Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe...

Spring 2016 Lee Creates

Transcript of Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe...

Page 1: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .

Spring 2016

Lee Creates

Page 2: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Saylor Barton, 6th grade

Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade

Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue

Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade Produced by the Sixth Grade Lee Creates Club:

Saylor Barton Travis Brackin Malcolm Cummings A.J. Gamez Julian Garcia

Daniela Guajardo Toshi Harris Drew Johnson Lucy Marco Madelynn Niles

Many thanks to Mr. Hubbard and Mrs. Day for their guidance and support!

All work included in this magazine remains the property of the students who created it. Funding for printing is generously provided by the Lee Elementary PTA.

The Lee Creates parent team: Mikki Gibson Melanie Tolen Mary Wendel Maury Sullivan

Page 3: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


The Willow Tree that Spoke by Madelynn Niles, 6th grade

Wind. Brushing softly against my face, leaving me wanting more. Swiftly pushes cold air towards my face. Wind in my face, my hair, my heart, my soul. Not in a dark and windy cold-hearted way, but in a feeling that can’t be described. Wind flowing smoothly over the river, only stopping for quick breaks. Flowing through the trees, making them joyful to be a part of this moment.

Water. Smooth to the touch. Easing into it slowly, feeling the coolness take over the entirety of my body. Making me feel a part of the nature, a part of this picturesque scene. Small waves caressing the dirt, making it cold and wet, so that your feet sink into the ground. Sink into the wonderful life beneath my feet.

The tree. Leaves dangling down before me, as if teasing me. Mocking. Saying, “Why must you humans be so vulnerable? Why must you lay in the cool waters below you, and admire me so awkwardly?” But I don’t answer his question. The willow tree above does not need an answer. He knows it. The wind brushing up against the bark, making harsh whoosh sounds. “Whoosh” said the willow tree that spoke. “Whoosh is what we natural trees say. Unlike you artificially flavored humans.” “Hmph.” I say back to the willow tree. But he does not speak again.

The sun. Shining in a strangely symmetrical pattern, fighting against the branches to be seen. Making me wish I was a photographer, so that I could capture the perfection of the lighting and store it in the hearts of others. Makes sense. How the sun would recognize the feeling of pureness and reflect the joy into the lighting. The sun is ever so smart. Not smart enough to talk, like the willow tree, but enough to recognize emotions. The willow tree can do that too.

The sky. Empty with joy. Like the clouds were all enjoying themselves, having a great time in the sky. Until a hammer shattered the bond and sky, and the clouds traveled to some place more peaceful. “Pff.” I think. “Dumb clouds. This is quite the most delightful and peaceful place in the world currently, and you left for a common day somewhere unimportant.” The shade of blue seems so nice and cookie-cutter, like it could be one of those paint samples at Home Depot. But better. Home Depot is a fascinating place, but this sky. This sky. Unspeakable. Capturing the essence of, well, everything. The beauty within imperfection.

And as the wind sweeps me off of the water, and into the sky, I remember the willow tree. “Hello there old friend.” it seems to say. “Hello,” I say softly. The tree sways, as if reminding me that it is intelligent. I look around. Quite the perfect setting for reading, or swimming, or even a picnic. Not for a party with people, or a group of chatty chatty friends. No, not for that. Something else. Something different. “I agree,” said the willow tree that spoke.

Page 4: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Ali Atkinson, 5th grade

Page 5: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .



Art and poem by Baxter McGehee, 1st grade

, 1st grade


Big, scary Stomping, roaring, biting Robosaurus is very big


Page 6: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Baseball Cards by Atticus Gibbs, 3rd grade

“The Three Tepees” by Sophia Lerman, 3rd grade

Page 7: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Day in the Life of an Autumn Leaf

by Catherine Bircher, 5th grade

Just one little sprout. A little baby bud. Bright green. Not like a lime but like the green from a rainbow. One little leaf couldn’t make much of a difference, right?

Ugh, I’m so sick of pine needles. Always bragging about how they get to stay green all throughout the fall. Not having to “fall” from their best buddies. Well, at least I get to be called, “gorgeous, amazing, and colorful.” Plus I get to show off my costumes. Red, orange, brown, yellow, and I’m learning purple! Well I guess pine needles aren’t that bad.

“Hey, baby bud, watch this!” called my arch-enemy Oak as his green face began to melt into a dark shade of red. “Betch’ya can’t do that,” he bragged. “You’re being such a conifer!” I shout back as he droops his edges and turns them brown. Showoff!

