€¦ · LEGGET— wl anuTaf Pia • N. '" March::o. \Viiilam F>x...

LEGGET—wl anuTaf Pia N. '" March ::o. \Viiilam F>x 1.-X*"". ••• of «!»• lat» William F. an.J <<'.<:, Hi,: I.esrgett. in hi« T'<»h Funeral Th>ir*.i;iy April I*. at Ip. m.. at Friends' il - . is*". N<> XiX Fast i.'.th st LIDOEnWOOD— At her horn*. M.->rri!rto^n. N J-. on Apri: 12. i:«l' '".i ". Mar}«-r!e. jnunKeat sTaiailllii of Harriet \: V rutwr and t??« lat» John H. r.: \u25a0•\u25a0 Funeral services at th» rtarcb or the Redeemer on Tnuntfay, April HtttMli : r is kln'Uy re'im-sted t.ias no Bnamn sent. BtaCXXBo ran tm *ptn n. ai iaa n.->tei st. Amiri"*. Elisa J. \!i' :.vr of James : - . .-h. Funeral services private. JIAU'N' \u25a0 I M ->i«iy. ApHI 11 19Ht. Ar.dreir >l >1 i !\u25a0-. b* \u25a0 red \u25a0.\u25a0'-\u25a0•' v I of ( 'tv- >• Inj Funeral from M* latm .\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0l-lf-n.-e. No <*r» it- ,:f. r j av^.. Brooklyn, on Thursday m-irnin». at J o' . DIED. BPKKM.\N--fr 1MM ne-kmnn. funinl %t r-« Funoral rhurrh. No. .v w«*t 3M »t. iFrui \u25a0 i"ami-b»ll uull'llrue). r.y.i.Ks.w— At no 2m \v»«t EM are-. ppai Vnr« rity. on >prll lf>. l»lf>. Etbonert Helknap. M. infant aon of William K. ana Helen Uunyon Beiknap. Fuue.raj prt-vata. RBWrß— Tm»l«r. April 12. Marr U. okVO> af H-nry K. Br»w«r and daasktcr of th* '•*• Ari'irfw R. nrvl Sarati .•«. Brlnckerh"fr. Fu- r.erai servir** at the reslijerjcn at aar itaaaiitnr Mr« J .B. Moftat. I.»wr»nr« Park. Bronx vtll<s Friday af'-rn..<»n at 1 orjn. k intvrnMiMSl«anß> Hollow Cemetery, at convenlenc* at teaUiy. rA?EY—Uvnajt Caa*r Servires trotn Tbe run»ral rhurch. No. £4\ W»»t ZM at. «rrana E- ' 'amptwll BBdBBBw>. W^nesrtay. 2 o'clock. DA.V A— On Wednesday. Marcn V>. at I'aachal, M».>lr«. Flnrlni* T irr>»r. wtdow of Rl'-hart s: irr Danit Kinera! s«rv|r*# wti) ba h«M «t her lata re*Men<-«. N".->. 104.1 TlTth a,ve . N«w York Cny. at I<> .¥> a. m. Thur»tty. Apfd I*. Interment at Woodlawn. [inttoa and KJd>- aMßd tV.».) papers please i-»>»y. IXASTO.V- -an < F*»roT» S*rvV-»i» Th» r»- nemi chur-h. N , 211 West 2M «t- iTrank K> Camphcll Buil<ttne>- FKKEIIAN E>if»re<l irfo r--«t at Har-rwraw. N. V.on T i-wl \u25a0 April 12. ISUO. Mary ror»- |W, wlf» ,r the tare I»ev. Dr Amaaa a. rr««- man. in the 47th year < f her a«e. Funeral •«f L- tl.-»s at «'»nfral Pre«hyt»rjan Church H»v«- •traw. N V . on FrJ.lar. April 15. at A velacß. Carrlaa-e^ wtu meet XV»rt Shor<» -iln ;«»Tlnf we«t 4-M >t . |h« York, at Itt and I.:* p. m. HI«*KS- At bal r»»i«1»n'-» No Mata «•-. Flusfjlni;. N. T. Imbai cummir.*. dauxnter tha lat«> Oeor«« H and Eml DU»otth P<ott«. and wife of J^»»ph lilcka. In tS» T*l rear of her «a;e Funeral from St. f!«<jra^'s rhur-h. FltMhtna:. on W»dn»ad^«v. •« arrfva; <t 2: 10 p m. rrain fr"n 34th at. Inf»rm»nt at convenience of fam»!/. \u25a0Kit-On April 11. 1310, Julia A . <!%u*Mef of rhe, iate Ertuar S an<l C. flicks. F'inT»l BorTlcen fr>m her late home. No. nr:; l>'-in «t , rr'-f.klyn. Wedneiirl.iy <\u25a0• n- !iar. Aprtl |3l at -i ..-l.'rk'.vej and friends invited. Interment private UN'K At Oraago, N J. on U nday. April 11. IM». Isaai^Kn;:^n I-»n«-. huabaad of Matli'U Scboywr fcrtt— r, in rh»- T"! 1 ! j«tr«f h;« atje Mineral Thursday, A;r'l 1 ». at h!» home, N>. 323 LJn< r>i n i-.e ,nn arrival of 2 ."W> train fi'.ni ir.hokrn. M.i !».. L. A W. R. It. f.<r llntiiaail ay« station. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO THE E.tinmEß. Do you want desirable help QI'ICKLTT \u25a0ATB TIME AND EXFENSE \^y con- sulting the file of applications cf setocted) aspirants fur posirion> v( various kind! which has just been installed at the Up- town Office of THI NEW-YORK TPwIDUNE. No. OJM r.:'. ,lway. FGtWv.r>n "tith and i'.Tth Strtttr. Ofßcl hears: 'J a. m. to t> p. m. , T \u25a0 \u25a0 anf \u25a0 ' \u25a0 BBJBJ Led Thu»-low Aga •- a Bankrupt. ,a< . who is DOW in hi* prvcr.ty- B-ont \u25a0 who In hi* PwOBB "jW wv connected with tha P.:itish l^patiori \u0084 v\a.. once raore in Che bank* '.-:.-v court, v .:h about J'"\'««. worth r»f \u25a0^. \u25a0 . literal'^ j1 \u25a0 -^ ' '. He if a uailta.' - bts Eha T :iltrd atoMa. b <\u0084;- urr coiw oxvr hrr* in conn< \u25a0..\u25a0 :. \u25a0 ' - I cntrrprlFfi-. ard \u25a0 y his 'ourteous raar.ners ißiajtattjr mna^- ' I *pcure a hr-arinp. ta anttO of (B) sSQtaaawflS f<"aturf9 of his first tiank- h took piac f- in :*!W, i-.vA •.v« r obti'ir.rd his. BJmA - . \u25a0 r of thr OOBTtO Of BonkßVta I dbssS report t<> tba ioa> wwi eB ojcoi '"•ut of b •QhWiz" ihf fart that l^ini HlUltoWa ' \u25a0 \u25a0 I .1 bf-on the mm I at had < onx- under I \u25a0 \u25a0 .. . _. . ,_ r . \u25a0 . . \u25a0 \u25a0 Murlow 0J •\u25a0 l "• : ft of Che - \u25a0 ' \u25a0 : \u25a0 m FM a*rt. | Ml ' \u25a0 \u25a0 '> \u25a0 vmri' \u25a0 fea, and ta j«.h,t . '.'. . . .\u25a0• \ \u0084-•\u25a0. 1..- :<!• ru !\ li-> ' '.-i. NKn-VOliK TKIBI'NE SUBSCRIPTION \Ti;s ItailV K.liti.«n. <»n^ lent in Ul» uf >ew \ork. .Irroey itv unit 1 ' I. .' \u25a0 l»r« hcrf Wmm <-nt« ffußflnj 1 iliri.'ii. in; *ua«l>*r Stasav liar. r'Wf (>nt^. In New \i>rk il» \u25a0*a>wrth<*r« will he rhurgeil 1 rent i>«t « >pv 08881 |»>«t:tge. >rnMKii"nt)N m\ mmi ro^rr\iii |):iIIt. v*-r m«>nth MX lullv. imt >^.ir ea Bonany. per je:»r - cc Ihillj«n«l -ti».li»y. prr j»»r - \u25a0•© Uailj iiutl miimluv. |M-r m«nth 70 I .ir.-i.-.u r*MMa* Cmtr*. BAKBEM BamM M Carter Servi.-«-» nt The nm^rtl «'hur,h. \.-> '.Ml West 2jU it. «Fraak 1. GOttßOjeO Uuilvliu«>. DIED. 1'.:r..-..a M >\u25a0 - \u25a0• CBO* X Eh r^.n»n. Hj. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 , Cth«.b«rt. 30. Maurer. Xar:» it Dinner. MiryI. M ißtyie. < *th»rtn« C , \u25a0„,. % , .- Mills. TUfodr*. iMi.i. i-i"i."-*T. N U'i r C*tarln r \u0084 .-.:.»»u \ 11 Mi. 1' v. Katonra V. »n Mary. Mr.;*r. lUrv E- 1,1 w : . isaifi r Ppmt. Wtmatm. ni. ki.lvii 1a Vath. aoaaasa I are I'D !• Watt. Thomas U' WUIIMB V WiUiamj. NN ililam n \u25a0 ,> .1. GroM M la Mrmoriaaa. BH .. ..f marrhkßM aa di nxmt bt MARRIED 1 \u25a0 * 1 I ... .1 «miriiii aweaodl Taa leOawwaj awawd \u0084 \u0084.! (Mai dH Weather Uni'-ail shows the Uaei ' in th- MBveralaM f"r th.^ hM laaatl f,.:u bean i" teajparis-m with th>- ir.»roßdm« ,li»t»' "f B»H >er\r: . _ _ h «| « \u0084 m :.j M ! I- Mll . at.] ... :*> *\u25a0* nV" -- S'- p '" I i' m » \u25a0'• Mi»> «ii"l- ratur.- faaMrdaT. ST <Wr*es; UmeSl \u2666» i\--<f \u25a0"". amai for in« -la!.- l»«« v Ar. 4rt. a\.ra«e for < orre»^>n<tinc .late last thirty-ihre.- >-ai.«. «« \u25a0 Uaral run at \u25a0 !\u25a0 "»ir la-awj irt.i Th'iriUay. !i K ht to mmierate n^rth lo north'aat v»:wii. . irti.;.i!^rvationa «t can States aoaahw t.iir.aua. tak.n at S p. \u25a0 last otaba, follow: \u0084:,. T^niperjture. WVither. AU-anv g ',T' r ir - I'ii*. r. in - r£2£. : :: S %Z*£gr. :::::::::: S iT.-ar r«r Hew Jewry. Kaetem New Y^rk. fair to- ,U\. f^ir ar..l « .-.^r In the lnt»-rtor Thurmiay; . .! ' t.> tni-Klerat.- north to northeast wlnda f.:r fc'-si3*»>in ivnii»ylvar.ia fair to- .lay. Thur.-. ,liy fair, warmer. light to BMdmahl north H r. \u25a0fl . ;.«t wij.lj' K..r th.' Dtetrlrt ••( (WoaM i*lr t->-day. Thunda) P»rtl> ••"''•> •«\u25a0>\u25a0' warni-r. light varia- bit? \v 1 r *l " r, r Weute-n rern-y!vani.i. fair and ennbtqi v irawf lo .!i> Thursday Im-rrasing > ' »udlnes». r.ln rtt night;" north t.» n rtheast wlnJ?. in. r-ut- 'T'^n, N.* Y.,k. ?:av partly <! «dy; var-.sMe w ln-i». be..>tmn» ta*t a"« Ii: I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0lIIQJ Thursday. Offlrial Rerord and goioinal—Waal April 12 .—Th» wither hn* rl»ar»d t»r«r th* aartbera JistrUta aaßl cf dm Mmibnami Ri v 'r. while .v»r the central and aouth^rn dtstrtrtj shower* were peneral <lurin« Tuesday. Over tr:e *ost half >>f the country the weather was an- \u25a0ettkA wtth 18081 thun<l»-rst<.rm«> In th- <-enrra! iltftttt an.l eoOH stmweis in the . -r»m* s<-"i'h- v » t . it 15 rtf.idertTy l»r from the O'rlo Val- ).-y eastwar.l and southwar.l. an.l ahn f>m»«h« coaler over the nh^er districts in Kansas »n.l t: . towei Mississippi Valley. In the lOßtheawl i igh tf-inperatur^s rontinuc. The winds along th.- Raw t:i;glan.lo">ast will he light H BWWBWJM mail t.. n..rth; BwHai Atlantic toast, llsht r.> DMA Bate n.Tth; south Atlanti- OMOt, mod»-rat(» and variable, possibly r..>rth on North farolina; east Gulf cuagt. light to BMdambl s'-ur- weit Ciulf coast. ru<xl.-rate to hr'.*k southeast; on thf i wef lakta. heht to BBMenMl an.l \ariaMe. "n tbn urii*-r lakes, light to mudoratc and variable. btH-uiiiing southeast. \ a*atba«eawa di.oturNince of typtca! c*ar- attpr is central (o-nlght ov»r southt-in New M< xi<". It shou'.-i move aaol Barnaaaari i »t ,i fair rat» atter.dej I y ratns in dhl 8< uthwevt. W.-rines.i'v "nißht or Thursday In t)r» central vallfj*. ext-e-; the northern p..rt;*ns \u25a0>.-:.. f >-r.i! th- fast Oulf --t.T. s. .• .1 Thurs.lav .., Kr;.:ay In th. '...w<^r lake resrion md the mi-i- \u25a0:.. anl MBJdl > ll—till jitates. <>n \\ \u25a0In-s iy fair weather will l'ie\ail teal el "*•> M.*.iUil»pl l::-.i exc.-pt in Ti.. south Atlantic states wh*» \u25a0bovm will lmilliiui, In the . irtßW«al an.i txir.nif VTest th" weattef will bt- fair We.lnes- \u25a0!ay ami Thurs.l.iy. As the aoatfttMSt '-t«tarb- iii,,- adi—»\u25a0 iMßoaeataawj will riw ewer *aat- ern an.l \u25a0IWllTlllll remain r.<v»r'y stationary mm the »h#rn an.i fa': over Ihe western .JHtrtrts. M'-anen* A parting \v*.ine«ia,y tow Europaau rx'rts will h»v«- molerat^ northwest t.. north win.k-. with fair w.iith^r t.. fhe Grand Uanks. Paeeeaai f»r *p«-UI Uor.lltle*. -F N»* t:rc'.an«l. fair to-.1.»y . ThurjvUy fair, warmer in the n:»- rtar; light to n:<xJtr*:e northwest to 1,. rth wir.'is THE WEATHER REPORT. The bridesmaids WftN WtM Mane CO2- ienaj Miss Coralle Stephrn.*. Mani F.leanor Mil!> a::d Mis.-, Marlon Miller. They were i:i yellow BMbTm over yonwa satin and WOn acn lace hats trimmed with lace md yellow and pink Rowers. They carried yellow rests. H. Di^oy B^itteH »a, hi.- brother best mar., and FnamTtefe Brbwnn acted in a similar ca;.a Mty " r hhj brother. Th<» ushers were Alexander Primm. of Bt I»uis: Dr. John A. Adam?, Bincol Tyler. Dr. Btwatd Lovejoy. Ldgar Clausen. Oacnt S-itz. truest. Victor and Patil Pickhardt. Mr. and Mrd. rchwarz sail for Europe to-day and Mr. anl Mri. Beuttell pa to Hot Springs, Va. Mis.- Kdith Mac Van Ta ll. daughter of Mr. and Mra. C.t-rard Van Tnaaon\ of No. V, Church street. White Plain*, and Byror. Albert Princ- were married last evening by the Rev Oonrna E. Hite. pastor ot the \u25a0 mortal Methodist Episcopal Church. The matron <t honor was Mr?. Jefloma Stuart chaffee. of Sharon. Conn., and tne umaida wwM Mfeal Caroline HoMwfli r. Troy N. V.. and Miss Effie Van TaaeeO, of Brooklyn, both cousins of the bride The best man was L. Ward Prince, brother of the briflecroom. and the ushers wer» Henry H Weßa, of BUwSt»« N. Y. anl Charles Wycoff. ot Brooklyn. tr.e ceremony a latent km •\u25a0\u25a0 held, afrer whleta Mr and Mrs. Prince lef.t for the South. WEDDINGS. All Aiißels' Church. West End avers:;* and S'.st. Otfaat, «•»« the OCOBO Of the do-ihl*" wwddtn*( yesterday afternoon of the daugh- ters of Mr. and Mm Wnltei Conatnanm Mi.-s Gladys Constable was married to Vic- tor •; }:.uitt»il. and her sister ea Herbert K. .- i.warz. Thi Her. Dr. I De Lancey Townsend officiuttd, and ... recavdoa BoY lowed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Con- stable, No. JO \\\-vt THil treet. .M:^ (li.ilys constable was . .ported to the altar by '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 father, ar,.i her water walko I up the aislf with Alfred cJ. Btjttwft Both '.vfr-- (Avon ajwny by their f.itMtT. They were o)N0O0d alike in white satin, with peail e:i broidery, wore tull^ veila and earned shower bouquets of Uiicd-oJ-the- vailey. yesterday. a«ed fifty-two years. He entered the Police Department in 1»«> and served in every capacity. CAPT. H. A. POTTER TO WED Bishop's Nephew Divorced After Meeting Mrs. Depew. Colorado Springs, Col.. April 12— The wd- dins of Mrs. Grare r>epew and Captain Howard Ashton Potter, both of Colorado Sprinjr-". but formerly of N*w York, will take p!ace at Mr« I»epew'» h"m» It Broad- moor, a suturh. to-morrow evenlnK. acrord- irij: to the statement of friends. Claren'^ C. Hamelen. of Colorado Sprtnn*. ?ind Jay R IJppincott. of New York, wtl the only witnesses, it is said. Immediately aft«r the ceremony Captain and -Mrs. Potter will depart for the East, later ma kin;; a tour of Ktiror* They will innke their home in Colorado Springs. Captain Potter is a nephew of the late faahOp Totter of New York. Hi* first wl»# was Miss Mary Louise McNutt, dauirhter nf W. I M>Nutt. ol San Francisco. . Mr« Depew Is a daughter c.f the late nobMi Goodyear, af Buffalo. Her first husband was G. Anson De?