Legislative TI.'M.TI1TIIS....M in--Uh--MW M Vtm rt--HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JUNK VOL. XII..N.....

D - T22 PAOiriO pimntrcinl Ii fCBUiUtD Menisci (flinmcrcial THE PAOiriO Qiibtttistt rverv Saturday Morning. FCBUSIIKD AT ; - ilansl iHak-rrirl-i" . Vr. Honolulu, Hawaiian' Ilan.l. jo fr Ssm Moss! few. H " 1"r' y ...eels- - gp.ice in Koa- - 1 m. i 2 m. 3 m. i tu, Has I " pr!r" -s-- h. th .a arwi lis. a a n h m n u rril tj p. ll. See"' r' All pwrM KorV"a f S -- "' I i f 1 I I $ S Ll:a 1 00' t k) s ii o; Ou 10 09 lo Lines.... ...... I fro a m 4 ou a otr a oo lt ow 14 l.iorn. ...... i oo M 6 OO 1 BO IS 0 l oo- - M Lines (0 7 ht) lt 0O 14 OO 18 OO 50 ltti- - 3 no C 0U 1? Ml 16 O0 M est Ii 09 j t 1 :o!nnn. ...... oo li oo ia ts) a ui sA oo Ml OO "J : i;. i . crt of the r oitu.1 "lab-a- . caa i 'oluni. ...... 10 00 15 CO SO 00 A 0O 40 S CS (a) IT ff!,,,t f wnix. re I ia Antsvt- - 4 oliimn. ...... 15 OOtO 00 30 t40 00 M w lwfl Wd i w L.IN J.Ui I Uhole Columa.... 20 00 40 0t 69 CO t0 00 1 '.'0 00 C0 0t r" I I T" Itusineiw Cards, vrhen prepaid for a ymr, mr slloweiT a di!Kuuit from these rale, which are fur Uau.ieiit advertise aieut whin psid or charged quarterly. B00K AND JOB PRINTING. Ft tlI.IiMKI Sf Advertiser reiki m la ths bstern raited St.t.s, rsn WKEKI.V UTi pay for their rani by aurtosius; (J "rnbaci for su. li fsooant i i r."- - - " - - 77 IIKMH .M. WIU SIX IXII.I.A IIS I'KR AXXOI. . . . ... , . r.NKV. -- 20, ISbS. I I, O ..tk .u. V A 1 - ...I. Bill .M....t !r rrw. M in- - Uh- - MW M Vtm rt- - HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JUNK VOL. XII..N.. UII0LK.II30. six its Lahlit. I ar the tints iI for. 4 45 tbe PACino Commercial Advertiser. ? Legislative assembly. Fovrr-KiAir- ra PT. Jan 12th. jtlj met t th 1ar. iSln- n- rommltuc. E.I;o prrK-- I .uprletncnu-- - rrpurt Ci.ri? the by them for the B-r- ll ool fcr the r!tia ef two cr more lit. Jaa la the practice of me-IIcit- Rpurt Uhll. rMi-Wre.- ! with the pml.a rrpc.rt now Wflre Elai, b5.thr with the Appropriation B3L r.nM Committee repurteil those Corf rnroent cf-tw- L wh rw'l uvei-- h.pte.L rwamittee to whom were wferre-- I ppr..priti, aaI rtrwlaUoos for i -- 0, gun lrf petition -- ,ritiui. rrTrtl m fallows : jTj g, KAwihvf t Wimca, Hawaii, S l,OiX. l intinitent fan.!. t ,' fUimU 1 tril: in LahioaS.nX). Zum'ja an-- i ri.l! in Uaha. t7,I". Wia ttfhul'trwrt to Lilih; SimW. iJMcmctit f Lilih street, S2.J0iX KjJtl aivl bril in Kaoai, S !,). on Witn rir, !'). lrirt f nls at Kataupwpo. Motokoi, Court IIow an-- I J il f' Kau, IUw ui, Sl.GUU. Liiht be, NI, Support lirfht h..a. i!'!. 5 . foirt Itwxe an-- l Jil, 2I 4..k.i, Crt H'HW, MUiwo, Uoi, I.JM. Writrhts ao.1 eesurea. Interior Iprt(uent, Saner cfPH,tl". Wharf at Nwi!iwili, Kauai. SoflH. Court IIoojw ami Jail, lUnaUri. Kaaai. $l.tU(X Store hoJue (or Cvmbtt.-tibW!- . fr3J"X TUe Committee appoprUtei the sura cf 10 tr Ibe mrtey on the Puli ml, tr tlie purpe of tminjC an estimate of the et f eotiing down the hh, ta erler taAt the next LegiUtie -- MerobIy bit tct knowinjflj on the matter, aiwl reemnjeuJcl At iaia-ftait- pxpbement f the bilioce of petition nut fwiilafio. refrel t them. Xt. Jt'Aheloa ii' I nut f or the aIoption of the re--rt. m ia hij opinion F.wa ami WUnoe were aouie-tliatiUuh- tel by the Committee in regApl to the &r briilie at WahLtwa. Epurt ULleJ. to be con4ilercl with the Appropri-- If.- -. KoAi.au Intrn.lace-- 1 a rewlatiwn akin; for 1)1' i r a court hotue at Koloa. KauU. lUssotution nhtei to be taken op in connection with the Appro-wiaii-ua BUL Mr. A. F. JoM iotrtyi'icrl a resolution aknjr the A&jrney tieoer l t report if certain Metione of the Cvil Cxie reiitirins eentificoU to be furnihel by Plijician to urinker of Awa, were enforced in IIu Buiitla. al other LKatricta ; anl if tA, it ohm wnltnent wm not necenaary. He aaul tha the Law tea now adeivl letter. anl the iile;rl eonaoptin toC A w k tx norniou.', nt for nwclicin! purpees. JT lat fur imOrxientM. that there were no pruaevnttone nie tl. itr. Halchiaon real tor the M time the Wowinje bilU : An act to regwUte the aale ofueJIy puHM Aa at to reptUte the driving of catt or nbicfe ever brle in thit Kington. An act to pX section, .VJ of the lltil Cod. Same pnatMfl to tut sretmd reAlin nn.ler the rote. llr. Lyoae notice of an act for the protection if riae. TW lline proree-lw- l to the er!er ef the d-y- . V f 4tiwin(C bill were ml by their title, an-- 1 mmxI thirl reaIIn!f : An act to ei.mpile aul patrmh W Fn-i- l of tht Kindlon:, both in the Htwaii- - m1 i'.nglmh UnKU.tw An act t anicn! section ff8 of the Cle. An act l amen.1 n art enti tled aa act t. rrpeiI Chap. M f Ciil Code, and T -- aVte tlx Barents of Intmction. An act to mike a nnnuient avttletnent on Q'teen Iwer Kilwn AwwmMy reeolwt helf into a ('oiomtctce of the WVi fur thm consideration of the Appropriation luL, Mr. rhiilip in ttte chair. oB or tut r mo. Fary rnp.!rter General !'. t J.U7 Ckrlc Kirran of i," location gaJuO. pase.L Sapwt Ilawatian and fIi-t- h actMioU 1.)JUX Mr. Uitchcock ned t anen-- l to l eia pMeiL IVr support of IIwiUn and En- - ub .h.U including LuihainAluna ScminAry S!,t'H Mr. il:tchock moel to in.ert the following item : Sinjrt of coiumon cU.oU ia deelilutediatrkta flT- - X. rwl Prittinn m:!mio! b.k SoiV pnawL ftaUoaery arvl lucilntiL V psie-- Riuriu:t.ry S.;hool lf. Mr. llitohcock moil to coupler the item in con-rti- i.a with the Report of the Committee on educa-tU- n ia retrl to the above sirhooL He in f nor f the Pno:ip.kI of the school beinj a man with a ad-rr- of Hltf year tet!er wien an aeAUtont. an-- l nv to Boteml the item by inserting the inn of $) ia plice of 2J. aa in hia opinion that plenty to e.ury on the school. beta p.kd at Ath PTjuMe cf !furnvAtory School premises) 3.C00 BuilKn; new school hJ'ie 5 ."Ti'. Mi. Kk-n- i avel to amend to $fit Mr. Mortoi aut to auerxl to tSXK Item pnMd U$sX Ejulowomt cb.Urh;p 0ho Collej-- e gSCO. lateral on school far I f..li- - pu'weL 3ir. u.tencork motel to add for the education ot Hiwuians ia medicine at home $ V). XRer eni.lcrLl ilchate in rerd to the aptnee rf B twaiiana to learn me licine, surgery &c, the ficstioa to pitmt the item waa pot ami carriol, ami Una kcnonliDg'y pwe at $ I'MO. Mr. Kuaktnu ntoved a recon:deratin of the vote. ti'in eiwrieiL Ss Cs. Mr. IlutcUiion cootcI to strike ont the . 3"a of $ lOni (r etiKaing HawiiAa in meiliciue. Mr. Hitehow moel the poMaj;e of the Item a fcl!uw: fur efttuativn of llawaiuM in mnlicine Bi Ix. llr. Varijny laoTe-- l t!e f .'lowing as an : f--r BKulical oli.:Atinn of IlAwaiUns S 1"- - ar. IfnteUisro withlrew hu motion to strike ont. r. Kankni moel to indefinitely petpone the fcration of the item. tion U iatefinite!y postpone put and Ut-- Item V meilical education of Hawaiians IhOm) M- - ir.kVcnok moved that the Committee reeom-ltheirptio- uof the Report of Committee on K m.4ation, petition ic. ami tlie Secretary of fmUj he intnvfe.1 b ptce the item in their FworJer in the Appr.priaiion liiiL 'P'irt of Commit! rr-v-L motto of Mr. llic.;hcek.iestioo put amlear- - .2."'' Committee no? ami chairman Kep. rt a.h.pieL tly .jnornciL Fobtt-- s I stti Pat, Jane 13th. .mUT mrt .t the awal hour, lib Highneas M. intheehir. r. Ljons, chairman of the Committee to whom ffrrrM L potion from J. W. II. Kauwahi. j.'" "'n ehArge. mgainat Ilk tlx. F. W. Hat. J' tJwt th re'.rt of the Committee was 'aU" hr,pml exceptions or remarks upon it W 1 lu,tm lbe wb4e Anemwy ; ""Might the C'nrmiilifUx I ltt.r 'sport a,,,, thenjjyes. Ia r. o - ... ... a. ii in. : t t ' - t;t(!. iuip move i iiiai tne liepresenta-.- rt .. r''" half an hour to consider tlte re-- t4tln. llr v X,M- - - tor.ve.1 to amend the time to 20 min- - w!' M lC4Tor eonsi leration cf tbe favorel one h.ur, as the case of iinpenchmebt now lef.re them could not be cvni. ed in half an hoar. He ihout U T A i i . r - - . .. 1 1. i v ui .ii.avtictr . Mill Bi nil. r 13 " ' . t.-- . . .1 . . . ... . 7 .liiuisLrr 01 kiic iiiirriur iiii 1 nrnr 11 mjt ii.a i. ' pi'pwn Com.nitt.-- e of three, of which the the A.r4 iiil.ly fhoul 1 lc Chairiinin, to " ' l .Iwmil by him on '."n ' June - lti..u adopte-- l and the .ce MriM,illto.l OIl 1C. Committee the l'rcs-- U. lJt;".t' !!- - u.. 1 Keawel.unal.ala. omethinr to r in rrar,l to tl., . i 11,1.1 u 1 . " . . . a svsa, sa iisuTa w in inrn inifD . Iliai iru Keprr?ent at:es occupy such times n neetrr. and- - Iben the : u .... .. . . a . - . . 7 of the lime when IIm--t wiU Le re.iuire . . in the A&wio. -.- --.. bhr. Th .oie wxoirew ami the tovi up the petition a-i- ust Mr. Hutchison, Jlinister of Interior. . Mr. X. . Jail nvcd that Mr. Hitchcock Uke the chair. CarrioL Mr. tnley w v. appintl SeTetary. Mr. Sheldon as Interjrcter. The following report w is then real : T" tt li'rrtnt.iUrra the I'f.jl uf the llirallm The Special Committee to whom was rrf.-rrt-d petition rrom J. y. Kauwahi. praving Umt lenliimnd I n. Hutchison. HL Majesty's Mioiiterof tlte Interior. j e brought to trial before the Honorable Uody of Xobh-sf- f this Kinplom. on ccrtaiu char-- s therein j ievinevl. he cxaminel carefully tlie ficts with rtf-- follows f 1 i I., "ttv.t, w. .. .1 c . 1 .1 , . Uuck2f?r thTu aforeid nLn V ? i1?"?' i l er . li I llutct,:V1 .D", M .n-- .1 I, . Vi me . ' J Vth the, 'JT- ?- f.tl,e at public auction and aold to the highest bidder, it would appe:r to the Committee that the action of the said Minister of the Interior was Jexigned to benefit ! the public exchoijuer by sevuriug such terms as eeme 1 nnwt slvantavou.4. That the parties making the highest bil at the auction which hod been held, having shown themselves unable to ay cash down, as per terms of aa'l auction sale, the bet terms thought paiUe were made with other parties, "uch ptrttes being the said Afoiig and Achuck. That while the action in the co-t-e was irregular, it was still not certainly a damage to the public treasury. -'- L With res'iect to the seconJ charge, namely, that the aforesaid F. W. Hutchison did. be refusiii'r to prant liretise to Chung llxai, & ,'.. said Chung ! Iloon. it Co . being tlte highest bidders for such injure the public treasury to the amount of STJI. which sum was bid over and aljove the sum of 10,0iu fur which said license was sold, the Commit- tee report that the reason for such refusal was the inability of sail parties to pay cash down, as per terms of sale. The Committee, however, censure private bargaining witu the parties in question. r'r9 ,!.,.,,,,,. wnicn prece.ie.1 tne sate, as unworthy or the dignity t were to be ratinM, tliii.;,.,, 0f the two tiovern-o- f a Government Official of His Majesty's Kingdom, nieuts would be still c.rf al1 for tiwt reason the 31. With respect to the thin! charge, vix,, that item was asked for, as nn Agent would profjier the afom ii I K. W. Hutchison did, as Minisler of the our tradj with the Cus Siatesand place us upon Interior, by refusing to grant the second license fi.r i more friendly terms. the sale of opium in the city of Honolulu, provided j Mr. C. H. Judd moved aii. nd the item by in-f- or by law, deprive the public treasury of the sum of sertiug fur a llawaiiun-lji,.itize- fl Gr Hawaiian pnr-whi- ch was offered by certain parties for such j ents as Mtuieter Resident tnc L'uited States, 10,-licen- se. the Committee report that the refusal was (K male from motives of humanity, and with a view as i Mr. Hitchcock was iu f,r bf gtriking out the fr as possible to suppress a tra&; acknowledged to item altogether. be hartfuL j Mr. S. O. Wilder was oppts to the item. 1th. With respect to the fourth charge, namely, Mr.-G- . Rhodes favored the ..j as in the bill, with-th- at F. W. Hutchison ilid. as Minister of the Interior. I out any amendment, by refusing to grant a license for the sale of opium, j Item indefinitely postponed to 19. provided for by law. in the town of Lahaina, deprive j Kncouragement of Agricultu anj Iuunigration, tie public treasnry c( the sum of i2,"jIK, the Com- - ! S10.0OX mittee are also of the opinion that the proceeding, Mr. Wilder moved to amend 20,000, as some though arbitrary, was in behalf of the int. -- rests of ! immediate measures should be .en o prevent the humanity. decrease of the Hawaiian people j,j (j,-,;- , rxtuld be Ia consideration, therefe. ef the fact that His Fx. ; done by bringing people from the .ltj, Elands the Minister of the Interior has taken measures. J meu, women and children. M. wilder argued which tltough somewhtt irresular and arbitrary . I still further in favor of bis amendm i, citin? the uu,Doliei(. Le Tutcl this itl,' m he he were vet for the benefit of tlte inhabitants of this , Kinglom, we bereby recommen-- l tbe imlen.te ut ponetnent of the consideration of this ietition. Respectfully submiltol, C. J. Ltoms. VaLbCxas K.xrixcv. Mr. ft. Rhode was not in fivor of adopting the rej-or- t Lurrtclly. It was a grave matter, and he wished to see the evlh-ne- e of the Committee, what coarse they pursued bef.re making their report, and moved that the llprrefitalives again on the re 1 port w ith the notes of e ih-rc- e bvrore litem for con- - ' siderition, as in his opinion it wonM jk dengatory j .i t . . . . i . tt t. .... ' ,. tlerslafxl rullr ah.it wis Is-lo- re tlx-m- . He nuvlf i considered that tlte Minister of the Interior had not been irregular or arbitrary iu his action, ou the Opium Licence for the Ihstrict of Lahaina, as the matter was left whi l.y to bis discretion. lr p ' move. I that the notes of evi-lenc- e taken the C ml ' .. i J Mr. Lyons H that he ha-- left the notes in Lis ' room, but WbuM explain as lest as he could. ! nt. t i. .. i t .t . ,i r. i.ttoitev iai bus lt ufiic-rst.- luc rejvrt. it citarzI the 31.bistrr with duplicity i 31 r. Lyons said that no such charge was n!r, but that private LrginiDg waa made before the sale of the Opium License, and those who purchased were given to understand beforehand they would only be required to pay half lu cash, and would be allowed ' time for the buLince, ami it was through this that the ' misunderstanding occurred. ! Mr. Wilder asked Mr. Lyons if the purchasers of I the License, Chung I! .n & Co., were not notified be- - ! fore the sale that the terms of the License would be I cosh, and not hlf cnslit. Mr. Lyons said that the evidence was conflicting on that point. ; Mr. BhobrS nkeI if it was Mr. Hutchison or his clerk wlto bargained with these parties. , Mr. Lyons replied, it was his clerk. Mr. Wi le-n- mn, but the Minister was responsible under the Constitution. I Mr. nixsh-- s thraght the Chief ought not to lie cen- - j sure-- for the misconduct of his sutjordinates. and ( was stnmgly in favor of seeing tlte notes of evidem-e- . ; If censure is serveJ. let it go out that it is through ' his clerk's and not h sown nets. The Ifoiise was do. j ing wropg in eeosun ng a .Minister w uo ni not: in- - fritigv! tbe law, an u m Mor VI ,I,e ' nrtes of evidence. i Mr. Wilder sail that the Minister might have been ! buy and sent his clerk, and the M.nuster was res- ponsible ' for his clerk's acts. Mr. Rhodes asked that Mr. Widemann 1 sent for ( aud his eviImce tiken on tbe matter. j Mr. Wil ier said he was willing. ! Mr. Knu'lsen said there were three of the Commit- tee i present, and wanted to know if their words were ' not safhVient. Mr. Rhodes No, iir, I want snch evi-lenc- e in I writing, as this ia a matter of grave importance. , Mr. KnuiLseu Then this is the first time that I ' knew a Committee cf the House was a Court of Rcc- - onl. ! 31r Lyons Mr. Asing's evidence in this case ia j the most important, and I bad to visit him for the purpose of getting it. as be was sick bed. Mr. A. V. Judd tbcught the whole matter ought to j be acted npon through the report of their Committee, as their wonls could t relie.1 on. and he saw no ret-- j Sort for ppintiog a special Committee to attend to j such matter, if the House would not act upon their J .r In his ooinion. if one wituee was called all ' would have to be, and all this fuss would be placing , Ibe whole affur far beyond its ....p.rtance. It waa , in his opinion a small matter, and not so grave as the Member from Honolulu (Mr.Kh.-bs- ) thought it - was. 3Ir. Ja-l- believed in at ling quietly in eon- - tk rr.rt of the I ommitlee. an i in junction that way tbe matter would be speedily ended ; oiher- - wise to niach of the time of the Assembly would I j . . n r. j.n a small matter. Mr. Boyd was m reo. ly to vote till he was more conversant with the uxt. Mr Honu thouzht the wnoie matier ix' well ventdate.1. lie ravorcl tne ruiiiiuni. -- t . , .... . .... ns,l in fi.ln fi rrrn. I witness, as ne ninrcii - or agtinst it. If the charge, mode in the peti- tion sure, against Vr Hub-hiso- u were true, be should Cvor censure, and woul 1 sustain h.s vote Mr Rh.l thought the attempts of the Men.l-e- r from Sth Kona (Mr. A. F. Ju-- I l) to Mid. mves.i-gati- .n this m titer, were from wicked and unjusti- fiable motives. the stoker to Uke Mr Judd arose and rert,.ste. . . . . ... ;. I ; nir l lo bis m.tives, as rta .iVlITJl a right to stk nf his mo-- j nd he should nt stand any surh talk. M;. Rhles -- oi-l he would take it back, but st.Il .n his opinion Mr. Ju d Is act ions were unjustifiable Mr BlH-l- e. said he r Mr. Judd-- In yo.ir opinion. helieved censure shoul 1 I given when .t is due; but the cbrk was p.ilty. be would acknowledge it. the censure b.ms. lf an I sIhh.11 receive Ir j,,.!.! I am really surprise.1 that the Member from ilonolnl-i-- man old enough to mjr rthrr that my actions were wicked ; but 1 will nirJesnd to the low level that he has in this matter. ?,Ir - '''r U" -- 'ylU,.tl,. .( hin KHrVir,tchck :,.,r. ,".,,, - rnA ,rK " l T- - Jiuiciton. Jlr. UUvIc I !.( ,i.f I.. .!! 1 I 'jj i I A.li..urn.sl tUl MomUy at 12 o'clock. I Hat. June 15th. Il'irru-ri- i luur. His High now M. j ''anaoa in the chair. I Lyons prrM-utii- l a petition fnm School Ap nts j "' ' olulu, asking for an incrca.oe of pay. lMition fe.j to (Vmmitiee on llucation. .'lalrtutnu prvvnte-- l a titin fnuu Hniuakua, rr r''"' " Iirvha bu.-y- s for tlie hnrboe i,f ,,"n,' Itcfvrrvl to CoiMinillee on Internal Iiu- -; P'ts. ir. I..!,,....!, ..lT..ro.l r..Tui Tjk t tl.A " .van zn a mr iiit imi line n is ra i w 1 encou age Immifi, I.ill rtltM.Nl tirKl in. . . . . rea.1 for tlie first tune a bill relating to luier-is- i ini ,,, v.T;,t;n ,.. Knt I he Asset iinatvaUl ! iIih nnli-- r i.f tin. Il n t which was th.p,irt.,riation Bill. ' ' ! I ermanent Uen.eut on Queen Kahuna, S l,0(, pa.ssel. JU ,i- - ,IiwaI'' 3.r'n, Mr. Hitchconyj t,e fioW;n! nmcndiiietit to the item : " ls.ll, however, if the Circuit Judge at H.lo retains t HitfC an.i I:lT of LieuUJ.vernor and tlerk, he n IM,t tlritl tie ,Kljr of Judge." Amendmeut carr ,,,,1 iu.m vsed as ati.ei.dcl. Minister Ke.d. Uuite-- I State- -, $ii,Immi. r'" m,ro strike out the item. -- ir. ue r.gnymt.1 ,,4t he ilid nut want anv metnUr of the Hobtrt ;,., ,:,, that the i.:i.i 'e vr rejection of the iieiajtH.tt,i him or his colleagues ii any way ; but that was COI1J,i,lere,l best for this Government to havt in the Cnitcl Slates, as the two (criuneiits were now on the most tutimate Urius, s it Wou, iucreae from year to vear. If the question of laborers and their ni.arit..lnt.n, and tho ! iirMpnt nesreite of lalior on the nlantn. I I J t VU9. Mr. G. Hhoiles Btatel that a meae hal come from the King, and it was necessary at the Presi- dent should take the chair. Cotnmittt rose. . Scargint-at-Arn- is .... announced the nojMewcn'r . I wno presentoi tne message iron, iinifjrty, in I which he stated that the resolution for 9i fur each I of the representatives he returned, as nit v-- i Rally drawn op ; . aud if such a resolution 0U.J . pas ; a a .1 l ..I i ne .ssembiT wun me enacting clause, .iwiuM sign it. The Message of H;s Min-st- was ompan. led with the retiort of the Justices of theourt on the resolution, who considered the resoluti illegal, unless pnfacol with the enacting clause orj liuvs. but passea witn the enacting clause, tne Vlution ,rwu, j' wcrof the ! t,Piu,un tb tle um vt eould not be as ! compensation by any representatives till the ia j 4. ' Tl i" House again ; went into Committee, jlr. ahe- - lonain the chair. Mr. Wil ier agtin al Iresscl the chair in supjt of his amendment tu the item to encourage ininp. tion. . Mr I'hillips sai 1 th.it the matter had b-e- te-fu- lly examiuel ly the DoarJ of Immigration, and y were in favor of the appropriation, but did not e to ask for so large a sum themselves ; but shoult pass, immediate measures would be taken to sees, tb e people. j Item passed at S30.00O. interest National debt, s.,MI-pnss- ci. Mr. rhilliis moved to strike out the item of S-j- (MM for Ocean Steamers. Motion carried. Subsidy steamer JCtlauea, SS.'XKI. Mr. 1'billifa luove-- l a of the rules, in order to read an act regulating to inter-isla- nd Steam Navigation the second time. Motion carried. Bill read for second time. On motion, the House resolved it-t- lf into a Com- mittee of the Whole, fir the coiisiderulion of the bill, which passed by sections. Mr. Wilder said that he should vote for the 1st sec- tion, for the reasoU that he Was oposed to subsidies .ml tti..i...flM.tii. lua ii.i..utinn tu flit I Ke.LU steamer. oppose. The Assembly ntin went into Committee of the Whole for further consideration cf the bill, Mr. Na--; haku in the chair. Mr. I'hillips uiovol to insert in place of subsidy to the A'llauea, Steam Navigation, ?3G,- - too. Mo(:on put and carried, and the item accordingly passe.1 at S L'ij,70X Ketiiaiiiing sections cf tke Appropriation Dili read and passed with few atiiendnieiits. Bill passed second reading as amended. Comniittce rose aud Chairman reported the pas-- ! sage of the Appropriation Bill on its second rem li tig. Motion to engross the bill put and carried. Assembly adjourned. HAWAII AF4 RICE! (nolle and lAtra. Fr ?ale ia ioantltle to auit by A. . CLKOI10RX, jy Arrnt Honolulu Kiee Mill. UAWAIIAN LEATHER! saddle Leather, and Tanned Coat Ski A i CLUGIIORS, Aenl Walwea Tanner EUREKA HOTEL a T "T - f- t 11.CL ltfe I n Lli III. DURHAM ROBINSON, Proprietor. lll-l.- l ItKsl'KfXKI l.l.l I .vi l.ts frten.1. an.1 th. piil uc Ih.l b ia folly r psjrd lo errv mi tfti. bo:i on Ih- - n- -t apprned n le, and rc.rrt. ful;y a .hare .f patronage. eatlj 1'arnNhed Room To Let npon Reasonable Terms. 6SO Inlcrn;ilioii il Hotel nnd Iiolaurant a, THIS I'fU'Cl.ilTllOl sK HAS IIF.F.N rnor-l- rwl"l. ""''r the tnanajrnienl of MK. SIM.H1. ! ' In I he l.o.io.. rn.M him O. aileisl lo Ibe wauls of hia 4tlroi.s in Ui - - anauner. Board, $5 per week I Rooms. $1 50per week MtvM FROM T A.M. Till. 10 P.M. el A. MN.iMt. I'rprili. Admin.. "' Iof icr. ... a. Ilftfllll A M Til K (' .Ml Kit- - vIR. .... l IVI sl.iSHt ItteJO.s. l'Hril. all Tfc.na harm niNia ! I-- .' 'e J tl .. sr. iirH i"i preaem ariot .1 A MIIIMN. S'liiiiii.trslor. tbetr sfT-sin- t. ly li. I": . ..i for . t' subsi.!r. did away with a motiotiolr. And the rest of the bill should sit w.'i . - ' . in - . in if ll.e :s (farts. K. I. AI).IM!). lirtlonrtr unl CoHtinlvUn Mrrttiant, riRK I'KlKtK I it It.kl.Mii'a l!ulllitt. i mrrm Street. 4iJ If . S. H A it row. .lartloaeer, Salts Kssm 1 mrrm Street. 1r trM 6:4 kahuutoiiu .irrrt. ly II M el NT V KK . TobarronM, 6 .HI Torner Qur.11 ami Kmo:na tiveU, ll.oololu. ly it. r. kiii. Kits. Iiralrr la Dry Cod, Mil, &rM rr Street. ly t. 8. VILIM. S. C. LtI WALK Kit i. AI.I.KV, Shipping and (ommKslon Mrrrliaats, cr iioNLi"Lr, 11. I. ly K. A. SC1IAKKKK. igrnt ef l)reUn Hu.irU of I noVrw rltrrs. Oil ly Til. V. IIKI CK. Onrral (oinn.lslon Mertbant, &H0 Kort Street. JO I! X KITSON. Dralrrlu V.i;:es, Spirit, Ale and Tortrr. C'M) llonolMln, ly MeCOI.CJAN JOHNSON. Merchant Tailors, FORT STHKKT, HONOLULU, li. ., CIS 0i-;t- e Tliwxl. I.. Ileuck's. ly AI.KX. J. CARTWKIGHT. foinmlvsiou Jlcrrtiant and Crurral Shipping Agent, &S0 ilonstluln. Oabiii ly f. liKKWKIl Si CO. fummlvslon and Shipping Mfirliants, 601 HomoIuIh. Oafau. II. I. ly T II KO. II . I A V I KS, Liitu Jnninn, Grrtm if Co.) Importer aud funiml-slo- n Slrrrkant, KST oa i. I. OTPS' lc THE LIVERPOOL V.1 OERHTRITERS, NORTHERS AiSVRAM-- COMPANY, and BRITISH ir EOREIuy MARINE IASURJMCE CO. fire 1'ro.if Huil.tin?, Kliuinuu and Queen Streets. 610 ly II. II.ICKPKI.I) &. CO.. Crurral omuiiIon Agruts, 680 llouolalu. ly KI. IIOKKi.CH lA KG Kit. . CO., Importers aad ('oiiiiulvdon .Mr rthaats, Corner of Fori iiikI Mrrchaal Si reel. tu ly K. O. II ALL. Si. SON. Importer!! and Dealer ia Hardware, Dry Goods, Paint I, Oitl, and Oenrral Merchandise. 6S1 . Corner r'ort und Kinn St- - ly ii. PISCIIEKt Jlrrrliant Tailor. Fort Street, opposite Odd rVltna's nail. Honolulu, 11. I 01S ly J. WORTH. Dealer In Central Merthacdise, IIILO, HoYiii....Shi aupplied iih rerrttila at the aliorteat Douce, on reasuiutblc tenua. UilU of exchange wanted. 6sJ ly G KO KG K G. HOWi:, Deafer In CedMOod, .ortliwrt Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Sath, Blind , J'uih, Patnttt SfC At his OIJ tand, VeX Street, on the Ksplanade. 693 ly e. Laaraas. . oicaitoa. LKWKKS DICKSON. Dealers la Lniuher and Hullding Materials. 6A0 Fori Si reel. ly F. A. SCIIAKFKIt Si CO. temmis-io- n .ririiains UONOLCLU, iJl ly 11AW. ISLANDS. A FONC. JL ACIICCK, Importers. Wholesale and lie tail Dealers In General Jlertltandise aud Chinese Coeds. Firesrasr Store, Nwwnnn Street. Cndrr the fuhlic Hall. oou ly F.I WIN JONKS. Crocer and Ship (handler, LAHAINA, MAI I Money an-- l lUeruita furoUhel to tbipa on Favorable Terms. 611 ly II. Km MclXTVUE Si. It HOT II KK Crorrry, Fred Store and L'akery, Corner of King and Fort rttvta, Honolulu, II. I. 559 ly JOIIN T II OS WATKRHOCSE, Importer and Dealer In Ceurral 2Ierchandlse, 61 Quern ftreet, 1Ioih1u1u. ly Is I TO It ItKKT. LatuUcr Dealer. fSce North west corner of yn-e- u and Fort Streets, Honolulu. C1T ly M. It A I'l.KK. Shipping and (uinutNsion Agent, Uflice m ilh K. P. Adao-.s- , Eq , UEE.V STREET, HONOLULU. RKr- - BT rKSMIMSIHS Tit 0 Mnrirao h. Hmilh, L". I Messrs. V. Hrewrr k Co. Will. ( Mers. Walker Alien. M'e. C. U Richarda k Co. E. P. Adam. K.sq: f.5Jy A. S. CI.KUIIOltN. Dea la Ceuera! .ilerrhandie, Fire-pro- of Store, oruer Kanhsniiiiiu nnd Qween Sla, (.PlnMita Makee'a Hlork.) A14tail talilii.liment .n Nuuanu street, abo.e Kine. 1 T sin! Produce bought and sold. Island orders rsrefully attend to 6vJ0 ly IIE NF.WSl'AIKlt KCOKOA, ToVtied Weekly Id I he Hawaiian Langnaze. It has Ounces! cin-u- l ition In the rroup, and la read both y Uitiiau and rurei-.'iiers- . Price t- - year to ad-V- e. Advert nl tranlail inlo llawa-iut- o free of charce. Ofti.-- e in oulh 13 corner of sailor Home. ly - NKVIL.I.K ltARKKTT, rVters and Crneral Store Keepers KeciHika, Nh Kona. H:tsraii.near Kealakeakus Day. Island pr-kl- u iNiuichu thi supplied with Wood, Beef and other vuaries. Ac-t- rt at Uulu. A. 8. CLKG1IORX. 6J2 ly lC. WATKKMAN Si. CO., Commission Merrhants. Ceutl attenti paid to 'he inten-M- s of the Whaling Fleet by the furnuhi ..f funds, purchase and aole of Oil. Bone, Oent .MrrrhHixliie. and the procuring of Freight KEKIIKKNCK-i- . Messrs. !c Howuisp, Ja. & Co., Near Bedford Vf. K. Porn, Kao-- . lo. J. MKaaiLt. A Co , Fun Fnmciro. 6S0 ly W. N. I.. !!. Importrrand IXer In Hardware. Cutlery, Methanles' Tools, al Igrlrollnral Implements, Ksil Slrrrl. ly C. L..IICH A tl)S &. CO.. Ship (handlers id Coiuu.ilnn Merchants, and Dralen .Crneral 3!rrthaidNe, Keep constantly on hd a full assortment of mrrchaoJlse, for the supply of 'halers and Merchant vessels. ti ly i A I.I.H Av CON W A V, Kaihae, Hawaii, Will rnnlmae the OenenMrivhandiseand hippmr buain. a al the above ort. wl-- r they are prepared to (urniah the justly celobrs.1 Kawaihae Potatoes, aad sucb other rvuits aa are requires by rha ships, at the shortest notice aod she biott rrosonahle terms. 3T" Iro w ool o xx XX fa. 11 1 . S J 1 TIKIMA SI'KNCKK, Ship (handler. Dealer ICmrrsI Merrbandise, Island I'rodarr, r., audtmndIon Merchant. It y ratal's Ity. Hilat. S. I.. Will k.-- . p cnstantly on hand riteusive arsortment of every desi'ription of vnh4 re;rnl by stops and other. The hirhest prii-- e rl) for Island lTduce. I T M"nry adviir .T.1 lor Hills fcvcbao at reasonahle rati-- 61 y . I business (farts. lltuo sta:knvai.i. m. l.. riiltln and Snrgron, t OlBi-- o from 10 A. M. Iu 4 I'. Jt- - 3m K. J. MOTT SMITH. Drulid. Office corner of Krt auil Hotel tflwli. A. . Itl KKf.M. M. !.. rii)itlan and Snrreu, orUct? ttul Uenl.li-iiCi- -. AMrlcti ll"U.--- . I'.m t :rrt. 62TJy K. IIOKKMAVX. .M.II. ri..irUa sad sargrun. Crrr Meevhst.l na"Ka!iiiuiiia iicur r.rMwfBre. MJ ly ;H. KKWKIIV. IMittUn, Nargfuu aud Uroarhrnr. .rt .ut,ijrfit t K. William Furuilure Warerouais. 601 ly joiin s. .Mci:iu:v.', m. i., rinlii:m nud Snrron. Office Ovrr lr. K Jl..triiiim' brun sior cornrr of Kaahu disiiu an-- l Mrn-hHii- t Ml , fiMu- - tlie l'u..t Olfiee. K'MIK!Ck k'ljifnin M , tut arm Auiinxu and fori SIm. Uim'l Uot's Iruiu 8 to I'l A. M., stxi fruin 3 to 6 I. M. 0.-- i ly IIKNKV TIIOMI'SOX, Atlorurj and (ouarllor at Law. Oifice on Qui-et-i Mnvt, oinnwlie the Cuurt lloute, up atatrt. tO'J ly v. :. JON KS. Allot ury at l.aa and I.nnd Agent. Will tirni-lir- e in all tl. Cnurts of ttie Kinslni. He ill allnij the t'irruit Ciuni ia Kua;, Maui anJ visit eillivr ( lli Island on lH:ciKl lUMiiu-ii- . Orfirr oi.ix.si7 the litwt lions, on Queen Mreet. 6s. ly A. F. Jl HI), Attorney and touiiMllor at Law, Corui-- r of I'uri an.l Street. 696 ly JOIIN It. IATV, .o(ar rakilr, Honolulu, ()3ce nt tlie Hiitik of IiNhop & Co. OOS 6m I It A ItlCHAKOSON. Iinportrr and Dcilrr in R iots, Shoes nud Cfntleiufn's 1'umioliing (ioods, Corner of Fort and Merchant StreetM, 010 llO.ULLLf, 11. 1. CHUNG HOON. Coiutnlsslon Mrrrbant and Ceneral Agent, Agent for the Paukaa and Ainauulu Sut Plantations. Im-or- ter of Tea and other Chinese and Foreign (ioods and wholesale dealer iu Ilawaiinn Produce. I u New Slotte Store, N iniaiiu Si., below Kin(. 67 ly HdliLKS Si. CO.. Ship Chandlers and 4 onimisdon Jlei tliauts, Queen Street. Particular attention paid lo the purchase and sale ol Hawaiian Produce, i efers by to Messrs. C. A. Wlllimas & Co. .Messra. C. Hrewer & Co., Min. Castle c Cooke....... Messrs. II. ilarkfeld A: Co., Messrs. It. C Waterman... fiiessr. C. L. Kicharda & Co. C16 ly J. I'KKKV. Dealer in Ceneral Merrbandisc, EWE-PROO- F STORE, Cttrner ILtUl aud Xntftrtu Streets, HviuAhUi. 11. 1. a uso Retail Iat;tblisliinent on Nnu.-tn- Street. 610 Above the Fire-proo- f &u.n. ly yi. S. UK IN HA CM & CO.. Importers and hnlrsale Dealers in Fashionable j Clothing, Hats, laps, Roots and Sliors, , Aud every variety of fleul emon' Suerior Furnishing Ooodi ftore formerly occupied by . A. Aldricu, 9d Matee'm Rloek, Queen Ml. ly C. FRKD'K PFMCtll, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Coods, .Men's Cloth- ing, Boots and Shoes, aud Yankee .otlons. Store ou Fori Street, nenrly otosilc Messrs. iH vuullolt & Heuck. ly liISIIOI Si. CO.. UnuUers, Oolee, in the east corner of Mskee's Blotk, Kaahcmanu street, Honolulu. Draw Bills 3fKxchunn on The Bank or C'AL.roHSiA. - San Prncico Messrs Omisskll. Mistcbs & Co., New York. " Lkk.i tr Walleh, - - New York, Tjikmomt National Bask. - - Boston. iKikTAL Bank Cokpokatios. - London. Will receive dtoos.ts.diacouut Srst-cl- ss business paper, an, attend to colleetine. etc. 6S0 ly I. N. Ft.lTNER. Continue hi oi l husiue in the fireproof buildinfr, v KiiRhauinau Street. rhrouometer rated by observations of the son and stars with a transit instrument accurately adjusted to the oieridian of Honolulu. Particular attention Kiveuto fine watch repviriur. r extant and quadrant glasses silvered mid adjusted Charts and nauticai instruments constantly ou 6 SO hand and for sale. ly ; AM L S. CASTLC. J. S. ATBKBTON. A. S. COOKS. CASTLE Ai COOKE, Importers and Crneral Mrrehants, Kiu4 slrrrl, oiositr the Seititteu's Chnpel. ALSO, AGENTS FOR lr. Jayne Criebrsttil F luiily Medicines, Wheeler 4- - Wilson's Sewing Machines, The New Kiiirland Mutusl Life Insurance Company, Tlie Koh.ila uar Company, llasmu The Haiku it.'r Conipsoy. MauL Ths Ilswaiian Supsr Mills. Maui. The Waialua I'uuut Plantation, Onhn. The l.utnahai Kioe Plunt ition. Kausi. 609 le 1S0SJ. 1SG8 IIILO, II . i . Sugar and Molasses. 1ROP COMING IN AM FOR SALE IN .J quantities to suit purchasers, by 614 ti.u WALKr.K ALLKN, Agents. SUGAR AND MOLASSES V THE KOHALA s'lUAK COMPANY, V w For sale id quantifes u suit by 6Jd 6in CASTLE Jt COOKE. WAILUKU PLANTATION. V'" CROP. NOW COMING IN. As For le liy 6onm C BR KWER i Co., agents. M AKEE P LA NTATION. aKW CROP OF X SUGAR AND MOLASSES! Now Cowing in. For 5 Is by 619 6m C. EliKWER Co.. a cents. SAMUEL C. WILDER, SxiSi" Xlniitor. PlST OFFICK AUIKlS, r M II.llKIt PLANTATION." 61H Bm Kuolati. Oaks. I ONOMEA PLANTATION. Su;'nr nnd Molasses Crop IHfis, OMINC IN. FOR SALE IN O.CANTI- - Tl IS to uit purchas. rs. by s HIJ Om WALKER & AI.L. Arents. PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION. Sutior mill 3Ioliie Crop lKG, IN. FOR SALE IN O.CA NT I COMING uit piuvhasira, by til M W Al.KKR ft AH.KN, Arent. Vsiik:iSi. lI:ml:itioii, II. I'era vsetl. I'roprielstr. SUGAR AND MOLASSES 1RUM TIMS PLANTATION FOR SAI.K I in lots to su.l apply lo iS-- J 1 ur.O. C M.LF.AX. Arent. THERMOMETERS. Tl SCORE FROM 1 20 3 Cl.rLATF.I it T.v t'riHt.l."0 rnrh. tor ly H. M. WHirNKY. .silifl-snira- l. Johs Nott. eaa'L Norr. JOHN NOTT & CO., c:oifi:u A.l TI.'M.TI1TIIS. raVAKK IM.KAMIt K I A NNOCNCI Sti TO m the imlilic tliat lliry .re .rc srr,l to furtiihh ail kiod of ...irr V ork, coi.tiottnx iu irt t.f tTILL's rki rS, Soa-cu- m nss, won, n r, etc., etc. AIon hand, a fall assortmrnt of Tinware, liirlt they off r fur Mle at Hie lowest msrkrt prices. all kino or airaim.iiu oova witii xkatuus asu oiirTca. OrJ r from the other IiUnJ eill meet with prompt altenikio. Hiup cm Ks.ihui-i.n- a St., one door above Kliturr'. 6Jtl 6ia v e is ij i a .li v i: l a ii t , BLACKSMITH, Foot of .n can it Strert, o;poitr Segrlkea's Tin Shop, . is NOW IMtKI'AUKI) TO TAKE ill kiints 4.f Hlarksmilhiiiir. on t'srii Wsgons, Carts, e., wll re r ceive prtmpt atlentiuu. CH nin Doot aud Shoe Makers and Dealers iu Leather and Shoe rinding, U'A'l StrHt. btt. Xnn'imi and Mmmnkta Sis. . " TT7 Ortlera frrrfn the eHiritrtf sntMittJ anil tirotnnllv 9 " J ' - .atteiuletl to ou the looat re: iable lertna. 6S ly G. W. NORTON 6l Co., ON THE ESPLANADE, First Door above the Custom-hous- e, I louolu I tl. II. I. 682 ly ROBERT NEW CO MB & CO., iioo it-- is i . ii i : i: s. Merchant Street, opposite the Sailor's Home, I'lniu it n fi Orunmenlnl It i at ding executed at short ft notice aud reasonable tenua. iy er:H : . t . A ... , g 4 luuiiin uuu i iHinvert) Nuuanu Street, near the Wharf ST0VKS and LEAD PIPK always on hand. Jobbing of all kindi attended to. 612 ly S. I 2I3.GA, PAINTER & PAPER HANGER. CAN KB FOUND AT THE Shop ou HOTEL STREET, near th - - - v j resilience of llr. Wood. All work entrusted to Mr. N011KA will be done with neaUiess and dispatch, and at the lowest rates. 600 ly .JAS. A. ISUKSMCK, COOPER AND CAUCER, ' ' Continues the business At Ms Old Stand on the Esplanade. All wor done with care, aud orders promptly attended to. 599 CUARCKS MODKKATB. ly BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, fi King Street, Opposite the Bethel. Honolulu, H. I. 620 ly J. H. WICKE, CABINET 11 A KEK, alakka stbekt below thb theate- - Furuiture made and repaired at reasonable prices. 621 ly JAS. Li. LEWIS, At the Old SlnnsJ, Corner of King and Bethel Streets. A Urge Stock or OIL. SIIUoKS and alt Kind of Cstops rriug Mitler inla constantly on hand, tie hopes by attention to business to merit a oonUooaoce of the patronage which he lias hitherto enjoyed, and for which be now returns his thank. 61 6m GEORGE LEONARD, .Manufacturer of FURNITURE of all ns. PLANING. SAWING AND TURNING DONE. Mouldings of all kinds eonstantly on Hand. 609 ly HONOLULU SOAP W0EKS, BY W. J. RAWLINS. rw.HE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE k Work is prepared to supply Lis customer, and the pub- - lie in renersl, with the best quality V KI.I.OW SOA P. SO FT SOAP nlways ott hawst. TBI HlGHKST I'HICK PAID FOH SoAP UkKAB. 695 ly V. DOIRON, Catholic Church Premises. Honolulu, HAVING LATELY RETURN raucico ew Stoek of Materials, He i. prepared to Ilfjair WATCHES, CLOCKS AND 1IUSIC BOXES 6ia With promptness and lipstch. ly C. E. WILLIAMS, ManaCatturer, Importer and Dealer ia Furniture Of Every Itesrr'nAutn. Furniture Warer-Ki- on Fort street, opposite U. D. Morgan's Family Market; Workshop at the old stand, Hotel sti-et- , near Fort. N. B Orders from other iiUnds promptly attended to. 5S3-l- y IV. FISCHER, PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY. THK CNHERSIGNKO WOCLI RK spectfulty inform the public that he ic prepared to cast and finish a'l kinds of brass and composition work wkh dispatch and at reasonable rates. XT All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on short notice. 7 Constantly on hand, hose coap.t?ps of the following, sites : i, t, 1, 11, 2 and Also, oil caps and gaage. cocks. JA.MF.S A. HOPPER, 5S9 ly Kine street. IMPORT E R&M A NC FA C- - Tl'RKK of All KINDS of SADDLERY. Carria'je Trimminy trfA Xentness and Itls- - jtatdt. .1.7 Ord-r- s prinnptly attt tuled til Comer of Fort nnd Ilstrel M reels, Honolnln. &9Z ly II . Is s: T T , Root nnd Shoe Maker. Halel Si.. Hatnoluln. a OOS ly II . V . A A I Ii LWS, MACHINIST, F--rt Street, oj ;;..i thld t.Wirs' IIvl. ILmohdv. C.ntiiio.-- s In the business of repairing otar.y article f h uho!d use, !cils, imps, tor Machines, Ac, Vt ') and will contru-- t M1els and small Tools, and make ITarts i4 uior.icr. 606 ly HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS. Rr WILLIAM II. IIUIUY, at Lrleo. RKCE1VF.I) A L A RG E AND FILL nAVING material, is prepared to supply hi customers and the public, with the tscst Yellow, Urovra mnsl While SOAP. ALSO )ic .vzvi oil jso.vr, In arye or small quantities to suit. 1. jl. Ssap crease ais-a- wante.1. POO ly Snimly Sliolc. A rt'f.L ASSflRTMEXT ON IIANO.rrT- - APLK f'r lb.i;d .y r e.Miii? Pr-en- ts, and at rriees tr in $lo l JIOea.1 l -- l" ! H. M W HlTJitY. 3asnrantc Cixxls, CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO. rntllK CNOERSIGNEH HAVING BEEN Z apiinted Acenta for Hie abore osmpaoy, be. kraTe to ntoira the the public, that they are now prepared to iasae M AKIN E INSURANCE POLICIES on Caro, Freight and Treasure., to and frout all rarta of th wot id. U U ACKFKLD A CO. Honolulu, April i IS. 627 ly PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of San Francisco, California. Cash Capital, $1,000,000. JONATHAN HL'ST,... .....President. II. II. HKSKIjOW,...;. . ....CueraJ Acaot. A. J. LAU-TU- N .......... Pee ixtary. C. A. LA TON,. ...liarlua' Secretary. rVE (JXI)KRSICXKU. THE ACTIIOR- - sV ized Aceu'.s uf tins coinpany are prepared to iiiaant rtaks On Cargo, Commissions and Profits ! In Yeel 'ithcr in tlte Foreign or Inler-lsln- ntt Trade. Will issua Fire and Marine Time Policies Coverinc rUk on Public BuiMtac, rtores. Dwell ir.c Iloasea, Furniture, and Uoud In store, and on Hull of Vessels not rating lower lhau A. Z. Losses firumptty wljxsltd Uvl jviM in U. S. Gold Coin. ... N. B. Policies furnished at once without the delay of app'fration to FranciM. For rate of premium and particular apply to g-- 7 It I1I8I10P ft Co. Agents. HA nilUIUill.DREMEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. rVHE (TN.HERSIGNEU, HAVING BEEN M. Apointed A cent of the abore Coo.pany, are prepared to insure rilks acainat Fire on Stone and trick Ilaiklincs, and on Merchandise stored therein, cu most favorable terns. For particulars apply at tbe office of r. a. BcnAEn.a - co. Hopoiulu, May 4.18C3. 684 ly FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. National Insurance Company, OfBce, No. 408 Moutgouiery Street, near California. XtARIXE INSURANCE non II nils. Car-- i." M coes. Treasure, Commisxiotis, Prottts, and other subjects of Marine Insurance, to aud frota aU ports tn the world. inand Kifki MAUINK RISKS on Coasters. Also, oo Freicbt, Cargo, tc., to and from all mter-Ulau- d ports insured asainat. FI li K I N tf C H A NC K u xm Build iocs, M erchandiae, Furuitm e. Kects, Visoel ia Part aod their Cargoes, aod other InsarabSs Property. CiriT IL, (PUD TP) 0E UILU0. D0LL.ISS. Losses promptly adjusted and paid 1b re1 ted States ilold Coin. WILLIAM PIERCE, . President. P. W. C. THOMPeOX, W. W. WIGGINS, , . Secretary. AMOS XOYES, . . . t. . . . MartD USoer. Exeeutma Committee i ALBERT DIBBLEK, Chairman. JOS. A. DOXOUOE. R. O. SNEATU. JOHN O. BRAT. ABAAM BLOCK. N. R. Particular attention to Fire Insurance on Dweliints, Churches, Furniture, Ac ' C. BREWER Si. C:. A (ents, 605 6m HsaobAla. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON AND EDIXllURGIf. ' ESTABLISHED, 1809..'. C A PITA L.... - .D .OOO.OOO Arc mutilated an4 Invested Fasd, 2,jO,U0 raMiE UNDERSIGNED II AVE BEEN AP-- M. PuINTKU AUENTik r the Sandwich UUtds, aod are authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. Risks taken ia any part of the Islands eo Wooden Baildiocs, aod Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Ii oases and Furni- ture, 1 irobcr. Coals, Ships in harbor with or wit hoot cargoes or ooder repair. 617 ly fcD. U JFFaCBLAKQKB, ft CO. SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. rjVHE UNDERSIGNED nAVING BEEX M appointed agents for the San Francisco Board of Under- writers, representing The California Insurance Corapaajr, The 3Xetcbants Mutual Marine Iisuraaee, Tbe Pacific Insurance Company, The California Lloyds, and The Home .Mutual Insurance Company. Bee leave to inform Masters of Teasels aad the paMie feder- ally that all losses sustained on YK.-EL- aod CARtHKS insured by either of the alore Companies acainat peril of ut seas ami other risks, at or Dear the ssodTtcn Islands, a ill bara to be verified by them. 61T 3m II. H ACKFELD ft Co. MERCHANTS "MUTUAL MARINE "INSURANCE COMPANY. OF frnii Francisco. HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN TV aptiointnl acents for the above Company, be; leave to inform the public that they are now prepared to assue MARINE INSURANCE POLICIES ON CARGOES, FREIGHT ant TREASURE. 690 ly WALKER ft ALLEN. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. UNDERSIGNED AGENTS OK THE' TMIE Company, have beea authorised to insure risks on Cargo, Freight and Treasure, by COASTERS from Honolulu to all ports of Ut Hawaiian Group, and vice versa. 67S ly H. HACKFELD 4 CO. THE NORTHERN INSURANCE COMFY OF LONDON. milE UNDERSIGNED. AGENT FOR THE a above Conany, has recently received instructions to re. dace the lUteof Premium oa Stone and Br'ick BuiUinrt aad on Merchandise stored therein, and Is now prepared to issue poli- cies 00 more favorable terms than heretofore- - Risks taken ou Buildings Machinery. Ac on Purar Planta- tions. TUEU. H. DA VIES, 9S-l- y a sent. DUFFIN'S MARKET, WOOD At Co., KING STREET. HONOLULU. 681 ly WAIMANALO MARKET. . HONOLULU, H. I- -, Kinff Street, opposite the BetheL 69 ly FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. k. 11. noY. Choicest MeaU from finest herds, rooltry. Fish, Vegetables A-- furnishet to order. 14 ly PIASTERS a ND OTHERS BOUND TO SEA AND IN want of rrsittnr matter, ran find a targe supply of lUuittratetl Papers. Magazines and IkkJiS. AT WHITNEY'S BOOKSTORE. FileaofHas, per's M eekiy, Leslie's and otlier illurtrated papers, foi o or 13 . month back, on band aad foe sale cheap. w Maj) of,tlie Sand-- . "vviclx Islands. - . rav.11 E ONLY CORRECT MAP OF THESE I Isl.tnds is that of L. S- - Exploring Ejcpe.liCn, mH lished by tire American Government. Every larater a ho srm an arre of cmqikI. erery captain who esanmaads a coaster, ev- ery traveler ho wants to find correct names aad distances, and every intleman who desire to be posted ap about tlte (roup should possess a copy of it. . !" A f-- w copies left, price 2.00 eaoK - For sale at lbe BOOKSTOa ft. Not Always Obtainable. LADIES' CHOICE PORTFOLIOS, ys-rres- t . . Mahoeany and Rosewood Writing IleiXs, Boxes Mathematical Instruments, -- Os horn's Water Colors, Thermaert, " Chess and Cberker Btanls aad Men, Numerical Frames for Children. . Ou Uab4 aad For Sale by .11 M. XrrTNKv