As the last bit of sunlight leaks from the horizon I can see the Leanlogs (leen-logz) whole yard: 4 or 5 conifers, 3 red oaks, 1 large maple, exactly 27 bushes scattered across the yard (rosemary, blueberry, some kind of evergreen bush with white fronds) reaching over a granite path that swerves up to their baby blue house with golden yellow trim. I hear a slam and turn to see a girl (looks about 11) who runs to a tree house in the back of the yard already hidden by the shadows. She has bright blue eyes and a mop of curly black hair. She’s wearing a green T-shirt and indigo running shorts. She races up the ladder and grabs a small book (probably a diary) then scribbles something down. Then she bursts into tears and tears up the paper! I never understood humans. That is why I am a leaf.

I feel a cold stream of liquid running down my face. I assume it’s raining and try to go back to sleep. But I see the girl sitting in the rain! See! Strange!

No! Morning! Another day of being bullied by Oak. Another day of being teased by Calibri. Another day of having visions of being blown off my branch while I’m still green. All because of my greenness. That is why I hate mornings. Ms. Parsley has me show the class the steps for turning orange. After about an hour of failure, Calibri speaks up and shouts, “Ms. Parsley, he’s never going to get it! Can I please show my yellow now?” Ms. Parsley sighs, then nods. I stop failing and try to get as far away from Calibri as I can. But I am a leaf that wishes to be a human.

Lace, my next door neighbor, tries to cheer me up, but whenever she puts a smile on my face, Calibri’s friend Monica says something else nasty about my greenness. Then came the day that my mom (A.K.A. Mother Nature) finally pleased me.

“Snap!” My mom’s friend Gust blew through the Leanlogs yard. A very purple Calibri floated down to the ground. Most of us cheered. Monica shrieked. I grinned. Hoping to say goodbye to Oak on the same day was all I wanted. Instead, I got the opposite.

Page 8: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Star Wars by Nels Pruner, 1st grade

Gust tugged at my edges, pulling me away from Lace, Ms. Parsley, and my other neighbors Fiona and Tyler. “HELP ME!” I screamed, but the cheering for Calibri overpowered my plea. Then my stem snapped and Gust carried me down to the granite down below. I can’t fall now! I thought. I’m still green! Then a human’s red tennis shoe crushed Calibri’s crinkling edges. I screamed as the shoe neared my gruesomely green face. But when they stepped, there was no crunch. That’s when I remembered that I still had a flimsy green face. The person looked down. It was the rip-up-page-and-start-crying girl! She leaned over and picked me up so she could examine my face. She frowned at my hideous color. “Mother!” she called, “This leaf fell but it’s still green?” Her mother looked up from her phone and replied, “Oh, yes, it happens.” It happens? Did she mean that this happens to leafs around the world? I shuddered at the thought. “I’m going to preserve it,” she answered calmly. “Maybe it’ll change colors.”

She put me in a cold box and closed the door. It was pitch black and I was on my own.

Hours, days, maybe even weeks went by and the door stayed closed. Then I heard the muffled voice of the girl ask, “Can we have ice cream tonight?” There was an answer and the door opened. A hand reached in for the ice cream but found my frozen self instead. She gasped when she saw me. In a faint voice I heard her whisper, “Mom, he turned blue!”

Page 9: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Rowan Constant, 4th grade

by Iris Burns-Trahanovksy, 2nd grade


Page 10: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Kyra Kiley, 1st grade

Page 11: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


THE ROADRUNNER POST By Travis Brackin, 6th grade School news The Lee name change has been a very large controversy, but now that it is official, what's going to happen?

Interview I interviewed Mr. Hewlett on the school name change. Q: Can you give the update on the name change? A: Based upon the recommendation from the CAC, the AISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to change the name of the school. Following that vote, there is a submission period where anyone could submit a possible new name for our school. Based on those submissions, our CAC will provide the AISD Board of Trustees with a list of three names for them to consider and vote on in late May. Any changes to the school will happen over the summer. Q: About how long has this controversy been going on? A: While I have been talking to people since I have been here, I know it is something that members of our community have been requesting for many years. Following an incident this past summer, the Confederate flag and icons associated with the Civil War have been the subject of much discussion. There are conversations like the one that is going on within our community happening across America, and I appreciate all the steps that are being taken to make everyone feel welcome at our school. Q: Finally, out of all the names, what do you want it to be? A: There is strong support from a number of people within our school community to have the school named after someone else with the last name being “Lee.” Whether it be Harper Lee, the novelist, or Russell Lee, the UT photography professor. At this point, the CAC is eager to look at the list of submissions and learn more about the various names recommended by our community.

The Lee name change has been going on for a while now. Last year, I did another article similar to this one, but it was prior to the official announcement of the name change. Some people want it to just be “Lee Elementary,” but some people think differently. Some say, “If we are going to change it, why still call it Lee?” There is a large list of names ranging from “Elisabet Ney Elementary” to “Waller Creek Elementary.” This name change is causing a chain reaction in other schools. Lee Elementary is definitely a trailblazer for the state, and maybe even the country. What do you think about the name change?