«". a nephew Of Senator Chauncey M. D«p<w. Captain Potter and Mrs. Pep*w flr«t met in Pwitzerlar.d about three years a*o. Shortly aflerwnrd i aptain Potter came to Colorado Pp.rinK*. leavlna: hi* wife and danghter in Eur«-r<e. >r hfr ret irn io Haw York Mr-= Potter w»>nt direct t>» San Fran- < isro. hi re she has since lived ith her parents, and wh< she obtained a divorce ii year jigo to-day. orri. 1 I M\!N UfFM.I lOa 04 N i"J'l s'reet WALL JTREET OITI ' |J\Vi;tlam«i»H: VII'mWN <>1! . : No \u25a0 \u25a0:• 4 Ri ' .1\ . or any ,\n\-r:-::\ I'lwt: \u25a0 t : W<: 1; *> ''" HAKLI \u25a0 ovrv t:* '. ca«i 135«n •»««•?, S«. -_v.:t \\ 1.11 1-Oth s:re.t auj N<* XXt W«a» ll'Sth srrret. wash. i>n ;:' RE<i r \u25a0 OS r street. tiE\\ \ im.ANi ii OF . reflaxtca ."». . \u25a0 Ns .:\u25a0\u25a0 I. vi strttz A\. ' * I' Wl - I .... . taai No . 1.-- \u25a0 ... . \u25a0 bnr»aa>a \u25a0 .. \u25a0 . ; - \u25a0 < •»\u25a0 Uka OBV* a 1 \u25a0 . . 1 ixm c*» r«u;«* .\ t > a 3 8 ...«\*iij iv.j.- n Credit Lv.-i.. i:>. DuT«sa «t#s CtraacKO. Contin-.T.j. 11. ••\u25a0; >«w»»t*sJ. TIM i''.«.ir < 0Oc« juarba.-n * N«wi E.\c^»r«». OJa 9 Rim St. \u2666»e..rg«. JUnarkaa Expr*a« Cou.psr.y. Xc 11 K'-i«»' «. N . (1 \\.v-. .<\u25a0 : , Op#ra. NIK- «'r*alt Lvonnals CIfc.NKVA -l.umlAi.l. ».'..>r Jk Co. *aJ CStBQ Hank JLdUEM'F; Kr<:i>h. l.nron & Ci« . N 's. 'J aivl I\ ..» . its Ma.;.lil\ .* •'. Mu:l^ \u25a0 UiI.AN .-^art^.-^ * N«»» E»obarjs». Vu» .a) M nf. rM 15 X UAMBI'UO a rtcaa lUpnm •"" turr >*«• \t Auurmiia AERO CLUB OPENS NEW ROOMS. The BMI toon. of th*- A< 1.. Club < f Amer- ifa. li. Hie BngtoeorS' Hulldin*;. at No :-.i \u25a0 th otiwat, will i»e foimaiiy apaned m ninn Hoi as pJcturea aonatratlng ihe j,h-. Nt stai .- ofavtotson w 'I m shown in tli< a iriitoriuiu 01 tiit lux.duifi (jvulaaxim •it i.JO octvek. COL. EVANS'S ESTATE IN TRUST. rfaiUnaartr n j. 4prD U fnV»cm». . \u25a0.. 1 of «'"ioti-i Dodky BvsbSj pJiiurMf I 11.. a 1 .-.•-\u25a0\u25a0 Oampany, wnodled . md on .'o«n \u25a0 ft, was probated baTO _jie j}. ai: tha prap- orty \u25a0 urnwi \u25a0 •\u25a0 trool to UM H0 \u25a0 Trust <" ;•\u25a0!>. 'f Mew fork. ttaa> hy S. fSvant \u25a0'• \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0* W ••• w bca h* Is thirtx >enni 01 a«e, it-.'- Income hot t^ c 4.,.;; amid 09 i..:. ' «afi& ••\u25a0.., In 1 ..«- u,e*n tint*-. A \u25a0 ml «tl gn«n «•> OofanaJ i- mi 1 itaagMat. I bww*> .-j BtMB awl lUallM Mrs. S-Ui* Peelye Cyan« «»ta Dofflcy n-ce, ihe hous«- in Uv.- gB nwo4 arid all I* Iwnjafnawf ol the <.-.M.i;««. In th^ event of the death Of Mr* Kvana •\u25a0:.\u25a0 « state BrfS I"- equally «livd«d heiwe<n 1 iwo ehOwfßß If 'ne son is thirty yearv „!,!, but the bwM will (thaw If he. i^g t attained thrii ap \u25a0 It is h^ld that estate is l<«s than |I, «\u2666•.•••. PLAN ODD WALSH MONUMENT. \u25a0 •- The \u25a0 To the allow and daughter, lire Kvr.lyn ! : M. lyean. in aOjOBI ai lefl all per- sonal b< lot.p-incs the , \u25a0 \u25a0 ftj , ifaf-sa- •s uv'] ,'j. hom> arvl of tba itnmer home at Clonmrl. Col. They are alao to ihe lot set, cai- ;:;c< s arifi .r,itorfj'>l ilcs. " \u25a0\u25a0 1 \u25a0-• e.^-taT" 1s d<\is>d to the American Security an.l Trust <"ompany as \u25a0 for a frm of ten years, in which \u25a0 pay to tna widow nn<i tenskser bj amtal tastatawnta the ad income in \u25a0 •\u25a0s. Th' % riKhi of di^\u25a0po.•-\u25a0al. when approved by the rwnr?i< !ari«-«, is \ested in At Urn esptratloa of the ten- ya- term . . \u25a0 \u25a0• iransf<rred to the wfOJBOJ ar^l dSßSjfatcr in equal pot- i;o: s ; Provision is made for tba dl.-posi- ttan of Bst share of Bw£B in ihe event <,f f tna arMoar or *a ">*'*— during; \u25a0cnoa of tha tmal Btthar of the \u25a0 iaries may di^jioye i,y «j'i »if her hut should the w.f< die Intestati I r-t 'Ticome is to !•\u25a0 \u25a0 •'\u0084• daughter patfl !\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 of tin tmal Bhtwild . liter atci « ' ' '• •• \u25a0 \u25a0• . th' \u25a0 ainta i - to \u25a0 , ,i o\er to the American Oecwttjr Mtd Trust <"on:p..T:\ ftwl BBWJBVd I!. M< - Laaa \u25a0 trust for the cfafMmi af lira m- Tills latt« r trust, if ii «\. r f^» omes 1 hen the pr« > <-nt son of M r .iti'l Mi- M-Lean attains Tiiit- Widow and Daughter Receive Most of Estate. and a t-. l«> \u25a0 - WILL OF T. F. WALSH I-aeken i«.- Bttnajßßd about four or five I bma H!usse) s . and. «lat!nc from tbe > hen the Netherlands were MM By perti tustiiaa rfoenqm, was traawentt? o. <::;, ,^,l n y Kmrw-ror Naj>oleon and Km- .lnsephine. the latter of whom was < \trrmelv fond af Ike ptata It was thore. inrierd. that Napoleon t-inned the fateful declaration of war :<painsi nussia which \u25a0ay t»e said to bava oanatttsßad the »>e- Ei-iiilnc of Mi tOwwCatL Tt anaa pariiallv lurnrd gome fourter-n v.^is pa, when one ff tlie wires was destroyed, nnd when Princ«M«n Oementine almost p. rished in the Bawaai ih.;t neal ih< Bfit at her old nwwmaaa, Bfja iad l>e*>n with her childhood. Th« damape, however, to the jal*ce was completely repaired by l>r>opold, rejtardk-ps I'\u25a0 r If there were t wo t hirias about v hie!, bi was ntravaeant they were bulld- nip and M^ flower *;.iri'cnb. a:..1 the result :.- that to-day Larken is r/en far more baawttlM and luxurious than before the Count Tarnowski. count T«mowKki. th< l usband of the extraordinary' woman tiot\ beiru tried at Venice on a charge of havine; Instieated thr rrvirder at «"ount Komarowskl, i? livins at St. Vr\erfshuix. staying In the same hotel with wirfs sifter .slid her l-.usha.nd, wit!', horn be is on terms Of the utmost rriendship. and like th^m. do« s not -erm wa>- concerned about his wife's trourtV Tie is leadline thr fe of a e«y. pleasur* loving man shout town, is so*-n at the leadinc restaurants ar. i M t; \u25a0 various er.tertait.r: Bt prc-a' world, looking so ioj'.y and free Iron care that II Is gff- ficult to realize he Urn BMM man who shot in 1 old !>]oc.<l one of his wlf» hßttm IB a *5t <<T fßoJanay He aVso- lutely declines to discuss Ms wife or her .iffalr-- the impression of con- pratulatinc Btßawtt 0B l;a\lr.c tlfjllfl from her trils witho-it losinc hor.or. fortune a:id life, like so many others who have been sui'jupated by her fa.-cinations. MARQUISK DB FO.VTEXOV. the honor to hut fa 1 her, who was ana of the principal promot. I of the revolution that hmwii William 11 nnd Queen Mary to the /throne. He va» offered wat in t'te llout-i" LOBBa an a reward, but d<-< lin--.i it in j favor «>f his cHesi pon and rtnincKake. The ,patent mas made out with the unusual pr- - I vision that In defau't of descendants in the maH* !'ne of th' llrst inrd It should aro to the etn^r <1< «•« nd;cits in the m«!i' line of Ms futlirr. The seventh lord wna a most charminsr an<* witty man. full oi fun and humor, in anate nt Ma Hehur era! and dumb, and »<o Cle\er thxt'by watchin.n the lipa of hN only dauarhter. Qeoralna. n->« the m-tfe of i^jd Band<»n. and who \\a(« devoted to him. no irn* sble to understand without diniculty «hnt she was aayinK I^idy Handon. \u25a0(«\u25a0 , makf I her home at 1-wernard C.istle. near th* tomn of R«rdon. and which In olden limes wan known as OnatH Mahon. used in her younjrrr days to be the fln< arnnt^ur laa> whip of the Tnlted Kinirdom. King Albert Moves to Laeken. Kfnc Alh»>rt has moved with his r-on«ort and his aMhon into the ruhurbftn palace | of l^cken. which, with it* l.autiful park. ,superb gardens, immerise i-onservatnries. its lahaßj Its itnderjrround r»ilrr>id connectlnsr the palace with the rmlroa.l Fyutem of •elghi- .md of tho remainder of Bnreno, is nn altocethcr id. ai residence for a W»v- | « rcijrri. Its one draw!>ack Is that it lies I poiwwhat low. but it is well drained, and BOW that it has hr-en furnished anew by Kir-.e Albert 4«aOBOM during the last year of his rci»m had sold off all the contents. leaving little heyond t?ie imiv walls It is ! more Rhtful than e\er fore. KewAwaw ta a<M that the iron brtafn ' across the street wMrh connected the |>ark ol l.rwken with the grounds and villa «f I'.arotvss Vmichan, on the opposite side of I the road, has beet, torn down, atlv to '\u25a0 the aattateerJen af the aaanti of i^eken land of \u25a0^fls. Wliir n Tast.-.l it was rot BJkMMfl] an eyesore. l>ul alsr< \u25a0I constatit , reminder to tin>m and at attnnnara of Kinc lls proflicary BnteaMßl VauKhan's \u25a0 -00, his passr<l Into other hands. For 1 f-h.-> ha> s- >1 all her property in Relpium i and has established her pernirtiieni iiorr:* in i I "ranee Lora Carfa«ry'« Caetle Burns. > Oenntj Dot*. \u25a0 Ithm DBS \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0•:\u25a0 \u25a0' . \u25a0 1- a rx>Tfc 1 \u0084-,.• '"\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ' ; \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\ . \u25a0 .... \u25a0 . \u25a0 :\u25a0, Ifej ..\u25a0 . ' '•-• : , .-if J'f. k" \u25a0 , r 01 «•• ..? |da Ban i- \u25a0>\u25a0 - ' \u25a0,-... 1.. .--.\u25a0;..„ ,\u25a0.•\u25a0 , \u25a0\u25a0 . , ' .... pj, I \u25a0 \u25a0: <-.\u25a0 p 1 r "* •JftpFt non of \u25a0n. O«OfS» E \u25a0*• \u25a0 r- v IT. •' \u25a0 <1h c'e ' * ' :-•:.:\u25a0\u25a0•.. I < ';.rn«;!\ , but X '~' . •)•.;\u25a0 ocaT^d « •* Ing »o '\u25a0'*«'» \u25a0 \u25a0 > :<h Mujti^ \u25a0'• '\u25a0 < \u25a0• i- J.i :> . 1 -dot,' i :-•...•!-:\u25a0 r 1 '" i '" : -; his <l*ughtei clvinc bat hand \u25a0' ' \u25a0a taj aMOaw al yitl<s H I '-'> %,^r 1 fiiy Hrrivf .4 i n those <Uy« ; " a w<a«in« mho lu.ll* <3 to gr.i RK)r * ' - ; maa ovrr" the c*<-,,,^ >&1 * T *i.- !.ej<j be culltyol ir..-!t: <u» Wunejy. \u25a0••-.: ruje 100k f))*.c*- In flue rour*^. r \u25a0 \u25a0 . r , s ifjf^roorn r«cov« rr-d his «o- \u25a0 Da ttft lol.owlrut day h* fo«nd t * li ' \u25a0'\u25a0 Ha lnty <>i Ills Jove iier inger *''•' homeiif *••• \u25a0 A:.:.' l:ad l»e«»n njbsll- X& *4 and tti*.t hi* ftan<*» had l»e*n the *»«th'ir. , > , otispirary. Stung to •»•», b fcysfcii«d 'kiiU her and his nominal *^* •J1 . . . •!-. and lra\tnp tbe houae. ' ' ajen upon Bsttav ••' *''•'" \u25a0•*•\u25a0 ff 5 '"* \u25a0• Uoo on th<- Conttacel it. DU . \u25a0wl liiH L-jU CiiiAij, 1 Uia;' ad(J, «wcJ WHAT IS GOING ON TO DAY. Kr-. ndrtiii>!!i"n to Ih* Motrapnlttaa v.iv. , ; m of An. tti«- American " .*• -uni of Natural lUawry and the kwelevkal Oaiwaa Davottanal tii«^tliiir of taa Ismtluf <"hrt»«ian I'l.inn «hai>'l of thr- Oallaejlat* «'hurrh. Kifib »v<nii- (i,4 4Kth *ir*»t. ii a in. M""!tir <>t the New York Mr..»!ilni: Society. WaM'.rf- Antorla. aftfrnoon. Meeting of the mm Wllhvd Aaeo< latien. Hotel Manhattan, Z p. \u25a0 MettlriK of lh# N>»- T<->rk H<i*r<l of Trad<t ar ; <l Tranij.ortation. \i. 203 Braadwa] 3.15 l> m ••: 1 ''I the Board .if K< No r,i>o Park i\«nuc, 4pm t»iTir.»r In honor at the l«Tth l.l!'hfla.\ of Thorau Jcffereea, Xatioaal D^-aiorraiio ' I'lh. No «17 Fifth ivtnue. 7 p. in. Ju»il<~^ Mariin I K' on "1-lmltatlons af ll'form ky 1.»».' <-»)h#4ral <^<>\l*t:r-, 51, t BttwM nr,<i Hadlaal av»n«». f> pm. Fftt Ifturn e| the Boird «if Cdu<-atlon. m p m. PuMlc iri'-hool -7. 42d »trf«-t. n (r Third av«nu». "Bonrs of Rum»." Mri" H-n- ri^tta >r"Wo-B«^ley. Public Rcbool ikd. ii-h atraet, n»st of Ain*t<*rdam avcnvi* •Rlr**-! Hallway Accident*. Caaaaa nn-1 r . rr.K'.'.'-r " William J Donovan. Ea«t H<l»- Huuf- K«-tiicment. 7»iih »tr<»^t ,nd Eift r<lv»r. Hawaii.- William X Mska- koa. Cooa*l [Jnloa Third i^nu*ut..l Mb Mill, "Alt'ka an<l I1a«all." Pr Willis n*tcb*i .lohrmoT . ruhllr LMtrmry, No Hit I.eroy atreet, "flArtda,*' P f'r'n.i 'urtlna Publle Übrary. No Mil Fa»t l<t»h Mr**t, Tl.. H<.iaelr»» <lt>. "r. The Are nt the AutomoM!.-." Max t.owfnthat. f>un»Vtn» <"hap'l. No fi.%o n/eM 4f»»h »tre«»i "The I.Hi,d of ihe lanaa" Mr« M. <.'latr* Flnn-y; YounK M. i) s i« Aaaoctatl<Hi h.ii, No r, \v«u I-'.'.'h Mf-«t. "Th* l.lf.- of Hlr Wnii.r Bcott." Chartae II Oewaa; Vevsa H«a'a Hfl.ii-H A«K<-i«'|..n. v.'il *(reei , r-,i'iTi avrnue. Tli. Jt<-.nmti I'.tliml I>r. Wlllliini r. <;ilrti». V M I Hall. No Bl Imwiu. Tii« i>i«u au'l Hi» State." Indei of t h< :'• \u25a0 ariU see •i^. In esJatinfC condltlona hi Tufts When the fall term anena boo/. \u25a0omen'a napnrtmeM win ba in -on OeQena. when aatnh- ;. anaeon and I though it :s eapected \u25a0 BMon of i t t itt~ OeOenje »ili akn ix-ioriß to <.t the loehaoa CoUegi for \u25a0 Co-Edncation Abandoned; a Separate College Will Be Organized. M.