Transcript of Legislative TI.'M.TI1TIIS....M in--Uh--MW M Vtm rt--HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JUNK VOL. XII..N.....


T22 PAOiriOpimntrcinl




Qiibtttisttrverv Saturday Morning. FCBUSIIKD AT

; -

ilansl iHak-rrirl-i" . Vr. Honolulu, Hawaiian' Ilan.l.jo fr Ssm Moss! few.

H " 1"r'y ...eels- - gp.ice in Koa--1 m. i 2 m. 3 m. i tu, Has

I " pr!r"-s-- h. th .a arwi lis. a a n h m n u rril tj p. ll.

See"' r' All pwrM KorV"a f S --"' I i f 1 I I $S Ll:a 1 00' t k) s ii o; Ou 10 09

lo Lines.... ...... I fro a m 4 ou a otr a oo lt ow14 l.iorn. ...... i oo M 6 OO 1 BO IS 0 l oo--

M Lines (0 7 ht) lt 0O 14 OO 18 OO50 ltti- - 3 no C 0U 1? Ml 16 O0 M est Ii 09

j t 1 :o!nnn. ...... oo li oo ia ts) a ui sA oo Ml OO

"J : i;. i . crt of the r oitu.1 "lab-a- . caa i 'oluni. ...... 10 00 15 CO SO 00 A 0O 40 S CS (a)

IT ff!,,,t f wnix. re Iia Antsvt- - 4 oliimn. ...... 15 OOtO 00 30 t40 00 M w lwfl Wd

i w L.IN J.Ui I Uhole Columa.... 20 00 40 0t 69 CO t0 00 1 '.'0 00 C0 0tr" I I T" Itusineiw Cards, vrhen prepaid for a ymr, mr slloweiTa di!Kuuit from these rale, which are fur Uau.ieiit advertiseaieut whin psid or charged quarterly.

B00K AND JOB PRINTING. Ft tlI.IiMKI Sf Advertiser reiki m la ths bstern raited St.t.s, rsnWKEKI.V UTi pay for their rani by aurtosius; (J "rnbaci for su. li fsooanti i r."- - - " - - 77 IIKMH .M. WIU SIX IXII.I.A IIS I'KR AXXOI. . . . ... , .r.NKV. --20, ISbS. I I, O ..tk .u. V A 1 - ...I. Bill .M....t!r rrw. M in-- Uh- - MW M Vtm rt- - HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JUNK VOL. XII..N.. UII0LK.II30. six its Lahlit. I ar the tints iI for.


tbe PACinoCommercial Advertiser.

? Legislative assembly.Fovrr-KiAir- ra PT. Jan 12th.

jtlj met t th 1ar. iSln- n-

rommltuc. E.I;o prrK-- I .uprletncnu-- -

rrpurt Ci.ri? theby them for the B-r-


oolfcr the r!tia ef two cr more lit.

Jaa la the practice of me-IIcit- Rpurt Uhll.rMi-Wre.- ! with the pml.a rrpc.rt now Wflre

Elai, b5.thr with the Appropriation B3L

r.nM Committee repurteil those Corf rnroent cf-tw- L

wh rw'l uvei-- h.pte.L

rwamittee to whom were wferre-- I ppr..priti,aaI rtrwlaUoos fori --0, gun lrf petition

-- ,ritiui. rrTrtl m fallows :

jTj g, KAwihvf t Wimca, Hawaii, S l,OiX.

l intinitent fan.!. t ,'

fUimU 1 tril: in LahioaS.nX).Zum'ja an-- i ri.l! in Uaha. t7,I".Wia ttfhul'trwrt to Lilih; SimW.iJMcmctit f Lilih street, S2.J0iXKjJtl aivl bril in Kaoai, S !,).

on Witn rir, !').lrirt f nls at Kataupwpo. Motokoi,Court IIow an-- I J il f' Kau, IUw ui, Sl.GUU.Liiht be, NI,Support lirfht h..a. i!'!. 5 .

foirt Itwxe an-- l Jil, 2I 4..k.i,Crt H'HW, MUiwo, Uoi, I.JM.Writrhts ao.1 eesurea. Interior Iprt(uent,Saner cfPH,tl".Wharf at Nwi!iwili, Kauai. SoflH.Court IIoojw ami Jail, lUnaUri. Kaaai. $l.tU(XStore hoJue (or Cvmbtt.-tibW!- . fr3J"XTUe Committee appoprUtei the sura cf 10 tr

Ibe mrtey on the Puli ml, tr tlie purpe oftminjC an estimate of the et f eotiing down thehh, ta erler taAt the next LegiUtie -- MerobIy

bit tct knowinjflj on the matter, aiwl reemnjeuJclAt iaia-ftait- pxpbement f the bilioce of petitionnut fwiilafio. refrel t them.

Xt. Jt'Aheloa ii' I nut f or the aIoption of the re--rt.

m ia hij opinion F.wa ami WUnoe were aouie-tliatiUuh- tel

by the Committee in regApl to the&r briilie at WahLtwa.

Epurt ULleJ. to be con4ilercl with the Appropri--

If.--. KoAi.au Intrn.lace--1 a rewlatiwn akin; for1)1' i r a court hotue at Koloa. KauU. lUssotutionnhtei to be taken op in connection with the Appro-wiaii-ua

BULMr. A. F. JoM iotrtyi'icrl a resolution aknjr the

A&jrney tieoer l t report if certain Metione of theCvil Cxie reiitirins eentificoU to be furnihel byPlijician to urinker of Awa, were enforced in IIuBuiitla. al other LKatricta ; anl if tA, it ohmwnltnent wm not necenaary. He aaul tha the Law

tea now adeivl letter. anl the iile;rl eonaoptintoC A w k tx norniou.', nt for nwclicin! purpees.

JT lat fur imOrxientM. that there were no pruaevnttone

nie tl. itr. Halchiaon real tor the M time theWowinje bilU : An act to regwUte the aale ofueJIypuHM Aa at to reptUte the driving of catt ornbicfe ever brle in thit Kington. An act topX section, .VJ of the lltil Cod. Same pnatMfl to

tut sretmd reAlin nn.ler the rote.llr. Lyoae notice of an act for the protection

if riae.TW lline proree-lw- l to the er!er ef the d-y- .

V f 4tiwin(C bill were ml by their title, an-- 1

mmxI thirl reaIIn!f : An act to ei.mpile aul patrmhW Fn-i- l of tht Kindlon:, both in the Htwaii- -

m1 i'.nglmh UnKU.tw An act t anicn! sectionff8 of the Cle. An act l amen.1 n art entitled aa act t. rrpeiI Chap. M f Ciil Code, and T --

aVte tlx Barents of Intmction. An act to mike annnuient avttletnent on Q'teen Iwer Kilwn

AwwmMy reeolwt helf into a ('oiomtctce of theWVi fur thm consideration of the AppropriationluL, Mr. rhiilip in ttte chair.

oB or tutrmo.Fary rnp.!rter General !'.t J.U7 Ckrlc Kirran of i," location gaJuO. pase.LSapwt Ilawatian and fIi-t-h actMioU 1.)JUXMr. Uitchcock ned t anen-- l tol eia pMeiL IVr support of IIwiUn and En- -

ub .h.U including LuihainAluna ScminAry S!,t'HMr. il:tchock moel to in.ert the following item :

Sinjrt of coiumon cU.oU ia deelilutediatrkta flT- -X. rwl

Prittinn m:!mio! b.k SoiV pnawLftaUoaery arvl lucilntiL V psie--Riuriu:t.ry S.;hool lf.Mr. llitohcock moil to coupler the item in con-rti- i.a

with the Report of the Committee on educa-tU-nia retrl to the above sirhooL He in f nor

f the Pno:ip.kI of the school beinj a man with a ad-rr-of

Hltf year tet!er wien an aeAUtont. an-- l

nv to Boteml the item by inserting the inn of$) ia plice of 2J. aa in hia opinion that

plenty to e.ury on the school.beta p.kd at AthPTjuMe cf !furnvAtory School premises) 3.C00

BuilKn; new school hJ'ie 5 ."Ti'.Mi. Kk-n- i avel to amend to $fitMr. Mortoi aut to auerxl to tSXKItem pnMd U$sXEjulowomt cb.Urh;p 0ho Collej-- e gSCO.lateral on school far I f..li- - pu'weL3ir. u.tencork motel to add for the education ot

Hiwuians ia medicine at home $ V).XRer eni.lcrLl ilchate in rerd to the aptnee

rf B twaiiana to learn me licine, surgery &c, theficstioa to pitmt the item waa pot ami carriol, amiUna kcnonliDg'y pwe at $ I'MO.

Mr. Kuaktnu ntoved a recon:deratin of the vote.ti'in eiwrieiLSs Cs. Mr. IlutcUiion cootcI to strike ont the

. 3"a of $ lOni (r etiKaing HawiiAa in meiliciue.Mr. Hitehow moel the poMaj;e of the Item a

fcl!uw: fur efttuativn of llawaiuM in mnlicine

Bi Ix. llr. Varijny laoTe-- l t!e f .'lowing as an:

f--r BKulical oli.:Atinn of IlAwaiUns S 1"- -ar. IfnteUisro withlrew hu motion to strike ont.

r. Kankni moel to indefinitely petpone thefcration of the item.tion U iatefinite!y postpone put and Ut-- Item

V meilical education of HawaiiansIhOm)

M- - ir.kVcnok moved that the Committee reeom-ltheirptio- uof

the Report of Committee onK m.4ation, petition ic. ami tlie Secretary of

fmUj he intnvfe.1 b ptce the item in theirFworJer in the Appr.priaiion liiiL

'P'irt of Commit! rr-v-L

motto of Mr. llic.;hcek.iestioo put amlear- -

.2."'' Committee no? ami chairmanKep. rt a.h.pieL

tly .jnornciL

Fobtt-- s I stti Pat, Jane 13th..mUT mrt .t the awal hour, lib Highneas M.

intheehir.r. Ljons, chairman of the Committee to whomffrrrM L potion from J. W. II. Kauwahi.

j.'" "'n ehArge. mgainat Ilk tlx. F. W. Hat.J' tJwt th re'.rt of the Committee was

'aU" hr,pml exceptions or remarks upon itW 1 lu,tm lbe wb4e Anemwy ;

""Might the C'nrmiilifUx I ltt.r'sport a,,,, thenjjyes.Ia r. o - ... ...a. ii in. : t t ' -

t;t(!. iuip move i iiiai tne liepresenta-.-rt

.. r''" half an hour to consider tlte re--t4tln.llr v X,M- -- tor.ve.1 to amend the time to 20 min- -

w!'M lC4Tor eonsi leration cf tbe

favorel one h.ur, as the case of

iinpenchmebt now lef.re them could not be cvni.ed in half an hoar. He ihout U T A i

i . r - -

. .. 1 1. iv ui .ii.avtictr . Mill Bi nil. r 13

" '. t.-- . . .1 . . . ... .7 .liiuisLrr 01 kiic iiiirriur iiii 1 nrnr 11 mjt ii.a

i.' pi'pwn Com.nitt.-- e of three, of which the

the A.r4 iiil.ly fhoul 1 lc Chairiinin, to

" ' l .Iwmil by him on'."n ' June - lti..u adopte-- l and the.ce MriM,illto.l OIl 1C. Committee the l'rcs-- U.

lJt;".t' !!- - u.. 1 Keawel.unal.ala.

omethinr to r in rrar,l to tl.,. i 11,1.1 u 1 . " . . .a svsa, sa iisuTa w in inrn inifD . Iliai iru

Keprr?ent at:es occupy such times n neetrr. and- -Iben the :u .... .. . . a . - . . 7

of the lime when IIm--t wiU Le re.iuire. . in the A&wio.-.- --..bhr. Th .oie wxoirew ami the

tovi up the petition a-i- ust Mr. Hutchison, Jlinisterof Interior. .