Art by Christian Gutierrez, Kindergarten

Page 12: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Willie Wonka by Caroline Crosnoe, 4th grade

Could you imagine waking up to the sweet aroma of scrumptious chocolate? If I could change places with someone for a whole day it would be Willie Wonka! Willie Wonka lives and breathes chocolate all day.

Willie Wonka owns the biggest and best chocolate and candy factory in the world. In his factory he has the great glass elevator which goes up, down, left, and right, and it also goes to all of the candy rooms. Just as unusual as his elevator, he has a grand sweet room in which everything is made by Willie Wonka himself. Because this room is made entirely out of sweet treats, he can eat as much candy as he wants. Not only does he live in the best place ever, his treats are getting sold out because of the Golden Ticket. The Golden Ticket is a ticket that allows 5 LUCKY children to meet Mr. Wonka and spend the day with him! That is AWESOME because he takes in all of the Cash!! Just think of all the money he is making! Lucky Willie Wonka! He has these entertaining workers called Oompa Loompas who do his work! Oompa Loompas are little men that work for Willie Wonka. They are hilarious and will entertain you with their humorous songs and dances at the same time that they are running the factory.

So, where can I sign up to trade places with Willie Wonka?! I can already smell the delectable chocolate! I am already packed!

“Open Door” Photo by Helen Martin, 4th grade

Page 13: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


The Wax Doll A ghost story by Carlisle Sloan, 4th grade

One night I was sleeping in my room and I heard a knock: “knock

knock, knock knock.” I followed the sound and heard it coming from behind my dresser. I lifted up one of the wood boards and found a box. In the box there was a note. The note said, “I’m made of wax. Keep me out of the sun and we will be fine. I will be your best friend for the rest of your life.” I was really freaked out.

The next night I heard a shuffling sound behind my dresser. Then I

saw the Wax Doll. I was so scared: the note was real. At first I didn’t think that the note was real, but unfortunately it was! It was actually a good doll. When my mom asked me to do my chores, guess what, my chores were already done for me. When my mom asked me to sweep, all I had to do was look over at the floor and the Wax Doll was already sweeping for me!

Then it got worse. My mom asked me to do my homework, but there

was a bunch of scribbles on my homework that I found on the ground! I was furious, and so was my mom. I asked the doll to stop but she said, “Never!” Then she grew a mouth and started using the same crayon that she used on my homework on the wall! My mom started yelling at me because she was so mad! Then my mom asked me to clean the dishes and the doll started breaking all of the dishes! My mom was furious.

All of my getting in trouble made the doll grow stronger. The Wax

Doll used to be about a foot tall, but now she is about as tall as me!! Then one day my mom tells me that I’m not allowed to go outside until my homework is done. And what do you know? The Wax Doll goes outside right after my mom says that. Luckily, the sun comes out and melts the Wax Doll into a puddle. Then of course you can trust my mom to tell me to clean that up, and what I say is, “Of course. I have the perfect box to put it in.”

Page 14: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


The Storm by Flynn Crawford, 5th grade

It falls,

Gently at first, The air is tense,

Humid and warm, Yet cooled by little drops. Suddenly the clouds burst,

Water gushes out of the sky, Streams race, Rivers rush,

Lakes fill, Then it stops,

As quickly as it started. A greenish light pierces the clouds,

The air hovers unmoving, Stagnant pools appear,

In the aftermath life blooms.

Airplane by Link Pruner, 4th grade

Curly Sheep by Otto Sharon, 2nd grade

Page 15: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Evie Chan, 2nd grade

Joke Page by Drew Johnson, 6th grade

Where did the pirate get his morning cup of joe? Arrrrrrbucks!

What do you call a cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese!

Why did the golfer use two pants? Because he got a hole in one!

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? Because he didn't have the guts!

What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down? It gets toad away.

What did the duck say when he bought lipstick? Put it on my bill.

Why was the soldier pinned down? He was under a tack.

Why does a milking stool only have 3 legs? Because the cow has the udder.

Why is the letter “C” afraid of the rest of the alphabet? All the other letters are Not-Cs.

What lies on its back 100 feet in the air? A dead centipede.

Who’s bigger, Mr. Bigger or Mr. Bigger’s son? His son, he’s a little Bigger.

What kind of concert only costs 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback.

What do you say to your sister when she’s crying? Are you having a crisis?

I can see 6 years into the future. I have 2020 vision.

Fancy Tail Guppy by Maylinn Woiwode, Kindergarten

Page 16: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Prehistoric Flower by Elise Roadhouse, 4th grade

It was a flower, Now crystallized in amber,

It’s an artifact.