-df>rd. Mass. April 12.—8y a vote of trK- truste«'9 of the institution to-day Tufts CbfJeeji oaaaad to l>e a co-t>ducatlonal in- stitution. A* s'x>n as the necessary change* < an be made in the charter of the institu- tion a BOW I "He^.-, to be known as the fackaon f^fttin for Women, will be aatnh- li.vii«-d. re the naeeanary charter rhang«a con tx- i.ioiuri.t «i>otit the women will b») taken care of as \u25a0 scnarut** department of T.;fts oonaaja, NO WOMEN FOR TUFTS \- medal bi <«f handsome design. and bean the inscrlp-lon: "preaentad to Dr. Horace Howard Furnt-ss by the foundois of The N»\v Theatre for his distingui»ned w.rk in the cause of dramtlc art in Am rl- ii." Wintluop Ames, director, and fJDi Shubett, business director, of The Haw Theatre, were jiresent. r«presentiii|j t : ie ft undtrs, and Mr. Anifs made the apeecfl Of pioenlation. Dr. Furness accepted 'he modal with a happy BBnraaion af ana* . ia- ti.ii ami a fervent hop»; that The Ntw Tl.<aire would continue in its OMtM of pj^sentlng the best drama to the paapH of t.i country. Others who spoke at lit" luncheon were Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Mini L>'ith Wynne Matthison. Talcott Williams. Lien Johnson and John Luther L<ong Presented by New Theatre Founders in Philadelphia. tDy T- lagraai Ml Th« Tribune.] Philadelphia, Apiil 12 (Special).— rnc.;al wna presem-d to Dr. Horace Ilownrd Furness. of this city, by the founders of t>>< Mm Theatre to-day for Ms servic s ;n (he cause of dramatic art in America. Th« plantation made by t'ne players of Tl.c New Theatre company, wtio are now aj p< aring here, at a luncheon given at the le-Stratford HoteL MEDAL FOR DR. FURNESS WULLNER'S FAREWELL CONCERT. Dr. L.udw»£ Willner gave his farewell re- cital in New York at Carnegie Hall last night. The a.udlenc»- was large and one that by its enthusiastic applause paid full tribute to the powara of the German lteder tinker. Thi- jT-.i^ramnie contained songs by - mbart, Schumann. Brahma. (Jrieg and Richard Strauss. Mr. Wullner had never appeared more dramatic, despite a slight tendency at timea to overemphasis. C. V. B<js \u25a0waaaad as usual at the piano. r-APT OF "THE frENPTHRIFT." Ri-hard 'Ward Edmund Kr*»»* Baanilf I \u25a0 Jimtsji i "herry PM I 1 j> r-anmright T. I>ani»l Frawley \u25a0ooty Wird J*f* l>i'rf»u« Kranclß \V«ri Thais Magran- Olario* V»n Zandt (Jwendolyn Ptora Qr*t< *rn».!an« Mattlc Fer»:u«' n Kli»* \\i Kelly fiuffrrn Ttiorn<? nobert Cain The wife leaves the house, and lor five months earns her own living ah a gover- ness. Her whereabouts is discovered by Philip OartwrlgM, a friend of Ward's, and a reconciliation is effected. The ;,lay contains nothing that is new, but it has the merit of telling familiar things in an interesting way. There are niany clever things paid, principally by Philip Caitirlght. the friend, whose part is well Bfajfwd by T. Daniel Frawley. and Gretchen Jans, the aunt (Miss Matti- Ker- guson >, who really does the. best acting in the piece. Kdmund Bneese, in the prin- cipal part of Richard Ward. Is forceful and convincing. Me gives one the impres- ston of power in reserve for moments when it is needed. Hut he lacks theheart qual- ity in his personality and his acting and be therefore fails to enlist the sympathy of the audience to the degree that might otherwise be his. Miss Thais- Maerane as Frances Wird. the butterfly wife, is true to type, and does th«- work acceptably. < »ne naturally does r.ot feel much \u25a0jraapnthy for h^r until she s»es the -or of her ways, and th»»n. Un- inateiv. her actinc falls off in its con- vincing quality. T. Daniel Frawley is r.- freshing in his manner of acting, whioh i* manifestly free from staginess. Jack Devereaux and Gwendolyn Piers piay the parts of Monty Ward, Richards brother, and Clarice Van Zandt. Frances Ward's sister, who marry on $100 a month. go W*>m, make a •"strike"' and come back to New York in fivo month. Their s»ory is a little Improbable, and their parts are only fairly well enacted. Robert *aln as ?ufTcrn Thome Is effective in the minor role of a cad. liifs Mattle Ferguson re- lievf*many a dull moment by means of her sensible views of life, which are always expressed in straightforward and humoroui fashion. ••The Spendthrift" Is Presented at the Hudson Theatre. lerick Thompson I* prepentinK at the Theatre a new play by Porter Kmersor, Hrowne. entitled "The Spend- thrift." the first performance of which was given on Monday niirht. The play ,i'n.vrns the fortunes of Rich- ard Ward, a business man with «n annual Income of ,Jft.uoo and living expenses of tn.aW Bg tries to keep hin fi^ad above water for a time, hut eventually Is forced into bankmptcy thn>uß t the extravagance of a Kelflfh. vain and extravagant young wife. In an effort to avoid the Inevitable rush the wife borrows $20,000 from a wealthy bachHor friend of none too savory reputation. She tells her husband that »he got it from a rich aunt who has one foot fn the grave and th* other In Wall Street." The aunt denies it. and Ward finds out the truth. He forces his wife to summon her friend to her b»-d chamber at midnight, and a stormy scene ensues. In which Ward un- justly accuses his wife of infidelity and discharge? a revolver at the feet of Suf- frrn Thorno. W DRAMA OBITUARY NOTES. ISA A' 1 RLM.-EN LANE, for ten yars ..>nt Of the BanOVW nre IwMiian.e i 'ompan] . of New Toi dli at his houif, No. 22.'» Lincoln avenue. < Iraj | N .1 . >es- tertlav \u25a0•\u25a0 ;i\t.-ii.i-e > . irs "iii and *•*\u25a0 regarded as aa exi't-rt in ftre insur- anc»« Mi I -»"• .nll.-t.d .M QM PHtbf—l ot the nvil War in Ihe Ml Nt of New Y.'ik. aenlni until isw. H< \u25a0 \u25a0 --:\ .lining tIM <lnttt rlOtfl in Ihti >'.t\ JOHN MAYKS, for el.v.n VWan ' blef of Pullcc uf Knoanl City iv that city, died i \u25a0 In isa.' he waa elected \u25a0 fellow Royal .So.i.-ty; be was a BMmbef of the Etoyal < 'or.nui.-si. n on Asrtcultvre. ISM \u25a0 and wfi- tieated <"\u25a0 mpankm of ''\u25a0' Bat|i in in and Knlghi Commander of the Bats . I Robert OUfM VBI lorn ai Htiathiven. k.-i ire. in .7 He v> a> employed as a clerk in \u25a0ollcHora* ofllces in Strat!m\cn and Glasgow from |Vh> to l^r.T. Me became con- nected with the prmi In IW> as mih-editor and reporter for ''rh< BUIUm Journ ' In i^>j be left Btlrlma for London ta tahe a |,i;i.\u25a0•\u25a0 on the staff of "Th.> (Jloh.-. " with which Im was connected im tub odltuc and contributor until Mat. i'oi a short time .i-t-' that he Matted Mr. Morley In "The PortniKhtly Review": from ISnl to l^Trj hf« was assistant illt< iT'.j principal c> n- trlbutor to "Th< Economist" nndV Mr. Fageliot. brine ii •• from BS3 v> Rl itv ditor and writer of lb» Irada and An ince article In "The Daily N. \\ i " In ItN be «;«s appotated chi.f of the gtatntteal depaitmtnl <>! the Board of Tra<le. .itiil In IBS he. .une coptroHw p^n- eral Of ttie commeiiial. labor ami suitis- departnv nts. SIR ROBERT GIFFEN. London, April !- Mr Re nalist, Anancinl arrlter and rtattotictan, old. "In \<<. 1 men who were ten! I out what kin<l i Louisiana thai rear T ii.- i- the wl I found o I waa more Ilkd] to do mon harm ti« than almost gnmOi and did I to learn I Therefore ! He married in 1671 Jennie Whitten* . ter of Henry 'I. Eailott, ol Now Yoik t'ity. She witj. two «ona Elliot! and r, ran i. t hlni Kl. vei V - r in a lecrnre. to the venlor el iai r Vi> i rovokod :n hfs \u25a0 - : iy turned out i thai nwr- '-ym" no) c, but more . many I men <hd not wall to Bad t-.. h;it thought it the i . \u25a0 Ing to marry whoa thej reached \u25a0 eertaJa ape. 'In the stn.-i- i.l. "\u25a0man B Ideal thai Vlcta i!l.«|es married pah W( \u25a0octole Hi not marriage; the mania ony i- an aftertl :;1 the iry." A mo; p Bumm : ird. I'i of- \u25a0 ti analal ••! I. ; > <in t;.. 8 con ! I look of of "A History of America!] Currency* 1 *inT t». ' I f ;on in the United Btntea" (Ii \u25a0 \u25a0 . noni.-m" nd Po- .. .ni.-, The Final ration*' and \u25a0 "Hiatory of | .v tba United Btat< i " He I - \u25a0 contributor to rartc la the c'ass i.o-.k published I profemor 8 as follows- At ona time Profei Sumncr ha«l been very i.-tiv- in public affairs, ami from I^7:J to l»7t» \u25a0erved at \u25a0 ni'inber of Urn New Maven Board of Aldermen. He was espe- cially nunent a* an advocate of fre« trade and an upliolder of t!ie gold stand- -rd. Born iti r it» rson, N .1. Mr. Pumper was a Boa of Thomas and Sarah Qrahaxa BOD> ner. and was Of Bng (hftftllt. Bfl :•- feive.i his early Odncatlon in tho PBbOc at Haiti < "onn. Later he at- tended Yale, and iraa amdaatcd froj institution with the cUss of "A Bfl abroad, he studied at the liniversities of «jiittingen, Qermany, ami Oxford Knglai.T. Ob Ml i urn t>» thl eountlJTi in ltCfi«M was engaged as tutor in Yaie < 'ol|» •. re- niainiui; until |Bn>. Meanwhile he took or- ders in Urn Protestant Mpiscopal Church, and for a short time IM was at Calvary I'lmrch. in N- \u25a0 Tork. In ttTI he was called to the rectorship of the Church of the Reileemer. Morriatown, N. J.. and re- rMined there fi>r two years. In 1*72 he was i tiled to Yale as professor oi political ajid ao lal science, <in.J liad oocflßtad that chair eontteaoosly up to the time oi his retireni' nt. profess.-.- B mmof was an earnest advocate of the \u25a0 ennai laissez falre principle in political c -onomy. He favored t!.< gold standard in currency and free tr:t<:e. and dM mii- h, to promote liberal methndi of InatrucUoa in his de- partment. For thirty-seven years ProfaOßOr Sumner had Jiecn professor of politlcaJ vete) in Tale I'niversity. lie rttirc.i In IM as pro- fessor \u2666•meritus, at t!'.e ;;ge of BtXty-ttteS, and, HiinoimL-i'ig this in his annual r«.- >rt at tIM time. I'residcnt Hi>ll«\v said: Pr .- \u25a0-• r Sumnei is or,-- \u25a0>, IhOM tare men vho wora born wUh a genius foi teaching. N<> ma. a. who h;is over i^en in his ( lasses will forg t his exraor<linai y eloarm I " ttMtflltrnf. his im-ii-ive anal- ysis, and Mi power of illustrating '-"n- en teljr to the s odea the ideas which lie wanted to convey." The body wil! be taken to K«W Haven to mcrrow morning nnd th° funeral will Im helfi there probably on ThWday HMI burial will be in QolMord, Conn. ''rofcsFor 3umner was the first American pfOfoaßM to offer a eouroi In social science. He was the organizer of a group of studies now given at Tale known aa "«0,-ial sci- anca" otudlaa. He was the author of a large number of works MB IIMrafcjost, KBd no Htfiihaii profaaaor had cxtii-d \u25a0 wider Influence in it. List week hi>« condition ahowod \u25a0 rel.ipre aand his ramtrroj hasten- d to his badohk. He revived from th.- attack and was s.vm- irgly out of daagJOr, when his heart bOfiaOM affected and death finally caem thi« aft-i- noon. With him at the time won his wH \u25a0 aant his d,»ughter-in-lnw, Mrs. Elliott Sun- Expires at Home of His Son Graham, in Englewood. [Hy Telegraph to The Tribune. 1 Kngleuoo.l. N. J.. April 12.—Vrot+*»ir William C.raham Sumner. of Yale, died h*r- at the home of his son. C.raham Pumrw this aftrrnoon from ni>cpl-xy He w^s stricken in New York City on Daoamtof 27. when he went th»re to addrOßl ih-^ American BocMogleß] BoaaMy, of which :*e MM prefident. Wbtfl he was attackt-tl wi?ii cetcbral hem. rr In NOW York W U.ken to ht-< apartments In the Murray ir.l' Hotel. 11. seemed somwhit improved an.. !»\u25a0» wus removed to thid place OO Janu- ary 2.v NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS. Eighty-cent KM has b< en Immei pro( ltaMe In New York, which nhonra th*T tiometimea corporation* e\en tumble into go<«i tbings.—Oatroll Kr«e Proaa. New York expects to have tli. p<MtM| aviation meeting of the aai Just !h.- town to fly high and |O fasi— Clevel.tu.J L+ader. Th« MtaafJaa of the high - ost of living dtaturba all sort*, or undertakl B m- New Yorkerf. for example, ar«- inclin' d ii dlacouraga the idea oi a irOtU'l f;tir r. 19U to cfkbiat** lni< .ft'itli anniv< ; .- ii . ol the ttienient of Manhattan Tsl : n I I•• eaaaa <>r ih© fear that ir the f.i.i should send price.s up they would st.iv up r'a'.s has h«d tmnr trouMa on Ihla n< on - Boston Journal. A New Yorker wm fined JL 1 foi ki-sic hlu swe*tl>eart on a Coney laland car I! a New Yorkei st.-HIM ii traction ny«tem the law doe* tut interf»r« But II the . oi> ••i.mer of tranaportatton OOtkl In '*''• intox- leaiion of a maiden 'fl kl-'s finporarv f"r- K*-tfulne«.,, of the fact that be h:«s to >tHn.i up miul l>e >tepp*d 1,-,.,'n frum Brooklyn to Coney Inland the law In merdl< ai:d without dfla'-.