Lecture- Variable & Data Types

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  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    Data Types&


    By: Madam Suhada Ishak

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    Data Types All C++ compiler support 3 basic data tpye

    !amely i!te"er #oati!" poi!t a!d character$

    There are ma!y other types o% data e": shortlo!" si"!ed a!d u!si"!ed$

    A commo! mistake amo!" !e' C++ pro"rammeris the (ariable is used B)*,) a data types is

    assi"!ed to the (ariable$

    REMEMBER!!! -ou must al'ays assi"! a datatype to the (ariable be%ore usi!" it$

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    A *e' Basic Data Types Table belo' lists data types i! C++$

    Data Types Keywords To declarevariable of type

    I!te"er i!t I!te"ers e":


    Character char A si!"lecharacter e":7A88988+88m888

    Si!"le precisio!#oati!" poi!t

    #oat A #oati!" poi!t!umber e": ;$132.$./0$.

    Double precisio!#oati!" poi!t

    double A #oati!" poi!t'ith doubleprecisio!$

    )": ;$55653 3.4

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    Variables A (ariable is a data !ame that may be used to store a data


    A (ariable !ame is chose! by the pro"rammer i! amea!i!"%ul 'ay so as to re#ect its %u!ctio! or !aturepro"ram$

    Some e@amples o% (ariable !ames are:

    Variables !ames may co!sist o% letter di"its a!du!derscore = ? character but must be"i! 'ith letter$)@amples o% i!correct (ariable !ames are:

    Sum Total Average Area_circle

    /06 Sum " #$d

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    Declaratio$ of %ariables

    I! C++ a (ariable must be declared be%ore they usedi! the pro"ram$

    A (ariable declaratio! i!%orms the compiler o% the

    !ame a!d type o% the data (ariable 'ill hold$

    The sy!ta@ %or declari!" a (ariable is as %ollo's:

    v_1,v_2,,v_n are the !ames o% the (ariables$

    Multiple (ariables o% the same data types areseparated by commas$

    Datatype v_1, v_2, v_3,,vn

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    &$itiali'atio$ The process o% "i(i!" i!itial (alues to (ariables is

    called i!itialiatio!$

    C++ permits the i!itialiatio! o% more tha! o!estateme!t usi!" multiple assi"!me!t operators$



  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    De($i$g Symbolic )o$sta$t

    I! C++ pro"rams o!e may de!e a co!sta!tusi!" the key'ord Ede!e o! top o% the mai!pro"rams or %u!ctio!s$

    The (alue stored i! a co!sta!t ca!!ot be cha!"edduri!" pro"ram e@ecutio!$

    A co!sta!t is de!ed as %ollo's:

    Ede!e FI 3$;/1Ede!e Day%-ear 360Ede!e GoursFerDay 1/

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    *lobal %ariables Hocal (ariables are declared 'ithi! the body o% a

    %u!ctio! a!d ca! o!ly be used 'ithi! that %u!ctio!$

    Variable ca! be declared "lobally so it is a(ailable

    to all %u!ctio!s$

    A "lobal (ariable declaratio! looks !ormal but islocated outside a!y o% the pro"ram8s %u!ctio!s$

    This is usually do!e at the be"i!!i!" o% thepro"ram le$ The (ariable is !ot declared a"ai! i!the body o% %u!ctio!s 'hich access it$

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    Stateme!ts A stateme!t is a complete i!structio! to the


    I! C++ stateme!ts al'ays e!d 'ith a semicolo!=? e@cept %or preprocessor directi(es such asEde!e a!d Ei!clude

    Most stateme!t are composed o% e@pressio!s a!d



  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    Di+ere$t types of ),,Stateme$t

    ;$ utput Stateme!t1$ I!put Stateme!t

    3$ Assi"!me!t Stateme!t/$ Co!ditio!al Stateme!t

    0$ Hoop Stateme!t

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    -utput Stateme$t Are used to display i!%ormatio! o! scree!$

    The simplest %orm to used cout stateme!ts:

    Ei!clude Kiostream$hL

    coutKK(alueKK (alueKK(alue



    The %ollo'i!" are escape seue!ces 'hich ca! be used i! a

    stri!" literal i! a cout stateme!t$! Ne' li!e r Carria"e

    retur!O Doubleuote

    t Tab % *orm %eed Backslash

    b Backspace 8 Si!"le


  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    &$put Stateme$t These stateme!t are used to read i! i!%ormatio!

