Lecture S4Psychology of Criminal Behaviour.ppt

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  • Forensic Psychology*FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGYLECTURE 2 Psychology of Criminal Behaviour

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Recommended ReadingHowitt, Dennis. (2009), Introduction to Forensic and Criminal Psychology: 3rd Edition. London: Pearson Prentice Hall Chapter 5.

    Hollin, C.R. (1989), Psychology and Crime: An Introduction to Criminological Psychology. London: Falmer Press.

    Hollin, C.R. (1992), Criminal Behaviour: A Psychological Approach to Explanation and Prevention. London: Falmer Press.

    Millon, Theodore; Simonsen, Erik; BirketSmith, Morten; and Davis, Roger D. (1998), Psychopathy: Antisocial, Criminal and Violent Behaviour. New York: Guilford Chapter 3, Chapter 8.

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Aims of LectureExamine the root causes of crime.

    Describe the biological perspectives on criminal behaviour.

    Describe the sociological theories on criminal behaviour.

    Evaluate psychological perspectives on crime.

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Theories of Crime Societal or macro-level theories (teori kemasyarakatan) study crime at a broad level of analysis and suggest that crime is purely as a result of social structure.

    Community or locality theories (teori kommuniti/tempatan) study crime form a geographical perspective. Suggests that crime or criminality is not randomly distributed geographical profiling.

    Group and Socialization Influence Theories (teori kumpulan) focus on criminal behaviour and concentrate on the influence of the group (family, sociological perspective of group thinking.

    Individual approaches (teori individu) study crime at an individual level. Individual characteristics are linked to biological and social influences.

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Psychoanlytic Theory ( Teori Psikoanalitik/Naluri )Instinctual theories hold with the idea that aggression is an innate, instinctual behaviour, (Lord of the Flies). (Teori naluri melibatkan perlakuan agresif , hasil daripada perasaan semulajadi - ia adalah penting bagi individu untuk menyalurkan/meluahkan perlakuan secara luaran)

    Freuds psychoanalytic approach (1930s) suggests that aggression is an underlying urge that must be expressed. He sees aggression as innate and inevitable, even to the point of the tendency towards death or the death instinct (Thanatos). Freud argues that it is important for the individual to direct this energy outwardly. Both Freudian and ethological viewpoints emphasize the importance of catharsis, where the aggressive drive must find an outlet in actual aggressive behaviour or in some symbolic substitute.Bowlby: (1944-1980) Emotional bond between child and mother44 juvenile thieves study 14 of the 44 affectionless characters

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Explaining Crime - Biological Theories (teori-teori biologi) Biological Theories explain criminal behaviour in terms of genetic forces rather than free will proposal that behaviour is determined by genes. (Perlakuan adalah ditentukan oleh gen/ baka).

    Historical explanation proposed by Lombroso 19th century Italian physician - Lombroso discussed criminal types identified by physical characteristics such as excessive hair, long ear lobes, large jaw and slanting forehead throwbacks to an earlier more primitive form of man later incorporated psychological and environmental variables in his research. Modern theory moves away from the criminal gene. ( Hujah Lombroso: berbagai jenayah yang dikenal pasti oleh ciri-ciri fizikal seperti rambut yang berlebihan, cuping telinga panjang, rahang yang besar dan senget dahi)FAMILY STUDIESTwin StudiesAdoption Studies

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Sheldons Constitutional Theory

    Sheldons Constitutional Theory (teori kandungan) (1942) body build and personality 3 different body types (somatypes) (3 jenis badan yang berbeza)

    Mesomorphs, (muscular) (berotot) adventurous, aggressive mainly the criminals.Ectomorph (thin and bony) (nipis dan bertulang) restrained, introverted.Endomorph (large and heavy sociable and outgoing) (besar dan berat)

    (Biology and Psychology)

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*

    Twin Studies (Kajian mengenai Kembar)

    TWIN STUDIES Monozygotic (MZ) (Satu Sel) identical same genetic constitutionDizygotic (DZ) (Dua Sel berasingan) share about 50 % of genetic constitution.

    If twins are in same environment assumed differences must be due to genetic variation. Concordance the degree to which related pairs of subjects within a study population display the same behaviour.

    Number of Studies have shown higher concordance in MZ twins (See Table overleaf)The study of criminal behaviour in twins reared apart is limited.Twins may be treated differently.

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Twin Studies

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*

    Adoption Studies (Kajian Pengangkatan)

    Approach involves tracing children who have been given up for adoption, and comparing their criminal records with that of the biological and adoptive parents. (Rekod jenayah anak-anak angkat)

    Mednick, Gabrielli & Hutchings Study (1983- 1984) 4,000 male adoptees enough information on parents to assess potential contribution of criminality.

    Compared the criminal behaviour of the children with that of their biological and adopted parents. (Perbandingan perlakuan jenayah di antara ibubapa kandung dan ibubapa angkat)

    Criminal behaviour of biological parents had stronger influence than that of the adoptive parents (property offences not violent crime) (Ciri-ciri jenayah ibubapa kandung lebih berpengaruh dalam hal jenayah).