—l^oulsvUlr ouilei Journal. James < Ira ham \va« the purchaser, .-it $::,- 300. of four pairs of window sash. s. titt'.l with varied trt* entli century iUumitritcd and boraldtc glass. Mrs. LJIli Nordica Yf>ung paid |l»tft for a bronz<_- ceiling light. For $::.""•' Mrs. T. I> OwdCf ob- tained a pair of large Italian bronze torcheres of Roman dcalgß, and f"r ti,z'><> two r- <1 Afrl»-an marble vases, Louis \' style. Mrp. Oonwttaa Vanderhilt [>ai<l M#i for tw.» r,ire A ri.m panaeho marbta vas«s witli tall pink column pedestals. The mot»t striking purchase at the even- ing Fale. whi'-h was attended larax by dealers, was that of I-Mmond Boaaffe'l "Le Musee Spitzer." h half mOTOCCO Bvo volume, with portrait and i. lustrations When 50 oantl was bid Mr. Klrby throatcned to couple it with another lot, but got it start- ed at $1. It wuk kn<>< ke.i down foi BM to \V. W. Senman. as agent. Low Prices for Paintings. "Lumleres." .i mdnttng by Henri Eugrne le Sidaner. went to I'nderwood for OBL This picture cost Mr Yerkes t.' st- rlirm r>r C.ottshall paid $;i« for an Italian land- si;i|«' by Jan Hoth. and "Church of th- Jesuits. V'>ni<e," by Arthur Maadowa, went for $>V>. •'Cupid's Offcrtac" a dimitmtive woik of Jan Van Beers, brought $i<v.; :t: t watercolor by Kdouard DetaitK> went for $10.t. and \u25a0 "Mead of v Woman." attributed to i'.eter Poiirbus, for $!<•.*,. These plctOrea were not Inctadod in the catalogue of the pictures sold at Mendelssohn Mai 1, they bad baca in Mr. Ycrkes's home in lx>n<lon. Btghl voiutn. of the complete »ori< of Rembrandt's history, deflcripUon an.l lieli- ogiaphic reproduction <-f the bm lei pi> t ures, by Wilhelin Bode, four DOOnd and four unbound ratamea, arcro boinrht by Otto Bcr- net. agetit. at «v. a volume, while the same purchaser bid In. for $:~"i \u25a0 volume, six vol- umes of the Bpttaer CoOeetion, Antiquity, Middle Ages at.d Renaissance. ,\ titie e..j\ of the oricinal editi-'n of "Smith - f.ii llosnt Ralsonne." in nine rolumea, brought |H a volume arhOa Rwinburri'- s "Life an.} Worli of Turner" bpucht $.V>. Two vofumea of the P. A. B. WMenei collection cat»togt». a presentation copy froni Mr Wid^ner. Iroucht |U \u25a0 v-.lume Robert K. Dowllng paid 12.C54 lor n grand Brard plaao, havinp a < a--«- with painting and remai brenze ornu>!\i Inountinga, and JTT.'i for a laree PtCflc h gilt cCßtrc table of the I^ouis XIV style. Mrs. H. P. Whitney a Buyer. Mr*. Harry Pajno Whitn«v rwi'i $7..Vi0 for a tall gilt Louis XV otaojdojnd, richly carved in the wood and ailt. with all the Fumptuou.- detail <>f that epoch. Three electric bronze tranaom fixtures, with five lamps each, were bought for Jo.- 250 by P. W. Rouss. who also paid ?.:.:> 0 for sixteen massive carved cbafn in dark finish and of elaborate RenaJaoame deatsa. After eager bidding two ormolu eandelbrai (qirondolco) of Loulo xi\' design, wltli cut crystal, amethyst and topaz drops wt ru Mid to \V. It. Coe f>r J3,>>). Mr. Cbf alao paid $2.i for two tall gilt LooU XV standard?. Some of the Bargains. Three omarkable bargains were ser i?red yesterday afternoon. A Carrara majMe statue. A Bacchante." by MaOfiCC Ktionne Kal. oiir-t. cost Mr. Y»'rkes $.'.2.0 some years ago. It was kin-rkcl down yr>terday to Samiie.l "ntermy»--r f, , $2.<J>»). Mr. Yfrk<s in lS5i pali i\»."" i.-i Urn in- terior decorations of a iTannri room. They were executed in Japan from --i-e'iai iif-.-ici".- f"r Mr. Ycrkes. includtag em- broderes, pant and otiier fixtures. Tho woodwork. in< lining ceiltig, can e^MH- bt taken apart, since all was erected without nails or glue. being dovetailed iti the Japanese fashion. The entire ceiling rests upon and is «<upportf-.i by Urn atda pillars fom the floor. These PfIUM decorations werf knocked down to an unknown buyer for J3OO. Then th«re was the eorgeous IAMHa IV bedstead, made by /Cwiener. of Pais. ft»r Mr. Yerke.-=. at a cost of UMM It was executed in rialisandrc and maro,uotterie. with superlative bronz.- niountint;. ajui cn.-t from specially prepared iiio<U-!<. of Wbicll •ome were u^ed on only one occasion be- fore (for I>ud\\isr I!, the late King Of lU- varia. and destined for t!..- royal lioben- Schwangau Palacet. It is roonptete with palissandr» and ormolu dOMO piece form- ing h canopy and matching th« ned?ti-ad. and green silk damask .-^d.- i urtains, with pa>s»-nK-nteri»- tiimniinK'^- AU tliese wora kn«« ked down to Captain Do I*a Mai for JI.KM. Th»» hltrhest price of th«» day was HjlH, paid by Puvwn Brothers for a fijrur^ of I>lana, hy Houdon. It was started with a bid of $$,000. Tlif h"lpht of the flirtire. with pedestal, lp nine feet fixinches. A particularly notouorthy feature of the afternoon sale was the Rift of Thomas F. Ryan to tht Metropolitan Museum of Art. When Thomas E. Kirby. who conducted the sale, offereii the Carrara isarble Rronp, "Cupid and Ppych*"." by AURUStc Rodin, he announced that it was the flr«»t important Rodin ever broujrht to this country. It whs started with a bid of $I.'»>l. nnd knock* il down to Mr. Ryan «t $l.*»V Another pro-jp. "*>rpheus and KurydU-e " by Ho<lin, Ml started with a bid of HJM and bought by Mr. Ryan for $2.of«>. It mi stated oflloially la.«»t nipht that Mr. Ryan had decided to present to tho M»tropr>'.i!an Illlf 11 111 of Art Umm repre?fntativ»» imiiplct of Rodin'i art. A peiMiliar circum^tiHice is conne'-trd with the bronze M.-mie "B«irchante," bf Mn-- monnies. It «=tan<ls seven f^"t. on a ped6Bt*l two feet six and a half ini-h'.'s In '.leißht It was^ in IMfor the Koston T.ii.iv«iv. but vu rejected by the govcrnon of that institution ;ind bought by Mr. V rkes. Yvs- terd;»y it was purchased tor $3,000 by W. W. Seaman, a^tlnß for a F^oston man, who. while he will not n'low his name t.. bo made public, IMS announced Mi intention of placing the statue on exhibition in IIM Uoston Museum. Two Rodins Will Go to Metro- politan Total of Sale Now $2,189,639. Snm<> bargains were si*cur»*d by bidders at the nair> of srulpture. artistic furnlshlnßS and art volumes yfft^rrlny afternoon and evpnln* «t the Tprk*>»< houf«««. Fifth avenuo «n<l «Sth street. Tho afternoon salp netted lUMM and tho pyonlns f«le $3,119, 'orlngln« th«» grand total po far r»?alizod from the Yprko sale to $2,189,639 .V). RYAN BUYS FOR MUSEUM One Marble Figure That Cost Financier $32,500, Sold for $2,000. BARGAINS AT YERKES SALE XEW-YORK T>ATLY TTUWNTT. \\ i i>m >i> \ * M r i«u< TT mm PROF. W. G. SUMNER DEAD NAPOLEON'S WEDDING pjince Will Marry Clementine of Illgium at Farnborough. -jnry^t, '!''" •'> t^"' nrrnt«'*wi <'sc»ntp«irt> > < ;oinor.tln«» of lioiKtutn'a roar- ' " \u0084, iTinrc \ ttaar Naj»«>'.. . n is to take. 2 «">' u1 I' r "Kscls. t - >ut * { trl En*l."h •**^ ,if K:npros* Eoirrni#». «t F«rnV>or- ? «n<i •'• ''* 4HI9WW "f tii** ulor>- rwont- \u25a0\u25a0 r\:\C'<^'> T tr ' t ' ir rffprt tlwlr «n- h»d I»«*ii hroki-n off. FT^ tft jTculiar fiT'irns In nolpmn':zlnK '\u25a0 !T . ar; t»C<* *t Kambornuph. For. ir. the ;V^l •til print > sltuatPd on tJ>«> nm- '**' v j-pp'-rtv. «!,i.-h h u-Ith!n r:i«y .^ dlrivinp distance from Wind*' Th^rei *fp' \u25a0 \u25a0 N«p"fe"« 111 a»'<l <>f Mi \t'-A •\u25a0"' t;ir l rlnr * > Imperial, vhr. Ml •JJ^ w nrtrr thr i:ri isil tec a*air- th<- nns ; >>os=e pr*tM>n* »ir- he r,mcr*\ ***j i,,v:> Pogapm-le. of th* ssmn <\u25a0? nf I'nnr*! VirtPr: thoir si?- l" R .},e w.rtowHl Purh«w of \os;a; while * r- f ?rr* on - ''"*' rrr?»nt Di:k" of Ao«ita. r< '.« \u25a0.-.:,• t ; ... D»k« «\u25a0• thr Abrur.7.l. n hmii thr I'iikr of .VFta *l ! nr:-'"- c KiriK Victor r.mmanw! \u25a0 I FIT r -sf> Str-pbantc an<t hor hvisr-and. !S i> ; a% - n * v " :ilit ° I>orn * skp<l - * nd .',«,-«: .. ' at i»r>m«» of tho mpml»f> oj r "^ tfT ; n c houj* of KnpUTid. certainly •*^ Uri-rv <if Bat iWii^rg. anil pos.<-l- P 9^ w .;,., - ; A!- \;.u<lra and hor rtansrh- .. i.-toria. will attend. imar \u25a0'\u25a0••' "w>«l rHttavrtaMa r ., twaWlM— at trio MMH brirtecrorimF mother. T*rin.«^s jSMijr BoBSPBTtA, ttMO 1 nf Tho lalo KiriK J^^--^ «inr* .V- overthrow <>f th«- tLac* V-'V-" 0 - •*•• TTl » d * hrr hoT )n lh< ' |>iav .-il«>< \u25a0 r Turin, w l-icb J_^itr\». tamly '.anirh- \u25a0 nd. ','i«ii 1>«. an<l •\ th<- »-,« ,-n:i\rrt««fl !rto «n orphaaatpi ann «hcf si." has li-.i the 5 J ||MHff «f M»"rr-\ . fiBMdBS h*r- . i of .!..-••% The only lt ... •.•: Monmlifr* was whrn \u25a0*• htai B— **t h> r with r . Jay rtvtn« at liomr. :md - heal on hrr *houl- l.rj Si. »13S TirifT at »r.y OOBrt f-:n>t(on Mti<c xht | i afi.r tho pro. lama"- ,_,.. . republic at r«r!f f!i<- <Irovr in . :, <\u25a0«•\u25a0 a«« rind fovir. . -> ihr sir*"**--.1" rnriy. lh<» tt.rhulrni PauibOttTS \u0084n o . m laka tfea raSa tor lub, ail Lmon rtoffinc trfir taaVl «- a%i paVawi ; ttW- \u25a0 '\u25a0• : \u25a0""° : " " \u0084• . lo thai <<f Knn>rt-?9 MB,le who ftXl In *li^ul«e. und. JJJTrf IW Anirrkan \u25a0 - l»te I>r. '-^ arr , r .». '.itik m»niairi «« \* » n««»- as itidi. iiMiiu thai 1. I* mmst i \u25a0' fl < ' (1 ""' tSeffud^ : " ! H> nir " t»tJr •\u25a0 \u25a0 nnot h^lj> ir m PCtnr* * Ifto! Napt'l^^n vp "" d*»noun< "d tlf taincr, \hr lar«« Pttaoa Napoioou. 9 :;r most unJiiial of MBa\ Otsaamai «n<3 '^a 1 Mi Dathci - Mined to f*<- !.ini vh-n d>i:i? ..-^,,-.r ' •rru «, > on* objf.t (if hatred gnj «*••\u25a0 ' —" "•** <lf thf> lat<l i'rinx jif^oleon :v was Emprcsj K.^i.i-. That •„•» HMBS at nis disowned MB abMaifl t*Mi >o*' f <ar.noj but rtall Mi tfUßßatt] toward both of tiirrn. \>K K. f.%>irßri I 2-4 1 3 WaM :M *t. rhap'':- Tiivai-.- liovitii*, t''.« Axtuljp.oet. Tel . 1324 <-n«!.s.'a. I>DERTAKERS. Re*. Stepbea Merritt. th« ' •.*i.l»-kriow« undt-rtahr-r. Onl> one p!;i«'»? \u0084f t.i^-.n^**. ><r»j av-. and 10th *t I.a:< la tha world. Tel. tM and 129 CMM is reidilv accesstblw by Ifarlrm train trtm i;ran.l Central St;in :i. Webster and J^roTi* .-iv^nue Iroil^vs and hv oarrtaa:.-. I.nts $l-".outo ut- Tfl'phonc 4v"..-. Cram^rcy fur Boiic \u0084f V:c»i or l»vnOTßtattWL OTlce. at East j:M St.. N-w Tork C*/ the noounwN ( emetery IN MEMORIAM. KLOPSCH— MCXOSIAI »£KVM T<~» THE L.ATE DX Li>f [> iv!.' »rSCH will h*- held Jn the N-w JI i«on!<- T«np:». N\ .%«\u25ba W^st 2!th •».. on Th-irsflay ev^nirs. April 11. l!>1f». at \u25a0* o r!o<;k. a •l<\rt>9**9 will h.> .! - ljver»d hy s^verul representative clernym"!! an.', laymen: •J.'><> chililr»-n from TUP, i'HRIS- TIAN HERALD i-hildre: |{< >.ME. als« THE BOWERY MISSION MALE I'HOIB will - \u25a0 -f AU \RE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BS PRESENT. Th^ following are OMCM KB t ik- part: BISHOP t'ARI.IN'ITi'N. WILL X MOODT. Hi; <> 3. JIAEDEX, EDV\"IN 3. IVER and ath'-rs. WATT -Sudderr'v. a* S'lrj !.i>. NT' L. Wat* Funeral aarTtcee at , i^r •>. No 151 V, Fifth iv». Thursday. April iI. at It a. m. Kindly omit ffTweri f;:^sgow. Dun. tee arvl Loi>S'>n r *"\u25a0 \u25a0 »" copy. WIU.IA.\IS-n:i Mniiy. April 11 ir»l>>. ' F.. W.'.liarr.s in '\u25a0-'.': I . I rvi'--» .i* his Mi mMract, No. 7W F; n St.. r...n. tp. Weitn;»Jav evening. ..• : ':.i tnst. SANOER- On T»H<t|. April 1?. U>VV * h-P \u2666residence. .\"o 10 Montagu* T rr i- ••. B..'«k- 1 n. M.irv E.. widow of H-nry S-»ns;er. K':iT»rai services will he h> lit at Grai« rh'ir'-h. Brook vn Heishts. F::ia> morn- in<. Ar.: IS, at 10 :;o. 3OFER- Bnt»r<>' I into r<?»t on T>> « , .»pri: 1 .*. Frames Sop<»r. daughter of the lar- 1 Jan-s M. -in. M^rv J Boaer. Finer i a Fr. - Car. April n ar .".."»> ..•\u25a0\u25a0'o.K. fkMB ta 4?nc, M In r-JMmit. »•• . J :-•: -• ilty. VATH On April 11. l'.Hi>. M I i m . .- . . I Vatn »nee Doekwet)»r>, in taf 7":h >»ar. Funeral on Wednesday, April 1.:. it - j p \u25a0 . it •••• •\u25a0 sM - N Wn ' ' i:- f»rrr-nt at Lutheran '•\u25a0rv T •/ flower*. irJvrrnFi Suddenly, on sirindav. Arr'.: in. tSVK Catherine ConSuk*. w!.i>w of Thomas Mclntrre. Fu-.eral from h»r lar» re«Mrnr<\ .N.\ ]"«. vn- cnrl «t.. Brooklyn. on Wednesday. Aji^.l 13. it ]\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0. r.\. MlLLS—Suddenly, at cc amd»n, N. T. Theodore, r ..« -and of Ali'-e A. Miils Funeral «»rv: -•» at rfte r«-»!denre of hi* .^m. No. Sift Arlington aye . Jersr-y Cl:y. n V. '\u25a0 i.-.cs.'ay. at 3:^o p m. NAI'IKIi- \r TVwihaven. Lons; Isljri'l. unlay. Ar-iil '•• IT'ln. ' : .»r;-" \u25a0 - > of the late J.iin C ar.ii M.»r.j N ipt< •enrtcM a- Orarv Chcrcb. i i:r.j; a, Jt. X. at « .1 . !ork U>'ir.*s»lay. Apr;! 10. O'SIALLEY— On Pundav. April !•>. EHO, lt*rh- ryn V ta ;-•: I r of Janus and M.irv <> Mr ley. Funeral fr->m h»r late r»»t •>•!••«. N \u25a0 VSt v Monroe it.. Brooklyn, on Vetßeata] at ifMU fdßk . \u25a0 . m. -

