Legacies of Conflict: Evidence from the Poverty and Social Exclusion Survey 2012 24 th October 2013...

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Legacies of Conflict: Evidence from the Poverty and Social Exclusion Survey 2012 24 th October 2013 Mike Tomlinson Queens University Belfast Slide 2 12/5/2015 What happened? Prevalence of each type of experience Intensity of experience When worst experience took place To whom did it happen? Gender Community background Age Households What are the impacts? Unemployment Deprivation Poor mental and physical health Slide 3 12/5/2015 What happened? Prevalence of each type of experience Did you experience? Someone killed % of adults No-one close was killed65.2 A close friend was killed10.7 A close relative was killed10.0 Someone else you knew personally was killed24.7 Did you experience? Someone killed% of adults Either close friend OR relative was killed17.1 Two or more of close friend, close relative and other6.7 Intensity of experience Slide 4 12/5/2015 What happened? Prevalence of each type of experience Did you experience? Someone physically injured % of adults No-one you knew was injured67.0 A close friend was injured10.73 A close relative was injured11.6 Someone else you knew personally was injured20.5 Did you experience? Someone physically injured % of adults Either close friend, relative or someone else injured24.4 Two or more of close friend, close relative and other7.4 Intensity of experience Slide 5 12/5/2015 What happened? Prevalence of each type of experience Did you witness? Violent event % of adults No Troubles event43.4 Rioting35.6 A bomb explosion33.0 Gunfire22.4 Someone being assaulted19.6 Other serious violence10.0 A murder3.0 Slide 6 12/5/2015 What happened? Prevalence of each type of experience Other events?% of adults Know someone who spent time in prison19.0 House searched by police/army8.8 Move house due to attack, intimidation, threats4.4 Leave job due to attack, intimidation, threats3.7 Slide 7 12/5/2015 What happened? When worst experience took place Slide 8 12/5/2015 To whom did it happen? Gender Slide 9 12/5/2015 To whom did it happen? Community background Slide 10 12/5/2015 To whom did it happen? Age: 45-64 yr olds compared to 16-34 yr olds Risk Ratio CFK3.7Pris0.8 CRK1.5PrisS1.8 SelfI1.6PrisCF2.1 CFI3.0PrisCR0.5 CRI1.7HSE2.5 WitB3.9MVH1.7 WitM3.2MVJ3.3 WitG3.2WitR1.2 WitO0.8WitA0.7 Slide 11 12/5/2015 To whom did it happen? Households Single Pensioner Pensioner adults only Single non- pensioner Non- pensioner adults Single parent Adults + children All adults CFK9.111.616. SelfI5.529. WitM2. Slide 12 12/5/2015 What are the impacts? Unemployment Deprivation %1. NONE2. KO3. IO4. K+I Up to 12 months unemployed in last 5 years 12 months or more unemployment in last five years 9.87.710.910.5 Deprivation 3+ Slide 13 12/5/2015 What are the impacts? Poor mental and physical health: Life Satisfaction 0 to 45 to 67 to 10Ave rating GB 2012-2013 All5.7517.2277.037.45 Disabled12.5724.3363.096.82 Unemployed14.1028.7757.146.58 PSE-NI 2012 CFK15.721.462.96.89 SelfI17.824.557.86.45 CFI12.319.368.47.03 WitM23.31858.76.6 No Troubles experience5.413.681.17.68 Slide 14 12/5/2015 What are the impacts? Poor mental and physical health Risk ratiosGHQ 4+ General Health bad/very bad Illness for 12 months CFK1.62.21.6 SelfI2.42.72.1 CRI1.52.31.3 WitM1.82.41.4 WitR1.41.51.3 WitA1.92.31.4 PrisS0.92.71.4 HSE1.61.91.7 MVH1.92.71.8 Slide 15