Legends Flyer V4 Broadsheet

!"# %&''#()* %+,,#() !" $%& '( ) )!*+,, '-./!0&1 222 “How T o Use LinkedIn As A Super Sneaky Client Acquisition Strategy” -PHIL OAKLEY LinkedIn has been seen as the number one Business to Business online network in the world for over 10 years. With 260 million members worldwide - 11 million in the UK. But how many people are actually lever- new customers? More often than not even people who actively connect are not leveraging their network or using LinkedIn as the strategic marketing tool that it could be. This short talk will cover the following to leverage LinkedIn Actively use Linkedin to build your network Find Leads prospects Tips, tricks and tools that can help Real actions that you can take away to help your business “How To Legally Murde r Y our Competitors Online” - CHARLIE HUTTON Charlie Hutton “The Lead Gen Rockstar” teaches business owners how to dramatically increase the volumes of leads generated online using his “3 Step Conversion” framework. On the day Charlie will reveal... How to get the exact name and email address of every man, woman and child who is ever likely to become one of your customers! How to use cheap little online ads to generate an enormous daily number of leads How to turn those leads in while simultaneously helping them ALOT! How to attract more business in an under the radar way that nobody else is doing The ugly truth about email marketing – it sucks… and what you can do about it How to eliminate cold calling and to get your leads to actually call you! Business And Protect Y our - KARL LEHMANN Karl Lehmann, Principal of Lehmann Financial Management helps bus iness owners map out their “Financial Life Plan”. As one of only 1,000 *   Financial Planners CM  in the UK Karl will be walking you through ways you could maximise personal Prudent tax saving tips that affect the four main taxes a company faces What is a corporate will *   from this protection How you can reduce the cost of your keyman or share protection assurance How you can receive a no obligation a udit of your corporate documents to ensure that none are in THREE common problems a good liquidator will look for and how to avoid them The hidden costs of recent pensions legislation and how it may affect you How to help protect and preserve company and personal assets e levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. e value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances. *Will writing involves the referral to a service that is separate and distinct to those off ered by St. James’s Place. Wills are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. e Partner Practice represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Auth ority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/ products. e title `Partner Practice’ is the marketing term used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. ENHANCED NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES “People Helping People” All Breakfast SuperConference attendees are invite 5 WAYS THIS EVENT WILL BE   1. It’s being presented by real 3. This isn’t a warm ‘n 5. Y ou will be making Hawksyard Estate, Rugeley You’d better hurry - advanced registrations have already consumed many of the very limited number of seats available for the... !"#$%&#' )*'"&+'' &+,' -.#%/ " #$%&'() #*+$,'$( -.) /0-. 01  1&2*$3%4*5*63

Transcript of Legends Flyer V4 Broadsheet

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“Winning Tenders:

Insider Secrets ToSigning Record

Breaking Deals In

The Public Sector”


Did you know the government

has stated that 25% of all public

sector contracts should be awarded

to small and medium sized


With an annual pot of £220billionbeing spent on public sector

contracts, you can’t afford to miss

single one of these tender


Exactly what policies and

documents you need to have in

place to make a quick start

A step-by-step roadmap of how

to navigate the documentation,

you might think.

Top tips on how know the

precise details that the evaluators

are looking for

How to maximise your chances

of winning and netting the big

Extra Early Bird Registration Discounts, and I’ll be at




Advanced Early Bird Discount

and £10 Ticket Options Are ONLY


3 & ( $ * 1 & ' . 4 & ( 5 & 1 .

“How To Create

A Social MediaContent Strategy

That Packs A

Serious Punch”


Social media needn’t be a chore

or a foreign entity you don’t

understand. It

should be fun in a serious way

and productive on a colossal level.

Why? Because business is social!

Anna stands by this catch phrase in

her robust 5-stage blueprint strategy

for social media success. Have your

pen poised and your thinking cap

well and

truly hoisted on your head to keep

up. Understand key elements to


The social media landscape and

how it’s evolved

Killer content and top secret

resources to generate inspiration

An engagement plan to save

unnecessary time

Understand who our audience

is for a concrete lead generation


Analysis - Knowing what’s

working and what isn’t


Effective Cost



“Beware of small expenses: a small

leak will sink a great ship.”

Addressing that very point, cost

management consultant Gordon

How to go about getting free

and independent procurement

advice tailored to the needs of

your business.

You roadmap for controlling

your business costs while

improving the level of service

from your suppliers.

Different approaches for

reviewing and sourcing different

expense categories.

In house management or

and resource requirements for

effective cost management?

What should you be looking for

in a trusted cost advisor to your

business in the long term?

Networking”- STUART WALTON

Stuart Walton, the “Referral

Marketing Magician” will teach

business owners on the day how to

overcome their fears and concerns

and make networking work for

them by busting open the truth

about the 10 Myths of Networking!

Stuart will show, how falling for

these 10 myths costs businesses real

money in lost opportunity, contacts

and referrals.

How to apply the 5 simples rules

of good marketing

How to focus your networking

on the getting perfect prospects,

partners and pitch for maximum


How to value the indirect

How to get one useful contact

each time you go networking

How to never be disappointedat the lack of business you

generated each time you go


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