Transcript of€¦ · LEGGET— wl anuTaf Pia • N. '" March::o. \Viiilam F>x...

Page 1:€¦ · LEGGET— wl anuTaf Pia • N. '" March::o. \Viiilam F>x 1.-X*"". ••• of «!»• lat» William F. an.J

LEGGET—wl anuTaf Pia • N.'"

March::o. \Viiilam F>x 1.-X*"".••• of «!»• lat»

William F. an.J <<'.<:, Hi,: I.esrgett. in hi«T'<»h Funeral Th>ir*.i;iy April I*.atIp.m.. at Friends' il - . is*". N<> XiXFast i.'.th st

LIDOEnWOOD— At her horn*. M.->rri!rto^n. N J-.on Apri: 12. i:«l' '".i ". Mar}«-r!e. jnunKeatsTaiailllii of Harriet \: V rutwr and t??« lat»John H. r.: \u25a0•\u25a0 Funeral services at th»rtarcb or the Redeemer on Tnuntfay, AprilHtttMli : r is kln'Uy re'im-sted t.iasno Bnamn b« sent.

BtaCXXBo ran tm *ptn n. ai iaa n.->tei st.Amiri"*. Elisa J. \!i' :.vr of James:- ..-h. Funeral services private.

JIAU'N' \u25a0 IM ->i«iy. ApHI 11 19Ht. Ar.dreir>l >1i!\u25a0-. b* \u25a0 red \u25a0.\u25a0'-\u25a0•' v Iof ('tv- >• Inj Funeral from M* latm .\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0l-lf-n.-e.No <*r» it-,:f.rj av^.. Brooklyn, on Thursday

m-irnin». at J o' .

DIED.BPKKM.\N--fr1MM ne-kmnn. funinl %t r-«

Funoral rhurrh. No. .v w«*t 3M »t. iFrui\u25a0 i"ami-b»ll uull'llrue).

r.y.i.Ks.w—At no 2m \v»«t EM are-. ppaiVnr« rity. on >prll lf>. l»lf>. EtbonertHelknap. M. infant aon of William K. anaHelen Uunyon Beiknap. Fuue.raj prt-vata.

RBWrß— Tm»l«r. April 12. Marr U. okVO>af H-nry K. Br»w«r and daasktcr of th* '•*•Ari'irfw R. nrvl Sarati .•«. Brlnckerh"fr. Fu-r.erai servir**at the reslijerjcn at aar itaaaiitnrMr« J .B. Moftat. I.»wr»nr« Park. Bronx vtll<sFriday af'-rn..<»n at 1 orjn.k intvrnMiMSl«anß>Hollow Cemetery, at convenlenc* at teaUiy.

rA?EY—Uvnajt Caa*r Servires trotn Tberun»ral rhurch. No. £4\ W»»t ZM at. «rranaE- '

'amptwll BBdBBBw>. W^nesrtay. 2 o'clock.DA.VA—On Wednesday. Marcn V>. at I'aachal,

M».>lr«. Flnrlni* T irr>»r. wtdow of Rl'-harts: irr Danit Kinera! s«rv|r*# wti) ba h«M «ther lata re*Men<-«. N".->. 104.1 TlTth a,ve . N«wYork Cny. at I<> .¥> a. m. Thur»tty. Apfd I*.Interment at Woodlawn. [inttoa and KJd>-aMßd tV.».) papers please i-»>»y.

IXASTO.V- -an < F*»roT» S*rvV-»i» Th» r»-nemi chur-h. N , 211 West 2M «t- iTrank K>Camphcll Buil<ttne>-


E>if»re<l irfo r--«t at Har-rwraw.N. V.on T i-wl\u25a0 April 12. ISUO. Mary ror»-|W, wlf» ,r the tare I»ev. Dr Amaaa a. rr««-man. in the 47th year < f her a«e. Funeral •«fL-

tl.-»s at «'»nfral Pre«hyt»rjan Church H»v«-•traw. N V. on FrJ.lar. April 15. at A velacß.Carrlaa-e^ wtu meet XV»rt Shor<» -iln ;«»Tlnfwe«t 4-M >t. |h« York, at Ittand I.:*p. m.

HI«*KS- At bal r»»i«1»n'-» No 4» Mata «•-.Flusfjlni;. N. T. Imbai cummir.*. dauxntertha lat«> Oeor«« H and Eml DU»otth P<ott«.and wife of J^»»ph lilcka. In tS»T*l rear of her «a;e Funeral from St.f!«<jra^'s rhur-h. FltMhtna:. on W»dn»ad^«v. •«arrfva; <t 2: 10 p m. rrain fr"n 34th at.Inf»rm»nt at convenience of fam»!/.

\u25a0Kit-On April 11. 1310, Julia A . <!%u*Mefof rhe, iate Ertuar S an<l C. flicks.F'inT»l BorTlcen fr>m her late home.; l>'-in «t, rr'-f.klyn. Wedneiirl.iy <\u25a0• n-!iar. Aprtl |3l at -i ..-l.'rk'.vej andfriends invited. Interment private

UN'K At Oraago, N J. on U nday. April 11.IM». Isaai^Kn;:^n I-»n«-. huabaad ofMatli'U Scboywr fcrtt—r, in rh»- T"!1! j«tr«fh;« atje Mineral Thursday, A;r'l 1». at h!»home, N>. 323 LJn< r>in i-.e ,nn arrival of 2 ."W>train fi'.ni ir.hokrn. M.i!».. L. A W. R. It.f.<r llntiiaail ay« station.


TO THE E.tinmEß.

Do you want desirable help QI'ICKLTT\u25a0ATB TIME AND EXFENSE \^y con-

sulting the file of applications cf setocted)

aspirants fur posirion> v( various kind!which has just been installed at the Up-

town Office ofTHI NEW-YORK TPwIDUNE.

No. OJM r.:'. ,lway.

FGtWv.r>n "tith and i'.Tth Strtttr.Ofßcl hears: 'J a. m. to t> p. m.







Led Thu»-low Aga •- a Bankrupt.,a< . who is DOW in hi* prvcr.ty-

B-ont \u25a0 who In hi* PwOBB "jWwv connected with tha P.:itish l^patiori

\u0084 v\a.. once raore in Che bank*'.-:.-v court, v .:h about J'"\'««. worth r»f

\u25a0^.\u25a0 . • literal'^ j1 \u25a0

-^''. He if a


bts Eha T :iltrd atoMa. b<\u0084;-urr coiw oxvr hrr* in conn<

\u25a0..\u25a0 :. \u25a0

' -I cntrrprlFfi-. ard \u25a0 y his

'ourteous raar.ners ißiajtattjr

mna^-'I*pcure a hr-arinp. ta anttO of

(B)sSQtaaawflS f<"aturf9 of his first tiank-h took piac f- in :*!W, i-.vA

•.v« r obti'ir.rd his. BJmA- . \u25a0 r of thr OOBTtO Of BonkßVta IdbssS report t<> tba ioa>

wwi eB ojcoi '"•ut of b•QhWiz" ihf fart that l^ini HlUltoWa


\u25a0 I.1 bf-on the mm I

at had < onx- under I



.. . _. . ,_r .\u25a0 .. \u25a0


Murlow 0J •\u25a0l "•


ft of Che-\u25a0



: \u25a0 m FMa*rt. | Ml

'\u25a0 \u25a0


vmri' \u25a0 fea,•

and ta j«.h,t .'.'. . . .\u25a0• \ \u0084-•\u25a0. 1..- :<!• ru !\ li->



SUBSCRIPTION \Ti;sItailV K.liti.«n. <»n^ lent in Ul» uf >ew

\ork. .Irroey• itv unit 1



l»r«hcrf Wmm <-nt«

ffußflnj 1iliri.'ii. in; *ua«l>*r Stasavliar. r'Wf (>nt^.

In New \i>rk il» \u25a0*a>wrth<*r« willhe rhurgeil 1 rent i>«t « >pv 08881 |»>«t:tge.>rnMKii"nt)N m\ mmi ro^rr\iii

|):iIIt. v*-r m«>nth MXlullv. imt >^.ir eaBonany. per je:»r

- ccIhillj«n«l -ti».li»y. prr j»»r


Uailj iiutl miimluv. |M-r m«nth r*MMa* Cmtr*.

BAKBEM BamM M Carter Servi.-«-» nt Thenm^rtl «'hur,h. \.-> '.Ml West 2jU it. «Fraak1. GOttßOjeO Uuilvliu«>.

DIED.1'.:r..-..a M >\u25a0

• • - •\u25a0• CBO* X

Eh r^.n»n. Hj. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

, Cth«.b«rt. 30. Maurer. Xar:» itDinner. MiryI. M ißtyie. < *th»rtn« C,\u25a0„,. %

, .- Mills. TUfodr*.iMi.i. i-i"i."-*T. N U'i r C*tarln r

\u0084.-.:.»»u \ 11Mi.1'v. Katonra V.»n Mary. Mr.;*r. lUrv E-

1,1 w:. isaifi r Ppmt. ki.lvii1a Vath. aoaaasaIare I'D !• Watt. Thomas' WUIIMB V WiUiamj. NN ililamn

\u25a0 ,> .1. GroM M

la Mrmoriaaa.BH

.. ..f marrhkßM aa di nxmt bt




I... .1 «miriiii aweaodl Taa leOawwaj awawd\u0084 \u0084.! (Mai dH Weather Uni'-ail shows the


in th- MBveralaM f"r th.^ hM laaatlf,.:u bean i" teajparis-m with th>- ir.»roßdm«,li»t»' "f B»H >er\r:._ _

h «| « \u0084 m :.j M! I- Mll . at.] ... :*> *\u25a0*

nV" •

--S'- p '" *°

Ii' m » \u25a0'•

Mi»> «ii"l-ratur.- faaMrdaT. ST <Wr*es;

UmeSl \u2666» i\--<f \u25a0"". amai for

in« -la!.- l»«« v Ar. 4rt. a\.ra«e for <orre»^>n<tinc.late last thirty-ihre.- >-ai.«. ««


Uaral runat \u25a0 !\u25a0"»ir la-awj irt.i Th'iriUay.

!iKht to mmierate n^rth lo north'aat v»:wii.

. irti.;.i!^rvationa «t can States aoaahw

t.iir.aua. tak.n at S p. \u25a0 last otaba, follow:\u0084:,. T^niperjture. WVither.

AU-anv g ',T' rir- •I'ii*.r. in

-r£2£. ::: S

%Z*£gr. :::::::::: S iT.-ar

r«r Hew Jewry. Kaetem New Y^rk. fair to-

,U\. f^ir ar..l « .-.^r In the lnt»-rtor Thurmiay;. .!'

t.> tni-Klerat.- north to northeast wlndaf.:r fc'-si3*»>in ivnii»ylvar.ia fair to- .lay. Thur.-.

,liy fair, warmer. light to BMdmahl north H

r. \u25a0fl.;.«t wij.lj'

K..r th.' Dtetrlrt ••( (WoaM i*lr t->-day.Thunda) P»rtl> ••"''•> •«\u25a0>\u25a0' warni-r. light varia-

bit? \v 1r*l"r,r Weute-n rern-y!vani.i. fair and ennbtqi

v irawf lo .!i> Thursday Im-rrasing >'

»udlnes».r.ln rtt night;"north t.» n rtheast wlnJ?. in.r-ut-

'T'^n, N.* Y.,k. ?:avpartly <!«dy; var-.sMe w ln-i». be..>tmn» ta*t a"«Ii: I\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0lIIQJ Thursday.

Offlrial Rerord and goioinal—WaalApril 12 .—Th» wither hn* rl»ar»d t»r«r th*

aartbera JistrUta aaßl cf dm Mmibnami Riv 'r.

while .v»r the central and aouth^rn dtstrtrtj

shower* were peneral <lurin« Tuesday. Over tr:e

*ost half >>f the country the weather was an-

\u25a0ettkA wtth 18081 thun<l»-rst<.rm«> In th- <-enrra!

iltfttttan.l eoOH stmweis in the . -r»m* s<-"i'h-

v»t. it 15 rtf.idertTy • l»r from the O'rlo Val-

).-y eastwar.l and southwar.l. an.l ahn f>m»«h«

coaler over the nh^er districts in Kansas »n.l

t:. towei Mississippi Valley. In the lOßtheawli igh tf-inperatur^s rontinuc. The winds along

th.- Raw t:i;glan.lo">ast will he light H BWWBWJM—mail t.. n..rth; BwHai Atlantic toast, llsht r.>

DMABate n.Tth; south Atlanti- OMOt, mod»-rat(» andvariable, possibly r..>rth on North farolina;

east Gulf cuagt. light to BMdambl s'-ur- weit

Ciulf coast. ru<xl.-rate to hr'.*k southeast; on thf

i wef lakta. heht to BBMenMl an.l \ariaMe. "n

tbn urii*-r lakes, light to mudoratc and variable.btH-uiiiing southeast.

\ a*atba«eawa di.oturNince of typtca! c*ar-attpr is central (o-nlght ov»r southt-in New

M< xi<". It shou'.-i move aaol Barnaaaari i »t

,i fair rat» atter.dej I y ratns in dhl8< uthwevt. W.-rines.i'v "nißht or Thursday In t)r»

central vallfj*. ext-e-;• the northern p..rt;*ns

\u25a0>.-:.. f >-r.i! th- fast Oulf --t.T. s. .• .1 Thurs.lav.., Kr;.:ay In th. '...w<^r lake resrion md the mi-i-

\u25a0:.. anl MBJdl >ll—till jitates. <>n \\ \u25a0In-s iy fair

weather will l'ie\ail teal el "*•> M.*.iUil»pll::-.i exc.-pt in Ti.. south Atlantic states wh*»\u25a0bovm will lmilliiui, In the . irtßW«al an.itxir.nif VTest th" weattef will bt- fair We.lnes-\u25a0!ay ami Thurs.l.iy. As the aoatfttMSt '-t«tarb-iii,,- adi— »\u25a0 iMßoaeataawj will riw ewer *aat-

ern an.l \u25a0IWllTlllll remain r.<v»r'y stationary mmthe »h#rn an.i fa': over Ihe western .JHtrtrts.

M'-anen* A parting \v*.ine«ia,y tow Europaau

rx'rts will h»v«- molerat^ northwest t.. northwin.k-. with fair w.iith^rt.. fhe Grand Uanks.

Paeeeaai f»r *p«-UI Uor.lltle*.-F N»*

t:rc'.an«l. fair to-.1.»y. ThurjvUy fair, warmer in

the n:»- rtar; light to n:<xJtr*:e northwest to1,. rth wir.'is


The bridesmaids WftN WtM Mane CO2-ienaj Miss Coralle Stephrn.*. Mani F.leanor

Mil!> a::d Mis.-, Marlon Miller. They were

i:i yellow BMbTm over yonwa satin andWOn acn lace hats trimmed with lace

md yellow and pink Rowers. They

carried yellow rests. H. Di^oy B^itteH»a, hi.- brother best mar., and FnamTtefeBrbwnn acted in a similar ca;.a Mty "rhhj brother. Th<» ushers were AlexanderPrimm. of Bt I»uis: Dr. John A. Adam?,

Bincol Tyler. Dr. Btwatd Lovejoy. Ldgar

Clausen. Oacnt S-itz. truest. Victor andPatil Pickhardt. Mr. and Mrd. rchwarz

sail for Europe to-day and Mr. anl Mri.

Beuttell pa to Hot Springs, Va.Mis.- Kdith Mac Van Ta ll. daughter of

Mr. and Mra. C.t-rard Van Tnaaon\ of No.V, Church street. White Plain*, and Byror.

Albert Princ- were married last evening

by the Rev Oonrna E. Hite. pastor ot the

\u25a0mortal Methodist Episcopal Church.The matron <t honor was Mr?. JeflomaStuart chaffee. of Sharon. Conn., and tne

umaida wwM Mfeal Caroline HoMwflir. Troy N. V.. and Miss Effie Van TaaeeO,

of Brooklyn, both cousins of the brideThe best man was L. Ward Prince, brother

of the briflecroom. and the ushers wer»Henry H Weßa, of BUwSt»« N. Y. anlCharles Wycoff. ot Brooklyn. Followir.irtr.e ceremony a latentkm •\u25a0\u25a0 held, afrer

whleta Mr and Mrs. Prince lef.t for the



All Aiißels' Church. West End avers:;*

and S'.st. Otfaat, «•»« the OCOBO Of the do-ihl*"wwddtn*( yesterday afternoon of the daugh-

ters of Mr. and Mm Wnltei ConatnanmMi.-s Gladys Constable was married to Vic-

tor •; }:.uitt»il. and her sister ea HerbertK. .- i.warz. Thi Her. Dr. IDe Lancey

Townsend officiuttd, and ... recavdoa BoYlowed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Con-stable, No. JO \\\-vt THil treet.

