Leeds West Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - Ben Mayor


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Election communication for Ben Mayor, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidate in Leeds West constituency

Transcript of Leeds West Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - Ben Mayor

Page 1: Leeds West Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - Ben Mayor

Printed by CheapestPrintOnline, Sandown Court, Station Road, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8BT. Promoted by the agent Kevin Pattison, 26 East Moor Crescent, Leeds, LS8 1AD on behalf of Ben Mayor, 2 Cliff Road Gardens, Leeds, LS6 2EY

www.tusc.org.uk TUSC


vote against austerityvote for Ben Mayor

in Leeds West

For the 99% - not the billionaires and bankers

A workers’ MP on a worker’s wage

vote trade unionist and socialist coalition

As a workers’ MP on a worker’s wage, I’ll fight for real jobs and a £10 an hour minimum wage“ ben says:


Over the last 15 years the numbers of private sector renters has doubled as young people can’t afford to get on the housing ladder and council houses sold off aren’t replaced. Rents are projected to rise by a further 25% in the next few years, whilst the council house waiting list is over 20,000 in Leeds.

Yet the solutions offered by the main parties fall far short. The Tories offer us the hated bedroom tax, whilst Labour suggest capping rent rises rather than rents themselves.

TUSC believes we need a mass council house building programme and the introduction of real controls on rents to lower them. We’ve been campaigning locally for the council to take action on this issue

To sign our petition and find out more, visit:

ben mayorTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Pre-election rAlly: MondAy 27 APril7.00PMDennison Hall WMC, Pinfold Lane,Armley, Leeds LS12 3LL

Hear TUSC supporters outline our alternative to the endless austerity promised by the main parties

contAct Ben For more information on our

campaign and policies, or to get involved in the campaign contact:

07706710041 [email protected] TUSC: www.tusc.org.uk

Socialist Party: www.socialistparty.org.uk

f: Like the Facebook page: Ben Mayor for Leeds West – Trade

Unionist and Socialist Coalitiont: on Twitter follow @TUSCNews

Election communication





Page 2: Leeds West Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - Ben Mayor

WhAt’s tUsc?The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) was formed because we working class people have been abandoned by all the establishment parties.

TUSC candidates are all ordinary workers, trade unionists, anti-cuts activists and socialists who have signed a pledge to oppose the austerity that all the main parties are united in carrying out.

Britain’s richest 1,000 individuals own £519 billion - and they don’t even pay their taxes! There’s plenty of money that could be invested in decent jobs, social housing, the NHS and much more.

BEN MAYOR: “As a young worker, I’ve done various jobs from pie factories to support work. I know what it’s like to work on a zero-hour contract on low pay.

“I’ll fight for real jobs, an end to tuition fees and student debt, and for a £10 an hour minimum wage NOW. Young people’s futures shouldn’t be drowned under debt and poverty.

“If elected, I wouldn’t accept an MP’s inflated salary and expenses. I’d live on the average wage in Leeds West of £23,000, giving the rest back to local campaigning groups. “We need to fight to defend our local services and

the NHS, ending privatisation rip-offs and investing in jobs and services, rather than letting big companies avoid £billions in tax every year.

“As a socialist MP, I’ll work with the Leeds West TUSC campaign team of Carole O’Keefe (Armley), Dean Meehan (Kirkstall), Maddy Steeds (Farnley & Wortley) and Kevin Pattison (Bramley & Stanningley).”

For the 99% not the BAnkers & BillionAires!The establishment parties all offer a future of continued austerity for the majority while the top 1% continues to get richer. UKIP poses as anti-establishment but proposes £35 billion of cuts! But it doesn’t have to be like this.

TUSC stands for a democratic socialist society run in the interests of the majority, not the bankers and billionaires.

We call for the major companies and banks that dominate the economy to be brought into democratic public ownership. Production and services could then be planned to meet the needs of all while protecting the environment.

The Tories, Lib Dems and Labour all support cuts, privatisation and the anti-union laws. They all want us to pay for a crisis we didn’t create.

The bankers pay themselves millions in bonuses and big business avoids

billions in taxes while our jobs and services are savaged.

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition does what it says on the tin - without any of the baggage and big-business agenda of the main parties.


Bob Crow (1961-2014) RMT general secretary (2002-2014)

and TUSC co-founder

Are you:

Enraged over zero-hour contracts and low-paid jobs?

Frustrated about the lack of decent affordable housing?

Fed-up with cuts and privatisation of the NHS?

Angry about cutbacks to public services?

Disgusted with politicians who line their own pockets and help the

richest 1% while doing nothing for us?

then fight back with tusc

Ben cAMPAigns For:• No to cuts. No to austerity• £10 an hour minimum wage now.

End zero-hour contracts • Save our NHS. No cuts, closures or

privatisation – full public funding of our health and social care

• Renationalise Royal Mail, rail, the energy companies and other privatised utilities with compensation only on the basis of proven need. No compensation for fat-cat shareholders!

• For free good quality education for all from nursery to university. Abolish fees now!

• For immediate introduction of rent controls. For a massive building programme of affordable, high quality, environmentally friendly council homes

• No to racism, sexism or other discrimination• Abolish the undemocratic anti-trade union

laws• Tax the super-rich - make the bosses pay for

their crisis

Ben supporting firefighters striking against cuts at Stanningley fire station