Mr. X. . Jail nvcd that Mr. Hitchcock Ukethe chair. CarrioL

Mr. tnley w v. appintl SeTetary. Mr. Sheldonas Interjrcter. The following report w is then real :

T" tt li'rrtnt.iUrra the I'f.jl uf the llirallmThe Special Committee to whom was rrf.-rrt-d

petition rrom J. y. Kauwahi. praving Umt lenliimndI

n. Hutchison. HL Majesty's Mioiiterof tlte Interior.j

e brought to trial before the Honorable Uody ofXobh-sf- f this Kinplom. on ccrtaiu char-- s therein


ievinevl. he cxaminel carefully tlie ficts with rtf--

follows f 1i

I., "ttv.t, w. . . .1 c . 1 .1 , .

Uuck2f?r thTuaforeid nLn V ? i1?"?' il er .li I llutct,:V1 .D", M .n--

.1 I, .Vi me . ' J Vth the, 'JT-?- f.tl,eat public auction and aold to the highest bidder, itwould appe:r to the Committee that the action of thesaid Minister of the Interior was Jexigned to benefit


the public exchoijuer by sevuriug such terms aseeme 1 nnwt slvantavou.4. That the parties making

the highest bil at the auction which hod been held,having shown themselves unable to ay cash down,as per terms of aa'l auction sale, the bet termsthought paiUe were made with other parties, "uchptrttes being the said Afoiig and Achuck. Thatwhile the action in the co-t-e was irregular, it was stillnot certainly a damage to the public treasury.

-'-L With res'iect to the seconJ charge, namely,that the aforesaid F. W. Hutchison did. be refusiii'rto prant liretise to Chung llxai, & ,'.. said Chung !

Iloon. it Co . being tlte highest bidders for suchinjure the public treasury to the amount of

STJI. which sum was bid over and aljove the sum of10,0iu fur which said license was sold, the Commit-

tee report that the reason for such refusal was theinability of sail parties to pay cash down, as perterms of sale. The Committee, however, censureprivate bargaining witu the parties in question.

r'r9 ,!.,.,,,,,.

wnicn prece.ie.1 tne sate, as unworthy or the dignity t were to be ratinM, tliii.;,.,, 0f the two tiovern-o- fa Government Official of His Majesty's Kingdom, nieuts would be still c.rf al1 for tiwt reason the31. With respect to the thin! charge, vix,, that item was asked for, as nn Agent would profjierthe afom ii I K. W. Hutchison did, as Minisler of the our tradj with the Cus Siatesand place us upon

Interior, by refusing to grant the second license fi.r i more friendly terms.the sale of opium in the city of Honolulu, provided j Mr. C. H. Judd moved aii. nd the item by in-f- or

by law, deprive the public treasury of the sum of sertiug fur a llawaiiun-lji,.itize- fl Gr Hawaiian pnr-whi- ch

was offered by certain parties for such j ents as Mtuieter Resident tnc L'uited States, 10,-licen- se.

the Committee report that the refusal was (Kmale from motives of humanity, and with a view as i Mr. Hitchcock was iu f,r bf gtriking out thef r as possible to suppress a tra&; acknowledged to item altogether.be hartfuL j Mr. S. O. Wilder was oppts to the item.

1th. With respect to the fourth charge, namely, Mr.-G- . Rhodes favored the ..j as in the bill, with-th- at

F. W. Hutchison ilid. as Minister of the Interior. I out any amendment,by refusing to grant a license for the sale of opium, j Item indefinitely postponed to 19.provided for by law. in the town of Lahaina, deprive j Kncouragement of Agricultu anj Iuunigration,tie public treasnry c( the sum of i2,"jIK, the Com-- ! S10.0OXmittee are also of the opinion that the proceeding, Mr. Wilder moved to amend 20,000, as somethough arbitrary, was in behalf of the int.--rests of ! immediate measures should be .en o prevent thehumanity. decrease of the Hawaiian people j,j (j,-,;-

,rxtuld be

Ia consideration, therefe. ef the fact that His Fx. ; done by bringing people from the .ltj, Elandsthe Minister of the Interior has taken measures. J meu, women and children. M. wilder arguedwhich tltough somewhtt irresular and arbitrary . I still further in favor of bis amendm i, citin? the

uu,Doliei(. Le Tutcl thisitl,' m he


were vet for the benefit of tlte inhabitants of this ,

Kinglom, we bereby recommen-- l tbe imlen.te utponetnent of the consideration of this ietition.

Respectfully submiltol, C. J. Ltoms.VaLbCxas K.xrixcv.

Mr. ft. Rhode was not in fivor of adopting therej-or- t Lurrtclly. It was a grave matter, and hewished to see the evlh-ne- e of the Committee, whatcoarse they pursued bef.re making their report, andmoved that the llprrefitalives again on the re 1

port w ith the notes of e ih-rc- e bvrore litem for con-- '

siderition, as in his opinion it wonM jk dengatory j

.i t . . . . i . tt t . ....' ,.tlerslafxl rullr ah.it wis Is-lo- re tlx-m- . He nuvlf i

considered that tlte Minister of the Interior had notbeen irregular or arbitrary iu his action, ou theOpium Licence for the Ihstrict of Lahaina, as thematter was left whi l.y to bis discretion. lr p '

move. I that the notes of evi-lenc- e taken the C ml '.. i J

Mr. Lyons H that he ha-- left the notes in Lis '

room, but WbuM explain as lest as he could. !

nt. t i. .. i t .t .,i r. i.ttoitev iai bus lt ufiic-rst.- luc rejvrt.it citarzI the 31.bistrr with duplicity i

31 r. Lyons said that no such charge was n!r, butthat private LrginiDg waa made before the sale ofthe Opium License, and those who purchased weregiven to understand beforehand they would only berequired to pay half lu cash, and would be allowed '

time for the buLince, ami it was through this that the '

misunderstanding occurred. !

Mr. Wilder asked Mr. Lyons if the purchasers of I

the License, Chung I! .n & Co., were not notified be-- !

fore the sale that the terms of the License would be I

cosh, and not hlf cnslit.Mr. Lyons said that the evidence was conflicting on

that point. ;

Mr. BhobrS nkeI if it was Mr. Hutchison or hisclerk wlto bargained with these parties. ,

Mr. Lyons replied, it was his clerk. Mr. Wi le-n-mn,

but the Minister was responsible under theConstitution. I

Mr. nixsh-- s thraght the Chief ought not to lie cen-- j

sure-- for the misconduct of his sutjordinates. and (

was stnmgly in favor of seeing tlte notes of evidem-e- . ;

If censure is serveJ. let it go out that it is through 'his clerk's and not h sown nets. The Ifoiise was do. j

ing wropg in eeosun ng a .Minister w uo ni not:in- -fritigv! tbe law, an u m Mor VI ,I,e '

nrtes of evidence. i

Mr. Wilder sail that the Minister might have been !

buy and sent his clerk, and the M.nuster was res-


for his clerk's acts.Mr. Rhodes asked that Mr. Widemann 1 sent for


aud his eviImce tiken on tbe matter. j

Mr. Wil ier said he was willing. !

Mr. Knu'lsen said there were three of the Commit-


present, and wanted to know if their words were '

not safhVient.Mr. Rhodes No, iir, I want snch evi-lenc- e in I

writing, as this ia a matter of grave importance.,

Mr. KnuiLseu Then this is the first time that I '

knew a Committee cf the House was a Court of Rcc--onl. !

31r Lyons Mr. Asing's evidence in this case ia j

the most important, and I bad to visit him for thepurpose of getting it. as be was sick bed.

Mr. A. V. Judd tbcught the whole matter ought to j

be acted npon through the report of their Committee,as their wonls could t relie.1 on. and he saw no ret-- j

Sort for ppintiog a special Committee to attend to j

such matter, if the House would not act upon their J

.r In his ooinion. if one wituee was called all '

would have to be, and all this fuss would be placing ,

Ibe whole affur far beyond its ....p.rtance. It waa ,

in his opinion a small matter, and not so grave as

the Member from Honolulu (Mr.Kh.-bs- ) thought it -

was. 3Ir. Ja-l- believed in at ling quietly in eon--tk rr.rt of the I ommitlee. an i injunction

that way tbe matter would be speedily ended ; oiher--wise to niach of the time of the Assembly would I j

. . n r. j.n a small matter.Mr. Boyd was m reo. ly to vote till he was more

conversant with the uxt.Mr Honu thouzht the wnoie matier ix'

well ventdate.1. lie ravorcl tne ruiiiiuni. -- t. , .... . .... ns,l in fi.ln fi rrrn. I

witness, as ne ninrcii -or agtinst it. If the charge, mode in the peti-


against Vr Hub-hiso- u were true, be should

Cvor censure, and woul 1 sustain h.s voteMr Rh.l thought the attempts of the Men.l-e- r

from Sth Kona (Mr. A. F. Ju-- I l) to Mid. mves.i-gati- .n

this m titer, were from wicked and unjusti-

fiable motives.the stoker to UkeMr Judd arose and rert,.ste.

. . . . ... ;. I ; nir l lo bis m.tives, asrta .iVlITJl a right to stk nf his mo-- j

nd he should nt stand any surh talk.M;. Rhles -- oi-l he would take it back, but st.Il .n

his opinion Mr. Jud Is act ions were unjustifiableMr BlH-l- e. said her Mr. Judd-- In yo.ir opinion.

helieved censure shoul 1 I given when .t is due; butthe cbrk was p.ilty. be would acknowledge it.

the censure b.ms. lfan I sIhh.11 receiveIr j,,.!.! I am really surprise.1 that the Member

from ilonolnl-i-- man old enough to mjr rthrrthat my actions were wicked ; but 1 will

nirJesnd to the low level that he has in this matter.

?,Ir - '''r U" --'ylU,.tl,. .(



:,.,r. ,".,,, -rnA ,rK " l T--

Jiuiciton. Jlr. UUvIc I !.( ,i.f I.. .!! 1 I

'jji IA.li..urn.sl tUl MomUy at 12 o'clock. I

Hat. June 15th.Il'irru-ri- iluur. His High now M.

j ''anaoa in the chair.I Lyons prrM-utii- l a petition fnm School Ap ntsj "' ' olulu, asking for an incrca.oe of pay. lMition

fe.j to (Vmmitiee on llucation..'lalrtutnu prvvnte-- l a titin fnuu Hniuakua,

rr r''"' " Iirvha bu.-y- s for tlie hnrboe i,f,,"n,' Itcfvrrvl to CoiMinillee on Internal Iiu- -;

P'ts.ir. I..!,,....!, ..lT..ro.l r..Tui Tjk t tl.A " .van

zn a mr iiit imi line n is ra i w 1 encouage Immifi, I.ill rtltM.Nl tirKl in.

. . . . rea.1 for tlie first tune a bill relating toluier-is- i ini ,,, v.T;,t;n ,.. Knt

I he Asset iinatvaUl ! iIih nnli-- r i.f tin. Il n twhich was th.p,irt.,riation Bill. ' ' !

I ermanent Uen.eut on Queen Kahuna, S l,0(,pa.ssel.JU ,i-

- ,IiwaI'' 3.r'n,Mr. Hitchconyj t,e fioW;n! nmcndiiietit to

the item : " ls.ll, however, if the Circuit Judgeat H.lo retains t HitfC an.i I:lT of LieuUJ.vernorand tlerk, he n IM,t tlritl tie ,Kljr of Judge."Amendmeut carr ,,,,1 iu.m vsed as ati.ei.dcl.

Minister Ke.d. Uuite-- I State- -, $ii,Immi.r'" m,ro strike out the item.-- ir. ue r.gnymt.1 ,,4t he ilid nut want anv

metnUr of the Hobtrt ;,., ,:,, that the i.:i.i 'e vrrejection of the iieiajtH.tt,i him or his colleagues iiany way ; but that was COI1J,i,lere,l best for thisGovernment to havt in the CnitclSlates, as the two (criuneiits were now on themost tutimate Urius, s it Wou, iucreae from yearto vear. If the

question of laborers and their ni.arit..lnt.n, and tho !

iirMpnt nesreite of lalior on the nlantn. I

I J t VU9.Mr. G. Hhoiles Btatel that a meae hal come

from the King, and it was necessary at the Presi-dent should take the chair.

Cotnmittt rose..Scargint-at-Arn- is .... announced the nojMewcn'r . I

wno presentoi tne message iron, iinifjrty, in I

which he stated that the resolution for 9i fur each I

of the representatives he returned, as nit v-- i

Rally drawn op ;.aud if such a resolution 0U.J. pas ;

a a .1 l ..Ii ne .ssembiT wun me enacting clause, .iwiuMsign it. The Message of H;s Min-st- was ompan.led with the retiort of the Justices of theourt onthe resolution, who considered the resoluti illegal,unless pnfacol with the enacting clause orj liuvs.but passea witn the enacting clause, tne Vlution,rwu, j' wcrof the !

t,Piu,un tb tle um vt eould not be as !

compensation by any representatives till the ia j

4. ' Tl i"House again; went into Committee, jlr. ahe--lonain the chair.

Mr. Wil ier agtin al Iresscl the chair in supjt ofhis amendment tu the item to encourage ininp.tion. .

Mr I'hillips sai 1 th.it the matter had b-e-te-fu-lly

examiuel ly the DoarJ of Immigration, and ywere in favor of the appropriation, but did not eto ask for so large a sum themselves ; but shoultpass, immediate measures would be taken to sees,tb e people. j

Item passed at S30.00O.interest National debt, s.,MI-pnss- ci.Mr. rhilliis moved to strike out the item of S-j-

(MM for Ocean Steamers. Motion carried.Subsidy steamer JCtlauea, SS.'XKI.Mr. 1'billifa luove-- l a of the rules, in

order to read an act regulating to inter-isla- nd SteamNavigation the second time. Motion carried.

Bill read for second time.On motion, the House resolved it-t- lf into a Com-

mittee of the Whole, fir the coiisiderulion of the bill,which passed by sections.

Mr. Wilder said that he should vote for the 1st sec-

tion, for the reasoU that he Was oposed to subsidies.ml tti..i...flM.tii. lua ii.i..utinn tu flit I Ke.LU steamer.

oppose.The Assembly ntin went into Committee of the

Whole for further consideration cf the bill, Mr. Na--;

haku in the chair.Mr. I'hillips uiovol to insert in place of subsidy to

the A'llauea, Steam Navigation, ?3G,- -too.

Mo(:on put and carried, and the item accordinglypasse.1 at S L'ij,70X

Ketiiaiiiing sections cf tke Appropriation Dili readand passed with few atiiendnieiits.

Bill passed second reading as amended.Comniittce rose aud Chairman reported the pas--!

sage of the Appropriation Bill on its second rem li tig.Motion to engross the bill put and carried.

Assembly adjourned.

HAWAII AF4 RICE!(nolle and lAtra.

Fr ?ale ia ioantltle to auit by A. . CLKOI10RX,jy Arrnt Honolulu Kiee Mill.

UAWAIIAN LEATHER!saddle Leather, and Tanned Coat Ski

A i CLUGIIORS, Aenl Walwea Tanner


11.CL ltfe I n Lli III.DURHAM ROBINSON, Proprietor.

lll-l.- l ItKsl'KfXKI l.l.l I .vil.ts frten.1. an.1 th. piil uc Ih.l b ia folly r psjrd lo

errv mi tfti. bo:i on Ih-- n- -t apprned n le, and rc.rrt.ful;y a .hare .f patronage.

eatlj 1'arnNhed Room To Let npon ReasonableTerms.


Inlcrn;ilioii il Hotel nnd Iiolauranta, THIS I'fU'Cl.ilTllOl sK HAS IIF.F.N

rnor-l- rwl"l. ""''r the tnanajrnienl ofMK. SIM.H1. ! ' In I he l.o.io..

rn.M him O. aileisl lo Ibe wauls of hia 4tlroi.s in Ui-- anauner.

Board, $5 per week I Rooms. $1 50per weekMtvM FROM T A.M. Till. 10 P.M.

el A. MN.iMt. I'rprili.

Admin.. "' Iof icr....a. Ilftfllll A M Til K (' .Ml Kit- -vIR. .... l

IVI sl.iSHt ItteJO.s. l'Hril. all Tfc.na harmniNia ! I--.' 'e J tl.. sr. iirH i"i preaemariot .1 A MIIIMN. S'liiiiii.trslor.tbetr sfT-sin- t.

ly li. I":

. ..i for. t' subsi.!r. did away

with a motiotiolr. And the rest of the bill should








- .




:s (farts.

K. I. AI).IM!).lirtlonrtr unl CoHtinlvUn Mrrttiant,

riRK I'KlKtKI it It.kl.Mii'a l!ulllitt. i mrrm Street.

4iJ If. S. H A it row.

.lartloaeer,Salts Kssm 1 mrrm Street. 1r trM6:4 kahuutoiiu .irrrt. ly

II M el NT V K K .TobarronM,

6 .HI Torner Qur.11 ami Kmo:na tiveU, ll.oololu. ly

it. r. kiii. Kits.Iiralrr la Dry Cod, Mil, &rM

rr Street. ly

t. 8. VILIM. S. C. LtIWALK Kit i. AI.I.KV,

Shipping and (ommKslon Mrrrliaats,cr iioNLi"Lr, 11. I. ly

K. A. SC1IAKKKK.igrnt ef l)reUn Hu.irU of I noVrw rltrrs.

Oil ly

Til. V. IIKI CK.Onrral (oinn.lslon Mertbant,

&H0 Kort Street.JO I! X KITSON.

Dralrrlu V.i;:es, Spirit, Ale and Tortrr.C'M) llonolMln, ly

MeCOI.CJAN JOHNSON.Merchant Tailors,


CIS 0i-;t- e Tliwxl. I.. Ileuck's. ly

AI.KX. J. CARTWKIGHT.foinmlvsiou Jlcrrtiant and Crurral Shipping Agent,

&S0 ilonstluln. Oabiii ly

f. liKKWKIl Si CO.fummlvslon and Shipping Mfirliants,

601 HomoIuIh. Oafau. II. I. ly

T II KO. II . I A V I KS,Liitu Jnninn, Grrtm if Co.)

Importer aud funiml-slo- n Slrrrkant,KST oa


fire 1'ro.if Huil.tin?, Kliuinuu and Queen Streets.610 ly

II. II.ICKPKI.I) &. CO..Crurral omuiiIon Agruts,

680 llouolalu. ly

KI. IIOKKi.CH lA KG Kit. . CO.,Importers aad ('oiiiiulvdon .Mr rthaats,

Corner of Fori iiikI Mrrchaal Si reel.tu ly

K. O. II ALL. Si. SON.Importer!! and Dealer ia Hardware, Dry Goods,

Paint I, Oitl, and Oenrral Merchandise.6S1 . Corner r'ort und Kinn St- - ly

ii. PISCIIEKtJlrrrliant Tailor.

Fort Street, opposite Odd rVltna's nail. Honolulu, 11. I01S ly

J. WORTH.Dealer In Central Merthacdise,

IIILO, HoYiii....Shi aupplied iih rerrttila at the aliorteatDouce, on reasuiutblc tenua. UilU of exchange wanted.

6sJ ly

G KO KG K G. HOWi:,Deafer In CedMOod, .ortliwrt Lumber, Shingles,

Doors, Sath, Blind , J'uih, Patnttt SfC

At his OIJ tand, VeX Street, on the Ksplanade. 693 ly

e. Laaraas. . oicaitoa.LKWKKS DICKSON.

Dealers la Lniuher and Hullding Materials.6A0 Fori Si reel. ly

F. A. SCIIAKFKIt Si CO.temmis-io- n .ririiains


A FONC. JL ACIICCK,Importers. Wholesale and lie tail Dealers In General

Jlertltandise aud Chinese Coeds.Firesrasr Store, Nwwnnn Street.

Cndrr the fuhlic Hall. oou ly

F.I WIN JONKS.Crocer and Ship (handler,


Money an-- l lUeruita furoUhel to tbipa on Favorable Terms.611 ly

II. Km MclXTVUE Si. It HOT II KKCrorrry, Fred Store and L'akery,

Corner of King and Fort rttvta, Honolulu, II. I. 559 ly

JOIIN T II OS WATKRHOCSE,Importer and Dealer In Ceurral 2Ierchandlse,

61 Quern ftreet, 1Ioih1u1u. ly

Is I TO It ItKKT.LatuUcr Dealer.

fSce North west corner of yn-e- u and Fort Streets, Honolulu.C1T ly

M. It A I'l.KK.Shipping and (uinutNsion Agent,

Uflice m ilh K. P. Adao-.s- , Eq ,UEE.V STREET, HONOLULU.

RKr- - BT rKSMIMSIHS Tit0 Mnrirao h. Hmilh, L". I Messrs. V. Hrewrr k Co.

Will. ( Mers. Walker Alien.M'e. C. U Richarda k Co. E. P. Adam. K.sq: f.5Jy

A. S. CI.KUIIOltN.Dea la Ceuera! .ilerrhandie, Fire-pro- of Store,

oruer Kanhsniiiiiu nnd Qween Sla,(.PlnMita Makee'a Hlork.)

A14tail talilii.liment .n Nuuanu street, abo.e Kine.1 T sin! Produce bought and sold. Island orders rsrefully

attend to 6vJ0 ly

IIE NF.WSl'AIKlt KCOKOA,ToVtied Weekly Id I he Hawaiian Langnaze.

It has Ounces! cin-u- l ition In the rroup, and la read bothy Uitiiau and rurei-.'iiers- . Price t- - year to ad-V- e.

Advert nl tranlail inlo llawa-iut- o

free of charce. Ofti.-- e in oulh13 corner of sailor Home. ly

- NKVIL.I.K ltARKKTT,rVters and Crneral Store Keepers

KeciHika, Nh Kona. H:tsraii.near Kealakeakus Day. Islandpr-kl- u iNiuichu thi supplied with Wood, Beef andother vuaries.

Ac-t- rt at Uulu. A. 8. CLKG1IORX. 6J2 ly

lC. WATKKMAN Si. CO.,Commission Merrhants.

Ceutl attenti paid to 'he inten-M- s of the Whaling Fleet bythe furnuhi ..f funds, purchase and aole of Oil.Bone, Oent .MrrrhHixliie. and the procuring of Freight


Messrs. !c Howuisp, Ja. & Co., Near BedfordVf. K. Porn, Kao-- . lo.J. MKaaiLt. A Co , Fun Fnmciro.

6S0 ly

W. N. I.. !!.Importrrand IXer In Hardware. Cutlery, Methanles'

Tools, al Igrlrollnral Implements,Ksil Slrrrl. ly

C. L..IICH A tl)S &. CO..Ship (handlers id Coiuu.ilnn Merchants, and

Dralen .Crneral 3!rrthaidNe,Keep constantly on hd a full assortment of mrrchaoJlse, for

the supply of 'halers and Merchant vessels.

ti ly iA I.I.H Av CON W A V,

Kaihae, Hawaii,Will rnnlmae the OenenMrivhandiseand hippmr buain. a

al the above ort. wl-- r they are prepared to (urniahthe justly celobrs.1 Kawaihae Potatoes, aad

sucb other rvuits aa are requiresby rha ships, at the

shortest notice aod she biott rrosonahle terms.3T" Iro wool o xx XX fa. 11 1 .

S J 1

TIKIMA SI'KNCKK,Ship (handler. Dealer ICmrrsI Merrbandise, Island

I'rodarr, r., audtmndIon Merchant.It y ratal's Ity. Hilat. S. I..

Will k.-- . p cnstantly on hand riteusive arsortment of everydesi'ription of vnh4 re;rnl by stops and other.

The hirhest prii-- e rl) for Island lTduce.I T M"nry adviir .T.1 lor Hills fcvcbao at reasonahle rati--

61 y. I

business (farts.

lltuo sta:knvai.i. m. l..riiltln and Snrgron,

t OlBi-- o from 10 A. M. Iu 4 I'. Jt- - 3m

K. J. MOTT SMITH.Drulid.

Office corner of Krt auil Hotel tflwli.A. . Itl KKf.M. M. !..

rii)itlan and Snrreu,orUct? ttul Uenl.li-iiCi- -. AMrlcti ll"U.--- . I'.m t :rrt. 62TJy

K. IIOKKMAVX. .M.II.ri..irUa sad sargrun.

Crrr Meevhst.l na"Ka!iiiuiiia iicur r.rMwfBre. MJ ly

;H. KKWKIIV.IMittUn, Nargfuu aud Uroarhrnr.

.rt .ut,ijrfit t K. William Furuilure Warerouais. 601 ly

joiin s. .Mci:iu:v.', m. i.,rinlii:m nud Snrron.

Office Ovrr lr. K Jl..triiiim' brun sior cornrr of Kaahudisiiu an-- l Mrn-hHii- t Ml , fiMu- - tlie l'u..t Olfiee.

K'MIK!Ck k'ljifnin M , tutarm Auiinxu and fori SIm.

Uim'l Uot's Iruiu 8 to I'l A. M., stxi fruin 3 to 6 I. M.0.--i ly

IIKNKV TIIOMI'SOX,Atlorurj and (ouarllor at Law.

Oifice on Qui-et-i Mnvt, oinnwlie the Cuurt lloute, up atatrt.tO'J ly

v. :. JON KS.Allot ury at l.aa and I.nnd Agent.

Will tirni-lir- e in all tl. Cnurts of ttie Kinslni. He illallnij the t'irruit Ciuni ia Kua;, Maui

anJ visit eillivr ( lli Island onlH:ciKl lUMiiu-ii- .

Orfirr oi.ix.si7 the litwt lions, on Queen Mreet.6s. ly

A. F. Jl HI),Attorney and touiiMllor at Law,

Corui-- r of I'uri an.l Street. 696 ly

JOIIN It. IATV,.o(ar rakilr,

Honolulu, ()3ce nt tlie Hiitik of IiNhop & Co. OOS 6m

I It A ItlCHAKOSON.Iinportrr and Dcilrr in R iots, Shoes nud Cfntleiufn's

1'umioliing (ioods,Corner of Fort and Merchant StreetM,

010 llO.ULLLf, 11. 1.

CHUNG HOON.Coiutnlsslon Mrrrbant and Ceneral Agent,

Agent for the Paukaa and Ainauulu Sut Plantations. Im-or- ter

of Tea and other Chinese and Foreign (ioodsand wholesale dealer iu Ilawaiinn Produce.

I u New Slotte Store, N iniaiiu Si., below Kin(.67 ly

HdliLKS Si. CO..Ship Chandlers and 4 onimisdon Jlei tliauts,

Queen Street.Particular attention paid lo the purchase and sale ol Hawaiian

Produce,i efers by to

Messrs. C. A. Wlllimas & Co. .Messra. C. Hrewer & Co.,Min. Castle c Cooke....... Messrs. II. ilarkfeld A: Co.,Messrs. It. C Waterman... fiiessr. C. L. Kicharda & Co.

C16 ly

J. I'KKKV.Dealer in Ceneral Merrbandisc,

EWE-PROO- F STORE,Cttrner ILtUl aud Xntftrtu Streets, HviuAhUi. 11. 1.

a uso

Retail Iat;tblisliinent on Nnu.-tn- Street.610 Above the Fire-proo- f &u.n. ly

yi. S. UK IN HA CM & CO..Importers and hnlrsale Dealers in Fashionable j

Clothing, Hats, laps, Roots and Sliors, ,

Aud every variety of fleul emon' Suerior Furnishing Ooodiftore formerly occupied by . A. Aldricu,

9d Matee'm Rloek, Queen Ml. lyC. FRKD'K PFMCtll,

Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Coods, .Men's Cloth-ing, Boots and Shoes, aud Yankee .otlons.

Store ou Fori Street, nenrly otosilc Messrs.iH vuullolt & Heuck. ly

liISIIOI Si. CO.. UnuUers,Oolee, in the east corner of Mskee's Blotk,

Kaahcmanu street, Honolulu.Draw Bills 3fKxchunn on

The Bank or C'AL.roHSiA. - San PrncicoMessrs Omisskll. Mistcbs & Co., New York.

" Lkk.i tr Walleh, - - New York,Tjikmomt National Bask. - - Boston.

iKikTAL Bank Cokpokatios. - London.Will receive dtoos.ts.diacouut Srst-cl- ss business paper, an,

attend to colleetine. etc. 6S0 ly

I. N. Ft.lTNER.Continue hi oi l husiue in the fireproof buildinfr,

v KiiRhauinau Street.rhrouometer rated by observations of the son and stars

with a transit instrument accurately adjusted to theoieridian of Honolulu. Particular attention Kiveuto

fine watch repviriur. r extant and quadrantglasses silvered mid adjusted Charts and

nauticai instruments constantly ou6 SO hand and for sale. ly ;


CASTLE Ai COOKE,Importers and Crneral Mrrehants,

Kiu4 slrrrl, oiositr the Seititteu's Chnpel.ALSO, AGENTS FOR

lr. Jayne Criebrsttil F luiily Medicines,Wheeler 4-- Wilson's Sewing Machines,The New Kiiirland Mutusl Life Insurance Company,Tlie Koh.ila uar Company, llasmuThe Haiku it.'r Conipsoy. MauLThs Ilswaiian Supsr Mills. Maui.The Waialua I'uuut Plantation, Onhn.The l.utnahai Kioe Plunt ition. Kausi. 609 le

1S0SJ. 1SG8

IIILO, II . i .

Sugar and Molasses.1ROP COMING IN AM FOR SALE IN.J quantities to suit purchasers, by614 ti.u WALKr.K ALLKN, Agents.


V w For sale id quantifes u suit by6Jd 6in CASTLE Jt COOKE.


6onm C BR KWER i Co., agents.


SUGAR AND MOLASSES!Now Cowing in. For 5 Is by

619 6m C. EliKWER Co.. acents.

SAMUEL C. WILDER,SxiSi" Xlniitor.


61H Bm Kuolati. Oaks. I

ONOMEA PLANTATION.Su;'nr nnd Molasses Crop IHfis,

OMINC IN. FOR SALE IN O.CANTI- -Tl IS to uit purchas. rs. by s

HIJ Om WALKER & AI.L. Arents.

PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION.Sutior mill 3Ioliie Crop lKG,

IN. FOR SALE IN O.CA NT ICOMINGuit piuvhasira, bytil M W Al.KKR ft AH.KN, Arent.

Vsiik:iSi. lI:ml:itioii,II. I'era vsetl. I'roprielstr.

SUGAR AND MOLASSES1RUM TIMS PLANTATION FOR SAI.KI in lots to su.l apply loiS-- J 1 ur.O. C M.LF.AX. Arent.


Cl.rLATF.I it T.v t'riHt.l."0 rnrh.tor ly H. M. WHirNKY.

.silifl-snira- l.

Johs Nott. eaa'L Norr.


m the imlilic tliat lliry .re .rc srr,l to furtiihh ail kiod of...irr V ork, coi.tiottnx iu irt t.f tTILL's rki rS, Soa-cu- m

nss, won, n r, etc., etc.AIon hand, a fall assortmrnt of Tinware,

liirlt they off r fur Mle at Hie lowest msrkrt prices.all kino or airaim.iiu oova witii xkatuus asu oiirTca.

OrJ r from the other IiUnJ eill meet with prompt altenikio.Hiup cm Ks.ihui-i.n- a St., one door above Kliturr'. 6Jtl 6ia

v e is ij i a .li v i: l a ii t ,BLACKSMITH,

Foot of .n can it Strert, o;poitr Segrlkea's Tin Shop,. is NOW IMtKI'AUKI) TO TAKE

ill kiints 4.f Hlarksmilhiiiir.on t'srii Wsgons, Carts, e., wll rer ceive prtmpt atlentiuu. CH nin

Doot aud Shoe Makers and Dealers iu Leather andShoe rinding,

U'A'l StrHt. btt. Xnn'imi and Mmmnkta Sis.. " TT7 Ortlera frrrfn the eHiritrtf sntMittJ anil tirotnnllv9 " J ' -

.atteiuletl to ou the looat re: iable lertna. 6S ly

G. W. NORTON 6l Co.,


First Door above the Custom-hous- e,

I louolu I tl. II. I. 682 ly

ROBERT NEW CO MB & CO.,iioo it-- is i . ii i : i: s.

Merchant Street, opposite the Sailor's Home,I'lniu it n fi Orunmenlnl It i at ding executed at short

ft notice aud reasonable tenua. iy

er:H : . t . A ... ,g 4 luuiiin uuu i iHinvert)

Nuuanu Street, near the Wharf ST0VKS and LEAD PIPKalways on hand. Jobbing of all kindi attended to. 612 ly



- - - v j resilience of llr. Wood.All work entrusted to Mr. N011KA will

be done with neaUiess and dispatch, andat the lowest rates. 600 ly


' ' Continues the business

At Ms Old Stand on the Esplanade.All wor done with care, aud orders promptly attended to.


BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,fi King Street, Opposite the Bethel.

Honolulu, H. I. 620 ly


alakka stbekt below thb theate- -Furuiture made and repaired at reasonable prices. 621 ly


At the Old SlnnsJ,Corner of King and Bethel Streets.

A Urge Stock or OIL. SIIUoKS and alt Kind of Cstopsrriug Mitler inla constantly on hand,

tie hopes by attention to business to merit a oonUooaoce ofthe patronage which he lias hitherto enjoyed, and for which benow returns his thank. 61 6m

GEORGE LEONARD,.Manufacturer of FURNITURE of all ns.

PLANING. SAWING AND TURNING DONE.Mouldings of all kinds eonstantly on Hand.

609 ly


rw.HE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVEk Work is prepared to supply Lis customer, and the pub--

lie in renersl, with the best quality V KI.I.OW SOA P.SO FT SOAP nlways ott hawst.TBI HlGHKST I'HICK PAID FOH SoAP UkKAB. 695 ly

V. DOIRON,Catholic Church Premises. Honolulu,


ew Stoek of Materials,He i. prepared to Ilfjair

WATCHES, CLOCKS AND 1IUSIC BOXES6ia With promptness and lipstch. ly

C. E. WILLIAMS,ManaCatturer, Importer and Dealer ia Furniture

Of Every Itesrr'nAutn.Furniture Warer-Ki- on Fort street, opposite U. D. Morgan's

Family Market; Workshop at the old stand,Hotel sti-et- , near Fort.