.M:^ (li.ilys constable was ..ported to

the altar by '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 father, ar,.i her waterwalko I up the aislf with Alfred cJ. Btjttwft

Both '.vfr-- (Avon ajwny by their f.itMtT.They were o)N0O0d alike in white satin,

with peail e:i broidery, wore tull^ veila and

earned shower bouquets of Uiicd-oJ-the-vailey.

yesterday. a«ed fifty-two years. He enteredthe Police Department in 1»«> and servedin every capacity.

CAPT. H. A. POTTER TO WEDBishop's Nephew Divorced After

Meeting Mrs. Depew.Colorado Springs, Col.. April12—The wd-

dins of Mrs. Grare r>epew and Captain

Howard Ashton Potter, both of ColoradoSprinjr-". but formerly of N*w York, willtake p!ace at Mr« I»epew'» h"m» ItBroad-moor, a suturh. to-morrow evenlnK. acrord-irij: to the statement of friends. Claren'^

C. Hamelen. of Colorado Sprtnn*. ?ind Jay

R IJppincott. of New York, wtl b« theonly witnesses, it is said.

Immediately aft«r the ceremony Captain

and -Mrs. Potter will depart for the East,

later ma kin;; a tour of Ktiror* They willinnke their home in Colorado Springs.

Captain Potter is a nephew of the late

faahOp Totter of New York. Hi* first wl»#

was Miss Mary Louise McNutt, dauirhternf W. IM>Nutt. ol San Francisco. .

Mr« Depew Is a daughter c.f the late

nobMi Goodyear, af Buffalo. Her first

husband was G. Anson De?«". a nephew

Of Senator Chauncey M. D«p<w.Captain Potter and Mrs. Pep*w flr«t met

in Pwitzerlar.d about three years a*o.Shortly aflerwnrd iaptain Potter came to

Colorado Pp.rinK*. leavlna: hi* wife anddanghter in Eur«-r<e. >r hfr ret irn io HawYork Mr-= Potter w»>nt direct t>» San Fran-< isro. hire she has since lived ith herparents, and wh< she obtained a divorce

ii year jigo to-day.

orri. 1IM\!N UfFM.I lOa 04 Ni"J'l s'reetWALL JTREET OITI

' |J\Vi;tlam«i»H:

VII'mWN <>1! . :No \u25a0 \u25a0:• 4 Ri'

.1\. or any,\n\-r:-::\ I'lwt: \u25a0 t :• W<: 1;*> ''"

HAKLI \u25a0 ovrv t:* '. ca«i 135«n •»««•?,

S«. -_v.:t \\ 1.11 1-Oth s:re.t auj N<* XXt W«a»ll'Sth srrret.

wash. i>n ;:' RE<i r \u25a0 OS r street.tiE\\ \ im.ANi ii OF . reflaxtca ."».. •

\u25a0 Ns .:\u25a0\u25a0 I. vi strttzA\.

' * I'Wl-

I.... . taai

No . •1.--

\u25a0 ... . \u25a0 bnr»aa>a\u25a0 . .

\u25a0.; -\u25a0

< •»\u25a0Uka OBV*

a 1 \u25a0. . 1 ixm c*» r«u;«*

.\t > a 3 8 ...«\*iijiv.j.- n

Credit Lv.-i.. i:>. DuT«sa «t#s CtraacKO.Contin-.T.j. 11. ••\u25a0; >«w»»t*sJ.TIM i''.«.ir < 0Oc«juarba.-n * N«wi E.\c^»r«». OJa 9 Rim St.

\u2666»e..rg«.JUnarkaa Expr*a« Cou.psr.y. Xc 11 K'-i«»' «. N. (1 \\.v-. .<\u25a0 :• ,Op#ra.NIK-«'r*alt LvonnalsCIfc.NKVA-l.umlAi.l. ».'..>r Jk Co. *aJ CStBQ

HankJLdUEM'F; Kr<:i>h. l.nron & Ci« . N 's. 'J

aivl I\ ..» .• • itsMa.;.lil\ .* •'. Mu:l^ \u25a0

UiI.AN .-^art^.-^* N«»» E»obarjs». Vu» .a)M nf. rM 15 X

UAMBI'UO a •rtcaa lUpnm •""

—turr >*«•

\t Auurmiia


The BMI toon. of th*- A< 1.. Club < f Amer-

ifa. li. Hie BngtoeorS' Hulldin*;. at No :-.i\u25a0 th otiwat, will i»e foimaiiy apaned

mninn Hoi as pJcturea aonatratlngihe j,h-.Nt stai .- ofavtotson w 'I m shownin tli< a iriitoriuiu 01 tiit lux.duifi (jvulaaxim

•it i.JO octvek.

COL. EVANS'S ESTATE IN TRUST.rfaiUnaartr n j. 4prD U fnV»cm».

—• . \u25a0.. 1 of «'"ioti-i Dodky BvsbSj pJiiurMf

I 11.. a 1 .-.•-\u25a0\u25a0 Oampany, wnodled. md on .'o«n \u25a0 ft, was probated baTO

• _jie j}. • ai: tha prap-orty \u25a0 urnwi \u25a0 •\u25a0 trool to UM H0

•\u25a0 Trust <" ;•\u25a0!>. 'f Mew fork. ttaa>

hy S. fSvant \u25a0'• \u25a0

\u25a0 • • \u25a0* W•••

w bcah* Is thirtx >enni 01 a«e, it-.'- Income hott c 4.,.;; amid 09 i..:. ' «afi&

••\u25a0.., In 1..«- u,e*n tint*-. A \u25a0 ml «tl

gn«n «•> OofanaJ i- mi 1 itaagMat. Ibww*>.-j BtMB awl lUallM Mrs. S-Ui* Peelye

Cyan« «»ta Dofflcy n-ce, ihe hous«- in Uv.-gB nwo4 arid all I*Iwnjafnawf ol the <.-.M.i;««.

In th^ event of the death Of Mr* Kvana

•\u25a0:.\u25a0 « state BrfS I"-equally «livd«d heiwe<n

1 iwo ehOwfßß If 'ne son is thirty yearv

„!,!, but the bwM will (thaw If he. i^g

t attained thrii ap \u25a0 It is h^ld thatestate is l<«s than |I,«\u2666•.•••.





To the allow and daughter, lire Kvr.lyn!: M. lyean. in aOjOBI ai lefl all per-sonal b< lot.p-incs the , \u25a0 \u25a0 ftj, ifaf-sa-

•s uv'],'j. hom> arvl of tba itnmer

home at Clonmrl. Col. They are alao toihe lotset, cai- ;:;c< s arifi .r,itorfj'>l ilcs.

" • \u25a0\u25a0 1 \u25a0-• e.^-taT" 1s d<\is>d to theAmerican Security an.l Trust <"ompany as

\u25a0 for a frm of ten years, in which•

\u25a0 pay to tna widow nn<i tenskser bj

amtal tastatawnta the ad income in\u25a0 •\u25a0s. Th'% riKhi of di^\u25a0po.•-\u25a0al. whenapproved by the rwnr?i< !ari«-«, is \ested in

At Urn esptratloa of the ten-

ya- term• . . • •

\u25a0 \u25a0• iransf<rred

to the wfOJBOJ ar^l dSßSjfatcr in equal pot-i;o:s; Provision is made for tba dl.-posi-

ttan of Bst share of Bw£B in ihe event <,f

f tna arMoar or *a">*'*— during;

\u25a0cnoa of tha tmal Btthar of the\u25a0

iaries may di^jioye i,y «j'i »if herhut should the w.f< die Intestati I

r-t 'Ticome is to !•\u25a0 • \u25a0 •'\u0084• daughter

patfl !\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 of tin tmal Bhtwild. .» liter atci « ' ' '•

• • \u25a0•

\u25a0•. th' \u25a0• ainta i


\u25a0 ,,i o\er to the American OecwttjrMtd Trust <"on:p..T:\ ftwl BBWJBVd I!. M< -Laaa \u25a0 trust for the cfafMmi af lira m-

Tills latt« r trust, if ii«\. r f^» omes1hen the pr« > <-nt

son of Mr .iti'l Mi- M-Lean attains Tiiit-

Widow and Daughter ReceiveMost of Estate.

and a

t-. l«>

\u25a0 -


I-aeken i«.- Bttnajßßd about four or five•Ibma H!usse) s. and. «lat!nc from tbe

> hen the Netherlands were MM By

perti tustiiaa rfoenqm, was traawentt?o. <::;,,^,l ny Kmrw-ror Naj>oleon and Km-

.lnsephine. the latter of whom was< \trrmelv fond af Ike ptata It was thore.inrierd. that Napoleon t-inned the fatefuldeclaration of war :<painsi nussia which\u25a0ay t»e said to bava oanatttsßad the »>e-Ei-iiilnc of Mi tOwwCatL Tt anaa pariiallvlurnrd gome fourter-n v.^is pa, when oneff tlie wires was destroyed, nnd whenPrinc«M«n Oementine almost p. rished in the

Bawaai ih.;t neal ih< Bfit at her old nwwmaaa,Bfja iad l>e*>n with her childhood.Th« damape, however, to the jal*ce wascompletely repaired by l>r>opold, rejtardk-ps

I'\u25a0 r If there were t wo thirias aboutv hie!, bi was ntravaeant they were bulld-nip and M^ flower *;.iri'cnb. a:..1 the result:.- that to-day Larken is r/en far morebaawttlM and luxurious than before the

Count Tarnowski.count T«mowKki. th< lusband of the

extraordinary' woman tiot\ beiru tried at

Venice on a charge of havine; Instieatedthr rrvirder at «"ount Komarowskl, i? livinsat St. Vr\erfshuix. staying In the same hotelwith wirfs sifter .slid her l-.usha.nd,wit!', horn be is on terms Of the utmostrriendship. and like th^m. do« s not -erm

wa>- concerned about his wife'strourtV Tie is leadline thr fe of a e«y.pleasur* lovingman shout town, is so*-n atthe leadinc restaurants ar. iM t; \u25a0 variouser.tertait.r: Bt prc-a' world, lookingso ioj'.y and free Iron care that II Is gff-ficult to realize he i« Urn BMM manwho shot in 1 old !>]oc.<l one of his wlf»hßttm IB a *5t <<T fßoJanay He aVso-lutely declines to discuss Ms wife or her.iffalr-- •

the impression of con-pratulatinc Btßawtt 0B l;a\lr.c tlfjllflfromher trils witho-it losinc hor.or. fortune a:idlife, like so many others who have beensui'jupated by her fa.-cinations.


the honor to hut fa1her, who was ana of theprincipal promot. Iof the revolution that

hmwii William 11 nnd Queen Mary to the

/throne. He va» offered wat in t'te llout-i"LOBBa an a reward, but d<-< lin--.i it in

jfavor «>f his cHesi pon and rtnincKake. The,patent mas made out with the unusual pr-

-Ivision that Indefau't of descendants in themaH* !'ne of th' llrst inrd It should aro to

the etn^r <1< «•« nd;cits in the m«!i' line ofMs futlirr.

The seventh lord wna a most charminsran<* witty man. full oi fun and humor, in

anate nt Ma Hehur era! and dumb, and »<oCle\er thxt'by watchin.n the lipa of hN onlydauarhter. Qeoralna. n->« the m-tfe of i^jd

Band<»n. and who \\a(« devoted to him. noirn* sble to understand without diniculty«hnt she was aayinK I^idy Handon. \u25a0(«\u25a0,makf Iher home at 1-wernard C.istle. near th*tomn of R«rdon. and which In olden limeswan known as OnatH Mahon. used in heryounjrrr days to be the fln< arnnt^ur laa>whip of the Tnlted Kinirdom.

King Albert Moves to Laeken.Kfnc Alh»>rt has moved with his r-on«ort

and his aMhon into the ruhurbftn palace|of l^cken. which, with it*l.autiful park.,superb gardens, immerise i-onservatnries. itslahaßj Its itnderjrround r»ilrr>id connectlnsrthe palace with the rmlroa.l Fyutem of•elghi- .md of tho remainder of Bnreno, is

nn altocethcr residence for a W»v-|« rcijrri. Its one draw!>ack Is that it liesIpoiwwhat low. but it is well drained, and

BOW that it has hr-en furnished anew byKir-.e Albert 4«aOBOM during the last yearof his rci»m had sold off all the contents.leaving little heyond t?ie imiv walls

—It is

!more Rhtful than e\er fore.KewAwaw ta a<M that the iron brtafn'across the street wMrh connected the |>ark

ol l.rwken with the grounds and villa «fI'.arotvss Vmichan, on the opposite side ofIthe road, has beet, torn down, • atlv to

'\u25a0 the aattateerJen af the aaanti of i^ekenland of \u25a0^fls. Wliir n Tast.-.l it wasrot BJkMMfl] an eyesore. l>ul alsr< \u25a0I constatit,reminder to tin>m and at attnnnara of Kinc

• lls proflicary BnteaMßl VauKhan's\u25a0 -00, his passr<l Into other hands. For

1 f-h.-> ha> s- >1 all her property in Relpiumiand has established her pernirtiieni iiorr:* iniI"ranee

Lora Carfa«ry'« Caetle Burns.

>Oenntj Dot*.

\u25a0 Ithm DBS• \u25a0

\u25a0'\u25a0•:\u25a0• • \u25a0' . • \u25a0 1- a

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\u25a0: <-.\u25a0 p 1r"* •JftpFt non of •

\u25a0n. O«OfS»E \u25a0*• \u25a0 r- v IT.

•'\u25a0 <1h

c'e' * '

:-•:.:\u25a0\u25a0•.. I < ';.rn«;!\, but X'~' . •)•.;\u25a0 ocaT^d « •*Ing »o'\u25a0'*«'» \u25a0 \u25a0

> :<h Mujti^

\u25a0'• '\u25a0 < \u25a0• i- J.i :>. 1 -dot,' i :-•...•!-:\u25a0 r 1'"i'":-; his <l*ughtei clvinc bat hand

\u25a0' ' \u25a0a taj aMOaw al yitl<s HI'-'> %,^r 1 fiiy Hrrivf.4 in those <Uy«;"

a w<a«in« mho lu.ll*<3 to gr.iRK)r* '- ;maa ovrr" the c*<-,,,^>&1*T *i.- !.ej<j u» be culltyol ir..-!t: <u»Wunejy.

\u25a0••-.: ruje 100k f))*.c*- In flue rour*^.r \u25a0 \u25a0 . r,s ifjf^roorn r«cov« rr-d his «o-

\u25a0 Da ttft lol.owlrut day h* fo«ndt*li' \u25a0'\u25a0 Ha lnty <>i Ills Jove iier inger*''•' homeiif *••••

\u25a0 A:.:.' l:ad l»e«»n njbsll-

X&*4 and tti*.t hi* ftan<*» had l»e*n the*»«th'ir. , > , otispirary. Stung to•»•», b fcysfcii«d 'kiiU her and his nominal*^*

•J1 . ..•!-. and lra\tnp tbe houae.' 'ajen upon Bsttav ••' *''•'" \u25a0•*•\u25a0

ff5'"* \u25a0• Uoo on th<- Conttacel it.DU .•

\u25a0wl liiH L-jU CiiiAij,1 Uia;' ad(J, «wcJ

WHAT IS GOING ON TO DAY.Kr-. ndrtiii>!!i"n to Ih* Motrapnlttaa v.iv.,;m

of An. tti«- American ".*•-uni of NaturallUawry and the kwelevkal Oaiwaa

Davottanal tii«^tliiir of taa Ismtluf <"hrt»«ianI'l.inn «hai>'l of thr- Oallaejlat* «'hurrh.Kifib »v<nii- (i,4 4Kth *ir*»t.iia in.

M""!tir <>t the New York Mr..»!ilni: Society.WaM'.rf- Antorla. aftfrnoon.

Meeting of the mm Wllhvd Aaeo< latien.Hotel Manhattan, Z p. \u25a0

MettlriK of lh# N>»- T<->rk H<i*r<l of Trad<t ar;<lTranij.ortation. \i. 203 Braadwa] 3.15l> m

••: • • 1 ''I the Board .if K< No r,i>oPark i\«nuc, 4pm

t»iTir.»r In honor at the l«Tth l.l!'hfla.\ ofThorau Jcffereea, Xatioaal D^-aiorraiio'

I'lh. No «17 Fifth ivtnue. 7 p. in.Ju»il<~^ MariinIK' on "1-lmltatlons af

ll'form ky 1.»».' <-»)h#4ral <^<>\l*t:r-, 51,tBttwM nr,<i Hadlaal av»n«». f> pm.

