Lee's Building Maintenance Managementllrc.mcast.edu.mt › digitalversion ›...

Lee's Building Maintenance Management Fourth edition Paul Wordsworth MA, ARICS, MLMBM 1 3739 Science

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Page 1: Lee's Building Maintenance Managementllrc.mcast.edu.mt › digitalversion › Table_of_Contents_3662.pdf · 4.1 The scope and nature of planning 4.2 Risk management in planning 4.3

Lee's Building Maintenance Management Fourth edition

Paul Wordsworth MA, ARICS, MLMBM 1 3739


Page 2: Lee's Building Maintenance Managementllrc.mcast.edu.mt › digitalversion › Table_of_Contents_3662.pdf · 4.1 The scope and nature of planning 4.2 Risk management in planning 4.3


Prc Face

1 Maintenance in Context 1.1 The significance of building maintenance 1.2 Satisfaction of building needs 1.3 The building process 1.4 Maintenance defined 1.5 Maintenance or improvement 1.6 Planned preventive maintenance 1.7 Asset planning and facilities management 1 . X Maintenance policy l .9 Life cycle costs 1.10 Maintenance generators 1 . l 1 Timing of maintenance operations 1.12 Maintenance cycles 1.1 3 Maintenance profiles I . 14 Optimising renewal cyclcs 1 . l5 Repaidreplace decision


2 Maintenance Standards 2.1 Concept of standard 2.2 Standards and condition 2.3 Standards generally 2.4 Standards from different viewpoints 2.5 Standards and performance 2.6 Priorities and criticality 2.7 Condition monitoring 2.8 Value considcrations


3 Statutory Control 3.1 Understanding legislation 3.2 The structure of legislation

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3.3 The major statutory provisions 3.4 Keeping up to date with legislative changes


4 Maintenance Planning 4.1 The scope and nature of planning 4.2 Risk management in planning 4.3 The planning process 4.4 Components of a planning system 4.5 Schedulelcontingency systems 4.6 Factors influencing delay time 4.7 Programming problems 4.8 Long-term programmes 4.9 Annual programmes 4.10 Short-term programmes 4.1 1 Planned inspections 4.1 2 Network analysis 4.13 Management by objectives (MS03 4.14 Maintet~ance audits


5 Cost Management 5.1 Maintenance costs 5.2 Cost indices 5.3 Benchmarking 5.4 Financial planning and budgets 5.5 Annual budgets 5.6 Long-term costing 5.7 Estimating practice 5.8 Costandquality


6 Maintenance Information 6.1 lnfamation system 6.2 Fnformation needs 6.3 Uses of information 6.4 Sources of information 6.5 Information structure 6.6 Standard maintenance descriptions 4.7 Information technology 6.8 The information system model


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Conlenis vii - -.

7 The Maintenance Organisation 7. I Organisation theory 7.2 Functions 7.3 Structure 7.4 In-house or outsourced staff 7.5 Work order system 7.6 Stock control


8 Maintenance Procurement 8.1 The procurement process 8.2 Form of procurement 8.3 Formation of contract 8.4 Types of contract 8.5 Suitability of contractor 8.6 Mode of selection 8.7 Usual conditions 8.8 Scope of work 8.9 Disputes 8.10 Contract documents


9 Service Detivery 9.1 Maintenance managers as service providers 9.2 Liaison with occupiers and users 9.3 Attributes of maintenance service quality 9.4 Skills and competencies of maintenance operatives


E O Repair Diagntlsis 10.1 Monitoring building deterioration 10.2 Causes of building deterio~atien 10.3 Evidcncc o f wants of repair 10.4 The concept of performance in repair diagnosis 10.5 Repair diagnosis


l l Conservation and the Environment 1 1.1 The maintenance manager as conservationist 11.2 Conservation 11.3 Conservation philosophy: concurrence and conflicts

of interest 1 1.4 A framework for evaluation 1 1.5 Sourcing skills and expertise

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viii Conr~nis -

1 1.6 Environment 1 1.7 Environmental building audit 1 1.8 Energy management I I -9 Energy appraisal 11.10 Building environment 1 1.1 l Asbestos and deleterious materials 1 1.12 Procurement of materials. goods and services F 1.13 Pollution and waste management


