Lecture: Semantic Word Clouds

Seman&c Analysis in Language Technology http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~santinim/sais/2014/sais_2014.htm Semantic Word Clouds Marina San(ni [email protected]fil.uu.se Department of Linguis(cs and Philology Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Autumn 2014 1 Lect 10: Seman(c Word Clouds

Transcript of Lecture: Semantic Word Clouds

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Seman&c  Analysis  in  Language  Technology  http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~santinim/sais/2014/sais_2014.htm

Semantic Word Clouds

Marina  San(ni  [email protected]  

 Department  of  Linguis(cs  and  Philology  Uppsala  University,  Uppsala,  Sweden  

 Autumn  2014  

1  Lect  10:  Seman(c  Word  Clouds  

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•  Some  slides  borrowed  from  Sergey  Pupyrev.  

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•  Word  Clouds  •  3  early  algorithms  •  3  new  algorithms  •  Metrics  &  Quan(ta(ve  Evalua(on  

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Word  Clouds  

•  Word  clouds  have  become  a  standard  tool  for  abstrac(ng,  visualizing  and  comparing  texts…  

•  We  could  apply  the  same  or  similar  techniques  to  the  huge  amonts  of  tags  produced  by  users  interac(ng  in  the  social  networks    

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Comparison  &  conceptualiza(on  Tool  

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•  Word  Clouds  as  a  tool  for  ”conceptualizing”  documents.  Cf  Ontologies  

•  Ex:  2008,    comparison  of  speeches:  Obama  vs  McCain  

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Word  Clouds  and  Tag  Clouds…  

•  …  are  oVen  used  to  represent  importance  among  terms  (ex,  band  popularity)  or  serve  as  a  naviga(on  tool  (ex,  Google  search  results).  

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The  Problem…  

•  How  to  compute  seman(c-­‐preserving  word  clouds  in  which  seman(cally-­‐related  words  are  close  to  each  other.    

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Wordle  h^p://www.wordle.net    

•  Prac(cal  tools,  like  Wordle,  make  word  cloud  visualiza(on  easy.  

•  Shortoming:  they  do  not  capture  the  rela(onships  between  words  in  any  way  

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Many  word  clouds  are  arranged  randomly  (look  also  at  the  sca^ered  colours)  

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Seman(c  Pa^erns  

•  Humans  ins(nc(vely  tend  to  pick  up  pa^erns  

•  Ins(nc(vely,  one  could  say  that  two  words  that  are  close  to  each  other  in  a  word  cloud  are  seman(cally  related.  

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So,  it  makes  sense  to  place  such  related  words  close  to  each  other  (look  also  at  the  color  distribu(on)  

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In  linguis(cs  and  in  LT…  

•  …  if  a  pair  of  words  oVen  appear  together  in  a  sentence,  then  we  can  assume  that  this  pair  of  words  is  related  seman(cally.    

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Seman(c  word  clouds  have  higher  user  sa(sfac(on  compared  to  other  layouts…  

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All  recent  word  cloud  visualiza(on  tools  aim  to  incoprorate  seman(cs  in  the  layout…    

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…  but  none  of  them  provide  any  guarantee  about  the  quality  of  the  layout  in  terms  of  seman(cs  

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Early  algorithms:  Force-­‐Directed  Graph  

•  Most  of  the  exis(ng  algorithms  are  based  on  force-­‐directed  graph  layout.    

•  Force-­‐directed  graph  drawing  algorithms  are  a  class  of  algorithms  for  drawing  graphs  in  an  aesthe(cally  pleasing  way  

–  A^rac(ve  forces  between  pairs  to  reduce  empty  space  

–  Repulsive  forces  ensure  that  words  do  not  overlap  

–  Final  force  preserve  seman(c  rela(ons  between  words.    

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Force-­‐directed  graph  drawing  algorithms  assign  forces  among  the  set  of  edges  and  the  set  of  nodes  of  a  graph  drawing.  Typically,  spring-­‐like  a^rac(ve  forces  based  on  Hooke's  law  are  used  to  a^ract  pairs  of  endpoints  of  the  graph's  edges  towards  each  other,  while  simultaneously  repulsive  forces  like  those  of  electrically  charged  par(cles  based  on  Coulomb's  law  are  used  to  separate  all  pairs  of  nodes.    

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Newer  Algorithms:  rectangle  representa(on  of  graphs  

•  Vertex-­‐weighted  and  edge-­‐weighed  graph:  –  The  ver(ces  of  the  graph  are  the  words  

•  Their  weight  correspond  to  some  measure  of  importance  (eg.  word  frequencies)  

–  The  edges  capture  the  seman(c  relatedness  of  pair  of  words  (eg.  co-­‐occurrence)  •  Their  weight  correspond  to  the  strength  of  the  rela(on  

–  Each  vertex  can  be  drawn  as  a  box  (rectangle)  with  a  dimension  determing  by  its  weight  

– A  realized  adjacency    is  the  sum  of  the  edge  weights  for  all  pairs  of  touching  boxes.    