Fftt Ifturn e| the Boird «if Cdu<-atlon. mp m. PuMlc iri'-hool -7. 42d »trf«-t. n (rThird av«nu». "Bonrs of Rum»." Mri" H-n-ri^tta >r"Wo-B«^ley. Public Rcbool ikd.ii-h atraet, n»st of Ain*t<*rdam avcnvi*•Rlr**-! Hallway Accident*. Caaaaa nn-1r . rr.K'.'.'-r

"William J Donovan. Ea«t

H<l»- Huuf- K«-tiicment. 7»iih »tr<»^t ,ndEift r<lv»r. Hawaii.- William X Mska-koa. Cooa*l [Jnloa Third i^nu*ut..l MbMill,"Alt'ka an<l I1a«all." Pr Willisn*tcb*i .lohrmoT . ruhllr LMtrmry, No HitI.eroy atreet, "flArtda,*' P f'r'n.i 'urtlnaPublle Übrary. No Mil Fa»t l<t»h Mr**t,

Tl.. H<.iaelr»» <lt>. "r. The Are nt theAutomoM!.-." Max t.owfnthat. f>un»Vtn»<"hap'l. No fi.%o n/eM 4f»»h »tre«»i "TheI.Hi,dof ihe lanaa" Mr« M. <.'latr* Flnn-y;YounK M.i)s • i« Aaaoctatl<Hi h.ii,No r, \v«u I-'.'.'h Mf-«t. "Th* l.lf.- of HlrWnii.r Bcott." Chartae II Oewaa; VevsaH«a'a Hfl.ii-H A«K<-i«'|..n. v.'il *(reei ,r-,'iTiavrnue. • Tli. Jt<-.nmti I'.tliml •I>r. Wlllliini r. <;ilrti». V M I Hall. NoBl Imwiu. Tii« i>i«u au'l Hi» State."

Indei of t h< :'• \u25a0 ariU see

•i^. In esJatinfC condltlona hi TuftsWhen the fall term anena boo/.

\u25a0omen'a napnrtmeM win ba in-on OeQena. when aatnh-

; anaeon and Ithough it :s eapected

\u25a0 BMon of i• t t itt~ OeOenje »ili akn ix-ioriß to

<.t the loehaoa CoUegi for\u25a0

Co-Edncation Abandoned; a Separate

College Will Be Organized.M.-df>rd. Mass. April 12.—8y a vote of

trK- truste«'9 of the institution to-day TuftsCbfJeeji oaaaad to l>e a co-t>ducatlonal in-stitution. A* s'x>n as the necessary change*< an be made in the charter of the institu-tion a BOW I"He^.-, to be known as thefackaon f^fttin for Women, will be aatnh-li.vii«-d. re the naeeanary charter rhang«acon tx- i.ioiuri.t «i>otit the women will b»)

taken care of as \u25a0 scnarut** department ofT.;fts oonaaja,


\- medal bi <«f handsome design. andbean the inscrlp-lon: "preaentad to Dr.Horace Howard Furnt-ss by the foundois

of The N»\v Theatre for his distingui»nedw.rk in the cause of dramtlc art in Am rl-ii." Wintluop Ames, director, and fJDiShubett, business director, of The HawTheatre, were jiresent. r«presentiii|j t:ieft undtrs, and Mr.Anifs made the apeecfl Ofpioenlation. Dr. Furness accepted 'hemodal with a happy BBnraaion af ana* . ia-

ti.ii ami a fervent hop»; that The NtwTl.<aire would continue in its OMtM ofpj^sentlng the best drama to the paapH oft.i country. Others who spoke at lit"luncheon were Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, MiniL>'ith Wynne Matthison. Talcott Williams.Lien Johnson and John Luther L<ong

Presented by New Theatre Founders inPhiladelphia.

tDy T- lagraai Ml Th« Tribune.]

Philadelphia, Apiil 12 (Special).—rnc.;al wna presem-d to Dr. Horace IlownrdFurness. of this city, by the founders oft>>< Mm Theatre to-day for Ms servic s ;n

(he cause of dramatic art in America. Th«plantation made by t'ne players of

Tl.c New Theatre company, wtio are nowaj p< aring here, at a luncheon given at the

le-Stratford HoteL


WULLNER'S FAREWELL CONCERT.Dr. L.udwȣ Willner gave his farewell re-

cital in New York at Carnegie Hall lastnight. The a.udlenc»- was large and onethat by its enthusiastic applause paid fulltribute to the powara of the German lteder

tinker. Thi- jT-.i^ramnie contained songs

by- mbart, Schumann. Brahma. (Jrieg

and Richard Strauss. Mr. Wullner hadnever appeared more dramatic, despite aslight tendency at timea to overemphasis.C. V. B<js \u25a0waaaad as usual at thepiano.


Ri-hard 'Ward Edmund Kr*»»*BaanilfI\u25a0 Jimtsji i"herry

PMI1j> r-anmright T. I>ani»l Frawley\u25a0ooty Wird J*f* l>i'rf»u«Kranclß \V«ri Thais Magran-Olario* V»n Zandt (Jwendolyn PtoraQr*t<*rn».!an« Mattlc Fer»:u«' nKli»* \\i• Kellyfiuffrrn Ttiorn<? • • nobert Cain

The wife leaves the house, and lor fivemonths earns her own livingah a gover-

ness. Her whereabouts is discovered by

Philip OartwrlgM, a friend of Ward's, and

a reconciliation is effected.The ;,lay contains nothing that is new,

but it has the merit of telling familiarthings in an interesting way. There areniany clever things paid, principally byPhilip Caitirlght. the friend, whose partis well Bfajfwd by T. Daniel Frawley. and

Gretchen Jans, the aunt (Miss Matti- Ker-guson >, who really does the. best acting

in the piece. Kdmund Bneese, in the prin-cipal part of Richard Ward. Is forcefuland convincing. Me gives one the impres-

ston of power in reserve for moments when

it is needed. Hut he lacks theheart qual-

ity in his personality and his acting andbe therefore fails to enlist the sympathy

of the audience to the degree that might

otherwise be his.Miss Thais- Maerane as Frances Wird.

the butterfly wife, is true to type, and doesth«- work acceptably. <»ne naturally doesr.ot feel much \u25a0jraapnthy for h^r until she

s»es the -or of her ways, and th»»n. Un-

inateiv. her actinc falls off in its con-vincing quality. T. Daniel Frawley is r.-freshing in his manner of acting, whioh i*manifestly free from staginess.

Jack Devereaux and Gwendolyn Pierspiay the parts of Monty Ward, Richardsbrother, and Clarice Van Zandt. FrancesWard's sister, who marry on $100 a month.go W*>m, make a •"strike"' and come backto New York in fivo month. Their s»ory isa little Improbable, and their parts areonly fairly well enacted. Robert *aln as?ufTcrn Thome Is effective in the minorrole of a cad. liifs Mattle Ferguson re-lievf*many a dull moment by means of hersensible views of life, which are alwaysexpressed in straightforward and humorouifashion.

••The Spendthrift" Is Presentedat the Hudson Theatre.lerick Thompson I*prepentinK at the Theatre a new play by PorterKmersor, Hrowne. entitled "The Spend-

thrift." the first performance of which wasgiven on Monday niirht.

The play ,i'n.vrns the fortunes of Rich-

ard Ward, a business man with «n annualIncome of ,Jft.uoo and living expenses oftn.aW Bg tries to keep hin fi^ad above

water for a time, hut eventually Is forced

into bankmptcy thn>uß t the extravagance

of a Kelflfh. vain and extravagant young

wife. In an effort to avoid the Inevitablerush the wife borrows $20,000 from a

wealthy bachHor friend of none too savoryreputation. She tells her husband that »hegot it from a rich aunt who has one footfn the grave and th* other In Wall Street."The aunt denies it. and Ward finds out thetruth. He forces his wife to summon her

friend to her b»-d chamber at midnight, anda stormy scene ensues. In which Ward un-justly accuses his wife of infidelity anddischarge? a revolver at the feet of Suf-

frrn Thorno.



..>nt Of the BanOVW nre IwMiian.ei 'ompan] . of New Toi dli at his houif,

No. 22.'» Lincoln avenue. < Iraj| N .1. >es-tertlav H« \u25a0•\u25a0 ;i\t.-ii.i-e>. irs "iii and*•*\u25a0 regarded as aa exi't-rt in ftre insur-

anc»« Mi I-»"• .nll.-t.d .M QM PHtbf—l ot

the nvil War in Ihe Ml Nt of New

Y.'ik. aenlni until isw. H< \u25a0 \u25a0 --:\• •

.lining tIM <lnttt rlOtfl in Ihti >'.t\

JOHN MAYKS, for el.v.n VWan ' blef ofPullcc uf Knoanl City iv that city, died

i \u25a0

In isa.' he waa elected \u25a0 fellowRoyal .So.i.-ty; be was a BMmbef of theEtoyal < 'or.nui.-si. n on Asrtcultvre. ISM \u25a0

and wfi- tieated <"\u25a0 mpankm of ''\u25a0' Bat|iinin and Knlghi Commander of the Bats. I

Robert OUfM VBI lorn ai k.-i ire. in l».7 He v> a> employed as aclerk in \u25a0ollcHora* ofllces in Strat!m\cn andGlasgow from |Vh> to l^r.T. Me became con-nected with the prmi In IW> as mih-editorand reporter for ''rh< BUIUm Journ


In i^>jbe left Btlrlma for London ta tahea |,i;i. \u25a0•\u25a0 on the staff of "Th.> (Jloh.-.


which Im was connected im tub odltuc and

contributor until Mat. i'oi a short time

.i-t-' that he Matted Mr. Morley In "ThePortniKhtly Review": from ISnl to l^Trj hf«

was assistant illt< iT'.j principal c> n-trlbutor to "Th< Economist" nndV Mr.Fageliot. brine ii •• from BS3 v> Rl • itv

ditor and writer of lb» Irada and An incearticle In "The Daily N. \\i


In ItN be «;«s appotated chi.f of thegtatntteal depaitmtnl <>! the Board ofTra<le. .itiil In IBS he. .une coptroHw p^n-eral Of ttie commeiiial. labor ami suitis- departnv nts.

SIR ROBERT GIFFEN.London, April!- Mr Re

nalist, Anancinl arrlter and rtattotictan,


"In \<<. 1

men who were ten! Iout what kin<l i

Louisiana thai rear T ii.- i- the wlIfound o

Iwaa more Ilkd] to do mon harmti« than almost

gnmOi and did I to learn I

Therefore !

He married in 1671 Jennie Whitten*. ter of Henry 'I. Eailott, ol Now

Yoik t'ity. She witj. two «ona Elliot! andr, ran i.t hlni

Kl. vei V-

r in alecrnre. to the venlor el iai r Vi> irovokod

• :n hfs\u25a0


iy turned out i thai nwr-•

'-ym" no) c, butmore . many

I men <hd not wall to Bad t-..h;it thought it the i. \u25a0

• Ing to marrywhoa thej reached \u25a0 eertaJa ape.

'In the stn.-i-

i.l. "\u25a0man B Ideal Vlcta i!l.«|es

married pah W( \u25a0octoleHi not

marriage; the mania ony i- anaftertl :;1 the

iry."Amo; p

Bumm :

ird.I'iof- \u25a0 tianalal ••! I.

;> <in t;.. 8 con ! Ilook ofof "A

History of America!] Currency* 1

*inT t».' I f ;on in

the United Btntea" (Ii

\u25a0 \u25a0 . noni.-m"nd Po-

.. .ni.-, •

•The Final

ration*' and \u25a0 "Hiatory of | .v tbaUnited Btat< i

"He I

-\u25a0 contributor to rartc

la the c'ass i.o-.k published Iprofemor 8 •as follows-

At ona time Profei Sumncr ha«l beenvery i.-tiv- in public affairs, ami from I^7:Jto l»7t» \u25a0erved at \u25a0 ni'inber of Urn NewMaven Board of Aldermen. He was espe-cially nunent a* an advocate of fre«

trade and an upliolder of t!ie gold stand--rd.

Born iti r it» rson, N .1. Mr. Pumper wasa Boa of Thomas and Sarah Qrahaxa BOD>ner. and was Of Bng (hftftllt. Bfl :•-feive.i his early Odncatlon in tho at Haiti < "onn. Later he at-

tended Yale, and iraa amdaatcd froj tt.atinstitution with the cUss of "A Q« Bflabroad, he studied at the liniversities of«jiittingen, Qermany, ami Oxford Knglai.T.

Ob Ml i urn t>» thl eountlJTi in ltCfi«Mwas engaged as tutor in Yaie < 'ol|» •. re-niainiui; until |Bn>. Meanwhile he took or-ders in Urn Protestant Mpiscopal Church,and for a short time IM was at Calvary

I'lmrch. in N- \u25a0 Tork. In ttTI he wascalled to the rectorship of the Church ofthe Reileemer. Morriatown, N. J.. and re-rMined there fi>r two years.

In1*72 he was i tiled to Yale as professoroi political ajid ao lal science, <in.J liadoocflßtad that chair eontteaoosly up to thetime oi his retireni' nt. profess.-.- B mmofwas an earnest advocate of the \u25a0 ennailaissez falre principle in political c -onomy.He favored t!.< gold standard in currency

and free tr:t<:e. and dM mii-h, to promote

liberal methndi of InatrucUoa in his de-partment.

For thirty-seven years ProfaOßOr Sumnerhad Jiecn professor of politlcaJ vete) inTale I'niversity. lie rttirc.i InIMas pro-fessor \u2666•meritus, at t!'.e ;;ge of BtXty-ttteS,and, HiinoimL-i'ig this in his annual r«.- >rt

at tIM time. I'residcnt Hi>ll«\v said:

Pr f« .- \u25a0-• r Sumnei is or,-- \u25a0>, IhOM tare

men vho wora born wUh a genius foiteaching. N<> ma.a. who h;is over i^en inhis ( lasses will forg t his exraor<linai yeloarm I

"ttMtflltrnf. his im-ii-ive anal-

ysis, and Mi power of illustrating '-"n-

en teljr to the s odea the ideas which liewanted to convey."

The body wil! be taken to K«W Haven tomcrrow morning nnd th° funeral will Imhelfi there probably on ThWday HMIburial will be in QolMord, Conn.

''rofcsFor 3umner was the first AmericanpfOfoaßM to offer a eouroi In social science.He was the organizer of a group of studiesnow given at Tale known aa "«0,-ial sci-anca" otudlaa. He was the author of alarge number of works MB IIMrafcjost, KBdno Htfiihaii profaaaor had cxtii-d \u25a0 wider

Influence in it.

List week hi>« condition ahowod \u25a0 rel.ipre

aand his ramtrroj hasten- d to his badohk.He revived from th.- attack and was s.vm-irgly out of daagJOr, when his heart bOfiaOMaffected and death finally caem thi« aft-i-noon. With him at the time won his wH \u25a0

aant his d,»ughter-in-lnw, Mrs. Elliott

Expires at Home of His SonGraham, in Englewood.

[Hy Telegraph to The Tribune. 1Kngleuoo.l. N. J.. April 12.—Vrot+*»ir

William C.raham Sumner. of Yale, died h*r-at the home of his son. C.raham Pumrwthis aftrrnoon from ni>cpl-xy He w^s

stricken in New York City on Daoamtof27. when he went th»re to addrOßl ih-^

American BocMogleß] BoaaMy, of which :*e

MM prefident. Wbtfl he was attackt-tl wi?iicetcbral hem. rr In NOW York h° W

U.ken to ht-< apartments In the Murray ir.l'Hotel. 11. seemed somwhit improved an..!»\u25a0» wus removed to thid place OO Janu-ary 2.v

NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS.Eighty-cent KMhas b< en Immei pro(

ltaMe In New York, which nhonra th*Ttiometimea corporation* e\en tumble intogo<«i tbings.—Oatroll Kr«e Proaa.

New York expects to have tli. p<MtM|aviation meeting of the aai Just !h.-town to fly high and |O fasi—Clevel.tu.JL+ader.

Th« MtaafJaa of the high-ost of living

dtaturba all sort*, or undertakl B m-New Yorkerf. for example, ar«- inclin' d iidlacouraga the idea oi a irOtU'l f;tir r.19U to cfkbiat** lni< .ft'itli anniv< ;.- ii. olthe • ttienient of Manhattan Tsl :nI I••

eaaaa <>r ih© fear that ir the f.i.i shouldsend price.s up they would st.iv up r'a'.shas h«d tmnr trouMa on Ihla n< on


Journal.A New Yorker wm fined JL1 foi ki-sic

hlu swe*tl>eart on a Coney laland car I!a New Yorkei st.-HIM iitraction ny«tem thelaw doe* tut interf»r« But II the .oi>••i.mer of tranaportatton OOtkl In '*''• intox-leaiion of a maiden 'fl kl-'s finporarv f"r-K*-tfulne«.,, of the fact that be h:«s to >tHn.iup miul l>e >tepp*d 1,-,.,'n frum Brooklyn toConey Inland the law In merdl< ai:dwithout dfla'-.—l^oulsvUlr ouilei Journal.