Appendix: Standard Maintenance Descriptions Further Reading and Contacts Index

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Access Onto Neighbouring Land Act 1994,96 actinolite. 305 activity on the node system. 123, 124 ud hclc and planncd maintenance systems, I04 alterations and conversions, costing of, 41-3 alternative geared system, 273 annual equivalent (AV, 3 5 4 anthophyllite, 305 Asbestos (Licensing) Regulations 1983, 306 asbestos, 3054 assct management stratcgieq, 98 assctplannmg, 12-14 averagc maintenance costs 1998.3

biocides, use of. 306 B M Price Book, 247 breach of contract, 221 break-even analysis, 37 BREEAM, 299 British Board of Agrkment. 174 British Standards Institution (BSI). 1 7 3 4 BS38 1 1 : Maintenance Management. 8, 1 5 857750: Environmental Managemcnt Systems,

298-9 budgets

annual, 143-5 cuts in. l45 pcriod, 143 prcpamtion, 139-143 pnonties, 144-5 subd~v~srons, 1 4 M 2 variance reporting, 142-3

Building Act 1984.7943 building and services element classificatton, 184 hmldlng environment, 301-5 build~ng inventory, 17 1

bmlding life cycle, 7 Building Maintenance Information Ltd (BMI), 138.

1 7 5 6 building rnatenal and component performance life

cycle, 284 building material and component propcrties and

performance requrrements, 285 building matmials: agents of deterioration, 281 budding noticcs, 82-3 Building Quality Analysis (BQA}, 256-8 Building Regulations, 7 S 8 2 Building Research Estahlishmenl (ERE), 173 building value considerations, 7&72 Burra Chatter (ICOMOS), 289

calculation of econornlc batch quantity, 215 calculation of ~nclusi~,e standard time, 272, 272 calcuIation of optimum stock repfemshment levels,

216 capital and revenwe costs. 18 Chartered Institute of Building (CIOR). 8, 174 chlorofluorocarhons (CFCs). 307 C Z I S ~ , 1 8 ~ 8 1 , IBI Combined C'riticality Index (CC]), 68 cornponcnls of maintenance plan, J 0.2, 1 0 3 4 compulsory competitive tendering (CCT). 2 t 9.229 condition monitoring, 6%70 condition survey. mcs of, G9 condition surveys, 276 condition-controlled rnamtcnance. 52 conservation movement, 288- 9

conservation officers. 295 consmatifin. 288-95 Construction (Design and Management)

Regulations1 994 (CDM), 90, 255 construction activities, 4

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Construction Indusiry Training Board (CITB), 266 Constructinn Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS), 267 construction trades, 26 1 consultants, use of, 206 contingency budget, I43 contingency systcm for user requests. 213 contract documents, 172-3,24 1

contract offer, 220 contractor sultabllity. 23 1 4

amiIabil~ty, 233 co-operativeness. 233 financial stability, 23 1-2 price levels, 2 3 3 4 resources, 222 scope of work, 232-3

contractor's estimate, 220 contractors: mode o f sclection, 234-7 contracts, typet, of. 223-23 1 contracts

brlls of quantities, 2 4 6 7 cost reimbursement, 2 2 5 4 disputes, 24 1 fitncss warranty, 236 implicd terms. 2 3 6 7 lump sum. 223 matcnals and workmanship, 244 mcasured term. 224-5 preliminaries, 244 quality. 240 schedules of rates, 247 scope of work, 2 3 7 4 service leveI agreements. 2 2 6 7 specification. 2 4 3 4 standard form oTagt:cment, 24 1-244 statements, 238-9 term contracts, 227-9 tlme. 2 3 9 4 0 usual condition<. 237 prnvislonal sums, 223 ri.ik, 240-4 1

Control nfAsbcstos at Work Iliegulations 1087; 2001, 89 90,306

CuntroT of Substances Hazardous to Health Reglat~ons 1999 (COSBH), 89, 2 5 M

~ontrollcd day work, 226 cost and quality. 154161 cost benchmarklng parameters, 137

cost inhces, 1 3 M cost reimbursement contracts, 2 2 5 6 costing

accounting ratios, 156- 7 long-term. 145-8

criteria uhsnlcsccncc, 67 physical condition, 6 6 7

critical path method. 119-12 1 crocidolite. 3 05 Croner's Environmental Management, 175 Croner's Health and Safety Managcmcnt. 175 Croner's Premises Management. 175 crysotile, 305 customer service. concept of, 250