N. B Orders from other iiUnds promptly attended to. 5S3-l- y


PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY.THK CNHERSIGNKO WOCLI RKspectfulty inform the public that he ic prepared to castand finish a'l kinds of brass and composition work wkhdispatch and at reasonable rates.

XT All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on shortnotice.

7 Constantly on hand, hose coap.t?ps of the following,sites : i, t, 1, 11, 2 and Also, oil caps and gaage. cocks.

JA.MF.S A. HOPPER,5S9 ly Kine street.


All KINDS of SADDLERY.Carria'je Trimminy trfA Xentness and Itls--

jtatdt. .1.7 Ord-r- s prinnptly attt tuled tilComer of Fort nnd Ilstrel M reels, Honolnln.

&9Z ly

II . Is s: T T ,Root nnd Shoe Maker.

Halel Si.. Hatnoluln.aOOS ly


F--rt Street, oj ;;..i thld t.Wirs' IIvl. ILmohdv.C.ntiiio.-- s In the business of repairing otar.y article

f h uho!d use, !cils, imps, tor Machines, Ac,Vt ') and will contru-- t M1els and small Tools, and make

ITarts i4 uior.icr. 606 ly


RKCE1VF.I) A L A RG E AND FILLnAVING material, is prepared to supply hi customersand the public, with the tscst Yellow, Urovra mnslWhile SOAP. ALSO

)ic .vzvi oil jso.vr,In arye or small quantities to suit.1. jl. Ssap crease ais-a- wante.1. POO ly

Snimly Sliolc.A rt'f.L ASSflRTMEXT ON IIANO.rrT--

APLK f'r lb.i;d .y r e.Miii? Pr-en- ts, and at rrieestr in $lo l JIOea.1 l -- l" ! H. M W HlTJitY.

3asnrantc Cixxls,


rntllK CNOERSIGNEH HAVING BEENZ apiinted Acenta for Hie abore osmpaoy, be. kraTe to

ntoira the the public, that they are now prepared to iasaeM AKIN E INSURANCE POLICIESon Caro, Freight and Treasure., to and frout all rarta of thwot id.

U U ACKFKLD A CO.Honolulu, April i IS. 627 ly

PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANYOf San Francisco, California.

Cash Capital, $1,000,000.JONATHAN HL'ST,... .....President.II. II. HKSKIjOW,...;. . ....CueraJ Acaot.A. J. LAU-TU- N .......... Pee ixtary.C. A. LA TON,. ...liarlua' Secretary.

rVE (JXI)KRSICXKU. THE ACTIIOR- -sV ized Aceu'.s uf tins coinpany are prepared to iiiaant rtaks

On Cargo, Commissions and Profits !In Yeel 'ithcr in tlte Foreign or Inler-lsln- ntt

Trade. Will issua

Fire and Marine Time PoliciesCoverinc rUk on Public BuiMtac, rtores. Dwell ir.c Iloasea,Furniture, and Uoud In store, and on Hull of Vessels notrating lower lhau A. Z.

Losses firumptty wljxsltd Uvl jviM in U. S.Gold Coin. ...

N. B. Policies furnished at once without the delay ofapp'fration to FranciM.

For rate of premium and particular apply tog--

7 It I1I8I10P ft Co. Agents.


M. Apointed A cent of the abore Coo.pany, are preparedto insure rilks acainat Fire on Stone and trick Ilaiklincs,and on Merchandise stored therein, cu most favorable terns.

For particulars apply at tbe office ofr. a. BcnAEn.a - co.

Hopoiulu, May 4.18C3. 684 ly


National Insurance Company,

OfBce, No. 408 Moutgouiery Street, near California.

XtARIXE INSURANCE non II nils. Car--i." M coes. Treasure, Commisxiotis, Prottts, and other subjects

of Marine Insurance, to aud frota aU ports tn the world. inandKifki

MAUINK RISKS on Coasters. Also, oo Freicbt, Cargo, tc.,to and from all mter-Ulau- d ports insured asainat.

FI li K I N tf C H A NC K u xm Build iocs, M erchandiae, Furuitm e.Kects, Visoel ia Part aod their Cargoes, aod other InsarabSsProperty.


Losses promptly adjusted and paid 1b re1 ted Statesilold Coin.

WILLIAM PIERCE, . President.P. W. C. THOMPeOX,W. W. WIGGINS, , . Secretary.AMOS XOYES, . . . t. . . . MartD USoer.

Exeeutma Committee iALBERT DIBBLEK, Chairman. JOS. A. DOXOUOE. R. O.

SNEATU. JOHN O. BRAT. ABAAM BLOCK.N. R. Particular attention to Fire Insurance on Dweliints,

Churches, Furniture, Ac' C. BREWER Si. C:. A (ents,

605 6m HsaobAla.



C A PITA L.... - .D .OOO.OOOArc mutilated an4 Invested Fasd, 2,jO,U0raMiE UNDERSIGNED II AVE BEEN AP-- M.

PuINTKU AUENTik r the Sandwich UUtds, aod areauthorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms.

Risks taken ia any part of the Islands eo Wooden Baildiocs,aod Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Ii oases and Furni-ture, 1 irobcr. Coals, Ships in harbor with or wit hoot cargoes orooder repair. 617 ly fcD. U JFFaCBLAKQKB, ft CO.


M appointed agents for the San Francisco Board of Under-writers, representingThe California Insurance Corapaajr,The 3Xetcbants Mutual Marine Iisuraaee,Tbe Pacific Insurance Company,The California Lloyds, andThe Home .Mutual Insurance Company.

Bee leave to inform Masters of Teasels aad the paMie feder-ally that all losses sustained on YK.-EL- aod CARtHKSinsured by either of the alore Companies acainat peril of utseas ami other risks, at or Dear the ssodTtcn Islands, a ill barato be verified by them.

61T 3m II. H ACKFELD ft Co.


OF frnii Francisco.HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENTV aptiointnl acents for the above Company, be; leave to

inform the public that they are now prepared to assueMARINE INSURANCE POLICIES ON


CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY.UNDERSIGNED AGENTS OK THE'TMIE Company, have beea authorised to insure risks on

Cargo, Freight and Treasure,by COASTERS from Honolulu to all ports of Ut HawaiianGroup, and vice versa.

67S ly H. HACKFELD 4 CO.


milE UNDERSIGNED. AGENT FOR THEa above Conany, has recently received instructions to re.

dace the lUteof Premium oa Stone and Br'ick BuiUinrt aad onMerchandise stored therein, and Is now prepared to issue poli-cies 00 more favorable terms than heretofore- -

Risks taken ou Buildings Machinery. Ac on Purar Planta-tions. TUEU. H. DA VIES,

9S-l- y a sent.




Kinff Street, opposite the BetheL 69 ly


Choicest MeaU from finest herds, rooltry. Fish, VegetablesA-- furnishet to order. 14 ly


want of rrsittnr matter, ran find a targe supply oflUuittratetl Papers. Magazines and IkkJiS.

AT WHITNEY'S BOOKSTORE. FileaofHas,per's M eekiy, Leslie's and otlier illurtrated papers, foi o or 13 .

month back, on band aad foe sale cheap. w

Maj) of,tlie Sand-- ."vviclx Islands. - .

rav.11 E ONLY CORRECT MAP OF THESEI Isl.tnds is that of L. S- - Exploring Ejcpe.liCn, mH

lished by tire American Government. Every larater a ho srman arre of cmqikI. erery captain who esanmaads a coaster, ev-

ery traveler ho wants to find correct names aad distances, andevery intleman who desire to be posted ap about tlte (roupshould possess a copy of it. . !"

A f-- w copies left, price 2.00 eaoK -

For sale at lbe BOOKSTOa ft.

Not Always Obtainable.LADIES' CHOICE PORTFOLIOS, ys-rres- t

. .Mahoeany and Rosewood Writing IleiXs,Boxes Mathematical Instruments, --

Oshorn's Water Colors, Thermaert, "Chess and Cberker Btanls aad Men,Numerical Frames for Children. .

Ou Uab4 aad For Sale by.11 M. XrrTNKv

coram En ciTvx..SJTLMItJT. JU.tC 7X IMa.

Thw Aatnataw, Wk Peru, CapC. Comatock. arrived aaAia W. rufi Island, ia CO.

aged la lb asal a.rr, aaJ will Man Ibitbrr UuawxlUtrly,

taliaf a MJf at niatlx-r-, uviaiaioa, Ac , fur tk laborars --

luanl Iter. Ht. Paur lalia.1 m la tTtt Bberin. s-- In lali.lifcir 6a anrta, ami aa acquiml by th I'aiifa) Ptalra in thepari-a- a' Abaka. It was OaarrlT Uva nl aarra of theK iMauui FasOaBaaay' ta UaJlug wOh lle !adt.ua of tb.it

On TbarMlay ereniuf , U rfi.pT ship Jnn A'ss, CspL.'CWT. V'IHaia. arrtsva1 finaa Pia---t 8.and. A Bute fruui the

faf aa. la tlar Am-rVa- a f'unaul atsrs that he Wit Tu&i(oM, TT.'WLth a car(tir amber ( itiarbai, t'huv.and aawbrJ ! leara Irtlcra aol to Ul rrpoflcX The ship

vjrtnJ agam early an Piiiay awwDina--.

' h Prats y IMiii taw BritUh ahip Srioto, Cap. W. Bra.fan, arrirt btuw Tofcobama, 3--1 data aM(r, with Hi Ja-.u- m'

cMitfraaia, Csnalirnca' to th Hawaiian UoVcrsmcnt.A letter r--e ll BJ Mr. M. Mclarruj. fom Ca C Weeks af

lb waai. b ', I af. rr rl art an llakuOadt, A rd lath,h ml wta, rmu. Cap. Wera had aawa ad strark whalesHni! Uaa-a- , Vil kuhl a4 Srotrs4 any ail. Reports the Cur-Inthl-

Clr OkU, Waalwoctoa.aaJ Ejjle U .New Bedaxd,aQ elratt. TW Joliaa bad 4 bbla. atf a i Uja Tbrec Brother.,JUO siirrwA.

tas flu atMhnl rUa FrMclaasa on MonJar, taking brasaal ttil ear, rtaaaMlug avacly a sugars.

Thwaarfc Mmtmr UI Irava oo edarLy aril tir tWaPYanciara, a4 aifit probably bar a fuU cargo a WaaJ rro--

am. .UWJam.

Wbarwir'ira, Lt. KtmcbaW,UraUrMraa,





TU23 FACiriOCommercial Advertiser.

Y, JVXK J.Cttrroiil Til.

TIm I'gi-lal- mr h. pror-um-i- l VftIu--liyn.- -t

12 nn:b'u .I 5.s t . wii lk vr- -

an of itsroinil1r I. M-- . on

Wpljpawrtgfr. chr

Fran-cisco oo the Jul j it'Irprtll.

Tb :a to windwHnlup Le

ear forThe arrival of of Japanese labor-er- a

especLtiljrut .rLibltel

emuruti.in. of tiie iniu country

the treatmentschooner trts

- Taa hark IKC Kmrrm, Vk 1 ex, la 2Uh r iith, i " .. - t a

aa4 w Wiaf tUa w th loth of w Landing, taking a Hdl and pasM-nge- i

aa kaa lull frribl awai bar (In fourth a variety ofv Intereatlng foreignto VVl'JItfit j

AnaalilT WU kinkratrn-U- h Um af Jaa i bitlk 'o-- will sail on We JncsJ.lJFrancMCa a. tb. atuaiaujaara. . the Stat. mail.

Tfa Mini 1 mw laNf!, ' .

rmlt WU el t--l TvJrtT lTrr, k hew aanl by j A of the reditu on the Ith of J uly beih iSta noxmrm tjf kmaUry. It a t a found aniung the ad vertisementa. It will be ob--" TV?-- V--k b u. Trar n rrat

' canoe are to chance well aratal . V B. Aator. t A. T . lraiL l.l.JUU ; boarn,l barb-t- . i rtr arum, .i.W Ij-t- .,

f ra,WM Ka. I U..aiiOi Jax Knma, .l.UU Coravkoa Vaaaerbtit, f W.UuuM. M. 4u0).

Oit Taa rara1 Oil Mill I n bam rrimlUic




at 4.

trip, eotu; leave

gobe t

t fjulle ereiit. thej comeaUj

aiicoes.--t ruin- -more

noThe Ia.k. ly

i Jai c.treoa Uf arrival. our page be found

andITCV3haibur licit,

aa4 noticet tuefcm aud

"rd that havebrffowix U.I



Thwla!y has engaged wick

:;7rbrwbJ-- v?anp arlM-kr-, a HUW JV lhaa al U iHjI hirh m un-rl- - the l'Ui:i leil ilxlllctel Kline UUlltncr4, OM Uttrr brtn r lrraB ay Iter mn. Tlr ,.imiirii t-- artcl aaila mrfJy ua bu.a ii wr ro- - j the XlllliielliVUlCllt, the honorable inctlllKTS

"J.'TrtTTTf 1: Llrf i l - v hac returned t theirat ftall ftoAiL having aa I fiAB mm.iwk,- - !





to . .ut

t . . , AM.t . -- i...:. .... . t . . : . TMi

,, 1 1 uit wil ts iii'iiv euiKioiiz. ii.r i i

ti. ll ia aavd aa aa raraarBt MlMTtr ef u tbe , , . ... . . . . ' ll e idenee leccived.A Brrcaaa Wwama. Taa mhib-- t br Mtrit, Car. " ""'o I" "V " J . 'p

U.llalkadttrdaaltaranaaMaanai a jrar b Mr.' f,y tlw? all time ill session after

lva- - Mc-- C, to rnafiia an Um lot Mav.wiih . .rajjy 7wbartta.l'il,haintt auat iula a04-rraat- now. City IS 0IWldered as tlUIC thrown UWay.

a tmaaiataJata Mr. l.afca la ruit vi bia I .wbiraara(tadk.karahaaM.aaut:..eU-W- 7 Whim thai reference b tlie y Ith p"urln ,"rh "T i"1"1 be se.-- n tfiat a Urge nuuitVr .f l lae !eenbar I aa a aiaiilar aayitttaai. Afar.

! xlfal Mini trra mrr ia I vi.) ia lb ro-- jHtssetl, whitll will pn.!lbly 1C uf Veryttracmmtxr rarvra aanlrm aort mart! .Ifcrrr rfialUIcrtra. w.iti i;..! Tl ,.w,.,.r; .t!. bill Fn1!- -

trrr tlerm aaU a ball awH.aa rapitl h inl.anU a rmlua-tiu- a

a hair un a 1 .0.VJ.Cl'o f.r protcstantaf atiw.r ;

1 " . fir apit-ar- s, was error his if ! .I:i!r,Ti tot)rm prrrcdu a rraii au.tiisi ; vears 1. 1 rch Tins t

AbU rl au4 rar Iraa tttoa O.Ura Billt-- a g 1-- ; .. : .l r 1 ... f, ..f ,1.- -.

tnaaaaaiUV. T.gi.r Iha bar lurarrs afU ahiakv buainr.. ..wM K o.arm yrara ag a to tuntmh commentary on iw last and we wish it insured a CorrcsiaVIldin

.NDpetnr7aiiahiaMalJ,ar but, vl lbs irrrarut Rlnwr . . .j in trie material prosjrity of tbe ration.

Ci.i-ricBAit.a- a -T-M-toMi., a on tin? ..tlicr luiml, however, it is pn.1bleWlng aatf aa atatprialmai aa iha I'arOle RaUrutvl. rls; buiUI arailvar trtmm taraagh CunatatUwiaa to Hi i n ' the of the two years Hot C

ual to tlie last two. Mill, wea.Or. In hn.gth. aaJ at fd.04W.0UU r,iu.. I

Ma.Wii. fat TarkMtaomua raMUirlairmt : credit, and can botTOW whaU-e- r jat thia aaa. 7 per m aa a part, aad arr era, am another I

Bart. liV.lAM trrtil g a Jrar. ahn-- b at . miUiml. ifly a thanl af th frranroa of thr nap.rr. Tbr roc- -

at iWDcna. -- molig Items is UK? sum of I ' " "nraaawnwurafii avrvaa. IMKI to for ..l,-- t

Ski pa Mail.Fob Mm Itr Ka Lc.Uia Ur.Va Faaaciaco far f nairt. Wc.hwajaj, Janr


AKRIVAIJ.Jan It iVbrMarv.TVaotKaoai.

1 llaw arbr baiaa. fna a a.1 1 tar laaVtsa, fruai aaaaJ.ll IV hr Ka Ma, rawrra, mart MwIT tvbr aaiaaiV. Inai Maakal.IT Maoaxkawal. Aatanr, (rooa MooLIItVar I frua. kUaai.J swar V srwtrk. fraaa MolkaL

1 dvtir .tckft. flaa. froaa llswaii.l SVrhr ttW Mnnll. UmnI Vkr llattM. N.aa, fnaw Kaoal.l i A Liiii. IruaaI Asa oh bark Prra, M.gn, S3 Java froaa St Psala.I fJrkr llofca!le. fr4n Mw.1 ahip Aaao hMsabaB, 'iUUma, ti U;s troaa

rag- -

cAr Rub K.'. fruaa ara.I sw br Yti. W ht. fruot CaoaL1 Rr ahis Svi.4.N Rawjab, 3a Ua frvan Tnk.Jkama.SO mnu ktUara, Mrlirrgor. traas V Bxjwani rorta.

DKPi RTtRKV.tt . at Aetira. t luwjr. a Ibwut13-S- Vbr )tixt WmU. Iatbrrt, ( KaaaL1 IVrar Ualbs. Nil, k-- t Kaaai.IV-k- B stmr LUbn, lNarr, SWi Fraarlarat.1 V 4Mnw kulaiam. a-- r iadtaard rrta.ti eVhr Aanhr. tVr llswatbli Sv ar Mien. Virat, tor Maoa.IT Vhr Mar,. T baaai.I sw-h-r ka W. Wm, Mtai.1 Vh laAtolU. r Mod.

Vhr V arwW-k- . l-- r W-- k l.I m ahtp ktnsi Kiatbtvl. Wll!iaaa, ( Rucitkal.1 br WanaMkawai. tv Maai.ltVbr Artixt, lluary, a UaaiAa.

Kilaara. UlT "' W


Anr. faa. Mm. A0- --

Paa rtunn. IJab JiRrat--. a, R. w

t'aator tlnaaa,O'MlkllTA

- i I'M



a.aaaa.a.10. V.lif.,T

Scm, I.4A...

LhortMp ofaVtL a.i.l int the?

(Ultuirt, tfco writ. Ttiegiia hUtor; lie-- rw!

osv.t peepl


Bdrrrwaiiash.iMr aod fine

fslr, anl


aarnral TholAUioa orta

erilor aarr- -


millhy Iln MJ-T- r Ki.xo.

NVxt willgive ouliiur

Iimh ail".I Mon-I- jj

lost, wil!t frri?!it, ami uithMt-- 1 that will. He ovr one

anl othi-- r will S.tniib of

Kti.ti will nt ntt wet-k- .

but will Uitl tbnul. Tlmrs-tla- T

1 KoIoa bml 'jiina. Kanui.the Orst cargo

fromtiin:ry which h until verj all

Mucbfrom that will IeH-ni- l

thenehaa l.it. been

raofWa Jaaa. lint.will


UkinS 1'nit.ilWill


lecii the pud

tllCrttor irolu

coimtitu- -

LtV, slel.trrlarimi day,Will


f.tsitKratatoatwo Iil.

iona bill,arrvwaw

moreBrlgrarf tlutt income next

that of liaeIliay

to aA.411whaar









- . their nllov- "llv - -

bill has leen jossod. This sunt Toted withthe distinct understanding tliat was

i ago tlic immigration of married Iab.rers,I with their families, wl are willingi contract iaixr a term vears nnI altertltat make Islands tlieir home. this sys- -'

u-- can le carried out, of obtaining lalorera! occomiaaiiicd with their triers, and if. und twork well, may lc tlie turning ioint

of our p:iI;ition.matters little from wlmt im-- r

migrant come front Jajan, Swcda'n, tlic Azores,j Micronesia, any other Polynesian thoilcu introduce J'amites, tliat will inrtir?inerra and population. Wc

I believe tliat, with pnjcr efforts, ten tliousandemigrants can lo secured during tlc next Jireyears. All that ncedtil arc means and energy

the pnrt of thii linernment. Tlie meansluttc Ii!craUy pnid-- l r by the Iegifla-- Iture; let the Government now act the same

. and carry out with uetennination the willof the people.

message was from the King! Monday, declining sign tlic resolutionl additional sum fvr the cxrenscs of the Iegis--1

that each I!eprcMntative miht receivejflOO allitional pay. His Majerty .l.tlinolign the resolution the gr,unl if inf-nnalit-

The message was atxiiitnicd with Uo oiininof tle Justite, tle constitutionality of

' such appropriation. The next day a roolu- -' tion was introduced, tleigiied t.Ltiate the ob--

Tn rar Ju i5usv. i. ... . - tt




PerCda. Uabh. Mvm llatta. anU Twi klaL7 " ' 1 --USC TCTJ wistiyre- -

n D E bv. ai Mr. b fusel entvrtain il, and tle tn-- n .rubletalna. aal IctiMnB, t WiBlntwt. ai;ntbwhart. I a,ai Mrs J rrs Maa l ana. Maater J Paria, , TCtUrn home W llh the TOT tl.CV Iwrgnincd foT.

lnVSZZ! Act has ras.1,' making importantV

Sa rrR c K C wi


.Nua i:a-k- . cliangt-- s in tie clecti n Uw, and afco 1 fining theiirVkiraa fi'rlmng atal cl..:ng tie J..IL, ai fxing

aotV.Mtaall t UtlaVr. Mwm ibo iLama. 111. I tw . !f T f ... 1 ..r ,t. l.PaUI'fo, tn, I "aaa, J K'Oibamt, Aaa--j Ma, Waarkarg. iijavtn, s--vj.. Another in.Tea.--e the num'er of Rcrre- -

.. . l"j--





lw 'C s-- tUt

licj.n-enu- tie tl? .Vsscmblv sheIn

Act tvuUJ ofof rit.K atl vi.--it


llaa,.V..... ltjiO iKn.nl .LJl.r. F,gUa...0.0VU.

nnl trn ton

tV Ihe ha. tctt,,.t Cll oithe- - U .?

It nowwas

Aflrf v(rro

wp will of and

ww 01


n- -





it to

to lr oitlHsc

fit to


oris to an








M, 5B- -h to


lla d..:

P-- w, Dr



i thi' 001j

r- -- j


t, C I.

J I$

.r t

tacnt require it.bill rvvidr- the cvlkvti of

durw-- -1 rrrv n irvcl. each' rr.tnr rnxa jmrr j.-rt-

, ttiitto rrh-- Annoa'Ij ccnr in!.

cUIwa Naplrvni.-- !jtorT r- - . rpi'T-rwti.ie- i f r lvnurMtsBuuaAput-.u'- . NapolvaV U- - liVtal. .,n-i- n. C'lB.Ia h Q'art:in atb.ri:atiTr:TU Sh'iyUit (

laup-r- c r. writrr.a t r.pHUr tr iathaWtiut l- i'rrnvb l'n.;:.-- 1

th tl oalr.


It U




a n nj




quarter tliese

bborcrs firmly







u "


j Another lig'.t-f)u- sn f. n

j a t

I w paaiphlrt. otin;t

t..?in. I "'';. With thi furvl the of Etlura- -

ti n. if it wa. tftufwl turn hii hatwo rvor.IM anI li.wr t carry n tho ish..Ii,miht avtc.iIi-- h a.rfnrt!.i;i lut it i., tho

HcBAtvat,luo.y C vt. tf i:.o pcr!e. IIr nv-r- T ttax all l nt and little or ntna--n oa u rrsirw e. thr Fwtvr..r .J, tuClf iJtltl an4 li?. w!ro ia crrUln I.Ural 1 A rr7 Ir,Trr '' TA f""""n I-- 1 eouring t i

r Lmpt-rw- r tn.uifeL lt-- r fw ..r-.-pt .rt gxxL.w N-- 4FuMta-ccK- . AptiJ Tho tuarriap.-- ,.f of oearl v e err Stato in l"r.i.i, aa al--o in

IlU2L?ITmTti?'i-K'"'- : I:u.J,an oHintrk. arl it.eu.;:i. , .

tuk tdar at th Kal i.arl ia Taria. Pr,,n5 iie great Unefct. t ndcr its- KLa Vrt ijaaiamiel. tho t ruwa r- - TToii i a man can injure bL life fr tho Solo

.k. Wa a In.Zr?' 1C1 Jf ' cf hL Rul children. y pirnK-n- t

anl (Treat Iu'.udtaaay , , .... ...rr vrraoat.







preparation arr k--t, uk-i- i iruranfC at Lis Ui-al- pa?ta city tor tho rrorption ot tae rna.-- r ! t scj j-- anI is ieoure against

aJ hi rnneo lHnab.'rt U tho ch:H ' rtUlm f Tbrand eld-- M : kin, Victor LmmaoL Ho ta , Jrtweaty fAur year of aao. batia; hroo born on tho I cru'v l.i'V to the wij.w c whoJIUi f March. 14. l:uco L a LWat. (Jen. in-- mv at Tear of arr. so inVro-ortk- .n

of tho Ita!Ua army and Coianian.ior-ia-Ch- il cf r , "JTiIiUry !VrrtntJt of Xapkr. I'dnco NapoU-v- n

r rcrn:Iaparto ta a brother-ir-la- T f ilir bridegrm. bill materially tho cue-i- s litign- -boinn sarWa u King Vict r i'aiaunm t'a rloVat ti n in our has foa rae.l. ThecbilJ. Tho e. Varsnorito Maria Tt- -rr.. of SaroT. eldot chil i of 1'rinc Fer.l- - Xvin ZT Irrhaj onc-U-lf. Dut of

Alhort," Vk-io- r Kirmtnnel. ' ben' ft of tho law e xto cr doubts. The er.fiaa4 t. . first eoa.ta to lor htoband. high, an-- 1 t! is '.. n-.- to ra t liti'i.Tlte ba lum na tM Orh l N'ur 1a.M ... ?"ad ra i her' truierni!) yrar. IVpo l wa IX. ; r'uon-- lIrm- - f o-ar- so too tho

grnlni a iLvuaatKn f.-- r tlx-- tairrvar. ohvti!' of g ingt Itw will in tart re--Tmt Cbow far..- - or riusoM IWin ivttor AI1 tfw f lawTcrs incrcasxl,

ooataln fallowing: To mo frown rrincoi hoi!-- r to tlx" lni of vountry a.t large, itatai ait. 110 iabaa bro4

a t

alHot f"y"- - ' 4. L .lUoatiotLlf-Ie- .1m.trtlr Buro.

ml a t."wir iikT board. " Aem' ly

can tW It U an I rtfrcPH kir.l.ara ut man. It, u ab.it hi.



an a




yestt rdav. Mr.tho Att.incy L knvw whothor

had vnaiTlifd tho rx.atin the hou-- e

woTvaody hina. ..r,ii.. f is-- ' stniciin Lira t rmino tlio .tror;irr. seer--

3 tho paper that li- -rlwtiaht-- k, .loar httto

Crowa lMncoa. and '. HS charged. tliat Wvul i ao tu;ar cnua u as to fn,.i rtf b.-i- r-- nal rr-utK'-


a bv l'-a- flrun.aa j a ir u . prrfr rh- - rhc x.mrVLi V V aa-- - - n. fa I. W At M

cf lh















f.- -


; .

Macf .






KnaA-o-n called on bo

of in--an-- 1

! Bot in

Vw.rt-- . or is crira- -aaj

. .


re jhws! thl the LXfk aiw- -

alUiTmSaazlj iccatil ap--j Lv,rierrr ' ail ,4 rKao t. allow tct tre--.b..itj- rtpoc --aucB. C -- al rHfl. 4 , anj .ar, j, OJJ 6 afier tt U( eJ,

wawcharsM that ho at " J Coututioa 1 , . 1

cJ comhUJ. a a bJ-- . Wat a soloraa ..ioh i Mtitaru int a dn'riir tlicA thUtoo'ir-'-c Uaunboublo U agrvat mattcT a!:. tier. T. this the 1kiuv t utxlrr-P- rt

to Ujluonvosd ivna t.cvrt Ltfu.,, 9 .ntor TWI ine wi.trsoroirt hoI ai l a twori, f j




doubt which


Tho Att- - ti-- r h-t.-s !.arpl r

wi;h lihrl, ail Im-.- i iiaMrurteU hj tlw rx re-e-ii-

tativco to bring furwarJ tbe proof, autl allowedtwo or three weeks to make his report, intimatesthat he can Cud notling after all, and bes leaveUi file report after the close of the scttnion.It certainly looks like duplicity on hit art, and adentre to out of a lmd dileuiuia whichhe lei lec!i forced !, his colleagues. If uo rcrrtin made lcfore the clone of the ttctM-iui- tlio peopleluive a right to draw the inference that theclmrgti are fal.se and unfjunded.

.Mr. W"i!diTs rcMolution taking the sentsc of theAureutblj on the question of a separation of the

j representative and nobles into separate housesj rmilted in a vote of 23 against separation to 10

in favor of it. The native did not appear to un-derstand the object or nature of the resolution, asit reoched only three of their votes.

1lio Inipenehnieiit.In SntunlayV and TuesLiys pnceelings will lw

noticeil t!je doings of the Representative on tl.-- e

j petition to impeach the Minister of tlic Interior,J for maladministration f office in the matter ofj granting the opium lieenoes, whereby the publictreasury suMainea a low oi 5;(ti. it was pn-jw- 1

by some of the lucmbcru tliat tlie proeeed-in- g

should Ik? private, but Mr. Khodcs an.l othersdemanded tl fullest publicity, ami in accordancewith that wish the report is furnishei in full.Tlie movement to impeach originated, so fur as w ecan learn, w holly with the natives, including er-l-ui

those intcrcfted in the opium license; andI

we cannot karn that any foreigner lias liad any-- ithing to do w ith it, which may account for itsending as it has.

j The Committee to whom the titin was rcfer--jrcl, made two reports, tne of which only (that

I puMiohod) read to the House, though strictlyit was tlic minority rejiort. Tlie tnu-miit- ee

mudo a mistake in not taking evidence uu- -dcr oath, as in m important a matter as an im--

h.--v imuiuwturi ma rmjuir. Itacliluont other oujrht to he









he cxamituition having thus lecn conducted in, an informal manner, the House hud no alterna-- .the but to reject it or order a new investiga-- jtion ; and it very projcrly dccMcd to lay theictiti.u and report on the table and let the whole

' matter drop.The rcjrt censures the Minister for what, soi.u,-!- !.. adopted, of

n.i of clerk, an


error was committed, and on this point the cvidciu-- o contradkt.ry. On the merits of thecase, we cannot exprers an opinion without know-- ',

ing all the facts, and as no testimony was taken,. charge may be considered as unsustained.I i.tition and the action of the house will

iave a good effect, as it indicates that the people

. . rihfji. will mih-tl- v vnbVNrnMl arr.ac.nc ..it, iirra-- approlTuttetl " n





I-- arl


r ausUtn


Minister to trample on them without callim;him to account. It is just as well, in this in- -'

f t.uice, that the matter rested where it did.

8:tO,(H0 t"r Iiiter-lNlni- ut Ktenm.Tlie Legislature passed a bill on Tuesday to go

intcr-islan-d steam navigation, appropri-- !ating for the purpose tho sum thirty thousanddollars for the next two years.

Tlie bill provides tho termination of thecharter or monopoly granted to present cum-pan- y,

in six months from its imssage, after whichthe service will open to competition, and thepresent company, or any other that can carry out

j tlie provisions of the law, will be entitled to thesuWidy.

It provides for one steamer to run to andaround Hawaii, with power sufficient to makeeach trip in one treei. For this service thou-sand dollars a year will be paid froin the publictreasury. A smart steamer, like the Gussie Tel

fair, which runs up and down the Californiaoast, or like many of the coasting steamers thatleave Baltimore and New York 1.iilv. mv!I

the two

length of route is not over six hundred milesHer route should be to Laliaina, then along theshore to Makeo's, then to Kailua, Kealakckua,and along the coast to Kan, then stopping at Ke-auh- ou,

llilo, Kohala and Kawailiae, returningvia Maui, and pcrhai touching at Molokai.

A steamer that can make readily eight knotsan hour under a stiff head wind can this

! and as the subsidy is amply sufficient to! provide her coal, if procured expressly at

cost, there is no reason why the enterprisemay not pay well.

Tlie also provides for a steamer to run toKauai, touching at cverv making tlie


j circuit of tliat once r week, f r which service tit e tliotisanU dollars a year be tud I ruin

WrVT senutitcs on Maui to the whole tl P"Mi treasury As Kilauea can easilynumlarT in wHl do uikcly ill occupy this

Kf Piirtv (be 23, route. addition to the Kauai service, sherr- - -.-r-

- An was also A-r- od auth.rizin- - the Minis-- ke tf circuit ona' a forti;igLt,--Z? Z1r" isth rt-lt- ra. Niiliau










m aor

tie wumen Sw orw r. y. i Cr or frxm

T!. the


allwhV. rroht'- -



brott.-r..- f


t the



l withaits

'Jrtw1 rJZV'


thw not

LV.v lu.VTal








The time come when these islandbe provided rteam terviv, performedrezuLirlT anl promptly-- . There times when



rajiJ will the general pn.r-- r Frrijucnt

Pl outxnunu-ativ- n furnilc regular inortsvioatniTrl arxl esjiodito huMinw generally, tlmtfanner trader can ulIe the buincs that

that rrricJ tie life iniuran-- bc CAn where kno vct-k- ! h-n-

cvTrisi uwrt cir JU. Tl law tho itins agrnU


&mc this fanulv,








17 U,













ba should


trade.remark the service


tinucd for ten year, of Honolulumetropolis, cmjitrtl which

Let it ouco lo frequentregular inter-islan- d and foreignboth capital

improve wastemake them the garden Eden.