James <Iraham \va« the purchaser, .-it $::,-

300. of four pairs of window sash. s. titt'.lwith varied trt*entli century iUumitritcd

and boraldtc glass. Mrs. LJIli NordicaYf>ung paid |l»tft for a bronz<_- ceilinglight. For $::.""•' Mrs. T. I> OwdCf ob-tained a pair of large Italian bronzetorcheres of Roman dcalgß, and f"r ti,z'><>two r- <1 Afrl»-an marble vases, Louis \'style. Mrp. Oonwttaa Vanderhilt [>ai<l M#ifor tw.» r,ire A ri.m panaeho marbtavas«s witli tall pink column pedestals.

The mot»t striking purchase at the even-ing Fale. whi'-h was attended larax bydealers, was that of I-Mmond Boaaffe'l "Le

Musee Spitzer." h half mOTOCCO Bvo volume,

with portrait and i.lustrations When 50oantl was bid Mr. Klrby throatcned tocouple it with another lot, but got it start-

ed at $1. It wuk kn<>< ke.i down foi BM to\V. W. Senman. as agent.

Low Prices for Paintings.

"Lumleres." .i mdnttng by Henri Eugrne

le Sidaner. went to I'nderwood for OBLThis picture cost Mr Yerkes t.' st- rlirmr>r C.ottshall paid $;i« for an Italian land-si;i|«' by Jan Hoth. and "Church of th-Jesuits. V'>ni<e," by Arthur Maadowa, went

for $>V>. •'Cupid's Offcrtac" a dimitmtivewoik of Jan Van Beers, brought $i<v.; :t: t

watercolor by Kdouard DetaitK> went for$10.t. and \u25a0 "Mead of v Woman." attributedto i'.eter Poiirbus, for $!<•.*,. These plctOreawere not Inctadod in the catalogue of thepictures sold at Mendelssohn Mai1, \» they

bad baca in Mr. Ycrkes's home in lx>n<lon.Btghl voiutn. of the complete »ori< of

Rembrandt's history, deflcripUon an.l lieli-ogiaphic reproduction <-f the bm lei pi> t

ures, by Wilhelin Bode, four DOOnd and fourunbound ratamea, arcro boinrht by Otto Bcr-

net. agetit. at «v. a volume, while the samepurchaser bid In. for $:~"i \u25a0 volume, six vol-

umes of the Bpttaer CoOeetion, Antiquity,Middle Ages at.d Renaissance. ,\ titie e..j\

of the oricinal editi-'n of "Smith-f.iillosnt

Ralsonne." in nine rolumea, brought |H a

volume arhOa Rwinburri'- s "Life an.} Worliof Turner" bpucht $.V>. Two vofumea ofthe P. A. B. WMenei collection cat»togt».

a presentation copy froni Mr Wid^ner.Iroucht |U \u25a0 v-.lume

Robert K. Dowllng paid 12.C54 lor ngrand Brard plaao, havinp a < a--«- painting and remaibrenze ornu>!\i Inountinga, and JTT.'i for alaree PtCflc h gilt cCßtrc table of the I^ouisXIV style.

Mrs. H. P. Whitney a Buyer.

Mr*. Harry Pajno Whitn«v rwi'i $7..Vi0for a tall gilt Louis XV otaojdojnd, richly

carved in the wood and ailt. with all theFumptuou.- detail <>f that epoch.

Three electric bronze tranaom fixtures,

with five lamps each, were bought for Jo.-250 by P. W. Rouss. who also paid ?.:.:> 0for sixteen massive carved cbafn in darkfinish and of elaborate RenaJaoame deatsa.

After eager bidding two ormolu eandelbrai(qirondolco) of Loulo xi\' design, wltli cutcrystal, amethyst and topaz drops wt ruMid to \V. It.Coe f>r J3,>>). Mr. Cbf alaopaid $2.i for two tall gilt LooU XVstandard?.

Some of the Bargains.

Three omarkable bargains were ser i?redyesterday afternoon. A Carrara majMe

statue. A Bacchante." by MaOfiCC KtionneKal. oiir-t. cost Mr. Y»'rkes $.'.2.0 some yearsago. It was kin-rkcl down yr>terday to

Samiie.l "ntermy»--r f,, $2.<J>»).

Mr. Yfrk<s in lS5i pali i\»."" i.-i Urn in-terior decorations of a iTannri room.They were executed in Japan from --i-e'iaiiif-.-ici".- f"r Mr. Ycrkes. includtag em-broderes, pant and otiier fixtures. Thowoodwork. in< lining ceiltig, can e^MH- bttaken apart, since all was erected withoutnails or glue. being dovetailed iti theJapanese fashion. The entire ceiling restsupon and is «<upportf-.i by Urn atda pillarsfom the floor. These PfIUM decorationswerf knocked down to an unknown buyerfor J3OO.

Then th«re was the eorgeous IAMHa IVbedstead, made by /Cwiener. of Pais. ft»rMr. Yerke.-=. at a cost of UMM It wasexecuted in rialisandrc and maro,uotterie.with superlative bronz.- niountint;. ajui cn.-t

from specially prepared iiio<U-!<. of Wbicll•ome were u^ed on only one occasion be-fore (for I>ud\\isr I!, the late King Of lU-varia. and destined for t!..- royal lioben-Schwangau Palacet. It is roonptete withpalissandr» and ormolu dOMO piece form-ing h canopy and matching th« ned?ti-ad.and green silk damask .-^d.- iurtains, withpa>s»-nK-nteri»- tiimniinK'^- AU tliese worakn«« ked down to Captain Do I*a Mai forJI.KM.

Th»» hltrhest price of th«» day was HjlH,paid by Puvwn Brothers for a fijrur^ ofI>lana, hy Houdon. It was started with abid of $$,000. Tlifh"lpht of the flirtire. withpedestal, lp nine feet fixinches.

A particularly notouorthy feature of theafternoon sale was the Rift of Thomas F.Ryan to tht Metropolitan Museum of Art.When Thomas E. Kirby. who conductedthe sale, offereii the Carrara isarble Rronp,"Cupid and Ppych*"." by AURUStc Rodin, heannounced that it was the flr«»t important

Rodin ever broujrht to this country. It whs

started with a bid of $I.'»>l. nnd knock* ildown to Mr.Ryan «t $l.*»V Another pro-jp.

"*>rpheus and KurydU-e"

by Ho<lin, Ml

started with a bid of HJM and bought byMr. Ryan for $2.of«>. It mi stated oflloiallyla.«»t nipht that Mr. Ryan had decided topresent to tho M»tropr>'.i!an Illlf11111 of ArtUmm repre?fntativ»» imiiplct of Rodin'iart.

A peiMiliar circum^tiHice is conne'-trd withthe bronze M.-mie "B«irchante," bf Mn--monnies. It«=tan<ls seven f^"t.on a ped6Bt*ltwo feet six and a half ini-h'.'s In '.leißhtIt was^ in IMfor the Koston T.ii.iv«iv.but vu rejected by the govcrnon of thatinstitution ;ind bought by Mr. V rkes. Yvs-terd;»y it was purchased tor $3,000 by W. W.Seaman, a^tlnß for a F^oston man, who.while he will not n'low his name t.. bomade public, IMS announced Mi intentionof placing the statue on exhibition in IIMUoston Museum.

Two Rodins Will Go to Metro-politan—Total of Sale

Now $2,189,639.

Snm<> bargains were si*cur»*d by biddersat the nair> of srulpture. artistic furnlshlnßSand art volumes yfft^rrlny afternoon andevpnln* «t the Tprk*>»< houf«««. Fifth avenuo«n<l «Sth street. Tho afternoon salp nettedlUMM and tho pyonlns f«le $3,119, 'orlngln«th«» grand total po far r»?alizod from theYprko sale to $2,189,639 .V).


One Marble Figure That CostFinancier $32,500, Sold

for $2,000.


PROF. W. G. SUMNER DEADNAPOLEON'S WEDDINGpjince WillMarry Clementine of

Illgium at Farnborough.-jnry^t, '!''" •'> t^"' nrrnt«'*wi <'sc»ntp«irt> >

< ;oinor.tln«» of lioiKtutn'a roar-'"\u0084, iTinrc \ ttaar Naj»«>'.. . n is to take.

2 «">' u1 I'r"Kscls. t->ut *{ trl En*l."h•**^,if K:npros* Eoirrni#». «t F«rnV>or-

? «n<i •'• ''* 4HI9WW "f tii**ulor>- rwont-\u25a0\u25a0 r\:\C'<^'>T tr' t

'ir rffprt tlwlr «n-

h»d I»«*ii hroki-n off.FT^ tft

• jTculiar fiT'irns In nolpmn':zlnK'\u25a0

!; t»C<* *t Kambornuph. For. ir. the;V^l •til print > sltuatPd on tJ>«> nm-'**'

v j-pp'-rtv. «!,i.-h h u-Ith!n r:i«y

. dlrivinp distance from Wind*' Th^rei*fp'\u25a0

\u25a0• N«p"fe"« 111 a»'<l <>f Mi

\t'-A •\u25a0"' t;ir lrlnr*> Imperial, vhr. Ml

•JJ^ wnrtrr thr i:ri isil tec a*air- th<-

nns ;>>os=e pr*tM>n* »ir- he r,mcr*\

***ji,,v:> Pogapm-le. of th* ssmn<\u25a0? nf I'nnr*! VirtPr: thoir si?-

l"R.},e w.rtowHl Purh«w of \os;a; while*r-f?rr*on - ''"*'

rrr?»nt Di:k" of Ao«ita.

r<'.« \u25a0.-.:,• t• ;... D»k« «\u25a0• thr Abrur.7.l.

n hmii thr I'iikr of .VFta

*l!nr:-'"-c KiriK Victor r.mmanw! \u25a0 IFITr -sf> Str-pbantc an<t hor hvisr-and.

!S i>; a%- n*v" :ilit° I>orn *skp<l - *nd

.',«,-«:.. 'at i»r>m«» of tho mpml»f> oj

r"tfT;nc houj* of KnpUTid. certainly•*^Uri-rv <if Bat iWii^rg. anil pos.<-l-

P9^ w.;,.,

-; A!-\;.u<lra and hor rtansrh-.. i.-toria. will attend.

imar \u25a0'\u25a0••' "w>«l rHttavrtaMar., twaWlM— at trio MMH

brirtecrorimF mother. T*rin.«^sjSMijr BoBSPBTtA, ttMO1nf Tho lalo KiriK

J^^--^ «inr* .V- overthrow <>f th«-

tLac* V-'V-"0- •*•• TTl»d*hrr hoT"° )n lh<'|>iav

.-il«>< \u25a0

r Turin, w l-icb

J_^itr\». tamly

'.anirh-\u25a0 nd.

','i«ii 1>«. an<l

•\ th<-

»-,« ,-n:i\rrt««fl !rto «n orphaaatpi ann«hcf si." has li-.i the• 5 J ||MHff «f M»"rr-\. fiBMdBS h*r-

. i of .!..-••% The only

lt ... •.•: Monmlifr* was whrn\u25a0*• htai B—**t h> r with

r. Jay rtvtn« at liomr. :md-heal on hrr *houl-

• • l.rj Si. »13S TirifT

at »r.y OOBrt f-:n>t(on Mti<c xht| i• afi.r tho pro.lama"-,_,..

• . republic at r«r!f f!i<- <Irovr in. :, <\u25a0«•\u25a0 a«« rind fovir.. -> ihr sir*"**--.1" rnriy.

lh<» tt.rhulrni PauibOttTS\u0084n o.m laka tfea raSa tor lub, ail

Lmon rtoffinc trfir taaVl «- a%i paVawi;ttW- \u25a0 '\u25a0• : \u25a0""° :""

\u0084• . lo thai <<f Knn>rt-?9MB,le who ftXl In *li^ul«e. und. •

JJJTrf IW Anirrkan \u25a0

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mmst i \u25a0' fl •<'(1""'

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nnot h^lj> ir

m PCtnr**Ifto! Napt'l^^n vp"" d*»noun< "d

tlf taincr, \hr lar«« Pttaoa Napoioou.

9 y» :;r most unJiiial of MBa\Otsaamai «n<3 '^a 1 Mi Dathci-Mined to f*<- !.ini vh-n d>i:i?

..-^,,-.r' •rru «,> on*objf.t (if hatred

gnj«*••\u25a0' —" "•**<lf thf> lat<l i'rinx

jif^oleon :v was Emprcsj K.^i.i-. That

•„•» HMBS at nis disowned MB abMaifl• t*Mi>o*'f <ar.noj but

rtall Mi tfUßßatt] toward both of tiirrn.

\>K K. f.%>irßriI 2-4 1 3 WaM :M*t.rhap'':- Tiivai-.- liovitii*, t''.« Axtuljp.oet.

Tel . 1324 <-n«!.s.'a.


Re*. Stepbea Merritt. th« ' •.*i.l»-kriow«undt-rtahr-r. Onl> one p!;i«'»? \u0084f t.i^-.n^**. ><r»j

av-. and 10th *t I.a:< la tha world. Tel.tM and 129 CMM

is reidilv accesstblw by Ifarlrm train trtmi;ran.l Central St;in :i. Webster and J^roTi*.-iv^nue Iroil^vs and hv oarrtaa:.-. I.nts $l-".outo ut-Tfl'phonc 4v"..-. Cram^rcy fur Boiic \u0084f V:c»ior l»vnOTßtattWL

OTlce. at East j:MSt.. N-w Tork C*/

the noounwN (emetery



DX Li>f [> iv!.'»rSCHwillh*- held Jn the N-w JI i«on!<- T«np:». N\

.%«\u25ba W^st 2!th •».. on Th-irsflay ev^nirs. April11. l!>1f». at \u25a0* o r!o<;k. a •l<\rt>9**9 willh.> .!

-ljver»d hy s^verul representative clernym"!!an.', laymen: •J.'><> chililr»-n from TUP, i'HRIS-TIAN HERALD i-hildre: |{<>.ME. als«THE BOWERY MISSION MALE I'HOIB will-

\u25a0 -f


Th^ following are OMCM KB t ik- part:

BISHOP t'ARI.IN'ITi'N. WILL X MOODT.Hi; <> 3. JIAEDEX, EDV\"IN 3. IVER andath'-rs.

WATT -Sudderr'v. a* S'lrj!.i>. NT'L. Wat* Funeral aarTtcee at ,•i^r •>. No 151V, Fifth iv». Thursday. April It a. m. Kindly omit ffTwerif;:^sgow. Dun.tee arvl Loi>S'>n r '» *"\u25a0 •

\u25a0 »"


WIU.IA.\IS-n:i Mniiy.April 11 ir»l>>. 'F.. W.'.liarr.s in '\u25a0-'.': I . I rvi'--».i* his MimMract, No. 7W F; •

n St..r...n. tp. Weitn;»Jav evening. ..• :':.i


SANOER- On T»H<t|. April 1?. U>VV •*h-P

\u2666residence. .\"o 10 Montagu* T rri-••. B..'«k-1 n. M.irv E.. widow of H-nry S-»ns;er.K':iT»rai services will he h> lit at Grai«rh'ir'-h. Brook vn Heishts. F::ia> morn-in<. Ar.: IS, at 10 :;o.

3OFER- Bnt»r<>'Iinto r<?»t on T>> « , .»pri: 1.*.Frames Sop<»r. daughter of the lar-1 Jan-s M.-in. M^rv J Boaer. Finer i a Fr.

-Car. April n ar .".."»> ..•\u25a0\u25a0'o.K. fkMB ta4?nc, M In r-JMmit. »•• . J :-•: -• • ilty.


On April 11. l'.Hi>. M Ii m . .- . . IVatn »nee Doekwet)»r>, in taf 7":h >»ar.Funeral on Wednesday, April 1.:. it

-jp \u25a0 . it••••

•\u25a0 sM-

N Wn' ' i:-

f»rrr-nt at Lutheran • '•\u25a0rv T •/flower*.

irJvrrnFi Suddenly, on sirindav. Arr'.: in. tSVKCatherine ConSuk*. w!.i>w of Thomas Mclntrre.Fu-.eral from h»r lar» re«Mrnr<\ .N.\ ]"«. vn-cnrl «t.. Brooklyn. on Wednesday. Aji^.l13. it] \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0. r.\.

MlLLS—Suddenly, at cc amd»n, N. T. Theodore,r ..« -and of Ali'-e A. Miils Funeral «»rv: -•»at rfte r«-»!denre of hi*.^m. No. Sift Arlingtonaye . Jersr-y Cl:y. • n V.'\u25a0 i.-.cs.'ay. at 3:^o p m.

NAI'IKIi-\r TVwihaven. Lons; Isljri'l.unlay. Ar-iil '•• IT'ln. ':.»r;-"


- >of the late J.iin C ar.ii M.»r.j N ipt<•enrtcM a- Orarv Chcrcb. ii:r.j;a, Jt. X. at« .1. !ork U>'ir.*s»lay. Apr;! 10.

O'SIALLEY—On Pundav. April !•>. EHO, lt*rh-ryn V ta ;-•:Ir of Janus and M.irv <> Mrley. Funeral fr->m h»r late r»»t •>•!••«. N \u25a0 VSt vMonroe it.. Brooklyn, on Vetßeata] at ifMUfdßk

. \u25a0 . m.