–  The  goal  is  to  maximize  the  realized  adjacencies.  

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Experimental  Setup:    1)  Term  Extrac(on    2)  Ranking    3)  Similarity  Conputa(on  

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Early  Algorithms  

1.  Wordle  (Random)  2.  Context-­‐Preserving  Word  Cloud  Visualiza(on  

(CPWCV)  3.  Seam  Carving  

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Wordle  à  Random  

•   The  Wordle  algorithm  places  one  word  at  a  (me  in  a  greedy  fashion,  aiming  to  use  space  as  efficiently  as  possible.    

•  First  the  words  are  sorted  by  weight  in  decreasing  order.    

•  Then  for  each  word  in  the  order,  a  posi(on  is  picked  at  random.    

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1:  Random  

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2:  Random  

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3:  Random  

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4:  Random  

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5:  Random  

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6:  Random  

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Context-­‐Preserving  Word  Cloud  Visualiza(on  (CPWCV)    

•  First,  a  dissimilarity  matrix  is  computed  and  Mul(dimensional  Scaling  (MDS)  is  performed  

•  Second,  effort  to  create  a  compact  layout    

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Mul(dimensional  scaling  (MDS)  is  a  means  of  visualizing  the  level  of  similarity  of  individual  cases  of  a  dataset.    

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1:  Context-­‐Preserving    

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2:  Context-­‐Preserving  :  repulsive  force  

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3:  Context-­‐Preserving  :  a^rac(ve  force  

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Seam  Carving  

•  Seam  carving  is  a  content-­‐aware  image  resizing  technique  

•  Basically,  an  algorithm  for  image  resizing  

•  It  was  invented  at  Mitsubishi’s  

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1:  Seam  Carving  

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2:  Seam  Carving  :  space  is  divided  into  regions  

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3:  Seam  Carving  :  empty  paths  trimmed  out  itera(vely  

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4:  Seam  Carving  

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5:  Seam  Carving  

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6:  Seam  Carving:  space  divided  into  regions  

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7:  Seam  Carving  

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3  New  Algorithms  

1.  Inflate  and  Push  2.  Star  Forest  3.  Cycle  Cover  

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•  Simple  heuris(c  method  for  word  layout,  which  aims  to  preserve  seman(c  rela(ons  between  pair  of  words.  

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1:  Inflate  

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2:  Inflate  :  scaling  down  

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3:  Inflate  :  seman(cally-­‐related  words  are  placed  close  to  each  other  

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4:  Inflate  :  repulsive  force  to  resolve  overlaps  

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5:  Inflate  

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Star  Forest  

•  A  star  is  a  tree  and  a  star  forest  is  a  forest  whose  connected  components  are  all  stars.  

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Star  Forest  :  star  =  graph  •  Dissimilarity  matrix  à  disjoint  stars  =  star  forest  •  A^rac(ve  force  to  get  a  compact  layout  

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Cycle  Cover  •  This  algorithm  is  based  on  a  similarity  matrix.  •  First,  a  similarity  path(=cycle)  is  created  •  Then,  the  op(mal  level  of  compact-­‐ness  is  computed  

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Quan(ta(ve  Metrics  

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Criteria  1.  Realized  Adjacenies  –  how  close  are  similar  words  to  each  other?  

2.  Distor(on  –  how  distant  are  dissimilar  words?  

3.  Comptactness  –  how  well  u(lized  is  the  drawing  area?  

4.  Uniform  Area  U(liza(on  –  uniformity  of  the  distribu(on  (overpopulated  vs  sparse  areas  

in  the  word  cloud)  5.  Aspect  Ra(o  –  width  and  height  of  the  bounding  box  

6.  Running  Time  –  execu(on  (me  

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2  datasets  

 (1)  WIKI  ,  a  set  of  112    plain-­‐text  ar(cles  extracted  from  the  English  Wikipedia,  each  consis(ng  of  at  least  200    dis(nct  words    (2)  PAPERS  ,  a  set  of  56    research  papers  published  in  conferences  on  experimental  algorithms  (SEA  and  ALENEX)  in  2011-­‐2012.  

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Cycle  Cover  wins  

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Seam  Carving  wins  

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Random  wins  

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Inflate  wins  

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Random  and  Seam  Carving  win  

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All  ok  except  Seam  Carving    

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Final  Words  

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The  end  

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