IKncocX rKr:i.NT. Tho .V. Tribune otApril ht: Tbo taovirrent amvne tho v

Il-ito- i-- z nt ra;.i:ar.T and po.ni-- ,to tho crA:ic

a unaaimoufor Hancock. W ala.'t of vigorous movementsiu U"ah;netoa hi Hi ch.ef

tho Nrth aro orrvra.craej. Ji i'.. rec-

ord of t!tn.the pnent notice that cur

ontcrnp-'rari-s MaaoK-- w.. i'J opposedlie ji.Hi'.hern IVai.'cracr was

oun;el ao of w-- t hli.Ts thoannv. hut

orn pro- - I a limcvttindiided of South.


Tlio ruTllo rHoliool System.Legiblative Assembly lias passed law-

making some in the presentsystem, which lias proved itself to be to;

tally unfitted for the Hawaiian people, and underwhich the education of the rising generation isLecoaiing year more demoralized. Amongthe multitude abuses, the new bill proposes tocorrect two; first, as regards the construction oftho local S hool Board in each district, it allowsthe parents of scholars to choose one of tlie threemembers constituting the. board, the two othersbeing aj pointed, by tjw Iioard of Education,and the (the District Justice) being a gov-ernment officer. The point gained by the peopleis a Amall may serve to correct someof the abuses w hich exist the couutry districts.

Tlie amendment confers on thisBoard the appointment and removal of the schoolteachers the district, the being subject '

to appeal to the BoarJ of Education this city. J

far as they go, these prove beneficial chan-ges, inasmuch as take the power from the In-sjct- or

licncral and place it partially in the handsof the parents of tlie scholars, where it properly be-

longs. The school law referred to themanagement of the whole school system in thohands of the Bard of Education, or practically.

those of the Inspctor 'cncral. Like the pres-ent Constitution, virtually ignores the right ofthe people to an unfettered voice in what

themselves.As a of the unsuitable system which

was adopted and has since been continued, despite tlie entreaties of tho warmest friends of cdu- -cation of the country, tho number of scholars in i

the public lias decreased from 8,023, asexhibited in 1SG0, to f,21S, as by tho

(ienerars rcpirt for the present year.And tho numlcr of nativo children now educatedin independent common supported, woundcrstanJ, wholly at tho expense of the parentsand without aid from the (jovernment is nearlyone thousand. And tlie mimK'r of schools

children is constantly increasing, thatthe majority of the children in the isl-

ands be educated iudejcndent of government

Practically it will Uiis resultparents refuse to send theirba.in.,.bt,.-- , b.ulmi ibntMiMtcf .ini, t!;euc ibt the ending 31,












ic government schools, while thecommon government school fundsployed mainly to jicrpetuate the sectariannow established. Consequently, tho timo

come when the present arbitrary systemmust be broken up, and the Government citherhave nothing to do w ith or the man-agement of them the bauds of thusc who possess the confidence and supjiort of the people.

these reasons, regret the bill to re-lease from the scliool such as to educate

children at own cxnense. was defeated

reports the





truth the enunciated

decline the schools toward


The As-

sociation things. pre-vailing nation tffect.



awtabW- - bouses,they a and


For,.'toam aorvi.v. notwitLstandicg



occupy lands, teacher.









second School




schools plate




ser-lio- e,





fainiaesuonsA. Tho


fail-ti- re


scholars. Nineteen schools,825 scholars, taught English language

seven, including scholars, ttae.nawaiianOn Oahu, the schools

trganized themselves intomutual stimulus and counsel, hope tosimilar organizations formed upen the otheras soon the schools shall renderdesirable.

They by the parents, and

a by the nourishing and

and them see theremedy present for populareducation. number is increasing, and

continue to increaseKincdom, they effectually supplemeut the

inefficiency decline the Government common


Report Kzniuinins CommitteeCollege

To liitird of of (W.Vje

1iF.nti.kmkx We. the atu.. .... I..to eia.i.u. on Messrs.

College, have atteuded ity, submit C. E. Williams.

following report, was opened defray expenseswhich an examination madejncrcaseJ carrying out the the

the :


I.3. tieometry.

4. Ueograiihy oflOTM,

1.2. Arilliiuelic.3.4. Algebra.6. Science Common

5. Enfflishft. Xeaouhon's Anabasis.7. tjiL.ins;.8. Compositions.

WeDMENDAT,6.7. Cojiic becuons.8. KiMtiug.9. Compositions.

Tttere were very important injan examination was not made, on account jtnelimited time appropriated for Among tlnotice the History England, rhiyphyiand

During the yearceived instruction the College, twelve whom

Hawaiian, aisd sixty were foreij;Parent'two whom were Chinese. The ja'ence c

rendered the examination ,n

examination some studiesa thorough training, more

Latin and Conic Sections, Geolhy theHeavens, and Science Common TLI3- -

The pupils were younger than uJly attend aSeminary character, mucFonger

attended years,their progress fully illustrai the carefultraining which highly accomplish- - teachers can

were espajia!llnpres.edgreal advantage faithful anable instructors,

even schools where young.been too practiced to empT ordinary teach-ers for young scholars, accomplished

who can hadonly tbe best, but UMially the Jenpest.

We gratifi to learn that atten-tion give;, tbofl-aiia- language.

prizes were given for tt. compositionthe lauguage, and the to those

the instance of the Ministry. an injustice the greatest the lan-t-o

We re.oimend that it bemake a ioor mechanic or laborer pav a tax to I

educate other people's children, wl'ho has a Immanent study the College. is veryj important to the merchantlarge family to educate at o ,be planU.r.ina it is great conveni.when grernment urgent solicituion to enee eswntia.n M the relations

provide schools as ho is willing ,Le evinced more maturitysend his children to. A change of law will j mind the youtlil appearance the writershe made a main question at the election, for j would indicate. Theme remark be made

rrery special tax, unjust, should lie reference to wV were examinedProperty, personal, J matscs, especially irvonic

the of the poor should not be r happy to see propertaxed, per capita, to benefit other classes. . eutioa beeitf.ven to penmanship, which is

our remarks regarding the government ! T,r--V 5inP,,rtnt

The snecimeus drawing were good : andcommon school system are well based, be! yet this art, whic" so useful attractive when

the following adopted bv the ;. J i learned, like former, very neglected.

Hawaiian Evangelical Association, at recent , T,K. ga8 lift, all(, to themeeting m city, than which body anJ WJW an aiiX.able change the attentionin the country more qualified scak knowingly: neCessarily giin to Latin. Greek and Mathematics.

Report on Consu... School.. !

Tbtf pj.iat exhibited to a book containingby the --I'"',,. accurate ..m f the deportment the stu- -

reporTthat an J atfQtK,n to stdY' "tc-- . antl "Committee would find no rea--to recede the positions the j

rt'ne,-u- ..... . mci-t- s made in last years onaccomplish this service in six as the total .




port,- .


'- 1113

- .







1 B ! m a a.






in- - wa.

a n 1

S 1 B





















subjectThe principles therein re-

mains unshaken.The steady of common

lure. tacts arewe are

nor ofare of

of to



are inin







ortne of Oabn


tho and







at It is n,ade



each to nie0r of


is.its plrU


Vourson taken Pr






Dr SIUdi3 inuie iu lueof

In closiJJ us tocon-gratnlant- he

on tbe snccess ofthe are

the of extinction, obstructions to , tl.eir'veral there is no neces-rrosnerit- T

continue, with few eention,. i SJ f '.e 3'0,,.th .f t,,e Kingdom to for' ' ' ianeucauon. .. .

AiiKe manliest uu lunic&l ooserv- - '

ers, and satisfied thtt this is nei-

ther mistaken parti.il. majority thistye-witnes-

testimony is this



:? you .





but theoostnot





I uiBcijJiiuecisc thert'iee. They speakdistinctn.o strength.

report, pleasuretrustees

iastiition. instructorspoint and aud



suitable the of practicalKLIS11A Allkx.Dwitjur Baldwin,


Hof lulu, June 1SCS. Ulnky Thompsox.

Dil Leare the C bit tit ru Out In tbe Co 11.ktt nut are lue if decline notI, but they are continuel cherished as !-- Eoitok: the oldeu time, when the writer

during tie years. wa a boy, the eld in all Fourth of July anIn the majority of the districts the parents are still ; Tcaries played second fiddle. principal object

left without a iu the choice of teachers. ; oihe ctlebration then, was to instill the mindsSo, also, the greater part of the districts, there youth the many blessings advantages accruing

are no Luna Committeemen. the deeds of fathers bygonethe teachers the ' evrs. To an end the young folks were

rea into the schools, and to act checks upon the ,,d parcel to every celebration the elderscouduct themselves. quietly fighting battles o'er again, re--

The School Examinations in the larger portion calling, iu children's enjoyment, pastthe districts degenerated almost to nuliirr. observances of day. To the patriotism of the

The General a single hasty young, the perpetuity of our republican institutionsannual examination, emitting entirely som are to be committed; 'tis then mind is most

of the chix.l, and git in.






no sufficicut previous r.c' tbeu impressions (late occur--

ootuuiunioativn to l-- o euvnded Wtween ! toe of the of exomiutiou an.l a majority f rvnoes prove the f.ict) tlutt no combination circum- -II rulu!u a:id Hawaii ; tho resident of III- - the district supervisions unJor excrviso - ncca can

for instance, arc a without a wrd fnai tie or no super cf the schools, li their x,,w art tbe:W 'wrns be made, and toI., - lc lot ot coders firing a salute.the and frequently other of anat.or: are held at rare .nervals, or nt at al , Sj lo witneing Kauakaboat rac' tlio jrup in same wav. Th school fun Is rasny of the district? are so I-- ,Qjt .ianee by a Uvt few in the whilst

a Ticultural wuimerc'uil interest can ' min,slcrevI supply sc!iool:n- - fvir but a Iirtte-- a the ones are Home sucking their finger andrM?nivu iitiKiuvimus

tho more frcpent and rolialdo i, tho,ern protracteJ by roduemg the dys .Miufiiiw aay

an;oip!.tions-o- fererv .merrcanpleasure?

dociwraaU-rO- . I.o j.urcey

iaa t- -c ana m tututo


. , . . , ot tne Tear, p en witen ajt in anw tue u iw "11 Mt.u u wuu? iur iiir eu, a in.-i-ils of


it v.



be in













i schooling three per work. programme chance ! giveconsoquence an nunyer of DK the arrangement. In the day of

schouls are suspended for periods varyin- - frt three were jwtent. be aPrel picnic under the shade tree at Kawaiahao,months out the twelve. where ovno AMF.KICA can English, Frvnch,

of tact shown by the Inrctoreneral j German Hawaiian toia management the schovls, them great institution ForKTii or Jclt is;

Providing school i noto- - ' nd the fund not large enough, larger.Every interest in the group is Ic , to an inf uencea would I

pondant on sjo-cl-y inter-islan- d comtuunication, enthusiasm in the teachers, the schol. the j 'gW9nvK'w

and share in the general which it parent. schoc4 bouses ectin eicep- - I

bring. Nor achoxwr costing trade i tion. nelectol, and a a oonseouence soe are rap- - ! SEW COTTACE.MMT.tBLE FOR Two. . . ... . . I . .- is Gentlemen or a froiall ramily -- fumubed. if drsiml.fer degree. t batovcr iixrearos tlie gen- -j Uy going others remain unworthy thej 11 loqatre at Store of umjnd.

eral buMnoro will tneir business, or some places nere are nowill always nexweity for the carrying ! school house the schools kept in

The same ar plv to steam



fls exert Old

and name waue

dwelling houses purpose. rMlEout hesitation that responsibility fcf of fiVuAV?tna'w ITZilH

between islands California. Uort- - tngs rests U,e Inspectortime space in travel and trade do Th cf wnaiim

than everything agricultur-- culvl m' ia ,he moutb of tb Geueral.to B,e "no 'P'1'"' Pro-if-i.- "

al commercial prosporitv onn.1 infr-IJan- d loul assertion J impartiality ia

will makeit is now noth-

ing. tliat havesteam

immigrant will flow in tonow and '

blootn like



cat. xW an!tho pr-'n- t -- r.' ia theiri

ta favi.r.. ia amTsr tho

ottwr well HJay. city

hoh, ac- -

Htit,it h.Iis




but it

So willthey




aid.lead that




their their





to oris



4in to

incrc&so inat



j hired "e i

Tf,I rf 1

; upon j

;j " ti i

I I ;

a j

r a if






' a ..a a,t,M T 1 A t Cate--chUm" axe to a extent regularly tatighiit Gcitrnmtnt tchooU wheh are undermanist teachers, whereas all teacWng of rligiouj !

nature strictly in Governmentwhich are under Erarical Protestant

result of whole is, th. of .

scholars, as general rule, dwindled tofigure, teachers parents ;

school are condition, !

. TresiJeaer rl mentioni aaUr rs of chHdreaara frcwin- - up ia i- -raeetirj: Mn.lar ni-fc- t. tbe I'i::b-avrn- u j arance.

pentlriaca.lVm nornina:in.

IVnU'eton'a a rcpudlaiion










Asjomhly Kindlon, in session, un-

der evni leratkn cauie,Committee Edacat-nia- presente-- 1

ex.vllent rejvrt. ropcrt bo carried cutmnrc"ner.t we see

tnu;h inprovemeiit ia that department.The decline schv.l,

SA:i-:- y ios:re tf parent, ha


9o4 of these comprising

and 125Independent

have ansee


as increase these it

are sustained generallyin

we most practicableat the depressed state

Their rapidlywe trust, throughout

until shall

the Trusteesundersigned, Committee

C.oy J.that and

subscriptionwas and

tollowinp;Tl Jl'SB







Virjil's .Cneid.


NaturalUook-Keepin- g.

students re"

wereage. ofnationality csciai,,yteresting. The oPevinced t.ecially

Greek, ofof

this andmany those who and


imntirlThe undersigned with

in piipi!?roften

teachers be most schools

very muchhad been

Two besttamoiumber



fails often life.lum Conipoina

this thannext may

like U and Mathe--repealed. real and must

and The thathad


verywill and

from oftenn,nsic eianlina,iont

this there from



and state--rifr--

do not sufficientorour it gives

oontinue.1The accomplished

their in dejiartments.!.r.tn go

for purposes

oaly tuismove still and

pat threeTne

voice into

still or them from theirappointed to child- - such part

as satisfiedteachers with their and

of their their own

a now


tis are madetime

when case hioilo, Uun s5r to

ntrodis; a'.pL-h-,

fare tho off harbor,Uur and little at


lookmore Ada to

give childrenThe increased a voice in

tntir voices most therenine of h:s

and schoolmates, and showhi of also ineffi-- how a

ciencT iu suitable is makemore or rKU4t such Bot.

orwill pr..spcritj The are, with

will tho suf--any decay, jo u.

all, refor the wy with- - tVSf.tL EXa.MIVATIO

the this stateand The Genenu

of and C!7

more else to tipani losi.

hiUI. f..ri


and our












and "considerable

the day Ro--a

is tb day

The the thethe a has alow the and lostenthusiasm, the in


the havelatere? the anj that

their aKeand inthe tho my

the and theirto the led to the

the ;



few cases ;




seventy-tw- o



thethe has











j o



have the




boy 9 f..r--the

the a thetlier



do-- t




OF THEplace

nation nf heIastuatioo are repactfuliy inrited l. be prraent. 60O it

rMIE PUBLIC ARK HEREBY NOTIFIEDthat BT wj!e, KKAUlUA, ha lelt my bed and boar.),

bihI f all prraon hamor or trust her as nr-- t paydebts bee. 3t) H- - WHfcfcLKR.

to 15 a: 8i,d.A FOXr.CARRlA4.EAXD

H ARN K PI KT 1.. II..K..'Iwn driTrn l.jr UJj. i. trn..


If rice. AUx). a SADOLK UOKiE. perfect qu. et,and a rood parer. at the Registry 03. o0

American Relief Fond Association !

mil t.-- r- -r o 7.rWe are plad. however, to tht the LepT-jhUiv- e

. 1 i.a wai he nej o the erenioc v M..SDtr. tte 2iiucw

thepa aa

If thrhepo to

c f coaain












Iuni- -











KI to I



"," t ! free




s .j

ihh, at s o c.oct. a: ue uouui or . iMf.u l utpi'iT.cjo u pkrorier.

Consulate cf the United States of America,Laasisa. llaaaan Isiardt, Jane a, lyii.

Propo$nU lor --Ciclinn-c.

tai:iVi-r.cc- t of IiJcv:ent ia various P?? T'lE E.X"a4 GEAn

OP. ....!", 1 :vl cn all 'int Jo SAi. win he t this ort-.- l Jaly r.

I". ?. Crrtal.

The CoMisfocBTH. A meeting of Americansobserrance of theand others in ProPer

timing 92d iiversary of American Independence,

was held at auction room of C. S. Bartow, Esq.,TuesdiyninS- - attendance was large and

there were usual enthusiasm and good feeling on

such occafl9'Tlie mS organized by the appointment to the

chair of -- z s- - Spaulding, Charge d'Attairs, andA. F. Jt Esq-- , a Secretary.

jartwright, Esq., read the following pro--gramu which was adopted as the order of the day :

j. e at Sunrise of 13 guna.2." rch airricea and oration at 11 o'clock.3 Jtea at noon from U S. S. Mokonya.4 at IJ. 8. Consulate from 12 to 2.6 gattA at 3 o'clock,a .luteal Sundown.1 All oo V. S. 3. Mokongo.

following committees were then appointed to

mf the necessary preparations :

mmittee on Salute alegars. C. H. JuJJ, Hauinger and

mmittrt on Krgatta Lt. Hay ward, Measra. D. Foater,dt neld. Oat and Sidera.

ommitcte on Muric Meters. A. F. Judd, Hall and An-ns.Committee on Oration Messrs. II. A. P. Carter. J. Molt

roo if Uith 8. Bartow.appoiutett cowtm,ttre iaiwc A. Cartwright, I. Bart- -d the and

viz: A to anyThe studies in in programme,








is noto



inPaipaTs d.

iu gathering









sum of $410 was raised in the room. Any excessthat there may be, will be paid over to the AmericanRelief Fund.

Independent of the above programme, we under-stand that the " Antiques and Horribles," who crea-

ted so much amusement last year, will parade againat sunrise, in their grotesque continental uniforms,and will be accompanied with the broom rangers,"whose duty is supposed to be "to sweep the cobwebsfrom the lap-s- e of Time."

Although the arrangements are not on so extrava-gant a scale as in former years, yet they will be heartilyendorsed by alL Americans in foreign lands havelong been accustomed to celebrate their national an-

niversary with the same enthusiasm as, at home.

And there is every reason why it should Jp9 so ; forAmerican principles, American liberal ideas, andAmerican equality and freedom are destined to in-Ta- de

every country, and to supersede the obsoletenotions which have so long ruled the old world.Last year the fourth of July was celebrated with can-

non, flags, dinners and balls in Paris, Vienna, St.Petersburg and Constantinople, and it will continueto be so whenever there are Americans resident.

Dr. L. II. Gulick has been invited to deliver theoration, and it is understood will accept.



Free to All ! Entrance, Nothing !'!PRIZE OF $60PRIZE OF $j0PRIZE OF $40PK1ZK OF $J0PU1ZE OF $25PU1ZK OF $30PK1ZK OF $15PK1ZR OF $10

...Boats with 6 more Oars.--Boats with 6 Oars.

...-Boa- tsa A

Whale Boats, 5 Oars......... with 4

.....Boats with 24 Paddlrs

Canoes with S Paddlrs.All Persons wishing to eater far these Prizes

Will please rail aud enter their boats on or before the 1st ofJuly, at the Store of C. L. U1CB A.RD3 & where erecy in.formation will be giren by

630 2t J. W. WIDHIFIKLD.





i,i y.

tSrJ Fancy Goods!

Port Stroot.IVOTICE.

Jl'ST KECEIVED, PER SCIOTO,Japan, a selected assortment of

Lcquerecl Ware,ALSO





Hay be Consiiltecl DailyUP THE 13th JULY,

From. 3L3. till o'oloolt,

hesideijce besetauta stseet,to J. Ritann. Io


Ed. "Wissonbach, "Waimanalo Market,WILL

OFFERED FOR SALE THISin for Choice Pieces. E It


117 Broadway, Xew York.O F FIC K R S :

Grrasi L. Wiiuib PresidentO. H.Oobpo prsijenjCasatES M.Plt.b anj ActuaryA. W. Koik;bs. M. U Medical Cxauiioer

Cbsnk, 31. U ebyswianW. f. PakSTica CoanselluT

Board Oirootora:A. A. Law,Iaac 11. I-

eamuel Wjl.r-.s- ,

L. Wil!ard,tllrer H. Gordon.Heiry K.S-- B. Chittenden.tJeorre F. Thomas,Pe er C. Oon:e!l,

HaUey.W m. Kel'ey,

I ira P. prtniice,n!nin Toa-nien-

W . Visdale,Tb'aiul. Hartley,til L.Henry A. Swift.

A. iajnie.




..Boats Oars.Oars.




in l a i: at

to viuicnThe attention of tht La-

dles invited.






Xat nis

CD Next door Mr.

FINEFKP s:at;ehtere4 by U.e.'5-- 5


DAY.XT Call season



JMt Consultingand Attorney






bert BeekiLan.


; James II. Prentice,Kufus K. Grares,II. Messinrer,Alex. T. blake,

Uieurre L. Nichols.James S. Soyes.

jJoh.-- t W. Frotbinfthsm.W.lliam C. FoBier,

! Willium C. SheiJnn.S.mael B CaidweU.olir.ri. Carter.

! Nrtnan S. Bently,'Lewis B. Lodrr.I William P. Prentica,'John T. B MaxwelL'Jamrs II. Frothtnham,; Hon. Stephen Taber,' Ber.jamiu Hicks.

special features:Xtrri'JL PR CM IVMS Lover than those of a Major,:,of tke Lift Insurance Comanitt ia fir VnUtd States.

PREMIUMS Lover than thoseekargei kg any Cnasajr ia fse ITor Id.

DtriDELS Increase annua.', after two fears, trV far i



age of tke Potiem.

On Thursday, June 25th, 1868

"KILlioloa and Waimea, Kaiul

Arriving Dick on Satnrdar, tbt .U a w w.


Cnliforni:), Oregon aim ipTTStea.iil.i. Co.', lce

San Francisco and 'Honolulu R0TeTbe C.p..j', Flste A t Ste,,'Tt l!Vx bTOA M a?2v 1 u iii

F. COWER, Cos lauattorr,J J'f

1177 run bcttcein Honolulu and San prbv the followinq Time Table : .

Drairs. AaaiTau.From Honolulu Msy 9; At Sun FranciscoFrom Sao Francisco... May 2Sj At Honolulu V

Honolulu June 15AtSan FraBiscV"" jFrom San Francisco... t At HonoluluFrom Honolulu July 21 j At San rrtnctsoo' '"jT1Frcm San Francisco... A or. )0 At ti'rota Honolulu Aag. 2Sj At Sao rnuiciico'.V.V.j,

Eates Passage have been Seducedto

CABIN, - - $50 STEERAGE, 30Through Freirht to Portland and Victoria will be tan.reaaouable rates, and


Insurance tnaranteed st lower rates than by saOinr taU.Particular care taken of shipments or Fruit.All orders for Goods, to be purchased in San Fraud, ambe received and filled by return of steamer.ei 3m It. HACKI'ELD A CO., A rasa.

Regular Dispatch LineFOR



WHl have Immediate Dlspatth fr tbe ateve PrtFor Freight or passage, harlnr superior aecomrooUtiaot tb,cabin and steerage pauengers, apply to628 C. BHICWEB. A-- Ca Aceata.

Ifawaiian Packet lineFOR ,


Clara TI. Sutil IX. C. BROOKS, Maater.

Will have Dispatch for the aleye Port,On her return from San Irancisco.

ror Freight or Passaic, baring- - Superior ArtoaiaMidatloni fewCahin and Suerage Passengers, apply to630 3m ALKEJt A ALLEK, ArenU

For Bremen or Hamburg.







II. JACOBS MASTER,Dispatched for either f tbe akave Parts,

Immediately on her return from San Francisco,For freight or pasaace, having superior Cabin accoauBoia-tion- s,

apply to (625 2m) II. 1IACKFELB Co

Hawaiian Packet LiineroR


Tbe following First-CIa- ss Vessels will En Btilariy the Honolala Line: jg.j

ta. m

rAMDDinnr? J

For Freight or Pssaarre, havinr soperior aecommalatiooi atCabin and Steerage Passengers. aply to

3" WALKER A-- ALLEN, Artie's.

Tlie Honolulu Iron Works Com pa 17HAVE BAND

CART BOXES OF ALL SIZES. AX O ARCto seU at very reduced rates.

7 Parties taking 1 den SeU or more can ba supplied allcents per b by the Set at S cents per lb. &54 to

nOaXOLt'LD 1R0X tVORRS C03IPm$1 A K E ALL K I X D S OFMachinery, Sugar Mills, Steam Enginei,

CEXTRIFCGAL MACHIXES.Also. Boilers, Coolers and Fheet Iron Work, ant! all klndi si

.BRASS ASD IKON CASriXCS.A tirre stork of Piping. Klbows, Tees, B ass Tslrea aal

Cocks. iSheet Iron, Boiler Plate. Bar Iron, Ceotrifaral Wins,India Kubbcr Packing, and every description of Uachiuryalways on band.1 Great Variety Xarhiaery aa hand k for Sale Lttr.

ir noxoLCLr iron co.


af my Stock now ao liaad,

T C O S T!- -

coxsistixg orLadies, 3Iisses ;uid Children's Boots

Balmorals. Slippers, &c.,


Quaker Clt j and J. M. IUtIcs' Shirts,

German English Black Cloth and Alpaca Coats, white riUi.tn fui:i, Vests, Pants, At, manofaetured by V

., ion. cna 3i) IRA Kit H AH-US-

IRA RICilARDSCKY,Agent for the Boston & Maine Foundry Cat

AXr KIND OF STOVE l A X L'FACTCBtil in the United States, furnubed to order.

ALSO, ORDERS TAKENFor all kinds of Merchandise,

Procurable in San Francisco, New Ycrt, Philadelphia, Bmure or ostun, a a (

Coodi Selected with tko Greatest Care.


The Coiiimercial News Depot,BY

SteamsliipJCXE 18G8.



New York HeraldTribane................Ti an--. .................- Wort. INatkm. ................lirrZitanr ................lndeueoAettt

i rmrk r--


LOSSES Paid in thirty daps after due notice and proof of London IUttstrated'xVVi.rr.Death. j Jjx""

TBIRTT DATS GRACE AUon-e- d in Payment ' SB '"vaciscw Ba.Wa.".V.".".V.V..V."rVtainar. j Aa Cal.f-M-oi- a.

All Policies are Xon-rorfeitahl- e., 5crntornaSa rTncrte rtenca CeunerS fx XX UT lcX!Cisor re-A ' Jwni.ee Aoervan.' Boston JmjrnalJ

i 419 Callfaraia Sisrrl. j Boston AdrfrtiserZ j American Arricultnrtst.. ........ ...

i To tke Pui.-i- c - tA May TI, 1VS. j !nh AerK;.

a.1w .U-Ph"- E M WEISS ha. been appointed ! Nel ?V.::"::::V.:f lTaJlaVTun LZ1 ,CIF t the . .ieh d Krenin Mail

If. . .-- . .rr...i..i, iw iolur. . uraiir; ...wmr. ................. .

.rrf.'n. ni'. reee.re rece.M lor h....i. t Hanwr'a RtnrNew York K.ancellst.

xlTL -- er,:fned..a,w.red ! Ttne rc.V!!!!::".""tT.lV::. tie i WSaturda,- b. xciaraocc orin r. of the uvea. .Prt liawsAiao islands. 'ADOLPHK M. WEISS. S"7 'PEr or.t t,e residense e Mrs. Lmetl.""..".oo Sn j IVic Trest

"""H c



ia ,





ef630 woBii








the of


ci,;.mai st.1

J?t....... u..

April tiJ...J4y

."."..".'.."."."."."a Bril e--aril-- !



AaralJ.v;;;::..'..... 3


...w- -


........ .. !




"...J- -



rtn3SXSDAY. : : : :: JTTSTL 24th.

iTTiiistoe or 312. J. r-- CUir1l,U. rrl ri.

!TJX b Mi at rww .i-ct- .o.

. c?.mm1 watet nri Ti n n rl- - f

tel3 UW" w Ifor--co.iusTia

. Liaeae, CWWn. C1r. To--

6K Ccmk. A.

Gotd-- Farnitarf, Class-war- e,


at Auction!farnitarcHflTBSDAY, : : : : : JULYlSth,

AjAT ! O'CLOCK A. M-- .



ie lfc nae'ai'aa Theatre.ATrL BLICAUCTIOX.

If IXSnperior Household Furniture !

ctWitsTtyo orCt.tr. Table. Hr CWH fr'a. IUIr (Vth ("hair..

HW Ch-- ,- ijm U.'m 81.u1. H bit


X Piaao Torte, JEoiian Attachment,huht Bfint Work TMciprrtiwmti


CHAS. BRENIG'S OLD STAND,Caracr ( Saaa aal JlAlae Slrtfts.

igt. BREXIC IIA! A L. WATS A FILLMi tatwd trk

Clothing, Boots & ShoesCL3T.' lIRMSniAC COODS

liii and Cap. Dry and Fancy GoodsriXKEt: SOTION. A.c.

I. o&f vWctwl Mock 20 r eot-- cUprIka mj mImt Mora to th eUy.

Com tu, y o7. wl tatUfg yourstlvt..F. J. truobl ia Ww M 0m1a. C3iS to

FOIl SILK,It the Photo-r-p- hie Galle rj, Fort St.

or tub latrynewsUVA FLOW AT KAHUKU,

And Scenes of the Earthqnake.Vm kk as ih nnt b th CjUMrm. Uitf &rv nm tu--

Wt mm My MiKclMa thai n k mmdm.K U II. L. CII A5K.

Wheelwright and Coach Maker,

.41 Wr. irtvjhf SlmJ,

n. UACKI ELD & CO.,f iVgoxitai fortf ESSBA IIICDMll'.rK Ac BIIEIMS.JA.

Jfetr. Hnlnhart pere 4c Fll. Rheims,Xr. Adolpke Colli. Chalons larMarse,

Ar hi rralar rrerlpc of Ih

CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNES !W tba abat ku, wkica thcr offer tor tola Croat otora'

Cat al u am re. Sea


Jiiat Received,Prom England, France & California,


Str. Idaho, and other Late Arrivals,A LARGE SCPPLT Of



1'XCLIMI. AMERICAN' AXD PREXCIIGtnrtuua. fcrrt Long CWb, MarfapotUaia,

sjoi CuUm. aa-- cnlnrr4 Flannel. Alpacas, A tap la;

lnan. Prl K;tt ami ay EocltaA twaUaai WBiW.

Imtl Want, Mai.1 an.1 Orey birta t Sbpbert Piaal aoJR' 8Has la j a variety f kw as4 eokires)

V. .1 . ... rw . w r J A-i- t,j bltud,..ttiur murciai ac-si- .', ;

an4 Smll'am'i Hosiery Men's. Mi Mrs'. Tooth's aa.1 ,

HWrw BwU anJ ral'l pabntl ami ethr frMldlra, a j

"Ml M ,4 Zoifr l' apert. Tabte Catkvy. A, 9. j

Panr r.ilTT TarftT1ir Tanpr Hollar. :r w r f --- r

a, i n . f Sy I,fx, per a na a aac.


JOIIX THOS. WATKRIIOliK'SCS Jt B llie Ftnrr. Qwa SuveC





And Ilaberdaftliery,3CCH

X W P R I N CJ Ml'NLI.VI,Trench ami KogllsK PtuUa,

GlogOasM,siu a4 Pr!ntcl rUoaela,

Saporvav Uc( ChiCia, Th Trait W UM Loom,' 8aa. forUM,'Victoria Uaa, aU ualitiea.'Tape Cheeks,

iea o. &mtlenv's lTMtttleajen' Laatbs' Want Half Ue.UeatlM. Liaa Colxa 5aodrU(ham. West Rodand DUmao,!.

at tfp--e pattmta.'"" t Maaci Trlaaia-- a.

A Fiaa Aatnrratcat ( trr. ao4 Mantle Bttoa.Silk R.MWH. Trlrw,

ek Klk Girnlee nn Tassela.hbona, tttt.lt, Jlocaioa atvl Bevlof Silk, Ae. , Ae.

lew nowert.Sew Feathert,

ITcwest Styles Hoop Skirtt.Hat Shapes, &c, &c


wTJV: on Pinao mud Caitnr.- wrnc.a lro. 607 1

payosj?, Imlelililc luta.fai,3f0 LINEN. TO OF. I SKDare

Naak, epaaiit,-- o beE laraloe- - Ink asa.tM la . m. WlltTFKT.


