the screen, scroll bars appear to scroll both vertically and horizontally through the window.


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Working with Windows and Applications