    %rom a keyboard or other i!put de(ices$

    The simples %orm is used to cin stateme!t is:

    Ei!clude Kiostream$hL

    ci!LL(ariableLL (ariableLL(ariable

    The symbol LL is called a! 7e@tractio! operator$

    The opera!d a%ter the symbol LL must be a(ariable$

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    Assig$me$t Stateme$t Values ca! be assi"!ed to (ariables usi!" the

    assi"!me!t operator 77 as %ollo's:

    Values ca! be assi"!ed to (ariables at the same

    time the (ariable is declared$



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  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    perators A! operator is a symbol that i!structs C++ to

    per%orm some operatio!s o! o!e or moreopera!ds$

    Gere are the bi!ary mathematical operators:-peratio$ -perator E.ample

    Multiplicatio! 9 @9y

    Di(isio! Q @Qy

    Additio! + @+y

    Substractio! 2 @2y

    Modulus R @Ry

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    -rder of Evaluatio$Arit/matic -perators

    -peratio$ -perator -rder of Evaluatio$

    Fare!theses =? )(aluated rst$ I% the pare!theses are!ested the e@pressio! i! the i!!ermost

    pair is e(aluated rst$ I% there arese(eral pairs o% pare!theses they aree(aluated le%t to ri"ht$

    Multiplicatio! di(isio! a!d


    9Q or R )(aluated seco!d$ I% there are se(eralthey are e(aluated %rom le%t to ri"ht$

    Additio! a!dsubtractio!

    + a!d 2 )(aluated last$ I% there are se(eral theyare e(aluated le%t to ri"ht$

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    E0uality a$d Relatio$al-perators

    I! C++ relatio!al operators are used to comparee@pressio!$

    A! e@pressio! co!tai!i!" a relatio!al operator e(aluates aseither true =;? or %alse =.?$

    C++ !otatio! %or relatio!al operators are listed belo':

    -peratio$ -perator E.ample

    )ual @y

    Not eual @yHess tha! K @Ky

    Hess tha! or eual K @Ky

    reater tha! L @Ly

    reater tha! or eual L @Ly

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    E.amplesE.pressio$s Evaluate as &$terpretatio$

    /1 . *alse

    3L1 ; True

    /5 ; True

    =0+0? =190? ; True

    1 i l2B l

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types



    I! C++ these operators allo's the pro"ram totest se(eral relatio!s =compou!d compariso!s? i!a particular e@pressio!$

    Belo' are e@amples o% lo"ical operators i! C++:

    -peratio$ -perator

    A!d &&

    r UU

    3ot !

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types



    Het T T,P) a!d **AHS)

    Truth table %or the && operator

    5 6 5 77 6

    T T T

    T * ** T *

    * * *

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types



    Truth table %or the UU operator

    5 6 5886

    T T T

    T * T

    * T T

    * * *

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types



    Truth table %or the =!ot? operator

    5 !5

    T *

    * T

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types



    E.pressio$s Evaluate as i$terpretatio$

    =//? && =03? ; true

    =/L;? UU =0K1? ; true

    =31? && =//? . %alse

    =03? ; true

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    E.ercise Assume that the (a,IABH)S o%x ; the (alue o%y 6 the

    (alue o%z;0 a7k8 b7y8$ Veri%y the output %rom thee@pressio! belo':

    E.pressio$s -utput@L && y3

    @0 UU y3

    =@L5 && y11 UU K/?

    aK7a8 && aL78bL7y8 UU b7!8

  • 7/24/2019 Lecture- Variable & Data Types


    E.ercise Assume that the (alue o%x is 1 the (alue o%y is 0 a!d the

    (alue o%zis ;0$ i(e the (alues o% (arious e@pressio!belo':

    E.pressio$s Evaluate as i$terpretatio$