Al ! OYkck. A. M- -, at fa)- -. 1

It E CS U I, A It S ,11, Eor

GeiK'ral rreacliniliso !XT Particular, tie Prmim.


Hit Late Majesty KamehamehaTV.Ta aoeM mmti mi eerrrt likens, erer prioteJ, c k -

T arplH-atln- a u to beurs ofII. M. tvnitiT.




The Beit Brands of Chewing and SmoldnjAooacco. im

IIest India Curry Powder,1 HRRK AM SMALL. KOTTI.KM JrtTrvcri.Mt by lh BOJTl(iMd. prr brig CHINA PACKETMKlMntserlDAUU. For ui by


Co-rnrtiier- !iip A'otice.JOSEPH M. OAT NOTIFIES TIIK ITR.fc bu alKitt 1 his n. JUKPII M OAT. J...a la ttm &il akto c bu.or.. The firm yl aitlUiJOfEPH . OAT 5Q.V. ej 3t




rTT" II HfES Kll THE ABO VE3IAR.k- - C - KtT ftw tbcMleof


Bttf inaze, Carard Tori, an J Brrf, SpUti Df,Ae. O. Ruxrty k. nl lb Kn fork 8aatc T ad

Tb.a.fol fur ! Uoc. todllbt axt harpy to tapply allko aay Uruc bus Ub a rail. tii ly

lux imisx lJackct :



Tlio Best in tlio rxir-lie- t !A ad r offrrnl tor ?ale in qoantii n ta'l byCM 4t II. HACKrELD CO.

I:iir3' Suit.TARRELS IAli:V SALT.

ForiaWby , C. BREWER A CO.

Salt Water Soap.tf A BOXES AM 35 l.Ii. IiOXES.fM aale by C. BREWER A CO.

Wrappinsr Paper.SSORTRD SI Z E S .A

For ! by C. BREWER A CO.

IlimtV Iffaiiillccl Axes.SALE BVPOR C. "BREWER k CO.


Uorie Hue. and Cottiralnrm.Tor tale by C. BREWTR A CO.

Card 31atclic4.A S E S C A R O MATCHES.

For Sale by C. BREWER A CO.

Slicct Jc:i, Slicet Zinc.AD CASKS.JASES

For Mte by C. BREWER If CO.

Fence Wire.PEST AX.VEALEI WIRE, XOS. 4. 5. .M.9

Fur tale by C. CUE WEB A CO.

Traill Carts.EAVV PHILADELPHIA HAND CARTSII aia4 tar Trath Carrier, aoj other hrary arsrk.

For sale by C. BREWER A CO.

Aiiclior smcl Clmiii.IALL SIZES FOR SCHOONERS' I'SE.

fcf hf C. BREWER it CO.

fi II I.mIi IicSi.Ies.W A M S A N I JELLIES.Fur tale by C. BREWER A CO.


Hemp Iiic!t.LL IZES. FOR SALE It rA C. BREWER 4-- CO.

TEST PILOT KREaU.I- - I'lxd Casks.Wr aale by r. 3m C. BRI:W EKACQ1

By Express from New York!Heecired

Bj the Steamer 'Idaho,' June lOlh !


" Qae-e- I. toria'a Uf rf IU Prince Cvmxt.Tte U.er. Inelkary.Tbe ! IHary.iwra Memlb'. LnwHte.

Khkea trnm Renrkr. y Jay,Ij. nt An--ma 'r l, drceaed.ThellaarHiaa Aacel.1 he fcilim'i Tal'.a.1 l!amtri a Tear, sad bo to l.e oo

Urtte W ritrr.Prd ht"4' c Cock &- -

rje-fi- ' Fahlea ' rrnt HarV clitioo. teaa-ful- y

lltontraled fIl,t-r-y lbe llooen..

Anooal Wewnli6e 1JMia Tra.l la Braail- -

hayard Tsyl"r PuH J"b"-U- ilUnnan World.

Kerry Mn b. Oea Layr.Hlilinl ! lb Ver-lirt- .

TUrrf ti lib talar.Inaon'. Ne Aaerica.lffM'i lwol" TncH an I Lr.

Harry. La.tWfcl teartilna.Konra LW k ripriMta-M-Hin'l)- 't

Peeret.The t laeerinra- - . . .IluMry f the Clorrh of rr.r.- -

HuIwt'. xU kdn.Count Uirala- -

Tolome. M.f r--r FW JantU,

The H.e Crel.Mar.', ao.1 LaMitoye. F ry

N.oial laaa--e b;

IsnntfrlUft and Trnnyu Ptoea-.t-.

Pne' Work..Welter'. e k1 .iet,.n.ry.Webster Pket IhrU 'S- -

With a Variety ofJuveniles. Toy Boots. &c.

TO OIE 1."1 aETS OF A V"1 "

rre-- l. -- Mrh embrace,.pelted f e.aa.- .-

,iua R--

i "AHo, eeerytLiDI ieu.r-- 1 u jlirXt-T- .

603 Im

SALMON BELLIES IT rtTfl!0!xTAi OXLT THErTMlk r wttet..a.A r.n-U- y Qrwy nq r rri tut .


Choice Fresh Groceries!JUST RECEIVED

Icr STJSAJlElt II AfilOOn Tuesday, June 9th.


0.leo Gate Ex. r.mily Flour.Fr-- h Oral. am Flour,

Freh OubmI, Re. Meat, Buckahrat,Coana liotalur, Fine Hominy.

Box, bru W Uii. Mucuuil.Rnt CUWdib ll.uj.,

B.Jtyin-- k Bc..n,

Smoketl Beef,

2Vcw Smokfd Cecl Toiisue !u., iiflc Coda.a.

Case brt Salooo Brrad,B-,- c Wafrr I'Uut Brrad,

iHIrvl I'uclui.Fmh T.Me Froit, ai'J

ases Best California Cream Cheese,Crmckm, a-t- kii-U- ,

Tin, Frrh Jumhlri,Tij. Fmh Q nrrr Puapa,

tor California Lhtli arul Hran,

Fmh Cr.abrrrir..

Kr'h Citron.

UrtU, bair M. Fnily Park,Cuay Putl-r- ,

Cr Currkm., tialf galls.

Fn-- h Tiico,Slolttraan rini,Xu Bear.,

f rU Trarl Barlry,

l'a: (kii(irnia Mat-ir!- ,

C'a-- . Calif-irut- a

Bux- - Clear furali.Layer Rauiuta a),.4, half aud quaitrr bosca,

ka Suit, Brua-o- . U. Qlof-r- ,

. Uublra Pi nip.

. Aaving MrioTBCiUtic (ur Uw trmrrf jl Mrhrction of QouiU iafan iKKim, It vuflJraily bclicvnl that all Hi. b.r. all)b fuau-- l U a.iaj to lb. waul oT archarts. Plea, callami r

Prices ow to Suit the Times.I. II A ItTLKTT.

Also, C'o tnully on Hand,A tUUK tTOCK OF

iBcst Pauley Groceries !

! Ctv( Isl.ind CtiUr received ItegularlyTU rntirt .r ict of Ihc Celebrated

ivi-:n- n.ii- - ON MOLOKAIj

Being Sold by theTJiiersigned Exclusivelyj J 1" I. BART LETT.

I iSaperintendent of theMolokai Dairy,)! FRESH BITTER,

ECEIVEO TWO Ti:ES A WEEK.1 tfur .ale by 16 lo) D. 3AVI1HJK.

! AEW STOlE.JUST OPEXEB. OV XTCAfU STREET.(mil AlcLrau's a GeorratgaorUucnt bf

i Ladies' and Children's Boot: and Shoes,I DRY COODs. CLOTIIH;, Ac,j F'JU sALfc. CUKAP lV, C15 Cm JOd.A-1- 3 A CO.

! to m; li;t.i THE PREMISES IV XLUxr VAL.; I i;;J LKY. on Mount Plra.iint. br1onKiu( .o Cl'MMlNS,j il'A aq-- Aitlyw 3t J- - y ALh.N'.



ITCATED! )UKAWAU,.Mui. Alytol i"19 THOMAS W. ERR KTT,, Oi 2m Or. F. A. SCHAEKr..' LEATHER,

From Pond's Tannery, in lilo,fKKV OARF.Kl'LLY PREPA RED, xl '

V fully ru.ual tu Le.lhcr.

II EST KIP AM) CALF SKINSl;iackvnnl and Kuwlt Gt Skin, tlie latter larrrly j ute

(jT trinu oo flalilaliou. for air atS.T Mu r. A. hCUAKFER A CO.

CHANCE FOR EVERY ONETo Irrigate llicir liand Clir:i..

Windmills for $150 each !

FEET II 4IKTER. O STROKE1a s) alili all tb-- J Itld uuprorrmeuta.

J't L rtn in tlit JIwJn!'i Iron 1IWA l"ir-in jfrutiun.

TVe e U rontrtKi?-- l whul!y of Irio. n. rrenlve. onta I., a latch ctutrt lutle tttcxi--n -- ihI omVc It Kit irsulalinie.

CM lot

aotici:.MRS. F. II.l7ATIIAWAY

RESIKCTFI'LL' ANNOl'XCEIn ih-- La-I-f uf tb.l .lie avul-- l be b.)y tu

ililI.WIMiU h-- r Ctr, street. the re.k- -d'uee bf lite late !. H. V. nnw. o.-- lin

ivories:.TfR.(M!.RnsRVII.I. ATT EN I TO Ml."m liL'rIN dur.i.j y 'wuct Irooj ibc 1umU.

L P. AIM MS.Marrh 17. 1VH 6Ji Im

rn:i: vooi.lKTi: AUK PREPARE" TO Ft KMS1IW FIKK MoOUbf the -.1 quality. tha. K Nrue- -

at so, l.ad.n.. e Y.rA' l?KVrr7.KR.

Ilib, II. ail.TT For particulir Inquire cf

3a CASTLE A COOK. Ainll.



tJ tUX Eiii, s oc sny iMt.rr cUa. at Iuh1.at U.f L'fjhtMt rntr.

n. II. M. W HITXKV.i


EX sniOOXKIt ALASKA,S -- TV. Zj 12 j

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it.rtfl Srintlin-j- .

T. 'HI-- il. J'iTt'J.

7.V.(rt,f Shiii'jUs,

Pi.kfts. dr.. Sc.I if.

Coffeesfj, :

f.nsltlr on llaad aad lor Sale la UN to Salt,--rm. ..

rfMIIE I'NIER!I "" i.irun.'i' '

Jl fiuuie Ilia, " je irCliwire M0d lell liriea noon


Ilarmff the ut-u- rf of the fulloain r.arlir In Kona i

. Mcr. NkTii.i A IUsb.tt.. N. flanaeactL. N'-rt- Kuua. i

V. jaoTV, a.nua.A. S. CLKllHOKM.ea ly

C!iint ?t' I'lirasc IIookM I

'inn xki.i: nv iII. M. WHITNEY.l1 trj lm

THE PACiriCroiiiiiientinl Advertiser.

sat run a v, jlweOTES OF TIIK WKKK.

Abrital or Japanese EjnoE.XT.-Tli- e BritishLip Scioto, t'.ij.uin IU'.igau. arrival yasterJitjr, 23

(l ijrs frtiu Vokuliittuu, Jipm, with t'.ifr first instal.lueut tf Jap:ittt.-!S- 9 laborers, anl aUippivl tothe lldWiiiLtii Guveruo.ont its Consul Mr. Van

Tbei Kborvra are in charge of Ir. 1). J. Lssan-- Mr. A. P. B turn, who have taken ppecial care toprvsvrre the health of the as;eiigT, an.l tiirj havearrived in cxo-llen- t condition. But one death hasoorurml during the passage, &nl there hns been onebirth. There are 1 IS passengers, six of whom arernarried and have their wives. The arrival of theselaborers ia opportune, and we doubt not they will allbe readily engaged, though we have not learned theterm on which they can be had. Consul Van Reed,we understand, engaged with the old Governmentfor a much larger number of emigrants, but the newGovernment made objections, and he was compelledto tike the few which had already been secured. Inall probability no obstructions will ia future be placedin the way, as soon as the Japanese Governmentagain becoruea established. At all events, these willafl rd a fur opportunity for the experiment of Japan-ese laborers.

The Rocti: to axo trom Japax. Our readers areaware that we have long maintained that the best routebetween Japan and San Francisco, is via Honolulu.AVe Lave in former issues instanced short passagesfrom Japan to tLis port as evidence to establish theposition taken. The arrival of the thip Scioto, S3iliys from Yokohama, furnishes another. The dis-

tance between Yokohama and Honolulu is about 35u0miles. Iuring the first 1 1 days after leaving Japan,the Scioto made -'- AM) miles, with fair winds, leavingbut one thousand miles. She then met baffling andlight wind and was 19 days in in iking the List thou-

sand miles. A steamer could easily have run thewhole in 14 days or even less. The Great Rcjntblir,when she broke her shaft on her last trip to Japan.ran within three hundred miles of this port, and whenthe accident happened was only 500 miles or bo nort'west of us. For some time the Captain was in doul'whether or not to head about for Honolulu, aud noth-

ing but the strong fair wind decided him to go ca.The tru;! is these steamers are every trip cook.."?nearer ami nearer to this port, and will yet have tomake it their regular stopping place, as they shouldhave done from the first. With fair winds to thisport going and coming, it is contending against nnu-tic- al

science, providence aud reason to take the di-

rect route iu goir.g out, or even the strong northerlyroute iu returning.

ro.NCiiuLO;v We saw not long since in an Oak- -laixl paper, an appeal by those interested in the Col

lege at that place, setting forth the duty of thefriends of educatiou in California, not to let institu-

tions at the East deprive the State of cue of thebest and mot complete conchological collections iuthe whole country. The article referred to the finecnbinet of lr. Wesley Newcomb, who was formerly aresiden. of Honolulu, and while liere thoroughly ex-

plored the land shells of these islands, and gave themto the world, through the London Conchological Society, many of tbc siecies being new and licfore thattime utulcscribetl. we learn fiai me present collec-tion of lr. Xewcomb has been sold for a large sum tothe Cornell University, situated in central New York,where they will be sent, to add to the facilities for athorough education, which is being so amply provided by tt"! founder of that mtitution. tiufltr.

The " Cornell University" was founded and endow

ed by Ezra Cornell, Esq., of Ithaca, X. Y., who gaveto the institution, in laud, buildings and endowmentfund, five hundred thousand dollars. Yet, notwith-

standing this princely gift, we see by the following

item that he is still adding to it :

Mr. Erra Cornell ha. just iurrlianl f tlie Cornell I'niver- -ity, at llh.ra, N. Y., the entire library f th lnt Dr. Aiitlnn,

CutuiiMing of 7,000 vulumra of valuable hooka iu all tliemmta r aCKiire, art, and literature I ne unrary ui ournrulirfverxify. when inrrrasrtl aa contemplated, will numberinure Iban 30,UOO volumes.

pHr A number of school exliibiJlons have beenbeld during the pust ten days, all of which Laveevinced great industry on the part of both teachersand pupils. One of the most prosperous is theRoyal School, iu charge of Mr. J. II. Kinney, assistedby Misses Smith, Cooke, IJrickwood and Ueckleyfwhereabout 150 scholars of both sexes are taughtin the English language. The exercises on Tues-

day were creditable to both teachers and sclioUis,and so long as the Government can Uud such pre-

ceptors, parents and iiardiaii9 can Lave small rua-so- n

to complain.We hoped to have received a report of the Wai-alu- a

Examination uud Sunday School celebration,but it Las not come iu. We understand that nt thedinner which was provided some to 1300

person? sat down, while the Honolulu brass banddiscoursed pleasant music to the assembled crowds.This grand eutertaiiiuu-n- t was gotten up withoutan expense to the guests who partook of it.

Lifk Ixst hanck. Iiy n no'.ic i i rmr Advertisingroluuins. it will le seen that the World Mutual LiteIusurunet Company t.f New York has established unagency here and appointed Mr. A. M. Weiss as agent.Life insurance is y year attracting more atten-tion as one of the most practicable niodes by wliiiha man can provide lor the wants of his family alter j

death. Iiy u small yearly payment of to $100-Insuranc- e

companies guarantee the heirs of the per- - t

sou instiled from one to live thousand dollars. Mr. '

W. cme fully authorized to act for the WorldCompany, aud can be found at I'r. llillebrand's j

office. j

AnoiT Rain. It is ttntcd aa the result of careful '

bcrvutius for nix years at Greenwich Observatory,hat rain is more frequent between noon and mid-i- ht

than between midnight and noon. The small- -t

rainfills take place in the morning, as the sun isdug up ; the grcatct in the afternoon as the sun isfeeing. Tliis is certainly the case on these islands,wire the clouds generally scatter at night, and ac-cuu-

in the morning, almost invariably rainingon ie mountains during the middle and after partof te d.iy.

Qick Time. We see it stated that the overlandmail akes letters through frota S.in 'rancisco toNew ork in eighteen days regularly. Letters werereceiv her. from New York by the Ilaho inside ofthirty ays. This may hereafter be estimated as theshortes time fr overltnd letter mails during thisyear, i ISC'J the time will be shortened severaldays, a in 1ST0 we shall have New York papersdelivcredicre regularly in t!0 to 25 days from theirdate.

y Ave xchange tills us that " a Minnesota edi--tor s tl t a man came into his office to advertisefur a lost Vr, and that such was tlio wonderful pow.er of advetising, the dog walked into the office whilebe wns wring out the advertisment This remindsus oi uaoccurreu uere nov ioii ago. .i i.fij iota canary bird, and after advertising it the littlewarbler calo back and enteral its cage, which washanging on he verandah with its door open.

r-"-T The xifo missing schooners have both beenliestrd from one having drifted r.ff to leeward, re-

turned on SnV;iy last. The other got a hundredmill's or mor to windward of ile group. It showsthe f having instruments on board sothat the eapt;n can always learn his position with- - i

out having to aend a month at sea.

Worth Kso-ijco- . It is said that to coal. . . . .f i . i - r i : loil one-loii- nii ii cnniii khi in a miwcue

tot ,gni mucn more or.u an, an cear,, , ...i r..rrits smi-- nc.o If true..this is a secret wuh knowing.

-Makawao. Tloexamination of the Makawao Fe--

male Seminary wilbe beld on Thursday, the 2:5.1 ofJuly. We understod that this school which is un- -,

der the care of Rev.; p. Greene, is in a flourishingcondition, and nuubVs sixty-on- e scholars.

T-iT-- Tlie MissionuV brig Morning Shir will sail.ti Tliursd.iy, 25th iuL for Mirronesin.


FiriT-riRS- T Pat, June 16.

Assembly met at the usual Lour, His Highness M.Kek.uanaa iu the Chair.

Ciumitte on tVinmeree presented their report inregard to the act to increase the compensation ofpilots, and recommended that the rates be kept as at

j prex'tit, ow ing to the f.tct that Honolulu port chargesI were the cheapest of any port in the Pacific. Thej Committee reevmmended that the pilots be paid a

salary out of the Treasury, the same as all other' Government ofliccrs, and the receipts from pilotage

be passed to the Treaanry.I On motion report tabled to be considered with the


' act regarding the same.i

Judiciary Committee presented a report on petitionj from Kau. prating that agreements between mastersand servants be in both the English and Hawaiianlanguage and recommended that the considerationof the same be indefinitely post)oned

After considerable debute, the motion to postpone. . .- 1 t " 1 a 1 1

inaeuniiciy tue cons.aerauon oi tue rcpon oi wo ,

toiimiitee waa iosi, nun inc rrpon revoinmuieu 10 I

the Committee, with iustruction to report jI

in the form of a bill j

Mr. Hitchcock presented a report of special commit-tee


to whom was referred the subject of taxation.Committee reported that owing to a press of businessin the Assembly, tlfy had been unable to give the j

matter the consideration due its importance, and !

recommended that the Chair appoint a Standing Com-


of three who should coufer with the Ministerof Finauce on the matter of taxation, and report on

j the same to the next session of the Legislature orj otherwise. The Chair appointed Messrs. Kamakau,I Hitchcock and Wilder on said Committee.

Mr. C. de arigny gave notice of a bill to amendsectiou 4C1 of Civil Code.

Mr. Koakanu iutroduced a resolution appropriat-ing $3,(HHj ,r the use of the Legislative Assembly.

Resolution lost.Mr. Phillips introduced a resolution that all Com-

mittees be requested to report and nobills be received by the Assembly after that day.

Mr. Kcawehunahala iutroduced a resolution in--' etructing the Minister of the Interior to provide eachmember of the Assembly with two copies of the lawsof this session, w hen printed.

Mr. Wilder stated that on Thursday he wished avote on a resolution taking the sense of the House onthe matter of having the Nobles aud Representativessit in two distinct bodies, and gave as his reason for

i this, that in the fore part of the session he gavenotice of a bill amending the article of the Constitu-tion, but his time h;td been so taken up he had beeuunable to prepare the bill, and he would therefore

; introduce the following resolution to bo considered at1 P. M., on Thursday next :

ii... iu ure vi..uiuu tu.oit is des - i i e .....1 .... . r .v. IAssembly, n.ti'li uv nuimc v& tula

j Kingdom that the Nobles and Representatives shouldsit as two distinct bodies."

Mr. Lyons read for the first time an act for theprotection of game. Bill passeJ to its second reading.

Mr. Hitchcock gave notice of a bill providing forthe compensation of Representatives.

Mr. rhillips gave notice of several bills which hewould introduce

Mr. Uishop gave notice of several new bills.Mr. Asa Hopu read for the first time an act res-

pecting the duties of Commissioners on the Rights ofWay. Hill passed to its second reading.

On motion the House proceeded to the order of theday, which was an act to amend an act entitled anact to rccal chapter ten of Civil Code, and to regu-late the bureau of public instruction read for thesecond time, and ordered engrossed.

An act to repeal an act entitled an act regardingthe fjualincatioii of electors on its second reading, wastaken up to be considered by the Assembly.

Mr. Phillips, by suspension of the rules, moved torelV-- r the bill to a select committee of three, with in-

structions to reort Chair appointedMessrs. Hutchison, Hitchcock and Kamakau.

On motion the House took a recess till one o'clock.A bill indemnify the Minister of Finance for $0000

was read, passed and ordered to be engrossed. Alsoa bill to punish barratry.

An act to facilitate the service of Criminal Processwas read a seud time, and passed.

An act to amend certain sections in the Civil Code,in regard to awa. Iiill was read a second time, andconsideration deferred.

An act to amend Section 780 of Civil Code, regard-ing the number of the Reprentatives, as follows :

Hawaii, 8 Representatives ; Maui, 7; Oahu, 8; Mulo-k- ai

and Lanai, 2; Kauai, o; making a total of 23Representatives.

Mr C. de Varigny moved to indefinitely postponeMotion lit, and the bill passed its second reading.

An act to nmend Section 1S23 of the Civil Code,was read a second time, and passed.

Au act to amend Sections 118, 119, 120, and to !

'repeal Section 121 of the Civil Code, in regard to Stal-lions, was read a second time, and passed.

An act to regulate the sale of Deadly Poisons waspassed.

An act to limit the time within which claims ofcreditors against the estates of deceased persons shallbe presented, and suits be commenced to enforce re-

jected claims, and to amend Section 1247 of the CivilCode, was passed.' An act to amend Section 893 of the Civil Code, andto enlarge the powers of the Police Court, was passed.

Au net to promote Immigration was read secondtime and passed.

An act for the protection of game, passed its sec-

ond reading.An act respecting the duties of Commissioners on

the Rights of Way, passed its second rending.An net to amend Section 788 of the Civil Code, in

regard to time of opening the Polls, passed its secondreading.

An act to authorize Hawaiians to prnct ce medi-cines, read second time, was, after some discussion,lost, 20 to 10.

Mr. Varigny said that a petition had been broughtbefore the Assembly, containing certain chargesagainst one of his colleagues, the Minister of the In-

terior, and as the Representees sat by themselves inaction upon the report of the Committee on the peti-tion, he would respectfully ask of the Representativeswhat action they had taken on it, and at the sametime assured the House that the Ministry had no in-

tention of interfering in the least with the preroga-tives of the Representatives. The Minister presenteda resolution embracing his question, and was answeredby Mr. Hitchcock, to the effect that, in the opinionof the Representatives, the charges made in the peti-tion were deemed, by a vote of 24 to 1, insufficientto sustain a vote of censure against the Minister ofthe Interior.

Mr Varigny thanked the Representatives, and de-

sired to have his thanks entered oir the records.Assembly adjourned.

Fiftv-secox- d Dat, June 17.Assembly met at the usual hour, His Highness M.

Kekuanaoa in the Chair.The President of the Assembly, as Chairman of the

Committee to wait upon His Majesty and acquainthim of the fact that this Assembly will be ready tobe prorogued on Monday, stated that he had calledupon His Majesty, and it suited His Majesty's pleas-

ure to prorogue the Assembly on Monday, the 22dinst, at 12 M.

Mr. Hitchcock read for the first time, an act toestablish the compensation of Representatives at $20a session.

Mr. Phillips read for the first time the following bills,which duly passed to their second readings:

An net to authorize a Loan. An act to authorizethe levying of Light House dues. An act to amendChapter 2, Section 5, of Penal Code. An act to pro-vide for the appointment of a leputy Marshal. Anact to secure to married women the benefit of life in-


Mr. Varigny road for the first time a bill to amendSection 434 of the Civil Code, relating to the Oath ofAllegiance. "

Mr. Hutchison read the following bills for the firsttime: An act to amend Section C3:, 337 and 347,of the Civil Code in relation to the Fire Department.

An act to authorize the. Minister of the Interior totake possesion of eurh land as may be required forthe Honolulu Water Works.

An act to prevent the driving of cattle through thestreets of Honolulu.

Mr. Kuihelani read for the first time, an act toauthorize the Commission of Crown Lands to executea deed f confirmation to a certain lot of Land inWailuku, Island of Maui, now occupied by the Re-

formed Catholic Church at that placeMr. Martin read for the first time a bill in relation j

to Hawaiian physicians in country districts.Mr. Bishop "read for the first time the following

bills: An act relating to the location of SlaughterHouses. I

An act to deginate a place for landing cattle inHonolulu.

Mr. Aa Hopu read for the first time a bill relating i

to School Io?p-ctor- s and School Treasurers. j

The House then proceeded to the order of the day. j

The bill to authorize the Sheriffs of the differentInlands to take acknowledgements, was indefinitely ;

post pone 1.

The bill to extend the powers of the Bureau of Im-

migration, was passed to be engrossed.An act to regulate the Contracts between Masters

and Servauts, pnssed its second reading.Au act to establish the compensation of Represent-

atives, was read a second time and passed.An act to authorize the levy of Light House dues,

was rea l a second time and passo-- j

An act to amend Chapter 21, Section 5. of theCivil Code, was read a second time and passed.

An act to provide for the apointntent of a IVputyMarshal, read a second time, aud passed.

An act to secure to married womeu the benefits oflife iusurancc, was read a second time, and pAssed.

An act to amend Section 4"! tf tho Civil Code,read a second time, aud passed.

An act to amend Section 6G8, SS7 aud'317, of theCivil Code, read a second time, and passed

The bill to authorize the Minister of the Interior totake possession of certain renl estate in Honolulu, forthe use of the Honolulu Water Works. Bill lead asecond time, aud passed- -

An act to authorize the Commissions of CrownI.amls to execute a deed of confirmation to certain

j lands in the district of Wailuku, Maui, was read a: second time, and passed.I An act' to amend Section ST, of the Civil Code onawa was next considered and passed.

An act to tree from the school tax such pareuts orguardians or to send their children or wards to selectDcnools read second time.

Mr. Varigny moved the indefinite postponement ofthebilL

After some debate question to indefinitely postponethe bill was carried.

Motion to reconsider put and lst.An Mt to npC)il vtioQ flg of the CjviI (VIe WM

re,.l( anJ passed,An aci to regulate the driving of cattle and vehicles

over the bridge in this Kingdom was read and passed.The bill on compensation cf pilots, with report of

on me dulMr. C. H. JudJ moved the passage of the bill for

engrossment.Mr. Kuudsen was opposed to the passage of the

bill, as he as Chairman of the Committee on Commerce took a great deal of pains to gain facts in re-gards to thTs matter and found that there was nonecessity for an increase of the rates of pilotage forthis port.

Mr C. H. Judd argued in favor of the bill andurged its passage. .

Motion to indefinitely postpone the bill, carried.On motion, rules suspended and the report of the

Committee on education taken up to be considered.Mr Hitchcock moved the adoption cf the report.

by striking out the thin! section in regard to exempt-ing pareuts and guardians from school tax, whichwas carried.

The bill to Amend Sectious 12S0 and 12S1, of theCivil Code.

Mr. S. II. Phillips moved to indefinitely postponethe consideration of the bill, and artrued at somelength against it, as it changed entirely the system oftees, acc, in the tourts, and would tend greatly im-pair the receipts of the Court.

Mr. A. F. Judd argued iu favor of the bill at somelength, he being the introducer.

Montion to indefinitely postpone put and lost, andthe bill passed to be engrossed. Assembly adjourned.

Fiftt-tuib-d Day, June 18.The Assembly met at the usual Lour, His Higness

xt : 11.. n..:.iviuuuaoa luv vuair.Mr. l'liillips introduced a resolution appointing

Mr. L. McCuIly Assistant Secretary, as the Assemblywere progressing so rapidly that it was impossiblefor one person to attend to all the work. Resolutionadopted.

Mr. Keawehunahala introduced a resolution thatthe Secretary be paid 5 extra per day since the be-

ginning of the session, as he has been most faithfulin the discharge of bis duties. Resolution indefinitelypostponed.

Mr. S. G. Wilder, upon suspension of the rules,presented a potion from the lepers on Molokai, verysimilar to former petitions from them, and moved tolay the same on the table, as most of the requests inthe petition had been provided for. Petition tabled.

Consideration of the resolution of Mr. Wilder inregard to the sense of the Assembly on the two Housessitting together was, on motion of Mr. Hitchcock,postoned till Friday at 12 o'clock.

Tlie House proceeded to the order of the day:The bill to authorize a Loan was read, and passed.Au act in regard to School Inspectors aud School

Treasurers, was, after some discussion, passed to beengrossed.

Au act to prevent the driving of cattle through thecity of Honolulu within certain hours.

Mr. A. F. Judd objected to the bill, as he thoughtthat Chapter 27, Section 3, of the Penal Code coveredthe whole case.

After some debate, the bill passed to be engrossedwith several amendments.

An act relating to the location of Slaughter Houseswas passed.

The bill to amend the law regarding iue qualifica-tions of electors, &c, was reported bak from Com-mittee with amendments, and passed.

The bill to amend Chapter 21, Section 5, of PenalCode, passed to be engrossed with an amendmentfrom Mr. A. F. Judd, striking out all after the enact-ing clause and substituting three new sections.

An act to establish a Hawaiian Board of Health,passed to be engrossed.

An act to designate a place for landing cattle inHonolulu. Bill was ameded and passed.

The following bills read by their titles and passedto its third reading.

An act to amend Section 2o5 aud 25G, of the CivilCode, and add a new section to be numbered 256 A.

An act to nmed Sections 118, 119 and 120, and re-peal Sectiou 121, of the Civil Code.

An act to promote Immigration.An act respecting tlie duties of Commissioners on

Rights of Way.An act to limit the time within which claims of

creditors against the estates of deceased persons shallbe presented, and suits be commenced to enforce re-jected claims, and to amend Section 1247, of theCivil Code.

An act to facilitate the service of criminal process.An act to amend Sectiou 7S8, of the Civil Code.An act to amend Section 78, of the Civil Code.An act to amend Section 873, of the Civil Code.Ait act for the protection of game.An act to amend Secticn 1323, of the Civil Code.An act to punish barratry. ,An act 'to amend an act entitled an act to repeal

Chapter 101 of tlie Civil Code, and regulate the bu-reau of public instruction, &c.

An act to license the slaughter of beef.An act relating to Inter-Isla- nd Steam Navigation.An act to indemnify the Minister of Finance. .

Mr. Hutchison addressed the Assembly concerningan act in relation to a Hawaiian Board of Health, andrequested that it be referred to him to report upon,and assured the House that he would do what hecould to encourage the bill in a proper form.

Rules suspended aud bill referred to the Minister ofthe Interior. Assembly adjourned.

France has concluded a treaty with the kingdomof Siam to regulate the position ot the kingdom ofCambodge. Uy the tonus of this treaty the KingofSiam recognizes the protectorate ot the Emperorover Cambodge. and renounces lorever all tributeor other mark of vassalage, while the Emperor en-gages not to encroach upon Cochin China. It is anadvantageous treaty. tor Fiance.

Queen Victoria is most regular in attendance ondivine service, and notices the absence of any ofher servants. On one occasion, at Balmoral, lastseason, she asked one of her attendants on a Mondaymorning: " Why were you not at the kirk yester-day?'" lleauswered: Please your Majesty, themorning was wet." Oh. fie?" said the Queen,'who could have expected a Scotchman to plead

that excuse? It was not too wet for me."'M. Gustavo Lambert, whose zeal for Arctic ex-

ploration has won for him iu France the title of Pe-ter the Hermit of the Arctic regions, is organizing,under the auspices of the government, a new expe-dition to the North Pole. Tlie mystery of that re-

gion, which many explorers have found impenetra-ble, bas stimulated him to devise an entirely new6che:ne of exploration, which he is unfolding toetith isiastic audiences in all the large cities ofFrance. The extreme improbability that any newdiscoveries can be made in that direction, sufficientto compensate for the peril and the sacrifice tbeywill require, is no discouragement to him, ami- - ap-parently none to the fascinated crowds that Hock tohear him.