dangerous buildings and structures, 8 1 data modelling, 188-9 data pieces, 188-9 day-to-day budget, 143 Decadents, thc, 291 d e c ~ sinn trecs, 3 7 8 Defective Premises Act 1972, 9&91

duty to build dwellings properly, I

landlord's duty of care, 91-2 defccts. 278

due to consrruction rnethodq, 279 due to fnulty design decisions, 279 due to ~nadequare brieC 278-9 due to user activities, 279-80

deferral of maintenance: the downward sp~ral, 146 definition of maintenance, K-Y degradation and iniervent~on, 283 degradations, 282-3

biolopcal agents, 282 mechanical agents. 282

deleterim< materials, 305- 6 Deparhncnt of Envimnrncnt. Transport and Regions

(DETR), 173.297 depth mctcr, 287 design system, 168-9 deterioration, causes of. 278-80 Direct Labour Organisations (DLOs), 229-230 direct labour, 204.229-23 1

d~rectly employed operatives, 207 D~sab~Iity Discrimlnatron Act 1995. Y5 d~scounted cash flo\v, 25-7

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distortions, 280 8 1

endoscope, 287 Energy Appraisal of Existing Buildings (RTCS

Guide). 300 energy appraisal. 300 30 1

building fabric survey, 301 enerm supply survey, 30 1

pre-inspectron, S01 sen,iccs survey, 30 1

energy consumption and the environment, 300 Energy Efficiency Ofice. 300 energy management, 44,299-300 English Her~tagc. 289,292 English House Condition Survey, 2 environment, 295 308 environmental building audit, 298-9 environmental concerns, 289 environmental impact of buildings, 2 9 6 7 Environmental Nuisancc Abatement Notice, 92.253 environmental polIcy statement, 297 Environmental Protection Act 1990,92,297.307,30# cstirnates: medium and short-term, 149 cstimating practice, 148-154 cstimating

approach to, 152 contract, 1 5 3 4 direct labour, 152-3 labour costs, 149 labour on-costs, 1.50 materials, 1 5 G 5 1 overheads and prof t, 151 slotting, 152 judgement, 15 1-2

evidence af wants o f repair, 2 8 M 3 exposure works In rcpair diagnosis. 277

facilities management software, 1 R6 FAST d~agram. 47,47 financial planning, 138-142 firc certificate, 8 5 6 Fire Prccautiuns (Workplace) Regulations 1997,85 F ~ r e Precautions Act 1971. 83-6 Flre Safety and Safety at Places of Sport ACE 1987,

84 flat management structures, 206 form of procuremcnt. 2 1 8-20

formation of contract, 220 frequency-based maintenance, 52 FunctionaI Analysis Systems Techniquc (FAST)

analysis, 47, 47, 191

Gana chart, 1 19 geared incmtlve, 272,272 global winning, 296 grccnhnuse effect, 299 gross domestic product (GDP), 1

halon gas, 307 Health and Safe? at Work Act 1974,76, R690

best pnct~cable means, 88

Health and Safety Commission ,87 Health and Safety Executive, 87, 306 Health and Safety Statement, contractor's, 255 helpdesk function, 252 hierarchical data structure, I83 historic buildings, 289-95 Housing Acts, 59,93-5 housing limess standards, 93-5 human activrty system, 1x8

incentive schernec, 269-274 direct, 27W73 indirect. 2 7 3 4

infornation feedback loop, 195, 196 information flow, I 7Y ~nforma~ion rnanagcmcnt system, 162 ~nformat~on managcmcnt

cornpanson. l70 howledge'~nstruction, 170 prediction, 169-70

information classification principles, 177-8 general and specific categories, I81 needs, 164-5 sources of, 1 7 6 7 6

external, 1 7 3 6 internal. 171-3

structure, 177- 181 systcm model. 188 191 uses of. 169-70

informalion system. 162-4 componenfs of, l 65 criteria for assessment, 1 9 6 9 1

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~nformation technology (IT), I 8 4 4 In-house or outsourced staff. 202-2 10

marn advantages of, 2 0 3 4 main deadvantagcs of, 2 0 4 5

inspection reports, 174 Institute of Ma~ntenance and Bullding Management

(IMBM), 174 integrated building maintenance 1T system,

components of, 189. 190 IT systems, 186

bespoke or package, 187 ftlture-proofing. 187- 8 hollstic or partial. 1 8 M scope and extent of. 187

