Leslie Howes, MPH, CIP Alyssa Speier, MS, CIP September 24, 2014 Investigator Manual: ...

Leslie Howes, MPH, CIP Alyssa Speier, MS, CIP September 24, 2014 Investigator Manual: http://www.hsph.harvard.e du/ohra/investigator-manu al/ OHRA’s Investigator Manual and Updates: The Investigator’s Best Friend

Transcript of Leslie Howes, MPH, CIP Alyssa Speier, MS, CIP September 24, 2014 Investigator Manual: ...

Page 1: Leslie Howes, MPH, CIP Alyssa Speier, MS, CIP September 24, 2014 Investigator Manual:  ra/investigator-manual/ .

Leslie Howes, MPH, CIP

Alyssa Speier, MS, CIP

September 24, 2014

Investigator Manual: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/ohra/investigator-manual/

OHRA’s Investigator Manual and Updates: The Investigator’s Best Friend

Page 2: Leslie Howes, MPH, CIP Alyssa Speier, MS, CIP September 24, 2014 Investigator Manual:  ra/investigator-manual/ .



I.M. Table of Contents Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Human Research Training Online Submission (ESTR) Research Protocol Reporting Financial Interests Classifications of Review and Determinations Investigator’s Responsibilities Informed Consent Continuing Review Considerations Services Available to Assist Investigators: QIP Study Closure Questions?

Page 3: Leslie Howes, MPH, CIP Alyssa Speier, MS, CIP September 24, 2014 Investigator Manual:  ra/investigator-manual/ .


I.M. Table of Contents

What is the purpose of this manual? What is the Human Research

Protection Program? What is Human Research? Exempt Human Research Who can be Principal Investigator

(PI)? What training do investigators and

study staff need to conduct Human Research?

How to submit a new Human Research Application Online

Who has access to my ESTR record and submission to the IRB?

How to write a Research Protocol What financial interests have to be

reported to the IRB?

How to create a consent/assent document?

What are the different regulatory classifications that research activities may fall under?

How does the IRB decide whether to approve Human Research?

Review Using the Expedited Procedures

Review by the Convened IRB What will happen after IRB office

receives a submission? What are the decisions the IRB can

make when reviewing proposed research?

What are the Investigator's obligations after IRB approval?

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I.M. Table of Contents (continued)

How to document consent? How to submit a modification? How to submit continuing review? How to get help for an IRB

submission? Are there any services available to

assist investigators with ensuring regulatory compliance?

How to close out a study? How long should records be kept? How to get additional information and

answers to questions? Appendix A: Prompt Reporting

Requirements Additional Requirements for DHHS-

Regulated Research Additional Requirements for FDA-

Regulated Research

Additional Requirements for Clinical Trials (ICH-GCP)

Additional Requirements for Department of Defense (DOD) Research

Additional Requirements for Department of Energy (DOE) Research

Additional Requirements for Department of Justice (DOJ) Research

Additional Requirements for Department of Education (ED) Research

Additional Requirements for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Research

Page 5: Leslie Howes, MPH, CIP Alyssa Speier, MS, CIP September 24, 2014 Investigator Manual:  ra/investigator-manual/ .


Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

Not just the IRBComprised of :

– Institutional leadership– Institutional Review Board (IRB)– Quality Improvement Program (QIP)– Investigators and Study Staff– Relevant Departments and Units

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Human Research Training

Read HRPP Plan IRB approval may not be granted for proposed

research in which investigators have not completed human research protections training

– CITI Training– Check with ORARC Coordinator to find out if OHRA has current

training on file Staci Landis at [email protected] or 617-432-2157

Additional Training Available for staff– For training offerings visit:


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Online Submission (ESTR)

Electronic, Submission, Tracking and Reporting (ESTR) - http://irb.harvard.edu – University-wide system– Dedicated support available at

[email protected]

Study Submission Guide– Provides step-by-step instructions

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Research Protocol

Every section’s requirements are explained in detail Some highlights:

– Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria– Procedures involved in the Human Research

Include ALL HS Research vs. Standard of Care HLMA staff vs. others Describe what data will be collected and duration of research

– Privacy It involves consideration of whether the participants will be comfortable with the research

procedures– Confidentiality of Data

Describe where data will be stored, who will have access to the data, measures taken to secure the data, how long data will be stored, and, when applicable, how data will be archived and/or destroyed

Data security plans must comply with protection requirements described in the Harvard Research Data Security Policy (HRDSP)

Data Management and monitoring

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Reporting Financial Interests


Who “All individuals involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of the research” and their immediate family (anyone on the personnel information form and some not on it, too)

“Immediate family” means spouse, domestic partner, children, and dependents.

What Any amount over $0 must be reportedE.g., Ownership interest, Compensation of any amount, Proprietary interest of any value, Board or executive relationship regardless of compensation

When Initial and Continuing ReviewReport any change to the IRB within 30 business days

How Upload Financial Interest Disclosure Form in ESTR

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Classifications of Review & Determinations

Types of Review– Not Human Research– Exempt– Expedited– Convened IRB

Determinations – Approval– Requires Modification(s)– Deferral/Disapproval

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Investigator’s Responsibilities

Secure IRB approval prior to implementation Conduct study according to IRB approved protocol

– Submit Continuing Review, Modifications (including study staff changes) to IRB

Ensure adequate facilitates, equipment on site Ensure study staff are qualified Report “new information” (see Appendix A) Do not accept or provide “finder’s fees” or “bonus


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Informed Consent

Consent Templates available online with signature blocks and check boxes, e.g., written long form vs. child assent

If alternative format, submit justification Include all required elements Other considerations, e.g., HIPAA

authorization Documentation, e.g., signature and date fields

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Continuing Review Considerations

If involves modifications submit a separate modification request

If not received by submission deadline, will be restricted from submitting new Human Research until the completed application has been received

If expires, all HR Study procedures must stop– If stopping will harm participants, provide these on a clinical basis– If such procedures not available on a clinical basis, contact IRB

Administrative Chair, Julie Kaberry ([email protected] or 617-432-2149) and provide a written list of enrolled participants and explanation as to why they would be harmed if procedures were stopped

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Services Available to Assist Investigators: QIP

IRB Submission Assistance Routine On-site Reviews Education/Additional Training

– IRB Clinic– In-Service– New Investigator/Research Coordinator Orientation– Scheduled Education Series

Floating Research Coordinator/Assistant Study Management Tools

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Study Closure

Retain all records for seven years after study completion, i.e., closure of the Human Research protocol, or longer if required by the sponsor Including signed and dated consent documents

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Leslie Howes, OHRA Director ([email protected])

Julie Kaberry, IRB Administrative Chair ([email protected])

QA/QI Specialists

Alyssa Speier ([email protected]) Stanley Estime ([email protected]) Lisa Gabel ([email protected])

OHRA: www.hsph.harvard.edu/ohra

See OHRA web site for department-assigned IRB Review Specialist and contact information