The newly created Cardinal Bonaparte is consid-ered one ot the heirs presumptive to the Papalthrone. His escutcheon differs but slightly fromtbat of his Imperial cousin, and his livery is of thesame color as that of the French Emperor. As aPrinoe. he has a right to one more carriage thanthe other Cardinals. The expenses of his installa-tion in presents, fees, receptions, etc., amounting toC3.0D0 fraiws. will be paid by the Emperor Napole-on. In gene.al. nine-tent- hs of the Cardinals are.obliged to contract a loan to meet this cost.- -

Gambling is much disliked by the Prussian Gov-- Ieminent. It has not tieon able to obtain from tbelessees of the gaming-house- s at Ems. Wiesbaden anilIlomberg their consent to the cancellation of theircontracts, and has concluded to terminate theirprivileges ov a legislative measure. A bill n now i

beforo the Berlin Chamber of Deputies fixing they'ir 1''- - s tht lin,it to t,,e existence of them es--tablishments, and even authorizing their suppres- -sion at m earlier period iy royal ordinance. Joindemnity is to be allowed to the lessees.

The French Government has determined to paya portion of Uie debt contracted by tue r.mperor j

Maximilian during his reign in Mexico. While repudiating all lenal ob'igitions tor the Lmperor s i

contracts, the Minister of Finance conceded that so i

much ot the money a finally found its way into theFrench Treasury, in liquidation of the Emperor's '

engigetnents. should be refunded to those who fur- - !

lllsiieu l. iue Hiuuiiiii w hich tuns 111 im cau-goi-

is tiS.UHO.O0uT.. and for it France is to issuo her owncertificates of indebtedness. With the remainder oftlie Knn iho Minister says France had no concern.

rA inerica ii JS i

Women are permitted to preConns. '

A cow in Pennsylvania gae"lately. ..,'Louisville has a trotting mill w"Hh las mademile in 2:21.' -

'Tlw Pacific Mail" Steamship Cottf-Jar.-i- y '

tluced the rates of treigbMo California to $ to a tony

Voting by proxy has been abolished in the Fng-I'rs- h

House of Lods, as it ought to have been Trm"ago. ' -

The same column of the same number of a Ral-

eigh paper contains a notice of a marriage and ot th.lieutti jt the bride. after a long and paiuful ill- -uesa."

One of the Chicago papers-gravel- speaks of ahouse erecting in that city as to contain four sb- -'

riea. two fronting on Iake street and two uil the"avenue.

Celestial pugilism the wills of the gods.It cost $40,000 to recover Maximilian's body.There are in the world 123.0OO miles f railroad;

of these, 38.000 are in te United StaU .

A bill has been iutrouitce4 into Congress confer'ring the franking privilege for Jife upon JhIs Doro-thea Dix. "in appreciation cf a life-- and fortunespent in the service ol mankind.'

You ought to acquire the faculty of Ireinghome in the beet society." said a fashionable aunt,to an honest nephew. " 1 manage that easy enottgh,'- -

responded the neplew. by staying al so are with-m- y

wife aud children."A wretch was beard to say the other evCB"eig at '

social party, that a young lady playing the paino-- "

torto was "like an ape. because her fingers were"inong-key- s, m

JrsT thixk or it. There are 32.000 lawyers iathe foiled States whose aggregate annual earningsamount to $64,1)00,000.

John Delviu. sentenced to tlte Albany penitentia-ry for a term of two years, is worth StiUO.OOO.

A s;heme for the establishment of a national tel-egraphic system in connection with the post officedepartment, has been matured by Ur-- Wasbbarottof Illinois aud will bv introduced iu Congress, soon.

Chicago is a wonderful place. Babies ore nolonger born there, if w credit the announcementin a local paper, "during Feb. 2251 yonug grntle-ine- n

and 324 young 1 adieu were born in ibis city.'It it said that sham diaranads are now maie to

deceive experienced jewelers. whe trnst to tfre eye?alone. The only means ol deterting the spuriousgem is by weighing it and aKrlainuig its temper-ature.

Weston, the pedestrian, reached Buffalo, having'walked 11)3 miles in 23 hours sad 53 rsiante, ami "

winning tbu $2000 bet to wait 10O wiles ia 24hours. '

The French steamship VVle de Iri Raw eeom-plish- ed

the distance between New Ts-v- and Havrein y days and 16 hours, being the qinckwsi trip onrecord. ,

The Pontifical army is losing ia solidity wnat ttis gaining in numerical importance by tl arrivalof Not fewer than 112 t5esertionhave taken place in the Legion oi Autibes, Zouaves,taibineers, or artillery, within the last 20 dUj"-- .

A Novki. School Book. At a meeting t' theSpecial Committee to consider the state ol thepublic schools. Mr. T. Hunter said that " a mpilcan learn much more of early New England 'Ife-frot- u

Beecber's novel Norwood.' than lrom all tltetext books ia the school.'

A New England gentleman on a visit to Parissays : " The first night I wanted hot water, andthe maid could not understand ray French, until. Inhumorous despair, I exclaimed 'oh pshaw 1" whenshe at once laughed and said, ' Kau chaud, mon-sieur?' ' Oui. oui,' 1 replied, and in a minute J badmy hot water." .

The Connecticut election, according to official re-turns, resulted in a Democratic majority, ot 2,781,in a total poll of 90.267. The total Democraticvote was 50.444. and the total Republican vote 48.-CC- 3.

In 18C7 the Democrats polled 47.5 Ci rotes,and the Republicans 45.578 votes; a Democraticmajority of 987 in a poll of 91,143. Since 18C7,therefore, the Democratic vote has increased 2.879.the Republican vote 2.085, and the Democratic ma-jority has increased 7!) 4.

Tho simple and expeditious plan for obtaining'water, by driving into the earth an iroa tube hav-ing numerous small holes near the bottom closed,by an inverted cone of steel, which was used witbgreat success by the Union army daring the laterebellion, bas been put in operation in France, saysthe New York Tribune under the Emperor's super-vision. The British Government, alter testingthem at Aldershot, sent a special brigade- having;charge of these portable wells w'th the Abyesiniaaexpedition. - -

A pleasant little family controrersy ban Been go-ing on for the past two years in BloomnVid CL,over a matter in cash value not exceeding 25 cents,and $1,500 has already been expended in the cM;-rt-

about it. with no better prospect of settlement tewever. Tlie parties are members ofgood standing inthe Methodist Church, and own property amongtheni to the value or full $2,100,000.

Mr. Wbitworth, the inventor of the celebratedWhit worth gun, has offered to found 30 scholarshipsof the annual value of $100 each, for the further in-struction of young men selected by open competi-tion for their intelligence and proficiency in .tlietheory and practice of mechanics and its cognatescience. The proposal is made to the British Gov-ernment, which has accepted the offer.

The name of the town on the Central PaoificRailroad at the junction of the branch to VirginiaCity, Nevada, is Reno, in honor of Gen. Reno, whofell gloriously fighting ia defense of the old flag.Tho next town on the line of the road, will beWudsworth, in honor of another distinguished Gen

The sugar crop promises unusually well in Lou-isiana. A planter writes : " The freedmen areworking better and more cheerfully than at anytime since the war. If only let alone they will nat--ural- ly

fall into line as laborers help themselves;aud save the planter. They make their own con-tracts, and so far as they are concerned, the occupa-tion of the bureau agent is gone."

The destruction of the famous dragon tre-e-

Teneriffe almost one ot the wonders oPtbe wrltduring a severe gale, is exciting the laments ofhotanistn and tree lovers. The circumference of ittrunk wa about 75 .feet; its height only 75 feet. Ithas been made memorable by the account given ofit by Baron Humbodlt, who estimated, its age atabout 6000 years. -

A Yankee having told an Englishman tLat hashot, on one particular occasiou, 999 snipes, his In-terlocutor asked why he didn't make it a ihoa&anJat once. " No," said he; it's not likely I'm going;to tell a lie for one snipe." Whereupon the Eng-lishman, determined not to be outdone, began to tella storv of a man having swam from Liverpool toBoston. Did you see him yourself V Yky,yes.of course I did; I was coming across, and oar vesselpa.ssed lim a milo out of Boston aarbor. Well,lin glad y saw him, stranger, coa jrer a witnessthat 1 did it. That was me!"

The Gaines Case. After a litigation extendingover nearly 30 years, Mrs. Myra Clark Gaiaes has.finally a decisiou of the Supreate Court of the Uni-ted States in her tavor. and she- - U declared to hethe heir of her father, and the possessor of the im-m?a- se

property left-b- y Lim. In 1841 Mrs. Gaines,defeated in the Louisiana District Court, appealedto tho Supreme Court, witb the assurance that therejubtice would bu done her. She has persevered inthe most beroio manner, and against every hiud-eranc- e.

and has at last won ber case.Mr. Adams, the American Minister to England

hns been overwhelmed with invitations to dinners.He never knew his popularity until the moment ofhis diplomatic decease. It is said that some mem-ber of the family of the late Sir Robeit Peel made alarge Gre-Kcre- of articles cut out of the Baoeraabusive of the bead of the bouse, and that Sir Rob-ert in after days often looked al it, and smiled. . IfMr. Adams baa any such scraps by him and. un-less our memory is sadly astray, tbey might havebeen had he can afford to regard them now aasimple curiosities. with a lesson, perhaps, if onecares Ut think of it, bat with do sting whatever,lie will leave amidst a profusion of complimentsaud regrets, aud as be tho Atlantic canmeditate pleasantly on the mutability of popularfavor.

MnT3un Bright, for whom the English tories. afew y.rs ago. affected a centempt, aud for whomno epithet was too vile, has steadily worked bis wayinto the respect of bis enemies, as well as securedthe attachment and confidence ot the liberal party.Even the London Globe, an organ of the conserva-tives, is moved to say f him: " Mr. Bright is aman of very noble type; he is the natural successorof Charles Fox; he is the great parliamentary rep-resentative of the populace. It is fortunate forEngland to possess a politician of this order, ofsuch a mould that time moderates his extreme opini-ons without diminishing his energy or dimmingthe splendor of bis eloquence. May we alwayshave such a tribune of the people."

Twenty thousand dollars to help to'pny off theNational debt, the legacy of Ralph S. Fritz, a be-nevolent citizen of San Francisco, recently deceasedhas been deposited in the State Treasury at New-York- .

The testator, in his last will and testament,says tbat as he was unable, by reason of ege andphysical ailments, to serve his country during tharecent rebellion, he desired to leave behind him. Iqthai form, au humble testimonial of the gratitude beftlt for those whose virtues and valor nrvsrrvntwhat he regarded as the best Government mankind''wero ever permitted to enjoy.

, 1

&. rva.n.m mm unuKl.SiKVKKACi:, CLARK &i CO.,

SHIPPING ANDCcniKai Jlcrcbants

.1 .v r1? t .v Cisco. e. l .

Waatll ka Uk lalw rarara. aad kfcaJs

JN U taYw.u aaa! Trwtri:z fXerr.uae'J. I

XfamH ssaaaaa raaan.McCRACKXN. MERRILL &. Co., .

'rf)HWiRI)l56 A5- - -

IVtrtluml, Ora-roi- i. J i


Vrr--- la a r rW aeva aauUaag. W are prPr-- a. riw iajkl Jl.ll J if lwat Bir. "ix--n a Mu,K..'nip, '.far MM Orwm mtwt.

4t at.'4r!i rrmr4.

f Kaar a C. ,

PTt.AB aew t A'' la

Vlkara -

ta :

HE AKY lire; II IIS, ar!




I1EXRT IlfC II ES.20J J 20-- - iJi'f.ry Sirtrt.

aa t SJX FKJycisco.




rrryja.o Only OoocX Sauco.I ibai,

CAUTIOTI ACIAIMST FRAUD.llTCCM f THM MOSTTHE aa4 aananl Con-tiasr- aarta rata crrtata

Jatara aaacail l drwunbut tmoom " tm tbtntaa iu aiatjuaan at mXu a Ivrrefty lafcratrti teat Ua


Mmt la mm t1a UMtr aaaara ar twa in wmfrrr ,Utl, i

Maarr. aad tmtttm.- ml ika ria--a aaararta tVarUf aaaa aaali4 wh a

lata Urn araiiaara aa4 abaiaml aaaa taa m t af Ua a ramaa kara aaa larft, aata

rrrfla r aaa Iaa4 (try ha AarauWl Urar cumaaal.aata atut af aranrary to lasa eataa prormtlora uwaajjaaaratfarara aaaa t nmwt af aarlk. ar auy aWr milattunaky ahaa laaar rM Buy aa tafriafal.

jLairor-- LT.. Jt FEDRiyS" Shi Xvh

Taaiaaalr aa4 Bart ky aba tar a. WawaraCrr tCf aaaekaati. taaana. a . l aJ ky arcra aajOtlan aairaraailr. tUMtP. ki. Pat IkA. II.

U If (.Lata Jaaaaa, Gaaaa CaO XgOA, IfciaolaU.

nuv ixoii rnixrioi rtorcosAn tt anly Eaariaaa rkaarte Ml iW OSdal La4 af AaarOa a 19


At th Paris Exjubiti-n- , 1867.


rirnrtu ami MAsriAcrtKau orCnaaipfoa Ploagts, Steam PIocgLs. Steam

ColtiTators, Harrows. Horse Eaies,A Ami VtLtr Ajr'vuilural ImnauXs.

TIIC1R lAtna CXPKRIE5CE 1SDFROMmm- - Y T aanituva. J. W. llwaaaa ar la aaaa?a a to aaaaiy arwa!iarai Machavry. ant ably af Utckaat aaaiaa. kaat aaf taa ana aarkaaHay 1c a aaaa.ka toam tana. TW aaa (ar aaaay yaar aaa brrrt to aaaaatoetatfalatJiai.au aK. .kiUai aaaat rOciras la aor. th kf ari.iaiai ml aa4 ara ia aaa. llitac itwain Farairi ,

. ttmry bar HaU aftiartaaiiaa T kratia( vrcry aaa- -aaiaa tofura adWrtoc fa to taa ratjc. XTCalaUyay, . tan yarLkaWa, an4 paat Irrm mm applicatioa. ;

Laia 0Ev I. CknfU. tart in fraa '"'lit , . St. raif. ly row

j. e. arm an L. iu icuctu. .


ComuilAslon. .llcrcliaiitsA.11

uetiono o rx,SO land 206 California Street,

mTrcr fitamcisoo.iuo, lonn ct tiieSan Francisco and Honolulu Packets.

Partwalar atraatio. civ. itut aala mtvt parehaar of aer-tkaa- di

. ahipa aaaiw aa, mufy-tttn- vkalalaiaa, ArfoUauatatkaat. kc

X3T A U frofkl arrirlaa' at &a. 7raaeiaca. ky ar to taa Ho.aalala Uaraf Parkru, anU krforvarjrat mi or Coaaaooi

! 1XT Iicbuip aa U aatmta baaa-- t aaal aoU.tnunra ! S

afaaars. C. U Xtrnito A. Ca... Honolala ' 1H H aoaraxa A C, 1C Vaaaaa tf C -Biaar Cw. 1

IV.K.W. Waokv M

aa. K. H. ALLaa. ................... ..........aV C.W.mkii. Kai- - ..........................


noa ic.s All

. Published and for sale bva. M. VniTAi: , Honolulu.A HCTT05AT OF TUB BAAIIA LA50CAOK Ta

wkS-- h k adtaa) varakaiary af fotlMk waraa. riaknilkaaa Haa aaaa, an4 a eama iliyxal taota of pnodpal mousa Bawalxa B aa y. Br Uw-r- a Aadrrwa. FTare la '

mtittp kjailinc. ao--, ar fAM ta ka,f atorucca utary j

-- SOrili OF TBC BAWAIIA LASiIC Al By W. D 'Atasaaater. rTraHlcat af Oaaa CoOrge. raprr. it cas.

AAItA!f PBRAiK X.A autaaU rt cUVKjaial pt.raa- -la lha Ilawaaaa laca-aaxe.- .. .Price kuc.

.A5ta.rrw' HAAlt eKAVWAR. ky Urn Aatrtas- - '.

Am kasaaaaaavfca aa tar kUo.r la aoranrtwa' th utlnIracaa, la Wa aiaatanas af ta aana af fpri-c- h, aad ttaWimitiaa af th pacabartclva af .he lasa-a.e- it la bettrr 'a4iptaal as (tv a ckrar aa4 caicrtet taaick: lata M, thaa any j

wark aaMiaaral..rTica. kaif aaanaj. jUnBX. ON'HAWAtlAS FOIUC BOOK. y J. W. H. KaaaaM. ! A ,

aiaaaal af Ijisi raqairM as drawter ap str an ta. konats janna aad all kinds af tra-a-l 4xiiru raaoirrd la eoorta. 1mmrrtca .. 9

BAW AI1AX HTWS9 Far aarial an4 rkarrtt arrica. Pricadata) aat fa9 fcaaad aaaeaera, j!t f LtM.

LAXKIKA W AI. Tas Lasr ar taa Taiuowr. (ia tlswaraaA krajfilima af ana af taa aarteat Uawaausa riiinwa, llaa.tratloa tHr aaaaTavhahata aad atjr Ina. Pnca f lJBm

FACIFTC COWVERCTAL A rTrATlrH T 4.. 1 ta12. hv-ll- a

!. i mill smaa tb year lka fca lA, anj rivincaaariaa aa4 aaaarttal kaaay af tV pnl.taral ami avtal

ararrcsa af t Kmanaa isnat that perkal. t ao peryulaaae. kail a ad, sacra. Dacriptwa prtca, AM par

CHART Or TTIK Jt5DMlCH tLA?5t-- Erar-- 4 aa saraa.aa4 analal as aaHirtaa,Mirinlr k tia aadrrarraro. Dotlata at taa aauat aarri t chart pU'aAa.....fTiot La).


af gsatliasra. IkwM. rate, f vai kaaial ia aae. Caataja-ra- aa trraas aarhfy af feafcanaatjua aa Oa early huaory af

thaaa atfaada aoc a ka lbao4 ra any atwr ark. Afeacwp-r- aaary af ttias work rccaaia. ftior $6, .

HAWAIIAN PlSLEf fartara baaa.1 in f.twy iwwts j

raver wlra rscaanks fcar faarrtar aad aattaM ftr j

faasily aacc. I im aocontia to ) K o kiaaiaf. aTosa f taa 1. Mat

ara a. Saw aVVsCfaaftCCT f Slff FWT A If F. 9 - r a... f asalr

- wawa-- a --"a""- i

a. m -- - TT..; T.n .. !

Backs aartalaiac k ta baaaJa, if obtausaaie.will be tromraJ Vmt prraaas 4airtt taa.

. OfFor sale kyU. M wniTVEY.

Rare Works on Sugar.htkrt mrricrtT TO PROCIRE, UFRK '

'ar iMalwtrfy Wray Prartleal "azar Ptaatrr iltatratrd. i best

1 Cot rwa Sarorr aad llofmtws ef tuar Caaa, 'naf-t-

1 C-- ve K-- rr Colnraoi af Sarar Cae. Islandtraarta .W.liaa.and its rraOaeta, iactad.rs a arw aietbai

af Mate, ftatc ihir9llrdxn' .wrh. rl th-- b- - ownVH C cawtructin

rilllKStwlair's Co.!e af Urahh aaa Zempitr

by IL 31 WUITSIT. en41 la. .For a

L. ft. tun. 11. Lawn.pueUail.

Coiiiiiiiioit llcrclimitAND WHOLESALE DEALERS.

PortlAnd. O x-- o k o 11. .JROMPT ITTKXTI U'll.1. IICIVKX

k an '' Ktu r l.-a- - riwtocw aoa ijtiochanJ kM rew-avO-

t.Wrrr. KTfti Co.. ...... . S.a Fraanaoo.Cavrva At


C.RTR.-OC- LCa-.- f. Tf a

ELY BROS.fr Cor its

rallR t no v i: c t tiT K l im; : . k k m . iK1 i lUi

Tl Cirlrisra K .. gttrr rvfal mn- -,

rairlrLiritt.''t :l Mb- -r lrcrii rj llrr lairtMto mr Urpurlwml. l.a :ainl Kiflr

mmm alttM f-- r ir Itritish Araf, lul r intov 4 rwfinr- - St U later Kittr.t ar a.rld

' xlvr--r tjcia -- t n .iny Hrrrrb tdiaia Kiflr.T)k7 a lt chcst t r--.r Immo. carry ir.s It nr ttnt

Wn.txo. and Itra2 aboi'ji of Mrtal. arc kfW aoUtair-T- r .static ay ciiavau.

Bsv Cnr.!r Catva '' thr prkt withatUtoat boTt, asl avackiac lur iatcuicts Mai ia CartnJcrs.Mlrrt( I!irr C'arirlr. 4i0 borr, fc-- E3lritj

PUtvte, la ok m llrr !- -j' .t.pis Crtrif2r tr Lrocho Rrrctrm cf 12 m, 9 M.aoJ a. aure.

IVmal Flrrafwl 'm Dre Carlriasra,f3aiars af Uaaa. Kifl-- a. aaJ krir-r- .

ttfuta Vticrprorr IEB Cai W ire CaruSdfM kill.lo( aaa&a t 1j. d. Matter Int V.Micf i tSrahootiofj caf cat . aoJ rj alracriftrua of rvTli"g arul XI

laaauiloo.ELKY n lit Til FIIS,

Cray's I a a Kanal. Iadaa, VWnLr?.I.E OSLX. mmlf

FOR SHIPS' RIGGING!CIMMMZED AT fXCAl- -ncimi W irr U ?lut' S;ao.l.c E- -

tns. M'iitf'fT anJ (jVnrral ur no la.aJtofl t ar - II ( doif )!," tpl aril k n )l,r.utr:.j U K. S. NtU .JILL a CO, 0I'-t- l mi Tjoc LitluiJ.

afanai wa arc 1Vj!c Afnit ao tbc P. ciiW.

Stupmasters and OwnersArt lcKarnel that W:r R.ne la Vrrr M arH VUtrmrIKaa any after hia4 f ki.-n-c t re oacthirl r

rqaal acrrvtnh. ai haa ex. t ck - t! -J tt v p-- taaiaa. ll a ax aiT-C-Td (t chanarr f vrmttvr. atwj Ibiny

jura nffa lLaa arorrd-u- a uoocr.ac iiijOwnij cr, af.acy aCJvrr aa4 af Kis'u.f.

Caltaaixrd llaaka. Taiaablra. .Ve- -

t. S. II tl.MDIK. (a.410 I'raal Mrrrl. Saa f'raacl-c- a. C'al ,

3(au.afacturrr aoJ lspat'rauf13 0e W K-- pa.

a.7Ii:s V. KI.f A: Co..Shipping: and fonimiion3Icrchanti

S FROM ST R V. KT. C'ararr Jarkaaa,cz: tix rmxajcu. cmrmia. iy

JANION. RHODES & CO.,Coin ill iioi. ."IScTcIiiiiiaS,

Vlrlaria. Vaaraarrr. 1. 1 a ad.!(. . Parties aUrntma 1 iafMaufiaarataaf Saa4a k

talaad f rnaiactF.Tkttora.T. UJaaoary 1. 1VJ r-l- y

L. Chase's l'hologr:i ph!c d'allcrv S


taka rtloriaafri9 af a .y ia uvc bar i--rt l ataa XjT ll 7a. aa.

COPriSC iU :L.tHCIU eooe in ihFor Cml mt lb II iaV Kix.gfi. ilier Chc9 tvxvl

CilVa atatir lalf iaaVA Lao A fa.1 aaa.taa--X af I. RUG . XI SMALL.

FKAM kV. ar air at U.a I nat.W ly 11. t, CI1A5E.

Selling OIF! ScHiiisr OIH

SELLING OFF!At Cost Prices and Below !



. . ... .Lnure otocK oi uiotning !


Boots Shoes ;ind Hosierr,

gents: FURHISKIKG GOODS!J-- e dc.




aaperwr targe tbark OITt Mirror.I5aperir latge Koa Giaas frh-.- Caars.

5ujr"r dVict:e Koa G ui ?. Cae a.th Suial.Larrr aaarr 4 hih Show Case. '

Crvslrroc MsjW aae, w ith cimrm. aura cp. Vtr, la rucn;t.f j

eocdiiioo.Saprrior Es Sle-bnar-l.

lj?apertar K j and Km poliabrd Crstic Tal le.Clack Waicat tmtmtf Lta.r.

the above will be Sold for Cash orApproved Paper.

eunci,ee tt if IL fart.C. FKED. PFLCGER.

Ilosvteta. May 13. 1VM.




Steam Engines, Snar Hills,i

Centrifugal Machines, '

Steam Eoilers,"Wrought and Cast Iron Kettles, l



kaat saakrrl aad workOMnsMp.!

EVKRT PI. KlPTIo OF 'fhafUrw.tlua ad Witrr Cks.

Talrra. U arr C"la,Suaa d ao4 Itjt.,

I :b. s. Tera,!

In l.a Kurr Pari rt,Lratrr HvUibc.

fUl IV.nta-- J Ur. j


Brass Work Neatly Executed. ;


Car Iron and Cumberland Co.ilV hwt am'tfr-- r gn't 'it h,irt mark ct rirms.


Overshot, Breast, Turbine. Centre DischargeAMD ALL OTIIFC KtM-- OF

iv a t i: k v it i: i: i ,' either Im ar W r.traUtiaoa tur atrk w II heaa wiit ile panaraUr. af krai. ac i fall of

. af aar t'cotr l.vkrre i

arvre P.a(att.a, wiirrc US19aatfact: ja.

all Size aad Iecript.op.. with 1'nmpo,Vlat aavl a,lapS k any reriuirtd. i

WOOL, PULU. COTTON & OIL PRESSES,Ma-t.- - ay tr aivl .(itbcui.

OalxiuDf a;i the lu-r- t ioi r'mcn:i. atv4 cmiiaar 1 of thetaatmaia. Itoe of our V ... Pr--s i exing ertir aat:a- -' j

n ilrnVeuit rao-- h rf ft m. J f Sinclair.nf NpNaa.a um:'j 4 ark rryart t ra

SA Zm '

Cotton Ca'iciH Tor Sale.SI ItCKIKKK WILL lliOSK E

aaa or ! Sea ilaod Kvutf Ulna. Pnce,las II l. VSllirNkY.

r. r,r,c( raurr

The Republican Platform.The f .lluvtiiu: are the resolutions introduced at

the C.iTkffi Convention, May lst, and adopted) by it as expressing tL K:i)liuieoUJ of the liepubli- -

Vr We cuiiatuUu U country on the' a.urtd kucve of the IhKviistnjctioii policy ofI Curiam apjrtause as evidenced by tJ.c adoptionia ti.e majority of the State lately in rebellion ofConstitution securing equal civil and politicalrights to all a plaue ; and we regard it as the

i duty of the (overoment to rustnin these t'onsti-tutio- i..

and prwv cnt tle oplc of such uttifroui remitted to a state of anarchy or mil-itary rule. Applau.-- c. J

SefvnJ The juimrK-- e !v Congresa of euualiutrn.e t all loyal men in t!e u de--tuaixiol by every t..nridcratin of puMie Kkfety, ,

' gratitude and just !, and iiiurt le Xu:tiiiiuuneu i

far i laurel; while tie question of mtlraje in allthe I yal Mau fir.'ivrl) lt.--l ji! t the ole oftloee State. Af j lau-e- .J

'lh.rd We JoiKiuiue all forms of repudiation ;

a a Nati onal crituo. (iiutiit-n- e ajj'latiM'J and tliei National hn r the payment of the pub--

lie indchtedne- - in the utmt " 1 faith t ourcreditor at h.u:c and abroad, applau-- J notonly ao-ordi- to the letter but tin fjirit of thelaw under which it was contracted. A plauNe.J i

Fourth It is due to tlie jeoj !e that taxation I

should he cjiialiied and relux,d as rapidly as theNational faith will pt rmit. Aj j laue. j

Fifth The National Debt, contracted as it Lisbeen for the prcettation of tle L'nion for niltime to come, should if extended over a fairerilranl the rate ofintereet thereon reduced j

whenever it can houct!y be done. Ar jlaue. .

57i That tie bet TIicy to uiuiiiiifh ourbunlen of debt is fo to mil rove our credit that

; capita!i.--: will teek to loud us money at lower' rate of interest than we now jay, and must con- -.

tinue to as long as repudiation 3irtil orj t"U.l, (jcn or invert, is thrcatti.el or tuspect-e- d.

Applame.Stctnh The (lovemmerit of the Unitcl States '

' should be alminiptered with txictcst economy, :

and the corruption which have been so shame- -fullv r.ursed and fosteicd by Andrew JVui.son call

! loudly f.T radical reform. "Iyiud cheer. !

i Fjuhth We profoun.lly dei.Iore the untimely: ana tragic ucaiii oi .oraiaiiu uneoiD, ani regretthe awosioii of Andrew Jobiisoii to ti e Presi


dential chair, who lias acted treacherously to the !

oT4e who elected him and to the cause l.e waspledged to supj'ort; I.as usurr-- high iegL-lativ-e


and judicial fu:icti.ns ; has reused to exe.-ut- e the .

laws ; has used Lis high office to induce other' oIEccrs to violate the laws; lias employed his,i executive to render insecure the lives, :

! property, vacv. liberty, and life of citizens ; has j


al.urol the jardoiig )oer: lias dcnouiieed theNasioial Leziclaturc as uucoustitutioiial ; hasIr!istcntly aud hahitualiy resisted by every meansiu Lis power ekery protr uttempt at reconstruc- - '

tion in the Mates UU-l- v in rebellion: has ier -kvcruu me pu.me iuroiiae mto an engine ot, i . , . .

wuoiesaie coiTuj lion, anu u;is oeen jastiy ed '

for high crimes and misdemeanors, !

("G-aud:- "-- G.a-J!" and pronounced guilty

there. T by the votes of 33 Senators. Good ! 'G ltd and applause. JmViMth Tl.e doctrine of (Jrcat Britain and other

Euro van 1'owers, tliat Iecuuse man is oucc asubject i.e is alwava so, must be resisted at everyha 2.1 id by the United Mates, an a relic of feudaltiuits, iK.t auilsiicJ bv tlie law of nations, andat war w ith our National iioiior and iudevudcnce.Naturalued citizens are entitled Vt lein all their rights of t iti&.-ushi-p as thougli theywere r.uive born. No eitucu of the L'i-itc-


I.ifir. Mm wtt t m 1 i v.w I 1.. fT..I.T. ...am-st'o- r iu.i ris,.nmci;t by any lorcin lower for !

nets d-n- e or woids .i..kcu in this count v, and ifso arieotol and imprisoned it is tlie duty'of U. 1'tmuieut to ii.tc.Icre iu his bchaX

'Ft nth Of all w!k were faithful in the trialsoi uc utte war, tbere were rsne m..re Lttcl for !

cs rectal Loitor man the orate soldiers and sea- - '

men who endurei the Laru.-L- it of cam 11 andcruise, and imperilled their livn. in the sertiee oftheir ojiii.try. The bounties and eia-ioi- ts apj tcd

by law for these brave defenders ot the, I tdoii, ate obligations neter to be forgotten.

CLeers. J Tiie w idows and oi phana of tlo gall.iutOcid are wards of the jeopU. a sac led legacy be--

j qucutltvd W tlie United Suncs' protecting care.Applause.

ilitrentL Foreign immigration, which in thepost iius ahled so much to the wealth and in--creased tle re-ou- rx- of this nation the asylum

' of all nations slioull le by a liU ral aud; just jvlicy.

: tby with all opprvscd people whu are struggling, for their rights.

Trie resajlati.ins were uminiiaUsly adoj te.1.' Tlie foil wirig al'itk.ual res.Mutiou was oifcredj i;lK,;:,;n; of this Convention shall tt wrk a dissolution of tli j.in

f but it sliall remain as org-.mize- suhject to 1

called together at any time and place that thej RepuMimn He-uti- e Committee shall dt4gnate.

The f.-l- l jwing resolutions were oiTcred ly Carl. hutz:

.Vyrt.Vft.'That wc highly commend tiie spirit; of magnanimity" and forgitnesa with which the;men who liave served the rebellion and who arenov.-- frankly and h.ne?tly ooja-nttin- g with us in i

t ret-1- . .ring ce to the country, and in reeotistruct- -ing the Suthero btat on the ba-i- s of impartialjutice and eiual rights, are reteived hack int.coiuinuni-j- with loyal pcple ; and tliat we are in '

lavor of tlie removal ot sueu tlistjualiueations andrestrictions impored ujn tlie late relfels as maybe confident with th; safety of the hval raot le.

H'solctJ, That we recignize the great princi-- ;pies laid d.wn in the I'eclaration of I nd rcn Jenceas the true foundation of a deniocmtie g Tern- - !

ment, and we Imil with gladness, every c0'rt to- - '

ward- - making these principles a living reality on !

every inch of American soil.n

Elnzlili lol.iI Tt I eir ra ius.Notwitl.-tandin- g the objections to the rerform- - i

atHe ty government agency ot Worx t.Mat nn le I IS

left to private enter rise, there are some attractive j

fciitures in the English plan of .Uil telegramsunder the manjpment of the government. Theobject i to reikler the tclcgraj.h more generallyavailable for the traiiemi.--ioi- i of news, and toadatt it to the jpular wants. Great object ionaare urge! against the English telegraph system,tliat at rlv with nly too much f rce to the American tclezrafh system. l"bc charges are excessiveand etipricious. No due regard is raid to thepublic txinvenienoe. and there are many places to j

which tl.e ttlcTai inc lines uo not extend. It isTrTscd to remedy these defects bv placing all orthe telejrrar" lines in tne Kinr-i.j- at tne aiprs- -al of the cverr.mcnt, with a view t uniform rate.that will bring the tvlegrsph within the rrach ofall clashes, and ultimately modify the delivery ontin" at onvx-- . Mr. llisraeli hai given notice of abiil ft this purpose in I'arliamenT, and the nica- -ure mceta with general ay tiva1.