Joinr Contracts TribunaI JCT). 242-3 Agrecrnent for Minor Building Works, 242 Fixed Fee Form of Prime Cost Contract, 242-3 Intermediate E m of Contract, 242 Standard Form of Building Contract, 242 Standard Form of Management Contract, 242

John Ruskin, 290.293

Kyoto Protocol, 296-7

labour force composition, 262 Landlord and Tenant .4ct 1985,5Y landlord's duty of care, Y 1 -2 leases: dlv~sic~n of respons~biIity, 5 9 4 0 legionnaires' disease 304- 5 legislntion. changes in. Y6-7 legislation. structure. 7& 7 liabilities in tort, 222 IifccycIe costs, 17, 19 lighting, 303 4

liquidated damages, 22 1 llsted hurldings, 78-9, 294 lit~gation culture. 253 long-term cstrmates. 145 lump sum contrack, 223

maintenance and design. h

maintenance and improvement, %l 1 maintcnnnce aitdits, 1 2 6 8 maintcnance costs. 13&32

bcnchmark~ng. 1 3 6 7 comrnlt~ed costs, 13 1

overhead absorption, 13 1 overhead recovery, I3 1

variablekngineered costs. 13 1-2 mnnaged/discretionary costs, 132

ma~ntenance criteria, 48-50 mamtenancc cycles, 24-7 maintenancc expenditurc and building value, 71, :] maintenance expenditurc contrul, 1654-,, 166 maintenance generators. 2 6 2 2 maintenance information: characteristics, 162-4 maintenance managcrnent functions: relationships

between, 168 m a i n t c ~ n c e manual, 12-1 3 maintenance operatives, 249

sktlls and competencieq of. 261-74 age and stability, 2 6 3 4

maintenance organisation, 195 maintenance planning process, 101 -3 mamntenancc planning, 98 129

annual programmes, 1 15 contingency system, 1067, 106 cos1 growth, 109, 109 deIay time factors, F 07-8 effectiveness, 102-3 long-term programmes, I 1 1-1 15 major repairs. 1 14-1 15 painting programmes, I 12-1 l 3 programming problems, 1 1 0 11 schedule syslem, 1 0 5 4 , 106 short-term programmes, 1 1 6 1 1 3

maintenance policy, 15-1 T statement. I k

malntcnance practicc manual, 127-8 maintcnance profiles, 28-30, 55 maintcnance senricc quality, attributes of. 251 direct and indirect costs, 32, 72 maintenance standards, 4&74

crltena, 62-4 criticality, 666 . 67-9 priorities, 646

maintenancc technichian, 2 6 4 7 malntenancc: costs and value. 5

maintenance expenditurc 1 9 8 6 1996,2 maintenance: significance of, 1-2 maintenance: types of work. 132-3 rnamangement cultures, 1 9 4 5 management by cxccption, 202

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mmagcment by objectives, 1254.202 functional perf~rm~mcc objectives. 125 key target areas, 125

management: functions, 195-8 advisory, 19&7 control, 197-8 miscellaneous, I PR oipnisat~onal, 197

management: structure, 1 98-202 centralised, 199 decentralised, 200

Maslow's hierarchy of needs. 269,269 rncasured term contracts, 2 2 4 5 mcasurcs of planning cfficrency, 157-8

degscc of scheduling, 157 ~nccntive cnverage. 158 supervision factor, 158 lost timc factor, 157-8

merit rating. 273 moisture metcr, 286 monltorlng building deterioration, 2 7 6 7 multicraft skrlls. 262 multiskilling, 264-7

National Federation or Hous~ng Assoclations WHIZ), 174

National Schedulc of Rates, 224 National Trust, 289 Kattanal Vocational Qualification {NVQ) In

hfaintennncc, 266 National Working Rules for the Budding Industry.