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology* Male Adoptees With Criminal Records According to Criminality of Parents

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Biology and Crime Neurological theories ( teori neurologi / sistem saraf) Hillbrand et al (1998) higher levels of enzyme serem creatine kinase (tahap yang lebih tinggi serem enzim creatine kinase)

    Raine (1994) Murderers had significant lower glucose metabolism in both lateral and medial prefrontal cortex areas says that deficits were localized in the frontal cortex may be related to violence.

    Millar (1999) physiological characteristics may be a s result of institutionalization rather than cause of criminality

    All demonstrate that genetic factors do have a role to play in the explanation of crime. (Faktor-faktor genetik memang memainkan peranan dalam penjelasan perlakuan jenayah)

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Explaining Crime Sociological Theories

    Mountjoy Prison Study Typical Irish Criminal?

    Durkeim suggests that a certain amount of crime and non-conformity is needed in a society to help reinforce social values a small number of criminals reinforce others values - if society was all conforming, it might stagnate. (sejumlah jenayah dan devian (perlakuan tidak mematuhi-norma-norma) diperlukan dalam masyarakat untuk membantu mengukuhkan nilai-nilai sosial)

    Mertons Strain Theory (1969) suggests working class people are more prone to commit crimes ultimate goal is to gain material success and criminals conform to the core values of the culture (or lower class social groups). The only way they are different is the methods they use. Why the working class? because they have fewer chances of achieving material success than those that are better off. (teori jenayah yang berkaitan dengan kekayaan kebendaan)

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Explaining Crime Sociological Theories Marxists study crime in relation to the inequality of power the basic idea is that the law exists to protect the ruling class and keep the working class under control I.e. the haves and the have nots. (teori kuasa yang tidak seimbang)

    Beckers (1963) Labeling Theory deviant behaviour is behaviour that people so label. The people that hold power label the criminal may become a self-fulfilling prophesy I.e.mental illness, terrorists. Stigma/Martyr (teori pelabelan).

    Bowlby - explains deviance in terms of a childs socialisation process maternal deprivation might result in a criminal or psychopathic nature in later life. (sisihan/melencong adalah akibat kekurangan penjagaan ibubapa dalam proses sosialisasi dari kecil)

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Personality and Criminal BehaviourHANS J. EYSENCK PERSONALITY AND CRIME.Theory incorporates biological, sociological and psychological factors.

    Proposes three personality dimensions of extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism.

    Eysencks theory of personality and crime examines the causal problem.

    Conscience is a conditioned response (Suara hati adalah response yang di bentukan menerusi prinsip-prinsip Pavlov) acquired through Pavolovian principles. We are punished or rewarded by our parents, teachers, and peers for our social behaviour (conditioning experience) in our conscience. we behave well because our consciences would trouble us if we didnt. (Kelakuan baik adalah tergantung pada pembentukan tingkah laku dalam suara hati mengikut prinsip-prinsip Pavlov)

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Eysenck & Eysenck (1985) 3 major dimensions of personality - Continuum (Tiga dimensi mengenai personaliti)P Psychoticism (berkaitan mental) ( Aggressive, cold, impulsive, etc.)E Extraversion (terlalu perama) (Sociable, assertive, carefree, etc.)N Neuroticism (berkaitan neuro/saraf) (Anxious, depressed, irrational)

    Different combinations of personality scores are linked to criminal behaviour at different periods during life, but high psychoticism levels distinguishes between criminal and non criminals.(Personaliti berkaitan tahap psikotisma yang tinggi akan menentukan perlakuan jenayah dalam seseorang individu)

    Personality and Criminal Behaviour

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Eysenck Personality and CrimeCRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR IS A RESULT OF Missing Conditioning Experiences (ketiadaan pengalaman conditioning)Wrong Experiences are Reinforced (Pengalaman buruk di perkukuhkan)Poor Conditionability (Suasana pengalaman yang lemah) - Raine (1993) Anti-social people and criminals show poor conditionability (speed at which they form Conditioned Responses) Cortical and Autonomic Nervous System we are born with affects our ability to learn from or condition to the environment. Cortical arousal low arousal makes conditioning less likely to occurP Poor/Low arousal Always involved E Poor/Low arousal Younger samples seeking stimulationN Normal arousal Older samples - emotion and anxiety

    Forensic Psychology

  • Forensic Psychology*Other FactorsAlcohol (alkohol/ minuman arak)Drugs (dadah)Anti Social Personality Disorder (Gangguan Personaliti Anti-Sosial )psychopathyCognitive Theories (teori kognitif)Addiction to Crime (Ketagihan pada jenayah)Poverty (kemiskinan)Unemployment (Pengangguran)Criminal Justice System (Sistem Keadilan Jenayah)Policing (Kepolisan)Legislation (Undang-undang)Societal responses (Respns Masyarakat)Sentencing Policies (Polisi Hukuman)Etc..

    Forensic Psychology