We are not yet in receipt of the details of they!an. Hut crsmzh i known of it. outlines to onafford a general idea of the change involved. It asis prupored to purchase all oii.-tin- g ulcgraph lines y

at a fair valuation, and to work them in con nee--tion with the pot oi5' department. New linesof telegraph will 1 constructed, and ultimately soevery jvst oa in England will be in telegraphicconiit-tio- with eat h other through vario e centrslreceiving de.ts. It is proposed to charge Is. an(Engli-h- ) fr messages n..t exceeiing twenty;words, to any part of the kingdom, and six jn-- e


for eaeh additional ten words. There telegramswill bejnrivcd and transmitted thrungh the pstoffice, arid by special messengers at r laces within ;

tlie town delivery of the terminal c es. In cacs ;

rif sjr-ia-l mes-engr- s, outside the line of delivery, '

six tn.e a mil (t? and rsturiiiniri will iechargeI. Tl Englitdi system of psul delivery i

in fi.ariM la a. . tliat fur rr.,r.a ail! Af'ir tileto avail thewadvc of sro-ia- l meseengers, a theordinary delivery of telegrams by will an- -.

swer most Hirpose. Every Tost office will be atrlegraph fSf , and the system will also 1

bmcght into requisition for the ptivnientofmneyorders.

Thi has been already al j tel in Belgiumand Siwitzerlan.1. arsl haa j.rovcJ most successful. TheIt is likely to work well in England. It intro-- i wasduction in the L'tutoi Spates is prol-aU- tnly aquestion of time. of

At; 1:1:1: mi: NT HUNKS.tioii

KVa. FORMS OK AGREEMENT i:e clMvatf-r- s u. Jrfot :U "i1; ti'rjtj Km

Price- - kl.Otl rrr Dsir. tne.a.' by l VI . WllirNr.Y tuti

Foreign TCiscellaiiyMixed rr Sliohtlt. Here is a little article

frmiuthe ten of Murk Twain, eivinsr, an account ofm visit while in .New lurk, to lift 15

Still on t!e fifth fl.nr L a liuw room with19 lare dautd Fteani rtt, all DianocJ )ywomeo (four of them rn-tty-, ton).rnatchius offRiblr in Dulvru Hebrew, Yam-va- m,

Cht-rtke- , etc., at a rate that a truly fructifyingt contemplate. (I t know tlie meaning ofthat wnl, but I heard it uhJ viuewl.ere yester-day, aud it struck me art lcin an unusually pwlword. Any time that I rut iua word t!.at d.n"tfilance the K.'iitc:jce ool, I would c sjlad if youWoukl take it out aiu put i;i that one.) Adj-in- -

in was nnotlK-- r bue r.m for !rvirts t!c flit ts(t ry pretty pir! in there, and v.uii.) nvA pre- -in-- ; ii.cm iirns Mwy, n-- i tne jrirt-- i. lnev uneunvuniuiie j rcKfc, (inree oi tue pniiier- - wore

aiidicver a hin of a waterfall the girlsI mean) and each of them is able to down withthe . ahnof weight of eight ton ofs.lil Miuonpurc pressure f,the hydraulic. I nm j

reieriin-- ; to, now, of course), and one Iras pot bluo ;

y and tl ntz.ers i.rown; ah me ! I havegot this iiyur.iulic biiuie.--B tangled a little, but I ,

can euear tlut jt is no fault of mine. You jneedn't o to bLime me about it. You have cot ',

t' tsiy jart tlie suae an if it were as as afhinle. I can't afford t p in Linj;eroas places,and then get my wacs di.cked iu the ba.g-.iin.- "

The (Ikeat Rruue. A rc.it suspension bridgej to Ik? thrown across Kat river, uniting New

1 ork and Rnxklvn. Tlie span will be 1 J.ot.l fees.The bridge will be eighty f-e- t wide, and its wholelength feet, or m ."re tliina mile! It will befurnifhed with two tramways of 13 feet each, for ;

a continuous train of cars coming and iroinir, be '

sides having two cari.iire wave, each wide enoughto allow enrnagt-- s to jais each other, and an ele-vated footway, in all capable of transport ini 21M1-(H- MI



jersons, lenkles vehicles, daily. The bridgei

will cost s7,-H!t..W!- and the land'about tl.5H.,--!

UMJ. Ot the 5,?G2 feet, the entire length of thebridge, 3,-1j- leet will be suspended iu three oen- - i

ings. The central stan w ill cross from pier to pier, i

in one single are of 1,000 feet from t iwer to tower, j

and from each tower toward the land fide half,sius will !e sur jvrteJ by the land cables. Onthe Rrooklvn side it will le OS feet alovc hijrhtide, and oa the New York side 32 feet above high :

In RoJd.n dresses are about all that are :

seeii ujn the streets, but the length is made up j

with evening dresses with their long trains. It issaid of a lael.iouuble lioston lady, who went to a j

) arty in that city not long since, that she arrivedthere about the first of the evening, but the hist of I

her drew did not arrive until tuvlvc i.M.m '- -

Kvcrvthini; is gored, and it is predicted that the J

fashion will rciirn as lotiir as have full skirts. Foroutside carmcnts. lo..se sacks, a trifle lon-re- r than ;

last year are worn. The English jacket is anew .

.stlc:. is is short aud fl tlie ligure, with jiockets 'on tiie lnvck. It is repirted that the hair is tocinne d wn a little, but as vet no movement has 1

Ih-ci- i made iu that direction. One long curl down j

the back is commouly worn, aud occasionally j

two oraius.a rclites a funny example of j tle same the Republicanselected their can-la- w.

A man complained that another had struck ' didute for C'overnor by a ma' of 2,9S3, in anhim, aud brought a witness one to ! a'Te'Jte vote of 4S4227. that tlierehave heard the blow given, Wing at the time in j

an julj iining inn. The defendant denied that he '

had given the blow, aud that if one hadbeeu given it would l.uve Ih.'cii imossible for the j

witness to Iwve heard it. The ma 'istrale resolve 1 !

to try time by actual experiment, and pro-ceeded to the inn, while an oliiccr of the cxuirt ae--

u.n'l-J Ue ;n.,Ji.,i,,4nt to,llje 'rtV,,cre '"Y1...... , , , n , i

ui.i-i.-- o i: i.:.. .. .... r ...:.n . i " .1nan--, on rvBuuiiu ins scai in court, niiu ne iienro

i;.e oiow vnecuy-we- iroiu iiisiuo iuo lint, ana i

1 ) ih'tflnllllt inil.f T .1 V St il.tllli'.. titio .lli. r.i- - f .

original blow, the other f.r tlie csirimcnul andufiicial ihumiu

RfLrs 10R Qioitlng. At the National O::oltL.i.ciiti ii, recently held at New lork, the fol- - (

lowing rules were ado ted, wliich we re-pr- od uce j

lor the lienclit of thequoiters here : , jj

Rult 1. The distance for playing shall lie ISJar . :

I' e "mott shall be one inch, and no t

more, uK.vc the clay.3. I he uicasiirement shall le from the centre

of the top of the " motl" to the ncarvkt iron inbigiil, w.tnout uisturonig tlie Clay. j

t. in cac 01 iiieuureuie.it, two ti jsiug '

licing c jual, it shall be a dutw. j

o. Iu case of 2 or 4 players, 21 kiiiL shad j

constitute a game. j

0. In thet veui. ef sis playing, 15 psints shallconstitute the game. j

.. In the etent of eight or more play tug, 11points constitute a gaine.

S. In playing, the one getting the Ctshall lead oil" at the next end.

l. Each player shall have the privilege of se-lecting his own suef.ui.it.

10. The; mott" ia be placed at an angle of ,

45 decrees from the elav I

Iores. Old gents who sit down in an editor'si

sanctum ail read netvsijers t him. 'j

Mothers who force dieintere.-ic- d ptvple to noticetlicir children.

Indies who cruwd you out of your scits iu thestage or cars.

Njualling labies in railrvid cars.A stuttering man drunk.A drunken man that does not stutter.A young froh from college.A man tliat reads his octrv to von.A of lovers.A mn that wants to borrow moqcy from vou.Crelitors of every description. ;

Wives who make you go to church with them. i

Mosquitoes aud new floys. jThe man wh. sits down at Your desk.The man who reads all the newspapers butvcr buvs one.

A Ljbkbal Edic.vtiox. Ihe man, I think. Lasliau a li!cral diuatun wno has been tran.e-- oldyouth tint his body is the raidv servant .f !.hi tied.

I I s Til? a' aATa K - . ..l l nil 1. ..tliat, as mecliani.-m- , it is capable of, whc inteM... . . , I. Tl 1. rii is a ui-r-

, wiu. engine, vv uii an irta new.equal strength, and in smooth working ord."ready, like a steam engine, t be turned to iv thekind of work, and spin tlie gossamers as well as theforge the anchors of the mind; whose mind isstored with n knowledge of the great and fuvla- -mental truths of Nature and the laws of her kt--au .r.f: one who. no stunted avtie. is fuli ..ilifeand fire, but wl e rirsiois are trained bv a ig--orous will, the servant of a tender e nticilc..'w hohas learned to 1 ve all whether of iure

of Art, to hate all vilener-s- , aud to resjw oth-er ras himself. Frof. Hujky.

Austria.The moralists offered three bills on ferriage, I

education and pnelYtism. That rief them. I '"Jwhich issue be first cl.ed, must lH.t-eepte-


a test question, involving the eon;ued su- - j

rcniacy of and the furtr life of i

tiie Concordat. The marriage bill w the one j

selected, which prvpieM-- d to evuiarLteuarriagc, j

to Scak, by legalizing civil marrag'-- . A )

system f artfully erected on'he exist- - j

mg laws, had at last it practuily I earlyI

impossibility for any person to man until hehad secured the priestly asstnt. Ts prcswe-- I

heavily on the middle ari lower classca una in the al'Iver House the priests er trhl t- -

.V.offer an or position which must live len utterlyh.i"ls. Tle noble and wealthy tsses. liovv-eve- r.

whox- - luartial wishes were seldin seriouslyobstruetol. might le exj:-ct.- to lutv lees

t!.i and in tlie I 'tier Iluse tl eEghtM.J

watf f"uht. Intense was the anxn-y-, ami evenlifcrali were astounded at tii mr.mlir

iiisj.rity u't to 34 wl ieh rallied their side. leen

Mas the rorular of triumi h ; beootnwiiicri fcaileal tlw yassage of the .tmiu a i

tollstorm of and jatriotie erS the li!eral sameorators were drawn in their carriafws through the j minuerstreets of the city, which .Vintaneou.-l- y to '.

parclhave blared forth with a g!;I j

ConcnrJat had a mrrtal wour- - The incubusalready dropping from theehouldcrs of the

torincnt.il "ratiou. With alaeriy and certaintymico-ss- , the liberal phnlanxptrightway ad-

vanced their education drf'cl to atrip the Let:rrriesth..l of their exclusive nii mst stiiiitig and ;

noxious dominance in this dcjrtnicnt. Uj pr-i- - :

was U'lv.im''.-!- , and triiit'p" 'ftlf asur- - i

lefore?.:-,nd- . Arsl thus ha.

been brought about1

'.r.ir.ge j nomcr.on oi liK'raiis.u an-- i consti-li:ii-i- .i

s in Ausfhi. ..

LIqual Suffrage Tor Xejjroes.Tlie cxteiwion to black men of the right to rote

white men d.x--n not nd.n tle Rne terms asfavor in the Northern State?, and even thoewlvt re it miht be expected to be etront rejectit deoirjively. The question wa tted ia Connec-

ticut in October, loo. Tlen S3,"wS9 vote were

cat ft enfraiK-hUin- s to 27,219 in favor of

Oikv week German time

as who claimed T's'hows



quoits declared











.u , ilKnsure. lnakinsr the majority jcaiut t0,372. At the election ljr .ioernor in ppriiof the name vear 73,717 votes were oas-t-, and thcKc .ublicans had a majority of llt03o, w hile atthe l'rvt-idcntia- l eUvti.m iu 161 their niajntyva- - 2,4lo in an arepite vote of 5:o.y77. 'lhisslsowa tliat there were at leart 9,(kX Republicanv t rs in tiie State who were optioned to c:"er-ri- o

uton black men tle esime iolitical rights asare envved by white.

V iu u,;"( the reot-l- of Minnesota also caf?t

i . r sntrni fs uim the name oiict-tioi- i, at inen. . -- .r fgillie time tliat tl.ey ctnse uite omcers. rut

(Jovemor 31.U. votes were cast, and the Repub-lican majority was 3.476. The agirecate vote onthe extension of tlie suffrage was 2o,7'., and themajority agaim-- t it was 2,013. No further evi-

dence can be required that the Republicans ofMluiKTH)ta are heavily against equal politicall ights for negroes.

The matter was also brought to the decision ofthe lallot in Wisconsin at the regular State elec-

tion in November. I860. The Republicans elected their candidate for Governor by 10,(HX majori- - j

tv in an ae.ue vote of 10o.(KH, but equal suf--J 4.1 n a47 IVl a Ja. ( .V a a " a v. vathat issue was 102,170. and the majority againstthe negroes was y.003. A decision of the Sa- -preme Court of the State, however, subsequentlyannulled this determination of the people, anconferred the suffrage upon the blacks by virtof an election held in 184S, when, though a nrj"rity of votes had been cast iu favor of univerdsuffrage, the aggregate vote was so small thaithad been regarded as of no account,

The next State to act uon this subject asTennessee, whose Constitution, adopted in 10Vempowered tne Legislature to enfranchise theblacks. 1 he act establishing equal suuragwasapproved by the Governor February IS, ISO, andwas at once carried before the Supreme ourt,which affirmed, by an unanimous dceisio, tliatthe change was in accordance with tlie Cstitu-tio- n.

But Tennessee was not a Norther State,and had but just been snatched from th-jaw- s ofthe rebellion. The Republicans theremd notln'en in favor of universal suffrage, butvicn theyfound it was the only means of retainig power,and preventing the State from faliin;nder thecontrol of rclels, they faced the m us and gavepolitical equality to their former slave

The people of Kansas voted upon th negro suffrage in .November, !Jo7. Ihe ajrfgat num- -bcr of ballots vcaa 30.129. more by early o.OOO

ever been cast at any proous electionthe State. The maj rity the blacks

'J.07I, although the Rcpublhn preponder- -anee in the Suite cannot be less thi two to one.

in ioi, wu, iiiemiurew uninncuiuugmto act upon this question by th submission tothem of an amendment to the Co'titution, striking out the word " white from Juong the quali-fications of voters. There werrl2,o27 citizenswl voted on tlie suffrage amfdment, and themajority a;rainst the i.roisitioiW"as 3,3o3. At

are over 0,H0 Republicans i Ohio who will nottolerate the enfranchisement f negroes,

The result in Michigan ei more rtmrkable.At the last election lor Gcrnor in 1:500, in aUtal ioll of 101.4o7. the 1 publicans had a ma--

jjority of 27,041 ; and Doyonly a fortnight ago,on the question of a.l"itii a now ConstitutionwitI! o-- " of iw features, in aloUU L0. i'V' Xl TO??...... ......piiitciaj in uj.tii . it .v ,

. . ;.. ...:n ...i...:. 1.:icai as sne unqucstionaty 'o, am "ot nuiiiii iiiuito equality ot J.ilitl-"a- l - J oun.

The Eiiglil Iaaiisuagc.In a recent letter ' the Boston Journal, "Carl-

ton thus speaks ' the progress of the Englishlan'-uai- ro : '

No American rl 'tay at home because hecannot sj-ea- the mguage of Europe. The Eng- -i

li-- h lanuao Lattnade grcstt hradway in Eoroithe last vear. n hundreds of sliop doirs your,(' V.n-IL- -.-' Sp.)ken." The great iudux ofvictors, tl"iiising number of tourists, has,na Je h lieCity in the shop keepers to employ For

lolae one atlcdant able to siak rjiglish. For--e5;;il?rs are tb best customer. In the totel ofEiroje, almt without an exception, you willhear Enzlird spoken by the servants, who aremostly tJenflns. They acipiire language vtitlimuch greatf facility than tlie French. It ex-

ceedingly tlicult for a Frenchman to acipiire theEnglisii lt the back' tone of the Engliah lan-

guage is SKon, aud the Hermans acquires it reud-il- y.

Gerin servants, clerks and waiters arediiting o the Frcneli in hotels and6hoj.

The E'i"h language is aggressive, and it ismaking ondcrful progress throughout the world.Cukivatd people acquire the French because itifi e1?v Ad iasluonabie, but it is not an al.ugua- - It is sjoken in Algeria, but is makingno profess. The English language, on the otherhand, fs jiosses.-io- n of North America, Australia,jorti of outh America, the inlands of the Pa- -'

citic;it has a foothold in India; it is makinginro:s m China, and is yet to be the languageof Aricn. It is the language of civilization andoflierty. To the missionary, to the statesman,thefioralist to the Chri.-tia- n philosopher, what ajuiurama of the future is unfolded at the thought.Alve all others it is the civilizing and chrUtian-izi- g

language of the world. . Let those who con-di- ;t

the mii-ionar- operations of the day studytie question of lanuao. Instead of wastingtne, strength and money, and lives of mifsiona- -y?s In making written languages out of the thou- -Inds of dialects among savages, begin at oncerith the Engin.fi. A lwilf century of effort well

jJirected will sweep from the earth hundreds ofliialect esjeially iu Africa and the Islands of theTacifie. Railroads, steamshijis, telegraphs, print-ing presses, are mighty agencies for obliterating

things. It is a material age of iron andHut there are agencies at work other tlian

these, such iu? the world never saw before thiscentury. Tlie old world send- - its swarms to the

Irishmen, Germans,- - Norwegians, Ianes,Swedes, French, Africans like old rags go iuto

great hopper of the common 6cbool, and atother end of the mill there is a generation

speaking the English language. Oip3.


i II LACK POINTS. 3 YEARS OLDOast Ai-n- l ; rot by io.p"rted he llrc:or, ! A' 't 'Jt ef rVekr Sharp. Sy imported t.-- c OrfKmuXmif I. PRICK, ijUi Arp4j Uj

t R. MOFFITT, Kahuko.

A N EXCELLENT CARRIAGElloKSE. and to y rrprct wtlVW 1, .iiplr.l f r a !) use. C;.. white ; . lut Idluqj:reof lm) J. L. LU 11 AhbrON.


Ml AXl' STKrlLT.

EILOT. .MEDIO! AND NAVY KREAD. 77.i".oa haoU aad luade to t r '.rr..I.'.no, Hh't. Sj-L- i wvl Lt'.Ur I ro."r..

AndJESSV LIND C A K E.J. AcSIIIPBREAD Kl.B.l K E 1 1 oo the shorft iix.FAMILY KREAD, tide oT the Best FVxir. baked da.ly and


fc2 ly

Administrator A'otice.THE .MATTER OP TIIE ESTATE fP11' l:e tt jrl U;cMes K. Ka amna. terra.t.- is D.rr.T riTrn ov in- - ar-1-- rne-- i .,' aimm,...M 13T BI.r UOlCfl ...at?. lO XU tra.-.U- DO ID --- -

of ary of th real pro;Tty kelo-- yi y tra said evtair. byt 4herwie. aD-- 1 icjet4.l tteref.. tr in., berra'frrr- iidelt-- J to said estate for rent .r olh- -r inJ-hfeJ- Thea. I layments mot be maje to the arvlrrairoed. who is

If au'h..r:r-- d and empowered to recriTe and C..U.CI theand receipt therefjr. All pr.ifis are forbidden io anytn Irr-p-a upon, or io any w;e in ertere with, or ri-rr- rf

any or mana-eme- tit of aaul ria;e. or anr part orIhrre-- f. J.NO 1S1N!S,

Sole Adminiatrator of Estate of V. K. Kaaharrana.llxnialo, Marvh 10, su 30,


withPre Dor ks. Fruhes,

Oil sh-- et. EWtinc" Papr. ie., e.For.-ale- by H. M. V HITXET

Cnrmiiie Ink. 4rV-- M!E BEST O.CAHTY IN ASSORTED.a sl outlier For s.e bv.

10 11. M. wniTSET.


xeiv a; latest styleOF

GOODSBy Svery Steamer,

rjixo Finest andLart Assortment on the Islands.



Anfrican Clotlung, -

Cent's FumiIiiii Gooils,

Cools, Shoe Hats. Caps,

Yankee Notions,&c., JtfC.f VC, fcC.

Consisting of the Folloicing :

JLAIX AXI) FAXCT t'AMI.MEKEkl ks,1; lagut anu uear; raucFine Clue FUiiuel Suits,

White Linen Duck Suits,

Brown Linso Drill Suita,

fixe: SILK AL1ACA tOATS!Fio TwreU Coats,

Tiae Miltoo Cloth Coat,Fina White Linen Coats,

Fine Brovn Linen CoaU,

Fine Black Dress Coats,Frucks and Sacks.

Fin Black Doeskin Pants, Fine Bearer Pants,

Fine Blue Flannel Pants,- Fine White Linen Pants,

rLAl.NAXU FANCY CJ SSI M ERE PANTS,Light and lieary grades.

Fine Black Dotskin Vests,

. Plain and Fancy Silk Vests,

Plain and tancy Silk Velret Vesta,

White and Fancy Marseilles Vests,

Plain Cass: mere Vesta.

WHITE SHIETS of all DESCEIPTI0NS.Fancy Calico Shirts of all descriptions, .

- Linen Collars, assorted sizes.Fancy and Plain Woden Orershirta, all descriptions,

Cnderahirts and Drawers, all descriptions.Black and Fancy Neck Ties, all descriptions,

To-jetA- ich'A an Endless Variety ofBOOTS, SHOES,


Messrs. Hyman Brothers. Would beg respectfully to call the attention of


Ta their larz and raried afsortmeat ofAMBICAN BEADY MADS

Fashionable Clotliing-- ,

B'Xirs. snoKs,n.lTS. CAPS. TANK EE NOTIONS. A. Cm

.13asters of Wlialcsliips,A M l

DEALERS FROM THE OTHER ISLANDS.Waid d veil to call eo os before porchaaing elsewhere.

Capt. Snow's Building, Merchant St,5J3 ly Hooolola. Oahn. H. I.

METALLIC P Al NT,Constantly on Hand.

1 1 A T I N V A Ll' A li L. E. I fR A B L E, F LEX- -A. ile. prrrrrin, anu corrusire

METALLIC PAINTCookrrs. Boik-n-. Rocfs. Steam Cut Plows, Iloasea,

Seocv. Schooocrs, Steamers,AND A L.E. OTHER I RON ar WOOD WORK.

eiiea For Sale by C. BREWI R At Ca.


. a a a a m. a a a a

Whitney's Book Store !

IvnsLttift'j in part ofSSORTED SIZED COPYING PRESSESA aod stands.

Assorted sUt-- Cash Boxes, Bill Head Boxes,ThermiKiw-trrs- ,

fclll li'ks, Pro Racks.Mate Pencil. L- -l

Scbuol Slat-- s, Scrap Bosks,Kerbnoms. Twi:te lVixes,

Mottled T.ioe, TuoUi picksSuperior Plain Cap Psper,

eupenor rutd cap paper,"Suptrricr plain letter taper.

Sapcru.r ruled letter paper,Asauried tote paper, BUI bead paper

uk'iur.g paus.il asie papr,

Osbcroe's Colcra,Setts Chess men,

Backgan.mob boards.Checkers and dice," .

AliJuibet Blocks.Mathematical lostrameota.

Assorted s'sd Wt Uinj n-- l.

tiatta i Wl-r- s,

WashiTeU Mcdailim pens,Fairchild's superior nild pens,

lrory paper tldtrs.Faory paier hoMers,

W ton film's Pen.nirea. Charttnn'sinacilae,liuaa irrclia baoUs, Line's rulers,Wafers. S.ls.

iaid's black, blue and carmine irks. Mavnard A Xoyec' inks.AraoW's i, aaurted m.

Assorted ink staTxls. Assorted pen cleanersPhotographic Alfium, Pmplier pencils.

Pencil leads. Craycais.Aiine n .'(meal tf Blank- 'B-jok-

C!t0i e assortment f EuvtU-fmfs- .

Exctian.je Bks. Bect.jJ B.-ks- . I

Vrd'. r B.ks. j

Mann's Letter Boks, !

and L'tier Oifs n id rtes.Litter ajfl Gird Wallets.

Mem.-rnal- i Bc-ls- , Pxss Bocks.- -

Camel's harr eipyiui brashes. Composition card frames,L". S. rVatage staiups. Letter scales,

a:c, A.C.. etc, Ac

Book whieh should be in Every Library


CONTAINING AMO FT 20.000 UAWA11AStruieca:inn. and


Enzllch-IiA- w aMab Voralmlary, and faraialosifaTable vt Hitorlt2l Events.

T3y Lorrin Andrew?PRICF 5 ""d in Shep. .... R5.00Bound in Ua!f . . G.OO

Fur Sale by II. M wurrxEY.Valuable W-r- k ran b drained in London ofMessrs. TRVBXER k Co., Paternoster Row.

also in AVir 3'orJL rfMers. BARNES A Co, John EU

A LSO PO R SI LE.Bishop's IlAvtaiiaa aad English Phrase Book, 50ts.

Letter Sheets,W,Tx'rl-MAP,O- P THE "AWAII AX ISIprinted on Oietn, caa be had at tne Bookstore.

6241m Price 2i Ct... ar l a-- r Dsiri

ELLIS' WORK.Imeriean 2Iiiea in the Ssndulrh Ki.t..4 iiiuli ration al an Appeal

In relation to theProceedin-- j oj U.e B'formed Catiulic JTission at

Honolulu.Bt Rev. ffj,. Ellis.

l.eprintei from the London Edition.ia Raardi -- 50 Oal a ia Paper CsTrn.

For Sale by H. M. WHITS ET.

lYnutical Almanacs.NEWtne Pacific, which every cunPu,rr.it

Price 7d Cents.For sale by tgi. . .n.f - nilll.VEl.


Will K.a arli t Hana, s,Ei u, ,

For freirbt or paaaape, apply to the Captain w. --

F.S. PKATT, at the office of (6 i 6a,; C AjJ, ;

tt3t? SCHOONER OWANA'Will ply as a foatrr ta Parts la iasla. 0ij

For frelzht apply to the Captain oa beard, or to a .atlheol&ceol 624 Cta C. A W iuji1


Scliooiie2?BattiCAPT. NIK A.

Carryiivj the Hawaiian 3 tail teUJuwt 5ulyyfWill lfaTe Uoaalula Everj Salarday, at 4 p, ,Reiorninr. will leare Xawili erery fucsdar fFreiubt or Paaaas apply to' 6i4 am I. POSTEE Jt Ca,


WUI Baa Ernlar!y ketwera this Part ant r.2.aad kaa.

For freirht or passaae apply to the Captain en hoard art.S. PRATT at te otSce of ea Co C. A. WlLUi,, 'REGULAR PACKET

Tor Lahaina and Makee's Landing.. The Fine, Staunch Cl.ppr

iSS: Scliooner iCate 3LeCRAMt, Master. .

Will ran rcynlarly and punctually oa the above rata IIreirht apply to the Master on buard or toC. bKKWtK A Ca., 'egnta.

For Hana, Kanpo and Kaliko

Sclir. Mannnlmill run regularly, for freight or Daaain. .....i.C BUVU A CL, acenu.

For Hilo and Onomea, Hawaii.

aaa. Scliooner VnnieWill run as a Kexular Packet to the above porta. Fa, rrcgo.

or Passaae applr toSIS 6a WALKKB ft AX.LKH, Areata.

For Uilo and Kaupakuca, Htwaii.

Sclrooiier Active,Will run as a Regular Packet to the above porta, loaxaiaj a

LAUA1S A. For Freight or Passac apply ta . .6m WALKER A ALLEN, A rents.


Is regularly laid on as a pqackct

BETWEEN HOXOLlLi; AND IIILOJFor FrcLtht or Passage apply to

807 ly CUC.N3 nOOS A Co., Areata.

Best Portland Cement.O::::::-:r::::::::::::::::::-


o - . FOR SALE.-.- o

S ::o : : At aetlerateCJ :: Prices, fcy :: 2.

o THEOD. C. HEUCK, i '--yK.x tK ur a

a : Fort and Merckaat Street. 0ta - 61 JAXUARY, 3m ":o O::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::0f

SPECIA1, notice.Upham's Hair Gloss and Curling Fluid

THE BEST HAIR DRESSING IN TIIEISwurtd it imparts a beautifa! fleas to the hair, keeps H iacurl and promotea its growth.

TJpham'a Toothache Cure, -Cures the most violent tuothacbe io one miunte. '

CPIIAMS I A R A CI I ELL A.Pre rents the hair from falliny out. and lor pratnotios the yrowtfeof the beard and hair it has do eiual, it ia tha iciracal of IU aa.

IPHA.M'8 DEPLATORY,EetDorea superfioas ksir from all parts of the bodr ia innunotea without injury to the skin.

TJuham's Fester Ointment.Ta a sar aad speedy ewra for Festers. Salt Khraais. ChaapsdUantis, and banr's Itch.

TJpham's Asthma CureRelieves the mrat violent paroxysma af Asthma in tea auoates,and e fleets a speedy care.

TJpham's Freclde, Tan & Pimple Banishez,Removes fricklra. taa, aanharn, pimples oa the taca, softeas

the skin and beautifies the comptcxSMi, sraTrai.ted wot la tojarthe akin.

Dr. La Porte's Life Elixir, .The 1 rat Nervine and Rrmexly . teMoita to msotyfiaor all who are auSV-nnf- f fnaa impaired Spinal Enerry,Nervous Debility, Ac , arming froau whatever caase.

The Japanese Hair Stain, .

Colors the Whiskers aud alocstaehe a beaatifiU black or brows.It cmsisia of only one preparation. Color will not wasbarfade oat. .


A new chemical toy, an inlerestinr and amasiny toy, ccoaiat-in-g

of small ejie like cones, which, when ignited, evolve iaafew sccoods, a tony twiMed snake, exciting universal weoor,and as harm)-s- s as atranye.

A 11 the above pnparaxtona are sold by. C. F. PFLI GFR,

Ayent ti- - s. C rr,63 ly K.Tt St, Booorols.



"Writinc; and Office Papers, Blank Books,. and Stationery,

Imported Erpvesfly frr Custotn Trade, embracing :

LETTF.U PAPER!White Conirresa letter paper, rule.1 and onrnled.

Bioe letter paiier, ruied and nnrvSed.Bltae otscial do. do. ruMrU villi BMrgin.

Thin white d do. da. dr.Thi whi;e d An. plaia.

Very thin wfctte letter (fr Euman rxjrrespoodeace.Water lined (tarred) letter.

Packet Pwl, plain. b!ne and white.tit;r pl,er. raied and wnrul.

Ladies Bath paper, wbite aad pick, ruled aod plain.C AP PAPERS !

Beat white Cap. ruled and unruled.Blue last cap. unruled.

Heavy cap. rsled.Muomiiig cap, unruled.

Beat rgiuit, wLite and blue laid. pais.NOTE PAPERS

Best heavy white S(Ktimrrcil ante, roled and anruled- -Bert heavy blue countre'ial me. ruhM aod enroled-- .

Thwk ivory note, plain and ruiaL .Small hili- -t ti-t- . 1 lain ao-- 1 ruled.

Waterliued ba-rc- d note paper, varioas sixFancy euetl rprr. ti.

CtfioreU 1 reuch fancy paper.Gilt edjse note paper.

Aloncpram nxs paper with ioUial letter stamped oa )

MISCELLANEOUS PAPliKS!Best briad white bid paper.

Best hTT fj'Ad (narrow) bin paper.Thin white aid Noe aecuoct current paper.

Thin white and biae acxr.aot saars paper.Flat cap. white, ruled aad plain.

Ifen.y wliite, ruiet and plaia.Medium, whtte, raW4 and jjaia.

R'.ykl white, ruled aod piaia.Choice drawins paper, various strrs.Fancy l and silver paf r. various paMeras.French tiiwoe papers. if ail eotim. very choice.Traeaiig paper, (Jr drawing plans r4 machioerj. Ac.Velium tracing cloth. tVwdraaiug plans of machinery, ke.Bns:ol Board i varioas siscm.l'erfnrated btar.1. Crayon aper fcr drawing

Bill bead paper,Pnntuir news and boc.k paper.

Priater's cards of all styles, stres and patterns.Printer's card rsard. of all 0.Ilardwareand Manila papers.

Best tovcloi paperCopyicg tetter-boo- ppev.

W hUe an.1 red yaper.

Tnrether viith everj other kind af Paper la a." E.WELOPES S

Best heavy white aelf-a-nli- elt r envekipes.Best heavy canary, buff and straw lener envelope'

Opaqne colored tote aod teller envekpes.AU sixes of wbite note envelopes.

French oMonp U.lir letter envelcpeS.Obt-jti- nveli pes, opea at the end- -

Mourning letter, i--e and ofScial envetof. "

Best heavy white, buff and canary official envelop-Fin- e

white, buff and blue ckxh envelepe- -

lnd als every ather irtitle required la tlrf Strf1-er- y

Liae. ....r.For Sale fcv II. M. "Plymouth Collection.

HAND AND FOR SALE. TB Pr"ON Collectioo oi llymns and 1" M a;jirTSJ