269 negligence, 222-3 nct present value (NPV), 33-5 nctrvnrk analysis. 1 19 - 1 24

concurrent activltics. 12 1 , I21 crltical path network. 122, 122 dummy activities. 120-2 1 , 1211 events and acttvities, 12%22, E20 looping error, 1 2 1-22.12 I resource smoothing, I23

N H S and Community Care Act 1490.845 nuisance. 223

occupier feedback, 2 5 5 4 Occupiers Liability Acts 1957 & 1984,W-92 occupicn, liaison with. 249-251

opcrativcs' motivation, 268-9 opcrativcs' product~vity, 267-9 organisation systems, 1 9 5 4 organlsatlon theory, 193-5

Party X%'xll Act 1996, 9 5 4 party wail. works to. 9 5 6

performance and repaw diagnosis, 2 8 3 4 perrormance criteria, 284-5 perrormance failure, 286 performance measures. 154 performance thresholds, 286 p~ecework, 270 planned building maintenance: RICS Guidance Notc.

YX p l m c d inspection system, 119 planned inspect~ons, 1 17-1 19 planned maintenance budget, 144 planned prcvcntive maintenance, 11-12,9X Planning (Listcd Buildings and Conservation Areas)

Act 1990.78 pollution and waste management, 307-8 post-occupancy evaluation (POE), 2 5 M 0

buildrng assessment ranges and categorics, 2SY occupier qtrestionnaire, 258.258 spread of responses, 259 the wallahrough. 257

Post-occupancy evaluation model, 25 7 precedence d l a ~ a m , 123,124 present values (PV), 25-3 presuvalion. 292 preventive progams. 12 proc~~remmt process. 218 procurement route: day-to-day maintenance, 220 procurement routes. 21 9 productivity measures, 1 5 4 5 profit-sharing, 273 project information manual, 173 property database, 1 3 Provision and Usc of Work Equ~pment Regulations


quality control system, 255 quality control. 1 6 0 6 1 quality oTserrice delivery. 218

rencwal cycles, 23.2%30

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repair diagnos~s, 286-7 logging, 252-3 notificanon, 252-3 rcporting, 252-3

rcpalr/replace decisinns, 3343 rcpalrs and leases. 10 repars

appointmenlr. to carry w t , 253 carrying out, 253- S cleanup mutincs, 254 complaints procedure. 255 ~nsptchons, 276 pmvi~ion of temporary services, 254 requirements for screening, 254

repudiation of contract. 22 1-2 responsc time, 208 risk analysis, 100 nsk asscssment and management, 99-100 risk identification, 1 00 r i qk rcsponse, 100

schcdule of dilapidation, 60-61 schcdule of rates, 136,2245 .;cope of maintenance planning, 98-9 scrvice efficiency, 1 58-9 servlce lever agreements, 2 2 6 7 scrvlce providers. maintcnance managers as. 249 scrvlce quality ~ndicators. 251 sick building syndrome, 302-3 skills, depth and breadth of, 265-7,265 Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings

(SPAB), 289 -90 sources of lneITect~ve costs, 103 spot bonuses, 270 Standard Maintenancc Descriptions (SM D), 68,

1824,309 -28 condition asscssment criteria, 323-5 criricality indcx, 3 2 5 4 data categories, 3 11-23 maintenancc procurement, 3 2 6 7

Standard Method of Measurement (SMM), 182,246 standards from d~fferent viewpoints. 57-60 standards of performance, 61 -2 slatutory prov~sions, 77-(E6 stock control, 2 1 4 1 7

surveyor subjectivity. 277

temperature and humidity, 303 tendering

ncgotration, 2 3 4 5 open, 234 sclective. 234

term contracts, 227-9 timmg of maintenance opcratlons. 22-4 total building prncess. 6 total cost analysis, 56, 56 total costs, 2 l0 Town and Cvuntry Amenities Act 1974, 79 Town and Country Planrung Act 1990,77- 8 Town and Country Planning Acts, 77-9 traditional skills, 295 tremolite, 305 trespass, 223

ul lrasonic tester, 286 Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), E 78,

1 79 user pamclpation. 2 6 M l ucer rcports. 174

valuc analysis, 19 1 value engineering, 47-8 valuc mnnangement, 19 1

VDU Screens Replations, 304 vcnnlatlon and air quality, 303 volatile organic compounds (VDC's), 302

wcar and tear, 278,280 Willlam Moms, 29 1,293 work inpul control, 214

work measurement, 27 1 2 work order system, 21 1-14 work order, 2 1 1-3

description of works, 212 priority, 2 1 2 percentage checks, 2 1 1

Workplacc (Health Safety and Wclfarc) Regulations 1992.89

workstat~on deslgn. 304

yeas purchase, 2 6 7