1 billion years, It has sat undiscovered,

Prehistoric plant.

by Stella Irwin, 3rd grade

Page 17: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Dear Mayor Steve Adler,

STAAR tests, have you had to take them? I know I have. STAAR tests are just a waste of time. We should not have the STAAR.

Teachers... The teachers are stressed because they have to teach what they haven't taught. They have to have cram sessions. They also have to have study sessions. They have to do tutoring, which takes time out of their schedule. They also they have to deal with kids who are stressed because of this test.

Texas… Texas has not provided the correct materials for STAAR, meaning that teachers either don't have the supplies or they have to buy them. High stakes grading on the STAAR depends on unknown factors. Lack of a consistent state-wide plan may lead to an uneven application of the test scores.

Students... The test being timed adds pressure because the students might ask

themselves, “Will I have time?” The test is written to be more confusing than it should be, meaning that it’s written beyond the student's Lexile level. The scores can affect the student’s GPA as well as their class rank. There are 15 exit level tests for high schoolers.

The STAAR causes stress to students and teachers, and Texas hasn’t helped as much as it should have. Students and teachers should not have to go through the trouble of the STAAR. I hope you can see my point and you agree with it. Thank you for your time.


A.J. Gamez

A Persuasive Letter by A.J. Gamez, 6th grade

Page 18: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Devastation by Elise Roadhouse, 3rd grade

It was a peaceful and beautiful day. Birds chirped, the Sun shined, ants worked

diligently, and the children played. The bell rang. It was time to go back inside.

Students ran to get in line. One child stepped right on the ant pile. The kids freaked out, worried they would get pinched.

But meanwhile, in the ant pile, there is despair, suffering, and tragedy. Much of their colony is destroyed. Many ants cry about their dead ones, and all the feelings of love and happiness are gone. But one ant had hope. Ant-thony knew the colony would rebuild, and so would the lost lives.

And they did, soon everyone was up and running again. The children played, birds chirped, rays of Sun beamed down, and ants worked. Then, another person stepped on the ant pile.

The End


by Sabina Guardado, 5th grade

Page 19: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Lee Seal by Liam Doran, 2nd grade

It represents the L and the EE. I thought of an L, then I remembered the EE, and I thought of the UT symbol.

Owl by Izzy Cravotta, 1st grade This was a gift for my grandparents on my dad's side and they live on Owl Hollow so I made this.

Page 20: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Kate Starkloff, 5th grade

by Celia Drew, Kindergarten

Collage created by taking pictures with the camera and then drawing the shape on the computer and then picking different pictures for different parts of the image.

Manga Self-Portrait by Phoebe McCabe, 5th grade


Page 21: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


Life by Eva Musgrave, 6th grade

Ugly Spring by Aviva Shaevel and Eliana Prozzi, 5th grade

Magnetic Poetry

Mustache by Savannah Johnson, 5th grade

More ‘Stache is Hard by Lilliana Reynolds and Jaxie

Niles-Arguello, 5th grade

Spring by Avery Evans, 5th grade

Shadow Man by Scarlet Bowman and Clarissa Villarreal,

5th grade

Page 22: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Elias Gruber, 3rd grade

Dog - a Poem Using Digits of Pi

by Stella Irwin, 3rd grade

Dog (3). I (1) Want (4)

A (1) Puppy (5) Fluffiest (9)

To (2) People (6) Think (5) Dog (3)

by Sadie Cravotta, 3rd grade

Page 23: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Lilliana Reynolds, 5th grade

Run. Run right now. RIGHT NOW. NOW! It’s coming. I know it is dark… but if I’m going to live… RUN! I have tripped… RUN. I SEE IT! NO! I’m scared! RUN!!!!! IT IS THERE RUN BEFORE— ahhhhhh!

It was a butterfly. by Julian Garcia, 6th grade

by Eliza Gold, Kindergarten

Page 24: Lee Creates...Logo by Thurston Roberts, 4th grade Lee Creates Spring 2016 issue Cover art by Rafe Kinder, 4th grade . Produced by the Sixth G rade Lee Creates Club: Saylor Barton .


by Wyatt Wendel, 1st grade

by Neal Amin, 1st grade

Extra by Travis Brackin, 6th grade The end of the year is coming, and you know what that means… SUMMER VA-CA!!! WOHOO! For some people, though, they won’t be coming back. The 6th graders are leaving Lee forever. FOR.EV.ER! But before that, they are going to present us with the Shakespeare program and graduation. Be sure to wish them luck on their way out into the world and middle school. And if you are a 5th grader who wants to be a part of the 6th grade, don’t even hesitate! It's a great way to cushion your approach into middle school, and you get to be top dog of the whole school! Pretty cool, right?

PUN!!! My brother just graduated from the School of Ducks. Now, he is a certified quack! HA!