
Informed Internet Literacy Lecture One Instructor: Sharon Allen, PhD

Transcript of Lecture_One

  • 1. Informed Internet LiteracyLecture One
    Instructor:Sharon Allen, PhD

2. Informed Internet Literacy
Important skill for everyone!
the ability to know when there is a need for information, like a student essay, or research paper, where relevant and reliable information for essays and research reports can be obtained, and how to get it
Basically, we will learn how to indentify, locate, evaluate and properly use information to help solve the research issue presented to you.
The student who is information literateaccesses information efficiently and effectively!
3. World Wide Web
4. Wheel

5. Wheels
6. World Wide Web (www)
7. World Wide Web
8. World Wide Web
9. Surfing The Web
10. Internet Safety
11. WWW
12. Academic Databases & University Websites
13. An internet informed literate individual is able to:
Determine the extent of information needed
Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
Evaluate information and its sources critically
Incorporate selected information into ones knowledge base
Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally
14. What you will learn in this class
15. What will you learn.
To identify and master content through online investigations
Gather, evaluate, and synthesize data critically and competently
Communicate your discoveries in a variety of media formats
Conduct quality research; generate ideas, questions and solutions to problems
16. You will learn to
Become more self-directed
Take personal responsibility for the quality of your work
Assume greater control over the quality of your learning
17. How a library is organized
Dewey Decimal System
Search engines, directories, databases and more
19. Blogs
A new way to express ideas creatively
20. How to identify the need for information
21. Is this accurate?
22. How to evaluate information
Is this really useful?
23. How to properly cite sources in research and essay papers
Are those your ideas?
24. Where to find information
Online Databases
25. Logging on to Moodle
26. Course syllabus & Student Expectations documents
27. Highlights of Syllabus
DescriptionGoals & objectives
Assignments: discussion forums, individual and group projects, wikis, essays, research paper
28. Discussion forum-Discernment
29. Discernment
Find a definition for the word discern.
In your first forum, discuss the word discern, specifically relating the word to the topic of the world wide web:
Why should we learn how to discern various websites?
What is learning how to discern reliable academic research?
Participate in the forum Discernment the first day of class.
After you have input an original post and responded to two other student posts, continue with Lecture two in section one.
30. Discussion forum-Discernment